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Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport

Expansion Project

Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh

Progress Report
February 2023 (35th Month)
- Data cut-off date: 28 February 2023
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

1. Project Summary
1.1 Outline of the Project
1.2 Executive Summary of Status of Works to date

2. Overall Progress Summary

3. Contractor’s Organization Chart

4. Engineering(Design) Drawing & Submittal Progress

4.1 Design Progress / Shop drawing Progress
4.2 Monthly Submittal
4.3 Outstanding Submittals

5. Procurement Progress
5.1 Subcontractors Status

6. Construction Progress

7. Circumstances Affecting Progress & Pending Issues

8. Monthly Resources & Weather

8.1 Office Staff & Labor
8.2 Materials
8.3 Equipment
8.4 Weather Record

9. Financial Status

10. Variations & Change Management

11. Extension of Time Claim Requested & Awarded

12. Information Required

13. Quality Assurance Report

14. Safety Report /

Environmental Testing & Monitoring Report

(to be separated and submitted to the Engineer, not included here)

15. Monthly Actual & Planned Activities

16. Progress Photos

 [Attachment ]

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

1. Project Summary

1.1 Outline of the Project

 Project Brief

Project Name Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA)

Client Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB)

Financier Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Contractor ADC (Mitsubishi + Samsung C&T + Fujita, Consortium)

Consultant Nippon Koei + Oriental + CPG + DDC (NOCD JV)
Construction Period 1461 days (48 months, 7 Apr. 2020 ~ 6 Apr. 2024)
Passenger Terminal(TE) #3 230,000 m2 (B1~2F)
Multi-Level Car Park 54,048 m2(B1~2F)
Import Cargo &
63,026 m2 (GR~3F)
Export Cargo Terminal

Key Construction Airside &
Elevated Drive Way installation,
Landside Earthwork
Pavement (Asphalt & Concrete)

Utility works, BHS(Conveyor),

Special Airport System CHS, Airport IT, AGL, Passenger
Boarding Bridge and etc.

 Contractual Dates & Target Dates

Planned Actual
No. Contractual Milestone
Dates Dates
1 LOA Issuance 17-Dec-19 17-Dec-19
2 Project Contract (Signing) 14-Jan-20 14-Jan-20
3 NTP(Notice to Proceed) issuance 06-Apr-20 06-Apr-20
4 Project Commencement 07-Apr-20 07-Apr-20
Construction Drawing Submission
5 22-Sep-20 22-Sep-20
(168days from Commencement)
Site Possession Area B, Demolition of Existing
6 06-Apr-21 5-Mar-22
Buildings by Client (365days from NTP )

7 Site Possession Area C (365days before Completion) 06-Apr-23

8 Project Completion (1461days from Commencement) 06-Apr-24

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

 Project History & Main Event to date

- 2 Dec. 2018, Temporary & Preparation work started

- 17 Dec. 2019, LOA issuance to the Contractor
- 28 Dec. 2019, Ground Breaking Ceremony
- 14 Jan. 2020, Project Contract (Signing)
- 6 Apr. 2020, NTP (Notice to Proceed) Issuance
- 7 Apr. 2020, Project Commencement
- 26 Mar. ~ 30 May 2020, Lock-down & General Holidays for containing the spread of
COVID-19, declared by Bangladesh Government
- 31 May 2020 ~ 30 Apr. 2021, cumulative total 998 nos. of manpower infected as of
30 Apr. ‘21. All infected staff, workers and contacted persons have been kept in
quarantine which has been impacting on the progress of work
- 5 Apr. ~ 15 July 2021, Lock-down by Bangladesh Government for preventing spread
of COVID-19 infection
- 30 June 2021, Government announced ‘Complete(full) strict lock down from 1 July
to 15 July 2021 & 23 July to 10 August 2021 preventing spread of COVID-19 infection

 Special Events

- VVIP Movement in the Site : All type of site works and movement were suspended
No. Date Remarks
Start Finish Hours
1 04 Feb 2020 07 : 00 10 : 30 03 : 30
2 08 Feb 2020 07 : 00 13 : 30 06 : 30
3 25 Feb 2020 23 : 00 03 : 00 04 : 00
VVIP movement
4 07 Mar 2020 14 : 00 17 : 00 03 : 00
5 14 Oct 2020 12 : 25 19 : 30 07: 05
6 27 Oct 2020 07: 00 08 : 30 01: 30
President of the Republic of
7 17 Mar 2021 03 : 00 10 : 00 07 : 00 Maldives’s arrived
President of the Republic of
8 19 Mar 2021 20 : 00 03 : 00 07 : 00 Maldives’s departed
PM of Democratic Socialist
9 19 Mar 2021 05 : 00 12 : 00 07 : 00 Republic Sri Lanka arrived
PM of Democratic Socialist
10 20 Mar 2021 13 : 00 20 : 00 07 : 00 Republic Sri Lanka departed
President of the Republic of Nepal
11 22 Mar 2021 06 : 00 13 : 00 07 : 00 arrived
President of the Republic of Nepal
12 23 Mar 2021 13 : 00 17 : 00 04 : 00 arrived
PM of the Kingdom of Bhutan
13 23 Mar 2021 06 : 00 13 : 00 07 : 00 arrived

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No. Date Remarks
Start Finish Hours
PM of the Kingdom of Bhutan
14 25 Mar 2021 04 : 00 11 : 00 07 : 00 departed
PM of People Republic of India
15 26 Mar 2021 06 : 00 13 : 00 07 : 00
PM of People Republic of India
16 27 Mar 2021 14 : 00 21 : 00 08 : 30
PM of People Republic of
17 17 Sep 2021 07 : 30 10 : 00 02 :30
President of People Republic of
18 1 Oct 2021 06 : 00 10 : 30 04 :30
Bangladesh departed
Prime Minister of People Republic
19 8 Oct 2021 06 : 00 10 : 30 04 :30
of Bangladesh Arrived
President of People Republic of
20 26 Oct 2021 04 :00 09 :30 05 :30
Bangladesh Arrived
Prime Minister of People Republic
21 31 Oct 2021 06:00 09: 30 03 :30
of Bangladesh departed
Prime Minister of People Republic
22 14 Nov 2021 02:00 03:00 01:00
of Mozambique Transit
Prime Minister of People Republic
23 14 Nov 2021 04:30 08:30 04.00
of Bangladesh Arrived
President of People Republic of
24 15 Dec 2021 07:30 11:30 04:00
India arrived
President of People Republic of
25 17 Dec 2021 09:30 02:00 04:30
India departed
Prime Minister of People Republic
26 22 Dec 2021 08:30 12:30 04:00
of Bangladesh departed
Prime Minister of People Republic
27 27 Dec 2021 13:45 17:45 04:00
of Bangladesh arrived
Prime Minister of People Republic
28 07 Mar.2022 11:30 16:30 05:00
of Bangladesh departed
Prime Minister of People Republic
29 12 Mar.2022 19:30 00:30 05:00
of Bangladesh arrived
Crown Princes of Denmark
30 25 Apr.2022 8:00 11:00 03:00
Crown Princes of Denmark
31 25 Apr.2022 14:00 17:00 03:00
Departed to Cox’s Bazar
Crown Princes of Denmark
32 27 Apr.2022 21:00 00:00 03:00
Prime Minister of People Republic
33 5 Sep.2022 8:00 11:00 03:00
of Bangladesh departed
Prime Minister of People Republic
34 8 Sep. 2022 17:00 20:30 03:30
of Bangladesh arrived
Prime Minister of People Republic
35 15 Sep.2022 8:00 12:00 04:00
of Bangladesh departed
Prime Minister of People Republic
36 3 Oct. 2022 18:00 22:00 04:00
of Bangladesh arrived
37 15 Oct. 2022 10:30 15:30 05:00 Brunei Sultan arrived
38 17 Oct. 2022 06:00 10:00 4 Brunei Sultan Departed
President of people republic of
39 29 Oct. 2022 23:30 3:30 4
Bangladesh departed
President of people republic of
40 17 Nov. 2022 6:30 11:30 5
Bangladesh Arrived.
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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- Government Authority or Other Authority’s visit
① JICA’s visit : 13 Dec. 2020, from 13:30 to 15:00, they stopped by center area of
Terminal 3 accompanied by CAAB Chairman and CE, and the other 3 officials visited
Airside (Area 2-1 and 6-2)
② Army Officers’ visit : 17 Jan. 2021 (12:30~13:30) Army officer (14person) visited the
Site with CAAB Chairman
③ MOCAT Secretary’s visit : 21 Jan. 2021 (12:10 ~ 13:10) MOCAT Secretary visited the
Site with CAAB Chairman
④ Japan Ambassador’s visit : 15 Feb. 2021 (16:00 ~ 17:30)
⑤ Deputy Secretary of IMED – Planning Ministry’s visit : 24 Apr. 2021 (10:30 ~ 12:20)
⑥ Additional Secretary of MOCAT : 28 Apr. 2021 (10:00 ~ 14:20)
⑦ JICA’s visit : 22 Jun. 2021, from 14:00 to 16:00 JICA visited the Site for checking
Safety Management status
⑧ Government VVIP Visit : 5 Jun. 2021, 12:20 p.m, State Minister with 4 nos. of Officials
visited to site.
⑨ Korea Ambassador’s Visit : 30 Aug. 2021 (11:30 ~ 12:30)
⑩ Additional Secretary of MOCAT Visit : 18 Sep.2021 (11:00~ 15:00)
⑪ Deputy Police commissioner (Labor Ministry) : 13 Nov.2021(10:30~12:30)
⑫ Parliamentary Accounts committee visited: 29 Dec.2021 (11:00~14:00)
⑬ Planning Ministry Official visit : 6 Jan. 2022(13:30~16:00)
⑭ Ministry of MOCAT & CAAB Official Visit : 11 Apr.2022(11:00~13:30)
⑮ Additional Secretary of MOCAT & CAAB Official Visit : 21 May 2022 (11:00~16:00)

16 PDW Department Official Visit : 27 August 2022(10:30~14:30)

17 Ministry of MOCAT & CAAB Official Visit : 12 Sep.2022(10:00~14:30)

18 Airport Security System Team (USA) Visit: 25 Oct.2022(10:00~13:00)

⑲ Ministries ,Govt. & JICA official Visited.15Jan.2023(10:00~15:00).

⑳ Korean Ambassador Visited as site17 Jan.2023 (10:00~14:00).
21 Joint Secretary of Ministries & CAAB official Visited.26Jan.2023(10:00~12:30).
22 MOCAT Minister & CAAB official visited. 07 Feb.2023(9:30~13:30).

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- Bombs discovered in the Site

During soil excavation work in December 2020, 5 bombs were discovered as following
< Discovered Bombs at the Site >
When (Date / Time) Location Remarks
1 09 Dec 2020 08 : 40 a.m Center of TE3 Upon discovering of bomb,
2 14 Dec 2020 08 : 45 a.m Center of TE3 all works (excavation and
3 19 Dec 2020 10 : 45 a.m Center of TE3 pile cap installation) were
4 28 Dec 2020 07 : 30 a.m Center of TE3 stopped immediately for
5 30 Dec 2020 10 : 50 a.m Center of TE3 1day.

- Ground Breaking & Opening Ceremony

① Engineer’s Accommodation - Ground Breaking Ceremony : 27 May 2021
② Safety Academy Opening Ceremony : 27 May 2021

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

2. Overall Progress Summary

2.1 Progress % as of 28 February 2023
Total Duration 1,461 days (48months)
Days Elapsed 1058days 72%
Remaining Duration 403 days 28%
Progress of Work Done Monthly Plan Cum. Plan Monthly Actual Cum. Actual Variance
Overall 5.0 % 64.6 % 4.0% 63.0% - 1.6%
- Engineering 0.6% 97.6 % 0.6 % 97.7 % + 0.1%
- Procurement 1.5% 89.1 % 4.0 % 89.2 % + 0.1%
- Construction 5.3 % 61.2 % 4.3% 59.5 % - 1.7%
Financial Progress 3.6% 57.7% 5.5% 52.1% - 5.6%
 Above Contractual Work Progress progress % was calculated based on Revised Baseline Programme.
※ Financial progress based on certified actual interim payment (work done up to 30 Dec. 2022)

2.2 Progress Summary – Main Trade wise

Submission (nos.) Approved (nos.)
Drawing Division Total
Actual Actual
submission Remaining Shop drawing 271
199(73%) 139(51%)
as of 1st December 2022 nos.

Subcontractor Total Planned No.(in Baseline Program) Consented by the Engineer

89 subcontractors 85 (96%)
Division Plan Actual
Excavation (1,947,000m3) 86% 100%
Embankment(4,503,000m3) 91% 88%
Construction Apron Pavement (Conc. Slab) 33% 30%
- Civil works Elevated Drive way (north & south Curbside)
Footing 98 % 97%
Column 92 % 98%
Girder install 88 % 93%
Slab installation 48% 58%
RFFS & Sub-station (6,088 m3) 6,088 m3, 100% 6,088 m3, 100%
RC work
MLCP (23,990 m3) 23,990 m3, 100% 23,800m3, 99%
Steel Structure TE3 (20,342 ton) 15,081 ton, 74% 14,450 ton, 71%
Façade C/W & TE3(4,989 nos.) 1211 nos. 24% 2,388 nos. 48%
Sandwich ECT(13,943 nos.) 10,925 nos.78% 5,770 nos. 41%
Panel ICT (11,780 nos.) 11,780 nos.100% 3,610 nos. 31%
Ceiling(APP) TE3(82,531 m2 ) 52,649 m2 64% 22,697 m2 28%
TE3(136,960 m2) 86,757 m2 63% 102,163 m2 75%
Roof Panel ECT(720 nos.) 606 nos. 84% 718 nos. 100%
ICT (387 nos.) 326 nos. 84% 343 nos. 89 %
Finishing TE3 54.1 % 41.1%
Work MLCP 3.8% 19%
Utility FHS pipe installation 5,702 m, 77% 5,000 m, 67%
BHS BHS installation 36% 32 %
CHS CHS Installation 24% 8.7%

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

2.3 Progress Summary - Main Building & Area wise Progress

(based on updated programme attached)
as of 28 Feb 2023
Updated, Delayed
Planned Progress %
Forecasted Period Reason for Delay
Finish date (Baseline, EPC)
Finish date in Baseline
(Baseline) (1) (= 1 - 2) Plan % Actual % Variance
COVID-19 Pandemic, Subcon & Supplier
approval delay, VIP&VVIP facilities
TE3 24-2-2024 12-5-2024 -78
subcon selection delay, IP delay, LC open
63.59% 60.18% -3.4%
delay, Door material approval delay

ICT 29-1-2024 10-3-2024 -41 Delay in RC Structure work due to 63.82% 56.31% -7.5%
delayed Site Hand-over and COVID-19
ECT 02-1-2024 25-2-2024 -54 Pandemic, IP delay 64.18% 62.69% -1.5%
Delay in Pile & RC Structure work due to
Tunnel 30-4-2023 13-5-2023 -13 delayed Site Hand-over and COVID-19 97.49% 98.31% 0.8%

MLCP 27-3-2024 08-12-2023 110 (ADC's earlier start of works) 75.48% 78.99% 3.5%

Delay in Pile & RC Structure work due to

EDW 30-3-2024 17-8-2024 -140 delayed Site(east Highway area) Hand- 79.04% 87.01% 8.0%
over and COVID-19 Pandemic

Apron Delay in earthwork due to delayed

04-3-2024 27-4-2024 -54 74.70% 73.44% -1.3%
(Area3-1) Site(G.A area, CAAB office) Hand-over

Project Overall
Completion 06-4-2024 17-8-2024 -132 64.55% 62.99% -1.6%
(* Details: Please refer to attached updated programme)
▷ Current Main Slippage & Critical Paths in Progress
No. Delayed Works Time Variance Impact Remarks
3 Party’s work - BTCL cable, drainage
EDW South & EDW south & north
1 - 133 days re-location work delay. For mitigating
North work structure
delay, work sequence was changed
Seating Sub-con Engineering ,Mock-up
2 - 100 days Sub-con selection & confirmation delay.
selection installation
CHS installation
3 -87 days CHS installation, T&C Steel Rack installation delay
TE3 VIP & VVIP VIP & VVIP facilities Delay in Subcontractor contracting for
4 -74 days
facilities internal Fit-out works VIP & VVIP facilities
TE3 Center Steel Internal Finishing
5 -62 days Material delivery delay
Structure works & MEP works
TE3 BHS BHS Steel Structure, Encoding Station
6 - 57 days BHS installation, T&C
installation Platform installation delay
TE3 internal Internal Finishing
MEP & Finishing Material Procurement
7 Finishing, MEP - 54days work, MEP 1st & 2nd
delay (IP delay, LC open delay)
work fix
VVIP Terminal Demolition, Utility &
8 - 5 days VVIP Terminal movement delay
Hand-over Drainage works
- 87 ~ - 250 TE3 door installation
9 Door Procurement days Material approval delay
& final finishing works

2.4 Others - Sand delivery (Dec. 2022) / Cumulative total : 92,900 m3 / 4,229,400 m3
2.5 Safety(Incident free) Man-hour (monthly / cumulative) : 2,944,650 / 10,998,080 hours.

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

2.6 Progress Curve(S-Curve)

Progress S-Curve Mid of Sep. 2024

6.0% 97.6%
98.7% 100.0%

5.5% < Work Progress > 91.0%

6 Apr. 2024
Plan(Cum.) : 64.6%


5.0% Actual(Cum.) : 63.0% 81.8%

End of Oct. 2023

(as of 28 Feb 2022) 77.6% 80.0%

4.5% 72.7%

69.0% 70.0%
4.0% 64.3%


3.0% 50.0%
2.5% 39.7%
37.8% 40.0%
2.0% 32.3%
1.5% 22.6%
16.8% 17.5%
1.0% 14.0%
8.5% 10.0%
0.5% 6.7%

0.0% 0.0%

* From Mar. 2022, Planned Progress % based on Revised Baseline Programme was applied
Revised Plan (Monthly) Actual (Monthly) Revised Plan (Cumulative) Actual (Cumulative)

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

3. Contractor’s Organization PM Control Procure Planning HSE QA/QC Design Civil Building Logistic MEP Admin Sum
Foreigner 10 16 6 2 7 4 14 16 37 0 25 3 140
(as of 28 February 2023) Local 33 10 4 52 28 31 63 107 26 64 20 438
Total 10 49 16 6 59 32 45 79 144 26 89 23 578

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

4. Engineering(Design) Drawing & Submittal Progress

* Cut-Off Date: 28-February-2023

4.1 Design Progress (Accumulated)

- Remaining Shop Drawing

Submitted Approved
Trade Total
Last This Last This
Balance Balance
Week Week Week Week

Total 271 195 199 72 134 139 132

Structure 7 2 2 5 2 2 5

Architecture 112 72 75 37 61 63 49

Mechanical 27 27 27 0 5 7 20

Electrical 42 38 39 3 19 20 22

Civil 83 56 56 27 47 47 36

1448 813 1200 248 844 874 574
DB Panel

4.2 Monthly Submittals


Type Submission Reply

Total 1969 1948

This Month 58 64
Total 903 897
This Month 26 29
Total 341 340
This Month 2 5
Total 269 264
This Month 8 4
Total 380 371
This Month 20 24
Total 76 76
This Month 2 2

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

4.2 Monthly Submittals


Type Submission Approved Rejected&

(with Comments) Resubmit

Total 9283 6760 2371

This Month 375 324 106
Total 2151 1786 338
This Month 88 80 26
Total 842 623 215
This Month 28 29 8
Total 519 285 221
Shop Mechanical
This Month 23 13 5
Drawing Total 1171 741 384
This Month 79 74 20
Total 106 76 28
This Month 6 8 3
Total 99 70 29
This Month
Total 271 203 64
This Month 6 5 2
Total 236 168 67
This Month 3 3 1
Total 117 84 32
This Month 4 3
Method Statement Total 100 69 26
Electrical This Month 10 6 3
Total 12 12
This Month 1
Total 13 6 5
This Month 2
Total 182 156 25
This Month 1
Total 43 28 15
This Month 1 0
Total 566 366 193
Mechanical This Month 14 10 5
Total 485 251 220
Electrical This Month 23 25 2
Total 114 82 31
This Month 5 4 2
Total 856 596 243
Miscellaneous This Month 37 28 13
Total 239 202 36
Building This Month 1
Total 217 207 9
Civil This Month
Total 52 39 13
Technical Mechanical
This Month 2 3 0
Total 65 35 29
& Proposal Electrical This Month 7 7 7
Total 40 24 15
This Month 8 2 6
Total 626 541 83
Miscellaneous This Month 26 23 3
Total 140 98 41
This Month 1
Total 21 12 9
VE(Value Engineering) This Month

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

4.3 Outstanding Submittals (Have not received reply for more than 14 days after submission)
Submissio Workfl Days
Submission No. Subject n Date ow No. (Up to
Shop Drawing
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for ICT Ground,
21-0091-02 First, Second, Third Floor CCTV & SACS 23/Jan/23 026987 36
System Layout
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-ME- Shop Drawing Submittal for Underground
05/Feb/23 027664 23
22-0274-01 Piping Plan in ECT Out House
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 ELEC
22-0530-01 ROOM MDB PANEL CABLE DROP 07/Feb/23 027743 21
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
22-0496-01 STRUCTURAL STEEL CABLE TRAY 07/Feb/23 027744 21
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
22-0184-01 GROUND FLOOR COMMS ROOM-1 07/Feb/23 027782 21
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-ME- Shop Drawing Submittal for Secondary
22-0245-03 Electrical Power & Control for 07/Feb/23 027783 21
Mechanical in GH
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
21-0230-02 GROUND FLOOR POWER TOILET 07/Feb/23 027789 21
PLAN FOR TLG-10 System Plan
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
23-0219-00 GROUND FLOOR POWER TOILET 07/Feb/23 027791 21
PLAN FOR TLG-07 System Plan
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
07/Feb/23 027807 21
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 OFFICE
08/Feb/23 027840 20
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 MAIN
22-0508-01 ROOF CABLE TRAY ROUTE SYSTEM 08/Feb/23 027874 20
(ZONE-C1 GRID 26-34_B13-A1)
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 Main
22-0476-02 Roof CABLE TRAY ROUTE SYSTEM 09/Feb/23 027915 19
(ZONE B1 GRID 7-18_B13-A1)
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 MAIN
22-0477-01 ROOF CABLE TRAY ROUTE SYSTEM 09/Feb/23 027918 19
(ZONE-C2 GRID 34-45 _ B13-A1)
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 FIRST
22-0405-01 FLOOR CABLE TRAY ROUTE 09/Feb/23 027921 19
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 MAIN
22-0454-02 ROOF CABLE TRAY ROUTE SYSTEM 09/Feb/23 027925 19
(ZONE-A GRID 1-7_B16-B5)
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 Ground
21-0229-02 Floor Power Toilet Plan for TLG-11 09/Feb/23 027928 19
System Plan
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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Submissio Workfl Days
Submission No. Subject n Date ow No. (Up to
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
22-0220-01 GROUND FLOOR TOILET POWER 09/Feb/23 027967 19
POINTS (TLG-08) System Plan
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
22-0221-02 GROUND FLOOR TOILET POWER 09/Feb/23 027970 19
POINTS (TLG-09) System Plan
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
23-0354-00 GROUND FLOOR TOILET LIGHTING 09/Feb/23 027974 19
System Plan
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-ME- Shop Drawing Submittal for Air
23-0312-00 Conditioning and Ventilation System in 11/Feb/23 028010 17
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 2FP
23-0566-00 CABLE TRAY ROUTE SYSTEM 12/Feb/23 028023 16
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 2FP
23-0567-00 CABLE TRAY ROUTE SYSTEM 12/Feb/23 028024 16
(ZONE C GRIDLINE 26-45_B13-A1)
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
22-0218-01 GROUND FLOOR TOILET POWER 12/Feb/23 028040 16
POINTS (TLG-06) System Plan
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3
21-0138-02 BASEMENT FLOOR CABLE TRAY 12/Feb/23 028058 16
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-CC- Shop Drawing of Landside Traffic Sign
13/Feb/23 028086 15
22-0324-02 Plan (Display Information)
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-CC- Shop Drawing of Landside Traffic
23-0369-00 13/Feb/23 028090 15
Signboard Frame Details
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-ME- Shop Drawing Submittal for Secondary
22-0283-01 Electrical Power & Control for 13/Feb/23 028105 15
Mechanical in RFFS
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 2nd
13/Feb/23 028120 15
23-0583-00 Floor BCT System Layout Plan
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for ECT Ground,
21-0043-03 First & Second Floor CCTV & SACS 14/Feb/23 028140 14
System Layout
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 Ground
14/Feb/23 028145 14
22-0521-01 Floor Fire Command Center Layout Plan
ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL- Shop Drawing Submittal for TE3 FIRST
14/Feb/23 028172 14
22-0125-01 FLOOR LIGHTING (EXIT) System Plan
Method Statement
Method Statement of the Installation of
Signage (Aluminum, Stainless Steel & 08/Feb/23 027831 20
Galvanized Steel Metal), Terminal-3

Method Statement of Equipment and

Accessories Installation for Sewage 09/Feb/23 027955 19
Treatment Plant

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Submissio Workfl Days
Submission No. Subject n Date ow No. (Up to
Material Submittal of RJ45 Connector 07/Feb/23 027811 21
ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL- Material Submittal for Lightning Pole
08/Feb/23 027847 20
23-0195-00 (Myoung Eun, Korea)
ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-Q- Material Submittal of Steel (Fire,
BC1-22-0382-03 Acoustic & Timber) Door Hardware 08/Feb/23 027850 20
(Part-1) for T3 Building
Material Submittal for AC-DC Meter 11/Feb/23 028013 17
ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL- Material Submittal for Pin Type Lug &
11/Feb/23 028014 17
23-0197-00 Ferrules
ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-Q- Material Submittal of Acoustic doors and
BC1-22-0448-01 sound control door assemblies at T3 12/Feb/23 028060 16
ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-ME- Material Submittal of Non Return Valve
12/Feb/23 028062 16
23-0269-00 for MCP Basement UWR
Request For Information
ADC-NOCD-RFI-ME-23- Clarification for the sprinkler type in ICT
07/Feb/23 027802 21
1733-00 radio active room
ADC-NOCD-RFI-ME-23- Clarification for the sprinkler system on
13/Feb/23 028098 15
1786-00 the cold room in ICT and ECT
ADC-NOCD-RFI-ME-23- Clarification for the M&E design for Fuel
13/Feb/23 028100 15
1787-00 Stand
ADC-NOCD-RFI-CC-22- Clarification for Landside Road 1, 3-3
14/Feb/23 028173 14
1486-01 sidewalk

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

5. Procurement Progress

5.1 Subcontractors Status

- Overall Status Summary

(unit: nos.)
Item Requested Consented Pending Remarks

Preliminaries 9 9

Civil 23 23

1. '"MATPLAZA" (or "CCM" for VO) for Seating Works

→ NOCD approved "CCM"(Italy) for Counters(furnitue) & Charging Stations

on 30 Oct, but Seating is pending
→ ADC requested NOCD to finalize selection of Seating work Suncontractor :
① Approve "Matplaza" as base offer
② Approve "CCM(Italy)" with the confirmation of VO amount
→ NOCD requested ADC to present T3 Seating as CCM-Italy products
→ ADC recommended CCM (Italy) with the comparison of other Seating
company (Ray International) after collection of each qoutation on 20th Nov
→ NOCD introduced seating suppliers and requested ADC to contact on 21st
Building 29 28 1 Nov. ("Zoeftig UK" for Infinite seating and Infinite Recliner, "iMAT Spain" for
2 Seater, 4 Seater & Recliners seat)
→ ADC recommended CCM (Italy) considering rich experience/ less
amount and requested NOCD to discuss with the Employer on priority and
revert with the approval at the earliest on 24th Nov
→ ADC submitted spec compliance statement and model no of basic option,
option 1 & 2 acc to CAAB/NOCD's request on 28 Dec 2022
→ NOCD requested ADC to submit TE3 Seating type S1 and S2, Option-01
detail drawing and info from “Oshujian” to strictly comply with project specs on
10th Jan. 2023 and ADC submitted requested information on 22nd Jan 2023
→ NOCD requested ADC to present VO amount "iMat" and "Kusch+co" for
T3 seating works on 27th Feb 2023 (L-ADC-23-0025-02)

M&E 14 14

Total 75 74 1

- Pending Subcontractors

Consent Request Engineer's Consent

No. Div Trade / Work Subcontractor
(Submission) Plan Actual

1 Building Seating Works 20-Feb-22 6-Mar-22
"CCM" for VO

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6. Construction Progress

6.1 Civil Construction Progress

6.1.1 Earthwork Progress

- Total earthwork quantity is expected 6.5 mil.㎥ approximately, and the detailed quantities
of each area are as follows. This earthwork consists of swamp soil removal, excavation,
soil embankment, sand embankment which are going to be carried out in 5 phases (Ph.1 :
Apr ’20 ~ May ’20 / Ph.2 : Sep ’20 ~ Apr ’21 / Ph.3 : Sep ’21 ~ Apr ’22 / Ph.4 : Sep ’22 ~
Apr ’23 / Ph.5 : Sep ’23 ~ Apr ’24). Current work quantities will be re measured after
finishing of each trade of work.

- Excavation & embankment work has been progressed at the following in Landside and
Airside zone
→ Airside : Area 3-1, Area 6-1, 6-2, 7-1
→ Landside : Pond 21, Road A-1, 3, Existing VVIP Road , Car Park Access and T3 front,
North and right side etc.

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

700,000 7,000,000

600,000 6,000,000

500,000 5,000,000

Cum. Plan: 5,794,200m3

400,000 4,000,000
Cum. Actual: 6,263,900m3

300,000 (as of 28 Feb. 2023) 3,000,000

200,000 2,000,000

100,000 1,000,000

0 0

Plan (Monthly) Actual (Monthly) Plan (Cumulative) Actual (Cumulative)

< Earthwork (Excavation & Embankment) Progress S-curve >

- Earthwork Progress: Plan 89.8%, Actual 97.1% (unit: m3)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
Excavation 1,947,000 1,668,300 2,248,500 30,400 2,278,900
Embankment 4,503,000 4,125,900 3,939,300 45,700 3,985,000
Total 6,450,000 5,794,200 6,187,800 76,100 6,263,900
Progress (%) 89.8% 95.9% 1.2% 97.1%

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6.1.2 SRET-S1 & ST2-ST6 Asphalt Pavement

- ST2-ST6 Asphalt work is ongoing. Additional Service Road 11 & 12 Sub grade work is

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6.1.3 Phase 6 Work

- Taxiway Closure Ph.6 commenced on 18th Dec. ‘22 and completed end of Mar ‘23.

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6.1.4 Apron work

- Drainage layer progress: Plan 42.8%, Actual 47.2%
- Lean Con’c layer progress: Plan 41.3%, Actual 45.3%
- Con’c Slab layer progress: Plan 32.8%, Actual 30.6%
(Unit: panel)
Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
Con’c Slab 14,500 4,764 3,912 531 4,443
Lean Con’c Layer 14,500 5,991 6,265 313 6,578
Drainage layer 14,500 6,212 6,726 124 6,850

6.1.5 Drainage and Utility works

- Main Drainage progress: Plan 11,222m, Work done: 12,049m (103%)

- Fuel Hydrant & External Hydrant Pipe installation is ongoing in Area 2, 3-1,5
- Ceramic duct bank work is ongoing in Area 3-1,4 Gate #8 ~ ECT
- Sewer Pipe work was commenced in Area 2, 4,5 from Aug. ‘22
- Water Supply System work was commenced in Area 3-1,4,5 from 27 Feb. ‘22

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- Drainage Progress in all Area: Plan 75.6%, Actual 81.2% (unit : m)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
BOX Culvert 2,620 1,986 2,211 2,211
Trapezoidal 9,752 8,336 8,807 297 9,104
U-Culvert 2,464 900 734 734
14,835 11,222 11,752 297 12,049
75.6% 79.2% 2.0% 81.2%

- Utility Progress in all Area: Plan 69.7%, Actual 54.9% (unit : m)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
Con’c Duct Bank 4,953 3,102 3,036 670 3,706
Ceramic Duct Bank 10,506 7,794 6,777 634 7,411
Fuel Hydrant Pipe 7,438 5,292 4,836 205 5,041
External Hydrant Pipe 6,414 4,554 2,896 222 3,118
Water Supply System 10,125 6,097 2,317 630 2,947
Sewer Pipe 5,018 4,183 1,982 230 2,212
44,454 31,022 21,844 2,591 24,435
69.7% 49.1% 5.8% 54.9%

6.1.6 EDW Work

- Pile work progress: Plan 99.4%, Actual 100% (unit : Nos)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
Curbside 294 294 294 - 294
South EDW 232 232 232 - 232
North EDW 216 212 216 - 216
742 738 742 - 742
99.4% 100% 0.0% 100%

- Footing work progress: Plan 98.2%, Actual 97.6% (unit : Nos)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
Curbside 87 87 87 - 87
South EDW 41 41 37 - 37
North EDW. 41 38 39 2 41
169 166 163 2 165
98.2% 96.4% 1.2% 97.6%
* 1 no of footing is working in progress

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- Column work progress: Plan 92.3%, Actual 97.6% (unit : Nos)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
Curbside 87 87 87 87
South EDW 43 41 39 39
North EDW 41 30 38 3 41
171 158 164 3 167
92.3% 95.9% 1.7% 97.6%

- Coping work progress: Plan 71.4%, Actual 88.5% (unit : Nos)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
Curbside 29 29 29 29
South EDW 37 34 33 - 33
North EDW 39 12 20 11 31
105 75 82 11 93
71.4% 78.0% 10.5% 88.5%
* 3 nos of copings are working in progress

- Girder manufacturing progress: Plan 86.0%, Actual 96.4% (unit : Nos)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
RCC Girder 364 364 364 364
PC Girder 326 229 272 29 301
Steel Box Girder 6 6 6 6
Total 696 599 642 29 671
86.0% 92.2% 6.2% 96.4%
* Steel box girder assembly work is ongoing at Area-2 (Steel Bridge Stockyard).

- Girder installation: Plan 87.7%, Actual 93.4% (unit : Nos)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
RCC Girder 364 364 364 364
Beam 248 248 234 234
PC Girder 326 137 164 36 200
Steel Box Girder 6 - - -
Total 854 749 762 36 798
87.7% 89.2% 4.2% 93.4%

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- Slab: Plan 48.0%, Actual 58.7% (unit : Nos)

Total Plan
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
Curbside A1-A3 28 28 28 28
Curbside A3-A3.1 28 28 28 28
South EDW 37 7 11 10 21
North EDW 38 - - - -
Total 131 63 67 10 77
48.0% 51.1% 7.6% 58.7%
* 5 nos of slabs are working in progress

[Curbside Slab First Floor]

[EDW South]

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

[EDW North]

6.1.7 Other works

- Sand Delivery / Stock: 4,229,400 m3 / 92,900 m3

Actual (m3)
~Jan. 2023 Feb. 2023 Cum.
River Sand delivery 4,149,600 79,800 4,229,400
Airside 122,000 ∆60,300 40,600
Sand Stock Landside ∆43,100 12,600 55,700
76,900 16,700 92,900

- Soil Disposal (only Civil): 1,288,900 m3

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6.2 Building Construction Progress

6.2.1 Pile work Progress – Bored Pile & PHC Pile Test Status

- Static Load Test

Location Pile No. Length Execution Report submit Remark

TP01 23m Mar. 08 ~ Mar. 09 Mar. 30 Done
BH 67
TP02 36m May. 13 ~ May. 14 May. 21 Done
TE3 TP03 30m Mar. 18 ~ Mar. 19 Apr. 04 Done
BH 61
TP04 35m May. 02 ~ May. 03 May. 12 Done
BH 48 TP04.1 38m Jul. 13 ~ Jul. 15 Jul. 27 Done
Tunnel BH 19 TP06 35m Aug. 31 ~ Sep. 02 Sep. 26 Done
Curbside BH 40 TP07 38m Sep.16 ~ Sep.18 Oct. 21 Done
EDW NBH4 TP05 30m Nov. 08 ~ Nov.11 Dec. 14 Done
South NBH2 TP5.3 34m Feb.24 ~ Feb.26 Mar. 3 Done
EDW NBH13 TP5.2 34m Dec.24 ~ Dec 26 Jan. 24 Done
North BH31 TP5.4 30m Mar.10 ~ Mar 12 Mar. 24 Done
6BH 5 TP10 24m Oct.16 ~ Oct.18
MLCP Nov. 23 Done
BH 24 TP09 35m Nov.17 ~ Nov.19
NBH35 TP15 35m Nov.05 ~ Nov.07
ECT Nov. 16 Done
NBH37 TP13 / 14 25m/ 30m Oct.28 ~ Nov.13
ICT NBH28 TP12 30m Jan.10 ~ Jan.12 Jan. 25 Done
WSS NBH18 TP17 30m Apr.22 ~ Apr.24 Apr. 28 Done
PWT NBH42 TP18 35m Mar. 28 ~ Mar. 30 Apr. 10 On going

- Dynamic Load Test

Location Pile No. Length Execution Report submit Remark

BH 67 TP02 36m Apr. 15 May. 14 Done

BH 61 TP04 35m Apr. 19 May. 14 Done
Tunnel BH 19 TP06 35m Jul. 27 Sep. 26 Done
Curbside BH 40 TP07 38m Jul. 28 Oct. 25 Done
NBH4 TP05 30m Oct. 17 Nov. 30 Done
NBH2 TP5.3 34m Feb.18 Mar. 3 Done
NBH13 TP5.2 34m Dec.18 Jan. 24 Done
BH31 TP5.4 30m Feb.27 Mar. 24 Done
6BH 5 TP10 24m Oct. 5 Nov. 20 Done
MLCP BH 24 TP08 30m Oct. 25 - Done(F)
BH 24 TP09 35m Oct. 28 Nov. 23 Done

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- Lateral Load Test

Location Pile No. Length Execution Report submit Remark

Curbside BH 40 TP07 38m Oct. 7 Oct. 21 Done

NBH 4 TP05 30m Nov. 26 Dec. 14 Done

NBH2 TP5.3 34m Mar. 2 Mar. 3 Done

NBH13 TP5.2 34m Jan. 7 Jan. 24 Done

BH31 TP5.4 30m Mar. 16 Mar. 24 Done

Preliminary Pile Test Location

- Working Pile Test

Tests of TE3, Tunnel, MLCP, ECT, ICT working pile were completed by 30 Jul 2021.
WSS test is deleted by NOCD’s instruction.

– PHC Pile Test Status

Location Pile No. Length Execution Report submit Remark

STP NBH 17 TP05, 5.1/TP06 9m/12m May. 03 ~ May. 27 Jun. 16 Done

GH NBH 23 TP07 15m Jun. 14 ~ Jun. 16 Jun. 24 Done

IPP NBH 20 TP08 16.5m Jun. 28 ~ Jun. 30 Jun. 07 Done

AGS NBH 42 TP03 13m Oct. 30 ~ Nov. 01 Nov. 17 Done

NBH47 TP01 Nov. 05 ~ Nov. 07

RFFS 15m Nov. 24 Done
NBH48 TP02 Nov. 09 ~ Nov. 11

- PHC Working Pile Test

Tests of GH, IPP, IPR, STP working pile were completed by 09 Feb 2022.

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6.2.2 Terminal 3 Work Progress

ROOF STEEL (RIGHT) 4,981.9 4,347.6 4,674.1 93.8% -326.5 307.8 6.2% 4,981.9 634.3 22-Jan-22 23-Mar-23
ROOF STEEL (LEFT) 4,845.7 4,845.7 4,845.7 100.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 4,845.7 0.0 8-Dec-21 23-Mar-23 Delayed by
CANTILEVER 2,244.0 1,998.0 1,706.9 76.1% 291.1 537.1 23.9% 2,244.0 246.0 25-Jun-22 18-Mar-23 Procurement due
to COVID 19
CURBSIDE 2,196.3 246.9 121.6 5.5% 125.3 2,074.7 94.5% 840.0 593.1 15-Feb-23 17-Jul-23
FAÇADE STEEL 1,921.7 1,849.9 1,176.5 61.2% 673.4 745.2 38.8% 1,921.7 71.8 25-Jun-22 25-Mar-23 increased in China,
PURLIN 972.3 561.7 659.3 67.8% -97.6 313.0 32.2% 628.0 66.3 25-Jun-22 19-Aug-23 Curbside work
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR STEEL 2,505.6 1,062.0 1,242.9 49.6% -180.9 1,262.7 50.4% 1,250.7 188.7 27-Sep-22 28-Aug-23 delay
FIXED GANGWAY 720.9 170.0 23.5 3.3% 146.5 697.4 96.7% 275.0 105.0 20-Jan-23 19-Oct-23
Total 20,388.4 15,081.8 14,450.5 70.9% 631.3 5,937.9 29.1% 16,987.0 1,905.2



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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6.2.3 Terminal 3 Pier extension

6.2.4 ECT / ICT Progress

6.2.5 Multi-Level Car park work progress

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6.2.6 Utility Buildings

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6.2 MEP Work Progress – Main Equipment Status

Description Item Make Baseline Location 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Status Remark
22-05-25 ~ 22-10-31 22-12-05 22-12-29 2023-03-06 2023-03-20
1st on-site Port 3rd : 34
LG 22-07-23 (DKAC-499) (DKAC-546) (DKAC-620) (DKAC-773) (DKAC-795) 3rd : Duty payment delaying
AHU 157 no. 4th : 34
(KOR) 22-09-22 ~ CAAB Received : 7-FEB
Installation On site 23-01-10 23-01-25 23-03-02 23-03-30 23-04-20 5th : 34
Port 22-06-10 22-07-05 22-08-02 22-11-19 4th : on site unloading
21-07-27 ~ (Steel) (DKAC-246) (DKAC-303) (DKAC-382) (DKAC-548)
4 Lot 1st on-site Total : 12 container
On site 22-07-22 22-08-03 22-09-16 23-02-20 Done : 11container
BHS 22-02-12
(POL) Port 22-06-10 22-08-09 22-12-19 22-12-30 23-01-15 23-02-01 23-03-10
22-07-30 ~ (Conveyor) 219) (DKAC-258) (DKAC-338,391) (DKAC-552) (DKAC-565) (DKAC-566) (DKAC-668) (DKAC-669) 6th : Duty payment delaying
TE3 10 Lot Installation
24-02-24 CAAB Received : 15-FEB.
On site 2022-06-01 2022-06-30 2022-09-28 2023-01-19 2023-01-19 2023-03-02 2023-02-20 2023-04-12
(6th Batch) (6th Batch)
(Contract Batch) (1st Batch) (2nd Batch) (3rd Batch) (4th Batch) (4th Batch) (4th Batch) (5th Batch) (5th Batch)
22-07-03 ~ 23-03-03
1st on-site Port
Firefighting SPP 22-09-05 (DKAC-528)
6 no. 1st : on port 23.03.03 1st : 6
Pump (USA) 23-04-10 ~
Installation On site 23-03-30
22-07-03 ~ 23-01-10
1st on-site Port 23-04-07 23-04-07 1st :33
Taejin 22-09-05 (DKAC-642) 1st : IP issue
P&S Pump 65 no. 2rd : 2
(KOREA) 23-04-10 ~ (Sump pump, Booster pump)
Installation On site 23-03-10 23-05-02 23-05-02 3th : 6
21-11-21 ~ 22-10-15 22-12-16 23-01-13 23-01-21 23-01-21 23-02-18 23-02-18 23-03-18 23-03-19 23-04-10
HYUNDA 1st on-site Port
22-08-25 (DKAC-395) (DKAC-530) (DKAC-614) (DKAC-645) (DKAC-646) (DKAC-743) (DKAC-744) (DKAC-758) (DKAC-770) (DKAC-800)
CHS I MOVEX 9 Lot 6th : On site 23.03.19
22-11-05 ~
(KOR) Installation On site 22-12-18 23-01-27 23-02-09 23-02-10 23-02-25 23-03-19 23-03-19 23-04-21 23-04-21 23-05-11
22-07-03 ~
1st on-site Port 23-03-30
Frudent 22-09-05 1st on port : 23.03.30
Fan 38 no. 1st : 38
(Mal) 23-04-10 ~ (Roof fan)
Installation On site 23-04-18
22-07-03 ~ 23-03-03
1st on-site Port 23-04-14
22-09-05 (DKAC-528)
Firefighting SPP 23-04-10 ~ 1st : 3
26 no. Installation On site 23-03-30 23-05-10 1st : on port 23.03.03
Pump (USA) 23-07-23 2nd : 23
ICT(8), ECT(8)
Building Location(no.) MLCP(3)
RFFS(4), MLCP(3)
22-07-03 ~ 23-03-02 23-03-17
1st on-site Port 23-03-31 23-04-14
22-09-05 (DKAC-766) (DKAC-788) 1st : 2
23-04-10 ~ 2nd : 4
Taejin Installation On site 23-03-30 23-04-15 23-04-21 23-05-10
P&S Pump 55 no. 23-07-23 1st : on port 23.03.02 3rd : 6
ICT(6), ECT(6) 4th : 33
Location(no.) Tunnel(2) WSS(6) RFFS(3),STP(6) 5th : 10
MLCP(3), WSS(13)
Water 22-04-02 ~ 22-12-12 23-01-29 2023-03-21
1st on-site Port 23-04-15 23-04-25 23-05-30 23-06-25
treatment Yooduck 22-05-31 (DKAC-555) (DKAC-680) (DKAC-791) 3rd : preparing for shipment
7 Lot
system & (KOR) 22-09-28 ~ 4th : preparing for shipment
Installation On site 22-12-29 23-02-12 23-04-05 23-05-02 23-05-15 23-06-20 23-07-10
22-07-29 ~ 22-08-27 22-12-13
1st on-site Port
Cooling Baltimore 22-09-26 (DKAC-423) (DKAC-573) 1st : 6
12 no. Full Completed
Tower (CHN) 22-09-27 ~ 2nd : 6
Installation On site 22-10-05 23-01-26
22-05-25 ~ 22-08-27 22-10-06
1st on-site Port
ACMV Grundfos 22-08-16 (DKAC-423) (DKAC-440) 1st : 6
24 no. Full Completed
Pump (KOR) 22-01-05 ~ 2nd : 6
Installation On site 22-10-05 22-11-04
DONE 22-07-03 ~ 23-01-01
1st on-site Port
Frudent 22-09-05 (DKAC-661)
Fan 40 no. Full Completed 1st : 40
(China) 23-04-10 ~
Installation On site 23-02-08
22-05-21 ~ 22-04-30 22-09-18
1st on-site Port
LG 22-07-19 (DKAC-218) (DKAC-421)
Chiller 12 no. Full Completed 1st : 24
(KOR) 22-01-05 ~
Installation On site 22-07-03 22-10-14

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

6.3.2 Terminal 3 MEP work Progress

- P&S installation

Location Material Total Q'ty Remark
Last month This month Cumulative
Basement UPVC 1,824 - - 1,758 96.4%
Ground Floor UPVC 8,962 51 49 8,773 97.9% +0.6%
1st Floor UPVC 8,459 146 186 8,048 95.1% +2.2%
2nd Floor UPVC 3,591 323 202 1,406 39.2% +5.7%
Sum total 22,836 520 437 19,985 87.5% +1.9%
Basement PPR 1,875 94 - 1,597 85.2% +5.0%
Ground Floor PPR 10,719 818 695 7,778 72.6% +11.1%
1st Floor PPR 5,055 284 517 1,135 22.5% +10.3%
2nd Floor PPR 3,560 - - - -
Sum total 21,209 1,196 1,212 10,510 49.6% +5.8%
Basement Floor HDPE 3,742 79 - 1,742 46.6% +2.2%
Ground Floor HDPE 284 - - - -
Sum total 4,026 79 - 1,742 43.3% +2.0%
Total 48,071 1,795 1,649 32,237 67.1% +3.5%

- Firefighting pipe installation

This month
Location Total Q'ty Last month Remark
Done Cumulative
Basement 17,184m 15,796m 226m 16,022m (93.2%) +1.3%
Ground Floor 64,417m 49,145m 1,733m 50,878m (79.0%) +3.7%
1st Floor 41,310m 18,089m 1,669m 19,758(47.8%) +4.0%
Roof 86,536m 16,254m 8,695m 24,949(28.8%) +10.0%

[Roof Firefighting Pipe installation]

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- ACMV Chilled/Cooling water pipe installation.

This month
Location Total Q'ty Last month Remark
Done Cumulative
Basement 3,901 m 2,936 m 284 m 3,220m (82.6%) +9.0%

Ground Floor 4,211 m 3,590m 20m 3,610m (85.7%) +0.4%

1st Floor 1,702 m 389m 61 m 450m(26.5%) +3.6%

- ACMV Duct installation

This month
Location Total Q'ty Last month Remark
Done Cumulative
Basement 36,250 m2 13,931 m2 226 m2 14,157 m2 (39.1%) +0.7%
Ground Floor 120,710 m2 71,510 m2 2,944 m2 74,454 m2 (61.7%) +2.5%
1st Floor 63,124 m2 30,211 m2 3,069 m2 33,280 m2 (52.7%) +4.8%

- AHU installation

This month
Location Total Q'ty Last month Remark
Done Cumulative
Basement 6 no. - - -

Ground Floor 69 no. 7 20. 27(39.1%) +29%

1st Floor 82 no. - - -

[Ground Floor]

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- Cooling Tower installation

This month
Location Total Q'ty Last month Remark
Done Cumulative
Cooling tower
zone 12 no. 6. 1 7(58.3%) +8.3%

- Cable tray installation

Total This month

Location Last month Remark
Length Done Cumulative
Basement 19,093m 17,516m (91.7%) 1,594m 19,110m (100%) +8.3%

GF 60,480m 53,743m (88.9%) 2,073m 55,816m (92.3%) +3.4%

1F 42,821m 27,434m (64.1%) 4,659m 32,093m (74.9%) +10.8%

2F 43,040m 8,907m (19.3%) 2,912m 11,819m (27.5%) +8.2%

- Cable installation

Total This month

Location Last month Remark
Length Done Cumulative
Basement 144,407m 39,666m (27.5%) 6,270m 45,936m (31.8%) +4.3%

GF 845,147m 258,867m (30.6%) 70,186m 329,053m (38.9%) +8.3%

1F 396,144m 36,990m (9.3%) 32,271m 69,261m (17.5%) +8.2%

2F 562,374m 123,744m (22.0%) 56,991m 180,735m (32.1%) +10.1%

6.3.3 SAS (Special Airport System)

- BHS (Baggage Handling System)

Q’ty Installation
- Activity Remark
(%) Last month This Month Cumulative
Baggage Break down 100 - 35.9 35.9
Baggage Claim Hall 100 32.9 2.5 35.4
Reclaim Carousel 100 - -
BHS Make-up(Left) 100 66.4 7.2 73.6
HBS(EDS) 100 15.0 10.1 25.1
BHS Make-up(Right) 100 19.4 2.1 21.5
Electrical Work 100 0.8 4.3 5.1
SAT/T&C 100 - - -
Total progress 100 26.0 5.7 31.7
* Total progress: Calculated by applying weight factor by item

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 44 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)


This month
Item Total Quantity Remark
Done Cumulative
Hand hole 350ea 2ea 320ea(91.4%) +0.5%
Primary HDPE 57,968m 1,774m 55987m(93.5%) +3.1%
Primary Cable 216,976m 5,350m 103,640m(47.8%) +2.6%
Secondary Cable 26,300m 210m 23,435m(89.1%) +2.2%


This month
Total Length Last month Remark
Done Cumulative
7,440m 4,808m 192 5,000m (67.2%) +2.6%

[Fuel Hydrant Pipe Work Status]

6.3.4 Other Building & Utility MEP work Progress

- Electrical

Total This month

Location Length Last month Remark
Done Cumulative
4,568m 2,864m (62.7%) 327m 3,518m (77%) +7.1%
Cable Tray
45,000m 18,596m (41.3%) 1,662m 21,920m (48.7%) +7.4%
GI Conduit

40,000m 3,047m (7.6%) 1,973m 6993m (17.5%) +4.9%
GI Conduit

2,775m 1,741m (62.7%) 101m 1,943m (70%) +7.3%
Cable Tray

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 45 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- EHP (External fire-fighting Hydrant Pipe) Progress

This month
Total Length Last month Remark
Done Cumulative
5,655 m 2,886 m 200 m 3,086 m (54.6%) +3.5%

[External firefighting Hydrant Pipe Work Status]

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 46 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- Factory witness test schedules

Table # 1
Date of submission of Date of Date of test
in Chapter Item Name Factory Name
test plan and schedule approval (estimate)
Bituminous material 26 May.2021 for
GP Global 2nd Jun 2021 Completed:
1-1 PG76-10, PG76-16, (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PL-Q-
(UAE) (EAC-21-0739) (23 ~ 30 Oct, 2021)
PG82-16 21-0011-01)
Bituminous material
1-2 Penetration Grade PG Mena Energy (UAE) - - -
7 Mar. 2021 8 Mar. 2021
Imported Aggregate Stevin Rock Completed:
(Concrete) (UAE) (9 ~ 10 Jan, 2021)
0064) MIR-Q-21-0064)

19 May.2021 for
Imported Aggregate United Quarries 2nd Jun 2021 Completed:
(Asphalt) (UAE) (EAC-21-0741) (23 ~ 30 Oct, 2021)

3 Dowel bar, Admixture - - TBD
9 Feb. 2022
15th Feb 2022 Completed:
4 Steel Girder bridge Samil, Korea (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PL-Q-
(EAC-22-0188) (25 ~ 31 May, 2022)
Precast Concrete Sinohydro Factory
5 - - TBD
Girder (Bangladesh)

Aeronautical Ground
Lighting System
(AGLS) and
6th June 2021 14th July 2021
Aeronautical Lighting OCEM For AGLS Completed
6 (a)~(f) (ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-21- (L-CLEN-21-
control and monitoring (Italy) (21 ~ 27 Feb 2022)
0041) 0399)
systems (ALCMS)
(a) AGL Lighting
Screwed steel pile
7 Fujita - - -

st Korea Factory: (28
1 Jun.2021 for
Steel Structure DSHI 2nd Jun 2021 June ~ 2 July, 2021)
(ECT/ICT) (Korea, Bangladesh) (EAC-21-0740) Bangladesh Factory:
(17 Aug. ~ 7 Sep

11 May 2021 Full Scale Joint Test

Steel Structure Jinggong 16 May 2021
8-2 (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PL-Q- ongoing from 27th Sep
(TE3) (China) (EAC-21-0655)
21-0016) 2021 in Lab (China)

22 Apr. 2021
Façade Performance Jangho 17 May 2021 Completed:
Mock-up (PMU) (China) (EAC-21-0667) (15 ~ 21 June, 2021)

False Ceiling, TBD

10 (a)~(e) Acoustic Ceiling (China, Korea, - - TBD
Panels etc. Thailand)
Sanitary fixture
11 (toilets, hand basins, - - - -
Imported Toilet
12 compartment, Wall - - - -
Lounge Furniture,
13 - - - -
Check-in counters, etc

14 Louvers, screen - - TBD
(Malaysia, China)

Lounge Furniture,
15 Check-in counters, - - - -
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 47 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Table # 1
Date of submission of Date of Date of test
in Chapter Item Name Factory Name
test plan and schedule approval (estimate)
16 Signage - - - -

Joint sealing, TBD

17(a)~(e) - - TBD
Geotextile, etc. (India, Bangladesh)

22 Apr. 2021
Façade, Glazing Jangho 17 May 2021 Completed:
system (China) (EAC-21-0667) (15 ~ 21 June, 2021)

Special Operating
19 - - - -
Door (30930CFGS)
23 Apr.2021
Sinohydro 25 Apr. 2021
20 Roof Cladding (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PL-Q- TBD
(China) (EAC-21-0574)
Metal Sandwich Wall
21 Panel (30700CF- - - TBD

Metal Insulated Panel TBD

22 - - TBD
(30820C) China

Passenger boarding CIMC

23 - - -
bridge (China)
23rd June 2022
Baggage handling
24 Zlotkowo, Poland - - ME-22-0049)
#Factory visit planned
29th June 2022
Cargo handling 22-0055)
25 Korea (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22- -
system #Factory visit planned
25th September 2022 #Factory visit planned
Flight information 03 Oct. 2022
26 Vietnam, Korea (ADC-NOCD-LTR-PR-22- from 21th Jan to 27th
display system (EAC-22-1344)
0756) Jan. 2023
Schindler Factory at 17th October 2022 #Factory visit planned
Lift, Escalator, Moving 29 June. 2022
27 Switzerland & (ADC-NOCD-LTR-PR-22- from 25h to 31st Oct
side walk (EAC-22-0847)
Slovakia 0816) 2022

High Voltage Schneider Electric 27th October 2022

12 Oct. 2021
28 Equipment and Panel Factory, (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-
132kV or 33kV Turkey 0154)
(15~19 Nov, 2022)
Medium Voltage Schneider Electric 27th October 2022
12 Sep. 2022
29 Equipment and Panel Factory, (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-
11kV Turkey - 0154)
Generator 11kV 23th August 2022 #Factory visit planned
12 Sep. 2022
30 4000KVA and France (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22- from 1th to 7th Nov.
Generator Panel 0074) 2022
Power distribution 23th August 2022
19 Sep. 2022 Completed
31 panel, Motor control Turkey (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-
(EAC-22-1242) (15~23 Dec, 2022)
panel (400V/230V) 0075)

Uninterrupted Power SOCOMEC Asia 2th August 2022 #Factory visit planned
12 Sep. 2022
32 Supply (UPS) Pacific Pte. Ltd, (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22- from 21st Oct. to 27th
equipment France 0083) Oct. 2022
10th May 2022
16 Nov.2021 (ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-
LG Electronics, 24 Nov. 2021
33 Chiller (HSIA-ADC-PL-ME-21- 22-0054)
Korea (EAC-21-0330)
0006) #Factory visit from 15
May 2022 done
#Factory visit planned
34 Cooling Tower - - -
Chilled water & 16 Jan. 2022
22 Mar. 2021 Completed:
35 Condenser water Korea (HSIA-ADC-PL-ME-22-
(EAC-22-350) (10 ~ 18 June, 2022)
pump 0008)
Prudent Aire 8th June 2022
VAV box and
36 Engineering Sdn - - (ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-
controller assembly
Bhd, Malaysia 22-0064)
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 48 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Table # 1
Date of submission of Date of Date of test
in Chapter Item Name Factory Name
test plan and schedule approval (estimate)
37 - - - -
switch board

8 Mar. 2022
LG Electronics, 16 Mar. 2021 Completed:
38 Air handling unit (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PR-ME-
Korea (EAC-22-338) (10 ~ 18 June, 2022)
10 May 2021
Steel pipe for fuel 14 May 2021
39 Korea (HSIA-ADC-PL-ME-21- TBD
supply (EAC-21-0654)
Fire pump 6 Jan. 2022 22-0048
SPP Pump, 22 Mar. 2021
40 sets(Electric (HSIA-ADC-PL-ME-22- #Factory visit planned
USA (EAC-22-349)
motor/engine driven) 0007) from 16thAug to 22nd
Aug 2022
Water treatment
41 Korea - - #Factory visit planned
from 12th Aug to 18th
Aug 2022
Sewage treatment Yooduck 27 Jan. 2022 22-0050
42 plant equipment & Environment Co., (HSIA-ADC-PL-ME-22- - #Factory visit planned
vehicle Korea 0009) from 12th Aug to 18th
Aug 2022
8th September 2022 #Factory visit planned
16 Oct. 2022
43 Fire Alarm system Portugal (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22- from 19st Oct. to 25th
0092) Oct. 2022
23rd October 2022 #Factory visit planned
Security screening 3 Oct. 2022
44 Germany (ADC-NOCD-LTR-PR-22- from 08th to 14th Jan.
equipment (EAC-22-1346)
0827) 2023
25th September 2022 #Factory visit planned
Facial recognition 16 Oct. 2022
45 Germany (ADC-NOCD-LTR-PR-22- from 21th to 27th Jan.
system (FRS) (EAC-22-1430)
0755) 2023
Annunciator and
46 - - - -
Fire fighting System
47 - - - -

48 Fire & Rescue Vehicle - - - -

TBD : To be dated

Note :

The Row filled with the color ( ) stands for the completed Factory Witness Test item.

