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Dr. Mamadou Niang

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Mamadou Niang

New York
Copyright© 1997 Mamadou Niang.

All rights reserved.

For information, address:

171 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Niang, Mamadou Ousmane.
Pulaar-English/English-Pulaar / Mamadou Niang.
p. cm. — (Hippocrene standard dictionary)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-7818-0479-5
1. Pular dialect—Dictionaries—English. 2. English language-
-Dictionaries—Pular. I. Title. II. Series
PL8184.Z9P85656 1997
496'.322-dc21 97-24082
Printed in the United States of America.
Dedicated to
my parents, family and friends
with love, respect and gratitude

Acknowledgments viii

Background Notes ix

Motivations for a Pulaar-English / English-Pulaar Dictionary ix

Sources x

Dialectal Decisions x

Entry Structure x

Categorial Correspondence x

Pronunciation xi

Numerals xii

Punctuation xiv

Abbreviations xv

Saggitorde Pulaar-Engele / Pulaar-English Dictionary 1

English-Pulaar Dictionary / Saggitorde Engele-Pulaar 117

References 276


I am greatly indebted to a number of people whose contributions and support

played a major role in the making of this dictionary. I am grateful to Professor Ladislav
Zgusta for his valuable advice and recommendations. Dr. Ba Oumar whose research and
feedback were highly valuable to this dictionary, Dean James R. Durig for his support
that helped resolve many shortcomings concerning data collection and computer
equipment, the Department of Linguistics of Kansas University at Lawrence for their
valuable suggestions. I am greatly indebted to my wife, Michelle, for her support,
understanding and patience, Hippocrene Books Inc, for editing and publishing this
dictionary. Finally, my deepest gratitude goes to my parents, brothers, sisters and friends
for their love, their sacrifices and their support.


This Pulaar-English/English-Pulaar Dictionary, a five year-old project, is intended

to serve as a tool for the obvious needs of students, teachers, and researchers. It contains
over 30,000 entries. The data is fairly extensive and the transcription conforms to the
recognized standard. Grammatical features, pronunciation, etymology and usage have
been incorporated in this study which aims at addressing inadequacies typical of African
language dictionaries.



Various reasons may be invoked to motivate the making of a Pulaar-

English/English-Pulaar Dictionary. The three major compelling reasons behind the
making of this dictionary relate to the importance of Fula and the Pulaar dialect, the lack
of an adequate Pulaar-English/English-Pulaar dictionary, and the need for adequate
research and teaching tools for researchers, teachers and learners.

Importance of Fula and Pulaar

Pulaar is a dialect of Fula, a major African language both in its geographical
distribution and number of speakers. Fula is spoken in Western, Eastern and Central
Africa by over 25 million speakers. In addition to Africa, major concentrations of Fula
speakers can be found in Europe and America. At the African Language Conference held
in 1979 in Michigan, Fula was not only ranked high following the priority criteria utilized
(i.e. -number of speakers; -political, cultural and social importance; -importance for US
national interests) but it was also included in Group A Languages (Highest Priority).

Lack of Adequate Pulaar dictionaries

I am unaware of the existence of a Pulaar-English/English-Pulaar dictionary. Even
though some lexica involving either Pulaar or other dialects of Fula may be found
(Arnott 1932, 1955; Ba 1968, 1972, 1980; Gaden 1967, 1969, 1972; Gamble 1958,
1981; Ly 1986; Osborne 1993), these fall short of the expectations. They are very limited
as far as content is concerned, and the transcription used in these reference materials is
not consistent with the recognized transcription. Many features concerning the
pronunciation of lexical items are omitted in these previous works, which may cause
misunderstandings. Usage, an important feature in dictionaries, tends to be ignored in
these lexica. Despite the wide orientation of the scope of the dictionary, the work is
constrained by the very nature of dictionary making itself and space constraints.

Researchers, Learners and Teachers's needs

In addition to being taught in numerous institutions throughout the world, Pulaar
has been the subject of research by various scholars and important large scale research is
still being conducted. This project provides adequate tools for the obvious needs of these
millions of speakers, students, and researchers.


Part of the data came from sources in the USA, Canada, the Bibliotheque
Nationale in Paris and Institutes of National Languages in Mauritania, Senegal, Mali,
Burkina Faso, and Niger. Additional data came from native speakers' input, and radio
and TV broadcast materials. The data collection was drastically complicated by the
unavailability or scarcity of sources. In addition to the lack of sources, there is no
adequate networking among researchers on Fula. Various research projects are being
undertaken here and there but many individuals outside these projects are not aware of
their existence. For this reason, related or similar projects are being undertaken without


Fula, like any other language, has various dialects, the number of which cannot
easily be ascertained as a systematic study of Fula dialects and their delimitation is yet to
be conducted. None of the dialects has been standardized. This dictionary deals with the
Pulaar dialect spoken essentially in Mauritania, Senegal, and The Gambia. Even though
this project deals with Pulaar, it includes variations from other dialects. The Pulaar
dialect is not uniform and variations can be observed in certain areas. Even though these
variations are minor in most cases, they are noted in the entries, a strategy motivated by
the fact that this dictionary attempts to target all areas where Pulaar is spoken and inform


Entries in this dictionary are not structured around the root system approach. This
decision is motivated by considerations pertaining to shortcomings associated with this
approach. These shortcomings relate to the difficulty in determining the shape of the
root, dialectal variations, the extensive use of coreference, morphological and semantic
considerations. Unlike other lexica which attempt to organize the entries around a root
format, the organization of entries in this dictionary is conducted on a semantic field
basis. Related forms are grouped together without specification of the form of the root


As suggested in the lexicographic literature (Landau, 1993), a major attempt has

been undertaken to consistently translate a category in the source language with the
same category in the target language; i.e. a noun to a noun correspondence, a verb to a
verb correspondence. Despite this attempt, in a number of instances, this categorial
correspondence could not always be observed due to restrictions on the target language.
Indeed, even though an adjective in English may be translated as an adjective in Pulaar,
in many instances an English adjective must be translated by various adjectival forms.
For example, the adjective "big" in English may be translated with the Pulaar adjectives
mawcfo, mawha, mmvngu, mawcfe, niawnde, mawndu, mawngal, mawdi, mawde,
mawndi, mawnge, mawka, mawki, ntmvko depending on the class of the referent. In
addition, an English adjective may be translated into a relative clause (i.e. hesitant mo
fellitaani), a noun (i.e. racial lenamlenaagu), a noun and an adverb (i.e. quotidian
nande kala)


The same transcription is used for both Pulaar-English and English-Pulaar sections.
In both sections, the transcription is provided for the main entry only. In the Pulaar-
English section, in order to avoid repetitions, the transcription of the main entry is
provided only when assimilation is involved as in 'fotcle" pronounced [fodde], A gap in
the following inventory indicates the absence of the particular sound in the language
under consideration.

English Pulaar
[iy] as in feet [fiyt] [ii] as in wiisde [wiisde]
[i] as in fit [fit] [i] as in wisde [wisde]
[i] as in roses [roz+z]
[ey] as in wait [weyt]
[e] as in wet [wet] [e] as in welde [welde]
[ee] as in weelde [weelde]
[e] as in celi [celi]
[ee] as in ceeli [ceeli]
[a] as in fat [fat] [a] as in amde [amde]
[a] as in father [fada] [aa] as in aamde [aamde]
[ay] as in bite [bayt]
[aw] as in out [av/t]
[o] as oi sow [sow] [0] as in towde [towde]
[00] as in toowde [toowde]
[6] as in bolel [b61el]
[66] as in b661el] [b661el]
[ow] as in boat [bowt]
[o] as in bought [bot]
[oy] as in boil [boil]
[u] as in put [put] [u] as in [urde]
[uw] as in boot [buwt] [uu] as in [uurde]
[A] as in but [bAt]
[0] as in better [bet0]
[0"] as in bird [ba^d]


English Pulaar
[p] as in pen [pen] [p] as in paaka [paaka]
[b] as in bag [bag] [b] as in bata [bata]
[b] as in balal [balal]
[t] as in ten [ten] [t] as in tata [tata]
[d] as in do [du] [d] as in daga [daga]
[cf] as in cfacr61 [cfacf61]
[k] as in kit [kit [k] as in kawle [kawle]

English Pulaar
[g] as in go [gow] [g] as in gacce [gacce]
[m] as in meat [miyt] [m] as in mata [mata]
["'b] as in mbaalu ["'baalu]
[n] as in no [now] [n] as in nay [nay]
["d] as in ndiwri ["diwri]
["j] as in njawdi ["jawdi]
[r)] as in gari ioari]
[f] as in foot [fuwt] [f] as in facfo [facfo]
[v] as in vase [veyz]
[0] as in thin [Gin]
[6] as in then [den]
[s] as in sin [sin] [s] as in sago [sago]
[z] as in zone [zown]
[3] as in rouge [ruw3]
[1] as in late [leyt] [1] as in leeso [leeso]
[s] as in show [sow]
[c] as in chin [cin] [c] as in cakka [cakka]
[r] as in rim [rim] [r] as in raayre [raayre]
[h] as in hit [hit] [h] as in haala [haala]
[j] as in jot Dot] D] as in jalo D'alo]
[y] as in yet [yet] [y] as in yeeso [yeeso]
[T] as in Tero [Tero]
[w] as in wet [wet] [w] as in wafdu [wafdu]
[?] as in ha?ay [ha?ay]



English Pulaar
1 one goo
2 two dicfi
3 three tati
4 four nay
5 five joy
6 six jeegom (joy e goo)
7 seven jeecficfi (joy e cficfi)
8 eight jeetati (joy e tati)
9 nine jeenay Goy e nay)
10 ten Sappo
11 eleven sappoy goo (sappo e goo)
12 twelve sappoy cficfi (sappo e cficfi)
13 thirteen sappoy tati (sappo e tati)
14 fourteen sappoy nay (sappo e nay)
15 fifteen sappoy joy (sappo e joy)

English Pulaar
16 sixteen sappoy jeegom (sappo e joy e goo)
17 seventeen sappoy jeecficfi(sappo e joy e cficfi)
18 eighteen sappoy jeetati (sappo e joy e tati)
19 nineteen sappoy jeenay (sappo e joy e nay)
20 twenty noogaas
30 thirty capancfe tati
40 forty capancfe nay
50 fifty capancfe joy
60 sixty capancfe jeegom
70 seventy capancfe jeecficfi
80 eighty capancfe jeetati
90 ninety capancfe jeenay
100 one hundred teemedere
200 two hundred teemedde cficfi
300 three hundred teemedde tati
400 four hundred teemedde nay
500 five hundred teemedde joy
600 six hundred teemedde jeegom
700 seven hundred teemedde jeecficfi
800 eight hundred teemedde jeetati
900 nine hundred teemedde jeenay
1000 one thousand ujundere
10000 ten thousand ujunnaaji sappo
100000 one hundred thousand ujunnaaji teemedere
1000000 one million miliop
10000000 one billion milyaar


English Pulaar
1 first gadano
2 second cficfabo
3 third tatabo
4 fourth nayabo
5 fifth joyabo
6 sixth jeegobo
7 seventh jeecfibo
8 eighth jeetabo
9 ninth jeenabo
10 tenth sappobo
11 eleventh sappo e goo?abo
12 twelfth sappo e cficfabo
13 thirteenth sappo e tatabo
14 fourteenth sappo e nayabo
15 fifteenth sappo e joyabo

English Pulaar
16 sixteenth sappo e jeegobo
17 seventeenth sappo e jeecfibo
18 eighteenth sappo e jeetabo
19 nineteenth sappo e jeenabo
20 twentieth noogaaso
30 thirtieth capancfe tatabo
40 fortieth capancfe nayabo
50 fiftieth capancfe joyabo
60 sixtieth capancfe jeegobo
70 seventieth capancfe jeecfibo
80 eightieth capancfe jeetabo
90 ninetieth capancfe jeenabo
100 one hundredth battoowo teemedere
200 two hundredth teemedde cficfabo
300 three hundredth teemdedde tatabo
400 four hundredth teemedde nayabo
500 five hundredth teemedde joyabo
600 six hundredth teemedde jeegobo
700 seven hundredth teemedde jeecfibo
800 eight hundredth teemedde jeetabo
900 nine hundredth teemedde jeenabo
1000 one thousandth battoowo ujunere


The semicolon is used to separate words or word groups. The use of the
semicolon indicates a different meaning or a slight variation of the meaning in that the
additional word (group) further specifies the meaning of the entry or shows a different
meaning. The tilda stands for the position of the entry. The comma is used to separate
words or phrases in a series. The period is used to separate the meanings from
illustrations of usage and to mark the end of a sentence. The slash is used to indicate and
separate alternative and equivalent forms. Square brackets indicate pronunciation. Curly
brackets signal borrowings. Parentheses mark the presence of an optional element.


adj. adjective ord. ordinal number

adv. adverb part. particle
alt. alternative form pi. plural
ar. Arabic poss. possessive marker
comp. comparative pref. prefix
conj. conjunction prep. preposition
dem. demonstrative marker prog. progressive marker
det. determiner pron. pronoun
emph. emphatic particle prov. proverb
eng. English quest. question word
excl. exclamation marker sing. singular
foe. focus particle son. Soninke
fr. French suf. suffix
imperf. imperfective marker super superlative
inter. interrogative particle V. verb
interj. interjection wol. Wolof
let. letter of the alphabet / equivalent forms
n. noun {} borrowing
num. numerical number 11 phonetic form

The Pulaar Language


A systematic study and analysis of the dialects of Fula and their delimitations is yet
to be conducted. Amott (1970) distinguishes the following dialects:
1) Fuuta Tooro (Senegal)
2) Fuuta Jaloo (Guinea)
3) Maasina (Mali)
4) Sokoto and Western Niger
5) “Central” Northern Nigeria (roughly Katsina, Kano, Zaria, Plateau, Bauchi, and
Bomu Provinces) and Eastern Niger.
6) Adamawa

In the absence of any systematic study, the above classification is necessarily

tentative. Like Fula, the Pulaar dialect is not uniform. Ka (1991) distinguishes three
subvarieties of Pulaar:
1) Fuutankoore (Mauritania, Northern Senegal)
2) Jeerinkoore (Senegal excluding Northern Senegal)
3) Southern Pulaar (Fuladu-Gaabu, South and South East toward Guinea Bissau and


Various orthographies have been proposed for the writing of Fula. The initial
formal attempt to designate a writing system for Fula based on the Latin alphabet
occurred at a UNESCO conference held in Bamako, Mali in 1966 from February 28th
through March 6th. Below is listed the alphabet that was formally designated and
adopted as the official alphabet of Fula in Mali, Senegal and Niger.


After this conference, various developments (UNESCO 1971, Baldeh 1981, Noye
1989) of this alphabet have occurred concerning chiefly the representation of the
implosives b, T, cf, the prenasalized consonants ng, nj, nd, mb, the palatal nasal n, the
velar nasal g and vowel length. The implosives are represented in various forms of
which we note the use of capital letters. The representation of the prenasalized
consonants has ranged from sequencing a nasal and the forms that can be prenasalized
(i.e. mb, nd, ng, nj), raising the nasal preceding the voiced obstruent (i.e. "’b, "d, "g, "j),
to duplicating the nasal before the voiced obstruent (i.e. mmb, nnd, nng, nnj). The palatal
nasal has been represented as n or ny. The velar nasal g has been represented by N.
Vowel length is represented by the duplication of the vowel.

In this study, the representation of implosives follows their usual representation as
b, T, cf. This adoption is motivated by considerations pertaining to conformity to the
literature on phonetics. In addition, the palatal nasal is represented as n to avoid
conllision because the ny representation may lead to confusion in a writing system that
attempts to show a one to one correspondence between a sound and the symbol used to
represent it. The graphemic representation of prenasalized consonants is a sequence of a
nasal and the form of the prenasalized consonant (i.e. nj) and the phonetic form is
represented with a raised nasal before the obstruent (i.e. "j). This decision is partly
motivated by conformity and partly by pedagogical and clarification considerations. The
distribution of prenasalized consonants is pervasive. However, the sequence of a nasal
and a potential prenasalized form does not always result in prenasalized consonants. For
the nonnative speaker of Pulaar it is difficult to determine when to pronounce a potential
form as a prenasalized consonant or as a regular sequence of a nasal followed by a
voiced obstruent. The provision of the phonetic representation of the prenasalized
consonants will facilitate the task of the nonnative speaker of Pulaar. In addition to the
discrepancies in the types of alphabets used, various differences exist in the
orthographies regarding what morphemes can be attached to roots and the
representation of assimilation processes. In this study, in general, bound morphemes are
included in the word while free morphemes are excluded from the word except in the
case of the negative particle “ni”. The Pulaar alphabet used in this dictionary is displayed
in the following.




Consonant Assimilation
Consonant assimilation occurs following the juxtaposition of impermissible
consonant seciuences. The consonantal sequences (tn, dn, cfn, yn, jn, dt, eft, Tt, jt, td, cfd,
jd, tef, def. To, jd, Td) represent some instances of consonant sequences not permitted
in Pulaar. Whenever an impermissible sequence is to result from the juxtaposition of
certain elements, consonant assimilation occurs.

Stress Patterns
The primary stress is not marked in the entries as stress is not a distinctive feature
in Pulaar. Pulaar stress is accounted for by the following generalizations (Niang, 1995
and 1997). The last syllable of the word is never stressed. The first syllable carries the
primary stress if there is no heavy syllable in the word as in (a' du na). The penultimate
syllable is stressed if it is the only heavy syllable in the word as in (ma laa' ao), (da do'r
de). When both first and penult syllables have the same structure CVC, CVV or CVVC,
the primary stress falls on the first syllable as in (ta'l lor de), (baa' waa cfo), (haa'l pu laar
?en). When both first and penult syllables are heavy but with different weight, the
primary stress is placed on the heaviest syllable as in (hal kaa' de), (gaa's to too cfo), (ha'l
ku de). CVVC is heavier than CVV which is heavier than CVC which is heavier than


Pulaar is an SVO language. In addition, it is a class language in that agreement

patterns are marked on the basis of the class of the referent. The number of class markers
varies from one dialect to another and, in some cases, within a dialect. The Pulaar dialect
under investigation has twenty-one noun classes.


“O” class: includes human referents and loan words
“Ba” class: includes animals
“cfam” class includes liquids, abstract nouns, mass nouns
“cfum” class includes borrowed words without a suffix. It is also considered a neuter
“Ka” class includes various types of objects, abstract nouns
“Kal” class includes liquids in relatively small quantities
“Ki” class includes body parts, plants, grass, abstract nouns
“Ko” class includes body parts, plants, grass
“Nde” class includes objects with certain shapes
“Ndi” class includes uncountables, male animals and birds, augmentatives
“Ndu” class includes cylindrical and circular objects
“Ngal” class includes body parts, birds, trees and plants and their parts, augmentatives
“Nge” class includes cattle, celestial nouns, abstract nouns
“Ngel” class includes singular diminutives
“Ngo” class includes various objects, animals, abstract nouns
“Ngol” class includes long thin entities, animals, nouns of action
“Ngu” class includes insects, worms, fish, animals, collective and abstract nouns

“be” class includes human plurals
“cfe” class includes animals, objects
“cfi” class includes animals, objects
“Kon/Kon” class includes plural diminutives

Consonant Alternation
A number of consonants in the initial position of a word undergo alternation. The
general features of initial consonant alternation (Sylla, 1982) and examples illustrating
this alternation are provided in the following.

sing. f s h r w ? y
1 1 1 \|/|
plur. p c k d b g j

plur. dim. p c k nd mb ng nj

The following data illustrate the above alternation chart.

Sing. Plural Plur. dim. Gloss

facfo pacfe pacfon shoe/s little shoes
sekko cekke cekkon reed/s little reeds
haayre kaaTe kaaTon stone/s little stones
ragalde daiQaale ndaigalon backside /s little backsides

Unlike other consonants that show a one-way alternation between singular and plural,
/w/ and /y/ may have a two-way alternation between singular and plural as illustrated by
the following data.

Singular Plural Plural dim. Gloss

wudere gude ngudon sarong / little sarongs
wowru bobi mbobon mortar / little mortars
yertere gerte ngerton peanut / tiny peanuts
yeeso jeese njeeson face / little faces

The consonants b, cf, T, m, n, 19, n, 1 and t do not alternate. The consonant alternation
may be motivated by number distinctions or distinctions pertaining to diminutive and
augmentative considerations. Such data are illustrated in the following.

Singular Plural Gloss

yeeso jeese face / faces
wudere gude sarong / sarongs

Singular Dim. Augmen. Gloss

facfo pacfel pacfal shoe/ little shoe/ big shoe
hello kellel kellal slap/ little slap/ big slap


The noun in Pulaar is composed of a root form that is generally followed by the nominal
class marker of the particular noun.

All noun class markers may function as pronouns as in “O nanii, ki yanii, kal rufii.

The verb in Pulaar is composed of a root form as in “yar,” “haal.” The infinitive form of
the verb is marked by the addition of the infinitival suffix “de” at the end of the root. For
instance the infinitive of the verb “hel” (break) is “helde” (to break). The verb may also
be subject to consonant alternation if the initial consonant is the type that undergoes

The adjective is positioned after the noun that it modifies. The adjective is generally
followed by the noun class suffixed to the adjective as illustrated in the following forms.
sondu (ndu) “bird (the)”
sondu mawndu (ndu) “big bird (the)”

The adverb, is an independent free morpheme. Examples of adverbs include “cfoo”
(here), “cfaa” (there), “toon” (there), “nde” (when).
Adverbs are used as main entries and their presence is indicated by the abbreviation

The preposition, in general, is an independent free morpheme. Examples of prepositions
include “dow” (over, on); “les” (under, underneath, below), “sara” (near).

Determiners can be used to signal nouns. All noun class markers may be used as
determiners. Determiners follow the noun they refer to. Determiners are used as main
entries and their presence is indicated by the abbreviation “det.”

Entries in this dictionary are not structured around the root system approach.
Syntactic categories such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are listed as entries.
The first entry of related forms is bold face and all other related forms appear bold face
and italicized under the first entry item. The choice of this first related form is determined
solely by alphabetical ordering. The same consideration is observed for the following
related forms which are bolded and italicized. Even though no claim is made concerning
the form of the root, the provision of related forms may certainly give an indication of
the shape of the root. Every entry reflects the shape of the morpheme or morphemes

prior to the application of certain processes. So the enti^ "hocfde" is composed of the
morpheme "hod" (live) and the morpheme "de" (infinitival suffix). The pronunciation of
the entire word [hodde] is then provided. Pronunciation in the Pulaar-English dictionary
is provided only when the actual pronunciation differs from the form of the actual entry.
The provision of this pronunciation serves a number of purposes. First, it informs the
user (especially the nonnative speaker of Pulaar) of the actual pronunciation. Second, it
shows various processes that may be useful to the researcher. The organization of entries
is illustrated in the following examples:

accande v. forgive; leave for someone. ~ hakke forgive. Mi accanii ma

gecfalam I am giving you my share, be ngaccanii ma hakke They forgive

accirde v. leave for or with someone. Mi accirii ma cfum I leave it with


accitde [accidde] v. abandon; release. O accitaama hanki He has been

released, cfaccitde alt.

accude v. let go; leave; give up. Accu deeTa Leave it to rest, be ngaccii
simme They gave up smoking.

Since a nasal and a voiced obstruent sequence does not always result in
prenasalization (i.e. bonande), it is important to indicate instances where prenasalization
occurs. This feature is indicated only in the pronunciation of the entry word.
hombude [hom"’bude] v. hem

Advanced Tongue Root

When relevant, the Advanced Tongue Root feature is marked in the entry and the
actual pronunciation.
addoyde v. go and bring something; fetch. Addoy ndiyam Go and fetch

The provision of the Advanced Tongue Root feature is motivated by the fact that
the misuse of this feature may affect pronunciation and intelligibility.
Following the pronunciation of the particular entry is the noun class for nominals.
amdaare (tide) deliberate action cfum ko amdaare This is a deliberate

The nominal class markers are provided because they cannot be easily inferred
from the shape of the word The presence of the nominal class marker signals a nominal
category. In this case, the listing of the syntactic category "n" leads to redundancy.

Following the pronunciation and the nominal class (where appropriate) is the
syntactic category of the word,
amdaade v. do deliberately.

Then follows the origin of the borrowed word when known,

amiiru (o) {ar.} chief

When the source of the word is not provided, the entry may be either a Fula word
or a word whose origin is unknown. The source provided attempts to trace the donor
language, that is, from what language a particular word entered Pulaar.

Then are listed the meanings of the entry word as illustrated in the following:
andinde [an"dinde] v. teach; familiarize someone with, impart, notify;
publicize. So a andii andin You should teach what you know.

When the meanings are not related, the different meanings are listed under
different numbers as illustrated in the following example.
baawal (oga!) 1) bird 2) fishing instrument 3) ability. Teeyven do baawal
makko tolnii Let us see what he is capable of

Following the meanings, usage is illustrated by means of idioms, phrases, sentences, and
Idiom illustration
baajol (ngol) strip. ~ leydi snake.

Phrase illustration
baasal (ngal) poverty, wondude e ~ be poor.

Sentence illustration
baafal (ngal) door, uddude ~ close the door, udditde open the door.

bubbude slam the door. Uddu baafal ngal Close the door.

Proverb illustration
ekkaade v. learn by trial. ~yahde learn the first steps, prov. Mo ekkaaki
yvaawataa A person who does not try will not learn.

Where consonant alternation is involved, the singular, plural, nominal or verbal

form is provided at the end of the entry.
aaludere (nde) kernel; stone. gaaluuDe (de) pi.

Where appropriate, an alternative form of the entry is also listed at the end of the
entry as illustrated in the following:
gacce (de) shame {pi. use only). A dahii gacce Shame on you. kersa (o)


The English dialect used in this dictionary is American English, a variety replete
with variations.



A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Consonantal phonemes Vowel phonemes
[p] as in pen [iy] as in feet
[b] as in big [i] as in fit
[t] as in ten [+] as in roses
[d] as in desk [ey] as in wait
[k] as in kilt [e] as in wet
[g] as in get [a] as in fat
[f] as in fit [a] as in father
[v] as in vent [ay] as in bite
[0] as in thin [aw] as in about
[6] as in then [0] as in bother
[s] as in sip [ow] as in boat
[z] as in zip [0] as in bought
[s] as in shop [oy] as in boil
[3] as in rouge [u] as in put
[h] as in hit [uw] as in boot
[c] as in chin [A] as in but
[j] as in jet [0] as in better
[m] as in men [0"] as in bird
[n] as in no
[1] as in leaf
[r] as in rim
[w] as in win
[y] as in you

[?] as in ow
[D] king
[r] as in better


Nouns are entities used to refer to people, places, events, states, and qualities. They may
be abstract or concrete, count or noncount. Nouns may be used with determiners and
they may be modified by adjectives. Nouns may be subject to number distinctions, gender
distinctions and case marking. The plural morpheme generally used to mark the plural of
English nouns is {-s} which is added at the end of the noun. In this section of the
dictionary, nouns are entered in their singular forms. The abbreviation “n.” signals a
nominal entry

Pronouns are used to replace nouns. Some of the English pronouns listed here may be
personal (I, me, you, him, she, her, it, we, us, they, them), reflexive (myself, yourself,
himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves), possessive (mine, yours, his,
hers, its, ours, theirs), interrogative (who, which, what, whom, whose), relative (who,
whom, which, what, whose, that), indefinite (all, everyone, nobody, someone, one),
demonstrative (this, that, these, those), reciprocal (each other, one another).

Adjectives further specify nouns or pronouns. Adjectives, unlike nouns, are not inflected
for number distinctions. Adjectives precede nouns they modify, can take comparative
and superlative markers and they can be further specified by adverbs. Adjectives are used
as main entries. Both comparative and superlative forms are also used as main entries.
The presence of the abbreviation “adj.” signals an adjectival entry.

Adverbs, in general, are formed by the addition of the suffix -ly to adjectives. Adverbs
may further specify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. Adverbs are used as main entries and
they are signaled by the abbreviation “adv.”

Prepositions may indicate relationships between a noun, a pronoun and another element
in the sentence. The preposition is also used as a main entry, in which case it is signaled
by the abbreviation “prep.”


a aawde

a proti. you. Ayahii toon You went there, aaludere (nde) kernel; stone. Wukkit
aa interj. well. aaludere nde Spit out the stone.
aabde v. be fortunate, be lucky. O mo aabi gaaluude (de) pi.
He is fortunate. Ebe ngaabi They are aamaare (nge) cow.
fortunate. aamde v. be lazy. Ko aan aanii You are
aabnude v. make someone fortunate. A lazy. Ebe ngaanti They are lazy.
aabnii mo He became fortunate thanks to aantnude v. make lazy A aamnii kam You
you. have made me lazy.
aabru (ndn) excavation. ~ mawnclu big aamre (nde) laziness. Mbede wondi e
excavation, gaahi (eft) pi. aanire I am lazy.
aactaade [aaccaade] v. ruminate; chew the aamiin amen Mbiyen aantiin Let us say
cud aacto chew the cud Edin ngaactoo amen.
They are chewing the cud. aamtude v. smell rotten; smell bad. Edum
aactere (nde) rumination; chewing of the aamta It smells bad.
cud. gaacte (cfe) pi. aan pron. you (sing.) Ko aan It is you.
aada (o) custom; tradition. ~ booydo old aande v. be in a dilemma. Ko mi gaando I
tradition, luutndaade ~ disobey tradition. have a dilemma. Mbecfe aani I have a
dum ko aada men That is our tradition. dilemma. Ebe ngaani no feeyvi They have
pi. aadaaji (di). a major a dilemma.
Aadama (o) male first name; Adam. Baaba aannude v. put someone in a dilemma. A
men ~ Adam. O wiyetee ko Aadama His aannii mo You put him in a dilemma, be
name is Aadama. ngaannii mo They have put him in a
aadee (o) person; being, innama ~ human dilemma.
being/?/, aadee?en aarabaagal (ngal) Arab pride.
ahdaade [aadaade] v. promise aarabe (o) an Arab. Ko o Aarabe S/He is
ahdande [aadande] v. promise to someone. Arab.
A ahdanii mo You made him a promise. aarabeere (nde) Arabic. Aarabeere woni
ahdi [aadi]/bj agreement, promise; deadline. demngal makko His native language is
flrtude ~ break a promise. Ahdi firtetaake Arabic.
You must keep a promise, ahdiiji (di) pi. aarde v. open halfway; open. O woni ko e
ahdondirde [aad6"dirde] v. agree, accord. aaraade He is opening it halfway.
En ngaadondirii We have agreed upon it. aarnude v. indicate.
aafde v. place one's hand into a hole. aas (o) (f^.j ace.
aaftaade v. dig up, remove from a hole. aawasaagal (ttgal) roguishness.
Aafto dum Take it out. be ngaaftiima Aawasaagal moTTaani Roguishness is
dum They took it out. despised.
aahde v. divide food; dish out food, aawase (o) rogue, thug. Ko o aawase
aalaango (ngo) mattress, wertude - spread maw do He is a big thug, aawaseebe (be)
a mattress. pi
aalde v. cover with leather, aawaseejo (o) rogue, aawaseebe (be) pi.
aalde (nde) booty. aawde v. sow. Mi aawii gawri ndi I sowed
aalim (o) {ar.} scholar. Ko o aalim the millet, be ngaawii maaro They sowed
dowludo He is a well known scholar. rice.
aawdi (ndi) seeds for sowing. Aawdi
aalnude v, shed tears Gite
fijirtaake You must not play with sowing
makko ngaaldii gondi His eyes are watery seeds.
aaltaade v. change direction, select. O woni aawre (nde) sowing.
ko e aaltaade He is making a selection, be
aawru (ndu) sowing.
ngaaltiima They have made the selection.

aayaade ajjaade

aawtaade v. dig out; scratch around; sow adaadaa {o} race.

again, eden ngaawtoo ngesa mabbe They adaade v. precede. Ko aan adii You
are sowing their farm again. preceded us/you came first. Kambe ngadii
aawtere (tide) something sown again. Min en They preceded us.
ngoni ko e aawtere We are sowing seeds adan first, gila ~ since the beginning.
again. aditaade v. forego; precede; anticipate,
aayaade v. be reduced, cfum aayiima It is
acfcfaade v. heat oneself
reduced, prov. So goo bonii limmore
aayiima One cannot build upon a bad acfde [adde] v. steam dry; dry.
foundation. addande v. bring for. Addan mo ndiyam
aayaare (nde) reduction, cfum ko aayaare Bring him water. Ngaddanee mo laafa
mawnde This is a major loss. makko Bring him his hat.
aayandere [aayandere] (tide) major addorde v. bring with. Addor mo Bring
reduction. him/her with you. Ngaddoree mo Bring
him with you.
aaye (o) Koranic verse; “magical” lotion.
Moomo aaye ma Rub your “magical” addoyde v. go and bring; fetch. Addoy
lotion on your body, aayeeji (cfi) pi ndiyam Go and fetch water.
abaari (o) linen, mater, addude v. bring. Addu mo gaay Bring
him/her here, be ngaddii cfum They
ababo (ko) grass.
brought it.
abada adv. for ever, haa ~ for ever, never.
acfcfere (tide) stool.
Mi jogoraani wacfde cfum haa abada I
will never do it. acfcfitde [acfcfidde] v. defecate O woni koy
acfditde He is defecating, alt. huwde.
abadu (o) {ar.} measurement.
addo (tigo) child gum disease. O mo wondi
abbaade v. follow; trail. Abbo mo Follow
e addo He is suffering from gum disease.
addooji (cfi) pi.
abbitaade v. follow again, suffer the results
aduna (o) world, adunaaji (cfi) pi.
of Abbito mo Go after him/her.
afara (o) barbecued meat ~ belcfo tasty
abbondirde v. follow one another; move
barbecued meat afaraaji (cfi) pi.
closer to.
aflaade v. use as a pillow. Aflo cfoo Use
abbo (o) father. ~ Miiusa Muusa’s father,
this as a pillow. Ngaflo cfee Rest your
abbere (tide) grain. ~ gawri millet grain. head on a pillow.
cfum ko abbere It is a grain, gabbe (cfe)
afo (o) first bom. Hawnvaa ko afo makko
Hawwa is her first born.
abiyol] (o) airoplane abiyoljaaji (cfi) pi.
afal (tigal) useless first born.
jolde e ~ board a plane,
Afirik (o) Africa, duunde ~ the African
abugo (tigo) cheek, alt. gabgal (tigal) gable
(cfe) pi.
afiriknaajo (o) African afriknaabe (be) pi.
accande v. forgive; leave for someone. ~
hakke forgive. Mi accanii ma gecfalam I aga (o) herdsman.
am leaving my share for you. be ngaccanii aggitaade v. fall from; be removed from.
ma hakke They forgive you. aggitde [aggidde] v. pull, dig up. O woni ko
accirde v. leave for or with someone. Mi e aggitde hiire makko He is pulling his
accirii ma cfum I leave it with you. tooth up. alt. cfuggitde.
accitde [accidde] v. abandon; release. O aggutere (tide) molar alt. aggitere (tide),
cfaccitaama He has been released, alt gaggutte (cfe) pi.
Cfaccitde. ahde [aade] v. belch. O ahii He belched.
accude v. let; leave; give up Accu deeTa ahre [aare] (tide) belching.
Let it rest, be ngaccii simme They gave ajjaade v. lay on one’s back Ajjo Lay on
up smoking. your back, be ngajjiima They are laying
acfa pers. proti. you are (progressive). Acfa on their backs.
yiya Do you see.

ajjinde v. make lay on the back. Ajjin mo allaadu (ndu) horn. ~ ngaari the horn of an
Make him lay on his back. ox. gallaadi (di) pi
aksida (o) {fr.} accident; collision. O wadii alluki (ki) tree.
aksida He had an accident. alluwal (ngal) wooden tablet used for
alaa (o) no. O wii alaa He said no. writing, alluuje (de) pi
alaasara (o) late afternoon, almaade v. lead.
alamaan (o) fine; tax; duty, fawde ~ fine a almaanti (o) {ar.} imam; chief of Fuuta.
person. O yodii alamaan (o) He paid the almameebe (be) pi
fine. almet (o) {fr.} box of matches, almetaaji
alambanaare (nde) zebra. (di) pi
alambe (be) Soninke people galamho (o) almuudo (o) student; adept; disciple. ~ maa
sing. your student alnmube (be) pi.
alarba (o) {ar.j Wednesday. Hanki altine (o) {ar.} Monday.
wonnoo alarba Yesterday was alyatiimu (o) {ar.} orphan. Muusaa ko
Wednesday. alyatiimu Muusa is an orphan, pi
albaade v. eat without chewing; offend. alytimeebe (be).
cfaccu albaade Chew your food before -am poss. pron. my. hoorani my head, ko ~
swallowing it. mine, boor- hoor- egoism.
albarka thank you Alharka maa I thank ambilaas [am™bilaas] {fr.} ambulance, be
you. njolnii mo e nder ambilaas They put him
aide V. place animals in a hedged area. in an ambulance.
alcfinde v. enrich, be ngalcfinii mo They ambaasadeer [am"'basadeer]/bj {fr.}
made him rich. ambassador.
alcfude V. be wealthy. O alcfii He has ambude [am'^bude] v. isolate, prevent; build
become wealthy. a dike.
alet (o) Sunday. Hande ko alet Today is amdaade v. do deliberately. O amdi He did
Sunday. it deliberately.
Alfaa (o) learned Muslim scholar, chief O amdaare (nde) deliberate action, dum ko
wiyetee ko Alfaa His name is Alfaa. amdaare This is a deliberate action.
alhaali (o) {ar.} matter, (fum wonaa amde v. dance. O amii S/he danced, be
alhaali maa That is not your concern. ngamii They danced.
Alhajji (o) pilgrim, amdude v. dance with. Amdu e makko
alhamdulillaay thanks to god. Dance with him/her.
aljanna (o) paradise; heaven, naatde 7 go amnude v. make someone dance Amnu mo
to heaven O naatii aljanna He is in Make him dance, be ngamnii mawbe
heaven aljannaaji (cfi) pi They made the elderly dance.
aljumaa (o) {ar.}
Friday. Hande ko amen poss. pron. our (postposed). maaro ~
aljumaa Today is Friday, aljuntaaji (di) our rice.
pi. amiiru (o) chief
alkaali (o) judge. Ko o alkaali S/he is a amin pers. pron. we are. Amin njaha We
judge. are leaving.
alkabeere (nde) stirrup alkabeeje (de) pi. amminde v. show; delineate. Amminam
alkamiisa (o) {ar.} Thursday, hoi to koddaa Give me directions to your
alkol (o) {fr.} alcohol yarde ~ drink residence.
alcohol. amo (ngo) flood, amdoji (di) pi Amo
alkulal (ngal) letter of the alphabet. ~ sinkant The flood of 1950.
muumal vowel ~ tekkinaangal geminate. amre (nde) tortoise; turtle.
alkule (de) pi amumal (ngal) chicken pox; rash.
Alla Allah; God. ~ meho free, gratis, anande v. be jealous of
allaade v. stumble.

andaaka askinde

ande [anje] v. abhor, disdain; loathe; scorn; ardaade v. head; govern; manage; preside,
detest; hate, resent. lead; precede. Ardo njuulen Lead the
ahondirde [an6"dirde] v. hate one another. prayer, gardagol (ngol).
ganondiral (ngal). arde v. come. Ar gaay Come here, be
antude [ancude] v. hate forever. Mi aiitii ngarii They came, garaangal (ngal).
cfuntl hate it forever. ardinde v. place in front of
andaaka [an"daaka] adj. unknown; arditaade v. lead again.
anonymous. O andaaka He is unknown. ardude v. come with. Ardu e jom galle
andande [anMande] v, know about maa Come with your husband.
someone. O mo andan maa He knows artirde v. return something or someone;
about you. repatriate. Artir defteram Return my
andinde [an"dinde] v. teach, familiarize book, be ngartirii mo They brought him
someone with; impart; notify; ventilate; back, gartirgol (ngol).
publicize. So a andii andin You should artude v. return; come back. Artu do
share what you know. njeyadaa Return to where you belong.
anditde [an"didde] v. recognize. gartugol (ngol).
andude [an"dude] v. know; learn, gandal arcfo (o) chief
(ngal). ari inter}, sound used to make a donkey
ande [anMe] (nde) slice; piece. ~ liingu a walk.
slice of fish. arkille (o) mosquito net. diilaade ~ set a
ande v. cut fish into pieces; slice, be mosquito net. diiltaade ~ bring a mosquito
obscure. net down.
andoonde [an"doode] (nde) small fish. Mi armoor {o} book shelf
jaggii andoonde I caught a small fish. arsi (o) {ar.} Heaven.
gandoocfe (de) pL
arsuku (o) fortunate profit arsukaaji (di)
angale [ai]"gale] (o) {fr.} English, pi
angare [aI3"gare] (o) {fr.} fertilizer, arwan first (beginning),
angere [aI3"gere] (nde) restlessness due to anvude v. {fr.} be successful, pass. O anvii
suffering. He passed (the exam), be nganvii They
angude [aI3"gude] v. be restless because of passed the exam,
suffering. asaade v. dig itself, be deep.
angisaade [a"gisaade] v. asabere (nde) hole holding water.
annabi (o) prophet. ~ lisaa Jesus Christ. asande v. dig for someone, ngaska (ka).
annabaabe (be) pi annabiiji (o) alt.
asde V. drill; excavate; dig. Asanam ngaska
annama (o) image; concept; like; design. Dig a hole for me. ngaska (ka).
anneere (nde) grave. Mi yii anneere asnude v. make someone dig.
makko I saw his grave, ganneeje (de) pi.
asaale (de) thighs, asangal (ngal) sing.
anniya (o) intent, intention. ~ nioTTo good
asakal (ngal) tithe.
asamaan (o) {ar.} sky. ~ laabdo clear sky.
anniyaade v. intend, decide. Mi anniyiinta
asamaanuuji (di) pi
I have decided, anniyaaji (di) pi
asangal [asa"gal] (ngal) thigh.
annoore (nde) brightness.
aset (o) Saturday. Hande ko aset Today is
aparante (o) {fr.} assistant to a mechanic or
a driver
askinde v. tell the genealogy of someone.
araaraay (o) flag, araaraayuuji (di) pi
Askin mo Tell his genealogy.
arande v. come for. Aran mo Come for
askitinaade v. tell one's own genealogy.
asko (ngo) pedigree, lineage; genealogy.
arani (o) alien; foreigner; immigrant,
andude ~ mum know one’s genealogy.
outsider Muusaa ko arani Muusaa is a
foreigner. askude v. levy a tithe

asli ayyiiba

asli (o) origin. Hoi ko woni asli maa What ayaa (o) sound for chasing birds off fields.
is your origin? Lasli (o) alt. O wii ayaa He made the ayaa sound.
aslude v. lend aybanduru [ayba"duru]f>7i/wj greediness.
aspirin (o) {fr.} an aspirin tablet. ayhinde v. discredit; disrespect; accuse
aspirinaaji (di) pi. someone of greed. A aybinii mo You
asri (o) third daily prayer. Njuulen asri Let showed him disrespect.
us pray the third daily prayer, aybude v. be greedy. Ko Muusaa aybi
ataaye (o) {ar.j tea. atayuuji (di) pi. Muusaa is very greedy.
atturu (ndu) dread; dreadlocks. aylude v. take animals to graze.
awde V. fish, trawl. Oman awa He is aynaaynaare (nde) herdmans' share.
fishing. ayninde v. make someone herd.
awnude v. make someone fish. aynoyde v. go herding. O aynoyii He went
awo (ngo) fishing, ~ e ngaynaaka fishing herding.
and farming; agriculture. aynude v. herd, take care of Aynu ndeena
awTal (ngal) oar; paddle. AwTal maa nani Take care of the herd.
Here is your paddle. ayto (ago) fever; flu. Mbede wondi e ayto I
aw Tirgal (ugal) paddle aw Tirde (de) pi. am feverish.
awTitde [awTidde] v. agitate. aTTere (tide) break; blow.
awToowo (o) person who paddles; paddler. aTTude v. break by pounding
awTude v. paddle. Omon awTa He is ayyiiba (o) vice. Ayyiiba muTTaani Vice
paddling. is bad. ayyibaaji (di) pi.
awlude v. flatter. Hande mi awlu maa I
will praise you today.

ba bakde

ba del. 1) the. mbabba ba the donkey 2) baasi (o) {wol.} dish made with a light
last name. peanut butter sause and couscous.
baaba (o) father. ~ maa your father. ~ galle baata (o) full moon,
father; head of the household. ~ mawdb baatarp adj. ugly.
old father; grandfather, baabiraacfo (o) baawal (ngal) 1) type of bird 2) fishing
father; dad. instrument 3) ability. Teeyven do bamval
baabaade v. threaten, cfaccu ko mbaaboto makko tolnii Let us see what he is capable
(faa ko Stop those threats, of
baabagol (ngol) threat. baawde (de) power.
baabatti (di) locusts mbaabattu (ugu) baawdo adj. able, alaa - No one can do it.
sing. baayaade v. submit,
baacfe (de) ant hills, waande (nde) sing. baayo (o) orphan alt. baaye (o).
baacfiraacfo (o) nephew; niece (one's bablaali (di) loud and unclear talks.
sister's child). Ko o baadam He is my
bablude v. speak loudly and unclearly.
baafal (ngal) door, uddude ~ close a door. bablugol (ngol) loud and unclear talk.
udditde ~ open a door, bubbude ~ slam a bacce (de) fish scales. Rufbacce de Throw
door, aarde ~ open the door half way. the fish scales away, waccere (nde) sing,
Uddu baafal ngal Close the door, baccude v. scale. O woni ko baccude liingu
baag (o) {f^.} ferry boat, be taccinirii oto ngu He is scaling the fish,
o baag They used a ferry boat to get the baddi (ki) tree.
car across the river. baddo adj. young. - kecco very young.
baagal (ngal) bucket for drawing water. bacfcfo (o) doer; performer. - bone evil
jolnude - jiggle a bucket down into a well. doer.
sefde - draw water from a well. badoowo (o) doer. - jam a person who
baajol (ngol) strip. - leydi snake, be performs good deeds. - bonande/bone
kabbiri ledde de baaji They tied the person with evil deeds.
woods with strips, baaji (di) pi. badiane [battane] (de) end. - mo Tie. a
baalel (ngel) little sheep. happy ending.
baali (di) sheep, mbaalu (ngii) sing. badiano [battano] adj. final; ultimate.
baami (di) fibers used for false hair, badtindiido [batti"diicfo] (o) last; latter;
baamuule (de) cemetery, be nawii mo final Ko kanko wadiindii arde He arrived
baamuule They took him to the cemetery last.
for burial. baggel (ngel) little drum. - ibliis devil’s
baanabaana (o) peddler Ko o baanabaana drum.
He is a peddler, baggol adj. young.
baanaaru (o) herder. bagi (o) fabric, textile. Mi sooda nii mo
baane (de) clouds. Baahe de ndendii The bagi o I bought the fabric for him. bagiiji
clouds have gathered, pi.
baapefc^j leafy bush. babe (de) 1) beards 2) pieces of wood tied
baarol (ngol) farm land; field; small together wahre (nde) sing.
excavation, dum ko baarolam This is my bajjo adj. unique, gooto - one and only. Ko
farm. o bajjo She is their only child. Petto alt.
baasal (ngal) poverty, wondude e - be baka (o) blue cloth. - rombal blue dyed
poor. Baasal moTTaani Poverty is not gown.
good. bakane (de) trunks, wakande (nde) sing.
baasdo adj. poor. Ko o baasdo He is poor. bakani (ki) type of tree,
bakde v. dye blue.

bakkaat barmande

bakkaat (o) sin cfum ko bakkaat It is a sin. banda [ban"da] (o) {fr.} tape, fayvde ~ play
bakkodinde v. sin; transgress A bakkodini a tape. Fayvanam banda o Play this tape
You committed a sin. for me.
bakkddincfo adj. sinful, bandaas [ban"daas] (o) {fr.} bandage. Filtu
bakke (de) 1) leftovers 2) snott. bandaas o Remove the bandage.
bakkiliicfo adj. resolute, bandi [ban"di] (o) {fr.} thug. Ko o bandi
He is a thug.
bakki (di) gowns.
bandiraacfo [ba"diraacfo] (o) relative. ~
bal (o) {fr.} balloon; h2\\. fettude ~ kick the debbo sister. ~ gorko brother.
ball; play soccer, jaggude ~ catch the ball.
Werlo bal o Throw the ball. bandiraagal [ba''diraagal] (ngal) kinship
bala (o) fish,
banke [bafjke] (o) {fr.} bank. O liggotoo
balaade v. hoe. ko e banke He works in a bank.
balanji (di) xylophone. bandotoocfo [ban"dotoocfo] (o) fisherman,
balankaar [balal]kaar] (o) (fr.) stretcher. bange [bagge] (o) flank; side. ~ goddo
Njolnee mo e balankaar o Place him in elsewhere. ~ nano left side. ~ naamo the
the stretcher. right side.
balayse (de) {fr.} scales. ~ ka^T)e scales for banna (o) male first name,
weighing gold.
bannude v. load a gun.
balcfe (de) days. ~ juutde a long life. ~
bantal] (ki) tree.
dabbe short life. Yo Alla rokku mo balde
juutde May he live long. Hande wadi bantil3eewi (ki) tree,
balde nay It has been four days, nalawma bantude v. be finished,
(o) sing. bal] bal] ru (ndu) tomcat, ullundu ~
bailaade v. reach with the arm. Ballo tomcat.
koppu o Reach for the cup. bappaano (o) step father; uncle,
ballotoodo (o) person who reaches, bara (o) grass.
ballal (ngal) help; assistance. ~ mawngal baraaji (di) blessings; awards; benediction.
major help. Mbede sokli ballal maa I A daitii baraaji You have gained God’s
need your help. Ballal maa ina soklaa no blessings.
feeyvi Your help is really needed. baraale (de) currents, yvaraango (ngo)
ballooyvo (o) helper. Ko o balloowo no sing.
feeyvi S/He is very helpful, barak (o) {fr.} shanty; shack. O hodi ko e
ballifaagol (ngol) writing, barak He lives in a shack,
balol (ngol) ridge. baramlefol (ngol) tree leaf baramlefi (di)
baltirgal (ngal) drain pipe; gutter. '-Julngal pi.
a leaking pipe. baras (o) leprosy; smallpox, yvondude e ~
balToowo (o) person who spits. have leprosy.
balTugol (ngol) the act of spitting out. barigal (ngal) tun. ~ tokosal keg.
balTude v. spit out. barja (o) barter, trade by barter, haadi
bamcfi (di) \) donkeys 2) lice mbabba (ba) haada alt.
sing. barke (de) {ar.} blessings. Yo Alla yvade
bamfaro (o) shaft; arrow, maa barke May Allah bless you.
bambaacfo [bam'"baacfo] (o) griot. Ko o barkinde v. be blessed. O mo barkini He is
bambaado He belongs to the griot caste, blessed.
bambu [bam"'bu] (ngu) cloth used for tying barkeewi (ki) tree,
a child on one's back alt. Mbambu (ngu). barki (ki) tree.
banaade v. sniff, smell, barmande [barman"de] (nde) wound.
banaana (o) {fr.} banana, bdoltude ~ peel barme (o) wound
a banana. O mo yidi banaana He likes barminde v. wound seriously,
bananas. barmude v. be wounded seriously.

barme bi

barme (o) 1) cooking pot 2) wound. beelel (ngel) small pond; small shade, beeli
toggude ~ start cooking, dirtude ~ (fi) pi
remove the pot from the fire. Barme maa beel6l (tigol) shade; soul, ownude ~ neffo
sumii Your food is burning, barmeeji (cfi) make life difficult for someone.
pi beemcfo adj. tomfool; stupid neffo ~ a
baroocfe (de) fauna. ~ ladde wild animals. stupid person. Ko o beemfo He is stupid.
~ ladde wild animals, mbaroodi (tidi) sing.beembal [bem"'bal] (ngal) large space
baroowo (o) killer. Ko o baroowo He is a reserved for farming.
killer. beere (o) {fr.} beret, boornaade ~ wear a
basalle (cfe) onions, wasalde (tide) sing. beret.
basawal (ngal) lizard, bees (o) title.
basel (ngel) little bag. beetawe (o) morning. ~ jango tomorrow
bata (o) bag. morning.
batde [badde] v. 1) court; surround 2) hold belcfo adj. pleasant; sweet. ~ Hi Tam
a meeting. affable person, neffo ~ a pleasant
batilo (o) courtier; flatterer. individual.
batirde (tide) meeting place; venue. beltagol (tigol) happiness; satisfaction alt.
iveltaare (tide).
batoowo (o) participant in a meeting.
beltiifo adj. happy; fain, glad; merry,
batu (tigit) meeting. Batu ngu fusi The
meeting is over.
belg6l (tigdl) muddy area.
batuuji (cfi) sing.
bempeTTe (fe) waves. wemfeTere (nde)
batiri (o) (fr.) battery. Batiri o gasii The
battery is weak.
berfo adj. tired
batte (fe) traces, hay ~ nothing.
berko (tigo) leveling.
battinde v. leave a trace, fum battinii It left
a trace. berkude v. flatten; level. O woni ko e
bawcfi (cfi) drums, fiide ~ hit the drums;
berkude He is levelling the floor.
play the music mbaggu (ngu) sing. bettude v. surprise. O bettu mo He caught
him by surprise.
bawlude v. {ar.} urinate.
baylagol (tigol) mutation; metamorphosis;
bettugol (tigdl) surprise.
variation; change. bewde v. be spoiled. A fa beyvi You are a
bayliicfo adj. changed person. O wayliima spoiled brat.
no feeyvi He has changed so much. bewnude v. pamper; spoil. Ko aan beivni
baylo (o) blacksmith. Ko o baylo He mo You spoiled him.
belongs to the Smith caste. beivre (nde) act of being spoiled. Beivre
bayloowo (o) person who makes changes. burtunde moTTaani Excessive care is
baylugol (tigol) alteration; change.
bey (fi) goats, mbeeiva (ba) sing.
bay 161 (tigol) bow, musical instrument. O
mo waaMfi baylol He is a skilled bow beyaat (o) second clearance of weeds, be
player. ngoni ko e beyaat They are clearing the
weeds for the second time.
bayndndiral (ngal) good-bye; farewell.
Baynondiral ina muusi It is not easy to beytaade v. clear weeds a second time
say good-bye. waynaade v.
bayral (ngal) absence, beytoowo (o) singer of religious poems.
beccal (ngal) rib
beytude v. sing religious poems. O woni ko
e beytude He is singing religious songs.
becce (fe) torso; chest, ribs,
beytugol (tigdl) the singing of religious
beddal (ngal) 1) lock 2) jump,
bedek (o) {wol.} lead. bi (o) {fr.} goal.
bed6I (tigdl) umbilical cord.

bidaa bonande

bidaa (o) belief (outside Islam); taboo. bittoowo (o) researcher. ~ hanki men
(fum ko bidaa It is taboo. historian.
bifirgal (rigal) fan. biwaade v. resist; jump around.
biftaade v. snatch. O bifti cfum He biwaango [biwaa^go] (ngo) resistance.
snatched it away. alt. diftaade. biye (o) {fr.} ticket. Hoi to biye maa woni
biiwol (ngol) diaphragm. Where is your ticket?
bikkitaade v. free oneself or one’s hand biTTe (de) cotton seeds wiTTere (nde)
abruptly. Bikkito Free your hand. sing.
bikkitde [bikkidde] v. free something bobbaade v. fall.
suddenly. bobbude V. make fall,
bilanka [bilagka] (o) carrier. Ko o bilanka bobori (ki) tree.
He works as a carrier.
bocfeejo adj. red. Ko o bodeejo He is light-
bilbilel (tigel) a bat. skinned. Ina wojji It is red.
bilde V. roof be ngoni ko e bilde hubeere bojel (ngel) little rabbit.
nde They are roofing the house.
bojjude V. crush; pound ~ tamaate crush
bilngo [biPgo] (ngo) roofing. tomatoes.
bile (de) traps. ~ mehe empty traps. bokol (ngdl) neck,
tuufaade ~ lay traps, wilde (nde) sing. bol (o) fish.
bileejo (o) charlatan. Ko o bileejo He is a bolce (de) vomited milk,
boleeru (ndu) vestibule; hall; lobby,
billal (ngal) big snake, bille (de) pi.
bob (d) paths; ways.
bimbi [bim^’bi] (di) morning,
bolol (ngdl) path; way. rewde ~ follow the
bine (de) honey comb, path. Yah bolol maa This is not your
bineegara (o) (fr.) vinegar, beydu been business.
bineegara mbele ina safa Add vinegar to boliiru (ndu) gourd,
make it tasty.
bolle (de) speech; talk,
bindol [bin"d61] (ngdl) notation; writing. ~
bolol] (o) gourd. Yuppu dam e nder bolop
joodngol calligraphy.
o Pour it in the gourd.
bindoowo [bin"doowo] (o) writer. Ko o
bompileede v. be blinded by a shock; be
bindoowo S/He is a writer.
bewildered. Ko o bompilaadb He is
bindudb [bin"duCfo] (o) author, bewildered.
bippameernoo (o) big mosquito, bonakitangel (ngel) insect,
bippude V. pull. Hoi to bippu Do not pull bonande (nde) damage; mess; waste;
it. tragedy, havoc; destruction, dum ko
birgude v. frisk; frolic; prance, cavort, bonande It is a waste.
biro (o) {fr.} office, dawde ~ go to work at bonde v. be bad. ~ jikku misbehave. ~
one’s office in the morning. Hoi to biro mbalndi be unable to sleep still.
maa woni Where is your office? birooji bon do adj. bad, evil; hostile; nasty, mean.
(di) pi. neddo ~ a bad person.
bisaade v. fish. bone (o) danger, harm reentaade. ~ get
bisimilla (o) far.} welcome Bisimilla maa away from danger; be careful, boneeji (di)
welcome! pi
bismaade v. (ar.j welcome, say God's bonnanaado (o) victim.
name; recite verses for protection. bonnande v. spoil for someone; mess things
bismillaay in the name of Allah, up for someone. A bonnanii mo You
biskalet (o) (fr.} bicycle, waddaade ~ sit messed things up for him
on a bike, dognude ~ ride a bike, bonnitaade v. urinate or defecate on one's
biskitde [biskidde] v. belittle; discredit, clothing.
bitik (o) {fr.} store; shop, bitikaaji (di) pi. bdnnitde v. denigrate; vilify; debase; spoil
bittol (ngdl) belly fold.

boobo buy

bonnoowo (o) malefactor. bubbude v. slam. Hoi to bubbu baafe de'

bonnude v. spoil; tarnish; impair; pervert; Do not slam the doors,
ravage; spoliate. bubal (ngal) thigh; hip. buhe (de) pi.
boobo (o) kid; child. ~ jam a good child. ~ bujubuju (o) fry; young fish,
bone a bad child. Boobo ina foti hecfaade bukde V. tighten.
mawbe mum A child should listen to his bulde V. color blue O woni ko e bulde'
elders. comci di He is dyeing the clothes blue.
bool (o) tin bowl. bulo (o) blue.
boolumbal [b661u"'bal] (ngal) bird, bumangal [buma"gal] (ngal) pollen,
boom in fact, bunaa (o) dried fish, niiri e ~ SL millet and
boomaade v. be ruined. dried fish dish. Mi yidaa bunaa I do not
boomaare (nde) ruin; pogrom; calamity; like dried fish.
catastrophe. ~ mawnde a major bul]ee (o) monkey,
catastrophe. bunna (o) anus,
boomde v. decimate; ruin; destroy. burdaama (o) cow.
boosde V. abort; miscarry. O boosii She burli (ki) tree.
burlol (ngol) chain of pearls.
boosgol (tigol) abortion,
burwet (o) (Jr.j wheelbarrow, yuppude ~
boot (o) bag; sack. mum empty one’s wheelbarrow.
boowal (ngal) exterior; outside, outdoors. butel (o) (fr.j bottle ~ sangara a bottle of
yahde ~ go outside, boowe (de) pi. wine butelaaji (di) pi.
borde v. dye. O ^voni ko e borde comci di butol] (o) (fr.} button nebbude ~aaji
He is dyeing the clothes. button up. nebbitde ~aaji unbutton.
bom (ngu) dye; indigo, butoljaaji (di) pi.
bordolol (ngol) big intestine, butut (o) until.
bordoocfe (de) lamb or goat waste, buubaa (o) talking drum, fiide ~ play the
borjol] (o) rogue, talking drum. Oman fiya buubaa He is
boroode (nde) (f^.j embroidery, playing the talking drum.
botoboto (o) feast organized by children, buubi (di) flies, mbuubu (ngu) sing.
bottaari (ndi) lunch, rottude ~ serve lunch. buuditaade v. be overcooked into pieces,
defde ~ cook lunch, deftude ~ complete buumde v. cover completely.
the process of lunch cooking. Bottaari buunal (ngal) bird. ~ daTTe a stupid or
maa nani Here is your lunch, useless person.
bowte (de) rain outside rainy season, buur (o) (wol.) king,
boy (o) jackal, buurnaade v. make a fire,
boyde v. escape; catch fire, buurtol (ngol) ravine.
boyet (o) (f^.j carton; box. boyetaaji (di) buuse (o) (fr.) butcher. Ko o buuse He is a
pi. butcher.
boyli (di) wells, woyndu (ndu) sing, buutufal (ngal) doomsday.
boyngel (ngel) little well, buy adv. very yellow. E dum ooldi buy It
boyli (ki) type of tree. is really yellow.

baaftude bammude

baaftude v. take a big handful of. O baaftii badtinde [battinde] v. bring near.
maaro ko He took a big handful of rice, badtondirde [batt6"dirde] v. be near. E cfi
baagaade v. insinuate. badtondiri They are close.
baaraade v. lean against; rely on. baaro e bafde V. move while sitting.
balal ngal Lean on the wall. bafgol (ngdl) movement while sitting,
baaragol (tigdl) leaning against. bagde V. threaten.
baarde v. lean against; rely on. Ko e maa o bagoore (nde) threat,
baarii He relies on you.
bakkaade v. be stuck to.
baargol (ngdl) leaning against.
bakkere (nde) clay; mire; shale, vaud.jiibde
baarondirde [baar6"dirde] v. lean on each bakke mix into mud. prov. bakke
other, assist each other. mahetee ko gila ecfe ngoni kecce Strike
baaroowo (o) person who leans something the hammer while the iron is hot.
somewhere. bakkitde [bakkidde] v. remove stick.
baartude v. remove from a leaning position. cfakkitde ah.
baarto e balal ngal Stay away from the bakkude v. stick on, accuse. O bakki cfum
wall. e makko He blamed it on him.
baasde v. pin. bakdiinde v. be muddy. Ina bakolini It is
baatde [baadde] v. rub dirt on someone, muddy.
accuse. 0 baati cfum e makko He balal (nga!) wall. b(de (cfe) pi
accused him of the offense.
baleejo adj. black, negro. - kurum very
baatgdl (ngdl) rubbing, black, necfcfo - a person of African
baawo (ngo) 1) rectum 2) after; back; decent. Ko o baleejo S/He is black.
behind.-the day after tomorrow. bkdeeri (ndi) black color; type of millet.
Ma mi yah toon baayvo jango I will go baleyvdl (ngdl) blackness,
there tomorrow, baawooji (cfi) pi.
ballaade v. get/be close ballo Come closer.
baawotel in three days. Itaa - in three days.
fkdlinde v. make close, ballin mo cfum
baaTde [baajje] v. make a discrete sign; Bring it closer to him.
sign. O woni ko e baa Tile mo He is
ballitaade v. get closer. Ngonmi ko e
attempting to get his attention,
ballitaade I am getting closer,
babbitaade v. be detached from.
balnude v. be stout 0 mo balni He is big.
babhitde [babbitde] v. detach from.
bamaade v. be pretty. Safi ina bamii Safi
bahhiteede v. be detached, is pretty.
babbo (ngo) bird backside. 0 fetti ndu ko e bamde v. take prov. bamde ko faala
bahho ngo He hit the bird on the backside. jeyaaka e nguyka Taking what you need
badaade v. be close fucfnaange badiicfo does not mean stealing.
the Near East, bado Get close. Ina badii bamoowo (o) person who takes away.
It is close.
bamtaade v. 1) be successful; thrive;
badagol (ngdl) proximity, closeness. progress 2) be raised. O mo bamtii He is
badinde v. bring close, badin mo cfum successful.
•Bring it close to him. bamtaare (nde) success, cfum ko bamtaare
baddndiral [bad6"diral] (nga!) proximity. mawnde That is a major success.
badondirde [bad6"dirde] v. be close to one bamtiicfo adj. successful person
another amin badondiri We live close to bamtude v. lift; retake Mo bamti gacfa
one another. faahuru ne faati ko leydi If you lift the
badtaade [battaade] v. approach, be close bottom of the frog it will return the ground
to, come close En battiima wuro ngo We (help those who help themselves).
are getting close to the town. bammude v. hit.
badtiicfo [battiicfo] adj. proximate.
bande beydaade

bande [ban"de] (nde) haft. ~ jambere the beebde v. be dry. dum beebii It is drying
haft of an ax bane (cfe) pi. up.
bandu [ban"du] (ndu) body. ~ mehru a beebi (di) area that dries last beebiiji (di)
naked body. ~ muusooru a body that pi
aches. Wuj dum e bandu maa Rub it on beebo (ngo) draining.
your body, balli (cfi) pi. beebre (nde) drained area.
balnude v. be big. beesoo (o) fish.
baQnude v, be known, beeynaade v. steal.
bappaade v. fall. belle (de) fat. bellere (nde) sing.
bappidde [bappidde] v. be low/flat. bellere (nde) fat. belle (de) plur.
bappinaade v. subside, bellinde v. fatten; be fat. O mo bellini He is
barfinaade v. sit flat on one's bottom. fat.
barfinande [barfinan"de] (nde) the act of bellindo adj. plump; obese; fat.
sitting flat on one's bottom, bendinde [ben"dinde] v. make cook; make
basde v. mend; weld; patch, basanam ripe.
jamberam nde Weld my ax for me. bendude [ben"dude] v. be ripe, be cooked;
basirgal (ngal) tool for mending. A helii maturate. Maaro ko bendii The rice is
basirgalam You broke my tool. cooked.
basondirde [baso"dirde] v. weld, put bendudo adj. [ben"ducfo] 1) cooked 2)
together. mature.
basoowo (o) mender, welder. Ko o benninde v. implement. ~ deyvgal wed;
basoowo He is a welder. marry. O benninii deyvgal He just got
bataake (o) letter. ~ jam a letter with good married.
news, hebde ~ receive a letter, jaabtaade bennitde [bennidde] v. pass again.
~ reply to a letter, neldude ~ send a letter.
bennude v. pass; elapse; go past, dum
jolnude ~ mail a letter. Jolnu bataake o bennii It has happened.
Mail the letter.
bennudo adj. previous. yV/wrtrtWM ~ in the
bawlinaade v. blacken oneself old days; in the past.
bawlinde v. blacken. ~ yeeso have an angry bernde [berncfe] (nde) heart. moTTude. ~
look, cfaccu bawHnde yeeso Do not show have a good heart; be kind, bonde ~ to be
an angry face. mean. O alaa bernde He has no heart. O
bawlude v. be black; become black. Ina mo moTKi bernde He is kind.
bawli It is black. berninde v. upset.
bawlugol (ngol) blackness baletvol (ngol) bernude v. be angry; be upset. Ko o
alt. bernudo He is upset.
bayde v. 1) be attractive 2) be damp. Ndaw bescfo (o) person who has given birth; an
ko bayi People like him. individual with a large family. Ko o besdo
bayre (nde) charm for attraction. O mo She gave birth not long ago.
wondi e bayre He has a charm for besngu (ngii) family; offspring. No besngu
attraction. maa wad How is your family?
bayo (ngo) moisture, dampness. besnude v. give birth.
bayto (ngo) dampness; moisture. besnugol (ngol) procreation,
baytude v. be damp. Ina bayti It is damp. betde [bedde] v. measure.
bayri conj. since; as. Njahen bayri o alaa betgol (ngol) measurement.
doo Let us leave since he is not here.
betirde v. measure with.
bayde alt
betirgal (ngal) instrument for measuring,
be det. the, they, yimbe ~ the people, be
ngarii They arrived.
beydaade v. be added; be increased, dum
bee det. these. ~ yimbe these people.
beydiima It has been increased.
bey a det. those, yimbe ~ those individuals.

bicfde boomde

b^daari (ndi) addition; plus; extra; bobbude V. dent. Ko dum bobbidum It is

increment; increase. dented.
beydude v. add; augment; append; increase, bobbude v. pick up.
add one’s piece of salt. Ndaw ko waawi boccinde v. lay an egg. Ngal boccinii The
beydude He likes to add his grain of salt. hen laid an egg.
beydugol (ngol) addition; increase, boccoonde (nde) egg. ~ harilde a bad egg.
bicfde [bidde] v. squeeze. bocokcok bad egg.
bicfcfo (o) child; baby. ~ dehbo daughter. ~ boccitaade v. escape. O boccitiima He
gorko son. ~ leydi citizen. ~ tekke doll. escaped.
bii (o) son; daughter. ~ moTTo a child of boccitel (ngH) diarrhea. O mo wondi e
good parents. ~ honcfo a child of bad boccitel He has diarrhea.
parents. boccitoreede v. 1) fumble 2) make an
bingal (ngal) big child. involuntary mistake. O boccitora It was
bingel [bingel] (ngel) little child. ~ lecfcfe just a mistake.
fruit. ~ haram child born out of wedlock, bodde V. lag; creep along.
bastard bocfcfude V. feel by pressing the thumb on.
biicaade v. sound with disapproval, boftirgel (ngH) dustpan.
biicaango (ngo) creak, boftude V. gather up, pick up. boftu
biicde [biijje] v. be tight, kurjuru o Pick up the garbage.
biinaango (ngo) grimace; grin. boggol (ngdl) rope. ~ njamndi wire.
biiitde v. make a face, grin. Hoi ko boggude V. pick fruit,
biinataa What are you making a face at? bohere (nde) baobab fruit.
biirtinde v. give away used items. Mi bokkaade v. 1) fan insects away from
biirtinii ma wutte o I am giving you this oneself 2) detach oneself ko o bokkiido
used gown. He does not want to be involved.
biirtude v. empty a dish with fingers. ~ haa bdkkirgal (ngal) fan.
laaba M'ipe clean.
bokkude v. fan flies away,
biiTde [biijje] v. screw.
bokki (ki) baobab tree.
bii Ttude [biiccude] v. unscrew,
bokko (ko) bark, sirde ~ remove the bark;
bilde V. place one's leg around another's; strip.
insert. ~ necfcfo get a person into trouble. bolde V. strip off.
Ko o ban do He is in trouble/he is busy.
boldude V. be stripped off. O mo boldi She
biltude V. free O biltiima S/he is out of
is not wearing jewelery.
bolkude v. make love,
binaare (nde) animal.
bonde V. shed tears, have watery eyes,
biracfam (dam) fresh milk, kosam ~ fresh
milk. boodde V. be slippery. Ina boodi It is
birande v. milk for someone.
boodde (nde) 1) lump 2) useless person. ~
birde v. milk Omon bira nagge nge He is suukara a lump of sugar. ~ lacciri lump
milking the cow.
of couscous.
birdugal (ngal) calabash for milking.
booidu (ndu) big stick O fiiri mo ko
biroowo (o) person who milks, biroowo booldu He hit him with a big stick,
darotaako It is unusual for a person who
booltinaade v. wait. O woni ko e
milks to be in a standing position. booltinaade He is not eating his food
birtaade v. milk again, now.
bittaade v. be squeezed tightly. booltude V. skin; peel booltu nguru ngu
bitteede v. be poor. O mo bittaa He is Remove the skin.
poor. bdlum adj. empty,
Cntteende (nde) shortage. boomde v. change shape.
bittude V. squeeze tightly; oppress.

booraade buubde

boomtude v. regain the normal shape, bottugol (ngol) pinch.

booraade v. undress, booro jodni Undress bowdi (ki) baobab tree.
now. bowngu (ngn) mosquito pi bowdi (di).
boreede v. be banned, be undressed. O bucfcfu (ngn) worm.
booraama He is banned from the Police
buftaade v. bathe; shower. Mi buftiima I
force. have already taken a shower.
boorde v. 1) pull off; remove clothing 2) buftagol (ngol) bathing; showering. ~
ban. jaawngol a quick shower.
boordude v. chase; remove by way of
bujiri (ndi) castrated bullock,
boornaade v. 1) put clothes on 2) undergo
bulbi (ki) tree.
circumcision, boorno comci maa Put your
clothing on. bulde V. flow, dum bulii The water is
boornoowo (o) person who performs
bulel (ngel) little well.
boornude v. circumcise. bulnaade v. wait for water to flow. Ko mi
bulniido I am waiting for the water to
boororde (nde) nightgown; night dress. flow.
boortaade v. undress. Ho! to boorto e bultaade v. harvest gum.
hakkunde yimbe Do not undress in front
bunde [buhje] v. have many worms,
of people.
boortiicfo adj. naked; nude. bundu [bun"du] (ndu) well, bulli (di) pi.
bural (ngal) advantage; preference;
bdortude v. undress, boortu comci maa
superiority, dum alaa bural It is not
boortugol V. removal of one's clothings,
burde V. surpass; predominate; transcend.
boosaaru (ndu) puppy, Ko aan buri mo darnde You are taller
boosde V. massage, mbecfe sokli booseede than him.
I need a massage. burnaade v. act important. 0 mo burnii He
boosgol (ngol) massage, likes to act important.
bootere (nde) grass. burnaado (o) chosen person.
booyde v. be long, booyaani ko dUm wadi burnude v. prefer; advocate.
It just happened. burtaade v. outgrow; surpass. O burti
booydo adj. old. neddo ~ an old persoa maama He has outgrown you.
booytude v. remain for a long time; be burtaari (ndi) profit.
burtinde v. 1) overdo 2) lie.
booTere (nde) kidney.
burtude v. exceed; be excessive. Ina burti
boraade v. lose hair or feathers hoore It is excessive,
boriinde a bald head.
bursude v. grind peanuts,
borde V. pull up, deplume, pluck.
burtungal (ngal) veW.fiilde ~ wear a veil.
boro (ngo) small feathers,
butticfde V. be big; be fat, gain weight. O
borke (de) disease. buttidaani He did not gain weight.
bortere (nde) type of grass borwude v. be buttidgol (ngol) stout.
slippery. Ina bonvi It is slippery.
buttidinde v. make big; fatten. Ina
bosde V. move a little. buttidina It makes a person big/fat.
boslitaade v. move while sleeping. O butto adj. robust; big; fat. neddo ~ a big/fat
boslitiima She just moved. person.
bota (ba) little goat. buubde V. be cold; be calm. Ina buubi It is
bottere (nde) 1) testicule 2) cold.
useless/ignorant person. buubnude v. make cold; make fresh; cool.
bottude V. pinch O botti mo e reedu He buubol (ngol) cold, chill.
pinched him on the belly.

buucaade buTde

buubri (ndi) 1) shade 2) bladder infection. buutaacfo (o) person suffering from
O mo wondi e buubri He has a bladder overeating. Ko o buutaacfo He is suffering
infection. from overeating.
buubtude V. be colder. buutde [buudde] v. be swollen. Ko ko
buucaade v. kiss; suck. O buucii mo He buuti It is swollen.
kissed her. buuteede v. suffer from overeating. Ko o
buucagol (ngdi) kiss. buutaaDo He is suffering from excessive
buucondirde [buuc6"dirde] v. kiss each food intake.
other. buutnude [buunnude] v. make swell up.
buutdi [buuddi] (tidi) swelling, buutdi ndi buuTeede v. have the urge to
saayii The swelling is gone. urinate/defecate. Mhecfe buuTaa coofe I
have the urge to urinate.
buTde [bujje] v. bend.

ca cebe

ca goat calling word. cangol (ngol) weaving.

