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Bahasa Inggris ( kelompok 1 )

Anggota :

1. Amelia
2. Aulia
3. Aditya
4. Fauzan

Simple present tense

 Simple Present Tense

1. Hendrik … football every Saturday with his friends

a. Playing
b. Plays
c. Played
d. Is

The answer : B. Plays

2. Mary and Anna sometimes … to the nearest cinema to watch their favorite movie
a. Go
b. Went
c. Goes
d. Has ben going

The answer : A. Go

 Introduction

1. Sisca : Can I know your name?

Rangga : Sure, …
a. My name is Rangga
b. His name is Rangga
c. What is your name?
d. Your name is Sisca

The answer : A. My name is Rangga

2. Lisa : Hello Randa, let me introduce you to Clara

Randa : Hi Clara, pleased to meet you!

The underlined sentence shows us the expression of …

a. Introducing herself
b. Introducing ourself
c. Introducing someone
d. Introducing oneself

The answer : C. Intoducing someone

 Greetings

Dear Andre,

When your name is called as the best

Student please step forward-for hight

Five! You are the best. Congratulation!

Uncle Jojo

1. From the text we know that Andre …

a. Gets a medal for the best student
b. Is the best student at school
c. Graduates from high school
d. Got five his test

The answer : A. Gets a medal for the best student

2. “ … please step forward … “

“ step forward” means …
a. Move back
b. Come to the front
c. One step to the left
d. Stand in line

The answer : B. Come to the front

 Word order

1. There will be … is thin town next two days

a. An essential five days convention
b. An essential five day convention
c. An essential-five days convention
d. Essential five days convetion

The answer : B. An essential five day convention

2. Those football matches will be … on television to night

a. Internationally broadcastings
b. Broadcasting international
c. Internationally broadcasted
d. Broadcasting international
The answer : C. Iternationally broadcasted

 5W1H

1. Choose the correct question word “ I can’t find my glassed … are they ? “
a. What
b. How
c. Where
d. When

The answer : C. Where

2. “ Why did they go there? “ means the same as “ what did they go there …? “
a. For
b. With
c. To
d. Are

The answer : A. For






Soal!!!!!!! is now 11.00pm. iriana …….. sleeping in her bedroom
a .is b. am c. were d. Were
2.I need an umbrella because it`s ……..right now
a. rain b. rains c. raining d. rained
3.Susan and Susana …….writing poems for an english subjeck.
a. is b. are c. am d. be
4.Please be quiet .I……trying to suncentrate.
a. am b. is c. were d .are
5.What ……you ……?
a. is-doing b. are-doing c. am-doing d. were-doing
6.I bought an (expensive) book at the mall.
a. adjective b. verb c. noun d. conjuction
7.On Sundays, I (swim) from six to eleven in the morning
a. adjective b. verb c. preposition d. adverb
8.After (taking) a bath, let`s go to the campus
a. adjective b. verb c. preposition d. adverb
9.She brought (her) old car to the garage .
a. pronoun b. verb c. preposition d. adverb
10.Don`t try to (approach) him when he is angry
a. adjective b. verb c. preposition d. adverb

Kelompok 3 semester 1 ( E ) :
- Alfi Aulia Zahra - M. Fahmi
- Nurul Aini - M. Zulha Latif
1). I ..... Studied for two hours ?
a) . have
b) . been
c) . has
d) . had
e) . live

2). We ..... Here cince yesterday ?

a) . has been
b) . have been
c) . had been
d) . has
e) . have

3). I have ….. music for is minuts, it’s very good ?

a) . listen
b) . listening
c) Listened
d) . listens
e) . watching

4). We have ……. This film since last night ?

a) . Wthching
b) . Watched
c) . Watches
d) . Watch
e) . wath

5). They have …. Me about this story ?

a) . tell
b) , told
c) . telling
d) . tells
e) . live

6). Mark …… the entire book

a) . is reading
b) . read
c) . has been reading
d) . has already read
e) . had been reading

7). Patrick …………. The material fot this next exam.

a) . is learning
b) . has yet to learn
c) . learned
d) . learns
e) . has been learning

8). Mark ……. To school with his friends.

a) . has already walloed
b) . was wallcing
c) . had wallching
d) . walloed
e) Wallching

9). Marie ….. in Dublim since 1980.

a) . is leaving
b) . left
c) . live
d) . lives
e) . has lived

10). Shane …… around the world with his best friends.

a) . has been traveling
b) . have travelling
c) . travels
d) . is travelling
e) . has traveled

Nama Anggota Kelompok 4 : -). Siti Nurhani

-). Dina Swastika

-). Hasbiya Al- qodri


1. Have for over two hours ?

a). Has she been waiting

b). does she’s has been waiting

c). not have you been attending

d). have you not been attending

2. why …………. Mandarin classes for the last three weeks?

a). not have you been attending

b). have you not been attending

c). have been staying up

d). has been staying up

3. I’m sleepy because I ……… all night.

a). have been staying up

b). has been staying up

c). not have you been attending

d). have you not been attending

4. my brother …………. About buying a used car from the deales. Do you think it’s good idea?

