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New words (Từ mới)

Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
hobby (n) /ˈhɒbi/ sở thích
doll (n) /dɒl/ búp bê
dollhouse (n) /ˈdɒlhaʊs/ nhà búp bê
build (v) /bɪld/ xây dựng
build dollhouses /bɪld ˈdɒlhaʊzɪz/ xây nhà búp bê
coin (n) /kɔɪn/ đồng xu
collect (v) /kəˈlekt/ sưu tầm
collect coins /kəˈlekt kɔɪnz/ sưu tầm đồng xu
coin collection /kɔɪn kəˈlekʃn/ bộ sưu tập đồng xu
judo (n) /ˈdʒuːdəʊ/ võ judo
do judo /duː ˈdʒuːdəʊ/ tập võ judo
ride (v) /raɪd/ đi, cưỡi
ride a bike /raɪd ə baɪk/ đi xe đạp
ride a horse /raɪd ə hɔːs/ cưỡi ngựa
rider (n) /ˈraɪdə(r)/ người đi xe đạp, người cưỡi ngựa
horse riding (n) /ˈhɔːs raɪdɪŋ/ môn cưõi ngựa
make (v) /meɪk/ làm, chế tạo
model (n) /ˈmɒdl/ mô hình
make models /meɪk ˈmɒdlz/ làm mô hình
swimming (n) /ˈswɪmɪŋ/ môn bơi lội
jogging (n) /ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ/ môn chạy bô
gardening (n) /ˈɡɑːdnɪŋ/ làm vườn
cooking (n) /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ nấu ăn
club (n) /klʌb/ câu lạc bô
creativity (n) /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ sự sáng tạo
bit (n) /bɪt/ một chút, một ít
a bit of creativity / ə bɪt əv ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ một chút sáng tạo
upstairs (adv) /ˌʌpˈsteəz/ ở trên gác, ở trên lầu
cardboard (n) /ˈkɑːdbɔːd/ bìa cứng
glue (n) /ɡluː/ keo, hồ
amazing (adj) /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ kinh ngạc, sửng sốt
unusual (adj) /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/ kì lạ, khác thường
Ghi chú:
Các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích thường gặp là like, love, enjoy, adore.
Các động từ chỉ sự ghét hay không thích là dislike, hate, detest.
Theo sau các động từ này thường là dạng danh động từ hay động từ thêm -ing.
Example: like cooking = thích nâu ăn
enjoy learning English = mê học tiêhg Anh
dislike gardening = không thích làm vườn
hate watching football = ghét xem bóng đá
Word formation (Từ loại)
Words Meaning Related words
benefit (n) lợi ích beneficial (adj) beneficially (adv)
benefit (v) beneficiary (n)
glue (n) keo, hồ dán glue (v)
insect (nj côn trùng insecticidal (adj) insecticide (n)
jogging (n) chạy bộ thư giãn jog (v) jogger(n)
maturity (n) sự trưởng thành mature (adj) maturely (adv)
mature (v) maturational (adj)
maturation (n)
patient (adj) kiên nhẫn patient (n) patiently (adv)
patience (n)
popular (adj) phổ biến popularity (n) popular (adj)
responsibility (n) sự chịu trách respond (v) response(n)
nhiệm responsible (adj) responsibly (adv)
responsive (adj) responsively (adv)
stress (n) sự căng thẳng stressful (adj) stress (v)
stressed(adj) unstressed (adj)
unusual (adj) khác thường, lạ, hiếm unusually (adv) usual (adj)
usually (adv)
valuable (adj) quý giá valuation (n) value (n)
value (v)
Với câu có chứa “ be”
He/she/it + is
You/we/they +are
I + am
EX: she (be) a teacher. → she (is) a teacher
Với câu có chứa “ not be”
He/she/it, danh từ số it + isn’t
You/we/they, danh từ số nhiều +aren’t
I + am not
EX: she (not be) a teacher. → she (isn’t) a teacher
Với câu có chứa “ be” có dấu chấm hỏi
Is+ he/she/it …?
Are +You/we/they ….?
Are + you ……?
EX: …(be) she a teacher? → Is she a teacher ?
Với động từ thường:
He/she/it + Vs/es
I/you/we/they +V
EX: I (go) to school everyday→ I go to school everyday
She (go) to school everyday→ She goes to school everyday
Với động từ thường có not:
He/she/it + doesn’t + V
I/you/we/they + don’t + V
EX: I (not go) to school everyday→ I don’t go to school everyday
She (not go) to school everyday→ She doesn’t go to school everyday
Câu hỏi Yes/No
Does + he/she/(danh từ số ít) + V
Do + you/we/they + V

EX: ….. you (likes) dogs? → Do you like dogs?
Yes. I do/ No. I don’t
….. She (likes) dogs? → Does she like dogs? → Yes. She does/ No. She doesn’t.
Câu hỏi với từ để hỏi
Wh-(what, when. Why, how, who..)
Wh +do+ You/we/they+V…?
You/we/they + V…
Wh +does+ he/she/danh từ số ít+V…?
he/she/danh từ số ít + Vs/es
EX: what …… you (thinks) about new school?
→ What do you think about new school?
I think new school bigger than old school.
→ what …… she (thinks) about new school?
She thinks new school bigger than old school.
Đối với động từ “ To have”
He/she/it+ has ….
I/you/we/they +have….
Đối với động từ “ To have”có not
He/she/it+ hasn’t ….
I/you/we/they +haven’t….
Đối với động từ “ To have” có ?
Has + he/she/danh từ số ít …..?
Have + you/we/they ……..?
Ex: She has a new bag. → she hasn’t a new bag. → Has she a new bag?
EX: They have a new bag. → They haven’t a new bag.
Have they a new bag?
Cách thêm s/es:
– Thêm s vào đằng sau hầu hết các động từ: want-wants; work-works;…
– Thêm es vào các động từ kết thúc bằng -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o: watch-watches;
miss-misses; wash-washes; fix-fixes;…
– Bỏ y và thêm ies vào sau các động từ kết thúc bởi một phụ âm + y: study-studies;…
– Động từ bất quy tắc: Go-goes; do-does; have-has.
- Những động từ kết thúc bằng f hay fe → chuyển thành ves.
e.g.: loaf → loaves. Ngoại trừ một số trường hợp như: roof → roofs, puff → puffs.
Có ba quy tắc phát âm đuôi s/es :
Quy tắc 1: Đọc /S/: Dấu hiệu: có chữ tận cùng: -gh, -th, -f, -k, -ph, -t
* Lưu ý:
+ -gh có ngoại lệ. Ví dụ: weigh → weighs /weiz/
+ -p hay –ph đều đúng
+ -the/s sẽ sai. Ví dụ:- bathes /beiðz/ - breathes /bri:ðz/
Quy tắc 2: Đọc /IZ/: Dấu hiệu: có chữ tận cùng: -s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -z, -ge, -ce
Lưu ý: bus → buses/’bʌsiz/ (n) - kiss → kisses/’kisiz/
Quy tắc 3: Phát âm là /Z/ đối với những từ còn lại EX: study - studies; supply-supplies…..
+ Always (luôn luôn) , usually (thường xuyên), often (thường xuyên), frequently (thường xuyên)
, sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), seldom (hiếm khi), rarely (hiếm khi), hardly (hiếm khi) , never
(không bao giờ), generally (nhìn chung), regularly (thường xuyên).
+ Every day, every week, every month, every year,……. (Mỗi ngày, mỗi tuần, mỗi tháng, mỗi

+ Once/ twice/ three times/ four times….. a day/ week/ month/ year,……. (một lần / hai lần/ ba
lần/ bốn lần ……..một ngày/ tuần/ tháng/ năm).
Có các trạng từ chỉ tần suất phổ biến là: always (luôn luôn), usually (thường
xuyên), often (thường), sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), never (không bao giờ)
1. Trạng từ chỉ tần suất đứng trước động từ thường.
- I always get up early. (Mình luôn dậy sớm.)
2. Trạng từ chỉ tần suất đứng sau động từ "to be"
Ví dụ:
He’s always late. (Cậu ấy luôn bị muộn.)
Trạng từ chỉ tần suất đứng sau động từ khuyết thiếu "can/ could..." và sau trợ động từ "do/ does/
did ..."
Ví dụ:
- You can always call me when you need help. (Bạn luôn có thể gọi cho mình khi bạn cần giúp
Lưu ý:
Trạng từ chỉ tần suất "sometimes" và "often" còn có thể đứng ở vị trí khác trong câu.
Ví dụ:
- Sometimes she doesn’t eat. (Thỉnh thoảng cô ấy nhịn ăn.)
Câu này tương đương với câu “She doesn’t eat sometimes.”
- They don’t visit their grandparents often. (Họ không thường đến thăm ông bà họ.)
Các động từ phổ like (thích), love (yêu thích), enjoy (thích thú), fancy (mến, thích),
biến adore (mê, thích)
Cấu trúc like/ love/ enjoy/ fancy/ adore + V-ing
Ví dụ Do you like watching TV?
My mother loves watering flowers in the garden.
My parents really enjoy surfing at the beach.
Do you fancy riding a bike now?
My brother and I adore playing badminton.
Chú ý Có thể dùng dạng phủ định của các động từ “like, fancy” để diễn
đạt ý không thích
Ex: She doesn’t like drawing
He doesn’t fancy climbing a tree
“very much” và “a lot” (rất nhiều) thường đứng cuối câu chỉ sự yêu
Ex: I love singing very much/ a lot
Các động từ phổ dislike (không thích), hate (ghét), detest (ghét cay, ghét đắng)
Cấu trúc dislike/ hate/ detest + V-ing
Ví dụ Rose dislikes studying Maths.
I hate having a bath in winter
Laura detests cooking
Adults don’t like eating sweets
I don’t fancy swimming in this cold weather
1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others