caabi (di) {wol.} keys. ~ wakande keys to canirgal (ngal) loom.
the trunk. ~ oto car keys. ~ galle keys to caiioowo (o) weaver. Ko o canoowo He is a
the house. ~ aduna keys to the world, weaver.
caacfngol [caan"g61] (ngol) stream, saacfde cantirgal [cancirgal] (ngal)
cantoowo [cancoowo] (o) person who
caaju (ngu) horse, unbraids hair.
caakaan (o) {wol.} triviality, cantugol [cancugol] (ngol) the unbraiding
caakri (ndi) dish. of hair.
caali (ki) roof made with grass and wood. canu (ngn) weaving. O mo waawi canu He
firtude ~ undo the roof caaleeje (de) pi. is a skilled weaver.
caamaaba (ba) snake, candal [candal] (ngal) instrument for
caangol [caan"g61] (ngol) stream; creek. weaving.
caaldi (di) pi. capaato (o) Moor. Ko o capaato He is a
caarol (ngol) diarrhea, Moor.
caascfo adj. energetic. Ndaw ko saasi He is capancfe (de) tens. ~ joyabo fiftieth. ~
a hard working individual. nayabo fortieth. ~ jeegom sixty. ~ nay
caasgol (ngol) energy; strength,
caru (ngn) 1) dispersion; separation 2)
caaygol (ngol) fusion.
animosity, dum addata ko caru This will
cabbiicfo (o) a person who is waiting for bring animosity, sarde v.
someone or something,
caroowo (o) 1) person who scatters 2)
cafcfo adj. sweet, tasty; likeable, neddo ~ a person who causes animosity between
likeable person, safde v. individuals.
cafroowo (o) doctor. ~ gite eye doctor; carwoowo (o) waiter. Ko o carwoowo He is
ophthalmologist. ~ koyde orthopedist. Ko a waiter.
o cafroowo He is a doctor, safrude v.
caski (ki) tree.
caggal (ngal) rear, posterior, behind; after.
casol (ngdl) hoed soil, remde ~ mum take
~ maa after you left. ~ leydi foreign
care of one’s business.
country; abroad. ~ dum afterward,
catal (ngal) branch. ~ lekki a tree branch.
cajal (ngal) bamboo fence.
cate (de) pi
cakalo adj. outgoing; friendly. Ko o cakalo
catel (ngel) little branch.
He is friendly, sakolidde v.
cawndiicfo [caw"diicfo] person who is close
cakka (ka) necklace, collar, boorno cakka
to another person.
ka Wear the necklace,
cawndotoodo [caw"diicfo](^c>^ person who
cakutal (ngal) leg. cakute (de) pi.
gets close to another person.
callalal (ngal) chain, tellinde ~ anchor.
cawndbndiral [caw"d6"diral] (ngal) the act
jolnude ~ leave, collate (de) pi
of getting close to one another,
calli (ki) tree.
cawel (ngel) little stick,
caliigiicfo (o) a person who has performed
cawgal (ngal) big skin of a dead animal.
his/her ablution ritual, salligaade v.
cawgel (ngel) little skin of a dead animal.
caingel (ngel) small fork shaped wooden
pillar. ~ tuggorteengel a cane. cawgu (ngu) skin of a dead animal, cawdi
(cn) pi
camalle (de) kindling wood,
cawndiicfo (o) person who is next,
cami (ki) tree
cay gal (ngal) bird.
cancorgal (ngal) instrument for
untying/unbraiding hair, canctirgal (ngal) cebe (de) peaks; tops, sebre (nde) sing.

cecelle cirTe

cebtam (dam) peak; pinnacle; ridge; tip; cellal (ngal) health; sanity cellal buri
nadir. O yettiima cebtam He reached the ngalu Health is better than wealth. Ko
very top. cellal ardii Health comes first.
cecelle (de) first rains. cellinoowoo (o) healer.
cecfcfo (o) person of the Warrior caste. Ko o cellingol (ngol) treatment, healing.
ceddo He belongs to the Warrior caste,
celludo adj. healthy; sane; vigorous, gorko
ceebcfe adj. sharp. ~ a healthy man.
ceebdo adj. acute; intelligent; sharp, suka ~ cemte (de) lies, cemtol (ngol) sing,
an intelligent child. semtude v.
ceebndam (dam) sharpness. cemtooyvo (o) liar.
ceede (de) cowry shells, seedere (nde) sing. cemtunoodo (o) person who lied.
ceediicfo (o) witness, seedaade v. cel3alal (ngal) calabash. ~ makka calabash
ceecfu (ngn) dry season; summer. Ceedu full of corn ears.
arii It is summer. cel3di (ndi) bait.
cefe (de) herds of cattle. celjondiral (ngal) linking, joining.
ceelol (tigol) strip of dried meat, seelde v. celjondiroowo (o) person who joins
ceeltol (ngol) shred; strip. elements together.
ceeltugdi (ngol) the act of tearing ceQIe (de) pounded grains, laayvde ~ put
something into strips. pounded grains in the pot.
ceeltoowo (o) person who tears something cettal (ngal) sharpened piece of wood used
into strips. for unbraiding hair, settude v.
ceemeedo (o) young woman. Ko o cettoowo (o) person who makes sharp
ceemeedo She is a young woman, wooden objects.
ceen (o) {f^.} chain. ~ kaljlje gold chain. cewcfo adj. 1) thin person; slim; slender,
ceenal (ngal) sand pi. ceene (de). ~~ lean 2) trashy type of person, sewde v.
hodewal red sand. ~ daneyval white sand. cewngu (ngn) panther.
ceeraado (o) divorcee; divorce. ciftol (ngol) charade, conundrum; puzzle;
ceerdo (o) a person who divorced. riddle, siftude v.
ceergal (ngal) divorce, ciibe (de) grass, siiwre (nde).

ceerno (o) religious teacher. ~ mawdo a ciifgol (ngol) signing of

great religious teacher. Hoi gondo ceerno ciifol (ngdl) line, signature.
maa Who is your teacher? ciifi (di) pi
cefe (de). ciifoowo (o) person who signs,
ceggannoocfo (o) person who used to filter ciilal (ngal) eagle; falcon,
liquids. ciiwgol (ngol) the pouring of liquids,
ceggitoowo (o) person who filters liquids ciiwoowo (o) person who pours,
again, seggude v. cinnoowo (o) a shaking person.
ceggoowo (o) person who filters liquids. cinnudo (o) a shivering individual.
ceggugol (ngol) the filtering of liquids, cinnugol (ngol) shivering, shaking,
cekcfo adj. irate; angry. Ko o cekdo He is ciiwoowo (o) person who pours liquids,
cilbi (di) fringes,
cekke (de) fences of woven reed, sekko
cilo (o) {f^.} kilogram cildoji (di).
(ngo) sing.
ciluki (ki) ree.
cekkiri (ndi) ashes used for making soap,
cingooli [ciq"g661i] (ki) tree,
cell (di) branching roads; cross roads, laabi
~ branching roads. cireewi (ki) tree.
celol (ngol) ramp, branching road. cirTe (de) spits.
cirToowo (o) person who spits.
cirTugol (ngol) spitting,

ciyam cuutirgal

ciyam (cfam) leak. ~ muusdam a bad/major c66rumbal [c66ru"TDal] (figal) flute,

leak. cooycfo adj. spinster, debho ~ a spinster,
coccagol (figol) tooth cleaning; cleaning. coscfo (o) founder.
coccorgal (figal) toothpick, cfum ko cottaandi [cottaandi] (ndi) millet devoid of
coccorgal maa That is your toothpick. bran; shelled millet.
coccugol (figol) cleaning; cleansing, cowol (figol) fold, cowe (cfi) pi sowde v.
cod61 (ngdi) short cut. lamvol ~ a short cut. coy very red (used for emphasis). Ina wojji
cofel (tigel) small baby chicken, coy It is really red.
cofal (figal) big baby chicken, cubagdi (figol) choice; alternative;
coggal (figal) herd of cattle; herd of selection.
animals. cubaacfo (o) chosen individual.
coggoowo (o) herder; person who drive cubooyvo (o) person who selects.
cattle to pasture. cubotoocfo (o) chooser.
coggu (figii) price, beydude ~ increase the cuddaacfo (o) 1) married woman; bride 2)
price, ustude ~ reduce the price. Hoi no covered person.
coggu mum foti What is the price? cuddiicfo (o) 1) married woman 2) person
cokki (cfi) checkers game; chess, fiide ~ who covered himself Hoi to cuddiicfo
play a checkers game, maa woni Where is your wife?
cokoowo (o) person who locks, janitor. cuddoowo (o) groom.
coktirgal (figal) key. ~ galle house key. ~ cuddungu (figu) wedding. ~ Hammat
aduna key to the world, coktircfe (cfe) pi. Hammat’s wedding.
coktoowo (o) person who unlocks, cukaagu (ngu) infancy; childhood. Ko
coktugol (figol) removal of a lock; cukaagu wadi cfum It is childish
unlocking. behavior.
coku (figii) dam. cukalel (figel) boy; infant; brat. ~ moTTel a
colcfo adj. person whose teeth have fallen good boy. ~ bongel a bad boy.
off. Ko o colcfo He has lost many teeth. cukkiri (ndi) thicket, naatirde e ~ get
coloofvo (o) person who removes teeth. angry. O naatirimi e cukkiri He got angry
coltoowo (o) person who removes teeth that at me.
came up again. ciikko (o) next. Ko kanko woni cukko maa
colei (figel) sparrow, little bird, colli (cfi) pi He comes after you.
colla (ka) dust. cumaram (dam) scald, burn. ~ muusdam
first degree bum.
collaay (o) dust.
cumu (ngu) fire, cum berel heartburn.
c6mc61 (figol) piece of clothing; garment;
Ngaree cumu fire! fire!
outfit; raiment, uniform.
cuucfiicfo adj. clandestine,
conaandi (fidi) produce, yield; harvest.
cuuraay (o) incense,
conal (figal) harvest.
cuurel (figel) little room.
conoowo (o) harvester.
ciiuron (kon) little rooms, suudu (ndu)
condi [con"di] (ndi) flour; powder. ~ fetel
cuurki (ki) steam; reek; smoke.
coodoowo (o) purchaser, buyer. O wonaa
coodoowo He is not buying. cuusal (figal) bravery; mettle; prowess. O
mo heeyvi cuusal he is brave.
coofcfo adj. ugly.
cuusdb adj. brave. ~ reedu brave. ~ gacce
cooragol (figol) the act of wandering all
a shameless person. ~ bone quarrelsome.
over the place, sooraade v.
cuutirgal (ngal) instmment for lifting or
cooriicfo (o) person who is wandering all
pulling out.
over the place.
coorgal (figal) perch; pole, spar.


daabaa (o) animal for riding such as a dabanaade v. perform sorcery for someone.
donkey. Mbede yidi dabaneede I want someone
daabaacfo (o) person who has been to perform sorcery for me.
contaminated. dabare (de) sorcery; magic.
daadoowo (o) a person who contaminates dabotoodo (o) person who performs
others, raabde v. witchcraft.
daabondiral [daab6"diral] (ngal) mutual dabbirde (nde) winter camp.
contamination. dabbude v. spend winter, camp for the
daagaade v. shamble; pace slowly. O woni winter.
ko e daagaade He is pacing slowly. dabbunde [dabbuMe] (nde) winter.
daagotoocfo (o) a person who paces slowly. dabbo adj. short, scrimp, neddo ~ a short
daago (ngo) mat. wertude ~ spread the mat. person, sahaa ~ a short period,
taggude ~ roll up a mat. dabi (o) guide pi dabiiji (di).
daakaa (o) camp; gathering pi. daakaaji dadaade v. tie around the waist; tie one’s
(d). belt.
daakaade v. be assembled. dadol (ngol) belt, habbude ~ tie a belt.
daakande [daakan"de] (nde) gathering. dad nude [dannude] v. tie a belt for
daakde v. camp. someone.
daalnude v. Be reduced, become weak, dadorde (nde) waist, nadorde (nde) alt.
daande [daa"de] (tide) voice; neck. ~ dadorgal (ngal) belt,
loornde a hoarse voice. ~ welnde a dacfcfaade v. stretch.
beautiful voice pi daade (de). dacfde [dadde] v. 1) win a race 2) escape
daarde v. 1) tell a story 2) diminish, danger; get away. O dad o dandii The
subside. delivery was very successful.
daarol (ngdi) story; tale, dum wonaa daddo adj. safe; winner.
tindol, ko daarol It is not a story but it is daddndirde [dacf6"dirde] v. race/precede
a tale. one another.
daasaade v. drag oneself Hoi ko wadmaa dadaade [dattaade] v. outrun, outpace,
daasaade Why are you lagging behind? overtake again; pass. Mi dadi maama I
daasde v. draw; lug; drag along. passed you.
daasirde v. drag with. daddude v. spread a mat. ~ leeso spread a
daasnaade v. pace slowly. mat.
daasol (ngol) track; trace. ~ ngooroondi daggude v. stagger,
trace left by a snake, dahaa (o) ink. kudol ~ a writing pen.
daawnude v. inform. dajde [dajje] v. lessen; reduce,
daayde v. be calm. Hendu ndu daayi The dakkande v. make a dish called kodde for
wind has subsided. someone. Dakkanam kodde Make the
daaTde v. stop a baby animal from sucking. kodde dish for me.
DaaT nale nge Stop the heifer from dakkere (nde) dish.
sucking. dakkiri (ndi) steamed millet.
daaye (de) nenuphar plants sing, raayre dakkude v. make the kodde dish. O woni ko
(nde). e dakkude He is making the kodde dish,
daayo (ngo) exile. dakmude v. be tasty. E dum dakmi It is
daaToowo (o) a person who stops a baby very tasty.
animal from sucking, daliilu (o) {ar.j reason, proof, jogaade ~
dabaade v. 1) guide 2) perform sorcery. have a good reason for doing something.
Mi alanaa dum daliilu I cannot justify it

dalirde deede

dallinde v. prove daraade v. stand up, stop, cease; halt,

dalirde (nde) camp, stagnate.
dallaade (nde) port. daragol (ngol) truce.
damal (ngal) entry; access; gate; door. daraniido (o) militant. Onto daranii lenol
uddude ~ close the door, udditde ~ open no feetvi He is fighting for his ethnic
the door, bubbude ~ slam a door, dajjitde group indeed.
~ break the door. ~ suudu bedroom door. darnde (nde) height; stop; standing up. Hoi
~ galle gate. do darnde maa tolnii How tall are you?
dambaade [dam'^baade] v. wed; undergo darngo (ngo) standing up.
the wedding ceremony. darnude v. make stand, erect. Ko o
dambitaade [da'^bitaade] v. complete the darnudo He is hard.
wedding ceremony. O dambitiima S/he darorde (nde) stop.
has commpleted the wedding ceremony. dartaade v. defend; resist Dario mo Stand
dambordu [dam"’bordu] (ndu) bridal room. up to him.
naatde ~ enter the bridal room/begin the dartagol (ngol) pause; defense.
wedding ceremony.
dartinde v. erect again.
dambude [dam"'bude] v. participate in a
wedding ceremony, dartinde (nde) pause, stop.
dammuhol (ugol) lamb, goat. daraja (o) popularity; fame, heewde ~ be
dampe (de) one-piece type of female
clothing. darjude v. be popular, be well known. Omo
darji no feetvi He is very popular.
dampoowo (o) kicker
darjudo (o) famous; popular,
dampude v. kick. O dampi mo e reedu He
kicked him in the belly. dargeede v. have spots,
dampugol (tigdl) kicking, datol (ngol) path./?/, dati (di).
dal] (o) edge. dawaacfi (di) dogs. Aan ko a rawaandu
You are a dog. sing, rawaandu (ndu).
danal (ngal) gain, fortune, asset, jom ~ a
wealthy person. Dahal e baasal ngondi dawde v. go to work in the morning. ~ law
One may be wealthy today and poor go to work early in the morning.
tomorrow. dayvnude v. make work. Mi dawnii mo
dande [danje] v. gain, acquire. O danii ko o hande I made him work today.
yicfnoo He got what he wanted. dayvol (ngol) act of going to work in the
dandoowo [dan"doowo] (o) savior, ko Alla morning.
woni dandoowo Allah is the savior. dawlude v. pay part of a debt.
dandude [dan"dude] v. save; secure. Ko daTTe (de) hard grass roots. raTTere
Alla tan waawi dandude Allah is the only (nde).
savior. de suf. infinitive marker; to helde break.
daneejo adj. white, necfcfo ~ a white debati gorkati (o) gay; homosexual, a male
person. with female mannerisms.
danga (o) [dal]"ga] pouch prov. So wonko debbo (o) woman. ~ galle housewife. ~
hammayaroyel waawi danga baaba mum dambiido bride, - reedu pregnant woman.
yooliima You have the opportunity to dewal (ngal) big woman.
show us what you can do.
deyvel (ngel) little woman,
dankaade [dal]kaade] v. pay attention.
debbude v. sink.
Ada foil dankaade ko kaalat mi ko You
should pay attention to what I say. deedaacfo (o) bastard, bom out of wedlock.
Ko o deedaado He was born out of
danki [dal]ki] (ki) raised platform,
danna (o) hunter.
deedal (ngal) lake, large pond/lake.
dara (o) naught, nothing; zero. Hay dara
deede (o) older sibling. Ko o deede am S/he
mi wiyaani I said nothing.
is my older sibling.

deelaade dihal

deelaade v. be spilled. dempetel] pound fresh rice.

decide v. spill. dendaangal [den"daa"gal] (ngal) all. ~
deemooru (ndu) chimpanze; ape. koreeji all relatives.
deenoowo (o) guard. ~ nedcfo bodyguard; dendingol [den"ding61] (ngol) combination.
guardian. dendinoowo [den"dinoowo] (o) collector; a
deentagol (ngol) vigilance; precaution; person who creates animosity between
prudence; caution. people.
deentiicfo adj. vigilant; careful; cautious. Ko dental (ngal) union, confederation rally. ~
o necfcfo deentiicfo He is a very cautious jongal quorum. ~ yimbe throng. ~
person. mawngal mob, mass Deental waawi
deeringi [deerig"gi] (o) big belly. ceeral Better to unite than be divided.
deeTde v. be calm. Onto deeTi no feetvi dende [den"de] (nde) watermelon.
She is very calm. dencfiraacfo (o) one's mother’s brother's
deeTcfo [deeTTo] adj. calm; quiet,child, first cousin.
peaceful, still; immobile; stable; serene. Kodencfiraagal (ngal) kinship between cousins
o necfcfo deeTcfo He is a quiet person and first cousins.
deeTere (nde) calm; silence. denkaade [del3kaade] v. sit down abruptly.
deeTnude [deennude] v. cool, appease, denkude [deI3kude] v. make someone (or
placate; pacify, soothe, immobilize. something) sit down abruptly.
deeTre (nde) calm, hush; quiescence, del3Ioode (tide) small quantity of liquids.
defaade v. be in charge of. Miin defii piye del]13ere (nde) harpoon, yiwde ~ pierce
maa I am in charge of your contributions, with a harpoon.
defande v. cook for someone Defanam deppaade v. fall on one's bottom,
maaro e teetv Please make the rice and dewal (ngal) big woman.
meat dish for me. detvel (ngel) little woman.
defde v. cook. ~ hotaari cook lunch. ~ dewcfo adj. devout; follower. -Jodmiraacfo
hiraande cook dinner. O tvoni ko e defde pious. ~ aduna person who is after
He is cooking. pleasures of life.
defirde v. cook with. O defirta ko lecfcfe He detvgal (ngal) marriage, matrimony. ~
is cooking with firewood. moTTal a good marriage, benninde ~
defnude v. make someone cook. WQd.firtude ~ divorce.
defoowo (o) cook; chef Ko o defoowo He detvondiral (ngal) sequel; order.
is a cook. dewoowo (o) 1) adept, pupil 2) person who
defrude v. cook with, owes money.
deftagol (ngol) repetition, deTTere (nde) silence.
deftere (nde) book. ~ Quraana The Koran. deTTinde v. quieten; silence. DeTTin mo
tvilde ~ sequence the pages of a book in a Keep him quiet.
disorderly fashion, wiltude ~ arrange the deTTude v. be quiet. DeTTu Be quiet.
pages of a book in their proper sequence. deTTucfo adj. silent, quiet,
dege (cfe) peanut, diccaade v. 1) kneel 2) urinate. O tvoni ko e
degere (o) (fr.j degree, diccaade He is urinating.
deggondiral [degg6"diral] (ngal) diccande [diccan'^de] (nde) kneeling.
succession. dicce (cfe) urine.
delfinde v. tie around the waist, diftaade v. snatch. ~ debbo take one’s
demal (ngal) farming. future bride away.
demoowo (o) peasant. Ko o dentootvo He is diftagol (ngol) snatching,
a farmer, remoo be (be) pi. digaade v. thunder.
demminaade v. camp before the rainy digaango [digaa"go] (ngo) thunder, digaali
season. (Cfi) pi.
demminaare (nde) pre-rainy season. dihal (kal) little quantity of water.

diidde domdomal

diidde v. mark; draw a line; sketch; draw. dirde v. 1) move 2) crush peanuts. ~ gerte
-hubeere begin the foundation of a grind peanuts into a creamy substance.
building. dirnude v. displace; move.
diidol (ngdl) line; mark; trace. ~ hakkunde dirtinde v. move something or someone.
diameter. ~ IJooyre a fact, dirtude v. move over. Dirtu seeda Move a
diinde v. put down. little.
diine (o) {ar.} religion; faith. Hoi ko woni dirkude v. polish.
diine nta What is your religion? diineeji diwal (ngal) jumping; jump. ~ lella e
(di) pi. seendu a big jump alt. diwgol (ngdl).
diiraali (cfi) loud noises, cfiiraango (ngo) dhvde V. 1) hurdle; leap, skip, pulse; jump,
sing. fly 2) mature. ~ ina doTTo jump up and
diirde v. make a loud noise such as car down. AbiyolJ o diwii The plane took off.
noise. diwgol (ngdl) flight; jump, jumping.
diirgol (ngdl) loud noise. dhvnude v. 1) make fly 2) breed past
diisnaade v. consult. Necfcfo yo diisnoto maturity; nurture; foster; upbring.
mawbe mum A person should consult his diwiin (o) (fr.} cooking oil.
diwo (o) divorced lady; a previously
diiwaan (o) province; county. ~ Calgu the
married lady; an unmarried lady. K.o o
Calgu county. diwo She is unmarried.
dikkaade v. give birth for the first time.
docotal (ngal) burning piece of wood.
dikkuru (ndu) first pregnancy, docotte (de) pi.
dille (de) thud, noise. Ada heeyvi dille You dogde V. run; elope, stampede. ~ naawoore
make a lot of noise. abscond.
dillere (nde) 1) sound; noise; movement 2) dog do adj. fugitive.
dogdu (ndu) race.
dillinde v. rattle, wag; wiggle; waggle;
dognirgal (ngal) racing instrument.
shake. ~ hoore nod.
dognoowo (o) racer; driver. ~ puccu a horse
dillude V. move; vibrate; sound, throb.
rider. ~ oto a car driver.
Hoore makko dillii He has a mental
breakdown, ddgnude v. drive; make run; operate;
maneuvre. ~ oto drive. ~ puccu ride a
dimaali (di) lies.
dimaas (o) (fr.) Sunday. Haljki wonnoo
dogoowo (o) runner.
dimaas Yesterday was Sunday, alet alt.
doggol (ngdl) 1) cord 2) arrangement;
dimaro (o) infertile; sterile.
dimbaade [dim'^baade] v. sway; jump in
dokkal (ngal) gift, rokkude v.
dokkoowo (o) donor. ~ 77/ Tam blood
dimhinde [dim"’binde] v. shake,
dimie (de) loads.
dokkudo (o) donor,
dimndoowo [dim"doowo] (o) loader.
dokkeeru (ndu) big stick.
dimngal [dim"gal] (ngal) animal load. ~
doktoor (o) (fr.} doctor. ~ gite
mawngai a heavy/big load,
ophthalmologist, - koyde orthopedist,
dimo adj. dignified; free, noble. Ko o dimo
dolde V. digest. Mi dolii dum I have
He is a noble person.
already digested it.
dingiral [di"giral] (ngal) arena; open space.
dolnude v. make digest,
O naatii dingiral. He entered the arena.
pi. dingire (de). dolokke (o) male gown.
dipite (o) (fr.} deputy, dollundu [d611u"du] (ndu) badger, dolludi
(di) pi.
diraa (o) arm's length; measurement, diraaji
(di) pi. domdomal (ngal) sternum; breast bone.
domdome (de) pi.
domodaa dunande

domodaa (o) peanut and flower sauce. O dottude V. 1) chop 2) summarize; shorten. ~
defii domodaa He cooked the domoda haala shorten one’s intervention.
dish dow adv. over; top; upon; beyond; above;
donkucfo [d613kucfo] (o) inept; incapable; top of, up. ~ makko above him.
ill. doygal (tigal) post.
dongal [doI]"gal] (ngal) head load. ~ ledde doTTaade v. come down heavily. Diwde
wood load. ina doTTo Jump up and down,
doncfo (o) heir; heiress, ronde v. duballeewi (ki) tree,
dono (o) heir; heiress. dubbi (ki) tree.
donoowo (o) heir. dubbude v. poke. O dubhi mi e yitere He
dofjal (tigal) area covered with shrubs and poked me in the eye.
long grass. dubuuje (de) stools (of cows and oxen).
dooba adj. poor person, ruhundere (tide) sing.
doobal (tigal) bird, duddu (o) fish,
doodel (ngel) piece of excrement. duflaade v. dirty oneself
doodi (ndi) stools of animals; excrements, duggande v. shop for. Mi dugganii ma
feces. liddi I bought fish for you.
dookde v. watch over. duggoyde v. go and shop for groceries. O
dookoyde v. go and watch over, duggoyii He went to do the groceries.
doole (de) power, momentum; might, duggude V. 1) dig up 2) shop.
strength; power, jom ~ a strong person. O duhaade v. 1) tie/wear one's pants 2) be
alaa doole He is not strong. circumcised. O duhiima He has been
doolnude v. be powerful; be strong. Onto circumcised.
dooini He is powerful. duhagol (tigol) excision.
d66lil3T]e (o) fishing net with hooks, duhol (tigol) waistline, belt, sash.
doomburu [doo'^buru] (ndu) mouse pi. duhorde (tide) waistline.
doomhi (di). duhorgol (tigol) waistline.
doomde v. hang around, duhtude [duutude] v. untie one's pants.
doonaade v. proceed, continue. dujal (ngal) an island.
donaacTo adj. shared inheritance, dukde V. yell in a dispute, be ngoni ko e
donondiral (tigal) inheritance sharing, dukde They are involved in a dispute.
doondotoocfo [doo"dotoocfo] (o) carrier; duko (tigo) dispute.
porter. ~ ina yobee peddler. dukoowo (o) person involved in a dispute,
dongal [don"gal] (tigal) load, dukkere (tide) bushy area
doole (de) strength. dukuduku (o) board for tanning leather
doolnude v. be powerful dul emph. strike (used for emphasis when
doolnudo adj. powerful, postposed).
dongal [don"gal] (tigal) duleendu [duleendu] (ndu) whirlwind,
doonoo (o) chameleon duluulol (tigol) coil.
doorumaaru (ndu) small excavation. ~ dumaade v. fume; grumble; mumble. Omon
luggidndu a deep excavation, dooruntaaji dumoo He is grumbling,
(di). dumunna (o) period, oo ~ this period, oon
doosde V. put out a fire, ~ that period.
doppude V. put out a fire, dunande (tide) [dunan"de] a push.
doppude V. repel, dunde [dunje] v. 1) shove, push 2) be
dorlol (tigol) reptile tail,
duntude [duncude] v. 1) repel 2) poke. ~
dorwude v. be wet; be half clean,
worodde repel a misfortune
dote (de) backside, buttocks, rotere (tide)
duntoowo [duncoowo] (o) poker.

dundariyanke duwaan

dundariyanke [dun"dariyal3ke] (o) wealthy duuki (ki) tree.

person. duukon (kon) islands.
dundu [dun"du] (ndu) thicket, duulaade v. weed around.
duppude V. burn; set a blaze. duulalcfe (de) lizards 5//7g. nduulaldi (ndi).
durde v, graze, di ngoni ko e durde They duule (de) clouds, ruulde (tide) sing.
are grazing.
duumaade v. last; stay long.
durirde (tide) pasture; grazing area.
duumde v. remain long; stay long.
durnude v. make animals graze,
duuI3el (ngel) island.
dursitaade v. recite.
duurde v. wrestle.
dursude v. memorize the Koran.
duus (o) (fr.} shower room. Omon nder
dursudb (o) person who has memorized the duus He is in the shower room.
duusde V. see someone out. O duusii
dus foe. used for emphasis when postposed. hobbe He is seeing the guests out.
Ina luubi dus It smells really bad.
duwaade v. {ar.} pray; pray for someone.
dutal (ngal) [dural] vulture, date (de) pi.
duwaawu (o) {ar.} prayer; condolences.
duttude V. remove grains form stalks.
duwanaade v. bless, pray for. Mi duwani
duubi (di) age; years.~ sappo decade. ~ maama You have my blessings.
teemedere century. Hoi no duubi maa
duworaade v. pray in the name of
poti How old are you?
duwaan (o) (fr.j customs; customs duty
duudeede v. desire strongly, be addicted to,
officer. Ko o duwaan He is a customs duty
have a craving for. Mbede duudaa ataaye
I have a craving for tea.
duudeteedo adj. addict.
duudo (ngo) strong desire, addiction.



cfaa adv. there, you. ~ yenne over there cfaccuki (ki) pole star.
prov. cfaa wocfdaani What you can see is cfacfol (ngdl) nerve; radix; sinew, root. ~
not far from you / What you can see is lekki the root of the tree. ~ necfcfo vein.
within reach.
cfahde [cfaade] v. convince someone to
cfaalde (nde) 1) mark left by an insect bite perform something.
2) a dummy.
cfakaane (o) palate; tonsil,
cfaamol (ngol) spleen, wondude e ~ have a
cfakkaade v. be stuck.
spleen disease cfaami (cfi) pi.
cfakkitde v. loosen; remove; unstick.
cfaanaade v. sleep. ~ cfoyngol belngol
sleep well, leelde ~ sleep late. O cfaaniima cfakkude v. patch clothes; stick; glue.
He is asleep. cfalde V, 1) let go 2) boil. Satalla maa cfali
cfaankinaade v. pretend to sleep. O woni Your water is boiling.
ko e cfaankinaade He is pretending to be cfam del. the (used for liquids), kosam ~ the
asleep. milk ndiyam ~ the water.
cfaanotoocfo (o) person who sleeps. cfamaawu (o) optimism; hope.
cfaantaade v. go back to sleep. cfaminaade v. hope; anticipate. Mbecfe
cfaantdyaade v. go back to sleep, cfaantoyo cfaminii mo TTere I hope something good
kono hoto weetndor Go back to sleep but will happea
do not oversleep. cfaminiicfo adj. hopeful, cfaminiicfo ko
cfanninde v. make someone sleep. O woni ko hooraacfo One should never rely on hope
e cfanninde mo He is putting him to sleep. alone.
cfamtindaade [cfamti"daade] v. lose hope.
cfaatde [cfaadde] v. be soft, be smooth. ~
haala be a sweet talker. ~ juucfe have soft Mi cfamtindiima I have lost hope.
hands. cfannaade v. travel, take a trip. Ko o
cfaatnude v. soften, cfaatnu haala ntaa cfanniicfo He has traveled.
Soften your voice, cfannanaade v. travel for.
cfaawuuna (o) disease, cfangal [cfan"gal] (ngal) voyage, trip,
cfaayde v. be stupid, be foolish. Kooli ko journey. ~ laana travel by boat. ~
ndiwoowa travel by plane.
aan cfaayi You are so stupid.
cfaaycfo adj. daft; fool, stupid person. cfatde [cfadde] v. tan.
necfcfo ~ a stupid person. cfatgol (ngol) tan, leather work.
cfaayre (nde) stupidity; foolishness, cfatoowo (o) leather worker. Ko o cfatoowo
He is a leather worker,
cfabbande v. seek for someone.
cfawde V. refuse food to someone.
cfabboowo (o) seeker.
cfawre (nde) refusal to give food to
cfabboyde v. go and seek. ~ ko
alaa go and seek what one does not have.
cfawsude v. be skinny,
dabbude V. seek, look for. ~
cfe det. the, plural class, defte ~ the books,
liggeey seek a job.
cfebde V. be about to. O cfebii yande He
cfaccande v. yield; leave for. ~ hakke almost fell down,
cfecfcfaade v. choke.
cfaccitde v. abjure; release, abandon O
cfecfcfude V. throttle; strangle. ~ haa maaya
cfaccitaama hande He was released
strangle to death.
cfecfcfugdl (ngol) strangle
daccude v. let go; acquit; quit, leave,
abandon, cfaccu deeTa Leave it alone cfeecfaade v. cut oneself accidentally.
cfaccere (nde) gum. bultaade ~ harvest cfeecfagol (ngdl) a cut.
gum. cfacce (cfe) pi. cfeecfol (ngol) a cut

cfehaade cfuurnaade

cfehaade v. suck one's belly in. deho Take a cfokkicfde [cfokkidde] v. be one-eyed.
deep breath; breathe in. dokko (o) one-eyed person.
cfehagol (ngol) breathing in. cfomcfitde [cfomcfidde] v. quench one’s thirst.
cfelkude v. be shiny; be shining, hoore Mi domditii I have quenched my thirst.
delkoore a shining head, domdude v. be thirsty. Mbede domcH I am
cfemngal [cfem"gal] (ngal) tongue, thirsty.
language. ~ muynangal mother tongue. domka (ka) thirst, wondude e ~ be thirsty,
-am my mother tongue, demcfe (cfe)pi cfoofde V. pull out; uproot, fallow.
cferewol (rigdl) sheet of paper, doofooivo (o) person who pull something out.
cfesde v. just fail to. O (fesii maayde He dooftaade v. pull weeds out.
was about to die.
cfooki (ki) tree.
cfi del the (plural), lampaaji - the lamps,
cfoon adv. there. ~ e doon outright; right
cfiya det. those, comci - those shoes, away.
cficfabo rmm. second; secondary. cfowde V. lead/guide (a blind person/an
didl num. two; double; couple; pair, duudi animal).
- two years. dowgol (ngol) the guiding of an animal or a
dido two people, yimbe - two individuals. blind person).
cUmmitde [cfimmidde] v. do something twice. dowooivo (o) guide prov. Gumdo jinganta
dimmo (o) second, ko dowoowo mum A blind person will
cfiftere (tide) recovery. side with his guide (One will side with
one’s relative/friend).
diftinde v. revive.
dowtaade v. abide by; follow, be devoted
diftude V. feel better; recover from fainting.
to; comply with. O dowtaaki He is not
O cdftii He has recovered from fainting,
cfigginde v. 1) turn into flower 2) know
dowtaare (tide) obedience; compliance,
well, master. Mi digginii I have
memorized it.
dowtagol (ngol) devotion; allegiance,
diggude V. be turned into flower; be
mastered. cfoyngol (ngol) sleep, doyngol jaggi mi I
fell asleep,
cfiin det. those. ~ noppi those ears,
cfoyru (ndu) bird,
cfimmital (ngal) repetition.
cfuggitde V. uproot.
dimmitde v. repeat; do again; double. 0
dimmitii dum He did it again, cfuhaade v. shelter, duho den haa tobo
ngo siilta Let us shelter until the rain
cfinginde v. be hard.
stops, duhorde (tide) shelter,
dingude [cfin"gude] v. erect one’s penis, be
cfum det. this; that; it. ~ noon therefore,
cfumininde v. do.
cfisde V. stick into a place.
cfunginaade [cfuI3"ginaade] v. pretend not
disngo [cfis"go] (ngo) sticking into a place.
to see.
cfo adv. here. ~ e ndeen in the meantime.
cfuucfal (ngal) abundance,
Joodo do Sit here.
cfuucfde [cfuudde] v. be abundant,
cToftaade v. obey. O mo doftii He is
compliant. cfuulde (nde) swelling of the sVin. fiide e -
hit on the nail.
doftal (ngal) help, help in the field.
duulnude v. swell, dum duulnii It is
doftude V. 1) accompany 2) help with field
cfuurnaade v. show contempt by turning
doftugol (ngol) company,
one's head away.
cfojjere (tide) cough.
duurtaade v. express contempt by making a
dojjo (ngo) cough. face.
dojjude V. cough. duurtagol (ngol) show of contempt by
dojjugol (ngol) cough. turning one's head away.

e endu

e and; on; in. miin ~ maa me and you. eggudu (ndu) moving from one residence to
ebbere (nde) plan. another.
ebbet ititerj. used when something eggugol (ngol) moving places.
opens/breaks apart. Lahal ngal wii ebbet ejde [ejje] v. perceive; have an impression;
The calabash was broken into pieces. have a hunch. Mi ejii dum I had a hunch,
ebbitaade v. break into pieces, ekkaade v. learn by trial. ~ yahde learn the
ebe pers. pron. they. Ebe njiya They see. first steps. O mon ekkoo yahde He is
learning his first steps. Mo ekkaaki
eccitaade v. be split into pieces,
waawataa A person who does not try will
eda (ba) buffalo. not learn.
edda (o) widowhood Edda makko timmU ekkagol (ngol) training.
She has completed her widowhood retreat.
ekkinde v. teach someone. Ar mi ekkin
eddaaji (di) pL
maa Come I will teach you.
ecfen pers. pron. we. Eden njaha Are we
ekkinoowo (o) trainer.
ekkitaade v. learn again.
eebde v. slice; sliver; slit; cut Eeb dende
nde Cut the watermelon into slices. ekkitinde v. teach again.
eebdl (ngol) fissure; cut. ekko (ngo) trial, attempt; apprenticeship.
eebre (nde) slice, ekkorde (ndi) school, place for learning.
eedere (nde) tree, ekkotoodo (o) apprentice, trainee. Ko o
ekkotoodo He is just a trainee.
eeltaacfo adj. docile.
elal (ngal) big wooden piece.
eelto (ngo) taming.
elde V. cut/slice wood.
eeltoowo (o) tamer.
elel (ngel) small wooden piece,
eeltude v. retrain, reeducate, tame; coax.
Ma mi eelte I will tame you. elde V. disdain, dislike.
eeltugol (ngol) tameness, elko (ngo) dislike, distaste.
eloowo (o) 1) person who disdains 2)
eeraade v. hail; call with a loud voice,
person who cuts wood into pieces,
eercfude v. be white,
elimaan (o) {ar.} 1) imam, person who
eeri (ki) tree. leads the prayer; a leader 2) male first
eewaali (di) first cries of a baby. name.
eetvaango (ngo) first cry of the baby, elia (o) vice, excuse, defect; period, menses.
eewnaade v. 1) hail 2) call for prayer. O alaa ella He is beyond reproach ellaaji
Eewno njuulen Call for prayer so that we (di) pi
can say our prayers. elleey part, like; as if
eeyvnaango (ngo) loud call, call for prayer. elo (o) iguana.
eewnotoodo (o) person who calls for en pron. 1) we; 2) x-people; x—place.
prayer. Eeyvnotoodo o weetndorii The galle Hammadi ~ at Hammadi’s
person who calls for prayer overslept, compound.
eey mterj. yes () nni eey He said yes. enen us; we. ~fof all of us.
egginde v. make someone move, evict. encfam (dam) parenthood, jokkude ~
Ndiyam egginii ntin We were forced out reinforce relations. taTde ~ destroy
by the water. relations.
egginoowo (o) mover. ende [efije] v. slice a fish from head to tail,
eggoowo (o) individual who is moving. Ko eno (ngo) sliced (dried) fish, hole for
kanko woni eggoowo He is the one sowing.
moving. endu [en"du] (ndu) breast; bosom; pap,
eggude V. vacate; move from one place to womb daccude ~ endi (di) pi
another. Mi eggii I moved.

endoowo eyyo

endoowo (o) person who tries. esiraagal (ngal) in-law relationship.

endude [en"dude] v. try; attempt; esondirde [eso^dirde] v. be related by an in-
experiment. Ma mi endu I will give it a law relationship.
try. eskey interj. used to show admiration. ~
enteede v. be weaned. maa I admire you.
entere (nde) act of weaning. etaade v. attempt, essay; try. Ma mi eto I
entude v. wean; sever, will try. Necfao ina foti etaade One ought
to try.
enu (ngu) fish.
etagol (ngol) essay; trial; attempt,
esaas (o) (fr.} gas; petrol. loowde ~ put gas
in the tank, ewre (nde) calabash,
esde V. peel. eyyo foe. part, yes
esiraacfo (o) in-law. esiraabe (be) pi.


faabaade v. rescue; help faabo mo rescue faccirde v. decode; elucidate; illustrate.

him. faccude v. flow.
faabaare (nde) rescue salvage, help. faddaade v. close the way to.
faabondirde v. help one another. fadde v. wait for. Fadam Wait for me. Mi
faaboyaade v. go and rescue; help. fadii haa mi tampii I am tired of waiting.
faaburu (ndu) toad; frog prov. Mo damti facfcfaade v. faint. Ko o pacfdiicfo He has
gacfa faaburu ne ko leydi fayi You can fainted.
help only those who want to be helped, facfcfeede v. be less elegant than; be hit by.
faacfde [faadde] v. 1) be narrow 2) be facfcfude V. 1) hit with a stick 2) be better
easily upset 3) become deaf paadgol dressed than someone else. Ko aan facfdi
(ngol). mo You are better dressed than him.
faacfeede v. lack space, be poor. faddinde v. protect with a prayer. Faddin
faacfnude [faannude] v. tighten; narrow, hoore maa hadee maa danaade Say a
faade v. head towards. prayer for protection before you go to
faatude v. return towards. sleep.
faafde v. make a mark with a hoe. paafal faddungo [faddu"go] (ngo) prayer.
(ngal). facfo (ngo) shoe. ~ haamo right shoe. ~
faaleede v. want; desire; love. Mbecfe faala nano left shoe, boornaade ~ wear a shoe.
maa I fancy you. boortude ~ remove a shoe.
faalkisaade v. ignore, faamamuya (o) fafaade v. move while agonising. E ngal
comprehension. fafoo The chicken is agonizing.
faamde v. comprehend, understand. A faggaade v. store food.
faamii Do you understand? faggo (ngo) loading or storage of food.
famminde v. explain; make someone fahcfude [faacfude] v. become deaf
understand. fajiri (o) {ar.} early morning; early morning
faandaade [faa"daade] v. 1) be close to 2) prayer. Fajiri feerii The night is over.
intend. fajjo (ngo) light rain.
faandaare (nde) intent, expectation, hope, fakitde [fakidde] v. be too much; be
faandu [faa"du] (ndu) gourd, excessive. O mo fakiti He is excessive,
faaro (ngo) pride, vanity. O mo heewi fakkude v. be dirty. Ada fakki You are
faaro He acts important, dirty.
faasko (ngo) pubic hair, falaade v. be across; prevent; be an obstacle
faataade v. 1) go past 2) die. O faatiima
He died. falde V. place across. ~ galle close the gate.
faawngude [faaw"gude] v. be feverish. Ko faltaade v. put aside, choose, select.
mi paawngudb I am feverish, faawnude faltude V. open the gate Faltu damal ngal
alt. Open the gate.
faawru (ndu) cache, granary, loft, falanteere (nde) window, uddude ~ close a
faayde v. be worried. A faaynii kam You window, udditde ~ open a window.
got me worried. falkaade v. drink.
faayoore (nde) worry. falo (ngo) farm at the bank of a river. ~
faaynude v. get someone worried. makka corn farm,
faaytude v. fail to recognize. Mi faaytii mo famcfinde v. minimize; minify.
I did not recognize him. famditinde v. belittle, reduce further,
fabbinde v. prolong; adjourn; defer; reduce the size of something that was
procrastinate; postpone. Pabbinen cfum already small.
haa jango Let us postpone it until

fanaa felmaade

famcfude v. be little O mo famdi He is fedde (tide) age group, organization; team.

small. ~ dow older age group. ~ les younger age
fanaa (o) midday. group. Ko min fedde We belong to the
same age group.
fanaade v. cut someone's ear.
fecfcfeede v. itch,
fantinde v. exaggerate
fecfcfitaade v. be burst,
fantude v. be too much.
fecfeendu (tidu) finger. ~ koyngal toe. ~
fannu (o) shape; dimension; characteristic.
wordu thumb.
faram (o) halter.
feecde [feejje] v, crack; craze; split; rive,
farayse (o) (fr.} French. O mo haala
feende [feenje] v, appear. Naange nge
farayse He speaks French.
feenii The sun has appeared,
farfitde v. stumble against,
feer (o) (fr.) iron.
farilla (o) obligation,
feeraade v. 1) be split up 2) swim,
faro (tigo) rice,
feerde v. appear, rise; be intelligent; be half
fasawol (ngol) vein. open. O mo feeri She is intelligent
fasde V. be boiling. Ndiyam maa fasti Your Naange feerii The sun is up.
water is boiling. feeteeto (tigo) pond,
fasnude v. seeth; boil. ~ ndiyam boil water.
feetere (tide) spark.
fasiraabe (be) people of related social
feewde v. behave; be straight; be good; be
status. Ko min fasiraabe We have a
right. Ina feeivi It is good, peeival (tigal).
similar social status.
feeivnitde [feewnidde] v. repair; amend;
fasol] (o) (fr.} mode; model, way; manner,
renovate; rectify; restore, be ngoni ko e
fatareere (tide) piece of clothing, feewnitde hubeere nde They are
fatere (tide) stain, rebuilding the house.
fattude V. 1) boil 2) be pretty, feewnude v. make straight, prepare,
fawaade v. rely; be placed upon; depend establish; make; devise.
upon. Pawii mi ko e maa I depend on feeyvtinde v. straighten.
you. feeivtude v. be repaired; be straight again.
famle v. bet, place on. ~ kuugal impose a fefindaade [fefi"daade] v. 1) fib; lie;
sentence. Faw mo e keeci nut Put him on speculate 2) take a short cut.
your back.
feggere (tide) ring. ~ jungo a finger ring. ~
fawande v. place for someone. koyngal a toe ring.
fa^veede v. be placed upon. fehre (tide) 1) incense burner 2) plan, way,
fawondirde [faw6"dirde] v. accumulate; strategy; method; procedure. ~ wonde an
superpose; superimpose; place on top of alternative.
fawre (tide) load. fekkorde v. lose consciousness.
fayande (tide) [fayan"de] cooking pot. fekkoreede v. be about to lose
payane (cfe) pi. consciousness.
fayde v. be fat. felde V. reproach; blame. Ada felnii You
fayfayru (tidii) pride. are to blame.
faynude v. fatten; make fat. feloore (tide) reproach; blame Feloore alaa
feccande v. divide for Feccan be kaalis o e maa You are beyond reproach.
Divide the money amongst them. fellitde [fellidde] v. decide. Mi fellitii I have
feccere (tide) semi, half of; share Ndaa decided.
feccere maa Here is your share. feWitere (tide) decision.
fecitinde (tide) subdivision felliide V. shoot; execute, fire. ~ diine go to
feccitaade subdivide. a holy war. O felli mo e koyngal He shot
his leg.
feccude v. share, divide,
felmaade v. stumble against, run into
fedande [fedan"de] (tide) sour milk.
fedde put together.

felo (lire

felo (tigo) foot track. fewjande v. 1) make food for someone; 2)

fdsitere (nde) half of a cola nut. conspire; plot, be ngoni ko e fewjande
felso (ngo) half of a cola nut. mo They are plotting against him.
felsude v. open into halves (e.g. cola nut). feyvjude v. plan.
fembaade [fem"’baade] v. get shaved; shave fewre (nde) early pregnancy stage.
onself feTde [fejje] v. decorticate, shell. ~ gerte
fembude [fem"'bude] v. shave. O won't ko e shell the peanut.
fembude wahre makko He is shaving his feTTere (nde) chopped branches and trees.
beard. feTTirde v. cut with.
fenaande [fenaa"de] (nde) wrong; lie. cfum feTTude chop trees and branches, hack.
ko fenaande It is a lie. nbde V. 1) make a knot; twist into a string
fende v. lie; distort. A fenii You lied. 2) intend.
fennude v. discredit someone, contradict. fibre (nde) knot, intent pibol (ngdl) alt.
fel]de V. plant; choke; nail; spike. fibtude V. untie.
fefjeede v. be planted. ficcande v. shake for someone.
fennaange (nge) east, huccitde ~ face the ficcude V. shake away. ~ jungo shake the
east. hand away.
fenninde v. make appear; divulge; disclose, ficfande [fid’an"de] (nde) sting.
fendaade [fen"daade] v. coagulate; clot. fidde [fidde] v. 1) sting 2) hit a target.
fendude [fen"dude] v. set milk; condense, ft do (ngo) gonorrhea. O mo wondi e fi do
concentrate; freeze. He has gonorrhea.
feraade v. meet accidentally; stumble ficfcfitde [ficTcfidde] v. 1) shake off again; 2)
against. Ko oto ferii mo He was hit by a deplete. Mifidditii 1 am sold out.
car. fiddude V. 1) shake off, brush off 2)
ferde v. 1) migrate; exile 2) pave. Ko mi deplete.
percfo I have migrated. fii (o) 1) matter; business 2) vagina.
fergitaade v. 1) stumble against 2) bear out fiide V. 1) strike; hit 2) contribute. ~ womre
of wedlock. punch. ~ cukalel e dote spank. O fiyii
fergo (ngo) exodus; migration. buudi sappo He contributed ten monetary
ferlude v. migrate. units.
ferel] (o) (fr.} brake fereljaaji ((fi) pi. fiindirde [fii"dirde] v. clash, hit each other.
ferlo (ngo) hill. fiitaade v. strike back. Fii to Hit him back.
fesaade v. 1) be intelligent; 2) be fiyande [fiyan"de] (nde) a gunshot dum ko
vaccinated. O mo fesii S/he is very fiyande fetel It is a gunshot,
intelligent. O fesaaki He is stupid. fiifaade v. blow one's nose,
fesande [fesan"de] (nde) vaccination mark. fiifiire (nde) hunting of crocodiles;
fesde V. vaccinate; mark a person's face, poaching.
inoculate. fiifoonde [fiifoo"de] (nde) insect,
fesoode (nde) cicatrix; a vaccination mark, fiilaade v. 1) have a period 2) tie a head
fetel (o) (fr.} gun; rifle, fellude ~ shoot. scarf.
loowde ~ load a gun. fiilayru (ndu) period.
feto (ngo) rainwater, fiilde V. 1) tie around a head, 2) appoint a
fettaade v. move while agonizing. chief
fettude V. 1) burst open 2) kick; aim at. ~ fiileede v. be sworn in, accede. O fiilaama
bal kick the ball. He has been appointed a chief
fettuuwo (ngo) sandal.~ a sandal, fiiltude V. dethrone; impeach, topple, untie
fewde V. start pregnancy. nimde v. (fr.j smoke,
nimlude v. desire something strongly.
Hire (nde) wound, disease.

fijde foolde

fijde [fijje] V. play. O woni ko e fijde He is focco (ngo) bird's waste / excrement.
playing. fdccude V. 1) discharge excrement 2) lie.
fijirde (nde) game. ~ sukaabe a boy’s fodde (nde) duty; right.
game. foddore (nde) predicament.
fijirde v. play with something.
focfcfere (nde) 1) pill; tablet 2) pip, stone;
fijirdyde v. go and play with. seed, yarde ~ take a pill,
fijoyde V. go and play. O fijoyii he went to fofpart, whole, total.
foflaade v, clean one's bottom by rubbing it
fijjude V. play with one another, on the sand.
filnitaade v. show anger, fogde V. build (a shelter),
filsideer (o) (fr.j refrigerator, fokaade v. wash by hand; handwash. O
filtinde v. deflect; reject; refute. ~ haala woni ko e fokaade He is washing by hand.
interrupt; trivialize someone’s point offokkitde [fokkidde] v. 1) leave 2) remove
view. from its normal place, be pokkitii They
filtude V. be deflected, just left.
finaade v, tatoo. folde V. jump around,
fino (ngo) tatoo. follere (nde) sorrel.
finde V. wake up. ~ law wake up early. A foIoQ (o) elbow.
finii Are you awake?. fololjtoljru (ndu) elbow,
finde [fin"de] (nde) remembrance. fompude v. wipe.
findinde v. wake up; rouse Findin mo fondude [fon"dude] v. compare; equate;
Wake him up. size up, measure.
finirde v. wake up with, fondaade [fon"daade] v. try on. Fondo
finnude v. be angry n. pinnugol (ngdl). Ko tuuba Art Try the pants on.
o pinnucfo He is angry, fongo [foq"go] (ngo) bank of a river. ~
firde V. construe; translate. ~ haala maayo bank of the river.
translate. fongude [fon"gude] v. remember and say
firo (ngo) translation; change, something during a meal.
firtaade v. be dispersed; be undone; be foobnaade v. lift a person up while
changed. Ahdi men firtiima Our wrestling.
agreement is off. foobre (nde) tree trunk,
firtude V. abrogate; cancel; rescind; change; fooctaade v. be straight.
fooctude [fooccude] v. straighten out.
firlaade v. revolve, tumble.
foocfde [foodde] v. draw; tug, pull.
firlude V. surround with,
feTTcfondirde [f66cf6"dirde] v. pull on
firlitde [firlidde] v. sell one's belongings. Mi ends.
firlitii cfum ko booyi I sold it a long time
foofaango [foofaa"go] (ngo) breath;
breathing, naatnude ~ breathe in. yaltinde
firlorde (nde) restroom. O yahii firlorde ~ breathe out. foofaandu (ndu) ah.
He went to the restroom,
foofde V. 1) breathe; yank 2) rest, cfaccam
fitaade v. agonize; move. mi foof a Let me have some peace.
fittaandu [fittaa"du] (ndu) soul. O alaa foofirde v. breathe with.
fittaandu he has no soul
foofirde (nde) 1) comma 2) nose.
fitina (o) {ar.} quarrel, fight.
fooftaade v. rest. Foof to Take a rest
fittude V. sweep, scavenge. Fitlu Itaa laaba Ngonmi ko e fooftaade I am taking a rest
Sweep it clean.
fooftere (nde) a rest.
fitturu (ndu) fishing with hands,
fodfiude V. be rested, be worry free.
fobbande v. acclaim
foolde V. dominate; defeat, subjugate;
fobbude V. clap, applaud subdue, triumph; win

foonde fusande

fooleede v. be defeated, fuddude V. initiate, innovate, create, invent.

foonde [foo"de] (nde) higher ground; bush, Ko kanko fuddi dum He invented it.
foondu [f66"du] (ndu) pigeon; dove, fu dnaange [funnaa"ge] (nde) east.
foorde v. (fr.j be strong; be intelligent. fudnanke [funnapke] (o) easterner.
fooTde [foojje] v. be skinny. O mo fooTi fudtinde Stare; open wide.
s/he is skinny, fudiude [futtude] v. come up again,
fooynude v. brighten. fugu (o) (fr.} soccer.
fooyre (nde) light; aura. fukaade v. give a child his first bath; wash.
foppaade v. oil one's body ~ nebam rub oil fukeede v. get one's first bath,
on one’s body. fukkaade v. fall on the ground, be wealthy.
foppude V. mop; wipe; clean. Foppu haa fukkude v. make fall on the ground. Fukku
laaba Wipe it clean, mo e leydi Throw him on the ground.
forlaade v. return fulbe (be) Fulani people. ~ jeeri nomadic
fornere (nde) sprain; twist. O wondi ko e Fulani. ~ waalo sedentary Fulani.
fornere He twisted his ankle. fulfulde (nde) Fulfulde, Fula language.
forninde v. sprain someone's ankle. fullinaade v. herd for someone,
fornude v. sprain/twist one's ankle, fulfitde [fulfidde] v. come out.
forso (o) (fr.j force. fulkuru (ndu) stomach,
forsude v. (fr.j force. fulia (o) 1) respect; honor 2) hammer. O
fortaade v. lay straight, dum fortaaki It is alaa fuUa He has no self respect.
not straight. fullude V. scatter.
fortude v. extend, stretch out. Fortu koycfe fulnitde [fiilnidde] v. gaze, stare, open eyes
maa Stretch your legs, widely.
foruuje (cfe) golden earrings, fulsinde v. do with haste,
fosin (o) student from Coranic school; fumminde v. lead a holiday prayer.
student. fummorde (nde) area where the two major
fotande [fotan"de] (nde) interval. holiday prayers are held.
fotde [fodde] v. 1) fit; be equal, should 2) fummude v. pray a major holiday prayer.
amount to, cost 3) take a picture. Kambe Min pummii We completed the holiday
poti They are equal. prayer.
fotde [fodde] (nde) duty; obligation, wacfde funaade v. give birth to twins. O funiima
~ do one’s duty, She gave birth to twins.
foto (ngo) picture. funeere (nde) twin brother or sister.
fottude V. meet; encounter n. pottal (ngal). funeebe (be) pi.
Min pottii hande We met today. fundu [fun"du] (ndu) dust, heeyvde ~ be
fowru (ndu) hyena, dusty.
fuccitaade v. explode, burst. furaade v. chide; nag; scold, snarl, yell,
fuccitde [fuccidde] v. burst a pimple, furbaade v. eat watery substance,
fucfaade v. wear perfume, furde V. fade (color).
fudande [fudan'^de] (nde) shoot. furdude v. be covered with dust; be grey,
fucfdaade v. start; begin, commence. Mi furset/b^ {fr.} fork, naamrude ~ eat with a
fuddiima liggaade I have started fork.
working. furtaade v. dash, escape, run away.
fudde [fudde] v. germinate; arise; come up. furtude v. lay an egg.
fudditaade v. start over fuddito start all fusande [fusan"de] (nde) burst.
over again. fusde V. 1) make a hole, burst; break,
fuddoode (nde) beginning, outset, onset, puncture 2) end, finish.
prelude. Fuddoro fuddoode Start from fuseede v. 1) be broken into pieces, 2) be
the ht%\nvL\n%. fuddorde (nde) alt. finished.

futtere fuTere

futtere (nde) nothing, puttere (tide) alt. fuuntude (o) delude; mislead, deceive. O
futtinde v. stare, gite puttiniicfe wide open fuuntu mo He deceived him.
eyes. fuupde V. hiss,
futuro (o) 1) dusk; gloaming; twilight; 2) fuurna (o) (fr.) stove.
sunset prayer. Futoro yonii It is time for Fuuta (o) Fuuta regioa
the sunset prayer. fuutanke [fliutagke] (o) native of Futa;
fuucfaade v. henna; lay henna on one’s person from Fuuta.
palms or feet.
fuuybe (be) fools; foolish persons, puuycfo
fuucfde [fliudde] v. lay henna on someone’s sing.
palms or feet. fuuyde v. be foolish; be stupid. Acfa fuuyi
fuufde V. blow, spray. You are acting stupid.
fuujaade v. make a speech mistake. A fuuynude v. trivialize, make foolish.
fuujiima You made a speech mistake. Fuuynu cfum Do not pay attention to it.
fuujoore (tide) mistake; speech mistake. fuybaade v. splash around; jump into water.
fuunde v. rust; rot. fuTde [fiijje] v. kill lice.
fuunee (o) albinos. fuTere (tide) pimple
fuunti (o) lure.

gaa gawe

gaa adv. here. Ar gaa Come here, gaay, gajjal (ngal) fish,
gaayenne alt. gakkande (nde) stain.
gaaci (cfi) music. gakkinde v. stain.
gaajaade v. joke, kid around. 6 wont ko e gakkude v. speckle; stain; be stained,
gaajaade He is just kidding, gaajaare
gallaacfi (cfi) horns, allaadu (ndu) sing.
(nde) farce; trifle. Mi alaa e gaajaare I am
not joking, gaajdndiral [gaaj6"diral] galle (o) compound; home; house; facade;
(ngal) joke. enclosure for animals, jom ~ husband. ~
jayvdi park.
gaalcfi (cfi) fa9ade. gaalgol (ngo) sing.
gallu (o) district,
gaali (ki) iron container.
gallude V. be small.
gaamcfo adj. slug; lazy person. Ko a
gaamcfo You are lazy. galol (ngdl) string of waist beads. Galol
maa taTii Your string of beads is broken,
gaanaade v. be hurt
gambol [gam"'b61] (ngdl) dam.
gaahande [gaahan"de] (nde) injury; wound
~ muusnde a serious wound. ganaacfo (o) hated person.
gaande [gaahje] v. hurt; wound. A gaaitii gaiio (o) enemy. O alaa gaho Everyone
mo You hurt him. likes him.
gaaneteecfo (o) vulnerable. gandaacfo [gan"daacfo] adj. renown.
gaaraas (o) (fr.) car parking, naatnude oto gandal [gan^dal] (ngal) knowledge; science;
e ~ park a car (in the garage), loot; competence. keeyvcfo ~
gaarawol (ngdl) string; thread,
gando [gan"do] (o) philosopher; lettered.
gaarnol (ngdl) indirect, Ko o gando He very knowledgeable.
gaas (o) {fr.} gaz. gane (cfe) secret language; coded language.
gaawal (ngal) spear. garanke [garal3ke] (o) leather worker. Ko o
gaawol (ngdl) pipeage; tube; canal, asde ~ garanke He is a leather worker.
dig a canal. garba (o) prostitute.
gaay adv. here. Ar gaay Come here, garbaade v. prostitute.
gaaye (cfe) scabies, garbotoocfo (o) prostitute; whore,
gaayeede v. have scabies, garci (cfi) camps.
gaayiicfo adj. reduced; damaged; spoiled, garcinaade v. camp,
gabbel (ngel) small seed. ~ gawri little garde (o) (fr.) guard.
millet seed.
gardiicfo (o) leader, chief; manager. ~
gacce (cfe) shame; scandal. A danii gacce peewcfo a good leader,
Shame on you.
garcfo (o) newcomer, person who just
gaccungol [gaccu"g61] (ngdl) net for arrived.
carrying millet ears or luggage,
gargulle (cfe) ravines.
gacfa (o) behind; bottom. Necfcfo ko hull
gasde V. be finished, cfum gasii It is
ko fof gacfa mum
ko caggal heedata One cannot change a
gasnude v. conclude, exhaust; deplete,
person’s nature
finish; complete.
gadano adj. first; primitive. ~ o the first.
gasnucfo adj. person who finished his/her
gadiicfo adj. former; fore; predecessor. action; dead person.
mawcfo ~ a forefather,
gatton (kon) small braids, atturu (du) sing.
gafakke (o) nosebag.
gawdi (ki) tree,
gaggitte (cfe) molar teeth, aggutere (nde)
gawe (de) millets.
sing, gaggutte (cfe) alt.
gawri (ndi) millet.
gajawal (ngal) bird.

gawlo gollorgal

gawlo (o) griot. Ko o gawlo He belongs to giile (de) vision. Giile makko moTTaani
the griot caste, He does not see well.
gawoowo (o) fisherman. gite (de) eyes. ~ mawde big eyes, yitere
gawTal (ngal) millet stalk gawTe (cfe) pi. (nde) sing.
gay (di) bulls, ngaari (ndi) sing. gijaade v. threaten,
gaybucfo adv. greedy; voracious. Aan ko a gijili (ki) tree.
gaybudb You are greedy, gila since; ever since. ~ ndeen since then.
gaynaako (o) shepherd; herdsman; swain, Mi yiyaani mo gila ndeen I have not seen
her since then.
gaynude v. finish. Mi gaynii I have
finished, gasnude alt. gilcfi (di) worms sing, ngilngu (ngu).
gecfal (ngal) portion; share. ~ kala a piece. gilli (di) love; feelings. Gilli ina muusi
~ man your share. ~ makko his/her. Love is not easy.
geddu (o) enclosure/park for animals. ginal (ngal) pelican.
gedduuji (di) pi. ginol (ngdl) leash; cord for guiding a
geddude v. refuse food. Ko o geddu do He camel/an ox.
refused to eat. gisde V. predict,
geec (o) {wol.} ocean; sea. nder ~ in the giyal (ngal) thorn.
ocean, liingu ~ sea fish, giTiraacfo (o) person of one’s age group;
geejol (ngol) crest; tuft. age-mate.
geenol (ngol) neck; nape of the neck. gobbude V. slog; punch,
juutde ~ have a long neck. O mo juuti gocfcfi (di) other ones.
geenol He has a long neck. goddo (o) another person, other, neddo ~
geese n. cotton thread. ~ njamala cobweb, another person.
geewaade v. jump. O mo waawi gee^made goddum (cfum) another thing, something
He is a skilled acrobat. else.
geeyvotoodo (o) acrobat, goddoi (ngol) pharynx; throat.
gelooki (ki) tree, goddude v. desire strongly. Mbede goddi
gennewalla (o) {wol.} half of keen I really would like to have some,
gensu (ngu) undershirt; vest. godorol] (o) (fr.j tar.

gerde v. court; flirt; philander. O woni ko e gokkude v. waste.

gerde He is flirting. golgolal (ngal) jaw bone pi. golgole (de).

gerlal (ngal) partridge, bush fowl. gollaade v. perform; work. O woni ko e

gerngal [ger"gal] (ngal) place for gathering gollaade S/He is working.
crops. gollal (ngal) activity; deed; task; work,
gernude v. gather millet ears in a crop service; profession, liggeey (o) alt. pi.
gathering area. golle (de).
gerte (de) ground peanuts sing.yertere (nde). gollanaade v. work for. Ngollanii mi ko
gertogal (ngal) hen gertoode (de) pi. hoore am I am working for myself.
gewol (ngol) crack, geyvi (di) pi. gollande v. work for
geworgal (ngal) big calabash, gollinde v. employ someone; make someone
gidaade v. frighten.
gollirde (nde) work place.
gideede v. be frightened. Ko o gidaado He
cannot not rise up because of fear. golloowo (o) a worker.
giddude v. threaten; rise up abruptly. gollorde (nde) work place.
gideede v. be caught by fear Ko o gidaado gollorgal (ngal) tool used for a particular
He could not rise up because of fear, work.
gicfel (ngel) darling.~/rtMi my darling. gollotoodo (o) person who works, person
gido (o) darling; friend. who is employed.
gollude V. work

golo guutingol

golo Oigo) horse. gorol (ngol) line. Ngol goro! fortaaki This
gombal [gom"'bal] (ngal) empty corn cob, line is not straight.
leafless stalk. gosi (o) porridge.
goncfi ((fi) tears. ~ kecci unreal tears. gostondiral [g6st6"diral] (ngal) trade;
gongol [g6n"g61] (ngol) 1) tear 2) another exchange; interchange.
time. gowe (de) strings of beads.
gondiicTo (o) partner, mate; fellow. Ko min gowlaali (di) screams sing, wowlaango
yvondiibe We are together / we are (ngo). wulaango (ngo) alt.
roommates. gowol (ngdl) string of beads,
goncfo adj. factual; present, goyoowo (o) a crying individual.
goo num. one. ff7/ goo Say one. goytago! (ngdl) complaint.
gooto adj. single; alone; sole; one. hay ~ gdytiido (o) plaintiff. Mi woytiima haa mi
nobody, aan ~ you alone. tampii I am tired of complaining,
gooto! (ngol) once, laawol ~ one time, gufi (di) peels; pods,
gujjittoocfo (o) furtive.
goobde V. dye.
gujjo (o) burglar; robber; thief ~ bey a goat
gooboowo (o) dyer. thief Ko o gujjo He is a thief
goohu (ngn) dye. gukkude v. reject.
goobel (ngel) small drink; little mouthful, gulaali (di) cries, wulaango (ngo) sing.
goodcfo rgoocfcfo] adj. actual, guliitaagol (ngdl) complaint.
gool (o) small calf guUitiido (o) plaintiff. Ko aan woni
goolooli (di) red ants; ants goololol (ngol) guUitiido o You are the plaintiff.
sing. gulwulti (di) confrontation. Wulwulti (o)
goomgal (ngal) threshold goomle (de) pi. sing.
goonga [goonga] (o) truth, haalde ~ tell the gullol (ngdl) umbilical cord.
truth, dum ko goonga It is true. gulucce (de) variety of milk.
goongante [goo"gante] adj. truthful; gulumbol (ngdl) [gulum"f)61] dry stream bed.
trustworthy. Ko o goongante He is
gumbalaa [gu"’balaa] (o) caste specilizing in
trustworthy. woodwork.
goongdinde [g66"gcfinde] v. trust; believe. gumcfo adj. blind; eyeless. Gumdo
Mbede gooljdini Alla I believe in God. Jinganta ko dowoowo mum A blind
goongdindo [g6613cfincfo] adj. devout. person will side with his guide,
goongdingo! [g6613cfing61] (ngdl) belief. gumgummeewi (ki) plant,
goongdude [gool^cfude] v. be truthful; be gundo [gu"do] (o) lizard,
trustworthy, guncfo adj. secret.
gooski (ki) stretcher, guppol (ngdl) laundry. Guppo! maa
goowcfo adj. familiar. laadaani Your laundry is not clean.
gooTol (ngdl) dead bean plant for animal guppoowo (o) launderer.
consumption, gure (de) towns, yvuro (ngo) sing,
goppu (o) spade. gure! (ngel) village, little skin; small town,
goram interj. used to express amazement or guri (di) skins, nguru (ngu) sing. ~ gerte
sympathy, haa goram! it is amazing! peanut shells,
gorgal (ngal) west. guttere (nde) cloud.
gorbal (ngal) strong heavy person/animal. guttu (o) water holder,
gorhe! (ngel) little man; little male animal. guube (de) tree,
gorgilaado (o) paternal aunt. guumi (ki) tree.
gorgo! (o) paternal aunt. guurti (di) recess; vacation, wonde e ~ht
gorko (o) male person; man biddo ~ a son. on vacation.
goro (ko) kola nut alt. woroore (nde). guurtingol (ngdl) revival.

ha habbitde

ha interj. yes, used to express joy and haalnude v. make someone speak.
approval. haaltude v. disclose,
haa adv. till; until. ~ ngaraa until you haameede v. regret.
come. haame (o) regret.
haabde v. be fed up Mi haabii (fum I
haande v. be right. Ina haani wonde It
cannot take it any more.
should be.
haabnaade v. be annoying.
haandinde v. make someone deserve
haabnude v. upset; frustrate; annoy. Ada something. Make someone worthy of
haabnii You are annoying. something.
haabre (nde) annoyance; frustration, haandude v. deserve, merit O mo haandi
haacande [haacan"de] (nde) scream. been she deserves it.
haacde [haajje] v. vociferate; cry aloud, haange [haa"ge] (nge) cow.
scream. haangeede [haa"geede] v. be mad. O
haacfde [haadde] v. be bitter. ~ lamdam be haangaama He lost his mind, kaacd (di).
very salty. ~ suukaara be very sweet. Ina haaranduru [haara"duru] (ndu) plentiness.
haadi It is bitter. haarde v. be satiated, be full. ~ ndiyam
haadnude [haannude] v. confine; make have enough water. ~ Tii Tam recognize.
bitter; limit; stop. ~ e keerol stop at the haarnude v. satiate; sate,
boundary. Haadnu dum doo Stop it here.
haare (nde) defense,
haadiirde [haattirde] (nde) limit. En
njettiima e haadiirde We have reached haasidaade v. envy.
the limit haasidaagal (ngal) envy; jealousy; egoism.
haadiude [haattude] v. stop, haaside (o) jealous person.
haajde [haajje] v. decide; need. So Alla haatande [haatan"de] (nde) stones on
haajii If Alla is willing. which the cooking pot rests.
haaju (o) need, problem, affair; business, haatumeere (nde) magical symbol,
concern. haawde v. fascinate; stupefy; be puzzling.
mo alaa ~ vagabond, dum wonaa haaju haaweede v. be astonished, be puzzled.
maa It is not your business. Haalanam Mhede haawaa I am puzzled.
haaju maa Tell me what you need, haawnaade v. be puzzling. E dum haawnii
haakde v. scrape. It is puzzling.
haakeede v. have a cold. haawngo [haawngo] (ngo) puzzle; surprise.
haaktaade v. clear one's throat. O haaktii e haawniinde [haawnii"de] (nde) mystery;
makko He spat on him. puzzle.
haako (ko) leaves; type of dish. haawnude v. amaze.
haala (ka) speech. ~ nokku dialect. ~ haayde v. urinate. (Usage is restricted to
njaawka fast speech. ~ maayka useless animals).
speech. haaTde [haajje] v. twist,
haalande v. tell; inform. haayre (nde) rock; flint; stone. ~ jamaa
Haalan mo feere men Inform him of our diamond. kaaTel manaango thunderbolt,
decision. haaytude v. give up, rescind; cancel, be
haalde v. say, state; speak; chat. ~ dow kaaytiiyahde They cancelled the trip.
speak up. ~ les be soft spoken. habbitaade v. 1) tie again. 2) untie,
haaldeede v. negotiate; transact. Min habbitde [habbidde] v. untie. Habbit
kaaldii ha min nanondirii We have juude makko Untie his hands.
negotiated and agreed on a price. habbondirde v. tie together; make a united
haaldude v. talk to each other; negotiate, front.
transact. habbude v, tie; pack, attach.

habde haraam

habde v. fight be ngoni ko e habde They hakkunde [hakku"de] (tide) center, mid;
are fighting. average, amid; mean, medium; stm\ fedde
habeede v. fight; combat. ~ leydeele an international organization.
habirde (tide) instrument for fighting. hakkundeejo [hakku"deejo] adj. neutral,
habtaade v. fight back. Habto Fight back, medial, adiaphorous.
habrude v. disseminate; inform. ~ kabaaru halal (tigal) belonging; possession,
bondb give bad news. Habra mo property. O rendotaako halal He is
sankaare taane Inform him of your greedy.
grandparent’s death, halde v. be pregnant.
hacfaade v. abstain. halfinaabe (be) delegation, entrusted
hacfde [hadde] (tide) obstacle. people, kalfinaado (o) sing.
hacfde [hadde] v. veto; ban; disallow; deter; halfmde v. empower, entrust. - Allah leave
hinder; impede; interdict. Ko ko hacfaa It in the hands of Allah. Mi halfinii ma
is forbidden. besngu am My family is in your hands.
halfineede v. be entrusted with.
hadiinde [hacfii"de] (tide) dam.
halfude V. be a master; own
hacftaade [hattaade] v. miss. Mi hadtiima
tuuba ba I am missing a pair of pants. haljeende (tide) dilemma,
haddaade v. 1) tie/wear one's sarong/skirt haijinde v. disturb; pester; perturb.
2) be circumcised. haljude v. be busy. Mbede halji I am busy.
haddaare (tide) sarong, habbude ~ mum halkaade v. perish; be destroyed. O halkii
tie one’s sarong, tellinde ~ mum untie ma He perished.
one’s sarong. halkaare (tide) peril.
haddinaade v. be circumcised. halkude v. destroy,
haddinde v. circumcise. hallere (tide) penis,
haddude v, tie a sarong for someone, hamdaat (o) measurement,
hadee before. ~ maayahde before you go. hamde v. wring out clothing.
hafeere (tide) (fr.j affair, business, dum ko hamTude v. squeeze hammayeroyel (tigel)
hafeere maa That is your business. kingfisher.
haftaade v. rise up suddenly. Hafto Get up. hammu (o) concern O alaa haaju o alaa
haggude v. be stopped, hammu He has no concern,
hajaade v. forbid; prevent, hanawere (tide) profile; one side of the
hajjoyde v. go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. O
hajjoyii He went on a pilgrimage to handaade v. lock up.
Mecca. hande v. bray,
hajju (o) pilgrimage to Mecca. hande [han"de] (o) today,
hajjude v. pilgrimage to Mecca, hande [hanje] v. ejaculate,
hakde v. contest while wrong. A hakii mo hanki [hal]ki] (o) yesterday. ~ men past;
You cheated him. history. ~ jammad last night. Mi yii mo
hakeede v. be denied. haljki I saw him yesterday,
hakindaare [haki"daare] (tide) moderation, hanti part. then.
hakke (o) right, dum ko hakke maa That is happaade v. claim someone's belongings,
your right. happu (o) term; limit. Ko jogii - finite, ko
hakkilante (o) intelligent person. alaa ~ infinite.
hakkilde v. have a brain; make sense; be haraam (o) sin; taboo dum ko haraam It
thoughtful. O hakkilaani He has no sense. is forbidden.
hakkille (o) brain; sense; mind. Hakkille harminde v. forbid. ~ sangara quit drinking
makko ko ko ustii He is senile. 0 alaa forever.
hakkille He has no sense, harmube (be) cursed people karmudo
hakkitde [hakkidde] v. help; save. Kakkitee sing.
kam help! help!