a). has beeeen thinking

b). have been thinking

c). not have you been attending

d). have you not been attending

5. Wawan : oh sorry, I forgot to tell you that to Ambon sines last wear

a). Am traveling

b). Was traveling

c). have to travel

d). have been traveling

6. All these years, Vita’s family

a). lived

b). has been living

c). had lived

d). was living

7. Tono : I think they are going to there for a white.

Neni : But we ………. In line for almost 30 minutes

a). are standing

b). have stood

c). have been standing

d). stand

8. several hotels in this city are closing down that’s because tourism it self ……….. since last wear

a). declined

b). has declined

c). have been declining

d). was declined

9. She has ………… her home work

a). Done

b). do

c). Doing

d). Does

10. She has been to much television lately

a). Watch

b). Watching

c). is watch

d). will watch

Kelompok 5

1. What is the meaning of simple present tanse?

a. Simple past tense is a sentence that is used to tell events in the past
B. Sentences used today's events
C. Sentences that occur over and over again
D sentence that is not fact

2. State the formula for the simple past tanse in positive form.
a. Subject+ tobe+(was/were)+not+complement be (was/were)+subject+complement
C. Subject + to be (was/were)+complement
D. Complem3nt + subject + to be

3. Choose the correct example of a simple past tanse sentence in the negative form.
a. I was a teacher
b. was intan happy to work
c.the nurse went to the hospital
d. She was not sick yesterday

4. What is the function of the simple past tanse?

a. Describe activities that were usually done in the past
B. Explain what happened
C. to explain something that can't be said, right?
D. It doesn't happen in the present
Answer (a)

5. What is the correct understanding of gremmer??

a. A plan or opinion given to someone
B. a clause that modifies a noun
C. is a sentence structure using the correct structure
D. The word relationship is known as devining

6. Relative clause is usually used?

A. Relative pronouns that or which that or who
B. Noun phare
C pronoun
D. relative pronoun
Answer (A)

7. What is meant by non-restrictive relative clause is.....

A. main sentence
B. Final sentence
C. Middle sentence
Answer (A)

8. What are some examples of sentences using defining clauses?

A. Alexander who was a.famous singer died of an accidenf
B. The girl who is talking there is a candidate of the winer in thid singinv competition
C. Lets go to a move
d. A plan or opinion given to someone

9. What is the meaning of suggestion in language?

A. suggestions, suggestions
B. clause
C. noun
D. understanding

10. What is the abbreviation of spok

A. Suggestion of motorcycle taxi presentation description
B. subject predicate object description
C. subject of darkness ospik rank
D. Subject opaque level of success?

Kelompok 6 : soal Inggris

- syifa lestari
- syafiqoh
- miftahussurur
1.We’re they..... English.
A. Cooking
B. Studying
C. Watching
D. Playing
E. Reading
Answer: B
2.this morning, yesterday, the rain.... Harder and harder.
A. Get
B. I get
C. Getting
D. Gettd
E. You get
Answer: C
3. My mother.... This fruit to farikha at eight o’clock last night.
A. Was giving
B. Were giving
C. They giving
D. Are giving
E. Have giving
Answer : A
4. My mother.... A bowl of rice when I bought a banana.
A. Were cooking
B. Have cooking
C. Haven’t cooking
D. Was cooking
E. They cook
Answer: D
5. Tamara.... A latter to this boyfriend at 7 o’clock yesterday.
A. We’re writing
B. This writing
C. To writing
D. Have writing
E. Was writing
Answer: E
6. Was she.... John at this time last week.
A. Knowing
B. Know
C. Knew
D. Have know
E. Don’t know
Answer : A
7. John... Me when you arrived.
A. Were calling
B. Was calling
C. Have calling
D. Don’t calling
E. Haven’t calling
Answer: B
8. I.... Al Qur’an when I met my teacher.
A. We’re reading
B. Was reading
C. They reading
D. Have reading
E. Give reading
Answer: A
9. This time last year, I.... In bali.
A. Was living
B. Have living
C. To living
D. Don’t living
E. We’re living
Answer: A
10. Was this store at 10 o’clock last night.
A. Eat
B. To eat
C. Eating
D. They eating
E. Have eat
Answer: C

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Kelompok 7

(Rustam Fajriana, Selpi, Sari Nurwidianti)

1. You had ............. english before you moved to New York

A. Study B. Studied C. Studying D. Student E. Study tour

2. I have ............. him

A. Saw B. See C. Seen D. Has Seen E. Seeing

3. You .............. done it

A. had not B. has not C. is not D. Was not E. have not

4. ................. we finished it?