The Row filled with the color ( ) stands for the schedule of Factory Witness Test up-to next 3 months (Oct.)

Test Total Completed Remaining Remarks

Factory Witness Test 48 8 40 -


Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 49 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

7. Circumstances Affecting Progress & Pending Issues

7.1 Construction Pending Issues

< Civil Issues >
Minutes of Meeting (25th Feb. 2023) Minutes of Meeting (4th Mar. 2023)
Action Action
No area Issues By when By when
Attendee from CAAB : Chairman, CE, PD, PIU By Attendee from CAAB : Chairman, CE, PD, PIU By
Members Members
< Design Issues >

(Update as of 23rd Feb.)

Design Coordination Issues 1&2. No update. NOCD will check the urgency of
- Some of coordination issues were found between ADC Construction Team and coordinate
highway master plan and TE3 design, such as (update as of 2nd Mar.)
considering the current situation of delay in
FDEE road connection, road work scope, BUS stop, 1&2, No update (Meeting with FDEE has not been
coordination with FDEE.
etc. Final coordinated drawings are required with 1&2 yet held)
Detail drawing Due to the holidays return by representative of ITD
work scope demarcation. 1&2 on 27th 3. Closed.
of (by 26th Feb), Design issue will be discussed with 1&2
NOCD Feb. 4. Installation of DESCO new cable shall be
1 Highway FDEE after 27th Feb. and will issue the clear NOCD ASAP
(Items under following up) coordinated by CAAB.
changed by instruction to ADC. 4. CAAB
1. FDEE Coordination (Airport side): FDEE Down 3 NOCD 3. by 24rd
Master Plan
Ramp connection with Road-C) Feb (Minutes in this meeting)
2. FDEE Coordination (Colony side): Road 3. NOCD will issue EI by 24th Feb.
1&2. No Update
connection near FDEE Weight Station 4. waiting for CAAB's coordination
3. Bus-Bay Location (Minutes in this meeting)
For 1&2, meeting with FDEE (ITD) will be held and
to be coordinated, in the week of 26th Feb.

< Construction Issues >

(Minutes in this meeting)

1. Meeting with RHD and Trafic Police was held on
1. Official Approval of RHD(by Jan 2023) prior to
Steel Box Girder 23rd Feb, and confirmed. NOCD/CAAB will issue (Minutes in this meeting)) early the
commencement is required
2 Installation in the MOM to officilize the discisions in the meeting. NOCD 23rd Feb. 2. CAAB will arrange the meeting with RHD in early CAAB week of
2. Revised Traffic Control Plan was submitted with
Expressway week of 5th Mar. 5th Mar.
letter(ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0375) on 13/Dec/22
2. For electrical poles, CAAB will follow up RHD to
proceed their demolishing works.

CAAB operation team informed that 3 radar cables

were installed in this section.
ADC found 2cables after trial trench. But 1 cable
could not find even though ADC excavated almost
4m from top.
Revised work
So CAAB operation team do not allow to pile drive (Minutes in this meeting)
Method in
3 in this section without finding one more cable. (new issue) ADC will prepare and explain the method ADC ASAP
RADAR cable
4m depth from top is very dangerous without any statement.
temporary retaining system (shoring), So ADC
proposes to excavate with natural slope as follows to
carry out without any temporary retaining system.
For excavation with natural slope , ADC needs to
occupy more wider(5m) in garden and road (5m).

4 < Building Issues – Terminal 3 >

Pending works Delay in Road A-4 work, drainage works and
in fron of BIMAN existing entry road closing, due to BIMAN's car park (new issue)
(Minutes in this meeting)
Chief Engineer will handle the issues directly.
building facilities

Requirements of Demolition for

- Manument wall
- VVIP Terminal area(building,pavement) (Minutes in this meeting)
- Apron concrete pavement in Area 3-2 : CAAB agreed the work schedule which ADC
proposed in the Attachment. CAAB requested
1) Commencement Date for demolition to (Minutes in this meeting) ADC to consider the planning to prepare the
VVIP Terminal &
5 be confirmed CAAB confirmed Monument wall can be temorary parking in south side of T3 Apron, to be
Area 3-2
2) Location for demolition debris to be stored demolished immidiately. further planned.
3) All utilities connected to the VVIP Terminal CAAB confirmed that Part-1 Apron demolition
must be disconnected before ADC takes over works will be started from 3rd April (right after
and starts demolition Honorable President will come back from the trip.)
4) Trees nearby VVIP terminal to be removed
5) Aircraft parking space (ADC can't provide)

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 50 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

<Building Issues – Terminal 3 >

Minutes of Meeting (25th Feb. 2023)
Minutes of Meeting (4th Mar. 2023)
Action Action
No area - TE3 Issues By when By when
Attendee from CAAB : Chairman, CE, PD, PIU By By
Attendee from CAAB : Chairman, CE, PD, PIU Members

(update as of 2nd Mar.)

NOCD has issued the NSC instruction, and ADC had a
- Please select a Nominated Subcontractor as soon as (Update as of 23rd Feb.)
meeting with this NSC.
possible. NOCD will expain the final proposal
The NSC understood SDW and all the materials submittal
(TCL/TP/UP/JV) to CAAB in the meeting in order
will be done by NOCD, and they don't know the any of
Timeline confirmed in the meeting on 3rd Jan. is as to conclude.
contract coniditions (inc. payment process, warranty, etc).
following CAAB
1 VVIP & VIP NOCD Immidiately Conditions of the contract / work scopes shall be further 5th Mar.
1. By Jan. 10th, NOCD will receive finalized quotation (Minutes in this meeting) NOCD
clarified by NOCD.
from the candidates of NSC. CAAB confirmed for NOCD to proceed NSC
2. By Jan. 12th, NOCD will finalize the prices and instruction to ADC. ADC highlighted all the
(Minutes in this meeting)
construction schedule with candidates of NSC. contractural conditions shall be clarified by
Chairman instructed PD and NOCD will seat with NSC for
3. By Jan. 15th, NOCD will issue NSC instruction based NOCD in the instruction
them to understand the scopes of works and those
on the approval by CAAB on all the condition
process, on 5th Mar.

(Update as of 23rd Feb.)

Approval for the Subcontractor of Seating Work NOCD will explain the comparison table of the
-> ADC submitted the compliance statement of the (update as of 2nd Mar.)
manufacturers in the meeting
manufacturer("Oshujian") and model number of basic, option 1 waiting for the discount quotation.
& 2 acc to CAAB/NOCD's instruction CAAB
2 Seating (Minutes in this meeting) ASAP ADC ASAP
-> NOCD has already recommended to CAAB with evaluated NOCD (Minutes in this meeting)
To be negotiated with iMat seeking for further
result NOCD requested ADC to submit the color chart and price,
discount. And if price down can not be achieved
-> Please approve the seating manufacturer as soon as so that ADC is under working on it.
possible in significant amount, the going to select Kusch

Waiting Material Approval: Reviewing spec clarification by

- Submitted ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-Q-BC1-22-0455-02 (Update as of 23rd Feb.)
Timber - Requested company experience. Experience was provided. NOCD issued EAC onn 23rd.
3 (No discussion in the meeting)
Deck - ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-Q-BC1-22-0455-02 rejected due to To be technically clarified between NOCD and
HDPE %. This issue was replied again, there was no proper ADC.
supplier to comply all spec, even if CPG recommended timber
deck manufacturers.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 51 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

< MEP Issues >

Minutes of Meeting (25th Feb. 2023) Minutes of Meeting (4th Mar. 2023)
No area Issues Action By By when Action By By when
Attendee from CAAB : Chairman, CE, Attendee from CAAB : Chairman, CE, PD, PIU
PD, PIU Members Members

(Update as of 23rd Feb.)

NOCD agreed on ADC's proposal, to
COO issue for Small CAT Generator be explained in the meeting with NOCD (RFA
CAAB for decision. approval)
- ADC submitted Material Submittal by letter ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-22-0126-02 dated 19th May. (update as of 28th Feb.)
2022. ADC has already received revised proposal by
(Minutes in this meeting) ADC
1 TE3 - COO in declared letter by CAT has been provided to NOCD.(Engine: Brazil, Alternator: ASAP Kholer, and NOCD will approve. On the other
CAAB confirmed the changes in COO (Proposal of
China, ) hand, ADC is still under negotiation with
and concented to proceed with the warranty
- Comment : Final approval is subject to the CAAB Consent. Catapillar.
proposed one. Instead, CAAB and price
- ADC submitted rev03 ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-22-0126-03 on 8 Feb 2023 with CAT letter
- Kindly request for prompt approval. requested and ADC agreed that any saving)
warranty addition and/or price saving
shall be proposed by ADC.

Alternator issue for Emergency Generator(4000KVA) from Kohler (Minutes in this meeting)
- NOCD issued EI-22-0005 on 13 Feb 2022 regarding Kohler Generator confirmation after In regards with FAT report between submission
various discussion eventually. in Dec. 23 and revised submission in Feb, 23,
- ADC had got material approval through EAC-22-0812 on 22 Jun 2022.(Engine&Alternator: NOCD highlighted the discrepancy of both
- NOCD issued that Alternator Brand and COO(LEROY-SOMER/Czech Republic) is different
1) ADC clarified this issue with Kohler letter that
from MFA approved COO and Brand
4200 & 4000 KVA is only meaning of head title
- ADC provides Kohler's letters to NOCD which declared "We, LEROY-SOMER and
without any confusion of test report
KOHLER, declare that, between Kohler and Leroy-Somer, Alternator model No : KH
09720T(Alternator) made by Leroy-Somer is product under the brand Kohler." 2) CAAB requested ADC to submit the 3rd party
- In addition, LEROY-SOMER declared that "LSA 54 frame" Alternator, which is same frame audit report about discrepancy only for
with HSIA PJT's one, is only manufactured in the factory from Czech Republic. alternator accordingly.
- In spite of those declaration, ADC has proposed its discount(50,000EUR) and In regards with Alternator issue of Kohler
additional 2 year warranty(Total 7years) requests for approval revised MFA and FAT generator such as COO & manufacturer
reports to resolve the issue to avoid further delay for the PJT schedule and conformity, Chairman agreed to close out this
Ceremony . subject with below condition.(ADC-NOCD-LTR-
though the letter ref. ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0063 on 27 Feb 2023 ME-23-0063 on 27 Feb 2023)
- Kindly request for prompt approval for Material and FAT report of Emergency 1) Discount(50,000EUR) and additional 2 year
Generator(4000KVA) warranty(Total 7years)

MLCP XPM Lotus Screen Lighting Design (Update as of 23rd Feb.)

NOCD will propose the design
- ADC issued RFI(ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-22-1659) regarding Lighting details for the MLCP concept
XPM Lotus in the meeeting with CAAB
screen but didn't have the design details (update as of 2nd Mar.)
- ADC issued remider letter(ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0204) on 19 Dec 2022 regarding the (Minutes in this meeting) NOCD is preparing the presentation to
insufficient Concluded with mono color as right Chairman, based on the decision in the
information attached, previous meeting.
- ADC issued delay notice(ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0044) on 13 Feb 2023 with the detailed and both from top and bottom light
design will be applied.
within 20th Feb 2023 NOCD will issue the design
- ADC is waiting for detailed design accordingly

ISOLATOR for 2nd connection to be placed order in urgent

- ADC checked various isolator manufacturer(ABB, Schneider, Legrand, etc.), however, there
is no
isolator fully complied with specification.
- ADC raised an issue to NOCD and proposed Non-fused type isolator by ABB.
- ADC is waiting for urgent confirmation.
- ADC issued RFI on 19 Jan 2023 (ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-23-1754) (update as of 2nd Mar.)
4 TE3 New NOCD
- ADC submitted Isolator Brand RFI(ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-23-1781) on 04 Feb 2023 Closed (approved on 2nd Mar.)
- ADC submitted Isolator MFA(ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-23-0194). on 04 Feb 2023
- NOCD signed MOM Legrand Isolator Confirmation on 14 Feb 2023
- NOCD commented ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-23-0194(Brand is acceptable but requested COO
on 16 Feb 2023
- ADC submitted rev01 ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-23-0194 on 17 Feb 2023

Use DESCO Construction Power for Testing and Commissioning in TE3

- ADC has raised RFI (ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-23-1750) on 12 Jan 2023
- NOVD replied RFI(Permanent power will be available for T&C) on 8 Feb 2023
(update as of 2nd Mar.)
5 TE3 - ADC issued a letter(ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0046) for Usage of DESCO Construction New NOCD
NOCD will reply approval letter.
Power for
T&C works in T3 on 16 Feb 2023
- Kindly request for NOCD's approval of temporary power use for T&C

Requesting Variation Order(VO) for the H-Pile Earthnig Works for Pier Extension
- NOCD issued EI(EI-22-0161) on 23 Jun 2022 regarding H-Pile Earting Installation Layout
Plan for (update as of 2nd Mar.)
6 TE3 Pier Extension Building New NOCD Under review by NOCD, so the agenda will be
- ADC has raised RFA (ADC-NOCD-RFA-EL3-0578) on 08 Jan 2023 skipped.
- ADC issued on VO (ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0071 on 01 Feb 2023
- Kindly request for VO approval.

VO approval for MV cable

- The Cable size in Contract drawing and BOQ was not applicable to cover
PJT Electrical Load requirement.
- NOCD had issued various EI to optimize its load requirement, as mentioned below
∙ EI-21-0240 on 27 Dec 2021 (Engineer's Instruction for Revised Single line Diagram...)
∙ EI-22-0049 on 17 Feb 2022 (Engineer's Instruction to Revised HT Distribution Schematic (update as of 2nd Mar.)
7 TE3 New NOCD NOCD replied on 2nd Mar. the agenda will be
- ADC and NOCD had a discussion about the issue as mentioned in the MOM ref. ADC-
NOCD- MOM-EL-22-0043(21 Sep 2022) and NOCD eventually confirmed its cable sizes and
quantity through ERRI-22-0431-01in Nov 2022
- ADC estimated and issued VO proposal based on NOCD's comfirmed sizes and quantities
on 11 Feb 2022 through ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0082.
- Kindly requests for urgent evaluation and approval to avoid delay of MV cable procurement,
which can be also impact on the PJT power-on schedule

Withdraw material maker change of BHS drum motor (Ref. L-ADC-23-0027-01) (update as of 2nd Mar.)
- The additional material list for drum motor of Italy "Rulmeca" approved by EAC-22-1848 Time impact and the comparison of the
dated on 21th December 2022. BHS with drum motor was ordered and fabricating already. materials to be explained by ADC in the
Hence, it is not possible withdraw. meeting. Immidiatel
- ADC issued a letter(ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0052) on 19 Feb 2023 regarding cost and y
time impact resulting from the cancellation of Rulmeca drive motors and to use Interroll brand (Minutes in this meeting)
instead for the BHS conveyors Meeting among CAAB, ADC and Dimark to be
- Kindly request for NOCD's reply. ararnged ASAP

Duty Payment Delaying for Equipment

- 2nd Batch for Fire Alarm System at Port on 11/Jan/2023
(DKAC691, 18days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB )
- 3rd Batch for MV SWGR at Port on 25/Jan/2023
(DKAC-611, 15 days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB) (Update as of 23rd Feb.)
9 TE3 - 2nd Batch for Transformer at Port on 8/Feb/2023 To be highlighted for requesting quick CAAB Immidiately
(DKAC-619, 18 days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB) actions.
- Microphone Noise Sensor Cable at Port on 8/Feb/2023
(DKAC-652, 14 days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB)
- 3rd Batch for Fire Alarm System at 11/Jan/2023
(DKAC-691, 12 days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB)

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 52 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

< Others / Common Issues 1 >

Minutes of Meeting (25th Feb. 2023) Minutes of Meeting (4th Mar. 2023)
Action By
No area Issues Action By By when
Attendee from CAAB : Chairman, CE, PD, By when Attendee from CAAB : Chairman, CE, PD, PIU
PIU Members Members

(Update as of 23rd Feb.)

NOCD is waiting for CAAB's action for No.5.
(Update as of 2nd Mar.)
As for No.3
No meeting between CAAB Committees and NOCD
Require CAAB Confirmation for airport signage item below, NOCD held meeting with ADC about
has been held.
1. Apron Aircraft standing numbering - Received Landside Traffic Signage on 24th FEB.
3. No Update
2. TE3 gate numbering - Received Based on the coordination meeting, ADC
5. 3 candidates of Letter font will be presented in the
3. Landside Traffic Signage will send a additional traffic signage and
meeting on 4th Mar.
4. Curbside road signage for taxi, handcap relocation layout to NOCD by 26th FEB. CAAB Immidiat CAAB
1 Airport Signage 7. Considereing the necessity of blightness, the 6th Mar.
- column fabrication at curbside delayed until decision Based on the ADC proposal landside traffic NOCD ely NOCD
proposal for the Airline sinage screen to be sent to
5. Letter size of signage signage layout, NOCD will confirm the final
NOCD by ADC on 2nd Mar.
6. Signage Size layout with CAAB.
7. Airline signage screen size. 33' is not avilable. Minimum size
is 42'. (Minutes in the meeting)
(Minutes in this meeting)
Meeting with CAAB's committees to be held on 6th
Meeting of CAAB's committees (chaired by
Mar, and to be concluded.
Member of Operation) to be called, in the
week of 26th Feb.

(Update as of 2nd Mar.)

- Meeting between JICA and CAAB is ongoing.
- NOCD has alread submitted the Engineer's
(Update as of 23rd Feb.) Estimate, so the way forward shall be decided.
NOCD submited the Engineer's Estimate to
PD. The indicative prices for T3 Piers and (Minutes in the meeting)
1. Tender query #1 is under clarification with NOCD (Total 136, VVIP needs to be submitted to JICA. 1. For Piers prices, NOCD requested CAAB to have a Needs to
Additional Replied 85, Reviewing 51), and Tender query #2 was submitted
by 2nd meeting only among CAAB and NOCD. CAAB and CAAB be finalized
2 Scope - Pier on 24 Dec 2022 NOCD
(Minutes in this meeting) Mar. NOCD will discuss and proceed the way forward. NOCD by 12th
Extension 2. ADC's cost estimation is ongoing and Cost proposal will be
NOCD will conclude the indicative price, ADC highlighted that mobilization for RC works Mar.
submiited before the End of Jan, 2023.
based on the evaluation of ADC's price and needs to be started in order to complete the exterior
Engineer's Estimate by 2nd Mar 2023, and works by end of 2024, otherwise the target cannot be
to be submitted to JICA. achieved anymore.
2. Adjustments of M&E items/demarcations of the
scopes in main body due to future piers extension
shall be urgently confirmed.

(update as of 2nd Mar.)

(Update as of 23rd Feb.)
1. VVIP Terminal seems to be handed over subject to
ADC will submit the simulation of the
the clearance of the furniture inside by CAAB after
remote parking spots operation by early
12th Mar.
next week.
2. Confirmation by Member Operation is required
1. As declared by CAAB, Area C(Incl. VVIP Terminal area) to be
1. 12th 3. NOCD issued the letter to CAAB requesting the
handed over by end of February (Minutes in this meeting)
Mar. coordination for the clearance of utilities.
1. Honorable PM will depart on 4th Mar, and 1. CAAB
2. Existing apron near the VVIP T with 10 numbers of will come back around 12th Mar. CAAB
VVIP Terminal 2. by (Minutes in the meeting)
3 Aircraft parking space shall be handed over ASAP confirmed to start dismantling after 2. ADC
area 28th 1. Honorable President will use the existing VVIP
Honorable PM will come back to the
Hand-over Feb. Terminal from 28th Mar to 1st Apr. 2023, so the timing
3. Relocation of all the utilities existing in this area (Fuel country. 3. NOCD
of handing over will be after the movement.
Hydrant, Fire Hydrant, Furniture, all equipment etc) needs
3. ASAP (Committees will be composed to decide the
to be planned by NOCD 2. ADC will submit the simulation by 28th
demarcation of the demolition by Chief Engineer).
2. CAAB requested the Contractor to seek for the
possibilities of temporary provisions of the parking
3. For existing utilities, NOCD will follow up
areas in the south side. For that purpose, Site-Visit
and conclude ASAP
together with Member of Operation to be scheduled.

Without early approval on this issues regarding reasonable

adjustment of the prices reflecting the actual market
situation now, all the sub-contractor will suspend the
works shortly.

While MOCAT has given 2 observations in the replied letter and

previous meeting, the Engineer issued letter, "Re:
Recommendation Letter for the changes of Price Escalation
Adjustment indices". (update as of 2nd Mar.)
Changes of a) MOCAT Observation ① : Referred figure from PWD is not a (Update as of 23rd Feb.) Waiting for the letter reply from JICA, and BBS
referred indices price index, so there is no opportunity to change to it (in the CAAB's letter to JICA to be confirmed. update.
4 in Price letter)
Escalation →FIDIC 13.8 clearly mentions that “the cost indices or (Minutes in this meeting) (Minutes in the meeting)
Adjustment reference price”, therefore, PWD referenced price can be CAAB sent the letter to JICA. Discussion ongoing in the Gov. of Bangladesh (ERD,
applied for the factors for the calculation for price Ministry of Finance, MOCAT, BBS)
adjustment contractually.
b) MOCAT Observation ② : Interpretation of “if their source is in
doubt” is only for the case the source itself is doubt.
→The Contractor got the legal opinion from the Advisory of
Supreme Court of Bangladesh, mentioning that “their source
is in doubt should be interpreted to include “when the values
(i.e. numerical figures and data) of the indices fails to
reasonably reflect actual market prices”

Declining to proceed with Pending variation works, which have

not been approved up to now
· ADC submitted the letter on 2nd Feb 2023 with attachment (Update as of 23rd Feb.)
Declining to of 15 nos unapproved pending variation works
NOCD will reply to the ADC's letter. (update as of 2nd Mar.)
proceed with · Any variation that is not specified in the Contract BOQ and
5 NOCD will issue the final determination by the letter
Pending is not similar character or is not executed under similar
(Minutes in this meeting) by 7th of Mar.
variation works conditions in the original work, the reasonable cost shall be
No discussion
applied pursuant to Sub-Clause 12.3 [Evaluation]
- 15 items' confirmation attached in letter ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-
0073 is urgent for commencement of work

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 53 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

< Others / Common Issues 2 >

Minutes of Meeting (25th Feb. 2023) Minutes of Meeting (4th Mar. 2023)
Action By Next Step!!
No. area Main Issues Issues Current Statusfrom CAAB : Chairman, CE, PD, Action By By when
Attendee By when Attendee from CAAB : Chairman, CE, PD, PIU
Item Target date
PIU Members Members
1. - CAAB, NOCD & ADC have had a meeting RHD on 5th July
- NOCD is requested to confirm EI and VO amount in order to
protect any defect in future
1) Design change request for RHD agreed
floor finishes with CAAB's
from "screeding proposal
with (Update as offor
Feb.) the escalator on
hardener" to "C28 RCthewithnewhardener" in cooling
Footover subject PD
tower area
bridge approved
to the designonly& No.2 item, and the other
construction by
VO related to 2) Additional steel angle around dock leveler Pit in ECT/ICT items are under dispute. (update as of 2nd Mar.)
6 RHD's
Defect Protect 3) Design change request for nominated
waterpoofing inconractor.
MLCP from 1) & 4), to be discussed between NOCD and ADC
"Urethane" to "Epoxy paint" RHD will provide the design review
(Minutes and
in this construction
*** 4) Design change for floor finishes in T3 basement from No discussion
"hardner including screed" to "C40 RCand also future
with hardner" maintenace services as well.
by NOCD) RHD requested CAAB to submit the necessary design
The list of entire FWT documents for RHD's
items were submitted to CAAB review
in hand.and approval.
· Total FWT : 64 For Existing Footover bridge, RHD requested CAAB to
· FWT completed : 16 (Update as of 23rd Feb.)
· FWT to be arranged dismantle
: 30 and hand over the dismantled material to RHD.
ADC submitted the list of remaining FWTs,
· FWT cannot be arranged -: 18 NOCD submitted MoM of CAAB's RHD meeting onneeds
attendences 5 Jul. 2022 for
to be
√ Local purchase, Not used : 9 (sand, dowel bar, etc.)
Requirement by CAAB's review and confirmed.
approval, L-CLEN-22-0598. - ADC/Constech should
√ Duplicate : 2 (lounge furniture/check-in counter,
CAAB related to (update as of 2nd Mar.)
FWT and local - NOCD
fire fighting system received a verbal confirmation
equipment) with JICA that JICA
(Minutes in this meeting) has submit additional
Closed information
√ Manufacture completed : 5 (steel girder, cooling tower,etc) Both dismantling
3rd Party Test no objection
√ Already FWT conducted about
several times to add Escalators.
: 2 (Bitumen)
CAAB confirmed CAAB will follow the for NOCD's evaluation.
Existing Footover
- ADC informed NOCD on timeline. 2 Aug. that ADC may accept - NOCD should evaluate
Out of 30 nos of FWT to be arranged, If fail to asign any persons from CAAB, the Bridge &
28nos of Invitation letters were sent forscheme
arrangement of and
Nominated FWT Subcontractor.
will be cancelled. ADC's Cost Proposal and
construction of New
remaining 2 letters will be sentNOCD requested CAAB on 3 Aug. to review the Contractual
after confirmation. make a recommendation to
EDW North-East
(Sanitary ware VO, Motorized shutter manufacturer) Footover bridge
scheme of Nominated Subcontractor. CAAB.
area (RHD) should be completed
- CAAB agreed on 7 Aug. to send the MoM of 5 July to RHD. - CAAB needs(updateto asdecide on
of 2nd Mar.)
Signing on IPand
is ongoing,
05 Jan. by End of Dec.
3 Delayed IP Approval NOCD (on behalf
and CD/VAT Payment of CAAB) sent MoM to RHD on 11 Aug. the new flyover plan,
1. Footover bridges,
→ Time/Cost Impact
Duty/Taxes payments are all pending, and affecting2022 as per ADC's
- CAAB sent a MoM of 5 Jul. to RHD on 30 Aug., clarify the removal schedule
the critical path schedule.
· IP : 5 nos are pending Project Programme.
IP Approval &
No.30.31.0000.421. of existing flyover.
(Before the PD's business trip to Italy from 10th Mar.,
more than 7 days after ADC's submission
(Minutes in this meeting) it needs to be concluded.) => ADC reflected
Duty/Tax · Duty/Tax payment :- 21 CAABnos are verbally
pending instructed CAABNOCD on 15 Sep. to get a Cost CAAB Immidiat
PD will check and take actions
- Especially Façade Curtain wall currentCAAB
situation on Mar.
by 6th
Proposal from ADC.
more than 3 days after ADC's submission immidiately. material(DKAC712,721) delaying and impacting on
C.P schedule the Revised
These delays are causing Project
- NOCD delay requseted
and additional costs
a Cost Proposal to ADC, L-ADC-22-0417,
including port charges, detention and demurrage →
(Minutes in the meeting)
Immediate IP Approvaldated 18th Sep.
and Duty/Tax Payments are Required Programme.
Fund will be going to Project account, and
- ADC submitted a Cost Proposal, ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0436, Duty/Taxes to be paind on 6th Mar.
dated 20th Oct.(submitted on 23rd Oct.)
CAAB requested to submit IMP list Rev.4 to MOCAT
· ADC→NOCD (plan) 26-Jan - NOCD requsted an additional information to ADC, L-ADC-22-
(actual) 26-Jan
· NOCD→CAAB (plan) 0526, dated
26-Jan 26th
(actual) Oct.
· CAAB→MOCAT (plan)30-Jan (actual) 16-Feb
· MOCAT→NBR,CCI&E (plan) - NOCD, 13-FebADC(actual)&TBA
Subcon held a meeting on 30 Oct. and agreed
for the
· NBR, CCI&E approval (plan)additional
27-Feb (actual)information
TBA to be submitted.
(Update as of 23rd Feb.)
(update as of 2nd Mar.)
Wating for MOCAT's approval, requesting CAAB's
IMP list rev.4 - ADC/CONSTECH has submitted
CCI&E Executive Officer(Ms. Fahmida Sifat)'s advice for
Waiting foraMOCAT
revised Cost Proposal inc.
Immidiat follow up.
9 Submission CAAB CAAB 5th Mar.
future update Structural Analysis on 08 Dec., ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0535.
(Minutes in this meeting)
· CAAB to add the following- sentence (Minutes in the meeting)
the IP request ADC
letter to submit an further additional
CAAB will follow up MOCAT
“We are preparing now for updated ‘IMP-2’ List (Master list) PD will follow up on 5th Mar.
Revision-4 regarding revision of HS(e.g. reason
Codes. Once it for
is changing of Escalator Model No. ) on 12
updated and recommended
Dec. by the ministry (MOCAT) then it
will be submitted to you. It might be required change in the
future depending on reality.-So, (NOCD is waiting
we will prepare for the additional information from
and submit
‘IMP-2’ List Revision-5”
ADC/Constech as of 29 Dec.)
Duty/Tax Reimbusement Payment No. 9 Delayed
Highway West side:
· Submitted by ADC : 18-Dec, Certified by NOCD : 27-Dec
Duty/Tax Item 1 & 5
(Due date : 24-Jan-2023)
(Minutes in the meeting)
· Certified amount : BDT 28,298,695.83
10 Reimbursement
DESCO Relocation - ADC paid the deposit on 06 Feb. 2022 (paid BDT 7,465,444 on 01
→ CAAB to settle the outstanding amount as soon as possible
CAAB Fund will be going to Project account, and CAAB by 6th Mar.
No.9 delayed Duty/Taxes to be paind on 6th Mar.
existing electrical line Feb. burden
to avoid further financial 2022).and delays in progress
(Financial charges for all pending reimbursement payments
Interface with EDW : BDT
till 31-Jan-2023
issued a letter to CAAB on 8 Aug, but it was not a Cost
Duty/Tax Reimbusement Payment No. 9 Delayed

< 3 Party Issues >

rd · Submitted 4 :-8-Jan,
1. North-West: 11kV by ADC
CAAB issued a letter to NOCD 23 Aug. for requestinng NOCD's
Certified by NOCD : 10-Jan
OH poles &·(Due
Duty/Tax 33kV UG opinion, No. 2022, 30.31.0000.421.
date : 09-Feb-2023)
Certified amount : BDT 107,697,476.24 (Minutes in the meeting)
11 Reimbursement
cables - NOCD issued a recommendation letter to CAAB, L-CLEN-22-1189
→ CAAB to settle the outstanding amount as soon as possible
Highway West side:
NOCD will review ASAP
No.10 delayed
2. North-East: 11kV 5x dated
to avoid further financial 30and
burden Aug. and
delays L-CLEN-22-1230, dated 6 Sep.
in progress
Item 1 & 5
(Financial charges for all pending reimbursement payments till
OH poles 31-Jan-2023 : BDT 33.2mil) - NOCD issued a further recommendation letter to CAAB on 11
3. South-East: 11kV 12Sep.,
Claim submitted
months ago for additional costs - NOCD should review
11 incurred by delays in IP- CAAB
process andverbally
payments NOCD on 14 Sep. to preapre the section DESCO's Revised Cost 05 Jan.
7x OH poles
But still no response/settlement
drawings from NOCD/CAAB
every 100m.
4. North-East: 3x by ADC : 03-Mar-2022
· Submitted Estimate Proposal and make
1st Claim for - ADC requested DESCO for the Power Shut down, ADC-DESC-
33kV Costs
additional UG cables (ADC-NOCD-LTR-PR-22-0137) recommendation
(Minutesto CAAB.
in the meeting)
South-West: 6x HV LTR-ME-22-0004-1, dated 24 Sep.
12 · Claimed amount : USD 648,810 (BDT 55,133,598)
in NOCD will review ASAP
(2 Cir. x 33kV)
ADC &UG Subcontractors- CAAB
have beenrequested DESCO
suffering financial for thePower Shut down,
due to unexpected &30.31.0000.421.,
additional costs dated 27 Sep.
cables → NOCD/CAAB to review the claim and settle the claimed
amount as soon as -possible.
ADC submitted the Cross Section Drawing on 3rd Oct. and NOCD
reviewed it.
19 nos of IP extension-request
Meetingletter was held
were sent on between
6-Feb CAAB & NOCD & ADC on 4th Oct. and
but no action by CAAB
CAAB advised a direction for replying DESCO's query.
· scaffolding materials
· equipment such as e.g. ADC
concrete should
paving continue
equipment, any
boom lifts, andnecessary cable relocation work
automatic welding machine, etc.
without any delay by DESCO etc.
Re-Export Item If IP extension process for re-export item is delayed, (Minutes in this meeting) (update as of 26th Feb.)
IP Extension there're risks of IP cancellation and bond-encashing, CAAB CE asked ADC to visit CE office. Closed
which may affect site progress and incur unnecessary expense.

Any time/cost impact due to delay of IP extension

shall be borne by CAAB
→ CAAB's immediate action required
for Re-Export Item's IP extension

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 54 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

<3rd Party Issues >

Next Step!!
No. Main Issues Current Status Remarks
Item Target date
Highway West side: Item 1 & 5
- ADC paid the deposit BDT 7,465,444 on 01 Feb. 2022. Highway West side:
- DESCO issued a letter to CAAB on 8 Aug, attention to CE, but it was not a Cost Proposal. Item 1 & 5
- CAAB issued a letter to NOCD 23 Aug. for requestinng NOCD's opinion, No. 2022, 30.31.0000.421.
- NOCD issued a recommendation letter to CAAB, L-CLEN-22-1189 dated 30 Aug. and L-CLEN-22-1230, dated 6 Sep. 1) NOCD and ADC should have a cross-
- NOCD issued a further recommendation letter to CAAB on 11 Sep., L-CLEN-22-1245. check of the Route Plan & Section dwgs.
- CAAB verbally instructed NOCD on 14 Sep. to preapre the section drawings every 100m. 2) CAAB needs to decide a next step how
DESCO Relocation - ADC requested DESCO for the Power Shut down, ADC-DESC-LTR-ME-22-0004-1, dated 24 Sep. to inform to DESCO.
existing electrical line - CAAB requested DESCO for thePower Shut down, 30.31.0000.421., dated 27 Sep. 3) ADC should complete Temporary
Interface with EDW - ADC submitted the Cross Section Drawing on 3rd Oct. and NOCD reviewed it accordingly. Marking & Leveling up as per L-ADC-23-
- Meeting was held between CAAB & NOCD & ADC on 4th Oct. and CAAB advised a direction for replying DESCO's query. 0029, dated 10 Jan. 2023. => Suspend
1. North-West: 11kV 4 e.g. ADC should continue any necessary cable relocation work without any delay by DESCO etc.
OH poles & 33kV UG - NOCD issued a recommendation letter to CAAB on 6th Oct., L-CLEN-22-1449.
cables - CAAB sent a reply letter to DESCO for allowing 1.5m width, 30.31.0000.421., dated 10 Oct.
2. North-East: 11kV 5x - NOCD issued a recommendation letter to CAAB on 26th Oct, L-CLEN-22-1529.
OH poles - CAAB reminded DESCO on 3rd Nov. for taking an action ASAP.
- CAAB discussed with DESCO on 7th Nov. DESCO agreed to arrange the Coordination meeting ASAP. 1) 07 Mar
3. South-East: 11kV 7x
- DESCO team inc. Ex. Egr. Mr Arafat visited the site for making sure the site condition on 09 Nov. NOCD & ADC attended. 2) 09 Mar.
OH poles
4. North-East: 3x 33kV DESCO requested CAAB to submit the large size of drawings officially for working out of DESCO's revised cost estimate.
UG cables - NOCD submitted a large size drawings to CAAB as per DESCO's request, L-CLEN-22-1668 dated 10 Nov.
5. South-West: 6x HV - CAAB forwarded a large size drawings to DESC as per DESCO's reques on 14 Nov.
(2 Cir. x 33kV) UG - NOCD reminded CAAB to check DESCO's status of revised cost proposal on 20 Nov.
cables - NOCD issued a reminding letter to CAAB on 14 Dec. L-CLEN-22-1911 for reminding DESCO.
- DESCO sent a Revised Cost Proposal to CAAB, No. 27.24.0000. dated on 19 Dec. 2022.
- NOCD received an "unofficial" copy from CAAB on 26 Dec. 2022, and started review.
- NOCD issued EI-22-0358, on 27 Dec. 2022 for requesting Temporary Marking and Leveling up as per DESCO's request on 09 Nov.
- NOCD submitted a recommendation letter to CAAB on 02 Jan, 2023, L-CLEN-23-0022.
- NOCD issued a reminder to ADC, L-ADC-23-0029 on 10 Jan. 2023 for carrying out Temporary Marking & Leveling up.
- NOCD submitted a reminder letter to CAAB on 15 Jan, 2023, L-CLEN-23-0117.
- 14 Feb. DESCO & CAAB (with NOCD and ADC) discussed and agreed to have a further joint site visit DESCO & CAAB asap.
- 22 Feb., CAAB requested NOCD to update Highway Master Plan which showing the crossing point DESCO Highway West Permanent
Cable route and HSIA road in/out of Highway.
- 28 Feb, NOCD prepared an updated Highway Master Plan (Route Plan) and carried out a joint site visit with ADC to double check.

- 05 Jan, NOCD issued a letter to CAAB, L-CLEN-23-0061, for submitting Technical Documents to RHD. - CAAB needs to submit Technical
RHD: Highway New
12-1 - 07 Feb, NOCD issued a reminder letter to CAAB, L-CLEN-23-0336, for submitting Technical Documents to RHD. Documents to RHD for RHD's evaluation 05 Mar.
Pedestrian Bridge
- 28 Feb, NOCD issued a reminder letter to CAAB, L-CLEN-23-0484, for submitting Technical Documents to RHD. as per MoM with on 05 jul. 2022.

- 11 Feb. 2023, ADC issued a letter, ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0062, "Request for relocation or demolition of elecric poles for stee bridge
- 22 Feb. 2023, CAAB advised NOCD to instruct ADC to inform the exact date of the latest for the relocation, so that CAAB can negotiate
with the concerned Authority.
RHD: Highway Electric - CAAB needs to arrange a Coordination
12-2 - 23 Feb., Traffic Police & RHD & CAAB (with NOCD & ADC) Joint Meeting was held. RHD agreed to have a further discussion with ADC 07 Mar.
Pole etc.' relocation meeting with RHD and get a permission by
to help.
10 Mar.
- 28 Feb, ADC submitted a updated letter, ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0062-01, stated deadline date with 10 Mar. for getting a permission
from RHD.
- 01 Mar, NOCD issued a letter to CAAB, L-CLEN-23-0487, for requesting a meeting with RHD.

- 01 Feb. RAB requested CAAB to complete Road Pavement work by Mid. Mar. before VVIP visits RAB HQ.
=> This is not ADC's original schedule.
- ADC should submit a Pavement work
- 21 Feb. CAAB reminded NOCD & ADC to complete Pavement work as requested by RAB HQ.
RAB HQ: Pavement schedule and complete the Pavement work
14 - 23 Feb. CAAB & NOCD & ADC discussed and agreed to complete Pavement work "in front of RAB HQ area only" by 07 Mar. 07 Mar.
Work in front of RAB HQ by 07 March.
- 26 Feb., NOCD issued EI to ADC and also a letter to CAAB.
- 28 Feb, CAAB (with NOCD) has had a meeting with RAB and received a permission of Time Extension until 07 March. NOCD informed
it to ADC.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 55 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

< Technical Issues >

Serial No Area Item Issues Action By By when Final Status

Clarifying design of Road profile and crosssection

- Submitted issue by ADC-RFI-CC-22-1353-01 at 04-Dec-2022
- Replied by ERRI-23-0002. But detail was not valid technically. Hence, solution is still pending.
-NOCD requested ITDB to provide the concrete pavement drawing of the Road C beginning
6 Civil Road C area, but not yet provided. NOCD will have a meeting with ITDB on 25JAN.
- NOCD confirmed to issue an additional EI to define ADC's scope of work by 2-Feb. But, still
- Coodination meeting with FDEE will be arranged early next week. Instruction drawing will be

Clarifying design of Apron Makring

- Submitted issue by ADC-NOCD-RFI-CC-23-1771 at 24-Jan-2023
9 Civil Apron NOCD
- ERRI was issued on 20 Feb. Ref: ERRI-23-0099. But, additional marking is still not issued.
- CAAB/ATM will give us instrucion about additional marking.

Area 5 domestic terminal area drainage

Clarifying design of u-ditch along with existing domestic terminal building
12 Civil Design - Submitted issue by ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0046_31-Jan-2023 NOCD
- EI-23-0070 was issued. But, ADC requests confirmation of existing domestic termainal
structure demolish.
Clarifying design of Road 1 and 3-3 logitudinal profile, proposed height and sidewalk
13 Civil Design NOCD
- Submitted issue by ADC-NOCD-RFI-G-22-1486-01_14-Feb-2023


Serial No Area Item Issues Action By By when Final Status

Waiting Material Approval: Reviewing spec clarification by NOCD

- Submitted ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-Q-BC1-22-0455-02
- Requested company experience. Experience was provided.
- ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-Q-BC1-22-0455-02 rejected due to HDPE %. This issue was replied
again, there was no proper supplier to comply all spec, even if CPG recommended timber deck
TE3 manufacturers.
Timber Deck - ADC is preparing reply of CPG's comments.
- NOCD issued EAC-23-0099-01 on 23-Feb-2023. As per EAC-23-0099-01, ADC could not
find proper timber deck material supplier. ADC requested Engineer to advise proper supplier to
be satisfied by your comments.
- NOCD informed ADC submitted HDPE 45% material. It is not required strength spec

Request final confirmation whether temporary slab cover with finish at tunnel opening is installed
9 TE3 Design NOCD
or not
Request to revise and issue Pier extension connection area design and work scope as per L-
10 TE3 Design ADC-23-0055 on 22-Jan-2023. NOCD
- EI-23-0001-06 was issued. But, still not finalize.

<Other Building>
Area Item Issues Action By By when Final Status
Diagonal steel members are exposed under ceiling.
- Submitted ADC-NOCD-RFI-BC2-23-1823

< Mechanical >

Area Item Issues Action By By when Final Status

Secondary Elec Shop Drawing Approval

- ADC submitted rev03 ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-ME-22-0254 on 1 Feb 2023 regarding Sewage
- ADC submitted rev03 ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-ME-22-0245 on 2 Feb 2023 regarding
8 Mechanical Shop Drawing House(GHS) NOCD
- ADC submitted rev03 ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-ME-22-0235 on 5 Feb 2023 regarding Intake
Power Plant
for Receiving(IPR)
- ADC submitted rev01 ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-ME-22-0283 on 13 Feb 2023 regarding Rescue
Fighting Station(RFFS)

L-ADC-23-0027-01 Withdraw material list for drum motor on

- The additional material list for drum motor of Italy "Rulmeca" approved by EAC-22-1848 dated
on 21th
December 2022. BHS with drum motor was ordered and fabricating already. Hence, it is not
Material for Drum possible
9 Mechanical NOCD
Motor in BHS withdraw.
- ADC issue a letter(ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0052) on 19 Feb 2023 regarding cost and time
impact resulting
from the cancellation of Rulmeca drive motors and to use Interroll brand instead for the BHS

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 56 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

<Electrical 1>
Area Item Issues Action By By when Final Status

Oil Transformer Rail & Acc. Material

- ADC submitted Oil Transformer Rail & the letter of ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-ME-22-0224-
03 dated
22 Dec. 2022. and NOCD commented for ADC to provide 3rd party certificate for Rail
- Local Manufacture for Rail Structure who is DESCO's supplier is not possible to provide for
Material & - ADC wants to apply for same method and supplier like DESCO without any additional doc.
6 Electrical - NOCD confirmed that 3rd party certificate is not required. NOCD
VO Approval
- NOCD requested ADC to submit DESCO's site survey report.
- ADC submitted MFA(ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL-22-0187-01) on 17 Jan 2023
- MFA approved MFA ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL-22-0187-01 on 23 Jan 2023
- ADC submitted SD on 23 Feb 2023(ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL-23-0349) regarding Oil
Transformer Rails
installation details
- After SD apporved by NOCD and ADC to submit VO

COO issue for Small CAT Generator

- ADC submitted Material Submittal by letter ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-22-0126-02 dated 19th May.
- COO in declared letter by CAT has been provided to NOCD.(Engine: USA, Alternator: China)
- Comment : Final approval is subject to the CAAB Consent.
11 Electrical Material approval - ADC submitted rev03 ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-22-0126 on 8 Feb 2023 with CAT letter ADC
- NOCD apporved with Comment rev03 MFA on 26 Feb 2023, Comment : There shall be
minimization of
cost for changing COO of the Generator from USA to Brazil
- ADC to submit rev04 ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-22-0126 after CAT replys according to NOCD
ISOLATOR for 2nd connection to be placed order in urgent
- ADC checked various isolator manufacturer(ABB, Schneider, Legrand, etc.), however, there is
no isolator fully complied with specification.
- ADC raised an issue to NOCD and proposed Non-fused type isolator by ABB.
- ADC is waiting for urgent confirmation.
- ADC issued RFI on 19 Jan 2023 (ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-23-1754)
12 Electrical Material approval - ADC submitted Isolator Brand RFI(ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-23-1781) on 04 Feb 2023 NOCD
- ADC submitted Isolator MFA(ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-23-0194). on 04 Feb 2023
- NOCD signed MOM Legrand Isolator Confirmation on 14 Feb 2023
- NOCD commented ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-23-0194(Brand is acceptable but requested COO
on 16 Feb 2023
- ADC submitted rev01 ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-23-0194 on 17 Feb 2023
Sample Board for Cable tray on Roof shall be placed order in urgent
- Support for main structure had been approved from Building team
- Wind calculation is hard to get from subcontractor
- IP Class for cable tray is hard to get confirmation
13 Electrical Other ADC
- Progress wise, material shall be placed order
- ADC submitted Sample board for cable tray' cover and NOCD inspected and agreed it on 27
Feb 2023
- ADC to submit.Transmittal for Roof Cable tray

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 57 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

<Electrical 2>
Area Item Issues Action By By when Final Status
Waiting confirmation Toilet DB location
- Toilet DB location had been issued by shop drawing comment from Dec-2021.
- Finally ADC received all DB locations by ERRI-23-0017.
- ADC is struggling with one agenda to change more than 6 times for more than 1 year.
- This is impact Toilet Finishing and DB Cable ternimation Work
14 Electrical Toilet DB location - ADC issued of Delay notice to NOCD - ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0028 on 04 Feb 2023 NOCD
- ADC submitted rev02 RFI(ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-22-1583) regarding Final Confirmation on 20
Feb 2023
- Request for approval 9nos Toilet DB Approval
· 6nos Toilet DB Shop drawing submitted and Need to get Approval asap
· 3nos RFI submitted regarding Final Location of Toilet DB Confirmation

Waiting for EI of Padma Oil Tariff Meter

- ADC submitted the shop drawing of 11kV Switchgear Single line Diagram by letter ADC-
SD-22-0387-04 dated 4th Dec. 2022.
- ADC received one comment that additional 2ea PQM meter for Padma Oil is required.
18 Electrical EI NOCD
- ADC to have EI for interconnection between Padma Oil's Trariff meter to ADC's 11 kV
- NOCD issued EI to modify 11 kV Switchgear ADC recommened not to have site modification
- ADC issued a letter(ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0057) on 21 Feb 2023 regarding Installation of
2set CT inside outgoing feeder Switchgear Panels.

Material approval for lighting fixture (T3 and Others building)

- ADC received the letter L-ADC-22-0199 from NOCD that all lighting shall be Philips from
- T3 lighting fixture, partially approved 28 nos types, 4 nos submitted for approval, 7 nos in
searching to
match with the specification.
- Others Building lighting fixture, approved with notes (10 nos types no specific note, 3nos
19 Electrical Material approval NOCD
due to not matching with lumen output), 6 nos in searching to match with the specification.
- ADC submitted for other's 6 lighting (ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-20-0029-07) was approved on 2
- ADC submitted rev04 ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-22-0155 for 7nos TE3 Lighting on 15 Feb 2023
- ADC submitted rev08 ADC-NOCD-MT-EL-20-0029 for 3nos Other Building Lighting on 22
Feb 2023

Final Photocell Zoning & Photo Elec. Switch Confirmation

- ADC has raised RFI ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-23-1763 on 21 Jan 2022.
- NOCD to confirm the cable type and size, to proceed with procurement of cable
- 1.5sqmm 2C cable for photo-cell to be used and ADC will submit VO proposal based the
41 Electrical Material approval quotation. ADC
- ADC submitted rev01 RFI(ACD-NOCD-RFI-EL-22-1610) of confirmation of Photocell zoning
on 4 Feb 2023
- NOCD replied RFI on 13 Feb 2023, Comment : During T&C, Contractor is required to verify
sensor zone is best to control each zone lights
- ADC to submit Proposal Drawing for Final Photocell Zoning Location

Use DESCO Construction Power for Testing and Commissioning in TE3

- ADC has raised RFI (ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-23-1750) on 12 Jan 2023
- NOVD replied RFI(Permanent power will be available for T&C) on 8 Feb 2023
42 Electrical Construction - T&C - ADC issued a letter(ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0046) for Usage of DESCO Construction NOCD
Power for T&C
works in T3 on 16 Feb 2023
- Kindly request for NOCD's approval of temporary power use for T&C
Request for exact demarcation between current work and future one in VVIP Area.
43 Electrical Design NOCD Temporary Closed
- NOCD to confirm and Under discussion
Requesting Variation Order(VO) for the H-Pile Earthnig Works for Pier Extension
- NOCD issued EI(EI-22-0161) on 23 Jun 2022 regarding H-Pile Earting Installation Layout Plan
44 Electrical Design NOCD
Pier Extension Building
- ADC has raised RFA (ADC-NOCD-RFA-EL3-0578) on 08 Jan 2023
- ADC issued on VO (ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0071 on 01 Feb 2023

Daily Oil Tank maintenance distance and Location : EDAC-23-0003

- Maintain 1.5m distance is not possible to have between generator and brick wall
- 2 meter open space for maintenance and relocate daily oil tank
- ADC informed that this is not possible to compliance with comment. please give us
45 Electrical Design NOCD
- ADC submitted SD rev03 on 29 Jan 2023( ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-EL-22-0400)
- ADC submitted RFI on 23 Feb 2023( ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-23-1812) regarding Clarification of
for Maintenace of Generator Daily Tank 6500L

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 58 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

<Electrical 3>
Area Item Issues Action By By when Final Status
Integration of FACP to mechanical Fire fighting system in Other building same as
- ADC recieved an initial EI for the integration between FACP and FF systme in other buildings
as T3 on
28 Sep 22. (EI-22-0252)
- ADC reminded 3 times NOCD to provide detailed drawings for Integration of FACP to FF
system but
again received similar EI without details on 22 Jan 23. (L-ADC -23-0053)
- ADC submitted to request EI Issue (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0045 : Increase Fiber Optic
46 Electrical Design Cable for Fire NOCD
Alarm as future provision to connect T3 and other building ) by 16th of Feb 2023.
- If no issue EI by 16th of Feb 2023, ADC will proceed with the purchase of Fiber Optic cable
based on
original contract that does not include Fiber Optic cable for Fire Alarm System
- ADC requested issue an EI for additional FO cable by 16 Feb
- NOCD issued EI(EI-23-0060) on 26 Fen 2023 regarding Interface between FACP and
Mechanical Fire
Fighting System in Other Buildings
- ADC still needs Detail Design after then ADC will discuss with NOCD

MLCP XPM Lotus Screen Lighting Design

- ADC issued RFI(ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-22-1659) on 22 Nov 2022 regarding Lighting details for
the MLCP
XPM Lotus screen but didn't have the design details
- ADC issued remider letter(ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0204) on 19 Dec 2022 regarding the
50 Electrical Design insufficient NOCD
- ADC issued delay notice(ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0044) on 13 Feb 2023 with the detailed
design within
20 Feb 2023
- NOCD proposed the Design to CAAB for Final Confirmation

Material approval for SCN(Structured Cable Network)

- ADC submitted SCN system ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL-20-0016.
- NOCD rejected with comments because quantity switch and SFP.
- ADC resubmitted Rev.7 dated on 5th Feb, 2023
- NOCD approved with Comment Rev.7 ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL-20-0016. on 15 Feb 2023
through EAC-23-0264-01 and the comment about further quantity remeasurement not
53 Electrical Material approval accepted. NOCD
- ADC issue the letter to mention that MFA is not proper document to judge the Qty but the
Shop drawing and site inspection through sub-clause 12.2[Method of Measurement] of the GC.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0061 on 26 Feb 2023.
- ADC requested NOCD Comment withdraw or NOCD approval without comment

PBB (Glass)
- Glass material was confirmed by L-ADC-23-0067 on 29 Jan 2023
57 Electrical PBB NOCD
- ADC submitted Modified RFA and awaiting approval
- ADC submitted rev01 ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL-22-0134 on 9 Feb 2023

PBB (Floor)
- Floor material was confirmed by L-ADC-23-0067 on 29 Jan 2023
- The vendor confirmed that they no longer manufacture confirmed material (3.5mm rubber
- The contractor strongly recommended to use PBB manufacture's proposed floor material for
58 Electrical PBB their NOCD
guarantee and keep the work schedule
- ADC submitted rev01 ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL-22-0135 on 22 Jan 2023
- NOCD apporved as noted rev01 ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL-22-0135 on 20 Feb 2023
· Comment : Follow L-ADC-23-0067 on 29 Jan 2023
- ADC to submit rev02 MFA with NOCD Comments reply

Pending Technical Report approval for AODB and other system interface data
- ADC submitted Interface Control Documents for exchanging data between AOCD and VDGS
59 Electrical Technical Report NOCD
∙ ADC-NOCD-RFA-TR-EL-22-0028-02 on 22 Jan 2023
(ICD for exchanging data between AOCD and VDGS)
- Kindly requests for NOCD's prompt review and approval.