1. A. proofs B. books C. points D. days
2. A. helps B. laughs C. cooks D. finds
3. A. neighbors B. friends C. relatives D. photographs
4. A. snacks B. follows C. titles D. writers
5. A. streets B. phones C. books D. makes
6. A. cities B. satellites C. series D. workers
7. A. develops B. takes C. laughs D. volumes
8. A. phones B. streets C. books D. makes
9. A. proofs B. regions C. lifts D. rocks
10. A. involves B. believes C. suggests D. steals
11. A. remembers B. cooks C. walls D. pyramids
12. A. miles B. words C. accidents D. names
13. A. sports B. plays C. chores D. minds
14. A. nations B. speakers C. languages D. minds
15. A. proofs B. looks C. lends D. stops
16. A. dates B. bags C. photographs D. speaks
17. A. parents B. brothers C. weekends D. feelings
18. A. chores B. dishes C. houses D. coaches
19. A. works B. shops C. shifts D. plays
20. A. coughs B. sings C. stops D. sleeps
2.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. about B. affect C. agree D. any
2. A. stranger B. singer C. term D. energy
3. A. enter B. serve C. prefer D. emerge
4. A. girl B. first C. fish D. thirsty
5. A. fur B. fun C. run D. lucky
6. A. prefer B. better C. teacher D. worker
7. A. natural B. learn C. assistant D. ability
8. A. collect B. concern C. concert D. combine
9. A. absent B. government C. dependent D. enjoy
10. A. future B. return C. picture D. culture
11. A. man B. woman C. accountant D. highland
12. A. label B. absence C. bell D. nutrient
13. A. learn B. near C. earth D. research
14. A. verb B. worse C. word D. pepper
15. A. bird B. family C. husband D. Saturday

16. A. among B. carrot C. journey D. September
17. A. letter B. earn C. purple D. birthday
18. A. holiday B. computer C. affraid D. dirty
19. A. color B. ago C. curly D. surprise
20. A. actor B. nervous C. literacy D. information
3. Odd one out
1. A. hobby B. stamp C. coin D. doll
2. A. cardboard B. glue C. scissors D. collection
3. A. horse-riding B. camping C. fishing D. model
4. A. enjoy B. hate C. like D. love
5. A. bike B. judo C. karate D. yoga
4. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
1. Nam has a bike. He often ___________ his bike to school.
A. is B. goes C. rides D. makes
2. Laura wants to ___________ a book about Vietnamese literature.
A. read B. ride C. play D. build
3. Mai has lots of dolls. She wants to build a ___________ for them.
A. doll B. coin C. model D. dollhouse
4. You need some ___________ and glue to build dollhouses.
A. cardboard B. money C. stamps D. films
5. I have a big coin ___________. They are from many different countries.
A. club B. hobby C. collection D. creativity
6. At break time, we usually ___________ basketball in the school yard.
A. write B. play C. go D. collect
7. My father goes to the Riders’ Club every weekend. His hobby is ___________.
A. horse riding B. gardening C. swimming D. dancing
8. Jim doesn’t want to ___________ judo with his classmates.
A. play B. cook C. have D. do
9. Collecting old books is Quan’s ___________. He has a lot of old books.
A. collection B. model C. dollhouse D. hobby
10. Her painting isn’t very impressive. She needs a bit of___________.
A. glue B. creativity C. paper D. cardboard
11. My grandfather always ___________ tea in the morning.
A. drink B. drinks C. to drink D. drinking
12. Phong adores ___________ models. This is the one that he made yesterday.
A. making B. to make C. makes D. make
13. Mai often ___________ her homework after dinner.
A. to do B. doing C. do D. does
14. Hoa dislikes ___________ English grammar. She thinks it’s very difficult.
A. learns B. learning C. learn D. to learn
15. I like cartoons, but I don’t ___________ them much.
A. watch B. to watch C. watches D. watching
16. Do you enjoy ___________ stamps?
A. collecting B. collect C. to collect D. collects
17. Nam wants ___________ our table tennis club.
A. to join B. joining C. joins D. join
18. My mother usually ___________ to work by car.
A. go B. to go C. going D. goes
19. Miss Sarah ___________ an English teacher at our school.
A. to be B. being C. is D. are
20. Her uncle hates horse___________.
A. rides B. ride C. riding D. to ride
21. My sister has a lot of coins from different countries. Her hobby is _____________.
A. building dollhouses B. collecting coins C. swimming
D. making models
22. My brother goes to the Riders' Club every Sunday. His hobby is ____________.
A. gardening B. making models C. horse riding D. swimming
23. My uncle has a big bookshelf because he loves_______________ old books.
A. playing B. doing C. collecting D. going
24. My friend Lan likes__________ camping at the weekend.
A. playing B. collecting C. making D. going
25. Hoa is very creative, and she paints very well. Her hobby is __________.
A. horse riding B. painting C. swimming D. skating
26. Do you like ___________ models?
A. going B. making C. playing D. riding
27. My father loves doing the ________________.
A. gardening B. horse riding C. ice-skating D. painting
28. My mother enjoys __________ comedies.
A. going B. watching C. playing D. collecting
29. Mai hates___________ judo.
A. going B. doing C. taking D. collecting
30. She likes ____________. She goes to the swimming club every Sunday.
A. taking B. collecting C. playing D. swimming
5. Complete the sentences, using the –ing form of the verbs in brackets.
1. My brother likes __________________ coins very much. (collect)
2. The enjoys __________________ his bike to school. (have)
3. Her children dislike __________________ every morning (jog)
4. He likes __________________ magazines. (read)
5. They adore __________________ dollhouses (build)
6. He doesn't like __________________ on the phone. (talk)
7. They don’t like __________________ . (cook)
8. She likes __________________ films. (watch)
9. I like __________________ up early in summer. (get)
10. Do Hoa and her classmate enjoy __________________ English? (learn)
6. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of present simple tense.
1. Peter __________________ very hard. He never gets high scores. (not study)
2. I like oranges and she __________________ apples. (like)
3. My mom and my sister __________________ lunch every day. (cook)
4. They __________________ breakfast together every morning. (have)
5. They __________________ out once a week. (eat)
6. My father always __________________ delicious meals. (make)
7. Tom __________________ vegetables. (not eat)
8. Rosie __________________ shopping every week. (go)
9. __________ Miley and David _________ to work by bus every day? (go)
10. ________ you __________ parents with your decision? (agree)
11. It _______ a fact that smart phone ______ us a lot in our life. (be)/ (help)
12. I often _________ to some of my favorite destinations every summer. (travel)
13. Our Math lesson usually __________________ at 4.00 p.m. (finish)
14. The reason why Susan _______ meat is that she ________ a vegetarian. (not eat)/ (be)
15. People in Ho Chi Minh City ______ very friendly and they ________ a lot. (be)/ (smile)
16. The flight __________________ at 6 a.m every Thursday. (start)
17. Where __________________ that guy __________________ from? (come)
18. Where __________________ your mother __________________? (work)
19. James __________________ usually __________________ the trees. (not water)
20. Who __________________ the washing in your house? (do)
7. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.
1. I find dancing interesting.
 I think that _____________________________________________________________
2. There are four people in my family.
 My family ______________________________________________________________
3. My father doesn’t like listening to music.
 My father hates _________________________________________________________
4. My mother rides to work every day.
 My mother goes _________________________________________________________
5. I like watching TV best.
 My favourite hobby ______________________________________________________
6. I find collecting glass bottles interesting.
 My hobby is _____________________________________________________________
7. Van's brother usually goes to work by motorbike.
 Van's brother usually rides _______________________________________________
8. Linh finds playing boarding games boring.
 Linh doesn't like ________________________________________________________
9. My sister enjoys arranging flowers. (interesting)
 My sister finds __________________________________________________________
10. My father likes doing gardening at the weekend.
 My father enjoys ________________________________________________________
11. I think that ice-skating is difficult.
 I find __________________________________________________________________
12. My sister loves talking to her friends in her free time.
 My sister enjoys _________________________________________________________
13. My uncle wants to keep fit, so he plays tennis three times a week.
 My uncle plays tennis ____________________________________________________
14. My mum hates playing basketball.
 My mum doesn’t like _____________________________________________________
8.Write complete sentences, using the given words and phrases. You may have to change the
words or add some.GK
1. sun / set / in / west / every evening.
2. Trang and Minh / play / basketball / every day / after school?
3. flight / from / Ho Chi Minh City / not / arrive / at 10:30.
4. our science teacher / start / our lessons / 1 p.m / on Friday.
5. you / make / model / at / weekend?
New words (Từ mới)
Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
health (n) /helθ/ sức khoẻ
healthy (adj) /ˈhelθi/ khoẻ mạnh, lành mạnh
health problems /helθ ˈprɒbləmz/ các vấn đề về sức khoẻ
healthy activities /ˈhelθi ækˈtɪvətiz/ các hoạt động lành mạnh
boating (n) /ˈbəʊtɪŋ/ sự chèo thuyền
go boating /ɡəʊ ˈbəʊtɪŋ/ đi chèo thuyền
cycling (n) /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ sự chạy xe đạp
go cycling /ɡəʊ ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ chạy xe đạp
exercise (v) /ˈeksəsaɪz/ tập luyện, rèn luyện
exercising (n) /ˈeksəsaɪzɪŋ/ sự tập luyện
fit (adj) /fɪt/ khoẻ, cân đốỉ
keep fit /kiːp fɪt / giữ dáng
active (adj) /ˈæktɪv/ chủ động, tích cực
activity (n) /ækˈtɪvəti/ hoạt động
indoor (adj) /ˈɪndɔː(r)/ trong nhà
outdoor (adj) /ˈaʊtdɔː(r)/ ngoài trời
outdoor activities ækˈtɪvətiz/ các hoạt động ngoài trời
suncream (n) /ˈsʌn kriːm/ kem chốhg nắng
sunburn (n) /ˈsʌnbɜːn sự cháy nắng
lunch box (n) /ˈlʌntʃ bɒks/ hộp cơm trưa
dim (adj) /dɪm/ mờ, tối mờ
dim light /dɪm laɪt/ ánh sáng mờ
lip balm /ˈlɪp bɑːm/ son dưỡng môi
chapped (adj) /tʃæpt/ rạn, nứt nẻ
chapped lips /tʃæpt lɪps/ đôi môi nứt nẻ
chapped skin /tʃæpt skɪn/ da bị rạn, nứt nẻ
skin (n) /skɪn/ da
skin condition /skɪn kənˈdɪʃn/ tình trạng da
acne (n) /ˈækni/ mụn trứng cá
spot (n) /spɒt/ đốm
red spots /red spɒt/ đốm đỏ
tofu (n) /ˈtəʊfuː/ đậu hủ
soybean (n) /ˈsɔɪbiːn/ đậu nành
protein (n) /ˈprəʊtiːn/ chất đạm
vegetable (n) /ˈvedʒtəbl/ rau
soft drinks /ˌsɒft ˈdrɪŋks/ nước ngọt
affect (v) /əˈfekt/ tác động
avoid (v) /əˈvɔɪd/ tránh
diet (n) /ˈdaɪət/ sự ăn kiêng
vegetarian (n) /ˌvedʒəˈteəriən/ người ăn chay
be on a diet /bi ɒn ə ˈdaɪət/ ăn kiêng
Word formation (Từ loại)
Words Meaning Related words
affected (adj) affectation (n)
affect (v) sự ảnh hưởng
affectedly (adv)
avoid (v) tránh avoidable (adj) avoidance (n)
fat (adj) fatty (adj)
fat (n) mỡ, chất béo
fatten (v) fattening (adj)
fit(adj) vừa vặn, cân đoi fit (n) fit (v) fitness (n)
health (n) sức khoẻ healthy (adj)
indoor (adj) trong nhà indoors (adv)
Ex1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. find B. fame C. of D. fish
2. A. life B. sofa C. laugh D. night
3. A. enough B. light C. bright D. sight
4. A. voice B. of C. native D. leaf
5. A. thought B. tough C. daughter D. nought
6. A. avoid B. leave C. left D. of
7. A. bought B. food C. photo D. telephone
8. A. spaghetti B. toughen C. enough D. rough
9. A. through B. cough C. sought D. naughty
10. A. symphony B. family C. flower D. high
11. A. form B. van C. activity D. love
12. A. fridge B. bridge C. graph D. phonics
13. A. colourful B. friend C. telegraph D. caught
14. A. ghost B. Ghana C. laugh D. spaghetti
15. A. forty B. enough C. phrase D. cover
EX2: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (Further
1. A. active B. harmful C. healthy D. enough
2. A. vitamin B. obesity C. computer D. depression
3. A. business B. hospital C. affection D. programme
4. A. charitable B. transportation C. individual D. situation
5. A. disabled B. colourful C. wonderful D. different
EX3: Circle the odd one out.
1. A. acne B. sunburn C. chapped skin D. dim light
2. A. red spots B. lip balm C. suncream D. sunglasses
3. A. exercising B. exciting C. interesting D. good-looking
4. A. protein B. vitamin C. activity D. lipid
5. A. carrots B. tomatoes C. soft drinks D. cabbages
6. A. affect B. skin C. avoid D. get
EX4: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each
1. He usually _______ jogging for half an hour before breakfast.
A. goes B. rides C. takes D. cycles
2. Playing sports is very good for our_______.
A. chapped lips B. suncream C. acne D. health
3. You should wear a hat and put on suncream to avoid _______.
A. skin B. fitness C. activity D. sunburn
4. _______ is good for our eyes.
A. Alcohol B. Vitamin A C. Vitamin D D. Fast food
5. She exercises regularly to keep_______.
A. fit B. clean C. tidy D. unhealthy
6. Tofu is a product from _______.
A. fish B. meat C. soybeans D. lemons
7. He doesn’t eat meat or fish. He is a _______.
A. actor B. cooker C. vegetarian D. writer
8. _______ and fruit have many vitamins.
A. Bread B. Soft drinks C. Cakes D. Vegetables
9. The lamp doesn’t give much light. It’s quite _______.
A. dim B. fresh C. bright D. tasty
10. Her hands are red and _______ because of working outside all winter
A. warm B. chapped C. healthy D. smooth
P 10
11. Mai is a good student.
The subject is: _______.
A. Mai B. is C. good D. student
12. She has a new uniform.
The verb is: _______.
A. She B. has C. a D. uniform
13. She draws flowers very beautifully.
The object is: _______.
A. draws B. flowers C. very D. beautifully
14. We go cycling every day.
The adverb is: _______.
A. We B. cycling C. every D. every day
15. The Japanese often eat lots of tofu.
The subject is: _______.
A. The B. Japanese C. The Japanese D. lots of tofu
16. My mother and I jog every morning.
The subject is: _______.
A. My mother B. My mother and I C. jog D. every morning
17. Most children love fast food and soft drinks.
The verb is: _______.
A. Most B. love C. fast D. soft
18. He doesn't read science books.
The object is: _______.
A. doesn't B. science C. books D. science books
19. My sister rarely drinks orange juice.
The verb is: _______.
A. My B. rarely C. drinks D. orange
20. They went to Paris two weeks ago.
The adverb is: _______.
A. two B. weeks C. ago D. two weeks ago
EX 6: Rearrange the words and phrases to make simple sentences.
1. soft drinks / never / my sister / drinks /.
2. affects / acne / 80% of young people /.
3. has / he / for breakfast / bread and eggs /.
4. don’t eat / we / much fast food /.
5. a lot of vitamins / fruit and vegetables / have /.
New words (Từ mới)
Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
community (n) /kəˈmjuːnəti/ cộng đồng
community service /kəˌmjuːnəti dịch vụ cộng đồng
community /kəˌmjuːnəti các hoạt động cộng đồng
activities ækˈtɪvətiz/
board game (n) /ˈbɔːd ɡeɪm/ trò chơi có bàn cờ

