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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

(University of the City of Manila)

Name: HERNANDEZ, Eufraim S. Date: 03/21/2023

Topic / Presentation : Intellectual Revolution



1. What are the examples of intellectual revolution?

The examples of Intellectual Revolution are The Copernican Revolution where
the geocentric theory was disproved and changed to heliocentric theory, the
Newtonian revolution where laws of universal gravitation emerged, the
Einsteinian revolution in contrast to Newton considered time and space are
relative to each other. The Chemical Revolution was known for its alchemy and
chemistry, while the Darwinian Revolution was known for its natural selection,
evolutionary biology, and the theory of evolution which does not cater to the
belief of the church. The Freudian revolution was known for its psychoanalytic
2. How did the intellectual revolution change society?
Intellectual Revolution redefined and reshaped what society believes to be true
or what they think is the truth. It helped society progress as shown in our history,
improving different branches of science. It shaped people to apply critical thinking
into knowledges that they already know.
3. What is intellectual revolution all about
Science is an Idea, and Ideas evolve. Inttelectual revolution is about a shift of a
paradigm which means that a plausible or scientifically acknowledged general
principles or body of principles that explains a phenomenon is replaced by new
4. What is the aim of intellectual revolution?
As said earlier, It aims to advance society and improve the value of the human
being at all levels and in all spheres of existence. This brings us clsoer to truth
and it gives way to optimize our way of living.

5. What is intellectual thought?

An intellectual thought is an intensive reasoning and deep thinking. An
intellectual thought uses logic and reason, basing from their observations.
Normal science is observing a phenomena and explaining it as how they observe
it, but revolutionary science digs further into a phenomena and tries to explain
how it works instead, which makes it an intellectual thought.
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
(University of the City of Manila)

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