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María Alejandra González González


Annotated Bibliographies

Patrick Ow, (2019), The future of work for millennials (and Gen z) is bleak unless…, of Thrive Global,
Web site:

The author Patrick Ow, tells us why it is difficult for millennials and generation z to get a job in
relation to their careers, since it is one of the generations that has the most stress due to the
growth of unemployment that is growing year after year, it is because This is why many people
accept work that is not even their experience or is not even what they are looking for, they simply
accept it because, as they say, "you have to eat." This is another issue, since there is still stress
from not finding a job you like, there is also the concern that you are not able to have a good life
with the salary you receive. On the other hand, what is currently saving these generations are
social networks, since life shows us that no matter how prepared you are, sometimes the things
you know how to do and what differentiates you from others, such as Character is the one that
attracts attention and is what the company is looking for and they accept you. The various social
networks and digital job boards have helped these generations to take advantage of opportunities
and find decent work.

Derek Thompson, (2015), A world without work, of The Atlantic, Web site:

Thompson tells us about a metaphor that is the end of the world, we have really heard this term in
many movies where they show us natural disasters that are wiping out humanity, but is it really its
only meaning? In this article we are told about how a city had its end of the world after the Second
World War, since the city could not get ahead, they no longer generated work and the population
entered a depression, which little by little city was disappearing. And unfortunately, it is not a very
distant event, since we see it little by little today, where technology and robots are replacing us
and this leaves many people without work and for cities and countries that do not keep up with
the world. of technology, little by little, they are losing importance and they lose international
treaties. This is the end of the world…

Susan Lund, Anu Madgavkar, James Manyika, Sven Smit, Kweilin Ellingrund, & Olivia Robinson,
(2021), The future of work after COVID-19, of McKinsey Global Institute, Web site:

As we know the covid-19 pandemic, it was an event that affected the whole world in its path, we
had to change our daily routine and adapt to just being at home, setting up a space to be able to
continue work and our activities such as exercising. As a result of the pandemic, e-commerce grew
impressively and technology gained much more strength than it already had, it could be said that
it accelerated the process, since in the future it would also have managed to be what it is today.
Video calls have become essential to continue working, in part it has been shown that you can
María Alejandra González González

change the way you go to the office daily and you can work from home, so that the person has
more time for themselves and their family, but of course how everything has its good side and bad
side. Mainly it was more difficult to adapt to going in person again, since many people got used to
being at home, both adults and young people, since they also attended virtual classes. Really the
most affected are the new generations because they did not learn in the same way, since they did
not give it its due importance and did other activities at home such as playing or watching

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