P 11
plant (v) /plɑːnt/ trồng
plant trees /plɑːnt triːz/ trồng cây
water (v) /ˈwɔːtə(r)/ tưới, tưới nước
water vegetables /ˈwɔːtə(r) tưới rau
donate (v) /dəʊˈneɪt/ cho, tặng
donate old clothes /dəʊˈneɪt əʊld cho quần áo cũ
teach (v) /tiːtʃ/ dạy, giảng dạy
clean (v) /kliːn/ dọn dẹp, vệ sinh
pick up (v) /pɪk ʌp/ lượm, nhặt
recycle (v) /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ tái chế
paper (n) /ˈpeɪpə(r)/ giấy
used paper /juːst ˈpeɪpə(r)/ giấy đã sử dụng
exchange (v) /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ đổi, trao đổi
exchange used /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ juːst đổi giấy đã sử dụng để lấy tập
paper for ˈpeɪpə(r) fə(r)
notebooks ˈnəʊtbʊkt/
volunteer (v, n) /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/ tình nguyện; người tình nguyện
tutor (n) /ˈtjuːtə(r)/ dạy kèm, phụ đạo
litter (n) /ˈlɪtə(r)/ rác
nursing (n) /ˈnɜːsɪŋ/ chăm sóc bệnh nhân, sự điều dưỡng
nursing home /ˈnɜːsɪŋ həʊm/ viện dưỡng lão
homeless (adj) /ˈhəʊmləs/ không có nhà cửa
homeless children /ˈhəʊmləs ˈtʃɪldrən/ trẻ em vô gia cư
orphan (n) /ˈɔːfn/ trẻ mồ côi
orphanage (n) /ˈɔːfənɪdʒ/ trại trẻ mồ côi
rural (adj) /ˈrʊərəl/ thuộc nông thôn
rural areas /ˈrʊərəl ˈeəriəz/ các vùng nông thôn
elderly (adj) /ˈeldəli/ lớn tuổi, cao tuổi
grow (v) /ɡrəʊ/ mọc, trồng
develop (v) /dɪˈveləp/ phát triển
project (n) /ˈprɒdʒekt/ dự án
Word formation (Từ loại)
Words Meaning Related words
collect (v) thu thập, sưu tập collectable (adj) collection (n)
collector (n)
community (n) cộng đồng commune (n) communalism (n)
commune (v) communally (adv)
communal (adj)
develop (v) phát triển developer (n) development (n)
developing (adj) developmental (adj)
developmentally (adv)
donate (v) hiến, cho, tặng donation (n)
exchange (v) trao đổi exchange (n)
P 12
mountainous (adj) vùng núi mountain (n)
orphanage (n) trại trẻ mồ côi orphan (n) orphan (v)
protect (v) bảo vệ protection (n) protectionism (n)
protective (adj) protectionist (n)
skill (n) kỹ năng skilful (adj) skilfully (adv)
Công thức thì quá khứ đơn với động từ “TO BE”
Thể khẳng định: S + was/ were +…
Trong đó: S (subject): Chủ ngữ
Lưu ý:
• S = I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít + was
• S = We/ You/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều + were
Thể phủ định: S + was/ were + not
Lưu ý:
• was not = wasn’t
• were not = weren’t
Thể nghi vấn
Câu hỏi Yes/No question
Cấu trúc: Was/ Were + S +…?
Trả lời:
• Yes, S + was/ were.
• No, S + wasn’t/ weren’t.
Cấu trúc: WH-word + was/ were + S (+ not) +…?
Trả lời: S + was/ were (+ not) +….
Ví dụ:
• What was the weather like yesterday? (Hôm qua thời tiết như thế nào?)
• Why were you sad? (Tại sao bạn buồn?)
Câu khẳng định : S + V2 / V-ed …
Trong đó:
• S (Subject): Chủ ngữ
• V2/ed: Động từ chia thì quá khứ đơn (theo quy tắc hoặc bất quy tắc)
Thể phủ định: S + did not + V (nguyên mẫu)
Lưu ý: did not = didn’t
Thể nghi vấn
Câu hỏi Yes/ No question
Cấu trúc: Did + S + V (nguyên thể)?
Trả lời: Yes, S + did./No, S + didn’t.
Ví dụ:
• Did you bring her the package? (Bạn đã mang gói hàng cho cô ấy phải không?)
=> Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.
• Did Cristiano play for Manchester United? (Có phải Cristiano từng chơi cho Manchester
United không?)
=> Yes, he did./ No, he didn’t.
Câu hỏi WH- question
Cấu trúc: WH-word + did + S + (not) + V (nguyên mẫu)?
Trả lời: S + V-ed +…
Cách thêm -ed :
• Các động từ một âm tiết mà tận cùng bằng một nguyên âm + một phụ âm (trừ h, w, x, y),
chúng ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm trước khi thêm –ed:
Ex: fit –> fitted
P 13
• Các động từ có 2 ấm tiết có dấu nhấn rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 và tận cùng bằng một nguyên
âm + một phụ âm(trừ h, w, x, y) , chúng ta cũng phải gấp đôi phụ âm trước khi thêm –ed:
Ex: per’mit –> permitted
• Các động từ tận cùng bằng một phụ âm + y, đổi “y” thành “i” rồi thêm -ed
Ex: Study –> Studied
Cách ghi nhớ nhanh đối với cách phát âm ed
Phát âm là “t” : K , SS , X, CH , F , CE , P, GH , SH
Phát âm là id”: T,D
Phát âm là “d” : là những âm còn lại
Cách dùng:
• Diễn tả hành động xảy ra và chấm dứt tại một thời điểm hoặc một khoảng thời gian xác
định trong quá khứ:
Ex: I bought a bunch of flowers yesterday. ( Tôi đã mua một bó bông ngày hôm qua)
Dấu hiệu nhận biết :
• Yesterday: Hôm qua; Last night: Tối qua; Last week: Tuần trước; Last month: Tháng
trước; Last year: Năm ngoái.
• In the past, the day before, với những khoảng thời gian đã qua trong ngày (today, this
morning, this afternoon).
• Ago: cách đây. (two hours ago: cách đây 2 giờ, two weeks ago: cách đây 2 tuần…)
• at, on, in… (at 6 o’clock, on Monday, in June,…)
• When + mệnh đề chia thì Quá khứ đơn: khi (when I was a kid,…)
Nguyên Quá khứ đơn Quá khứ phân từ Ý nghĩa
thể (V1) (V2) (V3)

