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) A clutch of NGO’s across the country are preparing the underprivileged youth for the
world of work.

Introduction of NGO:
The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), have a crucial role in filling the
gap appearing between state financed provision and market driven services. Beginning of NGOs
starts in 1775 to 1918. It includes various national issues and war sufferer issues. In late 1960s-
1970s entire growth of NGOs had started. The main reason of developing NGOs is economic
recession, end of cold war, privatization and growing demands, etc. In framing social self
organization and representation in fostering not for profit social innovation as well as in seeking
for solution for social issues. I firmly believed that NGO’s across the nation are playing major
role transforming darkest life of underprivileged youth for world of work.

From Darkest to Light:

With the help of training in spoken English and computer application courses,
confidence level of underprivileged youth will be increase. This will help them or create
opportunities in Indian as well a Global market. It will be easier for them to survive in today’s
competitive world and also with the use of right training, socio-economic development will
generate in underprivileged youth life. NGO’s are not only developing theirs but also polishing
and creating sense of awareness about human basic qualities like honesty, integrity, and loyalty.
NGO’s also succeed imparting of ethical values like morality, trustworthiness and self
belongings in minds of underprivileged youth. Kind of there are many such NGO’s that trained
youth to do entry level job in IT, Retail, Hospitality, Construction and Agriculture fields. The
profile include Data entry Operator, Hardware Assistant, Market Researchers, Sales and
marketing people, Steward, Maintenance and Technician, etc. e.g.: American India Foundation
(AIF), Smile Foundation helping specially to underprivileged youths.

Constraints and Drawbacks of NGO’s:

Paternalistic attitude restrict the degree of participation in programme design.
Constrained ways of approach to a problem create problem for NGO’s. Territorial
possessiveness of an area reduces co-operation between agencies, seen as threatening or
competitive. Also top down models of development minimize the role of local knowledge and
ownership to submit to international norms and expectations. Dependency on external assistance
decreases the pressure for local and national governments to provide for their citizens. There are
changes of manipulation of money due to the non organization government structure. Some
people believes that many of limitations that NGO’s have are self-induced and that can be
overcome by professionalizing themselves.

In my point view, NGO’s are struggling everyday for funds, infrastructure and
many other requirements to carry out their work. We must think of contributing to them
individually in terms of involving in programme as a volunteer, making or collecting funds. Try
to create awareness in the society about the education of underprivileged youth by taking
campaigns, training programme, etc. In contrast, some people think that basic skills
communication and computer are not enough in today’s competitive world. However, NGO’s are
a face of humanitarian approach in a 3rd world country like India. NGO’s brought many
blessings, which helps to motivate the society and cultivate the needy areas. NGO’s are playing
important role in the life of underprivileged youth.

Date: 5th August 2011.

To : Department Manager (Public Relation Department)

From: Shrishailya Panchavishe

SUB: For Permission to Work from Home by Way of the Internet

Dear Sir,

I am the Copywriter with your P.R Department. I live near the company headquarter and
now company’s HQ from the city is moving to the suburbs. It will create difficulty for me to
travel such a long distance from home to new company HQ. This will affect on my performance
and will not be able to come on shift at time.

I would like to request you to allow me to start work from my hometown, as I have some
specific responsibilities to carry out.

 I will always be available for work whenever you need me.

 My personal leaves will be minimal.
 It will help me to concentrate on my job and save time as well.

Awaiting for your positive response,

Yours Sincerely,

Shrishailya Panchavishe

The HR Manager,
Radisson Hotel,
Ahmedabad- 380001,
Gujarat. Date: 25th July 2011

SUB: Application for the Post of House-keeping Manager

Dear Sir,

I have completed Bachelor Degree in Hotel Management and presently pursuing my

MBA from Training and Advanced Studies in Management and Communication (TASMAC)
Pune; which is affiliated to the (UOW) University of Wales. With regards to your advertisement
published in the Times dated 23rd July 2011 for the post of House-Keeping Manager.

My keen interest is to work under your brand name. I will match standard of your
organization with positive attitude. I have attached my resume. Expecting a positive response
from your side.

