Bosh Reviewer Midterms

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to protect every working man against the

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) - a dangers of injury, sickness or death through
discipline with a broad scope involving three safe and healthful working conditions.
major fields Occupational Safety, Occupational
Health and Industrial Hygiene.
Occupational Safety - deals with 1. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND
understanding the causes of accidents at EMPLOYMENT (DOLE) - solely responsible
work and ways to prevent unsafe act and for the implementation, enforcement of laws,
unsafe conditions in any workplace. Safety at policies, plans, programs, projects, rules and
work discusses concepts on good regulations.
housekeeping, proper materials handling and
storage machine safety, electrical safety, fire
prevention and control, safety inspection, and
accident investigation. 2. EMPLOYEES COMPENSATION
COMMISSION (ECC) - is responsible for
initiating, rationalizing and coordinating the
policies on employees compensation
Occupational Health - is a broad concept programs as well as deciding appealed cases
which explains how the different hazards and from the GSIS and SSS, the agencies which
risks at work may cause an illness and initially
emphasizes that health programs are essential administer the employee’s compensation
in controlling work-related and/or occupational program in the public and private sector.

Industrial Hygiene - discusses the 3. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH

identification, evaluation, and control of CENTER (0SH) - undertakes continuing
physical, chemical, biological and ergonomic studies and researches on OSH. Plans,
hazards. develops and implements training programs on
OSH Undertakes practical testing for safe use
OSH aims at: and sets standard specifications of PPEs
- the promotion and maintenance of the highest Monitor workers’ exposure to hazardous
degree of physical, mental and social well- substance and environmental conditions.
being of workers in all occupations;
- the prevention of adverse health effects of the 4. BUREAU OF WORKING CONDITIONS
working conditions (BWC) - the BWC performs primarily policy and
program development and advisory functions in
- the placing and maintenance of workers in an the administration and enforcement of laws
occupational environment adapted to physical relating to working conditions. It oversee the
and mental needs; implementation of standards through
- the adaptation of work to humans (and NOT technical supervision of enforcement by the
the other way around). DOLE’s 15 Regional Offices all over the

OSH STANDARDS - It contains;

administrative requirements, general safety PROCLAMATION NO. 115 - was issued
and health rules, technical safety declaring the year the year & every year
regulations, and other measures to eliminate thereafter as Safety & Accident Prevention
or reduce OSH hazards in the workplace. Year.
January - GENERAL ORIENTATION and healthful working conditions in all
February - AIR TRANSPORTATION place of employment
April - VACATION HAZARDS • Article 165 – DOLE shall be solely
May - LAND TRANSPORTATION responsible for the administration,
June - SEA TRANSPORTATION enforcement of laws, policies and
July - SCHOOLS programs on OSH.
August - FARMS • Chartered cities may be allowed to
September - HEALTH AND SANITATION conduct industrial safety inspection of
October - IN DUSTRY & COMMERCE establishments within their respective
November - MINES jurisdictions.
• Law: Rules and Regulations
Implementing Art. 162, Book IV, Title I,
HEALTH LEGISLATIONS • Title: Occupational Safety and Health
Article XIII Section 3 of Phil. Constitution Standards (OSHS)

• The state shall afford full protection to • Year Passed: 1978

labor, local and overseas, organized • Relevant Provision/s: Rule 1000 to
and unorganized, and promote full Rule 1980
employment opportunities for all.
• Implementing Agency: DOLE
• It shall guarantee the rights of all
workers to self-organization, collective • Book IV, Title I
bargaining & negotiations and Chapter I (Medical and Dental
peaceful concerted activities, Services)
including the right to strike in
accordance with law. Chapter II (Occupational Safety)
• They shall be entitled to security of • Book IV, Title I – Medical, Dental and
tenure, humane conditions of work, Occupational Safety
and a living wage…
• Occupational Safety and Health
• Law: P.D. 442, Book IV, Titles I and II Standards, (OSHS)1978
• Title: Labor Code of the Phils. • A set of mandatory OSH standards
which codifies all safety orders being
• Year Passed: 1974 enforced prior to its promulgation.
• Implementing Agency: DOLE • It contains administrative
• Content: Revised and consolidated requirements, general safety and
labor and social laws to afford full health rules, technical safety
protection to labor, promote employment regulations, and other measures to
and human resources development and eliminate or reduce OSH hazards in
ensure industrial peace based on social the workplace.
• Article 162 – The Secretary of labor PURPOSE
shall by appropriate order set and
enforce mandatory OSH Standards to - to protect every working man against the
eliminate or reduce OSH hazards in all dangers of injury, sickness or death
workplaces and institute new and through safe and healthful working
update existing programs to ensure safe conditions.
SCOPE 1980 Authority of LG
- shall apply to all places of employment 1990 Final Provisions
except land, sea and air transportation
and safety in Mines. 1960 OH Services