1 be was, were been được

2 beat beat beaten đánh bại
3 become became become trở thành
4 begin began begun bắt đầu
5 bet bet bet đặt cược
6 bid bid bid thầu
7 bind bound bound buộc, kết thân
8 bite bit bitten cắn
9 blow blew blown thổi
10 break broke broken đập vỡ
11 bring brought brought mang lại
12 broadcast broadcast broadcast phát sóng
13 build built built xây dựng
14 buy bought bought mua
15 catch caught caught bắt
16 choose chose chosen chọn
17 come came come đến
18 cost cost cost phải trả, trị giá
19 cut cut cut cắt
20 dig dug dug đào
21 do did done làm
22 draw drew drawn vẽ
23 drink drank drunk uống
24 drive drove driven lái xe
25 eat ate eaten ăn
26 fall fell fallen giảm
P 14
27 feed fed fed cho ăn
28 feel felt felt cảm thấy
29 fight fought fought chiến đấu
30 find found found tìm
31 fly flew flown bay
32 forget forgot forgotten quên
33 forgive forgave forgiven tha thứ
34 get got got/gotten có được
35 give gave given cung cấp cho
36 go went gone đi
37 grow grew grown phát triển
38 hang hung hung treo
39 have had had có
40 hear heard heard nghe
41 hide hid hidden ẩn
42 hit hit hit nhấn
43 hold held held tổ chức
44 hurt hurt hurt tổn thương
45 keep kept kept giữ
46 know knew known biết
47 lay laid laid đặt, để
48 lead led led dẫn
49 leave left left lại
50 lend lent lent cho vay
51 let let let cho phép, để cho
52 lie lay lain nói dối
53 lose lost lost mất
54 make made made làm
55 meet met met đáp ứng
56 pay paid paid trả
57 put put put đặt, để
58 read read read đọc
59 ride rode ridden cưỡi (ngựa), đạp (xe)
60 ring rang rung vòng
61 rise rose risen tăng
62 run ran run chạy
63 run ran run chạy
64 say said said nói
65 see saw seen thấy
66 sell sold sold bán
67 send sent sent gửi
68 shut shut shut đóng
69 sing sang sung hát
70 sit sat sat ngồi
71 sleep slept slept ngủ
72 speak spoke spoken nói
73 spend spent spent chi tiêu
74 stand stood stood đứng
75 sting stung stung chọc tức
P 15
76 swim swam swum bơi
77 swing swung swung nhún nhảy
78 take took taken có
79 teach taught taught dạy
80 tell told told nói
81 think thought thought nghĩ
82 understand understood understood hiểu
83 wake woke woken thức
84 wear wore worn mặc
85 win won won giành chiến thắng
86 wind wound wound thổi
87 write wrote written viết
1.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. looked B. kissed C. called D. stopped
2. A. invited B. loved C. used D. cleaned
3. A. wanted B. danced C. needed D. visited
4. A. asked B. completed C. finished D. laughed
5. A. offered B. enjoyed C. followed D. helped
6. A. lived B. talked C. watered D. opened
7. A. walked B. fixed C. hoped D. brushed
8. A. washed B. watched C. breathed D. interested
9. A. played B. learned C. shared D. decided
10. A. worried B. donated C. collected D. naked
11. A. filled B. smelled C. caused D. missed
12. A. thanked B. parked C. listened D. booked
13. A. worked B. requested C. interested D. demanded
14. A. started B. leaded C. launched D. corrected.
15. A. reserved B. borrowed C. attracted D. happened
2. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (Further practice)
1. A. donate B. rubbish C. sugar D. garden
2. A. money B. collect C. tutor D. homeless
3. A. environment B. community C. recycle D. rubbish
4. A. organization B. volunteer C. opportunity D. activity
5. A. project B. enjoy C. similar D. include
3.Circle the odd one out.
1. A. donate B. provide C. food D. encourage
2. A. clean B. street C. house D. wall
3. A. clothes B. educate C. blood D. money
4. A. money B. blood C. donate D. waste
5. A. homeless B. disabled C. people D. poor
6. A. volunteer B. clothes C. books D. food
7. A. help B. draw C. paint D. school
8. A. individual B. essential C. environmental D. service
9. A. blood B. homework C. students D. tutors
10. A. elderly B. grandparents C. nursing home D. Orphan
4.Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
1. We ______ lots of vegetables in the school garden.
A. plant B. tutor C. donate D. help
2. Volunteer activities often include ______ money for people in need, cooking and giving food.

A. rising B. raising C. taking D. getting

P 16
3. Lan ______ half her salary to the poor children in her hometown.
A. gets B. receives C. donates D. steals
4. Mai’s classmates are ______ old books and clothes for street children.
A. helping B. cleaning C. doing D. collecting
5. She wants to works in a ______ to care for old people.
A. theater B. museum C. supermarket D. nursing home
6. Mike is an ______. His parents died when he was a baby.
A. engineer B. astronaut C. orphan D. actress
7. He works as a ______. He doesn’t get salary.
A. volunteer B. singer C. farmer D. nurse
8. Children collected ______ for recycling.
A. new books B. plastic bottles C. rural areas D. shelters
9. I like ______ activities such as planting trees and cleaning in the park.
A. sport B. indoor C. tutor D. community
10. Shall they throw the waste paper away, or do they ______?
A. do B. throw C. recycle D. make
11. She ______ lots of things for charity.
A. did B. was do C. was did D. doed
12. Trinh Cong Son ______ many excellent songs.
A. was compose B. composed C. composed D. did composed
13. We ______ the Louvre museum in Paris last week.
A. visitted B. visited C. did visited D. were visit
14. They ______ old people in the nursing home two days ago.
A. helped B. were helped C. was help D. helpped
15. I ______ him in the park yesterday afternoon.
A. did saw B. seed C. was see D. saw
16. My sister ______ lots of flower on the balcony.
A. plant B. planted C. did planted D. was plant
17. His uncle ______ a new house in the suburb.
A. buyed B. was buyed C. did bought D. bought
18. Where ______ they last weekend?
A. was B. were C. be D. did be
19. My mother ______ to work this morning.
A. didn’t go B. not wont C. wasn’t went D. didn’t went
20. The film that I ______ last night ______ very interesting.
A. see / was B. saw / were C. see / wore D. saw / was
5. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple form.
1. Last week, my mother (take) ________________me to the zoo.
2. When we (arrive) ________________at the party, there (not be) ________________many
people there.
3. My mother (say) ________________that she (buy) ________________me a new dress.
4. Last summer, my father (teach) ________________me to drive.
5. I (start) ________________doing charity when I (be) ________________a first year student.
6. Many rich people (donate) ________________money for this volunteer program.
7. My friend (ring) ________________me yesterday and (invite) ________________me to his
8. What (you/ watch) ________________on TV last night?
9. When my father (be) ________________young, he (use to) ________________be the most
handsome boy in the village.
10. ________________ (you/ go) to see the concert yesterday?