Duty Payment Delaying for Equipment

- 2nd Batch for Fire Alarm System at Port on 11/Jan/2023
(DKAC691, 18days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB )
- 3rd Batch for MV SWGR at Port on 25/Jan/2023
(DKAC-611, 15 days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB)
60 Electrical Duty Payment - 2nd Batch for Transformer at Port on 8/Feb/2023 CAAB
(DKAC-619, 18 days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB)
- Microphone Noise Sensor Cable at Port on 8/Feb/2023
(DKAC-652, 14 days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB)
- 3rd Batch for Fire Alarm System at 11/Jan/2023
(DKAC-691, 12 days delayed after Duty Payment Request to CAAB)

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 59 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

7.2 Commercial Pending issues

No. Item Description
COVID-19 prevention measures &
1 - Additional cost occurred up to Sep 2020 to be approved and monthly basis claim is on-going
mitigation activitites
- 5th interim EOT report submitted with acc plan on 28 Oct (cut-off: 10 Sep 2021, EOT/L&E : 269 days (325 days w/o mitigation), 20.9mil
- Acc to EI, ADC submitted acc plan and cost (42.6mil USD) and further submited others'(EDW, Apron, ECT/ICT) with 7mil USD. ADC
submitted analysis report of loss of productivity under COVID-19, prerequisite for acc plan, completion view in Sep 2023 on 30 Nov and
submitted revised acc cost(32.5mil USD) and agreed 26mil USD verbally → MOCAT approved to CAAB on 24 Aug → NOCD approved BDT
2,177mil on 28 Aug
- ADC is preparing 6th Interim EOT report incorporating delay events from March 2022 to Dec 2022
- 6th interim EOT report submitted on 1st Feb 2023 (cut-off: 30th Dec 2022, EOT/L&E: 261days, 39.0mil USD)
ADC have notified ;
- the delay of the delivery of materials such as Steel Structure, Facade, Metal Ceiling, Facade, Roofing and Waterproofing, Roof Forming
Machine and etc. due to restrictions of inland transportation & lockdown in China owing to COVID-19 outbreak
- the delay in providing Construction Drawings for VVIP and VIP Area on 20th Mar 2022, ADC clarified the delay of design in T3 on 27th Jul.
→ NOCD issued revised docs(BOQ/Spec/Drawings) with insufficient info in response to the missing items issued by ADC on 3rd Nov. 2022
- the delay impact caused by site work suspension of T3 Cooling Tower Area on 30th Apr 2022
- more than 450 days of delay of FDEE area EDW piling work commencement (Scheduled to start from 31st Jan 2021 (Northern side) and 2nd
Feb 2021 (Southern side) on 1st June → NOCD replied delay caused by 3rd party Authority issue and need more time on 2nd Jun 2022
- the delay on completion of exterior work of pier extexsion related with pre-opening ceremony of T3 due to delay of Padma Oil Fuel Pipeline
relocation on 4th Jun 2022
- existing utilities affecting construction of Road A-4 in Area-5 and requested the Engineer to relocate/remove on 14th Jul 2022
- the delay in Taxiway Closure Plan Ph-4 & 2A due to non-payment of Duty/Tax for Road Marking Paints and reserving the Contractor's right for
the compensation of excessive storage charge on 20th Jul 2022
- impact on Draignage work due to the other Contractor's ongoing drainage work on 25th Jul 2022
- the delay for suspension of WSS Building Works due to Employer's requirement of additional Maintenance Building on 2nd Aug 2022
- the delay in starting of EDW piling work at FDEE area due to handover delay on 4th Aug and 10th Oct. 2022
- the additional cost and time for re-test for elongation test on steel materials by 3rd party agency (BUET) on 2nd Aug 2022
- the suspension of Duct Bank work due to non-availability of Radar Cable route as-built drawings on 30th Sep. 2022
- the delay in obtaining Import Permit due to CCI&E server maintenance period (from 1st Sep to 24th Sep) on 5th Oct. 2022
- the cost impact due to the suspension of bored pling work caused by delay of removal of Padma existing fuel pipe on 11th Oct. 2022
- the delay event owing to prohibition of sand dredging due to ‘Hilsa Fish’ Breeding Season on 19th Oct 2022
- founding of power & communication cables (2 nos-each) at the location of EDW pilar-39 and impact to the progress of EDW on 24th Oct.
→ NOCD requested ADC to submit detailed report for examining properly on 31st Oct and ADC submitted report on 6th Nov 2022
- the delay in finalization of the 'Seating works' Subcontractor shall certainly lead to adverse impact on adhering to the PJT timeline on 8th Nov
- impacting the Contrator's general finish works for VIP/VVIP facilities that was supposed to be commenced from Oct 2022
until Sep 2023 acc to Baseline dated 2nd Nov 2022 due to delayed provision of complete drawings, BOQ, Specs on 9th Nov 2022
- the delay in assignment of Super User regarding for Airport IT System on 10th Nov 2022
- the delay in receiving the BFSCD's approval drawings from Engineer/Employer
- the delay due to additional material submission and approval process of Lighting Fixture that NOCD requested revised sample resubmission
mainly related with Lighting shape and CE certification on 10th Nov 2022
- the delay on the Engineer's response to the Contractor's material submission (11-items, longest period is 114 days) on 14th Nov 2022
EOT and L&E Claim, Acceleration
2 - the requirement for an urgent resolution from the Engineer/Employer on relocation the cables from EDW P-1 to P-4 location on 15th Nov
- the prolonged delay in selection of the Supplier for Seating Works for the Terminal 3 on 16th Nov 2022
- the hindrance in lane occupation and execution of duct work near RAB HQ (Zone-2) on 21st Nov 2022
- the delay for SOG Slab Works of T3 due to stoppage of Pier Extension works on 24th Nov 2022
- the delay for clearance of ELV material issues (UTP clables, Fire Alarm Sample, Radio cable, BOSCH FWT) on 24th Nov 2022
- the delay due to partial suspension of ECT/ICT works caused by violence incident between subcontractors, which could be avoided by
the deployment of police based on Division 80300 'Site Security' of the Specification on 28th Nov 2022
- the delay due to hindrance (presence of existing box culvert underneath the ground) to Duct Bank work near Uttara gate on 28th Nov 2022
- the delay of duct bank work in front of ECT near the RAB HQ. due to construction of new ECT gate on 29th Nov 2022
- the delay in removal of existing fuel pipeline used by PADMA, which is conflicted with subgrading works, FHS for Area 4 on 7th Dec 2022
- the delay of response to Mech S/D of secondary Elec Power & Control for Mech in AGS and U/G Piping Plan in ECT Outhouse on 8th Dec
- the delay of Duct Bank works on the vicinity of existing T-1/2 due to road extension works of the Employer's other contractor on 17th Dec
- the delay in issuance of EI with relevant info and drawing details (Oil Transformer base and trench plan, Interface between FACP and
Mechanical Fire Fighting Sys in Other Buildings, MLCP XPM Lotus Screen Lighting, BMS Monitoring for Switchgear in Other Buildings) on 19th
Dec 2022
- the delay of T3 Mechanical works (Adjustment of Basement machine room ceiling height, Rearrangement of chiller/pump layout, ACMV duct
and sprinkler pipe space clearance etc.) due to the additional / interfacing works for Pier Extension on 22nd Dec 2022
- the delay of site handover which is affecting superstructure works of EDW South and North Piers on 5th Jan 2023
- potential delay on RFFS by missing info for RFFS additional facilities and equipment (EI-22-0351) on 12th Jan 2023
- the delay in confirmation for Floor Finish, Coating and Ceiling for PBB on 14th Jan 2023
→ NOCD replied the status of PBB Glass wool / Floor finish responses on 16th Jan. 2023
- the delay in finalization/response of ELV/SAS Engineering submittals on 15th Jan 2023
- the delay of Engineer's review and reply to M&E technical reports (SITA Airport Voice(AVO) software configuration document/ Interface
Control Document(ICD) for exchanging the data between AODB and CHS/ ICD for exchanging the data between AODB and VDGS) on 18th
Feb 2023
- the 4 months of additional time and cost (USD 485,175) due to Engineer's change in BHS conveyor belt and drive motor brand ('Rulmeca' →
'Interroll') considering commencing with the procurement using the officially approved 'Rulmeca' brand on 20th Feb 2023
- the delay in Area-5 roadwork due to the additional work of Biman gate house on 22nd Feb 2023
- the delay due to change in Door Brand (Original manufacturer → 'Hormann-Germany' → Original manufacturer) on 22nd Feb 2023
- the delay in pending Car parking facility works in front of Biman building which disrupt the execution of Road A-4 and drainage works on 23rd
Feb 2023
- the delay in handing over of existing VVIP Terminal Area on 24th Feb 2023
→ ADC requested for Engineer’s Instruction for demolition of existing VVIP terminal and NOCD to share as-built drawing of VVIP Terminal
building / arrangement for site visit for the preparation of cost proposal on 27th Feb 2023 (ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0104)
→ ADC requested CAAB/NOCD to provide related drawings & arrangement for site visit survey at the earliest considering planned
commencement on 13th Mar 2023 which was mentioned at Chairman meeting (25th Feb 2023) on 2nd Mar 2023 (ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0085)
- the delay in response on confirmation to PBB floor finish which was issued as material approval by ADC (ADC-NOCD-RFA-MT-EL-22-0135-
01) on 22nd Feb 2023

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 60 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No. Item Description

- JICA issued "no objection letter" to CAAB regarding additional work on 14 Nov 2021 and ADC is awaiting NOCD's official instruction.
- ADC stressed the increase of raw material price and (ocean freight) shipping cost shall be incoporated in the new rate of additonal
- ADC stated Contract Addendum to be signed by June 2022 in order to meet CAAB's target schedule and submitted cost proposal for bored
pile and NOCD confirmed the unit rate of D1000 based on VO#1 and other items will be further discussed and concluded in due course of
time. NOCD have notified delayed submission of TE3 pier-extension Structural Drawing due to CPG’s negligence, and re-scheduled drawing
submission due-dates on 26 Apr 2022 → ADC awaited feedback from CAAB after the submission of new rate of earthwork and FDN work in
order to start work
- ADC requested for clearance for hindrances in North Wing Pier Extension works on 12th Jun. 2022
- ADC notified idling of Bored Piling work of pier extension work due to utility lines as Padma Oil pipeline incur additional time/cost and idling of
Subcontractors on 16th Jul 2022 → NOCD replied the relocation work is supposed to be completed as agreed on 6th Jul 2022 and requested
ADC to carry out the trial trenching to identify the existing u/g facilities / submit survey report for the approval prior to implementation of the
piling work on 17 Jul. 2022
- ADC noticed suspension of Bored Piling work due to Hindrances in Pier Extension Works on 2nd Aug. 2022
Additional Work_2 piers extension of - ADC requested NOCD to issue an instruction for the changes in the Suspended Area of T3 where it is required to be modified for future
3 connection with the Pier Extension on 23rd Aug. 2022 and NOCD issued demarcation line for T3 main building work due to pier-extention
- NOCD shared documents (Work requirements/ BOQ/ Specifications/ Drawings/ etc.) related to T3 Pier Extension works on 24th Nov. 2022
- ADC submitted 1st Tender Query from the preparation of estimate on 13th Dec. 2022 → NOCD partially replied to 1st Tender Query on 21st
Dec. 2022 → NOCD replied to remianing 1st Tender Query (M&E) on 28th Dec. 2022
- ADC submitted 2nd Tender Query on 24th Dec. 2022 → NOCD partially replied on 29th Dec 2022 / 2nd Jan. 2023
- ADC notified that the tender queries raised by the Contractor have not neen fully clarified by the Engineer yet (especially M&E works such as
Electrical, ELV/iBMS, Mechnical, Elevator/Escalator/Moving Walk and Special Equipment) on 5th Jan. 2023
→ NOCD partially replied on 8th Jan 2023 and ADC submitted 3rd Tender Query on 10th Jan 2023
→ NOCD issued the SAS/Electrical drawing and BOQ on 26th Jan 2023
- ADC submitted Indicative Price for T3 pier extension work on 15th Feb 2023 wtth following documents
→ Priced BOQ, Technical Proposal, Tender Qualifications, Country of Origin & Manufacturer of Materials/Equipments, Price Adjustment Index,
Contractor's Proposal for Cost Reduction
- NOCD instructed ADC to ① review the M&E design for Pier Extension and propose the VO for Ph.1 area (existing TE-3) such as chiller
piping and cable etc. ② review and check the site condition to consider abortive work until VO and shop drawing to be confirmed ③ request to
NOCD for additional required drawings for Pier Extension in Ph.1 area on 16th Feb 2023

- ADC noticed the price of Diesel and Kerosene is revised effective from 3rd Nov 2021 with unreasonable increase acc to the Bangladesh
Gazette dated 3rd Nov 2021 and is considered to be changes in legislation / 10th Nov 2021
- ADC noticed for additional fuel price increase(80->114 BDT/liter) acc to Government Circulation dated 5th Aug 2022 on 6th Aug
- ADC submitted estimated cost impact on the balance activities of the work in amounting to BDT 2bil on 24th Aug
- ADC noticed for additional fuel price adjustment(80->109 BDT/liter, diesel) acc to Government Circulation (dated 29th Aug 2022) on 30th Aug
- NOCD approved that the Gazette notice can be defined as change of government regulations under GC13.7 and the specific application of
Government's Circulation for Fuel the additional cost shall be limited only to fuel prices which are directly incurred by the consumption of the fuel (indirect effect of this fuel price
Price Increase increase shall be deemed to be separately adjusted under GC 13.8) on 15th Sep
- ADC requested for approval of indirect cost Impact due to Government Circulation for the Fuel Price Increase on 18th Oct
- NOCD disapprove previous certificate so ADC submitted the details/breakdown of quantity in tender stage and waiting for NOCD's decision
- ADC agreed the evaluated amount of NOCD which is based on equipment efficiency and excluding O&P 25.8%, and waiting for approval of
cumulative impact, claimed up to Dec 2022 as of BDT 221.6mil. for ADC's equipment, sand delivery and Bus/Car on 23rd Jan, 2023
- ADC submitted the cost proposal (upto Sep 2023) applying the caculation method which was discussed with NOCD on 19th Feb, 2023
- ADC submitted cumulative impact up to Jan 2023 as BDT 263.3mil for ADC's equipment, sand delivery and Bus/Car on 22nd Feb, 2023

- ADC requested the Employer to issue a support letter in L/C Opening which has been delayed due to USD shortage in the bank (of Finish
Non-availability to open L/C due to work Subcon, AMFL) in order to avoid further delays on 30th Oct (ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0308)
5 USD Shortage in Major Commercial - ADC requested the Employer to issue a request letter to Bangladesh Central Bank to supply USD to the bank for opening L/C exclusively for
Banks of Bangladesh the Project in order to avoid further delays on 3rd Nov (ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0313)
- ADC noticed the delay caused by Non-availability to open L/C due to USD Shortage in Major Commercial Banks of Bangladesh on 4th Dec
- ADC noticed massive fluctuation of JPY currency (expected fluctuation of JPY:USD upto 2%/year in average as per the 4 years record of
Unreasonable Currency Fluctuation of
6 currency fluctuation prior to Feb 2019 → more than 27% annual percentage currently) and impacted on the Contractor/Subcontractors' price
the Japanese Yen (JPY) and BDT
so requested adjustment of the Contract Price on 18 Jul
- ADC noticed steep rise in Shipping Cost for procurement of imported materials by 540% as per the data from SCFI(Shanghai Containerized
Freight Index) from overseas (ocean freight) due to Shortage of Containers and additional COVID-19(Omicron) quarantine guideline for ships
Steep Rise in Shipping Cost and
7 departing from the port around the world on 4th Jan
Delay in Import Process
- Notified steep rise of ocean freight which is causing extra cost burden and requested support the Engineer/Employer to allow ADC to obtain
necessary permits, approval required for importation process in timely manner to avoid further delay/cost impact on 28 Feb

- ADC requested adjustment of price escalation considering not reflecting the actual market condtion and mis-matching with the official inflation
rate of the Country ("The Business Standard") on 27 Mar 2022
- NOCD requested the detailed official indices or alternatives to CPI for each individual items for evaluations and for approvals by the CAAB
on 30 Mar and ADC submitted the comparison between actual market price which colllected from relevant suppliers and cost index of BBS
on 11 Apr 2022
- ADC requested adjustment of price escalation (ohshore) with the analysis of newly published PWD schedule of Rates 2022 which is 26%
increase in the cost and in average 6.5%/year from last version (RWDP 2018) on 31 Jul 2022
- NOCD recommended the adjustments of BDT index(23.4% esc from base date) to CAAB which's raised by the Contractor on 23 Aug 2022
- ADC requested NOCD/CAAB to apply the revised cost escalation factor effective form 21 June 2022
- ADC transmitted newspaper article pointing out the current situation of BBS of being delayed application of inflation data acc to Executive
Request for Clarification of Cost Index Director of the Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh on 28th Sep 2022
in the table of adjustment data - CAAB officially requested to MOCAT to decide on whether to update BBS Index or use PWD Index on 27th Oct 2022
- ADC requested NOCD to make fair determination as soon as applicable but not later than 28 days from the date of 15th Nov 2022
- ADC submitted legal memorandum for the interpretation of Sub-Clause 13.8 of FIDIC Pink Book on 14th Dec 2022
- ADC requested for the Engineer’s determination on the issue of Price Escalation Adjustment as soon as applicable but not
later than 28 days from the date of previous letter (ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0539, dated 14th Dec 2022) considering hardships
and problems which have deteriorated the productivity and cash flow of the Contractor on 27th Dec 2022
- NOCD notified that he cannot set by determination the change of Price Adjustment Index from BBS to PWD and will continue to his utmost to
convince the Employer on the matter on 3rd Jan 2023
- ADC notified that he shall not be held responsible for any delay and disruption which may cause adverse implications such as reduced
resources, lowerd morale, out of control on Subcontractor's performance considering the Engineer's lack of fair determination and
Contractor's position not to bear any further financial loss on 15th Jan. 2023

- ADC suggested NOCD to evaluate variation in fair and reasonable unit rate as price escalation mechanism has not been properly operated
due to the deviation between the actual price in the market and the price set by the bureau of statistics of various Authorities on 7th Aug. 2022
- ADC suggested NOCD that fair and reasonable unit rate should be applied to the evaluation of the variation ① No cost revision for the
completed/on-going Variation works ② Variation not been started shall be re-submitted based on the reasonable cost in the maket ③ If
Variation work contains item whose rate or price is specified in the Contract, such rate or pice shall be adjusted on a pro-rata basis between
PWD 2018 and PWD 2022 (As of Aug 2022, 22.7%) ④ If Variation work contains item whose rate or price is not specified in the Contract,
such rate or pice shall be derived from the reasonable cost which is available in the market at the month of receiving an EI for the Variation on
9 Evaluation of Variation works 9 Aug. 2022
- ADC notified that he shall not be bound to proceed with any variation work which has not been confIrmed in terms of cost till 5th Dec. 2022
- ADC notified his suffer on delay and disruption due to internal hindrances (new works not required for the Permanent works, continuous
changes, uncoordinated drawings delayed response to clarifications to resolve deviations i.e> WSS) and his opinion to decline the EI to
conduct any new works not required for the Permanent Works considering utmost priority for the Project (Pre-Opening ceremony and
successful completion of the Project) on 15th Dec. 2022
- ADC requested NOCD to issue the official approval to VO cost proposals which are already evaluated by the Engineer and
accepted by the Contractor (17 nos of VOs) on 9th Jan 2023

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 61 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No. Item Description

- ADC request NOCD to expedite the approval of Pending VO/VE with the list on 4th Aug 2022
- NOCD/ADC had clarification meeting for pending VO(183 nos)/VE(9 nos) on 30 Aug and classified into 5 categories (Verbally approved VO
64, identified VO 85, dispute 19, additional work 1, withdrawal 14) and got offical approval for verbally approved VO by 11th Sep and discussed
10 Pending VO/VE & Dispute Board
identified VO and dispute items to finalize it
- ADC requested NOCD for the appointment of Dispute Board (based on GC. 20.2, 20.3) on 22nd Nov 2022
- ADC shared overall timeframe and processes related with Dispute Board on 5th Jan 2023

- ADC submitted 'List of missining items (Civil, Building and M&E) including introduction of related Contract Condition on 31 Aug and had
clarification meeting on 15 Sep, 18 Sep and 19 Sep
Missing Items in Bill of Quantities
11 - ADC submitted the revised BOQ of IPP/IPR reflecting missing items acc to NOCD's instruction on 2nd Oct
- NOCD requested ADC to revise not only the addition of Missing Items, but also the quantity and Contract Amount for all items
to understand the approximate amount of Overall Variation on 24th Nov but it shall be discussed with ADC

- ADC proposed to approve 50% of saving amount (JPY 62,579,406 & BDT 184,972,466) in line with approval of shop and mock-up test on 16
- NOCD notified to proceed apron lean concrete work as technically concurred by BUET, CAAB and the Consultant. However, commented that
VE cost saving amount shall be considered for decreasing durability of pavement due to change of the thickness on 25th Nov
VE_Design Change of Airside Apron
12 - ADC replied that calculated PCC design life of 20.1 years satisfies Engineer's PCC design life requirement and FAA design requirement of
20 years, so no decreas in durability of the pavement and waiting for approval from CAAB
- ADC submitted revised VE fee for Type-1 & Type-1' pavement which is 50% of saving in amount to JPY 64,717,849 & BDT 190,357,086 on
27 Jul
- ADC requested NOCD to approve VE fees pertaining to the airside apron con'c pavement works on 15th Nov
- NOCD instructed ADC to suspend all activities concerning the Engineer's Accommodation and make the site safe and secure for retuning
the site to CAAB on 16th Oct
- ADC applied Taking Over Certificate for the Engineer's Accommodation with the consideration of the scope omission on 13th Nov
13 TOC for Engineer's Accommodation
- NOCD issued Taking Over Certificate on Engineer's Accommodation Area as of 14th Nov 2022
- ADC submitted Final Account of Engineer’s Accommodation (Design, Site Preparation and Earthworks) in amount of
JPY 13,904 and BDT 41,305,484 on 1st Dec

- NOCD indroduced "TCL-TP-UP JV" as Nominated Subcontractor for Provisional Sum of VVIP Lounge work in T3 with the cost amount BDT
641,151,054 on 27th Feb 2023 (L-ADC-23-0134)
Nominated Subcontractor for
- ADC notified to NOCD that NSC ("TCL-TP-UP JV") has not allowed enough consideration for the conditions of the actual execution for the
14 Provisional Sum of VVIP Lounge work
Project as they were not properly aware of working process for the apparoval of Shop Drawing, Material, Mock-up, FWT etc. and being not able
in T3.
to check essential terms and conditions such as payment terms, bonds, warranties, indemnity, LD etc. So ADC requested NOCD to provide
fruther information which is prerequisite to review the capability and capacity of the NSC on 2nd Mar 2023 (ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0084)

- ADC noticed the change in the Laws for VAT provision of Ready Mixed Concrete (HS Code 68.10) on 27th Jul.
- VAT exempted on Ready Mixed Concrete acc to the SRO No.144/2020/105-VAT → Payment 15% VAT and withdrawn Ready Mixed Concrete
Government’s Circulation for Change
from the VAT exemption list acc to new SRO No.1163/Law/2022/176-VAT dated 1st Jun 2022
in VAT
- ADC noticed the change in the Laws for VAT provision(2000 BDT/ton -> 2200 BDT/ton) of Rebar (HS Code 72.13~72.16) on 10 Aug
- ADC included 1st claimable amount in IP#26 for compensation and have been approved
Disruptions to Site Operations due to - ADC noticed the interruption of works at site due to frequent power cuts on 4th Aug
Intermittent Power Cuts - NOCD replied not to agree on ADC's assertion that power cuts are unforeseeable events on 10 Aug
- ADC submitted revised baseline schedule reflecting 'Acceleration plan' on 24th Sep → Briefing session to NOCD held on 29th Sep
- NOCD request for further information (list of any concerns on "specific probable future events or circumstances which may adversely affect
work, increase the Contract Price or delay the execution of the Works" refering GC 8.4) and proposals to mitigate such delays, etc., if they
to occur on 17th Oct
Revision of baseline schedule - ADC submitted 'List of delay events issued from March 2022 to September 2022' as a reply of NOCD letter on 20th Oct
- NOCD requested ADC to submit detailed schedule which reflect the depletion of float and mitigation method to prevent delay events (44 nos)
that reflected in ADC submitted list on 26th Oct
- ADC replied that ① the documents to claim EOT to be compliance with the critical path methodology applied to the P6 Programme, ②
methods to mitigate delays to be applicable on 31st Oct
- NOCD consented on the revised Baseline Schedule on 2nd Nov
- ADC reported Force Majeure Event (Lightning strike on N1 Rapid Taxiway for Demolition & Repair of Existing Pipe Culvert Headwall Besides
Airside Service Road 2) on 3rd Aug.
Pavement repair at Taxiway N1 - NOCD instructed ADC to submit incident report/ remove the affected area/ submt Method Statement for repair work on 5th Sep.
- ADC submitted cost for Force Majeure event (JPY 3,115 and BDT 35,887) and for demolition & repair (JPY 10,361 and BDT 53,029) on 11th
- NOCD shared drawings of Architectural, Electrical and Structural Dwgs for New CAAB office Bldg and requested necessary actions on 5th
- Requested NOCD to issue additional information for the New CAAB office Building (Full set of drawings/ Sepcification/ BOQ) and noticed
12 New CAAB Office Building proposal for additional works shall be based on new rate/price prevailing in the current market on 9th Oct.
- NOCD issued EI (drawing list of column and anchor bolt layout and base plate) to prepare additional CAAB office
- NOCD instructed the columns above the roof of the WSS issued through previous EI's to be omitted on 26th Dec. (EI-22-0354)
- NOCD instructed ADC to take action as per EI on 27th Dec

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 62 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

8. Monthly Resources & Weather

8.1 Manpower - Office Staff & Labor

Previous Month This Month Manpower Deployed (February 2023)
Daily(max.) Cum. Total Daily(max.) Monthly Total Cum. Total
Office Staff 547 338,820 544 13,967 352,787
Site Labor 1,127 797,499 1,125 30,849 828,348

Sub-contractor Labor 9,311 5,147,439 9,451 249,646 5,397,085

Office Staff 547 338,820 544 13,967 352,787

Labor 10,438 5,944,938 10,576 280,495 6,225,433

Total 10,985 6,283,758 11,120 294,462 6,578,220

8.2 Materials

Prev Month Actual Material Quantities Delivered (February 2023)

Monthly delivery Cum. Total
Sand m³ 4,149,576 79,867 4,229,443
Sub-Base Material m³ 308,827 0 308,827
Concrete m³ 765,393 21,477 786,870
Rebar Ton 103,717 238 103,955
Fuel Hydrant m 7,440 0 7,440
External Hydrant m 4,398 0 4,398
AGL Conduit m 76,500 0 76,500

8.3 Equipment

Actual Equipment Quantities Deployed (February 2023)

Equipment Prev Month
Monthly deployment Cum. Total
Paver 1,699 110 1,809
Excavator 60,829 1,415 62,244
Dump truck 92,150 2,945 95,095
Vibrator roller 17,941 552 18,493
Dozer 12,468 166 12,634
Grader 6,989 131 7,120
Wheel Loader 13,347 486 13,833
Water truck/Fuel Truck 25,040 594 25,634
Pile Boring / Drilling Machine 7,070 0 7,070
Mobile / Cargo Crane/Tower Crane 29,237 1,161 30,398
Conc.Boom /Stationary Pump 16,031 280 16,311
Concrete Mixture Truck 19,689 1,064 20,753
Fork Lift/ Man Lift 13,196 2,109 15,305
Total 315,686 11,013 326,699

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 63 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

8.5 Weather Record

Temperature(˚C) Relative
Date Sky Rainfall (mm) Wind(kph)
Max Min

1-Feb-23 Wed 25.7 21.0 Sunny 0.0 61 10

2-Feb-23 Thu 25.7 16.1 Sunny 0.0 68 12

3-Feb-23 Fri 27.1 15.2 Sunny 0.0 57 10

4-Feb-23 Sat 26.5 16.8 Sunny 0.0 52 12

5-Feb-23 Sun 27.0 14.6 Sunny 0.0 54 12

6-Feb-23 Mon 27.2 14.9 Sunny 0.0 49 10

7-Feb-23 Tue 28.3 15.7 Sunny 0.0 61 12

8-Feb-23 Wed 28.7 18.3 Sunny 0.0 64 10

9-Feb-23 Thu 28.7 18.3 Sunny 0.0 95 12

10-Feb-23 Fri 29.5 17.0 Sunny 0.0 36 12

11-Feb-23 Sat 30.5 16.2 Sunny 0.0 54 10

12-Feb-23 Sun 30.0 21.2 Sunny 0.0 47 10

13-Feb-23 Mon 28.0 16.0 Sunny 0.0 22 12

14-Feb-23 Tue 27.5 13.8 Sunny 0.0 26 12

15-Feb-23 Wed 27.2 15.5 Sunny 0.0 44 10

16-Feb-23 Thu 27.2 15.6 Sunny 0.0 83 10

17-Feb-23 Fri 29.4 15.9 Sunny 0.0 55 10

18-Feb-23 Sat 30.1 17.8 Sunny 0.0 57 10

19-Feb-23 Sun 29.5 20.2 Sunny 0.0 59 12

20-Feb-23 Mon 29.5 20.0 Sunny 0.0 92 12

21-Feb-23 Tue 29.9 22.0 Sunny 0.0 89 10

22-Feb-23 Wed 31.0 22.0 Sunny 0.0 64 10

23-Feb-23 Thu 33.3 23.0 Sunny 0.0 51 12

24-Feb-23 Fri 32.4 23.6 Sunny 0.0 57 10

25-Feb-23 Sat 32.0 20.5 Sunny 0.0 27 12

26-Feb-23 Sun 32.6 18.4 Sunny 0.0 40 10

27-Feb-23 Mon 32.8 19.8 Sunny 0.0 44 10

28-Feb-23 Tue 32.6 20 Sunny 0.0 28 12

Total Rainfall 0.0

< Weather Data from : Bangladesh Meteorological Department, and Site Laboratory >

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 64 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

9.Financial Status
9.1 Payment status
Work A. Submission B. Certification C. Payment D. Outstanding (=B-C)
S/N Combined Combined Due Actual Combined Combined
10-Mar-20 18,731,363,901 8,844,855,799 271,181,955 254,836,728

9-Sep-20 4,035,000 48,191 -4,035,000

12-Nov-20 11,169,474 133,399 -11,169,474

Advance 15-Dec-20 9,555,148 114,119 -9,555,148

0 18-Feb-20 18,731,363,901 9,099,692,527 274,225,508 19-Feb-20 18,731,363,901 9,099,692,527 274,225,508 10-Mar-20
Payment 26-Jan-21 1,684,060 20,113 -1,684,060

20-Sep-21 26,756,688 319,559 -26,756,688

17-Nov-21 2,436,106 29,095 -2,436,106

19-Dec-21 199,200,252 2,379,079 -199,200,252

4-Aug-20 304,053,213 2,687,201 474,432,946 exceeded amt

1 8-Jul-20 304,053,213 474,432,946 8,353,426 28-Jun-20 304,053,213 474,432,946 8,353,426 16-Sep-20 moved to advance
(Jun '20) 9-Sep-20 474,432,946 5,666,224 -474,432,946 payment
30-Oct-20 482,688,440 4,265,967 549,651,763 exceeded amt
2 14-Sep-20 736,353,778 1,067,369,662 19,255,601 13-Oct-20 482,688,440 549,651,763 10,830,541 23-Nov-20 moved to advance
(Jul & Aug '20) 12-Nov-20 549,651,763 6,564,574 -549,651,763 payment
27-Nov-20 430,057,461 3,800,818 735,159,147 exceeded amt
3 15-Oct-20 609,648,619 1,149,961,312 19,122,194 9-Nov-20 430,057,461 735,159,147 12,580,935 23-Dec-20 moved to advance
(Sep '20) 15-Dec-20 735,159,147 8,780,116 -735,159,147 payment
5-Jan-21 347,772,827 3,073,592 520,508,749 exceeded amt
4 14-Nov-20 410,219,843 968,550,222 15,193,036 8-Dec-20 347,772,827 520,508,749 9,290,107 23-Jan-21 moved to advance
(Oct '20) 26-Jan-21 520,508,749 6,216,514 -520,508,749 payment

IPA-05 2-Feb-21 511,411,728 4,519,822 921,891,177

5 14-Dec-20 624,765,627 1,324,738,615 21,343,189 3-Jan-21 511,411,728 921,891,177 15,530,107 22-Feb-21 112,479
(Nov '20) 25-Feb-21 912,473,334 10,897,806 -912,473,334

IPA-06 5-Mar-21 2,215,652,876 19,581,788 996,489,698

6 14-Jan-21 3,161,223,727 1,411,150,430 44,792,261 7-Feb-21 2,215,652,876 996,489,698 31,483,015 25-Mar-21 359,351
(Dec '20) 15-Mar-21 966,401,259 11,541,876 -966,401,259

IPA-07 16-Apr-21 782,756,821 6,917,951 984,950,915

7 14-Feb-21 1,091,991,244 1,440,300,753 26,852,673 11-Mar-21 782,756,821 984,950,915 18,681,368 25-Apr-21 48,816
(Jan '21) 6-May-21 980,863,554 11,714,601 -980,863,554

IPA-08 14-May-21 887,038,443 7,839,585 1,309,625,538

8 14-Mar-21 1,335,411,799 1,898,871,796 34,480,790 8-Apr-21 887,038,443 1,309,625,538 23,480,640 23-May-21 162,897
(Feb '21) 11-Jun-21 1,295,986,176 15,478,158 -1,295,986,176

IPA-09 8-Jun-21 723,426,560 6,393,594 1,083,368,443

9 14-Apr-21 890,703,314 1,615,382,847 27,164,735 11-May-21 723,426,560 1,083,368,443 19,332,427 23-Jun-21 102,161
(Mar '21) 25-Jun-21 1,074,814,513 12,836,672 -1,074,814,513

IPA-10 25-Jun-21 862,337,824 7,621,283 1,207,173,390

10 16-May-21 862,337,824 1,528,633,432 25,877,982 27-May-21 862,337,824 1,207,173,390 22,038,736 25-Jul-21 166,205
(Apr '21) 30-Jun-21 1,193,257,038 14,251,249 -1,193,257,038

IPA-11 25-Jun-21 637,871,568 5,637,465 1,314,693,351

11 10-Jun-21 637,871,568 1,586,680,040 24,587,424 14-Jun-21 637,871,568 1,314,693,351 21,339,046 19-Aug-21
(May '21) 20-Sep-21 1,314,693,351 15,701,581 -1,314,693,351

16-Jul-21 670,430,763 5,925,221 694,768,313 exceeded amt

12 27-Jun-21 670,430,763 980,394,364 17,634,219 27-Jun-21 670,430,763 694,768,313 14,222,944 5-Sep-21 moved to advance
(~25 June '21) 20-Sep-21 694,768,313 8,297,723 -694,768,313 payment
IPA-13 5-Oct-21 497,304,062 4,395,139 544,812,534
13 (26 June '21 15-Aug-21 678,261,298 1,071,745,505 18,794,445 15-Sep-21 497,304,062 544,812,534 10,901,917 24-Oct-21 173,035
~ 31 July '21) 19-Oct-21 530,324,316 6,333,743 -530,324,316

2-Nov-21 385,729,738 3,409,053 431,388,065 exceeded amt

14 16-Sep-21 729,219,566 2,480,992,349 36,075,658 14-Oct-21 385,729,738 431,388,065 8,561,186 25-Nov-21 moved to advance
(Aug '21) 17-Nov-21 431,388,065 5,152,133 -431,388,065 payment

IPA-15 3-Dec-21 1,136,955,970 10,048,339 1,093,203,288

15 17-Oct-21 1,285,987,884 1,731,826,761 32,048,941 15-Nov-21 1,136,955,970 1,093,203,288 23,104,630 26-Dec-21 -43,207
(Sep '21) 28-Dec-21 1,096,820,995 13,099,498 -1,096,820,995

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 65 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Work A. Submission B. Certification C. Payment D. Outstanding (=B-C)

S/N Combined Combined Due Actual Combined Combined
IPA-16 11-Jan-22 633,484,327 5,598,691 744,026,857
16 17-Nov-21 879,852,724 1,447,191,685 25,060,106 15-Dec-21 633,484,327 744,026,857 14,484,716 26-Jan-22 60,534
(Oct '21) 24-Feb-22 738,958,368 8,825,491 -738,958,368

IPA-17 7-Mar-22 737,086,248 6,514,318 882,020,608

17 19-Dec-21 1,074,899,030 1,817,071,081 31,201,438 16-Jan-22 737,086,248 882,020,608 17,048,423 27-Feb-22 168,730
(Nov '21) 20-Mar-22 867,892,882 10,365,375 -867,892,882

IPA-18 17-Mar-22 875,766,448 7,739,964 1,191,973,579

18 19-Jan-22 1,514,134,743 1,940,600,916 36,558,708 17-Feb-22 875,766,448 1,191,973,579 21,975,884 30-Mar-22 794,401
(Dec '21) 29-Mar-22 1,125,458,353 13,441,519 -1,125,458,353

IPA-19 5-Apr-22 1,185,130,892 10,474,106 1,468,366,120

19 20-Feb-22 1,534,299,937 1,788,471,219 34,920,019 14-Mar-22 1,185,130,892 1,468,366,120 28,011,023 1-May-22 1,179,279
(Jan '22) 12-May-22 1,369,625,111 16,357,639 -1,369,625,111

IPA-20 13-May-22 1,062,116,990 9,386,917 1,308,587,550

20 20-Mar-22 1,638,655,218 1,719,241,461 35,015,482 19-Apr-22 1,062,116,990 1,308,587,550 25,015,575 29-May-22 -109,982
(Feb '22) 25-May-22 1,317,796,329 15,738,640 -1,317,796,329

IPA-21 3-Jun-22 1,472,211,798 13,011,307 1,136,237,712

21 21-Apr-22 2,055,903,182 1,466,742,508 35,687,458 12-May-22 1,472,211,798 1,136,237,712 26,581,565 30-Jun-22 -164,150
(Mar '22) 15-Jun-22 1,149,981,966 13,734,408 -1,149,981,966

IPA-22 22-Jul-22 1,531,782,913 13,537,792 1,602,206,971

22 18-May-22 1,531,785,913 1,602,206,971 32,673,218 19-May-22 1,531,785,913 1,602,206,971 32,673,218 27-Jul-22
(Apr '22) 1-Sep-22 1,602,206,971 19,135,399 -1,602,206,971

IPA-23 26-Jul-22 2,746,965,679 24,277,494 1,793,493,688

23 6-Jun-22 2,746,965,679 1,793,493,688 45,697,460 7-Jun-22 2,746,965,679 1,793,493,688 45,697,460 15-Aug-22
(May '22) 1-Sep-22 1,793,493,688 21,419,965 -1,793,493,688

IPA-24 5-Aug-22 1,968,637,737 17,398,685 1,170,770,180

24 26-Jun-22 1,968,637,737 1,170,770,180 31,381,370 27-Jun-22 1,968,637,737 1,170,770,180 31,381,370 4-Sep-22 121,340
(Jun '22) 1-Sep-22 1,160,610,404 13,861,345 -1,160,610,404

IPA-25 7-Oct-22 228,335,438 2,018,013 536,333,282

25 14-Aug-22 718,655,432 806,629,227 15,985,122 15-Sep-22 228,335,438 536,333,282 8,423,522 23-Oct-22 351,388
(Jul '22) 9-Nov-22 506,911,571 6,054,121 -506,911,571

IPA-26 9-Dec-22 1,204,724,207 10,647,270 2,869,415,766

26 18-Sep-22 1,823,685,494 3,192,780,636 54,249,467 13-Oct-22 1,204,724,207 2,869,415,766 44,917,135 27-Nov-22
(Aug '22) 29-Dec-22 2,869,415,766 34,269,865 -2,869,415,766

IPA-27 9-Dec-22 1,239,273,311 10,952,613 763,090,629

27 16-Oct-22 1,884,323,793 1,163,341,041 30,547,482 14-Nov-22 1,239,273,311 763,090,629 20,066,319 25-Dec-22 -3,483,276
(Sep '22) 29-Dec-22 1,054,745,333 12,596,982 -1,054,745,333

IPA-28 13-Jan-23 1,317,669,757 11,645,475 993,616,567

28 16-Nov-22 2,015,528,169 1,417,837,986 34,746,552 15-Dec-22 1,317,669,757 993,616,567 23,512,387 25-Jan-23
(Oct '22) 6-Feb-23 993,616,567 11,866,912 -993,616,567

IPA-29 10-Feb-23 2,075,905,025 18,346,706 619,187,513

29 19-Dec-22 2,817,382,388 1,225,242,363 39,533,086 18-Jan-23 2,075,905,025 619,187,513 25,741,756 27-Feb-23
(Nov '22) 22-Feb-23 619,187,513 7,395,050 -619,187,513

30 22-Jan-23 2,565,644,665 1,449,937,228 39,991,810 20-Feb-23 1,920,757,544 1,055,325,563 29,579,436 2-Apr-23
(Dec '22)

31 21-Feb-23 3,102,648,867 1,168,037,642 41,371,047 2-May-23
(Jan '23)

(Feb '23)
Total (including AP) 52,909,460,415 41,264,536,542 960,438,758 49,806,811,548 40,096,498,900 919,066,321 47,885,942,965 39,041,136,866 889,486,858 0 0
34,178,096,514 32,164,844,015 686,213,250 31,075,447,647 30,996,806,373 644,840,812 29,154,579,064 29,941,444,339 615,261,350 0 0
Total (excluding AP)
54.0% 42.7% 49.7% 40.1% 38.2%
before retent/AP amor after retent/AP amor before retent/AP amor after retent/AP amor after retention [SUM of Outstanding Payment & Financing Charge]
Note ; Item Amount (BDT) Remarks

1) Above amount is exclusive of AIT & VAT and after 10% retention and exchange rate is 1 USD=83.73 BDT, 1JPY=0.74BDT. 1) Advance Payment

2) Outstanding amount of BDT portion has been caused by CAAB’s payment process, converting currencies from BDT & JPY to BDT before being paid to ADC. 2) Interim Payment 0 pending

3) ADC-CAAB-LTR-G20-0079 dated on 15 Sep 2020 : Requested CAAB to establish a payment scheme to resolve outstanding amount. 3) Financing Charge 146,496,344 for 1)+2)

- Financing charge : 3%(annual rate) + discount rate of central bank in the country of the currency of payment. If not available, the interbank offered rate shall be paid according to G.C. 14.8. 4) Custom Duty/Tax 366,570,153

4) "Flow chart of inspection for bored pile", WIR to be signed by inspector within 24 hours from inspection and feedbacked by RE within 3 working days after completion of WIR 5) Financing Charge 33,228,443 for 4)

Total (BDT) 546,294,940

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 66 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

10. Variations & Change Management

< Variation Status >

Description EI (incl. CVR-> EI) CVR Total

A. Done/Agreed 403 129 532
B. Pending 287 171 458
C. Total 690 300 990
Pct (=A/C) 58.4% 43.0% 53.7%

10.1 Engineer’s Instruction & Confirmation (Closed items removed and outstanding items only listed here)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
EI-20-0035 - ADC requested EI for site clearance of obstruction and complete handover and NOCD clarified that
EI-20-0061 Location of ICT was confirmed in weekly ADC install fence around ICT and backfill the existing canal in ICT area and do removal/relocation of
84 Civil 27-Aug-20
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0040 meeting by CAAB and NOCD / 12 Aug lighting, waste, brick wall, other existing structures and debris and re-submitted cost proposal of JPY
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0056 10,173,409 and BDT 38,169,731 for the site preparation of ICT area on 11th Mar according to EI
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-20-0249 8-Dec-20 - Requested EI for additional road maintenance works (additional road for VVIP movement, pavement
EI-20-010, EI-21-0032 13-Dec-20 of existing unpaved road & additional maintenance road)/ 9th Dec 2020 and submitted technical
85 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-20-0060 15-Dec-20 Additional airside road works proposal & initial estimated cost quotation
L-ADC-20-0240 22-Dec-20 - Detail design is under preparation and revised cost proposal is after approval of detail design
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-21-0254 2-Nov-21 ADC submitted the Cost proposal or an amount of JPY 53,572,741 and BDT 51,297,873.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0009 Tree removal along the verge on the - NOCD issued EI to carry out the tree removal and relocation prior to the temp fencing work along
86 Civil 3-Feb-21
EI-21-0033 expressway the verge of the highway on 4th Feb 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-20-0065 - NOCD issued the EI and request to submit cost proposal for approval / 5 Jan 2021
87 Civil EI-21-0004 23-Dec-20 Cement Stabilization Work at Box Culvert - ADC submitted revised cost proposal considering the mixing ratio of cement as 60kg per cubic
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0007, 0095 meter (Case#1) on 20th Apr (JPY 439.0 and BDT 8,329 per cubic meter)

- NOCD issued EI to revise shop drawing and submit cost for "Change of CT water supply and make-
88 M&E EI-21-0107 8-Jun-21 Airport's HVAC system
up water system" and "Change or reduce CT storage space, secure relocation location"
- NOCD issued EI for submission of technical and cost proposals for site preparation of Ansar
Accoridng to handover inspection, there
89 Civil L-ADC-21-0117 14-Jun-21 Barrack Area
are lots of garbage to remove
- Based on work done cost proposal will be prepared
EI-20-0035, 0061, 21-0023
90 Civil 27-Aug-20 Site preparation of ICT area - ADC Submitted Cost Proposal on 11 Mar 2021(JPY 10,173,409 BDT 38,169,731)
Design change apron storm water
01-Mar-21 drainage system vertical shaft with -ADC confirms and is in agreement with the Engineer's assessment the revised Cost K220(JPY
91 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0130
15-Nov-21 maintenance covers at TA2-E-03 & TA4-E- 43,556,855 BDT 304,334)

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 67 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- Duct bank materials is not clear in EI
Proposed Permanent Duct Bank Route for
92 Civil EI-21-0052 7-Mar-21 - ADC proposed to use ceramic duct and waiting Engineer confirmation
- Cost proposal to be prepared after shop drawing is finalized
EI-21-0064 Instruction to carry out clearing & grubbing
93 Civil 23-Mar-21 - ADC Submitted Cost Proposal JPY 593,592 BDT 2,052,837
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0103 in the existing drainage area in airside
- Additional works for cement stabilized base and Ge-composite Materials
EI-21-0116 Pavement structure at the N3 junction
94 Civil 30-Jun-21 -Cost will be remeasured under Variation Order No. 19 [Cement Stabilization Work]
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0144 point
-Cost Proposal submitted for Glass Grid materials ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-21-0090
L-ADC-20-0081 14-Jul-20
Relocation of underground live cable at - Requested VO for the relocation of underground live cable at ECT area and submitted cost
95 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-20-0007, 0011 21-Oct-20
ECT area proposal of JPY 16,920 and BDT 1,483,640 on 23th Aug 2021
- NOCD issued EI to relocate communication cable at airside 7-2 acc to NOCD's approval of
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0020 29-Apr-21
Relocation of communication cable at relocation drawings on 30th May 2021
96 M&E EI-21-0101 30-May-21
Airside 7-2 - Requested VO and submitted cost proposal in the amount of JPY 1,238,918 and BDT 1,571,356 on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0181 25-Aug-21
25th Aug 2021
6-Jun-21 - NOCD instructed ADC to commence in an excavation method and requested cost proposal based
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0032, 37
22-Jun-21 Request for relocation of MV cables at ICT on as-built drawings later on 14th Jul 2021
97 M&E EI-21-0110, 0125
14-Jul-21 building area - Requested VO and submitted cost proposal based on excavation method in the amount of JPY
25-Aug-21 1,282,896 and BDT 17,627,468 on 25th Aug 2021
- NOCD instructs to execute construction work with revised Roof drawing and prepare BOQ
98 Building-2 EI-21-0154 12-Sep-21 IPP revised Roof detail
accordingly on 12th Sep 2021
EI-20-0033 - EI was issued for Earthwork and Drainage work for New road (Road N) and New Car Park in Area-
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-20-0195 5. ADC submitted cost proposal of earthwork in amount of JPY 50,239,370 and BDT 173,434,019 on
L-ADC-21-0049 24-Feb-21 Earthwork and Drainage works for New the premise that the actual quantity will be re-measured on 18th Jul 2021 and Proposal for Drainage
99 Civil
L-ADC-21-0050 31-Mar-21 road (Road N) and New Car Park in Area-5 is waiting for design approval
EI-21-0070 - ADC request NOCD to review on size decrease of pond 22-2 without discharge point due to new
ADC-NOCD-RFI-CC-20-0024-01 domestic car park & road N by EI-21-0070 and to provide revised drawing on 20th Sep 2021
- Issued EI to carry out the relocation work of the current optical fiber cables of AGL system and
EI-21-0138 16-Aug-21
requested to submit the cost estimation on 16th Aug and ADC submitted cost on 17th Aug 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0057 17-Aug-21
- NOCD accepted revised cost proposal after meeting with ADC with the unit rate as JPY 18,468 and
L-ADC-21-0200 23-Sep-21
100 M&E BDT 749,410 on 23rd Sep and ADC submitted revised cost proposal (JPY 1,378,983 and BDT
Relocation of Optical Fiber Cable of AGL System
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0215 27-Sep-21
986,579) acc to the relevant adjusted unit rate of BOQ on 27th Sep 2021
L-ADC-21-0250 25-Nov-21
- ADC submited cost proposal of JPY 18,468 and BDT 1,294,236 for the relocation of Fiber Optic
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0336 23-Dec-21
Cable of AGL on 23rd Dec. 2021
- Instructed additional piling works on FDEE south EDW connecting road on 2nd Aug and ADC
L-ADC-20-0114 7-Aug-20 requested approval of the Contractor's revised cost proposal (JPY 9,768,454 and BDT 11,058,553)
EI-21-0130 2-Aug-21
following the unit rate EDW works on 3rd Oct 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0163, 0191, 4-Aug-21, 1-Sep-21 Additional piling works on FDEE south
101 Civil - NOCD requested ADC to submit the DESCO Work Schedule on 26th Jun 2022.
0229 3-Oct-21 EDW connection road
- Replied the DESCO work schedule is subject to FDEE facility diversion plan and not an
L-ADC-22-0268 26-Jun-22
independent work schedule & the situation is beyond the Contractor;s reasonable control on 28th Jun
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0185 28-Jun-22
EI-21-0160 15-Sep-21 Romoval and relocation of existing water - ADC submitted cost proposal in amount of JPY 2,453,790 and BDT 2,485,068 for the romoval and
102 Civil
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0238 18-Oct-21 line at Area 5 relocation of existing water line at Area 5 on 18th Oct 2021 that was instructed by EI-21-0160
EDAC-21-0192, EDAC-21-0517 15-Feb-21, 21-Apr-21 - Notified the Contractor's entitlement to claim for additional cost and EOT on the preparation of
Numerous EI's for New Concrete Duct
103 Civil EI-21-0188, EI-21-0197 11-Oct-21, 18-Oct-21 revised drawings resulting in delays to the work due to many changes in the drawings and
Bank Route
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0243 19-Oct-21 inconsistent decision from the Engineer on 19th Oct 2021
EI-21-0141 16-Aug-21 - Issued EI to remove trees including uprooting and making stock pile in the direction of Biman
Removal of trees in Biman Bangladesh
104 Civil EI-21-0141-01 17-Aug-21 Bangladesh Airlines Area and request to submit the cost on 17th Aug
Airlines Area
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0185, 0253 24-Aug-21, 28-Oct-21 - Submitted revised cost proposal in the amount of BDT 891,735 on 28th Oct 2021

Design change of Concrete Kerb on EDW - NOCD issued EI and requested ADC to submit cost proposal (Variation Order) on 24th Oct 2021
105 Civil EI-21-0200 24-Oct-21
Curbside Bridge (Height and shape of Concrete Kerb)
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 68 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
Additional road works of Airside VVIP Road
EI-21-0032 2-Feb-21
106 Civil in Area 6-1 and VVIP Service Road no.8 to - Submitted cost proposal in the amount of JPY 52,572,741 and BDT 51,297,873 on 2nd Nov 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0254 2-Nov-21
13 Parallel Taxiway
- EI was issued to add DESCO Jashimuddin grid substation to backup line and request to submit
EI-21-0021 10-Mar-21
cost estimate including arch/strl impact on 10 Mar 2021
EI-21-0055 Modification of DESCO incoming power
- Requested VO for the modification of IPR with the submission of cost breakdown on 11th Jul 2021
107 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0042 11-Jul-21 supply in Intake Power Plant for Receiving
- NOCD requested total Increase-Decrease Summary and Cost calculation for VO on 13th Sep 2021
L-ADC-21-0193 13-Sep-21 (IPR)
- Requested VO in amount of JPY 164,324,493 and BDT 1,241,471 for the modification of IPR with
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0263 31-Oct-21
the submission of cost breakdown on 31st Oct 2021
EI-20-0107 21-Dec-20 - EI to construct additional outlets for subdrain system and trapezodial channel at RET S1 and N1
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0015 20-Jan-21 - ADC noticed 95 days of delay for the completion of the Ph.2 Rapid Taxiway works due to the
New outlet and trapezoidal for RET S1 and
108 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0004 23-Jan-21 additional works / 20th Jan and submitted cost proposal on 23rd Jan 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0004-01 01-Mar-21 - -ADC confirms his agreement with the Engineer's assessment and accordingly submits revised
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0261 02-Nov-21 cost proposal in the magnitude of JPY 10,066,064 and BDT 22,528,613
- Requested EI for the change of level of Airport Service Road-1 issued by verbal instruction of
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0090 18-Apr-21 members of the Airport Operation Team on 18th April 2021
EI-21-0078 20-Apr-21 - NOCD issued EI and requested submit shop dwgs & cost proposal on 20th April 2021
109 Civil Change the level of Airport Service Road-1
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0115 12-May-21 - Submitted revised cost proposal for abortive work and additional drainage work due to change in
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0255 2-Nov-21 Elevation of Airport Service Road-1 in the amount of JPY 949,452 and BDT 2,427,894 on 2nd Nov
The Contractor requests the Engineer to confirm the ‘New Work’ in the Contractor’s Scope of Works
EI to Revision of Area-5 Domestic
EI-21-0198 19-Oct-21 and issue the necessary drawings and information
110 Civil Terminal Access Road and Car Park
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0244 21-Oct-21 so that the Contractor can proceed with the shop drawing preparation and site works
layouts Area-5
-Cost proposal to be submitted after shop drawing finalized.
Additional Demolition Work of Former
EI-21-0032 12-Oct-21 Drainage Structure in Area 5 and existing
111 Civil - Submitted cost proposal in the amount of JPY 15,733 and BDT 2,466,241 on 2nd Nov 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0254 2-Nov-21 RCC works in different location of the
- Issued EI for the confirmation of relocation and additional MV switch panel and request ADC to
112 M&E EI-21-0212 14-Nov-21 Relocation and additional MV switch panel
submit the related drawings/ technical & cost proposal on 14th Nov 2021
ERRI-20-0566, EI-21-0010,
2020-11-29, 2021-01-07
EI-21-0012, EADC-21-0129, - EI was issued for additional Underpass waterproofing works on 7th & 11th Feb 2021 and
113 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0039(-01), 0277
2021-01-11, 2021-02-03 Waterproofing in road underpath
ADC re-submitted cost proposal (JPY 13,463,934 and BDT 11,855,592) on 11th Nov 2021

EI-21-0151 6-Sep-21 - Issued EI of the airside drainage layout plan reflecting drainage modification on 6th Sep 2021
114 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0213 26-Sep-21 Additional box culvert in Area 7-2 - ADC submitted revised cost(JPY 7,560,031 and BDT 25,521,176) for additional new pipe culvert
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0213-01, 0282 21-Oct-21, 15-Nov-21 and new headwalls to connect existing culverts on the basis of remeasurement on 15th Nov 2021
Landside sub-base crushed sand material - NOCD issued EI to carry out it and requested to submit revised MS & cost proposal on 18th Nov
115 Civil EI-21-0214 18-Nov-21
& Mixing proportion change 2021
- NOCD instructed to change of Water Over flow Level, There will be Insect Mesh at both END of
116 M&E EI-21-0216 21-Nov-21 Water Tank over flow pipe
Water Over flow Pipe on 21st Nov. 2021
- Issued EI to do Additional construction work of the new Bridge on VVIP Road-3. 1. A new bridge will
EDW Additional construction work of new
117 Civil EI-21-0218 22-Nov-21 be designed on VVIP Road-3 to balance water and drainage between ponds #2 & #6 as well as
Bridge on VVIP Road-3
ensure the aesthetics of the area.
- NOCD instructed to construct the alternative crossing duct(4 nos 75mm dia HDPE conduits) under
118 M&E EI-21-0223 29-Nov-21 Provision of Ducts under N2 Taxiway N2 taxiway of ADC working area as the demolition of the existing crossing duct of N2 taxiway on 29
Nov. 2021
EI-21-0023 Construction of the drainage pipe line at
- ADC re-submitted cost proposal for landside ICT area drainage pipe works in amount of JPY
119 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0051 6-Mar-21 landside ICT area part A by changed
7,065,043 and BDT 15,913,873 on 14th Mar 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0326 design
Design Change North Taxiway , instruction - ADC re-submitted Cost Proposal JPY 1,855,286 and BDT 3,230,712 on 13th Dec 2021
120 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0124 24-Feb-21
to modify N2 & NE2 Taxiway - Other cost shall be claimed under remeasurement basis
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 69 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- The Employer and the Engineer has given approval relocation of DESCO power line to start the
construction at EDW RAMP North & South side.In this regard, DESCO submitted the cost of
relocation work and necessary drawings. This relocation works should be immediately proceeded up
EI-21-0217 21-Nov-21 Relocation of DESCO Power Line at EDW
121 M&E through the coordination with DESCO
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0084 12-Dec-21 RAMP (South/North) Area
- Requested to clarify and collect the permission for installation of underground cable laying and a
500kVA package type transformer (CIty Corporation/Road & Highwya/ Others) for installation of road
excavation transformer that requested to submit to DESCO on 12th Dec 2021

New Control Tower & Area 5 Domestic - NOCD issued EI for ADC to resubmit the revised drawing of New Control Tower & Area 5
122 Civil EI-22-0018 18-Jan-22
Terminal Access Road Lane Number Domestic Terminal Access Road Lane Number and submit cost proposal on 18th Jan 2022.

