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Analyzing rates of change: oleae Mere UU Concepts = Change 1 Relationships Microconcepts 1 Concept of amit Derivatives of standard functions increasing and decreasing functions Tangent and normals ptimization ain rule 1 The product ule 1 The qutientuie 1 The second derivative 1 Kinematics Caleulus isa mathematical ool for studying change. This chapter will focus on differentiation, which looks at how quickly one variable is changing with respect to another. ‘Change is all around us. Examples in physics, Include change of position, velocity, density, current and power in chemistry, we have rates of reaction, and in biology, the growth of bacteria; in economics, rates include marginal «ost and profi; in sociology, we might want 10 measure the speed at which a rumour spreads or periodic changes in fashion. All ofthese can be spplications of dilferentiation, But how do we go sbout measuring these changes? 10.1 Limits and derivatives ‘The graph shows how the profits of a company Increase with the number of widgets it sells From previous work on linear functions you will nove thatthe rate at which the profit increases for each new widget made (proflt per widget) Is 2100-500 2100-500 $10 per widget 6-9 Oe we Thisis equivalent to the gradient ofthe curve. Ifthe 1) i ta Sy Ba cave had a steeper gradient the profit per widget eect would be higher. If the gradient were less steep the Profit per widget would be ower. Hence, the rate of change of one variable with respect to another is equivalent to the gradient of the curve. ‘This is easy o caleulate when the functions are linea. The following investigation wil consider how the gradient ata point on a cusy might be ealeulated, The funetion that ives the radint ofthe gaphy’=/t) athe pin xis ' 1 The gradient function, (9, I relered to asthe derivative of EIS vinatdoes tne derivative ofa function te you? os Bi qindiek: > ruler slope greet Pd 2 dd, gradient Cuckor ola . ts ne DD + HasF2 -* aM Fo Ww Yow? @ Fore 29-5 seg alah) Fo * hoe © wa owt We @ Faye Flags u(aeh) fxs) ah he Goa ae hoo 2 Maat Ms woo ake 4 hoo 24 Cook) - OX, de hb sho pe Gas) [) be ke 2308 pasBk-$ 328 (nein: (Heed) 628) = Gay 30497 Pose > We hoe 2 “hoe > be Le 2 be er) Cin: Aly- saGy3+ 3 FG) otros DL Pee hme Ww [fet eaGeb a] - Leseeth bk Who de-Bh ad 2B he bh fords) . de ays » co 32 cl foor vewt alas bo 4 Bao —— wee oo = Fenton a punainncnee iy Tere ‘New ee ; io D GR) = Gees) bse eg Fa)at cow sree anda Sree riace | 9 then 02) = 709 + ED = pore deena? 0 “ Soy +82" PGs MEA 2 = 12a Yous Da va wt pos ae Voy. Ge eye Fo Vio): aE fpid~ 32 Flay. se foxy= ax Sys Yo 4H foye 2g Foye ax 3 Say: Ex POY: 902 { fays 3% Pay. 37:3 Sore) Fart poy + 32 fee \ wok foy- ¢ + FO oe fg: 2 Foy das a : a ? seks 4, a So PENNE eS Example 1 Use the power law to find the f each of a fates? ob e Syn ali 4 . ° fod= 3x 12x44 Fil) = @x+e2 oS | 3 by £9) = 7 = ow iG): -Gx WwW Fea: yfae 7 + ot Z -3 show 4m at “52° qidiend Example 2 For each of she functions bel i find ii find the he curve at the point where x=2 iii sketch the graph of the function and its derivative on the same axes, Iv write down the set of values of x for which theQutcion) finereaaIA, a fix) = 28+ 3x-5 » fa a2enx00 ee Faye Wa + 3-0 = Yard, ® wads DoreBa-8 Khe CO Fd | ayeze - a om GOC > Wed» 8: nDeav > Blin Ye oriqual fe, @) wo LnGtoni ero Bee: © CLA = G00 + #16) - o-e001 Coy" coo $ Cis). 