P 17
11. My performance (not be) ________________really good. I (not feel)
________________happy about it.
12. Jim (spend) ________________the whole day taking after his brother.
13. I (write) ________________a letter to my foreign friend but he (not write)
14. ________________ (they/ be) students of our school?
15. Yesterday, I (see) ________________Jim at a bookstore.
6. Write complete sentences from the prompts.
1. Last year / our club / donate/ books / children in rural areas.
2. children / send / thank-you cards / us / a week ago?
3. I / teach / two children in grade 2 / last summer.
4. Last spring / we/ help / the elderly / nursing home.
5. How/ you/ help / people / in flooded areas / last year?
7. Turn the sentences into negative statements or questions.GK
1. She liked exercising. (not)
=> She ……………………………………………
2. My family always spends time doing housework together on Sundays. (not)
=> My family ……………………………………………
3. I used a lot of suncream during my holiday. (not)
=> I ……………………………………………
4. My community organised a fair to raise money for the homeless last week. (?)
=> ……………………………………………
5. Tim makes beautiful pieces of art from dry leaves and sticks. (?)
=> ……………………………………………
New words (Từ mới)
Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
music (n) /ˈmjuːzɪk/ âm nhạc
classical music /ˈklæsɪkl ˈmjuːzɪk/ nhạc cổ điển
folk music /fəʊk ˈmjuːzɪk/ nhạc dân gian
pop music /pɒp ˈmjuːzɪk/ nhạc nhẹ, nhạc trẻ
country music /ˈkʌntri ˈmjuːzɪk/ nhạc đồng quê
music festival /ˈmjuːzɪk ˈfestɪvl/ lễ hội âm nhạc
instrument (n) /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ dụng cụ
musical instrument /ˈmjuːzɪkl ˈɪnstrəmənt/ nhạc cụ
musician (n) /mjuˈzɪʃn/ người chơi nhạc, nhạc sĩ
composer (n) /kəmˈpəʊzə(r)/ nhà soạn nhạc, nhạc sĩ
compose (v) /kəmˈpəʊz/ soạn, sáng tác
art (n) /ɑːt/ nghệ thuật, mĩ thuật
art gallery /ɑːt ˈɡæləri/ phòng tranh
artist (n) /ˈɑːtɪst/ nghệ sĩ
paint (v) /peɪnt/ vẽ, sơn
painting (n) /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ bức vẽ, bức tranh
P 18
painter (n) /ˈpeɪntə(r)/ thợ vẽ, hoạ sĩ
paintbrush (n) /ˈpeɪntbrʌʃ/ cọ vẽ
portrait (n) /ˈpɔːtreɪt/ chân dung
landscape (n) /ˈlændskeɪp/ phong cảnh
photo (n) /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ bức ảnh
take photos /teɪk ˈfəʊtəʊs/ chụp ảnh
photography (n) /fəˈtɒɡrəfi/ thuật chụp ảnh
camera (n) /ˈkæmrə/ máy ảnh
pleasure (n) /ˈpleʒə(r)/ niềm vui
just for pleasure /dʒʌst fə(r) ˈpleʒə(r)/ chỉ cho vui, chỉ để giải trí
puppet (n) /ˈpʌpɪt/ con rốì
puppetry (n) /ˈpʌpɪtri/ trò múa rối
puppet theater /ˈpʌpɪt ˈθɪətə(r)/ rạp biểu diễn rối
water puppet show /ˈwɔːtə(r) ˈpʌpɪt ʃəʊ/ chương trình biểu diễn rối nước
concert (n) /ˈkɒnsət/ hoà nhạc
concert hall /ˈkɒnsət hɔːl/ phòng hoà nhạc
perform (v) /pəˈfɔːm/ trình diễn, biểu diễn
performance (n) /pəˈfɔːməns/ sự trình diễn, buổi biểu diễn
anthem (n) /ˈænθəm/ bài hát ca ngợi
national anthem /ˌnæʃnəl ˈænθəm/ bài quốc ca
sculpture (n) /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ nghệ thuật điêu khắc, tác phẩm điêu
originate (v) /əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt/ bắt nguồn, xuất phát từ
impressive (adj) /ɪmˈpresɪv/ đầy ấn tượng
valuable (adj) /ˈvæljuəbl/ có giá trị, quý giá
exhibit (v) /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ triển lãm
exhibition (n) /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ cuộc triễn lãm
- Để diễn tả sự thích hơn, chúng ta thường dùng từ prefer.
Example: prefer juice - thích nước ép hơn
prefer classical music = thích nhạc cố điển hơn
prefer painting to singing = thích vẽ hơn hát
- Động từ theo sau prefer ở dạng nguyôn mẫu có to.
Example: prefer to take photos = thích chụp hình hơn
prefer to go to the water puppet show = thích xem biểu diễn rối ntỉớc hơn
prefer to study English = thích học tiếng Anh hơn
Word formation (Từ loại)
Words Meaning Related words
character (n) nhân vật characteristic (adj) characteristically (adv)
characterful (adj) characterize (v)
characterless (adj)
control (v) kiểm soát, điều khiển controllable (adj) controlled (adj)
exhibition (n) cuộc triển lãm exhibitionist (n) exhibitionism (n)
originate (n) bắt nguồn, origination (n) original (adj)
xuất phát từ originator (n) originally (adv)
perform (v) biểu diễn, performance (n) performer (n)
P 19
trình diễn
photography (n) nhiếp ảnh photographic (adj) photographically (adv)
photograph (n,v) photographer (n)
puppet (n) con rối puppeteer (n) puppetry (n)
So sánh sự giống nhau
1. Cấu trúc so sánh với like
- like để chỉ sự vật này giống với sự vật khác, theo sau luôn phải là 1 danh từ hoặc 1 đại từ (me,

Ví dụ:
My sister has a dress just like mine. (Em gái tôi có chiếc váy giống hệt của tôi.)
She looks like her mother. (Cô ấy trông giống mẹ.)
2. Cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng với as…as
- as + tính từ + as để chỉ hai sự vậ tương tự nhau
- not as + tính từ + as để chỉ sự vật này nhiều hoặc ít hơn sự vật khác

Ví dụ:The pen is as expensive as the notebook. (Cái bút đắt bằng quyển sách.)
Bruce dresses as smartly as Liz. (Bruce ăn mặc chỉn chu giống như Liz.)
3. Cấu trúc so sánh với the same as