- Requested EI for the demolition of Existing Check Posts (Unused) Structures-3 nos. beside the
boundary wall on the VVIP road on 20th Jan 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0020 Demolition of Existing Check Posts
123 Civil 20-Jan-22 - NOCD issued EI for the demolition of Existing Check Posts Structures with the requirement of
EI-22-0024 (Unused) Structures_3 nos.
submission of measured quantity and demarcation on 24th Jan 2022
- ADC submitted ICT area Guard House demolition plan on 25th Jan 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0214, 0225 26-Sep-21, 18-Oct-21 - NOCD issued EI for VVIP Welcome road lighting at both side of the new VVIP road & requested to
124 M&E EI-21-0174 27-Sep-21 VVIP Welcome road lighting submit the detail cost proposal for installation of road light with electrical cables on 27th Sep 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0045 02-Feb-22 - ADC re-submitted cost proposal in amount of JPY 1,303,381 and BDT 3,738,097 on 2nd Feb 2022

EI-21-0210 - NOCD instructed ADC to remove 14 no Trees and to relocate Street Light Post near Ansar Barak
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-21-0129 with the request of cost proposal on 7th Nov 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0235 Tree removal and Electric pole relocate at - Requested additional EI with the necessary information for stock pile location of the tree logs for
125 Civil 7-Nov-21
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0330 Area 3-1 near VVIP Road-3 convenience in taking over by the Employer on 19th Dec 2021
L-CLEN-21-1076 - NOCD request CAAB permission / necessary information on 21st Dec 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0043 - Requested VO in amount of JPY 48,327 and BDT 770,744 on 2nd Feb 2022
- Requested EI for demolition of obstacles to construct the Road N and H in Area 5 on 29th Jan
① Electronic Display Boards on the Domestic Terminal Road("DTR"), ② Security wall on the DTR, ③ Parking lot
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0036 29-Jan-22 Demolition of existing facilities near BIMAN and building near the Biman, ④ Security wall & trees on T1 Road near Banga Bandhu Circle)
126 Civil
EI-22-0030 06-Feb-22 building
- NOCD issued EI to take necessary action to expedite the required consensus procedures with the
respective authorities on 6th Feb 2022
EI to additional demolition work of former - ADC submitted the cost proposal for Demolition Work of Former Drainage Structure and other
EI-21-0189 12-Oct-21
drainage structure and additional Demolition of existing RCC works approved through WIR.
127 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0265 2-Nov-21
demolition work of existing RCC works - ADC submitted revised cost proposal in amount of JPY 15,773 and BDT 2,946,144 on 20th Feb
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0057 20-Feb-22
approved through WIR. 2022
- ADC submitted revised cost proposal for Pavement work at new Carpark in vicinity of Area 5 in
EI-21-0092 19-May-21
amount of JPY 3,665,763 and BDT 18,040,448 and noticed the cost proposal for drainage
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0199 8-Sep-21 Pavement Works and Curbstone for Road
128 Civil preparation in Area 5 and pavement works at new access road N to be submitted seperately
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0050 3-Feb-22 H, N and Carpark in Area 5
- ADC submitted revised cost proposal amounting to JPY 4,122,211 and BDT 20,967,053 on 23rd
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0069 23-Feb-22
Feb 2022

- NOCD requested ADC to submit MS with the schedule including Cost proposal for maintaining the
EI-22-0066 6-Mar-22 Method statement for maintaining the
129 Civil traffic in front of Domestic terminal building acc to handover the New Control Tower area including
EI-22-0066-01 9-Mar-22 traffic in front of Domestic terminal building
Domestic Terminal Car Parking on 6th Mar 2022
- NOCD requested ADC to submit for construction of 3 nos New Manhole and 100mm PVC Pipes for
New Manhole and PVC Pipes for Road
130 M&E EI-22-0088 23-Mar-22 use to LV cable for Road Lighting (New Manhole and pipe connect from Duct Bank Manhole Type-13-
Lighting Work at Biman’s Office, Area-5
1 to near Utility Building, Biman’s Office, Area-5) on 23rd Mar 2022

-Develop the embankment at the extension of runway width in Pond 2

EI-21-0162 15-Sep-21
Additional Embankment Work Area in -Both side of the embankment area shall be connected by pipe culverts
131 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0340 26-Dec-21
Pond 2 - Submitted revised cost proposal for New Pipe culvert and Head wall Works at Area-1 in the amount
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0110 3-Apr-22
of JPY 5,677,950 and BDT 19,256,822 on 3rd Apr 2022

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 70 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- Based on site visit and discussion on the matter of relocation work of the current optical fiber
cables from front approach road to beside of Biman Office along with new constructed road, NOCD
instructed to carry out the work and requested cost estimation with supporting docs.
EI-21-0227 9-Dec-21 - Requested utility company's cost proposal for the relocation that approved by NOCD & CAAB
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0085 13-Dec-21 (The Contractor's scope only limited in payment on behalf of the Employer not carry out the work)
L-ADC-22-0002 03-Jan-22 Relocation of Optical Fiber Cable of Biman - ADC informed that only payment can be made after completion of relocation work by other utility
132 M&E
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0038 07-Feb-22 Office at Area-5 vendor and NOCD request ADC to take necessary action and requested VO (JPY 3,018,289) on 8th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0126 06-Apr-22 Feb 2022
EI-22-0100 12-Apr-22 - Notified that ADC cannot assist but choose the option of stopping the works until relocation on 6th
Apr 2022
- NOCD instructed it shall start immediately to avoid the project delay and CAAP accepted cost
proposal as described in the Letter L-CLEN-22-0322 on 12th Apr 2022
- NOCD issued EI for additional water supply piping, drainage exhaust fan for the addition toilet in
EI-22-0057 Additional plumbing and ventilation fans at
133 M&E 25-Apr-22 Emergency Shed at FFS
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0157 emergency shed in FFS
- ADC submitted cost proposal amounting to JPT 526,804 and BDT 13,843 on 23rd Apr 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0147 5-May-22 - NOCD issued EI for removing of a tree according to ADC's request for the earth work in Area-4
134 Civil Removal of tree (Area- 4)
EI-22-0115 10-May-22 adjacent to Padma oil on 10th May 2022.
- Relocation and Demolition of drainage, fence, septic tank, soak well, BIMAN access except Pump
EI-21-0169 21-Sep-21 1. Relocation and Demolition of existing
- Relocation or demolition of existing utilities (electric cable & water pipe, New septic tank & soak well
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0005 03-Jan-22 drainage, fence, septic tank, soak well,
- Submitted revised cost proposal for the relocation of existing facilities and construction of new
135 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0130 06-Apr-22 BIMAN access except Pump room
septic tank and soak well in Aarea-5 in amount of JPY 12,258,550 and BDT 11,230,090 on 10th May
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0130-01 10-May-22 2. Relocation or demolition of existing
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0218 30-May-22 utilities
- ADC confirmed that it is in agreement with the NOCD's assessment and submitted revised cost
proposal for the amount of of JPY 12,052,768 and BDT 12,127,193 on 30th May 2022
EI-21-0094 16-May-21 Additional works at the Fire Fighting
136 M&E - Submitted cost proposal amounting to JPT 10,040,003 and BDT 1,121,143 on 7th May 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0172 7-May-22 Station
EI-21-0095 13-Mar-22 Modified IPR/IPR door & windoiw RCC
137 Building-2 - Submitted cost proposal amounting to BDT 123,818 on 8th May 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0183 8-May-22 eaves detail
Installation of one (1) unit CCTV Camera - NOCD issued request letter for Installation of one (1) unit CCTV Camera with accessories in the
138 M&E L-ADC-22-0206 17-May-22
with accessories in the PD Office PD Office on 17th May 2022.
- Requested NOCD to review and approve ADC's proposal of change in Construction Methodology of
12-May-22 Change of Construction Methodology of Ro Road N in Area-5 to avoid delay and disruption in the handover on 12th May 2022.
139 M&E EI-22-0120
18-May-22 ad N in Area 5 - NOCD issued EI regarding ① Road N starting point area ② Road N End point area seperately on
18th May 2022.
EI-21-0143 24-Aug-21 - ADC submittted the cost proposal for the additional maintenance shaft at box culvert for an amount
Additional maintenance shaft at box culvert
140 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0278/279 15-Nov-21 of JPY 516,694 and BDT 3,641,013 and ADC confirmed its agreement with the Engineer's
TA2-E-03 and TA4-E-03
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0236 15-Jun-22 assessment for the amount of JPY 441,002 and BDT 2,708,440 on 15th Jun 2022.

Suspend the pavement work in Zone3, - NOCD requested to suspend the pavement work in Zone3, Zone4 -Duct Bank as water supply pipe
141 Civil EI-22-0164 23-Jun-22
Zone4 - Duct Bank shall be installed into the Duct Bank excavation ditch on 23rd Jun 2022.
- Requested for EI & VO for cement stabilized sub-base course to avoid gap between the GSE
asphalt pavement and the concrete slab of T3 GSE entrance that NOCD commented through EDAC-
22-0828 (2nd Jun) on 7th Jun 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0230 7-Jun-22 - NOCD requested to revise the relevant shop dwgs with the stabilization acc to attachment at the
142 Civil EI-22-0153 16-Jun-22 Cement Stabilized Subbase Course designated area in GSE road pavement area adjacent to the Apron concrete pavement area on 16th
EI-22-0171 5-Jul-22 Jun 2022
- NOCD instructed that compaction procedure of the sub-base course and base course shall be
carried out more carefully to avoid level difference at the junction of these pavement surfaces on 5th
Jul 2022
- NOCD requested to remove the special trees and plants from the existing site, then store them at
L-ADC-22-0267 26-Jun-22
the safe place after a joint site survey on 26th Jun and then NOCD requested to remove existing
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0198 20-Jul-22 Relocation of the special trees and plants
143 Civil trees subject to similar types of trees to be reinstated later stage by CAAB’s cost based on MOM
L-ADC-22-0301, L-ADC-22-0302 21-Jul-22, 21-Jul-22 along the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway
with RHD on 21st Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0220 2-Aug-22
- Requested to provide location for shifting of trees for EDW Works on 2nd Aug 2022

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 71 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- As per CAAB inspection on 7th April, 2 nos of squat pan in Terminal 3 should be changed.Convert
EI-22-0105 21-Apr-22 Convert one of the two squat pan type to one of 2 squat pan type to wall hung type water closet
144 M&E
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0282 28-Jul-22 wall hung type water closet - Submitted cost proposal amounting to JPY 297,441 and BDT 1,441,489 for abortive works due to
change from Squat pan to Wall hung type water closet at T3 on 28th Jul 2022
- NOCD provided Mechanical package drawings and stated that, compared with construction
Engineer's Instruction EI for Pier Extension progress on the site, if there is construction work that needs to be demolished or adjustment
145 M&E EI-22-0199 4-Aug-22
Mechanical Design is required for Pier extension, ADC to review and add it in the cost estimate.
Also, if you ADC has a technical issue or a better proposal, send RFI and proposal on 4th Aug 2022.
- NOCD instructed additional 8-hole Ceramic Duct Bank Work from T3 to Pier Extension South/North
EI-22-0204 14-Aug-22 Additional Ceramic Duct Bank work for
146 Civil Area and 8 x 150mm uPVC Pipe work for Substation Room from Duct Bank Manhole both sides on
EI-22-0204-01 17-Aug-22 Pier Extension Building
17th Aug 2022
- EI was issued to commence Back Filling Works for E/A as VO and request ADC to submit cost
proposal for Engineer's evaluation / 7 Feb 2021
L-ADC-21-0031 7-Feb-21 Back Filling Works for Engineer’s - Cost of this work is included in the cost proposal of entire construction of E/A which was tentatively
147 Civil
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0325 21-Aug-22 Accommodation submitted. VO amount will be resubmitted after design of accommodation is finalized.
- Submitted Cost proposal for site preparation and earthworks at the Engineer’s accommodation for
JPY 15,639,108 and BDT 26,147,101 on 21st Aug 2022
- NOCD issued EI for its demolition works on 28th Oct 2021
EI-21-0204 28-Oct-21
- Submitted revised cost proposal of demolition of Power Substation, Flood Light, Guard Room,
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0007 05-Jan-22 Demolition of existing Substation and
148 Civil Fence and Shed in amount of JPY 149,920 and BDT 2,287,614 on 12th Jan 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0007-01 12-Jan-22 Flood Light at VVIP Substation Area
- Confirmed and agreeed with NOCD's assessment on ADC's revised cost of JPY 144,218 and BDT
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0340 28-Aug-22
2,252,870 on 28 Aug 2022
- Deep well demolished by CAAB and ADC will do the back filling work and Demolition of pump
ADC-NOCD-MOM-C-20-0024, 14-Oct-20 house.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0040 06-Jul-21 - Requested VO with the submission of cost proposal for demolition of existing Pump house and
L-CLEN-21-0256 01-Dec-21 Toilet in amount of JPY 17,094 and BDT 369,266 on 26th Dec 2021
149 Civil Relocation of Pump House
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0342 26-Dec-21 - NOCD rejected VO with the opinion that payment can be made to BOQ Section 80000 in relation to
L-ADC-22-0150 07-Apr-22 the claim of the Contractor on 7th Apr 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0341 28-Aug-22 - Confirmed its agreement with NOCD's assessment on submitted revised cost of JPY 17,094.00
and BDT 283,563 on 28th Aug 2022.
- ADC notified the withdrawal of approved VO for the change of U/R of Sonic Echo of T3 on 23rd Mar
- NOCD stated a) the Sonic Echo Test and the Ultra-sonic Test are completely
different tests, b) ADC misunderstood Sonic Echo Test as Ultra-Sonic Test, and BOQ also included
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0110 5-May-21 the unit price of Ultra-Sonic Test, c) BOQ has been changed (VO) to the correct PIT (Sonic echo)
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0101 23-Mar-22 and changing the original unit price is a misunderstanding. Hence NOCD shall not accept the
Change of unit rate of Pile Integrity Test of
150 Building-1 L-ADC-22-0175 26-Apr-22 withdraw request
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0300 3-Aug-22 - ADC stated a) it has objection to NOCD's interpretation of meaning of quantities given in BOQ, b)
L-ADC-22-0381 30-Aug-22 misleading statement reg. misunderstanding as there is no reasonable grounds, c) there is no EI for
any change in PIT and clarified it does not agree with NOCD and requested NOCD to make fair
determination on 3rd Aug 2022
- NOCD replied not accepting ADC's withdrawal for unit rate change on T3 PIT on 30th Aug 2022
- NOCD instructed RCP design is to have the linear diffusers in a continuous pattern and the inactive
portions should be dummies on 14th Aug 2022.
EI-22-0205 14-Aug-22
Additional Linear Diffuser at T3 1st Central - Submitted cost proposal (JPY 1,698,224 and BDT 366,960) for additional linear diffuser on 31st Aug
151 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0342 31-Aug-22
Departure Concourse 2022.
L-ADC-22-0402 8-Sep-22
- NOCD commented 1) No adjustment on contract BOQ rate; 2) Follow the original rate amount on
8th Sep 2022.
- NOCD have updated the details of AGS and PWFP Rainwater Drainage after the internal
EI-22-0148 13-Jun-22
152 M&E AGS and PWFP Rainwater Drainage coordination with Civil and Building engineers on 13t Jun 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0379 14-Sep-22
- Submitted cost proposal in the amount of JPY 2,613,973 and BDT 383,919 on 14th Sep 2022
EI-21-0228 8-Dec-21 - NOCD instructed to execute construction work with the revised drawings of MCP
153 Building-2 Machine Hatch at GFL of MCP
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0388 19-Sep-22 - ADC submitted cost proposal in the amount of BDT 377,358 on 19th Sep 2022

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 72 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- NOCD instructed ADC that the change to Manufacturer & Country of Origin for the following
Materials can be accepted on the condition that the cost is reduced: Door Glass (LG1 & LG2 type),
Aluminium Extrusion in FFS, ECT/ICT on 13th Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0407 13-Sep-22 Request for Cost Reduction for changing
154 Building - ADC clarified that there was no deviation in COO for glass and for al extrusion subsidiary company
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0387 18-Sep-22 the Manufacturer & Country of Origin.
has been chosen, which is as per the Contract. However, for delay of around 6 months in approving
the materials, ADC have to incur additional cost and shall reserve the right for the compensation on
18th Sep 2022.
- Requested VO with cost proposal in the amount of BDT 53,900,296 for the relocation of BTCL
Optical Fiber Cable Line as Engineer instructed (25th Nov 2020) on 29th Aug 2021
EI-20-0082 25-Nov-20 - NOCD requested further data (reason of proposal Dhaka-Hymensingh Hwy as construction route,
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0186 29-Aug-21 Construction range) to judge VO on 9th Sep 2021
L-ADC-21-0187 / 0187-1 9-Sep-21/6-Oct-21 - NOCD submitted evaluation to CAAB in amount of BDT 43,993,420 on 7th Oct 2021
Relocation of BTCL Optical Fiber Cable
155 M&E L-CLEN-21-0769 7-Oct-21 - NOCD noticed to ADC that CAAB accepted cost proposal on 2nd Aug 2022
Line along T3 alignment of the project
L-ADC-22-0323 2-Aug-22 - Submitted Cost proposal of BDT 6,640,855.00 for the relocation of BTCL Cable at Area -5 through
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0320 21-Aug-22 BTCL enlisted Subcontractor Sahjalal Telecom Constructions under the basis of 2nd option from
L-ADC-22-0415 18-Sep-22 BTCL's proposed 2-options on 21st Aug 2022
- NOCD accepted Cost proposal and approved BDT 6,154,661 including 10% OH&P on 18th Sep
- NOCD instructed to install Dowel Bar (D50, 610mm) in the junction instead of Tie Bar on 30th Aug
- ADC submitted Cost proposal amounting to JPY 666,753 and BDT 4,377,733 including 22.7%
EI-22-0222 30-Aug-22
adjustment on 4th Sep 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0351 4-Sep-22 Junction Detail between Apron PCC and
156 Civil - ADC confirmed its agreement with NOCD assessment and submited revised Cost proposal
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0396 22-Sep-22 Approach Slab of Connecting Taxiway
amounting to JPY 509,094 and BDT 3,330,588 with requesting NOCD to consider the rate
L-ADC-23-0146 1-Mar-23
adjustment of 22.7% (adjusted amount to be JPY 626,087 and BDT 4,085,741) on 22nd Sep 2022.
- Approved variation amounting to JPY 509,094 and BDT 3,330,588 but excluding the 22.7% of BOQ
rate adjustment request on 1st Mar 2023.
- NOCD issued EI to accommodate new design of connecting corridor and site work based on
existing design should be suspended. ADC have noticed the delay impact
EI-22-0110 27-Apr-22 - NOCD requested ADC to resume site work for cooling tower structure suspended by EI-22-0110
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0173 30-Apr-22 with cooling tower fence on Land side moved 2,250mm inwards and additional changes on 7th Jun
EI-22-0110-01 7-Jun-22 - Submitted cost proposal for abortive work, amounting JPY 698,634 and BDT 15,398,506 on 6th Jul
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0165 9-Jun-22 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0249 6-Jul-22 T3 Cooling Tower Area Site- - NOCD requested ADC to use existing unit rate as per VO 4 (demolition work) & VO 6
157 Building-1
L-ADC-22-0312 26-Jul-22 work Suspension (transportation & disposal of Garbage to Gazipur), instead of 'New rate' on 26th Jul 2022
EI-22-0194 1-Aug-22 - ADC notified to NOCD that it is not reasonable to use existing unit rate dated on 2020 on 14th Aug
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0316 14-Aug-22 2022
L-ADC-22-0312-01 16-Aug-22 - NOCD disagreed with ADC as the new rate increases almost 600% over previous BOQ cost which
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0400 26-Sep-22 is unacceptable and proposed using “dispute board” to solve this issue on 16th Aug 2022
- Responsed disagreed with NOCD contentions and informed that it has no objection for the
recourse of 'dispute board' on 26th Sep 2022.
- NOCD instructed provide one 85" or large size LED TV for CAAB PD's office room on 20th Sep
EI-22-0245 20-Sep-22 Engineer's Instruction to provide One 85'' - Informed that all the office furniture and Equipment have been provided as per the requirement of
158 Common ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0398 22-Sep-22 or large size LED Television for CAAB the Contract and thus this will be an additional scope and submited cost proposal amounting to BDT
L-ADC-22-0439 27-Sep-22 Project Director's Office Room. 470,620 on 22nd Sep 2022.
- NOCD informed that the Engineer’s Instruction to provide One 85'' or large size LED Television for
CAAB Project Director’s Office Room is hereby cancelled on 27th Sep 2022
- NOCD requested ADC to commence the pipe laying work in the Box Culvert trench according to EI
attached drawings and to submit the shop drawings & cost proposal on 7rd Jul amd 28th Jul
EI-22-0174, EI-22-0188 7-Jul-22, 28-Jul-22
- Submitted cost proposal of Zone 1~6 in an amount of JPY 39,444,248 and BDT 63,540,288 on 23rd
EI-22-0189 28-Jul-22
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0331 23-Aug-22 Water supply pipe laying in the Box Culvert
159 Civil - NOCD requests ADC to recalculate the costs according to the sufficient construction plans that are
L-ADC-22-0372 28-Aug-22 trench additional
shown in NOCD’s EDAC on 27th Aug.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0350 1-Sep-22
- Submitted the revised cost proposal amounting JPY 19,562,724 and BDT 64,004,173 on 1st Sep.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0415 3-Oct-22
- Submitted cost proposal for the preparation of the shop drawings in amount of BDT 1,017,380 on 3

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 73 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- EI issued ADC to to comply with Item P-209 in the latest version of FAA-AC 150/5370-10 “Standard
Specifications for Construction of Airports” for drainage layer material for airside pavement work on
EI-21-0133 8-Aug-21 8th Aug and ADC submitted new unit rate in the amount of JPY 3,290 and BDT 8,871 on 2nd Sep
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0192 2-Sep-21 2021
EI-21-0171 23-Sep-21 - NOCD requested revised cost proposal considering new aggregate mixture ratio & CBR value and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0222 29-Sep-21 ADC resubmitted new unit rate in the amount of JPY 3,111 and BDT 7,920 on 29th Sep 2021
L-ADC-21-0271 15-Dec-21 - Submitted revised Cost Proposal(U/R) in 2,764 JPY/m3 and BDT 7,036 BDT/m3 on 2nd Feb
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0332 20-Dec-21 Drainage layer material for airside - As per meeting on 27th June 22, ADC's proposed negotiated rate was accepted by CAAB/NOCD
160 Civil
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0046 02-Feb-22 pavement work and accordingly submitted revised Proposal in amounting to JPY 2,678/m3 and BDT 6,819/m3 on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0049 03-Feb-22 28th Jun 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0247 28-Jun-22 - Requested NOCD for prompt official approval to the Contractor’s proposal at the earliest on 3rd
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0304 3-Aug-22 Aug 2022
L-ADC-22-0430 22-Sep-22 - NOCD approved ADC's cost proposal of JPY 2,678/m3 and BDT 6,819/m3 on 22nd Sep 2022
L-ADC-22-0465 13-Oct-22 - NOCD approved the uinit rate of JPY 2,678 and BDT 6,819 per cubic meter (same u/r of the
revised Drainage Layer on the Airside with the same composition : 40% crushed aggregate and 60%
coarse sand) on 13th Oct 2022.
- Submitted new rates for changed girder span length reflected mofified EDW pier center location
EI-20-0095 6-Dec-20 with detailed cost breakdown on 3rd Oct 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0230 3-Oct-21 - Confirmed agreement with the NOCD’s assessment and accordingly submitted revised Cost
161 Civil Modification of EDW pier center location
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0361 6-Sep-22 proposal for new rates on 6th Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0487 19-Oct-22 - NOCD instructed Variation for the modification of PSC Girder at the EDW works in amount of
17,413,417 JPY and 12,933,674 BDT on 19th Oct 2022.
- Requested EI regarding the change of Spec to 'RHD Standard Tender Spec Sec 7, General Spec'
to execute works and submit additional cost proposal on 29th April 2021
- NOCD issued EI to Change spec 20400 Landside pavement Works, Sec 20410 Sub-base on 6
May 2021
- Requested VO for the change of Sub-Base Material in amount of JPY 5,509 & BDT 14,854 per
Cum on 11th Nov and NOCD replied ADC to submit revised cost proposal on 15th Nov 2021
- NOCD issued EI that it work shall be changed back to the original conditions as stipulated in the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0106 specifications (DIVISION 20400, 20410) & Contract Drawing on 2nd June 2022
EI-21-0087 - Requested NOCD to accept the proposed mix design (proposal) as per EI-22-0135 and review.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0276 Then either approve or provide technical comment; or, approve any of the four options of subbase
L-ADC-21-0239 mix with their probable cost impacts to avoid delay on 11th Sep 2022
EI-22-0135 - Notified suspension of works due to unclear instruction on Landside Subbase Course Material mix
162 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0366 Change of Spec for Sub-base in landside design and claim for the work done with changed material of subbase landside in next IPA again with
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0414 the same rate of airside drainage layer as the material on 5th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0418 - Notified that the Contractor will proceed construction of Road O-1 in the same manner by using Air
L-ADC-22-0460 side sub-base course design mix considering subbase course at Biman Entrance Road with the
EI-22-0268 same material of Airside subbase course and requested NOCD to fairly certify additional cost at the
approved VO rate of Airside subbase course on 7th Oct 2022
- NOCD replied the suspension of construction work to be avoided considering the sub-base course
paving work shall proceed under the previous mix design condition (EI-21-0214) until further specific
instruction issued and the cost to be reimbursed by the unit rate agreed under VO-64 on 11th Oct
- NOCD informed that subbase course material for landside shall be modified to “Sylhet Sand 90%
and Local Crush Sand 10%” and requested ADC to carrt out the relevant pavement work with
mentioned mix design without any additional cost on 17th Oct 2022.
- Requested EI for the demolition of the existing guard house near EG-2 to be paid as per
"Provisional Sum" in accordance with EI on 30th Jan
- NOCD issued EI (to proceed with the demolition of facilities, temp alternative gurad box to be
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0027 18-Jan-22
considered, cost proposal to be submitted)
EI-22-0036 31-Jan-22
- ADC submitted cost proposal in amount BDT 765,697 on 19th May
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0198 19-May-22 Demolition of the existing guard house
163 Civil - ADC confirmed agreement with NOCD assessment and submitted the revised cost proposal,
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0343 8-Sep-22 near EG-2
amounting to BDT 775,597 on 8th Sep.
L-ADC-22-0502 23-Oct-22
- NOCD approved variation for the demolition of the existing Guard Room on VVIP Road 3 for
L-ADC-22-0528 26-Oct-22
BDT 775,597 on 23rd Oct.
- NOCD instructed ADC to carry out the demolition of the existing Guard Room on VVIP Road 3 and
noticed the amount for the work being BDT 775,597 on 26th Oct.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 74 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks

- NOCD requested to submit the cost reduction plan according to change of country of origin of
164 M&E EI-22-0280 26-Oct-22 Battery Issue for Rectifier-Inverter Panel
Battery for Rectifier-Inverter Panel (Europe/USA/Japan → Bangladesh) on 26th Oct 2022.
- NOCD requested for cost reduction for not supplying UL listed & FM approved GI pipe on 21st Sep
L-ADC-22-0428 21-Sep-22 Request for Cost Reduction for not
165 M&E 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0459 27-Oct-22 Supplying UL Listed/ FM approved GI Pipe
- Submitted cost reduction proposal amounting to JPY 1,453,247 on 27th Oct 2022.
- Submitted additional cost proposal amounting to JPY 271,174 and BDT 868,075 for a) Extension of
EI-22-0144 26-Aug-21 end diaphragm, b) Installation of temporary concrete barrier, c) Const. of temporary brick wall and d)
EI-21-0178 30-Sep-21 Const. of temporary drainage refering to issued EI's on 17th Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0265 17-Jul-22 Additional diaphragm and temporary - Submitted revised cost proposal for JPY 9,294,231 and BDT 15,141,130 with the confirmation of
166 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0277 21-Jul-22 barrier at EDW (South) side agreement to NOCD's assessment on 26th Sep 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0401 26-Sep-22 superstructure - NOCD issued VO for the additional diaphram and temporary barrier at EDW (South) side
L-ADC-22-0507 23-Oct-22 superstructure in amount of JPY 271,174 and BDT 868,075 on 23rd Oct 2022
L-ADC-22-0552 3-Nov-22 - NOCD instructed VO for additional diaphragm and temporary barrier at EDW (South) side
superstructure on 3rd Nov 2022
Request for Cost Reduction for Cooling - NOCD instructed cost reduction for not supplying cooling towers with direct driven fans on 3rd Nov
167 M&E EI-22-0286 3-Nov-22
Tower 2022
- ADC sent reminder for Removal of Trees and Bushes on 8th Mar and NOCD issued EI for ADC to
start the work on the removal of trees and bushes for drainage work and submit MS on 10th Mar
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0007 9-Jan-22 - In line with NOCD's assesment, ADC submitted cost proposal amounting to JPY 2,182,511 and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0085, 0185 8-Mar-22 BDT 8,685,098 on 2nd June 2022
EI-22-0072 10-Mar-22, 8-May-22 - NOCD issued EI for Construction of Road O-1 Area 5 on 3rd Aug 2022
Removal of trees and bushes for Drainage
168 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0213 2-Jun-22 - NOCD issued variation order for the demolition works along the highway and removal of obstruction
Work from Foot bridge to Gate-5
EI-22-0198 3-Aug-22 at EDW(North) and from the bridge to Gate#5 in amount of JPY 2,182,511 and BDT 8,685,098 on
L-ADC-22-0504 23-Oct-22 23rd Oct 2022.
L-ADC-22-0561 6-Nov-22 - The variation for the Demolition Works along the Highway and Removal of Obstructions at EDW
(North) and from the Bridge to Gate 5 is 2,182,511 JPY and 8,685,098 BDT. Pursuant to G.C. 13.1
and 13.3, NOCD instruct Variation for the Demolition of the Existing Guard Room on VVIP Road 3
and informed that this letter supersedes L-ADC-22-0504 on 6th Nov 2022.
- NOCD requested ADC to submit cost proposal with the provision of detailed information of VVIP
Lounge Fitting design such as detailed drawings, specification and BOQ on 3rd Jul 2022
- Notified the Contractor's right for entitlement of additional time and cost owing to NOCD's 184 days
of delay for design issuance compared to baseline programme on 13th Jul 2022
- NOCD requested ADC to clarify the details why the fitting out work for VVIP/VIP lounge in T3 affects
the critical path in Master Schedule on 19th Jul 2022
- Clarified the criticality of VVIP/VIP lounge area showing that work is getting delayed and it will impact
the critical path based on the total float time, planned finish date, etc in the baseline schedule on 27th
L-ADC-22-0280 3-Jul-22
Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0257 13-Jul-22
- NOCD instructed ADC to submit an estimation based on this information and submit shop
L-ADC-22-0296 19-Jul-22
drawings and material approval on 6th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0284 27-Jul-22
- Requested NOCD to provide the necessary info for ADC to conduct procurement process for
L-ADC-22-0332 7-Aug-22 Request Cost Proposal of VVIP Lounge
169 Building acquiring quotation from the Subcontractors and finzlaize the Subcontract engagement (Updated
L-ADC-22-0454 6-Oct-22 Fitting Design in T3
BOQ, Revised drawings/Specifications/ Any other missing/incomplted information & details) with the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0286 13-Oct-22
'List of insufficient information' on 13th Oct 2022
L-ADC-22-0555 3-Nov-22
- NOCD issued revised documentation (BOQ/Spec/Drawings) with ambigious/insufficient info in
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0319 5-Nov-22
response to the missing items issued by ADC and requested ADC to submit estimated price on 3rd
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0538 13-Nov-22
Nov 2022
- Requested NOCD to issue the EI for the Contractor to engare the work for VVIP/VIP facilities
allcocated under Div.-80700 of Provisional Sum in the BOQ and several descriptions of General
Notes & Instruction included in the drawings for VVIP/VIP Lounge to be adjusted or removed in order
to reflect current situations at Site on 5th Nov 2022
- Submitted Tender Report of T3 VIP/VVIP Lounge work (3-bidder quotation) and requested NOCD to
issue an instruction to engage the works with conditions of subcontract, construction schedule,
updated latest drawings, Specification, BOQ nd relevant documents on 13th Nov 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 75 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- Submitted cost in amount of JPY 6,161,036 and BDT 15,339,151 with detailed breakdown on 5th
EI-21-0140 16-Aug-22
Drainage Modification at Landside Area-4 Apr 2022
170 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0118 5-Apr-22
South Part-D - Confirmed agreement with NOCD assessment and submitted revised Cost proposal amounting to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0476 10-Nov-22
JPY 6,250,084 and BDT 15,547,725 on 10th Nov 2022
- NOCD instructed additional 8-hole Ceramic Duct Bank Work from Terminal-3 to Pier Extension
South/North Area and 8 x 150mm uPVC Pipe work for Substation Room from Duct Bank Manhole
both sides on 17th Aug 2022.
- ADC notified pier extension related work is beyond original contract scope and submitted Cost
EI-22-0204-01 17-Aug-22 proposal amounting to JPY 47,312,509 and BDT 15,536,655 including 22.7% adjustment on 4th Sep
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0352 4-Sep-22 Additional Ceramic Duct Bank work for 2022.
171 Civil
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0407 29-Sep-22 Pier Extension Building - Confirmed agreement with NOCD assessment, however requested NOCD to consider 22.7% rate
L-ADC-22-0608 21-Nov-22 adjustment and approve revised cost proposal amounting JPY 47,324,194 and BDT 15,538,253 on
29th Sep 2022.
- NOCD issued VO with the tentative evaluation amounting of JPY 47,324,194 and BDT 15,538,253
on 21st Nov 2022 (which shall be finally approved after confirmation of the Government’s Purchase
- NOCD instructed ADC to check the attached drawing for trolley bay (TYF 2, Option -B) with
extinguisher cabinet and inform the unit rate for both options on 22nd Aug 2022
- Submitted cost proposal for the Option A&B of TYF-2 due to the difference of typical details in the
EI-22-0206-01 22-Aug-22
Trolley bay (TYF 2) design with Contract Drawing and Engineer's new requirement in shapes on 30th Aug 2022:
172 Building ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0339 30-Aug-22
extinguisher cabinet detail (Option-B). (Option A: JPY 10,329,046 and BDT 941,773 / Option B: JPY 3,164,944 and BDT 152,798)
L-ADC-22-0609 21-Nov-22
- NOCD proposed “Option C” with reduced TYF length with Brick wall and revised cost proposal to
adjust the unit rate with the original BOQ rate BDT 63,643.44 and requested ADC to proceed w/o
VO on 21 Nov 2022
- NOCD instructed countermeasures in order to prevent water from accumulating on the service
road when it rains on 3rd Nov 2022
EI-22-0289 3-Nov-22
- Submitted cost proposal amounting to JPY 1,495,344 and BDT 3,474,622 for for supply and laying
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0489 16-Nov-22 Measures against stagnant water on
173 Civil of addnl. 20cm sand layer and 10cm base course on 16th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0527 5-Dec-22 Service road (3 and 4)
- Agreed with NOCD’s assessment and submit cost (JPY 1,550,945 and BDT 3,358,004) on 5th Dec
L-ADC-23-0147 2-Mar-23
- Approved Variation amount of JPY 1,550,945 and BDT 3,358,004 on 2nd Mar 2023.
- Cost proposal to be submitted after shop drawing finalized.
EI-21-0219 23-Nov-21 - Submitted cost proposal in amount of JPY 3,099,630 and BDT 3,597,471 on 30th Aug 2022
Clarification on detailed design of extruded
174 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0344 30-Aug-22 - NOCD requested ADC to keep SOG slab area for T3 as it is for the Ph.1 → The rest of the SOG
slab at EDW Curbside Bridge
L-ADC-22-0627 29-Nov-22 slab as per Pier Extension design, will be constructed along with pile cap, grade beam and other
items on 29 Nov 2022
EI-22-0292 31-Oct-22 - NOCD instructed ADC to do the relocation works of DESCO and BTCL cables found at Pier-39
L-ADC-22-0540 6-Nov-22 location on North EDW to avoid delay of the progress on 6th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0170 10-Nov-22 Relocation of BTCL’s Cable route at Pier - Submitted cost proposal for relocation of BTCL cable at Pier 39 of North EDW in amount of
175 M&E
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0485 15-Nov-22 39 location of North EDW BDT 424,741 on 15th Nov 2022
L-CLEN-22-1729 20-Nov-22 - NOCD issued VO of total amount BDT 346,673.80 with the justification of “ADC Indirect and O&P”
L-ADC-22-0629 29-Nov-22 should be amended 10.0% instead of 25.8% on 29 Nov 2022
- NOCD instructed ADC to commence the additional road connection work immediately and to
submit the cost proposal acc to CAAB's verbal instruction on 16th Jun 2022.
- Proposed executing RC as a replacement of sub base course to CAAB and requested NOCD to
review and approve the proposal of change in Construction Methodology. Details of the additional
Cost implication will be submitted subsequent to EI on 21st Jun 2022
EI-22-0154 16-Jun-22 - NOCD approved the proposed layout plan for additional road connection in Area 5 and change in
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0241 21-Jun-22 CM. NOCD instructed the compaction should be implemented as thoroughly as possible on 23rd Jun
EI-22-0162 23-Jun-22 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0213 2-Aug-22 - NOCD requested ADC to commence work and noticed the additional work shall be regarded as a
176 Civil Additional Road Connection in Area 5
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0345-01 29-Nov-22 VO on 16th Jun 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0345-02 5-Dec-22 - Requested NOCD to approve the proposal of ADC and issue EI on 2nd Aug 2022.
EI-22-0324 6-Dec-22 - Requested NOCD to issue EI for reconstruction of the road, using the same methodology adopted
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0540 13-Dec-22 in construction of Road A-4 and O-1 on 5th Dec 2022
- NOCD instructed that 20cm thickness of RCC slab with rebar shall be applied to the Sub-base
layer of the related area instead of the designed Sub-base material as per the Contractor’s proposal
on 6th Dec 2022
- Submitted cost for reinstatement of road amounting to JPY 1,295,088 and BDT 1,146,789 on 13th
Dec 2022
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 76 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- Noticed NOCD of potential delay of the Original scope of work (Apron lean con'c work) due to Utility
services related to Pier Extension of T3 on 30th Aug 2022
- NOCD summarized the current status of utility design for pier extensions of T3 and that ADC will be
able to estimate the cost impact and proceed with the construction
- ADC confirmed agreement with NOCD's assessment and submited revised cost amounting to
EI-22-0152 16-Jun-22
JPY 4,255,322 & BDT 14,049,332 with requesting NOCD to consider the rate adjustment of 22.7%
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0327 23-Aug-22
on 22nd Sep 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0336 27-Aug-22
- NOCD rejected ADC's proposal on 7th Nov considering below :
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0245 30-Aug-22
① adjustments of individual unit rates shall not be accepted, except as noted in GCC 12.3
L-ADC-22-0404 13-Sep-22
Additional Drainage for T3 Pier Extension Evaluations
177 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0395 22-Sep-22
(South) ② replacement of coefficent is still under discussion among relevant Government Authorities
L-ADC-22-0566 7-Nov-22
- Requested rate adjustment and replied that ADC's stance is same as the letter no. ADC-NOCD-
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0473 10-Nov-22
LTR-G-22-0290 on 18th Oct. (Contractor will be unable to execute variation works unless and until
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0493 17-Nov-22
approved with due consideration of the relevant market conditions) on 10th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0547 15-Dec-22
- After approval of complete shop drawings for the additional drainage of T3 pier extension (south),
L-ADC-23-0144 1-Mar-23
submitted revised Cost proposal amounting JPY 11,566,393 and BDT 28,713,523 on 17th Nov 2022
- Confirmed agreement with NOCD assessment and submitted revised cost proposal amounting
JPY 12,266,452 and BDT 28,677,795 on 15th Dec 2022
- Approved tentative variation for an amount of JPY 12,266,452 and BDT 28,677,795 on 1st Mar
- NOCD instructed to to construct new CAAB office at WSS on 20th Nov 2022.
EI-22-0308 20-Nov-22
- Declined the EI to conduct new works as per the EI on 4th Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0524 4-Dec-22
- NOCD instructed 2 additional steps and 1 ramp shall have to be constructed that is the scope may
EI-22-0331 7-Dec-22
178 Building New CAAB Office not be omitted and no parapets at those positions shall be built and 2 additional columns may be
EI-22-0332 11-Dec-22
omitted on 7th Dec 2022
EI-22-0336 13-Dec-22
- NOCD issued detailed/final design for New CAAB office on 11th/13th Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0543 14-Dec-22
- Declined to execute New CAAB office work as per the EI's on 14th Dec 2022

- NOCD instructed to relocate the BTCL cables at EDW south-east in the location for P-1 to P-4 and
EI-22-0322 1-Dec-22 prepare estimated cost for approval on 1st Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0526 4-Dec-22 Relocation of BTCL Cables found at P-1 to - Submitted cost proposal amounting to BDT 9,247,417 for cable relocation on 4th Dec 2022
179 M&E
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0374 12-Dec-22 P-4 location on south-east EDW. - Requested EI for the relocation of BTCL cable to avoid further delay of piling works and adverse
EI-22-0334 13-Dec-22 impact on the overall construction schedule of the Steel Box Girder Bridge on 12th Dec 2022
- NOCD issued EI on the BTCL cable to start inspection works in RHD South area on 13 Dec 2022

- NOCD instructed to remove tree prior to demolition of fence near existing VVIP terminal area on 4
Sep 2022.
- Submitted cost proposal for removal of trees amounting to BDT 3,273,435.00 on 19th Sep 2022
- Submitted cost proposal for demolition of existing fence after Installation of new fence and
EI-22-0227 4-Sep-22 demolition of existing boundary wall in the amount of JPY 3,518,312 and BDT 433,196 on 11th Oct
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0389 19-Sep-22 2022 (including 22.7% adjustment)
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0411 11-Oct-22 EI for Removal of Tree, Fence Installation - Accepted NOCD assessment and submitted revised Cost proposal amounting to JPY 2,831,860
180 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0451 24-Oct-22 and Demolition of Boundary Wall at Area 5 and BDT 239,360 on 24th Oct 2022.
L-ADC-22-0571 8-Nov-22 Pond 21 - NOCD approved the variation for Removal of Trees at Area-5, Pond-21 near the VVIP Terminal for
L-ADC-22-0579 8-Nov-22 amount of BDT 3,273,435 on 8th Nov 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0383 19-Dec-22 - NOCD approved the variation for the Fence Installation and Demolition of the Boundary Wall at
Area 5 Pond 21 is 2,831,860 JPY and 239,360 BDT on 8th Nov 2022.
- Requested the Engineer's comments on the removal of logs and barks of cut down trees around
the existing VVIP terminal to a seperate location in order to avoid any safety hazard at Site and the
smooth progress of works on 19th Dec 2022

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 77 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- Requested EI for extending the structure and staircase to lift machine room in ICT on 9th Nov 2021
- Issued EI for the staircase needs to be extended to lower roof level which are additional scope on
11th Nov 2021
- Submitted cost proposal amounting to JPY 5,179,133 and BDT 1,431,133 on 5th Sep 2021.
- NOCD rejected ADC's proposal with the requesting for adjustment of unit rate/cost on 15th Oct
2022. considering below :
① adjustments of individual unit rates shall not be accepted, except as noted in GCC 12.3
② replacement of coefficent is still under discussion among relevant Government Authorities
- ADC notified that the Contractor will be unable to execute variation works unless and until the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0268 9-Nov-21
Engineer approves cost proposals for variation works taking due consideration of the relevant market
EI-21-0211 11-Nov-21
conditions which are not similar as envisaged during the tender pursuant to Sub-Clause 12.3
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0360 5-Sep-22
[Evaluation] and requested the Engineer to take account of current volatile market situations which
L-ADC-22-0471 15-Oct-22
are considered as relevant matters in Sub-Clause 12.3 [Evaluation] (Rate or pirce in the Contract to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0291 17-Oct-22
be adjusted on a pro-rata basis between PWD 2018 and 2022 (apprx. 22.7% as of Aufg. 2022) on
181 Building L-ADC-22-0523 25-Oct-22 Change in staircase in ICT
17th Oct 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0475 10-Nov-22
- NOCD notified: a) local index adjustments are still under discussion, b) GCC 12.3 states Engineer
L-ADC-22-0604 20-Nov-22
is not permitted to adjust the current Evaluation with new rate proposals, and, c) the Engineer cannot
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0500 23-Nov-22
accept 22.7% adjustment of rate and submission of variation item at market rate, and requested
L-ADC-22-0664 21-Dec-22
ADC to revise and resubmit the Contractor's cost proposal on 25th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0108 28-Feb-23
- NOCD requested ADC to revise and resubmit the cost proposal in accordance with appropriate
adjustments according to the Contract condition (GC 12.3 [Evaluation], 13.8 [) on 20th Nov 2022
- Requested NOCD to make a fair determination taking due regard of all relevant circumstances
based on GC 3.5 [Determinations] as soon as applicable but not later than 28 days on 23rd Nov 2022
- NOCD stated events like Ukraine-Russia war, covid-19, increase of shipping cost, etc. shall be
treated under a different sub-clause and notified that Original Unit Rate will be used in this Variation
on 21st Dec 2022
- Notified that ADC cannot agree with NOCD's interpretation as clause 13.3 states that each variation
has to be evaluated in accordance to clause 12 and clause 12.3 defines the method to modify
contract rate and requested to issue determination pursuant to clause 12.3 on 28th Feb 2023.
EI-21-0026 27-Jan-21 Additional pump intake pipe header & tank - Requested VO in amount of JPY 12,510,919 and BDT 7,712,568 on 10th Feb 2022
182 M&E ADC-DESC-LTR-C-22-0027, 0530 10-Feb-22, 18-Dec-22 connection piping at MCP/UWR pump - Requested to issue a VO Instruction for additional rainwater gutter of ECT balcony on 18th Dec
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0015 14-Mar-22 room 2022
- NOCD instructed change in supply water pumps for irrigation and requested to propose VO on 19th
183 M&E EI-22-0346 19-Dec-22 Irrigation Pump Selection
Dec 2022
- NOCD requested ADC to submit 1) MS of the dredging work for these ponds, 2) Schedule and 3)
EI-22-0067 8-Mar-22
Investigation for buried structures in Area 5 Cost proposal on 16th Mar 2022
184 Civil EI-22-0078, EI-22-0067-01 16-Mar-22, 27-Mar-22
ponds area - Notified delay of excavation works for duct bank, Road H and Retention Pond in Area-5 on 25th Dec
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0391 24-Dec-22
- Requested EI for the removal of exposed existing RC pipe crossing the exisitng taxiway that CAAB
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0062 22-Feb-22 PD verbally instructed (20th Feb meeting) on 22nd Feb and NOCD issued related instruction on 23rd
EI-22-0053 23-Feb-22 Feb 2022
Removal of Existing RC Pipe in Taxiway
185 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0105 27-Mar-22 - Submitted revised cost in amount of JPY 714,997 and BDT 2,454,610 with detailed breakdown on
Closure Phase 4 Area
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0105-01 4-Apr-22 4th Apr 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0565 27-Dec-22 - Agreed to NOCD assessment and submitted revised Cost proposal amounting to JPY 649,389 and
BDT 2,229,373 on 27th Dec 2022
- NOCD instructed to commence new VB-1 construction for T-3 inside POCL area as per POCL &
EI-22-0340 18-Dec-22 VB-1 Construction work inside POCL Tank
186 M&E CAAB letters on 18th Dec and ADC submitted cost proposal amounting to JPY 545,089 on 28th Dec
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0562 28-Dec-22 Farm
- NOCD issued revised design (with reference of EDAC-22-1564-04) and requested ADC to submit
187 Building EI-23-0002 4-Jan-23 EDW XPM Design Change
revised VO for EDW XPM works on 4th Jan 2023.
- Submitted Cost proposal for change in AGL circuit in RET and connecting taxiway based on EI-21-
EI-21-0042 23-Feb-21 Change in AGL circuit in RET and
188 M&E 0042
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0007 4-Jan-23 connecting TWY
in amount of JPY 6,303,490 and BDT 5,466,167 on 4th Jan 2023.
- NOCD requested ADC to provide and install some materials for CAAB Member Admin' Vehicle
EI-22-0355 26-Dec-22 Request to provide and Install some mater
provided by ADC on 26th Dec
189 General ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0008 5-Jan-23 ials for CAAB Member Admin' Vehicle provi
- Submitted cost proposal of BDT 90,349 based on quotations from suppliers on 5th Jan
L-ADC-23-0026 8-Jan-23 ded by ADC
- NOCD approved ADC's proposal on 8th Jan 2023

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 78 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks

- NOCD instructed to provide Electric Room Heater and Automatic Air Freshener for CAAB on 3rd
EI-23-0004 3-Jan-23 Electric Room Heater and Jan 2023
190 General
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0013 9-Jan-23 Automatic Air Freshener for CAAB - Submitted cost(BDT 9,636) on 9th Jan 2023, which had been handed over to the Engineer on 5th
Jan 2023

Demolishing existing Sewer pipe and - NOCD instructed to demolish existing RCC pipe culvert and constructe new box culvert and
191 Civil EI-23-0009 10-Jan-23
construct new box culvert, Area-5 prepare const. drawing and BOQ data for the same on 10th Jan 2023

EI-22-0310 21-Nov-22 Cost Proposal for Additional Drainage at - NOCD provided EI for additional drainage for Pier Extension (North) on 21st Nov 2022
192 Civil
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0018 11-Jan-23 T3 Pier Extension (North) - Submitted cost proposal of JPY 18,720,098 and BDT 45,795,975 on 11th Jan 2023

- NOCD requested for consumables for PD's office on 19th Dec. 2022
EI-22-0342 19-Dec-22
Engineer’s instructions to provide - Submitted cost proposal with quotations amounting to BDT 265,043 on 15th Jan. 2023
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0023 15-Jan-23
193 General consumable items for Project Director's - Submitted cost proposal for Computer, which was omitted in the previous quotation on 18th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0033 18-Jan-23
Office Jan. 2023
L-ADC-23-0049 19-Jan-23
- NOCD approved items except for Computer on 19th Jan 2023

- NOCD issued drawings of doors and windows for RFFS main on 13th Dec 2022
EI-22-0337 13-Dec-22 Cost Proposal for Additional Aluminum
194 Building - Submitted cost proposal for additional aluminium windows, louvers and doors for other buildings
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0036 21-Jan-23 Windows and Doors for Other Buildings
amounting to JPY 11,096,441 and BDT 1,610,906 on 21st Jan 2023

- NOCD notified that LPS is required for Cooling Tower and water tank and instructed to submit
EI-22-0307 17-Nov-22 Lightning Protection Works for Water Tank details layout drawing on 17th Nov 2022 and ADC submitted cost proposal based on approved
195 M&E
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0040 24-Jan-23 and Cooling Tower design for lightning protection works amounting to JPY 7,490,410 and BDT 1,391,524 on 24th Jan

- NOCD issued EI to resubmit of the revised shop drawing and cost proposal
EI-22-0011 11-Jan-22 - ADC submitted Cost Proposal in the amount of JPY 1,711,160 and BDT 1,894,417 on 6th Jun
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0226 6-Jun-22 Revision of VVIP Road-3 Vertical 2022.
196 Civil
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0283 25-Jul-22 Alignment and Additional Sidewalk Design - Confirmed agreement with the NOCD's assessment and submitted revised cost proposal for the
L-ADC-23-0074 31-Jan-23 amount of JPY 1,786,725 and BDT 1,977,697 on 25th Jul 2022.
- Approved the VO of JPY 1,786,725 and BDT 1,977,697 on 31st Jan 2023 (Closed)

- NOCD issued VO to ADC on the additional work of New Bridge on VIP Road 3 on 2nd Jan 2022
- ADC submitted cost proposal for the BP and Others of the Cable Stayed Bridge on 17th Apr 2022
- NOCD instructed to cancel cable stayed bridge and to construct the PSC slab girder
EI-22-0002 2-Jan-22
bridge on 31st May and requested to submit shop drawing on 7th June and submitted cost proposal
EI-22-0016 17-Jan-22
for decoration cable stayed bridge excluding bored pile works amounting JPY 17,165,925 and BDT
EI-22-0058 27-Feb-22
134,811,466 on 4th Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0094 4-Apr-22
- Based on subcontractor's revised quotation submitted revised Cost proposal amounting to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0145 17-Apr-22
JPY 17,549,507 and BDT 170,116,910 and notified that offer is valid upto end of Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0094-01 17-Apr-22, 31-May-22
- Notified that the Contractor is unable to executethe it considering the prolonged delay in finalization
EI-22-0131, EI-22-0139 7-Jun-22
Additional work of New Bridge on VVIP of Subcontractor (135 days delay as of 14th Nov) and uncertainty of new quotation to be within the
197 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0255 4-Jul-22
Road 3 expected limits of the Employer on 14th Nov 2022. Chairman instructed to do the work based on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0326 17-Aug-22
ADC's proposed amount after discussion with NOCD
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0381 14-Sep-22
- Forwarded CRBC's (subcon) letter and informed to NOCD that ADC cannot execute decoration
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0487 14-Nov-22
cable stay bridge works and requested EI for going back to original design of drainage box culvert on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0506 24-Nov-22
24th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0022 15-Jan-23
- Submitted cost proposal amounting to BDT 198,432,970 (excluding sheet piling) based on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0053 29-Jan-23
quotation of Subcon which was confirmed by Chairman meeting on 15th Jan. 2023
L-ADC-23-0077 31-Jan-23
- Submitted revised cost proposal based on meeting with CAAB, BUET & NOCD amounting to BDT
208,385,400 on 29th Jan 2023.
- Approved VO for amount of BDT 208,385,400 on 31st Jan 2023.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 79 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- NOCD requested ADC to submit the cost proposal based on the CAAB's letter dated 30th Aug and
statements of the MOM dated 5th Jul regarding New Foot over Bridge including design cost on 18th
Sep 2022
- Submitted revised cost proposal in amount of BDT 75,228,946 for design and construction of
Overhead Pedestrian Bridge by CONSTECH, subject to CAAB accepting the conditions (below) and
L-CLEN-22-0177 15-Feb-2022 requested NOCD's re-consideration if scope of new "Bridge" to be taken under the Project in case of
L-CLEN-22-0129 24-Mar-2022 further delay
L-CLEN-22-0501 18-Apr-2022 ※ Conditions
L-ADC-22-0223 29-May-22
① ADC is not liable to the Employer in connection with or to the extent relating to or arising under
L-CLEN-22-0777 15-June-22
CONSTECH's obligations under the Subcontract,
L-ADC-22-0256 19-June-22
② Employer shall indemnify ADC from all claims arising out of CONSTECH's work
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0177 23-June-22
L-ADC-22-0417 18-Sep-22 Request for Cost Proposal as per MoM ③ ADC shall pay CONSTECH only if and when ADC has received certi of payments from Employer
198 Civil - NOCD requested ADC to submit the structural analysis “with escalator” basis, so that all requested
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0436 20-Oct-22 with RHD on 5th July 2022 (Bridge)
L-ADC-22-0526 26-Oct-22 documents by RHD will be ready to submit to RHD through CAAB on 26th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0535 08-Dec-22 - Submited revised cost proposal amounting to BDT 122,285,846 for the design and construction of
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0558 25-Dec-22 Overhead Pedestrian Bridge on 8th Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0004 04-Jan-23 - Submitted clarification from CONSTECH regarding reasons for changing the escalator model and
L-CLEN-23-0061 05-Jan-23 the increase of rates on 25th Dec 2022
L-ADC-23-0057 22-Jan-23 - Provided further clarification of price increase in quotation alongwith drawings and brocheure on 4th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0048 29-Jan-23 Jan 2023.
- NOCD conducted a preliminary review for the ADC’s proposal and recommended to CAAB (The
total cost proposal is BDT122,285,846.00) on 5th Jan 2023
- Accepted the cost proposal and instructed to commence work on 22nd Jan 2023
- Notified that, acceptance of cost proposal means accepting the conditions also, if not, NOCD to
respond within 7 days on 29th Jan 2023.
EI-23-0013 12-Jan-23 - Instructed to demolish the old existing pipe culverts on 12th Jan 2023
199 Civil EI to demolish of old pipe culvert at Apron
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0052 29-Jan-23 - Submitted cost proposal for demolition amounting to JPY 59,431 and BDT 204,014 on 29th Jan

- Instructed to cooperate with DESCO and deploy sufficient trained manpower for temporary cable
EI-23-0022 24-Jan-23 Temporary Relocation of DESCO cables
200 Civil relocation and asked to submit Cost proposal for Variation work on 24th Jan 2023
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0070 1-Feb-23 at FDEE Exit Ramp area
- Submitted cost proposal for an amount of BDT 1,907,574 on 1st Feb

- NOCD instructed to install Temporary Barrier Wall between T3 and Pier Extension on 24th Oct
EI-22-0051-12 24-Oct-22 Temporary Barrier Wall between T3 and
201 Building 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0072 2-Feb-23 Pier Extension
- Submitted cost proposal smounting to JPY 49,128,418 and BDT 26,838,969 on 2nd Feb

- NOCD innstructed ADC to remove the cantilever slab on 2nd floor and submit VO proposal on 20
EI-22-0309 20-Nov-22 - Submitted VO cost for demolishing the 2nd floor cantilever slab for an amount of BDT 83,479 on 9
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0015 9-Jan-23 Jan
Cancellation of extended 2nd floor
202 Building-1 L-ADC-23-0039 15-Jan-23 - NOCD declined cost proposal and advised to use VO-35 rate on 15th Jan
cantilever slab
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0060 30-Jan-23 - Submitted revised cost considering rates of labour from BOQ for an amount of BDT 71,336 on 30th
L-ADC-23-0080 1-Feb-23 Jan
- NOCD approved VO amount of BDT 71,336 and stated that this approval is an execptional case
and should not be considered as an exmple in other places on 1st Feb 2023 (Closed)