04 4-90 oo03 ¥ ) 2 pe ood ¥ © Gy clla-~ F-0 0003010) = ¥ 6.99 Nol —nDen Gi) ChE) = F- o-c003( to) S28 GD marginal conb—> quodier Cook oh Sree § per Dalmt — Cun) Alternative notation ‘Ther is an alternative noaton fo the derivative, which is very widely vse w Forexampl, y= 28°+5 then its derivative is % = 4x, a tes from the fact that the radent of ie fs ithe old for -aw eden deaing nutes ane ak ‘be tactialoton $e en aig ein ang PCr) an % vata. aid 2 & 4a —— \ x : Gu t4ua- 3 qe a3 Poa: d3 = -VBR ax “oy -Mu + — ad z a4 ob ‘id dv. yrs t ‘ouxayt de , - ye + Bk oe 2 Bk Example 4 Th Jo the curve y= = 2x? + 3x- 4 at thé point A Nas a co ees ox raat coon or 1 \ “oneph ob # Gradina 2 pes 7 =\) — Sher ie f pat tae Yo . eed a= 1H): 30 +30) “4 = 10 al a,to) da 2 cree offadius ris given ~~ i ee ek . rind ater quand Ns yc uekie b Find theffare of changGof the area with respect tOTHE TRIN When 1 = 2 a 6 The prot made from selling ¢ cupcakes is modelletYy the function P=-0.056¢ + 5.6¢~ 20. a ring’: -D.NIG+ Sb (0 (20) = : ro\+ So b Find the rate ol ge of the profit with -o Nal reset the nar fas when aS c= 20and¢ © Coiment on Your answers for part b. . gH)? -onts 160)" 30 (pune s ul eas) io co captaker pebit decrtoni-g, by the equi : Me dan WSS TEP os ss tod 7 oa a, je 9-01 ye gesye a(S- oS) >t Equations of tangents and normals The equation for the tangent to a curve ata given point can easly be found using the gradient to the curve and the coordinates of the point eri Example 5 yet 4 Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = 2x? + 4/x at the point where x= 4. 2 en te epolien 4 fontek = = ge eee — sake odiek 9) a Lx \ 2F (4) = Ysruh wae d derive i met Bo UX+ de +40 / Blwbe = i@ere tt qe meee aoee( Feo" oe. ls - JL : : spaced of He odie = Cafe wef alt ged A OS Example 6 Ree qt 20° > g ( ») wake vy GQ 3 0%, : 76 (oe a 8) ct 4 ww oS nan A lng + normal . Example 7 —— Beate The gradient of th ) to the graph of the function defined by fix) = ke? = 2x + 1 at the See q 2 rod ees inthe values of kand b FO): ake oy ‘ . BKx-2= 4 BkLIY- 2~4 Soe 3h & LO\~ Me dnt ( Bet | ac-20\ ele 1 Find the equation of the tangent to the eS graph of the function defined by filed sathepom hee age mi, dy = 4x Y =4() 230 “AD 4: mate 14 = tatsec 14» 3Gee et “32 1 Find the eqysffon of e@ tangent to the When the seesaw is level, the plank of wood is graph of yt fungi defined by a to the log at the point where x= 1 fox) = 2% 4 arte point where x= 3, By differentiating. tint" of ¢ 2 Brian makes a seesaw for his children from the line containing thd plank. av part of a log and a plank of wood. The shape of the log the Gernihio ne funtion fs foe] he function deltRe by = 4x+5 at the point (1, 4) F(x): 6-4 VO) ~ oCD-4 = 2 graded 4 rormol ~ “4 t met Jac ete ce Mt weit in th Form gf anabyedeo Det a bad d ef —— Aye -2*4 2 The gradient of the tangent to the graph of the function fi + kx +3 at the point (1, b(is Find the values of k and b. ty fone ot Xe? Cy ae ol ato . % ie grnaaen oa acd Geom oe ga ot godt = ‘ = Sead feet de and b. oo. dar +b =! : dal) 4b -g- ali)+ bOS et (Resta) - ~2> Qabti bs -Ra-\ (eteentbhs om GC GDC techniques and local maximum and minimum points ‘There are many websites that wll give the derivative ofa function asan equation and indeed some calculators do this as wel. Be aware these calculators are not allowed in exams. 