4 Expert Witnesses

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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1 
THE RULES GOVERNING EXPERTS .................................................................................... 1 
EXPERT REPORTS ............................................................................................................... 2 
1.  Expert Reports Under the Federal Rules ............................................................ 2 
2.  Expert Reports Under the Texas Rules ............................................................... 3 
3.  Heightened Statutory Requirements Under Texas Law .................................... 4 
EXPERTS AND DISCOVERY ................................................................................................. 5 
1.  Written Discovery .................................................................................................. 5 
2.  Depositions .............................................................................................................. 7 
CHALLENGING EXPERTS .................................................................................................... 8 
OVERVIEW OF THE DAUBERT TEST ................................................................................... 9 
OVERVIEW OF THE ROBINSON TEST .................................................................................. 9 
1.  Mack Trucks v. Tamez .......................................................................................... 11 
2.  Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. v. Mendez .................................................................. 11 
PRACTICE POINTERS ........................................................................................................ 15 
1.  Presenting and Defending Experts ..................................................................... 15 
2.  Excluding or Cross Examining Experts............................................................. 18 
APPENDIX ___—CASE SUMMARIES ................................................................................. 22 

INTRODUCTION If scientific, technical, or other

specialized knowledge will assist
The value of an expert witness in the trier of fact to understand the
today’s litigation cannot be seriously evidence or to determine a fact in
disputed. Indeed, expert testimony is a issue, a witness qualified as an
critical part of any case. There is little expert by knowledge, skill,
wonder, then, that Texas appellate courts experience, training, or education,
have focused on experts more than almost may testify thereto in the form of
any other subject in recent years. This an opinion or otherwise, if (1) the
article is intended to give practitioners an testimony is based upon sufficient
overview of the rules governing expert facts or data, (2) the testimony is
witnesses, discovery issues involving the product of reliable principles
experts, and law related to challenging and methods, and (3) the witness
experts and their opinions. has applied the principles and
methods reliably to the facts of the

In federal court, expert testimony is Under the federal rules, a testifying

governed by Federal Rules of Evidence 702 expert is any witness a party may use at trial
through 706. Rule 702—Testimony of to present evidence under Federal Rule of
Experts—provides: Evidence 702, 703, or 705. The Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure make a distinction
between experts retained or specially

employed to provide expert testimony in the purpose of expert reports is to afford fair
case—or one whose duties as the party’s notice of a retained experts’ expected
employee regularly involve giving expert testimony. This section addresses what
testimony—and other experts.1 should be included in expert reports under
the federal rules, the general Texas rules,
In state court, expert witnesses are and as statutorily mandated for medical
governed by rules 702 through 706 of the malpractice and other health care claims.
Texas Rules of Evidence, which generally
follow, but do not mirror, their federal 1. Expert Reports Under the Federal
counterparts. Rule 702 provides: Rules

If scientific, technical, or other In federal court an expert report must be

specialized knowledge will assist submitted for every retained testifying
the trier of fact to understand the expert witness. The disclosure of each
evidence or to determine a fact in expert witness must be accompanied by a
issue, a witness qualified as an written report prepared and signed by the
expert by knowledge, skill, witness. The deadline for the disclosure of
experience, training or education expert witnesses and production of reports
may testify thereto in the form of is usually set forth in the court’s scheduling
an opinion or otherwise. order. In the event the date is not set by
court order or the parties’ stipulation, the
State rules define an expert as a initial expert disclosure must be made at
“person with knowledge of relevant facts” least 90 days before the date set for trial.5
only if that knowledge was obtained first-
hand or if it was not obtained in preparation The report must contain a complete
for trial or in anticipation of litigation.2 statement of all opinions to be expressed by
Further, under state rules, a testifying expert the expert and the basis and reasons
is an expert who may be called to testify as therefore.6 The purpose of this requirement
an expert witness at trial.3 The Texas rules is to “avoid the disclosure of sketchy and
make a further differentiation between vague expert information.”7 A simple
experts retained by, employed by, or preliminary opinion is insufficient to satisfy
otherwise subject to the control of the the requirements of the federal rules.8
responding party and other experts.4

FRCP 26(a)(2)(C)(i); see, c.f., Sherrod v. Lingle,
223 F.3d 605, 612–13 ( 7th Cir. 2000) (court order
Both the federal and Texas rules contain setting deadline for “all discovery” included deadline
provisions regarding expert reports. The for disclosure of expert reports).
FRCP 26(a)(2)(B)(i).
Sierra Club v. Cedar Point Oil Co., 73 F.3d 546,
FED. R. CIV. P. 26(a)(2)(B). 549 (5th Cir. 1996).
2 8
TEX. R. CIV. P 192.3(c). See, e.g., Space Maker Designs, Inc. v. Weldon F.
TEX. R. CIV 192.7(c). Stump & Co., Inc., 2003 WL 21805274 (N.D. Tex.
TEX. R. CIV. P. 194.2(f). At least on Texas state 2003) (noting that the rules require a complete
court has ruled that it is permissible for a party to statement of all the views to be expressed by the
cross designate as its expert the expert designated by expert, and a short two page report listing questions
the opposing party. Hooper v. Chittlaluru, 222 the expert would need to address in order to reach
S.W.3d 103 (Tex. App.—Houston[14th Dist.] 2006, specific conclusions with no factual predicates falls
pet. denied). short of that standard).

In addition to a complete statement of 2. Expert Reports Under the Texas

opinions, the report must disclose the data Rules
or other information considered by the
witness in forming her opinions.9 This Unlike the federal rules, the Texas rules
requirement includes all materials furnished do not require a party to automatically
to the expert to be used in forming her produce an expert report upon disclosing a
opinion, regardless of whether or not the testifying expert. Nevertheless, upon request
expert ultimately relied on all of the the other party is entitled to copies of
materials to form the opinion.10 reports prepared by or for the expert in
anticipation of the expert’s testimony.12
The report must also contain the
qualifications of the expert witness, The requirements for an expert report
including a list of all publications authored under state rules are less exacting than
by the witness within the preceding ten under the federal rules. Upon a party’s
years; the compensation to be paid for the request for disclosure, or a court’s pre-trial
study and testimony; and a listing of any order, the party producing the expert should
other cases in which the witness has disclose the following:
testified as an expert at trial or by deposition  the expert’s name, address, and
within the preceding four years.11 The list of telephone number;
cases should include enough information so  the subject matter on which the expert
that the opposing party may identify and will testify;
locate each case, such as the case name and  the general substance of the expert's
number and the court, county (or district), mental impressions and opinions and a
and state where the case was filed. Simple brief summary of the basis for them,
identification of these cases is sufficient;  all documents, tangible things, reports,
there is no requirement to produce copies of models, or data compilations that have
earlier reports or transcripts of the expert’s been provided to, reviewed by, or
previous testimony. prepared by or for the expert in
anticipation of the expert's testimony;
Practice Point: Advise your expert to and
heavily substantiate his or her report. The  the expert’s current resume and
report should show that the expert bibliography;
considered both the good and bad facts. If
some data has been excluded, explain why One of the main differences between the
the data is not needed or is inaccurate. Use two rules is that the Texas rule only requires
phrases that emphasize that the the lawyer to give the general substance of
methodology is generally accepted by the the expert’s opinions and a brief summary
scientific community. For example, an for the basis of those opinions. The primary
expert may say, “This method is routinely goal of the expert report is to fully disclose
used by scientists in this field,” then cite the substance of and basis for the expert’s
examples in peer reviewed literature. mental impressions.13 There is no
requirement for a comprehensive report
written by the expert.
FRCP 26(a)(2)(B)(ii).
10 12
See In re Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, 238 F.3d 1370, TRCP 192.3(e)(6).
1375 (Fed. Cir. 2001). Mauzey v. Sutliff, 125 S.W.3d 71, 84 (Tex. App. –
FRCP 26(a)(2)(B)(iv-vi). Austin 2003, pet. denied).