1000 General Provisions HAZARDS

1010 Other Safety Rules

Accidents - an accident is an unexpected,
1020 Registration unforeseen, unplanned and unwanted
occurrence or event that causes damage or
1030 Training & Accreditation loss of materials or properties, injury or death.
1040 Health & Safety Committee
1050 Notification & Keeping of Common types of accidents:
Occupational Illnesses & Injuries - fall from height and fall from the same
level (slips and trips)
1060 Premises of Establishments - struck against rigid structure, sharp or
1070 Environmental Control rough objects
- struck by falling objects
1080 Personal Protective Equipment - caught in, on or in between objects
- electrocution
1090 Hazardous Materials
- fire
1100 Gas & Electric Welding & Cutting
Hazard - a source or situation with a potential
1120 Hazardous Work Processes to cause harm in terms of injury, ill health,
damage to property, damage to the
1140 Explosives environment or a combination of these.
1150 Materials Handling & Storage

1170 Unfired Pressure Vessels 1.CHEMICAL HAZARDS - are hazardous

substances and harmful to human and causes
1180 Internal Combustion Engine* danger.
1200 Machine Guarding Examples:
1210 Electrical Safety - Gases
1220 Elevators & Related Equipment - Vapors
1230 Identification of Piping System - Liquids
1240 Power Piping Lines - Aerosols (dusts, fibers, fumes, mists, fogs)
1410 Construction Safety -Noxious or toxic
1420 Logging - Corrosive
1940 Fire Protection & Control - Allergens
1950 Pesticides & Fertilizers - Irritants
1970 Fees - Asphyxiants (CO, cyanide)
- Carcinogens - biogenic allergens workers in
- Mutagenic (virus, bacteria, radiation)

4. ERGONOMIC HAZARDS - are physical

2. PHYSICAL HAZARDS - physical hazards factors in the environment that may cause
these are factors that can or circumstances musculoskeletal injuries.
that can harm even without touching them.
a. Physical Ergonomics
- working postures
a. Noise, Hot or Cold temperature, Poor
illumination, Radiation, Vibration - materials handling
- repetitive movements
- workplace layout
- Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
b. Cognitive Ergonomics
- mental workload decision-making
- skilled performance
- human-computer interaction

c. Organizational Ergonomics
- working time
- communication
Allowable Exposure to Noise:
- staff resource management
8 hrs --- 90 db
4 hrs --- 95 db - work design
2 hrs --- 100 db
1 hr --- 105 db - teamwork
- participatory design
b. Extreme Temperatures are of two types: - community ergonomics
extreme heat which can cause heat stroke
and extreme cold which can cause - cooperative work
hypothermia. - new work paradigms
- virtual organizations
3. BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS - are biological
substances that is threat to the health of - and quality management
A. Infectious Agents 5. PSYCHOLOGICAL HAZARDS - are hazard
- workers in hospitals and laboratories with an impact on psychological health,
B. Non-infectious Agents mental and emotional well-being of a person.
- viable organisms
- biogenic toxin, bacteria, molds and
toxins that affect workers in cotton mill,
sewage and sludge treatment
- Inter-personal relationship and leadership
- Work-family conflict
- Job satisfaction Engineering Methods - this is the application
- Job insecurity of engineering technology to control
- Influence and development hazards.
- Role ambiguity Examples: are installation of safety devices
like emergency stop, limit, grab-wire
and photo electric switches, machine guarding
6. SAFETY HAZARDS - are the unsafe which prevent anyone from
working conditions that can cause injury, coming in contact with moving parts of a
illness, and death. machine during the operation.
Categories Occupational Threats
- Employees who work with equipment or Administrative Methods - this aims to
on building sites are exposed to these minimize the exposure of humans to
dangers; workplace hazards and employs administrative
- spills approaches such as rotation and shifting.
- trips
- Working from a height (ladders, scaffolds,
roofs) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) -
- Machinery parts that are unguarded these are considered as the last line of
defense. These devices provide Personal
Protective Equipment.
Once it is decided that personal 1. Unsafe Conditions
protective equipment is going to be 2. Unsafe Practices
used, then the following steps need
to be undertaken:
1. Write a policy on the usage of PPE A. Direct Costs
and communicate it to employees and - Medical Costs
visitors as needed - Insurance Premiums
2. Select the proper type of equipment - Employee Compensation
3. Implement a thorough training
4. Ensure that employees know the B. Indirect Costs
correct use and maintenance of the 1.Inspect/repair/remove/replace
equipment damaged or destroyed equipment and
5. Enforce proper use and maintenance materials
of PPE 2. Order replacement parts, materials or
entire machines
3. Rent temporary replacement
Accident - is an occurrence or event machines/tools
UNEXPECTED .UNFORESEEN, 4. Pay overtime wages
UNPLANNED, AND UNWANTED that 5. Absorb possible lost sales
interrupts or disrupts the normal and 6. Hire and train new employee
orderly progress of any activity. 7. Investigate accident
8. Complete written reports
- Physical harm 9. File workers’ compensation or
- Damage to property insurance claims
- Delay in operation 10. Clean-up area
11. Repair damaged work areas 3. Employees are held accountable for
following prescribed safety
standards and guidelines
1. Inadequate guards or protection
2. Defective tools/equipment LESSON 4 - HOUSEKEEPING
3. Congestion
4. Substandard housekeeping Housekeeping - is putting everything
5. Excessive noise in proper place, tidying and piling of
6. Inadequate illumination or ventilation materials, unblock passageways. It is
important in preventing most common
accidents and related injuries and
UNSAFE PRACTICES illnesses in the workplace. Thus
1. Operating without authority improves productivity and minimizes
2. Failure to warn or secure direct/indirect costs of accident/injuries.
3. Operating at improper speed
4. Making safety devices inoperable
5. Using defective equipment Good housekeeping is needed for:
6. Using equipment improperly
7. Failure to use personal protective - Quality improvement.
equipment - By this we lessen rejects/losses.
8. Improper loading or placement - It is easy to do the job.
9. Improper lifting - An easier job, having no defects,
10 Taking improper position. continuous production
11. Servicing equipment in motion - an orderly workplace is related to work
12. Horseplay improvement.
13. Drinking alcoholic drinks or drugs - The ISO Certification is the trend, the
impression of a company to the
Accident COSTS MONEY community is very important.
Safety SAVES MONEY - A company that follows good
Accidents are caused by either one housekeeping principles will surely be
or a combination of 3 factors: recognized as a provider of quality
1. Unsafe conditions service and products.
2. Unsafe acts
3. Management failure