1 wil be expected in exams that you can work out numeral values forthe derivatives at given poins and also draw the graph of the Method! © by drowiny (a) the onifinal on GX of (hb) num ae fps) ad Lo t7p\ ~ 12(0)-4 F 0) ON F()= 1A)- 128 @ wsing Ond duivatiee led §"(x) 2 AW pobre co wp VU \ w)~ Minimum a Example 9 onside neti #0. on & Plot the curve os a b Find the values of x at whid © State whether these poi minimum points on th local maximum or justifying your answer Aecl al Zod ede Jee go fase! OF mo \ fo be! » e+ nin t ye se ie 1S? John is a keen cyclist and is planning a route in the Alps. The profile of the route he would like to take can be modelled by the equation Y=-0.081x4 + 0.89 — 287324 3x, 05x56, where y is thhefght tthe point ‘on the rotTeWHCh is a distance x ( x 10 km) from his starting point. Skene grt and nd oat Be) Tl bon ts out Total Re ok 0-48 - 0-044 3-A= 4.6) x100 = orm J KD & Gx Diren Lota wherekea ee ° 7 (constant ibd the value otk a on 3 @) a wpa Optimization {fa function tobe optimized has only one variable, then either a GOC or differentiation can be used directly to find the maximum or minimum point. {fa function to be optimized has more than one variable then a constraint ‘must also be given. This constraint can then be written as an equation and substituted into the function to eliminate one of the variables. anferwaten (vidios) Gee fee pe eee Oe eee Ta Lee ralls ofthe ar bev ean the GP om wth ot ie Beample 10 feoremencess (CER ines ge ATMs (2007 dS 2 air - 9087 de ds 20 eo on GDC. wire ane” @ muted Lire - 10006" = 2 veer J 4 4 he Gogh > pk dott 4 ae . re 4, Bol wy model) Deas _geainat for am ODE Z 77 fae pininene (CRE rou ce 430) garden is in the shape of a 4 \ SF tA vegetabie gi de Sy eclang! \¢ garden is surro. b) ar eg seamed, - Feimekr = Qas Ly Ifthe width ofthe garden is x metres, yo find an expression for the © ‘Show that the area of the > A=x(50—x) m2 e Find {4 dk Hence find th¢maXimum rea of the and the ing dimensions gard that give this area © Atos we ae yr So-w = Om x(So->% ~ 9 ~ls GUS max ote aSor mobo 9 ow yan TT Aamir deadentony eee . ” » rma a end a oar yi SY 0, 4 Verily that the global maximum does nar ‘occur atthe end points of the domain, Hence find the maximum volume of the be. 2 Dornain <10 * o 095 OF - ark: at (Bin8(g eter) ee £ © 56T in Cor? Sin we goat Chom Rude, The chain rule foeomposite functions Fan be written as SY = 4 di, dx du” dx FCG) © FCad) 9/2) Loy 2° = fi). ax pene (x4 Fay 2 Det? p09): (eH) 5 Fels Gt 92 = Hales) Example 14 Find a y=V3e-2 b fix)=s45 ya" 4s. Los a. (69) vative of @ 2 Bm a . J Sons wo a) Da+3 kee oa ' X +2 C2) -1(ax+3) 2a (2ee3>” 25k Emm, es 4. For each composite function below sayy. (03-4 e function * _ ealat) (by “4 osx -y b y=(5x-7)? a y=(e+4) © y=2W-3ey d y= Van=s dy. 9 (s2-3.(9 mol fogs — iol S2-® Y= (£238) dere wt} G9 Yo ve (D qetare 2 GeO 4) ap de. gtiesy” salen led de (aay , ds alteS GA = -ax(¥*) I (et x {atl ra 2 : alsx-d° + U Te ( » “ae Tae <3 ag glee? Oe ot ive of each of the following © hqxy=(vx-4) ds =3(-2)? e vw £ a(=(2 *) (a) player)’ 3(eay (ax) Co) POY: us to 3? 