haraango heeraade

harmude v. be forbidden. Ina harmi It is hebtinde v. recognize. A hebtinii mo Do

forbidden. you recognize him?
haraango [haraa"go] (ngo) snoring, karaali hebtude v. regain; recapture; repossess. ~
(di) pi hakkille necfdo convince someone, be
harde v. snore. O yvoni ko e harde He is kebtii galle makko They repossessed his
snoring. compound,
hare (tide) fight; conflict; affray; struggle; hebbere (tide) thorn.
strife; warfare; combat, hebbinde v. fill up. Mi hehbinii maaro I
harfeere (tide) letter of the alphabet, have gathered plenty of rice.
harlude v. twist round. Harlu ToTa Make heblaade v. get ready for prayer. Mi
it stick. hebliima I am ready for the prayer,
harsude v. make a slip-knot, heccicfde v. 1) be wet 2) be unripe,
hartaade v. chide; express disapproval. heccude v. be older than Ko kanko heccu
hartaango [hartaa"go] (ngo) thunder noise. maa He is older than you.
hartude v. 1) chase birds away 2) be very hecfaade v. listen.
salty. hecAaade [hettaade] v. listen carefully; hark.
hasbude v. judge, Hecfio paamaa Listen carefuly so that you
hasde v. initiate.
heddaade v. remain; be left over; remain;
hasnude v. shroud. O hasnaama He is
maintain. ~ e uphold,
ready for burial.
heddude v. leave over,
hattande v. be able to; be capable of Mi
hattanaani C/MW I am not able to do it. hecfcfaawo (ngo) barrier,
hawde v. 1) charge with the head 2) prevail; hedde adv. around; near; towards. ~ toon
win; defeat. around that area,
hawngo [hav/’go] (ngo) edge of a boat, hecfcfere (tide) clot.
hawjude v. be foolish, hee interj. calling word (used to attract
someone's attention),
hawrinde v. join.
heedande v. advocate; side with.
hawritde [hawridde] v. meet again;
coincide. heedde v. be situated, be located. Hoi to
cfum heedi Where is it located?
hawrdyde v. go and meet. Kmvroyen toon
Let us meet there. heednude [heennude] v. place something in
a particular position.
hawrude v. encounter, agree; converge;
concur; coincide. Mi hawrii e ntakko I heedtinde [heettinde] v. place in another
met with him. place. Heedtin cfum gaa Place it over
hay conj. even, not even. ~ huunde
nothing. heedtude [heettude] v. change places.
hayde v. float, dal haya Let it float. heecfelde (tide) broken piece of a water
hay ngo [hay"go] (ngo) floating; current.
heefande [heefan"de] (tide) scraped out
hay nude v. make float,
hayyo part, welcome. Hayyoo ntaa It is so
heefde v. scrape out.
good to see you.
heeforicfde [heeforidde] v. sin.
hebaade v. get ready. O ivoni ko e hehaade
He is getting ready, heege v. starvation; dearth, famine; hunger.
wondude ^ ~ be hungry.
hebbaade v. catch while in the air.
heegeede v. be starving; be famished.
hebbitaade v. interrupt, intervene.
Mbecfe heegaa I am famished,
hebde v. obtain; gain, achieve; receive;
been adv. in. nder ~ in it.
acquire; attain. Mi hebii bataake ntaa I
received your letter heenere (tide) liver,
hebirde v. get with. heeraade v. select; delimit.
hebdyde v. go and reach/get. heertaade v. delimit.


heewbe adj. several; various, yimbe ~ many hettande V. buy new clothing for. O
people. hettanii kam wutte He bought me a new
heewde v. be plenty, cfum heewii It is full, gown.
hejere (nde) isolated area. hettude v. buy new clothing.
hejjinde v. make someone go early in the heTde [hejje] v. fit in. dum heTii e maa
morning. Does it fit you?
hejjude v. go very early. heycfude v. be hungry Mbede Iteydi I am
helande [helan"de] (nde) break; fracture. hungry.
helde v. break; cut; shatter; smash. ~ hoore heytaade v. be careful,
become senile. hibbude V. close
heltaade v. break again; break into pieces. hiicfaade v. oppress.
heltinde [heltin"de] (nde) piece of. hiicfcfude v. be old. comci kiiddi old
heltude v. break off. clothing.
hellande v. acclaim. hiinnitaade v. be selfish.
hello (ngo) clap; slap; smack fiide ~ e hiirde V. be night. Jamma o hiirii The night
kakkille slap in the face. is late/ young.
hellude v. clap; applaud, hiisa (o) measurement, estimate.
hellere (nde) fruit. hiisaade v. assess; estimate; gauge,
hellifeede v. become adult; maturate; be
hiiteede v. be unfortunate,
mature. Ko a maw do kellifaado You are
a mature person, hijaago (ngo) neigh,
helmere (nde) word, hijde [hijje] v. neigh.
henaade v. be in a hurry; rush; hurry. hijjude V. spell, read syllable by syllable. O
woni ko e hijjude He is learning to read
hehaare (nde) hurry; rush; haste.
hendu [hen"du] (ndu) wind, dum ko hendu
hikka this year. So wonaani hikka wona
It is not true.
mo wuuri If it is not this year it will be
hendude [hen"dude] v. be open; clean, next year.
hentude v. remove and set aside, hikkitde [hikkidde] v. cry.
heppere (nde) impatience, keppugol (ngol) hilleede v. be interested,
hiltude V. found.
heppude v. be impatient. Mhede heppi ko o
himmude v. be a hard and consciencious
arata I can’t wait for his arrival; I can’t
working person; be consciencious. O mo
wait to see him.
himmi He is very consciencious.
herde v. 1) crow 2) be solid 3) laugh.
himTude v. squeeze.
herkitde v. [herkidde] laugh,
hinaade v. remove grains from the ear.
hersinde v. scandalize; humiliate; shame.
hindirbe [hi"dirbe] (be) people of similar
hersude v. be ashamed. Mi hersii I am ethnic group/caste.
hinde [hin"de] (nde) tribe, caste
herTude v. feel sand grains while chewing,
hiIIere (nde) nose. Ko faati e ~ nasal
hesande [hesan"de] (nde) tuff of trimmed wuddere ~ a nostril 0 mo juuti hinere He
grass. has a long nose,
hesde v. trim; cut; mow, shear. O wont ko e hinnaade v. take good care of
hesde hudo He is trimming the grass,
h in nude v. greet
hescfitinde v. renew. ~ sallige mum renew
hippaade v. lay on one’s stomack. Hippo
one’s ablution.
Lay on your stomack.
hesdude v. be new. Ina hesdi It is new.
hippitde [hippidde] v. Open; uncover.
hetde [hedde] v. clot; coagulate.
hippoode (nde) cover, lid, hood
hettere (nde) piece; clot. ~ tehv steak. ~
TiiTam a clot. ~ leydi a piece of land.

hiraande hombitande

hippude V. 1) cover 2) wear inside out. ~ hodoore (tide) shell

wutte mum wear one’s gown inside out. hofaade v. sit on one's crossed legs; be
hiraande [hiraa"de] (tide) supper, deftude ~ bent.
finish cooking supper, sagginde ~ begin hofde V. bend. ~jungo fold one’s arm.
cooking supper. hofnude v. visit
hirbude v. catch, apply pressure; close on. hofru (tidu) knee tumhude ~ kneecap.
hirde v. 1) be jealous 2) be cooked hogaade v. be crooked.
improperly. Ko o kirdb He is jealous,
hogde V. make a hook.
hirke (o) saddle.
hoggo (tigo) tusk; nib.
hirnaange [hirnaa"ge] (nge) west, huccitde
hogolde (tide) fruit.
~ face the west, gorged (ngal).
hojom (o) minute.
hirnanke [hirnat]ke] (o) westerner,
hokde V. close tightly.
hirndude [hir"dude] v. leave in the
afternoon. hokkere (tide) drought; shortage. Amin
ngondi e hokkere We are experiencing a
hirsude v. 1) slaughter, cut the throat 2)
shortage of rain.
overcharge. O hirsumo He overcharged
him. hokkude v. lack rain. Nokku o ina hokki
no feeyvi This region needs rain.
hirtaade v. eat supper; dine. ~ law eat
dinner early, leelde ~ eat dinner late. Mi hokkitde [hokkidde] v. separate, loosen a
hirtiima I have eaten dinner, grip
hisde V. be well. A hisii Are you well? hokkondirde v. give each other.
hitaande [hitaa"de] (tide) year. ~ kala hokkude v. give; offer. ~ yeru exemplify;
annual. give an example.
hiwaade v. be bent. O mo hiwii He can not hokondirde [h6k6"dirde] v. cure by body
not stand straight, contact.
hiwde V. chase birds off fields, hoi proti. which; who; what. ~ toon where.
~ oon who. Hoi to paadaa Where are you
hobaade v. remove grains from the ear.
hobbitde [hobbidde] shell.
holbundu [h61bu"du] (ndu) ankle.
hobde V. shell.
holde V. lack clothing. Mhede holi I lack
hobre (tide) shell; cover. clothing.
hobtude V. shell. holtinde v. buy clothing for someone.
hoccude v. pick up. ~ kaalis find money on holtude V. have clothing.
the ground.
holfere (tide) shout.
hoede [hojje] v. be thorny,
holfo (tigo) wooden spoon.
hocfaade v. be a host.
hollalde (tide) hard ground near the river.
hodande [hocfan"de] (tide) inhabited area.
hollinde v. show; show oneself
hodande v. play the guitar for someone.
hollirde v. expose. O woni ko hollirde
hodde V. 1) populate; reside, live; settle, miijo makko He is just giving his opinion.
inhabit 2) play the guitar. Ko toon o hodi
hollitde V. show.
He lives there.
hollondirde [h6116"dirde] v. introduce;
hoddude [hoddude] v. live with; be a
neighbor. Kambe koddi They are
neighbors. hollude V. show; present. ~ miijo mum
hodnude [honnude] v. accommodate. suggest. ~ laawol show the way. ~ miijo
make a suggestion,
hodorde (tide) house; accommodation;
holnaade v. cut nails.
habitat. ~ laamdo palace; castle
holsere (tide) 1) foot (of and animal); hoof
hocfdu [hoddu] (tidu) guitar piyoowo ~
2) a cow or an ox.
guitar player./?/</£ ~ play the guitar,
hombitande [h6m'"bitan"de] removal of
hoddere (tide) dish,
hoddiro (tigo) destiny.

honde huccaango

hombitde [h6m"'bitde] v. remove the hem. horaade v. fail. Mi horiima yiide mo I

hombude [h6m"'bude] v. hem. Hombanam failed to see him; I could not see him.
tuuba ba Can you hem the pants for me? horde v. 1) be tired 2) be empty, bunndu
honde v. raid, plunder; foray; ransack. ndu horii The well’s dried up.
hongude [h6I3"gude] v. knock; sound. horde (nde) calabash,
Hongu hadee maa naatde Knock before horeeru (ndu) relative,
you enter. horfinaade v. sit on one's knees,
hood ere (nde) star. ~ siirtotoonde a horkitde [horkidde] v. dig; irritate,
shooting star.
horlinde v. open up.
hoolaade v. trust; rely. Mbecfe hooli maa I
hormere (nde) shelled corn ear.
trust you.
horndolde [hor"dolde] (nde) ant hill,
hoolaare (nde) trust.
horoore (nde) shell.
hooleede v. be trusted, be trustworthy.
horsinde v. cherish; pamper. Mbecfe
hoolkisaade v. distrust.
horsini mo I cherish him.
hooltaade v. peel, skin; carve. ~ cegeneeji
horsineede v. be cherished.
cut nails.
horsude v. be cherished.
hooltude V. peel; carve,
hortaade v. be very tired, be worn out. Ko
hoomto (ngo) unwariness.
mi kortiicfo I am worn out.
hoomtude v. make someone unwary,
hortinde v. finish pounding. Mi hortinii I
hoohde v. be overcooked. Maaro maa finished pounding.
hoonii Your rice has been overcooked,
hortude v. pound grain into flower.
hoohoidu (ndu) snail, diggude alt.
hoontinde v. milk. horwaade v. wind into balls.
hoontude v. suck before the cow is milked. howde V. seclude; barricade, enclose;
Nge hoontii The heifer has sucked the hedge, gird. O howii galle o He built a
cow before it was milked, fence for the house,
hooram hooram (o) egoism. hoybinde v. alleviate.
hoore (nde) head. ~ muusoore headache. ~ hoyde v. be light. ~ e leydi be agile. O mo
kala apiece. ~ haala the beginning of the hoyi He is light.
talk. hoyficfde [hoyfidde] v. be light,
hoorde v. fast. Kd mi koorcfo I am fasting. hoyde v. be ashamed. A hoyii sh?" on
hoornaade v. fake fasting. you.
hoorngo [hoor"go] (ngo) fasting. hoy nude v. shame. A hoynii mo You made
hoortude v. break fasting, him ashamed.
hoosde V. plunder; win all opponent’s hoTde [hojje] v. give water to drink,
possessions. hoycfitaade v, ejaculate while dreaming.
hootde [hoodde] v, return home. ~ to jeyaa hoycfude v. dream. ~ necfcfo dream about
return to one’s home O hooti he returned someone.
home. hoTTudu (ndu) neck; back of the neck;
hootonde [hooton"de] (nde) earring, scruff. ~juutndu a long neck,
hoowde V. copulate. hubbude V. light, ablaze; kindle; stoke;
hooweede v. be made love to. ignite, glow. ~ oto start a car. ~ jeyngol
hoowoyre (nde) insect. start a fire.
hooTeede v. be hungry Mbecfe hooTaa I hubde V. chase, bleat.
am hungry hubeere (nde) building. ~ bakke a mud
hooynaade v. look up. Hooynaade ko building.
hebataa ko hebbinde gite mum loji One huccaango [huccaa"go] (ngo) direction
should have realistic expectations. toward.

hucfde huywere

huccinde v. direct toward. ~ fudhaange hurgo (ngo) woven reed fence.

direct East. hurkaTere (nde) laterite stone,
huccitde [huccidde] v. face. hurmude v. be black.
huccude v. head for. ~ laakara go to hell. hurjo (ngo) holidays, yahde ~ go on
Hoi to kuccu cfaa Where are you headed?, vacation.
hucfde [hudde] v. curse. hurtaade v. move to the husband's
hucfeede v. be cursed, compound. O hurtiima She moved to her
huddu (ndu) enclosure, husband’s compound.
hucfo (ko) grass. ~ sihvre turf, hurtinde v. bring the wife to one's
hudusuru (ndu) leather gourd,
husde V. sew.
huftude V. shell.
husere (nde) piece of meat. ~ feeiv a piece
hujja (o) n^\. jogaade ~ have a right,
of meat.
hulbinde v. scare; daunt, terrorize; startle,
hutaade v. despise Mhecfe hutii mo I
terrify. A huldinii mo You scared him.
despise him.
hulde V. be afraid of; dread. ~ reedu be
huttooru (ndu) iguana,
afraid of Alaa ko o hull He is not afraid
of anything. huttude V. skin.
hulnde [hul"de] (nde) bell. Hulnde nde huudaade v. leave early morning. O
siljlii The bell rang. huudiima He left early in the morning.
hulquum (o) pharynx. huufde V. hold in arms resting on one’s
humam binne (o) ignorant person;
illiterate. Ko a humam binne You are huufnude v. place in front of someone,
ignorant. huunaade v. boast.
humande v. wed. Mi humanii I have huunaango [huunaa"go] (ngo) bellow;
gotten engaged. lowing.
humaneede v. be wed; be engaged. huunde v. moo; bellow.
humde v. tie to. ~ dewgal tie the knot. huunde [huu"de] (nde) thing; object, hay ~
humtude v. 1) untie 2) remove a spell. nothing; nought; none; zero. ~ kala
Humtu nagge nge Untie the cow. everything.
humbaldu [hu"’baldu] (ndu) musical huuncfude [huunTude] v. be greedy; be
instrument. voracious.
humbude [hum'^bude] v. float, huurde v. cover, surround with woven
reed, leyvru huurndu the whole month.
humpeede v. ignore, be unaware; be
without news of Mhecfe humpaa mo I huureede v. be covered,
have no news concerning him. huusde V. remove hair,
humpitaade v. be informed. huutoraade v. utilize, exploit,
humpitde v. inform. Humpitam Keep me huuwde V. work,
informed. huwde V. 1) defecate 2) lie.
humpude v. be unknown. huywere (nde) vagrant; useless person. Ko
hunaade v. memorize; recite. o huynvere He is useless.
huhde [hufije] v. lift or to roll clothing up. huywinde v. cause someone to be useless/a
hundude [hun"dude] v. roof. ~ suudu roof vagrant.
a house with woven reeds. huywineede v. be considered useless/a
hunuko (ko) mouth, ko faati e ~ oral. vagrant.
mubbude ~ shut up. hupvude V. wander.
hurbaango [hurbaa"go] (ngo) roar.
hurbude v. roar.

ibliis iwlaade

ibliis (o) {ar.} satan; devil, baggel ~ devil’s inna (o) mother.
drum, golle ~ devil’s work, reentaade ~ innama (o) being. ~ aadee human being,
stay away from devilish deeds,
inde [in"de] (nde) 1) name 2) naming
iccitaade v. cry. cermony. ~ deftere chosen name, first
idaade v. be first. Idaade buri wattindaade name. Ko
It is better to be first than last. Ko kanko dum woni inde maa That is your first
adii He arrived first, adaade alt. name.
idoraade v. start with. Idoro toon Start inniraado (o) namesake.
from there, iinnirde v. name after. Mi innirii ma
iicaade v. cry. Muusaa I name you after Muusaa.
iilde V. sneeze. innitaade v. say one's,
iircfude v. be dark; be stormy. Asamaan o genealogy. Innito Tell me your genealogy.
iirdii It is stormy. innitde [innidde] v. rename.
iirtaade v. 1) be angry 2) be painful, innitoore (nde) genealogy.
iirtondirde [iirt6"dirde] v. be mixed. innude v. baptize; dub.
iirtude v. dig out; stir up. ~ barme stir the -ir suf. instrumental suffix; by means of.
pot. ~ hakkille necfdb render a person helirde jungo break with the hand.
iraade v. be covered with sand, be buried;
iirtugol (ngdl) stirring up. bury oneself
ikkaade v. go aside. irde v. cover with sand, bury,
ikkinde v. put aside. ittindirde [itti"dirde] v. separate.
ilam (dam) flood, ~ keeyvdam a major ittirde v. remove with. Ittir dum peel
flood. remove it with a shovel.
ilde V. flow; spread over. Ilam ilii The river ittude V. 1) abolish; subtract; remove;
is high. deduct 2) be plenty.
ilol (ngdl) stream. ittugol (ngdl) ablation; removal,
ilowol (ngdl) excavation; thalweg, ittital (ngal) type of soil,
ilbude V. shine; flash, iwde V. 1) originate from; come from; be
ilkinaade v. scream, from 2) stop.
illaa part, except. ~ aan except you. iwdi (ndi) origin, source. Hoi iwdi maa
immaade v. rise. ~ law rise early. Immo What is your origin?
dow Get up. ummade alt. iwrude v. come by way of Iwru gaa Come
imminde v. make rise; make stand. this way.
umminde alt. iwtude V. return from; leave. Mi iwtii toon
imsinaade v. repent gila ko booyi I left that place a long time
imsinaango (ngo) repentance, ago.
in suf. causative suffix. Mo TTin dum Do it iwlaade v. warm oneself at the fire.

jaabaade jabbere

jaabaade v. answer. Jaaho mo Reply to jaarde v. commend; eulogize; thank, be

him. ngoni ko e jaarde nelaado They are
jaabawol (ngol) reply; answer. Lamndal praising the Prophet.
naamnii ko jaabawol A question requires jaareejo (o) griot.
an answer. jaarnude v. give thanks to.
jaabtaade v. reply. ~ dataake reply to a jaaroowo (o) praise singer,
letter. jaarga (o) head, chief
jaabondirde v. answer one another. jaasde v. be useless; be stupid. O mo jaasi
jaabe (de) fruit from a jaabi tree, yaabre He is useless.
(nde) sing. jaasdo adj. useless person.
jaabi (ki) jujube tree, lekki - jujube tree, jaasre (nde) uselessness.
jaacfde [jaadde] v. be numb. Jungo am ina jaasi (ki) matchet; saber.
jaacfi My arm is numb.
jaawando [jaawan"do] (o) type of griot.
jacfdinde v. stiffen; harden.
jaawcfo adj. prompt; fast; swift; rapid.
jacfcfude V. 1) be stiff; be hard 2) be numb. neddo - a fast person.
Jaafiicfo adj. person who gave forgiveness, jaawngal [jaaw"gal] (ngal) guinea fowl.
jaafotoocfo adj. merciful. Alla ko jaawle (de) pi.
jaafotoocfo God is merciful.
jaawnaade v. be intelligent,
jaajcfo [jaaTTo] adj. vast, wide; patient. Ko jaawre (nde) antilope.
o necfcfo jaajdb He is patient.
jaaTaade v. return safely. A jaaTiima Did
jaaje type of grass, you arrive safely.
jaajude v. be executed, jaaTtagol (ngdl) 1) safe arrival/joumey 2)
jaakde v. be troubled, be puzzled, have a speeding; acceleration.
dilemma. Mbecfe jaaki I do not know jaaynde [jaay^de] (nde) announcement.
where to turn to.
jaaynirgal (ngal) publicity device.
jaaklude v. be troubled, be puzzled,
jaaynude v. publicize, announce, make
jaakre (nde) wonder; dilemma, public. O woni ko e jaaynude He is
jaalaade v. show grief making a public announcement.
jaalal (ngal) pillar; stake, jaayngal [jaay"gal] (ngal) announcement,
jaaltaabe (o) fisherman's title. jaayre (nde) planet.
jaande |jaan"de] (nde) grass for cattle. O jabande v. allow; grant. - ngantu accept
addoyii jaande He went to get grass for someone’s excuse.
animal consumption. jabde V. agree; admit; nod; adopt; approve;
jaandere [jaan"dere] cattle food; grass for concede. Mijabii I accept.
animal consumption. jabgol (ngdl) adhesion; acceptance.
jaandu [jaan"du] (ndu) private land, jabbaade v. welcome. ~ ko do welcome a
jaane (de) excrement; feces; cow dung, guest.
jaangde [jaa"gde] v. be cold. Ina jaangi it jabbaaru (o) God.
is cold. jabbe (de) tamarind trees; tamarind fruit.
jaangeede [jaa"geede] v. be cold. Mbede jabbi (ki) tamarind tree,
jaangaa I am cold.
jabbere (nde) holes for sowing, reende -
jaangol |jaa"gol] (ngdl) cold; cold weather. mum be careful.
— cadtungol a bitter cold.
jabbirgal (ngal) farming tool used for
jaandu |jaan"du] (ndu) type of bird. making holes for sowing.
jaaraania thanks, well done. Alla - thanks jabbitaade v. dig holes for sowing a second
be to Allah. A jaaraama I thank you. time.

jaggitaade jaroowo

jabbude v. make holes for sowing. O woni jamminde v. be night, cfum jamminii The
ko e jabbude He is making holes for night has come / The night is well
sowing. advanced.
jaggitaade v. Hold tight; grab tightly. jananaacfo (o) certain; sure acfa yananaa
Jaggoowo (o) holder. Are you sure?.
jaggude V. 1) grasp; record; 2) arrest, hold. janano someone else's. debbo ~ someone
Ko hande be njaggi mo They arrested else’s wife.
him today. jangde [ja"gde] (tide) education;
jaggugol (ngdl) grip. instruction; literacy. ~ tercfe anatomy, ko
jahdiicfo (o) companion. ~ boncfo a bad faati e ~ pedagogical. ~ tercfe anatomy.
companion. ~ mo TTo a good companion. janginde |jaq"ginde] v. educate; instruct;
jakre (tide) hollow, lecture, teach.
janginoowo [jal3"ginoowo] (o) lecturer;
jalahokoore (tide) small white shell,
instructor; educator. ~ hanki men a
jalboowo adj. shiny. history teacher.
jalbude v. radiate; twinkle; shine. Ina jalbi jangirde [ial]"girde] (tide) school.
It is shining.
jangoowo (jal3"goowo] (o) learner; reader;
jalbucfo adj. shining. student. Ko o jangoowo He is a student.
jalbugol (tigol) shine. jangude [jar)"gude] v. read; decipher;
jalde V. laugh, sneer. ~ necfdo laugh at study, learn.
someone jangucfo (jaI3"gucfo] adj. literate,
jaleecfe (cfe) laughter, laughs. jandere [jan"dere] (tide) type offish,
jalkitde [jalkidde] v. deride, fleer; gibe; fout; janfa (o) treason; betrayal.
scoff; laugh at.
janfaade v. betray; traduce. A janjiima
jaleede v. be laughed at. koreeji maa You betrayed your relatives.
jalniicfo adj. funny. Ndaw ko jalnii He is so janfotoocfo (o) traitor. Ko o janfotoocfo He
funny. is a Xx?i\\.or.janfanke (o) alt.
jalnoowo (o) comedian. Ko o jalnoowo He jango 0^D"go] (o) tomorrow, haa ~ until
is a comedian. tomorrow.
jalnude v. make someone laugh. Ko kanko jankiniicfo adj. modest, chaste, ko o
jalni mi He made me laugh, necfcfo jankiniicfo he is a modest person.
jale (cfe) hoes, hoe blades Jalo (ngo) sing, jal]taade v. testify; narrate; relate, report;
jalo (ngo) hoe; hoe blade, relay, explain.
jalla fishing net. jaljtagol (ngdl) narration; narrative; report.
jalli griot. jaljtotoocfo (o) narrator; reporter.
jam (o) peace. ~ tan peace only. Yo Alla jantondiral (tigal) coalition; alliance.
rokku jam Get well. jantucfo (o) participant.
jamjam adv slowly, gently, waarude ~ do jappeere (tide) saddle, pad.
something slowly. jappude V. lay; saddle.
jamaa (o) far.) daily prayer place. O jarabi (o) temptation.
juuloyii jamaa He went to say his prayers
jarribaade v. test, tempt. Ngonmi ko e
at the daily prayer place,
jarribaade mo I am tempting him.
jamaanu (o) {ar.} era; world today. ~
booycfo bennucfo antiquity. ~ hande o jarde V. be worth; amount to. Ina jari cfum
the world today; nowadays, It is worth it / It is not expensive.
jamba (jam"'ba] rice seedlings, jarnude v. be sold out. Mi jarnii I am sold
jambere [jam"’bere] (tide) ax, tomahawk,
jardugal (tigal) pipe for smoking,
jamiroowo (o) chief; individual who gives
orders. jarlal adj. female animal, hen.
jamma (o) night. ^ hande tonight. ~ jaroowo (o) drinker. ~ sangara a person
juutcfo a long night who drinks alcohol.

jatde jihe

jatde [jadde] v. stretch, Jeewaacfo adj. lonely Ko mi jeexvaacfo I

jattinaade v. resist; revolt am lonely.
jattiniicfo (o) obstinate, jeewnucfo adj. nostalgic.
jawdi (fidi) 1) cattle, animals 2) Jeewru (ndu) cabin, room.
possessions, golle ~ savage. ~ maa your JeeTere (nde) panic.
belongings. jeeTude v. panic.
jawdiyanke (o) wealthy person, jeeyoowo (o) salesperson; vendor; trader.
jawel (tigel) small bracelet. Ko o jeeyoowo He is a salesperson.
jawo (ngo) bracelet. ~ jungo a wrist jejji (di) ohWxon. jejjitgol (ngdl) sing,
bracelet. ~ koyngal an ankle bracelet, jejjitoowo (o) forgetful Ko o jejjitoowo He
jawwinde v. smoke, light a fire. O mo is forgetful.
jmvyvina he smokes. jelde V. mark. O woni ko e Jelde nay di He
jmvyvude v. glow; catch fire, cfum jmvwii It is putting marks on the cows.
caught fire, jeloode (nde) mark.
jayde v. swing. jelotoocfo (o) beggar, sakkaade ~ give
jaylaade v. walk hurriedly; pick hurriedly. charity to the beggar.
jebbilaade v. renounce; give up, accept, be jengude [jel3"gude] v. be late. Jamma
submissive. Mi jebbiliima I give up. jengii The night is late.
jebe (nge) cow. jennooje (de) disparaging remarks.
jeeboowo (o) spectator, njennoor (o) sing.
jeecfibo (o) seventh. jennoowo (o) person who makes
disparaging remarks, yennude v.
jeecficfi seven, balcfe ~ seven days, laabi ~
seven times. jerbugol (ngdl) earthquake; shaking. ~
leydi seism; cataclysm.
jeefulbe Arcfo's first wife,
jettagol (ngdl) arrival,
jeegom num. six. sappo e ~ sixteen,
jewde V. exist,
jeemaayo (o) fisherman’s first wife,
jeyaacfo (o) slave.
jeenabo num. the ninth.
jeyal (ngal) ownership.
jeenay num. nine.
jeyde v. own; possess; pertain. Ko miin Jey
jeenayo num. the ninth person in rank,
dum It is mine.
jeere (nde) mart, market. O yahii jeere He
Jeyeede v. belong; pertain. Mbede yicH
went to the market,
Jeyeede e fedde mon I would like to be
jeeri (ndi) higher grounds,
part of your age group,
jeertaade v. have a hunch; notice. Mi jeerti jeyba (ka) pocket, nder ~ in the pocket.
I had a hunch.
jeyngol fire. ~ jahannama
jeertagdi (ngdl) hunch.
jeertinde v. profess; warn; deliver a
jeysi (o) type of dance; fantasia.
jeysude v. dance.
jeertinoowo (o) messenger.
-ji plural suffix, tuubaaji (di) the pants.
jeerto (ngo) hunch; warning.
jibidineede v. be born with.
jeertoyaade v. patrol.
jibinande (nde) offsprings
jeertungo [jeertu"go] (ngo) hunch,
jibinde v. yield, engender; teem; give birth.
jeetabal num. the eighth.
~ diddo debbo give birth to a daughter.
jeetati um. eight
jibingdl (ngdl) birth.
jeewal (ngal) big first wife.
jibinoowo adj. fecund; fertile,
jeeyvel (ngel) little first wife.
jicfgol (ngdl) affection; liking,
jeeivo (o) first wife. Ko kanko woni jeeyvo
jiggoore (nde) caravan,
maa She is your first wife.
jihaadi (o) {ar.j holy war.
jihe (de) squirrels. Jihre (nde) sing.

jiiba jogaade

jiiba (oj carcass; kelt; carrion. jimol (ngdl) song. ~ belngol a good song. ~
jiibde v. die and rot. mettungol a bad song.
jiibaade v. be confused. Ko o jiidiicfo He is jimoowo (o) singer. Ko o jimoowo She is a
confused. singer.
jiibde V. mix; confuse. jinaa (o) adultery.
jiibre (tide) mixture of mud, water and jinde v. commit adultery. Ko o jin do He
animal waste. committed adultery.
jiibru (tidu) confusion, jinoowo (o) adulterer, person who commits
jiidal (ngal) sight. Jiidal See you later. adultery.
Jiyoowo (o) person who sees, yiide v. jinaade v. be caught.
jiidde v. copulate with the bride. jinde [jin"de] (tide) area where garbage is
jiidgdl (ngdl) defloration; copulation.
jindude v. be busy; need help.
jiidigal (ngal) act of being related, relation;
kinship. jindere (nde) busy state.
jiidude v. be related. jil3de V. hang over,
jiilagol (ngdl) 1) adventure, search 2) jinditde |jin"didde] v. sell out.
turning around; swirling motion. jingande [jil]"gande] v. favor; side with;
jiilotoocfo (o) searcher, seeker. give judgement to. A jinganii mo You
sided with him.
jiimde v. 1) bend one's head forward, 2) be
above, administer Ko kanko jiim maa He jingoowo [jiI]"goowo] adj. partial.
is above you. jingude [jii3"gude] v. side with. Ngon daa
ko e jingude You are being partial.
jiimcfo (o) patron; manager, head, ruler,
colonizer. Jinnaacfo (o) parent. ~ debbo a female
jiimoowo (o) head, ruler, parent. ~ gorko a male parent. Ko o
jinnaado maa S/he is your parent.
jiiraade v. eat fast,
jinne (o) spirit.
jikde V. tangle.
jinneyel (tigel) imp.
jikondirde [jikowdirde] v. entangle,
jippaade v. 1) dismount; come down; 2)
jikkaade v. hope. finish work; 3) be hosted. Mi jippiima I
jikkande [jikkan"de] (tide) grabbing, am off.
handful. jippinde v. set down.
jikkande v. grab for. jipporde (tide) camp; temporary stop, rest
jikkude v. 1) grab, grab a handful of 2) to area.
have a hunch. jippunde [jippu"de] (tide) camp; temporary
jikke (o) 1) reputation 2) hope. residence.
jikkondirde [jikk6"dirde] v. suspect each jirwude v. be pleasant; be happy,
other. jiwde V. be adolescent,
jikku (o) habit, custom; character, behavior. jiwo (o) girl.
honde ~ have a bad behavior. yV/c/cMM/V (cfi)
jiyaacfo (o) captive; slave, servant. Ko o
jiyaado He is a slave,
jilankoonde [jilal3koo"de] (nde) drum,
jo e jo frequently, often,
jilbere (tide) confusion; mixture, addude ~
jobnotoocfo (o) cashier,
bring confusion.
jofe (de) liver; lungs.
jilbude V. be mixed up, be confused,
jofnde [jorde] (tide) enclosure for animals,
jillande [jillan"de] (tide) mixture.
joftagol (ngdl) vengeance,
jillondirde |jill6"dirde] v. be mixed.
jogaade v. have, possess; own. ~ hakkille
jillude V. mix, be mixed Ina jilli It is not
be thoughful.
jogagdl (ngdl) possession; ownership.
jillucfo (o) mongrel, mixed,
jimbal] [jim"'baan] (o) verandah.

joggaango joowde

joffanaade v. 1) hold for someone 2) hold a joodaade v. sit down. Joodo Sit down.
grudge joodorde (tide) seat, chair, bench. Addan
joganiicfo adj. rancorous. mo joodorde Bring him a seat.
jogiido adj. wealthy; holder of joodorga! (tigal) chair, place for sitting.
joggaango [joggaa"go] (ago) morning crow joodtaade [joottaade] v. sit down again, sit
of the cock. tightly.
joggude V. crow. joodde V. salivate; slobber.
jokkande v. sew for; put together for. Joddol (tigol) saliva.
jokkande |jokkan"de] (tide) knot. joocfcfo [joocfcfo] adj. cute; gorgeous,
Jokkere (tide) sequel; knot. handsome; nice, debbo ~ a pretty woman.
jdkkitde [jokkidde] v. 1) finish up 2) break. joofaade v. point to.
jokkondiral [jokk6"diral] (tigal) liaison, joofordu (tidu) forefinger,
sequence. joofande [joofan"de] (tide) stop.
jokkondirde [j6kk6"dirde] v. splice; Joofde V. stop, end, anchor, accost. Ko doo
connect. tindol ngol joofi The tale ends here.
jokkoowo (o) tailor. joofirde (tide) berth; end.
jokkorde (tide) node. jodfnirde (tide) end.
jokkude v. continue; sew together, fasten; joofnude v. achieve; accomplish, finish,
append. jookaacfo (o) cornered person.
jolde V. 1) get into; descend into a well; jookde V. corner; hedge. Ko o jookaado He
board 2) be fashionable. Ko cfum joli It is is cornered.
the new fashion.
jookdu (tidu) corner
jdlirde (tide) boarding place. Ko doo woni
jookeede v. be cornered.
jolirde nde This is the area for boarding.
jookirde (tide) place for cornering.
Jolngo (tigo) boarding.
jooko (tigo) cornering.
jolnude v. place in. ~ leeteer mail a letter.
Joolaa (o) Joolaa person,
joldo adj. fashionable,
joolaade v. betray.
jolfe (de) Wolof language. O mo nana jolfe
He speaks Wolof joolo (tigo) betrayal.
jolfo (o) Wolof person, jdoliido (o) person who drowned, yoolde v.
jom owner; self respect ~ galle husband. ~ jooloowo (o) person who drowns someone
suudu wife. or something.
joomiraado (o) God. joom chief s title,
jombaajo (o) a newly wed person, joomaade v. choke.
jombo [jom"'bo] (ko) tassel, jooni now; soon. ~ jooni right now;
immediately. ~ faade yeeso henceforth,
jombinde [j6m"’binde] v. flourish, come
out. jooraade v. be poured, come down.
jombude [j6m"’bude] v. 1) flourish; come joorde v. pour.
out 2) be happy, Joortaade v. 1) be poured again; fall again
jommude v. point to. 2) anticipate; expect. Mbede
jonde (tide) gathering. joortiido (o) person who expects
Jonde Oonje] v. discard, set aside.
joortinoo dum I expected it.
jongol (tigol) the setting aside of an object
or a person. jootaacfo adj. unfortunate.
jonoowo (o) person who sets something joote (de) misfortune, hardship.
aside. Jooteede v. undergo hardship, be
joiicfo adj. complete, reliable. Ko o neddo unfortunate,
jondo He is a reliable person joowde V. pile
jocfcfinde v’. make sit; put on the floor.

joownde juuwde

jodwondirde [j66w6"dirde] v. accumulate, jumde V. 1) request, file a claim/suit 2) get

pile up. honey from a hive.
joowre (nde) pile, heap. jumpude v. jiggle a bucket in a well.
joowtude V. remove a pile, junaade v. stoop down with legs apart;
joownde [joow"de] (nde) heap, bend.
jottaade v. miss, jungo (ngo) [jul]"go] arm; hand, forearm. ~
joy num. five, laahi ~ five times. cdmdl sleeve, peeyvdo ~ marksman.
joyabal (ngal) the fifth (part/share). junnitbasel (ngel) acrobatics.
joyabo (o) the fifth in rank. junnitde [junnidde] v. hold upside down,
joybitde [joybidde] v. be fifth. jurminiicfo adj. piteous, melancholic; sad.
joTTinde v. deposit. jurmotoodo adj. merciful,
joTTinoowo (o) person who places jusaade v. kneel down.
something somewhere, jusande [jusan"de] (nde) kneeling of an
jubaade v. extract butter from milk, animal.
jubarde (nde) \s\dind juhare (de) pi. juulde V. pray; say one's prayers.
juulde (nde) prayer; major religious holiday.
jubbande v. set aside for.
~ koorka religious holiday
jubhande [jubban"de] (nde) a pinch; food commemorating the end of fasting.
set aside.
juuldo (o) Moslem, Muslim.
juhhude v. pinch,
juuldo adj. pious. O wonaa juuldo He is
jubbol (ngol) braid, not a Moslem.
jubbugol (ngdl) cohesion, juulirde (nde) place or rag used for praying.
jubde V. be deprived of sexual intercourse.
jucTande v. roast for someone; barbecue juulirde v. pray with.
for. juulkinaade v. pretend to say one’s prayers.
jucfande |jud’an"de] (nde) roast; barbecue. juulnude v. lead a prayer,
jucfde [judde] v. roast; barbecue. juumde v. make a mistake, be mistaken. Ko
jucfoowo (o) cook; person who barbecues, mijuumdo I am mistaken.
juggal (ngal) fold; enclosureyM^^'^ (de). juumnude v. mislead.
jiiknude v. pawn. juuraade v. 1) pour water over oneself 2)
juko (ngo) long rain Jukodji (di) pi land 3) pay a visit.
jula (o) merchant; tradesman; monger. juurde v. 1) pour out 2) give money to an
julaabe (be) pi. artist.
julaade v. buy with the intent of selling back juurgal (ngal) money given to an artist.
at a later stage, trade. juurtude v. 1) pour 2) lengthen sounds,
julankaagal [julagkaagal] (ngal) trading, juurngol |juur"g61] (ngdl) dam, dike pi
commerce. juurli (di).
julanke [julal]ke] (o) merchant; juutde [juudde] v. be long, be tall.
trader/tradesman, monger. juutgol (ngdl) length, laawol ~ a long way.
julotoodo (o) merchant; tradesperson. juutnude [juunnude] v. elongate, lenthen,
jullaare (nde) tree stump, prolong.
jullude V. eat watery substance with the juuti (o) tax collector, yobde ~ pay a tax to
hand. the tax collector
jumaa (o) {ar.} mosque. Oyahii jumaa He juuwde V. ford/cross a stream.
went to the mosque. juumle (nde) ford.

ka kalmaade

ka det. the. taasa ~ the bowl. kabbannoocfo (o) person who used to tie
Kaaba (o) {ar.j Kaaba. something.
kaacfeeki (ki) bitterness, kabboowo (o) person who ties.
kaacfi (di) folly; insanity; mania, cfum ko kabbugol (ngol) fastening,
kaacfi That is insane. kabbale (o) corpse,
kaangaacfo [kaa"gaacfo] adj. mad, fool, kabdigal (ngal) adversity.
insane. Ko o kaangaacfo He is insane. kabdiicfo (o) opponent, adversary ~ am my
kaacftinoowo [kaattinoowojfoj person who adversary.
sets limits. kabeteecfo (o) fighter; militant; quarreller,
kaacftudi [kaattudi] (ndi) limit; boundary, warrior.
kaakaale (cfej leaves. kabircfe (cfe) armament.
kaake (cfe) 1) baggage, luggage, equipment kacitaagol (ngol) the act of eating
2) testicles. ~ janane someone else’s breakfast.
belongings. kacitaari (ndi) breakfast. Kacitaari maa
kaakte (cfe) spits. buubii Your breakfast is cold.
kaaia (ka) scarf fiilaade ~ tie one’s Kacitiicfo (o) person who ate breakfast,
headscarf. kaddagol (ngdl) 1) the tying of a
kaaldigal (f^gcil) dialogue. Ko skirt/sarong 2) circumcision,
kaaldigal addi paamondiral Through kadi foe. also; yet, in addition,
dialogue we come to a mutual kaefu (o) nape of the neck,
kafe (cfe) coffee, yarde ~ drink coffee.
kaale (o) white horse. duudeede ~ be addicted to coffee,
kaalis (o) 1) money; cash; currency 2) kafo (o) dye.
kafu (ngu) age set.
kaamiilu (o) the Koran
kaggu (o) shelf, platform for keeping milk.
kaandi [kaa"di] (ndi) lion, kagguuji (cfi) pi.
kaani (o) red pepper. O mo suusi kaani He kahi (ki) tree.
likes red pepper.
kal det. the dihal ~ the water.
kaaneeri (ndi) candleberry; wax.
kala adv. every, each; whatever, per.
kaari (o) someone,
necfcfo ~ every person.
kaata (o) ashes.
kalaas (o) (fr.j class,
kaaw (o) uncle (mother's brother).
kalabante (o) rascal
kaawaacfo adj. stunned, astonished;
kalandiriye [kalan"diriye] (o) (fr.j calendar,
kalasal (ngal) hedge; stick; fa9ade; fence.
kaawis (o) wonder, miracle kaawisaaji (cfi)
pi. kalbe (cfe) wallet; purse. ~ keewcfe kaalis a
wallet full of money.
kaaye (cfe) urine.
kalfaacfo (o) slave.
kaaTel (ngel) little stone. ~ manaango
thunderbolt. kalfinaacfo (o) guardian; warden.
kaayit (o) {wol.j paper hello ~ page, kalfoowo (o) ruler, owner.
kaba (ka) bottle. kalfucfo (o) slave owner; owner.
kabaaru (o) far.} piece of news, kalhaldi (ndi) bull.
information. ~ jam good news. ~ bone bad kaliifa (o) owner, master.
news. kallemme (o) small horse.
kahrooH'o (o) informant; an individual who kallu (o) main road pi. kalluuji (cfi).
informs. kalmaade v. complain; report a complaint.
kabayd (ngel) little bottle. kalmagol (ngol) complaint.

kalumbam keerol

kalmotoocfo (o) person who complains. karot (o) {f^.} carrot,

kalumbam [kalu"’bam] (dam) water already karsin (o) (fr.) kerosene,
used to wash rice or millet. karsirgal (ngal) rope tied around a neck,
kaiwude v. pray. kartal (ngal) {fr.} card fettude karte play
kalwugol (ngol) prayer, cards.
kam pers. pron. he; him. Kam ari S/he kartuus (o) {fr.} bullet.
came. karwaas (o) {fr.} whip; lash, fiirude ~
kama (o) latrine, whip.
kamanat] (o) rice farm, kasanke [kasal^ke] (o) shroud,
kambaane [kam'^baane] (o) youth, kasikono (o) cloth,
kambe pers. pron. them. ~ koye mabbe kaske (o) {fr.} helmet,
themselves. kaso (o) {fr.} cage; jail; prison. O mon e
kamen pers. pron. they, kaso He is in prison,
kamiyol] (o) (f^.j truck; lorry. kastiloor (o) {fr.} pan.
kammonjawo [kammo"jawo] (ngo)l(o) katamaawu (ngn) tiger,
millet ear that is not completely ripe. kaw (o) group of farmers,
kammu (o) sky asamaan alt. kawasal (ngal) sock, boornaade ~ wear a
kan pers. pron. he; she. sock, kawase (de) pi.
kana (o) {wol.} big rat. kawgel (ngel) game,
kanappe (o) canopy, kawle (de) autumn.
kandal [kan"dal] (ngal) fruit, kawral (ngal) truce; consensus, concord;
kande (o) basket, agreement.
kani (o) locust, kawrugol (ngol) meeting. ~ keen chance,
kanje (de) okra. kay foe. part, indeed. Ko kanko kay It is
him indeed.
kankaleewal [kal^kaleewal] (ngal) duck,
goose. kayfal (ngal) upland tsetse fly.
kanko [kat]ko] pron. he; she. kay re pron. it.
kal]l]e (o) %o\<^.jawo ~ a gold bracelet, kebbe (de) burrs, thorns,
kantudi [kancudi] (ndi) semen; sperm, kebefo (o) recipient.
kebtingol (ngdl) recognition.
kappe (de) yams,
kebtindo (o) person who recognized
karaaje (de) empty area,
another person,
karaas (o) dandruff 0 mo wondi e karaas
kecco (o) raw, fresh; wet.
He has dandruff,
keccudo (o) elder,
karafe (o) horse,
kecfcfam (dam) fresh milk,
karal (ngal) half
kedde (de) remnants; rest; remains; residue,
karallaagal (ngal) technique; intelligence,
residual ~ makko his leftovers,
karallo (o) expert; technician, keeci (ki) back. ~ muusoowi backache,
keefeero (o) non Muslim.
karaw (o) porridge,
keeferaagal (ngal) sin.
karawal (ngal) bald area,
keefgol (ngol) scraping.
kardumbal [kardu'^bal] (ngal) spindle,
keefol (ngol) track left by scraping, trace.
kare (o) (f^.j chalk, windirde ~ write
with chalk. keefoowo (o) person who scrapes,
karmingol (ngol) the act of giving up keeleeli (ki) shrub growing at the bank of a
something forever, harminde v. river.
karmindo adj. person who gave up keerol (ngol) limit; ^ scope, frontier,
something forever. boundary; border keeri (di) pi
karmudum adj. forbidden; taboo. keerondiral (ngal) limit, bordering.

kees kongol

Keerotoocfo (o) person who sets limits. kiitangel [kiita"gel] (ngel) little cursed
kees (o) {fr.} box. ~ tamaate a box of person.
tomatoes. kiite (de) curse; misfortune
keewal (ngal) fullness; multitude; plethora, kijgol (ngol) roar, hijde v.
opulence. Ngaree e keeyval Come in large kijoori (ndi) lion.
numbers. kijoowo (o) person who roars,
keewdi adj. numerous; many; several;
kikiicfe (o) afternoon, hande ~ this
various. afternoon.
keeyvdo adj. full. kiliyaan (o) {fr.} customer, client,
kelal (ngal) fracture. ~ koyngal a broken kippu (o) trap,
leg. ~Jungo a broken arm.
kiram jealousy.
kelgol (ngol) breaking.
kiriI]tiT] (o) bed.
keltagol (ngol) the breaking of items into
smaller parts. kiriyol] (o) {fr.} pencil.
keloowo (o) person who breaks things, kirannoocfo (o) person who used to be
kelle (cfe) clappings; slappings. Yo kelle
kirondiral (ngal) mutual jealousy/envy.
ngar Let us hear a round of applause,
kiroowo (o) jealous person,
kelli (ki) tree.
kirtiicfo (o) person who ate supper.
kellifaacfo adj. adolescent, maw do ~ a
mature individual. kirtotoodo (o) person who is eating or who
eats supper.
kellifuya (o) adolescence, maale ~ signs of
puberty. kisal (ngal) safety,
keiloori (ndi) red dye. kisil] (o) basket of palm fronds,
kelme (de) vocabulary; lexicon helmere ko foe. focus particle. Ko kanko ari He is
(tide) sing. the one who came.
ko det. the. haako ~ the leaf/leaves.
kenal (kal) breeze; air; light wind, keneeli
(di) pi. kobjal (ngal) a strip; a rind; a tree
keniicfo (o) a person who is in a hurry, shell/skin.
kerem (o) {fr.} cream, kodda (o) last bom child,
keri (o) hoe; type of wood, kocfdigal [koddigal] (ngal) neighborhood.
kersa (o) disgrace; scandal. koddiido [koddiicfo] (o) neighbor. Ko min
hoddiibe He is my neighbor.
kersudo adj. ashamed Ko o kersudo He is
ashamed. koddo (o) inhabitant.
kesniicTo (o) widow, kodo (o) guest, stranger. Kodo teddinte A
guest should be treated well,
keso adj. new. galle ~ a new house,
kodiije (de) silver coins,
ketungol [ketu"g61] (ngdl) creamkew (o)
party. kojombol [ko]6'^b6\](ngdl) esophagus,
kewal (ngal) bamboo. kokko (o) cocoa.
keive (de) pi. kolangal [kola"gal] (ngal) farmland.
kcwi (ki) bamboo plant, kolnet inter}, sound of something that is
keyniraacfo (o) wife's brother/sister to
husband. kolloowo (o) person who shows,
ki det. the. lekki ~ the tree, komaak (o) rust,
kii det. this, kon det. the, these.
kiinnitiicfo (o) selfish. kondorobol [k6n"d6r6b61] (ngol) throat,
kiirimeewal (ngal) board placed on top of kongol [k6I3"g61] (ngol) speech; speech act,
the dead. talk, statement ~ nanondiraangol
password Kongol ko ndiyam so rufii
kiitaacfo (o) cursed person; unlucky
boftotaako What comes out of the mouth
individual. Ko o kiitaado He is unlucky.
cannot be drawn back in.

konjam kuudi

konjam [kon'jam] (dam) alcohol. kottu do (o) liar.

kondirde [k6n"dirde] v. (fr.) steer. O koy foe. emphatic particle.
kondirta ko oto makko She drives her car. koycfe (de) feet; legs, koyngal (ngal) sing.
kono conj. however; but ~ noon however, koycfo adj. 1) light. 2) ashamed. ~ e leydi
konomo (o) greedy person. agile.
kontoor (o) {fr.} against. Ko mi kontoor koyeera (o) shame.
maa I am against you. Koynoowo (o) person whose behavior
kontuwaar (o) {fr.} counter, makes others ashamed.
konu (ngii) 1) war; battle 2) booty, honde koynudo (o) person who caused someone
V. to be ashamed.
kooba (ba) large antelope, koyli (ki) tree.
koolaacfo (o) trustworthy; reliable. Ko o koyngal [koyngal] (ngal) leg, foot,
koolaado She is trustworthy, kubbal (ngal) tax.
koonoor (o) skinny and weak person. kuddu (o) spoon ~ luus ladle kudduuji (di)
koora musical instrument, game played with pi
sticks and a ball. kucfaacfo adj. cursed.
koorka (ka) fasting, kuddi [kuddi] (ndi) curse.
kootii (ngn) type of insect kooti (di) pi. kudoowo (o) person who lays a curse,
koppoor (o) penny. O alaa hay koppoor kucfel (ngel) little straw.
He is penniless, kudol (ngol) straw; stalk; pen. ~ almet
koppu (o) {eng} cup. match.
kor (o) sound made to stop a donkey. kufne (o) hat. boornaade ~ wear a hat.
koraacTo adj. worn out, poor, kulbinaacfo adj. scared,
koral (ngal) wild duck; big calabash. kulcfo adj. scared. ~ reedu a coward.
korel (ngel) little calabash, kulol (ngdl) fear, fright; terror; dread. Kulol
korcfo (o) female slave, nangi mi I was caught by fear/I was
koreeji (di) kinsfolk. Ko min koreeji We afraid.
are related horeeru (ndu) sing. kulle (de) things.
kori foe. I hope. Kori odon njiindira I kumaandal] [kumaa"daI]]foj {fr.}
hope you see each other, commissioner; major,
koriiefo adj. pregnant, kume (o) gun.
korlal (ngal) lower leg; shank; shin, korle kupe (de) ball.
(de) pi. kurjuru (o) garbage, litter; trash, rufde ~
kornaal (o) horn. throw garbage away,
koroy (o) sound made to show appreciation kurka (o) child, snipe; boy; tot.
of a dish, kurkol (ngdl) mortar.
korsa (ka) love. kurkur (o) type of teapot kurtiiiigu
korsinaado adj. beloved; cherished. [kurtu"gu] (ngu) the moving of the bride
to the groom's house.
korsindo (o) person who loves or cherishes.
kurum foe. part, very black. Ina bawli
korsudo adj. beloved, cherished,
kurum It is really black,
kosam (dam) milk. ~ lammudam curd,
kurus (o) prayer beads,
sour milk. ~ biradam fresh milk.
kus (o) sound used to chase hens, cocks,
koso (o) fish.
kutal (ngal) bullet, ammunition. Kutal ngal
koto (o) older brother.
yvoorataa teddinde hecce mum buri One
kottal (ngal) big vigina. must face what one cannot avoid kute (de)
kottu (ngn) vigina. kaake dehho alt. pi.
kottude V. lie. kutindil] (o) steel trap
kottoowo (o) liar. kuudi (ndi) stools; feces.

kuugal kuy

kuugal (ngal) sanction, fawde ~ impose a kuurde v. separate

sanction. kuurgal (ngal) enclosed place.
kuukuyi (ki) tree, kuutol [kuurool] (ngol) bottom.
kuundal [kuu"dal] (ngal) scoop, kuy (o) sound used to attract hens; cocks.
kuungi [kuu"gi] (o) bullroarer.
kuuraa (o) {fr.} electricity.

laabal lahe

laabal (ngal) hygiene; purification; laanoowo (o) 1) person who aims with
cleanliness. arrows 2) person who hunts with arrows.
laabde v. be cleaa O mo laadi He is clean. laahde v. aim with an arrow,
laabdo adj. clean, necfcfo ~ a clean person. laaral (ngal) type of bird.
laabtinde v clarify. Ina foti laarde v. observe, peer; gaze, stare; look at;
laabtineede It needs to be clarified. look for. Hoi ko laarata What are you
labbinde v. cleanse; to elucidate, deplete; looking for?
make clean. ~yeeso put on a clear face, laaroowo (o) seeker, person who looks for.
laabi (cfi) 1) roads; ways 2) times. ~ (fidi laataade v. be; occur; happen.
twice. laatagol (ngol) being.
laaci (ki) tail, laaceeje (cfe) pi. laawaade v. be upset; be angry; hurt. Gite
laadi (di) grave. de ko laawiide His eyes are hurting.
laadol (ngol) trace left by a snake, laadol laawde v. 1) upset 2) pour into boiling
(ngol) sing. sauce.
laadoori (ndi) snake, reptile. laawol (ngol) alley; pathway, route, track.
ladde v. creep; crawl. O mo waawi laadde ko reymani ~ illicit, deyvdo ~ law-abiding.
jooni He can creep now. yahde - mum take care of one’s own
business, laabi (di) pi.
laafa (ka) cap. boornaade ~ wear a hat.
laaTaade v. lick
laakira (o) {ar.j hereafter (heW). faade ~ go
to hell Faa laakira Go to hell, laakara laayde v. be apart.
alt. labaade v. choose Hoi mo labi daa Which
laalaade v. rest. one did you choose?
laalagalf>7gii/j broken calabash/watermelon. labal (ngal) wooden bowl,
laalakon; laalaade (de) pi. labbo (o) caste that specializes in
laale (de) baobab trees. woodwork. Ko o labbo He belongs to the
wood worker caste,
laali (ki) baobab tree.
labbu (o) a rice dish,
laalndaade [laal"daade] v. add laalo to
steamed couscous. labande [laban"de] (nde) shave.
taalo (ko) powdered baobab leaf labde v. shave, labaade alt.
laaltaade v. lay mud on the wall. O woni ko labi (ki) knife ~ njuulaawi dagger. taTirde
~ cut with a knife.
e laaltaade He is laying mud on the wall,
labbinoowo (o) person who cleans.
laamaade v. rule. Ko kanko laamii He is
the president. laboowo (o) barber.
laamdo (o) king, ruler, laambe (be) pi. laborke (ki) razor.
laamii do (o) king; ruler laamii be (be) pi. lacciri (ndi) couscous. ~ e kosam couscous
laamorde (nde) capital city. and milk dish. ~ e haako dinner spinach
sauce and couscous dish,
Nuwaasoor woni laamorde,
ladde (nde) bush, wilderness, faade ~ go to
Muritani Nouakchott is the capital city of
the bush, go away.
laddanke (o) person from the bush or rural
laamu (ngn) kingdom, reign, rule. ~ neddo area.
gooto despotism.
laggaade v. sharpen a knife,
lamminde v. appoint a chief, elect a ruler,
lahal (ngal) vase, calabash; wooden bowl,
laamlaame (de) skin fungus, wooden calabash,
laana (ka) ship, boat, vessel. ~ cuurki lahdi (ndi) grave,
steamboat. ~ ndiwoowa plane, jom ~
lahe (nge) brownish black cow.
sailor. ~ mawka liner,
laanal (ngal) arrow, arc.

lajal leefde

lajal (ngal) 1) deadline 2) long wood lasli (o) origin. Hoi ko woni lasli mum
closing a gate. Lajal maa yontii Your Where does it originate?
deadline is up. laso (o) {fr.} whitewash; white lime,
lallitam (dam) water used to rinse/cleanse. latde V. kick.
lallitde [lallidde] v. rinse; cleanse. ~ kaake lati (o) perfume, wadde ~ wear perfume.
rinse dishes. latikolon (o) perfume,
lamburere [lam'^bureere] (nde) amber.
lattinaade v. lay down,
lambere [lam'^bere] (nde) bead.
lattitaade v. change into,
lamcfam (dam) salt, safde ~ be pretty; have law adv early, dawde ~ go early, finde ~
enough salt/to be salty enough.
wake up early,
lamkal (kal) a little salt. lawaade v. be aside,
lammeeki (ki) acidity. lawake (o) noble,
lammeere (nde) bitterness lamminde v. 1) lawde V. carve.
make sour 2) joke around 3) apppoint a
lawnandi [lawna"di] (ki) shrub,
chief. Min ngoni ko e lamminde We are
just having fun. lawo (o) tattooer.
lammude v. be sour; be bitter Ina lammi It lawtol (ngdl) open space.
is sour. lawTirgal (ngal) tool instrument for
lambude [lam"’bude] v. 1) be unsold 2) be cleaning.
unwed. law Tude v. clean; wash. ~ haa laaba wash
lammuki (ki) tree. clean O woni ko e law Tude kaake He is
washing the dishes.
lamndaade [lam"daade] v. inquire,
question; ask. So a andaa lamndo If you layde v. 1) be spread 2) speak Hoi ko
do not know ask. layataa What did you say?
lamndal [lam"dal] (ngal) query; question; layo (ngo) spreading of plants such as bean
inquiry, werlaade ~ throw a question. plants.
lamol (ngdl) trailing stem (of calabash etc.), laTde [lajje] v. limp, hobble.
lamolamongal [lamolamo"gal] (ngal) salted laToowo adj. cripple; lame; person who
ground. limps. Ko o la Toowo He limps,
lampa (o) (fr.} lamp, hubbude- switch the layru (ndu) a bow; dike.
light on. nifde ~ switch the light off. layset (o) blade, a razor blade, laysetaaji
lampaaji (di) pi (di) pi.
lamTindaade [lamTiMaade] v. lick. layya (o) animal for holiday sacrifice. Mi
Ial]de V. be stranded in a foreign country, sdodii layya I bought the sacrifice for the
lande [lanje] v. spread. holiday.
latitude [lancude] v. spread food in a bowl layyaade v. sacrifice. Mi layyiima ngaari I
sacrificed an ox.
to cool off.
lebbi (di) moons; months, lervru (ndu) sing.
lankata [lal3kata] (o) type of braid,
lebde v. chat; prattle; prate; talk too much.
lappaci (ki) a long line/trail.
lebdude v. talk with.
lappdl (ngdl) track/trail; column, lappi (di)
pi lebo (ngo) incessant talk.
lappirde v. strike with. ~ loocol hit with the leboowo (o) chatterbox.
whip. lebte (de) torture.
lappude V’. 1) hit, strike 2) thrash; remove lebtude V. torture.
grains from stalks, leebeede v. Be unfortunate. Ko o leebaado
laral (ngal) animal skin, He is unfortunate.
lam (o) dish, leebol (ngdl) 1) hair 2) piece of music.
lasal (ngal) circle. leefde v. be nonchalant, be weak. O mo
lasde V. make a circle. leefi He is nonchalant.


leegal (ngal) quarter, district. ~ Baabaabe lenol (ngdl) descent; family tree; genealogy;
the Ba extended family quarter. ethnicity, yaltude ~ be an outcast,
leeke (de) swollen glands below lenge [lel]"ge] (o) derrick.
cheekbones. lengi [lel]'’gi] (di) celebration; celebration
leelde v. be late/slow ~ jippaade get off songs.
late. O leelii He is late. lenguru (ndu) [ler)"guru] little bell.
leeltinde v. delay; make late, procrastinate. leppinde v. soak; drench; wet A leppinii
Ko kanko leeltini min He delayed us. mo You got him wet.
leemde v. 1) beat 2) lay on one another. leppude V. be wet; be soaked Ina leppi It is
leemuna (o) lime fruit. ~ kaci bitter wet.
oranges. leriinde [lerii"de] (nde) between,
leen (o) {fr.j wool. lertinde v. flatten,
leeso (ngo) matt, wertude ~ spread a mat. lertude v. be flat.
taggude ~ fold or roll up a mat.
les prep, beneath; under, underneath; below.
leewtaade v. slip away, sakkude ~ place under.
lefol (ngol) strip of cloth, band, bandage. lesdinde v. lower, down, debase.
leppi (cfi) pieces of clothing sing lefol lesdude v. be low. Ina lesdi it is low.
lesdugol (ngol) inferiority.
leggal (ngal) timber; wood.
letaade v. glance over.
leggere (nde) solid wood, big stick,
lettidde [lettidde] v. be squint-eyed.
lehde [leede] v. breathe lightly while
letto adj. squint-eyed.
catching one's breath; gasp, pant. O mon
leha he is catching his breath. lewde V. clear bush for farming.
lewre (nde) cleared land, open space,
lehe (de) wooden calabashes sing lahal
(ngal). harpoon.
lekki (ki) 1) tree 2) medicine, yarde ~ mum lewlewal (ngal) moonlight.
take one’s medicine. Tettude ~ mum take leyvle^vel (ngel) little flame.
one’s medicine. A yarii lekki maa Have lewlcivndu [lewlew"du] (ndu) flame,
you taken your medicine? lewnude v. twinkle.
iekkol (o) Ifr.j school, yaltude ~ quit lewru (ndu) month, moon. ~ koorka
school, naatde ~ start going to school. O Ramadan. ~ dariindu crescent. ~
naatii Iekkol He has started going to maayndu ndu last month
school. leydi (ndi) earth, country; land, ground;
lekkon (kon) little sticks, floor; sand; state. ~ ndemoteendi arable
lelaade v. lie down. Hoi to leloto daa land ~ njiimaandi colony
Where will you sleep? leytiide v. feel like; want.
lelnde [lerde] (nde) bed. leTTaade v. glance over,
lelnude v. lay. libde V. throw on the floor 0 libii mo He
lelorde (nde) area for sleeping, bed. threw him on the floor.
leltaade v. go back to bed. libilibtoo V. wrestle each other down in
lella (ba) antelope, gazelle, turn.
lembel [lem"'bel] (o) second wife. libtaade v. wrestle someone down,
lemheTel [le'^beTel] (ngel) third wife, licfcfi (di) several fish, liingu (ngu) sing,
lemlemol (ngol) edge. liingu [lii"gu] (ngu) fish,
lempeteere (nde) strip of cloth worn by a liirde v. spread out to dry,
girl. liirtude v. remove what was spread out to
lemso (ngo) incessant talk. dry.
lemsude v. be talkative. Add lemsi You talk liirtaade v. become dilated
too much. liirtagol (ngol) dilation
lenamlenaagu (ngu) racism. liggaade v. labor; fag, toil, work.

liggude lojaade

li^geey (o) profession; labor, career, limtude v. 1) enumerate, list; count again 2)
vocation; function. ~ galle housework. ~ decipher O woni ko e limtude He is
juljngo handicraft. learning the alphabet.
ligginde r. employ liminaat (a) {fr.} lemonade drink.
ligginoom) (o) employer. limolj (a) Ifr.} lemon,
ligginteecfo (o) employee. limpo (a) due, tax. yobde ~ pay taxes
liggitaade lose hold of lintitde [lincidde] v. examine,
Uggodiido (o) colleague; partner. liwal (ngal) bait.
liggorde (tide) workplace; workshop. Imeede v. take the bait,
liggorgal (ngal) tool. liwoogii (ngii) namatee; seacow,
Uggotoocfo (o) clerk; laborer; employee, liyaade v. pour milk on the food, add sauce.
worker; agent. Liyo Pour the milk.
liggude V. hang up, hang. Liggu wutte niaa liyam (dam) sauce.
Hang your gown, liyorgal (ngal) calabash for pouring water.
ligi (o) scolopendra. lobbaade v. taste sauce by dipping a finger
liibaar (o) (fr.) half a kilogram; pound. into it.
Hide V’. rest lobbagol (ngol) tasting of sauce by dipping
liigal (tigal) big cotton plant/field. a finger into it.
liige (nge) cotton field. lobbere (tide) beauty.
liirde v. spread out to dry. ~ lacciri spread Idhbidde [lobbidde] v. be beautiful/good.
out couscous to dry. Ndaw ko lohhidi She is so beautiful!
liirtude v. remove what was spread out to lohho (o) beautiful; kind,
dry. ~ comci remove clothing from the lobbiidu (tidu) corner, angle.
line. locital (ngal) bathing a child before the
liital (ngal) flute; trumpet, wuttude ~ play naming ceremony.
the flute. lofaade v. be stuck in the mud. Oto makko
liitde [liidde] v. play the flute, ko ko lofii His car is stuck in the mud.
liiteer (o) (fr.} liter liiteruuji (cfi) pi. lofde V. be muddy. Ina lofi It is muddy.
liiTaade v. waddle. lofol (ngol) muddy way.
likTere (tide) hiccup, wondude e ~ have a lofu (ngu) muddy area,
hiccup. loggaade v. be hooked, be stuck.
likTude v. hiccup, have a hiccup, loggande [loggan"de] (tide) hook.
limce (cfe) pieces of rags; used clothing. loggeede v. be hooked
limsere (tide) sing.
Idggirde (tide) hook,
lintcel (tigel) little rag.
loggirgal (ngal) hook.
limsere (tide) piece of rag; used clothing.
loggitde V. unhook.
limde v. count
Idggude V. hook,
limgol (ngal) the act of counting.
iohaade v. cut weeds.
linwore (tide) 1) count; calculus 2) number.
lohde [loode] v. be tired, be useless; be
-yimde census. ~ teelnde an odd number.
Hmre (tide) number. ~ teelnde an odd
lohdo [loocfo] adj. weak; feeble,
nonchalant. O mo lohi He is weak.
Hmtaade v. recount; count again. IJmto
loltnude [loonude] v. weaken,
Count again.
lohol (ngol) charm worn around the arm or
limtago! (ngal) recounting.
the waist, boorno lohol maa Put your
limto (tigo) alphabet; learning of the charm on.
alphabet.~ learn the alphabet.
lojaade v. have debris in the eye.
lojol (ngol) debris in the eye.


lokaade v. stir, upset, lopitaan (o) {fr.} hospital lopitaanuuji (di)

lokkitde [lokkidde] v. take out; remove. pi
lookde V. place in. loppaade v. 1) remain in a place 2) be
lolloI3eere (nde) a heavy lock, crushed.
lollinde v. make famous. loppande [loppan"de] (nde) crushed load in
a mortar.
lollude V. be famous. O mo lolli He is
famous. loppere (nde) crushed load in a mortar.
lombol [16m"’b61] (ngol) strips of cloth with loppude V. crush, pound into a paste. ~
different colors. hunaa pound dried fish into paste,
lombude [16m"'bude] v. put inside; place in loppitaade v. move.
between. loraade v. depend upon Ko e maa lorii mi
lombaade [lom'^baade] v. be placed in. ~ I depend on you.
hakkunde yimde squeeze oneself in. loragol (ngdl) dependence.
lomtaade v. replace; supersede; supplant, I or I a (o) harm, dum alaa lorla There is no
succeed. harm.
lomtiicfo (o) replacement. Idrlude v. harm,
lomtinde v. replace. lorso (ngo) wheat.
lomto (o) interim; substitute; replacement. loskude V. inquire; ask; pry; minimize,
longaade [lol3"gaade] v. look with lottundu [16ttu"du] (ndit) sling,
binoculars. lowre (nde) 1) duty, share 2) lot.
longorcfe (cfe) binoculars, lowtude V. add fiber strings.
longere [lor)"gere] (nde) mouthful; handful. loTde [lojje] v. drown,
~ maaro handful of rice. lubaade v. borrow, quote.
I613du (ndu) hook, long stick with hook on lubal (ngal) borrowing; lending.
end used for picking. lubde V. lend. Neddo yo tub ko jeyi One
loobde V. be easily vexed. O mo loodi He should not lend other people’s belongings,
gets angry easily. lubbude v. look under.
loobcfo adj. acerb. luggeendi [luggee"di] (ndi) depth. Hoi do
loobre (nde) anger. luggeendi mum tolnii How deep is it?
loocol (ngdl) rod; stick for hitting. looci luggere (nde) deep area.
(di) pi luggidde [luggidde] v. be deep. Ina luggidi
loocfe (cfe) water holders. It is deep.
loonde [loo"de] (nde) water holder; (nde) luggiddum adj. profound; deep.
vase for holding water, luggidinde v. deepen,
loopal (ngal) muddy area; mud. lugu (o) salamander,
loorde v. 1) plant 2) lose one’s voice, be lujum (o) vegetable.
lulaade v. spend days in the farm. Ko be
lootaade v. wash oneself O woni ko e luliibe They live at the farm now.
lootaade He is taking a shower
lulnde [luPde] (nde) days spent in the farm.
lootde [loodde] v. wash.
lumbaade [lum'"baade] v. swim. Mi
lootirde (nde) place for cleansing the dead. waawaa lumbaade I do not know how to
lootorde (nde) washing place; shower room. swim.
lootorgal (ngal) bathing instrument. lumbagol [lum"’bag61] (ngdl) natation,
Idotoyde v. to go and wash. swimming, lumbaali (di) pi
loowande v. fill for lumbal [lum"’bal] (ngal) crossing.
loowande [loowan"de] (nde) load. lumbayru [lu^’bayru] (ndu) way of
loowde V. pour out to fill; fill up. swimming.
loowdi (ndi) contents.

lumminde luwde

lumbinde [lum^binde] v. take across water. luural (tigal) disagreement; dissension;

O woni ko e lumbinde nay He is making discrepancy; discord; conflict.
the cows cross the river. luurde v. be in disagreement; lack
lumbirde [lum"’birde] (tide) area for synchronization.
crossing the river. luurdeede v. have a disagreement; lack
lumbirgal [lum"’birgal] (tigal) oar; a boat. synchronization.
lumbude [lum"’bude] v. cross a river, luurdude v. disagree with each other,
lumminde v. bend/shake one's bottom, luutaade v. be in the rear-guard; be last.
lumminaade v. bend over. luutde [luudde] v. be posthumous.
lundugal [lun"dugal] (tigal) log tied to the luuteede v. miss.
neck of a cow. luuti (o) posthumous child. Ko o luuti He is
lupuut foe. part. very, a posthumous child.
lurde V. roar. luutndaade [luut"daade] v. disagree; go
luttal (tigal) settling in a foreign country. against the code.
luttude V. miss; settle/remain in a foreign luutndaare [luut"daare] (tide) disagreement.
country. luutndicfum [luut"dicfum] adj. adverse;
luubde V. stink; smell bad. ~ hunuko have a contrary.
bad smell. luutndiicfo [luut"diicfo] (o) contra; con;
luubnude v. make stink. adverse.
luubol (tigdl) stinking smell, luutondiral [luuto"diral]f>?ga/y) the act of
missing one another.
luucfde [luudde] v. cry.
luutondirde [luuto"dirde] v. miss one
luugal (tigal) pestle used for making holes
for sowing.
luwa (o) {ff-} law. luwaaji (di) pi.
luukaango [luukaa"go] (tigo) loud cry.
luukaali (di) pi luwaas (o) (f^. j rent, yobde ~ pay rent,
luukde V. cry loudly; vociferate, luwde V. make holes for sowing seeds.
luumo (tigo) fair. luwre (tide) holes for sowing seeds.

maa majjere

maa poss. 1) or 2) if 3) you; your, hoore ~ maayo (ngo) river, taccude ~ cross the
your head. river.
maa da poss. your (sing.), maa alt. ma7aade v. make a person intervene.
mabbe poss. their; theirs, kaake ~ their ma?ande v. intervene.
belongings. mabbaacfo (o) person suffering from a
maabde v. cover; put arms around, cold. Ko mi maobaado I have a cold.
maabo (o) potter, weaver. Ko o maabo he mabbeede v. have a cold. Ngonmi ko e
belongs to the weaver caste, maahube mabbeede I am getting a cold.
(be) pi. mabbo (ngo) cold. ~ muusngo a bad cold.
maacfde v. take a large handful of mabbande [mabban"de] (nde) seizing by
maafaade v. be tasty. closing on.
maafe (de) peanut butter sauce. Maafe mabbude v. catch/seize by closing,
maa maafiima Your peanut butter sauce mabde v. circle; surround,
dish is tasty, macaacaa (o) real slave.
maage (o) type of hat. macungaagu (ngii) slavery.
maaja fbj millet. maccinaade v. be an obedient slave
maajde [majje] v. salute; march; parade. maccudo (o) slave; captive, rimdinde ~
Omon maaja He is marching. free a slave, maccube (be) pi.
maajgol (ngol) parading. macculinde v. behave like a slave.
maajoowo (o) a person who is parading, maccungal [maccu"gal] (ngal) big slave,
maaje (de) rivers. mafhaade v. walk carelessly, daccu
maayo (ngo) river. ~ Senegaal Senegal mafnaade Stop walking carelessly.
river. mafneede v. have rash on one's bottom,
maale (de) signs. ~ gahhe granular, ~ mahande v. build for someone. O mahanii
kellifuya signs of puberty, mo suudu He built a room for him.
maama (o) grandparent. mahde [maadi] v. build, construct; edit,
maamaare (nde) ancestor; grandparent. mold.
maamayel (ngel) granny. maltdi [maadi] (ndi) construction. ~
maamiraado (o) grandmother, toowndi a high- rise building.
maanaa (o) {ar.} meaning; explanation. malt do [maacfo] (o) author, builder. Hoi
dum alaa maanaa It is meaningless. mahdo nde deftere Who is the author of
maande [maa"de] (nde) sign. this book?
mahgol [maagol] (ngol) construction.
maandinde v. sign,
niahngo [maa"go] (ngo) construction.
maani (o) someone, kaari (o) alt.
ntahol (ngol) fake story,
maarimilla (o) welcome,
mahoowo (o) mason. Ko o mahoowo He
maaro (ko) rice. ~ e teeyv rice and meat
builds houses.
dish. ~ e liddi rice and fish dish.
majaango [majaa"go] (ngo) lightning. ~
maawaade v. cover,
yitere a blink of the eye. majaali (di) pi.
maayde (nde) death Mo suwaa
majande [majan"de] (nde) lightning
maayde tagdaaka Anything can happen to a
majde [majje] v. wink; blink; flash. Hoi to
live being.
maj Do not blink
maayde v. die O maayii He is dead.
majjere (nde) 1) loss 2) misconception
maaydo adj. dead person, defunct. ~ pak dum ko maljere That is a misconception.
really dead. Ko o maaydo He is dead.
majjinde v. bewilder, loose
maayka (ka) nonsense haala ~ nonsense
maljude v. stray; be lost Ko mi maijudo 1
dum ko maayka That is nonsense.
am lost.

makka meenelli

makka (o) 1) corn 2) Mecca. marse (o) {fr.} market pi. marseeji (di). O
Makka (ngo) Mecca. O artii Makka S/he yahii marse He went to the market.
returned from her pilgrimage to Mecca, martu (o) {fr.} hammer fiirude ~ hammer.
makko pass, his; hers kaake ~ his martuuji (di) pi.
belongings. Maruk (o) Morocco.
malaacfo adj. blessed, fortunate. Ko a masde v. place diachritics. Mas dum Place
malaacfo You are blessed. the diachritics where they belong.
maleede v. be blessed; be fortunate. masgal (tigal) diacritic; accent mascfe (de).
malkisaacfo adj. unlucky; unfortunate. Ko o masoowo (o) person who places diacritics,
malkisaadb He is unlucky. masil] (o) {fr.} machine; sewing machine.
ntalkiseede v. be unfortunate. masiljaaji (di) pi.
main (ngu) blessing, dum ko mala It is a maslaha (o) {ar.} reconciliation. Mbaddee
blessing. maslahaa Try and settle the matter
malamlaaji (di) butterflies. amicably.
malayka (o) {ar.j angel malaykaaji (di) pi. masloowo (o) reconciler.
malde v. make an agreement. maslude v. reconcile.
mallol (rigol) indirect talk about someone; masol] (o) {fr.} mason.
accusation. Mallol so firtii jubbol so mata (o) weight measure, mataaji (di) pi.
joomum hulaani yo o jaabo One should mawcfo adj. adult; gigantic; patriarch;
respond to accusations about oneself. senior. ~ gadiido ancestor, forefather.
main (di) pi. mawnikinaade v. put on airs; act important.
mallude v. talk indirectly about someone. O mo mawnikinii He acts important.
Ko aan o mallata He is talking indirectly mawninde v. enlarge; celebrate; glorify.
about you.
mawniraado (o) older sibling. ~ gorko
manaango [manaa"go] (t^go) thunder. older brother. ~ debbo older sister.
/frta 7e/~ thunderbolt manaali (di) pi.
mawniraagal (tigal) act of being old.
mande v. praise. O mo man maa no feeyvi
mawnude v. be big, become adult. O
He praises you a lot.
mawnii He has become big/old.
manoore (tide) praise, dum ko manoore
mawnde It is a major praise. mawnudo adj. big; huge; large; immense.
mantude v. exalt, thank; commend, mawnugol (tigol) growth; maturation,
eulogize; praise. ~ praise someone. O mo mayonees (o) {fr.} mayonnaise.
mantu maa He praises you. Mayram female first name. Mbiyetee mi ko
mande [ma"de] inter, when. Mande Mayram My name is Mayram.
njahataa When are you leaving? meccude v. trim with scissors.
manganace [ma"ganace] shrub. mecekke (de) chisel; scissors,
mankiide [mal3kude] v. lack IJakkude meecfde [meedde] v. taste. So a meedii a
alt. jombat If you taste it you would want
manna (o) 1) male first name 2) hat. more.
mandilde [man"dilde] v. be drunk. Ko o meedgol (ngdl) taste.
mandildo He is drunk, meednude [meennude] v. make someone
mango [mar)"go] (ko) mango fruit, taste something.
mangii [mar)"gu] (ngu) seniority, meecfen pass. our. comci ~ our clothing.
manto (o) (fr.) mint,
men alt.
marde v. 1) breed, raise 2) marry,
men our, ours.
markere (tide) ball of mud pi. marke (de).
meenaango [meenaa"go] (ngo) bleat.
meenaali (di) pi.
marmalle (de) snow.
meende v. bleat,
marsandiis (o) {fr.} merchandise;
commodity. meendli (ki) tree.


