Entrepreneurship Business Statement

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Concept Statement Outline Worksheet

Directions: The sections are components of a concept statement. Your group will write some notes
for each section. Do your best to complete it, but if you don’t know something or are not sure what
your answer might be, write down some notes. This outline is going to be your tool to construct your
concept statement and begin writing a business plan. If you need more room, use the back of the

Description of the product…

Our app is designed to help users improve their emotional well-being, become
more mindful, and address common mental health issues. Our app allow users to
access online talk therapy with psychologists’ care. Also it is affordable, user-
friendly, and well-designed with easy access on Android and IOS devices.
Description of the market need…

Good Mental health is equally important as the health of our other body parts but
our society don’t put much importance to our poor mental health and by which the
consequences of mental illness for the individual and society are staggering. So
there is a great need of mental therapy in our society.
Description of the resources you will need to create your product…

On top of the list we will need a software engineer who will design our apps and
secondly we will hire a professional psychologists who will provide services virtually.
Last but not least the investment for the labor and material.

What resources are currently available?

Currently we have just our idea and a team of five members who will work hard on
the idea to create the finished product.

What do you think the risks are?

 The app might not be able to provide proper diagnosis as in clinic

appointments and on call appointments differ.
 Doctors might not be able to treat the patients properly as they can’t predict
symptoms through body language.
 Breaching of the privacy of patients.
 Poor server connection can cause hurdles.
 Severity of patient’s condition and situation going out of hand can put the
creators in serious trouble.
What do you think your profit could be?

 If app get recognized once by proper marketing it can earn revenues on

large scale App would be recognized globally as it is easily accessible.
 Employment and ease of doing jobs.
 Building better communities and getting recognized.

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