6 (s209 (cd ye (& <4) Ww «)=3(e9 _, Bu ou b g(x) =6(5x+2) i 2 3u 4 ae ash & (sat (9 . oan ae — a i 4) (=") se & vy si(D + (e800) ~ we(e-2) 3. The table gives values for f.g,f" and g’. x | fo) | ae | Foo | go (oy FOS: Foger eae > Fae) sayfa | a |e [res E's FGA) Ago a FW) =fe909, find FC). , [ b IL HG) =9°9(x, find H'(3) eC): F (qoa) * th : os) ~ Flax | wm WAS 5US oo Hod: J (994 IO iy. dg (Qn xd) HL) = J (4) ee ~9(sy*? S AHL Derivative of sin ¥ 59 Derivative of cos Derivative of tan.x Derivative of Inx Chain ule Product rule Quotient rule S(x)=sinx > f(x) =c0sx Se) =cosx > f'(x)=-sinx flsy=tanx => f'( fo)=e' = f'@)=e fis)=inx > f()=1 y=g(u), where w= f(x) > & 2 a v Example 12 ty “ : Use pico 7) nee eaa(es) = CEA Cds ave uw 2) Gis] | . fee + (gr on ox) da uviavu . (ray (4 (2-9 G4) t (ea) (2 6 (220-9) a (e-* (42 (2-9) (2-8) 3) The quotient rule Similar to the product of two functions, a quotient cannot be differentiated by differentiating the two parts separately, but has to be differentiated using the quotient rule. 08. Oe 1 Use the product = of the fllowit 2 oo Your ansersin avid frm wher a Sot ‘ raat) Oo % 2 (ar 1) + F9L y © pnt scare ite - os hot ad ga ced sat alt= Geet eT dears) az) PO ga- ges Oe 7.985). VT UGrds) 7 oe) (ela) 4 wary lected) a) (a e 5%, wit! : 20x). 4 (Ox. | 4x(29-t) + (as-1) @ (i) Ht tak gamete Ux Me “| FT ’ ve(2x-H a: Ales \ AL. Yow - “me > Y(:) (0) (dea) (ut) h(i) ~ 40) +S = mute swe 2 S* Ye Sa-4 () norma Ye mate + Cu) Ie gre “ . a az gbh S40 Fh () 2 26 -4 Example 15 Use the chain rule to find the derivative of a y=sin2x b y=cosdt dy a Vecoszx x2 Letu=2x,y=s ay ) 200s» on. costt —5 -sinttt ¥4 = Example 16 Meyu- Uv Find the derivative of y = “°* v a : v ah. (esiex) — sx 9x v x —~ xX sinxr- Ox Cos% cid aad as = ae -yy° Cor % = TNT + Cosz Ox ® yes ove (se) 2 sints + Cote cas Cons * ¥ = s Oye Den pts 4 28 (des) + tons (9) te "as cen as 4a dene tos . ee ay wo el Bo a ote OE @ 4 wee Seen aie senteende conten Mae S ayaa a [sr an a ‘ the ain, 2 Siete - Cox (sy ately Wt ee Sine yo val wn he - > = qe rks bosn Be ari oe Gate: Ay sek (opty net Con «nek (ad - seat a Gost) wel d¥. nekeoste + 73F a [contd 4A performance hall isin the shape of Pali whose cross-sectional area ean be ‘modelled by the curve y =5.1 e0s{ © x nce vy recone =) Sepperercanetemett situ mines cheansunaas A puabicsoen syn aie pam ime ‘The cross-sectional area of the screen should be as large as possible, @ Write down a model for the cross sectional area (A) of the screen in terms of x, the x-coordinate of the right-hand vertical side. b Find 14. rs © Find the maximum value for the cross- sectional area of the screen. + O-10 + seins (dey g Example 17 ae ee Find the derivative of a y=xInx ‘(cpa so ey an 3 2 4e . oe ~~ M - a usu @ ge aed pode ’ xe — + ee eee bells . te es Example 18 A sn ode Find the derivative of fix) = sin(In x), oin — Gos: ee fltad> coslbx\. 4 Cos Uw) x a ye Lows) 1 Find the derivative of each of the following. dy \ D2 n(x? +1) b yaxct =: 7 2 @ y=Pint Ast @ fixy= (2x4 lye ¢ f=" . Ini 2) gix)= x 1 Atty = 16 By writing In (ax) as Inx+ Ina, deduce an expression for the derivative of Ina. Verify that the chain rule gives the same result, et 5 Consider the curve . x43 a Find the exact value of the coordinates of the point at which the tangent to the curve is parallel to the x-axis. b_ Write down the equation of the normal to the curve at this point. 