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Fiction-reading is an excellent habit to improve our knowledge and language.

According to

MaryAnn Diorio, dissecting a novel or fiction is crucial to understand its structure and then

building one (Diorio, 2007). This process is also called literary criticism. “Basically, literary

criticism is the act of evaluating, understanding, and interpreting an author’s writing” (Diorio,

2007, para 4).

Firstly, being able to analyze fiction helps us understand the structure. We know the characters,

the plot, and the theme, as well as their cohesion and coherence, to make a perfect work.

Secondly, we can understand the language while dissecting the fiction. The authors always use

literary devices such as metaphor, simile, synecdoche, personification, and much more to create

effects and focus on their purposes. Thirdly, analyzing the characters helps the reader understand

the fiction's content and the techniques used to create such powerful characters, and we can learn

to create our own. Finally, we can understand the theme of the fiction, which is critical to the

work's success (Diorio, 2007).

To analyze well, we much learn many steps and techniques, and more importantly, we must have

critical thinking. All those elements are only obtained by learning and practicing. Analyzing

fiction is not part of my everyday life, as I read fiction only for entertainment. However,

sometimes, I analyze some interesting novels for fun and to learn the language.

In a word, the ability to analyze fiction is helpful for writers and those who wish to create their

own works of literature. But for most people, this skill is valuable to better understand what they

are reading.

Diorio M. (2007), Critical Reading: “Why Learn to Analyze Fiction?”.



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