The following list are the things

PHILOSOPHY OF ACCIDENT where the housekeeping is not done:
1. Society as a whole has a moral 1. Cluttering and poorly arranged
responsibility to prevent needless areas
destruction of life and health, particularly 2. Improper piled-on materials
in the workplace. 3. Items are no longer needed
4. Materials stuffed in corners and
2. The employer is primarily responsible out-of-the way places
for ensuring a safe, healthy work 5. Materials getting rusty and dirty
environment from non-use
6. Excessive quantities of items
7. Over crowded storage areas and 4) To acknowledge that the
shelves human being is not infallible
8. Over flowing bins and containers
9. Broken containers and damaged
materials 5S Terms:
10. Untidy piling materials 1. Seiri/Sort/Suriin - is the first S which
sorting out unnecessary items and
discarding them.
Seven Wastes: 2. Seiton/ Systematize/Sinupin - is the
second S which means we need to
1. Scrap and Rework organized things.
2. Over production
3. Non-effective work
4. Transportation 7 Seiton PRINCIPLES
5. Inventory
6. Non- effective motion 1. Follow the (FIFO) first – IN
7. Waiting first-out method for strong items
2. Assign each item a dedicated
The 5S, a Japanese concept that aims 3. All items and their locations
to optimize time for production, is a should be indicated by a systematic
very practical, simple and proven labelling
approach to improving housekeeping in 4. Place items so that they are
the workplace. visible to minimize search time
5. Place items so they can be
5 S is a systematized approach to: reached or handled easily
6. Separate exclusive tools from
a) organizing work areas common ones
b) keeping rules and standards 7. Place frequently used tools
c) maintaining discipline near the user
5S utilizes:
a) workplace organization 3. Seiso/Sweep/Simutin – is the third S
b) work simplification techniques which means we have to sanitize or
5S practice clean our workplace.
a) develops positive attitude
among workers Keep environmental condition as
b) cultivates an environment of clean as the level necessary for the
efficiency, effectiveness and economy products

5S Philosophy Prevent deterioration of machinery

1) Production comes from the and equipment and make checking of
elimination of waste abnormalities easy
2) It is necessary to attack the Keep workplace safe and work easy.
root cause of a problem, not just
symptoms 4. Seiketsu/Standardize/Siguruhin – is
3) Participation of everybody is
the fourth S which means we have to
standardize what we are doing.
5. Shitsuke/Self- Discipline/Sariling
kusa – is the fifth and last S which
means we have to do this process
without pushing you to do so.

Some Suggested Good Shitsuke

1.Contact people with a big smile.
2. Be a good listener.
3. Be devoted and kaizen-
4. Demonstrate team spirit.
5 Conduct yourself as the
member of a reputable organization.
6. Be punctual.
7. Always keep your workplace
clean and tidy.
8. Observe safety rules strictly

Kaizen - is a Japanese business

philosophy that focuses on gradually
improving productivity by involving all
employees and by making the work
environment more
efficient. Kaizen translates to "change
for the better" or "continuous

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