meere adj. futile; nothing, (fum ko meere It metteende [mettee"de] (nde) sadness;
is flitile. sorrow, suffering.
meernaade v. look away; put on airs, mettere (nde) suffering; sadness, mette (de)
mees (o) {fr.} wick. Pf
meeteer (o) (fr.} meter, meeteruuji (cfi) pi. mettinde v. be displeased, be angry. Ko o
meetelol (ngdi) turban, mettindo He is angry.
meewtude v. skim a liquid off. mettude v. be unpleasant.
mehde [meede] v. stutter; stammer. mettudo adj. unpleasant. Ko o mettudo He
is unpleasant.
mehgol [meegol] (ngdI) stutter.
mettellu (ngn) red ant.
mehoowo (o) stutterer; stammerer. Ko o
mehoowo He stutters. meytude v. be satiated.
meho adj. blank; hollow; vacant; naked, meTTude v. close tightly; close. ~ e nder
empty. suudu lock someone in a room.
mehru (ndu) an empty room. mi pers. pron. I Mi arii I am here, '-den
we are. '-do I am. Mi do yiya I can see.
melde (nde) vagina.
miin pron. I, me; myself
melde (ndej flat floor.
min pron. we. Min ngarii We arrived.
melde v. flatten; make smooth; level off.
minen pron. we.
meldugal (ngal) tool for leveling floors.
miijaade v. ponder; think; cogitate;
melo (ngo) flattened area.
conceive. Hoi ko miijoto daa a penny for
mellewol (ngdi) flame. your thoughts.
meltirde (nde) steaming pot. miijo (ngo) thought; doctrine; position. ~
membaade [mem"'baade] v. grope, feel for. wodngo alternative. Hoi ko woni miijo
memde v. touch; feel. Mem njiyaa Touch maa What is your opinion?
and see. miijotoodo adj. pensive.
memirde v. touch with. miijtagol (ngdi) afterthought,
memondiral [memo"diral] (ngal) contact. miirde v. itch
memotoocfum adj. tangible; touchable. miiro (ngo) itch,
memtaade v. masturbate. mikro (o) {fr.} microphone,
memtude v. touch again, miniraacfo (o) younger sibling. ~ gorko
menkelde [mel]kelde] (nde) weight younger brother. ~ debho younger sister.
measure, menkelle (de) pi. miniraagal (ngal) sisterhood; brotherhood,
mentuQeere (nde) tomato, mentuljeeje minise (o) {fr.} carpenter,
(de) pi. misiide (nde) {ar.} mosque,
meppicfde [meppidde] v. have a small lower miskiino (o) {ar.} person with modest
lip. means. Ko o miskiino He is not wealthy.
meppo (o) person with a lower lip smaller misooro (o) head scarf.
than the upper lip. Ko o meppo His lower mobel (ngH) {fr.} automobile; car.
lip is shorter than his upper lip. dognoowo ~ a driver
merere (nde) mirage, moccude v. make a cord, tend, heal,
mertude v. have a clean cut. moddinde v. stain, smudge, tarnish, dirty. A
mesde v. pour. moddinii
meselal (ngal) needle wuurtude ~ thread a comcolam You stained my clothing.
needle, meselle (de) pi. moddinoowo (o) person who stains.
mettaade v. lap; lick Metio juijngo maa moddude v, 1) be thick 2) be unclear 3) be
Lick your hand. stained. ~ Itaala speak unclearly.
metteede v. be licked, mdddugdl (ngdi) thickness; stain,
metteede v. suffer. mocfde [modde] v. swallow, absorb; gobble,
gulp. Moddum Swallow it

mofde morle

mocfgol (ngdl) swallowing. mooftirde (nde) pouch; account. ~ kaake

modnude [monnude] v. make someone depot. ~ kahirde, jaande walla hudo
swallow. barn. ~ kosam e nebam keccam dairy.
mofde V. hide; hold under the armpit. O mooftoowo (o) keeper.
mof dum He hid it under the arm. mooftude v. keep; protect; conserve.
mofoowo (o) person who hides things, Mooftu dum haa ngarten Keep it until
moggere (nde) hidden thing. we return.
mogginaade v. hide oneself. Hoi to o mookaade v. swallow without chewing.
mogginii Where is he hiding? mool (o) one stringed guitar, waawde ~ be a
skilled one- stringed-guitar player,
mogginoowo (o) person who hides.
moolaade v. seek protection.
moggitaade v. come out of hiding.
moolagol (ngdl) asylum; refuge.
moggitiido (o) person who came out of
hiding. moolde v. protect.
moggude v. hide; protect, modi a do (o) person who sought asylum.
Ko o mooliido He has thought asylum.
mojde V. cover with a cloth, a sheet or a
blanket. modlirde (nde) sanctuary.
mojaade v. cover oneself moolotoodo (o) person seeking protection.
mola (bci) young animal, moli (di) pi. mooltaade v. come out of hiding; give up a
molficfde v. be bandy legged.
molfo (o) knock-kneed person. Ko o molfo mooltoowo (o) person who takes something
or someone from a hiding state.
He is knock-kneed.
moolanaande [moolanaa"de] adj.
momlaade v. rub something on oneself
momlude v. rub something on. Momlu
moomaade v. rub on oneself
dum eyeeso maa Rub it on your face.
moomde v. caress; pamper; rub, fondle,
momloowo (o) a person who rubs,
mooraade v. have one's hair braided.
momtaade v. wipe oneself off. Momto so a
haljitii Wipe your bottom when you finish moorde v. plait; braid.
defecating. mooreede v. be braided.
momtude v. wipe off; erase; elide. mddrgol (ngdl) braiding.
momtugol (ngdl) deletion, mooriido (o) a person with braided hair.
moil poss. your (plural referent), galle ~ mddrol (ngdl) braid; plait moori (di) pi
your house. mooroowo (o) person who braids.
moodon poss. your (plural), kaake ~ your moosde v. smile. Ndaw ko yaawi moosde
belongings. He smiles easily.
monaade v. make the best of a deal, mdosdl (ngdl) a smile.
monnaade v. be crushed; crumble away. mdosodjilmodsodooli (di) pi
monnude v. crush; squeeze; to mash; moosturu (ndu) braid ornament,
smash; squash. mooyde v. be lazy
mongude [m613"gude] v. be almost ripe. mooTde [moojje] v. gnaw.
monginde [m6I3"ginde] v. be almost right, mdoTi (di) white ants, termites.
come out. mooTu (ngu) white ant, termite.
moiitoor (o) {f^.} watch; clock montoraaji
mooytaade v. approach slowly mooyto
(di) pi walk slowly.
moobaare (nde) sinister, mooytagol (ngdl) slow and quiet walk.
moobde v. gather up. morde v. breed, eat grass.
moobre (nde) gathering, morle (de) balls of
moocfde [moodde] v. gather, morlere (nde) ball of
moodibo (o) scholar, learned person. mdrlude v. roll up


morndolde [momdolde] (fide) ball of. mu mi (cfi) millet ears.

mornitde [mornidde] v. crush again into mumnude v. come out.
pieces. muumru (ndu) millet stalk, muumi (cfi) pi.
mornitere (tide) piece. munal (ngal) patience, famcfude ~ lack
mornitte (de) pieces. patience, heeivde ~ be very patient. O alaa
morhude v. crush, muhal He is impatient, baawo muhal ko
mosol (ngol) path. alhamdulillahi Patience is always
moto (o) (fr.j motorcycle, mdtooji (cfi) pi.
wacfcfaade ~ ride a motorcycle. muhande v. have patience for.
motoor (o) {fr.j engine motoraaji (cfi) pi. muhde [munje] v. bear; forbear; be patient.
motto (ngo) thread. muhcfo [munTo] adj. patient.
mottoowo (o) spinner. muhotodcfum adj. bearable.
mottude v. 1) forget 2) spin, muhtoricfde [muhcoridde] v. lose patience,
moylaade v. twist; shuffle. mungaas [mul]"gaas] (o) file,
moylude v. hurry; walk faster moylu hurry muraade v. play deaf
up. muraadu (ndu) work,
moylugol (ngol) speed walk, murde v. suck.
moytaango (ngo) stroke, caress. murlicfde [murlidde] v. be round. Ina
moytude v. stroke; caress, rub gently. murlicfi It is round.
moTTere (tide) bounty; generosity; quality; murlo adj. round.
kindness. murtere (tide) revolt, murte (cfe) pi
moTTinde v. make good; do well. murtude v. revolt, rebel, be defiant.
mo TTinoowo (o) benefactor. murtugol (ngol) revolt, insurrection,
moTTo (o) good; reputable, necfcfo ~ a murtooki (ki) tree.
kind person. murtoonde (tide) fruit, murtoocfe (cfe) pi.
md TTude v. be good, be kind, muruk interj. sound of something that
mubbitde v. open. ~gite open one’s eyes. enters.
mubboowo (o) a person who closes. musidaagal (ngal) friendship.
mubbude v. seal; close; zip. Mubbu musicfcfo (o) dear, relative; friend, musibbe
hunuko maa Close your mouth. (be) pi.
muccude v. suck. musondirde [mus6"dirde] v. be a close
friend of
muccoowo (o) sucker,
mutal (ngal) sinking of; disappearance. ~
mudda (o) span; period; time; while, oon ~
naange sundown; sunset.
at that time. Wonii mudda It has been a
while. mutde [mudde] v. go under water; set; sink;
muddere (tide) dummy state.
mutnude [munnude] v. sink, make go under
muddicfde [muddidde] v. be dumb.
the water, make disappear.
muddo (o) dummy. Ko o muddo He is a
mutum (o) bird.
muudde [muudde] v. eat a floury
muddaade v. pay/give a tithe.
muddu (o) weight measurement ~ hoore muucfgol (ngol) eating of floury substance.
muucfoowo (o) a person who eats a floury
muk/oc. never; not at all.
mum poss. his; her. hoore ~ himself,
mu lido (ngo) measurement which equals
herself four kilograms,
mumen poss. their.
muufol (ngol) braid.
muucfum poss. his; hers; its. muukaade v. exceed the expected limits.
mumaade v. remove grains from the ear. muukiicfo (o) excessive person.

muumantel Alla muyninde

muumantel Alla (ngel) an animal, muusde v. be painful Ina muusi It is

muumcfinde v. make someone dumb. painful.
muumcfude v. be dumb. muuseede v. ail.
muumdiicfo adj. mute. muuseeki (ki) pain; suffering.
muumcfugdl (ngol) dumbness. muusdum adj. sore; painful.
muumo (o) dumb person; mute. Ko o muusu (ngu) pain; ache. ~ hoore headache,
muunio He is dumb. migraine. ~ goddol / dakane angina,
muumre (nde) dumbness, muuya (o) objective, purpose. Ho! ko woni
muumnaade v. doze; nap, snooze. O woni
muuyaa maa What do you want'i^
ko e muumnaade He is taking a nap. muuyde v. desire, want.
muurde v. cover; veil; hide. muuyeede v. want; desire,
muurnaade v. cover one's head. Ko o muuybude v. be sprained,
muurniicfo Her face is covered with a muyninde v. breastfeed, suckle.
veil. muynude v. suck, breastfeed O mo muyna
muurorde (nde) veil, Itaa jooni He is still breastfeeding.
muus (o) sound made to attract a cat. muyningol (ngdl) breastfeeding.
Muusaa (o) male first name, muynugol (ngdl) breastfeeding.
muusaacfo adj. ailing; hurting. Ko o
muusaa do He is hurting.

mbaabattu mbuuwwa

MB Tb]

mbaabattu \^aabaxtu](ngu) locust, baabatti mbayla ["'bayla] (ka) forge,

(Cfi) pi. mbaylaandi [''T3aylaa"di] (ndi) industry,
mbaaddaagu pbaaddaagu] (ngu) lack of mbedda ["'bedda] (o) street./m/e ~ open a
energy. road, uddude ~ close a road, mbeddaaii
mbaaddi ["'baaddi] (ndi) a nonchalant (di) pi.
individual. Ko a mbaaddi You are weak, mbecfu ["'becfu] (ngi) cover.
mbaadi [^aadi] (ndi) feature, pattern; plight, mbeelu [™beelu] (ngt) silhouette; shadow. Ko
type, mo TTo ~ a pretty lady; a handsome o mbeelu makko tan He follows him like a
man. moTTude ~ be pretty/handsome. shadow.
bonde ~ be ugly.
mbeewa Pbeewa] (ba) goat, bey (di) pi.
mbaagaan [^aagaan] (o) bird, mbaaganeeji
mbege ["'bege] (o) bicycle rim.
(cfi) pi.
mbele ["'bele] conj. so that,
mbaala ["'baala] (o) fishing net. mbaalaaji
(cfi) pi. mbildi ["’bildi] (ndi) ceiling; mansard.
mbaalu ["'baalu] (ngn) sheep, baali (cfi) pi. mbimTa ["'bimYa] (ba) egg lice,
mbincaan ["'bincaan] (o) millet.
mbaangu ["’baa"gu] (ngn) spear,
mbindaan ["’bin"daan]fc>^ maid. Ko o
mbaawka ["’baawka] (ka) ability; means;
mbindaan She is a maid.
skill; aptitude, proficiency. Holla am cfo
mbaawka maa tolnii Show me what you mbir ["'bir] (o) wrestler, mbiruuji (di).
can do. mbiru ["biru] (ngi) woven reeds, biri (di) pi.
mbaayan [""baayan] (o) calabash.mboddi ["'boddi] (ndi) poisonous snake,
mbaayaneeji (cfi) pi. mbolo ["bolo] (ngo) forest, mbolooji (di) pi.
mbabba ["’babba] (ba) donkey. ~ hoore mboodude ["'boodude] v. denounce,
louse. ~ tugal hog, pig. wacfdaade ~ ride a mboolu ["'boolu] (ngn) horse,
donkey, bam cfi (cfi) pi.
mboombaagu ["'boo"'baagu] (ngn) virginity.
mbajju ["'bajju] (o) blanket, suddaade ~
mboomri ["'boomri] (ndi) girl, virgin. Ko o
cover oneself with a blanket,
mboomri She is a virgin. O wonaa
mbake ["'bake] (o) horse, mboomri She is not a virgin,
mbakku ["'bakku] (o) catapult, slingshot, mboongu ["'b66'’gu] (ngn) horse,
mbalka ["'balka] (ka) water storage place, mbootu ["'bootu] (ngt) strip of fabric for
mballa ["’balla] (o) farm, carrying a baby.
mbalndi ["'bardi] (ndi) bed. feeymude ~ mbortu ["'bortu] (ngn) baby goat,
make a bed. mbulayse ["'bulayse] (o) {f^.} bakery,
mbandu ["'ban"du] (o) water holder. mburbuttu ["’burbuttu] (ngi) baby toad,
mbanduuji (cfi) pi.
mburu ['"bum] (o) bread, loocdl ~ a loaf of
mbar pbar] I hope. Mbar acfa selli I hope bread.
you are well.
mburuutu ['"bumutu] (ngn) worm,
mbaraangu ["'baraa'’gu] (ngn) 1) horse 2)
mbuubu ['"buubu] (ngn) fly. ~ naaku a bee.
buubi (di) pi.
mbarngu ["'bar"gu] (ngid) dam.
mbuudu ['"buucfu] (ngn) monetary unit.
mbaroodi ["'baroodi] (ndi) animal, baroocfe dam jarata ko mbuucfu It costs a monetary
(cfe) pi. ~ leydi a snake, unit.
mbasu ["’basu] (ngn) bag. ~ coofe bladder. mbuuwwa ^buuwwa] (o) bone marrow.
basi (dl) pi. buucaade ~ eat bone marrow.
mbato ["'bato] (o) lizard,
mbawgu ["baggu] (ngn) drum.///r/e~ play a
drum, bawdi (di) pi.

na nanalla

na part, process, namvo(o) light-skinned person. Ko o naayvo

naacfaade v. stretch oneself. He is light-skinned.
naacfagol (ngol) stretching of oneself naayaade v. bend onself
naafige (o) hypocrite. Ko o naafige He is a naayde v. bend,
hypocrite, naafigeebe (be) pi. nabde v. take.
naafki (ki) armpit. Naafki ma ina sicci Your naddere (nde) alt.
underarm smells badly, naafcfe (cfe) pi. nadorde (nde) waist, nadorcfe (cfe) pi.
naakaade (nde) wooden board for tanning, nacfdal [naddal] (ngal) ravine.
naale (cfe) dance. nacfde [nadde] (ride) ravine, nafde v. benefit;
naam part, yes (reply when called upon). be useful; serve, cfum nafataa It is useless.
naamndaade [naam"daade] v. question; nafojum adj. useful; valuable.
inquire. So a andaa acfa foti naamndaade nafoore (nde) importance, value, use; worth.
If you do not know you should inquire, Ko/mo alaa worthless, nafooje (cfe) pi.

naanaa (o) mint. nafoowo (o) useful person.

naane (o) a period ago. Mi yii mo naane I nafqoowo (o) person who gives charity.
saw him earlier. nafqude v. give charity.
naangde v. be sunny; be hot. naftoraade v. use something. Tettu naftoro
naange [naa"ge] (nge) sun; nadir, pucfal ~ daa Take it and make a good use of it.
sunrise, mutal sunset,
naftortoocfo (o) person who makes use of
naaraade v. be lazy, something.
naasaade v. be blocked. nagge (nge) cow; zebu, nay (cfi) pi.
naasde v. block. nahre [naare] (nde) grass.
naatcfam [naacfcfam] (cfam) flood water. najde [najje] v. be astonished. Ko mi najcfo
naatde [naadde] v. enter; infiltrate; meddle, I am astonished.
penetrate, adhere. ~ e nder suudu enter a najnajilo (o) astonishingly smart person.
room. ~ e fedde enter an age group; belong najnude [nannude] v. petrify; astound;
to an age group. astonish.
naatgol (ngol) admission najoore (nde) astonishment; consternation,
naatirde (nde) entrance; inlet; access, entry, mystery, najooje (cfe) pi.
door. Toon wonaa naatirde That is not the nammaadi (ki) tree.
nammanduru [namma"duru] (ndn)
naatirde v. enter with/by. Naatir damal abundance, plentiness.
fucfnaange Use the east entrance.
nammude v. be abundant.
naatngo [naat"go] (ngo) entering.
nambu [nam'T^u] (o) garden. ~ nebbe a bean
naatnude [naannude] v. put in; make enter; garden.
introduce; penetrate, admit. ~ ndiyam
nanal (ngal) left, left hand, pacfal ~ left hand
naatondiral [naat6"diral](/?^<^/) caption.
nano (ngo) left; left \\dind.jungo left hand.

naatondirde [naat6"dirde] v. intermingle, bange ~ left side.

grab other while wrestling.
nanalla (o) hearsay, piece of news, cfum ko
naattinde v. make enter. nanalla That is hearsay, nanallaaji (cfi) pi.
naattude v. be circumcised. O naattii hande nande v. hear; understand. A nanii Do you
He was circumcised today. understand?
naawde v. grill; place on top of fire to bum nan cfe (cfe) hearing, ko faati e ~ acoustic,
hair. aural.
naawcfude v. be light-skinned. nanirde v. listen with; hear with.
nadirde (nde) hearing device/part.

nantiicfo nelaacfo

nanondira! [nan6"diral] (ngal) accord; nawtude v. carry back; return. Nawtu cfum
agreement. Take it back.
nanondirde [nan6"dirde] v. agree. E be nawdi (ki) tree.
nanondiri They relate to each other very nay num. four, laahi ~ four times.
nayabal (ngal) quarter, fourth.
nanoowo (o) hearer. O wonaa nanoowo He
nayabo (o) the fourth (in rank).
does not listen.
nayeejo (o) old person; veteran. Ko o
nanotoocfum adj. audible; acceptable.
nayeejo He is old. nayeebe (be) pi
nantinde v. interpret; translate; repeat louder.
nayeeyvu (ngii) old age.
nantinomvo (o) translator. Ko o nantinoowo nayeyvaagu (ngu) old age.
He is a translator,
naywinde v. make old.
nantiicfo adj. rich person,
nayyvude v. be old, act old. O nayyvii He is
nande [nanje] v. oppose, old.
nandal [nanMal] (ngal) purge, nayyvucfo (o) old person,
nando [nan"do] (o) person who is similar; lie part, what about.
nebam (dam) oil. ~ keccam butter. ~
nandube [nan"dube] adj. identical; similar. defirteedam cooking oil. nehameeje (de)
nandude [nan"dude] v. resemble. E be pi
nanndi They look alike. necfcfo (o) person; someone; everyone;
nandugol [nan"dug61](>7^o/y) similitude, somebody. ~ kala anybody; everyone, ko
nangal [nal]"gal] (ngal) 1) tax; 2) eclipse. - faati e ~ human.
naange a solar eclipse. neebde v. be slow; be long,
nangande [naI3"gande] v. hold for. ~jungo neegde v. have no pity, be merciless. O mo
help; give a hand. neegi He is merciless,
nangirde [nal3"girde] v. hold with. neene (o) mother.
nangdndiral [nal]"g6"diral] (ngal) solidarity. neeniraado (o) mother.
nangude [nal]"gude] v. 1) arrest; apprehend; neeno (o) mommy.
catch; hold. 2) repossess. O nangaama He neesu (ngu) 1) culture 2) upbringing;
has been arrested. education.
nangugol [nal3"gug61] (ngdl) hold. neetoricfde [neetoridde] v. to be impolite. O
naskaacTo adj. cad. mo neetoridi He is impolite,
nasol (ngdl) anus. neetaro adj. impolite; disrespectful, rude,
natal (ngal) picture; photograph. ~ makko nefde v. resent; dislike; repulse. Ina nefnii It
his picture, nate (de) pi makes me want to throw up.
nattinde v. stop. nefnaade v. be disgusting
nattude v. cease, die. cfum nattii It has nefre (tide) dislike, resentment,
ceased. nehaade v. be well brought up, behave. O mo
nawande v. carry for. Nawan mo Take it for nehii He is polite.
him. nehde [neede] v. foster; upbring, train. Ko
nawde v. take, take along, transport. ~ kanko nehi mi He is my foster parent
furiyeer impound. nehdi [needi] (ndi) behavior; character;
nawdude V. 1) liken 2) take along. upbringing. moTTude nehdi have good
nmvliigu (ngn) polygamy Miyicfaa nawliigu upringing. honde ~ be rude, be ill-bred.
I do not like polygamy. nehii do adj. polite.
nawliraacfo (o) cowife, nawliraabe (be) pi nehooyvo (o) person who provides
nawlirde v. be polygamous O nmvlirii He is upbringing.
polygamous. nelaacfo (o) messenger, emissary, envoy,
naworde v. carry with Messiah. ~ Alla Prophet Muhammad
nelaabe (be) pi

newaade nuunde

nelal (ngal) message, errand, yettinile ~ noddondirde [n6dd6"dirde] v. call one

deliver a message. Nelal ko bakkaat A another.
message is a sin (One must deliver noddooyvo (o) caller.
someone’s message). noddude v. call, convoke; denominate.
neldal (ngal) parcel. Neldal maa yettiima noddudo (o) caller.
Your parcel has been delivered.
noddugol (tigol) calling.
nelde v. send a person.
nofru (tidu) ear. welde ~ have a good ear,
neldoowo (o) sender.
hear easily.
neldude v. send, wire. ~ kaalis wire money. nokitaade v. remove couscous from steaming
neldudb (o) sender. utensil.
newaade v. be easygoing. O mo neyvii He is nokkande [nokkan"de] (tide) handful, share.
flexible. nokkere (tide) handful.
ne^vaare (tide) kindness. nokkude v. take a handful of.
neyviicfo adj. flexible, easygoing, nokku (o) place; fief, lieu; region; sector;
newicfum adj. easy. area. ~ safaara clinic; hospital. ~ goddo
newninde v. facilitate; make easy. elsewhere ~ deental venue. ~ kala
neM'noowo (o) easygoing person. everywhere, nokkuuji (di) pi.
newnude v. ease, make easy. Alla neyvnii It nollicfde [nollidde] v. be beardless,
went well. nollo adj. beardless. Ko o nollo He is
iiewde V. grease; oil. beardless.
newre (tide) palm (hand), nombol [n6m'"b61] (tigol) charm.
ni part, thus; negative particle, noogaas (o) twenty. ~ e goo twenty and one.
nibbere (tide) gloom; darkness, suusde ~ like noon adv. thus, dum ~ therefore, so.
darkness. ~ kurum complete darkness. noorde v. color.
nibdidde [nibbidde] v. be dark. Ina nibbidi noordi (tidi) color.
It is dark. noordude v. change color.
nibbiddo adj. grim, nibbo alt. noorol (tigdl) backbone; foundation. ~ keeci
nibbiddum adj. obscure; dim. spine.
nibbidinde v. obscure; obfuscate. nooroo (o) alligator; crocodile, noodi (di) pi.
nibbo (o) an obscure person, noos (o) {fr.} celebration,
niilnude v. negate, noosde v. {fr.} celebrate.
niiwcfude v. be cloudy. nootaade v. answer. ~ telefop answer the
niiwre (nde) cloudy weather, telephone.
nilol] (o) (f^.j nylon. nootaango [nootaa"go] (tigo) answer,
nimsa (o) remorse; regret. 0 alaa nintsa He nooyde v. be soft,
has no regret. nucfcfinaade v. hide, squat,
nimsitde [nimsidde] really regret. nufaade v. go deep into mud.
ninviude v. regret. Mi nimsii I regret I did it. nufde V. sink.
nirkude v. grind. nuflude v. become unimportant. O mo nufli
no part. how. No mhaddaa How are you? He is useless,
noddaango [noddaa"go] (tigo) call, noddaali nuggaro adj. shy; timid,
(di) pi. nuuncfal (ngal) honesty, trust, integrity;
noddinde v. call to prayer. probity. Nuundal ina nwTTi Honesty is
noddingol (tigol) a call for prayer. good.
nuundude v. be truthful; be honest.
noddinoowo (o) muezzin.
nuundudo adj. honest, trustworthy,
nodditaade v. sniff in; draw snot back.
nodditde [noddidde] v. recall. nuunde v. caponize.

ndaarde nduulaldi

ND ["di

ndaarde ["daarde] v. look; seek. Hoi ko nder ["der] adv. in; among; inside. ~ suudu
ndaarataa What are you looking for? in the room.
Ngonmi ko e ndaarde Uggeey I am ndi ["di] det. the. ngaari ~ the ox.
looking for a job.
ndiga (o) nothing.
ndaaroowo ["daaroowo] (o) 1) person who
ndimaagu ["dimaagu] (ngn) honor;
looks 2) seeker. ~ Uggeey applicant. freedom. ~ hooremum independence.
ndaaroyde ["daaroyde] v. seek, go and seek. hebde ~ hooremum be free from slavery
ndaartoowo (o) seeker, or occupation O hedii ndimaagu hoore
ndaw ["daw] (o) ostrich, makko He is free.
ndaw ["daw] interj. inteijection signaling ndiwri ["diwri] (ndi) birds.
exaggeration or admiration. Ndaw ko ndiwoowa ["diwoowa] (ka) plane, airplane.
heewi haala He talks too much, laana an airplane, jolde e ~ take a plane;

nde ["de] part. 1) when; upon 2) det. Nde fly.

njiidaa mo nde o sellaano When you saw ndiyam ["diyam] (dam) water. ~ gawYal
him he was sick. sap. ~ njareteedam drinking water. ~
ndeen ["deen] adv. at that time. Ndeen o nguldam hot water. ~ buubdam cold
alaano toon At that time he was not there, water.
ndeen ["deen] det. that. ~ hoore that head, ndonu ["donu] (ngu) inheritance, patrimony
ndema ["dema] (ka) agronomy, ko faati e ~ ndungu ["dun"gu] (o) rainy season.
e ngaynaaka agricultural. ~ e ngaynaaka. Ndungu ngu moTTii We had a good
agronomy. So ndiyam alaa ndema rainy season.
woodataa One cannot farm when there is nduulaldi ["duulaldi](?7iy/j male lizard.
no water.

ngaameela nguyka

NG ["g]

ngaameela ["gaameela] (ka) laziness. ngesa (ba) farm.

wondude e~ht lazy. ngilngu ["girgu] (ngu) worm.
ngaandi ["gaan"di] (ndi) brain, ngaari (tidi) ngo ["go] del the.
bull. ngol ["gol] del the. laawol ~ the path,
ngabu (ngit) hippopotamus, gabi (cfi). ngolwa ["golwa](Z>aj dragon.
ngal (del) the. leggal ~ the wood, ngooroondi ["g66r66"di] (ndi) 1) snake 2)
ngalu ["galu] (ngu) fortune, foundation; basis. ~ hubeere the foundation
ngam conj. so that. of a building, gooroocfe (cfe) pi.
nganaari ["ganaari] (ndi) benefice; thrift. ngoraagu ["goraagu] (ngu) manhood; virility.
cfum alaa nganaari You cannot make a waasde ~ mum lose one’s manhood.
profit from that investment, ngori ["gori] (o) cock, ngdriiji (cfi) pL
ngangu ["gangu] (ngid) antipathy; hatred, ngu ["gu]
loathing. dUnt jibinta ko ngangu It breeds nguleeki ["guleeki] (ki) heat, heewde ~ act
hatred. important; put on airs.
ngaska ["gaska] (ka) hole, asde ~ make a nguli (ki) heat.
hole, gascfe (cfe) pi.
nguru ["guru] (ngu) skin. ~ hoore scalp,
ngasu ["gasu] (ngu) trench, ngasuuji (cfi) pi.
nguttu (ngu) pride,
ngaynaaka ["gaynaaka] (ka) herding,
nguufa ["guufa] (ka) lather; foam,
nge ["ge] del. the. nagge ~ the cow.
nguunu ["guunu] (ngu) chicken cage,
ngel ["gel] the (diminutive), naggel ~ the
little cow. nguura ["guura] (ka) victuals; food; food
ngeya del that, nagge ~that cow over there,
nguurndam ["guur"dam] (cfam) life, e ~
ngeera ["geera] (o) trap ngeeraaji (cfi) pi. makko in his lifetime. ~ njuutcfam a long
ngelooba ["gelooba] (ba) camel, wacfcfaade life.
~ ride a camel. nguyka ["guyka] (ka) fraud; larceny; razzia;
ngembe ["gem'"be] (o){wol.} diaper, theft, cfum ko nguyka mawka It is a major
ngendi ["gen"di] (ndi) nation; motherland, ko fraud.
faati e ~ national, cfemcfe ~ national

njaajeendi njuuteendi

NJ ni
njaajeendi ['^’aajeendi] (ndi) width. njeenaarineenaari] (ndi) bribery, reward. O
njuuteendi e ~ the size of. Hoi no mo suusi
njuuteendi e njaajeendi galle o poti How njeenaari He likes bribery,
big is the lot? njeeygu ["^ceygu] (ngu) sale, trade,
njaareendi ["jaareendi] (ndi) sand. ~ njiilaw [^iilaw] (o) search, quest. O woni ko
ndaneeri white sand. e njiilaw He is searching,
njimri song; carol. ~ mbelndi a
njaatige ["jaatige] (o) host; sponsor. Hoi
beautiful song. ~ mettundi a bad song.
goncfo njaatige maa Who is your host?
njobdi ["jobdi] (ndi) salary; stipend; wages.
njaatiraadb [^aatiraacfo] (o) 1) host 2) great beydude ~ increase the salary, ustude ~
grandchild; great grandparent. reduce the salary, hebde ~ be paid, get
one’s salary.
njamala Hamala] (ba) 1) spider 2) giraffe,
njogoram ["jogoram] (dam) genitals. Ko
geese ~ a cobweb.
faati e ~ genital.
njamndi ["jam"di] (ndi) metal; steel. ~pono njoobaari ['^oorta] (ndi) food set aside for a
wheel. ~ baleeri iron. trip.
njaram Haram] (dam) beverage, sanvude- njoorta ["joortaj (o) hope anticipation;
serve drinks. expectation. ~ moTTa expected good news,
njurum (o) ["jurum] (o) pity,
njawdi ["jawdi] (ndi) ram. ~ kalhaldi ram.
njuulaawi ["juulaawi] (ki) dagger,
layyaade ~ slaughter a ram for sacrifice.
njuumri ["juumri] (ndi) honey,
nj ay tarn ["jaytam] (dam) water added to
njuuteendi ["juutee"di] (ndi) length. ~ e
cook a meal. njaajeendi the size of.

naadde nalaande

naacfde [naadde] v. be ill-tempered; be naantungal [naantu"gal] (ngal) elegance;

fierce. the act of dressing up.
naadahoore (o) unlucky individual; old fiaande [naanje] v. play the fiddle.
person. naanooru (ndu) fiddle, violin. O mo yvaawi
naafaade v. roll one's clothes up. O woni itaanooru He is a skilled violin player.
ko e naafaade He is rolling his clothing naanoowo (o) fiddler,
fiaante [naance] (de) carded cotton,
naagaade v. request; beseech; appeal; naantude [haancude] v. card cotton,
implore; solicit; crave, pray for.
naarde v. shine
naagaro (o) person with endless needs.
naasal (ngal) scar.
naagotoodo (o) person who tries.
naawde v. judge; adjudicate, adjudge;
naagunde [naagu"de] (nde) petition, plea,
doom. ~ goonga render a good
proposal; request,
judgment/verdict. ~ fenaande render a
naaki (di) bees. wrong judgment/verdict.
naaku (ngti) bee. mhuubu ~ a bee. naaweede V. be judged.
naalal (ngcil) white bird, naawoore (nde) trial; adjudication;
naaltaade v. trim; cut the upper part of the judgment, naawooje (de) pi.
grass. naawoowo (o) judge. ~ goonga a good
naamanduru [naama"duru] (ndu) judge.
abundance of food. naawoyde v. go and judge,
naamateeri (ndi) food supplies. naayde v. eat crops. Nay di naayii ngesa
naamatinde [naamatin"de] (nde) leftovers. ba The cows ate the crops.
naamdaro (o) person who eats incessantly. naaygol (ngol) the eating of crops.
~ naamgawiijo voracious; greedy. naayko (ko) stalks.
naamde v. eat. O woni ko e iiaamde He is naakon (kon) small beads; small pearls.
naayre (nde) bead, pearl. naaYe (de) pi.
naamdu (ndu) food; nutrition; way of
naaTal (ngal) slow pacing.
eating, naamde (de) pi.
naaTde [naajje] v. flaunt; parade; walk
naamgawiijo adj. voracious; greedy.
naamdaro ~ voracious; greedy.
nabbude v. pile/gather disorderly.
naantirde v. eat with, naamrude alt.
nakkaade v. jump on; fall on. Mbaroodi
naamoowo (o) person who eats. ~ yimbe
ndi itakkii e makko The lion jumped on
cannibal. Ko o naamoowo He is eating.
naanwwel (ngel) depredator.
iiakkeere (nde) pile of dead shrubs.
naamre (nde) fine.
nakkitaade v. redo a fence of shrubs.
naamroowo (o) person who eats with.
nakkude v. pile dead shrubs; fence with
naamrude v. eat with. ~ Jungo eat with a shrubs.
hand. ~ kuddu eat with a spoon.
nakkudi (ndi) ornament pieces, nakkule
naamtaade v. rust. (de) pi.
fiaamo (ngo) right hand, harjpe ~ dexter. nalaande [nalaa"de] (nde) day; particular
jungo ~ right hand. day.
fiaande [naa"de] (nde) pericarp, grain halawma (o) day. ~ hande o today; this
shells. very day. naldi (di) pi.
liaantaade v. dress up. nallande [nallan''de] (nde) day; the spending
naantagol (ngol) elegance. of a day.
naantude v. dress someone up.


nallande v. spend the day for. Ko mi gardb nawdo adj. ill, sick.
nallande ma I came to spend the day at
nawndaade [naw"daade] v. have charms.
your house.
iiawndogal [naw"dogal] (ngal) talisman;
nallinde v. spend a day. nallinen cfoo Let charm.
us spend the day here.
fiayvndude [naw"dude] v. make a charm for
nallirde (nde) gathering place during the
day; a place where people spend the day.
nawnude v. sicken.
nallude v. spend the day.
iiawlude v. be high. Naange nawlii The sun
nalnde [narde] (nde) daily stay. is high.
nalngu [nargu] (ngu) day. ntbht(de) beans, itewre (nde) sing,
nande [na"de] (nde) day; the day. ~ kala neyvhewol (ngdl) bean plant.
always; daily. ~ ndeen a particular time
iieyvre (nde) bean; fruit stone; pea. nebbe
(de) pi.
nale (nge) heifer, halbi (di) pi.
necfande [nedan"de] (nde) a potful of (e.g.
nalel (ngel) calf water).
nallambero [nallam"’bero] (o) dear friend. hedde [nedde] v. take a potful of
namaande [namaa"de] (nde) debt, loan. hedugal (ngal) small pot nedude (de) pi.
suusde ~ be eager to take loans, hulde ~
heebaade v. shrug one's shoulders.
be reluctant to take loans.
neebaango [neebaan"go] (ngo) shrugging
namlaade v. borrow. ~ kaalis borrow
of shoulders.
neekam (dam) sauce,
namliicfo (o) indebted person; borrower.
neegtaade v. creep,
namlude v. loan; give on credit; lend.
neenal (ngal) skill, experience.
namlu mo ujundere dolaar Lend him one
thousand dollars. neende [heenje] v. 1) flatter 2) be skilled.
namakala (o) dependents; dependent neeho (o) type of caste, artist caste, artisan.
artists. Ko o neeiio He belongs to the artisan
namako (ko) pimento, red pepper,
neenre (nde) flattery,
namambo [namam^bo] (ko) eyebrow
nemambo (ko) alt. neesol (ngol) cut on the face,
namminde v. feed; nourish ~ sukaabe feed nekkude v. trip along; canter; gallop; trot,
the children. nemambo [nemam'^bo] (ko) eyelash,
namminoowo (o) person who feeds. nemboowo [nem"'boowo] (o) person who
namneejo (o) witch. mimics.
namri (ndi) dish; meal; stodge, food. ~ nembude [nem"’bude] v. emulate; imitate,
ngulndi hot food. ~ buubndi cold food. mime, simulate.
iiamtude v. eat what is forbidden, nemtinde v. mimic; imitate, simulate. O
woni ko e nemtinde ma He is imitating
nangere [nal]"gere] (nde) rage, wickedness,
nengaade [nel]"gaade] v. perform magic.
nangude [nal]"gude] v. be fierce.
nengi [nel]"gi] (di) magic.
nangudo [nal]"gucfo] adj. naughty,
nengotoodo [nel]"gotoocfo] (o) a magician.
ferocious; fierce, suka ~ a fierce child,
Ko o nengotoodo He is a magician.
nappude v, 1) rain heavily; pour 2) lay on;
nenkilaade [nel]kilaade] v. lie sideways.
narde V. dress up. nibaade v. be planted.
nibande [niban"de] (nde) hole.
natti (o) fish.
nibde v. stab, plant.
naw (o) disease; illness; sickness. ~ gite
conjunctivitis nabbuuU (di) pi. nibirde v. plant with.
nawande [nawan"de] (nde) wound, abscess. nibtaade v. transplant,.
nawde v. be sick. nifde v. turn off, put off, extinguish.

nihri nuunu

hifcfo adj. dummy. Ko o hifcfo He is stupid. nooju (o) hypocrite.

itifcfum adj. extinct. nookaade v. squeeze oneself in.
nihri [niiri] (ndi) dish made of millet grains nookde v. squeese in.
and meat. nooleede v. have no means; be poor.
hiibde v. stay long; last. Aduna nidaaki ko noolu (ngu) poverty.
ko baarii The world is not static/Things hoomre (nde) hay; dry grass for animal
change. consumption.
niibcfum adj. lasting.
hootde [noodde] v. sew; stitch.
niire (nde) tooth. iiiiYe (de) pi. nootgol (ngdl) the act of sewing.
niiwa (ba) elephant, niibi (di) pi. nootirde v. sew with.
nikle (de) tickles, hulde ~ be sensitive to nootol (ngdl) sewing; seam; sewing style.
tickles, suusde ~ be insensitive to tickles.
nootoowo (o) tailor; seamstress,
nikleede v. be tickled.
noraade v. raise one's clothes up.
iiiklude v. tickle.
norde v. roll/raise someone's clothes.
himbude [nim'^Dude] v. be grouped.
itorbolol (ngdl) wrinkle; plica, ndrdolli (di)
nit]de V. blame; reproach,
hippude V. plant. ndrdude v. be wrinkled.
nirbinaade v. show an angry face, norngilaade [n6r"gilaade] v. show an
hirtotal (ngal) worm. angry/sad facial expression,
hittaade v. blow one's nose, nitto blow norgo (ngo) winnow,
your nose. hosde V. be cheap. Onto nosi He is cheap,
nittere (nde) mucus.
nowtude v. dress up.
nittude v. blow someone's nose,
noynaade v. kneel.
hobbude v. tan; beat; do leather, noTTere (nde) pressure.
hoftude V. unfold. noTTitde [noTTidde] v. release from
hohde [noode] v. gossip about someone, pressure.
traduce. iio TTude v. apply pressure; compress; press
nohoowo (o) person who gossips. on.
iiohre (nde) gossip. ~ moTTaani gossip is huggaade v. have one’s hair braided
despised. temporarily.
nolde V. rot; putrefy; be rotten, dum nolii huggootvo (o) person who provides
It is rotten. temporary braiding of hair.
noldum adj. rotten. nuggude v. braid temporarily,
iiolnude v. make rotten, nukaade v. pick up dry wood.
nomaade v. hurry. nukindaade [nuki"daade] v. pick up small
nondicTde [n6n"dicfde] v. nasalize one’s dry wood.
speech. nukkindaade [nukki"daade] v. spy. daccu
nondo v. person whose speech is affected nukkindaade Stop spying.
by nasalization. nukkondirde [nukk6"dirde] v. agglomerate;
nongude [nol3"gude] v. roll up. pile shrubs up.
nongaade [nol]"gaade] v. wriggle; gather numptaade v. whisper.
oneself up before leaping. nuumbaade [huu'^baade] v. to murmur;
nongol [n6I]"g61] (ngdl) pleat, whisper, sough.
hoofaade v. curl up. iiuunde [nuunje] v. lament.
noofande [noofan"de] (nde) disorderly nuunu (ngn) ant, pismire; black antj. warde
piled/packed items. ~ stay after eating, nuu Yi (di) pi.
fioofde V. pile in a bag disorderly.
nddfbl (ngol) fold.

gaablude r)6r)Cfi

^aablude v. yawn. t]appere (tide) bite.

i^aablugol (ngdl) yawn, i^aablaali (cfi) pi. X)appo adj. insufficient; short.
13aabaade v. 1) be wide open 2) be spoilt. X]appude v. bite; have a bite.
t]aabal (ngal) opening. T]appudi (tidi) bite X]appule (de) pi.
T^aabde v. open wide, x^aab hunuko maa t3arcfude v. be pretty.
Open your mouth. X]ari (tidi) appearance. moTTude ~ be
i^abbitaade v. be open wide apart. pretty, bonde ~ be ugly.
T^abbitde [t]abbidde] v. open wide apart. ~ 13atiwere (tide) pain prior to delivery.
hunuko open the mouth wide apart. X]anvude v. be about to deliver.
t3aacal (ngal) scratch. ~ battingal cicatrix. X]anvudo (o) parturient; person about to
T\aacde v. scratch. O r^aaci mo e tiinde She deliver. Ko o X]anvudo She is about to
scratched his face. deliver. X]ardube (be) pi.
x]aacere (tide) scratch. I]atande [l]atan"de] (tide) bite.
t3aafde v. claw. X]atde [13adde] v. 1) bite, tingle 2) be
I3aalde (tide) piece of watermelon. stubborn. Ndaw ko X]ati He is so
X]aalde v. eat water melon.
V]atere (tide) bite.
t3aanaade v. scratch oneself Ho! ko
X]aahotocfa Why are you scratching X]ati (di) bugs; lice.
yourself? X]ator^ato (tigo) insect(s), itching. X]atiX]ati
X]aahande [I3aanan"de] (tide) scratch. (di)pl.
t]aande [I]aanje] v. scratch. 13ayloowo (o) climber.
Qaasde v. scratch. X]aylude v. climb O mon X]ayla e lekki He
is climbing up the tree.
I]abbirde (tide) ramp; ladder.
I]eerde v. be tight. Ina X]eeri It is tight.
X]abbirde v. climb with. ~ seel climb with a
ladder. X]eernude v. tighten.
X]abbude v. ascend; climb. ~ dow haayre l]eewaali (di) purrs, baby cries.
climb a mountain. X]eeivde v. purr; miaow.
X]abbug6l (tigol) climbing. 13efde V. gnaw, nibble.
t]acfaali (di) sounds of the camel. I]ende [l]enje] v. gild; adorn; embellish;
X]acfde [r)adde] v. make the sound of a decorate.
camel. X]ehema (o) earring boornaade ~ mum
wear one’s earring. X]ehemaaji (di) pi.
T]addere (tide) crack.
I3obande [I]oban"de] (tide) fish bite; bite.
X]addo (tigo) half of a cola nut. r)addo ngo
yonii One half of the cola nut will suffice. X]obde V. bite.
X]addude v. crack open. X]6bdi (tidi) fish bite. X]6bU (di) pi.
l]akkere (tide) handicap, insufficiency, X]dmindaade [13obi"daade] v. gnaw; chew
deficit; shortage. E den ngondi e X]akkere at.
mawnde We have a major deficit. V)akke !]olde V. nibble, chew at E ndun pola
(de).pl. Tiyal ngal The dog is chewing at the
X]akkude v. lack; be short of Ina x)akki It is bone.
rare. l^omsinde v. squat.
X]akkudi (iidi) shortage. T]akkule (de) pi. I]6msude v. flick a finger.
X](ikkuduni adj. incomplete. T]ol]de V. be sleepy. Mbede X]dl]i I am
X]akkug6l (tigol) deficit; deficiency. sleepy.
13aide (tide) space. ~ mawnde a bid space. I]6r)g6l (tigol) sleepiness; somnolence.
r)annaade v. lower one’s performance.

l^oocfde T]uylude

X]oobile V. 1) make a face 2) be short. 13urtugurtu (o) continuous small fights.

wudere ~ a short sarong. daccee X]urtuX]ur1u Stop fighting.
13oocfde [goodde] v. be tired. t3uslaango (tigo) lament, sigh. V]uslaali
I366t66tu (ngu) bug. X]66tddti (di) pi. (di) pi.
qooyre (nde) penis, diidol ~ truth. X]uslere (nde) sigh; lament.
I]oral (ngal) lower bank of a river. ~ X]uslude V. sigh; lament.
maayo lower bank of the river. t3uunde [puunje] v. make the cry of the
t]uccere (tide) pinch. X]ucce (de) pi hyena.
X]uccude V. pinch O X]ucci mo e jungo She 13uurde V. growl
pinched his arm. Quyliide V. whine.
X]uccug6l (figol) pinching. X]uccule (de) pi.
X]uceede v. be pinched.


0 det. the; he; she. necfdb ~ the person. O oonde [oonje] v. bend.
yahii He left.
oonidum adj. crooked; tortuous.
oo det. this, —gorko this man. oonii do (o) crook.
oon det. the; that. ~ necfcfo that person. ~ oontude [ooncude] v, straighten.
tuma at that time.
oondu [66"du] (ndu) fish. O joggii oondu
ocfon pers. pron. you (plural). O don njiya He caught the fish called oondu.
Can you see?
oorde v. 1) go to pasture, go to graze 2)
on pers. pron. you (pural). On njettii ma wander. O oorii He is wandering.
You have arrived.
oornde [oor"de] (nde) herd.
onon you (plural),
oornude v. drive sheep to pasture. O oornii
okkude v. hand over, nay He drove the cattle to pasture.
olde V. loose leaves, oortude v. return from pasture.
oinde [orde] (nde) cry. ooTaade v. fall.
oiowere (nde) sweat. ooyde v. be unwilling to share food.
ombaade [om^’baade] v. be closed. ooyoowo (o) person unwilling to share food.
dmbirgal [6m"’birgal] (ngal) cover; lid. Ko o ooyoowo He is unwilling to share his
ombitde [om^bidde] v. open. food.
omboode [om"’boode] (nde) lid, cover. ooyre (nde) unwillingness to share food.
Yitere wadanaaka omboode Eyes do not oppaacfo adj. feverish. K6 mi oppaado I
have lids (Nothing is hidden to the eye). am feverish.
ombude [om'^bude] v. close; cover. oppere (nde) fever O mo wondi e oppere
omo part. he/she is. O mo toon S/he is He is feverish.
there. oppude V. be feverish.
omtude v. open. ormaade v. crush tobacco in one's palm.
onde [ohje] v. remove grain shells, ormanke [ormaflke] (o) name used to
oocfaa det. that one. ~ neddo that person, designate a Haratine individual.
oocfoo det. this one. ~ neddo this person, oto (o) (f^.j vehicle; car. dognude ~ drive a
oogde V. extract, rub.
otoraay (o) {fr.} train, dannoraade ~ travel
oogirgal (ngal) extraction instrument.
by train.
oogo (ngo) extraction,
ottaango [ottaa"go] (ngo) groan,
oogore (nde) rubbing stone,
ottude V. (fr.} groan,
oolaade v. cry.
owde V. be troubled.
dolel (ngel) echo.
owlude V. sweat.
oolcfude V. be yellow. Ina ooldi It
ownude v. trouble. ~ hakkille trouble
ooldudum adj. yellow.
oya det. that; that one. neddo ~ that
oolo adj. yellow. person.
Oolel (o) female first name, oynude v. hold over fire.
oolel (ngel) echo. oTTaade v. fall
oonaade v. deviate, be bent; be unjust, 1 6 TTude V. knock down.
crooked. O mo oonii He is unjust.
oonaare (nde) aberrance, injustice.

paabi pendagol

paabi (cfi) frogs, faaburu (ndu) sing. paltu (o) {wol.} uniform. O boorniima
paacfcfo adj. 1) narrow 2) easily vexed. Ko paltu makko He is wearing his uniform,
o paacfcfo He gets angry easily, pamarel adj. tiny.
paafal (ngal) trace left after hoeing, pamaro adj. small, rchnuXt. famefude v.
paalel (ngel) small gourd ~ manna an pane (o) basket.
individual who gets upset easily. Ko o pante (cfe) sin\its. fantere (nde) sing.
paalel manna He gets upset very easily. pappaaya (o) pawpaw tree.
paas (o) fare, yofkle ~ mum pay one’s fare. pappaaye (o) pawpaw fruit,
Hoi no paas o foti What is the fare?
parasseewal (ngal) (fr.} umbrella,
paasuuji (cfi) pi.
parde v. {fr.} be ready. Mi parii I am
paasaase (o) (fr.j passenger,
ready. Mi paraani tawo I am not ready
paasde v. (fr.) iron. O woni ko e paasde yet.
comci jom suudu makko He is ironing his
parti (o) {fr.} party. Kambe ngondi e parti
wife’s clothes.
gooto They are members of the same
paasde v. (fr.) pass an exam. O paasii he party.
passed his examination,
pattuki (ki) tree, pattuefe (cfe) pi.
pasiot] (o) restaurant,
pawagol (ngdl) dependence,
paaspoor (o) {fr.} passport.
peccoowo (o) divider.
Paate (o) male first name,
peccugdl (ngdl) partition.
paaycfo adj. worried. Acfa nandi epaaycfo
peecdl (ngdl) partition; opening,
You look worried.
peel (o) {fr.} shovel, asirde ~ dig with a
paaygol (ngdl) worry.
pabbingol (ngdl) deferment; postponement;
peerefo adj. lucid; intelligent, necfcfo ~ a
lucid person. Ko o necfcfo peerefo She is a
paccirgol (ngdl) commentary, very intelligent person.
pacfal (ngal) big shoe. peertucfo adj. lucid, intelligent.
pacfe (de) shoes, boortude ~ take off peesde v. (fr.) weigh. O mon peesa maaro
shots, boornaade ~ wear shoes, boortu ko He is weighing the rice.
pacfe maa Take your shoes off facfo
peesirde v. weigh with.
(ngo) sing.
peesirgal (ngal) scales peesirefe (cfe) pi.
padara (o) roll of cloth.
peewai (ngal) decency; adequacy.
paddagol (ngdl) ambush; ambuscade.
peeyvcfo adj. righteous; just; appropriate.
paggiri (ndi) wild millet.
peeyvnitaagol (ngdl) the act of getting
paho (o) deaf person. Ko o paho He is deaf
ready, preparation.
pajaas (o) mattress, pajasuuji (cfi) pi.
peewnitoowo (o) repair person. ~ otooji a
pak foe. used for emphasis; really; mechanic.
completely, maayde ~ be really dead.
peeyvnoowo (o) maker. ~ otooji a car maker,
pakke (o) {fr.} liner,
pellital (ngal) decision,
pakket (o) {fr.} packet, box.
pelloowo (o) gunman,
~ siiukara a box of sugar.
pemboowo [pem"’boowo] (o) barber.
pakketaaji (cfi) pi
pel] gal (ngal) stake, a planted stick; pillar,
palaat (o) {fr.j plate. post, pet]cfe (cfe) pi
palal (ngal) a long piece of wood used to Penda [pen"da] (o) female first name.
close a gate.
pendel [pe"dd] (agel) undersarong.
palanteeje (cfe) windows, udditde ~ open pendelaaji (cfi) pi
the windows, uddude ~ close the
pendagol [pen"dag61] (ngdl) frost.
windows, falanteere (nde) .sing.


pendoowo [pen"doowo] (o) person who polotigi (o) (fr.} politics.

freezes. pom (o) (fr.} apple; deck. Takkude ~ eat
penoowo (o) liar. Aan ko a penoowo You an apple.
are a liar. pompe (de) (fr.} pumps.
pentiir (o) (fr.) paint. pompudev. {fr.} spray.
pentirde v. paint pompiteer (o) (fr.} potato.
pentirgol (ngol) painting. pondugol [p6n"dug61] (ngdl) comparison.
peragol (ngol) 1) expense 2) accident. O poobaar (o) (fr.} pepper. Ina manki
mo suusi pere He spends a lot of money. poobaar I need to add more pepper.
percfo (o) immigrant. Ko o percfo He poocfgol (ngdl) pulling poodoowo (o)
migrated. drawer, person who pulls,
perlel (ngel) little hill, poofirgel (ngel) comma.
peru (ngu) nail. poofoowo (o) person who breathes,
petto adj. single; alone; sole gooto ~ one poolaacfo (o) defeated person.
and only. pool do (o) winner.
pewjanoowo (o) plotter,
pdolgdl (ngdl) victory.
pibol (ngol) knot,
poos (o) (fr.} pouch; pocket. ~ juldo an
piindi [pii"di] (ndi) bloom, empty pocket; a pocket with no money in
pijirgel (ngel) toy. it. nder ~ in the pocket.
pijoowo (o) 1) actor; player 2) prostitute. pooTcfo adj. gaunt; lank; meager, skinny.
piliweer (o) {fr.} pullover; sweater, boorno pooTtiicfo adj. strict; straight; lawabiding;
piliweer maa ina jaangi Wear your upright.
sweater because it is cold. porogaraam (o) (fr.} program. Hoi ko
piliyaan (o) (fr.} deckchair, woni porogaraam maa hande What are
pilnitiicfo adj. furious; irate, you doing today?
pingaade v. take a shot, be vaccinated. portal (ngal) straight line / direction
pingu [pil]"gu] (o) 1) safety pin 2) shot. posone (o) (fr.} poison. Ina wadi posone It
pinguu ji (cfi) pi. is poisonous.
pingude [pil3"gude] v. inject, give a shot. O pot (o) Ifr.} can. ~ tamaate a can of
pingii mo He gave him a shot, tomatoes.
pinal (ngal) vigilance; awareness, potal (ngal) equality accuracy; parity,
intelligence. pottal (ngal) meeting.
pin do adj. vigilant; intelligent; awake. piiccu (ngu) horse, dognude ~ ride a horse.
V. pucci (di) pi.
pinnucTo adj. irate. pucel (ngel) little horse,
pinnugol (ngol) anger, passion, pulaagu (ngu) Fulani pride.
pirlu (ngn) enclosure, Pullo (o) Fullani, Fula person. Ko o Piillo
He is Fullani.
pittirgal (ngal) broom, pittirdi (di) pi.
pulook (o) cassava; yam
pittugol (ngdl) sweeping,
piindi [pun"di] (ndi) dust. Ina IteeM’ipundi
piye (de) contributions. _//>’r/£ v.
It is dusty,
pocfcfe (de) seeds; pills, yarde ~ mum take
piiiiaacfo (o) twin
one’s \>'^%. foddere (nde) .sing.
puniido (o) a person who gave birth to
pogu (ngu) shelter, poguuji (di) pi.
pokpokolam (dam) shallow area nearest to
punotoodo (o) person who gives birth to
the bank Haade pokpokolam dam Stay
in the shallow area,
puntinaade [puncinaade] v. plunge into
polis (o) (fr.} police.
deep water,
polise (o) (fr.} a police officer. Ko o polise
pur (fr.} for.
He is a police officer.

purayel puTe

purayel (ngel) little pigeon. puuntaacfo (o) a deceived individual.

piirto (o) type of bird purtooji (di) pi puuntugol (ngdl) decQii fuunti (o) alt.
piittere (nde) 1) fart, lie. 2) nothing. O puuycfo (o) stupid person.
andaa puttere He knows nothing, putte puuyndam [puuy"dam] (dam) stupidity.
(de) pi puTe (de) pimples./« Tere (nde) sing,
puttoowo (o) liar. pu Tel (ngel) small pimple.
puttude V. fart; lie. A puttii you lied, puTooivo (o) person who kills lice.
puucfdi [puuddi] (ndi) henna.

raabde rendinde

raabde v. contaminate; transmit. Ko aan rawtitaane (o) four years ago.
raati mi You are the one who rawde v. pass,
contaminated me.
rayteede v. be bewildered.
raabeede v. be contaminated.
raytude v. bewilder.
raabo (ngo) contamination,
raTTere (nde) tuft of grass.
raamde v. circle, caracole,
rebde v. spread. Ko ko rebata It spreads
raamraamtude v. circle; caracole, around.
raayre (nde) nenuphar, daaye (de) pi. reedeede v. be born out of wedlock.
rabbere (nde) short size. reedde v. be pregnant outside of marriage;
raddicfde [rabbidde] v. be short. Ina bear out of wedlock.
raddicfi It is short. reedu (ndu) stomach; belly, abdomen. ~
rabbi dinaade v. make short; shorten. muusooru a stomach ache ~ mehru an
Rabbidino Make your intervention short. empty stomach.
rabbi dinde v. abbreviate; shorten; reedu nte (o) woman with pregnancies
condense. ~ haala cut (speech) short, before marriage.
raddo (ngo) hunt, hunting yahde ~ go reenaade v. guard against; be careful.
hunting, be njahii raddo They went reenande v. guard for.
hunting. reende v. supervise; watch over. ~ waktu be
radddyde v. go hunting. O raddoyii He punctual. ~ no feeyvi control tightly.
went hunting. reeneede v. be guarded against.
raddude v. hunt, reennude v. allocate; guard against.
racfo (ngo) tendon; cartilage, reenoyde v. go and guard.
racftaade [rattaade] v. remove a pot from reentaade v. beware; guard oneself against;
the stove, be careful. Reento Be careful.
rafde v. lack. reentinde v. 1) warn, caution; forewarn;
rafeede v. be sick. ~ cellal be sick. Ko o forestall; alert 2) gather again. Mi
dafaado He is sick. reentinii mo I warned him
rafi (o) illness; sickness. O mo wondi e reentondirde v. avoid one another,
rafi He is sick. reetude v. be skinny.
rajo (ngo) {fr.} radio. ~ kankan hearsay. reftude v. follow again; repeat. Reftu do
udditde ~ switch the radio on. nifde ~ ndeyvno daa Go back the way you
switch the radio on. rajdoji (di) pi. came/Repeat what you said.
rakkoor (o) {fr.} hose, roosrude ~ water regaade v. be smooth,
with a hose, regde v. move slowly.
ramde v. squat regginde v. lead, guide.
ral^alde (nde) backside. O fii mo e reggondirde [reggondirde] v. be aligned;
raljalde He hit him on his backside. follow one another.
raneere adj. white, wudere ~ white sarong. remde v. plough; fallow; farm. ~ ngesa
ramvinde v. bleach; whiten. mum cultivate one’s farm, take care of
rami’ude v, be white. Ina ranwi It is white, one’s own business.
ranneere (nde) tuft of grass, remnaade v. be employed as a farmer,
rato (o) {fr.} rake, ratooji (di) pi. remmeraacfo (o) mother's sister's child,
rawaandu [rawaa"du] (ndu) dog, hound. ~ rendinde [ren"dinde] v. 1) unite, blend;
fetel trigger. collect, compile 2) cause people to
rawane (o) last year. ~ ndeya two years quarrel.
ago. rendude [ren"dude] v. gather, share.
rawtane (o) three years ago. reentude v. meet, rally; merge, congregate.

reppeende rujjaade

reppeende [reppee"de] (tide) deliberate rimtude v. unload. ~ dimngal unload/to

offense. remove from the back of an animal.
reppude v. provoke deliberately. dimtugol (ngol) n.
resde v, 1) put aside 2) wed. O resii He got rippo (ngo) dance.
married. rippude v. strike one's foot/feet on the
resande v. marry for. Mi resanii mo I ground.
married his daughter. robaande [robaa"de] (tide) ears of millet
resndude [res"dude] v. 1) to empower; gathered on the ground.
entrust 2) keep. robtude v. pick millet ears gathered on the
rewanke [rewal3ke] (o) northerner. ground.
rewo (ngo) North, huccude ~ go north. robine (o) {fr.} faucet; tap.
huccitde ~ face north. roggude v. strike on the head with the fist,
rewbe (be) women. ~ maw be old women. rojde [rojje] v. go early in the morning,
debbo (o) sing. rokkude v. donate; provide; give.
rhvru (ndu) female, rawaandu ~ a female rokkitde [rokkidde] v. give again,
dog. ronde v. bequeath; inherit.
rewde v. 1) follow; persist; conform; ronnude v. make someone inherit one’s
pursue; revere; venerate 2) owe. ~ laawol property.
be straight; be law-abiding.
ronkere [rol3kere] (tide) poverty;
reyveede v. owe.
inaptitude. Sinno wonaano roljkere
rewnude v. make something pass through mami arane If I had the means I would
and opening. come for you.
rewtaade v. follow one's footsteps again. ronkitde [rol^kidde] v. be completely unable
reftaade alt. to perform.
ribaa (o) illicit profit(s) ronkude [r61]kude] v. be incapable of
riddo (ngo) chase, roondaade [roo"daade] v. carry on the
riddude v. chase. head. ~ ko teddi carry a heavy load.
rido (o) {fr.} curtain. telUnde ~ lower the roontaade v. 1) go the opposite direction of
curtain, ridooji (cfi) pi. the current 2) take a load off, unload.
riicfde [riidde] (tide) fart. roosde v. (fr.) sprinkle, water. O mon
riicfde [riidde] v. fart, roosa hucfo ko He is watering the grass.
riimde v. tell lies, rosaade v. lose one's hair Hoore makko
rosiima He is bald.
riis (o) saw.
roso (ngo) disease that makes hair fall off.
riiwde v. banish, dispel, expel, revoke,
evict; drive off. rotere (tide) backside; buttock,
riiweede v. be revoked; be expelled. O rottande v. serve food for someone.
riiwaama ekkol He was banned from rottude v. serve food Rottu min keycfii
school. Serve the food, we are hungry,
riiwoyde v. go and ban someone. roytude v. be burned out.
rimare adj. barren (use restricted to rubbere (tide) fruit,
animals, cows specially). rubde V. advance slowly.
rimde v. give birth (use restricted to rubundere [rubu"dere] (tide) animal waste.
animals). dubuuje (de) pi.
rimcfinde v. free a slave; emancipate; rufde V. 1) spill 2) throw away; dump. ~
abolish slavery; decolonize. ~ jiyaadb free Tii Tam bleed; cause someone to bleed.
a slave.
rufo (ngo) overflow,
rimdineede v. be freed.
ruggude v. grind,
rim (fade v. be noble.
rujjaade v. strike with the head.
rimndude [rim"dude] v'. load an animal.
dimngal (ngal) n.

rullinde ruyde

rullinde v. catch with a trap; entrap. O ruubde v. frighten,

rullinii sondu He caught a bird with a ruucfaade v. parry; duck down,
ruudde v. lag behind; linger, waddle,
rumtaade v. turn one’s back. toddle; go slowly. 0 mo ruudi He is so
rul]aade v. leave a habit, slow.
rungaade [ruI3"gaade] v. carry on the head ruufde v. do final pounding of (millet).
without a head pad. ruukde v. be noisy.
rungere [rul3"gere] (nde) beehive, ruulde (nde) cloud, duule (de) pi.
ruttaade v. recede, retreat, return to a ruumde v. spend the rains; spend a long
place. Rutto toon Go back there. time.
ruttitaade v. go back again. ruy (o) thin and light porridge,
ruttude v. 1) vomit 2) reimburse; refund; ruyde v. start going; move off.
give change 3) repel. ~ kaalis give change

saakaade sake

saakaade v. be scattered, pervade; be sabbitaade v. make an unhappy sound with
destroyed. the tongue; refuse.
saakde v. spread. sabbitde v. rinse; wash millet,
saaktaade v. be revealed. Sirru o saaktiima sabburlere (nde) fruit,
The secret has been revealed. sadak (o) {ar.} alms, charity; sacrifice.
saaktude v. reveal, - sirru reveal a secret, rokkude - give charity, sadakeeji (cfi) pi.
saakit (o) net. sacfde [sadde] v. be difficult, ina sadi it is
saak (o) {fr.} bag; sack. ~ maaro a bag of difficult.
rice, saakuuji (cfi) pi. sacfnude [saannude] v. complicate.
saalde v. be unable to make a sound. sadre (nde) difficulty; rarity.
saalitde [saalidde] v. forget, sadiinde [sattinde] v. 1) rarify 2)
saamde v. fall, cfum saamii It fell off. complicate.
saan (o) taenia; worm, sadiude [sattude] v. be difficult, be rare.
Ina sadii It is hard to find.
saande [saanje] v. to be voracious, have a
huge appetite. sacfiwere (nde) ringworm.
saanga [saa"ga] (o) period; moment, date, safaara (o) medicine; remedy; cure, duni
advent, oon - at that particular moment. ~ alaa safaara There is no cure for it.
e saangaaji the old good days, saangaaji safrorde (nde) hospital.
(cfi) pi. safrotoobe (be) patients, cafrotoodo (o)
saano (ko) husks; bran, husk; hull, pericarp, sing.
saanoyde v. go to tether out. safrude v. nurse; treat; cure. ~ nw sellaani
saare (nde) town, village. treat a patient. - kaadi treat mental illness,
saasde v. have energy. O mo saasi no feeyvi safde V. be tasty. ~ lamdam have enough
He is full of energy. salt. Ina safi It is tasty.
saawandere [saawa"dere] (nde) dew. safnude v. make tasty, sweeten.
saawde v. tie in a bundle. saftude v. be too spicy; be tasteless, dum
saawdu (ndii) bundle. saftii It is too spicy,
saayaande [saayaa"de] (nde) bundle of hair. saftaade v. fish, wandaade alt.
ustude — mun get a haircut. sagata (o) young man; adolescent.
saayde v. melt away; pass without breaking sagataabe (be) pi.
(storm). Tihvoonde nde saayii The clouds sagginde v. start cooking. Saggin ko
gathered but it did not rain. mbaawdaa bendinde Start what you can
saayngo [saay"go] (ngo). melting. finish.
saaynude v. melt, dissolve. saggitde v. 1) unhook 2) remind.
saaynaade v. pick one's fiancee. saggitorde (nde) dictionary. ~ Pulaar a
Pulaar dictionary. Teetv dum e nder
saaytinde v. make disappear.
saggitorde nde Look it up in the
saaysaaye (o) thug. Ko o saaysaaye He is a dictionary.
saggude v. 1) be hanging 2) forget,
sabaabii (o) {ar.} cause. ~ nde maa thanks
sago (o) desire, sinno ko wish I.
to you.
sahaa (o) period; moment; date; instant. ~
sahu (o) cause, sake.
sahaa frequently; every now and then. ~
sabba (o) about; skirt, -waktuuji didi kala every time, oon - at that time.
about two hours. sahaaji (di) pi.
sabbiiide v. nestle. sahde [saade] v. roast; fry. -liddi fry fish.
sabhhitde [sabbidde] v. remove from a nest. saka conj. so that.
sahhundu [sabbu"du] (ndu) nest. sake (o) warehouse, sakeeji (di) pi.

sakkaade sarwude

sakkaade V. 1) give charity 2) be sammunde [sammun"de] (tide) hedgehog.

underneath. Sakko jelotoocfo o Give samorde v. feel better, be better. Mi
charity to the beggar. samorii I feel better.
sakkoyaade v. go and give charity. sampaade v. thresh; separate,
sakke (oj leather worker; shoemaker. Ko o samre (tide) chicken pox pimple,
sakke She belongs to the leather worker
sanajida (o) idolater.
caste, sakkeebe (be) pi.
sanam (o) idol, totem; fetish,
sakkitaade v. be last.
sandolicfde [san"d61idde] v. be stubborn; be
sakkitoyaade v. go to meet someone again, rude. A (fa sandolicfi You are impolite,
sakkude v. 1) place below 2) wear under, sangalde [sat]"galde] (tide) porcupine,
sakkoos (o) {fr.} handbag, weelnaade ~ sangara [sat]"gara] (o) beer; liquor, wine.
hold a bag. Jaroowo ~ a drunkard,
sala (ka) bridge, salaaji (cfi) pi. sande [sanje] v. weave; knit.
salaade v. object; refute; abstain. Salaade santaade [sancaade] v. to undo one's hair.
ko waawaa jeyaaka e mbaacfdaagu
santude [saficude] v. to undo someone's
Limiting oneself to what one can do is not
a sign of weakness.
sal3o (o) thorn fence,
salaare (tide) refusal, objection.
sal]re (tide) hunchback,
saltintinaade v. pretend to refuse,
sapato (ko) plant.
salaatu (o) prayer,
sappaade v. ready oneself for a battle,
salbaade v. lap
sappaare (tide) brushwood,
salde (tide) junction,
sappobo (o) the tenth in rank.
sallifana (o) two o'clock prayer time.
sappo mini, ten ~ o joy fifteen. ~ e jeecficfi
salligaade v. do one's ablution. Salligo
seventeen. ~ e (ficfi dozen.
hadee man juulde Do your ablution
before you say your prayers. sappobinde v. multiply tenfold, be ten years
sallige (o) ablution.
sappinaade v. point
salminaango [salminaa"go] (tigo) greeting.
sappordii (tidu) forefinger,
salminde v. greet; salute. Necfcfo
salminirta ko jungo naamo You greet sappitaade v. lay mud balls on a wall. 0
with the right hand. woni ko e sappitaade He is laying mud on
the wall.
salmitaade v. return greetings Salmito mo
Return his greetings, saqqa (o) {ar.j problem, need. Holi saqqa
maa What do you need‘s.
salnde [saPde] (tide) junction; confluent.
Sara (o) side, near; brink; vicinity; aside;
salndu [sal"du] (tidu) branch; fork, a pillar. nearby, edge. ~ makko next to him.
caldi (cfi) pi. saraqji ((fi) pi.
saltude v. branch off. saraade v. be dispersed, be scattered.
Samba [sam^’ba] male first name, sarde v. scatter -yimbe create
samba tali [sam"'batali] (o) caterpillar; confusion/animosity amongst individuals.
tractor sarbet (o) [fr.} towel.
samme (o) millet, aawde ~ sow millet. sardil]e (o) {fr.} garden roosde ~ water a
sammeere (tide) ear (of millet stalk). ~ garden.
jungo wrist saret (o) {fr.} cart,
samminde v. drop, knock off. sarfaade v. have a splinter
sammitde v. remove poison sarfude v. cut a splinter,
sammitoobe (be) people who remove sariya (o) islamic law
poison, cammitoowo (o) sing,
sarwiis (o) (ft'.} service,
sammude v. knock fruit off trees. Sommu
sarwude v. {fr.} to serve.
ko njey (fna take what belongs to you.

sasa se^aade

sasa (o) leather bag. sasaaji (cfi) pi. seereede v. 1) be divorced 2) be

sataade v. set a child across legs to urinate constipated.
or defecate. seerndude [seer"dude] v. distinguish;
satalla (ka) kettle, satallaaji (cfi) pi. separate, discriminate; sort, -goonga e
fenaande tell right from wrong.
satde V. court,
seertude v. be separated again; diverge;
satigi (o) king’s title.
differ; part.
sawndaade [saw^daade] v. be adjacent to.
seereer (o) individual from the Serer ethnic
sawndo [sav/’do] (ngo) side; nearby. group.
sawndondirde [saw"d6"dirde] v. be next to seernaade v. be religious.
each other.
seese ad\>. slowly; softly; carefully waarude.
sawru (ndu) stick. ~ tuggorteendu cane. ~ do gently,
cabbi (cfi) pi.
sefaade v. loose fiber,
sayeede v. be rabid, rawaandu sayaandu a
rabid dog. sefde V. draw up, lift up.
sayo (ngo) rabies, seggude v. filter,
saygalaare (nde) music, sehde [seede] v. carve,
sehil (o) friend; ally; pal.
sayyaade v. swing. O woni ko e sayyaade
He is swinging. sehilaabe (be) friends.
sebbe (de) warrior caste. Ko be sebbe sekde v. be angry; be upset. Ko o cekcfo He
They belong to the warrior caste, cecfcfo is angry.
(o) sing. seknoraade v. scoff, deride, make fun of
sebde v. be slightly more than. Ko kanko seknude v. upset; vex. Ko kanko sekni mi
seb ntaa He is a little bit taller than you. He got me upset.
secfcfaade v. be strong, sekre (nde) anger,
secfde [sedde] v. separate (bran & flour); sekkaade v. carry on the side; hide,
sift. sekkere (nde) cheek.
seebde v. 1) be sharp 2) be intelligent, be sekko (ngo) fence of woven reed; woven
perceptive. Ndaw ko seebi He is very reed.
selbude v. be thin/light (liquid).
seebnude v. sharpen.
selde V. 1) branch 2) be abnormal; get out of
seebre (nde) intelligence; sharpness, the way; go aside.
seedaade v. witness; certify; attest; testify. selnude v. divert,
seede (o) witness. Ko kanko woni seede ant sellinde v. heal.
He is my witness, sellitde [sellidde] v. be well again.
seedere (nde) cowrie shell, sellude v. be well; be healed, recover. O
seecfa (o) few; scant; slight; bit; little, seecfa sellii He has recovered from his illness.
seecfa little by little.
sembaade [sem"'baade] v. wash one's feet.
seecfde [seedde] v. spend the dry season.
sembaan [sem"'baan] (o) tall grass that
seecfirde (nde) camp for dry season. grows on lower grounds.
seekande v. buy new clothing for. Seekan sembe [sem'^be] (o) force; vigor, strength.
mo wutte Buy him a new gown. jogaade ~ be strong.
seekande [seeka"de] (nde) tear. sembinde [sem'^binde] v. fortify,
seekde v. tear, mangle, rip. semteende (nde) lie.
seekoode (nde) notch. semtinde v. shame someone.
seelde v. cut into strips. semtude v. lie.
seeltude v. Subdivide into smaller parts. sende v. castrate,
seeno (ngo) sandy area. sengo [sel3"go] (ngo) side; part,
seerde v. separate, divorce; dissociate. sel^aade v. be hooked.