A. Had B. Has C. have D. Was E. Are

5. They had ................. it?

A. eat B. eats C. eaten D. eating E. eat is

6. I eat organic food .................. stay healthy

A. so B. for C. because D. In order to E. if

7. The road is slippery .................... of spill of oil

A. due to B. as a result C. unless D. therefore E. so much

8. Paul is allergic to dust .................... he always wears mask

A. because B. in order to C. so D. Therefore E. but

9. You will not get many viewers or subscribers ................. you make an original content

A. unless B. because of C. because D. For that reason E. if

10. The Governor will pas by this road ...................... many polices standing

A. unless B. due to C. in order to D. Therefore E. because

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Kelompok 8 : 1. Muhammad Abu Amrin

2. Muhammad Luthfi
3. Vahid Rezafahlevi
4. Putri Sapia
5. Rihadatul Hasanah

1. Your teacher … proud if you win in the contest?

A. Will
B. Have to
C. Will be
D. Will not
E. Be
Answer : C. Will be

2. Will you … book in mosque tomorrow?

A. Write
B. is Writing
C. Wrote
D. Written
E. Writing
Answer : A. Write

Dede : Kiki, stop right now?

Kiki : What?
Dede : Did you steal my handphone?
Kiki : No, I do not do that!
Dede : Seriously? But everybody in the class say that must be you! It was your fault Kiki!
Kiki : What? I never do that! Seriously! You’re such as a liar!! I hate you!
Dede : Huh! How could you run away from all this, and pretended not to know!
Kiki : You do not talk nonsense, prove it Dede!!
Dede : Huh! Sure I will.

3. The above dialog that shows accusing is the word…

A. Did you steal my phone?
B. I do not
C. Stop right now
D. Sure I will
E. I never do that
Answer : A. Did you steal my phone?

Look at the text below! For no. 4-8

How to make a Cheese Omelet

1 egg, 50 g cheese, 1 cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese-grater, bowl, and plate.
• Crack the egg into a bowl
• Whisk the egg with a fork until it’s smooth
• Add milk and whisk well
• Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
• Heat the oil in frying pan
• Turn the omelet with spatula and cook both sides
• Place on a plate, season with salt and pepper

4. The text above belongs to……

A. narrative
B. Procedure
C. news item
D. Spoof
E. recount
Answer : B. Procedure
5. The text tells us about……
A. how long to make any kind of food
B. ingredients of making omelet
C. utensils of making omelet
D. methods of making omelet
E. how to eat a cheese omelet
Answer : D. Methods of making omelet
6. The followings are methods of making a cheese omelet, except…..
A. cracking the egg
B. whisking the egg
C. adding milk
D. cheese-grater
E. heating the oil
Answer : D. Cheese-grater
7. How much cheese do we need to make a cheese omelet?
A. one gram
B. three grams
C. five grams
D. fifteen
E. fifty grams
Answer : E. Fifty grams
8. ……is a tool with a flat flexible blade used for mixing and spreading.
A. Pan
B. Fork
C. Spatula
D. Plate
E. Cheese-grater
Answer : C. Spatula

9. You … help him later

A. Will
B. is
C. am
D. are
E. was
Answer : A. Will
10. I promise … help.
A. Will not
B. Are not
C. I will
D. Are
E. Is
Answer : C. I will
Nama Kelompok 9:
 Najib Rifqi Abil
 Kurnia Adi Paramita
 Nazha Maulida

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris:

1. She … (work) on her thesis for a whole day when the clock strikers 9 latter.
a. Has been worked
b. Has work
c. Has been working
d. Will have been working
2. My aunt … (not, stay) inmy house for a month by next Friday. She will have been
staying here for a month and a half.
a. Will not have been staying
b. Will not be staying
c. Will not has been staying
d. Will not have stayed
3. I … for 5 hourse by the time you come to my home.
a. Will had been sleeping
b. Will had been sleep
c. Will have be sleeping
d. Will have been sleeping
4. The cuty of venice … on water.
a. Was built
b. Has built
c. That built
d. Built
5. She is excited about her new role as the leader of the growp and looking forward to …
more responsibilities.
a. Take on
b. Taking on
c. Take after
d. Get on
6. Pilihlah 1 kata yang penggunaannya salah diantara 4 kata pada kalimat ini.
a. Nether my sister
b. Not my friends
c. Wants to go there
d. With me
7. Jojo promised that he … you a gift.
a. Would gift
b. Will give
c. Would be giving
d. Will be giving
8. She … the class tomorrow at 8 a.m.
a. Will attend
b. Would attend
c. Will be attending
d. Would be attending
9. … she join the competition next mount?
a. Will
b. Sholl
c. Can
d. Must
10. He … at the dorm for the last couple of years.
a. Will stay
b. Will be stay
c. Will have stayed
d. Will have been staying

Kata kunci:
1. D 6. C
2. A 7. A
3. C 8. C
4. B 9. A
5. A 10. D

1. Karena rumus dari bentuk positif yaitu: S + Will + Have been + Verb-Ing.
2. Karena rumus dari bentuk negatif yaitu: S + Will + Not + Have been + Verb-Ing.
3. Karena rumus dari bentuk positif yaitu: S + Will + Have been + Verb-Ing.
4. Kalimat ini merupakan pasive voice dalam bentuk simple past tense karena terjadi
pada masa lampau.
5. Take on, merupakan pasangan pharsal verb yang sesuai dengan arti menerima
tanggung jawab.
6. Pada kalimat “Wants” agar menjadi benar hal ini sesuai dengan subjeck verb
agreement dalam penggunaan neither-nor jika salah satu subjeck dihubungkan oleh
neither-nor bersifat plural.

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