- NOCD issued EI for ADC to proceed the demolition work of the Guard House in ICT area and to
EI-22-0014 13-Jan-22 submit demolition plan and cost estimation on 13th Jan 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0020 25-Jan-22 - NOCD reviewed ADC demolition plan and forwarded it to CAAB on 30th Jan 2022
L-ADC-22-0037 30-Jan-22 - Submitted cost proposal for demolition of ICT guard house and adjacent fence installation in
203 Building-2 Demolition of Guard House in ICT area
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0253 3-Jul-22 amount of JPY 18,990 and BDT 748,400 on 3rd Jul 2022.
L-ADC-22-0544 1-Nov-22 - NOCD reviewd that unit rate is as per approved rate, but the WIR of the quantity mentioned in cost
L-ADC-23-0085 2-Feb-23 proposal has no approval and requested to re-submit with proper documents on 1st Nov 2022
- As per mutual discussion NOCD approved the proposed cost variation on 2nd Feb 2023 (Closed)

EI-22-0161 23-Jun-22 H-Pile Earthing installation layout plan for - NOCD istructed to install H-pile for pier extension building on 22nd Jun 2022
204 M&E
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0071 1-Feb-23 Pier Extension Building - Submitted cost proposal smounting to JPY 8,456,794 and BDT 3,127,254 on 1st Feb 2023

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 80 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- Submitted cost proposal for construction of new Biman entrance road, storm water drainage, and
construction of new gate house and new gate including wicket gate in amount of JPY 7,467,409 and
BDT 34,300,346 on 21st Aug and submitted revised cost (JPY 6,738,611 and BDT 30,992,462) on
27th Sep 2022
- NOCD instructed to install the Biman building new Boundary wall and the fence should be the same
type as the existing one on 17th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0159 2-Jun-22 - NOCD approved variation for the Biman Entrance Road, Storm Drainage, New Gate House and
EI-22-0143 8-Jun-22 New Gate for JPY 6,738,611 and BDT 30,992,462 on 23rd Oct 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0324 21-Aug-22 - Clarified prior to execute VO like, ① to proceed without Shop drawing approval, material approval
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0402 27-Sep-22
and inspection of site construction by the Engineer as this scope is not part of original scope, ②
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0410 10-Oct-22
EI-22-0267 17-Oct-22 ensure safe working condition; ③ any additional requirement beyond the original will be deemed as
L-ADC-22-0514 23-Oct-22 VO on 24 Oct 2022
Demolition of Structures around Biman - Submitted cost proposal for Biman boundary wall construction amount of BDT 12,885,232 on 7th
205 Building ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0450 24-Oct-22
Building & New construction of facilities Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0468 7-Nov-22
L-ADC-22-0593 16-Nov-22 - NOCD instructed to use the Contract BOQ unit rate for the Biman Building’s fence (JPY 6,305 and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0534 6-Dec-22 BDT 21,646 per meter, Chapt 20260) on 16th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0571 28-Dec-22 - Informed Biman's request to make current gate house size same as previous, which will be a VO
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0009 5-Jan-23 and asked NOCD to confirm additional Biman's request to install signboard on gate house (potential
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0027 16-Jan-23 VO) on 6 Dec 2022
L-ADC-23-0100 9-Feb-23 - Submitted revised cost proposal due to change in size of Biman gate house amounting to JPY
6,738,611 + BDT 47,297,545on 28th Dec 2022
- Notified NOCD regarding the presence of unfireseen obstructions that are affecting the construction
of BIMAN guard house through trial trench on 5th Jan 2023
- Notified that during trial trench found 3 pipes and hence need to change the foundation design,
which will require additional construction time as well as cost on 16th Jan 2023.
- NOCD approved revised VO amount JPY 6,738,611 + BDT 47,297,545 on 9th Feb 2023
- NOCD instructed additional work for the embedded ladder and safety fence at stormwater tank in
EI-21-0083-01 6-May-21
206 Building-1 Stormwater Tank Conversion T3 basement on 6th May 2021 and submitted cost proposal amounting to BDT 489,064 on 9th Feb
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0079 9-Feb-23
- NOCD issued EI to install temporary covers that required due to the neglect of the entrance for a
long time on 7 Jun 2021
- Submitted cost in amount of JPY 19,215,274 and BDT 8,201,340 with detailed breakdown on 29th
Mar 2022
- Submitted revised cost proposal considering installation of cover including monolithic finish as per
EI-21-0103 7-Jun-21
T3 amounting to JPY 22,988,787 and BDT 9,474,465 on 2nd Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0116 29-Mar-22
- Noticed NOCD that existing BOQ rate is unworkable due to current market situation and hence
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0448 2-Nov-22
207 Building-2 Temporary cover of the tunnel opening required prudent evaluation and consideration of relevant matters by NOCD on 10th Nov 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0474 10-Nov-22
- NOCD cannot recommend the ADC's cost proposal to CAAB as it is approx. 2.53 times higher and
L-ADC-23-0070 30-Jan-23
advised that SIMEX's rate for Structural steel is 150/kg only and further advised to review Subcon
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0077 5-Feb-23
Jinggong's quotation for reasonable offer on 30th Jan 2023.
- ADC requested revised quotation for SIMEX based on spec requirement & without missing scope
- ADC informed that SIMEX's quotation provided by NOCD is scrap-steel-based and informed that
ADC cannot carry out this work and showed that using SIMEX's revised quitation the cost is 1.95
times higher than ADC's proposal on 5th Feb 2023
Diversion of existing drainage to avoid - NOCD instructed the diversion of drainage to avoid foundation P02,P03,P04 and approach road
EI-22-0004 4-Jan-22
208 Civil structure foundation at P02, P03, P04 and behing Abutment A01 on 4th Jan 22 and submitted cost proposal amounting to JPY 2,866,997 and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0068 5-Feb-23
approach road behind abutment A01 BDT 9,671,630 and requested NOCD to provide the design of new drainage on 5th Feb 2023
- NOCD instructed to demolish the structures on 24th Jan 22 and submitted cost proposal
EI-22-0023 24-Jan-22
Demolition of Existing Check Posts amounting to BDT 116,649 on 8th Feb 2023
209 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0078 8-Feb-23
(Unused) Structures – 03 nos - Confirmed agreement with NOCD assessment and submitted revised cost proposal amounting to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0107 27-Feb-23
BDT 109,542 on 27th Feb 2023.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 81 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- NOCD shared information of adding another set of main Landside Signage at the mirrored location
in North block on 16th Oct 2022.
- Submitted Cost proposal amounting to JPY 48,259,526 and BDT 10,150,097 on 3rd Nov.
- NOCD replied not to accept ADC submitted VO amount considering mismatch of Signage rate that
ADC proposed rate and BOQ(Item 132 in 31220T) and Signage support frame to claimed as
remeasurement on 10th Nov 2022.
- Disagreed to NOCD rejection and once again requested for fair determination on 28 Nov and
L-ADC-22-0458-01 16-Oct-22 NOCD propose this VO issue to Dispute Board, as ADC disagree with NOCD’s letter on 30th Nov
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0464 3-Nov-22 2022
L-ADC-22-0582 10-Nov-22 - Notified that conditions of execution of T3 north signage is different from south side and hence
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0511 28-Nov-22 cannot proceed additional works without consent of the Employer in terms of new rate for the
L-ADC-22-0582-01 30-Nov-22 additional works beyond the original scope of Works on 5th Dec 2022
210 Building-1 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0525 5-Dec-22 T3 Landside Roofing Signage (additional) - NOCD requested to proceed with it by ADC while the VO issue remains in Dispute Board on 6th
L-ADC-22-0582-02 6-Dec-22 Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0367 7-Dec-22 - Provided gentle reminder to the Engineer requesting the Engineer's response to the Contractor's
L-ADC-22-0582-03 18-Dec-22 request for the appointment of DB on 7th Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0550 21-Dec-22 - NOCD observed a 128% cost increase from BOQ and requested to submit revised Signage portion
L-ADC-23-0110 15-Feb-23 VO excluding Item of "Additional Steel Structure Signage support frame" and further discount on 18th
Dec 2022.
- Clarified to NOCD that without VO approval taking due consideration of relevant factors, ADC
cannot execute such additional work which was not part of permanent works & once ahgain
requested to approve the Cost proposal amounting to JPY 48,259,526 and BDT 10,150,097 on 21st
Dec 2022.
- NOCD requested to confirm which one of the 2 calculations is correct and asked to provide
detailed correct break down of the steel portion on 15th Feb 2023.
- NOCD instructed ADC to supply consumables for the Employer's Office on on 26th Dec 2023
EI-22-0356 26-Dec-22 Engineer’s instruction to provide
211 Common - Submitted cost proposal amounting to BDT 108,226.42 for consumables for the Employer's Office
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0099 23-Feb-23 consumables for the Employer’s Offices
on 23rd Feb 2023
- Regarding ADC’s request to remove existing Box Culvert near the Uttara Gate for Duct Bank Work,
NOCD and CAAB instructed to pass the Duct Bank through inside the Box Culvert on 12th Dec 2022
L-ADC-22-0649 12-Dec-22 - ADC notified, this will be additional work and requested for VO instruction to submit Cost on 14th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0541 14-Dec-22 Dec 2022
Hindrance to Duct Bank work near Uttara
212 Civil EI-23-0037 7-Feb-23 - NOCD instructed ADC to complete duct bank work within May 2023 considering 2 nos additional
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0060 9-Feb-23 manhole with con'c duct bank (Model 'D') under the existing box culvert on 7th Feb 2023
EI-23-0037-01 / 02 19-Feb-23, 22-Feb-23 - Requested NOCD to provide a practical and workable design considering existing box culvert is not
feasible and safe on 9th Feb 2023
- NOCD issued EI for the design change as Model 'E' on 19th Feb / Model 'F' on 22nd Feb 2023
- NOCD instructed ADC to follow chnaged TE3 GRA1 Sub-base details (Option A & B) to protect
EI-23-0046 16-Feb-23 embedded electrical trunking by CAAB's request (15th Feb 2023) and requested to submit VO for
213 Building-1 TE3 GRA1 Sub-base
EI-23-0046-01 20-Feb-23 both option on 16th Feb 2023
- NOCD cancelled 'EI-23-0046' on 20th Feb 2023
- NOCD instructed to suspend production of GRA1 and replace by GRA2 in 1st floor of T3 on 1st Feb
- ADC notified its intention to claim and informed that ADC should not be held responsible for bending
EI-23-0033 1-Feb-23 or crack due to larger size of GRA2 stone on 5th Feb 2023
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0061 5-Feb-23 Suspending the production of GRA1 - NOCD instructed ADC to continue with GRA1 for food court floor finish on 1st Floor (TE3) and to
214 Building-1
EI-23-0033-01 12-Feb-23 engineered stone for areas on 1F, TE3 offer discount on size redued GRA2 (“flamed granite size 700x200x20 THK”) based on technical
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0071 16-Feb-23 discussion at Chairman Meeting (11th Feb 2023) on 12th Feb 2023
- ADC notified that there will not be any cost impact due to reduced size of GRA2 based on the
Supplier's information that there will be more efforts for cutting and fabrication to make smaller
pieces and more wastage due to more cutting and more labor/time to be required on 16th Feb
- NOCD instructed ADC to carry out the combined fire resistance test on both Laminated Doors and
normal Fire rated doors for T3 on 1st Feb 2023
L-ADC-23-0082 1-Feb-23 - ADC noticed the start of procurement and fabrication of T3 Fire Rating Steel Door on 2nd Feb 2023
Variation Order on Fire Door Lamination
215 Building-1/2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0050 2-Feb-23 - NOCD issued changed instruction for fire resistance test (Cancellation on Laminated Fire Doors →
and Testing
L-ADC-23-0118 20-Feb-23 Replace with regular fire doors) and requested ADC to submit revised BOQ cost schedule for fire
rated doors indicating the reduced price achieved by replacing Laminated Fire Doors with Regular
Fire Door on 20th Feb 2023

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 82 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Category Reference No. Instruction Date Description Remarks
- NOCD instructed to replace 38 sets of 43” and 55” display with 75” display and requested to submit
VO amount on 19th Dec 2022
- Notified that in addition to FIDS change, there will be change in supporting steel structure, that are
already facricated and hence abortive cost along with additional time and cost will be claimed on 28th
Dec 2022
- NOCD noted related additional time & cost and requested ADC to submit the related VO
EI-22-0347 19-Dec-22 amount on 29th Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0563 28-Dec-22 - Submitted cost proposal for M&E scope (JPY 107,028,595 and BDT 7,899,642) on 3rd Jan.
L-ADC-22-0681 29-Dec-22 2023
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0005 3-Jan-23 - Requested ADC to submit cost proposals for 2 options as per documents provided by NOCD on
L-ADC-23-0037 15-Jan-23 15th Jan
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0042 21-Jan-23 - Submitted Variation cost for 2 options amounting to: Opn-1: JPY 107,272,089 and BDT 7,737,488
216 M&E T3 FIDS Enlarged Display Proposal
L-ADC-23-0037-01 22-Jan-23 and Opn-2: JPY 59,792,640 and BDT 3,731,588 on 21st Jan 2023
L-ADC-23-0066 29-Jan-23 - NOCD withdraw letter no L-ADC-23-0037 and revised instruction will be presented after CAAB
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0080 8-Feb-23 confirmation on 22nd Jan 2023
EI-23-0045 16-Feb-23 - NOCD requested to erect Carboard mock-ups for comparison of monitor & font size and advised to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0093 23-Feb-23 revise the VO amount on 28th Jan
L-ADC-23-0066-01 26-Feb-23 - Submitted revised Cost proposal amounting to JPY 65,332,571 and BDT 5,958,394 based on
discussion with NOCD on 8th Feb 2023.
- NOCD requested to reduce the cost for cancellation fee (JPY 6,430,550) on 16th Feb 2023
- Submitted revised cost proposal in amount of JPY 64,367,989 and BDT 5,958,394 after reducing
cancellation fee and requested to confirm the FIDS Display size not later than 26th Feb 2023 on 23rd
Feb 2023
- NOCD informed the status that it has notified CAAB for approval of this VO on 26th Feb 2023.
- NOCD approved ELV Rack Cabinet with 25% reduced price as mentioned in BOQ considering
COO change from Attachment#8.3 (describing the Contractor's best effort to follow the guideline for
Client provided finishing materials for TE3 listed in Attachment#8.2) on 15th Feb 2023
EAC-23-0289 15-Feb-23
217 M&E Change on Country of origin of ELV Racks - Notified NOCD that the Contractor cannot provide any cost reduction consdiering ELV racks not
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0054 20-Feb-23
included in Attachment#8.2 and the Contractor reserves it's right to claim variation cost for providing
seismic racks in place of standard racks for other ELV Systems since specification of other ELV
Systems does not call for seismic racks on 20th Feb 2023
- NOCD instructed ADC to check newly issued drawings and submit related M&E shop drawing
regarding additional facilities and equipment in RFFS on 31st Jan 2023
EI-23-0029 31-Jan-23
218 M&E RFFS Additional Equipment for ME and EL - Submitted variation cost proposal amounting to JPY 2,555,820 and BDT 546,803 for 'Security
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0094 20-Feb-23
check point', 'New Guardhouse' and 'Fuel Pit detail for training space' variation works on 20th Feb
- NOCD instructed ADC to design in detail and make estimated cost variation for FCC (Fire
219 M&E EI-23-0065 26-Feb-23 All Fire events monitoring in FCC Command Center) in T3 to monitor/control not only T3 but also all other buildings in the HSIA
Expansion area on 26th Feb 2023.
- NOCD informed about the finalized taxiway designation, stand number and gate number in T3 on
7th Feb 2023.
Notification of Taxiway Designation, Stand
EI-23-0035 7-Feb-23 - Notified that as per the EI, 37 nos of signs has change in size and 10 nos have to be removed and
220 M&E Number, Gate Number in T3
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0095 25-Feb-23 reinstalled (out of the 63 nos of signs already delivered, of which 24 are installed at site) and
(Changes in Guidance Sign)
submitted Variation Cost proposal amounting to JPY 25,965,329 and BDT 154,860 on 25th Feb
Diversion and Demolition of Drainage,
- NOCD instructed to divert drainage, demolish existing sewer and install box culvert on 31st Jan
EI-23-0031 31-Jan-23 Construction of New Box Culvert and New
221 Civil 2023.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0113 1-Mar-23 Pit
- Submitted cost proposal amounting to JPY 3,171,006 and BDT 8,629,105 on 1st Mar 2023.
at Area-5

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 83 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

1 0 .2 Contractor's Variation Request (Closed items removed and outstanding items only listed here)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
Request for EI and approval of cost
57 Civil L-ADC-20-0037/20-0053/ 0057 8-Jun-20 - ADC sunmitted cost proposal JPY 4,676,450 BDT 20,359,382 on 29th Mar 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-21-CC-0074 proposal for site preparation of ECT area
RFI-BC2-21-0639 - NOCD required the demolition and rebuilding of fence and open drain in ICT
Demolition and rebuilding of fence and
58 Civil ERRl-21-0024 19-Jan-21 area as ERRI-21-0024 on 17th Jan 2021
open drain in ICT area
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0014 - Requested to issue VO instruction on 19 Jan 2021
ADC-CAAB-LTR-ME-21-0005 17-Feb-21 New item cost info for AGL system (HDPE
59 M&E - NOCD commented that the amount of some items needs to be adjusted on 7th Mar 2021
L-ADC-21-0059 7-Mar-21 secondary cable)
ADC-CAAB-LTR-ME-20-0006 24-Sep-20 - Requested EI and VO for the relocation of cable for GA hangars as the Employers MT substation
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0009 9-Mar-21 Relocation of cable for General Aviation demolished and re-submitted cost proposal of JPY 230,500 and BDT 8,272,580 for the installation of
60 M&E
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0016 23-Mar-21 Hangars a new electrical cable route. NOCD replied not to issue VO as the provision of power supply to GA
L-ADC-21-0077 29-Mar-21 until handover is Contractor's responsibiity
- Requested EI for demolition of existing box culvert (Apprx. 40m x 10 m x 6m size) in the Area 5 not
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0081 7-Apr-21
available in the BOQ on 7th April 2021
61 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0161 4-Aug-21 Demolition of existing Box Culvert in Area 5
-Cost proposal submitted JPY 30,668 BDT 2,199,025 on 4 August 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0161-1 9-Sep-21
-Revised Cost proposal submitted JPY 30,668 BDT 1,472,241 on 9 Sept. 2021.
- NOCD agreed ADC proposal in RFI-CC-21-0730 and requested to submit cost proposal
Cost Proposal for FHS Pit Base Materials
62 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0086 10-Apr-21 - Submitted cost proposal of JPY 29,616 and BDT 127,635 for new FHS pit base materials
(from crushed stone to sand)
(compacted sand THK200 + polythene sheet 1000g)
Removal and reinstatement of the existing - Requested EI for removal and reinstatement of the existing asphalt pavement at North Landside
63 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0082 18-Apr-21 Asphalt pavement at North Landside for due to the change of duct bank location from footpath area to the paved road which is different from
duct bank tender drawing on 18th April 2021
Rebuilding retaining wall at the former - Requested EI to rebuild the existing retaining wall in order to permanently close Ansar pocket gate
64 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-21-0037 4-May-21
Ansar camp so that it ensurie safe & secure site conditions on 4th May
Demolition of Consultant’s Airside office - Requested EI to demolish existing Consultant's airside office which is provisional sum items in the
65 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0118 23-May-21
(PS) Contract
Additional Steel Column for Facade
66 Building-1 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0129 10-Jun-21 - Requested EI to install additional steel column for façade support at 1st floor in TE3
- ADC Submitted cost proposal (JPY 15,096,767 BDT 1,190,434) on 20th June 2021 regarding
Additional Security fence and Gate Works
67 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0135 20-Jun-21 additional security fence installation for new access road beside biman and new car park and
at gate 5
drainage preparation in vicinity of Area 5 and requested VO approval
Change of concrete grade from 25MPA to
68 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0150 14-Jul-21 30MPA for main structure of Road - Requested VO with the cost breakdown reflecting new rates on 14th Jul 2021
Underpass Box Tunnel
- Requested VO as supply of Printer, Scanner is additional to the Contract in response to NOCD
L-ADC-21-0127 27-Jun-21 Providing Printer, Scanner and Desktop
letter (L-ADC-21-0127) on 19th July 2021
69 Common ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0155 19-Jul-21 Computer to Chief Engineer's office for
- NOCD issued another letter requesting that Desktop Computer be added in addition to Printer and
L-ADC-21-0154 1-Aug-21 official use
Scanner to be supplied to CAAB on 1st Aug 2021
- Requested EI for it on 8th April 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0084 8-Apr-21 Demolition of Existing Southern Service
70 Civil - Submitted cost proposal of JPY 218,197 and BDT 749,076 for the 'Demolition of Existing Pipe
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0178 22-Aug-21 Road and Pipe Culvert at N1 Taxiway
Culvert at N1 Taxiway' and demolition of road is remeasurable baed on BOQ on 22nd Aug 2021

- Requested VO for the relocation of HT Cable (from the Power House and Fire Station to the AGL
71 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0180 23-Aug-21 Relocation of the HT Cable at Area 7-2 Substation) for new N1 Taxiway construction in Area 7-2 and submitted the cost proposal of JPY
1,697,836 and BDT 78,572,986 on 23rd Aug 2021
- Agreed with ADC to commence at the meeting on 8 Aug 2021 and request EI as follows.
1) for additional work (new fence installation-jet blast, decorative fence)
2) for activation of PS (demolition of monument wall, substation & floodlighting and installation of new Padma oil road
72 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0177 17-Aug-21 Initial works for right side Pier extension 3) for the Engineer's coordination w/ CAAB for urgent commencement of works (CCTV, electric calbe & fence, lighting
pile, PD office and communication tower)
4) for early handover (for demolition of existing fence, apron & access, clearing & grubbing, soil investigation, soft soil
removal & embankment)

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 84 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0009 4-Feb-21 - It will be submitted together with other misc VO items

Request EI for tree removal along verge
73 Civil EI-21-0033 7-Apr-21 - Submitted cost for tree removal & relocation along the verge on the Expressway(BDT 112,309) and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0161/0161-01 4-Aug-21, 9-Sep-21 demolition of existing box culvert in Area 5(JPY 30,668 & BDT 1,472,241) on 9 Sep 2021
- Requested VO for new Box Culvert and Trapezoidal Channel in Area 6-1 part-C with the revised
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0194 5-Sep-21 Cost Proposal for new Box Culvert and
74 Civil cost proposal of JPY 15,209,215 and BDT 27,462,247 acc to conformation of design change (EDAC-
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0347 30-Dec-21 Trapezoidal Channel at Area 6-1 part-C.
21-00902) on 30th Dec 2021
Installation of new power cable for General - Requested VO for relocation of electric cable route by installation of new cable for Genaral Aviation
75 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0197 8-Sep-21
Aviation Hangers Hangers in amount of JPY 212,982 and BDT 7,519,156 on 8th Sep 2021
Request for confirmation of proposed
- Proposed Ground Mount type PCA as variation considering PCA & GPU crush with Apron (in the
76 M&E ADC-NOCD-RFI-EL-21-0982 12-Sep-21 Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB)
service of MD82) due to change of Aircraft Stand position on 12th Sep 2021
- Requested EI for 1) Service road connection to existing road inside of Cantonment Area, 2)
Installation of Steel Gate with RC structure and 3) Demolition of existing boundary wall between
ADC-NOCD-MOM-G-21-0006 Provision of the road and gate from
77 Civil 12-Sep-21 Airport and Cantonment Area instructed by verbal by the Employer in the meeting (1st Sep) and need
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-21-0088 Cantonment for VVIP movement
acceleration cost due to short notice for design change of the gate and delayed permission for
working inside of Cantonment area on 12th Sep 2021
- Requested VO for Glass Grid materials as the reinforcing material of reflection crack with the cost
Glass Grid materials (Reflection crack
78 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-21-0090 12-Sep-21 proposal of JPY 1,121,441 and BDT 642,210 including additional airfreight charge and custom duties
reinforcing materials)
& taxes on 12th Sep 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0203 12-Sep-21 - Request EI & VO for the Relocation of the LT Cable and Fiber Optic Cable at N1
L-ADC-21-0201 23-Sep-21 with the cost proposal of BDT 1,502,882 on 12th Sep 2021 and NOCD accepted revised cost
Relocation of the LT Cable and Fiber Optic
79 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0216 27-Sep-21 proposal after meeting with ADC in the unit rate of BDT 834,271 on 23rd Sep 2021
Cable at N1
L-ADC-21-0251 25-Nov-21 - ADC submitted cost proposal (BDT 1,254,833) for the relocation of LT cable and Fiber Optic cable
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0337 23-Dec-21 at N1 on 23rd Dec 2021
- Requested EI for site preparation works at the North Taxiway Area (Taxiway Closure Plan Ph.3)
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0109 3-May-21
Additional Site Preparation Works at North that have not been reflected in contract drawing & BOQ
80 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0183 23-Aug-21
Taxiway Area - Submitted revised cost proposal of JPY 184,804 and BDT 634,432 for the demolition of additional
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0183-01 29-Sep-21
50.5m pipe culvert and other items are remeasureable based on BOQ on 29th Sep 2021

- Due to design change of piers, some girder's sapn lenght changed to 24.5m, 25.5m and 26.5m so
EI-21-0081 28-Apr-21
New rate for chagned PC girder span requested approval of new rate which is pro-rata of original BOQ rate
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0190 31-Aug-21
81 Civil length of EDW south side substructure - Requested VO with the unit rate agreed with Engineer(email dated 20th Sep) of changed PC girder
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0209 22-Sep-21
pier 14, 15, 16, 17, & 18 span length on 22nd Sep 2021
L-CLEN-21-0752 29-Sep-21
- NOCD requested CAAB to review & confirm ADC's proposed unit rate on 29th Sep 2021
- Requested VO for additional new Headwall-HW-NT2-NE1-05 at existing Box Culvert connected to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0208 19-Sep-21 Existing Box Culvert connected to
82 Civil NT2/NE1-03 Trapezoidal Channel with the revised cost proposal of JPY 311,471 and BDT 800,128
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0226 30-Sep-21 NT2/NE1-03 Trapezoidal Channel
on 30th Sep 2021
- Requested NOCD to review and select the model for sanitary ware that previously confirmed to
Selection Model for Sanitary wares at
83 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0050 23-Sep-21 change TOTO for TE-3, American Standard for MCP & Other Buildings and than ADC will submit the
Terminal 3, MCP and Other Buildings
cost for VO on 23rd Sep 2021
-Request for Variation order Unit Rate of Concrete Kerb Type-CT-1 (Drainage Type) and Wire Net in
ERRI-21-0305 3-Aug-21.
84 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0224 29-Sep21 Concrete Kerb Type-CT-1 (Drainage type)
-ADC agreed NOCD Assessed rate for Concrete Kerb Type-CT-1 (Drainage Type) per meter -Yen
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0237 11-Oct-21
2,604 BDT 2,300 and Wire Net Yen 131 BDT 2,067 each.
Supply and installation of Con'c Kerb CT-1 - Requested VO for new rate of new Con'c Kerb CT-1 (Drainage Type) and wire net in different areas
85 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0237 10-Oct-21
and Wire Net in different areas of the PJT of the Project according to Engineer's drawing (EDAC21-0974) and letter on 10th Oct 2021
Pile works of EDW interfered by trees
86 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0235 18-Oct-21 - Requested EI for removing 19 numbers of trees obstructing piling works for EDW on 18th Oct 2021
along the highway
Demolition of existing underground Box - Requested EI for the demolition of the existing underground box culvert due to confliction of Box
87 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0271 7-Nov-21
Culvert near South EDW Bridge Culvert and South EDW Bridge Abutment/Pier on 7th Nov 2021
Additional steel beam around the deck slab
88 Building ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0269 9-Nov-21 - Requested EI for additional steel beam around the slab opening in ICT and ECT on 9th Nov 2021
opening in ICT and ECT
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 85 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
89 Building ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0284 17-Nov-21 PHC Test in IPP & IPR - Requested VO for PHC Test in IPP & IPR which missed in BOQ of IPP & IPR on 17th Nov 2021
- Requested proposed additional unit rate of BDT 715.00/㎥ in order to comply with Engineer's new
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0083 requirement and requested the Engineer to issue VO but rejected ADC's cost proposal as Revised
L-ADC-21-0230 Mix Design for Crushed Aggregate Base Course is within Specification’s requirement
90 Civil 31-Oct-21 Change of base course mix proportion
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0274 - Requested VO in amount of JPY 2,619 per Cum and BDT 8,178 per Cum on 10th Nov and noticed
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0286 that delayed confirmation incur adverse impact on progress of works and requested approval of cost
proposal by 30th Nov on 17th Nov 2021
Demolition of Monuments, Garden and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0312 - Requested EI for demolition of Monuments, Garden and Light Poles on the north side of the EDW
91 Civil 2-Dec-21 Light Poles on the Dhaka-Mymensingh
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0331 on Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway at the earliest again on 19th Dec 2021
92 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0313 6-Dec-21 Missing items are in respective M&E BOQ - ADC Request for Variation Order (VO) for additional Items at ECT, ICT IPP & IPR
Additional Temperature Sensors for roof - Requested VO for Additional Space Temperature Sensors for roof smoke fan at T3 issued thru
93 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0320 13-Dec-21
smoke fan at Terminal-3 ERRI-21-0475 on 13th Dec 2021
- Requested EI for surge arrestor installation at 11KV Switchgear at T3 and other buildings acc to
Installation of Surge Arrester for 11KV
94 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0092 30-Dec-21 electrical specification, Section-I, Division-10104, sub-clause 1(n) “Lighting & Power line surge
Switchgear at T3 and other buildings
Protection shall be provided for all electrical system acc to the Engineer’s instruction”

IP rating of Test Link Box at Other - Requested EI spcifying IP rating of IP41/44 for the Test Link Box of Other Buildings which was not
95 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0001 3-Jan-22
Buildings mentioned in Specification on 3rd Jan 2022
19-Dec-21, 26-Dec-
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0328, 0338 - Requested VO for cost impact due to CAAB's requirement to reutilize the trees for T3 landscaping
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0011 Removal and replantation of trees in the works with cost proposal amounting to JPY 748,728 on 19th Dec 2021
96 Civil 10-Jan-22
EI-22-0024 VVIP Terminal Area - Submitted revised cost proposal in amount of BDT 348,008 reflecting NOCD-ADC meeting result
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0044 on 2nd Feb 2022
- Requested VO for Cable Tray and Trunking at other buildings which is not reflected in BOQ (except
Terminal-3) in amount of JPY 66,838,145 and BDT 11,928,538 on 13th Jan 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0015 13-Jan-22
Cable Tray and Trunking at other buildings - NOCD issued recommendation letter to CAAB of issuing VO for the Cable Tray and Trunking at
97 Civil L-CLEN-22-0114 01-Feb-22
(ICT/ECT and MLCP) other buildings (ICT/ECT and MLCP) on 1st Feb 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0391 02-Oct-22
- Submitted revised cost proposal in amount of BDT 48,779,967 for the change of quantities and
materials as per the site requirement of ICT/ ECT/ MLCP/ GH/ STP/ FFS/ AGLS on 2nd Oct 2022
EI-22-0017 17-Jan-22
98 M&E Additional PAC and Fans at MCP - Requested VO in amount of JPY 5,567,252 and BDT 1,202,032 on 9th Feb 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0024 9-Feb-22
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0032 06-Feb-22 Relocation of DESCO Overhead line at - Requested in amount of BDT 10,378,969 on 6th Feb 2022
99 M&E
L-CLEN-22-0173 14-Feb-22 EDW area - NOCD submitted reviewed cost proposal to CAAB in amount of BDT 8,211,988.4 on 14th Feb 2022

EI-20-0093 03-Dec-20 - Requested VO regarding the addition of Lean Con'c and Polythene sheet under the footing con'c of
Additional works at Floodlighting
100 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0030 27-Jan-22 Apron Floodlighting mast on 27th Jan and submitted revised cost proposal in amount of JPY 230,532
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0070 27-Feb-22 and BDT 838,254 for additional works at floodlighting foundation on 27th Feb 2022

ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0245 21-Oct-21 - Requested for VO due to change in U/R of rebar of Item No.1.2 from JPY 80 to JPY 80,000
Correction Request for U/R of rebar of
L-ADC-21-0227 28-Oct-21 considering PIT case which NOCD issued and Contractor agreed in good faith on 19th Oct 2021
101 Building-2 Item No.1.2 - Chapter 30420 Tunnel
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0063 22-Feb-22 - NOCD rejected ADC's new rate on 28th Oct and ADC claim in another way after the discussion
Structure Works
L-ADC-22-0086 3-Mar-22 with NOCD but NOCD rejected ADC request again on 3rd Mar 2022

ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0010 24-Feb-22 Relocation of existing cable route and hand - Requested Employer's immediate relocation of existing electical cable route & hand hole at
102 M&E
L-ADC-22-0082 2-Mar-22 hole at Area 6-1 (Existing south Taxiway) Area 6-1 or issuance of EI to relocate on 24th Feb 2022

- Request for VO for design change to larger 90kw motor from 45kw motor in amount of JPY
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0071 27-Feb-22 Change Design of external fire Hydrant
103 M&E 3,340,460 and BDT 2,568,064 on 27th Feb 2022
L-ADC-22-0091 7-Mar-22 pump
- NOCD replied additional requirement+G258:G259
Landside Drainage Modification Area 4 - Submitted cost proposal for Manhole, Concrete pipes Culvert installation in magnitude of JPY
104 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0082 7-Mar-22
South Part-C 623,311 and BDT 1,747,082 (remeasurement basis) on 7th Mar 2022

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 86 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Suggested to use concrete block to support the Sewage pipe planned to be laid on compacted
105 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0087 10-Mar-22 Concrete Block supoort to Sewer Pipes
sand bedding but need to support actually and requested related EI on 10th Mar 2022
EI-20-0072 9-Nov-20 Change to Ventilation and Rainwater
- Requested for VO for change to Ventilation and Rainwater Collection System at MCP-UWR and
106 M&E EI-21-0145 29-Aug-21 Collection System at MCP-UWR and WSS
WSS Pump Room in amount of JPY 8,104,853 and BDT 1,652,383 on 16th Mar 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0081 16-Mar-22 Pump Room
Landside drainage modification Area 4 - Requested for VO for Landside drainage modification Area 4 North Part-B in amount of JPY
107 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0096 16-Mar-22
North Part-B 5,898,864 and BDT 12,443,202 on 16th Mar 2022
Additional Road Connectivity from road O - Requested for EI, drawings and other necessary details for additional road to connect between
108 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0098 21-Mar-22
to Existing Terminal Road Road-O in Area-5 and the existing Terminal road that Employer mentioned on 21st Mar 2022

- Requested confirmation of the brand of the emergency generator as "Kohler-France" by instruction

which was "Caterpillar" initially and informed increasing of the price at least 20% higher due to
COVID-19 impact on global supply chain and volatile cost of the sea freight worldwide on 10th Feb
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0009 10-Feb-22 2022
L-ADC-22-0056 13-Feb-22 - NOCD replied ADC to proceed preparation of purchasing procedure with "Kohler-France" and to
Confirmation of Emergency Generator
109 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0037 15-Feb-22 resubmit the letter including ① COO and ② U/R (Same as the Contract Price) on 13th Feb 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0061-01 17-Feb-22 - Confirmed the cost of "Kohler-France" is not exceeding the Contract Price on 15th Feb 2022
L-ADC-22-0122-01 22-Mar-22 - ADC informed COO as France and price of 6-numbers is JPY 1,174mil and BDT 3mil on 17th Feb
- NOCD noticed 6-numbers of 4000 KVA Generator of brand and COO of Kohler-France has been
approved by the Authority instead of the Caterpillar, USA on 22nd Mar 2022
ERRl-21-0134 - ADC re-submitted the cost proposal for an amount of JPY 847,778 and BDT 1,909,068 on 14th Dec
02-Dec-21, 14-Dec- Additional M/H Concrete Pipe U-ditch at
110 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0311, 0323 2021
21 Area 4
L-CLEN-22-0406 - NOCD issued recommendation letter of ADC cost proposal to CAAB on 28th Mar 2022
- Requested VO for Landside drainage modification Area 4 North Part-D with cost proposal
amounting to JPY 846,047 and BDT 2,324,496 on 27th Mar 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0108 27-Mar-22
- Submitted revised cost proposal based on Engineer’s Drawing approval comments (EDAC-22-
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0151 20-Apr-22 - Landside drainage modification Area 4
111 Civil 0606 dated 18th April 2022) and the Contractor’s Shop Drawing (ADC-NOCD-RFA-SD-CC-21-21-
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0151-01 23-May-22 North Part-D
0194-R02) in amount of JPY 1,619,007 and BDT 4,793,829 on 23rd May 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0211 26-May-22
- Submitted revised Cost proposal based on Engineer's Assessment for an amount of JPY
1,927,750 and BDT 5,245,240 on 26th May 2022
Cost Proposal for Storm Water Pipe Outlet - Requested VO for Storm Water Pipe Outlet in ICT, ECT, WSS, IPR and PWTP with cost proposal
112 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0104 27-Mar-22
in ICT, ECT, WSS, IPR and PWTP amounting to JPY 26,970,911 and BDT 1,822,853 on 27th Mar 2022

Construction of Draignage at Existing - Requested VO for Construction of Draignage at Existing Apron Taxiway with cost proposal
113 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0115 29-Mar-22
Apron Taxiway amounting to BDT 429,397,034 on 29th Mar 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0033 06-Feb-22
- Requested VO in amount of BDT 9,799,796 on 6th Feb 2022
L-CLEN-22-0172 14-Feb-22 Relocation of DESCO Under ground HT
114 M&E - NOCD submitted reviewed cost proposal to CAAB in amount of BDT 7,753,737.2 on 14th Feb 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0100 28-Mar-22 cable at EDW area
- Noticed the delay for relocation of DESCO Power Cable Line at EDW Area on 6th Apr 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0131 06-Apr-22

Request for VO for the Change to

- Requested VO proposal amounting JPY 7,230,481 and BDT 1,947,710 as shown in the revised
115 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0144 19-Apr-22 Plumbing, ACMV and Rain Water
drawings attached to EI-21-0164 & 0173
Collection System at FFS
PHC Pile Connection with Pile Cap of IPP - Submitted cost proposal for the PHC pile connection to pile cap that unit rate not included in utility
116 Building ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0186 9-May-22
and IPR Building building BOQ amounting to BDT 614,286.78 on 9th May 2022.
- Requested Variation Order for additional operator of Smoke Aluminum Window on 24th Apr.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0166 24-Apr-22 - NOCD replied not to admit to the additional work considering it operated manually (without electric
Additional Operator of Smoke Aluminum
117 M&E L-ADC-22-0207 16-May-22 power) on 16th May 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0216 30-May-22 - Responded by explaining that the requirement of additional operator will be a Variation with
additional cost and time impact on 30th May 2022

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 87 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

3rd Party testing of cable conduit & Tray at - Requested VO for 3rd Party testing of cable conduit & Tray at BUET that verbally instructed by
118 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0196 16-May-22
BUET NOCD regarding site sample with the cost proposal in amount of BDT 206,790 on 16th May 2022

ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0199 23-May-22 Notification of Variation for Additional - Requested variation order for pressure tank(200 liters) at deep well 1 to 3 that were not included in
119 M&E
L-ADC-22-0217 25-May-22 Pressure Tank at Deep well 1 to 3 the Contract Drawings++
- Requested clarification of usage with dry mix mortar for Sidewalk base material as Specification
120 Civil ADC-NOCD-RFI-CC-22-1345 31-May-22 Clarification for Sidewalk base material mentioned (Tender drawing, BOQ mentioned "compacted sand") and noticed cost to be increase if
so on 31st May 2022.
- Requested variation order for overflow piping, bird nets and manholes that were not included in the
Notification of Variation for Additional
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0203 23-May-22 Contract Drawings but added in the shop drawing by the Engineer on 23rd May 2022
121 M&E Overflow Piping, Bird Nets and Manhole at
L-ADC-22-0240 8-Jun-22 - NOCD cancelled the additional overflow pipe and manhole and requested to submit final additional
LPS-1 & LPS-2
cost details except additional overflow pipes and manholes on 8th June 2022.
Building works regarding Transformer - Requested EI for building works for the fence of outdoor 33/1kv oil type transformer fixing on RCC
122 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0036 2-Jun-22
base and fencing base on 2nd June 2022
Application of TOC for the Part of Works - Requested NOCD to issue a TOC. However, the Engineer's comment to mitigate asphalt
123 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0170 14-Jun-22 related to Airside VVIP Road and Airport pavement gap near BAF gate will be an additional work and require EI and VO as per Sub-Clause 3.3
Service Road-1 and Clause 13.
- Requested VO(BDT 46,897,029) which was confirmed by Chairman and NOCD recommneded
ADC's proposal on 15th Feb 2022and NOCD told ADC to commence it and evaluation of cost to be
L-CLEN-22-0134 08-Feb-22 informed later on 24th Mar 2022, and submitted revised cost proposal in amount of BDT 50,182,221
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0056 14-Feb-22 on 17th Apr 2022
L-CLEN-22-0177 15-Feb-22 - NOCD noticed to ADC that up escalators shall be installed on the Foot Over Bridge along with the
L-CLEN-22-0129 24-Mar-22 stairs and requested to re-submit revisions of the design and the cost proposal accordingly on 29th
124 Civil Relocation of pedestrian bridge works
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0056-01 17-Apr-22 May 2022
L-ADC-22-0223 29-May-22 - NOCD requested to submit revised drawings in consideration of the expanded walking path layout,
L-ADC-22-0256 19-Jun-22 revised cost proposal and other special notes and considerations on 19th Jun 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0177 23-Jun-22 - ADC informed that it is not in a position to take up the work since it is not in SOW or Instructed by
Engineer. However, it can cooperate if EI is issued stating a) Design is under NOCD, b) Work
executed by RHD nominated subcontractor, c) ADC will only be paymaster, on 23rd Jun 2022
- Requested VO for change from base to shallow and from hand hole type B&D to type A, where
have reseulted in higher length of cables as the transformers are re-located from directly under the
AGL fixtures to the side of the taxiway/runways. Proposal amounting JPY 141,233,341 and BDT
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0128 23-Apr-22 - NOCD cannot finalize evaluation without additional evidence and requested ADC to submit
Requesting Variation approval for the New I
125 M&E L-ADC-22-0243 9-Jun-22 breakdown of original contract of the following items, and manufacture’s quotation of handhole pit
tem cost as per change of AGL System
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0044 21-Jun-22 cover on 9th Jun 22
- ADC informed main contract concept was based on deep-base box but at HSIA shallow bases are
used commonly; in BOQ Hand-hole items and pits are not considered as Class E600 pit covers as
they are far from runway. This is the main reason for price gap. ADC provided comparison review for
other CAAB project hand-hole subcontractor and requested to approve VO on 21st Jun 2022

- Informed locations for piling is not sufficient to continue the works after 15th Jun and requested
clearing the existing impediments for continuous piling works without any stoppages, while reserving
its rights under the Contract for additional cost and time on 12th Jun 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0167 12-Jun-22
Request for Clearance for Hindrances in - NOCD requested ADC to submit the proposal for MS that describes ithe present schedule for
126 Civil L-ADC-22-0252 14-Jun-22
North Wing Pier Extension Works completion considering hindering third party works on 14th Jun 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0175-01 20-Jun-22
- Informed that it is not in a position to submit completion schedule because, a) for apron demolition
fence installation is pending, b) relocation of Padma oil line is pending, c) Contract addendum is yet
to be signed on 20th Jun 2022

- Notified NOCD about the new requirement for air conditioning units and exhaust fan as per ERRI-22-
Revised M&E contract drawing for 2B1,
127 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0272 16-Jul-22 0297 will be a Variation and the cost proposal will be submitted on approval of shop drawing on 16th
2B2 and 2C2 in T3
Jul 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 88 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- NOCD instruced the additional requirement of Ultrasonic Test in its approval document, which is
contrary to the Specification
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0163 24-Apr-22 Regarding Change in Frequency of
128 Building - Requested to issue EI as ADC has already started Ultrasonic Test (on 100% of full penetration butt
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0287 27-Jul-22 Ultrasonic Test
wells) for the Works of Steel Structure erection and is yet to receive response to the previous letter
on 27th Jul 2022.
- Submitted cost proposal for the non-BOQ items of damp proof membrane in IPP and IPR buildings,
Provision of damp proof membrane in IPP
129 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0266 24-Jul-22 considering the similar item in the BOQ (Division 30401S – Item No. 12) amounting to BDT
132,993.52 /- on 24th Jul 2022.
- Requested VO for additional rainwater outlet at MCP which was not reflected in contract drawing
and BOQ in amount of JPY 25,550,696 utilized the BOQ unit rate from Terminal-3 on 6th Feb 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0021 6-Feb-22
- NOCD suggested to design roof drain outlet type and numbers after discussion with CAAB on 13th
130 M&E L-ADC-22-0249 13-Jun-22 Additional rainwater outlet at MCP
Jun 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0279 24-Jul-22
- ADC submitted additional cost proposal amounting to JPY 4,198,570 and BDT (1,082,105) on 24th
Jul 2022.
- Requested for EI to proceed with Ceramic Duct Bank for the subject location (T1
Roundabout~Uttara Gate) to meet the Project Schedule on 14th Mar 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0087 - NOCD instructed ADC to proceed it by Ceramic Duct in designated area with proposed method for
14-Mar-22 Method of Duct Bank from T1 Roundabout
131 Civil L-ADC-22-0113 applying additional DESCO incoming lines to meet construction area conditions such as minimizing
15-Mar-22 to Uttara Gate
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0218 the occupation of heavy traffic road on 15th Mar 2022
- Noticed the suspension of duct bank works near T1 roundabout due to Interface with RCC pipeline
works by the Employer on 1st Aug 2022
- Requested EI to demolish existing boundary wall, construct new gate (UTTARA New Gate) with
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0117 20-May-21 guard house, concrete pavement works and any others
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0158 25-Jul-21 New gate (UTTARA New Gate) for General - Submitted cost proposal (BDT 3,529,592) on 25th July 2021 and submitted revised cost proposal
132 Building-2 L-ADC-21-0126 24-Jun-21 Aviation Building, ICT and ECT logistic reflecting actual quantity and U/R in amounting to JPY 264,309 and BDT 2,682,105 on 30th May
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0217 30-May-22 vehicles 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0295 1-Aug-22 - Submitted revised cost proposal in amount of JPY 249,381 and BDT 2,544,667 under prior
agreemnet with NOCD on 1st Aug 2022
- Submitted VO request in amount of JPY 8,271,136 acc to NOCD's modification of door width of
MLCP elevators from 1,000mm to 1,100mm wide and requirement of bumper for MLCP elevators on
Additional cost due to change in MLCP
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0290 28-Jul-22 28th Jul 2022.
133 M&E Elevator door size and addition of SS
L-ADC-22-0320 1-Aug-22 - NOCD not accepting the additional bumper wall guard considering Contract DWG of MLCP
indicates the Glass Door sized W=1,100mm & Specification for baggage protection (DIVISION
40100) on 1st Aug 2022
Additional items in MCP BOQ (200mm,
- Requested NOCD to issue VO Instruction as per Clause 13.1 since there is no underground HDPE
134 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0294 30-Jul-22 300mm & 500mm Diameter UG HDPE
pipes with sizes 200mm, 300mm and 500mm diameter in BOQ on 30th Jul 2022
- Submitted VO amount for additional landing for the Elevator No. SL W1 for BDT 2,497,237 on 18th
Jun 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0235 18-Jun-22 - NOCD declined the VO request and advised to omit basement landing, if it causes any VO on 23rd
Additional landing at the Basement for the
135 M&E L-ADC-22-0265 23-Jun-22 Jun 2022
Elevator no. SL W1
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0270 17-Jul-22 - Informed to the Engineer that Subcontractor has already fabricated the unit according to
comfirmation of the Employer in previous discussion (18th May 2022) and submitted amount (BDT
2,497,237) on 17th Jul 2022
- Requested for VO for additional LADSAFE by elevator for an amount of BDT 15,417,787 on 16th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0234 16-Jun-22
Proposed LADSAFE solution for Elevators Jun 2022.
136 M&E L-ADC-22-0273 27-Jun-22
with no mid-landing - NOCD requested to discount BDT 15,417,787 as per CAAB Technical meeting on 27th Jun 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0271 17-Jul-22
- Submitted VO amount (BDT 13,105,125) for the addition of the LAD Safe on 17th Jul 2022.
- Submitted cost proposal for acceleration of Tunnel end part including backfilling by 30th of Sep in
order to handover the area to FDEE (24-hour work in rainy season/ working during EID & Weekend/
Using sand-cement for backfilling between sheet pile and Tunnel wall/ Sheet pile scrificing at Zone-5
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0258 6-Jul-22 Acceleration Cost of Tunnel Work in order
137 Building as per EI) in amount of BDT 60,179,150 on 6th Jul 2022
L-ADC-22-0349 11-Aug-22 to Handover Area to FDEE
- NOCD acknowledged that delay occurred due to TITAS gas pipeline relocation delay, which is
beyond ADC's control and requested ADC to submit a Programme with time impact analysis on 11th
Aug 2022

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 89 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested VO for additional Rain Water Collection System at Cooling Tower with cost proposal
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0119 31-Mar-22 Additional Rain Water Collection System at amounting to JPY 2,297,218 and BDT 254,981 on 29th Mar 2022
138 Civil
EI-22-0216 23-Aug-22 Cooling Tower - NOCD instructed ADC to perform construction at the price in ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0119 on 23rd
Aug 2022.
Removal of Tree, Fence Installation and
139 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0239 20-Aug-22 Demolition of Boundary Wall at Area 5 - Requested the Engineer to issue an instruction for them on 20th Aug 2022
Pond 21
- NOCD instructed ADC to encase the underground drainage pipe with concrete as shown in the
sketch drawing signed by the Engineer and ADC submitted cost proposal and request approval on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0291 24-Nov-21 Additional Concrete Encasement to U/G
140 M&E 24th Nov. 2021
EI-22-0214 23-Aug-22 Sewer & Waste Water Drainage Pipe
- NOCD informed that it had agreed to ADC's construction and has not instructed to cover the
underground drain with concrete. NOCD requested not to misunderstand this point on 23rd Aug 2022
- Requested VO for the installation of additional manual operators for external windows that Engineer
requested on 29th May 2022
- NOCD noticed not to admit to the additional work as the hardwires should be included to SAW
justifiably. BOQ states ‘’Total to Division summary Unit Qty Rate Final finish paint shall not be paid
separately. All related cost but exempt tariff (Hardwear /parts, stainless sill, fillings, embedments
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0209 29-May-22
etc.,) to be included to unit rate.’’ on 14th Jun 2022.
L-ADC-22-0253 14-Jun-22 Request for VO for Manual Operator of
141 Building - ADC clarified that there is no clear reference for specific requirement of window operator for AW
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0237 16-Jun-22 ECT External Window
and SAW as per the Contract Drawings, Specification and BOQ prepared by the Engineer/Employer.
L-ADC-22-0376 29-Aug-22
Therefore, ADC did not consider the cost of window operator except the provision of general window
opening handle during bidding stage. on 16th Jun 2022.
- NOCD replied VO is not required even component accessory items are not mentioned individually
in the BOQ since the requirement is clearly described in specification (Measurement/Rate, Materail)
on 29th Aug 2022
- Submitted cost proposal for the drainage modification Area-4 North Part-C in the amount of JPY
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0231 9-Jun-22 Landside Drainage Modification Area 4 1,072,121 and BDT 2,872,742 on 9th June 2022
142 Civil
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0345 4-Sep-22 North Part-C - Confirmed agreement with NOCD's assessment and submitted revised cost proposal amounting
JPY 1,063,045 and BDT 2,849,177 on 4th Sep 2022.
- NOCD in shop drawing approval no. EDAC-22-1327 commented to make mock up for ECT building
143 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0364 8-Sep-22 Request of EI for Signage Mock Up signage. As per the Specification Division 31300, there is no provision of Mock-up for ECT building
name signage. Hence ADC requested for an EI on 8th Sep 2022.