optometrists, chiropractors and assisted

3. Heightened Statutory living facilities.20
Requirements Under Texas Law
Despite the generally more relaxed A plaintiff in a medical malpractice case
requirements regarding expert reports under must serve an expert report on each party
the Texas rules, attorneys should be aware within 120 days of filing the petition.21 The
that several causes of actions have report must provide a fair summary of the
statutorily enhanced expert disclosure expert’s opinions regarding (1) applicable
requirements. standards of care; (2) the manner in which
the care rendered by the physician or health
For instance, a plaintiff must produce an care provider failed to meet the standards;
expert report in any lawsuit filed against a and (3) how the failure to meet that
licensed architect, registered professional appropriate standard caused the injury, harm
surveyor, licensed professional engineer, or or damages claims.22 In addition to the
any firm in which such a licensed report, the plaintiff must produce the
professional practices.14 In such cases, curriculum vitae of each expert.23
attorneys should take special note that the
petition (whether a lawsuit or arbitration Not only must the report disclose the
complaint) must be filed with an affidavit opinion’s substance, the report must also
by an expert witness holding the same demonstrate that the expert is qualified to
license and practicing in the same area of render the opinion. For instance, in order to
practice as the defendant.15 The affidavit provide an expert opinion in a claim against
“shall set forth specifically at least one a doctor, the testifying expert must both be
negligent act, error, or omission claimed to practicing medicine at the time of the
exist for each such claim.”16 Failure to file testimony as well as at the time the claim
the affidavit with the complaint will result arose.24 Additionally, the report should
in the claim’s dismissal.17 Whether that show that the expert has training in the
dismissal is with or without prejudice is left “area of medical practice relevant to the
to the trial court’s discretion.18 claim.”25 Similar limitations on who is
qualified to provide an expert report apply
Most importantly, medical malpractice to health care liability claims against non-
cases and other health care liability claims doctors.26 Of course, these requirements are
have strict requirements and deadlines for further subject to the threshold constraints
expert reports.19 Health care liability claims expressed in Texas Rule of Evidence 702.
include such disparate causes of action as
claims against hospitals based upon how
their doctors are credentialed, as well as
suits against ambulance services, See George C. Hanks, Jr. & Rachel Polinger-
Hyman, Redefining the Battlefield: Expert Reports in
Medical Malpractice Litigation After HB 4, 67 Texas
Bar Journal 936, 938 (December 2004).
Id. at § 74.351(a).
14 22
TEX. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE ANN. § 150.001(1) Id. at § 74.351(r)(6).
& 150.002(a). Id. at § 74.351(a).
15 24
Id. at § 150.002(a). See TEX. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE ANN. §
Id. 74.401(a) (incorporated by reference in § 74.351).
17 25
Id. Id. at 74.401(c).
18 26
Id. See TEX. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE ANN. § 74.402
See Tex. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE ANN. § 74.351. (also incorporated by reference in § 74.351).

Should the plaintiff fail to file and serve not to be conclusory.32 If a court
the expert report within 120 days, the trial determines that a report fails to satisfy the
court “shall” enter an order dismissing the objective good faith standard, the court has
claim with prejudice and awarding the discretion to grant one curative 30-day
attorney’s fees and costs to the defendant.27 extension.33
This deadline has been strictly enforced by
Texas courts.28 Once served, a defendant EXPERTS AND DISCOVERY34
has 21 days to object to the substance of the
report.29 1. Written Discovery

Courts employ an “objective good faith” Although a party must identify the
standard to determine the adequacy of an names and addresses of its testifying
expert report. A trial court “shall grant” a experts, under federal rules, facts known or
motion to dismiss “only if it appears . . . that opinions held by a consulting expert are not
the report does not represent an objective discoverable by interrogatory or deposition,
good faith effort to comply with the absent exceptional circumstances.35
definition of an expert report . . ..”30 Exceptional circumstances are situations in
which it is impracticable for the party to
The central inquiry under this standard obtain facts or opinion on the same subject
asks whether the report addresses the by other means. In those instances, a party
appropriate standard of care, the breach may obtain discovery of and from a
thereof, and the causation of the plaintiff’s consulting expert.36 For instance, “[c]ases
injuries “with sufficient specificity to allowing discovery often involve
inform the defendant of the conduct the information about since-destroyed materials
plaintiff has called into question and to or situations in which the expert might also
provide a basis for the trial court to be viewed as a fact witness regarding
conclude that the claims have merit.”31 The matters at issue.”37
report must be sufficiently reasoned so as

See, e.g., Bowie Mem. Hosp v. Wright, 79 S.W.3d
Id. at § 74.351(b). 48, 52 (Tex. 2002) (“the expert must explain the
See, e.g., Smith v. Hamilton, 2007 WL 1793754 basis of his statements to link his conclusions to the
(Tex.App.—Beaumont June 21, 2007, no pet. hist.) facts.”).
(despite the fact that the plaintiff filed the expert Id. at § 74.351(c). But see In re Miguel Samonte,
report within 120 days, and despite the fact that the Jr., 163 S.W.3d 229, 238 (Tex. App. – El Paso 2005,
defendant had not yet answered the suit by the time orig. proceeding) (“Where a report totally omits one
the 120 days expired, the court dismissed the claim of the three required elements, the trial court has a
because the defendant had not yet been served with ministerial duty to dismiss the lawsuit with prejudice
the expert report!). and has no discretion to do otherwise.”) (emphasis
Id. at § 74.351(1) See, e.g., Smith, 2007 WL added).
1793754 (noting that the 21 day deadline is to object This Section is drawn largely from LOEWINSOHN
to sufficiency of the report; the defendant has no & FARQUHAR, EXPERTS—AN OVERVIEW, 22ND
obligation to object to the failure to serve the report); ANNUAL ADVANCED EVIDENCE AND DISCOVERY
Poland v. Grigore, 249 S.W.3d 607 (Tex. App.— COURSE, STATE BAR OF TEXAS (April 16–17, 2009).
Houston [1st Dist.] 2008,) affirmed by Poland v. Ott, FED. R. CIV. P. 26(b)(4)(B).
278 S.W.3d 39 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] FED. R. CIV. P. 26(b)(4)(ii).
2008, pet. denided) (same). C. WRIGHT, A. MILLER & R. MARCUS, FEDERAL
Id. at § 74.351(1) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE § 2032, p. 453 (2d ed.
American Transitional Care Ctrs. of Tex., Inc. v. 1994); see also In re Terra Int’l, Inc., 134 F.3d 302,
Palacios, 46 S.W.3d 873, 875 (Tex. 2001). 304 (5th Cir. 1998) (orig. proceeding).