Ví dụ:
All students just do the same as their instructor. (Tất cả học sinh đều thực hiện động tác giống
giáo viên của họ.)
You’re wearing the same dress as mine. (Bạn đang mặc một bộ váy giống hệt của tôi.)
Cấu trúc so sánh với different
Chủ ngữ + động từ to be + different from + tân ngữ.
Ví dụ:A pencil skirt is different from a maxi. (Một chiếc chân váy bút chì thì khác với một chiếc
chân váy dài chấm gót.)
1.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. division B. insurance C. shake D. show
2. A. peaceful B. social C. special D. ancient
3. A. she B. television C. insurance D. efficient
4. A. delicious B. action C. decision D. share
5. A. shop B. ship C. nation D. visual
6. A. leisure B. mansion C. vision D. pleasure
7. A. intention B. ocean C. fishing D. usual
8. A. brush B. push C. ensure D. refuse
9. A. proposal B. mouse C. council D. sense
10. A. division B. tension C. measure D. conclusion
P 20
11. A. chemical B. character C. chaos D. machine
12. A. shear B. chemise C. equation D. ambitious
13. A. sugar B. sister C. wish D. nation
14. A. insure B. close C. business D. music
15. A. niece B. cession C. artificial D. musician
2.Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (Further practice)
1. A. perform B. painting C. concert D. cello
2. A. national B. festival C. saxophone D. violin
3. A. gallery B. musician C. recently D. excellent
4. A. fantastic B. museum C. colorful D. melodic
5. A. necessity B. definitely C. traditional D. curriculum
6. A. industry B. tornado C. natural D. injury
7. A. geography B. electronic C. scientific D. preparation
8. A. patient B. humor C. deny D. friendly
9. A. worried B. reserved C. polite D. arrive
10. A. mathematics B. economics C. politics D. automatics
3.Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
1. He ___________ lots of songs very well.
A. composes B. paints C. takes D. goes
2. My brother can ___________ many musical instruments such as guitar and violin.
A. sing B. play C. dance D. write
3. The Mona Lisa is a ___________ painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.
A. portrait B. flower C. garden D. landscape
4. The piano is her favorite ___________.
A. song B. puppet C. music instrument D. national anthem
5. Water puppetry is one of the traditional ___________ forms.
A. music B. art C. film D. sculpture
6. Pablo Picasso is a famous Spanish ___________.
A. composer B. writer C. dancer D. painter
7. Lisa likes the Vietnamese ___________ songs such as “Lý Ngựa Ô” and “Áo mới Cà Mau”.
A. pop B. jazz C. blue D. folk
8. The Louvre in Paris is the world’s largest ___________.
A. school B. cinema C. museum D. bridge
9. ___________ is the art of forming solid objects by carving clay, stone, etc.
A. Drawing B. Sculpture C. Photography D. Music
10. He is very happy because his works of art are displayed in the ___________.
A. zoo B. post office C. art gallery D. puppet theater
11. She is as beautiful _______________ her mother
A. different B. so C. as D. like
12. she paints _______________ an artist.
A. like B. as C. to D. from
13. Her idea is different _______________ her friend’s.
A. as B. from C. to D. same
14. Photography is not _______________ hard as painting.
A. like B. from C. different D. as
15. I heard a noise _______________ a dog barking.
A. from B. like C. as D. for
16. This new video clip is not _______________ as the original one.
A. same B. different C. the same D. the different
17. The film is not _______________ the story.
A. as interesting as B. as interesting C. interesting as D. interesting from
P 21
18. She is _______________ active as her sister.
A. not like B. not to C. not the same D. not as
19. He looks _______________ a famous actor.
A. from B. different C. like D. as
20. London is much _______________ other European capitals.
A. different B. different from C. as different D. different as
4.Comparisons: like, different from, (not) as ... as (GK)
1. This camera is not as expensive _______I thought at first.
2. Her room is lovely. It is _______a princess's room.
3. You like folk songs; I like pop music. Your taste is _______ from mine.
4. My dad is not always as busy _______my mum.
5. Some of us think that Spiderman 2 is not too_______ from Spiderman
5. Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets. Add the necessary words.
1. I think the Temple of Literature is as _______ Quan Thanh Temple. (old)
2. I don't like this film very much. It is _________ the original book. (different)
3. Some students say maths is ________ than music, but I don't think so. (important)
4. My grandma thinks modern life is ________ as life in the past. (not / good)
5. Learning to play the guitar is ________ I thought. (not / easy)
6. Rewrite the sentences, using the given words.
1. Playing video games is not as good as exercising. (better)
2. Duong's father draws animals better than Duong. (well)
3. This painting is not as valuable as the Mona Lisa. (more)
4. David is more artistic than Nick. (not as)
5. The second version of the play is not different from the first. (like)
7.Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the given sentences.
1. Linda is hardworking. Mary is lazy.
A. Mary is not as hardworking as Linda.
B. Mary is not as lazy as Linda.
2. Tom likes dancing. His wife likes listening to music.
A. Tom has the same hobby as his wife.
B. Tom’s hobby is different from his wife’s.
3. His drumming style is forceful. His friend’s drumming style is forceful.
A. His drumming style is as forceful as his friend’s.
B. His drumming style is not as forceful as his friend’s.
4. The characters in the play are not like the ones in the story.
A. The characters in the play are different from the ones in the story.
B. The characters in the play are the same as the ones in the story.
5. He is handsome. His father is handsome.
A. He is more handsome than his father.
B. He is as handsome as his father.
6. She has a blue bag. I have a blue bag.
A. She has a blue bag as mine.
B. Her bag color is different from my bag color.
8. Rewrite the sentences, using the given comparisons.
1. My hair is short. Your hair is long. (as … as)
 ………………………………………………………
P 22
2. She likes swimming. Her friend likes playing chess. (different from)
 …………………………………………………
3. The action films are exciting. The documentary films are sad. (as … as)
 …………………………………………………
4. The characters in the play are not like the ones in the story. (different from)
 …………………………………………………
5. He looks handsome. His father looks handsome. (like)
 …………………………………………………
6. My house is new. Your house is new. (as … as)
 …………………………………………………
9. Rewrite the sentences, using the given words.
1. Jimmy’s voice is more beautiful than Johnny. (AS)
 Johnny’s voice is not ……………………………
2. The plots of the film are not the same as those of the novel. (FROM)
 The plots of the film are ……………………………
3. Kien’s presentation was clearer than Mai’s. (NOT)
 Mai’s presentation ……………………………
4. Mark’s music project is different from mine. (LIKE)
 Mark’s music project is ……………………………
5. Pop music attracts more listeners than rock music. (AS)
 Rock music does not ……………………………
New words (Từ mới)
Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
food (n) /fuːd/ đồ ăn, thức ăn
drink (n) /drɪŋk/ đồ uống, thức uống
rice (n) /raɪs/ gạo, cơm
pork (n) /pɔːk/ thịt heo
beef (n) /biːf/ thịt bò
beef noodle soup /biːf ˈnuːdl suːp/ phở bò
shrimp (n) /ʃrɪmp/ tôm
fish (n) /fɪʃ/ cá
fish sauce /fɪʃ sɔːs/ nước mắm
chicken (n) /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ thịt gà
roast chicken /rəʊst ˈtʃɪkɪn/ gà nướng
fry (v) /fraɪ/ chiên, xào
fried vegetables /fraɪd ˈvedʒtəbl/ rau xào
fried tofu /fraɪd ˈtəʊfuː/ đậu hũ chiên
soup (n) /suːp/ canh, súp, cháo
eel (n) /iːl/ lươn
eel soup /iːl suːp/ cháo lươn
spring roll /sprɪŋ rəʊl/ chả giò, nem rán
omelette (n) /ˈɒmlət/ trứng chiên
pancake (n) /ˈpænkeɪk/ bánh kếp
toast (n) /təʊst/ bánh mì nướng
butter (n) /ˈbʌtə(r)/ bơ
milk (n) /mɪlk/ sữa
P 23
sugar (n) /ˈʃʊɡə(r)/ đường
salt (n) /sɔːlt/ muối
flour (n) /ˈflaʊə(r)/ bột mì _
onion (n) /ˈʌnjən/ hành
pepper (n) /ˈpepə(r)/ tiêu
chili (n) /ˈtʃɪli/ ớt
water (n) /ˈwɔːtə(r)/ nước
mineral water /ˈmɪnərəl wɔːtə(r)/ nước khoáng
juice (n) /dʒuːs/ nước ép
winter melon juice /ˈwɪntə(r) ˈmelən nước ép bí đao
lemonade (n) /ˌleməˈneɪd/ nước chanh
tea (n) /tiː/ trà
green tea /ɡriːn tiː/ trà xanh
coffee (n) /ˈkɒfi/ cà phê
order (v) /ˈɔːdə(r)/ gọi món
prepare (v) /prɪˈpeə(r)/ chuẩn bị
cook (v) /kʊk/ nấu
stew (v) /stjuː/ hầm, ninh
broth (n) /brɒθ/ nước lèo
fork (n) /fɔːk/ nĩa
teaspoon (n) /ˈtiːspuːn/ muỗng cà phê
tablespoon (n) /ˈteɪblspuːn/ muỗng canh
can (n) /kən/ lon, hộp
glass (n) /ɡlɑːs/ ly, cốc
cup (n) /kʌp/ tách, chén
dish (n) /dɪʃ/ đĩa, món ăn
ingredient (n) /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ thành phần
Word formation (Từ loại)
Words Meaning Related words
beef (n) thịt bò beef (v)
butter (n) bơ butter
dish (n) món ăn, cái đĩa dish (v)
lemonade (n) nước chanh lemon (n) lemon (adj)
roast (adj) (được) quay, nướng roast (v) roast (n)
salt (n) muối salty (adj) salt (adj)
saltwater (n)
sweet (adj) ngọt sweet (n) sweetly (adv)
sweeten (v)
spicy (adj) cay spice (v) spiciness (n)
bitter (adj) đắng bitterly (adv) bitterness (n)
juice (n) nước ép (rau, củ, juicy (adj) juicer (n)

P 24
Little + danh từ không đếm được: rất ít, không đủ để (có khuynh hướng phủ định)
I have little money, not enough to buy groceries.
A little + danh từ không đếm được: có một chút, đủ để
I have a little money, enough to buy groceries
Few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: có rất ít, không đủ để (có tính phủ định)
I have few books, not enough for reference reading
A few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: có một chút, đủ để
I have a few records, enough for listening.
Trong một số trường hợp khi danh từ ở trên đã được nhắc đến thì ở phía dưới chỉ cần dùng little
hoặc few như một đại từ là đủ (cũng giống như đối với other/another; this/that).
Are you ready in money. Yes, a little.
Quite a few + đếm được = Quite a bit + không đếm được = Quite a lot of + noun = rất nhiều.
• any không có nghĩa xác định.
• any thường được dùng trong câu hỏi và câu phủ định.
• any đứng trước danh từ số nhiều đếm được hoặc danh từ ko đếm được.
• Khi đạt câu hỏi với any, người đó ngụ ý nghi ngờ, không biết điều mình hỏi có hay không
• much thường dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi.
• muchđi với danh từ không đếm được.
I don’t have much time. (Tôi ko có nhiều thời gian.)
I don’t have much money. (Tôi ko có nhiều tiền.)
• many: nhiều.
• many thường đứng trước danh từ đếm được.
• Sử dụng “many” khi muốn ám chỉ 1 số lượng lớn.
• Được dùng chủ yếu trong câu hỏi và câu phủ định.
I have many friends here. (Ở đây tôi có nhiều bạn.)
How many floors does your school have? (Trường bạn có bao nhiêu tầng?)
There aren’t many students in this school. (Không có nhiều học sinh ở trường này.)
a lot of có nghĩa là nhiều, 1 số lượng nhiều
a lot of thường được dùng trong câu khẳng định.
a lot of là cách nói khác của lots of.
a lot of và lots of thường đi với danh từ không đếm được và danh từ số nhiều. EX:
There’s a lot of rain today. (Hôm nay mưa nhiều.)
A lot of students are studying in the library. (Nhiều học sinh đang học bài trong thư viện.)
There are lots of people here. (Có nhiều người ở đây.)
SOME: Some + Nkhông đếm được/ đếm được số nhiều
➔ Some dùng trong câu khẳng định.
Ex: Chau has some coconut oil. (Châu có một ít dầu dừa).
1. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. watch B. talk C. small D. almost
2. A. doll B. smoke C. fox D. bottle
3. A. work B. bored C. pork D. horse
4. A. normal B. lord C. before D. doctor
5. A. autumn B. author C. daughter D. laugh
P 25
6. A. hall B. quad C. haunt D. dawn
7. A. hot B. pot C. job D. joke
8. A. crop B. often C. story D. naughty
9. A. awful B. stand C. stall D. naughty
10. A. launch B. torch C. lord D. word
11. A. port B. short C. clock D. orphan
12. A. gotten B. onion C. top D. block
13. A. fan B. cat C. want D. back
14. A. wash B. swan C. fall D. quality
15. A. always B. salt C. what D. ball
2. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (Further practice)
1. A. sausage B. cereal C. chocolate D. tomato
2. A. mineral B. lemonade C. noodle D. butter
3. A. decide B. combine C. apply D. happen
4. A. believe B. marriage C. response D. maintain
5. A. confident B. important C. together D. exciting
3.Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
1. I like coffee with __________ of milk.
A. a B. lot C. lots D. many
2. We often have __________ bread and eggs for breakfast.
A. any B. some C. an D. a
3. There is __________ few bananas on the table.
A. some B. a C. lots D. an
4. Does she have __________ brothers or sisters?
A. lots B. a lot C. some D. any
5. Would you like __________ apple?
A. a B. an C. any D. some
6. There are __________ people waiting for the next bus?
A. many B. any C. a D. an
7. He needs __________ piece of advice from his father.
A. much B. an C. a D. many
8. Don’t worry. We have __________ time to finish the project.
A. a B. any C. many D. much
9. I want to make lemonade but there isn’t __________ sugar in the jar.
A. lots of B. much C. any D. some
10. Did she put a __________ of books on the shelf?
A. lot B. some C. many D. lots
11. He sometimes has some bread and an ___________ for breakfast.
A. ant B. omelette C. engineer D. aircraft
12. The ___________ for beef noodle soup is made by stewing beef bones in large pot.
A. butter B. broth C. sauce D. sausage
13. You need eggs, flour, sugar, milk, and butter ___________ pancakes.
A. to make B. making C. make D. makes
14. There isn’t any rice left, but we can have ___________ instead.
A. pepper B. sugar C. flour D. noodles
15. She wants to buy a ___________ of tomatoes and two cabbages.
A. kilo B. bottle C. glass D. litre
16. You put chicken bones and two ___________ of water in the pot and boil.
A. cans B. kilos C. liters D. tablespoons
17. Is there any meat ___________ in the fridge?
A. leave B. to leave C. left D. leaving
P 26
18. My favourite ___________ is “bún bò”.
A. “bánh xèo” B. biscuits C. chicken D. dish
19. This restaurant ___________ very delicious dishes such as beef noodle soup, snail rice
noodles, and sweet gruel.
A. serves B. eats C. drinks D. uses
20. Lemonade is a drink made with the juice of ___________, water and sugar.
A. oranges B. lemons C. apples D. grapes
4.Fill in each blank with the correct word: a/ an/ some/ any.
1. There isn’t _______________plum jam.
2. She’d like _______________apple.
3. There are _______________bananas.
4. Is there _______________pork?
5. There aren’t _______________beef noodles.
6. There are _______________sandwiches for lunch.
7. Is there _______________water in fridge?
8. I have _______________bread for you.
9. He eats _______________banana after his dinner.
10. Would you like _______________orange juice, please?
11. She wants to buy _______________apples for her mother.
12. Would you like _______________eggs for breakfast?
13. Can you bring me _______________water, please?
14. I don’t want _______________sugar in the tea.
15. She has _______________bread for breakfast.
5. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.
1. There is beef and chicken in the menu
→ The menu _________________________________________________________
2. I like salad best.
→ Salad is ___________________________________________________________
3. The market does not have any carrots.
→ There _____________________________________________________________
4. How much is a bowl of noodles?
→ How much does ____________________________________________________
5. How many kilos of rice would you like?
→ How many kilos of rice do ____________________________________________
6. There are some bananas on the table.
→ It has _____________________________________________________________
7. There is some milk in the bottle.
→ Some _____________________________________________________________
8. Beef noodle soup is my favorite food.
→ My favorite ________________________________________________________
9. I like drinking coffee.
→ Coffee ____________________________________________________________
10. I eat chicken noodle soup in the morning.
→ I have ………………………………………………………..
New words (Từ mới)
Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
school (n) /skuːl/ trưòng học, học đường
Lower Secondary (n) /ˈləʊə(r) ˈsekəndri skuːl/ Trường Trung học Cơ sở