10.3 Applications and higher derivatives The second derivative Js Oe dervobe- ty Rare eres 1 Geir nasa stow ben te com each ces 4 wegeeenotve ane rceiing Reson erewe e 2 ee | Stetomige Fn, ‘eteanee semper cag dst an mans acane ti ontop) stepers Fase sea Ft? ; ye 3 y= go eae eee? Foy & Faye? Boye fore dtedaet Flexys He-4 park SO Plas HH <8 s extant, FO). UO -W4 50 ‘’ wong, Example 19 For the function f 3242 a find the local maximum and minimum points, justifying the nature of each b_ find the interval in which the curve is concave down. YAK U-3K242 ysis > minimen. J. Uy Go © a-43 ay: 19x - 6 Yereas ——_yeoas ay” oy axl b~'2a" TT BR ‘The second derivative provides an alternative way to distinguish whether or not the point (a, fla)) at which f(a) = 0 is a maximum, “| second do jum or a point of inflexion, + If/"(a) > 0 the curve is concave up and so (a, fa) isa minimum, ss point. — + Iff(a) <0 the curve is co! point, + Ifa) = 0 the point of intl: either a maxin /e down so (4, fia)) esult is inconclusive because, though it is likely to be | there are a few curves for which it could be For example, if fix) = x* then f“(x) = 0 but the curve clearly has a minimum point at In these cases it is important to check the sign of f%(x) either side of the point to see if the concavity changes, Gis). Be ey Bio e Bx Sx mayor min. 0: Bur oe $ilaso o: 3x(x-2) geo ret ed Ox of min L boys br-6 So do ft eG: — it wee dean F(a bD-Gs -6 <0, Bowes cows P" (a) = 6-6. & > Pas cone U Minimun, Example 20 Consider the curve y=20? = 942+ 12445. a rind = Ga" - Bo 4 2 dy. Hence, find the coordinates ofthe points on the curve at which $= 0. Find £2, ae d_ Hence, determine whether the points are local maxima or local minima Find the coordinates of the point of inflexion on the curve’ (eb) fF! (O- bx -fardr0 6 (x*-3242)+9 6 (4-D-D +O in ® m4 (> FAs VBE etl FC) ~ CM-I BH Poo ~ OAs -G w (nM SDLP (Qu-8 +O 12H 2B wee > $(4)> Continue ee 2 Lety=x - 3x74 5. a Find any local m points on the curve, justifying whether aaxt+asx3+a2x?+aixtae=0 -0.5313292846+0. 92028... .3292846-0. 92028931651 they are maxima or minima b_ Find a point of inflexion on the curve. © Hen the Bxd+ Qoa - 6 >oD Um cout ~p —minr PrC1 Dey & fid- -G t equation f(t) = 1214 where hii) is the height of the ball in metres after t seconds. a Find the(averageveTOeHbetween 1 and 1.5 seconds gets b Find th Instantaneous velocity Bee 1 second wl) (1) Cee (ud) toy kOD = und W(ed . 1a (es)- uorsy = 9 autre ge veloecly = 4-8 Amis. vw) ded Pl). a-8e Why. ipeeede bose Speed is the absolute value oP Yet6GTy. Velocity tells us how fast an object is moving and the direction in which it is moving, Speed tells us only how fast it is moving. To determine if an object in motion is speeding up or slowing down you can compare the signs of velocity and acceleration. ‘When velocity and acceleration have the same sign, the abject in motion is speeding up. ‘When velocity and acceleration have different signs, the object in motion is slowing down, arsinasayineandes $C) 2 - Bq gc y¥l-2-1 ores i ON tc isarstuednseandidtes 