Notification of VO due to Change in Height - Submitted advance notice about the variation of work due to the change in ceiling height of RFFS
144 Building ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0370 11-Sep-22
of Ceiling for RFFS Building building as per EI-21-0225 and ERRI-21-0254 on 11th Sep 2022
Notice of Delay and Cost caused by Re- - ADC referred to EI-22-0211 and EI-22-0160 that requested 3rd party testing whose result did not
145 Building ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0374 12-Sep-22 tests for the Elongation Test by 3rd Party meet project requirement and notified that the Elongation Test was not in accordance to ASTM
Testing Agency instructed by the Engineer standards and thus ADC shall reserve rights to Claim additional cost and Time on 12th Sep 2022

Request for VO for HV & MV Switchgears

- Based on EI-21-0240-02 and EI-22-0049, ADC submitted VO amount for the addiitonal panels of
146 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0348 4-Sep-22 as per revised Incoming Power Single Line
the generator MV switchgear for an amount of JPY 202,026,196 and BDT 431,374 on 4th Sep 2022.
- Sumitted cost for the additional work amounting to JPY 6,383,857 and BDT 14,779,541 on 5th May
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0169 5-May-22 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0306 28-Aug-22 Additional Water Supply and Drainage Con - Submitted revised cost proposal by adding 22.7% based on PWD rate difference for an amount of
147 M&E
EI-22-0238 8-Sep-22 nection to Control Tower JPY 6,912,016 and BDT 14,979,387 on 28th Aug 2022 and NOCD provided additional comments
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0380 14-Sep-22 and based on this ADC submitted revised cost proposal amounting to JPY 4,678,411 and BDT
7,274,433 on 14th Sep 2022
- Requested NOCD to issue EI for the removal of trees near roads K-1 and A-4 in front of the south
148 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0267 26-Sep-22 Removal of tree near BIMAN building
side of the BIMAN building on 26th Sep 2022.
- Requested EI for applying LED lighting signage to exterior signage in MLCP issued through ERRI-
149 Building ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0394 22-Sep-22 Change in Exterior Signage in MLCP
22-0459 which not mentioned in Contract Drawing on 22nd Sep 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 90 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested VO for additional 2 sets of Moving Walks of T3 (design confirmed through ERRI-21-
0271) with cost proposal of JPY 455,849,394 and BDT 51,617,832 on 1st Nov 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0260 1-Nov-21
- Noticed delay in confirmation of Subcontractor of Moving Walkway due to non-confirmation of VO
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0123 3-Apr-22
150 M&E VO for the additional Moving Walk on 3rd Apr and NOCD forwardied CAAB’s letter s: 30.31.0000.421. (4th April) on 6th
L-ADC-22-0146 6-Apr-22
Apr 2022
L-ADC-22-0437 26-Sep-22
- NOCD noticed that recommendation letter for approval issued to CAAB on 15th Sep 22 and waiting
for the response on 26th Sep 2022.
Lightening protection for Water Tank and
- Requested NOCD to issue EI for the lightening protection for Water Tank and Cooling Tower in
151 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0117 26-Sep-22 Cooling Tower in Ground Floor at Terminal-
Ground Floor at Terminal-3 (based on ERRI-22-0455) on 26th Sep 2022.
Switchboards Equipment Variation for 2nd - Requested NOCD to issue EI for the Switchboards Equipment variation for 2nd Power on 28th Sep
152 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0118 28-Sep-22
Power 2022.
Employer’s Business trip to verify CD/VAT - Requested NOCD to issue EI forfor Employer’s Business trip to verify CD/VAT payment to
153 Common ADC-NOCD-LTR-PR-22-0772 27-Sep-22
payment to Chittagong Chittagong on 27th Sep 2022.
- Requested NOCD to review and approve the Contractor's proposal of change in Construction
Construction of Road A-4, BRT Extension
Methodolory of Roads in Area-5 i.e. through replacement of subbase course with reinforced concrete
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0219 11-Aug-22 Road-5 & 8 using Reinforced Concrete as
154 Civil for the proceeding further execution of the road works immediately on 11th Aug 2022
EI-22-0258 3-Oct-22 a
- NOCD issued EI for the change of design of o 20cm thickness of RCC slab with rebar and
replacement of Subbase Course
methodology of newly added BRT expansion on 3rd Oct 2022
- Requested VO for additional electric heating coil in front of cold room at ECT & ICT through ERRI-
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0063 9-Sep-21 21-0159 on 9th Sep 2021 and NOCD request to submit the cost implication in connection with this
L-ADC-21-0205 29-Sep-21 variation, electric coil catalogue, drawing and spec on 29th Sep 2021
Additional Heating Coil in front of cold room
155 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0074 27-Feb-22 - Requested for Variation Order in amount of JPY 3,530,678 and BDT 1,060,756 on 27th Feb 2022
at ECT & ICT
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0015 14-Mar-22 - NOCD accepted 1(one) set each building (ECT & ICT) gainst ADC's request (2 sets ECT&ICT
L-ADC-22-0469 13-Oct-22 each) considering 1 cold room already mentioned Contract drawing (TD-ECT-ARC-CMO-00310) on
13th Oct 2022.
- Requested NOCD to issue EI for the Modification of PBB neck design (based on ERRI-22-0474) on
27th Sep 2022.
- NOCD replied to decline any VO related to the item, as the contractor should have foreseen the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0125 27-Sep-22
PBB neck angle issue on 28th Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0444 28-Sep-22
- Reiterated that EI requested for the modification of PBB neck design considering
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0138 10-Oct-22
156 M&E Modification of PBB neck design the change of location (EI-22-0118) and desing (ERRI-22-0474) of PBB Rotunda on 10th Oct 2022
L-ADC-22-0444-01 12-Oct-22
- NOCD informed A16, A24 FGW had been cancelled via EI-22-0051-11 on 12th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0010 7-Jan-23
- Submitted Variation Cost for cancellation of A16 and A24 PBBs amounting to JPY 80,726,016 on
EI-23-0063 26-Feb-23
7th Jan 2023.
- NOCD issued new detail and requested ADC to confirm whetther avoid VO (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-
22-0125) or not on 26th Feb 2023
- ADC submitted cost proposal and request approval for the drainage modification on 25th Nov. 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0295 25-Nov-21 Additional Manhole, Concrete pipe & U-
157 Civil - Submitted the revised cost proposal amounting to JPY 2,673,291 and BDT 5,758,121 considering
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0425 18-Oct-22 ditch at Area-2
additional changes as per EI-22-0244 on 18th Oct 2022.
- Requested for VO for additional 6-panel boards required for all the ACMV equipment at MCP that is
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0079 23-Mar-22
Additional Panel Boards for ACMV not included in Tender Drawing and MCP BOQ on 23rd Mar 2022
158 M&E L-ADC-22-0131 28-Mar-22
Equipment at MCP - NOCD requested ADC to submit the cost implication on 28th Mar 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0430 16-Oct-22
- Submitted cost proposal amounting JPY 9,448,002 and BDT 2,040,768 on 16th Oct 2022.
- Noticed no panel boards in BOQ are shown for ACMV equipment in Generator House and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0097 24-Mar-22 Additional Panel Boards for ACMV
159 M&E Aeronautical Ground Lighting on 24th Mar 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0431 16-Oct-22 Equipment at GEN & AGLS
- Submitted Cost proposal amounting JPY 6,113,857 and BDT 1,320,593 on 16th Oct 2022.
- Requested VO for the modification of Two-Way Radio Communication System from VHF Brand to
EI-22-0116 11-May-22 Modification of Two-Way Radio
UHF Tetra as per EI and submitted cost proposal in amount of JPY 188,114,872 on 6th June 2022
160 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0224 06-Jun-22 Communication System from VHF Brand
- NOCD declared the closing of VO discussion as per its letter L-CLEN-22-0867 (29th Jun. 2022),
L-ADC-22-0466 16-Oct-22 to UHF Tetra
where it consented in favour of the proposal, without additional cost on 16th Oct 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 91 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested EI considering additional resources, increased material wastage and staff & labour cost
in order to apply increased color (9-color option) to the VMU metal ceiling on 6th April and NOCD
requested to ADC to submit cost of material wastage, and staff laborers cost
- Requested VO with notification of potential cost impact at JPY 546,204,678 in case of 9-color option
instructed by NOCD on 2nd May 2021
- NOCD requested to submit VO amount based on 6 color (1 base color + 5 color variant) on 10th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0078 6-Apr-21
May 2022
L-ADC-21-0081 8-Apr-21
- Submitted cost proposal in amount of JPT 542,503,982 reflecting NOCD request on 16th May
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0105 2-May-21
- NOCD withdraw its letter dated on 10th May 2022. Decline VO amount JPY 542,503,982 as per
L-ADC-22-0165-02 10-May-22 Notification of potential time & cost impact
161 Building-1 CAAB’s letter 30.31.0000.421. on 14th Jun 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0195 16-May-22 to Metal Ceiling Works
- ADC do not agree to withdrawal of the VO because a) Detailed Design (DD) report was not
L-ADC-22-0165-03 14-Jun-22
included in the ITB document or later, b) VMU specification (30110T) does not contain any clear
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0238 19-Jun-22
indication about the no. of colors. If the VO is not approved → ADC requested for appointment of the
L-ADC-22-0165-04 17-Oct-22
Dispute Board on 19th Jun 2022.
- NOCD denied ADC's Variation request based on General notes of Specification Div. 30100T
("Engineer decide to change the colors of the aluminum elements or glass in the course of viewing,
there shall be no time or cost implications if the decision is given within a mutual agreed time frame")
and the definition of ” Multi-colored” that not be limited to two or three numbers of colors on 17th Oct
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0297 03-Aug-22 - Submitted cost proposal in an amount of of JPY 27,627,498 and BDT 94,849,765 on 3rd Aug
162 Civil L-ADC-22-0501 20-Oct-22 Additional Steel Box Girder Bridge Works - NOCD issued VO for the Additional Steel Box Girder Bridge Works with the amount of JPY
L-ADC-22-0534 27-Oct-22 27,627,498 and BDT 94,849,765 on 20th Oct / 27th Oct 2022
- Requested VO for the improvement measures of exisitng drainage systems for coming rainy
season to NOCD's letter that requested ADC to carry out the works and submit MS on 10th Apr 2022
- Submitted the cost proposal for improvement measures of the existing drainage system in
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0181 12-May-22
amounting JPY 37,828,564 and BDT 34,980,756 on 12th May 2022
L-ADC-22-0214 23-May-22 Improvement Measures of Existing
- NOCD request to submit the revised methodoloy reflecting NOCD comments and cost proposal on
163 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0256 6-Jul-22 Drainage System for Coming Rainy
23 May 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0274 18-Jul-22 Season
- Submitted revised Cost proposal in agreement with the Engineer’s assessment for an amount of
L-ADC-22-0499 20-Oct-22
JPY 38,940,663 and BDT 58,181,588 on 18th Jul 2022.
- NOCD issued VO for the Improvement Measures of Existing Drainage System for Coming Rainy
Season in amount of JPY 38,940,663 and BDT 58,181,588 on 20th Oct 2022
- Requested VO along with proposed unit rate for soil & cement backfilling on18 Jul 2021
- NOCD confirmed VO but request cost implication of omission of shoring/ sheet pile works
- Submitted cost proposal in amount of BDT 10,468,441.3 on 6th Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0033 24-Feb-21 - NOCD requested to resubmit and cost shall include not only the additional soil and cement
L-ADC-21-0056, 0145 1-Jul-21 backfilling works, but also the decreasing shoring/ sheet pile works on 12th Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0153 18-Jul-21, 19-Jul-21 - Clarified that in technical proposal of bid open-cut method of backfilling was considered, in MS also
Using the mixture of soil & cement for
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0251 6-Jul-22 no shoring/sheet pile was considered. Thus, backfilling in MLCP and Tunnel is devoid of any sheet
164 Building-2 backfilling works around the piles in the
L-ADC-22-0292 12-Jul-22 pile/shoring and requested NOCD to approve the VO on 27th Jul 2022
MLCP and the Tunnel area
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0288 27-Jul-22 - NOCD rejected VO on the grounds that backfilling with soil cement is necessary to restore skin
L-ADC-22-0329 4-Aug-22 friction of the bored piles as per General Spec Division 10040, 8. Damage and Restoration on 4th
L-ADC-22-0483 18-Oct-22 Aug 2022
- NOCD instructs the Contractor that repair to piling works for EDW and Tunnel works using soil
cement works shall be included in the indirect cost as temporary works, and therefore the works are
not treated as variation on 18th Oct 2022.
- Requested VO regarding the 50mm and 200mm dia U/G uPVC pipes installed at T3 that reflected
in C/D but not included BOQ & proposed unit rate on 9th May 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0025 9-May-21 - NOCD replied pipes are not be considered as additional items as it's already included in tender
L-ADC-21-0107 20-May-21 BOQ line item 1.3.c & 1.3.h on 20th May 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0031 30-May-21 - Resubmitted a new rate as the item was not included in the BOQ, contrary to NOCD's answer
Additional uPVC pipe installed in T3 for
165 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0070 28-Oct-21 - Requested VO for the unit rate for the 50mm Dia U/G uPVC pipe which was already done on 6th
sewage and waste water drainage
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0026 06-Feb-22 Feb 2022
EI-22-0210 21-Aug-22 - NOCD requested ADC to resubmit at the appropriate price and rate (There is a mistake in the rate
EI-22-0271 18-Oct-22 of JPY and BDT for all the listed uPVC 50mm, 200mm, 300mm in ADC letter) on 21st Aug
- NOCD provided price assessment (without Lean con'c & Rebar 10mm) and advised ADC to
proceed with the work on 18th Oct 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 92 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested VO for Additional Flow Meter at Flow Test Pipe of Sprinkler Alarm Check Valve
Assembly at TE3 with cost proposal amounting to JPY 4,399,330 and BDT 1,267,640 on 28th Mar
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0111 28-Mar-22 Additional Flow Meter at Flow Test Pipe of
- NOCD replied the contract drawing (TD-TE3-MEC-MDD-FSP-101) shows the flow meter in the
166 M&E EI-22-0217 25-Aug-22 Sprinkler Alarm Check Valve Assembly at
flow test pipe. Hence, even if the BOQ does not include such items, no additional charge can be
EI-22-0270 18-Oct-22 TE3
made on 25th Aug 2022
- NOCD issued Variation for additional flow meter at flow test pipe of sprinkler alarm check valve
assembly at TE3 on 18th Oct 2022
- Requested VO for the purchase of Glass Grid materials that NOCD instructed to install on the
existing PCC slab at the N1 taxiway connection with the main runway in amount of JPY 1,993,536
EI-21-0239 26-Dec-21
and BDT 12,265,703 on 13th Jan 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0028 25-Jan-22 Purchase of Glass Grid material for the
167 Civil - ADC confirmed agreement with NOCD’s assessment and submitted revised Cost proposal,
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0363 6-Sep-22 runway connextion of N1 taxiway
amounting to JPY 637,702 and BDT 10,892,633 on 6th Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0492 20-Oct-22
- NOCD instructed variation for the supply and installation of Crack Reinforcing Materials for JPY
637,702 and BDT 10,892,633 on 20th Oct 2022.
- NOCD instructed to demolish the Airside office, therefore ADC submits the cost details under PS
Specification Div 80200-Demolition and Disposal of Existing Structures b) Existing Consultant's
EI-22-0007 5-Jan-22
Airside Office, in amounting BDT 1,922,189
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0165 24-Apr-22 Demolition of Exisitng Consultant’s Airside
168 Civil - ADC confirmed NOCD's assessment and submitted revised cost proposal JPY 834 and BDT
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0378 13-Sep-22 Office (Provisional Sum)
1,975,097 on 13th Sep 2022
L-ADC-22-0500 20-Oct-22
- NOCD issued VO for Demolition of Exisitng Consultant’s Airside Office in amount of JPY 834 and
BDT 1,975,097 to be paid under BOQ Div. 80200 on 20th Oct 2022
- Requested EI for change of fireproofing from Tender on 18 Oct 2021 (Cementitious →
- NOCD replied not to issue EI as it's not a VO asb Employer's reply to Tender was inappropriate
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0247 24-Oct-21 - Requested EI with the opinion that Tech Proposal & Tender Q&A have the reference of
L-ADC-21-0232 3-Nov-21 cementitous materials only for fireproof painting in ECT and ICT in Contract Docs on 10 Nov 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0275 10-Nov-21 Fireproofing paint for Steel Stair in ICT & - NOCD replied not to issue VO instruction on 16th Dec 2021
169 Building
L-ADC-21-0240 16-Nov-21 ECT - ADC submitted revised cost proposal for change in paint finish of ECT and ICT Stair Steel
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0383 18-Sep-22 Structure, for an amount of BDT 25,889,000 on 18th Sep 2022.
. L-ADC-22-0478 17-Oct-22 - NOCD disagree with ADC's use of the term “Variation” as the tender query implies that ADC is
permitted to use “Cementitious fireproofing” in the Cargo Terminal but its use is not mandatory and
selection of “Firefighting Paint” is merely choosing the available alternative and reverting to the
original specifications on 17th Oct 2022.
- Submitted the cost proposal amounting to JPY 4,138,568 for additional Edge Switches
170 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0423 16-Oct-22 Edge Switches for PA System
required in PA System refering to ERRI-22-0454 on 16th Oct 2022.
Additional Panel Boards for ACMV - Notified no panel boards in BOQ are shown for ACMV equipment in WSS and PWS which are
171 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0433 16-Oct-22
Equipment at WSS and PWS required as per contract drawings on 16th Oct 2022.
- Submitted cost proposal due to change in X-Ray machine from standalone type to start/stop type
172 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0434 16-Oct-22 Changes in HBSS Equipment and OOG Screening Machine coneection with Centralized Image Server refering to Engineer's
response to RFI (ERRI-22-0215) in amounting to JPY 3,117,393 on 16th Oct 2022.
- Requested Engineer's Instruction for Earthing pits for Apron Flood Lights that was rewuested by
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0142 16-Oct-22 Engineer's eamil (13th Oct 2022) which is additional works to the Contract on 16th Oct 2022.
173 M&E Earthing Pits for Apron Flood Lights
EI-22-0269 18-Oct-22 - NOCD requested ADC to take necessary action include the Earthing Pit in the construction work on
18th Oct 2022.
- Requested VO in amount of BDT 24,496,788 and BDT 62,267,517 on 16th Feb 2022
- Submitted the revised cost proposal for additional manhole, pipe culvert & U-ditch at Area-4 center
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0058 16-Feb-22 Landside drainage modification at VIP road
174 Civil considering revised shop drawing based on the Engineer’s comments in amount of JPY 30,057,456
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0058-01 25-Oct-22 C Area-4 Centre
and BDT 78,086,524 (Variation amount compared to the contractual scope JPY 10,544,294 and BDT
24,239,949) on 25th Oct 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 93 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested VO for cost impact due to change of OLTC Transformer brand on 15th Dec 2021
- Submitted VO amount in JPY 32,413,026 based on EDAC-22-0577 on 26th May 2022
- NOCD rejected ADC's cost proposal and further instructed to submit the revised VO proposal
without cost increase without delay on 4th Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0324 15-Dec-21
- Requested NOCD to approve VO proposal in the amount of JPY 32,413,026 with the clarification of
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0187 26-May-22
many reasons behind the cost increase of materials and equipments in global market, but not limited
L-ADC-22-0284 4-Jul-22
175 M&E Price Impact for the OLTC brand change to 600% increase in logistic cost, high currency fluctuation, impact of Covid-19 in production cost,
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0259 7-Jul-22
etc. on 7th Jul 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0369 12-Sep-22
- ADC expressed concern over prolonged duration (over 1 year) in approval of OLTC brand change
L-ADC-22-0498 20-Oct-22
and submitted revised proposal based on negotiation with supplier amounting JPY 27,243,483 on
12th Sep 2022.
- NOCD provided its analysis on the additional cost to changes of OLTC Brand in amount of
JPY 19,154,659 on 20th Oct 2022.

- Submitted cost proposal for the non-BOQ items of the damp proof membrane of trapezoidal
channel and pipe culvert works considering the similar item in the BOQ (Division 30401IC – Item
No.15) amounting to BDT 10,494,341 on 21st Jul 2022
- NOCD rejected VO as per the General Spec' BASIS OF PAYMENT for the Trapezoidal Channel
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0276 21-Jul-22
and Pipe Culverts stating the prices shall fully compensate the Contractor for furnishing all materials
L-ADC-22-0328 4-Aug-22 Provision of damp proof membrane for
176 Civil on 4th Aug 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0319 16-Aug-22 trapezoidal channel and pipe culvert works
- ADC Clarified ADC did not quote for damp proof membrane (polythene sheet) for it during the
L-ADC-22-0510 23-Oct-22
tender acc to its non-availablity in Contract Drawing of Trapezoidal Channel and Pipe Culvert and
requested NOCD to review and approve the cost proposal on 16th Aug 2022
- NOCD issued variation for the Provision of Damp Proof Membrane for Trapezoidal Channel and
Pipe Culvert Works of BDT 10,494,341 on 23rd Oct 2022.
EI-22-0042 13-Feb-22 - Request for VO for additonal Hoist Crane Runway at Generator House on 24th Feb 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0060 21-Feb-22 - Submitted cost proposal in amount of JPY 5,060,874 (remeasurement basis) on 9th Mar 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0077 9-Mar-22 Trial Excavation of Existing Sewer Pipe in - ADC confirmed its agreement with NOCD's assessment and submitted the revised cost proposal
177 Civil
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0358 4-Sep-22 Area 5 amounting to JPY 2,745 and BDT 51,767.
L-ADC-22-0516 24-Oct-22 - NOCD approved variation for the Trial Excavation of the Existing Sewer Pipe in Area 5 for an
L-ADC-22-0518 24-Oct-22 amount of JPY 2,745 and BDT 51,767 on 24th Oct 2022.
- Submitted cost proposal in amount of JPY 281,225 and BDT 974,646 on 4th Aug 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0302 4-Aug-22 - Submitted revised Cost proposal in agreement with Engineer's assessment amounting JPY
178 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0365 8-Sep-22 Additional Pipe Culvert at Service Road 7 283,217 and BDT 974,646 on 8th Sep 2022
L-ADC-22-0511 23-Oct-22 - NOCD issued variation for the Additional Pipe Culvert at Service Road 7 amounting JPY 283,217
and BDT 974,646 on 23rd Oct 2022.

- Request for VO for additional milling work in different depth (0~240mm) of asphalt at N1 taxiway
connection area in amount of BDT 4,966,299 on 3rd Mar 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0078 3-Mar-22
Additional Milling Work at N1 Taxiway - Submitted revised cost in agreement with the Engineer’s assessment in BDT 5,067,822 on 2 Oct
179 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0409 2-Oct-22
Connection 2022
L-ADC-22-0512 23-Oct-22
- NOCD issued variation for the Additional Milling Work at N1 Taxiway Connection amounting
BDT 5,067,822 on 23rd Oct 2022.

- Noticed additional cost to be incurred to change the racks from standard racks to sesmic tracks for
other ELV system except for SCN system is amounting to approx. USD 1.4 Mil. on 18th Oct 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0139 18-Oct-22
- NOCD requested ADC to use the seismic structured type for all typoe racks without any additional
180 M&E L-ADC-22-0495 20-Oct-22 Racks for ELV System
cost on 20th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0153 26-Oct-22
- Requested NOCD to issue the EI to change other system racks to seismic racks as ADC sugested
as previous letter on 26th Oct 2022

- Submitted cost proposal due to changes in VB-1 (Valve Box) location inside the POCL Tank Farm
EI-22-0257 2-Oct-22 amounting to JPY 2,857,492 and BDT 1,040,534 on 19th Oct 2022.
VB-1 (Valve Box) Location Change inside
181 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0438 19-Oct-22 - NOCD rejected ADC's proposal of unit rate adjustment taking into account that it does not the
POCL Tank Farm
L-ADC-22-0503 23-Oct-22 matter of GCC 12.3 ('Evaluations') and cost adjustment proposal considering coefficient change
(BBS) is in discussion on 23rd Oct 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 94 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- ADC notified NOCD regarding non-availability of working area in pier extension Site and stated that
Contractor shall be entitled to claim an extension of time and additional costs associated with this
event on 11th Oct 2022.
- NOCD states that, since there is no official contract for the pier extension ADC is not entitled to
claim an Extension of Time (EOT) and additional costs referring to any sub-causes on 16th Oct
- Clarified that works were executed as per EI & Contractor had to comply to such requirements
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0416 11-Oct-22
under Variation (13.1) and Contractor will be entitled for EOT & additional cost for idling of equipment
L-ADC-22-0470 16-Oct-22
Update of Hindrances in Piling Works of which had not been able to utilized properly for pier extension work on 23rd Oct 2022.
182 Building-1 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0447 23-Oct-22
Pier Extension - NOCD clearly notify that, a) scope of work: piles for pier extension plus the original contract, and b)
L-ADC-22-0517 24-Oct-22
construction period: until 6th April, 2024 has not been extended in ADC's latest submitted schedule
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0457 25-Oct-22
and if Contractor consider to be entitled to issue claims it should submit supporting documents such
as a bar chart schedule on 24th Oct 2022.
- Notified that, necessary documents for the Engineer’s determination will be submitted in due
course after quantification of duration and associated cost and that the Contractor has no obligation
to proceed with additional works (i.e., the Pier Extension and so on) unless there are agreed costs
for additional works and formal contract amendment to reflect such agreement on 25th Oct 2022.

- NOCD instructed changes on Mechanical System at IPP for Distribution (5th Apr 2021, 20th Mar
EI-21-0072 5-Apr-21
183 M&E EI-22-0082 20-Mar-22 Changes in Mechanical System at IPP
- Submitted variation cost proposal in amount of JPY 4,899,065 and BDT 1,023,414 on 27th Oct
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0452 27-Oct-22
Final Layout and Detail for Permanent - Requested EI regarding final layout for draignage along Road-1 and Road 3-3 along the
184 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0462 2-Nov-22
Drainage of EDW (Highway Side) Mymensingh highway with official confiramation on 2nd Nov 2022.
- Submitted cost proposal for abortive work for Landside Drainage Manhole & Pipe Culvert in Area-4
Final Layout and Detail for Permanent
185 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0465 3-Nov-22 in amount of JPY 179,611 and BDT 965,576 refered Engineer's response (ERRI-22-0365) on 3rd
Drainage of EDW (Highway Side)
Nov 2022
- Requested VO for the design of Decorated Screen in MLCP that not reflected in Contract BOQ
and approval of artist out of the submitted sample design on 13th Dec 2021
- Submitted VO amount (JPY 218,114,934 and BDT 23,199,237) on 22nd May
- Submitted cost proposal for 3 artists amounting JPY 11,791,140, JPY 14,292,291 and JPY
12,719,677 including cost of sample design for an amount of JPY 933,962 and requested for
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0318 13-Dec-21 approval on 17th Jul 2022
L-ADC-21-287 26-Dec-21 - Requested NOCD to review and approve the Contractor's cost proposal under the principle of
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0003 04-Jan-22 measurement from the FIDIC Contract Guide (Design Screen to be measured as Lump-sum / BOQ
L-ADC-22-0016 17-Jan-22 not contain this item) on 21st Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0202 22-May-22 - ADC informed that it cannot agree with NOCD's contention and clarified its stand and requested to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0264 17-Jul-22 arrange dispute board if NOCD does not agree with the Contractor's clarification on 16th Aug 2022.
186 Building-2 L-ADC-22-0298 20-Jul-22 Design of Decorated Screen in MLCP - NOCD issued its interpretation and final determination as rejection of ADC's proposal considering
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0278 21-Jul-22 BOQ item is intended to include all related scope and the missing items should be distributed among
L-ADC-22-0348 10-Aug-22 the rates and prices entered for related Items, thus there is no conflict between General principles of
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0318 16-Aug-22 BOQ and Subclause 12.3 on 23rd Oct 2022.
L-ADC-22-0508 23-Oct-22 - Submitted cost proposal for missing scope of work deemed to be included in the BOQ and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0454 25-Oct-22 Specification for “Expanded Mesh Screen with Powder Coating”; and Change in the method for the
L-ADC-22-0550 3-Nov-22 decorated screen’s design and painting in amount of JPY 263,175,704 and BDT 27,632,134 on 25th
Oct 2022.
- NOCD rejected proposal on following grounds: (1) it is irrational that expanded mesh with powder
coating is missed from BOQ considering that is main object, (2) other items in cost proposal like
signage, frame, etc. are miscellaneous accessories of decorated screen and clearly drawn in
contract drawings, (3) change in dimension of hole is normal on 3rd Nov 2022
- Recommends the conversion of the CATV system to the IPTV in light of the following particulars
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0164 24-Apr-22
and cost-saving benefits, VE of JPY 10,750,594 whereas the Employer will save JPY 5,375,297
L-ADC-22-0466 16-Oct-22 Value Engineering (VE) proposal for the
187 M&E - NOCD declared the closing of VO discussion as per its letter L-CLEN-22-1315 (18th Sep. 2022),
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0137 20-Oct-22 IPTV
where it consented in favour of the proposal, without additional cost on 16th Oct 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0168 7-Nov-22
- Requested NOCD to confirm to proceed with LSZH cable for Radio System on 7th Nov 2022
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 95 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Based on Chairman's confirmation regarding cost escalation factor, ADC requested new cost
Request for Application of Revised Cost
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0390 21-Sep-22 escalation factor based on PWD’s cost data effective from 21st June 2022 on 21st Sep 2022.
188 Common Escalation Factor Effective from 21st Jun
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0479 15-Nov-22 - Requested NOCD to make fair determination within 28 days from the date of this letter on 15th Nov
- ADC worked out the rates for the different types of Duct banks that are required to be installed in
the entire Project & the total expected Variation amount for the Duct bank Works of the Project as
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0219 1-Jun-22 compared to the original Contract amount is JPY -536,171,434 and BDT 952,118,817
EI-22-0193 31-Jul-22 - Notified NOCD the design changes of the utility duct bank of the Airside in Area 3-1 (EDAC-22-
EDAC-22-1194 7-Aug-22 Cost proposal of Changed Design for Duct 1194) is to cause additional duck bank works and requested to issue EI & VO on 14th Aug 2022.
189 Civil
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0312 14-Aug-22 Bank - Submitted revised cost proposal due to changes in status of drawings from previous submission
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0481 14-Nov-22 amounting to JPY (701,623,405) and BDT 1,496,296,040 on 14th Nov 2022.
L-ADC-22-0137 28-Feb-23 - NOCD requested ADC to reduce VE cost considering ADC didn not maintain the duct bank
proposed length and duct bank working layout plan according to VE proposal as a result increasing
the cost of Duct Bank Work on 28th Feb 2023.
- NOCD forwarded BUET opinion, wherein it is stated that the cost proposal regarding the material of
drainage layer of apron pavement to be included in the value engineering proposal of the Contractor
on 17th Oct 2022.
L-ADC-22-0479 17-Oct-22
- Notified disagreement with the BUET's opinion (the cost proposal regarding the material of drainage
190 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0294 15-Nov-22 Drainage layer of Apron Pavement work
layer of Apron pavement to be included in the VE proposal of the Cotractor considering drainage
L-CLEN-22-1702 15-Nov-22
layer was not changed due to VE and requested NOCD's fair and reasonable action on 15th Nov
- NOCD requested CAAB to take necessary actions on 15th Nov 2022
- Submitted New Rate for reinforcement bars in EDW Works considering increased qunatities (BOQ
7,174 tons → Projection 10,896.25 tons) in amount of JPY 158,230 and BDT 44,507 per Ton
(remeasurement basis) on 10th Mar 2022
- NOCD informed that the estimated quantities are not yet verified and final and hence, at this point,
the Engineer is not in a position to permit revising the unit rate of BOQ Item 20230/1.4 High Yield
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0083 10-Mar-22
L-ADC-22-0431 26-Sep-22 Reinforcement Bars on 26th Sep 2022 -> to be re-measured based on clear demarcation of EDW
191 Civil Reinforcement Bars in EDW Works area only
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0471 10-Nov-22
L-ADC-22-0591 15-Nov-22 - Pointwise clarified that qty is based on approved shop drawing (BOQ 7,174 tons → SD 11,265.08
tons) and provided breakdown of materials, cut bend installation which has a direct impact on
increase of rates and requested to approve new rate of JPY 158,230 and BDT 44,507 per Ton on
10th Nov 2022.
- NOCD rejected the ADC's cost proposal with the opinion of disagreement on 'Direct cost' increase
and 'cut, bend &installation' impact submitted in the previous letter on 15th Nov 2022.
- Requested to issue EI to start the construction of road A-4 and the draignage structure whose
Obstruction in Construction of Road A-4
192 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0326 10-Nov-22 alignment overlaps existing Signboards with the clarification whether the sign boards shall be
and Drainage due to Biman Signboards
demolished as per the Contract drawing or relocated as per Biman's request on 10th Nov 2022.
- Referring to ERRI-22-0493, agreed to install granite bollard at "no additional cost " on 10th Nov
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0478 10-Nov-22
Change of Concrete Bollard to Granite 2022.
193 Building L-ADC-22-0586 13-Nov-22
Bollard in Terminal-3 - NOCD acknowledged the proposed payment calculation process for the Granite Bollards on 14th
L-ADC-22-0586-01 14-Nov-22
Nov 2022
- Submitted cost proposal in amount of JPY 2,987,981 and BDT 683,825 for changes in ACMV
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0446 23-Oct-22 system at IPR (based on ERRI-21-0410 and ERRI-21-0182) on 23rd Oct 2022
194 M&E Changes in ACMV System in IPR
EI-22-0305 17-Nov-22 - NOCD issued 6 conditions for the cost proposal on 17th Nov 2022
(i.e., Variation cost won’t it acceptable 22.7% higher BOQ unit rate, etc.)
Pavement Work of Road A-4 and Road-N - Based on EI-21-0095 & EI-22-0258 submitted cost proposal for pavement works of Road A-4 and
195 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0494 17-Nov-22
Entrance in Area-5 Road-N entrance in Area5, amounting to JPY 23,700,320 and BDT 26,772,349 on 17th Nov 2022

- Submitted the cost proposal for executing the additional sewage line work for TE3 pier extension
(south and north) amounting to JPY 8,649,277 and BDT 23,710,348 including rate adjustment by
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0397 22-Sep-22 Additional Sewage Line for Pier Extension
196 Civil 22.7% on 22nd Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0610 22-Nov-22 (South & North)
- NOCD approved the tentative amount of JPY 8,649,277 and BDT 23,710,348 which shall be finally
approved after the confirmation of the Government’s Purchase Committee on 21st Nov 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 96 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested Engineer's quick resolution on the Lighting Fixture and EI in case changing of
Manufacturer from the China/Korea to Europe as NOCD commented
- NOCD noticed Lighting Fixture to be provided as Philips brand with European country of origin for
all lighting fixtures in the project, except for the ECT/ICT and for ECT/ICT, Maltani brand with Korean
country of origin may be used if accompanied by CE certification to be applied on 4th Jul 2022
- Submitted VO amount(JPY 1,216,717,514) for reasons already mentioned in previous letters on 28
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0088 19-Dec-21 Aug 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0193 18-May-22
- NOCD instructed to procure the lighting material product for T3 immediately from Philip factories
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0037 3-Jun-22
and raised its objections to ADC's submitted EOT Claim on 29 Aug and ADC Informed that PO is not
L-ADC-22-0235 5-Jun-22
proceeded unless price confirmation is granted and requested to streamline the approval process on
L-ADC-22-0285 4-Jul-22
1 Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0310 26-Jul-22
- NOCD informed referring to the meeting of NOCD and ADC with the Chairman, CAAB that, the
L-CLEN-22-1067 7-Aug-22
Lighting Fixture Brand shall be Philips accompanied by CE or ENEC certification and also confirmed
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0063 8-Aug-22
that, no variation of cost shall be accepted on 5th Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0338 8-Aug-22
- Notified the relevant issues of VO and additional time, caused by the Engineer’s multiple
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0072 17-Aug-22
197 M&E Lighting Fixture Sample Instructions regarding T3 Lighting Fixture Brand on 11th Sep 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0315 28-Aug-22
- NOCD noticed there shall be no cost variation or additional cost for the Philips brand Lighting
L-ADC-22-0379 29-Aug-22
Fixture to be supplied within required timeframe and reqested the Lighting Fixtures of Philips in
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0347 1-Sept-22
compliance with technical specification on 6th Oct 2022.
L-ADC-22-0395 5-Sep-22
- Clarified that ADC has strong entitlement for the cost variation, abortive costs and EOT due to
L-ADC-22-0398 5-Sep-22
change in Lighting Fixtures brand from Maltani to Philips considering lost of chance to negotiate with
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0354 11-Sep-22
the supplier due to Engineer's instruction to go for 'Philips' brand from 'Maltani' approved by the
L-ADC-22-0457 6-Oct-22
Engineer on 22nd Oct 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0427 22-Oct-22
- NOCD notified that Variation claim for the cost increasement is not acceptable considering ①
L-ADC-22-0536 30-Oct-22
Philips is one of the nominated manufacturers and the Country of Origin is Korea, China and India in
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0503 24-Nov-22
Attachment #8-2 ② CAAB can preferentially select a manufacturer listed by ADC at the Contract
nego stage, ③ NOCD's final instruction regarding manufacturer of Lighting Fixture is Philips with no
condition on Country of Origin
- Requested NOCD to make a fair determination taking due regard of all relevant circumstances
within 28 days → If not, this issue shall be resolved via Dispute Board on 24th Nov 2022.

- Submitted cost proposal for IPP and IPR to cover Missing Items of BOQ amounting to JPY
199,686,132 and BDT 24,417,286 on 2nd Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0405 2-Oct-22
Revised BOQ for IPP and IPR to cover - NOCD requested ADC to revise the quantity in a provisional quantity considering not only the
198 Common L-ADC-22-0614 24-Nov-22
Missing Items of BOQ addition of Missing Items, but also the quantity and Contract Amount for all items to understand the
L-ADC-22-0614 (same) 27-Nov-22
approximate amount of Overall Variation on 24th Nov 2022
- NOCD issued a letter with same reference number on 27th Nov 2022.
- Based on EAC-22-1629, submitted Cost proposal for change in dimension of aluminium nosing at
MLCP amounting to BDT 602,586 on 28 Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0519 28-Nov-22 Change in dimension of Aluminium nosing
199 Building-2 - NOCD cancelled EAC-22-1629 and informed that original design shown in contract drawing shall
L-ADC-23-0081 1-Feb-23 of Staircase at MLCP
prevail and requested ADC to submit revised RFA for MLCP stair nosing and there shall be no
changes in cost on 1st Feb 2023.

- Requested EI to claim for additional cost implications according to new model for glass elevator
bollard on 20th Sep 2022.
- NOCD replied that the Contractor cannot claim either Variation cost or Expansion of Time due to no
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0110 20-Sep-22 indication of different origin for bollard from elevator car origin in Bid documents specification
L-ADC-22-0440 28-Sep-22 (Section-IV, Division 40100, Chapter 5.3) on 28th Sep 2022.
Change in Bollard Design for Glass Lift,
200 M&E EI-22-0282 27-Oct-22 - NOCD approved the modified Bollard Design for Glass lift without VO and EOT on 27th Oct 2022.
Escalator and Moving walk
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0160 1-Nov-22 - Requested NOCD's revision of EI for the design change of the Square plate shape Bollard,
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0183 28-Nov-22 requested by the NOCD (EDAC-22-1019) on 1st Nov 2022.
- Requested NOCD's confirmation of COO of Raw material (Europe) and Fabrication (Bangladesh)
of TE3 Bollard design for Glass Lifts, Escalators, Moving walks and Wide Dooe jamb for Elevators
on 28th Nov 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 97 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested VO as CAAB select French factory's acc to the condition of attachment #8-1 Major
Imported Itmes, "the cost impact of the upgraded item from ADC's original proposal shall be handled
by VO during execution period" (27 Jul 2021)
- Requested VO for cost impact due to uprgade of LV Switchgear by changing supplier with cost
proposal amounting to JPY 626,004,763 on 15th Dec 2021
- NOCD issued EI for cancelation of Quotation from Schneider, France for LV Switchgear on 26 Dec
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0046 27-Jul-21 2021
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0294 26-Dec-21 - ADC requested VO based on Korea assembly acc to change of COO from original supplier in
EI-21-0238 26-Dec-21 bidding stage on 27th Dec. 2021 and NOCD replied the Original manufacturer and COO was
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0341 27-Dec-21 "Schneider", not local Korean brands on 23rd Mar 2022and requested VO in amount of JPY
Upgrade of manufacturing country of Low
201 M&E L-ADC-22-0127 23-Mar-22 749,210,825 acc to the change of COO based on Korea assembly refering to Employer's decision
Voltage Switchgear
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0122 3-Apr-22 10th Oct 2021
L-ADC-22-0285 4-Jul-22 - NOCD noticed LV switchgear model and manufacturer clarified to be made directly by Schneider,
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0058 30-Jul-22 not by any OEM assembler on 4th Jul 2022.
L-ADC-22-0620 29-Nov-22 - Notified NOCD that delay in approval of LV Switchgear cost proposal will delay in subsequent
activities on 30th Jul 2022.
- NOCD informed that they : (1) accepted 6 nos 110V 120AH BATTERY CHARGER for T3
Substation from proposed 11 nos quantity; (2) not accepte Logistics Cost : DAP (THINKING); (3) not
accept 15.8% of overhead on the commissioning cost; (4) not accept the contractor proposed rate
for MDB for Others Building, increase 141.79% to 855.26% more higher from Contract BOQ Rate on
29th Nov 2022.

Relocation of BTCL's cable route at Pier

- Submitted Cost proposal from subcontractor for BTCL cable relocation amounting to BDT
202 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0516 29-Nov-22 37 at North EDW and the EDW South (P-1
9,377,337 on 29th Nov 2022.
to P-4)

- Requested VO for drainage modification including additional Manhole, Con'c pipe & Uditch at Area-4
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0236 10-Oct-21
Additional Manhole, Con'c pipe & Uditch at North part-A in amount of JPY 521,138 and BDT 1,411,477 on 10th Oct 2021
203 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0240 19-Oct-21
Area-4 North part-A - Submitted the revised cost proposal amounting to JPY 1,010,399 and BDT 2,639,319 with a net
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0529 5-Dec-22
Variation of JPY (225,427) and BDT (709,940) on 5th Dec 2022
- Requested NOCD to issue EI for
L-ADC-22-0632 30-Nov-22 Shifting communication cable from Securit
204 M&E shifting communication cable from Security wall near Export Cargo area for cost proposal on 4th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0522 04-Dec-22 y wall near Export Cargo area
Dec 2022.
- Requested VO for additional Grease Trap for Kitchen Drainage at RFFS on 28th Mar 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0112 28-Mar-22 - Submitted cost for non-BOQ item of grease trap in RFSS amounting JPY 8,602,047 & BDT
Additional Grease Trap for Kitchen
205 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0303 3-Aug-22 2,205,549 on 3 Aug 2022
Drainage at RFFS
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0546 14-Dec-22 - Submitted revised cost as per NOCD comments amounting to JPY 282,464 and BDT 24,998 on
14th Dec 2022.

- ADC’s proposal to use the Prisma P model of Schneider LV Switchgear. NOCD recommended the
Schneider Blockset or Okken type as preferable. The manufacturer Schneider with COO was
proposed and in Contract Attachment # 8. Hence, ADC will claim for additional Cost and Time.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0038 3-Jun-22 Requested to expedite the confirmation process. NOCD stated EOT claim is not acceptable on 5th
L-ADC-22-0236 5-Jun-22 Jun 2022
206 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0058 30-Jul-22 Selection of LV Switchgear model - Noticed that ADC reserves right to claim for additional Cost and Time due to delay in approval on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0537 15-Dec-22 30th Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0105 27-Feb-23 - Submitted variation Cost for LV Switchgear based on Manufacturing COO amounting to JPY
476,093,111 and BDT 2,147,275 on 15th Dec 2022
- Submitted revised variation cost proposal amounting JPY 455,413,113 and BDT 1,844,166 on 27th
Feb 2023.
- Requested NOCD to issue EI for the oil transformer installation (based on ERRI-21-0501-01) on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0120 26-Sep-22
26th Sep 2022.
207 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0159 31-Oct-22 Oil Transformer Installation
- Requested NOCD to issue EI again on 31st Oct 2022
EI-22-0333 12-Dec-22
- NOCD issued Oil Transformer base and trench plan (drawing) on 12th Dec 2022

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 98 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested VO by selecting one out of 2 alternatives (French or China factory) as planned
Indonesian factory is closed (27 Jul 2021) and submitted VO value in amount of JPY 501mil on 9th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-21-0045 27-Jul-21
- Resubmitted cost proposal amounting to JPY 191,183,558 based on the commercial discussion
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0136 9-Apr-22
Change of manufacturing country of with NOCD & CAAB (L-CLEN-21-0614, 14th Aug. 2021) for 11kV/400V Transformer on 15th Oct
208 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0426 15-Oct-22
11kV/400V Transformer 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0496 20-Nov-22
- Resubmitted VO request for dry transformers post discussion with NOCD regarding cost
L-ADC-22-0651 13-Dec-22
breakdown amounting to JPY 182,042,698 on 20th Nov 2022.
- NOCD approved variation order cost amounting JPY 435,186,832 and BDT 3,948,120 on 13th Dec
Request for VO of Third Party material test - Submitted cost proposal for total expenses incurred in 3rd party material test for Electrical works
209 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0545 14-Dec-22
for Electrical Works amounting to BDT 823,799 on 14th Dec 2022
- Requested EI for unusual request/practice of Uplink Modules and SFP Transceiver (switches filled
Request for EI – Additional Uplink Modules
210 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0194 11-Dec-22 with all spare SFP Transceiver and Distribution switch consider to fill 30% spare SFP Tranceiver) on
and SFP Transceivers
11th Dec 2022
- Requested EI for relocation of access road and gate of Padma Oil for the smooth operation of the
Request for Engineer’s Instruction for
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0369 11-Dec-22 Project activities as per the traffic diversion plan for Padma Oil Temp Con'c pavement access road
211 Civil relocation of access road and gate of
L-CLEN-22-1956 22-Dec-22 on 11th Dec 2022
Padma Oil
- NOCD forwarded the Contractor's request for EI to the Employer for their action on 22nd Dec 2022.

- Requested to issue a Variation Order Instruction for additional rainwater gutter for E/J of MLCP roof
212 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0530 18-Dec-22 Additional Gutter in MLCP and ECT slab and ECT balcony which was clarified by the Engineer but not reflected in the Contract
Drawings/BOQ on 18th Dec 2022.
- Requested NOCD to issue EI for the requirement of BMS in other buildings and necessary design
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0114 29-Sep-22 BMS Monitoring for Switchgear in Other
213 M&E drawings on 29th Sep 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0201 18-Dec-22 Buildings
- Requested NOCD to issue EI once again on 18th Dec 2022
Additional electrical works for Exterior - Requested NOCD to issue EI for additional Electrical works for Exterior Signage of TE3, ECT, ICT
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0128 10-Oct-22
214 M&E Signage for T3, ECT, ICT and MCP and MCP Buildings based on ERRI-22-0459 on 10th Oct 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0201 18-Dec-22
Buildings - Requested NOCD to issue EI once again on 18th Dec 2022
- Submitted the MLCP XPM Lotus Screen lighting concept, simulation and cost proposal for an
estimated amount of USD 100,000 and requested EI according to the Chairman (CAAB) decision in
the metting (24th Feb 2022) on 2nd Jun 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0222 2-Jun-22 - Requested EI again on 29th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0158 29-Oct-22 - NOCD issued instruction for XPM lotus Screen Lighting on 17th Nov 2022. :
215 M&E XPM Lotus Screen Lighting in MLCP
EI-22-0306 17-Nov-22 ① lights at 6m interval, ② light fixture details submission, ③ basket size and shape,
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0204 20-Dec-22
④ cost breakdown for Engineer's evaluation
- Requested the Engineer to provide the drawings, design details (revised lighting layout,
specification etc.) of MLCP XPM Lotus Screen Lighting on 20th Dec
- NOCD requested ADC to submit the breakdowns of the original contract of the following items and
manufacture’s quotation of handhole pit cover for further evaluation on 9th June 2022
- NOCD issued VO for the new item cost as per the change of AGL system considering the aspect
of technical and AGL maintenance amounting JPY 117,291,602.68 and BDT 170,235,195.50 on 20th
Jul 2022
- Responded that NOCD to consider only 10% as the combined indirect cost and profit, instead of
06-Apr-22, 06-Apr-22
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0128 25.8% as per Att#20 of Contract and requested NOCD to re-evaluate the cost proposal on 21st Jul
L-ADC-22-0243 2022
L-ADC-22-0299 - NOCD clarified only the Contractor’s “overhead and profit” of 10% to be added due to indirect cost
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0275 in the Contractor's claim already included in the Subcontractor’s proposal on 29th Aug 2022.
21-Jul-22 Variation Order for the New Item cost as
L-ADC-22-0380 - Requested NOCD to revise evaluation for the variation cost for the changed AGL system as the
29-Aug-22 per change of AGL System
216 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0346 Contractor is practically not allowed to use the Subcontractor’s Indirect Cost under the Subcontract
L-ADC-22-0394 or law on 1st Sep 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0372 - NOCD clarified that ADC’s claim for the indirect cost related work has already been done in actual
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0472 field work, therefore, only the Contractor’s “overhead and profit of 10% was added on 5th Sep 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0472-01 - ADC disagree with NOCD and requested to issue Engineer's determination within 28 days as per
L-ADC-22-0658 Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determination] on 15th Sep 2022.
- Reminded NOCD to approve revised Variation Cost of JPY (12,008,869) and BDT 156,039,086 on
21 Nov 2022
- Submitted revised cost of JPY (45,452,514) and BDT 152,547,579 and requested to approve on 4th
Dec 2022
- NOCD issued the Variation Order for the New Item revised cost of JPY (45,452,514) and BDT
152,547,579 and superseded letter no 0299 dtd 20th Jul, on 19th Dec 2022

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 99 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

- Submitted cost proposal for landside drainage modification at Airside drainage Area 3-1 Part C
EI-22-0133/0170/0186 10Jun~27-Jul-22
Landside Drainage Modification at Airside amounting (Cost Saving) to JPY (10,829,970) and BDT (16,377,180) on 21st Nov 2022
217 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0498 21-Nov-22
Drainage Area 3-1 Part-C - Submitted cost proposal for pavement works in RFFS area and retention pond-6 in Area 3-1
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0569 28-Dec-22
amounting to JPY 32,732,667 and BDT 54,512,433 on 28th Dec 2022

- Submitted Cost proposal for: Force Majure event (lightning strike) amounting JPY 3,115 and BDT
Lightning Strike on N1 Rapid Taxiway and 35,887; Demolition & repair of existing pipe culvert amounting JPY 10,361 and BDT 53,029 on 11th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0422 11-Oct-22 for Demolition & Repair of Existing Pipe Oct 2022
218 Civil - Agreed to NOCD's assessment & submitted revised Cost ① for FM event amounting JPY 2,539.40
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0559 28-Dec-22 Culvert Headwall Besides Airside Service
Road 2 and BDT 6,016.48, ② Demolition & repair of existing pipe culvert amounting JPY 8,444 & BDT
42,966 on 28 Dec 2022

- Submitted additional cost impact (BDT 557,941,935) due to the change in brand of Doors and
Windows to "Hormann-Germany" on 18th Apr 2022.
- NOCD informed that CAAB verbally approved Hormann with the conditions on 29th May. ADC
submitted revised Cost Impact of BDT 476,519,600 on 6th Jun 2022
- NOCD confirmed VO amount (BDT 476,519,600) for change to “Hormann” Brand on 15th Jun
- NOCD reuqested ADC to submit latest Hormann VO amount for T3 on 7th Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0146 18-Apr-22
- NOCD informed that, as per Technical meeting with Chairman, CAAB agreed to use China and
L-ADC-22-0188-05 29-May-22
Thailand Origin Doors and windows as per Attachment#8 for T3 and Other buildings on 11th Dec
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0228 6-Jun-22
L-ADC-22-0188-06 15-Jun-22
- Informed NOCD about the delay in finalization of Door brand and that original supplier's price in
L-ADC-22-0188-07 11-Oct-22
Cost impact due to Hormann-Germany Contract vs new quotation difference can't be established due to validity lapse and market conditions
219 Building L-ADC-22-0422-02 7-Dec-22
brand of Doors and Windows on 13th Dec 2022
L-ADC-22-0422-03 11-Dec-22
- NOCD requested to: (1) Follow the original BOQ unit rate for China/Thailand origin Doors, (2) In
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0536 13-Dec-22
case of any additional work cost, submit officially; (3) Acknowledged “Claim for additional time" on
L-ADC-22-0422-04 14-Dec-22
14th Dec 2022
L-ADC-22-0422-05 21-Dec-22
- NOCD requested to use following manufacturers: Wooden Door, Fire Door from “Arctic Star”
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0572 29-Dec-22
(China), Rolling Shutter, Fire Door from “KSS” (Thailand), Steel Fire Door from “Classic Door”
(Thailand), and Aluminum Door Window from “ROPO” (China), “Tostem” (Thailand) and also
requested to submit Manufacturers’ experience on 21st Dec 2022
- ADC submitted brand and manufacturer information of steel door, timber door, rolling shutter,
aluminium door due to cancellation of confirmed variation for "Hormann" brand manufacturer on 29th
Dec 2022

- As per ERRI-22-0626 skim coat finishing under trench to be provided, hence requested EI on 28th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0566 28-Dec-22
220 Building Skim Coat finishing of trench Dec 2022
EI-22-0361 29-Dec-22
- NOCD issued EI for the application of CSA finishing instead of SKM on 29th Dec 2022.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 100 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested VO for Seating, Counters and Charging Stations with cost proposal of each options on
20 Apr 2022
- Submitted re-negotiated proposals from CCM, Italy & RAY-PAE JV & recommended for appointing
CCM, Italy with an amount of BDT 728,065,899 and Variation Amount of BDT 456,561,884 on 26th
Jun 2022
- NOCD technically accepted CCM products on all items but asked ADC for discount in CCM on 25th
Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0147 20-Apr-22 - Submitted discounted amount of BDT 669,820,627 with VO amount of BDT 398,316,612 on 31st
L-ADC-22-0213 23-May-22 Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0208 24-May-22 - NOCD issued the approval to: (1) CCM, Italy as the sub-contractor for the Counter and Charging
L-ADC-22-0216 25-May-22 Stations with VO keeping the design and all the other specification same as original contract.; (2)
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0240, 0280 26-Jun-22, 24-Jul-22 Discounted price proposal of 4.4 mil USD; (3) Factory mock up. Requested ADC to submit the
L-ADC-22-0308 25-Jul-22 revised BOQ on 30th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0292 28-Jul-22 - Submitted revised BOQ amounting to JPY 498,716,825 and BDT 408,858 with a net variation
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0291 31-Jul-22 amount of JPY 296,799,651 and △ BDT 1,175,862 on 1st Nov 2022.
L-ADC-22-0317 1-Aug-22 - Requested approve Seating subcontractor; either approve Matplaza or approve CCM with VO on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0310, 0321 7-Aug-22, 16-Aug-22 8th Nov 2022.
L-ADC-22-0385 1-Sept-22 - NOCD requested ADC to present CCM-Italy products complying with spec, and to fulfil the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0442 20-Oct-22 condition that Subcontractor must meet the experience duration as per project specification in
L-ADC-22-0317-02 24-Oct-22 related field on 13th Nov 2022
221 Building-1 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0456 25-Oct-22 VO for Furniture & Seating Works - NOCD introduced, (1) Infinite seating and Infinite Recliner from Zoeftig UK and (2) iMat 2 Seater, 4
L-ADC-22-0538 30-Oct-22 seater, Recliners seat from iMat Spain on 21st Nov 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0461, 0470 1-Nov-22, 8-Nov-22 - Submitted net percentage of Variation for M/s CCM, Italy, M/s Ray International and M/s Zoeftig UK
L-ADC-22-0317-03 13-Nov-22 for 164%, 327% and 197% respectively & informed that Zoeftig UK proposal is partial and does not
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0490 16-Nov-22 mention about airport experience on 24th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0495 20-Nov-22 - NOCD requested seating Manufacturers/Suppliers including iMat to submit their Seating product
L-ADC-22-0317-04 21-Nov-22 profile which complies with Project specifications (Option 1, Powder coated mild steel with
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0504 24-Nov-22 Upholstery) on 7th Dec 2022.
L-ADC-22-0317-05 7-Dec-22 - As per Technical meeting with CAAB PD, NOCD requested to present the specific model numbers
L-ADC-22-0317-06 11-Dec-22 for three options (Basic Option, Option-1 and Option-2) from Chinese Manufacturer “OSHUJIAN” on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0561 28-Dec-22 11th Dec 2022
L-ADC-23-0025 8-Jan-23 - Submitted details for 3 models of Seating together with the compliance statement on 28th Dec
L-ADC-23-0025-01 10-Jan-23 2022
L-ADC-23-0025-02 27-Feb-23 - NOCD requested to submit Option-01 and Option-02 unit rate in parallel with “Basic option” and in
case the Manufacturer “Oshujian” not able to provide them, ask other Manufacturers to provide
similar seating material, which strictly comply with the project specification on 8th Jan 2023.
- As per the technical discussion held on 10th Jan 2023, NOCD requested ADC to submit TE3
Seating type S1 and S2, Option-01 detail drawing and information from “Oshujian” to strictly comply
with project specs on 10th Jan 2023.
- NOCD requested to present VO amount in case of manufacturers “iMat” and “Kusch+co” for TE3
seating works on 27th Feb 2023.
- Requested VO(BDT 508,958) for the change in AHU capacities informed by the Engineer on 9th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0023 9-Feb-22 Change in Capacity of AHU-2-5 & AHU-2- Feb 2022
223 M&E
EI-22-0357 26-Dec-22 10 at T3 - NOCD instructed to proceed with the additional price of the submitted documents amounting to
JPY 508,958 on 26th Dec 2022
- Requested VO for elevator cabin size change, in amount of JPY 82,159,139 and BDT 1,323,932 but
NOCD declined VO and requested to use the unit rate of original contract on 28th Apr 2022
- ADC submitted revised VO amount (JPY 80,109,932 and BDT 1,323,932) cost for elevator cabin
capacity change to 20 persons in amount of on 16th Jun 2022
- NOCD issued instruction of the capacity of Passenger lift for arrival passengers (PL-W1, PL-W2,
PL-E3 and PL-W5) need to be increased 28-30 passengers and ADC to discuss with the related sub-
L-ADC-22-0190, 0198 26-Apr-22
contractor and take necessary steps to increase the passenger capacity on 21st Jun 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0175 9-Jun-22
- NOCD noticed the Employer's agreement on 25 pax cabin size for the elevators without effecting
L-ADC-22-0198-01 16-Jun-22
the shaft and fit size accord. to tech. meeting held on 30th Jun and requested ADC to submit detail
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0225 21-Jun-22
drawing, cost proposal and shipment schedule for this modification on 3rd Jul and ADC submitted
EI-22-0157 27-Jun-22
revised VO amount (JPY 73,144,627 and BDT 1,323,932) for the Cabin capacity change from 17
EI-22-0157-01 3-Jul-22
persons to 20 on 17th Jul 2022
EI-22-0157-02 17-Jul-22
- NOCD requested ADC to provide the information from sub-contractor, i) Present manufacturing
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0267 19-Jul-22 Request of VO for through-type elevator
224 M&E progress for Through type elevator. ii) Detail breakdown for the VO amount for through type elevator
EI-22-0157-03 08-Aug-22 cabin size
on 28th Aug 2022
L-ADC-22-0343 16-Aug-22
- Submitted final VO in amount of JPY 55,936,916 and BDT 1,323,932 on 2nd Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0068 28-Aug-22
- NOCD has no objection to the BDT 42,727,249.84 as VO amount and informed that NOCD has
L-ADC-22-0343-01 2-Oct-22
already issued Recommendation letter to CAAB on 18th Oct 22 and waiting for the response on 6th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0412 6-Nov-22
Nov 2022
L-ADC-22-0343-02 28-Nov-22
- Submitted revised cost proposal in amount of BDT 11,498,183 for Additional Safety SW & Handrail
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0497 21-Dec-22
change/ Additional opening for SL W1/Ladder for Elevators on 28th Dec 2022.
L-ADC-22-0343-03 27-Dec-22
- NOCD approved the VO amount for 2 lift items : Through-type elevator cabin size (BDT
42,727,249.84) and Additional Safety SW & Handrail change/ Additional opening for SL W1/Ladder
for Elevators (BDT 11,498,183) and issued issued Recommendation letter to CAAB on 21st Dec
- Requested NOCD to confirm VO in amount of JPY 27,682,902 and BDT 11,498,183 on 27th Dec