consulting only experts.40 The “consulting

Unlike the state rules, however, an expert privilege grants parties and their
opposing party may use interrogatories, attorneys a sphere of protection and privacy
requests for production, depositions and all in which to develop their case.”41
other discovery tools to discover
information about the expert his opinions if Discovery about and from a testifying
he is one who is required to produce a expert may only be obtained through a Rule
written report, as previously discussed.38 194 request for disclosure, oral deposition
If the testifying expert is not retained or of the expert and by a report prepared by the
specially employed to provide expert expert.42 Rule 192.3(e) permits discovery
testimony in the case or one whose duties as of: (1) Name, address and telephone
the party’s employee regularly involve number; (2) the subject matter on which the
giving expert testimony, you should expert will testify; (3) the facts known by
consider seeking the information through the expert that relate to or form the basis of
other discovery methods, such as the expert’s mental impressions and
interrogatories and requests for production. opinions formed or made in connection with
Additionally, you should seek to discover the case in which the discovery is sought,
all drafts of the expert report and all regardless of when and how the factual
communications with anyone related to the information was acquired; (4) the expert’s
opinions. Recent amendments to the Rule mental impressions and opinions formed or
made in connection with the case in which
Under Texas rules, the identity, mental discovery is sought, and any methods used
impressions, and opinions of a consulting to derive them; (5) the bias of the witness;
expert whose mental impressions and (6) all documents, tangible things, reports,
opinions have not been reviewed by a models, or data compilations that have been
testifying expert are not discoverable.39 If, provided to, reviewed by, or prepared by or
however, a testifying expert has reviewed for the expert in anticipation of testimony;
the consulting expert’s mental impressions and (7) the expert’s current resume and
or opinions, the opposing party may bibliography.
discover the same information about the
consulting expert that may be discovered Alternatively, in the event a party does
about a testifying expert. But that not wish to incur the expense of creating a
information cannot be obtained through a report, it may tender its retained expert for
Rule 194 request for disclosure because that deposition.43 However, a party who wishes
is limited to testifying experts. Therefore, it an expert to have the benefit of an opposing
is necessary to request information about party’s expert’s opinions before being
the consulting experts whose mental deposed may trigger designation by
impressions or opinions have been reviewed providing a report.44 If the expert has not
by a testifying expert through prepared a written report, a trial court may
interrogatories, requests for production, and order that the expert’s opinion be reduced
other types of discovery. A party may not
be ordered to allow the opposing party to
attend or record tests conducted by Gen. Motors. Corp v. Gayle, 951 S.W.2d 469, 476
(Tex. 1997).
TEX. R. CIV. P. 195.4.
38 43
See FED. R. CIV. P. 26(a)(2)(B). TEX. R. CIV. P. 195 cmt. 3.
39 44
TEX. R. CIV. P. 192.3(e). Id.

into a written report or other tangible form designated, the party does not need to make
and produced.45 the expert available until after all other
experts have been designated.
To obtain documents from a non-party
expert for impeachment purposes, the party Parties not seeking affirmative relief
seeking discovery must first present must make experts retained by, employed
evidence raising the possibility that the by, or otherwise in that party’s control
expert is biased.46 In re Wharton, 226 available for deposition “reasonably
S.W.3d at 457. promptly” after the expert is designated and
the experts testifying on the same subject
2. Depositions for the party seeking affirmative relief have
been deposed.51
Under the Federal Rules, any person
who has been identified as an expert whose More detailed information from both
opinions may be presented at trial may be retained experts and non-retained experts
deposed.47 If a written report is required by may be obtained through depositions of the
Rule 26(a)(2)(B), the deposition may be experts. A notice of deposition often
conducted only after the report is includes, among other things, a request for:
provided.48 In Federal court, the party (1) all depositions given by the expert; (2)
seeking discovery pays the expert a copies of all treatises, books, and other
reasonable fee for time spent in responding materials on the subject the expert
to discovery, absent manifest injustice.49 reviewed, is relying on or considers
authoritative; (3) the expert’s entire file;
Texas Rules require that parties seeking (4)copies of all drafts of the report if one is
affirmative relief must make an expert who produced; (5) all communications with
is retained by, employed by, or otherwise in anyone relating to the case; (6) billing
the control of that party available for statements and fee agreements relating to
deposition if no report was furnished the case; and (7) all documents, tangible
“reasonably promptly after the expert is things, physical models, reports,
designated.”50 If the deposition cannot— compilations of data or other material
due to the actions of the tendering party— reviewed by, or prepared for the expert for
reasonably be concluded more than 15 days the opinion.
before the deadline for designating other
experts, that deadline must be extended for In a Discovery Level 2 case, if one side
other experts testifying on the same subject. designates more than two experts, an
If a report is furnished when the expert is opposing side may have an additional six
hours of deposition time for each additional
expert designated. TEX. R. CIV. P.
Loftin v. Martin, 776 S.W.2d 145, 147 (Tex. 1989) 190.3(b)(2).
overruled on other grounds by Candian Helicopters
Ltd. v. Wittig, 876 S.W.2d 304 (Tex. 1994). At the deposition obtain a clear
The personal financial information of the expert is statement of each opinion held by the expert
generally not discoverable to prove bias. In re and the facts which the expert believes
Wharton, 226 S.W.3d 452, 456 (Tex. App.—Waco support that opinion. Ascertain whether the
2005, orig. proceeding). expert intends to do any additional work on
FED. R. CIV. P. 26(b)(4)(A).
Id. the case. It can be helpful to find out if the
FED. R. CIV. P. 26(b)(4)(C).
50 51
TEX. R. CIV. P. 195.3(a). TEX. R. CIV. P. 195.3(b).

expert arrived at the opinion before or after some impossibly arcane subject in plain
reviewing documents and/or depositions or English, who may make the difference.”54
other discovery products as opposed to
arriving at the opinion solely based on a In Texas, the factors for the reliability of
conversation with counsel. expert testimony were originally articulated
by the Texas Supreme Court in E.I. DuPont
The Texas Rules provide that the party de Nemours & Co. v. Robinson.55 Like
who retained the expert pays for the Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals,
expert’s time in preparing for, giving, Inc.56 before it at the federal level, Robinson
reviewing and correcting the deposition.52 It represented the beginning of a new era in
can be helpful to have your own consulting Texas regarding expert witness testimony. It
expert with you as you depose the opposing presented a new analytical framework for
expert. This is particularly true if the area is courts to apply and litigants to consider
a technical one with which you are not when proffering experts to help their case in
familiar. Your expert may be able to spot a litigation. As the Court stated, the goal of
misleading or untrue answer that you can Robinson was to “ensure that expert
explore at the deposition or suggest testimony shows some indicia of
questions or interpret jargon. Be sure to give reliability.”57
notice that this person will be attending as
required by the rules governing notices of Nearly thirteen years after Robinson,
deposition.53 The Federal Rules do not jurisprudence in this area is still developing.
contain a similar provision. Rule Even Robinson on its face encouraged a
26(2)(c)(E) permits a court to enter a flexible application, implicitly suggesting
protective order designating the persons that later courts would do much of the
who may be present. The Advisory heavy lifting regarding the development of
Committee Note to the 1993 revisions states this area of law.
that “[t]he revision provides that other
witnesses are not automatically excluded This ongoing development has produced
from a deposition simply by the request of a much uncertainty and inconsistency as to
party.” what makes an expert’s testimony reliable.
Some practitioners have even commented
CHALLENGING EXPERTS that the “battle of the experts” in the
Daubert/Robinson era has “evolved into a
The Daubert/Robinson challenge complex expert crisis.”58 While the term
remains one of the most important aspects “crisis” may be overstating things, the
of the litigation process. Complex cases can
be won or lost in a Daubert/Robinson 54
challenge. As one commentator has noted, Jonathan D. Glater, More and More, Expert
Witnesses Make the Difference, N.Y. TIMES, Aug 19,
while the trial lawyers may be the 2005, at C7.
“peacocks” of the courtroom, “often these 55
E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. v. Robinson, 923
days it’s a tweedy professor, explaining S.W.2d 549 (Tex. 1995).
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc, 509
U.S. 579 (1993).
Robinson, 923 S.W.2d at 556.
Sofia Adrogue & Alan Ratliff, The Care And
Feeding of Experts: Accountants, Lawyers,
TEX. R. CIV. P. 195.7. Investment Bankers, and Other Non-Scientific
TEX. R. CIV. P. 199.2(b)(4). Experts, 47 S. TEX. L. REV. 881, 908 (2006).