P 27
school year /skuːl jɪə(r)/ năm học
teacher (n) /ˈtiːtʃə(r)/ giáo viên
class (n) /klɑːs/ lớp học
classroom (n) /ˈklɑːsruːm/ phòng học
classmate (n) /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/ bạn học, bạn cùng lóp
student (n) /ˈstjuːdnt/ học sinh, sinh viên
facility (n) /fəˈsɪləti/ phương tiện, cơ sở
school facilities / skuːl fəˈsɪlətiz/ cơ sở vật chất của trường
library (n) /ˈlaɪbrəri/ thư viện
gym (n) /dʒɪm/ phòng tập thể dục
computer (n) /kəmˈpjuːtə(r)/ máy tính
computer room /kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ruːm/ phòng máy tính
lab (laboratory) (n) /læb/ (/ləˈbɒrətri/) phòng thí nghiệm
science lab /ˈsaɪəns læb/ phòng thí nghiệm khoa học
projector (n) /prəˈdʒektə(r)/ máy chiếu
playground (n) /ˈpleɪɡraʊnd/ sân chơi
staffroom (n) /ˈstɑːfruːm/ phòng nhân viên
canteen (n) /kænˈtiːn/ căn tin
project (n) /ˈprɒdʒekt/ dự án
share (v) /ʃeə(r)/ chia sẻ
idea (n) /aɪˈdɪə/ ý tưởng
member (n) /ˈmembə(r)/ thành viên
forget (v) /fəˈɡet/ quên, không nhớ _
remind (v) /rɪˈmaɪnd/ nhắc nhở
neighbourhood (n) /ˈneɪbəhʊd/ vùng lân cận
maths (n) /mæθs/ môn toán
biology /baɪˈɒlədʒi/ môn sinh học
physics (n) /ˈfɪzɪks/ môn vật lí
history (n) /ˈhɪstri/ môn lịch sử
physical education (n) /ˌfɪzɪkl edʒuˈkeɪʃn/ môn giáo dục thê chât
information (n) /ˌɪnfəˌmeɪʃn tekˈnɒlədʒi/ môn công nghệ thông tin
examination (n) /ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ sự kiểm tra, khảo sát
entrance examination /ˈentrəns ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ kiểm tra đầu vào
test (n) /test/ sự kiểm tra, bài kiểm tra
midterm test /ˌmɪdˈtɜːm test/ bài kiểm tra giữa kì
first-term test /fɜːst - tɜːm test/ bài kiểm tra học kì i
gift (v) /ɡɪft/ cho, ban tặng
gifted students /ɡɪft ˈstjuːdnts/ các học sinh năng khiếu
hard-working (adj) /ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ chăm chỉ
intelligent (adj) /ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ thông minh
well-known (adj) /ˌwel ˈnəʊn/ nổi tiếng
Word formation (Từ loại)

P 28
Words Meaning Related words
celebrate (v) làm lễ kỉ niệm celebration (n) celebrant (n)
celebrated (adj)
equipment (n) đồ dùng, thiết bị equip (v) equitable (adj)
facility (n) thiết bị, tiện nghi facilitator (n) facilitation (n)
gifted (adj) năng khiếu gift (n)
opportunity (n) thời điểm, cơ hội opportunist (n) opportunism (n)
opportunistic (adj)
private (adj) riêng tư, cá nhân private (n) privacy (n)
resource (n,v) tài nguyên resourceful (adj) resourcefully (adv)
service (n) dịch vụ serve (v) service (v)
serviceable (adj)
talented (adj) tài năng talent (n)
. Preposition of time
Preposition Use Example
IN - Trước tháng, năm, mùa, - in January: vào tháng 1
(Vào thời thập niên, thập kỉ. Trước các - in 2020: vào năm 2020
điểm) buổi trong ngày (trừ at - in summer: vào mùa hè
night). - in the 1990s: vào những năm 1990
- Trước cụm từ cố định. - in the morning/ afternoon/ evening: vào buổi
sáng/ chiều/ tối
- in time: đúng lúc, kịp lúc
- in the end: cuối cùng
ON - Trước các ngày trong tuần, - on Monday: vào ngày thứ 2
(Vào ngày, ngày tháng, ngày tháng năm. - on 15th March: vào ngày 15 tháng 3
thời gian) - Trước các ngày lễ. - on 15 March 2020: vào ngày 15 tháng 3 năm
- Trong các cụm từ cố định. 2020
- on Christmas Day: vào ngày lễ Giáng sinh
- on time: đúng giờ, chính xác
AT - Trước thời gian trong ngày. - at 9 o'clock: lúc 9 giờ đúng
(Vào dịp, - Trước các dịp lễ. - at midnight: vào giữa đêm
vào thời - Trong một số cụm từ cố - at Christmas: vào dịp Giáng sinh.
điểm) định. - at the same time: cùng lúc thời điểm)
- at the end of this year: cuối năm nay
- at the beginning of this year: đầu năm nay
- at the moment/ at the present: ngay bây giờ
II. Preposition of place
Preposition Use Example
IN - Khoảng không gian lớn - in space: trong vũ trụ
(Ở trong) như vũ trụ, thành phố, thị - in Hanoi city: ở Hà Nội
trấn, quốc gia. - in Vietnam: ở Việt Nam
- Khoảng không gian khép - in the ocean: trong đại dương
kín như phòng, tòa nhà, cái - in the room: trong phòng
hộp. - in the box: trong hộp

P 29
ON - Vị trí trên bề mặt có tiếp - on the floor: trên sàn
(Ở trên) xúc. - on the chair: trên ghế
- Trước tên đường. - on Le Loi Street: trên đường Lê Lợi
- Phương tiện đi lại (trừ car, - on the train: trên tàu
taxi). - on the bus: trên xe buýt
- on the left/ right: bên trái, phải
- on the top of: trên đỉnh của

AT - Địa điểm cụ thể không - at the airport: ở sân bay

(Ở tại) gian nhỏ hơn giới từ “in”. - at the shop: ở shop
- Trước số nhà. - at 50 Tran Hung Dao Street: ở số 50 đường
- Chỉ nơi làm việc, học tập. Trần Hưng Đạo
- Chỉ những sự kiện, những - at work/ school/ college/ university: ở chỗ làm/
bữa tiệc. trường/ cao đẳng/ đại học
- at the party: tại buổi tiệc
- at the concert: tại buổi hòa nhạc