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 101 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested for VO for additional cost due to change in glass Elevator shaft overheads in amount of
JPY 36,910,536 on 16th Jun 2022.
- NOCD declined VO. Advised to retain the original contract document on 23rd Jun 2022.
- Informed that reversion of the steel structure at this stage is not possible and proposed revised VO
amount (JPY 29,158,842) on 17th Jul 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0233 16-Jun-22 - Submitted total Variation cost for overhead height change, additional landing of elevator no SL-W1
L-ADC-22-0266 23-Jun-22 and ladder amounting to JPY 27,682,902 and BDT 11,498,183 on 28th Nov 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0268 17-Jul-22 Additional cost due to change in glass - NOCD has no objection to the 2 lift items and approved the VO amounts: BDT 42,727,249.84 VO
225 M&E
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0497 28-Nov-22 Elevator shaft overheads (T3) amount for Through type Elevator cabin size change & BDT 11,498,183 VO amount for Additional
L-ADC-22-0343-03 21-Dec-22 Safety SW and Handrail change, Additional opening for SL W1 and Ladsafe solution for Elevator on
L-ADC-22-0343-04 29-Dec-22 21st Dec 2022.
- NOCD has no objection to the 2 lift items and approved the VO amounts on 29th Dec. :
① VO amount for Through type Elevator cabin size change (BDT 42,727,249.84)
② VO amount for Additional Safety SW and Handrail change, Additional opening for SL W1 and
Ladsafe solution for Elevator (BDT 11,498,183 and and JPY 27,682,902)
- Submitted cost proposal for changes in rain water storm drainage system for other buildings
Changes in Rain Water Collection System
226 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0552 22-Dec-22 (GH, WSS, STP, WPR and RFFS) as per EDACs amounting to JPY 20,075,508 and BDT
for Other Buildings
4,251,504 on 22nd Dec 2022
- Notified impediments in construction of Road A-4 beside the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway (i.e. Titas
227 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0005 2-Jan-23 Impediments in construction of Road A-4
Gas pipelines and a Manhole crossed the road alignment) and requested EI on 2nd Jan 2023.
- Submitted Cost proposal for additional sheet piling work between MLCP and EWD for an amount of
JPY 9,714,463 and BDT 35,,356,833 on 24th Apr 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0095 24-Apr-22 - NOCD approved VO alongwith other VOs on 11th Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0406 11-Sep-22 Additional Sheet Piling due to change in - ADC notified NOCD regarding previous approval of additional sheet pile work and uncertification in
228 Building
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0568 31-Dec-22 design and sequence IPA 26 and submitted VO amount (JPY 202,219,080 and BDT 69,066,240) with the request to
L-ADC-23-0015 2-Jan-23 reconfirm the same on 31st Dec 2022
- NOCD rejected by stating that temporary works are included in Contractor's price and NOCD did
not approve the variation previously on 2nd Jan 2023
- ADC notified NOCD about the events that have occurred during the course of the Tunnel works
(Design Change, Work Suspension, Directed Acceleration) and their impact on the work whose
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0349 4-Sep-22 details with cost breakdown and substantiation will be submitted in due course on 4th Sep 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0403 27-Sep-22 - Submitted cost proposal for reinstatement of asphalt pavement, footpath paving and drainage in
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0404 28-Sep-22 Tunnel area amounting to BDT 7,289,016 on 27th Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0453 6-Oct-22 - Submitted cost impact in the amount of JPY 10,774,025 and BDT 76,123,359 with respect to
229 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0283 11-Oct-22 Various Events occurred in Tunnel Works amount of work, sequence, construction method, and construction time due to activities of various
EI-22-0263 11-Oct-22 events such as design change, work suspension for 1 year and acceleration work to handover the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0408 12-Oct-22 Area to FDEE on 28 Sep 2022
L-ADC-22-0490 20-Oct-22 - NOCD requested ADC to make it clear that FDEE to be responsible for any problems arising from
maintenance and Highway road occupancy after handover on 11th Oct 2022.
- Submitted revised cost proposal for reinstatement of road pavement and drainage in Tunnel area
in amount of BDT 6,578,288 on 12th Oct 2022
- Requested VO for it in the amounting of JPT 297,119,032 and BDT 4,896,305 that not included in
respective divisions of the Contract BOQ on 6th Jun and NOCD noticed this is not considered as VO
for all of them is included in the cost amount of the Contractor on 20th Jun 2022
- ADC clarified EDS & CHS are considered seperate and the additional items will be a variation on 3
Jul 2022
- NOCD rejected ADC's reasoning on the ground that 'CHS Small Package Conveyor System is
deemed to be included in the BOQ' and 'BHS for T3 and CHS for ECT are fundamentally different' on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0207 06-Jun-22
26th Jul 2022.
L-ADC-22-0259 20-Jun-22
- Re-submitted the cost for the additional items required for it at ECT as per the revised unit rate
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0245 3-Jul-22
based on the Contract BOQ Division 40200 for an amount of JPY 364,565,053 and BDT 6,007,766
L-ADC-22-0311 26-Jul-22
on 28th Aug 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0322 28-Aug-22
230 M&E CHS Small Package Conveyor System - NOCD pointed out that it is unreasonable for ADC to consider the conveyor to be an EDS conveyor
L-ADC-22-0405 11-Sep-22
after looking at the drawings and specifications and the conveyor provided by the ADC is included in
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0482 15-Nov-22
the contract. Hence ADC should move forward with the design quickly on 11th Sep 2022.
L-ADC-22-0642 7-Dec-22
- Submitted revised cost proposal in amount of JPY 290,123,836 and BDT 4,782,427 with the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0542 17-Dec-22
agreement of including conveyors in the scope and the opinion of Automatic Sorting Materials not
L-ADC-23-0016 2-Jan-23
included in price estimation due to uncertain explanation in the Contract docs on 15th Nov 2022.
- NOCD replied that the Contrctor has an obligation to clarify specification requirements at the time of
bidding, not after contracting if there are any unknown issues on 7th Dec 2022.
- Notified that, ADC has submitted RFI with optional proposal of system, which might incur lower
cost and requested NOCD reply the RFI on 17th Dec 2022.
- NOCD requested ADC to submit “Request for Material approval” and “Manufacture approval” on
2nd Jan

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 102 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Submitted estimated cost reduction proposal amounting to BDT 465,973 due to change of sewage
tank from FRP tank to Concrete tank on 26th Nov 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0507 - NOCD replied not to accept the proposal to suggested change on 29th Nov 2022.
EI-22-0319 - Submitted revised cost reduction proposal amounting to BDT (1,730,293) on 13th Dec 2022
13-Dec-22 Cost Reduction Proposal for Concrete
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0544 - NOCD rejected ADC's proposal and instructed to install the FRP Tank as shown in Contract
231 M&E 17-Dec-22 Tank
L-ADC-22-0655 without delay on 17th Dec 2022
27-Dec-22 in lieu of FRP Tank in ECT and ICT
L-ADC-22-0678 - NOCD rejected ADC's proposal and instructed to install the FRP Tank as shown in Contract on
L-ADC-23-0020 27th Dec 2022
- NOCD confirmed that FRP tank should be installed in STP system of ECT & ICT area on 4th Jan
- Submitted Cost proposal for additional duct bank to pass the runway taxiway cables through S1
Duct bank for the Relocation of Runway &
232 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0006 4-Jan-23 taxiway, which was not in Contract drawing amounting to JPY 3,158,400 and BDT 11,972,874 on 4th
Taxiway Cable at S1 intersection
Jan 2023.
- Requested EI for Floor Coating at MLCP with Polyurethane Coating at the same rate in the BOQ of
ECT/ICT/FFS (BDT 2,022/m2) on 9th May 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0167 9-May-22 - NOCD replied, internal finishing schedule of drawing clearly mentioned floor finish at car parking
233 Building L-ADC-22-0477, L-ADC-22-0477-01 18-Oct-22 Floor Coating at Multi Level Car Parking and ramp area will be Urethan hardener finish and requested ADC that not be issued a variation
EI-23-0014 12-Jan-23 order for Urethan hardener finish at MLCP on 18th Oct 2022
- NOCD Suggested to provide epoxy paint (P6a) in typical and curved area in MLCP considering the
floor hardener with groove line to be applied ramp area without additional cost on 12th Jan
- Submitted cost proposal for the expenses incurred towards the completed cable relocation works
of DESCO cables executed by ADC from Gate-1 to Area-5 in amount of BDT 8,070,894 on 4th Oct
- NOCD requested ADC to take necessary action on 12th Oct 2022.
- Noticed NOCD the delay of shiting of the DESCO 33kV Cable Line T-3 Alignment (2-sets in Tunnel
area to be shifted by 7 meters / 3-sets of 33kV and BIMAN communication cable at the Northside to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0111, 0129 21-Sep-22, 2-Oct-22 be shofted by 5 meters) which is needed DESCO coordination urgently for on going Civil works on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0413 4-Oct-22 15th Oct 2022
L-ADC-22-0464 12-Oct-22 - Noticed NOCD the relocate DESCO cable to meet the deadline for handover Tunnel area to FDEE
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0141 15-Oct-22 that noticed several times to NOCD/CAAB in order to mitigate the delay impact on 18th/ 20th/ 22nd
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0292 18-Oct-22 Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0297 20-Oct-22 - Noticed NOCD the shifting of DESCO cables and rest of the conditions remains being to
Relocation Works of DESCO Cables
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0144 22-Oct-22 postponed to 30th Oct 2022 due to heavy rain and cyclone impact (24th Oct.) on 26th Oct 2022.
234 M&E Executed by Contractor from Gate-1 to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0149 26-Oct-22 - NOCD requested CAAB to send a letter to DESCO for revised cost estimate for the DESCO 33KV
L-CLEN-22-1911 14-Dec-22 Cable relocation works on 14th Dec 2022
EI-22-0358 27-Dec-22 - NOCD issued EI for ADC to do the making the excavation area of the Cable relocation route for the
L-CLEN-23-0022 2-Jan-23 DESCO Cables from Gate-01 to Terminal-1&2 junction point along the west side of the Highway
L-ADC-23-0028 9-Jan-23 on27th Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0017 10-Jan-23 - NOCD agreed with the DESCO’s revised cost estimates and recommended CAAB to deposit the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0110 2-Mar-23 claimed amount with BDT86,684,114 to DESCO by 19 February 2023 or ASAP on 2nd Jan
- Referring to ADC's cost proposal dtd 4th Oct 22, NOCD requested ADC to submit revised cost
claim with detailed measurement of works on 9th Jan 2023.
- Submitted revised cost proposal amounting to JPY 3,329,979 and BDT 4,046,694 on 10th Jan
- Requested for EI to carry our balance relocation in Zone 6 owing to delayed by DESCO on 2nd Mar
- Submitted Cost proposal for Tie down system for PBBs which is additional requirement to PBB
235 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0012 7-Jan-23 Tie Down System for PBBs
works in amount of JPY 4,991,682 and BDT 5,402,739 on 7th Jan
- Proposed to make con'c pedestal at bottom of steel structure column at ECT-ICT in order to
protect fire protection and requested EI with the sharing of additional cost implication (USD 46,041)
ADC-NOCD-RFI-BC2-23-1736 3-Jan-23 Con'c pedestal at bottom of steel structure on 3rd Jan. 2023
236 Civil ERRI-23-0028 15-Jan-23 column at ECT-ICT in order to protect fire - NOCD agreed to apply the con'c pedestal without additional cost on 15th Jan 2023
EI-23-0064 26-Feb-23 protection - NOCD instructed to proceed with the work of adding a concrete pedestal to cover the bottom of
steel structure column and requested to submit Cost proposal and request Variation Order on 26th
Feb 2023.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 103 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Requested NOCD to issue variation instruction for demolition of existing boundary wall and
installation of the temporary fence near ECT & ICT no later than 26th May on 22nd May 2022
- ADC has observed the presence telephone cables and optical fibre cables that are located on the
existing boundary wall that needs to be removed on 12th Jun 2022.
- NOCD instructed ADC to execute a) install temp security fence at airside. b) Demolish existing
boundary wall. c) Install duct bank with MH and d) Install new security fence (issued the EI on 13th
Jun 2022).
- Requested EI to issue the Contractor's execution of a) Demolition of NDE storage b) Relocation of
the security facilities at NDE gate and the Contractor's gate that provides access to the Airside on
27th Jul 2022.
- Submitted Cost proposal in an amounting JPY 2,133,586 and BDT 1.233,645 on 4th Sep 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0152 22-May-22 ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0152 - Requests NOCD to take necessary steps for removal and relocation of the NDE facilities on 8th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0169 12-Jun-22 ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0169 Oct 2022 (NDE Fuel tank, Submersible water pump, Guard house, Scrap, etc.)
EI-22-0149 9-Jun-22 EI-22-0149 - Confirmed agreement with NOCD's assessment and submitted cost proposal in amount of
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0208 27-Jul-22 ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0208 JPY 2,113,734 and BDT 1,230,410 on 10th Oct 2022. (including 22.7% adjustment)
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0357 4-Sep-22 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0357 - NOCD rejected ADC's proposal with the requesting for adjustment of unit rate/cost on 16th Oct
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0276 8-Oct-22 ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0276 2022. considering below :
237 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0419 10-Oct-22 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0419 ① adjustments of individual unit rates shall not be accepted, except as noted in GCC 12.3
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0285 12-Oct-22 ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0285 Evaluations
. L-ADC-22-0472 16-Oct-22 . L-ADC-22-0472 ② replacement of coefficent is still under discussion among relevant Government Authorities
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0290 18-Oct-22 ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0290 - ADC notified that the Contractor will be unable to execute variation works unless and until the
L-ADC-22-0532 27-Oct-22 L-ADC-22-0532 Engineer approves cost proposals for variation works taking due consideration of the relevant market
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0030 17-Jan-23 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0030 conditions which are not similar as envisaged during the tender pursuant to Sub-Clause 12.3
L-ADC-23-0142 1-Mar-23 L-ADC-23-0142 [Evaluation] and requested the Engineer to take account of current volatile market situations which
are considered as relevant matters in Sub-Clause 12.3 [Evaluation] (Rate or pirce in the Contract to
be adjusted on a pro-rata basis between PWD 2018 and 2022 (apprx. 22.7% as of Aufg. 2022) on
17th Oct 2022.
- NOCD instructed ADC to commence the site works right away as the conditions issued by ADC
(ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0285) cleared on 27th Oct 2022.
- Submitted the cost proposal for demolition of existing mesh fence, shifting of the cable of electrical
pole and removal of trees for an amount of JPY 87,893 and BDT 800,621, except for guard house
removal on 17th Jan
- NOCD approved variation for the Demolition of the Existing Boundary Wall and Installation of a
Fence near ECT and ICT amounting to JPY 1,722,537 and BDT 1,002,825 excluding the 22.7% of
unit rate change for the Contract BOQ items on 1st Mar 2023.
- Requested the Engineer's Instruction to formalize increased number of colors for engineered stone
based on Subcontractor's letter (CCM) on 10th Jan
220015-M-CCM-2306-001(rev.1) 9-Jan-23
- Submitted cost proposal for increased number of colors for engineered stone JPY 5,767,077 on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0011 10-Jan-23 Increased number of colors for Engineered
239 Building-1 12th Jan
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0019 12-Jan-23 Stone for Counters
- NOCD noticed to confirm the actual color by the mock-up inspection in Italy and the final color
L-ADC-23-0042 16-Jan-23
selection to be instructed within 7days after the mock-up inspection and requested to submit cost
proposal on 16th Jan

EI-22-0344 19-Oct-22 - NOCD issued EI for the change in type of ECT & ICT road boundary wall from wire to
Change in Type of Boundary Wall of ECT
240 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0555 22-Dec-22 brick+RC on 19th Dec amd ADC notified additional cost and time impact on 22nd Dec 2022
L-ADC-23-0051 19-Jan-23 - NOCD noticed to ADC that new rate & prevailing market rate is not acceptable on 19th Jan

Additional RC Kerb for ICT, IPP, IPR, WSS - Submitted cost proposal for additional RC Kerb for ICT, IPP, IPR, WSS and AGS as per approval of
241 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0024 16-Jan-23 and AGS as per Approval of ECT on ECT (L-ADC-22-0657, 18th Dec. 2022) on Remeasurement basis in amount of BDT 1,369,052 on
Remeasurement Basis 16th Jan 2023.

Change in Country of Origin of Floor Paint - Noticed cost impact due to change in Country of Origin of P6b(UR810) for Other Buildings
242 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0015 17-Jan-23
P6b for Other Buildings (Attachment#8 : Bangladesh → Actual : Greece(Top coat) & India(Antislip grain)) on 17th Jan

Additional Aluminum Windows and Doors - Submitted cost proposal for installation of additional aluminium windows, louvers and doors for
243 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0036 17-Jan-23
for Other Buildings other buildings in amount of JPY 11,096,441 and BDT 1,610,906 on 21st Jan

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 104 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Notified NOCD about the change in deep well casing size as per EDAC-22-0648 (DN250 →
DN400) which will constitute additional cost and hence VO on 19th Jul 2022
- NOCD requested to submit separate VO letters for T3 and for Other Buildings on 21st Jul.
- Submitted VO in amount of JPY 12,748,100 and BDT 20,392,641 for it on 2nd Oct 2022
- NOCD denied to confirm additional cost because the unit price is not stated in the BOQ and
requested ADC to submit stratum (underground layer) and water quality data for 3 locations well to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0263 19-Jul-22
BUET and to confirm the recommended excavation depth on 10th Nov 2022
L-ADC-22-0303 21-Jul-22
- Replied that deep well construction cannot commence without NOCD's approval and original deep
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0406 02-Oct-22
well design is not feasible to construct. → requested to descope the deep well construction from
EI-22-0301 10-Nov-22
244 M&E Changes in deep well construction ADC's scope on 14th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0486 14-Nov-22
- NOCD instructed : (1) for additional cost, submit correct breakdown sheet, proposal casing price
EI-22-0318 29-Nov-22
with pipe length; (2) for VO of PVC casing, comparison with other model price with the proposed pipe
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0028 16-Jan-23
PN10 & submit sample; (3) submit the reduction cost from the pond water intake bridge work; on
EI-23-0017 19-Jan-23
29th Nov 2022
- Proposed that the budget for additional cost implication due to change in deep well construction will
be set-off from the corresponding reduction in cost from pond water intake and ADC will do the
adjustment internally and requested NOCD's approval on 16th Jan
- Approval to this proposal material and pipe size and equipment. Cost implication shall be submitted
later and requested to submit total schedule for deep well system installation on 19th Jan
Cost Proposal for relocation of access - Submitted cost proposal for relocation of access road and gate of Padma oil amounting to JPY
245 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0037 22-Jan-23
road and gate of Padma Oil 1,655,030 and BDT 4,870,455 on 22nd Jan 2023
Cost proposal for demolition of existing - Submitted cost proposal for demolition of existing manholes in Area-2 amounting to JPY 19,423 and
246 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0047 23-Jan-23
manhole in Area-2 BDT 171,145 on 23rd Jan 2023
- Requested EI for the design change of Oil Transformer by adding rails and changing the location of
foundation issued by previous ERRI's on 24th Nov 2022 (ERRI-21-0501-01, ERRI-22-0551)
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0177 24-Nov-22
Oil Transformer Installation including Rails - Submitted notice of variation due to change in design of oil transformer area in IPP/IPR due to
247 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0032 18-Jan-23
Detail provision for electrical services on 18th Jan
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0039 22-Jan-23
- Submitted cost proposal for execution of oil transformer foundation works amounting to BDT
23,133,349 on 22nd Jan 2023
Request for Variation Order (VO) - Tariff - Submitted cost proposal for purchasing tariff and summation meters including contractor's cost
248 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0041 23-Jan-23
Meter amounting to BDT 64,892,184 on 23rd Jan 2023
- Requested the Employer to remove 5 nos of trees and parked vehicles near RAB gate for Duct
Bank works and requested EI under the condition that NOCD desire ADC to perform the work on 9th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0166 9-Jun-22 June 2022
EI-22-0166 29-Jun-22 - NOCD approved ADC to remove the specified trees and the parked vehicles near RAB Gate on
Removal of Tree and Parked Vehicles near
249 Civil EI-22-0196 3-Aug-22 29th Jun
RAB Gate for Duct Bank Works
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0477 10-Nov-22 - NOCD issued EI for Duct Bank work near RAB Gate in front of RAB Headquarter on 3rd Aug
L-ADC-23-0078 1-Feb-23 - Submitted cost proposal for removal of trees near RAB gate amounting to BDT 58,400 on 10th Nov.
- Approved VO for an amount of BDT 58,400 on 1st Feb 2023 (Closed)
- NOCD ordered ADC to install additional slope protection in Pond-2 after re,oving exsiting protection
on 18th Sep 2022
- Requested to issue EI to carry out clearing existing bushes and detail survey of existing facilities for
EI-22-0242 18-Sep-22
Clearing existing bushes and detail survey the preparation of detailed construction drawing for additional slope protection in Pond-2 on 7th Oct
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0279 7-Oct-22
250 Civil of existing facilities for additional slope 2022.
EI-22-0261 10-Oct-22
protection in Pond2 - NOCD issued EI for the removal of all the bushes on the east side slope of the Pond and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0054 29-Jan-23
conducting a topography survey on 10th Oct 2022
- Submitted Cost for clearing and grubbing works ar pond-2 amounting to BDT 1,912,818 on 29th

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 105 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Submitted cost proposal for: a) Demolition of existing fence and gate, b) Installation of new fence
and gate, c) Demolition of installed fence & gate after completion of Pier Extension work in amount
of JPY 12,796,984 and BDT 2,647,654 on 25th Jul 2022.
- NOCD rejected the Cost proposal citing General specification, div. 10030 which states that
Contractor shall completely secure the entire Site boundary at all times and shall erect, maintain,
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0281 25-Jul-22 relocate as required, all necessary fences, barriers, gates and etc. on 16th Aug 2022
L-ADC-22-0353 16-Aug-22 - NOCD revoked previous letter(L-ADC-22-0353) & responded ① The cost of demolition of the Old
Demolition of Existing Fence and
L-ADC-22-0356 17-Aug-22 Fence is considered to be part of Division 80200 Demolition and Disposal of Existing Structures and
251 Civil Installation of New Fence at North Side
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0243 29-Aug-22 be disbursed from relevant funds, ② Placement and removal of construction fence and gate is
Pier Extension of T3
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0502 24-Nov-22 considered to be part of Temporary Work for Pier Extension Works and included in cost for Pier
L-ADC-23-0084 2-Feb-23 Extension on 17th Aug 2022
- Requested NOCD to provide approval to ADC's cost to avoid /disruption to the works on 28th Aug
- Confirmed agreement to NOCD's assessment and submitted revised cost proposal amounting to
JPY 10,584,221 and BDT 1,932,416 on 24th Nov 2022.
- Approved VO for an amount of JPY 10,584,221 and BDT 1,932,416 on 2nf Feb(Closed)

- Requested NOCD to issue VO as 'Fire barrier in expansion joint' is not provided in the BOQ on 10th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0014 10-Jan-23
- As per PC 13.1, only the item not shown in drawing nor specification, “Variations” will be
L-ADC-23-0063 25-Jan-23 Fire Barrier for EJ in Terminal 3, MLCP
252 Building considered, Therefore, the items cannot be considered as a Variation Item on 25th Jan
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0056 30-Jan-23 and ECT
- Notified NOCD for entitlement for missing item of fire barrier in BOQ as per the GC Sub-Clause
L-ADC-23-0109 13-Feb-23
20.1 while clarifying the terms and limit of the Variation clause under the contract on 30th Jan 2023
- Submit VO along with Shop Drawing of Fire Barrier detail on 13th Feb 2023.
- Requested VO for XPM ceiling and wall design change of T3 and MLCP by NOCD on 17th Jan
- NOCD noticed to reject any additional cost and request alternative design change on 20th Jan 2022
- Submitted cost proposal for additional process and materials amounting to JPY 44,174,644 on 25th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0017 17-Jan-22 Oct 2022.
L-ADC-22-0023 20-Jan-22 - NOCD asks for discount on additional cost amount of JPY 44,174,644 prior recommending to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0453 25-Oct-22 CAAB on 1st Nov 2022.
L-ADC-22-0023-01 1-Nov-22 - Informed that the Contractor will proceed with the works complying with the comments according to
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0343 21-Nov-22 XPM ceiling and wall design change of T3 the approved shop drawings, material sample and colour sample once the Engineer will confirm the
253 Building-2
L-ADC-22-0611 23-Nov-22 and MLCP approval of VO amount previously (ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0453, 25th Oct) on 21st Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0508 28-Nov-22 - NOCD acknowledged receipt of the letter on 23rd Nov 2022
EI-23-0002 4-Jan-23 - Submitted revised cost proposal with discount (4.71%) amounting to JPY 42,095,630 on 28th Nov
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0034 22-Jan-23 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0066 30-Jan-23 - NOCD issued revised design (with reference of EDAC-22-1564-04) and requested ADC to submit
revised VO for EDW XPM works on 4th Jan 2023
- Notified that cost for varied works including abortive materials will be submitted shortly on 22nd Jan
- Due to CAAB's requirement of lotus pattern screen submitted revised cost proposal amounting to
JPY 67,182,663 and BDT 79,010 on 30th Jan 2023
Cost Proposal for Safety Guard Rail and
- Submitted cost proposal for additional work of safety/protection guard rail at ECT & ICT coldrooms
254 Building-2 ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0050 29-Jan-23 Protection Walls in Coldroom at ECT &
amounting to BDT 2,241,562 on 29th Jan 2023

- Submitted cost proposal for additional work of SS gutter at expansion joints of MLCP roof slab and
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0063 30-Jan-23 ECT balcony for an amount of BDT 2,408,262 on 30th Jan
255 Building-2 SS Gutter Works at EJ of MLCP & ECT
L-ADC-23-0151 2-Feb-23 - NOCD requested ADC to provide a comparison of cost variation between Tender drawing and
Shop drawing on 2nd Mar 2023

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 106 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

- Requested EI for the change in all PBB lengths as per the design development by the
Subcontractor (M/S CIMC TIANDA) on 16th Oct 2022.
- NOCD noticed the acceptance of the change of length of other 17 nos. PBB (except A16 and A24
FGW that were cancelled via EI-22-0051-11) and requested to submit a revised quotationon 18th Oct
- Submitted Cost proposal amounting to JPY 33,575,202 on 26th Oct 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0126 16-Oct-22 - NOCD noticed ADC's submitted VO amount is not accepable noting that the difference between
L-ADC-22-0482 18-Oct-22 the VO applied unit price (4,000 USD/m) compared to the original unit price (1,395.8~1,620.93
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0460 26-Oct-22 USD/m) is excessive on 30th Oct 2022.
256 M&E L-ADC-22-0444-02 30-Oct-22 Changes in PBB Lengths - Submitted evaluation of cost/m based on avg. BOQ rate as per NOCD's advice, which was higher
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0466 7-Nov-22 ($9,499/m) than ADC's first submission of USD 5,391/m and requested NOCD to approve the ADC's
L-ADC-22-0444-03 27-Dec-22 first submission, as NOCD's evaluation is not acceptable on 7th Nov 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0057 29-Jan-23 - CAAB has rejected the TE3 PBB Length Change VO amount JPY 33,575,202 and NOCD
requested ADC to review the VO amount based findings shown in L-ADC-22-0444-02 on 27th Dec
- Engineer's calculation of 1,508 USD/m for additional length of PBB is not agreeable, as it does not
cover price of engineering, raw materials, fabrication, etc. whereas the Contractor's proposal of
5,391 USD/m is considering all relevant works needed to complete 1m of PBB turnel, however ADC
will try to offer discount within 15th Feb for NOCD's determination on 29th Jan 2023

- Submitted VO amount (JPY 285,658,688 and BDT 57,625,060) for Honeywell advanced system of
ALCMS in place of OCEM on 17th Jul 2022
- Provided reminder to approve VO and notified that ALCMS PO was scheduled on 14 Aug and
hence it is impacting the progress and ADC will inform actual impacts when materials are delivered
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0260 17-Jul-22 on 15th Sep 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0377 15-Sep-22 - Reminder to issue EI and approve Variation Order proposal for ALCMS on 10th Oct 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0421 10-Oct-22 - NOCD requested ADC to demonstrate the impact of the delay on the related work’s Critical Path of
Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring
257 M&E L-ADC-22-0468 13-Oct-22 the material approval of the ALCMS to the Programme for the Engineer's review on 13th Oct 2022.
System (ALCMS)
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0445 20-Oct-22 - Clarified NOCD that the existing AGL can work with new ALCMS system and informed that impact
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0044 23-Jan-23 of delay on critical path will be informed seperately once the consolidated impact is available on 20th
L-ADC-23-0076 31-Jan-23 Oct 2022.
- Submitted revised variation proposal for ALCMS amounting to JPY 174,126,732 and BDT
19,635,985 on 23rd Jan 2023.
- Requested to proceed with original OCEM and withdraw the variation proposal with honeywell on
31st Jan

- Submitted cost proposal for SCADA system for generator house as per EI-21-0240-02 for an
EI-21-0240 4-Jan-22
Request for VO – SCADA System for amount of JPY 22,026,958 on 29th Jan 2023.
258 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0051 29-Jan-23
Generator House - NOCD rejected ADC's VO and requested the to follow the tender drawing and ADC to revise and
L-ADC-23-0128 26-Feb-23
resubmit cost proposal as VO on 26th Feb 2023.

- Based on NOCD's comment on EAC-23-0168 asking to submit Explosion proof type thermostat for
Explosion Proof Type Thermostat for
259 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0064 30-Jan-23 generator house, requested for EI & Variation order, as this requirement is not as per Contract on
Generator House
30th Jan

Request for VO - Cable Tray Works at - Submitted cost proposal for additional works pf cable tray in IPP, IPR & generator house for an
260 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0058 1-Feb-23
IPP, IPR & Generator House amount of JPY 35,875,448 and BDT 1,024,936 on 1st Feb

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 107 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Confirmed completion of all the activities in order to handover tunnel area to FDEE by 23rd Oct.
with the submission of test report and marked drawing of Tunnel area on 24th Oct 2022.
- NOCD instructed ADC to carry out the outstanding works drawed from joint site visit on 13th Nov
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0298 24-Oct-22
- Submitted cost proposal for earthwork, fence relocation and hanging DESCO cable relocation
EI-22-0302 13-Nov-22
amounting to JPY 1,557,552 and BDT 529,114 on 30th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0520 30-Nov-22
- Requested to provide EI with scope adjustment to avoid confusion regarding overlapping of scope
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0523 1-Dec-22
with FDEE on 1st Dec 2022.
EI-22-0323 5-Dec-22
261 Civil Additional Tunnel Works - NOCD provided adjusted work scope & informed that revised drawings to be issued by other EI on
EI-22-0302-01 11-Dec-22
5 Dec
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0373 11-Dec-22
- Requested NOCD to provide FDEE's road work schedule considering following works
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0393 27-Dec-22
(i.e. Road-c works, remaining utility work & drainage work and Road-M construction) on 27th Dec
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0001 2-Jan-23
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0069 2-Feb-23
- Confirmed agreement to NOCD's assessment and submitted revised cost for following on 2nd Jan
- Confirmed agreement to NOCD assessment regarding fence relocation and DESCO cables and
submitted revised cost ptoposal amounting to JPY 1,050,893 and BDT 344,532 on 2nd Feb 2023.
- Requested VO for the change of Floor Finishes in T3 basement service road area in amount of
BDT 35,727,395 on 31 May 2022 (BOQ : Con'c floor hardener include screed → ERRI : Con'c
M15+Anti-dust floor paint + Floor hardner)
- NOCD declined VO amount of BDT 35,727,395 and asked to resubmit with clarifications on 12th
Jun 2022.
- Notified NOCD about inability to execute the work as per the existing BOQ rate due to market
condition and submitted revised cost proposal for a total variation amount of BDT 44,277,967 on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0204 31-May-22
22nd Aug 2022
L-ADC-22-0247 12-Jun-22
- NOCD requested ADC to recalculate and resubmit the VO amount adding Floor Hardener
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0329 22-Aug-22
(probable rate BDT 173/m2) as VO item over the C40 RC on 3rd Nov 2022
L-ADC-22-0247-01 3-Nov-22
- Based on ERRI-21-0411-02, submitted revised cost, amounting to BDT 47,154,999 on 22nd Dec
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0557 22-Dec-22
262 Building Floor Finishes in T3 Basement 2022
L-ADC-23-0038 15-Jan-23
- Declined VO amount as it is higher than NOCD's estimated cost as per scheduled BOQ rate on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0059 29-Jan-23
15th Jan
L-ADC-23-0079 1-Feb-23
- Informed NOCD that ADC cannot work at existing rate due to market conditions and if NOCD is not
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0055 6-Feb-23
accepting the additional cost proposal, it was requested to notify if proceeding with original design is
L-ADC-23-0079-01 8-Feb-23
acceptable to NOCD on 29th Jan 2023.
- NOCD has no objection to proceed with original design and recommended to ensure infill
concrete’s minimum structure grade as per specification CH30410 and follow Specification Division
31100T - finishing works Section 5.0 Concrete Floor Hardener (HC) on 1st Feb 2023.
- ADC clarified that it will work as per original design and shall not be liable for any consequences
due to design issues on 6th Feb 2023 and NOCD agreed to ADC's clarification and asked to provide
contraction joint at every 3.5m as per Div 30400 on 8th Feb 2023
EI-21-0228 8-Dec-21 - Submitted Cost proposal for Variation in steel gratings for existing/additional tank access of Tunnel
EI-22-0184 25-Jul-22 in amount of BDT 622,163 on 20th Oct 2022.
263 Building-2 Steel Gratings at Tunnel
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0443 20-Oct-22 - Disagreed with Engineer's assessment and submitted revised cost proposal excluding chequred
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0075 6-Feb-23 plate for an amount of BDT 495,562 on 6th Feb 2023.
- Notified NOCD that ADC cannot proceed with a list of 15 VO items that are pending for long on 2nd
Feb 2023.
- NOCD declined the proposal of ADC stating none of the variations are acceptable on 11th Feb
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0073 2-Feb-23 Declining to proceed with Pending
264 Common L-ADC-23-0105 11-Feb-23 Variation works, which have not been
- Clarified that due to present market conditions the subcontractors are not ready to work at existing
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0089 16-Feb-23 approved up to now
rates, which makes every item not "readily" available. Hence, taking due consideration of the relevant
market conditions is necessary and summarized the response showing why each item is payable as
Variation on 16th Feb 2023.
Cost proposal for Installation of Anchor for - Submitted cost proposal for installing anchors in retention pond for installation of display ship in
265 Civil ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0087 15-Feb-23
display ship in retention pond of Area-4 area-4 amounting to JPY 42,986 and BDT 12,885,232 on 15th Feb 2023.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 108 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

- NOCD confirmed to use WP-6 for MLCP inside of Retaining Wall and Water Tank and WP-5 for
MLCP outside of Retaining Wall instead of WP-3 as per manufacturer’s recommendation for benefit
of the project. ADC proposed rate(BDT 2,246.18) for WP-6 owing to no item in BOQ.
- NOCD instructed ADC to proceed with wp using unit rate of the original Contract Agreement on
28th Apr 2022.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0154 27-Apr-22 - ADC proposed to apply the unit rate of WP of water tank as other area (Tunnel) BOQ rate for WP-5
L-ADC-22-0187 28-Apr-22 and new unit rate for WP-6 on 8th May 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0182 8-May-22 - Informed NOCD that Epoxy waterproofing materials are suitable and recommended for water tank
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0437 30-Oct-22 rather than Urethane Waterproofing as per the Manufacturer’s recommendation on 30th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0432/ 0432-01 30-Oct-22, 2-Nov-22 - Submitted cost propoasal of Epoxy waterproofing with cost impact when waterproofing type change
L-ADC-22-0585 13-Nov-22 Request of VO for Change in WP Materials (Urethane → Epoxy) of water/flush tank of MLCP in amount of BDT 5,400,838 on 2nd Nov 2022
266 Building
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0483 15-Nov-22 at MLCP - NOCD requested ADC to submit the evidence of Urethane waterproofing is unfit for waterproofing
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0432-02 20-Nov-22 on 13th Nov and re-submitted the previous letter (no. 0437) and requested NOCD to approve Cost
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0357 1-Dec-22 proposal within 28 days on 15th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0556 27-Dec-22 - Found Epoxy waterproofing materials are suitable as per manufacturer's recommendation and
L-ADC-23-0072 31-Jan-23 submitted new rate of BDT 2,246.20/m2 for Epoxy waterproofing on 20th Nov 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0083 14-Feb-23 - Determined that ADC should start the works for Water/Flush Tank in MLCP using Epoxy WP
material, provide 10 yr warranty and no VO will be issued and cost increase proposal is rejected on
31st Jan 2023
- Expressed disagreement with NOCD's determination and stated that, even after completion of 40%
work and providing technical clarifications from manufacturers, the Engineer has once again rejected
the claim and requested to reconsider and determine on 14th Feb 2023.

- Submitted Cost proposal for missing waterproofing cases from BOQ in other buildings amounting
to JPY 4,447,850 and BDT 24,174,073 on 29th May 2022
- Submitted revised cost proposal, amounting to JPY 9,507,572 and BDT 26,753,134 on 29th Jun
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0212 29-May-22
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0212-01 29-Jun-22
Request of VO for Non BOQ - NOCD rejected proposal and inform that “GC Sub-clause 13.1 Right to Vary” is not applicable on
267 Building-2 L-ADC-22-0339 8-Aug-22
Waterproofing Items in Others Building 8th Aug 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0337 31-Aug-22
- Provided ADC's further observations on the issue requesting further consideration on 31st Aug
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0081 12-Feb-23
- Due to change in ECT & ICT outhouse submitted revised Cost proposal amounting to JPY
8,462,993 and BDT 28,047,230 on 12th Feb 2023.
- Requested EI acc to final MV cable Schedule issued by the Engineer on 5th Oct 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0132 5-Oct-22 - Based on ERRI-22-0431-01 submitted Variation cost proposal for MV cables schedule amounting
268 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0082 11-Feb-23 Changes in MV Cable sizes to JPY 765,833,075 and BDT 107,252,312 on 11th Feb 2023.
L-ADC-23-0149 2-Mar-23 - NOCD found some missing items in the documents and asked to follow to attachment on 2nd Mar

- Requested EI to conduct additional tests which are not stipulated in relevant Spec, through verbal
instruction or comments to the material approval document, material inspection request & etc. on
10th Jan 2023
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0016 10-Jan-23
※ 3rd Party Test for Low Current Sample Cables/ Steel Conduit/ ELV Sample Cables
269 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0020 15-Jan-23 Conducting additional test by 3rd Party
- Submitted cost for expenses incurred towards third party tests amounting to BDT 1,609,658 on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0076 9-Feb-23
15th Jan
- Submitted variation amount for 3rd party testing of LS HFIX wire on MIR amounting to BDT 781,671
on 11th Feb 2023.

- Requested NOCD to look into the reinstatement work of retaining wall beside the VVIP road
demaged by Padma Oil (POCL) and to issue instruction to the Contractor for the work as variation
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0028 16-Jan-23 Reinstatement of a portion of the retaining on 16th Jan 2023.
270 Civil
EI-23-0052 20-Feb-23 wall along the existing VVIP road - NOCD instructed ADC to reinstate the demaged portion of the existing retaining wall for installation
of slope protection CC block and adjust the crossing drainage pipe and install the headwall due to the
high ground level of the outlet area on 20th Feb 2023

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 109 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0273 - ADC submitted the additional Cost incurred in the month of November 2021 ~ July 2022 on a
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-21-0317, 0013 monthly basis every month for cumulative amount of BDT 65,518,555.00 /- on 10 Aug 2022.
7-Dec-21, 10-Jan-22
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0047, 0091 - ADC notified NOCD about the further change in Fuel price on 30th Aug 2022.
6-Feb-22, 16-Mar-22
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0142, 0149 - NOCD determined that the additional fuel cost, as the result of a Gazette notice can be claimed
12-Apr-22, 10-May-22
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0229, 0243 by application of General Condition 13.7 “Adjustment for Changes in Legislation” and instructed to
7-Jun-22, 17-Jul-22
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0311, 0338 submit the cost proposal with supporting particulars in each Interim Payment Application on 15th Sep
10-Aug-22, 30-Aug-22 Government Circulation for the Fuel Price
271 Civil L-ADC-22-0414 2022
15-Sep-22 Increase
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0385, 0429, - Submitted cumulative cost impact since the date of the initial Government notification in November
19-Sep-22, 23-Oct-22
0501 2021 until December 2022 amounting to BDT 221,628,372 on 23rd Jan 2023
24-Nov-22, 22-Dec-22
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-22-0551 - Submitted cost proposal which shall be payable to ADC (upto Sep 2022) amounting to BDT
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0043 264,255,273 due to impact of fuel cost rise on 19th Feb 2023.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0088 - Submitted cumulative cost impact since the date of the initial Government notification in December
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0091 2021 until January 2023 amounting to BDT 263,343,221 on 22nd Feb 2023

- Submitted cost proposal after visual survey for demolition inside POCL premises for site works due
to VB-1 location change amounting to JPY 1,020,964 and BDT 1,883,404 on 22nd Jan 2023.
- NOCD requested description of the proposed work to be performed and program for its execution
and proposal for any necessary modifications to the program according to Sub-Clause 8.3(Program)
and to the Time for completion. Also, 22.7% rate adjustment is not acceptable. on 24th Jan 2023
- The change was not necessitated by ADC but requested by POCL, hence it is an additional cost
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0035 22-Jan-23
and variation item of work and notified NOCD that ADC is firm in its position on 29th Jan 2023
L-ADC-23-0059 24-Jan-23
- NOCD notified variation has not yet been instructed as ADC has not submitted the necessary
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0049 29-Jan-23
Cost Proposal for site works due to VB-1 documents. For civil work: adjusted rates are not acceptable and requested to impliment necessary
272 Civil L-ADC-23-0101 9-Feb-23
location change inside POCL tank farm restoring works. For M&E Work: Link seal price as per BoQ & cost increase of piping work to be
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0086 15-Feb-23
resubmitted. on 9th Feb 2023.
L-ADC-23-0115 18-Feb-23
- Pertaining to M&E work, submitted VO amount(JPY 20,702,636 and BDT 7,298,702) on 15th Feb
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0101 23-Feb-23
- NOCD informed that M&E portion cost proposal has been reviewed and requested to submit the
cost proposal for Civil part, for discussing the variation due to VB-1 location change as a single
package with the Employer on 18th Feb 2023
- Confirmed acceptance of NOCD's assessment and submitted revised cost proposal amounting to
JPY 816,832 and BDT 1,274,198 on 23rd Feb 2023.

- Requested Engineer's advise and suggestion regarding remain soft soil after execution of drainage
installation work of the Employer which can be adverse impact on Road-H works (Excavation of
retention pond in Area-5) of the Contractor on 5th Dec 2022
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-22-0360 5-Dec-22 - NOCD instructed ADC to do ① Employer's drain system protection ② Earth slope protection ③
273 Civil EI-23-0053 20-Feb-23 Excavation of Retention pond in Area-5 Pipe culvert layout revision & additional manhole without additional cost based on Specification
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0102 27-Feb-23 Division 10040 'The Site', 3. Existing Services within the Site on 20th Feb 2023
- Submitted cost proposal amounting to JPY 614,445 and BDT 1,856,780 for slope protection
adjacent to road O-1 and notified earthwork will be as per VO-105 and slope protection adjacent to
road-H will be as per VO-92 rates on 27th Feb 2023.

- Submitted cost proposal for additional work of BR railing at X-ray scanning area in T3 basement for
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0062 30-Jan-23 Additional BR Railing Works at X-ray an amount of JPY 1,121,906 and BDT 54,646 on 30th Jan 2023
274 Building-1
L-ADC-23-0122 23-Feb-23 Scanning Area of T3 Basement - NOCD shared evaluation result as accepting VO amount of JPY 832,459 and BDT 40,544 (declined
ADC's 25.8% VO amount) on 23rd Feb 2023

- Requested NOCD to issue EI for ADC to proceed with additional 2 nos Tariff Meter works for 3rd
party consumer of Padma Oil (33kV & 11kV Switchgear) on 3rd Dec 2022
- NOCD discussed with CAAB and Padma Oil Engineers for Tariff Meter on 11kV outgoing Feeders.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22-0186 3-Dec-22
CAAB issued requested letter to Padma Oil Ltd on 4th Dec 2022
L-ADC-22-0647 11-Dec-22
275 M&E Additional 2 Nos. Tariff Meters works - NOCD instructed ADC to install 2 srt CT Outgoing Feeder Panel (IPP) for Padma Oil Tariff Meter
EI-23-0020 24-Jan-23
on 24 Jan
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0057 21-Feb-23
- Proposed to connect the existing CT/VT with Padma Oil Tariff Meter instead replacing with new one
which makes additional site modification cost (tentatively 26,800 Euro) with other abortive cost and
quality assurance fee on 21st Feb 2023

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 110 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- NOCD instructed ADC to ① review the M&E design for Pier Extension and propose the VO for
Ph.1 area (existing TE-3) such as chiller piping and cable etc. ② review and check the site condition
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0038 11-Feb-23 to consider abortive work until VO and shop drawing to be confirmed ③ request to NOCD for
M&E Work (Phase1) for Pier Extension
276 M&E EI-23-0047 16-Feb-23 additional required drawings for Pier Extension in Ph.1 area on 16th Feb 2023
in Terminal3
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0051 22-Feb-23 - Requested NOCD to issue complete set of design drawings and BOQ considering existing M&E
services in TE3 and notified that any additional design coordination/ abortive/ demolition/ permanent
work shall be treated as a variation with new unit rate on 22nd Feb 2023
- Requested EI for demolition and reinstatement of highway median and footpath for safe and
smooth execution of steel bridge erection works on 12th Jan 2023
- NOCD instructed ADC to start the demolition and reinstatement of highway median and foot path
but rejected VO refering to Spec 10040 'The Site' on 14th Feb 2023
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0067 12-Feb-23
- Requested to issue Variation Instruction for additional scope considering median and footpath of the
EI-23-0042 14-Feb-23
Mymensingh Hiway are not included in the demolition plan and related BOQ (Chapter 20110) on 15th
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0070 15-Feb-23 Demolition and reinstatement of highway
277 Civil Feb
L-ADC-23-0117 19-Feb-23 median and footpath
- NOCD rejected ADC's proposal since these are temporary construction for steel girder erection
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0073 26-Feb-23
refering to Division 10020 & 10040 on 19th Feb 2023
L-ADC-23-0143 1-Mar-23
- Requested to issue Variation Instruction considering that demolition and reinstatement of highway
median and footpath not existed at the time of tender stage on 26th Feb 2023
- NOCD rejected ADC proposal, since these are temporary construction for steel girder erection
refering to Specification Divisions 10020 & 10040 on 1st Mar 2023
- Requested the Engineer to relocate existing MV Cable at ICT construction area which is the main
hindrance to the wall demolition and geotechnical works for the Maintenance Trash & Pump Room
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0025 2-Feb-23 Relocate the MV Cable (4x3Cx95 Sqmm) along with the Battery Charge Room on 2nd Feb 2023
278 M&E EI-23-0054 20-Feb-23 total 8 nos. cables beside ICT Building - NOCD instructed ADC to relocate the cable and submit cost proposal for the variation works on
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0112 1-Mar-23 Area 20th Feb
- Submitted cost proposal amounting to BDT 839,725 based on DESCO enlisted Subcontractor's
(Fouzder Corporation) quotation on 1st Mar 2023.
- NOCD withdrawed approval of drive motor brand 'Rulmeca' considering the Employer's preference
on other brand ('Interroll', Switzerland origin) on 13th Feb 2023
L-ADC-23-0027-01 13-Feb-23 - Requested the Engineer to issue the instruction to formalize the application of preferred drive motor
279 M&E Change of TE3 BHS drive motor brand
ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0052 20-Feb-23 brand ('Interroll') by the Employer in consideration of the abortive impact with both cost and time
implication (additional 4 months and cost in amount of USD 485,175) considering commencing with
the procurement using the officially approved 'Rulmeca' brand on 20th Feb
- Requested the Engineer to relocate existing Cables near the ECT boundary area which is
280 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0055 20-Feb-23 Relocate cables near ECT boundary area impacting ongoing new Electrical Sub-station and Duct Bank work or to provide EI if the Contractor
do the relocation on 20th Feb 2023
- Requested NOCD to issue EI for additional Road Lighting in additional new area that NOCD
281 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-23-0058 26-Feb-23 Road Lighting in additional new Area commented through EDAC-23-0517 (20th Feb 2023) which was not in the Contract drawings on
26th Feb 2023.
- Requested to issue Variation due to missing item of sealant in contract drawings and notified that
ADC will submit cost proposal shortly on 26th Feb 2023.
- NOCD declines VO referring to Spec-31130T which says elastic expansion joints must be provided
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0097 26-Feb-23
Request of Variation Order for Sealant along the walls on 27th Feb 2023.
282 Building-1 L-ADC-23-0130 27-Feb-23
Works in Terminal 3 - Agreed that ADC has to provide silicon/PVC sealant in expansion joint along the wall as per the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0109 1-Mar-23
spec-31130T but the VO request is for sealant of interface joints which is an additional requirement
that not shown in the Contract Drawing and accordingly submitted cost proposal amounting to BDT
11,729,705 on 1st Mar 2023.
- As per ERRI-23-0107 NOCD instructed to omit the top enclosure and ADC submitted cost proposal
for omitted works amounting to JPY 214,396 and BDT 60.203 on 26th Feb 2023.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0098 26-Feb-23 Notice of Claim for Omission of Top
283 Building-1 - NOCD have no objection to the value of omitted works and the abortive material will be CAAB’s
L-ADC-23-0131 27-Feb-23 Enclosure at T3
property whose amount will be sanctioned as soon as the materials are precisely handed over to
CAAB on 27th Feb 2023.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 111 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)
No. Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks
- Submitted variation cost proposal amounting to JPY 14,969,464 considering that NOCD confirmed
Variation Order (VO) for ACS Bollard and
284 M&E ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0103 26-Feb-23 the mounting details of ACS equipment with bollard and CCTV pole, that are not in BOQ on 26th Feb
- Requested EI, as-built drawings of exsting VVIP Terminal and arrangement for site visit to prepare
cost proposal for the demolition on 27th Feb 2023.
ADC-NOCD-LTR-C-23-0104 27-Feb-23 Request for Engineer’s Instruction for
285 Civil - Requested CAAB/NOCD to provide related drawings & arrangement for site visit survey at the
ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-23-0085 2-Mar-23 demolition of existing VVIP terminal
earliest considering planned commencement on 13th Mar 2023 which was mentioned at Chairman
meeting (25th Feb 2023) on 2nd Mar 2023

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 112 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

11. Extension of Time Claim Requested & Awarded

11.1 Notice issued

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

ADC-CAAB-LTR- Notice of Impact on Project Execution due to the Covid-19

1 7-Apr-20 Related with
G-20-0038 and related measures by the Government
ADC-CAAB-LTR- Updated Notice of Impact on Project Execution due to lock-down &
2 12-Apr-20 general
G-20-0042 COVID-19 and Related Measures by the Government
ADC-CAAB-LTR- holidays,
3 20-Apr-20 Notice of Force Majeure and Changes in Legislation Effects are still
ADC-CAAB-LTR- Further notice of Extension of Force Majeure and Changes
4 12 May ‘20
G-20-0057 in Legislation
ADC-NOCD- Notice for Implication of Time & Cost owing to Additional
5 13 Jun ‘20
LTR-G-20-0089 Pilot Pile Test and Change of Working Pile Length
ADC-NOCD- Notice for Losses and Damages owing to
6 13 Jun ‘20
LTR-G-20-0090 Continuous Effect of COVID-19
Replied by
ADC-NOCD- Notice for Non-provision of Effective Access and
7 13 Jun ‘20 L-ADC-20-0056
LTR-G-20-0091 Possession to the Site
(16 June ‘20)
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Suspension of Works due to Continuous Effect of
8 16 Jun ‘20
LTR-G-20-0045 COVID-19
Replied by
ADC-NOCD- Notice for Implication of Time & Cost owing to Additional
9 18 Jun ‘20 L-ADC-20-0058
LTR-G-20-0089 Pilot Pile Test and Change of Working Pile Length
(18 June ‘20)
ADC-NOCD- Additional notice for the Continuous effect of COVID-19
10 7 Jul ‘20
LTR-G-20-0121 (additional temporary labour Camp inside Gate#1)
ADC-NOCD- Notice for significantly increase of Water level at the
11 22 Jul ‘20
LTR-G-20-0142 Discharge point of the Dewatering works
ADC-NOCD- Notice for discrepancies between Design and Site condition
12 5 Aug ‘20
LTR-G-20-0164 at ECT area
13 25 Aug ‘20 Notice for delay of providing Drawings of Underpass
14 21 Sep ‘20 Notice the discrepancies of Soil Condition at Pond 5 & 13
15 30 Sep ‘20 Notice of delay shop drawing approval
ADC-NOCD- Request for the Engineer’s Instruction(EI) and Notice for
16 30 Sep ‘20
LTR-C-20-0011 delay handover of ECT areas
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Changed Design and the impact on the execution
17 15 Oct’20
LTR-CC-20-0012 of Elevated Drive way according to Engineer’s instruction.
18 14 Oct’20 Notice delay shop drawing Approval
ADC-NOCD- Response Additional instruction for gradient adjustment on
19 15 Oct’20
LTR-G-20-0221 Tunnel works.