3D 72 be owunge veloc: “= + teh ab mfsee: ye Gy .g (= -3P aged ay 09 = -2(g4 uM) ae whe, a(n -u'l) 2 bbe alt) ~ -GL9 CD ingetoasy, ee gra VED Pycwgee POO a speed neests O Ber ger i po tes eae ee DE etl wa page fr oo & + pee att KH gore a ee 3 see 3 ‘ he bangy vein ole qed. dey a oo geteg, 2 ge 5 A marble is dropped from a certain height intoa lange tube containing a viscous Nauld @ The distance (s) fallen by the marble tscconds ater the marble enters the liquid is given by the equation xs FO 52021 26-059,5 OF ror - 0% — 41 Find the disgncefalen by the marble sf) = @.4(2*a-De i after 2 sefands - It Find the value of rat which the t-te ) = + rate a. oul b Find an expression for thvefocity of the v marble at time ¢. eo Ye © Write down the the marble as Beate "Gina sao ing eis bz 33 acity approached by the object as it _ falls. Pid (-0) “6 4 Write down the terminal velocity of the w de. 08- -o$t marble in the liquid. 7 ‘ @ Find the time at which the marble is oat ok first moving within 1% of its terminal velocity (2) m% b— oe Cost) a ols o-4 +40.yle gor & ¥° ae — dp 204 mise. 3. The velocity of a particle as a function of its displacement x is given as v dy Use the expression a= v— to fin de particle’s acceleration when x= 2. a: (Sin 3) (502803) a:( San stl 16 tos 82) = -pa.12 ae SsinG Xl& tosh = SS = 4 A rocket is fired in which is Im above from a platform modelled by a \m represents y= -out +2 the ime, n seconds since the rocket took off and yi) represents the height, in metes, of the rocket above the ground a} ids exeesnBT6E DHS FRSA OFAN “a rsaetat tne SNe 2 b Hence find 1 the ial velocity of the rocket IL the maxipium height of the rocket 5 W the speed at which the rocket hits the ea)see (> ay (a= woufode2= wo CD) pubhad Gor 3 nw (8 > ee medbed (29 max —> 44-0 moubseee ye Wet rok yl) = -0-2 (0% 2esye\ 2 Gm {™~ aD coab taht! 29 tego bbe gy (00. ups 2 = 919 vse. Z » panies 6 Acycist is cycling up a hl. The distance i: (x metres) cycled from the foot of the hill s Bkt An(2 *) i beaded iy Wie aA (o) 2003 BF l 3t+ In(2t+ 1) where tis the number of b 7 ‘seconds after the cyclist begins the climb. The road up the hill i yureh wv, av. a ~ atrh x ar Be BB Ve Tete B av dW. adh 0 ab dl alt Vo wey dk qe re x de 27m volume of ; x = Qm'/sec ) ve ae! vowel gh. GS = 6 wy 5 oe s+=6V Us jean ow ae da ae re : 23. Aladder 4m tong rests against a vesical sok coh fon wall, If the bottom of the ladder slides away from the wall at 1.5ms~, find how pte NY dO. fast the angle between this ladder and } Ley 6 I will be changing when this angle was sinB = Opposis — Typolenuae snot 52 Adm JS. msde dF at Es = 04S cod see oo oS ee nee ole 1 tos LE) 4 A 4m long water trough is in the shape of a prism whose cross-section is an isosceles triangle with height 1.2 m and base length of 1.0 a 245m deep, ay 12.00 tm? | mir Vs Orta -f bone (icengles x dee vit bey xHz ob Mn shah Ve Dk SE ve Se 3 a 5 £XT he de 3 dE ft lgo0 = ga’ & ot bee Com/ min 2 0.0% m|mmn a eon aise dB. 0.2 mal/tee AOB be 8 and be increasing at OF 0.2 radianss“! \ Find the rate at which the area of the minor segment formed by the chord AB is increasing when @= 1 yo Atte shaded yen Pease yp L cae gsin® 2 2-195 WsWF02 ya tzu AS ew 35"

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