seclude singondirde

seljde V. 1) join 2) put bait on the hook; siikaango [siikaa"go] (tigo) squeak.
affix. siikde v. scream; squeak.
seljdndirde [sel]6"dirde] v. adjoin; connect. siiltude v. cease to rain. Tobo ngo siiltii
seljondireede [sel36"direede] v. be joined. The rain has stopped.
seljtude v. disjoin; disconnect. siimtinde v. strain; drain away; drip.
sel]Iude v. ring; toll, siimtude v. drop; strain; trickle, drip.
sengu [sel]"gu] (o) {fr.} zinc leaf, siinde [siinje] v. bare teeth. ~ hiiTe mum
serde v. join; nibble. show one’s teeth,
sereendu [seree"du] (ndu) sunbeam; gleam; siiral] (o) seat,
ray. siirde v. {fr.} be sure; be true,
serkitde [serkidde] v. laugh loudly. siirtaade v. flee; swim fast,
serndu [ser"du] (ndu) flute. siirtude v. cut meat by strips,
sertaade v. stretch siiwde v. strain; pour, pour out.
sete (o) caravan, seteeji (di) pi. siiweede v. be strained; be poured; be
setewol (ngol) a long caravan. poured out.
setto (ngo) sharpening. siiwtude v. drain; decant; filter,
settude v. peel; pare. siiwre (tide) grass,
sewde v. be thin. O mo seyvi He is thin. sikaade v. peck.
sewnde [sew"de] (tide) spring of water; sikke (o) thought, opinion, alaa ~ no doubt.
water source, sikkeede v. be a suspect.
seybude v. be pretty, sikkitaade v. suspect; doubt, have a hunch.
seytaane (o) {ar.} demon; devil, sikkude v. believe; think; presume; guess;
si if
sibaade v. measure by spans. siko cotij. but.
sidatinde [sibatin"de] (tide) span. silaama (ka) sword,
sibatindu [sibatin"du] (tidu) pinky. silkitde [silkidde] v. cut into pieces,
simaa (o) {fr.} cement, simolj (o) alt.
sibre (tide) span,
simbude [sim'"bude] v. play the fiddle,
sibbere (tide) leftover.
simis (o) {fr.} shirt, simisaaji (fi) pi.
sibbitde [sibbidde] v. pour.
simmaade v. smoke O mo simmoo He
sibbude V. pour,
siccere (tide) odd smell.
simme (o) tobacco, faccude ~ quit
siccude v. smell odd. Ina sicci It smells smoking.
sinamaa (o) {fr.} movie, yahde ~ go to the
sidere (tide) carp. movies.
sifaa (o) {ar.} description; type; kind; sort. sintaan [sincaan] (o) newly built village.
sifaaji (cfi) pi.
siiitude [sincude] v. build a new
sifaade v. describe; depict. A (fa waawi village/compound,
sifaade mo Can you describe him?.
sinde v. fix
siftinde v. remind. Siftin am Remind me. sindere [sin"dere] (tide) 1) tree fruit 2) extra
siftorde v. remember; recollect; recall. A organ.
siftorii Do you remember? sindude [sin"dude] v. fix to; tie to; follow;
siftoreede v. be remembered, tow.
sigaret (o) {fr.} cigarette, sinkaade [siqkaade] v. adorn oneself
sige (o) feather, sinkude [siqkude] v. decorate; embellish,
siibaade v. suck, gild, adorn.
siidaade v. joke with. singondirde [siI3"g6"dirde] v. to place each
siido (tigo) joke, other's arms on shoulders.
siifde V. ratify.
sinno soodde

singoore [sil^T^oore] (tide) cluster of (e g. sogone (o) length of arm from the elbow to
fruit) the tip of the middle finger.
sinno if only, sohre [soore] (tide) viper,
sippirde v. wrestle sojjude V. be dry. Mi sojjii I am dry.
sippiro (ngo) wrestling. sokde V. lock; latch.
sippiroobe (be) wrestlers, sokeede v. be locked. Ko o cokaado He is
sippoobe (be) people who buy or sell milk. in prison.
sippoyde v. go and buy or sell milk. soktude V. unlock,
sippude V. buy or sell milk, sokkaade v. be crushed.
sinnere (tide) shaking. sokkude v. pound millet/corn stalks,
sinnude v. shake; tremble; quake; flicker, sokkola (o) {fr.} chocolate,
quiver; shiver; thrill, sokla (o) need, necessity Hoi ko woni
sinninde v. shake. sokla maa What do you need?
sippude V. buy milk. soklude V. need, necessitate Mbede soklu
maa I need you.
Sira (o) female first name,
sokna (o) address for a woman,
sirande [siran"de] (tide) bark removal.
sirde v. tear strips, soko cotij. if
solaade (tide) funnel,
sirme (o) oil.
sirqinaade v. be upset; be defiant, soldaat (o) {fr.} serviceman; soldier,
siro (ko) strip, solande v. remove a tooth for someone,
solde V. come out of; take out; remove. ~
siro (o) (fr.} syrup,
niire mum have one’s tooth out.
sirpaade v. jump down.
solima (o) uncircumcised person,
sirTude v. spit through the teeth,
sollaaru (tidu) dust.
siso (o) (fr.} scissors, ta Tirde ~ cut with
scissors. sollewol (tigol) rolled fabric, solleeji (di) pi.
sitde [sidde] v. protect, solom (o) pipe, hose, solomaaji (di) pi.
siwii (o) {fr.} civilian, sombe [som"’be] (o) tool for digging,
siwo (o) {fr.} bucket; pail, sompude v. establish
siwrude v. be drunk. somre (tide) roach,
siyde v. leak. Inan siya It is leaking, ciyam sonkiide [s6I]kude] v. quarrel,
( dam). sondaade [son"daade] v. choke.
so cotij. if. sondude [son"dude] v. choke someone,
sobbundii [s6bbu"du] (tidu) clitoris. sondeel [son"deel] (o) {fr.} candle.
sobde V. be a nuisance; be useless. Itubbude ~ light a candle,
sobe (a) soil. sondu [s6n"du] (tidu) bird.
soble (de) onions. songo [sot]"go] (ngo) hunting; seizing;
sohlere (tide) onion.
songude [s6I]"gude] v. seize a prey.
soccaade v. brush clean.
sontaade v. talk back, respond with no
soccudde v. rub, scratch clean. ~ nii Te respect.
brush teeth.
sontit] (o) type of bird,
sodo (ko) plant,
sonde [sonje] to harvest; reap,
sofru (tidii) chick,
sone (tige) cow.
softikinaade v. exercise.
sofinude v. make a light noise,
softude V. be willing to exercise.
soodde V. purchase, buy.
sqftinde v. exercise,
soddnude v. make someone purchase
soggiide V. drive cattle. something.

soocfaade sumande

soodtude [soottude] v. to redeem; buy back; sormitde [sormidde] v. dress a person up.
buy from. sosaade v. be agitated.
soocfaade v. wash one's hands, sosde V. agitate; innovate; found, originate;
soofde V. be tasteless; urinate. begin.
soofnude v. 1) moisten; soak; wet 2) sottinde v. complete the shelling of grains.
trivialize. sottude V. pound grain (to remove the
soolde (tide) penis, cover); shell grains by pounding,
soomaade v. wrap oneself up. sowaade v. be folded.
soomde v. wrap up, pack; envelop, soivande [sowan"de] (tide) fold, sowde v. 1)
soonde [soonje] v. lack water. fold, sag 2) multiply.
soono (tigo) dearth; hardship, water sowoore (tide) agnomen; euphemism;
shortage; drought. nickname.
sooraade v. walk everywhere. ~ wuru walk sowti (o) insect, sdwtiiji (cfi) pi.
all around the town. soTTaade v. be broken.
soorde v. pour in a cooking pot. so TTude v. break.
soortude v. take out. subaka (o) (fr.) forenoon, morning. Itattde
sooro (o) minaret. ~ this morning, subakaaji (di) pi
soos (o) {fr.} ragout; sauce. subiiXbt (be) fishermen cuhhallo (o) sing.
sootaade v. weed. subaade v. choose, pick out; select; elect.
sooye (o) silk. subde V. choose; pick up.
sooycfude v. be fawn-colored, subngo (tigo) selection, choice.
sooyde v. be unwed for a long time, suddaade v. cover oneself
sooynaade v. sight; catch sight of from far suddaare (tide) cover.
away. sudditde [suddidde] v. Uncover; expose.
sooynde [sooy^de] (tide) open land, suddude v. marry; cover someone. 0 suddii
sooyru (tidu) parrot, He has gotten married,
soponduru [s6pp6"duru] (tidu) tree, sucfaade v. wear jewelery; adorn oneself
soppande [soppan"de] (tide) cut; slash. sufde V. pick
soppude V. 1) hack; cut, chop 2) bite, suftude V. extract.
soppinaade v. squat. suka (o) 1) child, kid 2) lover; mistress. ~
debbo girl, -gorko boy. sukaabe (be) pi.
soppunde [s6ppu"de] (tide) squat,
sukkitaade v. be open.
sorbo (tigo) courtship.
sukkitde [sukkidde] v. open, uncork; clean
sorhude v. court.
holes out.
sorbinaade v. put water in one’s nostrils, sukkoode (tide) cork.
sorbondirde [s6rb6"dirde] v. follow one sukkude v. 1) plug, cork, block up; cover 2)
be next 3) be thick,
sorbude v. smell bad. suknaade v. have a mistress,
sorde v. creep under. suknude V. be greedy
sorkaade v. enter, be inserted. sukuiia (o) witch,
sorkeede v. be inserted sukundu [suku"du] (tidu) hair,
sorkude v. make enter; insert.
sulle (o) loser, sulleebe (be) pi.
sornude v. place under/in. sulmaade v. wash one's face.
sorsortude v. go in and out repeatedly. sulmude v. wash someone's face,
sortaade v. escape; slip away; withdraw; sumalle (o) gourd made of goat, sheep or
sneak out. lamb skin, sunuilleeji (d) pi.
sortude v. extract, sumande [suman"de] (tide) burn.
soriwal (tigal) fish spear, sumde v. burn.
sormitaade v. dress up, be elegant.

sumbaade suyde

sumeede v. be burnt, suukara (o) (fr.} sugar. ~ wonni vanilla

sumbaade [sum'^baade] v. take snuff, sugar.
sumbude [sum'^bude] v. dance, suulde V. defecate,
suna (o) millet. suumde v. cover the mouth,
sunaade v. mourn; grieve; be sad. suumee (o) tattoo,
sunaare v. chagrin; distress; mourning; suumko (ngo) whiskers,
sorrow. suumtaade v. suffer from overwork.
suntude [suncude] v. to stack, suumtude v. cause someone to suffer due to
sunka [su!]ka] (o) animal, overwork.
sunnaade v. spy. suunde [suun"de] (nde) secret,
sunnude v. taste good, suuraade v. be protected, be statisfied.
suntude v. slap. suuraare (nde) protection; satisfaction.
suppitaade v. come up to surface; emerge; suurde v. protect.
resurface. suurndu [suur"du] (ndu) cloud.
suppome (o) cabbage, suurondirdc [suur6"dirde] v. protect each
suraade v. be protected, other.
surde v. hedge; prevent; stop, suurtaade v. be uncovered; be unprotected.
surbaade v. sip. suurtude v. 1) reveal 2) be steam cooked,
surga (o) young male; lad; chap, teenager. suurkude v. smoke; fume,
suro (ngo) retaining of a person. suurtinde v. steam.
suruundu [suruu"du] (ndu) bag. suurtinirde (nde) utensil for steaming food.
susde V. sniff. suurtude v. be rightly cooked; be steamed,
susnaade v. sniff. suusde V. dare; be brave.
sutde [sudde] v. add. suutaade v. leave one's husband's
compound after a dispute.
sutu (o) group of shrubs, sutuuji (di) pi
suutde [suudde] v. raise; uplift; lift.
suucfaade v. hide oneself
suuteede v. be lifted,
suucfde [suudde] v. hide; veil; conceal;
dissimulate. suuwde V. dip.
suudeede v. be protected. suwaa imperf. not yet; time is not up yet. ~
suucforde (nde) hideout; shelter; hiding tawo not yet.
place; chache. suwde V. dip
suudu cabin; bedroom.~ wife, suyde v. vaporize; evaporate.
suufa (o) servant.

taabal taktakri

taabal (ngal) {fr.}. taaynude v. cause to melt. ~ ttebam melt

taabbaaje (ki) tree, butter.
taabaade v. step over something. taayre (tide) melting.
taabande [taabanMe] (tide) stride. ~ tabalde (tide) big bass <\rum.fiide ~ hit/play
mawnde a long stride. a big bass drum.
taadere (tide) grass used for animal tabitde v. happen; be true,
consumption, taade (cfe) pi. tabbere (tide) waterlily.
taakinaade v. pace slowly, tabbital (tigal) the third.
taalde v. put oil in a pan. tabbitde [tabbidde] v. triple.
taalnande [taalnan"de] (tide) wound. tabbitgal (tigal) the third.
taalnande v. inflict a wound on behalf of taccude v. cross a river. O taccii maayo
someone. tigo He crossed the river,
taalnude v. wound, tacfcfude v. jump over,
taalol (tigol) tale. tafde V. forge. ~jayvo make a bracelet.
taamaade v. [ar.} do ablutions with sand or tafngo [taf go] (tigo) manner of forging; the
a stone. making of metal products.
taamaamuya (o) {ar.} ablutions performed tafsiiru (o) commentary; translation.
with a stone or sand. tagaacfo (o) human being.
taamorde (tide) stone used for ablution. tagande [tagan"de] (tide) volume of a book.
taamotoocfo (o) person who performs tagde V. create. Ko Alla tag tnaa Allah
ablutions with a stone or sand. created you.
taaniraacTo (o) 1) grandchild 2) tagdeede v. be fully created.
grandparent. gorko grandfather. ~ debho tagdude v. create simultaneously.
female grandmother.
tagoodi (tidi) state; shape.
taara (o) concubine, taaraabe (be) pi.
tagoore (tide) creation.
taaraade v. 1) besiege; surround;
tagoowo (o) creator.
circumvent 2) urinate, dbo taaretaake It is
forbidden to urinate here. taggee (o) death message broadcast on
taarol (tigol) scenic route.
taggere (tide) something that is rolled.
taarorde (tide) restroom.
taggude V. 1) roll up 2) close up.
taareede v. be surrounded.
takkaade v. stick to, stick oneself to.
taarnude v. surround.
takkel (tigel) little paw
taartaarol (tigol) scenic route.
takkere (tide) claw, paw.
taartoyaade v. take a scenic route.
takkitde [takkidde] v. remove stick, unstick.
taartude v. remove a fence,
takko fringe; near; beside. ~ maayo near the
taasa (ka) bowl, taasaaji (<fi) pi. river.
taasande [taasan"de] (tide) lighter, takkondirde [takk6"dirde] v. agglutinate,
taaske (o) religious holiday, get close.
taasnude v. polish. takkordi (tidi) stick.
taastaade v. lay mud. takkude v. 1) stick 2) accuse. ~ fenaattde
taasto (tigo) laying of mud/cement on a make a false accusation.
wall/roof Takko (o) female first name,
taataade v. trip, slide, slip. 0 taati He taksi (o) {fr.} Xzod.jolde e ~ take a taxi,
slipped. taktako (o) person with leprosy,
taalde [taadde] v. be slippery. Ina taati It is taktakri (tidi) lion mbaroodi ~ a lion

tal taylude

tal adv. very white, ranwude ~ be very tappirgal (ngal) instrument used for
white, ironing.
talaata (o) Tuesday Hande ko talaata tappude V. {fr.} 1) type, strike; beat 2)
Today is Tuesday, castrate.
taide V. cut a big piece of raw meat. tappisaade v. bother someone, joke around.
(aide (nde) big piece of raw meat, Ngonmi ko e tappisaade mo I am just
joking with her.
talkuru (tidu) charm,
taransu (ngu) shilling.
talla (o) pillow,
tarde v. graduate; complete one’s education
tallaade v. roll
or training.
tallande [tallan"de] (ude) roll.
taro (ngo) learning.
taUinde v. cause to roll.
tartude v. remove a person's sarong. ~
taUoowo (o) person who rolls something. wudere untie the sarong.
tallorde (nde) place for rolling. tasa (ka) brass.
tallude V. roll. tasde V. finish; be finished Batu ngu tasii
tamande [taman"de] (nde) handful; grip, the meeting is over, fusde alt.
tamaroore (nde) date. tasngo [tasngo] (ngo) end.
tamardowi (ki) date tree, tata (ka) wall; fort, tataaji (di) pi.
tamatere (nde) (fr.) tomato, tamate (de) tatabal ord. the third.
pi. tatabo ord. third in rank.
tambaade [tam"'baade] v. carry in one's tati num. three, trey.
tato num. three, yimbe ~ three people,
tambal] [tam"’bal3] fish.
tawaacfo adj. present; found.
tamde v. hold with closed fingers; have a
tawde V. find.
tawdeede v. be found with.
tamgol (ngol) grip,
taweede v. be found; be present. Mbede
tame (o) sieve, tameeji (di) pi
tawanoo I was present.
tampande v. work hard for. ~ hoore mum
tawngo [taw"go] (ngo) finding.
work for oneself.
tawtoraado (o) participant.
tampere (nde) fatigue; tiredness, wondude e
~ be tired. tawtude v. find again.
tampinde v. make someone tired; wear tawre (nde) block of butter; animal foot
someone out. A tampinii mo You got him track.
tired. tayde v. happen.
tampinoowo (o) a difficult individual. taTaade v. secede.
tampude v. be tired. Mi tampii I am tired.taTande [taTan"de] (nde) piece of
tampudo adj. weary; tired. Ko mi tampudo ta Tande v. allocate, cut for.
I am tired. ta Tatinel (ngel) bit; piece.
tamsindaade [tamsi"daade] v. squeeze, taTatinde [taYatin"de] (nde) scrap; sop;
tamulde (nde) chiefs drum, piece.
tan foe. only; alone, aan ~ you only, taTde [tajje] v. cut; amputate; dissect, clip;
tana (o) trouble, dum alaa tanaa It is no mutilate. ~ daande decapitate.
trouble, tanaaji (di) pi taTgol (ngol) cut.
tanka [tal]ka] (o) smallest money unit. taTkinaade v. pretend to cut.
tankaaji (di) pi. taTondiral [taT6"diral] (ngal) scission;
tankere [tat3kere] (nde) load, separation.
tangal [tal3"gal] (o) candy, taToowo (o) person who cut.
tappale (o) rogue, rowdy, ta Tre (nde) piece; share; cut.
tappi (o) Ifr.j rug; carpet. taylude v. pledge, pond.


tebbuuli (cfi) meats. teeyteeyngal [teeyteey"gal] (tigal) lake.

teew (tigu) meat; flesh. ~ kolce beef. ~ teeyteeyle (de) pi.
mbabba tugal bacon; ham. tefde V. calm; pacify; pursue; beg.
tebbaade v. toss and catch with the hand. tefoowo (o) mediator.
tebbagol (ngol) tossing. teftaade v. revenge, hold a grudge.
tebbitaade v. be falling from a hook to fall teftagol (ngol) revenge, grudge.
from a hanging position, teddeendi teftondiral [teft6"diral] (ngal) bitterness.
[teddee"di] (ndi) weight.
teftondirde [teft6"dirde] v. bear a grudge for
tebbotoocfo (o) juggler. one another.
teddinde v. honor; treat with respect. ~ teheende [tehee"de] (tide) camp.
kodo treat a guest well.
tekkeendi [tekkee"di] (ndi) width; strength;
teddineede v. be treated with respect. thickness.
teddude v. 1) be heavy; be difficult 2) be tekkinde v. stress; strengthen ~ alkulal
pregnant. Ko o teddudb She is pregnant. stress a sound.
teddungal (ngal)[teddu"gal] respect, tekkude v. 1) be hard 2) roll up/use a head
teecfde [teedde] v. bleat. pad 3) be thick. Tekku dum Use it as a
teelde v. be odd, be uneven; be alone. head pad.
limoore teelnde an odd number. tekku do adj. vigorous; strong, neddo ~ a
teelnude v. make an odd number. strong person.
teelre (nde) solitude; oneness. tekkere (tide) pad, rag. tekke (de) pi.
teeleende [teelee"de] (tide) baldness. tektekol (tigdl) bowel; intestine, gut. tekteki
teeleede (de) pi. (di) pi.
teeltelal (ngal) file. teko (tigo) whooping cough.
teemedere (tide) one hundred. ~ neddo one tekum adj. tasteless; uninteresting; tedious.
hundred people. dum ko tekum It is tasteless.
teemodinde v. centuple. 0 teemodinii He is telefol] (o) (fr.) telephone,
one hundred years old. tellaade v. retrograde; to alight; dismount.
teemodindo adj. centennial, neddo ~ a tellagol (ngol) dismount.
hundred year old person. Ko o tellorde (tide) getting off place,
teemodindo He is one hundred years old. tern here [tem"'bere] (tide) (fr.) stamp,
teende v. collect fire wood. tembinde [tem"'binde] v. level; line up.
teenol (tigol) the collecting of firewood. tembude [tem"’bude] v. be leveled, be in
teenoyde v. go and collect firewood. O line.
teenoyii He went to collect firewood. tenkude [tel]kude] v. wait for food without
teel3de v. be tight. Ina teegi It is tight. being invited.
teeljtinde v. insist; affirm; confirm, tenkugol [tel]kug61] (ngol) the waiting for
teerde v. cast anchor; accost. Ka teeri The food without being invited,
boat just stopped. tengaade [tel]"gaade] (tide) large cone
fieri (o) 1) port of call; temporary stop; shaped hat.
friend 2) friend, teeriiji (di) pi. tennude v. remove lice
teere (tide) current, te^de V. give dowry. Mi teljii ma gay
teetateeri (tidi) booty; plunder. sappo I gave you ten oxen for your dowry.
teetde [teedde] v. take by force, usurp. tepe (de) dowry,
rokka teeta a person who gives and takes tegkere (tide) locust,
back what was given. teppaade v. be fixed
teetere (tide) looting; pillage. teppere (tide) foot, step, yabbude e ~
teetgol (ngol) taking by force, follow a person’s footstep, teppe (de) pi.
teeyde v. be calm. O mo teeyi He is calm. teppirgal (ngal) instrument for sowing.
teeydo adj. tactful; calm.

teppol timtimol

teppitde [teppidde] v. remove what was tiidnude [tiinnude] v. strengthen; assert; to

fixed. harden; toughen; increase the price.
teppude V. sow; fix. tiidiinde [tiittinde] v. 1) make difficult 2)
teppol (ngol) bridle. affirm; emphasize; reinforce.
teptere (nde) something that is picked. tiidtingol [tiittingol] (ngol) emphasis,
teptude V. pick. tiille (de) rights.
teptungo [teptu"go] (tigo) picking, tiindi [tiin"di] (ndi) right,
terde v. chase, be teri mo They chased him tiimde v. 1) predict 2) stand over; overlook.
away. tiimgal (ngal) prediction.
teret (o) trade season, tiimo (ngo) prediction; astrology.
tergal (ngal) limb, terde (de) pi tiimoowo (o) astrologer. Ko o tiimoowo He
termude v. use language skillfully. is an astrologer.
termoowo (o) person who uses language tiimorgal (ngal) mirror.
skillfully. tiimtaade v. look in the mirror O woni ko e
teskaade v. remember; recall. Mhede teeski tiimtaade He is looking at himself in the
maa I remember you. mirror.
teskuya (o) memory; remembrance; tiinde (nde) forehead.
souvenir, hee^vde ~ have a good memory. tiitoonde [tiitoo"de] (nde) address. Hoi ko
tetaanoos (o) {jr.} tetanus, woni tiitoonde maa What is your address?
tete (o) toddler. tiirde v. be swollen.
tewngo [tew"go] (ngo) ambush. tijjaade v. expect; hope. Mbede tijjii mo
hande I expect to see her today.
teyde v. do deliberately. Ko miin teyi I did
it on purpose. tijjinde v. inform/warn in advance,
tiba (o) 1) roof 2) one-room house, tibaaji tikka (ka) head tie.
(di) pi. tikkande v. be angry at someone. Ko o
ticfcfude V. save space while storing. tikkando ma He is angry at you.
tihde V. thatch, tikkere (nde) anger, tikke (de) pi.
tiggaade v. roll oneself up. tikkube (be) angry persons.
tiggere (tide) disorderly fold. tikkude v. withdraw because of anger; be
tiggitaade v. stretch. angry; sulk.
tiggude V. fold disorderly, tikkudo (o) an angry person. Ko o tikkudo
He is angry,
tiggal (ngal) park for animals,
tilfaade v. be lost.
tiggu (a) newborn; baby,
tilfere (nde) loss.
tigi foe. very; himself; herself (used for
tilfude V. waste,
emphasis). Ko aan tigi It is you.
tigirigi foe. very much, tigitigi alt. tilliisa (o) tent,
timde v. have nausea,
tiicfaacfo adj. proud, concerned. Mbede
tiidaa dum It is important for me. timmal (ngal) completeness.
tiidde V. 1) be hard; be strong 2) be timminde v. finish, complete; achieve.
expensive 3) be important. Ina tiidi It is timmingol (ngol) addendum.
expensive. timminoore (nde) adjective; adjunct;
tiiddo adj. 1) robust; hale; tough 2) dear. ~ adverb.
jungo miser; penurious. timmude v. 1) be finished; be complete 2)
tiidgdl (ngol) strength die. O timmii He is dead.
tiidnaade [tiinnaade] v. strive; persist; be timmudo adj. 1) complete 2) serious
serious minded. O mo tiidnii He is a very minded, trustworthy.
conscientious individual. timpaade v. urinate while standing.
tiidniido [tiinniicfo] adj. serious; valiant. timpude v. draw the bow.
timtimol (ngdl) rainbow, timtimi (di) pi.


til] (o) pain. tocfcfaade v. 1) swallow 2) designate;

tinde v. be aware of, know; be informed. concern, dum toddaaki ma It is not your
Mi tinii cfum I am aware of it. concern.
tini (di) awareness. toggere (nde) tuft, togge (de) pi
tindinde [tin"dinde] v. explain; teach. tojjude V. be small.
Tindin mo Teach him. tokara (o) namesake. Tokara maa arii
tindingol [tin"ding61](^/7go/j teaching. Your namesake has arrived, tokaraabe
tinddi {\\ddi6\](ngdl) tale; riddle, adage, (be) pi.
proverb; yam. tindude ~ tell a tale. tokkande [tokkan"de] (nde) knot.
tindude [tin"dude] v. tell a story, narrate. tokkude v. tie a knot,
tindl (ngol) awareness. toknaade v. mb one's eyes,
tintinde v. advertise; inform; alert. Tintinee tokooso adj. small, scrimp.
mo Keep him informed. tokosel adj. small; tiny; wee.
tintine (de) warnings. tolde V, break.
tintingol (ngol) warning; advertisement. toUitaade v. complete.
tintinoowo (o) advertiser; announcer. tollitde [tollidde] v. complete.
tintude v. notice; be aware of Mi tintii tolluru (ndu) crest; hair left after shaving;
dum I am aware of it. tuft of hair.
tirde v. fasten; tie an animal load, tolnaade v. reach the same height or
tiro (ngo) animal disease. location; be located at. Hoi do tolni daa
At what stage are you?
tisubaar (o) second daily prayer; second
daily prayer time. Tisubaar yoni It is time tombaade [tom"‘baade] v. wait for. Ko
for the second daily prayer, kanko tombii mi I am waiting for him.
titi foe. again. tongaade [tol]"gaade] v. be hampered; be
to inter, to, there; away; where, hoi ~
where. Ho! to paadaa Where are you tongirde [t61]'’girde] (nde) place where
going? animals are tied up.
tobbude v. hobble, limp. O mo tobha He tongol [t61]"g61] (ngdi) rope for tying legs.
limps. tongude [t61]"gude] v. tie up legs. ~ neddo
tobbaade v. stain; dirty. tie a person’s legs.
tonkoQ (o) corner.
tobbere (nde) drop; speck, spot, dot; stain.
~ kosam a drop of milk. ~ ndiyam a droptondu [t6n"du] (ndu) lip. ~ dow the upper
of water. lip. ~ les the lower lip.
tobbnnde v. pour by drops. togde V. be short (clothing), shrink, wudere
tobbude V. 1) aim 2) add water 3) make a toljnde a short sarong,
dot with ink. togirde (nde) 1) slaughter house; butchery
tobde V. rain; sprinkle. Inan toba It is 2) rope 3) number.
raining. togo (ngo) sale by retail, retail.
tobeede v. be rained upon. togoowo (o) butcher.
tobndoogam [tob"doogam] (dam) togTaade v. hop.
rainwater. toobal (ngal) fish
to bo (ngo) rain, tobddji (di) pi toobde V. be unable to cross a river or a
toboyal (kal) drizzle, lake, be unable to make one’s way. Ko mi
toccinde v. hatch. toobdo I am stuck here.
tdccingdl (ngo!) hatch; hatching. toobre (nde) forced intermption of a
toccude V. be hatched.
tooke (de) venom, poison. Iteewde ~ be
toccungo [toccu"go] (ngo) emergence from poisonous
an egg, hatching,
tookaado adj. poisonous Ko ndi tookaandi
toccoonde (nde) little hill.
It is a poisonous snake.

toole turaade

tookeede v. rankle, be poisonous, tufande v. make a drink for someone which

toole (o) fool. consists of a mixture of water, milk and
toon adv. there. Yah toon Go there,
tufde V. 1) pierce 2) mix water and milk. ~
toonaacfo (o) victim.
noppi pierce the ear.
toohange [toonal]"ge] (nge) affront; abuse;
tufirde (nde) tool for piercing,
aggression; foul; offense, toohangeeji (di)
pi. tufnde [tufde] (nde) wharf,
toohde V. [toonje] to offend, abuse; tuggaade v. lean against; rely on.
provoke; spite; violate. tuggorde (nde) support, beginning; origin.
toohcfo [toonTo] adj. culprit; felon, tuggude V. 1) start 2) pole. ~ laana push a
tooraade v. seek charity, boat by means of a pole,
toorde v. thicken sauce by adding flour. tugunde [tugun"de] (nde) place for
Tooro (ngo) region in Futa.
tukkaade v. bend forward, kneel down.
toorodaagal (tigal) Tooroodo pride.
Iiollude ~ show the Tooroodo pride. tukkude v. aim.
Tooroodo (o) individual of the Toroodo tiilde (nde) hill, dow ~ uphill.
caste. Ko o Tooroodo He belongs to the tulde V. be steel or iron proof
Toorodbe caste. tuleg adv. completely.
toowde V. be high. Ina toowi It is high. tullinaade v. be inflated
tdoweendi [t66wee"di] (ndi) height,
tuma (o) time; period, oon ~ at that period.
altitude; elevation. Hoi no tooweendi tumarankaagal [tumarai]kaagal] (ngal)
hubeere nde foti How tall is the building. foreignness.
toownude v. make high; elevate. tumaranke [tumaral3ke] (o) foreigner. Ko
toppitaade v. attend to; care for; maintain. o tumaranke He is a foreigner.
Toppito jom suudu man Take care of tumbude [tu'"bude] (nde) calabash.
your wife.
tumbuQ [tum'^bul]] (o) deserted village,
toppitaagol (ngol) care; maintenance.
tumbere [tum"'bere] (nde) pregnancy.
toraade beg. cfaccu toraade Stop
tumbude [tum"'bude] v. be pregnant. Ko o
tumbudo She is pregnant.
torkude v. be dirty,
tumpilaade v. fold oneself while lying
toskude V. lose its value, down.
tottitde [tottidde] v. give or hand again; tundaram [tun"daram] (dam) steel or iron-
give back. proof charm.
tottude V. give; hand. Tottu mo kaake tundeede [tun"deede] v. be made of steel or
niakko Give him his belongings, iron-proof
towde V. carry on one's shoulders. tundude [tun"dude] v. be steel or iron
towdi (ndi) shoulder load. proof
toTTiide V. break tunde [tun"de] (nde) block of wood; log,
tiicfande [tucfan"de] v. pond. chump, stump,
tudde [tudde] v. be waterproof; collect tunwinde v. dirty.
water. tunwude v. be dirty. Ina tunwi It is dirty.
tiicfcfaade v. cover oneself tunwudo adj. messy; dirty; squalid.
tucfdaari (ndi) cover. tuundi [tuu"di] (ndi) dirt; filth,
tiicfcfude V. 1) cover 2) be waterproof tuppaade v. have one's lips tattooed.
tufam (dam) mixture of milk, sugar and tuppude V. tattoo someone's lips,
water. tuppere (nde) thorn plant,
tufande [tufan"de] (nde) hole. turaade v. bow; bend down. Turo Bend
turngo [tur"go] (ngo) bending.

turki tuTTam

turtaade v. 1) sit or stand erect again 2) tuugorgal (ngal) reference.

plant again. tuumaacTo (o) suspect.
turki (o) shirt with a V-shaped neck, tuumal (ngal) allegation.
turulde (fide) pile of egg watermelon, tuumde v. allege. Ko kanko tuumaa He is
tuuba (ba) pants; trousers. the alleged killer.
~ cakkiiba underpants, tuubaaji (di) pi. tuumo (ngo) suspicion; doubt,
tuubaako (o) white person. tuure (nde) vomit, tuute (de) pi.
tuubakiri (o) white peoples’ countries. tuutaade (de) spits.
tuubankoore (nde) white people’s tuutde [tuudde] v. throw up; vomit; spit.
language(s). tuutnude [tuunnude] v. make someone
tuubande v. ask for forgiveness. Mi vomit.
tuubanii ma Please forgive me. tuuya (o) strong.
tuubde V. 1) repent 2) convert. () tuubii He tuuyeede v. desire, long for; have a craving
has converted. for Mhede tuuyaa maaro e liddi I have a
tuubde V. dip one's lips into a liquid, craving for the rice and fish dish.
tuucfde [tuudde] throw off. tuwaabir (o) lamb.
tuufaade v. trap; decoy, tuTTam (dam) nose bleeding.
tuufeere (nde) brick, fiide tuufeeje make tuTTude V. bleeding from the nose. Ko o
bricks, tuufeeje (de) pi. tu TTudb His nose is bleeding.
tuugorde (nde) reference.

ubbaabo uurde

ubbaacfo adj. buried, unirde v. pound with.
ubbirgal (ngal) burial instrument. unoowo (o) pounder.
ubbitaade v. be dug up. cfum ubbitiima It untaade v. pound again.
has come out. unu (ngu) pounding.
ubbitde [ubbidde] v. dig up. unugal (ngal) pestle; stamper,
ubbude v. bury. ~ ngaska fill a hole up. urba (o) lottery,
ubbugol (ngol) burial, urbitde [urbidde] v. annoy.
uccitaade v. flow heavily, urbude v. annoy.
uddaade v. be closed. Ko ko uddii It is urde V. spread perfume or incense.
closed. urkinaade v. smoke.
uddirgal (ngal) gate, door. uriude v. hem; dry. Urlu tuuba makko ba
uddital (ngal) the opening of a new Hem his pants.
mosque. urmbitaare [ur^bitaare](nde) reopening.
udditaare (nde) openess; fortune udditde urmbitaade [ur^bitaade] v. be reopened.
[uddidde] v. open. ~ hakkille mum open
urnaade v. force one's way through
one’s mind, be open-minded.
uddoode (nde) gate. ~ galle a gate.
urtulde (nde) piece of salt,
uddude v. shut; close. ~ galle close the
us rude V. keep a secret,
uddugol (ngol) closure. ustaade v. depreciate.
udumere (nde) door, gate, ustaare (nde) reduction; lowering of cfum
ko ustaare mawnde It is a major loss.
iifaade v. stay home a lot.
ustagol (ngol) reduction; depreciation;
ufde V. decompose; rot; taint, (fum ufii It is
usteede v. be diminshed.
ufnaade v. disdain; be disgusted,
ustiicfo (o) crazy person.
ujunere (nde) one thousand, ujunnaaji
(de) pi. ustude V. reduce; abate, subtract; decrease;
ukkude v. be too much,
ustugol (ngol) reduction; rebate,
ullude V. cover with dust; throw sand to.
usuru (ndu) tithe,
ullundu [ullu"du] (ndu) cat.
uttaade v. thump.
ullungal [ullu"gal] (ngal) big cat.
uubre (nde) furuncle, swelling, uube (de)
ullungel [u\\d'%€[](ngel) kitten.
Umma (o) female first name, uulde V. sow before the rain.
iimmaade v. uprise; arise; depart. Ummo uumaango [uumaa'^go] (ngo) groan.
dow Stand up.
uumaali (cfi) pi.
umminde v. rouse.
uumde v. groan.
ummital (ngal) resurrection.
uurde v. smell good. Ina uuri It smells
ummoraade v. come by way of O ummorii good.
ko hirnaange He came from the West uurdi (ndi) perfume.
ummorde (nde) origin; base, uurnaade v. smell something.
iimsinaade v. clear one's throat,
unde V. pound, '-^gawri pound millet.


waabde v. carry on one's back, waawde v. can; be able to. O mo ivaawi
waade v. be like, wayde alt. windude He can write.
waadere (tide) drop. ~ tobo raindrop, waawnude v. compel; force; oblige;
waado (ngo) umbrella, persuade; cajole.
waafaade v. be pulled, waawtaade v. be stronger than a previously
stronger opponent.
waafde v. pull,
waay foe. emphatic word.
waaftude v. cut open.
waaTde [waajje] v. transpire, sweat.
waajaade v. preach; advise. Acfa waawi
waajaade mo You can advise him. waaTo (ngo) sweat,
waajoore (tide) advice. wabbunde [wabbu"de] (tide) torrent,
waaju (o) advice, waccere (tide) fish scale,
waakde v. cut. waccoore (tide) nickname,
waaktaade v. laugh. wacude v. praise,
waaktaango [waaktaa"go] (ngo) laugh, wadere (tide) small pox pimple,
waalande [waalan"de] (tide) night spent. waefande v. provide; perform for.
waalde v. spend the night. ~ dlianaade wacfde [wadde] v. do; commit; indulge in;
sleep the night away. perpetrate; practise.
waddude [waddude] v. 1) put with 2)
waaldude v. spend the night with.
quarrel with. Ko be wacfdube They
waalnde [waaPde] (tide) night spent
wadiere [wattere] (tide) something that is
wallinde v. make spend the night; spend the redone.
night. Mhallinen cfoo Let us spend the
wadtude [wattude] v. redo; remake ~
night here.
hakkille concentrate.
waalo (ngo) lower ground close to the
wacfcfaade v. straddle; ride; mount. ~
nvti.jolde ~ farm the lower grounds.
mhabba ride a donkey.
waamde v. flow; flood.
waddinde v. help someone mount on
waame (o) deluge; flood; waterfall. something.
waamulde (tide) grave, haamuule (cfe) pi waddorde (tide) saddle,
waan (o) kitchen. wafde V. cut with a sickle.
waande [waa"de] (tide) ant hill. wafdu (tidu) scythe, sickle,
waande [waanje] v. hunt. waggicfde [waggidde] v. be unripe. Tiye de
waaho (ngo) hunt. ko bagge His bones are young,
waanditaade [waan'^jitaade] v. duplicate, wagginde v. recommend,
copy, dub. waho (ngo) slope.
waandude [waan"jude] v. to pour, wahre [waare] (tide) 1) beard 2) bundle of
waandu [waa"du] (tidu) baboon, wood. ~ ledde faggot; stack. ~ hudo
monkey. truss. ~ raneere a white beard, -juutnde
waaraade v. bring to oneself a long beard.
waasde v. lack, be poor; lose. Mi waasii wajjicfde [wajjidde] v. be the only one.
gicfo I lost a friend, wakkaade v. place on one's shoulder.
waasooru (tidu) hyena, wakkinde v. 1) place on someone’s
waatde [waadde] v. swear; vow shoulder 2) sew.
waatoore (tide) oath. wakkilaade v. decide,
waawande v. be able to. Mi ivaawanaa waklaade v. change oneself into, turn into.
cfum I cannot do it. waklude v. change.

waktu weemde

waktu (o) {ar.} hour, time. Waktu o yoniii wasorde (nde) gathering place for animals,
The time is up. wattindaade [watti"daade] v. be last, come
walabo (ago) shoulder, last.
vvalde v. spread. wattinde v. last, remain,
walcfude v. like meat and vegetables, wawlere (nde) blister,
walla couj. or. wayde v. resemble; seem,
wailere (nde) humid and fertile soil, waykala (o) small field, garden.
wallifaade v. compose, waylaade v. change; change oneself O
wallitde [wallidde] v. help; assist. wayliima He has changed.
wallondirde [wall6"dirde] v. help one waylinaade v. work as a blacksmith.
another. waylitde [waylidde] v. change back.
wallude v. aid; upbear; help; assist, wayliteede v. be changed back.
waltunde [waltu"de] (nde) water stream, waylude v. change; process; forge; modify;
wambude v. carry a child on one's back. Mi vary; transform; distort. ~ tagoodi deform,
tampii wambude mo I am tired of waynaade v. say goodbye. Waynaade ina
carrying him on my back, muusi It is sad to say goodbye.
wamde v. weave. wayrondirde v. remain a long period
wana (ka) holster; sheath wanaaji (cfi) pi. without seeing one another.
wandaade [wan"daade] v. fish. O woni ko e wayrude v. be a long time away. Mi wayrii
wandaade He is fishing. yiide mo I have not seen him for a long
wande [wan"de] (nde) hook, seljde ~ bait.
waywayko (ko) eyelashes.
wangaade [wal3"gaade] v. turn around a
place; go around. waTTinde v. cook slightly.
wano (ngo) leave. wa TTude v. be cooked slightly,
wantirde v. undersell; sell at a giveaway weccande v. 1) give change 2) buy new
price. clothing for.
wantireede v. be sold a a giveaway price, weccit (o) change.
wanjalde [wan"jalde] (nde) pimple, weccude v. 1) change money 2) buy new
wantinde [wancinaade] v. to tip out.
wecco (ngo) side; rib.
wappaade v. feint; shirk; parry; leave
unnoticed. weddaade v. throw away,
waraango [waraa"go] (t^go) torrent, weduru (ndu) stick.
current. wecfaade v. be carried away by wind.
warde v. eliminate; slay; execute, kill, cfere^vol ngol wecfiima The sheet was
decapitate. ~ hoore kill a human being. carried away by the wind.
wardude v. kill with. wedcfaade v. winnow,
warngo [war"go] (ngo) killing. wecfcfitde [wecfcfidde] v. Disclose; uncover,
wartaade v. commit suicide, weebde v. be easy. O mo weebi He is easy.
warneende (nde) sweat. weebnude v. facilitate, ease; simplify. Ko
warnude v. sweat. A warnii You are kanko weebni dum He made it easy for
sweating. me.
warsude v. remove fish scales. weejde v. [weejje] to be indiscrete.
weejnude [weennude] v. reveal in public.
wasaade v. brag; vaunt; boast, O mo waawi
wasaade He brags continuously. weejre (nde) indiscreteness,
wasaaiigo [wasaa"go] (ngo) small millet weelde v. dangle; be hanging.
stalk. weeltude v. hang down; hang around.
wasalde (nde) onion. weemde v. be stupid. A da weemi You are
wasiyaade v. {ar.j advise, recommend; give stupid.
one's last wish.

weende wirnaade

weemtude v. be sharp; be intelligent. O mo weytaade v. relax. O mo weytii He is

weemti She is sharp. relaxed.
weende v. open apart. weytaare (tide) fun; relaxation,
weendu [weeMu] (ndu) lake, pond. wibjo (ngo) wing.
weerde v. spread out. wiccude v. splash; sprinkle water. ~ ndiyam
weetde [weedde] v. be morning. Jamma o sprinkle.
weetii The night is over. wicfaade v. scratch the.
weetndoogo [ween"doogo] (tigo) twilight, ground.
dawn. wicfiude [wittude] v. analyze; research,
weetndorde [ween"dorde] v. oversleep, investigate, inquire.
wake up late, widio [witto] (ngo) analysis, research;
weeyde v. fly. investigation; inquisition.
weeyo (ngo) atmosphere, climate, space. wifaade v. fan oneself
weftilde v. frighten. Ko mi heftilaacfo I am wifde V. fan; blow; ventilate.
frightened. wifngo [wifgo] (ngo) fanning.
wekkude v. cover seeds with sand, wiide V. say; express; mention, tell. ~ eey
welamma (o) pleasure; happiness; delight. say yes. ~ alaa say no Hoi ko mbiicfaa
Mhecfe wondi e welamma I am having what did you say?,
fun. wiiduru (ndu) large excavation,
welde V. be sweet; be sharp, be tasty. ~ wiige (tige) heifer.
TiiTam be friendly; be easy going. ~ wiinde [wiin"de] (tide) abandoned
hakkille be intelligent. Ina well It is tasty. house/village.
welnude v. 1) sweeten; animate 2) sharpen. wiinnude v. abandon a house or a village.
weltaade v. be happy; rejoice. Mbede weltii wiir (o) sail.
no feewi I am very happy.
wiis (o) {fr.} screw.
weltaare (tide) enthusiasm; happiness;
wiide (tide) gin, trap, tuufaade ~ lay a trap.
gratification; mirth.
wiide V. 1) disorder 2) perform sorcery.
weltinde v. satisfy; gratify; please someone,
wiltude V. 1) arrange in the right order 2)
welo (o) {fr.} bicycle.
put forth leaves. Mi wiltii deftere nde The
welsindaade [welsi"daade] v. neglect; be pages of the book are in the right order.
careless. A (fa wehindii You are careless.
willere (tide) type of antelope,
welsindaare [welsi"daare] (tide)
willude V. set aside,
carelessness, negligence.
wilwiinde [wilwirde] (tide) bat.
wempeTere (tide) wave
winnaade v. manure fields; fertilize,
wenere (tide) fritter.
windande [win"dan"de] (tide) paragraph;
wenje [wenje] v. wear clothing improperly. lesson.
wentude [wencude] v. windande [win"dande] v. write for.
werde v. clear space. Windanam leeteer Write a letter for me.
wero (ngo) cavity; hollow. windere [win"dere] (tide) world; creation;
wergaade v. roll nature.
werlaade v. throw; cast; hurl; fling; to pitch; windondirde [win"don"dirde] v. write to
project. one another.
werlude v. spin round windude [win"dude] v. write, record;
wertude v. spread out. ~ leeso spread a transcribe, recruit. ~ bataake write a
mat. letter.
wesde v, winnow, wirdiide v. do beads 0 woni ko wirdude
He is doing the beads.
weycfude v. be beautiful,
wirnaade v. vanish, be out of vision; die. 0
weyginaade v. lay on one's back.
wirniima He died.

wiro wowru

wirnitaade v. come to vision. woofde V. 1) miss 2) sin. O woofii Alla He

mrtaade v. pass close to. O wirti maa sinned.
mami He passed by me. woofcfude V. be paralyzed, be paralytic,
wiro (ko) cotton; wool, woogde V. fill; sharpen.
wisde V. 1) water 2) cleanse. Wis cukalel wookoTere (nde) little child,
ngel Cleanse the child. woonde v. swear; make an oath.
wiTTere (nde) cotton seed, woondoore [woo"doore] (nde) oath,
woccaade v. eat grass, woondu [w66"du] (ndu) hip.
woccoonde [woccoo"de] (nde) egg. woorde v. 1) avoid 2) be abnormal, cfum
wocfa (o) taboo, cfum ko wocfa It is taboo. woorii mo He escaped it.
wocfaade v. taboo. Mhecfe wodii cfum It is woosde V. be crippled.
forbidden for me. wootande v. {fr.} elect. Ko aan ngootanmi
wocfcfaade v. go far; be far. I voted for you.
wocfcfinde v. move something away. wootde [woodde] v. vote.
wocfcfitaade v. move away; be away from. woote (o) {fr.} vote,
wdcfcfdndirde [w6cfcf6"dirde] v. be far away wootere adj. unique; sole,
from each other. A min ngocfcfondiri We woowde V. be accustomed to, be used to.
are far apart. Mbecfe woowi cfum I am used to it.
wdcfcfude V. be far. ina wocfcfi no feeyvi It woownude v. accustom; familiarize.
is far away.
woowtude V. adapt; acclimate; get used to.
wodttrt adj. red. Mi woowtii mo I am used to her.
wojjinde v. redden; blush. ~gite be mad. woppere (nde) animal waste.
wojjude V. be red; blush. woppude V. let go; leave alone. ~ simme
wofde V. bark. quit smoking, cfaccude alt.
wojere (nde) rabbit; hare. woptude V. make a mistake,
wokde V. spill over while boiling. woraade v. go around an obstacle,
wolde (nde) army; war. worbe (be) men. gorko (o) sing,
wolis (o) (fr.} valise. worde (nde) male, masculine.
wolsude V. vomit milk. worcfude v. 1) be infected 2) be selfish; be
wolweere (nde) {fr.} pistol. stingy. 0 mo worcfi He is stingy,
wombilaade [w6"'bilaade] v. rid of worganke [worgaI]ke] (o) Southerner.
unwanted grains. worgo (ngo) South.
wombude [w6m"'bude] v. buzz; supervise. wormbolde [wor^olde] (nde) couscous grain,
womnde [wom"de] (nde) grave, faade ~ go worocfde [worodde] (nde) misfortune,
to hell. woroore (nde) cola nut.
womre (nde) blow; fist, worsude v. make/tie a slipknot.
wonande v. favor; side with. worsundu [w6rsu"du] (ndu) slipknot;
wonde v. be; occur. Ina wona wonata noose.
There is a story that wosaade v. be thin. Ina wosii The sauce is thin,
wondude v. be with; associate; suffer from. wostaade v. exchange; swap.
~ e hoore muusoore have a headache.
wostondirde [w6st6"dirde] v. exchange,
wontude v. become; turn into. swap. ~ hakkillaaji discuss.
wonki [w6I]ki] (ki) heart, wdnkiiji (cfi) pi. wottaade v. eat lunch. O woni ko e
woobde V. take a draught. wottaade He is eating lunch.
woobre (nde) draught. wowlaango [wowlaa"go] (ngo) utterance.
woodde V. be; exist. Ina woodi It is true. yvowlude v. 1) be happy 2) pronounce;
woofaade v. sit on eggs. utter.
woofoonde [woofoo"de] (nde) egg. wowru (ndu) mortar.

woyde wuyde

woyde v. cry; weep; mourn. wulnde [wul"de] (nde) knot; node,

wdykinaade v. pretend to cry. wuluure (nde) thousand,
wdynude v. make someone cry, wumbilaade [wu"’bilaade] v. grope.
woytaade v. lament; prosecute, complain. wumde v. be blind. O wumii He has
woTde [wojje] v. be interested, be become blind.
concerned; be worried. O mo woTi mi I wumtude v. recover one's eyesight. So
am worried about her. gumcfo wumii wumtii andii ko gite
wo Teede v. be concerned, nafata One should learn from one’s
woyndu [w6y"du] (ndu) well, pit.
wumpude v. make butter,
wubbude v. 1) cut grass 2) fish
wumsundere [wumsu"dere] (nde) lung,
wuccundu [wuccu"du] (ndu) anus,
wiinay (nge) dirty cattle,
wuddere (nde) hole. ~ hinere nostril,
wune (o) consideration; gratefulness;
wuddinde v. make unclear.
gratitude. 0 aha wune He is ungrateful.
wuddude v. be unclear,
wuppude V. wash; launder.
wuddu (ndu) navel. wurbude v. scorch.
wudere (nde) sarong. ~ tofjnde a short sarong. wure (o) gamble; lottery.
wuduru (ndu) watermelon. wuro (ngo) town; village; city.
wucfaade v. have insect holes, be pierced. wurwude v. whisk; batter.
wucfde [wudde] v. make a hole; be rotten. wusug (o) basket used to catch fish,
wucfdinde v. make appear. wutaandu [wutaa"du] (ndu) millet or com ear.
wucfdiide V. come out; appear. wutte (o) gown.
wufnude v. bear a fruit. wuttude V. blow; puff.
wuftude V. come out of the stalk. wuttuidu (ndu) area below ribs.
wuffaade v. rinse/clean one's mouth. wuttulo (ngo) side.
wufTude V. rinse someone’s mouth. wuucfaango [wuucfaa'’go] (ngo) whistle.
wuga (o) male pigeon. wuucfde [wuudde] v. whistle,
wuggude V. repair; fix. wuuduru (ndu) pumpkin,
wujaade v. rub oil on oneself or on one’s hair. wuufde V. be pregnant; hold in the mouth,
wujde [wujje] v. oil. wuufdu (ndu) growing ear.
wujjude V. steal; abduct; cheat, embezzle, wuukeede v. have swollen genitals.
rob, defraud,
wuuko (ngo) disease which causes the
wujo (ngo) shell. swelling of the genitals,
wukkitde [wukkidde] v. spit. Wukkit cfum wuulaade v. swim
Spit it out.
wuundaade [wuu"daade] v. carry on one’s
wukkude v. come out; spit. shoulders,
wulaango [wulaa"go] (ngo) loud cry; howl. wuuraade v. bend.
wulde V. be hot. wuuranaade v. side with.
wulcede v. be hot. Mbecfe wuloa I am hot. wuurde v. 1) live, be alive, subsist; suiwive
wulnude v. heat. 2) bend.
wiillinde v. make someone scream. wuurnude v. sustain; activate, animate,
wuUitaade v. complain, prosecute. actuate.
wullude V. scream; shout, sound the horn. wuurtinde v. resurrect; resuscitate.
wulnude v. heat. wuurtude v. 1) revive, come to life again 2)
wultaade v. withdraw one's previous
statement. O wultiima He changed his wuiitiifere (nde) forest
mind. wuyde v. be hairy; grow hair.
wultinde v. 1) heat 2) confront. wuyeede v. be shaggy.

yaabre yardude

yaabre (tide) jujube (fruit). yahdu [yaadu] (tidu) walk, gait. ~ juutndu
yaactaade [yaaccaade] v. speed up; hurry a long journey.
up, accelerate. Yaacto Hurry up. yahdude [yaadude] v. go with; accompany.
yaafaade v. spare; pardon; forgive; divorce. ~ ejamaanu go with the tide/flow.
Yaafaade wonaa waaweede Forgiveness yahnaade [yaanaade] v. stroll; ramble;
does not imply weakness. promenade. O woni ko yahnaade He is
yaafnaade v. to apologize. strolling.
yaafuya (o) amnesty; apology; mercy; yahrude [yaarude] v. go with. ~ koycfe
clemency; grace; pardon naagaade ~ ask tramp, walk, -yeeso proceed, go forward,
for forgiveness. yahre [yaare] (tide) scorpion,
yaafde v. be soft. Inayaafi It is soft. yakkude v. spoil,
yaafngo [yaaf go] (ngo) softness, yalmitde [yalmidde] v. light,
yaajde [yaajje] v. 1) be wide 2) be patient. yaltinde v. exclude, bring out; dislocate;
Ndaw koyaaji He is so patient. preclude; eject. ~ leydi expel.
yaajnude [yaannude] v. widen; diffuse, yaltirde (tide) outlet; exit, cfum wonaa
expand; propagate; proliferate. yaltirde It is not an exit.
yaakaare (tide) hope, fawde ~ e necfcfo yaltoyde v. go and relieve oneself
place one’s hopes on someone, yaltude v. 1) go out 2) complete the
yaalaade v. yawn, widowhood reclusion period. O yaltii He
yaalde v. begin. went out.
yaalnude v. set to work, yamcfinde v. be flexible.
yaali (o) dish; porridge, gosi ~ porridge, yam dude v. be easy going; be flexible. O
yaama adv. maybe, mo yam di He is easy going.
yaas adv. outside. yamirde K authorize; assent; order; ordain;
may; permit. Mi yamirii ma You have my
yaawde v. be quick/fast. ~ jungo have the permission.
propensity to hit. O moyaawi He is fast.
yamiroore (tide) permission; warrant; order.
yaawnaade v to speed up, hurry up, hie; Min padi ko yamiroore maa We are
accelerate. Yaawno Hurry up. waiting for your order,
yaawnude v. hasten; quicken; precipitate;
yammere (tide) fruit.
yanaade v. joke with someone; joke about
yaay (o) mother.
yabere (nde) bead, tellinde jabe do the yanondirde v. joke with one another.
yanaande [yanaa"de] (tide) tomb; grave.
yabbande [yabban"de] (tide) footstep. ~
genaale (de) pi.
maa your footstep.
yananeede v. ascertain; be certain. A da
yabbirde (tide) foot, sole.
yananaa Are you certain?
yabbitde [yabbidde] v. take ofiE'remove
yande v. raid, tumble; fall. Ko o jando He
one's foot.
yabbude v. tread; walk. ~ e
yandinde v. make fall, demolish; topple;
demngal take the words out of someone’s tackle; down. O yandinii lekki ki He
mouth. downed the tree.
yahande v. go for. be njahanii mo They yanirde v. fall on a particular side,
went to get him.
yardude v. drink with.
yahde v. depart, proceed; go;
yantinde v. 1) include 2) calm. Mhar o
walk. 0 woni ko ekkaade yahde He is yantinii Has he calmed down?
making his first steps.
yantondirde [yant6"dirde] v. join;
amalgamate; gather.


yantude v. participate, mingle; relapse; yeeyveende [yeewee"de]f/7Jcj solitude;

coalesce, yanti keen in addition. Yantu e loneliness.
mabbe Go and join them. yee^mitde [yeewnidde] v. desire to see
yankinaare (nde) modesty, again.
yarde v. drink. yeewnude v. long, be nostalgic. Mi yeeyvnii
yardude v. drink with. ma I miss you.
yarnude v. give to drink; make a person or yeewtere (nde) interaction; chat,
an animal drink. Yarnu ha Give water to conversation.
the donkey. yeewtude v. commune; chat; converse;
yarlaade v. forgive. Yarlo mi Forgive me. argue; interact; be lively. Ina yeeyvti It is
yawaade v. resent; belittle, disdain. lively.
yawaare (nde) disdain; resentment. yeeTaade v. look back.
yawde v. disdain; be dissatisfied. Mhecfe yeeyde v. sell; commercialize, peddle.
yawi (fum I am dissatisfied with it. yeeytaade v. bargain; ask for the price of
yawtude v. go past; pass, goods.
yawuur (o) yogurt. yeeytondirde [yeeyt6"dirde] v. bargain;
negotiate; transact.
yaynaade v. light. ~ lampa switch the light
yeeytondireede v. bargain; transact.
yeeytude v. resell.
yaynude v. light.
yeccitaade v, look back, dogde in yeccitoo yeeynude v. publicize. O woni ko e
yeeynude He is making an announcement,
look back while running.
yeddondirde v. disagree; contradict one yejjitde [yejjidde] v. forget; omit. Hoi to
yejjit Please do not forget,
yeddude v. contradict; deny; disagree, yelaade v. beg, ask charity,
yelde (nde) space between teeth; cavity,
yecfde [yedde] v. give,
yelloore (nde) fruit,
yeebaade v. be careless. O mo yeehii He is
careless. yelooko (ko) plant,
yeehaare (nde) carelessness, yenge (nge) wedding celebration.
yeebde v. admire; contemplate. ~ sinamaa yennude v. decry; belittle; degrade;
watch a movie. disparage; minimize.
yeedde v. be calm. O yeedii He has calmed yenoore (nde) disparage; degrading remark.
down. njennoor alt.
yeednude [yeennude] v. calm; immobilize, yerbude v. shake; quake. Leydi ndi yerbii
An earthquake has occurred.
yeego (nge) young ox.
yeru (o) example; instance, hokkude ~ give
yeelaa (o) griot dance/song.
an example. Hokkant yeru Give me an
yeende v. 1) bribe, corrupt 2) reward. Mi example.
yeenii ma gay sappo I give you ten oxen
yerwaade v. make flour grains,
for a reward.
yettaade v. attain; arrive. ~ e jam arrive
yeendu [yee"du] (ndu) animal,
yeerde v. last.
yettinde v. forward. ~ nelal deliver a
yeesaade v. comb one's hair. O woni ko e message.
yeesaade He is combing his hair.
yettoode (nde) last name Hoi no njettete
yeesde v. comb hair. cfaa What is your last name?
yeesoode (nde) comb. yettude v. praise, thank. - Alla praise Allah.
yeeso (ngo) 1) beyond 2) front; face, wonde yeTde [yejje] v. shake, rock, lull,
~ be ahead, diim woni ko yeeso It is
yicfde [yidde] v. love, yearn; wish, desire;
want. Yicfde hacfii yiide She is blinded by
yeeweede v. be lonely Mhecfe yeeyvaa I am love.

yiggaade yumma

yicfondirde [yicf6"dirde] v. love each other. yolnde [yolMe] (nde) space; interval;
E be njicfondiri no feervi They love each distance.
other very much. yomde V. womanize.
yiggaade v. rub oneself. yombinaade [yom"'binaade] v. wear a veil
yiggude v. rub. ~ e bandu rub on the body. during wedding days.
yiigde v. scratch. yonde v. be sufficient, dum yonii It is
yiigirde (tide) instrument for scratching. sufficient.
yiilaade v. 1) seek; prospect 2) gyrate; yoneede v. be satisfied. Mi yonaama I am
gravitate; rotate. Ngonmi ko yiilaade mo satisfied.
I am looking for him. yongaade [yol3"gaade] v. look over,
yiilde v. twirl; wind; turn. ~ hoore shake the yonkude [y61]kude] v. shake milk.
head; say no. yonta (o) nowadays; nowaday’s youth;
yiilnude v. make turn. today’s youth.
yiiloraade v. search with; seek with. ~ yontere (tide) week. ~ bennunde nde last
juude grabble. week.
yiUtude v. change direction, yontinde v. complete a week; be a week
yiinde [yiinje] v. qualm, old.
yijilere (tide) fruit, gijile (de) pi. yontude v. 1) turn mature 2) be up. Waktu
yiilaade v. sojourn; visit, oyontii It is time for the prayer.
yimbe (be) folk; people sing, necfcfo (o). yoobaade v. take food supplies for a
yimde v. sing. O woni ko e vimde He is
singing. yoocfde [yoodde] v. be good-looking/pretty.
yimre (tide) song. yoodnaade [yoonnaade] v’. tog, dress up.
yoodnude [yoonnude] v. embellish,
yinaade v. swim.
yiraade v. swim. yookeede v. have goiter.
yirgude v. rub. yookoode (nde) goiter,
yiriiiide [yirii"de] (tide) swirl. yoolaade v. be drowned.
yisbude v. ponder; weigh. yoolde v. drown. ~ hulja mum lose one’s
yitere (tide) eye. gite (de) pi.
yoomde v. be pale,
yiyde [yiide] v. see; sight.
yoorde v. be dry.
yiydude v. see one another.
yoornude v. dry.
yiytondirde v. find each other.
yooro (tigo) drought.
yiytude v. 1) discover; locate 2) trace;
yorde v. be loose. Tuuba maa yorii Your
locate. Miyiytii dum I found it.
pants are loose.
yiwande [yiwan"de] (tide) wound.
yornude v. loosen.
yiwde V. 1) capsize; shipwreck; wreck 2)
yortude v. go down the slope.
pierce, stab.
yiTTude v. be of the same age. Kant be yortinde v. Insert; swallow.
nji TTi They were born the same year. yowde v. place in a higher position; shelve.
yobde V. 1) pay 2) pay back, reimburse. ~ yoweede v. be shelved.
itamaande pay a debt. yowirde (tide) shelf
yobeede v. be paid; earn. yowtude v. remove from a shelf
yobnaade v. request payment, yubbinde v. adjust; accommodate; correct.
yoftaade v. revenge, penalize; retaliate. yubbude v. agree; be correct.
yoftanaade v. avenge, yulde V. pierce; perforate.
yolbinde v. loosen. yulnde [yufde] v. strainer.
yolhude w be loose E bayolhi It is loose, yumma (o) mother, yummen Hawaa Eve.
yolbitaade v. slip into a hole. yummiraado (o) mother; mom.

yumtude yuurnaade

yumtude v. be successful. yurmikinaade v. show pity.

yunginaade [yul]"ginaade] v. lower the yurminaade v. be sad, look sad.
head because of sadness. yuude v. cry.
yuppude v. pour, transfer, yuumcfude v. be bright; be shiny,
yurmaade v. have pity. Yurmo mo Have yuurnaade v. peep; look into.
pity on him. yuurnitaade v. look into.
yurmeende [yunTiee"de] (nde) mercy; pity.
-Alla Allah’s mercy.

Taagde ToTnude

Taagde v. stop by; transit. Mi Taaljii mo I Tellitaade v. prosper O mo Yellitii He is
stopped by his house. prosperous.
Taaraade v. winnow O woni ko e Yellitaagol (ngol) growth; prosperity.
Taaraade He is winnowing. Yellitaare (nde) growth; prosperity.
Taarngo [Taar"go] (ngo) winnow. Yellitde [Tellidde] v. promote; emancipate.
Taaragol (ngol) winnow. bamtude alt.
Taartaade v. winnow again. Yellitiicfo adj. prosperous.
Taggude v. be hard. Terde v. 1) lament; cry 2) be larger than; be
Yakkirde v. chew with. higher than, cfaccu ko Yerataa ko Stop
Takkude v. chew; masticate. Takku hadee crying.
maa mocfde Chew before you eat. Tettaade v. insult, curse; abuse. O Yettii
mo He cursed him out.
Takkuru (ndii) chew; chewing.
Yetteede v. 1) be lifted up; be recruited 2)
Tamaacfo (o) fiancee.
be insulted.
Yamal (rigal) the act of asking someone's
Yettoore (nde) insult, curse; abuse; affront;
hand for marriage.
slur, cfum ko Yettore It is an insult.
Tamde v. ask someone's hand for marriage.
Yettude v. pick up.
O Tamii He has tied the knot.
Tamcfo (o) fiancee. Yiinaade v. be powerful or influential.
Tamoowo (o) person asking someone's Yiinude v. be powerful or influential.
hand. Tiiwde V. be cloudy. Asamaan o ko
Tamrudi (ndi) gift to in-laws. Yiiwcfo It is cloudy.
TamTamo (o) fiance, fiancee. ~ gorko Yiiwoonde [Yiiwoo"de] (nde) clouds
forming prior to rain.
fiance. ~ dehho fiancee.
TiiTam (dam) blood.
Tagaade v. swim cross a river.
Teekiraacfo (o) one’s husband’s sister. Tiyal (ngal) bone. ~ koyngal tibia. ~
juljngo radius. Yiye (de) pi
Teegde v. 1) climb 2) get off 3) be
outdated. O Teeljii He got off work, dum Tobbude v. prod; tickle.
Teeljii It is out-of-date. Yobbugol (ngol) tickling.
Yeetjdiim adj. outdated; out-of-date. Tongo [Yol]"go] (ngo) ford.
Teeijirde v. climb with. Yoogande v. draw or fetch water for.
Yee^irde (nde) ladder; stairs. Yooganam mi yob maa Fetch water for
me and I will pay you.
Yeeijirgal (ngal) ladder; stairs.
Yoogde V. draw water.
Yeerjoyde v. go and climb.
Yoogirde v. draw water with.
Yeerjtude v. 1) be old-fashioned 2) climb
down 3) complete one’s turn. Yoogirgal (ngal) bucket for drawing water.
Teewde v. stare; look at. Hoi ko Yeewataa Yoogol (ngol) act of fetching water.
What are you looking at? Yodgoyde v. go and fetch water. O
Yeeyvki (ki) stare. Yoogoyii He went to fetch water.
Yeetvtaade v. watch over, check; review. O Toolde (nde) breast. Yoole (de) pi
woni ko e Yeewtaade diyii ko He is ToTde [Tojje] v. be clever. O mo YoYi
checking his baby. S/he is clever.
Yeewtagol (ngol) retrospect. YoYdb [ToTTo] adj. astute; clever, genius;
Yee^vtindaade [Teewti"daade] v. verify, shrewd; sly. necfdb ~ an intelligent person.
check Yeewtindo ko kaala taa ko Be Yo Yre (nde) intelligence.
careful about what you say. ToTnude [Tonnude] v. 1) make someone
Teftude v. pick up; lift. Yeftu ko njeycfaa intelligent 2) be feverish. Ko o YoYnudb
Take what belongs to you. He is feverish.

