Trading Mind Decoder PDF

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Michael Lamothe
9 Questions to Help You Unlock Your Potential
Michael Lamothe

We've compiled NINE questions that will help you

DECODE your mental framework around trading.

As you work through these questions, you’ll become more

and more familiar with your belief systems and how your
mind has been programmed. The more you understand
this programming, the better positioned you’ll be able to
re-write the mental code to better serve you.

None of these take much time, but each of them can make
a dramatic difference in the trajectory of your trading
journey. Take this seriously and give it your best effort.

Decode your mind and begin your journey toward trading


- Michael Lamothe
9 Questions to Help You Unlock Your Potential
Michael Lamothe

1. Why are you trading?

What are you hoping to achieve? What are your end goals?

2. Is trading fun for you?

Why or why not? On a fun scale of 1-10, how would you rate it?

3. Why is the goal(s) you listed in question 1

important to you?
To that answer, ask, "why is that important." Repeat this process seven times
9 Questions to Help You Unlock Your Potential
Michael Lamothe

4. What are your

beliefs about
5. Next to each belief, write
where it came from.
trading? Examples: Cousin Bob, Professor Pete,
@JoeSchmo on IG... Be as specific as you
You literally have hundreds.
List as many as you can
think of. Number them.

6. In what ways has each belief served you in the

What has it gotten you into? What has it gotten you out of?
9 Questions to Help You Unlock Your Potential
Michael Lamothe

7. For each belief, answer, "Is this belief

presently helping you get closer to the goals
you listed in question 1?"

8. List out the beliefs you identified that ARE

NOT helping you get closer to your goals.
For each, answer "Can you let this belief go?"

9. If you cannot let go of this belief, why not?

What other beliefs is this belief linked to?
If so, your next step is to
develop a Mindset Of Steel that
will allow you to trade with
absolute confidence while
kissing fear, doubt, and
hesitation goodbye!

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