admission or exclusion of expert testimony OVERVIEW OF THE ROBINSON TEST

remains a high stakes affair with no clear
path to victory for those proffering or Texas Rule of Evidence 702 allows
challenging experts. expert testimony if (1) the witness is
qualified by knowledge, skill, experience,
OVERVIEW OF THE DAUBERT TEST training, or education; (2) the proposed
testimony is scientific, technical, or other
Daubert is the foundation for the current specialized knowledge;63 and (3) the
theory of acceptance of expert analysis. testimony will assist the trier of fact to
The United States Supreme Court, understand the evidence or to determine a
interpreting Federal Rule of Evidence 702, fact in issue.64
overruled the long-used “general
acceptance” standard for scientific expert Thus, in addition to showing that an
evidence, originally set forth in Frye v. expert witness is qualified, Rule 702 also
United States.59 requires the proponent to show that the
expert’s testimony is relevant to the issues
Daubert held that the trial judge must in the case and is based upon a reliable
determine at the outset whether the expert is foundation.65 The trial court is responsible
proposing to testify to (1) scientific for making the preliminary determination of
knowledge that (2) will assist the trier of whether the proffered testimony is both
fact to understand or determine a fact in relevant66 and reliable.67
issue.60 The Supreme Court did not give a
definitive checklist or test, but instead gave Robinson court sets out six factors the
a list of factors to consider:61 trial court may use in making the threshold
admissibility determination under TRE 702.
(1) Whether the theory or technique can be The first four factors match those set out in
or has been scientifically tested; Daubert. The Robinson factors are as
(2) Whether the theory or technique has follows:
been subject to peer review and (1) The extent to which the expert’s theory
publication; has been or can be tested,
(3) The error rate of a particular technique; (2) Whether the theory has been subjected
and to peer review and/or publication,
(4) Acceptance of the theory in the (3) The technique’s potential rate of error,
scientific community.
Expert testimony must generally involve
The Court further instructed that “scientific, technical, or other specialized
vigorous cross-examination, presentation of knowledge” and not only general knowledge and
contrary evidence, and careful instruction experience that is within the province of the jury to
decide. GTE Southwest, Inc. v. Bruce, 998 S.W.2d
on the burden of proof are the traditional 605, 620 (Tex. 1999).
and appropriate means of attacking shaky 64
Robinson, 923 S.W.2d at 556.
but admissible evidence.62 65
The requirement that the proposed testimony be
relevant incorporates traditional relevancy analysis
under Rules 401 and 402 of the Texas Rules of Civil
Daubert, 509 U.S. at 588. Evidence. Robinson, 923 S.W.2d at 556.
60 67
Id. at 592. Id. (citing TEX. R. EVID. 104(a) (the trial court is
Id. at 593 to decide preliminary questions concerning the
Id. at 596 admissibility of evidence)).

(4) Whether the underlying theory or experience] were all Rule 702 required,
technique has been generally accepted merely establishing the witness’s
as valid by the relevant scientific qualifications would show the relevance and
community, reliability of the testimony every time.”72
(5) The extent to which the technique relies The Court went on to say that there are
upon the subjective interpretation of the many instances “when the relevance and
expert, and reliability of an expert witness’s testimony
(6) The non-judicial uses which have been are shown by the witness’s skill and
made of the theory or technique. experience.”73 For example, an experienced
car mechanic’s diagnosis of problems with a
Importantly, the Robinson court car’s performance may well be reliable
emphasized that this list was non- without resorting to engineering
exhaustive, and that trial courts may principles.
consider other factors.68 Many lower courts
initially held that because the Robinson “If the foundational data underlying
factors specifically discussed scientific opinion testimony are unreliable, an expert
testimony, they were inapplicable to non- will not be permitted to base an opinion on
scientific testimony. The Texas Supreme that data because any opinion drawn from
Court has since made clear that a trial court that data is likewise unreliable.”75 If expert
should consider the Robinson factors when opinions are based upon unreliable
doing so will be helpful in determining underlying data they are inadmissible and,
reliability of an expert’s testimony, thus, no evidence.76
regardless of whether the testimony is
scientific in nature or experience-based.69 APPLICATION OF THE ROBINSON FACTORS
One area where the Robinson factors are AND ANALYTICAL GAP TEST
not always helpful is in determining the
admissibility of non-scientific or experience Deciding which test to use can be
based evidence.70 The analytical gap test, difficult. A proponent of non-scientific or
which is often applied to nonscientific or experience based evidence should be
experience based evidence, excludes prepared to defend the expert utilizing the
evidence when “there is simply too great an Robinson factors or to argue why the
analytical gap between the data and the Robinson factors are not helpful in
opinion proffered.”71 determining admissibility. Remember that
the focus of a Robinson challenge is “solely
Care should be taken in the application on the underlying principles and
of the analytical gap test. Merely stating the methodology, not on the conclusions they
expert’s testimony is based upon experience generate.”77
it not enough. As pointed out by the Texas
Supreme Court in Gammill, “If [skill and

Robinson, 923 S.W.2d at 557.
69 72
Mack Trucks v. Tamez, 206 S.W.3d 572, 578 Id. at 722.
(Tex. 2006) (emphasis added). Id.
70 74
Gammill v. Jack Williams Chevrolet, Inc., 972 Id.
S.W.2d 713 (Tex. 1998) (instructing courts not to Merrell Dow Pharms. v. Havner, 953 S.W.2d 706,
ignore fatal gaps in an expert’s analysis or assertions 714 (Tex. 1997).
that are simply incorrect). Id.
71 77
Id. at 726. Id. at 557 (quoting Daubert, 509 U.S. at 595).

Conversely, opponents of the testimony that a trial court should never consider
should use the Robinson factors to point out Robinson when evaluating nonscientific
any shortcomings in the expert’s testimony. experts. Instead, the Court made clear that
If the opponents can link the Robinson the touchstone for applicability of the
reliability factors to the expert they are Robinson factors is not whether a
seeking to exclude, then that expert is challenged expert’s testimony is scientific,
subject to attack on Robinson grounds. but whether the factors would be helpful in
Strict application of the Robinson factors determining reliability.
can be brutal, as the Texas Supreme Court
proved in two recent cases: One other important lesson to be learned
from Mack Trucks is its procedural ruling
1. Mack Trucks v. Tamez78 about the scope of appellate review from a
Daubert/Robinson ruling. After plaintiff’s
In Mack Trucks, the plaintiff’s decedent expert was excluded, the plaintiff moved for
was the driver of a tractor-trailer hauling reconsideration of that ruling, attached the
crude oil. The truck overturned and the excluded expert’s opinions to a summary
driver was killed in the resulting fire. The judgment response, and later made a bill of
trial court applied the Robinson factors to exception in support of the motion for
exclude a plaintiff’s expert. The disputed reconsideration.80
expert was a specialist in post-collision,
fuel-fed fires. He testified that the fire was On appeal, the court of appeals relied on
caused by the tractor’s battery once it came the bill of exception and the motion for
in contact with fuel from the truck. reconsideration to hold that the trial court
abused its discretion in excluding the
The appellate court held that the expert. In the Supreme Court, the defendant
Robinson factors applied to scientific expert argued that evidence presented after the
testimony, but that the analytical gap test expert had been stricken could not be
applied to opinions that were based upon an considered. The Supreme Court agreed with
expert’s knowledge, training, or experience. the defendant, holding that it was error for
The appellate court then concluded that the the court of appeals to consider testimony
trial court erred when it excluded the offered only in the bill of exception, after
expert’s testimony. the expert had been excluded.81

The Texas Supreme Court rejected this The Supreme Court’s message is clear:
bright line separation between the tests, an attorney should not hold back on a
stating that the Robinson factors should be response to a Daubert/Robinson motion for
used in any case “when doing so will be fear or missing the opportunity to make the
helpful in determining reliability of an best record. Strategic decisions to withhold
expert’s testimony, regardless of whether a full presentation of the expert’s reliability
the testimony is scientific in nature of and opinions are perilous.
experience-based.”79 The Court said that it 2. Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. v.
was clarifying its holding in Gammill, and Mendez
that it did not mean to imply in Gammill

Mack Trucks v. Tamez, 206 S.W.3d 572 (Tex.
2006). Id. at 576.
79 81
Id. at 579. Id. at 576-77.