Tulmere Tuulde

Tulmere (nde) coal. ~ jayngol a burning Tuugeede v. be hunchbacked.

piece of coal. Tuugere (nde) hunchback.
Tusde V. sob. Tuulde (nde) hump.
Tuufde V. be swollen.
Tuufnude v. swell; cause to swell.




a [a] det. gooto; petto ~ book deftere abide [abayd] v. cfowtaade, rewde. ~ by
wootere. heddade e; rewde e. You must abide by
aback [8bak] adv. surprise, be taken ~ the rules Acfa foti rewde sarcfiyeeji cfi.
najde, najneede. ability [abilati] n. mbaawka (ka), gandal. to
abandon [obandan] v. cfaccude, accitde. ~ the best of my ~ mbaawka am fof Show
a house/village wiinnude. your ability hollu mbaawka ma.
abandoned [abandand] adj. cfaccacfum. ~ abject [aWekt] adj. ko yurminii,
house/village wiinde (nde) kersiniicfum.
abandonment [abandanmant] //. cfaccugol abjure [abjuwr] v. cfaccitde.
(ngol). ~ one^s religion yaltude e diine mum.
abase [abeyz] v. nuskude, tellinde. ablate [ableyt] v. taTde, ittude.
abate [abeyt] v. ustude. ablation [ableysan] n. ittugol (ngdl)-,
abatement [abeytmant] n. ustugol (ngol). taTgol (ngdl).
abattage [abata3] n. kirsugol jawdi. ablaze [ableyz] v. hubbude; jawwude.
abattoir [abatwar] n. hirsirde (nde). able [eybal] adj. baawcfo; kattancfo. He is
abbreviate [abriyviyeyt] v. rabbicfinde. able to do it Omo waawi wacfde cfum.
abbreviation [abriyviyeysan] n. ablution [abluwsan] n. sallige.
dabbicfingol (ngdl). abnegate [abnegeyt] v. cfaccude, haaytude.
abdicate [abdakeyt] v. jebbilaade, cfaccude, abnormal [abnormal] adj. ko woori;
yaafaade. ~ the throne cfaccude laamu celcfum, ko rewaani laawol. It is
mum/fiiltude laamu mum. He abdicated O abnormal cfum rewaani laawol.
jebbiliima. abnormality [abnamalati] n. huunde
abdication [abdakeysan] n. jebbilaare woornde.
(nde). This is an abdication cfum ko aboard [abord] v. jolde to go -jolde e
jebbilaare. laana.
abdomen [abdamin] n. reedu (ndu). abode [abowd] n. jippunde (nde), hocforde
abdominal [abdowminal] adj. ko faati e (nde). place of ~ hocforde (nde)-, galle (o).
reedu ~pain reedu muusooru. abolish [abolis] v. ittude; rimcfinde, abolish.
abduct [abdAkt] v. wujjude; teetde. He was ~ slavery tellinde kalifaandi; rimcfinde
abducted O wujja jiyaabe.
abduction [abdAksan] n. nguyka (ka)\ abolition [abaliysan] n. ittugol (ngdl).
teetere (nde). abomasum [abowmasum] n. flilkuru (ndu).
abecedary [abesadari] adj. ko faati e limto. abominable [abomanabal] adj. boomojum,
abecederian [abesaderian] n. limtoowo (o) boncfum.
. He is an abomination [abomaneysan] n. moobaare
abecederian Ko o limtoowo. (nde), bonande (nde). a major ~
moobaare mawnde.
aberrance [aberans] n. oonaare (nde).
abordage [aborda3] n. naatondiral laacfe.
aberrant [abarant] adj. oonicfum; ko oonii,
ko fooTtaaki abort [abort] v. rufde reedu, boosde. She
aborted O rufii reedu/0 boosii.
aberration [abareysan] n. oonaare (nde).
It is a major aberration cfum ko oonaare abortion [aborsan] n. boosgol (ngdlf,
mawnde. dufgol reedu. have an ~ rufde reedu.
abeyance [abeyans] n. leefgol (ngol). abound [abawnd] v. ittude, nammude,
abhor [abhor] v. ande.
about [abawt] prep, sabba. ~ three
abhorrence [abhorans] n. ngangu (ngii)\ kilograms sabba cilooji tati.
elko (ko).
above [abowv] prep, dow -your head
abidance [abaydans] n. cfowtaare (nde).
dow hoore maa.

abrade accommodation

abrade [0breyd] v. heefde. abusive [0byuwziv] adj. toonoowo.

abrasion [0brey39n] n. gaanande (nde). acacia [0kasya] u. caski (ki), bulki (ki);
abreast [0brest] adv. sawndo (ngo), takko ciluki (ki).
(ngo). keep ~ of the times yahdude e academic [ak0demik] adj. ko faati e jal]de
aduna. ~ work liggeey jal]de.
abri [abri] n. cfuhorde (nde). acatelectic [0kat0lektik] adj. ko timmi;
abridge [eybrij] v. rabbicfinde. timmudum.
abridgement [eybrijm0nt] n. dabbicfingol accede [aksiyd] v. laamaade; fiileede, jabde.
(ngol). ~ to the throne laamaade; fiileede. He
acceded to the throne O fiilaama.
abroad [0brod] adj. caggal leydi. He is
abroad O woni ko caggal leydi. accelerate [aks0l0reyt] v. yaawnaade;
abrogate [abrowgeyt] v. firtude. yaactaade. You need to accelerate Acfa
foti yaawnaade.
abrupt [0brApt] adj. ko tijjaaka.
acceleration [aks0l0reys0n] n. jaactagol
abscess [abses] n. nawande worcfinde. (ngdl).
abscind [absind] v. taTde. accent [aks0nt] n. masgal (ngal)-, masgal
abscond [abskond] v. dogde naawoore. dow. place the accent on masde;
absence [abs0ns] ti. birnagol (ngdl). in the tekkinde.
~ of so cfum alaa. It happened during accent [aks0nt] v. tekkinde, masde.
your absence It happened during your accentual [aks0ncuw0l] adj. ko faati e
absence. masgal/mascfe.
absent [abs0nt] adj. birnicfum; mo tawaaka accentuate [aks0ncuweyt] v. tekkinde,
He was absent O tawanooka. teel]tinde.
absentee [abs0ntiy] n. mo tawaaka; mo accept [aksept] v. jebbilaade, jabde. I
tawtoraaka. accept your proposal Mi jabii miijo maa.
absolute [absoluwt] adj. timmucfum; ko acceptable [aksept0b0l] adj. ko jabetee.
timmi. This behavior is not acceptable cfee golle
absolve [absolv] v. yaafaade. njamiraaka.
absorb [abzob] v. mocfde. The child access [akses] n. naatirde (nde)', damal
absorbed it Suka o mocfii cfum. (ngal). the ~ to the house natirde galle
absorbent [abzob0nt] adj. ko mocfata. accessible [aks0sib0l] adj. ko hebotoo,
absorber [abzob0] n. mocfoowo (o). kebotoocfum. It is not accessible cfum
abstain [absteyn] v. hacfaade; salaade. You hebotaako.
should abstain Acfa foti salaade. accident [aksid0nt] n. aksida (o). He was
abstemious [abstemy0s] adj. naI]tiicfo, involved in a car accident this morning
caascfo. Ko o bacfcfo aksida subaka hande o.
absterge [abst0r3] v. fiifaade; nittaade; accidental [aksident0l] adj. ko faati e
momtude. aksidaa.
abstersion [abst0r30n] n. taamaamuya (o). acclaim [0kleym] v. fobbande; hellande.
They acclaimed the president be
abstract [abstrakt] adj. nibbicfcfum.
pobbanii laamcfo (o).
abstruse [abstruwz] adj. nibbicfcfum.
acclamation [akl0meys0n] n. kelle.
absurd [abs0rd] adj. ko yubbaani; ko
acclimate [akl0meyt] v. woowtude nokku.
nannaaki. It is absurd cfum nannaaki.
He has gotten acclimated O woowtii.
abundance [abAnd0ns] n. naamanduru
acclimatize [akl0m0tayz] v. woowtude.
(ndu)\ cfuudal (ngal).
become -zed woowtude.
abundant [abAnd0nt] adj. keewcfum.
accommodate [ak0m0deyt] v. yubbinde;
abundantly [abAnd0ntli] adv. ko heewi. hocfnude. I accommodated him Mi
abuse [0byuwz] n. toonange (nge). hocfniimo.
abuse [0byuwz] v. toonde, burtinde. He is accommodation [ak0m0deys0n] //.
abusing his power Omon burtina. hocforde (nde).

accompaniment action

accompaniment [0komp8nim0nt] n. acerb [as0rb] adj. lammucfum.

cfoftugol (ngol). ache [eyk] n. muusu (ngii)\ naw (ngu).
accompany [ak0mp0ni] v. yahdude, stomach ~ reedu muusooru. ~s and pains
cfoftude. You should accompany him muusu (ngu). I have a headache Hooram
Acfa foti yahdude e makko. ina muusa.
accomplice [ak0mplis] n. denducfo ache [eyk] v. muusde.
maakaa/feere. He is an accomplice achieve [0ciyv] v. joofnude; timminde,
Kambe ndendi maakaa. hebde. I achie\'ed what I wanted Mi hebii
accomplish [ak0mplis] v. joofnude; ko njicfnoomi.
feewnude; wacfde. acid [asid] adj. lammuCfum; kaacfcfum.
accord [akod] n. nanondiral (ngal)\ kawral acidify [as0d0fay] v. lamminde, hetde.
(ngal). We have reached an accord Min
acidity [as0diti] n. lammugol (ngol).
acidulate [asidyuwleyt] v. lamminde; hetde.
accord [akod] v. nanondirde; aadondirde,
hawrude. acknowledge [akn0wlej] v. jabde.
accordance [0kod0ns] n. jubbugol (ngol). acme [akme] n. cebtam (dam).
be in ~ yvith tuugnaade e. acne [akne] n. puTe (de).
according to [0kodipt0] e wiide. '-you e acoustic [akustik] adj. maale nancfe; ko
wiide maa. act ~ to the law rewde laawol. faati e nancfe.
accost [akost] v. teerde; joofde. acquaint [akwent] v. hollondirde;
account [0kawnt] n. mooftirde kaalis. I andondirde. be ~ed with andude.
have an account in your bank Mbecfe acquaintance [akwent0ns] n. kollondiral
jogii mooftirde kaalis e nder banke ma. (ngal).
accountant [0kawnt0nt] n. joboowo (o); acquest [akwest] n. jawdi (ndi)\]Qy (o).
Teewtotoocfo ko faati e kaalis. He is an acquiesce [akyes] v. hebde; dande; jabde.
accountant Ko o joboowo. acquire [akway0] v. hebde; dande. /
accouterment [akuwterm0nt] n. comci acquired it yesterday Kebmi cfum ko
(cfi)\ comcol (ngol). hanki.
accrete [akriyt] v. mawninde. acquirement [akway0m0nt] n. kebgol
accretion [akriys0n] n. mawnugol (ngol). (ngol).
acculturate [akAlc0reyt] v. neesaade neesu acquisition [akwiziys0n] n. kebgol (ngdl)\
ngongu, naatnude e neesu mum. danal (ngal).
accumulate [akyuwm0leyt] v. joowondirde, acquit [akwit] v. cfaccude jagganoocfo;
fawondirde. cfaccitde. He was acquitted O cfaccitaama.
accumulation [akyuwm0leys0n] n. acquittal [akwital] n. cfaccitgol (ngol).
joowondiral (ngal). acre [eyk0] n. ngesa (ba).
accumulator [akyuwm0leyt0] n. acrimonious [akrimony0s] adj. nangucfum.
Joowondiroowo (o). acrobat [akrobat] n. geewotoocfo. He is a
accuracy [akur0si] n. potal (ngal)\ skilled acrobat Ko o baawcfo geewaade
jubbugol (ngol). acrobatic [akr0batik] adj. ko faati e
accurate [akur0t] adj. potcfum; jubbucfum, geewagol walla junnitbasel.
goodcfum. take ~ aim feewnude tobbugol acrobatics [akr0batiks] n. junnitbasel.
mum. It is accurate Ina woodi. across [0krDs] taccugol (ngol). walk ~ the
accusation [0kyuwzeys0n] n. tuumal road taccude kallu. get something ~
(ngal). a serious ~ tuumal tiicfngal. famminde.
accuse [0kyuwz] v. tuumde; jumde. He is act [akt] V. wacfde, amdaade; gollaade.
accused of robbery O tuumaama nguyka. act [akt] n. gollal (ngal). be caught in the ~
accustom [akAst0m] v. woownude. / am of doing something jsLggeede jungo e
accustomed to this heat Mi woowtii kii faandu. Get one's ~ together heytaade.
nguleeki. action [aks0n] n. gollal (ngal) take'-
ace [eys] n. aas (o). gollaade.

activate admission

activate [akt0veyt] v. wuurnude. adhere [adhiyr] v. jabde; naatde. I adhere

active [aktiv] adj. coftucfo. She is very to that suggestion Mi jabii cfum.
active Omo sofli. adherence [adhiyr0ns] n. naatgol (ngol).
activity [aktiv0ti] n. gollal (ngal)\ liggeey; adherent [adhiyr0nt] adj. naatcfo e;
gollal. jeyaacfo e.
actor [akt0] //. pijoowo (o). adhesion [adhiy30n] n. naatgol (ngdl)\
actual [akcw0l] adj. goodcfum; ko woodi. jabgol (ngol).
actuality [0kcwal0ti] n. huunde woodnde. adiaphorous [adyaf0r0s] adj. hakkundeejo.
actually [akcw0li] adv. woni goonga; e adieu [ady0] n. baynondiral (ngal).
goonga. adipose [adipowz] adj. paycfum;
actuate [0kcweyt] v. wuurnude; welnude; butticfcfum.
softinde. adit [adit] n. naatirde (nde)-, laawol (ngol).
acuity [akwiti] n. ceebdi (ndi). Here is the adit Ko cfoo woni naatirde nde.
acute [akyuwt] adj. ceebcfo; ko seebi. It is adjacency [ajeys0nsi] n. badtondiral (ngal).
acute Ina seebi. adjacent [ajeys0nt] adj. ko badtondiri;
ad [ad] u. jeeyngal (ugal). badtondird^um; takkondircfum. They are
are adjacent Ecfi takkondiri.
adage [ada3] n. tindol (ngol).
Adam [ad0m] n. Aadama (o); baammen adjectival [ajektayv0l] adj. ko faati e
Aadama. timminoore; timminoojum.
adamant [ad0m0nt] adj. jattiniicfo. adjective [ajektiv] n. timminoore (nde). It
is an adjective cfum ko timminoore.
adapt [0dapt] v. woowtude. I am adapting
to his wishes Mbecfen woowta yicfde adjoin [ajoyn] v. seI]ondirde.
makko. adjourn [aj0m] v. fabbinde. The meeting
add [ad] v. beydude. ~ insult to injury is adjourned Deental ngal fabbinaama.
burtinde. Add water to the milk beydu adjournment [aj0rnm0nt] n. pabbingol
ndiyam e kosam cfam. (ngol).
addendum [adend0m] n. timmingol (ngdl)\ adjudge [ajAj] v. naawde; yamirde.
timmitingol. adjudicate [ajud0keyt] v. naawde; yamirde.
adder [ad0] n. beydoowo (o). adjudication [ajud0keys0n] n. naawoore
addict [adikt] n. duudeteecfo (o). He is an (nde)-, yamiroore (nde).
addict Ko o duudeteecfo. adjunct [ajApkt] n. timminoore (nde).
addiction [adiks0n] n. duudo (ngo). adjust [ajAst] v. feewnitde; yubbinde.
addition [adiys0n] n. beydaari (ndi)\ adjustment [ajAstm0nt] n. peewnitgol
beydugol (ngol). in ~ yanti been, jubbingol (ngol).
additional [adiys0n0l] adj. beydicfum. adjuvant [ajuwv0nt] adj. balloowo; ko
addle [ad0l] v. jilbinde. wallata.
addle [ad0l] adj. nolcfum. administer [administer] v. laamaade, jiimde,
address [adres] n. tiitoonde (nde). What is ardaade. He is administering this locality
your address Hoi ko woni tiitoonde ma? Ko kanko jiimi oo nokku.
administration [administreys0n] laamorde
addressee [adresiy] n. bindaacfo; mo
bataake huccinaa e mum. He is the
addressee Ko kanko windaa. admirable [admayr0b0l] adj. jeebeteecfo;
adduce [adyus] n. addude; hollirde.
admire [admay0] v. yeebde. I admire you
adept [adept] n. almuudo (o); dewcfo (o).
Mbecfe yeeb maa.
He is an adept of Ahmadu Bamha Ko o
almuudo Ahmadu Bamba. admissible [admis0b0l] adj. jabacfum;
jamiraacfum; naatnacfum.
adequacy [adekw0si] n. peewal (ngal),
timmal (ngal). admission [admiys0n] n. naatnugol (ngol)-,
naatgol (ngol)-, yamiroore (nde). Your
adequate [adekw0t] adj. peewcfum;
moTTucfum. It is adequate Ina feewi.


admission was rejected Naatgol maa adversary [adv0rs0ri] adj. kabdiicfo (o).
yamiraa ka. He is my adversary Ko min habdiibe.
admit [admit] v. naatnude; jabde. He has adverse [adv0rs] adj. luutndiicfo;
been admitted O naatii. luutndidum.
admix [admiks] v. rendinde. adversity [adv0rsiti] n. kabdigal (ngal).
admonish [admonis] v. waajaade, advertisement [adv0tayzm0nt] n. tintingol
reentinde. (>7gd/j;jeeyngal (ngal). The ad\^ertisement
admonition [admoniys0n] n. waajuya (o). was I’eiy useful Jeeyngal ngal nafii no feewi.
adolescence [adoles0ns] n. kellifliya (o); advertiser [adv0tayz0] n. jeeynoowo (o);
kellifaagal (tigal)\ cagataagal (ngal). tintinoowo (o). The advertiser has not
adolescent [adoles0nt] n. kellifaacfo (o); arrived yet Jeeynoowo o araani tawo.
sagata (o); advertise [adv0tayz0] v. tintinde; yeeynude.
adopt [adopt] v. jabde; nehde. It has been advertised cfum yeeynaama.
adoptive [ad0ptiv] adj. nehcfo; nehbe; advice [advays] n. waajuya (o).
nehaacfo; nehaabe. He is my adoptive advise [advayz] v. waajaade. He is advising
parent Ko kanko nehi mi. you O woni ko e waajaade ma.
adoration [ad0reys0n] n. dewgol (ngol); advisee [advayzi] n. bajeteecfo (o).
jeebgol (ngol). adviser [advayz0] n. baajotoocfo (o). He is
adore [adowr] v. rewde; yeebde. / adore my adviser Ko kanko woni baajotoocfo mi.
you Mi rewii ma. advocate [adv0keyt] v. heedande.
adorn [adon] v. sil]kude. - oneself aerate [ereyt] v. naatnude hendu.
sucfaade; boornaade cucfaari. aerial [eriy0l] adj. ko faati e weeyo.
adornment [adonm0nt] n. nel]kudi (ndi). aeroplane [eyrpleyn] n. abiyol].
adroit [adroyt] adj. peewcfo; peewcfo aesthetic [es0etik] adj. joocfcfum.
aestival [estiv0l] adj. ko faati e ceecfu.
adulate [adyuleyt] v. cfowtaade.
afar [afar] adv. gocfcfucfum.
adult [adAlt] adj. mawcfo; mawnucfo,
affability [af0bil0ti] n. belgol TiiTam.
kellifaacfo. He is an adult Ko o kellifaacfo.
affable [afab0l] adj. belcfo TiiTam.
adulterer [adAlt0r0] n. jinoowo (o). He is
an adulterer Ko o jinoowo. affair [afer] n. haaju (o); hafeere (tide).
adulteress [adAlt0r0s] n. debbo jinoowo; affect [afekt] v. hebde.
debbo pijoowo; garbotoocfo (o). affection [afeks0n] ti. jicfgol (ngol), gilli (di).
affiance [afiy0ns] //. fodande (tide)-,
adultery [adAltri] n. jinaa (o). Adultery is
forbidden Jinaa ina harmi. hoolaare (tide).
advance [advons] v. yahrude yeeso; affiliate [afilyet] v. jokkondirde.
Tellitaade. You need to advance Acfa foti affirm [af0rm] v. teel]tinde; tiicftinde.
yahrude yeeso. affirmation [af0rmeys0n] ti. teet^tingol
advancement [advansm0nt] n. jahrugol (ngol).
yeeso. affirmative [af0rmeys0n] adj. ko
advancer [advans0] n. jahroowo yeeso. teel3tinaa, teel3tinaacfum.
advantage [advontij] n. bural (ngal). What affix [afiks] v. jokkude, sel]de.
is the advantage of this procedure Hoi ko affixation [afikseys0n] ti. jokkere (tide).
woni bural ndee feere?
afflict [aflikt] v. sunnude. He is afflicted
advantageous [advanteyj0s] adj. burcfum. Ko o cuniido.
advent [advent] n. saanga (o); wacfnde affliction [afliks0n] ti. sunaare (tide)-,
(tide). metteende (tide).
adventure [advenc0] n. jiilagol (ngdl)\ affluence [afluw0ns] ti. garaangal e keewal,
njiilaw (o). cfuucfal. Their affluence was noted
adverb [adv0rb] n. timminoore (tide). Keewal mabbe tinaa ma.

afflulent aimless

affluent [afluw0nt] adj. galo; alcfube. He is aggravation [0gr0veys0n] n. urbitgol

affluent Ko o galo. (ngdl).
afford [aford] v. jogaade; waawande. I aggregate [agr0geyt] v. rendinde.
cannot afford it Mi ala naa cfum doole / aggress [agres] v, toonde; yande e; hide,
Mi jogaaki.
aggression [agres0n] n. toonange (nge).
affranchize [0fr0ncayz] v. rimcfinde. aggressor [agres0] n. toonoowo (o). He is
affray [0frey] n. hare (nde). the aggressor Ko kanko tooni; ko kanko
affrayer [0frey0] n. kabeteecfo (o). yani e makko.
affright [0frayt] v. hulbinde. agile [0jayl] adj. koycfo; koycfo e leydi. He
affront [afront] ti. toonange (nge); is agile Omo hoyi e leydi.
Tettoore (nde). It is an affront cfum ko agility [0jil0ti] n. koygol e leydi.
Tettoore. agitate [aj0teyt] v. sosde; awTitde; dillinde.
afloat [0flowt] adj. kayojum; kumbojum. agitation [aj0teys0n] n. dillere (nde)',
afoot [afiiwt] adj. jahroowo koyngal. dillingol (ngdl).
afore [afowr] adj. ko adii agitator [aj0teyt0] n. urboowo (o). He is
afraid [0freyd] adj. kulcfo; kulbinaado. He an agitator Ko o urboowo.
is afraid of him Ko o kulcfo mo. agnomen [agnowmen] n. sowoore (nde).
Africa [afrik0] n. Afirik. ago [0gow] adv. ko benni; bennucfum. tyvo
African [afrik0n] adj. afiriknaajo. days ~ hecci hal]ki. three days ~
after [aft0] conj. baawo, caggal ~you heccitaawel hecci hanki./owr days ~ wacfii
balcfe nay.
ardo. What are you after hoi ko coklucfaa
/ Hoi ko cfekkataa. agonize [ag0nayz] v. fitaade. He is
aftermath [aft0ma0] n. caggal. agonizing Omon fitoo.
afternoon [afl:0rnuwn] n. kikiicfe (o). I will agrarian [agreriy0n] adj. ko faati e leydi
see you in the afternoon Ma mi yiye walla e ndema.
hande kikiicfe. agree [agriy] v. hawrude; jabde;
afterthought [aft00ot] n. Teewtagol aadondirde. I agree Mi jabii.
(ngdl), miijtagol (ngdl). agreeable [agriy0b0l] adj. belcfum.
afterward [aft0wod] caggal cfum. agreement [agriym0nt] n. ahdi (ndi). Our
again [0geyn] adv. titi; kadi ~ and ~ laabi agreement holds Ahdi men ina heddii.
keewcfi. agricultural [agrikAlc0r0l] adj. ko faati e
against [0geynst] kontoor. ndema e ngaynaaka.
agape [8geyp] adj. Ijaabicfum (hunuko). agriculture [agrikAlc0] n. ndema e
age [eyj] //. duubi. ~ set kafli. old ~
nayeewu (ngu), nayewaagu (ngu). How agronomy [agrown0mi] n. jangde leydi e
old are you No duubi maa poti? ndema He is studying agronomy O
jangata ko jangde leydi e ndema e
aged [eyjd] adj. nayeejo; naywucfo;
naywuOTum; nayeebe, naywube.
ahead [0hed] adv. ko woni yeeso.
agent [eyj0nt] n. bacfoowo (o); liggotoocfo
It is ahead of you cfum woni ko yeeso.
agential [eyj0ns0l] adj. ko faati e ahem [ahem] n. dirmaango (ngo); dirmaali (di).
liggotoocfo. aid [eyd] v. wallude.
agglomerate [aglom0reyt] v. nukkondirde. aid [eyd] n. ballal (ngal). Your aid was
agglomeration [aglom0reys0n] n. valuable to us Ballal maa nafii min.
nukkondiral (ngal). ail [eyl] v. muuseede.
agglutinate [aglyuwtneyt] v. cfakkondirde; ailing [eylip] adj. muusaacfo.
takkondirde, jokkondirde. ailment [eylm0nt] n. naw (ngu).
aggrandize [0gr0ndayz] v. mawninde. aim [eym] v. tobbude, tukkude. He is
aggravate [0gr0veyt] v. urbitde. aiming at the bird Omon tobba.
aimless [eymles] adj. mo alaa haaju.


air [eyr] n. kenal (kal)\ hendu (ndu). Allah [alah] n. Alla.

airplane [eyrpleyn] n. ndiwoowa (ka). allay [aley] v. deeTnude, buubnude.
airport [eyrpot] n. kandaa abiyol]. They allegation [alageysan] n. tuumal (ngal).
went to the airport be njahii kanda This is a serious allegation Ngal tuumal
abiyol]. ko tiicfngal.
ajar [ajaij adj. ko uddaaki; ko hibbaaki; allege [alej] v. tuumde.
gudditiicfum. allegiance [aliyjans] ti. cfowtagol (ngdl)\
akin [eykin] ko faati e. ~ to ko faati e. cfowtaare (nde).
alar [alar] adj. ko faati e wibjo/bibje. allegiant [aliyjant] adj. cfowtiicfo.
alarm [alom] n. kulol (ngdl)\]QQno (ngo). alleviate [aliyvyeyt] v. hoybinde.
alarmed [alOm] adj. kulcfo; jeertiicfo. Tell alleviation [aliyvyesan] n. koybingol.
him not to he alarmed Hoi to soklu. alley [ally] n. laawol (ngol). Use this alley
albino [albayno] n. fliunee (o). Rew ngol laawol
albumen [albyuman] n. ndaneeri alliance [alayans] n. jantondiral (ngal).
boccoonde. They formed an alliance be njantondirii.
alcohol [alkohowl] n. alkol (o); konjam alligator [aligeyta] n. nooroo (o).
(dam). He drinks alcohol Omo yara allocate [alakeyt] v. taTande; reennude;
konjam. jonde.
alcoholic [alkahowlik] adj. ko faati e allot [alot] V. taTande; reennude.
konjam. allow [alaw] v. yamirde; jabande. You are
aleph [alef] n. alkulal (rigal)\ alliif (o). allowed to come in a yamiraama yo a naat.
alert [alart] v. tintinde; reentinde The army alloy [aloy] adj. jillucfum.
is under alert Soldateebe be ko ally [alay] n. sehil, gonancfo.
almighty [almayti] adj. Allah,
alexia [aleksya] n. naw ngaandi.
almost [olmowst] v. cfesde.
algebra [aljabra] n. kiisagol (ngol).
alms [olmz] n. sadakeeji (di)\ sadak. He
algebraic [aljabrayik] adj. ko faati e gives alms every day Omon sakkoo.
alone [alown] adj. gooto; petto,
algorithm [algoridam] ti. feere (nde). What
is your algorithm Hoi ko woni feere maa? along [Q\oxj\prep. njuuteendi (ndi).
alien [eyliyan] n. arani (o); tumaranke (o). alongside [alogsayd] n. sara (o): takko (o).
aloof [aluwf] adj. gocfcfucfum.
alienist [eyliyenist] n. cafroowo kaacfi.
aloud [alawd] adj. mawnucfum, mawnunde,
alight [alayt] v. tellaade.
alight [alayt] adj. kubbacfum; kubbojum;
alpha [alfa] n. alkulal (ngal).
alphabet [alfabet] n. alkule, limto (ngo).
align [alayn] v. reggondirde.
already [olredi] adj. ko benni; bennucfum.
alignment [alaynmant] n. deggondiral
(figal). also [also] kadi; yanti been,
alike [alayk] adj. nanducfi; nandube. They alter [olta] v. waylude. The plan has been
are alike Kambe nandi. altered Feere nde waylaama.
aliment [alamant] n. namri (tidi). alteration [oltareysan] //. baylugol (ngol),
baylagol (ngol), noottagol (ngol).
alimentary [alamantari] adj. ko faati e
namri. altercate [oltarkeyt] v. dukde.
alimentation [alimanteysan] n. namri (ndi). altercation [oltarkeysan] n. duko (ngo).
alimony [alamoni] n. nguura ceeraacfo. alternative [oltarnativ] n. feere wonde,
miijo wongo, cubagol (ngol). What
alive [alayv] adj. guurcfo, wuurbe; ko alternative solution are you suggesting
wuuri. They are alive Ebe nguuri.
Hoi miijo wongo njogid’aa'^
all [ol] adv. dendaagal, fof you ~ onon although [Oldow] conj. hay so.
altitude [altOcuwd] n. tooweendi (ndi).

altitudinal anger

altitudinal [alt0cuwdin9l] adj. ko faati e amorous [0mowr0s] adj. ko faati e gilli.

tooweendi. amorphous [0mowrf0s] adj. ko alaa
altogether [olt0ge60] adv. fof; kanum fof. tagoodi.
always [olweyz] adv. nande kala. He is amount [0mawnt] v. fotde; jarde.
always there Omo toon sahaa kala. amount [0mawnt] n. coggu (ngu)\ keewal
amalgamate [amalg0meyt] v. yantondirde; (ngal).
rendinde. amphibious [amfiby0s] adj. ko wuurata e
amass [0mas] v. rendinde. leydi e ndiyam.
amateur [amat0r] n. jeeboowo; jicfcfo. ample [amp0l] adj. jaajcfum; joncfum.
amaze [ameyz] v. haawnude It is amazing amplify [ampl0fay] v. yaajnude; mawninde.
Ina haawnii. It needs to be amplified Ina foti
amazement [ameyzm0nt] n. haawniinde mawnineede.
(tide). amputate [ampyuwteyt] v. taTde The
ambassador [ambasad0] /?. ambaasadeer doctor amputated his leg Ko cafroowo o
(o); gonancfo leydi mum caggal leydi. taTi koyngal makko.
amber [amb0] /?. lambureere (nde). amputee [ampyuwti] n. necfcfo mo tergal
mum taXaa.
ambiguous [ambigyus] adj. ko yubbaani;
ko leeraani. This speech act is ambiguous amulet [amyuwlet] n. talkuru (ndu).
kongol ngol leeraani. amuse [amyuwz] v. jalnude.
ambitious [ambis0s] adj. jicfcfo Tellitaade. amusing [amyuwzir)] adj. ko jalnii; jalniicfo;
amble [amb0l] v. yahnaade, daagaade. jalnicfum. Your grandfather is amusing
Taane ina jalnii.
ambulance [ambil0ns] n. ambilaas (o).
anaconda [an0konda] n. ngaadaada.
ambulate [ambyuleyt] v. yahde.
analeptic [analeptik] n. ko sembinta.
ambuscade [ambyuskeyd] v. paddagol
(ngol). analogous [anal0g0s] adj. nando, nanducfi; ko
ambush [ambus] v. faddaade; taTde. He nandl They are analogous Kanji nandi.
was ambushed be paddi mo. analphabet [analf0bet] n. humam binne.
ameliorate [amelyoreyt] v. samorde; analphabetic [analf0betik] adj. mo
feewnitde. jaQngaani taraani.
amen [amen] interj. aamiin. analysis [anal0sis] n. wicfto (ngo).
amend [amend] v. feewnitde; waylude This analyze [an0layz] v. wicftude; seerndude.
decree needs to be amended Sarcfi o ina anatomical [an0tomik0l] adj. ko faati e
foti feewniteede. jal]de tercfe.
amendment [amendm0nt] n. baylugol anatomy [0nat0mi] n. jal]de tercfe the ~
(ngdl)\ peewnitgol (ngol). of the human body jal3de tercfe balli.
amends [amendz] n. njobdi (ndi). ancestor [ansest0] n. mawcfo gadiicfo;
American [0merik0n] adj. amerike; maamaare (nde).
ameriknaajo. ancestral [ancestr0l] adj. ko faati e mawcfo
amiable [amy0b0l] adj. belcfo, necfcfo gadiicfo.
belcfo TiiYam. anchor [apk0] v. joofde; teerde.
amicable [amik0b0l] adj. belcfo TiiTam. ancient [ans0nt] adj. booycfo, booTcfum;
amid [amid] prep, hakkunde, nder. booynde; booYbe; ko booyi. an ~ custom
amigo [amiygo] n. sehil (o). aada booycfo and [and] conj. e. you ~
him aan e makko.
amity [amiti] n. cehilaagal (ngal).
anemia [0niymiya] n. naw (o).
ammunition [am0niys0n] n. kute (cfe) ;
condi kute. anew [anyew] adv. ko hescfi.
amnesty [amnesti] n. yaafuya (o). angel [anj0l] n. malayka (o).
among [0moi3] prep, hakkunde; nder. angelic [anjelik] adj. ko nandi e malayka.
amongst [0moi3st] prep. nder. anger [a5g0] n. loobre (nde)-, tikkere (nde)-,
sekre (nde).


ai^ina [anjiyna] n. muusu goddol, naw antelope [ant0lopi] n. lella (ba)', willere
dakane. (nde),]did.v^TQ (nde).
angle [Qijgal] n. lobbudu (ndu). antenna [antena] n. anteen.
angry [Qrjgri] adj. cekcfo; pilnitiicfo; anterior [antiyry0] adj. gadiicfo; gadicfum;
bemucfo; mettincfo. He is angry ko o ko adii. His request was anterior to yours
cekdfo. lamndal makko adii lamndal maa.
anguish [a^gwis] n. sunaare (nde). anthropophagy [an0r0powf0ji] n.
anima [anima] n. fittaandu (ndu). cuknaagu (ngu).
animal [animal] n. jawdi (ndi)-, mbaroodi anti [anti] luutndiicfo.
(ndi). anticarious [antikeyr0s] //. ko hacfata nihre
animate [anameyt] v. wuurnude, welnude. yulde.
animator [an0meyt0] n. belnoowo (o). anticipant [antis0p0nt] adj. joortiicfo.
animosity [an0mowz0ti] n. ngangu (ngu). anticipate [antis0peyt] v. joortaade,
ankle [Ogkal] n. holbundu (ndu). sprain cfaminaade. I anticipate that things will
one’s ~ fornude. He sprained his ankle work out Mbecfe joortii moTTere.
Ko o pornucfo. anticipation [antis0peys0n] n. njoorta (o).
annex [aneks] v. jokkude; beydude. anticipatory [ant0sip0t0ri] adj. ko faati e
annihilate [aniyhaleyt] v. boomde. njoorta.
announce [0nawns] v. jaaynude. antidote [antidowt] n. lekki posone.
announcement [0nawnsm0nt] n. jaaynde antipathy [antip00i] n. ngangu (ngu).
(nde). He is making an announcement antique [antiyk] adj. booycfum; booycfi.
O woni ko e jaaynude. antiquity [antikwiti] n. jamaanu booycfo
annoy [0noy] v. urbude; urbitde; haabnude, bennudo.
seknude. She annoyed him O sekni mo. anurous [anyuwr0s] adj. ko alaa laaci.
annoyance [0noy0ns] n. mettere (nde)', anus [eyn0s] n. nasol (ngol), bunna (o);
mettingol (ngol). gacfa (o).
annual [any0w0l] adj. hitaande kala. anxiety [agzayti] n. sokla (o).
annulation [any0leys0n] n. pirtugol (ngol). any [eni] adj. kala.
annunciate [anAnsyeyt] v. habnide. anybody [enibodi] pron. necfcfo kala.
annunciation [anAnsyeys0n] n. kabaaru (o). Anybody can do it Necfcfo kala ina waawi
anonymous [an0nim0s] adj. mo innde mum wacfde cfum.
andaaka. an ~ person necfcfo mo inde anyone [eniwan] pron. necfcfo kala.
mum andaaka. anyplace [enipleys] adv. nokku kala.
anopheles [0nof0liyz] n. bowngu (ngu). anything [eni0io]/;ro/7. huunde kala.
another [0nowd0] adj. gocfcfo; gocfcfum. anytime [enitaym] adv. sahaa kala.
help one ~ wallondirde. anywhere [eniwer] adv. nokku kala.
answer [ans0] v. jaabaade; nootaade. ~ apart [0part] adj. ceercfi, ceertucfi; ko
hack sontaade. He is ansyvering your seerti; ko jonaa.
question Omon jaaboo lamndal maa. apartment [0partm0nt] n. hocforde (nde).
answer [ans0] n. nootaango (ngo)',
ape [eyp] n. deemooru (ndu).
jaabawol (ngol).
apex [eypeks] n. cebtam (dam),
ant [Ont] n. nuufiu (ngu)', goololo (ngol).
aphrodisiac [afrowdiyziyak] adj. ko
antagonism [antag0nizm] n. luural (ngal)',
luutndagol (ngol).
apiece [apiys] adv. hoore kala; gecfal kala.
antagonize [antag0nayz] v. luutndaade,
apish [eypis] n. ko nandi walla ko faati e
antecede [ant0siyd] v. adaade.
aplenty [aplenti] adj. keewcfum, ko heewi.
antecedent [ant0siyd0nt] adj. gadiicfo;
antedate [ant0deyt] v. heccude.

apologize armpit

apologize [apowlajayz] v. yaafnaade. I appropriate [apropret] adj. peewcfo, ko

apologize for the mistake Tiinno yaafo feewi.
juumre nde. approve [apruwv] v. jabde The decree has
apology [apowlaji] ti. yaafliya (o). Please been approved Sarcfi o jabaama.
accept my apology Tiinno yaafo mi. apron [eypran] n. haddaare (nde).
apostasy [apostazi] n. cfaccugol diine. apt [apt] adj. baawcfo.
apostle [aposal] u. nelaacfo (o): nulaacfo aptitude [aptatyuwd] n. mbaawka (ka).
aquatic [akwatik] adj. ko faati e ndiyam.
appall [apol] v. hulbinde.
Arab [eyrab] n. aarabe (o).
apparent [apiyrant] adj. ko yiyotoo.
Arabic [arabik] n. aarabeere (nde).
apparition [apariysan] n. peenal (ngal).
arable [arabal] adj. leydi ndemeteendi.
appeal [apiyl] n. naagunde (nde).
arbitrate [Orbatreyt] v. naawde.
appeal [apiyl] v. naagaade. I appeal to you
arbitration [orbiteysan] n. naawoore (nde).
Mbecfe naago maa.
arc [ark] n. laanal (ngal).
appear [apiyr] v. feende; feerde. He
appeared yesterday Ko hanki o feeni. arcade [arkeyd] n. laawol (ngdl).
appearance [apiyrans] n. 1) I]ari (o) 2) arcane [arkeyn] adj. ko nibbicfi; sirru.
peenal (ngal). archaic [arkayik] adj. ko booyi; ko benni It
appease [apiyz] v. deeTnude. is archaic cfum booyii.
appelation [apaleysan] n. inde (nde)\ archer [area] n. laahoowo (o).
noddaango (ngo). archery [arcari] n. laangol (ngdl).
append [apend] v. jokkude; beydude. arduous [arjewas] adj. ko tiicfi; tiicfcfum.
applaud [aplod] v. hellude; fobbude. They area [erya] n. nokku (o).
applauded the chief bt pobbanii laamcfo. arena [ariyna] n. dingiral (ngal). They
applause [aploz] n. kelle (de). entered the arena be naati e dingiral ngal.
apple [opal] n. pom (o). He ate an apple O argent [arjant] n. kaalis.
naamii pom o. argental [arjantal] adj. ko faati walla ko
applicant n. [aplikant] ndaaroowo (liggeey) nandi e kaalis.
The applicant is here Ndaaroowo liggeey argue [argyuw] v. yeddondirde;
o arii. foocfondirde. / do not want to argue Mi
apply [aplay] v. moomde,. yiefaa foocfondireede.
noTTude. argument [argyamant] n. poocfondiral
appoint [apwent] v. fiilde; lamminde. They (ngal).
appointed the chief bt piilii laamcfo o. argumentation n. poocfondiral (ngal).
apportion [aporsan] v. feccude. arid [arid] adj. ko yoori.
appose [apOz] v. sawndondirde. arise [arayz] v. fucfde; ummaade.
appraise [apreyz] v. yisbude. arithmetics [ariGmetiks] n. kiisagol (ngdl)\
appreciate [apriyseyt] v. usde. hiisa (o).
apprehend [aprehand] v. 1) nal3ngude, arm [am] n. jungo (ngo). jungo maa.
jaggude 2) faamde. armament [amament] n. kabircfe (cfe) ;
apprehension [aprahensan] n. kulol (ngdl). kabirgal (ngal)', njogitaari (ndi).
apprehensive [aprehensiv] adj. kulcfo. armed [amd] adj. jogitiiefo. He is armed
Omo jogitii.
apprentice [aprentas] n. ekkotoocfo.
armistice [amistis] n. dartingol hare,
apprenticeship [aprentasip] n. ekko (ngo).
armless [amless] adj. guddo.
approach [aproc] v. battaade. He is
approaching the building Omon battoo armlet [amlet] n. ceeltol (ngdl).
hubeere nde. armoire [armwar] n. armoor (o).
appropriate [apropret] v. hebtude. armory [amori] n. mooftirde kabirde.
armpit [ampit] n. naafki (ki).

army astute

army [ami] n. wolde (tide)., soldateebe (be). assassination [asasaneysan] n. war hoore.
around [arawnd] prep, hedde assault [asolt] v, yande; nakkaade.
arouse [9rawz] v. findinde. assay [asey] v. etaade; endude.
arrange [areynj] v. feewnude. assemble [asembal] v. rendinde; moobde.
arrest [arest] v. jaggude; nangude. assembled [asembald] adj. daakaade.
arrival [9rayv0l] n. jettagol (ngol). assembly [asembli] n. deental (ngal).
arrive [9rayv] v. yettaade. He arrived assent [asent] v. yamirde; jabde.
yesterday O yettii ko hanki. assert [asart] v. tiicfnude; teel^tinde.
arrogance [arog9ns] n. neetaraagal (ngal)\ assess [ases] v. hiisaade.
bon nehdaagal. assessor [asesa] n. kiisotoocfo (o).
arrogant [arogant] adj. naacfcfo, neetaro. asset [aset] n. danal (ngal).
arrow [arow] n. bamforo assign [asayn] v. tottude, heednude.
arrowhead [arowhed] n. ceebeendi assignment [asaynmant] n. liggeey (o).
assimilate [asimaleyt] v. waade; naattinde;
arsenal [asanal] n. mooftirde kabircfe. waawde.
art [at] n. fannu (o). assist [asist] v. wallude You should assist your
artery [atari] n. cfacfol (ngol). teacher Acfa foti wallude ceemo maa.
article [atikal] n. windande (nde). assistance [asistans] n. ballal (ngal)', doftal
artisan [atizan] n. neeno (o). (ngal).
artistic [atistik] adj. ko faati e fannu. assistant [asistant] n. balloowo (o).
as if [asif] adv. elleey; bayri. associate [asowseyt] v. wondude.
ascend [asend] v. I3abbude; l^aylude. association [asowseysan] n. deental (ngal).
ascension [asensan] n. I3abbug61 (ng6l)\ assoil [asoyl] v. yaafaade.
13aylug61 (ngol). assort [asot] v. seerndude.
ascertain [asartan] v. yananeede. assortment [asOrtmant] n. ceerndugol
ascribe [askrayb] v. takkude. (ngol).
ascription [askripsan] n. iwdi (ndi). assume [asyuwm] v. sikkude; jikkude;
miijaade. I assume he is here Mbecfe
ashamed [aseymd] adj. kersucfo.
jikki omon cfoo.
ash [as] n. ndoondi (ndi)', kaata. - usedfor
assumption [asAmpsan] n. sikke (o); miijo
making soap ctV^n(ndi).
aside [asayd] adv. sara.
asthma [asma] n. aasmo.
ask [ask] V. lamndaade. - forforgiveness
astonish [astanis] v. najnude. / was
yaafnaade; tuubande.
astonished Mi naj.
asleep [asliyp] adj. cTaaniicTo He is asleep astonished [astanist] adj. najcfo;
Ko 0 cfaaniicfo.
aspirant [asparant] n. cfabboowo (o). He astonishment [astanismant] v. najoore (nde).
who aspires must be patient cfabboowo
munat. astound [astawnd] v. najnude.
aspiration [aspareysan] n. cfamaawu (o); astral [astral] adj. ko faati e.
naatnugol foofaango. astray [astrey] adj. ko majji; majjucfum.
aspirin [asparan] n. aspirin (o). The letter went astray bataake o majjii.
astrologer [astrowloja] n. tiimoowo (o). He
ass [as] n. kuutol (ngol).
is an astrologer Ko o tiimoowo.
assail [aseyl] v. nakkaade e.
astrology [astrowlaji] n. tiimgal (ngal)',
assailant [aseylant] n. nakkiicfo e. tiimgol (ngdl).
assassin [asasin] n. barcfo hoore. He is the astronomy [astrownami] n. jangde
assassin Ko kanko wari hoore. windere.
assassinate [asasaneyt] n. warde hoore. He astute [astyuwt] adj. ToTcfo. He is really
was assassinated last year O waraa ko astute Omo YoTi no feewi.
asylum Azrael

asylum [9sayl9m] n. moolagol (ngol). augmentation [ogm9nteys9n] n. beydugol

at [at] prep, nder; dow; to. ~ his request e (ngdl)\ beydaari (ndi).
wiide makko; e yamiroore makko. augmenter [0gment9] «. beydoowo (o).
atelier [at9lye] n. nokku liggorde. aunt [Ont] n. gorgilaacfo (o).
athletic [aGletik] adj. doolnucfo; cembincfo. aura [ora] n. fooyre (nde).
atmosphere [atmosfiyr] n. weeyo (ngo). aural [or9l] adj. ko faati e nancfe.
atmospheric [atmosfiyrik] adj. ko faati e auricular [0rikyuwl9] adj. ko faati e nancfe.
weeyo. auspice [ospis] n. jiimgol (ngdl)\ njiimaandi
atonement [atownment] n. tuubgol (ngdl)\ (ndi)
njobdi (tidi). austerity [oster9ti] n. soono (ngo); baasal
atop [atop] pre/?. ceptam (dam). (ngal).
atrocious [atrows9s] adj. boncfo. author [009] n. binducfo; mahcfo.
atrocity [atrows9ti] n. bonande (nde). authority [90or9ti] n. baawal (ngal)-,
attach [atac] v. habbude. yamiroore (nde).
attachment [atacment] ti. kabbugol (ngdl)\ authorize [90orayz] v. yamirde. You are
takkagol e nedcfo. authorized to remain in the country A
yamiraama yo a heddo e leydi ndi.
attack [atak] v. yande e; nakkaade e. They
attacked him be njani e makko. automobile [0t9mowbiyl] n. mobel (o).
attain [ateyn] v. hebde; yettaade. autonomous [0town9m9s] adj. ko jiimaaka
an autonomous region nokku mo
attainable [ateyn9b9l] adj. ko hebotoo;
autonomy [0town9mi] n. ndimaagu
attempt [atempt] n. ekko (ngo); ekkagol
(ngdl)\ etagol (ngol).
autumn [0t9m] n. kawle (de).
attempt [atempt] v. endude; etaade.
avail [aveyl] v. nafde.
attend [atend] v. toppitaade. ~ school
jangude lekkon. available [aveyl9b9l] adj. kebiicfo.
attention [atens9n] n. battugol hakkille. avarice [av9ris] n. tiicfgol jungo.
attentive [atentiv] adj. battucfo hakkille. avenge [avenj] v. yoftanaade.
attenuate [atenyuweyt] v. ustude. avenue [avenyu] n. laawol jaajngol.
attest [atest] v. seedaade. Can you attest to average [avrij] n. hakkunde.
that Acfa waawi seedaade cfum? aversion [av9r39n] n ngangu (ngu)-, elko (ko).
attire [atay9] n. comci (di), comcol (ngol). avid [avid] adj. kuuhcfucfo; jicfcfo.
attract [atrakt] v. foocfde. avidity [avid9ti] n. kuuncfugol (ngol).
attractive [atraktiv] adj. joocfcfo. You are avoid [avoyd] v. woorde.
very attractive Acfa yoocfi no feewi. await [aweyt] v. fadde.
attribute [atribyuwt] v. andinde iwdi. awake [aweyk] v. findinde.
auction [oks9n] v. yeeyde, wantirde. awaken [aweyk9n] v. findinde.
auctioneer [oks9niy9] n. jeeyoowo (o). aware [aweyr] adj. tincfo. I am aware of it
audacious [odeys9s] adj. cuuscfo. Mbede tini cfum.
audacity [odas9ti] n. cuusal (ngal). awareness [aweymes] ?i. tingol (ngol).
audible [odib9l] adj. ko nanotoo; ko away [awey] adv. gocfcfucfum right away
nanetee. jooni jooni.
audience [ody9ns] n. yimbe tawtoraabe. awe [o] n. kulol (ngol).
audition [odiys9n] n. kecftagol (ngol). awful [oflil] adj. boncfum; ko boni.
auditor [odito] n. kecfiicfo (o); kecfotoocfo (o). awl [ol] n. tufirde (nde).
auditory [od9towri] adj. ko faati e nancfe. ax [aks] n. jambere (nde).
augment [Ogment] v. beydude azan [azan] n. noddingol (ngdl).
Azrael [azrel] n. jaraa?iilu.

baa barn

baa [ba] n. meengol (ngdl)\ meenaali (di). bambara [bambara] n. bambaranke (o).
babble [babal] n. haala ka laabaani. bamboo [bambuw] n. kewal (ngal).
babbling [bablig] n. haala ka laabaani. ban [ban] v. hacfde. He is banned from the
baboon [babuwn] n. waandu (ndu). group 0 yaltinaama fedde.
baby [beybi] n. bicfcfo (o); tiggu (o). banana [banano] n. banaana (o).
bachelor [bacala] //. surga; mo resaani He is band [band] n. lefol (ngdl)\ tump (o).
a bachelor Ko o surga. bandagefbandij] n. bandaas (o); lefol (ngdi).
back [bak] n. keeci (ki)-, baawo (ngo)\ caggal bandit [bandit] n. boncfo (o).
(tigal). ~ up wallude; heedande. / will hack bandy [bandi] v. werlondirde.
him up Ma mi wallu mo. talk behind bandy-legged [bandileged] adj. molfo,
someone’s - hohde.come- artude. molficfcfo He is bandy-legged Ko o molfo.
backache [bakeyk] n. keeci muusoowi I bang [bag] v. bubbude. Please do not
have a backache Mbecfe wondi e keeci bang the door Holto bubbu baafal ngal.
muusoowi. bangle [baggol] n. jawo (ngo).
backbone [bakbown] n. noorol (ngol). banish [banish] v. riiwde.
background [bakgrawund] n. neesu (ngi4). banishment [banisment] n. diiwgol (ngdl).
backside [baksayde] n. raqalde (nde)\ rotere bank [bagk] n. banke.
banker [bagko] n. liggotoocfo e bagke.
backward [bakword] adj. ko yahri caggal.
bankrupt [bagkrApt] adj. baascfo, picfcfucfo.
bacon n. [beykan] teew mbabba tugal / do 7 am bankrupt Ko mi picfcfucfo.
not eat bacon Mi naamataa teew mbabba
banquet [bagkwet] n. kew (o).
banter [banto] v. gaajondirde; yanondirde.
bad [bad] adj. boncfo, boncfum. go - bonde.
baobab fruit n. [bawbab fmwt] bohre (nde)',
badly [badli] adv. ko boni; ko feewani,
bohe (cfe).
baobab tree [bawbab triy] /?. laali (ki), bokki
baffle [bafal] v. jiibde.
(ki)\ bowdi (ki).
bag [bag] n. boot (o); saak
baptize [baptayz] v. innude. He n’us
(o): mbasu (ngu)\ bata (o); suruundu (ndu). baptized yesterday Ko hanki o innaa.
he in the - fandineede; nder poos,
bar [bar] n. leggal (ngal)\ palal (ngal).
baggage [bagij] n. kaake (cfe)
barb [barb] n. logdu (ndu).
bail [beyl] n. njobdi (ndi).
barbecue [barbokyuw] v. jucfde.
bail [beyl] v. yaltinde cokaacfo. / hailed him
barbecued meat [barbokyuwd miyt] n. afara
out Mi yobanii mo ko o rewetenoo.
(o) You really like barbecued meat Kooli
bait [beyt] n. cegdi (ndi). ko aan yicfi afara.
bake [beyk] v. defde e nder fliur. barber [barbo] n. pemboowo (o).
baker [beyka] v. bulanse (o); piyoowo barbet [barbet] n. sondu (ndu).
mburu. bare [beyr] adj. meho, bolo.
bakery [beykari] n. mbulayse (o). bargain [bargen] v. haaldeede;
balance [balans] v. fondude. They are not yeeytondireede; wacfdeede ustu beydu. / am
balanced cfi potaani. tired of bargaining Mi tampii yeeytaade.
bald [bold] adj. jom teeleende. bargaining [bargenig] n. jeeytagol (ng6l)\
baldness [boldnes] n. teeleende (nde). ustu beydu.
balk [bolk] v. daraade. bark [bark] n. bokko (ko).
ball [bol] n. kupe; bal (o). bark [bark] v. wofde
ballet [bale] n. ngamri (ndi). barn [barn] n. mooftirde
balloon [baluwn] n. bal (o). kabircfe/jaande/hucfo.

barrack l» behead

barrack [barak] n. suudu soldateebe. bean [biyn] n. newre (nde). He loves beans
barrage [baraj] //. hacfiinde (nde). Ndaw ko yicfi nebbe.
barren [baren] adj. dimaro; rimare (used for bear [ber] v. 1) wufnude 2) munde.
animals). beard [biyrd] wahre (nde)
barricade [barikeyd] //. hecfcfaawo (ngo). beardless [birdies] adj. nollo.
barricade [barikeyd] v. howde. beast [bist] n. mbaroodi (ndi).
barrier [bariy0] n. hecfcfaawo (ngo), galle beat[biyt] v. leemde; fiide; tappude; lappude.
(o). ~ the rice lappee maaro (ko).
barrow [barow] ii. burwet (o). beater [biyta] n. piyoowo (o).
bartender [bartenda] n. jeeyoowo beautiful [biyuwtiful] adj. joocfcfo; lobbo.
sangara/njaram. She is very beautiful Ndaw ko yoocfi
barter [bart9] n. barja (o): haacfi haacfa (o). beauty [biyuwti] n. njoocfndam (dam).
basal [beysal] adj. ko faati e ngooroondi because [bikoz] conj. sabu.
leydi. beck [bek] n. hoggo (ngo).
base [beyz] u. ummorde (nde)\ ngooroondi beckon [bekon] v. dillinde hoore; jabde,
(ndi). jamminde.
bashful [basflil] adj. nuggaro He is bashful become [bekAm] v. wonde; wontude. He has
Ko o nuggaro. become greedy Omo aybi.
basic [beysik] n. flicfcforde (tide). bed [bed] n. mbaldi (ndi), (ndi)-, kiriptii) (o);
basis [beysis] ti. ngooroondi (ndi). lelorde (nde). He went to bed early O
bask [bask] v. wulnaade e les naange, yaawii lelaade.
saacfnaade. bedding [bedip] n. darabuuji e mbajjuuji.
basket [basket] n. sufirdu; (ndu) pane (o); bedroom [bedrum] n. suudu (ndu). Where is
wusup (o). your bedroom Hoi to suudu maa woni?
bastard [bastad] adj. deedaacfo; mo alaa bee [biy] n. naaku (ngu)
baaba mum You are a bastard Aan ko a beef [biyf] n. teew kolce.
beefy [biyfi] adj. bellincfo.
bat [bat] v. fiide. ~ an eyelid majde.
beer [biya] n. sangara (o); konjam (cfam).
bat [bat] //. wilwilnde (nde)\ bilbilel.
beetle [biytal] n. somre (nde).
bate [beyt] v. ustude.
before [bifowr] adv. hadee, ko adii. Wash
bathe [beyS] v. buflaade. He is bathing your hands before you eat Soocfo hadee
Omon buftoo. maa naamde.
bathing [beydii)] n. buftagol (ngol). ~ beg [beg] v. toraade; yelaade; naagaade. / am
instrument lootorgal (ngal)/lootirgal begging your forgiveness Mbecfe naagi
(ngal). ~ area = lootorde (nde). maa yaafuya.
bathos [beyGos] n. buutdi (ndi). beget [biget] v. jibinde.
batten [batan] v. wuurnude. beggar [bega] n. jelotoocfo (o). Beggars
batter [bata] v. wurwude; fiide. can’t be choosers Naadottocfo subotaako.
battery [batari] n. batiri (o). Give charity to the beggar Sakko jelotoocfo
battle [batal] n. hare (nde). a major-- hare o.
mawnde. begin [bigin] v. yaalde, tuggude; fucfcfaade. ~
bawd [bod] n. garbotoocfo. afresh fiicfcfitaade.
bazaar [bazar] n. jeere (nde). beginning [biginip] n. fucfcfoode (nde);
arwan (o); adan.
be [biy] v. wonde. ~ wrong fende; toonde.
beguile [bigayl] v. fliuntude.
beach [biyc] n. fongo geec.
behave [biheyv] v. feewde, nehaade.
bead [biyd] n. haayre (nde) do one’s ~.v
wirdude, tellinde jabe. behavior [biheyviya] n. nehdi (ndi). good ~
nehdi moTYiri.
beak [biyk] n. hoggo (ngo).
behead [bihed] v. taTde daande.
beam [biym] //. leggal (ngal).


behind [bihaynd] n. baawo (ngo)\ caggal (o): bequest [bikwest] n. ndonu (ngu).
gacfa (o). He is behind you Omon caggal bereave [biriyv] v. hebtude; hacfde.
beret [b0ret] n. beere (o).
behold [bihold] v. Teewde.
berry [beri] n. bingel lecfcfe.
being [beig] n. aadee. a human ~ innama
berth [b0rG] n. joofirde (nde)-, tufnde (nde).
aadee./or the time ~ jooni; hadee ndeen.
beseech [bisiyc] v. naagaade.
belay [biley] v. fiilde, taamude.
beset [biset] v. yande e; fiakkaade e.
belch [belc] n. ahre (nde).
beside [bisayd] prep, takko; sara.
belch [belc] v. ahde.
besiege [bisiyj] v, taaraade.
belief [beliyf] n. dewgol (ngdl)\ dewal (ngal)-,
sikke (o): googcfingol (ngdl). best [best] adj. burcfo fof; burefo fof
believe [biliyv] v. googcfinde, jabde, sikkude.
/ believe in Allah Mbecfe goorjcfini Alla. bestial [besc0l] adj. ko faati e jawdi.
believer [biliyv0] v. jabcfo AJla. bestow [bistow] v. yecfde; rokkude.
belittle [bilit0l] v. yennude; biskitde. bet [bet] v. fawde; tegde. How much did you
bet No foti tegcfaa?
bell [bel] n. hulnde (nde). little ~ le^nguru
(ndu). betray [bitrey] v. janfaade, joolaade. They
betrayed him be njanfii mo.
belligerence [belijer0ns] n. hare (nde).
betrayal [bitrey0l] n. joolo janfa (o).
bellow [below] v. huunde.
betroth [bitrowG] v. Tamde; humande.
bellow [below] n. huunaango (ngo).
better [bet0] adj. burcfo moTTude.
belly [beli] n. reedu (ndu). big ~ deeringi,
better [bet0] v. moTTinde.
deeral (ngal).
betterment [bet0ment] n. bural (ngal).
belong [bilog] v. jeyeede. The book belongs
to me Ko miin jey deftere nde. between [bitwiyn] n. leriinde; hakkunde.
belonging [bilogig] n. halal (ngal),]ty (o). beverage [bevrij] n. njaram (dam).
below [bilow] prep. les. bewail [beweyl] v. sunaade.
belt [belt] n. dadorgal (ngal)\ duhol (ngdl)\ beware [beweyr] v. reentaade. ~ of the dog
dadol (ngdl). reento rawaandu (ndu).
bench [bene] n. joocforde (nde). bewilder [biwild0] v. raytude; majjinde;
bend [bend] v. wuuraade; oonde, junaade,
hofde. ~ down turaade; Tukkaade ~ over beyond [biyond] prep, dow; yeeseo.
wunhinaade. ~ oneself naayaade ~ forward bi [bay] pref cficfi.
tukkaade. bicycle [baysik0l] n. biskalet (o).
bender [bend0] n. kofoowo (o). bid [bid] v. yamirde.
beneath [biniyG] prep. les. biennial [bayeniy0l] adj. ko kewata duubi
benediction [benediks0n] n. baraaji; cficfi kala.
duwaawu. biff [bif] n. womre (nde).
benefaction [benefaks0n] v. nafoore (nde). bifurcate [bifirkeyt] v. selde.
benefactor [benefakt0] n. moTTinoowo; big [big] adj. mawcfo; ko mawni.
balloowo (o). bigwig [bigwig] n. koohoowo (o).
benefic [benefik] adj. nafojum; ko nafata. bijou [biju] n. cucfaari (ndi).
benefice [benef0s] n. nganaari (ndi). bilingual [bayliggw0l] n. kaaloowo cfemcfe
beneficient [benefis0nt] adj. nafojum; ko cficfi. He is bilingual Omo haala cfemcfe
nafata. cficfi.
benefit [benefit] v. nafde. He did not benefit bilk [bilk] v. salaade yobde namaande.
from it efum nafaani mo. bill [bil] n. cferewol (ngdl).
benevolent [benev0l0nt] adj. ko woni Allah billow [bilow] n. wempeTere (nde).
meho, Alla meho.
billy [bill] n. sawru (ndu).
bequeath [bikwiG] v. ronnude.
bind [baynd] v. jokkondirde, habbude.

binder board

binder [baynda] n. kabboowo (o). blanket [blanket] n. mbajju (o).

binoculars [binowkalaz] n. loggorcfe (de). blaspheme [blasfiym] v. heeforicfde.
birch [bare] ti. lekki (ki). blasphemy [blasfami] n. fanoore (nde)-,
bird [bard] n. sondu (iidu). A bird in the keeferaagal (ngal).
hand is worth two in the bush bamde ko blaze [bleyz] v. jawwude.
rokkaa buri sooynaade ko hebataa. bleach [bliyc] v. ranwinde.
birdcatcher [bardkaca] n. tuufotoocfo colli, bleat [bliyt] n. meenaango (ngo).
birdie [bardi] n. colei tokosel. bleat [bliyt] v. meende.
birdlime [bardlaym] n. wilde (nde). bleed [bliyd] v. tuTTde; rufde TiiTam. He is
birl [bad] v. yiilde; yuppude; yuppande. bleeding ko a tuTTucfo.
birth [barG] n. jibingol (ngol); jibinande bleeder [bliyd9] n. tuTTucfo (o).
(nde) to give ~ jibinde. bleeding [bliydig] n. tuTTam (cfam).
birthmark [barGmok] n. tobbere nde necfcfo blemish [blemis] v. bonnude.
jibidinaa e mum. blend [blend] v. rendinde.
birthright [barGrayt] n. tiinde (nde). blender [blenda] n. dendinoowo (o).
bis [bis] adv. laabi cficfi.
bless [bles] v. duwanaade. I bless you Mi
bisect [baysekt] v. feccude, eebde. duwani maama.
bit [bit] n. seecfa (o); taYatinel (ngel). blessed [blesd] adj. duwanaacfo; malaacfo;
bitch [bite] n. joorcfo gite; caga. barkincio.
bite [bayt] n. soppande (nde)\ fiefande (nde)\ blessing [blesig] n. malu (ngu)-, barke (de):
Tjatande; pobande. baraaji (di).
bite [bayt] v. patde; rjobde; gappude (ndi). blight [blayt] n. naw lecfcfe.
biter [bayta] n. igatoowo. blind [blaynd] adj. gumefo (o). turn a ~ eye
bitter [bita] adj. lammucfum; kaacfcfum. to faalkisaade.
bitter end [bitarend] n. gasirde (nde)\ wattan blindness [blayndnes] //. ngumndam (dam).
(o). blink [bliqk] v. lewnude, majde.
bitterness [bitames] v. mettere (nde)-, bliss [blis] n. weltaare (nde).
mettingol (ngol). blister [blista] n. wawlere (nde)-, faandu
bizarre [bizOr] adj. kaawnicfum; kaawniicfo. (ndu).
He is very bizarre Omo haawnii no feewi. blister [blista] v. flicftude.
blab [blab] v. tindude; saaktude sirru. bloat [blowt] V. buutde.
black [blak] adj. baleejo, balejum. ~person block up [blokAp] v. sukkude.
baleejo (o). ~ ant nuunu (nga). ~ color blood [blAd] n. TiiTam; TiiTe (de).
balewol (ngol)-, baleeri (ndi)-, bawlugol.
very ~ kurum. bloom [bluwm] n. piindi (ndi).
blacken v. [blakan] bawlinde ~ oneself blossom [blosam] n. piindi (ndi).
bawlinaade. blot [blot] n. tobbere (nde).
blackmail [blakmeyl] v. waawnude. blotch [bloc] n. tobbere.
blackness [blaknes] n. balewol (ngol). blow [blow] V. wuttude, fuufde; wifde. ~
blacksmith [blaksmiG] n. baylo (o). ~ shop one's nose fiifaade; nittaade. ~someone's
mbayla (ka). nose nittude.
bladder [blada] n. mbasu coofe. blubber [blAba] v. woyde.
blade [bleyd] n. layset (o):]d\o (ngo). blue [bluw] adj. bulo. ~ cloth baka.
blame [bleym] n. nigoore (nde). blunder [blAnda] n. juumre (nde).
blame [bleym] v. nipde. blunt [blAnt] adj. muddiefefum; ko muddicfi.
blameless [bleymles] adj. laabcfo; mo alaa blush [blAs] //. kersa (o); gacce (de).
nigoore. bluster [blAsta] v. baabaade.
blanch [blanc] v. ranwinde. board [bord] n. dukuduku. ~ for tanning
blank [blapk] adj. meho. leather datirde (nde); kiirimmeewal (ngal).

boast break

boast [bowst] v. wasaade; huunaade. bound [bownd] v. kabbaacfo, keeraacfo.

boaster [bowst0] n. basotoocfo (o). boundary [bowndri] n. keerol (ngdl).
boat [bowt] ti. laana (ka)\ lumbirgal (ngal). boundless [bowndles] adj. ko alaa happu.
bob [bopAp] V. suppitaade; fiide. bounteous [bawnteyas] adj. kaaraysire;
bodily [badili] adv. ko faati e banndu. moTTo.
body [badi] n. bandu (ndu). bountiful [bowntiflil] adj. moTTo (o).
bodyguard [bodigOrd] n. deenoowo necfcfo. bounty [bownti] n. moTTere (nde).
boggy [bogi] adj. lofcfum; ko lofi. bow [bOw] V. turaade.
boil [boyl] v. cfalde, fasde; fasnude. The bow [bOw] n. baylol (ng6l)\ layru (ndu).
yvater is boiled Ndiyam cfam fasii. bowel [bowal] n. tektekol (ngdl).
boisterous [boystaras] adj. bowl [bowl] n. labal (ngal), lahal (ngal)\
keewcfo/keewcfum dille. tumbude (nde)\ taasa (ka), bool (o).
bold [bowld] adj. tekkinaacfum; ko tekkinaa. bowman [bowman] n. laanoowo (o).
bolero [bolero] n. ngamri (ndi). box [boks] n. boyet, pakket (o): kees (o).
bolster [bolsta] n. talla (ka)\ njegenaawe(o). box [boks] V. lukkude, gobbaade.
bond [bond] u. jiyaacfo (o); maccucfo (o); boy [boy] //. suka (o); cukalel (ngel).
kalfaacfo (o). boyish [boyis] adj. ko faati e cukaagu.
bondage [bondij] n. kalifaandi (ndi). bracelet [breyslet] n. jawo (ngo)\ jawel
bone [bown] n. Yiyal (ngal). feel something (ngel).
inones’s~ ejde. brag [brag] v. wasaade.
bonfire [bonfaya] n. ducfal (ngal). bragger [braga] n. basotoocfo (o).
bonny [boniy] adj. ko yoodi; joocfcfum. braid [breyd] v. moorde, sande. ~
boo [buw] V. wullude; wullude necfcfo. temporarily nuggude.
book [buk] n. deftere (nde). braid [breyd] n.; moorol (ngdl)-, jubbol
booklet [buklet] n. deftel (ngel). (ngdl). '^ornament moosturu (ndu).
boost [buwst] V. beydude. braided [breydid] adj. mooraacfo,
booster [buwsta] n. beydoowo (o).
braider [breyda] n. mooroowo (o).
boot [buwt] V. boornaade pacfe.
braiding [breydip] n. moorgol (ngdl).
booty [buwtiy] n. jawdi teetaandi.
brain [breyn] n. hakkille (o).
booze [buwz] n. konjam (cfam), sagngara (o).
brake [breyk] n. ferel] (o)
border [borda] n. keerol leydi.
bran [bran] n. saano (ko); naande (nde).
bore [bowr] v. yulde.
branch [branc] v. saltude; selde.
born [born] adj. jibinaacfo. he ~ with
jibidineede e. first ~ afo (o). ~ out of branch [branc] n. catal (ngal). tree ~es cate
wedlock deedaacfo (o). (de).
borrow [borow] v. namlaade; lubaade brandish [brandis] v. hollirde.
borrowing [barowig] n. lubal (ngal)\ brangle [bra^gal] v. dukde.
namaande (nde). brass [bras] n. njamndi jillundi.
bosom [buzum] n. endu (ndu). brat [brat] n. cukalel (ngel).
boss [bos] n. gardiicfo (o). brave [breyv] adj. cuuscfo. He is a brave
botanical [bowtanikal] adj. ko faati e lecfcfe. man Omo suusi reedu
both [bow6] adj. cficfi/cficfo kala. bravery [breyvri] n. cuusal (ngal).
bother [ba6a] v. tappisaade, haljinde. brawl [browl] n. hare (nde).
bottle [batal] n. butel (o); kaba. little ~ bray [brey] v. hande.
kabayel. bread [bred] n. mburu (o).
bottom [botam] n. gacfa (o): les. breadth [bredG] n. njaajeendi.
bough [bow] n. catal lekki. break [breyk] v. helde, fusde, tolde. ~ off
heltude. ~ by pounding aTTude. ~ a
bounce [bowns] v. diwde ina doTToo.

break bully

fasting ritual taTde koorka; hoortude. ~ broadcast [browdcast] v. habrude,

into pieces mornitde. ~ a promise firtude broadcaster [browdcasta] n. kabroowo (o).
ahdi. broaden [browdan] v. yaajnude.
break [breyk] n. helande (nde)\ aTTere (nde) brocade [browkeyd] n. bagi (o).
breaker [breyka] n. keloowo (o).
broil [broyl] v. jucfde.
breakfast [brekfast] /?. kacitaari (ndi).
broke [browk] adj. baascfo; mo alaa kaalis.
breast [brest] n. endu (ndu)\ Toolde (nde).
bronchitis [brogkaytas] n. nawjofe.
breastfeed [brestfiyd] v. muyninde.
broody [bruwdi] adj. dikkale.
breath [bre0] n. foofaango (ngo). You are
broom [bruwm] n. pittirgal (ngal).
wasting your breath Holto tampin hoore
ma. broth [bro0] n. neekam (dam).
breathe [briyd] v. foofde. ~ one's belly in brother [bra0a] n. miniraacfo gorko;
cfehaade. ~ lightly while catching one's mawniraacfo gorko.
breath lehde brother-in-law [bra0ainlo] n. keyniraacfo
breathing [briyding] n. foofaango (ngo). (o).
breech [briyc] les. brotherhood [braSarhud] n. jiidigal (ngal).
breed [briyd] v. jibinde; diwnude. ill-bred brow [braw] n. nemembo (ko).
neetaro. well-bred nehiicfo. browse [brawz] v. Teewndaade; Teewde.
breeze [briyz] n. kenal subaka. bruise [bruwz] n. gaanande (nde)\ gaacal
brevity [breviti] n. huunde rabbicfnde. (ngal).
bribe [brayb] v. yeende. brumal [bruwmal] adj. ko faati e dabbunde.
bribe [brayb] n. njeenaari (ndi). He takes brush [brAs] v. ficfcfuude; soccude.
bribes Omo jaba yeeneede. brushwood [brAswud] n. sappaare (nde).
briber [braybo] n. jeenoowo (o). brutal [bruwtal] adj. nagngucfo; boncfo; mo
bribery [braybari] n. njeenaari (ndi). teeyaani.
brick [brik] n. tuufeere (nde). bubble [bAbal] v. fattude; fasde.
bride [brayd] n. debbo dambiicfo. ~ room buck [bAk] V. tuucfde; jattinaade.
dambordu (ndu). - groom gorko dambiicfo bucker [bAka] n. tuucfoowa (ba).
(jombaajo gorko). bucket [bAket] n. siwo. ~ for drawing water
bridge [brij] n. sala (o) Toogirgal (ngal).
bridle [braydal] n. faram (o). bucolic [byuwkowlik] adj. ko faati e
brief [briyf] adj. cfabbicfcfum, ko rabbicfi. Be ngaynaaka.
brief Rabbicfino. bud [bAd] /?. wuufre (nde).
brigand [brigand] n. taToowo (o). buddy [bAdi] n. sehil (o); jahdiicfo (o).
bright [brayt] adj. jalbucfum; ko jalbi; buffalo [bAfalow] n. eda (ba)
juumcfucfum; ko yuumcfi. bug [bAg] n. gootootu (ngu).
brighten [braytan] v. yuumcfinde; fooynude. build [bild] v. mahde; feQde. ~ a shelter
brightness [braytnes] n. annoore (nde)\ fogde. ~ a dike ambude. ~ a new village or
jalbugol (ngol). compound siintude. ~ for someone
brilliant [brilyant] adj. jalbucfum; ko jalbi. mahande.
bring [brig] v. addude. ~ near battinde. ~ up builder [bilda] n. mahoowo (o).
nehde. ~ with addorde. ~ for someone building [bildig] n. hubeere (nde)-, mahdi
addande. ~ the wife to one's compound (ndi).
hurtinde. ~ to oneself waaraade. bulge [bAlj] /?. Tuulde (nde).
brink [brigk] n. sara (o). bull [bul] n. ngaari (ndi)-, kalhaldi (ndi).
brisket [brisket] n. becce jawdi. bullet [bulet] n. kartuus (o); kutal (ngal).
bristle [brisal] n. leebol (ngdl)\ leebi (cfi). bullion [bulyan] n. kagge(o).
brittle [brital] v. bonde. bullock [bulok] n. gayel (ngel).
broad [browd] adj. jaajcfum, ko yaaji. bully [buli] adj. kabeteecfo; nagngucfo.


bunch [bAnc] //. endu (ndu). bush [bus] n. ladde (nde). -fowl gerlal
bundle [bAndal] n. saawdu (ndu). ~ of hair (ngal). - dog saafaandu. - fire cumu
saayaande (nde). ladde.
bur [bar] n. nguru (ngid). business [biznes] n. fii(o); haaju (o).
bur [bar] v. sokkude. bust [bAst] V. fusde; fecfcfitaade.
burden [bardan] n. fawaare (nde)-, do^ngal bustard [bAstad] n. doobal (ngal)-, caygal
(ngal). (ngal).
burglar [bargla] n. gujjo (o). busy [bizi] adj. kaljucfo. I am busy Mbecfe
burglarize [barglarayz] v. wujjude. halji.
burglary [barglari] n. nguyka (ka). but [bAt] conj. kono.
burial [bariyal] n. ubbugol (ngol). ~ butcher [butca] n. toI]oowo (o); buuse (o).
instrument ubbirgal (ngal). butler [bAtla] n. carwoowo (o); deenoowo
burke [bark] v. warde.
burly [barli] adj. butto. butt [bAt] V. hawde.
burn [barn] n. sumande (nde). butter [bAta] v. wumpude.
burn [bam] v. duppude; nuccude; naawde. ~ butter [bAta] n. nebam keccam; malamlaaji.
to ashes roytinde. buttock [bAtok] n. rotere (nde).
burned [barnd] adj. kubbucfum; doytucfum. button [bAtan] n. butol^ (o) buy [bay] v.
soodde. ~ milk sippude. ~ ne^v clothing for
burner [bama] n. fehre (nde).
hettande. ~ clothing for someone holtinde.
burning [bamig] n. kubbugol (ngol)-, cumu ~ neyv clothing hettude. ~ back soodtude.
(ngtd). ~ piece of wood docotal (ngal).
buyer [bOya] n. coodoowo (o).
burr [bar] n. hebbere (nde).
buying [bOyip] n. coggu (ngu) buzz [bAz] v.
burrow [bArow] v. asde. wombude.
burst [barst] v. fuccitde; fliccitaade; fettude; by [bay] adv. Sara; takko dow. ~ train
fusde; fedditaade. ~ into tears woyde. yahmde laana njoorndi.
burst [barst] n. flisande (nde). bygone [baygon] adv. hanki men.
bury [bari] v. ubbude; irde. bypass [baypas] n. sodorde (nde).
bypass [baypass] v. sodaade.

cab candor

cab [kab] ii. taksi (o). caller [kol9] n. noddoowo (o).

cabaret [kabare] ti. pasiol] (o). calling [kolig] n. eewnaango; noddaango.
cabbage [kabij] n. suppome (o). calligraphy [kaligr9fi] n. bindol jocfngol;
cabin [kabin] n. suudu jeewru (ndu). bindi Jobdcfi.
cable [keybal] n. boggol (ngol). callous [kal9s] adj. mo wondaaka.
cache [kas] /?. suucforde (nde)\ faawru calm [kam] v. deTTinde; daayde;
(ndu). deeTnude, tefde, yeedde; teeyde. ~ down
cachet [kase] n. tampol] (o). deeT.
cackle [kakal] v. herde (gertogal). calm [kam] n. deeyre (nde)
cacophonous [kak9fown9s] adj.
caltrop [kaltrop] n. tuppere (nde).
luurducfum; ko yahdaani. calumet [kalumet] n. jardugal (ngal).
cad [kad] n. naskaacfo (o). calumniate [kal9mneyt] v. nohde.
cadaver [kadav9] n. necfcfo maaycfo, jiiba. calumniation [kal9mneys9n] n. nohre
cadaverous [kadavr9s] adj. ko faati e jiiba.
caddy [kadi] n. boyet (o). calumniator [kal9mneyt9] n. nohoowo (o).
cadet [kadet] n. bicfoo battindiicfo
calumny [kal9mni] n. nohre (nde).
jibineede. calve [kav] v. jibinde nale.
cadge [kaj] v. naagaade. calyx [kaliks] n. morlere (nde).
cadger [kaj9] n. naagotoocfo (o). camaraderie [kamrad9ri] n. cehilaagal
(ngal)-, musidaagal (ngal).
cafe [kafe] n. pasiol] tokooso.
caftan [kaft9n] n. kaftaan (o). camel [kam9l] n. ngelooba (ba).
cage [keyj] n. kaso (o). camera [kam9r9] n. foto.
cagey [keyji] adj. deentiicfo. cameraman [kamer9m9n] n. potoowo (o).
cajole [kajowl] v. waawnude; fliuntude. camion [kamiyon] n. kamiyol] (o).
cajolery [kajowlri] n. fuunti (o). camp [kamp] n. jippunde (nde). ~ for dry
season seedirde (nde).
cake [keyk] n. namri (ndi).
camper [kamp9] n. jippiicfo (o).
calabash [kalabas] n. lahal (ngal)\ cel]alal
(ngal), tumbude (nde)\ ewre (nde), can [kan] v. waawde that cannot be cfum
mbaayan (o). broken ~ laalagal. ~ for waawaa wonde.
milking birdugal (ngal). big ~ geworgal can [kan] n. pot (o).
(ngal), koral (ngal). ~ for pouring sauce canal [k9nal] n. gaawol (ngdl).
or milk liyorgal (ngal). canalize [kan9layz] v. asde gaawol.
calamitous [k9lam9t9s] adj. boomojum; ko canard [k9nard] n. kankaleewal (ngal).
faati e boomaare.
cancel [kans9l] v. firtude; haaytude.
calamity [k9lamiti] n. boomaare (nde). cancellation n. [kans9leys9n] kaaytugol
calculate [kalkyuleyt] v. hiisaade. (ngdl)-, pirtugol (ngdl).
calculus [kalkil9s] //. limoore (nde)-, hiisa cancer [kans9] n. naw.
(o). candid [kandid] adj. nuuncfucfo;
calendar [kalend9] n. kalandiriye. goongante.
calf [kaf] n. gool (o): nale (nge). candidate [kandideyt] n. cfabboowo (o):
caliph [kalif] n. kiliifa (o). ndaaroowo (o).
call [kol] V. noddude; eeraade. ~ for prayer candle [kand9l] n. sondeel (o).
eewnaade; noddinde. ~ one another candleberry [kand9lberi] n. kaaneeri (ndi).
noddondirde. He called him a name O candlelight [kand9layt] n. lewlewndu
toonii mo. sondeel.
call [kol] n. noddaango (ngo); eewnaango candor [kand9] n. nuuncfal (ngal).


candy [kandi] n. tangal (o). care [keyr] ti. toppitaagol (tigol) take care
cane [keyn] n. sawru tuggorteendu. of him toppito mo.
canister [kanista] ti. boyet (o). care [keyr] v. toppitaade, hinnaade. I don’t
cannibal [kanibal] adj. naamoowo yimbe. care Mi wondaaka.
canny [kani] adj. deentiicfo. career [keriya] ti. liggeey (o).
canoe [kanow] ti. laana kahi. careful [keyrflil] adj. deentiicfo. he ~
canopy [kanapi] ti. kanappe (de).
carefully [keyrfuli] adv. seese.
cantaloupe [kantaluwp] n. dende (tide).
careless [keyrles] adj. jeebiicfo; yeebiibe.
canteen [kantiyn] ti. bitik soldateebe.
carelessness [keyrlesnes] ti. yeebaare (tide).
canter [kanta] v. nekkude.
caress [kares] v. moytude; moomde.
canter [kanta] ti. jelotoocTo (o).
caress [kares] ii. moytaango (tigo).
cantle [kantal] ti. taTande (tide).
carious [karyas] adj. julcfum, yulnde; ko
canvas [kanvas] ti. bagi (o). yuli (niire).
canvass [kanvas] v. ndaarde wootoobe. carnage [karnij] ti. warngo yimbe heewbe.
cap [kap] ti. laafa (ka). carnal [kanal] adj. ko faati e yimbe/aduna.
capability [keypabiliti] ti. mbaawka (ka). carnivorous [karnavoras] adj. ko naamata
capable [keypabal] adj. baawcfo. teew.
capital city [kapitalsiti] ti. laamorde (tide). carol [kerol] /?. njimri (tidi),]\m6\ (tigdl).
capitulate [kapyuwtileyt] v. jebbilaade. carp [karp] ti. sidere (tide).
capitulation [kapyuwtileysan] ti. jebbilaare carpenter [karpenta] ti. minise (o); labbo.
(tide). carpet [karpet] ti. tapis (o).
capon [keypon] ti. ngori (o). carrier [keriya] ti. bilanka (o);
caponize [keypowniz] v. sende. doondotoocfo.
capricious [kapriysas] adj. jaawcfo waylude carrion [karyon] ti. jiiba (o).
miijo mum. carrot [kerot] ti. karot (o).
capricorn [kaprakorn] ti. bota (ha). carry [keri] v. roondaade. ~ in one's palm
capriole [kapriyol] v. Teeraade (puccu). tambaade. ~ with naworde. ~ on one's
capsize [kapsayz] v. yiwde (laana yiwde), hack waabde. ~ on the head roondaade.
hippaade. ~ hack nawtude. ~ for nawande. ~ a had
caption [kapsan] ti. naatondiral (tigal)\ on the head without a head pad
sippiro (tigo). rungaade. ~ on one's shoulders towde. ~
a child on one's hack wambude
captivate [kaptaveyt] v. nangude hakkille.
cart [kat] ti. saret (o). They put the cart
captive [kaptiv] adj. jiyaado; maccucfo,
before the horse.
Nay njardii laaceeje.
capture [kapca] v. jaggude; dahde.
carton [kotGn] ti. boyet (o).
car [ka] ti. oto (o); mobel (o).
cartouche [kartuws] ti. kutal (tigal).
caracole [karakowl] v. raamraamtude.
cartridge [katrij] ti. kutal (ngal).
caramel [kamal] ti. karaameel (o); tangal
(o). carve [kav] v. sehde.
caravan [karavan] ti. setewol (tigol), sete carving [koviq] ii. sehngo (tigo).
(o); jiggoore (tide). case [keys] ti. suudu (tidii). in any ~ ko
caravel [karavel] ti. laana (ka). waawi wonde kala.
carbine [karbayn] ti. fetel (o). casern [kazGrn] ti. hocforde (tide)
carcass [karkas] ti. jiiba (o).
cash [kas] //. kaalis. pay ~ yobde jungo e
card [kad] ti. kartal (fig<^l)- threiv up jungo.
his own cards O cfamtindiima.
cashier [kasya] ti. jobnotoocfo.
cardiac [kardyak] adj. ko faati e bernde.
casque [kask] //. kaske (o).
cardiology [kardyolaji] //. jangde bernde.

