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María Alejandra González González


The Republic of… El Norte.

Geography is really important since it has different factors, since they condition the
development of each country and how people use the resources obtained in it. In addition,
those countries that do not have a good geographical location to negotiate have other
attributes such as more favorable climates for cultivation, and thus obtain more basic
resources. In a few words, the geography of a country is essential for the survival of each
one, not only having a more strategic and beneficial position on the world map will guarantee
that the destiny of a country is more positive than that of another part of a base less favorable,
being the determining human factor to take advantage of the reality of each territory and to
be able to adapt in the best possible way.
Now, starting from the subject of geography, there is another term that goes hand in hand
and this is culture, really each country has a different culture and for example us in business
is where it can be extremely relevant when we want to close a deal commercial, since there
are countries with more delicate "cultures" and we must take into account our gestures and
words that we use with others. Culture is what makes us be, since it is where we adopt
customs and traditions, in short, it influences the way of being of each individual.
Speaking of culture, we Mexicans originate from a civilization known as Mesopotamia that
began with the Olmecs, which spread in five cultural areas such as the Gulf of Mexico, the
Mayan zone, Oaxaca, the Central Highlands and in the west of Mexico. And the question
here is, are we really independent of it? I think not, since it is our beginnings thanks to this
culture, we opted for different traditions such as language, music and instruments that were
used that were modified over time such as the "tololoche", various dances and inventions that
were used in daily life. In addition to this culture, we also learned about various crops and
the obtaining of fruits that they sowed to survive.
Like everything in life, we have learned to evolve, but that does not mean that Mesopotamia
was the beginning of some traditions, since they were in much of our continent. But will
Mexico one day be independent? For this question I have two opinions, the first may be yes,
but not in the short term, since Mexico would have to find a way to survive from it and for
this there is a long way to go since the government is the one involved for this to happen.
And the second is that it is not, since we currently live in a very globalized world where
communication between countries is much easier and there are many things that are obtained
from others, as well as they from us, that is why there is international negotiation , and as
each country sees the advantages that are obtained by making these treaties among others, I
do not think that Mexico wants to become independent, since sometimes there are more
disadvantages. In conclusion, we could say that if Mexico were capable of sustaining itself
in all the factors, it could happen, but if it sees that we have more advantages with other
nations, it makes it very difficult for us to become independent in the short term, and more
so because every day we have more people from other countries living in Mexico.

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