While Mack Trucks clarified when further visual proof of his theory. The
Robinson should be applied, the Supreme presence of these marks, in his opinion,
Court also put a more methodical indicated faulty adhesion. He also offered
application of the Robinson factors on reasons that the tire did not fail due to the
display in another 2006 case, Cooper Tire & nail, excessive vehicle weight, under-
Rubber Co. v. Mendez.82 After the trial inflation, or ordinary wear.
court and appellate court determined that a
causation expert was reliable by using the The trial court admitted this expert
analytical gap test, the Texas Supreme testimony, and was affirmed on appeal. The
Court engaged in a thorough and detailed appellate court described the Robinson
application of the Robinson factors and factors, but then refused to apply them. The
reversed the lower courts’ admission. court cited Gammill for the proposition that
Robinson need not be applied to
Cooper Tire was brought by the nonscientific experts. Instead, the court
plaintiffs following a car crash. The proceeded to describe the method by which
plaintiffs theorized that the tire tread the expert reached his conclusion and then
separated due to a manufacturing defect, announced that it was reliable under the
and the tread separation in turn caused the analytical gap test from Gammill. The court
rollover, resulting in deaths and injuries to stated that the expert was reliable because
the occupants of the vehicle. The plaintiffs he presented “thorough information
proffered an expert who had worked for concerning his methodology, and (made it)
many years at the Dunlop Tire Company in clear that his expertise rested on his many
England, in its technical department, tire years of experience in tire examination for
examination lab, and technical service Dunlop and as an independent tire failure
section, where he examined tires including analyst.”83
tires that had failed and subsequently wrote
a book on tire failures. He conceded that he The Supreme Court reversed the
was not a chemist, an engineer, or a tire appellate court and held that the expert’s
designer. theory of wax contamination was unreliable.
The Court determined that this theory
The expert presented a lengthy amounted to no more than “subjective belief
hypothesis to support his opinion that a or unsupported speculation.” The Court
manufacturing defect caused the separation initially stated that the Robinson factors did
and the accident. He opined that the tire not provide a perfect template, and would
separated because the skim stock was be used for guidance. However, this rather
contaminated with hydrocarbon wax. He tepid introduction of Robinson was not
testified that the tread separation did not representative of what the Court’s actual
originate at a nail hole in the tire because he analysis would be.
detected “polishing” in other portions of the
tire’s layers, indicating that the separation The Court’s methodical application of
started elsewhere. The expert also asserted the Robinson factors effectively crucified
that the presence of “liner marks,” left by the plaintiff’s expert. The Court analyzed
the canvas or other material on which each factor and noted the challenged
rubber is placed before vulcanization, was
Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. v. Mendez, 155 S.W.3d
Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. v. Mendez, 204 382, 397 (Tex. App.—El Paso 2004) rev’d by
S.W.3d 797, 799 (Tex. 2006). Mendez, 204 S.W.3d 797 (Tex. 2006).

expert’s failure to meet each one. reverse the decision in favor of the
Specifically, the Court noted that “the defendant.85
record [was] devoid of any scientific testing
or peer-reviewed studies confirming the Ledesma claimed a defect caused the
hypothesis that wax contamination causes drive shaft to fail and as a result he lost
radial tire belts to separate.” The Court also control of the truck, hitting a parked car.
gave no weight to the expert’s own book, Ford claimed that Ledesma was speeding
which of course touted his wax when he lost control and that the drive shaft
contamination theory, as a valid peer was dislodged by the force of the accident.
review. The Court also considered the fact
that the expert had not “done any type of Ledesma’s expert, a metallurgical and
mathematical calculation with respect to mechanical engineer, opined that the drive
anything in this case,” and noted that the shaft separated because the legs of the u-
record was devoid of proof that his theory bolts fastening the drive shaft to the truck
was generally accepted in his field. Finally, were uneven. The Court listed the six
the Court observed that the plaintiffs offered Robinson factors, then declined to apply
no proof that the wax contamination theory them, recognizing that the factors are not
had any recognition in the non-litigation exclusive. After a review of the expert’s
context. testimony, the Court concluded that the
testimony did not present a case where
The Court then proceeded to attack the “there is simply too great an analytical gap
expert under the analytical gap test. The between the data and the opinion offered.”86
Court pointed out that the expert relied on The court concluded that Ford’s complaints
unreliable evidence for his theory on how went to the weight of the evidence, not its
the wax was introduced into the tire, and admissibility.
then stated it was not required to ignore
fatal gaps in an expert’s analysis or 4. Whirlpool Corp. v. Camacho
assertions that are simply incorrect.
In addition, in Whirlpool Corp. v.
3. Ford Motor Company v. Ledesma Camacho, defendants challenged the
admissibility of the plaintiff’s expert’s
Mack Trucks clarified the scope of opinion as not reliable and challenged the
applicability of the Robinson factors, and legal sufficiency of the evidence to support
Cooper Tires showed just how damning the jury submission of a design defect on
those factors can be when critically applied the basis that the expert’s testimony was the
to any expert. That is not to say that the only support for the submission and that his
analytical gap test is dead. To the contrary testimony “was not reliable, was based on
the Texas Supreme Court utilized the test in unfounded assumptions, and was
Ford Motor Company v. Ledesma.84 The conclusory.”87 The trial court overruled
main issue in Ledesma was an alleged error these objections and the Corpus Christi
in the jury charge. However, the court dealt court of appeals affirmed. The appeals
with the defendants’ allegation of unreliable court, however, limited its review to the
expert testimony first because excluding the
testimony would require the Court to 85
Id. at n.2
84 87
Ford Motor Co. v. Ledesma, 242 S.W.3d 32 (Tex. Whirlpool Corp. v. Camacho, 298 S.W.3d 631,
2007) 636 (Tex. 2009).