cassava chalk

cassava [kasava] n. pulook (o). ceiler [siyl0] n. biloowo (o).

casserole [kas0rol] ti. kastiloor (o). ceiling [siyli^] n. mbildi (ndi).
cassette [kaset] ?i. banda (o). celebrate [sel0breyt] v. mawninde, noosde;
cast [kast] v. werlaade. wuurtinde.
caste [kast] ti. hinde (nde). celebration [sel0breys0n] n. noos (o);
mawningol (ngol) celebrity [sel0briti]
castle [kas9l] n. hocforde laamcfo.
n. lollugol (ngol).
castrate [kastreyt] v. sende; tappude. ~ed
celerity [sel0ri] n. yaawre (nde).
bullock ngaari bujiri (ndi).
celestial [sel0sc0l] adj. ko faati e weeyo.
casual [kaz0l] adj. ko tiicfaani.
celibate [sel0b0t] n. necTcfo mo
casualty [kaz0lti] n. maaybe e wolde/hare.
cat [kat] n. ullundu (ndu)
cellar [sel0] n. faawru (ndu).
cataclysm [cataklizm] n. jerbugol leydi.
cement [s0ment] n. simaa (o); simol] (o).
catalog [kat0log] n. defte limtaacfe.
cemetery [semetri] n. baamuule (de) ; cehe
catapult [kat0pAlt] mbakku (o). (cfe).
cataract [kat0rakt] n. ndaneeri yitere. cense [sens] v. urde.
catastrophe [kat0strowfi] n. boomaare censer [sens0] n. feere cuuraay.
(tide)', bonande mawnde.
censor [sens0] n. kocfoowo (o).
catch [kac] v. hebbaade, hirbaade. ~ up
censorship [sens0sip] n. kuugal (ngal).
with hebtaade. ~ with a trap rullinde. ~
fire boyde. ~ by closing in on mabbude. censure [sens0] v. hacfde.
catcher [kac0] n. kebbootoocfo, census [sens0s] n. limoore yimbe.
categorize [kat0gowrayz] v. sifaade cent [sent] n. taka (o).
fannuuji. centenarian [sent0neyry0n] adj. jom duubi
category [kat0gowri] n. fannu (o). teemedere; teemodincfo.
cater [keyt0] v. defande; sarwude yimbe centennial [sent0niy0l] adj. teemodincfo;
kew. teemodinbe, ko teemodini.
caterer [keyt0r0] /?. carwoowo yimbe kew. center [sent0] n. hakkunde.
caterpillar [katerpil0] n. samba tali, central [sentr0l] adj. ko faati e hakkunde.
cattle [kat0l] n. jawdi (ndi). ~ foodjamd&TQ centuple [sentyuwp0l] v. fiyde laabi
(nde). ~ market daral (ngal). teemedere; teemodinde.
caught [kot] adj. jaggaacfo century [sentri] n. duubi teemedere.
causal [koz0l] adj. cabobincfum; ko faati e cereal [siry0l] n. gawri (ndi).
sabaabu. cerebral [ser0br0l] adj. ko faati e ngaandi.
cause [koz] n. sabaabu (o). ceremony [ser0moni] n. dillere (nde).
cause [koz] v. sabobinde. ~ people to certain [s0rt0n] adj. jananaacfo.
quarrel rendinde. ~ to melt taaynude. certes [sert] n. ko goonga.
caution [kos0n] v. reentinde. certificate [s0rtifikeyt] n. sertifika (o).
cautious [kos0s] adj. deentiicfo. certification [s0rtifikeys0n] n. ceedagol.
cave [keyv] n. ngaska (ka). certify [s0rtifay] v. seedaade.
cavern [kav0n] n. ngaska mawka (ka). certitude [s0rtityuwd] n. huunde nde
cavity [kav0ti] n. yelde (nde)\ ngaska (ka). necfcfo yananaa.
cavort [kavot] v--. birgude. cessation [seseys0n] n. dartingol (ngol).
cease [siyz] v. nattude; daraade. ~ to rain chagrin [s0grin] n. sunaare (nde).
siiltude. ~ fire n. dartingol hare/jeyli. chain [ceyn] v. tongude.
ceaseless [siyzles] adj. cfuumicfum; ko chain [ceyn] n. ceen (o): callal (ngal).
nattataa. chair [ceyr] n. joocforde (nde).
cecum [siyk0m] n. jokkorde tekteki. chairman [ceyrm0n] n. gardiicfo (o).
ceil [siyl] v. bilde (hubeere). chalk [cok] n. kare (o).


challenge [cal0nj] v, salaade. chase [ceys] v. terde; riddude, hubde v.;

challenger [cal0nj0] n. caliicfo (o); rewde ~. birds off fields hiwde. ~ birds
cippirteecfo (o). away hartude.
chamber [ceymb0] n. suudu (ndu). chaser [ceys0] n. diddoowo (o).
chameleon [kamely0n] n. doonoo (o). chasseur [sas0r] n. baanoowo (o).
champion [campy0n] n. poolcfo (o). chaste [ceyst] adj. laabcfo.
chance [cans] n. kawrugol been. chastise [c0stayz] v. lebtude; wacfde
change [ceynj] v. waylude; firtude. ~ hack kuugal.
waylitde. ~ oneself waylaade. ~ color chastity [cast0ti] n. laabal (ngal).
noordude. ~ into lattitaade. ~ shape chat [cat] n. yeewtere (nde). They are
boome. ~ places heedtude. ~ direction having a chat be ngoni ko e yeewtude.
aaltaade. ~ money weccude. chat [cat] v. yeewtude.
change [ceynj] u. weccit (o). I have no chatter [cat0] v. lebde.
change Mi alaa weccit.
chatterbox [cat0baks] n. leboowo (o).
changeable [ceynj0b0l] adj. baylottocfum, chatterer/7. [cat0r0] leboowo (o).
ko waylotoo.
chauffeur [sof0r] n. dognoowo oto.
channel [can0l] n. ceekol (ngol).
chaw [caw] v. Takkude.
chanson [sanson] n. jimol (ngdl).
cheap [ciyp] adj. beebcfum, ko weebi.
chant [cant] v. yimde. ~ the praises of
awlude. cheapen [ciyp0n] v. weebnude.
chanter [cant0] n. jimoowo (o). cheat [ciyt] v. wujjude.
chaos [kewos] n. jilbere (nde). cheater [ciyt0] n. gujjo (o).
chaotic [kewotik] adj. jilbucfum; ko faati e check [cek] v. Teewtaade.
jilbere. checkers [cek0z] n. cokki (di)\ woli (o).
chap [cap] ti. surga (o); sehil (o). cheek [ciyk] n. abugo (ngo)\ gabgal (ngal)-,
chapeau [sapo] n. laafa (ka). sekkere (nde).
character [karakt0] n. jikku (o); nehdi cheer [ciyr] v. weltinde; hoybinde sunaare.
(ndi). cheerful [ciyrful] adj. beltiicTo.
characterization n. sifaa (o). cheery [ciyri] adj. beltinoowo.
characterize [karakt0rayz] v. sifaade. cheetah [ciyt0h] n. cewngu (ngn).
charade [s0rad] n. ciftol (ngdl). chef [sef] n. defoowo (o).
charcoal [carkol] n. Tulbe (cfe)\ Tulmere cherish [ceris] v. horsinde.
(nde). cherished [cerisd] adj. korsucfo;
charge [carj] v. rimndude. ~ with the head korsinaacfo. he~ horsineede.
(used mainly for animals) hawde. he in ~ chess [ces] n. cokki (di).
of defaade; ardaade./r^^ of ~ Alla meho. chest [cest] n. becce (de). get something
charitable [carit0b0l] adj. karambure, off of one*s ~ yaltinde ko woni e bernde
kaaraysire. mum.
charity [car0ti] n. sadak (o). njelaari (ndi). chesty [cesti] adj. jom becce mawcfe.
give~ sakkaade chevy [sevi] adj. riddude.
charlatan [sarl0tan] n. bileejo (o); biloowo chew [cuw] V. Takkude. ~ the cud
(o). aactaade. ~ at Isolde,
charlatanism [sarl0tanizm] n. mbileew chew [cuw] n. Takkuru (ndu).
(ngii) chic [sik] adj. joocfcfo, ko yoocfi.
charm [cam] n. nawndogal (ngal), nombol chicane [s0keyn] v. fuuntude.
(ngdl)\ talkuru (ndu)\ lohol (ngdl) ~ for
chick [cik] n. sofru (ndu).
attraction bayre (nde).
chicken [cik0n] n. gertogal (ngal). ~ pox
charming [cOmig] adj. belcfo.
pimple samre (nde). ~ pox amumal
chary [cari] adj. deentiicfo. (ngal).
chase [ceys] n. riddo (ngo).

chide clap

chide [cayd] v. furaade; hartaade. chump [cAmp] n. tunde (nde).

chief [ciyf] n. gardiicfo (o); jaarga (o); churn [cam] n. sumalle (o).
amiiru (o); ardo (o); jamiroowo (o); churn [cam] v, yonkude.
almaami (o). chute [sut] V. yande.
child [cayld] n. kurka (o); suka (o); boobo cicatrix [sikatriks] n. I]aacal battingal;
(o); bidcfo (o): cukalel (ngel). ~ gum fesoode (nde).
disease addo (ngo). little ~ wookoTere
(nde)\ bingel; cukayd (ngel). -hood cichlid [siklad] n. liingu (ngu).
cukaagu (ngu). cigar [siga] n. simme (o).
childish [cayldis] adj. ko faati e golle cigarette [sigaret] n. sigaret (o); simme (o).
sukay'sukaabe. circle [sarkal] n. lasal (ngal).
children [cildran] n. sukaabe (de)', bibbe circle [sarkal] v. taaraade; lasde.
(be). circumcise [sarkamsayz] v. haddinde;
chill [cil] n. buubol (ngdl). boominde; duhde.
chilly [cili] adj. buubcfum; ko buubi. circumcised [sarkamsayz] adj. boomiicfo;
chimney [cimni] n. yaltirde cuurki. duhiiefo.
chimpanzee [cimpanzi] n. deemooru (ndu)\ circumcision [sarkamciyzan] n. kaddingol
waandu (ndu). (ngdl), kaddinaagol, duhagol (ngdl).
chip [cip] ti. elal (ngal). person who performs ~ boomoowo;
chippy [cipi] n. debbo pijoowo.
undergo ~ boomaade.
chirk [dark] v. weltinde.
circumspect [sarkumspekt] adj. deentiicfo.
chirp [carp] v. siikde.
circumvent [sarkamvent] v. taaraade;
chirping [carpip] n. siikaango (ngo). rewmde.
chisel [cizal] v. taTde, meccude. cite [sayt] v. lubaade kongol jananol;
chisel [cizal] n. mecekke (cfe). limtude.
chitchat [cheat] n. yeewtere (nde). citizen [sitazan] n. bicfcfo leydi.
chitter [cita] v. sinnude. city [siti] n. wuro (ngo)
chocolate [cowklet] n. sokkola (o). civet [sivet] n. ullundu ladde.
choice [coys] n. subngo (ngo)\ cubagol civic [sivik] n. ko faati e wuro.
(ngdl). civilian [sivilyan] n. siwil (o).
choke [cowk] v. cfecfcfaade, joomaade; civilization [sivilazeysan] n. necfcfaagu
sondaade. ~ someone sondude, cfecfcfude, (ngi4)\ neesu (ngu).
clad [klad] adj. boomiicfo comci/comcol.
choker [coka] n. cfecfcfoowo.
claim [kleym] v. lamndaade. ~ someone's
choose [cuwz] v. subaade; subde; labaade, belongings happaade.
claimer [kleyma] n. lamndiicfo.
chop [cop] V. soppude; dottude; feTTude.
clairvoyance [klervoyans] n. peergol
chopper [copa] n. peTToowo (o); (ngdl).
coppoowo (o).
clairvoyant [klervoyant] adj. peercfo.
chopping [copip] n. feXTere (nde).
clam [klam] v. rendinde.
chore [cowr] n. liggeey nder galle.
clamber [klama] v. l^aylude; Teel3de.
chosen [cowzan] adj. cubaacfo.
clamor [klama] n. dillere mawnde.
chow [caw] n. namri (ndi).
clan [klan] fedde (nde)\ hinde (nde).
Christ [krayst] n. Annabi lisaa.
clandestine [klandestan] adj. cuucfiicfo; ko
Christian [kriscan] adj. mo wonaa juulcfo. suucfii/suucfaa.
chronic [kronik] adj. duumicfum; clannish [klanis] adj. ko faati e hinde.
jokkiefum; ko jokkii; ko duumii.
clap [klap] V. hellude; fobbude.
chronology [kranowlaji] n. kiisagol sahaa.
clap [klap] n. hello (ngo).
chum [cAm] n. gondiicfo e suudu; sehil.


clapper [kJapa] n. pobboowo (o). cling [klig] V. takkaade e, heddaade e.

clapping [klapig] n. kelle (cfe). clingy [klinji] adj. takkicfum; takkiicfo; ko
clarify [klarafay] v. laabtinde. takkii.
clarity [klaroti] n. laabal (ngal). clinic [klinik] n. nokku safaara.
clash [klas] v. fiindirde; flibbondirde. clinical [klinik0l] adj. ko faati e nokku
class [klas] n. kalaas (o). safaara.
classification [klasfikeysan] n. ceemdugol clink [kligk] v. ser)lude; sil]linde.
(ngol). clinker [kligk0] n. cil31inoowo (o).
classify [klas0fay] v. seemdude. clip [klip] V. taTde.
clavicle [klavOkyuwl] n. Tiyal walabo. clipper [klip0] n. taToowo (o).
claw [klo] n. takkere (fide). clique [kliyk] n. fedde (nde).
claw [klo] V. 13aafde; I]aacde clitoris [klitowr0s] n. sobbundu (ndu).
clay [kley] /?. bakkere (nde). cloak [klowk] n. comcol (ngol).
clean [kliyn] v. lawTude; labbinde. be ~ clobber [klob0] v. fiide.
laabde. make ~ labbinde. ~ holes out clock [klok] n. montoor (o).
sukkitde. ~ one's mouth wufTaade. docker [klok0] n. deenoowo waktu.
cleaner [kliyna] //. lawToowo (o). clod [klad] n. boodde leydi.
cleanliness [klenlines] n. laabal (ngal). clog [klag] V. sukkude.
cleanse [klens] v, labbinde. close [klowz] V. uddude. ombude; sukkude,
cleanser [klenz0] n. labbinoowo (o). hibbude. ~ tightly hokde; hibbude. ~ the
clear [cliyr] v. labbinde. ~ weeds duggude. way to faddaade. ~ one's eyes
~ weeds a second time beytaade. ~ hush gumbinaade/wumbinaade.
for farming lewde ~ one's throat close [klowz] adj. batticfum. he ~ to one
umsinaade; haaktaade. another badondirde. he ~ uddaade. make
clearance [cliyr0ns] n. labbingol (ngol). ~ badinde. he ~ to badaade; ballaade,
second ~ of weeds beyaat (o). battaade, faandaade.
cleared [kliyrd] adj. laabcfum; closer [klowzer] n. guddoowo (o).
labbinaacfum. ~ land lewre (nde). closure [klowz0] n. uddugol (ngol).
cleavage [kliyvij] n. seekoode (nde)', perol clot [klot] V. hetde.
(ngol)', ceemdugol (ngol). clot [klot] n. hecfcfere (nde).
cleave [kliyv] v, seekde; feecde; ferde cloth [klo6] n. comcol (ngdl)', bagi (o);
(laawol); soppude, eebde. tekkere (nde). ~ for tying a child on one's
clemency [clem0nsi] n. yaafliya (o). hack bambu (ngu).
clement [klem0nt] adj. jaafotoocfo. clothe [klow6] v. holtinde.
clench [klenc] v. mubbude, hamTude. clothing [klowSir)] n. comci (cfi)', comcol
clerk [kl0rk] n. liggotoocfo (o). (ngdl). strip of ~ lefol (ngol)', tekkere
(tide), remove someone's ~ boorde.
clever [klev0] adj. ToTcfo.
remove one's ~ boortaade, own many
click [klik] n. sabbitaango (ngo)', pieces of ~ holtude.
cabbitaagol (ngol)', wowlaango (ngo).
cloud [klawd] n. ruulde (nde)', suurndu
click [klik] v. sabbitaade; wowlude. (ndu)', guttere (nde). ~s forming prior to
client [klay0nt] n. kiliyan (o). rain Tiiwoonde (nde).
climate [klaymit] n. weeyo (ngo). cloudy [klawdi] adj. Tiiwcfum; ko Tiiwi. ~
climatology [klaym0tol0ji] n. jangde weather niiwre (tide)', Tiiwoonde (nde).
weeyo. clove [klowv] n. kobjal (ngal)', nguru (ngu).
climb [klaym] v. 13abbude, Teel]de, club [klAb] n. 1) sawru (ndu)', booldu (ndu)
l^aylude. ~ with Teel]irde. 2) fedde (nde).
climber [kiaym0] n. I]ayloowo (o); clubber [klAb0] n. piyoowo (o).
13abboowo, Teel^oowo (o). cluck [klAk] V. sabbitaade, herde.
climbing [klaymig] n. I3abbug61 (ngol).

cluster combination

cluster [klAsto] ti. endu (ndu). ~ of fruit cola nut [kowl0nAt] ti. woroore (tide), half
singoore (nde)\ endu (tidu). of a ~ t]addo (ngo)\ felso (ngo)-, felsitere
clutter [klAta] v. sarde. (tide).
co-wife [kowayf] ii. nawliraacfo (o). pi. cold [kowld] ti. 1) jaangol (ngdl)\ buubol
nawliraabe (be). (ngol). 2) mabbo (ngo). be ~ again
coach [kowc] v. janginde; ekkinde. buubtude, be ~ jaangde, buubde. have a
~ mabbeede; haakeede. ~ weather
coach [kowca] /?. janginoowo (o);
jaangol (tigdl).feel ~ jaangeede.
ekkinoowo (o).
colic [kolik] ti. reedu muusooru; reedu
coagulate [kowagyaleyt] v. fendaade.
coal [kowl] n. Tulbe (cfe)\ Tulmere (tide). collaborate [kolab0reyt] v. wallondirde.
coalesce [kowales] v. yantude, reentude, collaboration [kolab0reys0n] ti. ballondiral
yantondirde; naatondirde. (tigal).
coalition [kow0liys8n] n. jantondiral (tigal). collapse [kolaps] v. fukkaade.
coarse [kors] adj. neetaro. collar [kola] ti. cakka (ka)
coast [kowst] 11. fongo (tigo). collateral [k0lat0r0l] adj. ko heedi sara.
coax [kowks] v. eeltude. colleague [koliyg] n. liggodiicfo.
cob [kob] ti. Tuulde (tide). collect [kolekt] v. rendinde. ~ fireivood
cobble [kobal] v. cfakkude (e.g pacfe). teende.
cobbler [kobla] ti. cfakkoowo (o). collection [koleks0n] ti. dendigol. ~ of
cobweb [kobweb] ti. geesa njamala. fireyvood teenol (tig6l)\ teengol (ngol)
cock [kok] fi. ngori (o). collector [kolekt0] ti. dendinoowo (o).
cockle [kokal] n. honoldu (ndu). college [kolij] ti. jangirde (tide)\ ducfal
cockroach [kokroc] ti. somre (tide)\ (tigal).
mbootu (tigii). collide [kolayd] v. flibbondirde.
cocky [koki] adj. ToTcfo, peercfo. collision [k0liy30n] ti. aksida (o);
coddle [kodal] v. bewnude; fasnude. pubbondiral (tigal).
code [kowd] ti. laawol (ngol). go against collocate [kol0keyt] v. yahdude.
the~ luutndaade collude [kolyuwd] v. rendude maakaa;
wacfdude jungo e faandu.
coerce [kowers] v. waawnude.
colon [kowl0n] ti. tobbe cficfi (;).
coercion [kow0rs0n] n. baawnugol (ngol).
coff [kof] V. soodde; dande. colonial [kolowny0l] adj. ko faati e jiimde.
coffee [kowfi] n. kafe (de). colonize [kol0nayz] v. jiimde.
coffer [kowf0] n. wakande (nde)\ moftirde colony [kol0ni] ti. leydi njiimaandi.
(tide). color [kol0] V. noorde. ~ blue bulde.
coffin [kofin] ti. balankaar (o). color [kol0] ti. noordi (tidi).
cogitate [kowj0teyt] v. miijaade. colorful [kol0rf0l] adj. ko yoodj; joocfcfum.
cogitation [kowj0teys0n] ti. miijagol (ngol). colossal [k0los0l] adj. mawcfo;
cognition [cogniys0n] ti. gandal (tigal). mawnucfum; ko mawni.
cognizance [kogn0z0ns] //. gandal (ngal). colt [kowlt] ti. mola (ba).
cohabit [kowhabit] v. hocfdude. column [kowlum] n. lappol (ngol).
cohere [kowhiyr] v. yubbude; rendude. comb [kom] ti. yeesoode (tide).
coherent [kowhiyr0nt] adj. jubbucfum; ko comb [kom] v. yeesde. ~ one's hair
yubbi, ko rendi. yeesaade.
cohesion [cowhiy30n] ti. jubbugol (ngol). combat [komb0t] v. habde; habeede.
coincidence [koyns0dens] ti. kawrital combat [komb0t] ti. hare (tide), kareeli (di)
(tigal). pi
combination [komb0neys0n] ti. dendingol

combine comprehend

combine [kombayn] v. rendinde. community [komyuwn9ti] n. yimbe

combustible [komb8st9b0l] adj. ko wuurdube.
hubbata; kubbojum. commutation [k9myuwteys9n] /?. gostagol
combustion [kombAscSn] /;. kubbugol. (ngol).
come [kam] v. arde; yettaade. ~ down commute [k9myuwt] v. waylude.
jooraade, jippaade ~ down heavily compact [k9mpakt] adj. ko rendi.
doTTaade. ~ out of a hiding place companion [k9mpany9n] n. gondiicfo;
moggitaade. ~ for arande. ~ out of solde. jahdiicfo.
~ out wucfcfude. ~ from iwde. ~ by way company [k9mp9ni] n. gondiicfo (o).part-
of iwrude. ~ with ardude. ~ out (color) seertude.
wukkude. - from iwde. ~ up to surface
compare [k9mpeyr] v. fondude; nawdude.
suppitaade. ~ up fiicfde. ~ up again
flidtude. ~ out wuftude; flilfitde. comparison [k9mpar9s9n] n. pondugol.
comedian [komiyjan] n. jalnoowo (o). compassion [k9mpas9n] n. yurmeende.
comer [kom9] n. garoowo (o). compatible [k9mpat9b9l] adj. ko yahdi; ko
comestible [k9mest9b9l] adj. ko naametee.
compel [k9mpel] v. waawnude.
comfortable [komf9t9b9l] adj. ko
feewnitii; peewnitiicfo. compensate [k9mp9nseyt] v. yobde.
comic [komik] adj. jalniicfo; jalnicfum; ko compensation [k9mp9nseys9n] //. njobdi.
jalnii. compete [k9mpiyt] v. foolondirde,
comma [kowm9] n. poofirgel (ngel). foocfondirde.
command [komand] v. hoonaade, ardaade. competence [komp9t9ns] n. gandal (ngal)-,
mbaawka (ka).
commemorate [kom9m9reyt] v. mawninde.
competition [k9mp9tiys9n] n. poocfondiral.
commence [komens] v. fucfcfaade.
compile [k9mpayl] v. rendinde.
commend [komend] v. jaarde.
complain [k9mpleyn] v. wullitaade.
comment [koment] n. haala (ka).
complaint [k9mpleynt] n. gullitaagol
commentary [komentri] n. paccirgol (ngdl), goytagol (ngol).
complete [k9mpliyt] v. gasnude, timminde,
commerce [kom9rs] n. julankaagal (tigal). tollitde; tollitaade.
commercial [kom9rs9l] adj. ko faati e completely [k9mpliytli] adv. tulel].
completeness [k9mpliytnes] n. timmal
commercialize [kom9rs9layz] v. yeeyde. (ngal).
commiserate [komis9reyt] v. rendude e complex [k9mpleks] adj. cacfcfum; ko sacfi.
necfcfo sunaare.
complexion [k9mpleks9n] n. noordi
commission [komiys9n] n. yamiroore (nde). necfcfo.
commisioner [komiys9n9] /?. kumaandal] compliance [k9mplay9ns] n. cfowtagol.
(o). complicate [k9mpl9keyt] v. sacfnude.
commit [komit] v. wacfde.
compliment [k9mplim9nt] n. njettoor (o).
committee [komitiy] n. deental
comply [k9mplay] v. cfowtaade, rewde.
joocfotoongal, deental cubangal.
component [k9mpown9nt] n. gecfal
commix [komiks] v. rendinde.
jeyangal e.
commodity [k9mowditi] n. marsandiis.
compose [k9mpowz] v. wallifaade.
common [kam9n] adj. dendacfum; ko
composition [k9mp9zis9n] n. ballifaagol,
mahgol (ngdl).
commune [komyuwn] v. haalde; yeewtude.
composure [k9mpow39] n. deeTre (nde).
communicate [komyuwn9keyt] v.
compound [k9mpawnd] n. hocforde (nde)-,
haaldude; jokkondirde.
galle (o).
communication [komyun9keys9n] n.
comprehend [k9mpr9hend] v. faamde.
kaaldigal jokkondiral (ngal).

comprehension confused

comprehension [k9mpr9hens9n] n. concur [konk9r] v. hawrude; yubbude.

faamaamuya. concurrence [k9nk9r9ns] n. nanodiral
comprehensive [k9mpr9hensiv] adj. ko (ngal).
rendini ko heewi. condemn [k9ndem] v. felde.
compress [k9mpres] v. noTTude. condensate [k9ndenseyt] v. fendude.
comprise [k9mprayz] v. reentude. condense [k9ndens] v. rabbicfinde.
compromise [k9mpr9mayz] v. accondirde. condisciple [k9nd9sayp9l] n. jangidiicfo.
comrade [komrad] n. sehil (o) condition [k9ndiys9n] n. sarcfi (o).
con [kon] v. jangude. conditional [k9ndiys9n9l] adj. ko faati e
con [kon] n. luutndiicfo. sarcfi.
concatenate [k9nkat9neyt] v. sel^ondirde. condole [k9ndowl] v. duwanaade; rendude
concatenation [k9nkat9neys9n] n. e necfcfo sunaare.
cel36ndiral (ngal). condolence [k9nd9l9ns] n. duwaawu (o).
concave [k9nkeyv] adj. nacfcficfcfum; ko condone [k9ndown] v. wonande; jingande;
nacfcficfi. yaafaade.
conceal [k9nsiyl] v. suucfde. conduce [k9ndyuws] v. jibinde; addude.
concede [k9nsiyd] v. jabde. conduct [k9ndAkt] n. nehdi (ndi).
conceit [k9nsiyt] v. miijaade. conductor [k9ndAkt9] n. gardiicfo (o).
conceit [k9nsiyt] n. miijo (ngo). confabulate [k9nf9byuwleyt] v. yeewtude.
conceive [k9nsiyv] v. miijaade. confect [k9nfekt] v. feewnude.
concentrate [kons9ntreyt] v. wacftude confederate [k9nf9d9reyt] v. reentude.
hakkille; fendude. confederation [k9nf9d9reys9n] n. deental
concentration [kons9ntreys9n] ti. battugol (ngal).
hakkille e. conference [k9nf9r9ns] n. deental (ngal)',
concept [k9nsept] n. annama (o); miijo gostondiral hakkillaaji.
(fJgo). confess [k9nfes] v. haaltude.
concern [k9ns9rn] n. hammu (o); haaju (o); confide [k9nfayd] v. hoolaade; haalande
woTa (o). That should not be your necfcfo sirru mum.
concern cfum wonaa haaju maa. confidence [k9nfid9ns] n. hoolaare (fide).
concerned [k9ns9md] adj. goTaacfo. confident [k9nfid9nt] adj. kooliicfo.
concert [k9ns9rt] v. diisnondirde; fewjude. confidential [k9nfid9ns9l] adj. ko faati e
conciliate [k9ns9lyeyt] v. welditinde. sirru.
conciliator [k9ns9lyeyt9] n. bdditinoowo. confine [k9nfayn] v. haacfnude.
concise [k9nsayz] adj. jubbucfum; ko confirm [k9nf9rm] v. teefjtinde.
yubbi. confirmation [k9nf9meys9n] n. teerjtingol
conclude [k9nkluwd] v. joofnude; gasnude. (ngdl).
conclusive [k9kluwziv] adj. joofcfum; ko confiscate [k9nfiskeyt] v. hebtude.
joofi. conflict [k9nflikt] n. luural (ngal)', hare
concoct [k9nkat] v. fewjude. (nde).
concord [k9nkord] /;. kawral (ngal), conflicting [k9nfliktig] adj. luutondircfum;
jubbugol (ngdl). ko luutoondiri.
concordance [k9nkord9ns] n. kawral confluence [k9nfluw9ns] n. kawrital (ngal).
jubbugol (ngdl). conform [k9nform] v. rewde.
concordant [k9nk9rd9nt] adj. kawrucfum, confound [k9nfawnd] v. jiibde.
jubbucfum; ko hawri.
confrere [k9nfrer] n. liggodiicfo (o).
concourse [k9nkos] n. deental (ngal).
confront [konfr9nt] v. wultinde.
concrete [k9nkriyt] adj. goodcfum; ko
woodi. confuse [k9nfyuwz] v. jiibde.
concubine [k9nk9ayn] n. taara (o). confused [k9nfyuwzd] adj. kawjucfo.

confusion contemporary

confusion [kaniyuwz0n] n. jiibru (ndu). considerable [kansidabal] adj.

confute [kanfyuwt] v. fennude. mawnucfum; jaajcfum; ko mawni.
congeal [kanjiyl] v. fendaade; fendude. consideration [kansidareysan] n. miijo
congelation [kanjaleysan] n. pendagol (ngo)-, wune (o).
(ngdl). console [kansowl] v. deYTinde; yeTde.
congest [kanjest] v. burtinde; nukkondirde. consolidate [kansaladeyt] v. tiicfnude.
conglomerate [kagglomareyt] v. rendinde. consolidation [kansaladeysan] n. tiicftingol
conglutinate [ka^glutaneyt] v. (ngdl).
cfakkondirde. consonance [kansanans] n. kawral (ngal).
congratulate [kaggracaleyt] v. yettude. consonant [kansanant] n. alkulal (ngal).
congratulation ii. njettoor (o). consort [kansart] n. jom galle/suudu.
congregate [kaggrageyt] v. reentude. conspiracy [kanspirasi] n. maakaa (o).
congregation [kaggrageysan] /?. deental conspire [kanspaya] v. fewjande.
(ngal). constant [kanstant] adj. ko waylaaki.
congruity [ka^gruwati] n. kawral (ngal). constellate [kanstaleyt] v. nukkondirde.
conjoin [kanjoyn] v. rendinde. constellation [kanstaleysan] n. koode
conjugal [kanjuwgal] adj. ko faati e nukondircfe.
dewgal. consternate [konstameyt] v, najnude.
conjunctivitis ti. naw gite. consternation [konstaneysan] n. najoore
conjuration [kanjareysan] n. duwaawu (nde).
(o): cappagol (ngdl). constipated [konstapeytid] adj. ceeraacfo;
conjure [kanjuwr] v. dabaade; liggaade. gonducfo e seero.
connect [kanekt] v. jokkondirde, constipation [konstapeysan] n. seero
sel^ondirde. (figo).
connection [kaneksan] n. jokkondiral constituency [konstacawansi] n. yimbe
(ngal). nokku; nokku.
connective [kanektiv] adj. jokkojum, ko constitution [konstatyuwsan] n. laabi leydi.
jokkata. constrain [kanstreyn] v. waawnude, hacfde.
connector [kanekta] n. jokkoowo (o). constrict [kanstrikt] v. t6I]nude; leeltinde.
connivance [kanivans] n. maakaa. construct [kanstrAkt] v. mahde.
conquer [ko^ka] v. foolde; honde. construction [kanstrAksan] n. mahdi (ndi)-,
conqueror [koqkara] n. poolcTo (o). mahngo (ngo).
conquest [konkwest] n. poolgol (ngdl). construe [kanstruw] v. firde; faamde.
consanguinity [konsaqgwinati] n. jiidigal consult [kansAlt] v. diisnaade.
(ngal), bandiraagal (ngal). consultant [kansAltant] n. diisniicfo (o).
conscience [konsans] n. pinal (ngal)\ gandal consumable [kansyuwmabal] adj. ko
(ngal). naametee.
consciousness [konsasnas] n. gandal consume [kansyuwm] v. naamde.
(ngal). consummate [kansyuwmeyt] v. gasnude,
consecutive [konsekyativ] adj. feewnude.
cfewondircfum; ko rewondiri. contact [kantakt] n. memondiral (ngal).
consensus [kansensas] n. pottal (ngal); contagion [kantey3an] n. daabgol, raabo.
kawral (ngal), ahdi (o). contagious [kanteyjas] n. daabojum, ko
consent [kansent] v. jabde. raabata.
consequence [konsakwens] n. wattan. contain [kanteyn] v. wonde e nder.
conservation [kanzarveyzan] n. contemplate [kontampleyt] v. yeebde.
mooftugol. contemporary [kantempareri] adj. ko faati
conserve [konsarv] v. mooftude. e jooni.
consider [kansida] v. miijaade.

contempt cooperation

contempt [k0ntempt] n. cfuurtagol (ng6l)\ controller [kantrowla] ti. Teewtotoocfo.

ufnagol (ngdi). controversy [kontravarsi] ti. luural (tigal).
contemptuous [kQntempcas] adj. gancfo. contumacy [kantyuwmasi] ti. murtugol.
contend [kantend] v. foocfondirde. contusion [kantyuwzan] ti. buutdi (tidi).
content [k0ntent] ti. weltaare (tide). conundrum [kanandrAm] ti. ciftol (tigol).
contentious [k0ntens0s] adj. convalescent [kanvalesant] adj. camorcfo;
poocfondirteecfo. camoranaacfo.
contentment [k0ntentm0nt] ii. weltaare convalesce [kanvales] v. samorde,
(tide). samoraneede.
contest [kantest] v. hakde, salaade. convene [kanviyn] v. reentude.
contestation [kantasteysan] ti. salaare convenient [kanviynyant] adj. jubbucfum;
(tide). peewcfum; ko yubbi, ko feewi; ko
contested [kantestad] adj. calaacfo, ko feewnitii.
salaa. convention [kanvensan] ti. deental;
contiguity [kantagwiti] ti. jokkondiral nanondiral.
(tigal). converge [kanvarj] v. hawrude.
contiguous [kantiygiwas] adj. convergence [kanvarjans] ti. kawral (tigal).
jokkondircfum; ko jokkondiri. conversation [konvarseysan] ti. yeewtere
continence [kontanans] ti. heytaare (tide). (tide).
contingency [kontanjansi] ti. fawaare conversational [konvaseysan] adj. ko faati
(tide). e yeewtere.
contingent [kantenjant] adj. pawicfum e; converse [kanvars] v. yeewtude.
ko fawii e. conversion [konvar3an] ti. baylagol (tigol)',
continual [kantinyal] adj. jokkicfum; ko gostagol (tigol).
jokkii. convert [kanvart] v. tuubde; waylaade,
continually [kantinyali] adv. jokkicfum; ko wostaade.
jokkii; ko duumii.
convey [kanvey] v. yettinde; nawde.
continue [kontinyuw] v. jokkude. conveyor [kanveya] ti. nawoowo; ko
continuity [kantanwiti] ti. jokkondiral nawata.
(tigal). convict [kanvikt] adj. tooncfo.
continuous [kantanyus] adj. jokkicfum; ko
convince [kanvins] v. cfahde
convive [kanviyv] ti. naamdiicfo.
contort [kantot] v. haaTde.
convoke [kanvowk] v. noddude.
contra [kantra] ti. luutndicfo (o).
convoy [kanvoy] v. reende.
contraceptive [kantraseptiv] adj. ko
hacfata reedu. convulsion [kanvAlsan] ti. karlagol (tigol)',
muusu (o).
contract [kantrakt] ti. ahdi (o).
cook [kuk] ti. defoowo (o).
contradict [kontradikt] v. yeddude.
cook [kuk] V. defde. ~ slightly waYTinde.
contradiction [kontradiksan] ti. geddi (di).
~ with defrude; defirde. - for defande.
contrary [kontrari] adj. luutndicfum; ko
cooked [kukt] adj. cfefacfum, benducfum.
he ~ improperly hirde (used for fish).
contrast [kantrast] v. luutndaade.
cooker [kuka] ti. masil] defoowo.
contrastive [kantrastiv] adj. ko luutndii.
cooking [kukig] ti. ndefli (tigii). - oil
contravene [kontraviyn] v. luutndaade. diwlin (o). ~pot barme (o); fayande (tide).
contravention [kontravensan] ti. cool [kuwl] V. buubnude; deeTnude.
luutndagol (tigol)
cooler [kuwla] ti. nokku buubnoowo.
contribute [kontrabyuwt] v. fiide.
cooperate [kowpareyt] v. walloondirde.
contrive [kantrayv] v. fewjude.
cooperation [kowpareysan] ti. ballondiral
control [kantrowl] v. reende; heytaade. (tigal).


coordinate [kowrdaneyt] v. rendinde. corrupt [karApt] v. yeende.

cope [kowp] V. wacfdude been; tiicfnaade. corrupt [karApt] adj. jeeneteecfo; mo
copier [kowpiya] n. baanjittoocfo (o). feewaani.
copious [kowpyas] adj. ko heewi, corvee [korve] n. gollal ngal Alla meho.
keewcfum. cosmic [kozmik] adj. ko faati e weeyo.
copula [kowpyuwla] n. ko rendinta. cosmology [kozmowloji] n. jangde weeyo.
copulate [kowpyuwleyt] v. hoowde, cosmopolitan [kozmowpalitan] adj.
yiindirde. kubtodincfum.
copy [kopi] V. waanjitaade. cosset [koset] v. bewnude.
cord [kod] n. boggol (ngdl), doggol (ngol). cost [kost] n. coggu (nga).
~ for guiding an animal ginol (ngol). costly [kostli] adj. cadcfum; ko tiicfi.
cordial [kojal] adj. belcfo TiiYam. cottage [katij] n. hubeere tokosere.
cordon [kordan] n. bogol (ngol). cotton [katan] n. wiro (ko) ~ thread geese
cork [kok] n. sukkoode (nde). (cfe). --field liige (nge). - seed wiTTere
cork [kok] v. sukkude. (nde).
corn [kon] n. makka (o) couch [kawc] n. leeso (ngo).
corner [kona] v. jookde. cough [kof] V. cfojjude.
corner [kOna] n. lobbudu (ndu)\ jookdu cough [kof] n. cfojjere (nde)
(ndu)\ tonkol] (o). council [kawnsal] n. deental (ngal).
cornered [konad] adj. jookaacfo. counsel [kawnsal] v. toppitaade; waajaade.
cornering [konarii]] adj. jooko (ngo). counselor [kawnsala] n. toppitiicfo (o):
cornet [kornet] n. liital (ngal). baajotoocfo (o).
cornstalk [konstok] n. gawTal (ngal)\ count [kawnt] n. limoore (nde).
gombal (ngal). count [kawnt] v. limde ~ again limtaade.
corporal [koparal] adj. ko faati e bandu. countable [kawntabal] adj. limotoocfum;
corpse [korps] n. kabbale, maaycfo (o). ko limotoo.
corpulence [korpyuwlans] n. doole (cfe) ; countenance [kawntanans] n. mbaadi;
sembe (o). yeeso.
corpulent [korpyuwlant] adj. doolnucfo, countenance [kawntanans] n. deeYre
cembincfo. (nde).
corrade [koreyd] v. rosaade, 13eemtaade. counter [kawnta] n. kontuwaar
correct [korekt] v. feewnitde. country [kAntri] n. leydi (ndi).
correction [koreksan] n. peewnitgol (gol). county [kawnti] n. nokku (o); yimbe
corrector [korekta] n. peewnitoowo (o).
couple [kApal] v. rendinde,
correlate [kowrileyt] v. naatnaattondirde.
couple [kApal] n. cficfi.
correlation [kowraleysan] n.
naatnaattondiral (ngal). coupler [kapla] n. dendinoowo.
correspond [korespQnd] v. jokkondirde, coupon [kyuwpon] n. taTatinde.
windondirde courage [karij] n. tiicfnaare (nde), cuusal
correspondence [karespandans] n. (ngal).
bindondiral (ngal). courageous [kareyjas] adj. cuuscfo.
corroborate [karowbareyt] v. sembinde; courier [kuriye] n. nelaacfo; nulaacfo.
teeT]tinde. course [kos] v. tiindaade; huccude.
corroboration [karowbareysan] n. court [kot] V. satde; gerde
teel]ting61; cembingol (ngdl). court [kot] n. naaworde (nde)
corrode [karowd] v. l^eemtaade. courtesy [kartasi] n. nehdi moTTiri.
corrosion [karow3an] n. I]eemtag61 (ngdl). courtier [kurce] n. batilo (o).
corrugate [karageyt] v. norbolinde. courtly [kotli] adj. nehiicfo.

courtship crocodile

courtship [kotsip] ti. sorbo (ngo). crayon [kreyon] n. kiriyol] (o).

courtyard [kotyod] n. boowal galle. craze [kreyz] v. feecde.
couscous [kuskus] n. lacciri (ndi). ~ grain crazy [kreyzi] adj. kaangaacfo; ustiicfo.
wormbolde (nde). creak [kriyk] v. biicde.
cousin [kazin] n. dencfiraacfo (o); creak [kriyk] n. 1) biicaango (ngo)-, biicgol
baabiraado (o). first ~ bii (ngol) 2) caacfngol (ngol).
minum/mawnum yumma.
cream [kriym] n. ketungol (ngol)-, kerem
couteau [kuto] n. labi (ki). ro/
covenant [kovnant] n. ahdi (o). crease [kriys] v. norbolinde.
cover [kova] n. hippoode (nde)-, omboode create [kryeyt] n. tagde. - simultaneously
(nde)-, suddaare (nde)-, mbecfu (ngu). take tagdude.
~ sudaade. creation [kryeysan] n. windere (nde)-,
cover [kava] v. hippude; suddude; muurde; tagoore (nde).
buumde. ~ seeds with sand wekkude. ~ creator [kryeyra] n. tagoowo (o).
with dust ullude. ~ with leather aalde. ~
creature [kriyca] n. innama aadee (o):
one's head muurnaade. ~ the mouth
muumantel (ngel)-, aadee.
mubbude; suumde. - oneself tucfcfaade. ~
oneself suddaade. ~ with cloth mojde. ~ credible [kredibal] adj. koolaacfo.
with sand irde. credit [kredit] n. hoolaare (nde)-, namaande
covert [kowvart] adj. cuucficfum; ko (nde).
suucfii; ko suucfaa. creditor [kredita] n. namloowo (o).
covet [kovat] V. hirde; yicfde kaake janane. creed [kriyd] n. cappagol (ngol)-, duwaawu
coveter [kovata] n. kiroowo (o); kircfo (o). (o).
cow [kaw] n. nagge (nge); haange (nge); creek [kriyk] n. caacfngol (ngol).
jebe (nge): sone (nge). ~ jaane (de) creep [kriyp] v. sorde, ladde. - along
coward [kawad] adj. kulcfo reedu. bodde.
cowardice [kawadis] n. kulol reedu. creeper [kriypa] n. ladoori (ndi).
co-wife [kowayf] n. nawliraacfo. cremate [krimeyt] v. sumde; duppude.
cowlick [kawlik] n. atturu. crepitate [krepiteyt] v. fettude.
cowrie [kawri] n. wujo (ngo). -shell crescent [kresant] n. lewru dariindu.
seedere (nde). crest [krest] n. jubudu (ndu)-, tolluru (ndu)-,
coy [koy] adj. nuggaro. gee] 61 (ngol).
crack [krak] n. gewol (ngol), I]addere cretin [kratin] n. puuycfo (o).
(nde). crew [kruw] n. yimbe liggotoobe.
crack [krak] v. feecde; feecaade; I]addude. crib [krib] n. ndacfcfudi cukalel.
craft [kraft] n. mbaawka (ka)-, gandal cricket [kriket] n. tenkere (nde).
(ngal), neehal (ngal). crier [kraya] n. goyoowo (o): jeeynoowo
craftsman [kraftsman] n. liggortoocfo (o). - cry luukgol (ngdl), eewnagol
juucfe mum; neeno (o). (ngol)-, wulaango (ngo).
cram [kram] v. hebbinde; hoofde; hookde, crime [kraym] n. toonange (nge); aTTiiba
bittondirde. (o); bonande (nde).
cramp [kramp] n. jaacfre (nde) criminal [kriminal] adj. ko faati e bonande.
crap [krap] n. jaane (cfe) ; kuudi (ndi). crimp [krimp] v. sowde; nongude.
crash [kras] v. monhude, cripple [kripal] adj. laToowo; boofo.
crate [kreyt] n. wakande (nde). crippled [kripald] adj. boofo
crave [kreyv] v. naagaage. - for tuuyeede; critic [kritik] adj. loskoowo; Teewtotoocfo.
yicfde. criticize [kritasayz] v. Idskude.
crawl [krowl] v. ladde. crochet [krowse] n. 161]du (ndu).
crawler [krOwla] n. ladoowo (o). crocodile [krowkadayl] n. nooroo (o).
crawling [krawli^] n. ladol (ngol).


croft [kraft] /?. sardit]I]e (o); gesel (ngel). culprit [kAlprit] adj. tooncfo.
crook [kruwk] u. ooniicfo (o). cult [kAlt] n. bori (o).
crooked [kruked] adj. ooniicfo; oonicfum. cultivate [kAlt9veyt] v. remde.
croon [kruwn] yimde; guunde. cultivation [kAltiveys9n] n. ndemri (ndi).
crop [krop] n. conaandi (ndi). cultivator [kAltiveyt9] n. demoowo (o).
cropper [krop0] n. demoowo (o). cultural [kAlc9r9l] adj. ko faati e neesu.
cross [kros] v. taccude; lumbude, Tal3aade. culture [kAlc9] n. neesu (ngu).
~ one's legs while sitting ferlaade. ~ off cumber [kAmb9] v. haljinde.
cumbersome [kAmb9s9m] adj. ko haljinta.
cross [kros] n. celi.
cumulate kyuwmy9leyt] v. fawondirde;
crossbow [krosbaw] u. laanal (ngal). joowondirde.
crossing [krosig] n. lumbal (ngal). cumulus [kyuwmy9l9s] //. ruulde (nde).
crouch [krawc] v. hofaade. cunning [kAnip] n. ToTre (nde), gandal
crow [kraw] v. joggude. (ngal).
crow [kraw] n. joggaango (ngo). cup [kAp] n. koppu (o). It is not my cup of
crowd [krawd] n. yimbe heewbe. tea cfum wona ko am.
crucify [kruwsafay] v. warde hono warngo cupidity [kyuwpid9ti] n. tiicfgol jungo.
Annabi lisaa. curable [kyuwr9b9l] adj. ko safrotoo.
crude [kruwd] adj. keccicrcfum; ko curative [kyuwr9tiv] adj. cafrojum; ko
bendaani; ko waylaaka. safrata.
crudity [kruwdati] /?. huunde heccicfnde. curd [k9rd] n. kosam lammucfam; kosam
cruel [kruwl] adj. boncfo; nangucfo. pendacfam.
crumble [krAmbal] v. monnaade. cure [kyuwr] v. safrude; sellinde. ~ by body
contact hokondirde.
crumb [krAm] n. taTatinde.
curious [kyury9s] adj. jicfcfo andude.
crumple [krAmpal] v. hamTude.
curl [k9rl] v. hofde. ~ up noofaade.
crunch [krAnc] v. Takkude.
currency [k9r9nsi] n. kaalis (o).
crusade [kruwseyd] n. pellugol diine.
current [k9r9nt] n. teere (nde)\ waraango
crusade [kruwseyd] v. fellude diine.
crush [krAs] v. monnude, bojjude. ~ up
currently [k9r9ntli] adv. jooni.
loppude. ~ tobacco in one's palm
ormaade. ~ into pieces again mornitde. currish [k9ris] adj. nangucfo.
crushed [krAst] adj. ko loppaa; loppaacfo, curse [k9rs] v. Tettaade; hucfde.
loppacfum; monnaacfo; monnacfum, curse [k9rs] n. Tettore (nde), kucfdi (ndi).
cokkaacfo, cokkacfum. cursed [k9rst] adj. kiitaacfo, kucfaacfo.
cry [kray] v. woyde; Terde; Tekkitde, curt [k9rt] adj. dabbo; ko rabbicfi.
luucfde (dog); puunde (hyena), curtail [k9rteyl] v. rabbicfinde.
cub [kAb] n. bingel (ngel). curtain [k9rt9n] n. rido (o).
cud [kAd] n. aaTtere (nde). curtsy [k9rtsi] n. diccagol (ngol).
cuddle [kAdol] v. hibbondirde. curve [k9rv] v. oonde.
cuddy [kAdi] n. cuurel nder laana. curved [k9rvd] adj. kogicfum, oonicfum.
cuff [kAf] V. fiide hello, cushion [kAs9n] n. talla (o); ngaflaari (ndi)
cuisine [kwiysiyn] n. ndefu (ngu)\ waan (o); cushy [kusi] adj. beebcfum; ko weebi; ko
defirde (nde). wdi.
cul-de-sac [kAldasak] n. laawol ngol custodian [kAstowj9n] //. deenoowo (o).
custody [kAst9di] n. deengol (ngdl)\
cull [kAl] V. subaade. ndeenka (ka). He is in custody Ko o
culminate [kAlmaneyt] v. hebde cebtam. jaggaacfo.
culpable [kAlpabal] adj. tooncfo.

custom cyst

custom [kAstam] n. neesu Oigu)\ jikku (o); cut [kAt] taTande (nde), taTre (nde)\
aada (o). soppande (nde)\ cfeecfol (ngdl)\ eebol
customary [kAst9m0ri] adj. ko faati e (ngol).
neesu. cute [kyuwt] adj. joocfdo.
customer [kAstama] /?. kiliyaan (o); cutler [kAtla] n. peewnoowo paakaaji;
coodoowo (o). jeeyoowo paakaaji.
customs [kAstamz] n. duwaan. cutlet [kAtlet] n. taTande (nde).
cut [kAt] V. taTde, soppude. ~ oneself cutoff [kAtaf] n. taTande (nde).
accidentally cfeecfaade. ~ with a sickle cutter [kAta] n. taToowo (o).
wafde ~ up seelde. ~ meat into strips. cycle [saykal] v. dognude. welo.
siirtude ~ fish into parts, ande ~
cyst [sist] n. basel (ngel).
someone's ear fanaade. ~ open
waaftude. ~ a splinter sarfude. ~ into
strips seelde ~ grass wubbude, hesde.


dabble [dabal] v. leppinde; wiccude. date [deyt] n. 1) saanga, sahaa, out of - ko
dacker [daka] v. daaldaalnude. benni; ko jolti 2) tamaroore (nde).
dad [dad] n. baabiraacfo (o). daughter [data] n. bicfcfo debbo.
dafTmg [dafip] n. kaacfi (di)-, cfaayre (ude). daunt [dont] v. hulbinde.
daft [daft] adj. cfaaycfo. dauntless [dontles] adj. cuuscfo reedu.
dagger [daga] n. labi (ki). dawn [dOn] n. weetndoogo.
daggle [dagal] v. daasde. day [dey] n. nalnde (nde)\ nalawma (o);
daily [deyli] adj. nalawma kala; nande kala. naingu (ngu)\ nallande (nde)\ nalaande
(nde). ~ off nalawma fooftere.
dainty [deynti] adj. ko yoocfi, ko wdi.
day-to-day [deytadey] adj. nalawma kala.
dairy [deyri] ii. mooftirde kosam e nebam
keccam. daze [deyz] v. hawjinde.
daleth [daleG] n. alkulal (ngal), alkulal deel. dead [ded] n. maaycfo (o); birniicfo (o). ~
as mutton maaydo pak.
dam [dam] n. mbamgu (nguj.
deadline [dedlayn] n. lajal (ngal), ahdi (o).
damage [damij] v. bonnude.
deadly [dedli] adj. ko warata.
damage [damij] /?. bonande (nde).
deaf [def] adj. paho. ~ person paho (o).
dame [deym] n. debbo (o).
deafen [defan] v. faacTnude.
damnable [damnabal] adj. ko anaa, ko
felnii. deafness [defhes] n. paacfgol (ngdl).
damp [damp] adj. baytucfum; baycfum deal [diyl] v. yeeyde; feccude.
[dampan] v. baytinde. dealer [diyla] n. jeeyoowo (o).
dampness [dampnes] n. bayto (ngo). dealership [diylasip] n. njeeygu (ngu).
dance [dans] u. ngamri (ndi). dear [diya] adj. tiicfcfo, misicfcfo. ~ friend
dance [dans] v. amde. make someone ~ nallambero (o); musicfcfo (o).
amnude. dearth [derG] n. soono (ngo)\ heege (nge).
dancer [dansa] n. gamoowo (o) deary [deri] gicfo.
dander [danda] n. sekre (nde). death [deG] n. maayde (nde). ~ message
broadcast on the radio taggee (o).
dandle [dandal] v. yeTde cukalel.
deathly [deGli] adj. barojum, ko warata.
dandruff [dandrAf] n. karaas (o).
deave [diyv] v. faacfnude.
danger [deynja] n. bone (cfe)\ ko gaanata.
debase [dibeyz] v. lescfinde, bonnitde.
dangerous [deynjaras] adj. bonnojum;
lorlojum; ko bonnata; ko lorlata. debatable [dibeytabal] adj. ko hoolnaaki.
dangle [dapgal] v. weelde. debate [dibeyt] v. wostondirde hakkillaaji.
dap [dap] v. saftaade. debonair [deboner] adj. belcfo hakkille.
dare [der] v. suusde. debt [det] n. namaande (nde). He is
discharging a debt omon yoba namaande
daring [derip] n. cuusal (ngal).
dark [dark] adj. nibbidcfum; iircfucfum.
debtor [deto] n. namliicfo (o).
after ~ so hiirii.
debutant [debyuwtont] n. pucfcfiicfo golle.
darken [darkan] v. bawlinde
decade [dekeyd] //. duubi sappo.
darkle [darkal] v. nibbicfinde.
decadence [dekadans] //. nuflugol (ngdl).
darkness [darknes] n. nibbere (nde).
decadent [dekadant] adj. nuflucfo.
darling [darlip] n. gicfo (o): gicfel (ngel).
decaliter [dekalita] n. liiteruuji sappo.
darn [darn] v. nootde.
decameter [dekamita] n. meeteruuji sappo.
dash [das] v. fiide; flirtaade
decant [dekant] v. siiwtude.
dasher [dasa] /?. piyoowo (o).
decapitate [dekapiteyt] v. warde, taTde
data [deyta] n. kabaaru (o).

decay defray

decay [dikey] n. 13eemtaade; nolde. decry [dikray] v. bonnitde; yennude.

decease [disiyz] v. maayde. decuple [dekyuwp0l] v. fiide laabi sappo.
deceased [disiyzd] adj. maaycfo. dedicate [dedikeyt] v. cfowtaade.
deceit [disiyt] n. fliunti (o). dedication [dedikeys0n] //. cfowtaare (nde).
deceitful [disiytfaf] adj. puuntoowo; ko deduct [didAkt] v. ustude; ittude.
fuuntata. deduction [didAks0n] //. ustaare (nde).
deceive [disiyv] v. fuuntude. deed [diyd] //. gollal (ngal).
decelerate [dic9l0reyt] v. ustude yaawre. deem [diym] v. miijaade.
decenary [des0n8ri] adj. ko faati e duubi deep [diyp] adj. luggicfcfum; ko luggicfi. ~
sappo. area luggere (nde). ~ mourning sunaare
decency [diys0nsi] u. peewal (ngal). mawnde.
decennial [desiyny0l] adj. ko faati e duubi deepen [diyp0n] v. luggicfinde.
sappo. deeply [diypli] adv. ko luggicfi; luggicfcfum.
decent [disent] adj. ko feewi. defalcate [d0falkeyt] v. wujjude.
deception [diseps0n] u. fliunti (o). defalcation [d0f0lkeys0n] //. nguyka (ka).
deceptive [dis0ptiv] adj. ko fuuntata, default [diyfolt] //. ella (o).
defaulter [diyfolt0] /?. jom ella.
decide [disayd] v. wakkilaade; haajde;
defeat [difiyt] v. foolde
defeated [difiyt0d] adj. poolaacfo.
decimate [des0meyt] v. boomde.
defecate [def0keyt] v. suulde; huwde;
decipher [disayf0] v. hijjude, limtude;
acfcfitde. ~ in one's clothing bonnitaade.
defect [difekt] //. ella (o)
decision [disiy30n] n. pellital (ngal).
defend [difend] v. dartaade.
deck [dek] n. pom (o).
defendant [difend0nt] //. tuumaacfo.
deckchair//, [dekcer] piliyaan (o).
defense [difens] //. hare (nde)-, dartagol
declare [dikleyr] v. hollirde; habrude.
declinate [dikl0neyt] v. tellaade.
defer [dif0r] v. fabbinde.
declination [dikl0neys0n] //. tellagol (ngol).
deferment [dif0rm0nt] //. pabbingol.
decline [diklayn] v. tellaade; ustaade.
deferring [dif0rig] //. pabbingol.
decode [dikowd] v. firde; faccirde.
defiance [difay0ns] n. salaare (nde).
decoder [dicowd0] /?. piroowo (o).
defiant [difay0nt] adj. caliicfo, cirl^iniicfo.
decollate [dik0leyt] v. taTde daande.
deficiency [defiys0nsi] //. l^akkere (nde).
decolonize [diyk0l0nayz] v. rimcfinde leydi;
deficient [defiys0nt] adj. l^akkucfum,
jiimtude leydi.
decompose [diyk0mpowz] v. ufde; jiibde,
deficit [defisit] //. fjakkere (nde).
seerndude, nolde.
defile [d0fayl] v. tunwinde.
decorate [dek0reyt] v. I]ende, sinkude.
define [difayn] v. hokkude maanaa.
decorticate [dik0rtikeyt] v. feTde.
definite [defn0t] adj. laabcfum, ko laabi; ko
decortication [dik0rtikeys0n] //. peTgol
definition [defniys0n] //. maanaa (o).
decoy [dikoy] v. fuuntude; tuufaade.
deflagrate [d0fl0greyt] v. hubbude.
decrease [dikriys] v. ustude.
deflate [difleyt] v. peernude; yaltinde hendu
decrease [dikriys] //. ustaare (nde), ustugol
deflect [diflekt] v. filtinde.
decree [dikriy] n. yamiroore (nde).
defloration [d0tl0reys0n] //. jiidgol (ngol).
decrement [dikr0m0nt] n. ustaare (nde),
ustugol (ngol). deform [difom] v. waylude tagoodi.
decrial [dikray0l] n. njennoor (o). defraud [d0frowd] v. vvujjude; toonde.
defray [d0frey] v. yobde.
defunct deposit

defunct [difXgkt] adj. maaycfo. demi [d0mi] pref. feccere (nde)\ hakkunde.
defy [difay] v. jattinaade. demise [d0mayz] v. nattude.
degrade [diygreyd] v. bonnitde; hersinde. demission [d0mis0n] n. cfaccingol hoore
degrading [digreydi^] adj. kersiniicfum; ko mum golle.
hersinii. demit [d0mit] v. cfaccinde hoore mum
degree [digriy] n. degere (o). golle.
degression [digreys0n] n. ustaare (nde)\ demolish [dem0lis] v. yandinde.
ustagol (ngdl). demon [diym0n] n. seytaane (o).
deja vu [de3avu] n. ko yiyaa haa benni; ko demoniac [d0monyak] adj. ko faati e
hescfaani. seytaane.
delay [diley] v. leeltinde. without ~ cfoon e demonstrate [d0m0nstreyt] v. hollude;
cfoon. teel]tinde.
delectable [dilektabal] adj. belcfum; ko demonstrator [d0m0nstreyt0] n. kolloowo
weli; dakmucfum. (o).
delegate [delageyt] v. nelde, halfmde. demount [d0mawnt] v. tdlinde.
delegate [dolageyt] n. nulaacfo (o); nelaacfo demure [demyuwr] nuggaro (o).
denial [d0nay0l] n. geddi (cfi).
delegation [dal0geys0n] n. nelaabe (be)\ denier [d0nay0] /?. jedducfo (o).
halfinaabe (be). denigrate [d0nigreyt] v. bonnitde.
delete [d0liyt] v. momtude. denominate [d0n0mineyt] v. innude,
deleterious [d0l0t0ry0s] adj. ko nawnata. noddude.
deletion [d0liys0n] u. momtugol. denomination [d0n0mineys0n] n. inde.
deliberate [d0libr0t] adj. ko amdaa; ko denounce [d0nawns] v.; fenninde.
naatni amdaare. dense [dens] adj. cukkucfum; ko sukki.
delicious [d0liys0s] adj. dakmucfum, dent [dent] v. bobbude.
belcfum; ko dakmi; ko weli.
dental [dent0l] n. ko faati e niiTe/niire.
delight [d0layt] ii. welamma (o).
dentist [dentist] n. doktoor niiTe.
delighted [d0layt0d] adj. beltiicfo.
denude [d0nyuwd] v. wacfde meho;
delightful [d0laytf0l] adj. ko weltinta; labbinde, lewde.
bdtinoowo; beltinoojum.
deny [dinay] v. yeddude
delimit [dilimit] v. heertaade.
depart [dipat] v. yahde, ummaade.
delineate [d0linyeyt] v. amminde, sifaade.
departure [dipac0] n. ummagol (ngdl).
deliquesce [d0l0kwes] v. saayde.
depend [dipend] v. fawaade e, loraade e.
deliration [d0l0reys0n] n. duuytugol.
dependable [d0pend0b0l] adj. koolaacfo.
delirious [d0l0ry0s] adj. duuytoowo.
dependence [d0p0nd0ns] n. pawagol
deliver [d0liv0] v. yettinde; tottude, jibinde. (ngdl)-, loragolfngol), fawaare (nde).
delude [d0lyuwd] v. fuuntude. dependency [d0p0nd0nsi] n. fawaare
deluge [d0luw3] n. amo (ago). (nde).
delve [delv] v. asde; luggicfinaade; wittude. depict [d0pikt] v. sifaade.
demagogue [d0m0gog] //. puuntoowo (o). depilate [d0pileyt] v. borde leebi.
demagogy [d0m0goji] a. fliunti (o). deplete [dipliyt] v. gasnude, labbinde.
demand [d0mand] v. lamndaade hakke deplore [diplowr] v. woytaade.
mum. This merchandise is in great deploy [d0ploy] v. sarde.
demand Marsandiis o ina soklaa no feewi
deplume [d0plyuwm] v. borde.
demarcate [d0m0rkeyt] v. heertaade. deport [d0pOrt] v. yaltinde leydi.
demarcation [d0m0rkeys0n] n. keertagol
deportee [d0porti] n. jaltinaacfo leydi.
depose [d0powz] v. fiiltude.
dement [d0ment] v. haal3cfinde.
deposit [d0powz0t] v. joTTinde.
dementia [d0menc0] n. kaacfi (cfi).

depot detestation

depot [d9p0] n. mooftirde kaake. desire [d0zay0] v. yicfde, faaleede; muuyde,

deprave [dopreyv] v. bonnude. goddude; fiimlude, duudeede, tuuyeede.
depreciate [dapriyseyt] v. ustaade; ustude, desire [d0zay0] n. sago; tuuya (o); muuya
depreciation n.[d0prosyeys0n] ustaare (o).
(nde). desist [d0zist] v. daraade, cfaccude.
depredate [d0pr0deyt] v. honde; wujjude. desolate [d0s0let] v. wiinnude.
depredator [d0pr0deyt0] n. naamowel despair [disper] v. cfamtindaade.
(figel), bonnowel (tigel). despise [dispayz] v. yawaade, hutaade.
depress [d0pres] v. sunaade. despite [dispayt] n. hutaare (nde).
deprive [d0prayv] v. hacfde. despoil [dispoyl] v. teetde, wujjude.
depth [dep6] ti. luggeendi (ndi). despot [despot] n. laamcfo mo laamu mum
depurate [d0pyuwreyt] v. labbinde, rendaaka.
deputy [d0py0ti] n. dipite (o); lomto (o). dessert [d0z0rt] n. namri (ndi).
deracinate [diyras0neyt] v. cfoofde, destiny [dest0ni] n. hoddiro (ngo).
cfuggitde. destitute [d0st0tuwt] adj. baascfo.
derange [d0reynj] v. sarde. He is deranged destitution [d0st0tuws0n] n. baasal (ngal).
Hoore makko dillii. destool [d0stuwl] v. fiiltude laamcfo.
deride [d0rayd] v. jalkitde; seknoraade. destroy [distroy] n. halkude, bonnude;
derision [d0riy30n] n. jalkitgol (ngol), boomde.
ceknoraagol (ngol). destroyed [distroyd] adj. boomaacfo;
derive [d0rayv] v. ummaade e. boomacfum.
dermatology [d0rm0tol0ji] n. jangde destroyer [distroy0] n. bonnoowo (o).
nguru. destructible [distrAkt0b0l] adj. bonnojum;
derogatory [dirog0t0ri] adj. ko tdlinta; ko ko bonata.
lesainta. destruction [distrAks0n] n. halkaare (nde)\
derrick [derik] n. lenge (o). bonande (nde).
descend [disend] v. tellaade, jippaade. ~ destructive [distrAkt0v] adj. ko bonnata;
into a well jolde e bundu. ko halkata.
descent [d0sent] n. lenol (ngol). detach [ditac] v. babbitde; seerndude.
describe [diskrayb] v. sifaade detached [ditact] adj. ceercfum; ko seerti.
description [d0skr0ps0n] n. sifaa (o). detail [diteyl] n. gecfal (ngal), huunde
descriptive [d0skr0ptiv] adj. ko faati e (nde)-, feccere (nde).
sifaa, detain [diteyn] v. sokde; jaggude.
desegregate [dis0gr0geyt] v. hacfde detainer [diteyn0] n. jaggoowo (o);
lenamlehaagu. cokoowo (o).
desert [diz0rt] n. ladde yoornde. detect [ditekt] v. yiide.
deserted [diz0rtid] (adj) biinnucfum; nokku detention [dit0ns0n] n. jaggugol (ngol)-,
biicfcTucfo. cokgol (ngol).
desertion [diz0rs0n] n. dogdu (ndu). deter [dit0r] v. hacfde.
deserve [d0z0rv] v. haandude. deterge [dit0rj] v. lawTude.
desiccate [d0s0keyt] v. yoornude. deteriorate [d0t0ryowreyt] v. bonnude.
desiccator [d0s0keyt0] n. joornoowo (o). determinate [d0t0rm0n0t] v. heertaade,
desiderate [d0sid0reyt] v. yicfde, firde; faccirde.
yeewnude. determination [d0t0rm0neys0n] n. anniya
design [dizayn] v. amminde. (o): wakkilaare (nde).
designate [d0signeyt] v. tocfcfaade, deterrent [dit0r0nt] n. huunde hacfoore; ko
SLibaade. hacfata.
desirable [d0zayr0b0l] adj. jicfacfum; ko detest [ditest] v. ande.
yicfaa. detestation [dit0steys0n] n. ngangu (ngn).

dethrone dilate

dethrone [diGrown] v. fiiltude laamcfo. diametre [dayamita] n. diidol hakkunde.

detour [datuwr] n. taartaarol (ngol). diamond [daymand] n. haayrejamaa.
detractor [datrakta] n. gano (o). diaper [daypa] n. ngembe cukald.
detriment [datrimant] n. bonande (nde). diaphragm [dayafram] n. biiwol (ngol).
detrimental [datramental] adj. bonnojum; diarrhea [dayrya] n. boccitel (ngel)
ko bonnata. boccitd (ngel), reedu dogooru.
deuterogamy [dyuwtaragami] n. dewgal dichotomize [daykatamayz] v. feccude
cficfabal. peace cficfi.
devaluate [divalweyt] v. ustude, ustude dichotomy [daykatami] n. peccugol peace
nafoore. cfidi.
devaluation [divalweysan] n. ustagol diction [diksan] n. tinndol.
(ngol). dictionary [diksanari] n. saggitorde (nde).
devastate [davasteyt] v. bonnude. didactic [daydaktik] adj. ko faati e jangde.
devastation [davasteysan] n. bonande diddle [didal] v. wujjude; bonnude.
(nde). die [day] v. maayde; jiibde.
develop [davalop] v. Tellitde; mawninde. diet [dayet] n. namri (ndi).
development [davalopmant] n. Tdlitaare dietary [dayatari] adj. ko faati e namri.
(nde)\ Tellitaagol (ngol).
dietetic [dyetatik] adj. ko faati e namri.
deviate [divyeyt] v. oonaade; selde.
differ [difar] v. seertude.
deviation [davyeysan] n. celgol (ngdl)\
difference [difrans] n. ceerndugol (ngdl)\
celol (ngdl).
huunde seerndunde.
devil [deval] n. seytaane.
different [difrant] adj. ceercfum, ko seerti.
devious [diyvyas] adj. ko liilti; laawol
differentiate [difranseyt] v. seerndude.
differentiator [difranseytar] n.
devise [davayz] v. mahde; feewnude; sosde.
devoid [davoyd] adj. ko alaa.
difTicuIt [difkAlt] adj. cacfcfum; ko sacfi.
devoir [davwar] n. fotde (nde).
difficulty [difkAlti] n. sacfre (nde).
devote [davowt] v. toppitaade.
diffident [difAdant] adj. nuggaro (o).
devoted [davowtad] adj. cfowtiido.
diffuse [difyuwz] v. yaajnude; saaktude.
devotion [davowsan] n. cfowtaare (nde).
diffusion [difyuw3an] n. caaktugol (ngol).
devour [davawa] v. mocfde, naamde. dig [dig] V. asde. ~ itself asaade. ~ out
devout [davawt] adj. g66I3cfincfo, dewcfo; aawtaade, aastaade, iirtude. make
cfowtiido. someone ~ asnude. ~ for asande. ~ up
dew [daw] n. saawandere (nde) ubbitde; aaftaade, duggude.
dexter [deksta] adj. naamo, bal]l]e naamo, digamy [digami] n. dewgal cficfabal.
peewclo; neencfo. digest [dayjest] v. dolde
dexterous [dekstras] adj. peewcfo jungo. digger [diga] n. gasoowo (o).
diabetes [daybiytiz] n. naw. digging [digip] n. gasgol (ngol) (de).
diabolic [daybowlik] adj. ko faati e golle digit [dijit] n. fedeendu (ndu).
seytaane. dignified [dignafayd] adj. cfimcfucfo, dimo.
diacritic [daykratik] n. masgal (ngal). dignitary [dignatari] n. koohoowo (o).
diagnose [daygnowz] v. Teewde maale.
dignity [dignati] n. ndimaagu (ngu).
dialect [daylekt] n. haala nokku. digress [daygres] v. selde.
dialectal [daylektal] adj. ko faati e haala
dike [dayk] n. hacfiinde (nde).
dilacerate [dalasareyt] v. taXde, seekde
dialectology [daylektowlaji] n. jangde haala
dilapidate [dalapadeyt] v. bonnude.
dialogic [daylowjik] n. ko faati e kaaldigal. dilate [dayleyt] v. Tuufde, yaajde.
dialogue [daylog] n. kaaldigal (ngal).

dilemma disdainer

dilemma [dilem0] n. jaakre (nde)., disapproval [disapruvA^al] n. salaare (nde).

ngaanumma (o). be in a ~ aande; jaakde. disapprove [disapruwv] v. salaade.
diligence [dilijans] n. tiicfnaare (nde). disarm [disarm] v. hebtude kabircfe.
diligent [dilijant] adj. tiicfniicfo. disarrange [disareynj] v. firtude.
dilute [dayluwt] v. selbinde. disassemble [disasambal] v. firtude.
dilution [dayluwsan] n. celbingol. disaster [dizasta] n. bonande (nde).
dim [dim] adj. nibbicfcfum; ko nibbicfi. disavow [disavow] v. wultaade.
dimension [damensan] n. njuuteendi; disbelieve [disbaliyv] v. waasde
njaajeendi. g66I]cfinde.
diminish [diminis] v. ustude. disburse [disbars] v. yobde.
diminished [diminisd] adj. ustiicfo; ko ustii discard [discad] v. jonde.
diminution [diminusan] n. ustaare (nde)\ discern [disam] v. seerndude, yiide.
aayaare (nde). discharge [discaj] n. rimtude.
dindle [dindal] v. sinnude. disciple [dasaypal] n. almuudo (o).
dine [dayn] v. hirtaade. discipline [dasaplin] n. nehdi (ndi).
diner [dayna] n. kirtotoocfo (o). disclaim [diskleym] v. wultaade; yaafaade.
dinghy [diggi] n. laanel (ngel).
disclose [disklowz] v. haaltude; fenninde.
dinky [digki] adj. pamaro.
disclosure [disclow3a] n. penningol (ngol).
dinner [dina] n. hiraande (nde). discolor [diskala] v. waylude noordi.
dint [dint] n. sembe (o).
disconnect [diskanekt] v. sel^tude,
diotic [dayotik] adj. ko faati e noppi. seerndude.
dip [dip] V. suuwde. ~ one's lips into a discontent [diskantent] adj. mo weltaaki;
liquid tuubde. mettincfo.
diphtheria [dif9erya] n. naw. discontinue [diskantanyu] v. haacfnude,
dire [daya] n. cacftucfum; ko sacfti. dartinde.
direct [darekt] v. hollude, amminde, discord [diskod] n. luural (ngal).
huccinde. discordance [diskodans] n. luural (ngal).
direction [dareksan] n. huccaango (ngo). discount [diskawnt] v. ustude.
director [darekta] n. gardinaacfo (o); discourse [diskos] n. haala; haala
gardiicfo (o). mbinndaaka.
directory [darektari] n. deftere incfe e discover [diskova] v. yiitude.
tiitoocfe. discovery [diskovri] n. jiitugol (ngdl).
dirk [dark] n. njuulaawi (ki). discredit [diskradit] v. fennude.
dirt [dart] n. tuundi (ndi). eat ~ hoyde, discreet [diskriyt] n. mooftoowo sirru,
hoyneede. deentiicfo; nibbo.
dirty [darti] v. tunwinde. discrepancy [diskrepansi] n. luural (ngal).
disability [disabalati] n. ronkere (nde). discretion [diskresan] n. yamiroore
disable [diseybal] v. ronkinde. hooremum.
disabled [diseybald] adj. donkucfo, boofo; discriminate [diskramaneyt] v. seerndude.
gumcfo, taktako. discrimination n. ceerndugol.
disaccord [disakod] n. luural (ngal). discuss [diskAs] v. yeewtude, wostondirde
disadvantage [disadvantij] n. huunde nde hakkillaaji.
alaa nafoore. discussion [diskAsan] n. yeewtere (nde)\
disagree [disagriy] v. luurdude. haala (ka).
disagreement [disagriy mant] n. luural disdain [disdeyn] n. elko; elgol; yawaare
(ngal). (nde).
disallow [disalaw] v. hacfde. disdain [disdeyn] v. ande, elde.
disappear [disapiyr] v. majjude; wirnaade. disdainer [disdeyna] n. eloowo (o).