ADC-NOCD- Additional Notice of Delay to Taxiway works due to

20 18 Oct’20
LTR-C-20-0021 Engineer’s Instruction(EI)
21 21 Oct’20 Request for removal of utilities under ECT building.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 113 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

22 21 Oct’20 Taking over of the BIMAN Airline site area.
ADC-NOCD- Notice for removal of soil-blockage at the Drainage outlet in
23 22 Oct’20
LTR-G-20-0224 ECT area.
ADC-NOCD- Request for opening new gate in ICT area and closing
24 27 Oct’20
LTR-G-20-0227 access road between ECT and existing cargo terminal.
25 01 Nov’20 Notice of delay due to the pile length change
26 01 Nov’20 Delay Notification for effective Site Access and possession
27 04 Nov’20 EDW Notice of Delay to the Works
Replied by
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay for Final Drawings for the Underpass &
28 14 Nov’20 L-ADC-20-0211
LTR-G-20-0244 South Detail Layout
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Claim for interruption of Works due to late
29 29 Nov’20
LTR-C-20-0048 relocation of Padma Oil’s fuel hydrant pipe
ADC-NOCD- Additional delay notice to Rapid Taxiway Work due to
32 27 Dec’20
LTR-G-20-0268 Engineer’s Instruction (EI)
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Claim for War Relics/ Bombs discovered at the
33 31 Dec’20
LTR-G-20-0272 site
34 6 Jan’21 Notification of delay Master Plan RHD
ADC-NOCD- Notice of delay for Engineer's Instruction No.EI-20-0107
36 20 Jan’21
LTR-C-21-0015 dated 22nd December 2020
ADC-NOCD- Notification of ongoing delay in site handover of the ECT
37 23 Jan’21
LTR-C-21-0018 Area
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay for the relocation of DESCO's utility
38 26 Jan’21
LTR-C-21-0019 Works due to late instruction & detailed design
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay to the utility relocation Works along
39 31 Jan’21
LTR-C-21-0022 Highway
40 4 Feb’21 Notification of Delay to the EDW Works
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay in preparation of EDW North shop
41 10 Feb’21
LTR-C-21-0030 Drawings
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Approval of Import Permit Approval Jingong steel
42 25 Feb’21
LTR-C-21-0036 (Bangla) Co. Limited
43 23 Feb’21 Notification of Delay to the Tunnel Works
44 23 Feb’21 Delayed Payment of Interim Payment 5 (IP-5)
31 Mar ’21 ECT
ADC-NOCD- Notification of delay in complete site handover of the ECT
45 13 Mar’21 site handed over
LTR-C-21-0057 Area due to Canteen demolition
fully to ADC
Notification of delay due to delay in Guard house relocation
46 13 Mar’21 and additional drainage work for existing cargo terminal in
ICT area
47 23 Mar’21 Notification of Delay to the EDW Works
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay; Employer's late decision on ICT Pile
48 25 Mar’21
LTR-C-21-0072 depth & Shop Drawing Approval

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 114 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

ADC-NOCD- Delayed IP letter issuing, Chittagong Port Charge Double
49 5 Apr’ 21
LTR-PR-21-0066 and COVID situation
50 6 Apr’ 21 Notification of Delay General Aviation Building Area Works
51 15 Apr’ 21 Notification of Delay to the Earthwork in Area 3-1
ADC-NOCD- Delay and shortage of Payment against Interim Payment
52 9 May’21
LTR-C-21-0113 IP-7
53 8 Jun’21 Notice of delay to the erection of Tower Crane
ADC-NOCD- Delay and shortage of payment against Interim Payment
54 13 Jun’21
LTR-C-21-0131 IP-8
Replied by
55 20 Jun’21 Notice of delay and disruption for ECT site access L-ADC-21-0128
Replied by
ADC-NOCD- Notice of delay and disruption to the ICT Works due to
56 20 Jun’21 L-ADC-21-0129
LTR-G-21-0055 guard house relocation
ADC-NOCD- Notice of delay and disruption due to the express highway
57 23 Jun’21
LTR-G-21-0058 occupation
ADC-NOCD- Notice of delay in taxiway pavement connection of N3 and
58 4 Jul’ 21
LTR-C-21-0144 NE2 junctions
59 26 Jul’ 21 Incentive to the Workers to mitigate the delays
ADC-NOCD- Notice for Delay for demurrage, detention and storage due
60 26 Jul’ 21
LTR-PR-21-0227 to delay payment of Duty/Tax for Import items
61 29 Jul’ 21 Notice of Delay in Duty/Tax Payments for Imported Items
Notice of delay for Airside Pavement Works due to the
62 2 Aug’ 21 Change of Specification requirement for Subbase and Base
Course materials
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Bank Guarantee Approval Process for
63 3 Aug’ 21
LTR-PR-21-0236 Re-Export Basis Items
ADC-NOCD- Notice of delay and disruption due to suspension of Tunnel
64 4 Aug’ 21
LTR-C-21-0164 top slab casting by Engineer
Replied by
ADC-NOCD- Notification of further COVID-19 lockdown from 5th August
65 7 Aug’ 21 L-ADC-21-0170
LTR-C-21-0167 2021 until 10th August 2021
ADC-NOCD- Notification of delay due to wrecking off the vessel carrying
66 9 Aug’ 21
LTR-C-21-0168 the steel structure
ADC-NOCD- Notice of delay for the Works in the previous Ansar Barrack
67 9 Aug’ 21
LTR-C-21-0170 Area
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay issuance of BSTI Certificate for Asphalt for
68 17 Aug’ 21
LTR-PR-21-0251 Shipment No. DKAC-071
ADC-NOCD- Notice of disruption due to existing drainage system near
69 21 Aug’ 21
LTR-G-21-078 ICT and NE1 taxiway
70 22 Aug’ 21 Notice for delay of payment against Interim Payment IP-11
Replied by
ADC-NOCD- Notice for demolition of Monuments at entrance of VVIP
71 29 Aug’ 21 L-ADC-21-0176
LTR-C-21-0187 road nearby gate 5
72 5 Sep’ 21 Notice for delayed reimbursement of Taxes/Duties

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

73 7 Sep’ 21 Notice for delay of payment against Interim Payment IP-12
ADC-NOCD- Notice of delay and disruption due to suspension of S1
74 8 Sep’ 21
LTR-C-21-0200 taxiway pavement Work from 3rd September 2021
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay issuance of BSTI Certificate for Asphalt for
75 13 Sep’ 21
LTR-PR-21-0264 Shipment No. DKAC-085
ADC-NOCD- Notice for suspension of civil work in Area 5 by the
76 15 Sep’ 21
LTR-C-21-0206 Employer
ADC-NOCD- Notice of delay and request for expediting in Bank
77 26 Sep’ 21
LTR-C-21-0211 Guarantee approval process of Re-Export basis items
ADC-NOCD- Notice of resumption of S1 and N1 taxiway pavement Work
78 27 Sep’ 21
LTR-C-21-0219 from 16th September 2021
ADC-NOCD- Notice of delay for the Works in Asphalt Batching Plant
79 28 Sep’21
LTR-C-21-0220 Area
ADC-NOCD- Notification for the steep rise of shipping cost and extension
80 30 Sep’21 of time to the procurement
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Claim for Change in design of ICT Slab on Grade
81 6 Oct’ 21
LTR-C-21-0232 (SOG)
Notice for 'Delayed Payments' of Duty/Tax for the item "DI
82 12 Oct’ 21 Pipe for Underground Piping Works" directly to Customs for
Notice for 'Delayed Payments' of Duty/Tax for the item
83 12 Oct’ 21 "VMU Metal Ceiling Module" directly to Customs for DKAC-
ADC-NOCD- Notification for Delay of Import Cargo Terminal (ICT)
84 14 Oct’ 21
LTR-C-21-0234 Building Works
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Issuance of Import Permit (IP)for
85 19 Oct’ 21
LTR-PR-21-0336 Permanent Items
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay for Duty/Tax Payments for Permanent
86 19 Oct’ 21
LTR-PR-21-0337 Items
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Claim for Delay to Contract Works due to
87 24 Oct’ 21
LTR-C-21-0246 Changes in Shop Drawings
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay of BSTI Certificate for Modified Asphalt for
88 25 Oct’ 21
LTR-PR-21-0341 Shipment No. DKAC-090
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Issuance of Certificate of Reimbursement of
89 2 Nov ‘21
LTR-C-21-0266 Import Duties and Taxes (No.2)
90 10 Nov ’21 Notification for Delay of Express Driveway Works
Notice of Delay in Confirming the Roofing Material for
91 15 Nov ’21 Roofing Work of Export Cargo Terminal, Import Cargo
Terminal, Rescue and Fire Fighting Station Buildings
ADC-NOCD- Notice of resource idling for EHP and FHS works owing to
92 29 Nov ’21
LTR-C-21-0293 delay in handing over of Area-B (General Aviation Area)
Notice of Delay due to Design Changes of Electrical Panel
93 30 Nov ’21 Layout and Cable Pit in Intake Power Plant (IPP) and
Intake Power Plant for Receiving (IPR) Building
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 116 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

Notice of Delay for Duct Bank works and Request for
94 1 Dec’ 21 Engineer’s Instruction (EI) to change duct bank material
from Concrete to Ceramic type
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay and Disruption to the Import Cargo Terminal
95 2 Dec’ 21
LTR-C-21-0308 Works due to Relocation of Guard House
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay for the Generator Equipment in Generator
96 2 Dec’ 21
LTR-C-21-0309 House
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Appointment of the Finishing
97 5 Dec’ 21
LTR-C-21-0307 Subcontractor
98 20 Dec’ 21 Notice of Acceleration Activities for Mitigation of Delays
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Handing Over of Area-B (General
99 20 Dec’ 21
LTR-C-21-0333 Aviation Area)
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay due to lack of Clarification for the Design of
100 26 Dec’ 21
LTR-C-21-0343 Duct Bank, Intake Power Plant and Intake Power Receiver
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay due to Design Changes to the N1 Taxiway
101 26 Dec’ 21
LTR-C-21-0343 Connection with the Runway
102 28 Dec’ 21 Notice of Delay for Inspection of Visual Mockup Unit
103 29 Dec’ 21 Delay of Works due to Change in Legislation
104 3 Jan’22 Delay Notice for Tunnel Area Site Handover
105 3 Jan’22 Notification of Delay due to widening of roads in Area-5
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Handing Over of Area-B (General
106 5 Jan’22
LTR-C-22-0009 Aviation Area)
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay for Relocation of Existing Fuel Pipeline
107 10 Jan’22
LTR-C-22-0012 to Terminal 1 and 2
107 12 Jan’22 Notification of Delay due to widening of roads in Area-5
108 12 Jan’22 Notice of Delay due to Design Changes of VVIP Road 3
ADC-NOCD- Delay due to Design and Continuous Disposal by other
109 19 Jan’22
LTR-G-22-0019 Contractors at Additional Pond Development Site in Area-8
ADC-NOCD- Notice for 'delay payment' of DutyTax for the imported items
110 19 Jan’22
LTR-PR-22-0047 where CAAB is Consignee
ADC-NOCD- Notice for ''delay payment'' of Duty/Tax for the imported
111 23 Jan’22
LTR-PR-22-0052 items where CAAB is Consignee
ADC-NOCD- Notice for 'delay payment' of Duty/Tax for the imported
112 25-Jan-22
LTR-PR-22-0061 items where CAAB is Consignee
Notice for delay issuance of ''direct Import Permit Request
113 25 Jan’22 Letters'' to CCI&E for Permanent Basis items for Import
Permit for imported materials
114 27 Jan’22 Notice of Delay for Pier Works of Terminal 3
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay of Project Completion Due to Duct Bank
115 29 Jan’22
LTR-C-22-0034 Works

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

116 1 Feb’ 22 Notice of Delay for the Generator Equipment
117 2 Feb’ 22 Notice of Delay due to Design for Retention Pond in Area 8
118 4 Feb’ 22 Notice to claim due to delayed payment against IP-16
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay in Interior Design for VVIP lounge in
119 8 Feb’ 22
LTR-C-22-0052 Terminal 3
Notice for delay issuance of “direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters” to CCI&E for Permanent Import items for Import
120 9 Feb’ 22
LTR-C-22-0079 Permit and Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for imported
materials which are already assessed by Customs.
121 10 Feb’ 22 Notice for Delay of Payment against Interim Payment IP-16
ADC-NOCD- Notice for ‘delay payment’ of Duty/Tax for the imported
121 12 Feb’ 22
LTR-PR-22-0094 items where CAAB is Consignee
Notice for delay issuance of “direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters” to CCI&E for Permanent Import items for Import
122 16 Feb’ 22
LTR-PR-22-0099 Permit and Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for imported
materials which are already assessed by Customs
123 20 Feb’ 22 Notice for Delay of Payment against Interim Payment IP-16
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay of Project Completion due to Duct Bank
124 22 Feb’ 22
LTR-C-22-0066 Works
ADC-NOCD- Claim for Additional Cost due to Employer's delay in
125 03 Mar’ 22
LTR-PR-22-0137 issuance of required letters for Shipments
Notice for delay issuance of “direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters” to CCI&E for Permanent Import items for Import
126 07 Mar’22
LTR-PR-22-0145 Permit and Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for imported
materials which are already assessed by Customs
ADC-NOCD- Tunnel, Delay in the process and catch-up for it (EI-22-
127 09 Mar’22
LTR-G-22-0086 0054)
Notice for delay issuance of “direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters” to CCI&E for Permanent Import items for Import
128 09 Mar’22
LTR-PR-22-0146 Permit and Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for imported
materials which are already assessed by Customs
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay in Backfilling Works in the Pier
129 16 Mar’22
LTR-C-22-0092 Extension Area of Terminal 3
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay in Steel Structure Works due to Covid-
130 20 Mar’22
LTR-C-22-0098 19 outbreak in China
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay in providing Construction Drawings for
131 20 Mar’22
LTR-C-22-0099 VVIP and VIP Area
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay in Façade, Metal Roofing and Ceiling
132 23 Mar’22
LTR-C-22-0100 Works due to Covid-19 outbreak in China
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Potential Delay of Door Works due to
133 23 Mar’22
LTR-C-22-0102 Change of Door and Hardware Brand to 'Hormann'
134 24 Mar’22 Financing Charges for Delay Payment.

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 118 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

135 27 Mar’22 Notice of Delay for Engineer’s Accommodation Building
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Export of Roof forming machine and materials due
136 29 Mar’22
LTR-C-22-120 to Covid-19 outbreak in China
ADC-NOCD- Security Screening System delivery delay due to non-
137 2 Apr.’22
LTR-C-22-124 confirmation of Variation Order
Replied by
ADC-NOCD- Moving Walkway delivery delay due to non-confirmation of
138 3 Apr.’22 L-ADC-22-0146
LTR-C-22-123 Variation Order
(6 Apr.22)
Delayed Verification of Tax/Duty payments by the
ADC-NOCD- Engineer/Employer and Delayed Certification by the
139 6 Apr.’22
LTR-PR-22-233 Engineer for Reimbursement of Taxes and Duties on
Imported items
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Import Permit Process for DKAC-227 by the
140 6 Apr.’22
LTR-PR-22-235 Employer
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay for Relocation of DESCO Power Cable Line
141 6 Apr.’22
LTR-C-22-0131 at EDW Area
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay for Relocation of DESCO 33KV Power
142 6 Apr.’22
LTR-C-22-0133 Cable Line along Highway
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Issuance of Revised Drawings of Grading,
143 7 Apr.’22
LTR-G-22-0126 Pavement and Drainage for RFFS & AGS Area
ADC-NOCD- Delay Notice regarding the selection of Lighting Fixture
144 10 Apr.’22
LTR-ME-22-0023 Manufacturer
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay for Disruption in Supply Chain due to
145 10 Apr.’22
LTR-C-22-0135 Covid-19 outbreak
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in providing Construction Drawings for
146 13 Apr.’22
LTR-C-22-0137 VVIP and VIP Lounge of T3
ADC-NOCD- Indemnify for delay in Relocation of DESCO 33KV Power
147 13 Apr.’22
LTR-C-22-0143 Cable Line
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Export Machine and Materials due to Covid-19
148 24 Apr.’22
LTR-C-22-0159 outbreak in China
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay and Additional Costs arising from
149 1 May’22
LTR-C-22-0171 Suspension of Apron Pavement Work
150 7 May’22 Notice for Delay of Payment against Interim Payment IP-19
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Import Machine and Materials due to Covid-19
151 7 May’22
LTR-C-22-0180 outbreak in China
Notice for delay issuance of ''direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters'' to CCI&E for Permanent Import items for Import
152 8 May’22
LTR-PR-22-0279 Permit and Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for imported
materials which are already assessed by Customs
Notice for delay issuance of ''direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters'' to CCI&E for Permanent Import items for Import
153 11 May’22
LTR-PR-22-0312 Permit and Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for imported
materials which are already assessed by Customs
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Relocation of DESCO Electric Cable and
154 12 May’ 22
LTR-C-22-0190 Poles
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay for Consent of Subcontractor for Furniture
155 22 May’22
LTR-C-22-0201 & Seating Works

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 119 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

Notice for delay issuance of ''direct Import Permit Request

ADC-NOCD- Letters'' to CCI&E for Permanent Import items for Import
156 23 May’22
LTR-PR-22-0372 Permit and Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for imported
materials which are already assessed by Customs
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay and EOT Claim on selection of
157 3 Jun’22
LTR-ME-22-037 Lighting fixtures manufacturer
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay and EOT Claim on selection of LV
158 3 Jun’22
LTR-ME-22-038 Switchgear model
Notice for delay issuance of “direct Import Permit Request
159 5 Jun’22 Letters” to CCI&E for Permanent Import items for Import
Permit and Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for
160 6 Jun’22 Delay in Padma Oil Fuel Pipeline Relocation Work
161 7 Jun’22 TE3 Roof Column Delayed Casting
Notice of Delay due to Strike Called by Federation of
162 27 Jun’22 Bangladesh Custom Clearing and Forwarding Agents
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay due to Engineer’s Instruction to Hold TE3
163 01 Aug’22
LTR-C-22-0298 GF (B9,14-39) Conveyor Room Removal Work
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay for Suspension of WSS Building Works due
164 02 Aug’22
LTR-C-22-0299 to Additional Maintenance Building
Notice of Delay and request for Engineering Instruction for
164 LTR-MEP-22- 04 Aug’22
the changes in UPS specifications
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Starting of Elevated Driveway (EDW) Piling Work
165 04 Aug’22
LTR-G-22-0221 at FDEE area
166 16 Aug’22 Notice for Delay of Payment against Interim Payment IP-23
Notice of Delay in Approval for the Sample of Fire Alarm
167 LTR-MEP-22- 17 Aug’22
(FA) System
ADC-NOCD- Further Clarification of Notice of Delay for VVIP Lounge
168 21 Aug’22
LTR-G-22-0241 Fitting Design in T3
ADC-NOCD- Notice for Delay of Payment against Interim Payment IP-22
169 23 Aug’22
LTR-C-22-0334 and IP-23
Notice for delay issuance of “direct Import Permit Request
170 30 Aug’22 Letters” to CCI&E for Permanent Imports and Delay of Duty
Tax Payments for imported materials
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Potential Delay Due to Utility Services Related to
171 30 Aug’22
LTR-G-22-0245 Pier Extension of T3
Notice for delay issuance of “direct Import Permit Request
172 01 Sep’22 Letters” to CCI&E for Permanent Imports and Delay of Duty
Tax Payments for imported materials
ADC-POCL-LTR- Delay in PADMA Oil Fuel Pipe Relocation Works affecting
173 05 Sep’22
C-22-0004 Project Timeline

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

174 11 Sep’22 Delay in Approval of Landside Subbase Course Material
Notice of Delay and Cost caused by Re-tests for the
175 12 Sep’22 Elongation Test by 3rd Party Testing Agency instructed by
the Engineer
Observation to Notice of Delay and Cost Caused by Re-
176 27 Sep ‘22 Tests for Elongation Test by 3rd Party Testing Agency
Instructed by the Engineer
Notice of Delay in obtaining Import Permit due to CCI&E
177 04 Oct ‘22 server maintenance period from 1st September to 24th
September 2022
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Starting of Elevated Driveway (EDW)
178 10 Oct ‘22
LTR-G-22-0282 Piling Work at FDEE area
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay Event owing to Prohibition of Sand
179 19 Oct ‘22
LTR-G-22-0295 Dredging due to ‘Hilsa Fish’ Breeding Season
Notice of Delay due to withdrawal of previous approval to
180 20 Oct ‘22 the Supplier for Counter and Charging Station for the
Terminal 3
Update of Delay in obtaining Import Permit due to CCI&E
181 24 Oct ‘22 server maintenance and HS Code Clarifications required by
182 25 Oct ‘22 Notice for Delay of Payment against Interim Payment IP-25
ADC-NOCD- Notice for Delay in Payment of Onshore Portion of Interim
183 06 Nov ‘22
LTR-C-22-0467 Payment Certificate-25
184 10 Nov ‘22 Delay in Assignment of Super User
185 10 Nov ‘22 Financing Charges for Delayed Payment
186 14 Nov ‘22 Notice for delayed reimbursement of Taxes/Duties
187 14 Nov ‘22 Notice of Delay – Material Submission Reply from Engineer
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Approval of Variation Cost Proposal for Decoration
188 14 Nov ‘22
LTR-C-22-0487 Cable Stayed Bridge
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay due to Prolonged Delay in Selection of the
189 16 Nov ‘22
LTR-C-22-0490 Supplier for Seating Works for the Terminal 3
Update of Delay in obtaining Import Permit due to CCI&E
190 20 Nov ‘22 server maintenance and HS Code Clarifications required by
191 24 Nov ‘22 Notice of Delay for SOG Slab Works of T3
192 24 Nov ‘22 Notice of Delay for Clearance of ELV Material Issue

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 121 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

193 28 Nov ‘22 Notice for Delay of Payment against Interim Payment IP-26
Notice of Delay due to partial suspension of ECT/ICT works
194 28 Nov ‘22 caused by violence incident between subcontractors, which
could be avoided by the deployment of police
Notice of Delay caused by Non-availability to open L/C due
195 04 Dec’22 to USD Shortage in Major Commercial Banks of
ADC-NOCD- Re:Notice of Delay – Material Submission Reply from
196 04 Dec’22
LTR-C-22-0513 Engineer
Notice of Delay in Removal of Existing Fuel Pipeline used
197 07 Dec’22 by PADMA, which is conflicted with Subgrading works, Fuel
Hydrant System for AREA 4
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay – Mechanical Shop Drawing Submission
198 08 Dec’22
LTR-C-22-0533 Response from Engineer
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay due to cancellation of confirmed Variation
199 13 Dec’22
LTR-C-22-0536 to change the Brand of Doors and Windows to “Hörmann”
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Duct Bank work due to Ongoing works of another
200 17 Dec’22
LTR-G-22-0380 contractor(zone-1)
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay in Issuance of Engineer’s Instruction
201 18 Dec’22
LTR-PR-22-1123 with relevant design details
ADC-NOCD- Notification of Delay in Issuance of Engineer’s Instruction
202 19 Dec’22
LTR-ME-22-0203 with relevant design details
ADC-NOCD- Further Notice for Delay of Payment against Interim
203 19 Dec’22
LTR-C-22-0532 Payment IP-26
ADC-NOCD- Reply to Notice of Delay–Mechanical Shop Drawing
204 22 Dec’22
LTR-C-22-0549 Submission Response from Engineer
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay due to NOTAM issuance after Taxiway
205 22 Dec’22
LTR-G-22-0387 closure phase-2A
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent Import items Permit and
206 26 Dec’22
LTR-PR-22-1146 Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which
are already assessed by Customs
207 02 Jan’23 Financing Charges for Delayed Payment
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
208 02 Jan’23 Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent Import items Permit and
Delay of Duty/Tax Payment for imported
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Superstructure Works of EDW South and
209 05 Jan’23
LTR-G-23-0010 North Piers
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
210 09 Jan’23 Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in finalization/response of ELV/SAS
211 15 Jan’23
LTR-ME-23-0014 Engineering Submittals

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 122 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request

ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
212 16 Jan’23
LTR-PR-23-0083 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay – Mechanical Shop Drawing and Material
213 17 Jan’23
LTR-C-23-0029 Submission Response from Engineer
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay due to postponing of confirmed schedule of
214 17 Jan’23
LTR-G-23-0030 FWT for Counter in Italy
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
215 18 Jan’23
LTR-PR-23-0093 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
ADC-NOCD- Grave Concern on Prolonged Delay in Confirmation of
216 19 Jan’23
LTR-C-23-0038 Pending VO works
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
217 22 Jan’23
LTR-PR-23-0120 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
218 25 Jan’23
LTR-PR-23-0133 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
219 28 Jan’23
LTR-PR-23-0153 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
Notice of Delay due to Strike Called by Federation of
220 30 Jan’23 Bangladesh Customs Clearing & Forwarding Agents
ADC-NOCD- Reminder: Notice of Delay – Mechanical Shop Drawing
221 7 Feb’23
LTR-ME-23-0032 Submission Response from Engineer

222 7 Feb’23 Notice of delay regarding the VDGS works
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
223 8 Feb’23
LTR-PR-23-0245 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
224 12 Feb’23
LTR-PR-23-0266 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
ADC-NOCD- Delay notification regarding the MLCP XPM Lotus Screen
225 13 Feb’23
LTR-ME-23-0044 Lighting design

ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Approval of Material Submittals for

226 13 Feb’23
LTR-ME-23-0047 Electrical and ELV Systems
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
227 15 Feb’23
LTR-PR-23-0280 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
Gentle Reminder regarding Claim for Additional Cost due to
18 Feb’23 Employer’s delay in issuance of required letters for

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 123 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request

ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
229 19 Feb’23
LTR-PR-23-0290 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
ADC-NOCD- Notice of Delay in Area-5 roadwork due to the additional
230 22 Feb’23
LTR-C-23-0091 work of Biman gate house

22 Feb’23 Notice of Delay due to Change in Door Brand
231 LTR-C-23-0096
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
232 22 Feb’23
LTR-PR-23-0324 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
ADC-NOCD- Delay in Process of Import Permit for Elastomeric Bearing
232 22 Feb’23
LTR-G-23-0076 Pads with Polychloroprene Rubber

233 23 Feb’23 Delay in Pending Works in front of Biman Building

234 24 Feb’23 Delay in Handing Over of Existing VVIP Terminal Area
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
235 26 Feb’23
LTR-PR-23-0337 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs
Notice for delay issuance of "direct Import Permit Request
ADC-NOCD- Letters" to CCI&E for Permanent items and Delay of
236 27 Feb’23
LTR-C-23-0106 Duty/Tax Payment for imported materials which are already
assessed by Customs

11.2 Claim Requested & Awarded

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

Submission of initial Interim Claim for Extension of Time,
ADC-NOCD- Loss & Expense No. 01 - Impact of COVID-19 in
1 18 May ‘20
LTR-G-20-0064 accordance with GC under Sub-Clause 13.7 & Sub-
Clause 13.7
Further Notice,
ADC-NOCD- Additional Government’s ban related to COVID-19 supporting
2 27 Jun ‘20
LTR-G-20-0086 announced on 15 June 2020 particulars of No.01
ADC-NOCD- Submission of 2nd Interim Claim for Extension of Time,
3 17-Aug-20
LTR-G-20-0180 Loss and Expense No. 01 - Impact of COVID-19

ADC-NOCD- Submission of 3rd Interim Claim for Extension of Time,

4 12-Nov-20
LTR-G-20-0242 Loss and Expense and Covid-19 impact
Notice of Claim for Fire Incident caused by the
5 14-Feb-21 Contractor Italian Thai Development, of the adjacent

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 124 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

No Reference No. Issue Date Description Remarks

Replied by
ADC-NOCD- Claim for Additional Costs due to Employer delay in
6 23-Feb-21 L-ADC-21-0051
LTR-C-21-0037 Import Permits
ADC-NOCD- Submission of 4th Interim Claim for Extension of Time,
7 30-May-21
LTR-C-21-0121 Loss and Expense
ADC-NOCD- Submission of 5th Interim Claim for Extension of Time,
8 28-Oct-21
LTR-C-21-0250 Loss and Expense with Acceleration Plans
Submission of Updated Presentation Materials for
9 30-Nov-21 Acceleration Plans and 5th Interim Claim for Extension of
Time, Loss and Expense

12. Information Required

Information required is included in the chapter ‘7. Circumstances Affecting Progress & Pending
Issues’. Please refer to the chapter 7

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 125 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

13. Quality Assurance Report

13.1 Quality System

Title Rev. No. Approved Date Status Action

Quality Control Plan 3 02 Oct, 2022 13 Oct, 2022 Approved

Quality Test Plan 5 25 Feb, 2022 28 Feb, 2022 Approved

Specific Project Procedure 4 13 Mar, 2022 22 Mar, 2022 Approved

Laboratory Operation Plan 2 19 May, 2020 02 Jun, 2020 Approved

Code & Standards - 04 May, 2020 - -

* Code & Standards: Submitted the hard copy and USB Flash Drive.

13.2 Material Approval Status

Material Submittal Cumulative until Last Month This Month Total

Submitted 477 26 503

Approved/ Approved
455 8 463

Waiting for Approval 10 12 22

Revised & Resubmit 12 6 18

Rejected - - -

- Material Submittal & Approval Status for the month of Feb, 2023

Rev. Submission
No Material Submittal EAC Issued Status Remarks
No Date

Fire Sealing system at expansion joint Revised &
1 0 19-Feb 23-Feb Revised
for T3 Building Resubmit

Roof Access Hatch Door for T3 Revised &
2 0 22-Feb 27-Feb Revised
Building Resubmit

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 126 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Rev. Submission
No Material Submittal EAC Issued Status Remarks
No Date

Master Seal 729ST (3mm) Elastomeric Approved Preparing

3 Modified Bitumen for roof water 0 13-Feb 15-Feb with Revised
proofing (WP-1) in other buildings Comments Documents

Polyurethane Sealant (Nitoseal PUSO) Revised &
4 0 05-Feb 22-Feb Revised
for Expansion Joint at T3 Building Resubmit

Granite (GRA2) for floor area of Flag Preparing

Revised &
5 pole external hardscape for other 0 01-Feb 16-Feb Revised
buildings Documents

Sealer for Granite protection for other Revised &
6 0 01-Feb 16-Feb Revised
buildings Resubmit

Master Seal HLM 5000 R (Roller)

bitumen-modified polyurethane
7 0 13-Feb 15-Feb Approved -
elastomeric waterproofing membrane
for ECT,ICT & Other Buildings

Master Seal HLM 5000 R (Roller)

bitumen-modified polyurethane
8 0 06-Feb 07-Feb Approved -
elastomeric waterproofing membrane
for ECT,ICT & Other Buildings

Fire Rated Dry Wall-D3 (Alternative-1) Waiting for

9 0 20-Feb - -
for other buildings Approval

Dry wall-Gypsum board on steel frame

Waiting for
10 (D2, D2A Non-Fire rated) (Alternative- 0 20-Feb - -
1) for other buildings

Curing Compound for Concrete Revised &
11 0 14-Feb 16-Feb Revised
Pavement of Civil work (FOSROC) Resubmit

FSD, SD & LSD Door Hardware, Waiting for

12 0 19-Feb - -
Ironmongery (Part-2) for other buildings Approval

Polyurethane Floor (PUF) Paint

13 0 19-Feb 22-Feb Approved -
(Alternative-1) for T3 Building

Nosing SS Strip and Nosing Adhesive Approved Preparing

14 for Stair Engineered stone at T3 0 19-Feb 27-Feb with Revised
Building Comments Documents

15 Speed Hump (Crosswise in the Road) 0 20-Feb 23-Feb Approved -

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 127 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Rev. Submission
No Material Submittal EAC Issued Status Remarks
No Date

Cement Fiber Board for Fixed

Waiting for
16 Gangway Vinyl Floor Base Materials at 0 22-Feb - -
T3 Building

17 Precast Paving Block (Landside) 0 27-Feb 28-Feb Approved -

Paint Type, P 6a Epoxy Resin Floor

Waiting for
18 Paint for MLCP Car Park with Line 0 23-Feb - -

Ramp Floor Hardener at Hardener at

19 0 23-Feb 26-Feb Approved -
MLCP (Alternative-1)

C32- for Building Exterior Area at other Waiting for

20 0 25-Feb - -
Buildings Approval

C33 Double Ceiling; Gypsum, Acoustic

Board Ceiling with Light Gauge Steel Waiting for
21 0 26-Feb - -
Suspension System in Other Buildings Approval

C35Gypsum Board with Light Gauge Waiting for

22 0 26-Feb - -
Steel for Other Buildings (Alternative-1) Approval

Waiting for
23 Door Threshold for Other Buildings 0 26-Feb - -

Waiting for
24 Door Threshold for T3 Building 0 27-Feb - -

Paint Type P6b (Alternative-1) Floor

Waiting for
25 Paint for Heavy Traffic area for other 0 27-Feb - -

Stainless Steel 316 Grade for Grating Waiting for

26 0 27-Feb - -
of ALG system for T3 building Approval

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 128 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

13.3 WIR Status [unit : nos.]

No. of WIR Inspection in- Inspection done Final

Waiting for
Raised & progress/ by NOCD Approval
Area WIR for Final Approval
Requested for Inspector Inspector from NOCD
from NOCD RE
Inspection Sign pending (Completed) RE

RC Works 12,507 315 12,192 8,536 3,656

Steel Structure 1,386 334 1,052 328 724

Pavement 1310 109 1201 1201 0

Earthworks 9,951 389 9,562 9,506 56

RC Works 4,467 205 4,262 3,121 1,141

Drainage Layer 130 3 127 127 0

Others 8,120 752 7,358 1,836 5,522

Total Total 37,871 2,107 35,754 24,655 11,099

* Others: Lean, Temporary works, Waterproofing works, Soil Investigation, Site preparation, Survey, Fence etc.

* Inspection Ratio by Activity:

Building 36.69 % [RC Works ( 33.03 %), Steel Structure ( 3.66 %)]

Infra. 41.87 % [Pavement ( 3.46 %),Earthworks (26.28%), RC Works (11.80 %), Drainage Layer (0.34%)]

Others 21.44 %

- Pending Ratio of Final Approval with respect to total inspected WIRs = 11,099 / 35,754 * 100 = 31.04 %

13.4 MIR Status [unit : nos.]

MIR Cumulative until Last Month This Month Total

Issued 1289 29 1318

Approved 1252 14 1266

Waiting for NOCD Signature 37 15 52

* Inspection Ratio by Activity: Material Inspection & Test (94.39%), Mix Design (5.61 %)

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 129 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

13.5 Factory Witness Test

- Status of completed factory witness test As of 28th Feb

Duration Item No Item Name Factory Name Date of Test Remarks

Bituminous material
1-1 GP Global (UAE) 23 ~ 30 Oct, 2021
PG76-10, PG76-16, PG82-16

2-1 Imported Aggregate (Concrete) Stevin Rock (UAE) 9 ~ 10 Jan, 2021

2-2 Imported Aggregate (Asphalt) United Quarries (UAE) 23 ~ 30 Oct, 2021

4 Steel Girder bridge Samil, Korea 25 ~ 31 May, 2022

Sinohydro Factory Factory locate

5 Precast Concrete Girder June, 2021
(Bangladesh) in project Site

Aeronautical Ground Lighting

System (AGLS) and
Aeronautical Lighting control OCEM
6 21 ~ 27 Feb 2022
and monitoring systems (Italy)
(a) AGL Lighting Fixture

DSHI (Korea, 28 June ~ 2 July, 2021 Korea Factory

8-1 Steel Structure (ECT/ICT)
Bangladesh) 17 Aug ~ 7 Sep, 2021 Bang. Factory

27 Sept 2021 ~ China Factory/

8-2 Steel Structure (T3) Jinggong (China)
29 Sept 2022 Lab

Up to Feb, 2023
9 Façade PMU Jangho (China) 15 ~ 21 June, 2021

18 Façade, Glazing system Jangho (China) 15 ~ 21 June, 2021

Schneider Electric
High Voltage Equipment and
28 Factory, 15 ~ 23 Nov, 2022
Panel 132kV or 33kV

Schneider Electric
Medium Voltage Equipment
29 Factory, 15 ~ 23 Nov, 2022
and Panel 11kV
Turkey -

Uninterrupted Power Supply SOCOMEC Asia Pacific

32 19 ~ 25 Oct, 2022
(UPS) equipment Pte. Ltd, France

33 Chiller LG Electronics, Korea 15 ~ 22 May, 2022

Chilled water & Condenser

35 Korea 15 ~ 22 June, 2022
water pump

38 Air handling unit LG Electronics, Korea 10 ~ 18 June, 2022

Fire pump sets(Electric SPP Pump,

40 24 ~ 30 Nov, 2022
motor/engine driven) USA

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 130 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

- Factory witness test schedules

Table # 1
Date of submission of test Date of Date of test
in Chapter Item Name Factory Name
plan and schedule approval (estimate)

Bituminous material 26 May.2021 for

GP Global 2nd Jun 2021 Completed:
1-1 PG76-10, PG76-16, (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PL-Q-21-
(UAE) (EAC-21-0739) (23 ~ 30 Oct, 2021)
PG82-16 0011-01)
Bituminous material
1-2 Penetration Grade PG Bashundhara - - -
8 Mar. 2021
Imported Aggregate Stevin Rock 7 Mar. 2021 (ADC-NOCD- Completed:
(Concrete) (UAE) (ADC-NOCD-MIR-Q-21-0064) MIR-Q-21- (9 ~ 10 Jan, 2021)
19 May.2021 for
Imported Aggregate United Quarries 2nd Jun 2021 Completed:
2-2 (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PL-Q-21-
(Asphalt) (UAE) (EAC-21-0741) (23 ~ 30 Oct, 2021)

3 Dowel bar, Admixture - - -

9 Feb. 2022
15th Feb 2022 Completed:
4 Steel Girder bridge Samil, Korea (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PL-Q-CC-
(EAC-22-0188) (25 ~ 31 May, 2022)

Precast Concrete Sinohydro Factory Completed:

5 - -
Girder (Bangladesh) (June, 2021)

Aeronautical Ground
Lighting System
(AGLS) and
14th July 2021
Aeronautical Lighting OCEM 6th June 2021 Completed:
6 (a)~(f) (L-CLEN-21-
control and monitoring (Italy) (ADC-NOCD-LTR-G-21-0041) (21 ~ 27 Feb 2022)
systems (ALCMS)
(a) AGL Lighting

Screwed steel pile

7 Fujita - - -

Korea Factory: (28
DSHI 1st Jun.2021 for
Steel Structure 2nd Jun 2021 June ~ 2 July, 2021)
8-1 (Korea, (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PL-Q-21-
(ECT/ICT) (EAC-21-0740) Bangladesh Factory:
Bangladesh) 0015-03)
(17 Aug. ~ 7 Sep
11 May 2021
Steel Structure Jinggong 16 May 2021 (27 ~ 29 Sep, 2022)
8-2 (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PL-Q-21-
(TE3) (China) (EAC-21-0655) Full Scale Joint Test
in Lab (China)
22 Apr. 2021
Façade Performance Jangho 17 May 2021 Completed:
Mock-up (PMU) (China) (EAC-21-0667) (15 ~ 21 June, 2021)
(i) 28th March to 3rd
April 2023 for Saint
Gobian, Gyproc India
(ii) 28th March to 3rd
False Ceiling, TBD
April 2023 for Tiles-
10 (a)~(e) Acoustic Ceiling (China, Korea, - -
Wonderful Group
Panels etc. Thailand)
(Marcopolo), China
(iii) 23rd May to 29th
May 2023 GKS
Factory, China
Sanitary fixture
11 (toilets, hand basins, - - - -
Imported Toilet
12th May to 18th May
12 compartment, Wall Jialifu, China - -

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 131 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Table # 1
Date of submission of test Date of Date of test
in Chapter Item Name Factory Name
plan and schedule approval (estimate)

Lounge Furniture, 22nd May to 28th May

13 CCM. Italy - -
Check-in counters, etc 2023

28th Mar to 3rd Apr

14 Louvers, screen Jangho, China - -

Lounge Furniture,
15 Check-in counters, - - - -

16 Signage - - - -

12th Mar to 18th Mar

Joint sealing, Singapore,
17(a)~(e) - - 2023
Geotextile, etc. Korea,Malayasia
27th Apr to 3rd May
22 Apr. 2021
Façade, Glazing Jangho 17 May 2021 Completed:
system (China) (EAC-21-0667) (15 ~ 21 June, 2021)
Shanghai ShenAn
Special Operating 12th April to 18th April
19 Door Industry Co., - -
Door (30930CFGS) 2023
Ltd at China-

Hoogovens 12th Mar to 18th Mar

20 Roof Cladding
(China) 2023

Metal Sandwich Wall 12th Mar to 18th Mar

Hoogovens 2023
21 Panel (30700CF- - -
12th Mar to 18th Mar
Metal Insulated Panel Hoogovens
22 - - 2023
(30820C) (China)
# Factory visit
Shenzhen CIMC
Passenger boarding planned
23 TIANA Airport - -
bridge 16th Apr to 22nd Apr
Support, China
23rd June 2022
Baggage handling
24 Zlotkowo, Poland (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22- - -
29th June 2022
Cargo handling
25 Korea (ADC-NOCD-LTR-ME-22- - -
Flight information 15th March to 21st
26 It/Sanseung/Sita - -
display system March 2023
FIDS, Korea
Schindler Factory # Factory visit
Lift, Escalator, Moving at Switzerland, planned from 31st
27 - -
side walk Slovakia and March to 6th April
Austria(EU) 2023
High Voltage Schneider Electric
28 Equipment and Panel Factory, - -
(15 ~ 23 Nov, 2022)
132kV or 33kV Turkey
Medium Voltage Schneider Electric
29 Equipment and Panel Factory, - -
(15 ~ 23 Nov, 2022)
11kV Turkey -
Generator 11kV
4th Mar to 10th March
30 4000KVA and Kohler, France - -
Generator Panel
Power distribution
15th March to 21st
31 panel, Motor control Schneider, Turkey - -
March 2023
panel (400V/230V)
Uninterrupted Power SOCOMEC Asia
32 Supply (UPS) Pacific Pte. Ltd, - -
(19 ~ 25 Oct, 2022)
equipment France
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 132 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Table # 1
Date of submission of test Date of Date of test
in Chapter Item Name Factory Name
plan and schedule approval (estimate)
16 Nov.2021
LG Electronics, (HSIA-ADC-PL-ME-21-0006), 24 Nov. 2021 Completed:
33 Chiller
Korea 10th May 2022 (EAC-21-0330) (15~22 May, 2022)

34 Cooling Tower - - - -

Chilled water &

16 Jan. 2022 22 Mar. 2021 Completed
35 Condenser water Korea
(HSIA-ADC-PL-ME-22-0008) (EAC-22-350) (15~22 Jun, 2022)
Prudent Aire
VAV box and
36 Engineering Sdn - - -
controller assembly
Bhd, Malaysia

HVAC MCC Main 27th May to 2nd June

37 Schneider, Turkey - -
switch board 2023

8 Mar. 2022
LG Electronics, 16 Mar. 2021 Completed:
38 Air handling unit (ADC-NOCD-RFA-PR-
Korea (EAC-22-338) (10 ~ 18 June, 2022)

Steel pipe for fuel 10 May 2021 14 May 2021

39 Korea -
supply (HSIA-ADC-PL-ME-21-0003) (EAC-21-0654)

Fire pump
SPP Pump, 6 Jan. 2022 22 Mar. 2021 Completed:
40 sets(Electric
USA (HSIA-ADC-PL-ME-22-0007) (EAC-22-349) (24 ~ 30 Nov, 2022)
motor/engine driven)

Water treatment
41 Korea - - -

Sewage treatment Yooduck 27 Jan. 2022

42 plant equipment & Environment Co., - -
vehicle Korea

43 Fire Alarm system - - - -

18th March to 24th

Security screening Smith Detection,
44 - March 2024
equipment Malayasia

# Factory visit from

Facial recognition Cognitec,
45 - - 11th March to 17th
system (FRS) Germany
March 2023
Annunciator and
46 Monitoring (PA. ACS - - - -
and CCTV)

Fire fighting System

47 - - - -

48 Fire & Rescue Vehicle Chinetti, Italy - - -

TBD : To be dated

Note :

The Row filled with the color ( ) stands for the completed Factory Witness Test item.

The Row filled with the color ( ) stands for the schedule of Factory Witness Test up-to next 3 months (May.)

Test Total Completed Remaining Remarks

Factory Witness Test 48 15 33 -

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 133 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

13.6 Statistical Analysis Result of Hardened Concrete (consider minimum last 30 cumulative data)
- Standard Deviation of Compressive Strength [unit : MPa]

Data Standard
No. Concrete Classes Unit Min. Max. Avg.
amount Deviation

1 BC C25 MPa 31 32.33 36.67 34.79 0.96

2 BC C28 MPa 58 35.66 38.76 37.37 0.65

3 BC C30 (Structure) MPa 110 38.46 43.49 40.40 0.85

4 BC C32 MPa 30 40.50 43.96 42.13 0.86

5 BC C35 MPa 72 40.61 46.89 44.62 1.00

6 BC C36 MPa 30 43.87 47.08 45.17 0.64

7 CC C25 MPa 196 30.86 38.11 33.89 1.15

8 CC C30(OPC) MPa 58 41.08 45.31 43.01 0.83

9 CC C30(PCC) MPa 30 38.55 42.68 40.39 0.99

10 CC C35 (OPC) MPa 52 48.09 51.30 49.83 0.86

11 CC C40 MPa 124 52.29 55.77 54.01 0.75

* 28days Normal distribution curve

Field Lab.

Excellent <3 <1.5

Very good 3-3.5 1.5

Good 3.5-4 1.5-2

Fair 4-5 2-2.5

Poor >5 >2.5

Note: ACI 214-77(Reapproved 1989) Classification of

Standard of Control of Concretes.
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 134 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

14. Safety Report

14.1 Accident Statistics


NAME OF THE CONTRACTOR: Aviation Dhaka Consortium [Terminal 3]

Report for Feb. 2023


1. Number of Man days Worked 294,465 6,576,070

2. Number of Man days Lost 00 23
3. Incident Free Operation Man-Days 294,465 1,099,808
4. Number of Man hours Worked 2,944,650 65,760,700
5. Number of Man hours Lost 00 230
6. Incident Free Operation Man-Hours 2,944,650 10,998,080
7. Number of RWC (Restricted Work Case) - L4 00 00
8. Number of MTC (Medical Treatment Case) - L5 00 00
9. Number of Occupational Illness - L6 00 00
10. Number of Dangerous Occurrence - L7 00 02
11. Number of Loss Time Injury - L8 00 01
12. Number of Fatality - L9 00 02
13. Total Recordable incident case 00 05

Number of Recordable Cases X 200,000 0.00 0.01

14. Incident Rate (IR) = -------------------------------------------------------- Goal ≤ 0.50 Goal ≤ 0.50
Number of Employee labor hours worked

Total number lost work days 0.00 4.6

15. Incident Severity Rate (SR) = -------------------------------------------- Goal ≤ 5.00 Goal ≤ 5.00
Total number of recordable incident

Date of last Recordable Incident Not Applicable

Total PJT Days worked since last Recordable Incident (LTI) 113

Total Incident Free Man-Hours since last Recordable Incident (LTI) 10,998,080

* PJT commence date was Dec 17, 2019 [NTP April 7, 2020]

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 135 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

14.2 Yearly Record Data Sheet

Non Reportable Case Reportable Cases/ Injuries

Dangerous Occurrence
Property Damage

(Restricted Work

MTC (Medical

Occupational Illness

Loss Time Injury

Case) L4
(First Aid Case)







Year 2019 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Year 2020 05 04 01 00 00 00 01 00 00

Year 2021 00 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 00

Year 2022 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 01 02

January-2023 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

February-2023 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Total 05 05 07 00 00 00 02 01 02

14.3 Incident Investigation Report

- NA

14.4 Noncompliance report action items status [S-CAR / Unsafe Act or Conditions]

Action Items Status This Month 2023-YTD

Closed 298 7,042
Open 00 00
Draft 00 00
Pending verification 00 00
Remarks: All Observations are captured on S-CAR [Safety Corrective Action Required]

14.5 Field Audit & Inspection

Field Audit & Inspection This Month 2023-YTD
A. Site Safety Audit Internal 04 105
B. Management Site Safety Inspection 04 120
C. NOCD-ADC Joint Safety Inspection 01 59

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 136 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

14.6 Equipment Audit & Inspection

Equipment Audit & Inspection This Month 2023-YTD
Fire Extinguisher 1,378 23,079
Full Body Harness 6,659 60,014
Lifting & Rigging Equipment & Gears 1,136 19,237

Power & Hand Tools (Welding, Grinding, Cutting, Drill, etc.) 3,060 39,317

Light Equipment (Generator [101], Compressor [31],

424 9,113
Tower light [33], Water Pump [242] etc.[17])
Heavy Equipment (Rig mc, Excavator, Pay loader, Roller,
708 12,837
Bulldozer, JCB, Truck, etc.)
Heavy Equipment Inspection, Safe worthiness Certificate
47 1,230
(03rd Party inspection)

14.7 Safety Training (In house training)

SL. Safety Training Record (In House training) This Month YTD 2023

Number Attendees Number Attendees

a) HSSE Safety Induction Course [SIC] 32 2,371 991 62,742

b) Operator Safe Driving 09 329 195 5,191

c) General environmental awareness 1 56 31 1,675

d) Power tools 1 5 78 588

e) Fire Prevention Training 3 156 41 2,183

f) Banksman / Flagman 6 371 138 4,322

g) Hazcom Training 0 0 13 1,083

h) Lifting and Rigging 6 747 87 6,355

i) Observation review / Safe Work Practice 0 0 89 3,442

j) Weapon Awareness 0 0 4 29

k) On-site training 0 0 117 2,346

l) Excavation 0 0 13 434

m) Security Awareness 2 111 49 2,196

n) Electrical Training 0 0 16 445

o) CPR 1 17 18 186

p) Working at Height 5 376 141 5,368

q) Material loading & unloading 0 0 25 438

r) Scaffolding Training 4 200 87 3,907

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 137 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

SL. Safety Training Record (In House training) This Month YTD 2023

s) Hold Point 0 0 16 723

t) Safe Lifting Operation 0 0 42 1,065

u) Rebar Bending Training 0 0 10 252

v) Hot Work Training 2 38 56 2,260

w) Equipment Inspection Training 4 187 48 1,905

x) Ramadan Special Training 0 0 2 54

y) PTW Training 0 0 51 1,730

z) Risk Assessment Training 0 0 17 559

aa) Confined Space Training 3 88 32 785

ab) Others 56 8,267 247 20,598

Total 135 13,319 2,654 132,861

14.8 Welfare Facility

Highlighted Activity Description Remarks

48 number of worker rest
Rest Shelter Area 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,8
shelter installed
Pedestrian Crossing 13 T3, Area 2, 3, 5, 6, Gate 8
Pedestrian 46 Land & Airside [PJT Area]
Hard barrier 76 Land & Airside [PJT Area]
Toilet facility 13 Airside Area , ECT & ICT
Safety Signage, Slogan and Banner 980 Land & Airside [PJT Area]

14.9 Safety Promotion and Reinforcement Activity

Highlighted Activity Purpose or Description Remarks

SOP for lifting activities in the site Accident prevention safe guard 22nd Feb. ~ 2023

Pre Safety Construction Meeting 5th,6th,9th,12th,16th

New upcoming work (Build & Infra)
Feb.~ 2023
Emergency preparedness , precaution & 15 batch in
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Training
awareness program Feb. ~ 2023
Lifting & Rigging Training Enrich competency level 6th ~ 8th Feb.2023

Emergency Rescue Drill Emergency preparedness , precaution & th

6 Feb. ~ 2023
awareness program
HQ incident investigation Finding root case and preventive actions NA
Safety Letter (CSO) Improving Existing Safety Culture NA
Top management special trainings Prevent accident in the site 25th Feb. ~ 2023
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 138 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

29th Safety Committee Meeting Improve Positive Safety Culture 28th Feb. 2023

Mass Housekeeping Day 2nd, 9th,16th ,23rd

Weekly basis
Feb. 2023
21 batch in
Safety Academy Training Increase safety awareness
Feb. 2023

14.10 Covid-19 Status

Positive Recovered
Total no. of test Negative Case Death Case
Criteria Case Case


31-Jan -23 15,247,014 127,542 2,037,588 3,042 13,209,426 124,500 29,443 0 1,992,694 3,042

28-Feb -23 15,254,399 127,542 2,037,829 3,042 13,216,570 124,500 29,445 0 1,998,448 3,042

Percentage - - 13.36% 2.39% 86.64% 97.61% 1.44% 0% 98.07% 100%

Increase 7,385 0 241 0 7,144 0 2 0 5,754 0

[Ref. & ADC PJT Covid-19 Status]

Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 139 / 146

Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

15. Monthly Actual & Planned Activities

Division Actual Activities (February 2023) Planned Activities (March 2023)

- Civil Shop Drawing for Landside Road - Civil Shop Drawing for Landside Road
Pavement, Traffic Signage, Line Pavement, Traffic Signage, Line
marking, Ductbank marking, Ductbank
- RCP for other buildings - RCP for other buildings
- TE3 GS, FGW Shop Drawing - Metal work shop drawing for TE3 and
- Metal work shop drawing for TE3 and other buildings
other buildings - Door shop drawing for TE3 and Other
- Door shop drawing for TE3 and Other building
Engineering building - Shutter shop drawing for TE3 and Other
- Shutter shop drawing for TE3 and building
Other building - Mechanical shop drawing for secondary
- Mechanical shop drawing for electrical and irrigation
secondary electrical and irrigation - Electrical shop drawing of DB and others
- Electrical shop drawing of DB and - Shop Drawing Revision due to design
others change EI: Area5 pond, ductbank,
Highway approach road, FIDS

Earthwork Earthwork
- Swamp soil removal & Excavation at - Swamp soil removal & Excavation at
Area 1, 3-1, 4, 5, 6-1 Area 1, 3-1, 4, 5, 6-1
- Soil Embankment at Area 4 - Soil Embankment at Area 4
- Sand Embankment at Area 2, 3-1, 4, 5 - Sand Embankment at Area 2, 3-1, 4, 5
- Sand delivery / Soil disposal - Sand delivery / Soil disposal
Drainage work Drainage work
- U-Shape Channel, BOX Culvert - U-Shape Channel, BOX Culvert at Area
at Area 3-1 3-1
- Slope Protection at Area 1,2, 4 - Slope Protection at Area 1,2, 4
- RC Pipe at Area 2, 3-1, 4 - RC Pipe at Area 2, 3-1, 4
- Trapezoidal channel Area 6-2, 7 - Trapezoidal channel Area 6-2, 7
Utility work Utility work
Civil - Duct Bank at Area 3-1,4, 5~ECT/ICT, - Duct Bank at Area 3-1,4, 5~ECT/ICT,
Construction Area 6-2, 7-1 Area 6-2, 7-1
- Fuel Hydrant, External Hydrant Pipe - Fuel Hydrant, External Hydrant Pipe
Installation at Area 2, 3-1, 4 Installation at Area 2, 3-1, 4
- Sewage Pipe/MH Installation at Area - Sewage Pipe/MH Installation at Area 2,
2, 3-1, 4 3-1, 4
- Utility Installation around T3 - Utility Installation around T3
Curbside : Other bean installation EDW
EDW - Footing, Column, Coping, Assebly of
- Bored Pile, Footing, Column, Coping, Steel BOX Girder, RC Girder installation,
Assebly of Steel BOX Girder, RC Super structure, Bent Installation, Steel
Girder installation, Super structure, box Girder Erection
Bent installation - MSE Wall
- MSE Wall - Retaining wall
- Retaining wall Pavement work
Pavement work - Apron Lean & Slab con’c paving at Area
- Apron Lean & Slab con’c paving at 3-1, 3-1B
Area 3-1, 3-1B - Aggregate & Asphalt paving at Area 3-
- Aggregate & Asphalt paving at Area 3- 1(connection part of con'c Pavement)
1(connection part of con'c Pavement) Taxiway Closure(Ph.6)
Taxiway Closure - Con'c duct bank & manhole installation
Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) 140 / 146
Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Division Actual Activities (February 2023) Planned Activities (March 2023)

- Box Culvert installation - Pavement work at Service road
- Con'c duct bank & manhole
- Pavement work at Service road and
emergency road south
Building TE3 area : TE3 area :
Construction - Steel Structure: Roof & Cantilever - Steel Structure: Roof & Cantilever
Truss, Purlin installation, Interior Steel Truss, Purlin installation, Interior Steel
Installation Installation
- Brick wall, Screeding, Paintworks - Brick wall, Screeding, Paintworks
- Scaffolding erection for Ceiling works - Scaffolding erection for Ceiling works
- Façade steel frame installation - Façade steel frame installation
- Façade C/W Panel installation - Façade C/W Panel installation
- Acoustic Barrier (ACB) - Acoustic Barrier (ACB)
- Roofing Deck & Insulation installation - Roofing Deck & Insulation installation
- Roofing Fascia Installation - Roofing Fascia Installation
- Roof Sky Light Installation - Roof Sky Light Installation
- Ceiling sub-frame & Panel Installation - Ceiling sub-frame & Panel Installation
(ALP1) (ALP1)
- Metal Ceiling Installation(APP) - Metal Ceiling Installation(APP)
- Exterior Ceiling (ALCP) Installation - Exterior Ceiling (ALCP) Installation
- Toilet Mock-up installation - Toilet Mock-up installation
- MFB ceiling installation - MFB ceiling installation
- Engineered Stone (GRA1) - Engineered Stone (GRA1)
- CSB (at Toilet) - CSB (at Toilet)
- CL1 & CL2 (Left & Right Wing) - CL1 & CL2 (Left & Right Wing)
- EDW Roof RC Column Steel column - EDW Roof RC Column Steel column
installation. installation.
- Cooling Tower floor screeding - Cooling Tower floor screeding
- Acoustic Ceiling Lining (ACL) - Acoustic Ceiling Lining (ACL

Terminal 3 pier extension Terminal 3 pier extension

- RC work for pile cap - RC work for pile cap

Other’s Building: Other’s Building:

- MLCP RC work : Center, Ramp - RC - MLCP RC work : Center, Ramp - RC
work, Skim coat & Paint work, Finishing work
- ECT : Floor Deck, Roofing work, - ECT : Wall cladding work, Finishing work
Wall cladding work, Finishing work - ICT : Roofing work, Wall cladding work,
- ICT : Steel structure, Floor Deck, Finishing work
Roofing - WSS (Water Supply system) :Finishing
work, Wall cladding work, Finishing work work
- WSS (Water Supply system) :Finishing - STP(Sewage treatment):Finishing work
work - IPP, IPR :Finishing work
- STP(Sewage treatment):Finishing work - Generator House :Finishing work
- IPP, IPR :Finishing work - AGL substation : Finishing work
- Generator House :Finishing work - Pond Water system : Finishing work
- AGL substation : Finishing work - RFFS : Finishing work
- Pond Water system : RC work
- RFFS : RC work, Finishing work

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

Division Actual Activities (February 2023) Planned Activities (March 2023)

MEP  Mech.  Mech.
[TE3] [TE3]
- Firefighting pipe installation(All area) - Firefighting pipe installation(All area)
- symphonic pipe installation(Roof) - symphonic pipe installation(Roof)
- Plumbing pipe installation(TLG) - Plumbing pipe installation(TLG, TLF)
- Duct & damper & VAV unit. - Duct & damper & VAV unit. Installation
Installation (All area)
(All area) - Cooling Tower & Cooling Water Pipe
- Cooling Tower & Cooling Water Pipe and Support Installation.
and Support Installation. - Chiller circulation pump installation
-AHU assembly & - AHU assembly & Installation(GR)
Installation(Basement) - Chilled water pipe Installation(All area)
- Chilled water pipe Installation(All - Roof fan installation
area) [Other building]
[Other building] - ECT, ICT, MLCP Gravity water rain
- ECT, ICT, MLCP Gravity water rain water down pipe
water down pipe - MLCP Plumbing pipe installation
- MLCP Plumbing pipe installation - MLCP, ECT, ICT Duct & Hanger
- MLCP, ECT, ICT Duct & Hanger installation.
installation. - ECT, ICT Firefighting pipe installation.
- ECT, ICT Firefighting pipe installation. - IPP, IPR, AGL, GH FM200 supprot
- IPP, IPR, AGL, GH FM200 supprot installation.
installation. - FHS underground pipe installation
- FHS underground pipe installation - External Hydrant Pipe installation
- External Hydrant Pipe installation - External water supply pipes installation
- External water supply pipes  Elec.
installation [TE3]
- South wing, Center and North wing
 Elec. Cable Tray, Conduit, Duct,
[TE3] - cable pulling work (Power, Fire Fighting,
- South wing, Center and North wing PA, SCN)
Cable Tray, Conduit, Duct, - Lighting fixture installation work(Roof
- cable pulling work (Power, Fire ceiling)
Fighting, - Line Heat Detector installation(Roof
PA, SCN) ceiling)
- Wire installation for Lighting Fixture - Escalator unloading and installation.
[Other building] - Dry Transformer unloading and
-ECT, ICT, MLCP Conduit, Cable Tray installation
and Rain water pipe installation [Other building]
-ECT Wire Installation, Detector -ECT, ICT, MLCP Conduit, Cable Tray
Installation for Fire Alarm System. and Rain water pipe installation
- IPR, IPP, GH GI Conduit installation -ECT Wire Installation, Detector
- AGL Works for Phase 6 Area Installation for Fire Alarm System.
- IPR, IPP, GH GI Conduit installation - IPR, IPP, GH GI Conduit installation
Transformer installation - AGL Works for Phase 6 Area
- IPR, IPP, GH GI Conduit installation
 SAS - GH Fuel tank unloading and installation
- CHS Roller deck assembly work
- BHS conveyor assembly and Support  SAS
Installation. - CHS Roller, ULD deck Installation
- BHS conveyor assembly and Support
Installation(Double height area)

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

16. Progress Photos

Terminal 3, Area 4 Airside, Apron & Taxiway

(28 February 2023) (28 February 2023)

ICT, Roofing & Steel Structure Installation ECT, Utility & Sandwich Panel Installation
(28 February 2023) (28 February 2023)

T3 Left Wing, Pile Cap Work T3 Right Wing, Pile Cap Work
(28 February 2023) (28 February 2023)

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

T3, Façade & Roof Truss Installation T3, APP Ceiling Installation & Tile Work
(28 February 2023) (28 February 2023)

WSS, Finishing Work STP, Slab & Wall Brick Work

(28 February 2023) (28 February 2023)

GH, RC,Brick Work & Utility Installation Oil Tank, Slab RC Work
(28 February 2023) (28 February 2023)

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)

. .

EDW South, Girder Installation Work EDW North, Column Work & Girder Installation
(28 February 2023) (28 February 2023)

AGLS & PWTP, RC Work RFFs Area, RC Work

(28 February 2023) (28 February 2023)

Apron Area, PCC & Lean Casting IPP , Utility Installation

(28 February 2023) (28 February 2023)

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Monthly Report (Feb 2023)


1. Updated Programme (with actual start, finish dates & actual progress % as of 28 February
2023) (225pages)

2. Critical Path Schedule updated

3. Updated Programme P6 file_Xer format (soft copy)

4. Soft copy of work photos (to be uploaded in ACONEX with Monthly Progress Report)
(CD of work photos was submitted to CAAB)

5. Soft copy of work video (to be uploaded in ACONEX with Monthly Progress Report)
(CD of work video was submitted to CAAB)

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