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
1. A. choose B. check C. chord D. cheap
2. A. school B. scholar C. character D. cheese
3. A. each B. much C. children D. chorus
4. A. gift B. gene C. job D. jacket
5. A. general B. gaming C. gentle D. geography
6. A. search B. sandwich C. cherry D. character
7. A. lecture B. chapter C. kitchen D. natural
8. A. gone B. join C. joke D. gentle
9. A. enjoy B. subject C. engage D. gorgeous
10. A. touch B. which C. stomach D. lunch
11. A. picture B. city C. future D. question
12. A. guess B. gym C. energy D.
13. A. creature B. nation C. potential D. ambitious
14. A. language B. foggy C. arrange D. damage
15. A. century B. culture C. adventure D. letter
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (Further
1. A. cultural B. engineer C. challenge D. beautiful
2. A. Saturday B. January C. condition D. cinema
3. A. unite B. person C. symbol D. relic
4. A. Literature B. cultural C. beautiful D. consider
5. A. Temple B. regard C. precious D. centre
Circle the odd one out.
1. A. listen B. speak C. idea D. write
2. A. talented B. skilful C. gifted D. project
3. A. laboratory B. teacher C. student D. librarian
4. A. science B. music C. classroom D. art
5. A. desk B. history C. projector D. computer
6. A. learn B. test C. study D. practice
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each
P 30
1. Mai is my classmate. We are in _________ 7A.
A. Grade B. Subject C. Project D. Science
2. I like _________ because I love working with computers.
A. maths B. music
C. biology D. information technology
3. Mary is Lan’s __________. They are in the same class.
A. student B. teacher C. daughter D. classmate
4. The __________ of my new school are modern.
A. facility B. classroom C. library D. computers
5. You have to take an entrance __________ to study at this school
A. course B. examination C. term D. subject
6. She is known by many people. She is __________
A. beautiful B. well-known C. good D. clever
7. My favourite subject is __________. It’s about all the events that happened in the past.
A. math B. literature C. history D. biology
8. Students can borrow books from the _________. Created by: Mr Thanh (0369904425)
A. history B. library C. facility D. laboratory
9. The questions of the midterm _________ were so difficult for me.
A. test B. lab C. PE D. gym
10. There are lots of snacks old at my school’s _________.
A. garden B. classroom C. canteen D. computer room
11. The teacher reminded her students to do _________ homework.
A. they B. them C. their D. theirs
12. He is very creative. He always has a new _________.
A. friend B. appearance C. house D. idea
13. Her sister is a _________ student at Tran Dai Nghia Specialized High School.
A. interested B. gifted C. unusual D. unique
14. If you want to enter this school, you have to take its _________ examination.
A. exit B. entrance C. midterm D. final
15. We are in the _________. We are doing scientific tests.
A. laboratory B. classroom C. gym D. garden
16. They stayed _______ a mini hotel last summer.
A. in B. on C. of D. for
17. We walk around the Old Quarter _______ night.
A. in B. to C. at D. from
18. There are two students __________ the class.
A. next B. in C. on D. front
19. The oranges are not in the basket. They are __________ the table.
A. in B. between C. next D. on
20. There isn't anything __________ my pocket.
A. between B. next to C. in D. near
21. The children are playing __________ the garden.
A. on B. between C. in D. to
22. I have photographs of my family __________ the wall of my office.
A. on B. next to D. in
23. Mr. Smith's jacket is __________ the closet.
A. under B. in D. from
24. It arrives __________ Chicago at ten o'clock.
A. at B. in C. near D. from
25. We want to have a picnic _______________ the lake.
A. at B. in C. on D. about
P 31
26. The class starts _________ 7:30 a.m.
A. at B. in C. on
27. This is my friend. She is _________ Grade 7B.
A. at B. in C. on
28. It often rains a lot _________ winter.
A. at B. in C. on
29. I never go out _________ midnight.
A. at B. in C. on
30. Please put your school bag _________ the desk.
A. at B. in C. on
31. Her birthday is _________ June.
A. at B. in C. on
32. Many people attend an Easter service _________ their local church.
A. at B. in C. on
33. He always visits his old teachers _________ Teacher’s Day.
A. at B. in C. on
34. The meeting will be held _________ the school hall.
A. at B. in C. on
35. She cycled to the beach _________ a summer afternoon.
A. at B. in C. on
Choose the correct response.
1. How often have you got ICT? - _______.
A. At five o’clock. B. Once a week. C. This afternoon.
2. When have you got history? - _______.
A. Twice a week. B. Three hours a week. C. On Friday mornings.
3. I’ve got a history exam this afternoon. - _______.
A. Oh dear! B. Cool! C. Why not?
4. Sorry, John. I can’t come. - _______.
A. Sounds good. B. That’s a pity. C. Text me later.
5. How can I know the meaning of a new word? - _______.
A. Use the dictionary. B. Write the answers. C. You spell it out.
6. Can you help me with my homework? - _______.
A. Great. Let’s go. B. Thank you so much. C. Sure. Let me see it.
Choose the sentence with the right order
1. A. Adults probably laugh less than children, because they play less.
B. Adults laugh less than children, because probably they play less.
C. They laugh less than children, probably because adults play less.
D. Adults laugh less than children, probably because they play less.
2. A. I think most English people will need for their jobs in the future.
B. I think most people will need English for their jobs in the future.
C. I think most people will need for their jobs in the future English.
D. I think most people will need for English their jobs in the future.
3. A. Hồ Gươm is a historical lake in the capital of Hanoi, the city center of Vietnam
B. Hồ Gươm in a lake in the historical center of city Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.
C. Hồ Gươm is a lake in the capital of Hanoi, the city historical center of Vietnam
D. Hồ Gươm is a lake in the historical center of Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam
4. A. When we roasted hot dogs, we went camping in the woods over a fire.
B. When we went camping in the hot woods, we roasted dogs over a fire
C. When we went camping in the woods, we roasted hot dogs over a fire
D. When we went camping in the woods over a fire, we roasted hot dogs
5. A. It is polite to give your elderly seat to an person on the bus.
P 32
B. It is polite to give your seat to an elderly person on the bus.
C. It is polite to give your seat on the bus to an person elderly.
D. It is polite to give an person elderly to your seat on the bus.
Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the one given
1. Their game of badminton is always on Thursday.
A. They always play badminton on Thursday.
B. They always play their game on Thursday.
C. They play badminton always on Thursday.
D. They have played badminton every Thursday.
2. My parents didn’t buy that house. They didn’t have enough money.
A. Because they didn’t have a lot of money, my parents bought that house.
B. My parents didn’t have enough money so they bought that house.
C. Because my parents didn’t have enough money, they didn’t buy that house.
D. My parents didn’t buy that house because they had a lot of money.
3. The school in my hometown was built in the 18th century.
A. They build the school long time ago in my hometown.
B. In my home, the school was not very old.
C. It took 200 years to build the school in my village.
D. The school in my hometown is over 200 years old.
4. It’s cold. You should take warm clothes.
A. You should take warm clothes when it’s cold.
B. You’d better take warm clothes because it’s cold.
C. It’s cold when you take warm clothes.
D. You’d better take warm clothes when it’s cold.
5. Why don’t we go to see a film tonight?
A. Why is the film not shown tonight?
B. We are not going to see a film tonight.
C. Let’s go to see a film tonight.
D. We don’t usually go to see a film at night.
6. My teacher said I shouldn’t say anything in the class.
A. My teacher advised me not to say anything in the class.
B. My teacher told me say anything in the class
C. My teacher didn’t let me anything in the class
D. My teacher allowed me say anything in the class.
7. Helmets must be worn it all times when you are riding a motorcycle.
A. When you are riding a motorcycle, wearing helmet is not a must.
B. You needn’t wear a helmet whenever you are riding a motorcycle.
C. If you are riding a motorcycle, you needn’t wear a helmet
D. You must never take off your helmet while you are riding a motorcycle
8. The grandfather made all the decisions in our house
A. It is the grandfather that made all the decisions in our house.
B. It was all the decisions that made by our grandfather in our house
C. It was the grandfather who made all the decisions in our house.
D. It is all the decisions that made by our grandfather in our house.
Circle the word in which the underlined part is pronounced differently GK
1.A. decision B. vision C. measure D. sure
2.A. ocean B. cinema C. musician D. delicious
3.A. hot B. cottage C. compose D. lot
4.A. chicken B. architect C. cheap D. chair
5. A. condition B. attention C. question D. addition
Complete the second sentence, using the words in brackets.
P 33
1. I think classical music is not as exciting as rock and roll. (more... than)
=> I think rock and roll ______________.
2. The poster in the gallery is the same as the one in my house. (different from)
=> The poster in the gallery ______________.
3. A ticket to the theatre is cheaper than I expected. (not as ... as)
=> A ticket to the theatre ______________.
4. The painting in the museum is not different from the painting in the gallery. (like)
=> The painting in the museum ______________.
1. Find the word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined.
1.A. treasure B. occasion C. television D. surely
2.A. kitchen B. charity C. machine D. sandwich
3.A. fragile B. photograph C. arranging D. vegetable
4.A. torch B. forget C. inform D. torn
5.A. control B. bottle C. volunteer D. concentrate
2. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences.
1. This painting is prettier, but it is not ______ the other one.
A. as expensive than B. expensive than C. as expensive as D. much expensive
2. Mozart was one of the most famous composers ______ classical music.
A. about B. of C. in D. for
3. We guess that there were ______ 10,000 people at the concert last night.
A. above B. like C. for D. about
4. "Would you like to have ______ apple juice?"
A. lots B. a lot C. some D. little
5. He bought ______ books and then left for home.
A. much more B. a few C. a lot D. a little
6. Viet Duc High School in Ha Noi is one of the oldest schools in Viet Nam. They _____ it in
A. built B. got C. made D. did
7. Last year, Linh participated in _____ funds for street children.
A. raising B. making C. gathering D. taking
8. The lemonade isn't very sweet. I'll add some more ______ .
A. salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon
9. People say that I am _____ my grandmother.
A. with B. as C. from D. like
10. -" ______ is a kilo of beef, please?" - "It's 300,000 dong."
A. How much B. How many C. What money D. How high
3. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition.
1. Many people think that breakfast is the most important meal _____ the day.
2. I'll wait for you ______ the entrance of the museum.
3. There were lots of black clouds ______ the sky before it rained.
4. We normally start lunch ______ about twelve o'clock ______ Sundays.
5. What Bill likes to do most ______ his spare time is playing the flute.
4.Find a mistake (A, B, C, or D) in each of the following sentences and correct it.
1. Although this motorbike is more expensive as that one, many people prefer to buy it.
2. Mai asked me: "How are you going to school every day?"
3. The English summer course will start in June 2nd and finish in August.
4. There was a lot of people trying to enter the stadium to see the football match.
P 34
5. The price of food is not as low than it was last summer.
5.Rewrite the sentences so that their meaning stays the same. The beginning of each
sentence is given.
1. The Louvre in Paris is the largest art museum in the world.
No other art museum in the world is as ___________________ .
2. I'd like to know the price of a kilo of pork.
I asked: "How ___________________?”
3. This film is not like the others: It is educational and informative.
This film is different ___________________.
4. Collecting and trying recipes from foreign countries is one of Jane's interests.
Jane is ___________________.
5. Because of the heavy rain, they didn't go camping yesterday.
Because it ___________________.

P 35

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