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María Alejandra González González


Global Pop Culture: Is the rise of the Asian Popular (pop) culture inevitable?
Really nowadays we have more access to know different cultures, from before years
ago there has always been anime, and many people for fear of what others said,
they hid their tastes, since in some cartoons humor is very heavy or even sexual.
But in reality, Asian culture has always been known. Only now it has become much
more popular and people can already say without shame that they are fans of this
Another example is when a couple of years ago the first song heard from this region
"Gangam style" came out, it became popular because of the choreographies that
many did, either at parties and the style that the vocalist has. Since then, the culture
began to generate curiosity and people began to investigate more or listen more to
this musical style.

More than being a trend, it is a global concept. They sell us an image, a story, it
could even be said that a lifestyle, since we really are very different from this culture,
has given people the security to dare to dress differently and dance differently. Asian
culture takes care of all the details such as choreographies and has a very defined
aesthetic, which goes beyond clothes to give importance to beauty through Korean
cosmetics, used by both men and women, and where some aspects prevail. such
as bleached skins and dyes in fantasy shades.

Also another factor where this culture began to be known more, is the skin care that
they have, many women began to investigate how to show off skin as bright, white
and without imperfections as this culture, they really take great care of what they eat
and above all her face, there are “beauty secrets” where they use rice water to wash
their faces daily, and various products that they use that are very popular today, such
as masks and creams that come from Asia and are sold here in Mexico.

This culture has become so popular that it even has its own word "Hayllu" which is
like the strength it is taking, in a nutshell it is like "Korean popularity", which refers to
the sudden popularity of the emerging culture of South Korea, spreads around the
world thanks to globalization, gaining fans who surrender to Korean idols, their music
and aesthetics
People who are fans of this culture tell us that when watching a music video, the first
thing that catches your attention is the bright colors and the clothes that the artists
wear. K-pop stars have a very peculiar fashion. They're not afraid of statement
pieces, and they have a unique way of interpreting current trends. Since most K-pop
music videos have a theme or story behind them, their outfits and outfits reflect that.
Almost all Korean music lyrics and videos tell stories instead of just meaningless
dances and choruses. A great example of this is the album Wings by the group BTS,
which contains themes of youth and adolescence. There are stories of each of the
María Alejandra González González

seven members of the group struggling with a different aspect of growing up and
learning about life.
In addition to the fact that the "K-pop idols" apart from singing, are professional
dancers and have very complicated choreographies according to the songs, this
means that they are very dedicated and that is why they also become popular, their
fans see the effort what is behind each video or concert and that makes them like it
more and even learn the dances.
Finally, Asian artists talk a lot about their lives, they share a lot with their fans and
that makes them feel closer to them, that they know their tastes and what they do
every day, so much so that sometimes they even have words that they use. and they
make them a trend or even make the "the day of..." some idol.

• Alicia Sánchez, 2021, ¿Por qué es tan popular el K-pop?, of Distrito Regio,
Web site:
es%20tan%20popular. [Retreived 09/12/2022]
• Renata Soto, 2021, ¿Por qué es tan popular el K-pop? Te contamos todos
los detalles, of The happening, Web site:
popularidad/ [Retreived 09/12/2022]

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