admissibility of the testimony due to producing cause of his death and awarded
reliability. The appeals court stated, “[T]he death benefits to Crump’s wife.
analytical gap test is the appropriate way to
analyze the [Plaintiffs’] expert testimony Transcontinental Insurance, the
because such testimony in the instant case is employer’s workers’ compensation carrier,
based on the experience of the testifying sought judicial review. Transcontinental
expert.”88 offered the testimony of Dr. Hunt, who
opined that the work related injury was not
But the Texas Supreme Court found the cause of Crump’s death. Mrs. Crump
that the court of appeals did not conduct the offered Dr. Daller to rebut Hunt’s opinion.
proper review in refusing to apply the Transcontinental objected to Dr. Daller’s
Robinson factors. Indeed, citing Mack testimony on the basis that the testimony
Trucks, the court concluded that the proper was not founded on reliable evidence and
standard of review for a legal sufficiency therefore legally insufficient evidence of
challenge to testimony based on scientific causation.
testing and methodology required the court
of appeals to evaluate the expert’s testimony The Texas Fourteenth Court of Appeals
by considering both the Robinson-type held that it was appropriate for the trial
factors and examining the record for court to evaluate only whether there was an
existence of analytical gaps under Gammill. analytical gap between Dr. Daller’s opinion
The court noted that the “[t]he proponent of and the bases on which his opinion was
the [expert] testimony must satisfy its founded.90 Indeed, the Court of Appeals
burden regardless of the quality or quantity stated that “where Dr. Daller’s opinion was
of the opposing party’s evidence on the based on his experience and training in his
issue and regardless of whether the field, we consider whether there is an
opposing party attempts to conclusively ‘analytical gap’ between the expert’s
prove the expert testimony wrong.” opinion and the bases on which the opinion
was founded.”91
5. Transcontinental Ins. Co. v.
Crump. The Texas Supreme Court, however,
disagreed with the appeals court’s limited
Similarly, in Transcontinental Ins.Co. v. evaluation of Dr. Daller’s opinion and with
Crump, the Texas Supreme Court held that Crump’s argument that the application of
both the Robinson and Gammill analyses the Robinson factors was tempered because
must be applied to expert testimony.89 In Dr. Daller used a reliable medical technique
that case, Charles Crump died of injuries to support his expert opinions. The Court
allegedly sustained while at work. His wife stated:
applied for workers’ compensation death This is the approach adopted by
benefits. After an administrative the court of appeals below, which
proceeding, the hearing officer found that refused to apply [Robinson] at all.
indeed Crump’s work related injury was the We have held the opposite to be
true: “[T]he relevance and
Whirlpool Corp. v. Camacho, 251 S.W.3d 88, 96
(Tex. App.—Corpus Christi 2008) reversed by Transcontinental Ins. Co. v. Crump, 274 S.W.3d
Camacho, 298 S.W.3d 631 (Tex. 2009). 86 (Tex. App.—Hous.[14th] 2008) reversed by
Transcontinental Ins. Co. v. Crump, 330 S.W.3d Crump, 330 S.W.3d 211 (Tex. 2010).
211 (Tex. 2010). Id. at 97.

reliability requirements of Rule  Is the expert’s opinion based upon

702 [apply] to all expert evidence reliable data?
offered under the rule, even though  Is the expert’s opinion so confusing or
the criteria for assessing relevance prejudicial that it should be excluded
and reliability must vary, under Rule 403?93
depending on the nature of the
evidence.” Gamill, 972 S.W.2d at 1. Presenting and Defending Experts
727; see also Camacho, 298
S.W.3d at 638. The mere fact that Discuss Daubert/Robinson with your
differential diagnosis was used expert up front.94 An expert can be best
does not exempt the foundation of prepared to withstand an attack under
a treating physician’s expert Daubert/Robinson if he or she understands
opinion from scrutiny—it is to be the grounds for exclusion. Explain up front
evaluated for reliability as that you will need to work closely together
carefully as any other expert’s to meet Daubert/Robinson standards. Also
testimony. Both Robinson and consider giving the expert a Daubert/
Gammill analyses are appropriate Robinson package of some of the greatest
in this context.92 hits in this area:

Thus, although the Robinson factors are 1. Federal

not a definitive checklist for every single o FRCP 26(a)(2) [Disclosure of Expert
expert, the Court has certainly indicated that Testimony]
it does not want lower courts to be so quick o FRE 702 [Testimony by Experts]
to shrug them off. The Robinson factors and 703 [Basis of Opinion
should be considered in every case, Testimony by Experts]
regardless of whether the testimony is o Daubert and Kumho Tire decisions
scientific in nature or based on the expert’s o Decisions in expert’s field
experience. o Examples of good expert reports.


o TRCP 194
This article will conclude with a series o TRE 702 [Testimony by Experts]
of practice pointers to help you win or and 703 [Basis of Opinion
successfully withstand a Daubert/Robinson Testimony by Experts]
challenge. Whether you are bringing or o Robinson, Havner and Gammill
opposing expert testimony, keep in mind decisions
four central concerns in evaluating the o Decisions in the expert’s field.
expert and the expert’s testimony:
 Is the expert qualified and do the actual Investigate your own expert. Before
qualifications of the expert enable that retention of an expert, ask the expert to
expert to assist the trier of fact with 93
regard to controverted issues? Linda J. Burgess & James G. Ruiz, Strategies on
Expert Discovery, in the State Bar of Texas 17th
 Is the expert’s opinion supported by Annual Advanced Evidence & Discovery Course,
reliable methodology? Chap. 12, pg. 1 (2004).
DaubertOnTheWeb.Com, Tactics, http://www.
daubertontheweb.com/tactics.htm (last visited Feb
Crump, 330 S.W.3d at 216–17. 27, 2007).

demonstrate to you that the method he will

use to form an opinion rests on a  REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.
scientifically reliable foundation. If the ____: All materials, including but not
expert can prove it to you, you may be able limited to, prior testimony or reports and
to prove it to the judge. If the expert cannot case law, which you intend to use with
prove it to you, get another expert. Also regard to your contention, if any, that an
you should get an affidavit from the expert expert designated by any party to this
stating that he or she has never been the suit is not qualified to render opinions or
subject of a successful Robinson challenge. that any opinion rendered by any expert
If the expert has been the subject of a designated by any party to this suit is
successful challenge, get a transcript— not reliable under the standards set forth
opposing counsel will.95 Find out if the in Robinson v. E.I. Dupont Denemours,
expert uses the methodologies in everyday 923 S.W.2d 549 (Tex. 1995), or of any
practice. Avoid, if possible, experts who subsequent opinions by the Supreme
work only in litigation. Court of Texas that you contend extends
the holdings of Robinson.
Use the pretrial practice to lay the
groundwork early. Use Interrogatories Consider putting Daubert/Robinson in the
and Requests for Production to start laying pretrial order.97 Putting a deadline in the
the groundwork for responding to Daubert scheduling order will prevent the opposing
Challenges.96 Example requests include: party from attempting to challenge the
 INTERROGATORY NO. ____: Please expert shortly before trial or at trial. In any
list those expert witnesses (if any) case you want all Daubert/ Robinson
identified by whom you contend are not challenges to be completed before the
qualified to render opinions under the discovery cut-off so there is time to find a
standards set forth in Robinson v. E.I. new expert, if necessary. A scheduling order
Dupont Denemours, 923 S.W.2d 549 may state:
(Tex. 1995), or in any subsequent
opinion by the Supreme Court of Texas An objection to the reliability of an
which you contend extends the holdings expert’s proposed testimony under Federal
of Robinson and state: Rule of Evidence 702 shall be made by
a. The identity of the expert; motion, specifically stating the basis for the
b. The substance of the opinion; objection and identifying the objectionable
c. Describe the basis of your testimony, within ___ days of receipt of the
contention that the expert is not written report of the expert’s proposed
qualified; testimony, or within ___ days of the
d. Describe the basis of your expert’s deposition, if a deposition is taken,
contention that the opinion is not whichever is later.98
Pay close attention to the expert
Larry G. Black, Daubert Challenge through the testimony. The lawyer should help the
Eyes of the Litigator and the Expert, in the State Bar
of Texas Suing and Defending Government Entities
Course, Chap. 18, pg 2 (2004). DaubertOnTheWeb.Com, Tactics, http://www.
Hon. Joseph M. Cox & George Quesada, daubertontheweb.com/tactics.htm (last visited Feb
Advanced Procedural Tactics, in the State Bar of 27, 2007).
Texas 21st Annual Advanced Personal Injury Law See e.g., Local Court Rules for the Western
Course, Chap. 28, pg. 2 (2005). District of Texas, Appendix B.

expert meet the Daubert/Robinson likely area of attack from opposing

requirements both in drafting the expert counsel.102 As seen in Cooper Tire, the
report and when offering testimony. Keep absence of mathematical calculations
the following in mind when helping the when a Court inquires about them can
expert prepare: hurt your expert.

