Img - 03/24/2023 - No Bills Due For The Original Indigenous Moorish Americans

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Ea i S = empire estate of morocco united states for morocco moorish national republic federal governments squam pomack province ‘> ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ >» moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / all adjoi ‘& ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ the true and de jure natural peoples — heirs of the land ‘& ~ i. self. law. am. master. ~ [March 22, 2023] C.C.Y. 1443 mc. for the record, to be read into the record, notice to agent is notice to principle, - notice to principle is notice to agent. to all @.S. CORPORATIONS at north america, morocco [to all U.S. CORPORATIONS at north america, morocco of the far west] no bills due for the original indigenous moorish americans! corporate debtor #1 [Amanda Hiller, d/b/a AMANDA HILLER, ACTING TAX COMMISSIONER AND GENERAL COUNCEL, of the NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE, CED — CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, W A HARRIMAN CAMPUS, ALBANY, N.Y. 12227-5350), and all heirs, assigns, principals, agents, and derivatives thereof. in reference to both NEW YORK CASE, IDENTIFIER: [BP95245W1), and all heirs, assigns, principals, agents, and derivatives thereof and on record at: [YONKERS FAMILY COURT, 131 WARBURTON AVENUE, 3"° FLOOR, YONKERS, N.Y. 10701]. email: corporate debtor #2 [NYS Child Support Processing Center, P.O. 15363, Albany, New York 12212-5363, d/b/a NEW YORK STATE CHILD SUPPORT PROCESSING CENTER, P.O. BOX 15363, ALBANY, NEW YORK 12212- 5363], and all heirs, assigns, principals, agents, and derivatives thereof in reference to both NEW YORK CASE IDENTIFIER: [BP95245W1), and all heirs, assigns, principals, agents, and derivatives thereof and on record at: [YONKERS FAMILY COURT, 131 WARBURTON AVENUE, 3° FLOOR, YONKERS, N.Y. 10701]. email: all rise and stand; this is a sovereign living ancient article iii, moorish american court action. i, al malik ben bey, ‘am the sovereign living justice, the creditor, and the living transmitting utility, in capitis diminutio nolo, red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes. we (moors) are the original indigenous sovereign ancient allodial moorish american/al moroccan nationals. the (moors) inclusive of all aboriginal indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural american people that are the rightful bearers of the moorish titles: el, bey, dey, al, and ali, ete., are not citizen / subjects of the UNITED STATES BANKRUPT FORIEGN CORPORATION. so therefore, all bills are (fraudulent instruments) that are mailed and addressed to the present Payor/ Obligor: AL MALIK BEN BEY, and the former Payor/Obligor: BERLIN ALLEN SMITHSON, are issued from the corporate debtor #1: NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE, CED — CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT; and the corporate debtor #2: NEW YORK STATE CHILD SUPPORT PROCESSING CENTER, are fraudulent and criminal, and have no lawful claim whatsoever. “all debts imposed upon the sovereign living justice: al malik ben bey, and all other original indigenous moorish american national people, are a fraudulent, invalid claim against the original indigenous american people”. our full faith and trust, our allegiance, our credit, and our energy are hereby vested in ourselves, for we are the people who are the original indigenous natural divine de jure moorish national republic federal government. all moorish american / al moroccan nationals, are the executors, administrators, creditors, claimants, fiduciaries, and beneficiaries of our own estate. al malik ben bey, and all other aboriginal indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural american people that are the rightful bearers of the moorish titles: el, bey, dey, al, and ali, ete., and are exercising all of our rights at this time, and at all points in time, as one sovereign nation on our own land, nune pro tune. 1 men-a025 all debtor US. CORPORATIONS, affidavit no bls are due for orignal indigenous moori cviginal and indigenous peoples” documents northwest amexem / northwest affica / north america ‘the north gt’ - the moroccan empie ‘continental untod states "temple ofthe moon and sun’ / ture island’ no - domestic, noe resident, non ~ subject. ‘moors mus = being the rightful heirs and primogentare Birthright = inheritors ofthe Ian all non-article iii bankrupt U.S. colorable courts, colorable laws, policies, codes, rules, regulations, mandates, including the Title IV-D of the Social Security Act / Child Support Judgements, are deemed unconstitutional, and have no lawful subject matter jurisdiction, and lacks lawful authority and lawful personal jurisdiction over the sovereign living justice, (moorish american: al malik ben bey, and all other aboriginal indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural american people that are the rightful bearers of the moorish titles: el, bey, dey, al, and ali, ete. the (constitutional supreme law of the land) is the (common law), so therefore, as a sovereign of the moorish empire, i, al malik bey bey, hereby commanded the YONKERS FAMILY COURT, and all heirs, assigns, principals, agents, and derivatives thereof, to dismiss all un-constitutional sanctions, claims, obligations, arrears, or other warrants, or charges made or issued which are devoid of true identity personages and my willful contractual consent. my lawful command was ignored! the YONKERS FAMILY COURT and all concerned agent(s) have conspired against me and denied me of “due process and trial by jury” of my own moorish american national peers; and are obviously absent of a verified and lawful decision that are to be sanetioned by an assembled lawful grand jury. i, al malik ben bey, was forced into Child Support obligations against my own free will and signed consent to be obligated. my constitutional secured rights, human rights, safeguards and provisions that are established by the constitutional republic (supreme law of the land), with proper lawful subject matter jurisdiction, personam jurisdiction and -venue confirmed and in place, were denied to me by the agents of the YONKERS FAMILY COURT... and in addition, in any ruling in reference to the present Child Support Obligation and arrears [BP9S245W1], that were ‘ordered and issued by the YONKERS FAMILY COURT, and all involved heirs, assigns, principals and agents that conspired against me in violation of due process of law, under the fifth, sixth, or seventh amendments, is also a void judgment. “void judgments can be attacked or vacated at any time and there is no statute of limitation.” See: Long v. Shorebank Development Corp., 182 F.3d 548 (C.A. 7. 