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In my research the most challenging task was trying to find reliable resources.

There were a lot of bias

and bad sources that a had to go through and look at which was very time consuming. Another very
large challenge was when we completed a source and then was told it didn’t meet the criteria after it
was done. Researching counter arguments affected my research greatly because I thought there were
no downsides to space travel when it turns out there were many and it really made me question my
where I stand on the subject. Now that I have learned a lot about my subject which is space travel, I
have become more unbiased and open minded. For example, I didn’t know how expensive space travel
was but after learning about it I concluded that space travel is not as easy as I thought. When finding
good sources, the best strategy for me was using “Peruowl” because it gave very good a reliable from
both sides and gave me non bias sources. During future research I plan to use the CRAAP test more to
find reliable sources.

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