Yours Sincerely,

Shrishailya Panchavishe

5th August 2011


Sub : For Enquiring About Status of Application for the Post of HR Manager

Dear Sir,

I have submitted a letter of application and a resume for the post of Human Resource
Manager Position advertised in the, The Indian Express dated 23rd July 2011. Please allow me to
enquire about the status of my job application. I would like to confirm receipt of my application
and reiterate my interest in the job.

I am very interested in working at Tech Mahindra, Pune and I believe my skills and experience
would be an ideal match for this position.

If necessary, I would be glad to resend any information, you might need regarding my
candidature. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanking you for your time and consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

With Best Wishes,

Shrishailya Panchavishe

Précis writing:

Changes of Communication in the Global Market:

In today’s world of globalization, communication is foremost important to achieve goal in life.
With right attitude and communication, it will be easier to survive in international market. Right
people with right attitude makes winner within our organization.

Developing the Right Attitude:

For customer we are the company, when our conversation with customer, clients and public
shows the face of company. Working evidently with adeptly helps both provider and receiver.
Responsive messages create a good image in others mind about our company and for nation.

Preparing Adequately:
Effective communication is inevitable quality of communicator to convey a message to the

 An effective communicator should have forsightness for selecting facts and thoughts.
 Calmness and sound understanding will help them to rule unjust world
 Integrity will make leaders united to follow code of conducts.
 Language efficiency in English will promote them to bridge communication style, rules
and ways for amazing message services.
 Knowledge would sharpen cultural dimension of message receiver to reduce
communication gap.

Becoming Flexible:
Nowadays, workplace diverted in demographics, which bring problem as well as strength.
Misunderstanding in communication can be avoided by proper training programmes.

Qs. As the General Manager of the Store, in South Korea, write a report suggesting
ways to improve the store’s position in the local market.

Report to Improve Store Position in South Korean Local Market

Reason of Writing Report:

This report is given because; retail Store in South Korea is not doing well and suffering
deficiently in the local market. As a General Manager of the Store, I am suggesting ways to
improve its position in the Local Market.

Background of Case:
Calpro decides to launch its large retail Store in South Korea. Months after starting their
operations in South Korea, Calpro realized that they were not doing well. Even as South Korea is
known for its high levels of consumer sensitivity, frequently offered discounts did not result in
attracting the local buyer.

A team was therefore formed to study the conditions under which such markets could thrive well
in South Korea.

Recommended Changes and Suggestion:

 Store must be a hygienic and clean to attract the customers.
 There should be trolleys and shopping buckets available to make customer convenient for
carrying goods.
 Store must have appropriate deco rectories in all section.
 The South Koreans’ average height is 5’6”, so item should be kept at standard height in
 Store must hire local and trained employees, for better business.
 Working with Local Partners, makes Store to easily connect with local market.

 According to Mr. Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, “If you take good care of your
partners or employees, then they will take care of your customer”. This method used by
Wal-Mart when didn’t do well in the South Korean Market to improve business.

 Store probably located in a place, where transportation facilities are sufficient.

 Daily market items such as, vegetable, meat, fish, and fruits must fill fresh in Store.
 Store must have focused on quality of items and with a comparative price.
 There should be a discount, schemes, and promotions on each day for certain age of
 Organisation should use various tactics in order to increase its appeal and build Stores in
these urban areas:
a) Increased Marketing
b) Store of the Community
c) Charitable giving
d) Political Contributions
e) Urban Enterprise Zone
 South Korea is a country that requires culture context to succeed in the market place.
 Detailed segmentation of international and local products.
 By Marketing Gurus Narver and Slater “There must be customer orientation,
competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination all of which are critical and will
help to create sustainable superior values for customer”.
 Finally Store should have feedback box, where customer should drop filled feedback
forms for better customer satisfaction.

Likely Outcome of Recommended changes and suggestion in Report:

If new changes apply, as mentioned in the report can improve the position of Store in the Local
market of South Korea. The consumers will also satisfy because of overall Store service and
products. They will find new arena for purchase as US people find in Wal-Mart; the same
experience can change the mindset of customers. Eventually, it will help to increase sales in the
domestic market.

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