 Include the methods and resources  Divide the testimony into subparts. If
relied upon. The expert should use the expert’s ultimate theory is novel or
methodology generally accepted by controversial, split the testimony into
other experts in that field. Question subparts or mini-conclusions that
your expert about the methodology support the expert’s more controversial
employed. Who uses the methodology? ultimate theme, which may be
Does the expert use the methodology in inadmissible.103 See Smith v. Ingersoll-
his/her everyday work? Does the Rand Co., 214 F.3d 1235, 1245 (10th
opponent use this methodology? It is Cir. 2000) (expert’s calculations of
not enough for the expert to say that the hedonic damages were controversial and
methodology or conclusion is valid inadmissible, but expert was still able to
“because I say so and I’m the expert” or testify as to the meaning of hedonic
“because I have vast experience in this damages).
Admit that there could be disagreement.
 Rule Out Alternative Causes. An expert It is helpful to try to argue for the
should consider all possible causes of admissibility of your expert by admitting
the plaintiff’s injury, then rule out that there is room for disagreement with the
possible causes until only the most expert’s theory. However, the jury is the
likely cause remains.100 Failure to proper body to decide who is right. If you
consider all possible causes may result can convince the court that your opponent is
in the exclusion of the expert’s really just unhappy with the conclusions of
testimony.101 your expert and is trying to have the court
make a credibility decision, you are helping
 Calculations/Supporting Data Are a your cause. Along these lines, pay close
Plus. Include mathematical calculations attention to the challenges made by your
to demonstrate and/or support an opponent to look for areas where your
expert’s theory can preclude a very expert’s final opinion is criticized as
opposed to his or her methodology.
Cooper Tire & Rubber Co., 204 S.W.3d at 801. Prepare for the deposition. If opposing
(holding an expert can not rely on his own book and counsel takes the deposition of your expert,
articles to verify his conclusions).
Smith, Craig T., Peering into the Microscope:
expect that he or she will have a good
The Rise of Judicial Gatekeeping After Daubert and working knowledge of the field, will have
Its Effect on Federal Toxic Tort Litigation, 13 B.U. J. investigated the expert and will have picked
SCI. & TECH. L. 218, 225 (Summer 2007). apart any statement made by or about the
Robinson, 923 S.W.2d at 558-559 (holding that
the trial court did not abuse its discretion by
excluding the expert’s testimony because the expert See Ramirez 159 S.W.3d 897 (Tex. 2004).
did not exclude other possible causes, even though DaubertOnTheWeb.Com, Tactics, http://www.
he admitted in his deposition that many other daubertontheweb.com/tactics.htm (last visited Mar.
possible causes existed). 28, 2011).

expert. A deposition checklist is a good opposing expert’s methodology is sound

place to start for a list of relevant questions and above reproach.
opposing counsel is likely to ask. However,  Don’t forget to look at other Daubert
also expect detailed questions about the opinions written by your judge.
expert, the expert reports, methodology, etc.
Have a good working knowledge of the
field. Additionally, the opponent may 2. Excluding or Cross Examining
attempt to get the expert to restate the Experts
findings of the expert report. Avoid this. It
only opens the door for inconsistencies in Decide whether to take an expert
the expert’s testimony. If the answer to the deposition. An attorney must weigh the
question is addressed in the expert report in benefits and risks of taking an expert
paragraph 5, have the expert say so. deposition. Some factors against taking an
expert deposition include:
Watch the Record. If you are defending an  Disclosing strategies for cross
expert, you should have something in the examination at trial;
record to defend every step of an expert’s  Educating the witness and opposing
opinion. The Supreme Court took a keen counsel;
interest in the lack of record support for the  Giving the expert the opportunity to
expert’s hypothesis in Cooper Tire, and expand opinions beyond those in the
eventually reversed the trial court’s decision original report.104
to admit. The more publications, studies,
charts, etc. that you can include to support Thus, if an attorney’s goal is to “surprise”
your expert at every step, the better off the expert, skipping the expert deposition
you’ll be. may help accomplish that goal. Without a
deposition, the attorney and the attorney’s
Defending a Daubert Challenge. cross-examination strategies will remain
 First make sure that the challenge is unknown to the expert.105
specific. A judge should not entertain
challenges that merely state the However, unless an attorney conducts a
proffered testimony is unreliable deposition, much of the expert’s opinions
without listing any reasons. and methodology will remain unknown to
 Send any challenge to the expert. The the attorney. Unless a deposition is taken,
expert will know better than anyone the attorney will not know whether he or
how to defend his or her report. she has opened the door to evidence that
 Get affidavits from other experts might otherwise be precluded.106 Thus, if
agreeing that the methodology used is the expert is important to the opposing party
sound. Your expert may know of others and the report suggests questionable
who can review the report. methodology, taking the deposition is
 Gather all peer reviewed literature and probably worth the drawbacks.107
court cases approving of the
methodology. 104
Burgess, supra note 94, at 2.
 File your own challenge. Failing to 105
attack the opposing party’s expert may 106
Id. (citing FRCP 37(c)(1) [Failure to Disclose];
give the false appearance that the TEX. R. CIV. P. 193.6 [Failing to Timely Respond—
Effect on Trial]).

Another factor weighing in favor of Timing of the expert challenge. The best
taking an expert deposition is to fully probe time to bring a challenge is after it is too
the data relied upon by the expert in late for the opposing party to designate a
forming his or her opinion. Discovering new expert. Therefore, striking an expert
that the expert relied on inadmissible data in just before trial or during trial may be the
discovery will allow the attorney to decide most devastating to you opponent.111
how far to probe the experts basis during Remember that testimony that does not
cross examination. See discussion on cross satisfy Daubert “is . . . legally, no
examination below. evidence,” and cannot support a verdict.112
Be very careful when using this tactic.
Prepare for the deposition. If you decide Consider whether the court is likely to grant
to take the expert’s deposition, prepare a continuance in order to give the opposing
carefully. Investigate the expert before the party time to find a new expert.
deposition. An investigation may include: Additionally, the judge may have little
tolerance for such tactics. Also look closely
 Taking to your own expert; at local rules.113
 Talking to lawyers who have previously
deposed the expert. Attack the gap. As shown above, the
 Collect and review deposition testimony Gammill analytical gap test has become
the expert has given in other cases. exceedingly popular in Texas courts. When
 Read what the expert is written on the preparing your challenge, find analytical
topic. gaps in the expert’s method or application
 Run a Lexis/Westlaw search on the of that method and point them out. Look
expert. You may find the expert was for steps in that expert’s analysis where
previously the subject of a Daubert/ there aren’t calculations or data to back up
Robinson challenge. conclusions. Expert opinions based on an
 Run a Lexis/Westlaw search on the unreliable factual foundation will not be
testing method, equipment or other admitted.114
specific data used by the expert.
It is also well settled that an expert’s
 Run a general internet search on the
bare opinion will not pass the reliability
stage,115 so point out where the expert has
failed to connect the dots between the data
Also become familiar with the
relied on and the opinion offered.
technology used by the expert. A lawyer
may also consult the Reference Manual on
Scientific Evidence published by the 111
Burgess, supra note 94, at 8.
Federal Judicial Center.109 The manual 112
Id. (citing Havner, 953 S.W.2d 706, 714, 730).
explains some common scientific terms and 113
statistical methodology.110
See Ramirez, 159 S.W.3d at 912 (holding an
expert’s theory inadmissible where there were no
scientific tests or calculations to support the theory);
Id. at 4. Havner, 953 S.W.2d at 714 (reasoning that an
Id. expert’s testimony is unreliable even when the
A full copy of the manual is available at underlying data are sound if the expert draws
http://www.fjc.gov/public/home.nsf/autoframe?openf conclusions from that data based on flawed
orm&url_l=/public/home.nsf/inavgeneral?openpage methodology).
&url_r=/public/home.nsf/pages/610. Ramirez, 159 S.W.3d at 906 (Tex. 2004).

