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Assignment 1: Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics.

Arlinn Dodds
Submission Date: Wed 19/1/22 & Thu 20/1/22


Q1. Label the diagram below



Endoplasmic reticulum

Cell membrane


What type of cell is shown above?

Animal cell

Describe the key differences between plant and animal cells.

Cell wall in plants. Cell membrane in animals. Chloroplast in plant cells but not in
animal cells.
Assignment 1: Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics. Arlinn Dodds
Submission Date: Wed 19/1/22 & Thu 20/1/22

Q2. Complete the missing information in this table.

Name the Organelle Structure Function

Lysosome Single membrane Engulf and dissolve

foreign or dead
Enzymes inside components in the cell

Mitocondria 2 membranes, one Produces ATP

surrounding an inner
wrinkled layer

Golgi apparatus Many layers of Processes and deposits

membrane structures proteins and lipids.
called cisternae.

Cis face receives


Trans face releases

Assignment 1: Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics. Arlinn Dodds
Submission Date: Wed 19/1/22 & Thu 20/1/22

Q3. Name the organelle in the electron micrograph below.

Organelle: Nucleus

Complete the table below to identify the labels.

Label Structure name

A Nuclear pore

B Chromatin

C Nucleoplasm

D Nucleolus

State the function of this organelle.

Housing DNA. Processing DNA into RNA.

Q4. Some mucus-secreting cells were immersed in a solution of radioactive amino

acids. Every 5 seconds, some of the cells were removed and their organelles were
Assignment 1: Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics. Arlinn Dodds
Submission Date: Wed 19/1/22 & Thu 20/1/22

separated and analysed. The radioactivity in the different organelles was measured
for each 5 second interval.

When answering the first 2 questions below, use organelles from this list: Golgi
apparatus, ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, vesicles.

In which of the organelles would you expect radioactivity to appear first? Explain
your answer.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum. This is because, it processes items that enter the cell.

After 5 minutes, the Golgi apparatus had become radioactive. Which other
organelle(s) would be radioactive by this time?

Ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum.

The researchers were particularly interested in the cells’ vesicles. What is the
function of vesicles?

Transporting things around the cell

Q5. Compare and contrast the structure and function of rough and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum appears rough due to the ribosomes attached to it,
and its purpose is to aid in synthesis as the ribosomes attached to it make which are
specifically made for the Endoplasmic Reticulum to process.

While the smooth endoplasmic reticulum has no ribosomes attached and its purpose
is synthesise lipids and steroid hormones, as well as detoxification from drugs in the

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