1999). as of August 6, 2018, at 10:42 a.m. and 4:06 p.m.; the moorish american consulate and the moorish national republic federal government, placed an affidavit of commercial and land lien on the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] and the United States Treasury in the sum amount of one-hundred million ‘$10,000,000 in gold and silver backed lawful tender for each and all moors, inclusive of all other aboriginal indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural american people that are the rightful bearers of the moorish american titles: al, el, bey, dey, and ali, ete., here at north america, the said lien was filed pursuant to the United Nations American Mandate for the Land (1948 — previously held in Trusteeship), the currently active Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836 (Treaty of Amity and Commerce 1786), and the constitution for the united states of america (republic). proof of service is provided below. your bankrupt CORPORATION shall cease all payments to the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY} and places all current and future payments that would have been made to the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] on the accounts held by your corporation of all moorish american al moroccan tionals at north america. the services that you provide to the moorish american /al moroccan nationalls, here at north america are without charge to the moorish american / al moroccan nationals for as long as you are conducting commerce here on our land. the services that your corporation provides to the moorish american nationals to include the above-mentioned moorish american al morocean national: al malik ben bey, will begin immediately, restart immediately, or continue at the highest level or service that you provide from this day forward. this birthright benefit is unalienable, inalienable and is not transferrable. each moorish american / al moroccan national must present proof of moorish american nationality by providing you with a copy of their moorish american nationality identification card with photo and you shall honor it. all contracts on earth with the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY | or any derivatives thereof, are ceased as of the date of adjournment sine die of their Congress on March 27, 1861, as they are in severe repeated breach of contract to the moorish american nationals who are the ancient aboriginal indigenous heirs to all of the Land and its resources. failure to honor my commands and your obligations to the moorish american /al moroccan nationals, will result in lawful redress. the following is proof of service to the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] of the lien placed on the said CORPORATION by the moorish american consulate and the moorish national republic federal government which was confirmed delivered to [Washington District Of Columbia, Mayor Muriel Bowser], and to [The Recorder of Deeds, Washington District of Columbia], and [The Office of Tax and Revenue Washington District of Columbia] as follows see tracking number 9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 22 - Confirmed delivery August 6, 2018, Individual picked up at Postal Facility at 10:42 AM 2 mco-a025 ail debtor US. CORPORATIONS, affidavit no bli are dv for ‘original indigenous moorsh american nationals ‘orginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / norhwest aca /north america ‘the noth gate - the moroccan emp — ‘continental united tts "temple of the moon and sun / ture island’: non - domestic, non - resident. non ~ subject. ‘moors / mau - Being the ihtfil heirs and primogeniture birthright inheritors ofthe land 9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 46 - Confirmed delivery August 6, 2018, Individual picked up at Postal Facility at 10:42 AM 9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 39 — Confirmed delivery to, and left with an Individual 4:06 PM, on August 6, 2018 the address at the bankrupt UNITED STATES SERVICE COPRORATIION has been liened $100,000,000 / one-hundred million, in lawful currency, per moorish american national, by the moorish national republic federal government, and the moorish american consulate, of which iam a sovereign living justice. wherefore, i, al malik ben bey, am the sovereign living justice, the ereditor and the living transmitting utility, in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes, and all moorish american nationals, being, part and parcel” named herein, and by birthright, primogeniture, and inheritance, make a lawful entry of affidavit and public notification of lawful claim and declaration to be published for the public record in the U.S. CORPORATION’s Public Records: Scribd, and anywhere we deem it necessary or so choose. we, the moorish american / al moroccan nationals at north america / northwest amexem / morocco of the far west, are the true executors, ministers, creditors, claimants, trustees and beneficiaries of all land, all natural resources, and all commerce. in honor; i, al malik ben bey, the sovereign living justice, in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes, and we the divine sovereign beings affirm that we are the true sovereign natural and divine beings herein proclaimed in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes, and affirmed by lawful birthright being lawfully and universally qualified and competent to affirm this document. i will therefore place my sovereign hand and seal hereto and in favor of all moorish american / al moroccan nationals. day month: March + year: [2023] C.C: soum Ol Mualikbonbay all justices / vizirs / consuls / ministers in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes, will exercise all sovereign rights atall times. all sovereign original indigenous moorish american / al moroccan national autographs for this, and all other sovereign united states of morocco government documents are on the public record at the empire state of morocco / north america. empire state of morocco united states for morocco moorish national republic federal government squam pomack province al malik ben bey ©AA222141 c/o: 30 South Broadway, Suite 810 - Box 16 Near, {Corporate YONKERS, New York] land of nod, northwest amexem, morocco ‘universal natural area code: 817131 psmxr3 latitude longitude 40,932760, +73.898500 nothing inthis lawful affidavit, nor our spoken affidavits, nor our silent affidavits, shall be interpreted or construed as ‘consent to any jurisdiction that is not in the jurisdiction of our ancient ancestral inherited estate at any point so mote it be! 3 mcn-2025 all debtor U.S. CORPORATIONS, a davit—no bills are due fr ‘original indigenous moorsh american nationals original and indigenous peoples’ document: northwest amexem northwest fica / noch america ‘the not gate’ - the moroccan empie- ‘contnenal united states, “temple ofthe moon and sun / ture island’ non = domestic non resident. no subject. ‘oor / mau being the rightful his and pemogeitre birthright ~ inheritors ofthe land

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