proponent’s rebuttal with information that

Get to know your Robinson factors, was reasonably relied upon by the expert,
particularly in light of the Supreme even if that information would not have
Court’s decisions in 2006. As discussed been discloseable initially under the
above, the Supreme Court held in Mack balancing test provided by this amendment.
Trucks that if the Robinson factors are
shown to be helpful to a reliability analysis, Therefore, during a cross examination
they are applicable. The days of expert the opponent must be careful not to open the
proponents picking and choosing between door to otherwise excluded evidence. A
the tests are gone. The onus is now on the detailed deposition of the expert, including
defense lawyer to link the Robinson factors the data relied upon by the expert will help
with the court’s reliability analysis. the attorney decide what underlying expert
Proponents of experts would prefer the data should be questioned.
analytical gap test to the scrutiny of the six Under the Texas rule, when the
Robinson factors, because it is less underlying facts or data would be
strenuous. As we saw in Cooper Tire, the inadmissible in evidence, the court shall
Robinson factors can be particularly harsh exclude the underlying facts or data if the
when methodically applied. Thus, it is well danger that they will be used for a purpose
worth the lawyer’s time to find a link and other than as explanation or support for the
advocate their application. expert’s opinion outweighs their value as
explanation or support or are unfairly
There is no “fit.” Create distance between prejudicial. If otherwise inadmissible facts
the expert’s expertise and the case facts— or data are disclosed before the jury, a
essentially there is no fit between the limiting instruction by the court shall be
expert’s method and the facts of this case. given upon request.117
This is like distinguishing legal authority,
only easier, since one expertise is rarely Thus, it is easier to for a proponent of
broad enough to encompass every type of the evidence to get otherwise inadmissible
case that could arise. This is an argument evidence into trial through the expert in
that can be made no matter how well- Texas. The federal rule requires that the
qualified the proffered expert is. inadmissible evidence substantially
outweigh the prejudicial effect. Texas only
Don’t open the door to otherwise requires that the danger of misuse outweigh
excluded evidence during cross the value of the evidence as an explanation
examination. Under the federal rules an or is unfairly prejudicial.
expert may rely on inadmissible data to
form an opinion or make an inference. But, Therefore, it is the responsibility of the
the inadmissible data shall not be disclosed opposing party to raise an objection to the
by the proponent to the jury unless the judge introduction of inadmissible facts. 118
determines the probative value substantially
outweighs the prejudicial effect.116

However, as noted by the advisory 117

committee, an adversary’s attack on an Tex. R. Evid. 705.
Burgess, supra note 94, at 3; Tex. Workers'
expert’s basis will often open the door to a Comp. Comm'n v. Wausau Underwriters Ins., 127
S.W.3d 50, 57 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.]
FED. R. EVID. 703. 2003, pet. denied).

Object! To preserve a complaint that

scientific evidence is unreliable and thus, no
evidence, a party must object to the
evidence before trial or when the evidence
is offered.119 Although, in City of San
Antonio v. Pollock, 284 S.W.3d 809 (Tex.
2009), the Supreme Court held that no
objection to the admissibility of the expert
testimony was required to preserve the error
where the proffering party’s expert’s
conclusory opinion could not be considered
probative evidence on its face, one should
not rely on this “facially conclusory”
argument and should always object to the
admissibility of the opposing expert’s
Moreover, a ruling on a motion in
limine does not preserve error for appeal.120
The federal rules have an exception if there
is a definitive ruling.121

Maritime Overseas Corp. v. Ellis, 971 S.W.2d
402, 409 (Tex. 1998).
Acord v. General Motors Corp., 669 S.W.2d 111,
116 (Tex. 1984).
See Fed. R. Evid. 103.


Case Court Description

Daubert v. Merrell Dow USSC The trial court is the “gatekeeper” and must
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 “ensure that any and all scientific testimony
U.S. 579 (1993). or evidence admitted is not only relevant, but
reliable.” The factors the trial court should
consider when determining whether evidence
is relevant and reliable include:
1. Whether the theory or technique can
be and has been tested,
2. Whether the theory or technique has
been subjected to peer review and
3. The theory or technique’s known or
potential rate of error, and
4. Whether the theory or technique has
gained “general acceptance” in the
relevant scientific community.
E.I. DuPont de Nemours & TXSC The Texas version of Daubert. The court
Co. v. Robinson, 923 adopted a list of factors which a trial court
S.W.2d 549 (Tex. 1995). may consider when evaluating the reliability
of an expert’s testimony. The list is not
1. The extent to which the expert’s
theory has been or can be tested,
2. The extent to which the technique
relies upon the subjective
interpretation of the expert,
3. Whether the theory has been
subjected to peer review and/or
4. The technique’s potential rate of
5. Whether the underlying theory or
technique has been generally
accepted as valid by the relevant
scientific community, and
6. The non-judicial uses which have
been made of the theory or technique.

Case Court Description

Merrell Dow TXSC Held that expert opinions based upon
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. unreliable underlying data are inadmissible.
Havner, 953 S.W.2d 706 An expert’s opinion may be excluded as
(Tex. 1997). unreliable in the following situations:
1. If the foundational data underlying
opinion testimony is unreliable.
2. If the underlying data is sound but the
expert draws conclusions from that
data based on flawed methodology.
3. When the expert’s reasoning is
flawed, as above, any inferences
drawn from the flawed analysis will
also be unreliable.
Under these circumstance, the expert’s
scientific testimony is unreliable and, legally,
no evidence.
Gammill v. Jack Williams TXSC Urged trial courts to look closely for
Chevrolet, Inc., 972 S.W.2d analytical gaps between the facts of a case
713 (Tex. 1998). and the opinions of non-scientific,
experience-based experts. The case
ultimately caused confusion as to whether the
Robinson factors or a less stringent
“analytical gap test” applied to non-scientific
Mack Trucks v. Tamez, 206 TXSC Clarified Gammill. Held the Robinson factors
S.W.3d 572 (Tex. 2006). should be used in any case “when doing so
will be helpful in determining reliability of
an expert’s testimony, regardless of whether
the testimony is scientific in nature of
experience-based.” If a lawyer can show that
the Robinson factors are helpful to the
reliability analysis, they should be utilized.
Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. TXSC Excluded the experience-based experts after
v. Mendez, 204 S.W.3d a very methodical application of the
797 (Tex. 2006). Robinson factors.

Whirlpool Corporation v. TXSC Proper review of a legal sufficiency claim

Camacho, 298 S.W.3d 631 involving scientific based evidence or
(Tex. 2009). methodology requires both Robinson and
Gammill evaluation.
Transcontinental Insurance TXSC Must apply both Robinson and Gammill to
Co. v. Crump, 330 S.W.3d experts’ medical opinion based on
211 (Tex. 2010) experience.

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