disdainful divest

disdainful [disdeynfal] adj. elcfo, eloowo. disrepute [disrapyuwt] adj. telliicfo; koycfo.
disease [diziyz] n. naw (ngu). disrespect [disrispekt] ti. yawaare (tide).
disembark [disembark] v. tellaade. disrespect [disrispekt] v. aybinde; bonde
disengage [disiggeyj] v. yaltinde. nehdi.
disentangle [disenteggol] v. seerndude. disrespectful [disrispektfal] adj. neetaro.
disgrace [disgreys] n. gacce (cfe) ; kersa disrupt [disrApt] v. bonnude; haljinde.
(o). dissect [disekt] v. taTde.
disgust [disgAst] v. nefnaade. disseminate [disamineyt] v. yaajnude,
disgusting [disgAstig] adj. nefriicfum; ko habrude.
nefhii. dissension [disansan] n. luural (ngal).
dish [dis] //. namri (tidi). dissidence [disadans] luural (tigal).
dishonest [disonest] adj. mo nuuncfaani. dissident [disadant] adj. luutndiicfo.
disintegrate [disintagreyt] v. seerde, dissimulate [disamyuwleyt] v. suucfde.
monnaade. dissipate [disapeyt] v. suyde; saraade.
disjoin [dijoyn] v. sel]tude; seerndude. dissociate [disowseyt] v. seerndude, seerde.
disjunct [disjA^kt] adj. ko seerti. dissolve [disolv] v. saaynude.
dislike [dislayk] n. nefre (nde)\ ngangu distance [distans] ti. gocfcfondiral (ngal)\
(mO- badondiral (tigal).
dislike [dislayk] v. ande; nefde. distant [distant] adj. gocfcfucfum; ko
dislocate [disiQkeyt] ti. ittude e nokku; wocfcfi; gocfcfucfo.
yaltinde. distasteful [disteystfal] adj. tekum; ko
dismantle [dismantal] v. firtude. metti.
dismay [dismey] u. kulol (ngol). distinct [distiijkt] adj. ko seerti; ko laabi.
dismiss [dismis] v. riiwde. distinction [distipksan] ti. ceerndugol
dismount [dismawnt] v. tellaade, jippaade; (tigol).
jippinde; tellinde. distinguish [distipgwis] v. seerndude.
disobedient [disobiyjGnt] adj. mo distort [distot] v. waylude; fende.
cfowtaaki; caliido. distress [distres] ti. sunaare (tide).
disobey [disobey] v. salaade. distressful [distresfal] adj. ko addata
disorder [disorda] v. wilde; sarde. sunaare.
disparage [dispOrij] v. yennude; felde. distribute [distrabyuwt] v. yecfde; tottude;
disparagement [disp9rijm0nt] n. yennoore feccude.
(nde)\ feloore (ndcj. distributor [distrabyuwta] ti. jecfoowo (o).
disparate [disparat] adj. ceercfi; ko seeri. distrust [distrAst] v. hoolkisaade.
dispart [dispat] v. seerndude. disturb [distarb] v. haljinde.
dispatch [dispac] v. neldude. disturbance [distarbans] ti. kaljingol.
dispel [dispel] v. riiwde, sarde. ditch [die] ti. gaawol (tigol).
disperse [dispars] v. sarde. ditcher [dica] ii. gasoowo gaawi.
dispersed [disparst] adj. caricfum; ko sarii. diurnal [dyurnal] adj. ko faati e nalawma,
nande kala.
displace [displeys] v. ittude e nokku, ittude,
dirnude. divagate [divageyt] v. selde.
display [displey] v. hollirde. dive [dayv] v. fiyaade e ndiyam, puntinaade.
displease [displiyz] v. seknude. diver [dayver] ti. piyotoocfo e ndiyam.
displeased [displiyzd] adj. mettincfo; mo diverge [davarj] v. seertude.
weltaaki. divergent [davarjant] adj. ko seerti.
displeasure [disple3a] /?. metteende (tide).
diverse [dayvars] adj. ko seerti
dispute [disp>^wt] ii. duko (ngo). beyond- divert [divart] v. selnude
ko alaa geddi. divest [dayvest] v. boorde; ittude.

divide dreadlock

divide [d0vayd] v. feccude. - for feccande. dormant [dormant] adj. cfaaniicfo;

divider [dOvayda] n. peccoowo (o). cfaankiniicfo.
divine [davayn] adj. ko faati e joomiraacfo. dorsal [dorsal] adj. ko faati e keeci.
divisible [davizabal] adj. ko feccotoo. dot [dot] n. tobbere (nde), poofirgel (ngel).
division [d0viy30n] ti. peccugol (ngdl). dote [dowt] V. yicfde, horsinde.
divisor [d0vayz0] n. ko feccata; peccoowo. double [dAbal] n. cficfi.
divorce [d0vors] //. ceergal (figal). double [dAbal] v. cfimmitde.
divorce [d0vors] v. seerde doubt [dawt] n. sikkitaare (nde)-,
divorcee [davorsi] fi. deboo hoolkisaare (nde). I have my doubts
ceercfo/ceeraacfo; diwo (o) Mbecfe hoolkisii dum.
doubt [dawt] v. sikkitaade.
divulge [davAlj] v. fenninde; saaktude sirru.
doubtful [dawtfal] adj. cikkitiido.
dizzy [dizi] adj. hakkille miircfo; miircfo.
doubtless [dawtles] adj. ko alaa sikkitaare.
djin [jin] n. jinne (o).
dough [dow] n. condi njiibaandi.
do [du] V. wacfde. ~ again wacftude. ~
ablutions with sand or a stone taamaade. douse [dowze] v. wisde; leppinde.
~ deliberately amdaade; teyde. ~ with douser [dowza] n. biccoowo (o);
haste henaade; flilsinde. ~ one's ablutions leppinoowo (o).
salligaade. ~ ttvice cfimmitde. dove [dowv] n. foondu (ndu).
docile [dowsayl] adj. deeTcfo; eeltaacfo, mo down [dawn] prep. les.
naacfaani. down [dawn] v. lesdinde; yandinde.
doctor [dokta] ii. doktoor (o); cafroowo dowry [dawri] n. tel3e (cfe).
doze [dowz] v. muumnaade.
doctrine [doktran] //. miijo (ngo).
dozen [dozan] n. sappo e didi.
document [dokyuwmant] n. kayit (annama
kayit juddu). drabble [drabal] v. leppinde.
dodder [doda] v. sinnude. draft [draft] n. bindol gadanol; hendu (ndu).
dodge [doj] v. ruucfaade, wappaade, drag [drag] v. daasde. ~ oneself daasaade.
doer [duwa] n. bacfoowo (o). drain [dreyn] v. siiwtude.
dog [dog] 11. rawaandu (ndit). wild ~ drainage [dreynij] n. ciiwtugol.
safaandu (ndii). drained [dreynd] adj. ko siiwtaa;
doll [dol] //. bicfcfo tekke. ciiwtadum.
dolt [dolt] adj. beemcfo. draining [dreynig] n. ciiwtugol (ngol).
domestic [damestik] adj. ko faati e galle. drape [dreyp] v. soomde.
domesticate [damestakeyt] v. eeltude. draper [dreypa] n. jeeyoowo bagi.
domicile [domasil] n. hocforde (nde). draught [draft] n. woobre (nde). take a ~
dominant [domanant] adj. poolcfo, burcfo.
draw [dro] v. 1) diidde 2) foodde; sefde,
dominate [damaneyt] v. foolde, burde. daasde. ~ water Toogde. ~ water with
donate [doneyt] v. rokkude. Toogirde. ~ a plan ebbude. ~ up sefde. ~
donation [doneysan] n. dokkal (ngal). the how timpude. ~ hack naattinde.
donkey [dopki] n. mbabba (ha) drawer [drOwa] n. poocfoowo (o).
donor [dono] n. dokkucfo (o); dokkoowo drawing [drOwii]] n. urba; natal (ngal)-,
(a). annama (o).
doom [dum] n. hoddiro. drawl [drowl] v. juurtude (alkule).
doom [dum] v. hoddirde. dread [dred] v. hulde.
doomsday [dumsdey] //. buutufal (ngal). dread [dred] n. kulol (ngol)-, atturu (ndu).
door [dor] /;. damal (ngal), baafal (ngal)-, dreadful [dredfal] adj. ko hulbinii,
udumere (nde)-, naatirde (nde). indoors kulbiniicfum.
nder galle. dreadlock [dredlok] n. atturu (ndu).


dream [driym] v. hoycfude. dry [dray] i^. yoornude, acfde. he ~

dream [driym] n. koycfol (ngol). yoorde, sojjude. ~ stream bed gulumbol
dreary [dreri] adj. ko addata sunaare. (ngol).
dredge [drej] v. flillude. dual [duw0l] adj. ko faati e cficfi.
drench [drenc] v. leppinde. dub [dAb] V. innude, waannjitaade.
dress [dres] v. boornaade. ~ up naantaade, dubiety [dyuwbidi] n. sikkitaare (tide).
narde; nowtude, sormitde. ~ someone up dubious [dyuwby0s] adj. ko laabaani.
naantude, sormitde, dubitative [dyuwbit0tiv] adj. ko faati e
dressed [drest] adj. boorniicfo comci. sikkitaare.
dresser [dres0] n. boornoowo (o). duck [dAk] ti. kankaleewal (tigal). wild ~
dried [drayd] adj. joorcfo; ~ fish bunaa (o). koral (tigal) due [du] ti. ko yonti
yobeede, limpo (o). in ~ time so ndeen
drier [dray0] n. joornoowo (o); ko
yontii; ndee sahaa o yonti.
dug [dAg] adj. gubbitaacfum; ko ubbitaa.
drill [dril] v. asde, yulde.
dulcet [dAlset] ti. ko weli hecfaade.
drink [dripk] v. yarde
dull [dAl] adj. beemcfo; mo feeraani;
drinker [drii]k0] n. jaroowo (o).
muddo He is dull of hearing O welaani
drip [drip] v. siimtude; siimtinde. nancfe.
drive [drayv] v. dognude. ~ cattle soggude. dullness [dAlnes] ti. weemre (tide).
~ off riiwde They drove him mad be
dumb [dAm] ti. muumo (o).
kaa^cfin mo.
dumbness [dAmnes] ti. muumcfugol (tigdl)\
driver [drayv0] n. dognoowo (o) ; gardiicfo
muumre (tide).
dumminess [dAmines] ti. muddere (tide).
driving [drayvii]] n. dognugol (ngol).
dummy [dAmi] ti. muddo (o); nifcfo (o).
drizzle [driz0l] n. toboyal (ngal).
dump [dAmp] v. rufde; samminde.
droll [drol] v. gaajaade.
dung [dApg] ti. rubundere (tide).
droop [drup] v. mutde.
dunk [dAr)k] v. suuwde.
drop [drop] n. waadere (nde)\ tobbere
(tide). duo [dwo] ti. yimbe cficfo.
dup [dAp] V. fliuntude.
drop [drop] v. yandinde; siimtinde. ~ waste
foccude. duplicate [dyuwpl0keyt] v. waanjitaade.
dropout [dropawt] n. jaltucfo jangde, durable [dyuwr0b0l] adj. ko booyata.
cfaccucfo jangde; mo baaraani. duration [dyuwreys0n] ti. booygol (ngol).
droppings [dropigz] n. focco (ngo). dusk [dAsk] 11. fiituro (o); mutal (ngal).
drought [drawt] n. yooro (ngo)\ soono dust [dAst] ti. pundi (tidi)-, sollaaru (tidu)\
(ngo). collaay (o). throw ~ in someone’s eyes
drown [drawn] v. yoolaade; yoolde. ullude leydi e gite nedcfo.
drowse [drawz] v. I3ol]de. duster [dAst0] ti. picfcfoowo pundi,
drowsy [drawzi] adj. I3ol3cfo. dustpan [dAstpan] ti. boftirgel (ngel).
drug [drAg] n. focfcfere safaara. duty [dyuwti] ti. lowre (tide), fotde (tide).
drum [drAm] n. mbaggu (ngu). little ~ dwell [dwel] v. juutnaade e.
baggel (ngel). bass ~ tabalde (tide), dwindle [dwind0l] v. ustaade.
talking ~ buubaa (o). dye [day] ti. goobu (ngu)', born (ngu), kafo
drummer [drAm0] n. piyoowo mbaggu, (o).red~ ktWoon (tidi).
piyoowo buubaa. dye [day] v. goobde; borde, noorde. ~ blue
drumstick [drAmstik] n. sawru buubaa. bakde.
drunk [drAr)k] adj. jarcfo; cirwucfo, dyer [day0] ti. gooboowo (o).
mandilcfo. dynasty [dayn0sti] //. laamu (ngu).
drunkard [drAr)k0d] n. mandiloowo (o). dysentery [diz0nteri] //. reedu dogooru.

e elucidate

e [iy] n. alkulal (ngal). egest [ijest] v. yaltinde.

each [iyc] adj. kala; necfcfo kala. ~ one egestion [ijesc0n] n. jaltingol (ngol).
gooto kala. eggression [igr0s0n] n. jaltugol (ngol).
eagerness [iygOnes] n. henaare (nde). ego [iygow] n. hooram; ko faati e necfcfo.
ear [iy0] n. nofru (ndu). I am all ears egoism [igowizm] n. hooram hooram.
Mbede hecfi maa. egoist [igowist] adj. hooram hooreejo.
earthquake [arGkweyk] /?. jerbugol leydi. egress [igres] v. yaltude.
earthy [0r0i] adj. ko faati e leydi; ko faati e eighty [eyti] num. capancfe jeetati.
eighteen [eytiyn] num. sappo e jeetati.
easily [iyz0li] adv. beebcfum; newicfum; ko
either [iy60] pron. gooto; kala. ~ side
weebi; ko newii.
bangeeji kala.
easy [iyzi] adj. ko weebi. beebcfum. It is
ejaculator [ej0kyuwleyt0] n. kanoowo (o).
easy Ina weebi.
ejection [ejeks0n] n. jaltingol.
easterner [iyst0n0] n. Fucfnanke (o).
eke [iyk] v. yaajnude, mawninde.
eatable [iyt0b0l] adj. naameteecfum; ko
fiaametee. elapse [ilaps] v. bennude. Two hours have
eatery [iyt0ri] n. naamirde (nde)-, paasiol]. already elapsed Waktuuji cficfi bennii.
eating [iytig] n. naamdu (ndn). elate [ileyt] v. weltinde.
eavesdrop [iyvzdrop] v. nukkindaade. elated [ileyt0d] adj. beltiicfo. / am elated
Mbecfe weltii.
eccentric [eks0ntrik] adj. celcfum; ko seli.
elation [ileys0n] n. weltaare (nde).
echoic [ekowik] adj. ko faati e oolel.
elect [ilekt] v. subaade. Who did you elect
eclectic [eklektik] adj. cubacfum; ko subaa. Hoi mo cubicfon?
eclosion [eklowz0n] n. toccingol (ngol). election [ileks0n] n. cubagol (ngol)-, woote
economic [ek0n0mik] adj. ittucfum; ko itti. (o).
It is not economical cfum ittaani. elector [ilekt0] n. cubotoocfo; gootoowo
economize [ek0n0mik] v. ittinde; resde; (o).
mooftude. electorate [ilektr0t] n. subotoobe (de)-,
ecstasy [ekst0zi] n. welaare (nde). wootoobe (de).
ecstatic [ekst0tik] adj. beltiicfo. electrocute [ilektr0kyuwt] v. wardude
ecumenical [eky0menik0l] adj. ko jeyngol kuuraa.
hubtodini; kubtodincfum. elegant [el0g0nt] adj. joocfcfo, joocfcfum,
edify [ed0fay] v. nehde, janginde. ko yoodi, ko hawri.
educator [ed0keyt0] n. janginoowo (o). He elegize [el0jayz] v. woytaade.
is an educator Ko o jal^nginoowo. elegy [el0ji] n. yimre (nde).
efface [ifeys] v. momtude. elicit [el0sit] v. yaltinde.
effective [ifektiv] adj. ko hawri It is eliminator [el0mineyt0] n. jaltinoowo (o);
effective today cfum fucfcfiima hande. baroowo (o).
effervesce [ef0rv0s] v. fucftude; fasde; elision [elyz0n] n. momtugol (ngol).
addude paali. elk [elk] n. kooba (ha).
effervescent [ef0rv0s0nt] adj. ko addata ellipsis [elips0s] n. momtugol (ngol).
eloign [eloyn] v. wocfcfitaade.
efficient [efiys0nt] adj. ko hawri.
elongation [el0pgeys0n] n. juutnugol
effloresce [eflores] v. fiindude. (ngol), juurtugol (ngol).
effractor [efrakt0] n. gujjo (o). else [els] adv. gocfcfo. something ~ huunde
effuse [efyuwz] v. yaajnude; rufde. wonde.
effusion [efyuw30n] n. dufgol (ngol). elucidate [elyuws0deyt] v. labbinde.


elude [elyuwd] v. wappaade; majjinde. energetic [en0ij0tik] adj. caascfo;

emanate [emaneyt] v. ummaade e; iwde e. doolnucfo.
emancipation [em0ns8peys0n] n. enervate [en0rveyt] n. lohnude, tampinde.
ndimaagu (tigu)\ Tellitaare (nde). ~ from enfeeble [enfiyb0l] v. lohnude; tampinde.
slavery kebgol ndimaagu yimbe. women’s enfold [enfowld] v. soomde.
~ Tellitaare rewbe.
engage [ir)geyj] v. wacfde; wonde e ;
embargo [embogow] v. hacfde. haljude.
embark [embok] v. jolde e laana. engaged [ipgeyjd] adj. 1) kaljucfo 2)
embarrass [embar0s] v. jiibde, hersinde. / kumanaado. He is engaged O humanii,
am really embarrassed Mi hersii no Omo halji.
feewi. engrave [ingreyv] v. windude.
embitter [0mbit0] v. lamminde; hartude. enhance [inhens] v. teeI3tinde.
emblaze [0mbleyz] v. hubbude; jawwude. enigma [0nigm0] n. huunde nde laabaani.
emboss [0mbos] v. Tuulnude. enjoin [injoyn] v. weltaade.
emend [0mend] v. saatde; feewnitde. enlighten [inlayt0n] v. janginde.
emigrate [em0greyt] v. ferde; hocfde e leydi enlistee [enlistiy] //. bindaacfo; bindiicfo.
ennui [anwi] n. haabre (nde).
emigration [em0greys0n] /?. fergo (ngo).
enough [inAf] adv. joncfum; ko yoni. It is
eminence [emin0ns] n. lolla (o); lollugol enough cfum yonii.
enormous [in0rm0s] adj. mawnucfum; ko
eminent [emin0nt] adj. lollucfo. mawni.
emit [emit] v. yaltinde. enrage [inreyj] v. seknude.
emperor [empr0] n. laamcfo (o). enrich [0nric] v. alcfinde. They enriched
emplace [empleys] v. wacfde e nokku. the country be ngalcfinii leydi ndi.
employment [imploym0nt] n. liggeey (o); enroll [inrowl] v. windude necfcfo.
gollal (ngal). He is unemployed O enrollment [inrowlm0nt] n. bindagol
liggaaki. (ngdl).
enable [ineyb0l] v. wallude. This ensconce [inskans] v. suucfaade; suucfde.
procedure will enable you to see better entail [inteyl] v. jibinde.
Ma cfum beydu giile maa.
entente [0ntant] n. nanondiral (ngal).
encephalon [insef0lon] /?. ngaandi (ndi).
entertain [0nt0rteyn] v. weltinde.
enchant [inc0nt] v. dabaade.
enthuse [0n0yuwz] v. weltaade.
enchanter [inc0nt0] /;. dabotoocfo (o).
enthusiastic [0n0yuzy0st0k] adj. beltiicfo.
encompass [ir)komp0s] v. rendinde,
entire [intay0] adj. fof. the ~ population
Yimbe leydi fof
encore [arjkor] n. kadi,
entity [ent0ti] n. huunde woodnde.
encourage [i5k0rij] v. wallude. He needs to
entourage [ant0raj] n. 1) wondiibe (be) 2)
be encouraged Omo foti walleede.
saraaji (di).
encouragement [ipk0r)rij] n. ballital (ngal),
entrain [0ntreyn] v. jolde e laana njoorndi.
encumber [ir)k0mb0] v. hacfde; leeltinde.
entrant [0ntr0nt] n. naatoowo (o).
endemic [end0mik] adj. ko faati e nokku
entreat [0ntriyt] v. fiaagaade.
walla e yimbe.
entrepot [0ntr0pO] n. mooftirde kaake.
endless [endles] adj. duumicfum, ko
gasataa, ko duumii. His talk is endless enumeration [0nyuwm0reys0n] //. limtugol
haala makko gasataa. (ngdl).
endorse [0ndors] v. jabde, semmbinde; enunciate [en0nseyt] v. wowlude.
wonande. We endorse your bid Ko aan enunciation [enAnseys0n] n. wowlaango
min ngonani. (ngo).
endow [indaw] v. rokkude. environment [invayr0nm0nt] n. sara (o);
saraaji (cfi).

envisage evince

envisage [envazeyj] v. miijaade. espionage [0spyownaj] n. nukindaare (nde).

envy [envi] //. kiram (dam). He is espouse [espawz] v. Tettude, naatde e. I do
watching you with envy Omo wacfti e not espouse that point of vieyv Mi alaa e
maa yiitere. ngoon miijo.
envy v. wacftude yiitere. essence [es0ns] n. ngooroondi (ndi)\ qiimaa
epenthesis [epen00sis] //. naatnugol (o).
wowlaango. estate [esteyt] n. leydi (ndi).
epicene [ep0cen] adj. ko faati e debbo e estimation [est0meys0n] n. hiisa (o).
gorko. estivate [est0veyt] v. seecfde.
epidemiology [epid0my0l0ji] n. jangde estrange [estreynj] v. seerndude; seerde.
nabbuuli. He studies epidemiology O estreat [estriyt] n. bindi gadani; ko
jangata ko jangde nabbuuli. waanjaaka; ko waanjitaaka.
epidermis [ep0d0rm0s] n. nguru (ngii). etape [etap] n. jippunde (nde)\ yahdu
epiglottis [ep0glowt0s] n. cfakane (o). fialawma kuurcfo.
epilate [ep0leyt] v. borde leebi. eternity [it0rn0ti] n. huunde nde alaa
epilepsy [ep0lepsi] n. cinnel gujjo. happu; abada.
epileptic [ep0lektik] adj. ko faati e cinnel ethnic [eGnik] adj. ko faati e lenol/ngendi.
gujjo. the Fulani ~ group ngendi Fulbe.
epilogue [ep0lowg] n. haala (ka). ethnology [e0nowl0ji] n. jangde leTTi.
epistle [epis0l] n. bataake (o). etiolate [0tiy0leyt] v. ranwinde.
epitaph [ep0taf] u. binndi e yanaande. etude [etud] n. jangde (nde).
epoch [ep0k] n. sahaa (o); saanga (o); eudemonia [yuwd0mowny0] n. weltaare
mudda (o). (nde).
equality [ikwal0ti] n. potal (ngal). eulogize [yuwl0jayz] v. mande, mantude.
equalize [ikw0layz] v. fondude. euphonious [yuwfowny0s] adj. belcfum; ko
equilibrate [ekw0l0breyt] v. fondude. weli.
equitation [0kw0teys0n] n. dognugol euthermic [yuwGermik] adj. gulnojum; ko
puccu. wulnata.
equity [ekw0ti] n. potal (ngal). evacuate [ivaky0weyt] v. yaltinde.
Evacuate the building Njaltee e hubeere
equivocal [ekwivowk0l] adj. ko laabaani;
nibbidcfum. nde.
evactuation [ev0kyuweyt] n. jaltingol
eradicate [erad0keyt] v. momtude; ittude.
erasure [irey30] //. momtugol (ngdl).
evanesce [ev0nes] v. majjude, wirnaade.
ergot [erg0t] n. naw lecfcfe.
evasion [ivey30n] n. boccitaagol (ngdl).
err [er] v. selde; lowwirde.
evening [iyvniq] n. jamma (o).
error [er0] n. juumre (nde). He made an
error O juum. ever [ev0] adv. gila. ~ and anon sahaa
sahaa. ~ since gila. ~ more haa abada.
eruct [erAkt] v. ahde.
every [evri] adj. kala. -body necfcfo kala;
eructate [erAkteyt] v. ahde. moni kala. ~ day nande kala.
erupt [erApt] v. fliccitaade. evict [evikt] v. yaltinde. He was evicted
eruption [erAps0n] n. puccitaagol (ngdl). from his house O yaltina e galled makko.
escalade [esk0leyd] n. t3abbirg61 seel, evidence [evid0ns] n. huunde teeFjtinoore;
escalate [esk0leyt] v. beydude. sabaabu (o). You have no evidence A alaa
eschew [escuw] v. wocfaade. sabaabu.
escort [eskot] v. yahdude e; cfoftude. evident [evid0nt] adj. laabcfum;
paamnicfum; ko yalti; ko laabi, ko faamnii.
esophagus [0zowf0g0s] n. kojombol
(ngdl). evil [iyv0l] n. bone (cfe);
esperance [esp0rens] n. cfamaawu (o). bonande (nde). the ~ eye yiitere bonde.
evince [0vins] v. hollirde.


evocation [evowkeys0n] ciftingol. expire [ekspay0] v. gasde; joofde. The

evoke [evowk] v. siftinde. delay expires today Lajal ngal gasata ko
exaggeration [egz0j0reys0n] n. pantingol hande.
(ngdl)\ burtingol (ngol). explicit [ekspl0sit] adj. ko laabi; ko
exalt [egzalt] v. mande; mantude. faamnii.
exaltation [egz0lteys0n] /?. manoore (tide). explosion [eksplow30n] ti. puccitaagol
exasperate [egz0sp0reyt] v. seknude,
haabnude. expound [ekspawnd] v. faccirde.
excavator [eksk0veyt0] n. gasoowo (o). express [ekspres] v. haalde, wiide. You
need to express your opinion Acfa foti
excerpt [eks0rpt] n. windande ittaande e
hollirde miijo maa.
expression [ekspr0s0n] ti. haala (ka)\
excise [eksayz] n. lempoo (o); duwaan (o).
kongol (ngol).
exclusion [ekskluwz0n] ti. jaltingol (ngol).
expulsion [eksp0ls0n] ti. jaltingol (ngdl)\
excrete [ekscriyt] v. seemdude; yaltinde. diiwgol (ngol).
excursion [eksk0ij0n] n. cfangal dabbal. expunge [ekspAnj] v. momtude.
excuss [iksk0s] v. teetde, hebtude. exquisite [ekskw0z0t] adj. ko yoocfi;
execrate [ekskreyt] v. ande. joocfcfum.
executor [egz0kit0] n. bacfoowo (o); exscind [eksind] v. taTde.
baroowo (o). extant [ekst0nt] adj. gocfcfucfum; ko
exemplary [egz0mpl0ri] adj. ko foti woodi.
nemtineede, nemtinteecfum. extemporize [ekst0mp0rayz] v. haalde.
exhale [eksheyl] v. yaltinde foofaango. extend [ekstend] v. juutnude. ~ a welcome
exhaust [egzost] v. l)gasnude 2) tampude. jabbaade.
/ am exausted MbeCle tampi. extensible [ekstens0b0l] adj.
exhaustion [egzOsc0n] n. tampere (tide). portotoocfum, ko ina fortoo; ko ina fortee.
exhort [egzot] v. waajaade. extension [ekstens0n] v. portagol (tigdl)\
exhume [egzuwm] v. ubbitde. pooTtagol (ngol).
existent [egz0st0nt] adj. goodcfum, ko extent [ekst0nt] n. njuuteendi (tidi)\
woodi. njaajeendi (tidi).
exogamy [egzowg0mi] ti. dewgal ngal extol [ekstowl] v. mande; mantude.
wonaa hakkunde fasiraabe. extractor [ekstrakt0] ti. oogoowo (o).
exorbitant [egzob0t0nt] adj. burtucfum; ko extradition [ekstr0diys0n] n. nawtugol
burti. mooliicfo.
exorcise [egzosayz] v. wilde; riiwde sukuna extrajudicial adj. caggal naawoore; ko yalti
walla jinne. naawoore.
exorcist [egzOs0st] ti. bileejo (o). extrapolate [ekstr0p0leyt] v. hiisaade;
exotic [egzowtik] adj. ko jeyaaka e leydi. miijaade.
expatriate [eksp0treyt] v. yaltinde leydi. extravagance [ekstr0v0g0ns] //. burtugol
expectorate [ekspektowreyt] v. haaktaade,
extreme [ekstriym] adj. burtucfum; ko
expedite [exp0dayt] v. yaawnude.
burti. carry to burtinde.
expeller [expel0] ti. diiwoowo (o);
extremist [ekstriym0st] n. burtucfo (o).
jaltinoowo (o).
extricate [ekstr0keyt] v. jiktude.
expend [ekspend] v. feraade.
exult [egzAlt] V. weltaade

fable fart

fable [feybal] n. tindol (ngol). aggitaade. ~ from a hook tebbitaade. to ~

fabric [fabrik] n. bagi (o). strips of ~ leppi out with luurdude.
(di). rolled ~ sollewol (ngol). strip of ~ fallacious [fal9s8s] adj. puuntoowo;
for carring a baby mbootu (ngid). puuntojum; ko fliuntata.
fabricate [fabrakeyt] v. feewnude. fallow [falow] v. remde; cfoofde.
fabrics [fabraks] n. bagiiji (di). false [fols] adj. ko yubbaani; ko faati e
facade [fasad] n. galle (o); gaalcfi (di)', fenaande; ko wonaa goonga. He made a
kalasal (ngal). false accusation A haalaani goonga.
face [feys] n. yeeso (ngo). side of the ~ falsify [folsafay] v. waylude.
hanawere. make a ~ X]oQibdt. face to face falter [folta] v. juumde.
kuccondiral (ngal). fame [feym] n. daraja (o); lollugol (ngol).
face [feys] v. huccitde. You face the east familiar [femiylya] adj. goowcfo. I am not
when you say your prayers So acfa juula familiar with this area Mi woowaani
kuccittaa ko Fucfnaange. nokku o.
facial [feysal] adj. ko faati e yeeso. familiarize [f9miyly9rayz] v. woownude;
facilitate [fosolateyt] v. weebnude. anndinde.
fact [fakt] //. huunde woodnde. It is a fact family [famali] n. besngu (ngu). ~ tree
that cannot be denied Ecfum woodi tigi. lenol (ngol). Where is your family Hoi
factor [fakt9] n. sabaabu (o). One must to galle maa woni?
take this factor into consideration Acfa famine [faman] n. heege (nge).
foti Teewde o sabaabu. famous [feymas] adj. darjucfo he is really
factual [fakcal] adj. goodcfum, ko woodi. famous Omo daiji.
fade [feyd] v. furde; iwde. The color has fan [fan] n. bokkirgal (ngal)', bokkirde
faded away cfum flirii (nde)', taafiya (o).
faeces [fiysiz] n. jaane (de)', kuudi (ndi). fan [fan] v. wifde; bokkude. ~ flies ayvay
fag [fag] V. liggaade; tampinde. bokkude. ~ insects away from oneself
fagot [fagat] n. wahre lecfcfe.
fancy [fansi] n. miijo.
fail [feyl] v. ronkude; horaade. ~ to
recognize faaytude. My sight is failing fancy [fansi] v. miijaade; yicfde. Fancy
Giilaam inan ngustoo. meeting you here Mi miijanooki yiide ma
cfoo. I fancy you Acfa weli mi.
failure [feyl0] n. ronkere (nde).
fanning [fanip] n. wifhgo (ngo), bifgol
fain [feyn] adj. beltiicfo.
faint [feynt] v. facfcfaade he fainted ko o
far [fa] adv. gocfcfucfum; poocfticfum. ~
pacfcfiido. fainting [feyntip] n. pacfcfagol
(ngol). recover from ~ cfiftude. He has side bal3I]e haamo. It is far Ina wocfcfi.
recovered from fainting O facfcfinooma farce [fars] n. gaajaare (nde).
kono o cfiftii. fare [fer] n. paas (o). How much is the fare
fair [fer] adj. hakkundeejo; laabcfo. No paas o fbti.
faith [fey6] n. diine (o). put ~ in hoolaade. farewell [ferwel] n. baynondiral (ngal)',
baynagol (ngol).
faithful [feyGfol] adj. cfowtiicfo.
farm [fam] n. ngesa (ba). ~ at the bank of
fake [feyk] v. wontinaade. He faked his
a river falo (ngo).
death O maaykini.
farm [fam] v. remde.
falcon [falkon] n. ciilal (ngal).
farmer [fama] n. demoowo (o). group of ~
fall [fol] n. libre (nde).
s kaw (o).
fall [fol] V. yande, flikkaade; saamde,
fart [fart] n. riicfde (nde)', puttere (nde).
bobbaade; bappaade. ~ on hakkaade. ~
on one's bottom deppaade ~ from fart [fart] v. puttude; riicfde.


farther [fard0] adj. ko buri wocfcfude. ~ feeding [fiydig] n. nammingol (ngdl)',

end joofhirde (nde). dumugol (ngdl).
fascinate [fas0neyt] v. haawde. feel [fiyl] v. bocfcfude; memde. ~ better
fashion [fas0n] n. huunde jolnde; ko joli; ko cfiftude. '-for membaade. to ~ one's way
kewi. membaade.
fashionable [fas0n0b0l] adj. jolcfo; kewcfo; feet [fiyt] n. teppe (cfe) ; koycfe (cfe). Lower
ko joli. your feet Tellin koycfe maa.
fast [fast] V. hoorde. / am fastinu Ko mi feint [feynt] v. wappaade.
koorcfo. felicitate [f0l0s0teyt] v. yettude.
fasting [fastig] n. koorka (ka)\ hoomgo felicity [f0l0siti] n. welamma (o).
(figo). fellow [fel0w] n. jahdiicfo (o); gondiicfo (o).
fasten [fas0n] v. 1) jokkude; habbude 2) He is my fellow countryman Minen
tirde. Fasten your belt Habbu dadorde njeydaa e nokku gooto.
maa. felon [fel0n] n. tooncfo (o).
fastigious [f0tiyj0s] adj. tiicfcfum; ko tiicfi. female [fiymeyl] adj. rewru; jarlal; njarlu.
fat [fat] n. bellere (nde). feminine [f0m0nin] adj. rewru; ko faati e
fat [fat] adj. paycfo; butto bellincfo. debbo.
fatal [feyt0l] adj. barojum; ko warata. fence [fens] n. kalasal (ngalf, galle. woven
father [fad0] n. baaba (o); baabiraacfo (o); reed ~ hurgo (ngo).
pucfcfucfo (o). ~ in-law esiraacfo gorko. fend [fend] v. tiicfnaade.
like ~ like son O artii baaba makko. ferocious [f0rows0s] adj. nangucfo.
fathom [fa00m] n. kiisorgal luggeendi. ferry [feri] n. baag (o).
fatigue [f0tiyg] n. tampere (nde). ferryboat [feribowt] n. baag (o).
fatness [fatnes] n. fayfayru (ndu). fertile [f0rtayl] adj. ko jibinta; jibinoowo. ~
fatten [fat0n] v. faynude; butticfinde. soil wallere (nde).
faucet [fawset] n. robine (o). fertilizer [f0rt0layz0] n. angare (o).
fauna [fown0] n. baroocfe (cfe) fetch [fee] v. addoyde. ~ water for
favor [feyv0] v. jingande; wonande. Toogande.
favorite [feyvrit] adj. cubaaacfo, burcfo. fetish [fetis] n. sanama (o).
fawn-colored [fonkal0d] adj. cooycfucfo. fetter [fet0] n. tongol (ngdl).
fear [fiy0] n. kulol (ngdl). He has no fear feud [fyuwd] n. hare (nde)', luural (ngal).
Alaa ko o huli. fever [fiyv0] n. ayto (ngo)', oppere (nde)',
fearless [fiy0les] adj. cuuscfo reedu. He is paawngal (ngal).
fearless Alaa ko o huli. feverish [fivris] adj. oppaacfo; paawnucfo.
feasible [fiyz0b0l] adj. ko wonata. He is feverish Ko mi paawngucfo.
feast [fiyst] n. botoboto (o); kew. few [l^w] pron. seecfa; ko heewaani.
feather [fe50] n. sige (o): boro (ngo). fiance [fyanse] n. TamTamo gorko,
kumancio; kumanaacfo.
feature [fiyc0] n. mbaadi (ndi).
fiancee [fyanse] n. TamTamo debbo;
feck [fek] n. doole (cfe).
fecund [fekAnd] adj. jibinoowo; ko jibinta.
fib [fib] n. fenaande (nde).
fed [fed] adj. namminaacfo. ~ up kaabcfo.
fiber [fayb0] n. baami
fee [fiy] n. njobdi (ndi)', alamaan (o). You
fiddle [fid0l] n. naanooru (ndu).
should pay the fee Acfa foti yobde
alamaan. fiddler [fidl0] n. fiaanoowo (o).
feeble [fiyb0l] adj. lohcfo, mo doolnaani. fidelity [fid0l0ti] n. cfowtaare (nde),
cfowtagol (ngdl).
feed [fiyd] v. namminde. He is feeding the
child Omon hammina cukalel ngel. fief [fyef] n. nokku (o).
feeder [fiyd0] n. namminoowo (o). field [fiyld] n. waykala (o); ngesa (ha).
fierce [fiyrs] adj. nangucfo.

fifteen !•

fifteen [fiftiyn] tmm. sappo e joy. fish [fis] V. awde; saftaade, wan"daade,
fifth [fifB] ord. joyabo(o); joyabal (ngal). bisaade; wubbude.
fiftieth [fifceG] ord. capancfe joyabo fisherman [fis0m0n] n. 1) gawoowo (o);
fight [fayt] fi. hare (tide) small ~ bandotoocfo (o) 2) cubballo (o).
l^urtu^urtu (o) fishing [fisip] n. awo (ngo). ~ net mbaala
(ka)\ jalla. ~ net with hooks d661il]13e (o)
fight [fayt] V. habde; habeede. ~ back
habtaade. They are fighting Eben kaba.
fissure [fis0] n. eebol (ngol).
figure [figa] n. tagoodi (ndi). fist [fist] n. womre (nde). ~ fight
gobbondiral (ngal).
file [fayl] v. mooftude.
fit [fit] V. heTde; fotde. The pants do not fit
fill [fil] V. hebbinde. ~ for loowande. ~ up Tuuba ba fotaani.
fitting [fitiij] n. pondugol (ngol).
filly [fili] n. mboomri (ndi).
five [fayv] num. joy.
film [filam] n. sinamaa (o).
fix [fiks] V. feewnude; feewnitde, teppude;
filter [filta] V. siiwtude. sinde; wuggude. He is fixing the car O
filth [fil0] n. tuundi (ndi). woni ko e feewnude oto o.
filthy adj. ko tunwi, tunwucfum. The fixed [fikst] adj. deeTcfum; peewnitaacfum;
place is filthy Nokku o ina tunwi. ko feewnitaa.
filtrate [filtreyt] v. siiwtude. fizgig [fizgig] n. debbo pidducfo.
final [fayna] adj. battano. flaccid [flas0d] adj. leefcfum; leefcfo.
finalist [faynalist] n. battindiicfo (o). flag [flag] n. araaraay (o).
find [faynd] v. yiitude; tawde. ~ again flake [fleyk] n. hobbitande (nde).
tawtude. I will find you there Ma mi tawe flame [fleym] n. lewlewndu (ndu)\ mellewol
toon. (ngol). hurst into-s jawwude, jappude.
finding [fayindip] n. tawngo (ngo), jiitugol flank [fla;]k] n. wuttuldu (ndu).
flap [flap] V. flide.
fine [fayn] n. alamaan (o); naamre (nde).
How much is the fine no alamaan o foti? flash [flas] n. majaango (ngo).
finger [fipa] n. fecfeendu (ndu). point with flash [flas] v. majde; ilbude, hubbude.
one’s ~ yobnaade. flat [flat] adj. berkacfum; lertucfum. lay ~
finish [finis] v. gasnude; joofnude,
timminde. ~ work jippaade. ~ wedding flatten [flat0n] v. berkude; melde, lertinde.
days dambitaade. flatter [flat0] v. awlude; neende; fuuntude.
finished [finist] adj. gascfum; ko gasi. be ~ flatterer [flat0r0] n. batilo (o).
bantude; gasde; fusde; timmude, tasde The flattery [flat0ri] n. neenre (nde)-, fuunti (o).
food is finished namri ndi gasii. flaunt [flont] v. naaXde, hollirde.
finite [faynayt] adj. ko jogii happu. flavor [fleyv0] n. dakam (dam)-, dakame
fire [fay0] n. jayngol (ngol). Put out the (de).
fire Nif jayngol ngol. flay [fley] v. huttude.
fire [fay0] v. 1) riiwde 2) fellude. He was flea [fliy] n. hoowoyre (nde)
fired yesterday O riiwaama hanki.
flee [fliy] v. dogde. ~fast siirtaade.
firefly [fay0flay] n. sowti (o).
fleer [fliy0] v. jalkitde; seknoraade.
fireplace [fay0pleys] n. haatande (nde).
flesh [flesh] n. teew (ngu).
firm [f0rm] adj. ko tiicfi; ko tekki.
flick [flik] V. I]6msude; ficfcfude; sinnude.
firmament [f0rm0m0nt] n. kammu (o).
flight [flayt] n. diwgol (ngolf, diwal (ngal).
first [f0rst] ord. gadano. be ~ idaade. ~ of
all ko adii kala. flinch [flinc] v. ruucfaade, wappaade.
firstborn [f0stborn] n. afo (o). He is my fling [flig] V. werlaade.
first born kanko woni afo am. flint [flint] n. haayre (nde).
fish [fis] n. liingu (ngu). ~ bite I3obdi (ndi). flirt [fl0rt] V. gerde, tappisaade.

float forge

float [flowt] V. humbude; hayde. The boat foolish [fuwlis] adj. puuycfo; puuycfum;
is still floating Ekan haya haa jooni. kaangaacfo; kaangacfum; cfaaycfum.
floating [flowtig] n. hayngo (tigo)\ foolishness [fliwlssnes] n. cfaayre (nde).
kummbugol (ngdl). foot [fiiwt] n. teppere (nde)\ yabbirde
flood [flAd] n. ilam (cfam)\ waame (o); amo (nde). ~ of an animal holsere (nde). ~
(ngo)\ feeteeto (ngo). track felo (ngo).
flood [flAd] V. waamde; ilde. football [fliwtbol] n. fliku (o).
floor [flor] n. leydi (iidi). take the ~ footprint [fliwtprint] n. felo (ngo)\
Tettude kongol. yaobande (nde).
flora [flowra] n. lecfcfe (cfe). footstep [fuwtstep] n. felo (ngo)\ yabbande
flour [flaw0] n. conndi (ndi). steamed ~ (nde).
lacciri (ndi). for [far] conj. pur; sabi. I did it for you Ko
flourish [flaris] v. fiindude; Yellitaade. aan tagi mi wacfde cfum.
flout [flawt] V. jalkitde; ande. foray [fsrey] v. honde.
flow [flow] V. waamde; bulde; faccude. ~ forbear [forber] v. munde.
heavily uccitaade. forbid [fsbid] v. hajaade; hacfde, harminde.
flower [flaws] n. piindi (ndi). forbidden [fsrbidsn] adj. karmucfum; ko
flu [flu] n. ayto (ngo). harmi; ko hacfaa It is forbidden Ko ko
fluff [flAfj V. juumde. hacfaa.
flute [fluwt] n. liital (ngal)\ semdu (ndi4)\ force [fos] n. sembe (o); forso (o): doole
coorumbal (ngal). (cfe).
flutter [flAts] n. dillere (nde). force [fos] V. waawnude; forsude. take by ~
teetde. ~ one's way through obstacles
fly [flay] n. mbuubu (nga). urnaade.
fly [flay] v. diwde; weeyde. make ~ ford [fod] n. juuwde (nde).
ford [fod] V. juuwde.
foal [fowl] n. pucel.
fore [fowr] gadiicfo.
foam [fowm] n. nguufa (ka).
forearm [forOm] n. jungo (ngo).
focus [fowkss] V. teel^tinde; wacftude
forefather [forfads] n. mawcfo gadiicfo.
fold [fold] n. cowol (ngdl), forefinger [forfi^S] n. sappordu (ndu).
fold [fold] V. sowde. ~ oneself while lying forefront [forlfsnt] n. yeeso (ngo).
down tumpilaade. ~ disorderly tiggude. forego [forgow] v. aditaade.
foliage [folysj] n. baramlefi (di). forehead [forked] n. tiinde (nde).
folk [fok] n. yimbe (be), my ~s koreeji am. foreign [foren] adj. tumaranke; caggal
follow [falow] V. rewde; abbaade,
siindaade. ~ one's footsteps again foreigner [forens] n. tumarake (o); arani
rewtaade ~ again abbitaade, rewtude. ~ (o). He is a foreigner Ko o tumaranke.
one another abbondirde; reggondirde, foreignhood [forenhud] n. tumarakaagal
sorbondirde. (ngal).
folly [fall] n. kaacfi (cfi). forenoon [fornuwn] n. subaka.
foment [foment] v. Tellitde. foresight [forsayt] n. tijjagol (ngdl).
fond [fond] adj. jicfcfo. I am fond of her forest [fowrest] n. wuutufere (nde)\ mbolo
Mbecfe yidfi mo. (ngo)\ ladde lecrcfe.
fondle [fandsl] v. moomde. forestall [forstol] v. reentinde.
food [fuwd] n. namri (ndi). ~ supplies forewarn [forworn] v. reentinde.
naamateeri (ndi). forfeit [forfst] v. hebteede; hacfeede ~
fool [fliwl] n. kaangaacfo (o); cfaaycfo (o). one's word luutndaade kongol mum.
You are a fool ko a kaangaacfo. forge [foj] n. mbayla (ka).
forge [foj] V. tafde, waylude.

forging frown

forging [fojir)] n. tafhgo (ngo). free [friy] v. cfaccude; jooktude; biltude;

forget [forget] v. yejjitde; diwde hakkille; cfaccitde. ~ one's arm suddenly
saalitde. I forgot to tell you Mi yejjit bikkitaade. ~ something suddenly
haalande ma. bikkitde. ~ a slave rimcfinde.
forgetful [forgetfol] adj. jejjitoowo, freeborn [friybom] n. dimo (o).
keewcfo jejji. freedom [friydam] n. jey hooremum;
forgetfulness [forgetfolnes] n. jejji (di). ndimaagu hooremum.
forgive [forgiv] v. yaafaade, yarlaade; freeman [ffiyman] n. dimo (o).
accande. Please forgive me Tiinno yaafo French [frens] n. farayse (o): faranse (o).
mi. frequency [friykwansi] n. jo e jo.
forgiveness [forgivnes] n. yaafliya (o). frequent [ffiykw0nt] adj. ko woni sahaa
fork [fok] n. furset (o); salndu (ndu). sahaa kala.
former [fomo] adj. gadiicfo. fresh [ffes] adj. buubcfum; kecco;
fornicate [fornokeyt] v. jinde. keccicfCTum. ~ milk biracfam (dam)',
kecfcfam (dam).
forsake [forseyk] v. harminde; cfaccude.
fortieth [forcef] ord. capancfe nayabo. freshness [fresnes] n. keccol (ngol)', buubol
fortify [fortofay] v. sembinde.
Friday [fraydi] n. aljumaa (o).
fortnight [fortnayt] n. jonte cficfi.
friend [ffend] n. sehil (o): gicfo (o): teeri
fortunate [forcnOt] adj. malaacfo; gaabcfo. (o); musicfcfo.
He is very fortunate Omo malaa no
friendly [frendli] adj. cakalo.
friendship [frends0p] /?. cehilaagal (ngal)',
fortune [forcOn] //. ngalu (ngii)\ danal
musidaagal (ngal).
(ngal). ~ teller tiimoowo (o).
fright [frayt] n. kulol (ngdl).
forty [foti] num. capancfe nay.
frighten [frayt0n] v. hulbinde; weftilde;
forward [fowod] v. yettinde.
ruubde; gidde. It is frightening Ina
forward [fowod] adv. ko faati e yeeso; ko hulbinii.
fayi arde.
frightened [frayt0nd] adj. gidaacfo; kulcfo,
foster [fosto] v. nehde; diwnude. beftilaacfo.
foul [fawl] /?. toonange (nge). fringe [frinj] n. sara (o); takko (o); cilbi
found [fawnd] v. sosde. (di).
found [fawnd] adj. tawaacfo. frisk [frisk] v. birgude.
foundation [fawndeysOn] n. noorol (ngol). fritter [frit0] n. wenere (tide).
founder [fawndo] n. coscfo (o); pucfcfucfo frog [frog] ti. faaburu (ndu).
(o). He is the founder of this town Ko frolic [frolik] v. birgude.
kanko sosi ngo wuro.
from [fr0m] prep. iwdi. Where are you
fourteen [fotiyn] num. sappo e nay. from Hoi to njeyacfaa.^ / am from dog he
fourth [fo0] ord. nayabo; nayabal. Njeyaami ko boghe.
fowl [fawl] n. gerlal (ngal). frond [frond] ti. lefol (ngol)', baramlefol
fox [foks] n. boy (o). (ngol).
fracture [frakca] v. helde; tokkitde. front [front] ti. tiinde (tide)', yeeso ngo.
fracture [frakc0] n. helande (nde)\ kelal frontier [fr0ntiy0] ti. keerol (ngol). The
(ngal). Senegal river is the frontier hetiveen
fragment [fragmant] n. helande (nde)\ Senegal and Mauritania Ko maayo
taTande (tide). Senegal woni keerol hakkunde Muritani e
frankly [fraqkli] adj. e nuuncfal.
frost [frost] ti. penndagol (ngol).
fraud [frod] n. nguyka (ka)\ fliunti (o).
froth [fro0] ti. nguufa (ka).
fraudulent [frodyuwlant] adj. ko faati e
nguyka walla fliunti. frown [frawn] v. nirbinaade.

frozen Fuuta

frozen [frowzan] adj. ko fenndii. It is fun [fAn] n. weytaare (nde).

frozen Ko ko fendii. function [fAgks0n] n. liggeey (o); nafoore
fruit [fmwt] n. bingel lecfcfe. (nde).
fruitful [fruwtfal] adj. ko nafata. It ii’as not funeral [fyuwnaral] n. janayse (o).
a fruitful meeting Deental ngal nafaani. funny [fAni] adj. jalniicfo; ko jalnii. He is
frustrate [frAstreyt] v. haabnude; haljinde. I funny Omo jalnii.
am frustrated Mi haabi. furious [fyuwryas] adj. pilnitiicfo.
fry [fray] v. sahde. Are you going to fry furtive [fartiv] adj. gujjittoocfo.
that meat Ko a cahoowo teew ngu? furuncle [fyuwrapkal] n. uure (nde).
fry [fray] n. andoonde (nde)\ bujubuju (o). fuse [fyuwz] V. saayde.
fuck [fAk] V. bolkude; hoowde. fusion [fyuwzan] n. caaygol (ngdl)\ deental
fugitive [fyuwjativ] /?. dogcfo (o). He is a (ngal).
fugitive Ko o dogcfo. fussiness [fAs9nes] n. loobre (nde).
Fula [fiila] n. cfemngal Fulbe. fussy [fAsi] adj. loobcfo.
Fulani [fulani] /?. Fulbe (be)\ Pullo (o). futile [fyuwtayl] adj. ko nafataa.
fulfill [fulfil] V. timminde; wacfde. Destiny future [fyuwc0] n. ko fayi arde in the ~ ko
has been fulfilled Fodoore naawaama. fayi arde.
full [fiil] adj. keewcfo; ko heewi; kaarcfo. ~ Fuuta [fiiwta] n. Fuuta. person from ~
moon baata I am full Mi haarii. fuutanke (o).
fullness [fulnes] /?. keewal (ngal).
fumble [fi^mbal] v. boccitoreede.
fume [fyuwm] v. suurkude, dumaade.

gabble generosity

gabble [gabal] v. lebde. garment [garmOnt] ii. comcol (tigol).

gabby [gabi] adj. lemsucfo, keewcfo haala. garner [gOnO] ti. faawru (tidii)
gaffe [gaf] n. juumre (tide). garnish [gOnis] v. nenkude.
gag [gag] V. sukkude hunuko necTcfo. garniture [gOnicO] ii. nenkudi (iidi).
gage [geyj] v. juknude. garrulous [garolos] adj. leboowo.
gaiety [geyti] ii. weltaare (tide). gas [gas] ti. esaas (o). Put some gas in
gain [geyn] ti. danal (tigal) your car loow esaas e oto maa.
gain [geyn] v. dande; yobeede. ~ strength gasconade [gaskoneyd] v. wasaade.
niggude. He gained strength O danii gash [gas] ii. nibande (tide)', yiwande (tide).
doole. gasp [gasp] V. lehde.
gainless [geynles] adj. ko alaa nganaari. gastric [gastrik] adj. ko faati e reedu.
gait [geyt] ti. yahdu (tidii). gastrology [gastrowloji] ii. jangde mbaadi e
gala [gala] ti. kew (o). nabbuuli reedu.
gale [geyl] ti. hendu mawndu. gate [geyt] ii. damal (tigal)', uddoode (tide).
gall [gal] ti. taTre (tide), cfeecfagol (tigol). Open the gate Uddit damal ngal.
gallantry [galantri] ti. cuusal (tigal). gather [godo] v. rendude; rendinde;
galley [gaily] ii. laana (ka). moobde. ~ oneself up nongaade. ~ crops
in a crop gathering area gemude. ~ up
gallop [gal0p] V. nekkude; dogde. moobde, boftude.
galore [gOlor] ti. keewal (tigal). gathering [godorig] ii. dendingol (tigol)',
gamble [gambol] ti. wure (o). daakande (tide).
gamble [gambal] v. wuraade. He gambles gauge [geyj] v. hiisaade.
every day Omo wuroo nalawma kala mo gauger [geyjo] ii. kiisotoocfo (o).
Alla addi.
gaunt [gont] adj. pooYcfo.
gambol [gambal] v. birgude.
gavial [govyol] adj. piyoori.
game [geym] ti. fijirde (tide), play a ~ fijde.
gawk [gok] V. laarde; flilnitde gite.
He is playing a game with his children O
won! ko e fijjude e sukaabe makko. gay [gey] adj. 1) beltiicfo 2) debati gorkati.
He is gay Omo weltii.
gamma [gama] ti. alkulal (tigal).
gang [gai]] ti. fedde (tide). gaze [geyz] v. laarde; flilnitde gite.
gang [gag] v. yantondirde. They ganged up gazelle [gozel] ti. lella (ba).
against his leadership be call! gardagol geld [geld] v. sende puccu.
makko. geminate [jominet] v. tekkinde.
gangster [ga^sto] ti. band! (o). geminate [jominet] ti. alkulal tekkinaangal.
gantlet [gantl0t] ii. laabi laana njoorndi. gemination [g0mineys0n] ti. tekkingol
gap [gap] 11. yelde (tide)\ yolnde (tide), (tigol).
generation ~ yolnde hakkunde sukaabe e gender [jendo] ti. rewru walla wordu. male
mawbe. ~ wordu; gorko; ngoraagu. female ~
gar [gar] v. waawnude. rewru; debbo.
garage [g0ra3] //. mooftirde oto. genealogy [jenyaloji] ii. asko (ngof,
innitoore (tide). Please tell me my
garbage [gabij] ii. kurjuru (o). Throw the
genealogy Tiinno askinam.
garbage away Rufoy kurjuru (o).
general [genorol] adj. kubtodincfum.
garble [gabol] v. jiibde.
garden [godon] ti. nambu (o), sardil3e (o). generate [genoreyt] v. woodnude; jibinde.
He is watering his gardern Omon roosa generator [genoreyto] ii. 1) ko woodnata;
sardil3T3e makko. goodnoowo (o). 2) masif) (o).
gargle [gogol] v. wufTaade. generosity [gen0rows0ti] ii. moTTere
(tide)', y2i2L]XQ (tide).

generous glare

generous [genaras] adj. moTTo, jaajcfo. gibe Oayb] v. 1) gaajaade 2) jalkitde;

She is very generous Omo weebi jungo. seknoraade.
genesis [jiynssis] n. iwdi (ndi). gift [gift] n. silafanda (o)\ dokkal (ngal). ~
genetics [jQnetiks] n. jangde ndonu. to inlaws Tamrudi (ndi).
genial [jiynyal] adj. ToTcfo. gifted [giftad] adj. neenucfo; jom neenal.
genie [jeni] n. jinne (o). gig [gig] n. laana (ka).
genital [janital] adj. ko faati e njogoram. gigantesque [jaygantesk] adj. ko mawni.
genius [jiynyas] n. ToTcfo (o)\ peercfo (o)\ gigantic [jaygantik] adj. mawcfo; ko
peertucfo (o). He is a genious Ndaw ko mawni.
ToTi. giggle [gigal] V. jalde; T]oobde.
genocide (j^^^^sayd] n. moobaare (nde), gild [gild] V. sinkude, fjende.
wamgo yimbe lenol. gill [gill] n. suka debbo.
genre [janr] n. sifaa (o). gimel [gimal] n. alkulal (ngal).
gentle [jental] adj. bacfiroowo seese; belcfo gimlet [gimlet] v. yiwde; yulde.
TiiTam; teeycfo.
gin [jin] n. wilde (nde).
gently [jentli] adv. seese; jamjam. Do it
gingival [jinjayval] adj. ko faati e cfakkudi.
gently waaru seese.
gingivitus [jinjavaytas] n. naw cfakkudi.
genuine [jenwin] adj. ko feewi; ko hoolnii,
ko nembaaka. giraffe [jaraf] n. njamala (ba).
geology [jeloji] ti. jangde leydi. gird [g9rd] v. taarnude, howde.
geomancy [jewomansi] ri. tiimgol (ngdl)\ girdle [gardal] n. wudere (nde).
dabare (cfe). girl [gad] n. suka debbo; mboomri (ndi)\
georgic [jorjik] adj. ko faati e ndema. jiwo (o). -friend suka/sehilaacfo debbo.
girlish [gadis] adj. ko faati e suka debbo.
geriatrics [jeryatriks] ti. safaara e
toppitaagol nayeebe. girth [gar0] V. taarnude.
germ (jQrmJ /?. pucfdi (ndi)', iwdi (ndi). gist [jist] n. qiimaa (o).
germane [jermeyn] adj. ko faati e. give [giv] V. rokkude; hokkude; yecfde. ~
germinate [jermineyt] v. fiicfde. each other hokkondirde. ~ birth for the
first time dikkaade. ~ thanks jaarde. ~ up
germinative jjermanativ] adj. ko flicfata.
haaytude. ~ money to an artist juurde. ~
gestate [jasteyt] v. wonde reedu; teddude. birth jibinde. ~ birth to twins ftinaade ~
gestation [jasteysan] n. reedu (ndu). charity sakkaade, nafqude. ~ a reyvard
gesticulate [jastakyuleyt] v. amminirde yeende. ~ ayvay used items biirtinde. ~ a
jungo. child his first bath flikaade. ~ on credit
gesture [jesca] v. amminde. namlude. ~ change weccude, weccande. ~
doyvry tel3de He gave in O cfaccii.
get [get] V. hebde, wonde. ~ into jolde. ~
with hebirde. ~ one's first hath fokeede. give-and-take [givanteyk] adj. maslahaa
~ ready hebaade. ~ ready for a prayer
heblaade. ~ away dacfde. ~ off tellaade; glace [glase] adj. buubcfum.
jippaade. ~ closer sloyvly and quietly glad [glad] adj. beltiicfo. He is glad that
niooytaade. ~ closer ballade; ballitaade. you arrived safely Omo weltii e jettagol
getable [getabal] adj. ko hebotoo. maa e dow jam e cellal.
ghetto [getow] n. leegal (ngal). gladden [gladan] v. weltinde.
ghost [gowst] n. fittaandu (ndu). glair [gler] n. ndaneeri boccoonde.
giant niawcfo, ko mawni; glaive [glev] n. jaasi (ki)\ silaama (ka).
mawnucfum He is a giant Ndaw ko glamorous [glamaras] adj. joocfcfum, ko
mawni yoocfi.
gibberish [gibaris] n. haala ka faamnaaki. glance [glans] v. leTTaade; letaade,
gibbon [giban] n. waandu (ndu). sunnaade.
glare [gleyr] v. futtinde gite; ftilfiitde gite.

glary good-tempered

glary [gleri] adj. jalbucfum; ko jalbi. woraade. ~ down the slope yortaade. ~
glass [glas] n. daarorgal (ngal); weer (o) a with yahdude. ~ in and out repeatedly
looking ~ daarorgal (ngal). sorsortude. ~ and collect firewood teende;
glaucoma [glowkoma] n. naw gite. teenoyde. ~ and bring addoyde. ~ herding
aynoyde. ~ and play fijoyde. ~ to work in
glaze [gleyz] v. Teewde; laarde. the morning dawde. ~ and watch over
gleam [gliym] n. sereendu (ndn). dookoyde. ~ for yahande. ~ early in the
glean [gliyn] v. rendinde. morning rojde. ~ and shop groceries
gleaning [gliynig] v. dendigol (ngol). duggooyde. ~ and get heboyde. ~ and
glebe [gleb] n. leydi (ndi). wash lootoyde. ~ out yaltude. ~ earlier
than usual hejjude. ~ slowly ruudde. ~
glee [gliy] n. weltaare (nde). aside selde; ikkaade. ~ the opposite
gleet [gliyt] n. mbordi (ndi). direction roontaade. ~ and fetch water
glib [gl9b] adj. kebiicfo; borwucfum. Toogoyde. ~ and sleep again
glide [glayd] v. weeyde. cfaantoyaade. ~ and look for cfabboyde.
gilde [glayd] n. alkulal (ngal). have a ~ etaade.
glider [glayda] n. beeyoowo (o). go-ahead [gow9hed] n. yamiroore (nde).
glimmer [glim0] v. lewnude. go-between [gowbitwiyn] adj. necfcfo
glimpse [glimps] v. leTTaade.
goal [gowl] n. muuya (o)\ yicfde (nde). My
glint [glint] v. jalbude. goal is to finish first Njicfmi ko adaade
glitter [glit9] v. jalbude ~ing ^es gite gasnude.
jalbucfe. goat [gowt] n. ndamndi (ndi). female ~
gloaming [glowmig] n. flituro. mbeewa (ba).
gloat [glowt] V. weltaade. gob [gob] V. hebbinde.
global [glowb9l] adj. ko hubtodini; gobble [gob9l] v. albaade; mocfde.
kubtodincfum. God [god] n. joomiraacfo(o); alia (of,
gloom [gluwm] n. nibbere (nde). jabbaaru (o). in the name of ~ bismillaay
gloomy [gluwmi] adj. nibbicTcfum; ko godless [godles] adj. mo jabaani
nibbidi. joomiraacfo.
glorify [glowrafay] v. mawninde; mantude. godly [godli] adj. ko rewi diine.
glory [glowri] n. dowlugol (ngol)', manoore goer [gow9] n. jahoowo (o).
(nde). goggles [gowg9lz] n. lone mawcfe.
glossary [glos9ri] n. limto kongudi. going [gowig] n. yahdu (ndu).
glow [glow] V. hubbude; jawwude. goiter [gwat9] n. yookoode (nde). have a ~
gloze [glowz] V. faccirde. yookeede.
glue [gluw] V. dakkude. gold [gold] n. kaI3I]e (o)
glue [gluw] n. daccere (nde). golden [gold9n] adj. ko faati e kar)I]e. a ~
glunch [glAnc] v. nirbinaade. watch montoor kal]13e.
glut [glAt] V. hebbinde. gondola [gond9la] n. laana (ka).
gluteal [gluwtiyl] adj. ko faati e dote, gonorrhea [gon0riy9] n. ficfo (ngo).
glutton [glet9n] n. gaybudo (o). good [gud] adj. moTTucfum; ko moTTi.
glycerin [glis9rin] n. nebam poppeteedam; make ~ moTTinde. be ~ moTTude;
gilcerin. feewde.
gnash [nas] v. Takkude, herTondirde niiTe. good-for-nothing [gudf9n90ii3] adj. mo
alaa nafoore.
gnaw [now] v. 13efde.
good-humored [gudhyuwmad] adj. belcfo
gnostic [nostik] adj. ko faati e gandal. TiiTam.
go V. yahde. ~ far woddoyde. ~ and meet good-tempered [gudtempad] adj. muncfo,
hawroyde. ~ under water mutde. ~ back belcfo TiiTam.
again ruttitaade. ~ to help faaboyaade. ~
with yahdude. ~ around an obstacle

good-bye gravure

good-bye [gudbay] n. baynondiral (ngal). grammar [grama] n. celluka (ka). His

He said good-bye to you O wayni maama. grammar is not sound Haala makko ka
good-looking [gudlukig] adj. joocfcfo. He sellaani.
is good-looking omo yoodTi/Omo moTTi grammarian [grameryan] n. gando cdluka.
mbaadi. grammatical adj. [gramatikal] ko faati e
goodness [gudnes] n. moTTere (nde). celluka; ko selli; haala celluka.
goods [duwdz] n. kaake (cfe)\ marsandiis granary [granari] n. faawru (ndu).
(o). grand [grand] adj. ko mawni.
goof [guwf] V. fogoreede. grandchild [grancayld] n. taaniraacfo (o).
goose [guwz] n. kankaleewal (ngal)\ caygal. grandeur [grandar] n. mangu (ngu)\
goosy [guwzi] adj. ko nandi e kankaleewal. Tellitaagol (ngol).
gorge [goij] n. goddol (ngdl). What you grandfather [grandfaba] n. taaniraacfo
are doing makes my gorge rise Ko mbacfa gorko.
taa ko ina nefnii. grandmother [granmoda] n. taaniraacfo
gorgeous [goijas] adj. joocfcfo. She is debbo.
gorgeous Ko o debbo joocfcfo. grandiose [grandyowz] adj. mawcfo; ko
gorilla [gorala] n. deemooru (ndu). mawni.
gormandize [gormandayz] v. aybude. grandparent [grandperant] n. taaniraacfo
gossip [gosip] n. nohre (nde). (o)\ maama (o).
gossip [gosip] V. nohde. She likes to gossip grandson [grandsAn] n. taaniraacfo gorko.
Omo waawi nohde. granny [grani] n. maamayel (ngel).
gourd [god] n. faandu (ndu)\ horde (nde), grant [grant] v. jabande. to ~ a pardon
sumalle (o)\ boliiru (ndu)\ hudusuru (ndtt). yaafaade. He was granted permission to
small ~ paalel (ngel). leave Jahgol makko yamiranooma.
gourde [gurd] n. kaalis (o). granular [granyula] n. maale abbere.
gourmand [gormond] adj. gaybucfo; jicfcfo granulate [granyuleyt] v. monginde.
naamde. granule [granyuwl] n. gabbel (ngel).
govern [gOvOn] v. ardaade; laamaade. grasp [grasp] v. jaggude; faamde.
government [gOvOnmOnt] n. laamu (ngu). grass [gras] ti. hucfo (ko). He is mowing
governmental [gOvOnmOntOl] adj. ko faati the grass Omon taTa/hesa hucfo.
e laamu. grassless [grasles] adj. nalducfo.
gown [gawn] v. wutte (o). I like your gown grate [greyt] v. seknude; haljinde.
Wutte maa ina yoocfi. grateful [greytfal] adj. jettucfo. I am
grab [grab] v. jaggude; nangude. ~ a grateful to you Mbecfe yettu maa.
handful of jikkude. ~ each other while gratification [gratifakeysan] n. weltaare
wrestling naatondirde. I grabbed his hand (nde).
Njaggu mi jungo makko.
gratify [gratafay] v. weltinde.
grabble [grabol] v. membaade; yiiloraade
gratis [gratis] adv. Allah meho.
gratitude [gratatyud] n. njettoor (o). I wish
grace [greys] n. yaafliya (o).
to express my most sincere gratitude to
gracious [greysos] adj. moTTo. you Mbecfe yettu maa kaacfdi njettoor.
gradation [grodeyson] n. huunde yahroore gratulate [gracaleyt] v. yettude.
grave [greyv] n. anneere (nde), lahdi (di),
gradual [grajwol] adj. ko yahrata yanaande (nde)\ womnde (nde)\ gooski
gradually [grajwoli] adv. taTre taTre. graveyard [greyvyOd] n. baamuule (cfe).
grain [greyn] n. abbere (nde). gravitate [gravateyt] v. yiilaade.
grainy [greyni] adj. ko nandi e abbere, gravitation [gravateysan] n. jiilagol (ngol).
maale abbere.
gravure [gravur] n. natal (ngal).
gram [gram] n. garaam (o).

gravy guard

gravy [greyvi] /?. neekam (dam). gripe [grayp] v. jaggude; hamTude.

grayish [greyis] adj. purcfucfum; ko flircfi gripple [gripal] adj. boroocfo; tiicfcfo
graze [greyz] v. durde. jungo.
grease [griyz] v. newde. gris-gris [grigri] n. nawndogal (ngal).
great [greyt] adj. mawnucfum; ko mawni. grist [grist] n. rogere unu.
greater [greyta] adj. burcfo mawnude. gritty [griti] adj. bakkiliicfo.
greatest [greytast] adj. burcfo fof grizzle [grizal] v. furcfude.
mawnude. groan [grown] n. ottaango (ngo)\
greatness [greytnes] ti. mangu (tigii). uumaango (ngo).
greed [griyd] u. aybeende (ade)', groan [grown] v. uumde; ottude.
reedunteya. accuse someone of ~ aybinde. grocer [grosa] n. jeeyoowo fiamri.
greediness [griydanes] n. aybeende (nde)\ groceries [grosariz] n. nduggu (ngii).
aybanduru (ndu). groom [gruwm] n. gorko dambiicfo;
greedy [griydi] adj. gaybucfo, cuknucfo, jombaajo gorko.
kuuncfucfo. ~ person konomo. He is a grope [growp] v. membaade, wumbilaade.
greedy individual Ndaw ko aybi. groping [growpig] n. membagol (ngol).
green [griyn] adj. ko wayi no noordi haako gross [grOs] adj. mo wondaaka; nefnicfum.
grotto [groto] n. ngaska (ka).
greet [griyt] v. salminde, hinnude. I greet
you all Mi salminii on. ground [grawnd] n. leydi (ndi). Put the
shoes on the ground Faw pacfe cfe e dow
greeting [griytip] n. salminaango (ngo). my leydi ndi.
~s to your folks Mi salminii ko reeji maa.
group [grup] n. fedde (nde).
grenade [graneyd] n. garnaad (o).
group [grup] V. rendinde. Group them
grey [grey] adj. purcfucfu; ko furcfi. His together Rendin be.
color is grey Omo furcfi.
grouse [graws] v. dumaade; woytaade.
griddle [gridal] n. pool (o).
grouty [grawti] adj. nangucfo.
grief [grief] n. sunaare (nde). with ~
grove [growv] n. laadde (nde).
wondude e sunaare.
grow [grow] v. 1) mawnude 2) remde. He
grievance [grievans] n. toonange (nge)',
grows millet Ko o demoowo gawri.
gullitaagol (ngol).
grieve [griyv] v. sunaade. grower [growa] n. demoowo (o)\
gaawoowo (o).
grievous [griyvas] adj. cuniicfo.
growl [growl] v. l^uurde
grill [gril] v. naawde, jucfde.
growler [growla] n. I]uuroowo (o)\
grillade [grilad] n. jucfgol teew. I3uurooru (ndu).
grim [grim] adj. nibbicfcfo, naacfcfo; nibbo. grown-up [grownAp] n. necfcfo kellifaacfo;
The future looks grim Alla andi cfo kellifaado.
growth [growG] n. mawnugol (ngol),
grimace [grimas] v. biinde Tellitaare (nde)', mangu (ngu).
grime [graym] v. tunwinde. grudge [grAj] n. teftondiral (ngal)', teftagol
grime [graym] n. tuundi (ndi). (ngol). hold a ~ teftaade, tikkande.
grin [grin] v. biinde. gruel [gruwal] n. ruy (o).
grind [graynd] v. ruggude; nirkude. ~ grumble [grAmbal] v. dumaade.
peanuts dirde; bursude. grunt [grAnt] v. ottude.
grinder [graynda] n. nirkoowo (o)-,
guarantee [garantiy] v. teel3tinde; fodande.
duggoowo (o). / guarantee you will win Mbecfe fodan
griot [griyo] n. gawlo (o)\ bambaacfo (o)-, maa hawde.
jalli fbj; jaawando fbj; jaareejo (o)
guard [gad] n. garde (o).
grip [grip] n. jaggugol (ngol), tamande
(nde). have a good ~ nal]taade no moTTi.

guard gyration

guard [gad] v. reende. ~ against reentinde. gullible [gAlabal] adj. beebcfo hoore,
~ for reenande. ~ oneself against beebcfo fountude.
reenaade; reentaade. gulosity [galosati] n. aybeende (nde).
guard [gad] n. garde (o). gulp [gAlp] V. mocfde, sondaade.
guarded [gadad] adj. deenaacfo. gum [gAm] n. 1) cfakkudi (ndi) 2) cfaccere
guardian [gadyan] n. kalfinaacfo (of (nde).
deenoowo (o). She is my guardian Ko gumbo [gAmbo] n. kannje (de).
kanko kalfinaami. gun [gAn] n. fetel (o), kume (o).
guddle [gAdal] v. jaggude. gun [gAn] V. fellude. He was gunned down
guerilla [gerala] n. hare bettugol. O wardaama fetel.
guess [ges] n. sikke (o) miijo (ngo). gunfight [gAnfayt] n. pellondiral (ngal).
guess [ges] v. sikkude, miijaade. take a ~ gunfire [gAnfaya] n. fiyande (nde).
miijo. What is your guess Hoi ko woni gunnery [gAnari] n. pellugol (ngol).
miijo maa?
gunpowder [gAnpowda] n. condi fetel.
guest [gest] n. kocfo (o). / am treating my
guest to dinner Mbecfen teddina kocfo am.
gunshot [gAnpowda] n. fiyande (nde). /
heard a gunshot Fiyande dillii
guffaw [gafo] V. hekitde.
guru n. janginoowo (o), ceerno (o).
guidance [gaydans] n. gardagol (ngol).
gusset [gAset] n. jawo jungo reentorteengo.
guide [gaydans] cfowoowo (oj, dabi (oJ\
gardiiao (o). gust [gAst] n. hendu mawndu.
guild [gild] n. fedde (nde). gut [gAt] n. tektekol (ngol).
guile [gayl] //. feere (nde)‘, fliunti (o). gutter [gAta] n. baltirgal (ngal).
guilt [gilt] n. nimsa (o)-, toonange (nge). guzzle [gAzal] V. yarde; burtinde njaram.
guilty [gilti] adj. toohcfo. He is guilty ko gymnasium [jimneyzyam] n. nokku coftal
kanko tooni.
guinea fowl [ginifawl] n. jaawngal (ngal). gynarchy [janarki] n. laamu debbo.
guise [gayz] v. boornaade, gynecology [gaynakoloji] //. jangde tercfe e
habbuuli rewbe.
guitar [gita] n. hocfdu (ndii). one stringed
~ mool (o).
gyrate [jayreyt] v. yiilaade.
guitarist [gitarist] n. kocfoowo (o). gyration [jayreysan] n. jiilagol (ngol).
gull [gAl] V. fuuntude.
gullet [gAlat] //. goddol (ngol).

haberdasher hapless

haberdasher [hab0das0] n. jeeyoowo hammer [ham0] v. fiirude martu. prov.
comci worbe. Strike the hammer while the iron is hot
habile [hab0l] adj. baawcfo; neencfo. bakke mahetee gila ko cfe kecce.
habiliment [hab0l0m0nt] n. comci (di). hammer [ham0] n. martu (o).
habit [habit] n. neesu (ngu)-, jikku (o). hamper [hamp0] v. hacfde.
habitable [habit0b0l] adj. nokku hamstring [hamstrig] n. coddungol (ngol).
kocfeteecfo. hamza [hamza] n. alkulal (ngal).
habitant [habit0nt] n. necfcfo kocfcfo. hand [hand] n. jungo (ngo). from ~ to
habitat [hab0tat] n. hocforde (nde). jungo e jungo.
habitation [hab0teys0n] n. hocforde (nde). hand [hand] v. tottude; rokkude. Hand it
over to me Hebnam cfum.
habitual [hab0c0l] adj. ko faati e jikku.
hand-feed [handfiyd] v, namminirde jungo.
habituate [hab0cweyt] v. woownude.
handbag [handbag] n. sakkoos (o). Where
habitude [hab0cud] n. ngoowka (ka)\ jikku
(o). is your handbag Hoi to sakkoos maa
hacienda [hasyend0] n. hocforde (nde).
handcraft [handicraft] v. feewnirde jungo.
hack [hack] v. soppude; feTTude.
handcuff [handkAf] v. sokde juucfe; ceende.
hackney [hakni] n. puccu (ngn). They handcuffed him be ceenii juucfe
hadith [hadiyG] n. hadiis (o). makko.
hafiz [hafiz] n. dursucfo (o)\ gando (o). handful [handf0l] n. nokkande (nde)',
haft [haft] v. serde. nokkere (nde)', jikkande (nde)', tamande
haft [haft] n. bande jambere. (nde). He is a handful Omo fiddi.
hag [hag] n. debbo coofcfo, boncfo. handicap [hand0kap] n. Qakkere (nde)',
ronkere (nde).
haggard [hag0d] adj. beftilaacfo.
handicraft [hand0kraft] n. liggeey jungo.
hail [heyl] v. eeraade. / hail you Mi eeri
maama. handkerchief [hank0ciyf] n. tekkere
hair [her] «. leebol (ngdl)\ sukundu (ndu).
She is washing her hair Omon lawTaa handle [hand0l] n. bande (nde)', jungo
sukundu makko. O^go).
hairy [heri] adj. guycfo; ko wuyi. handle [hand0l] v. toppitaade.
hajj [haj] n. hajju (o). handsome [hands0m] adj. joocfcfo. He is
handsome Ko o gorko joocfcfo.
hale [heyl] adj. cellucfo; tiicfcfo.
handwork [handw0rk] n. liggeey jungo.
hale [heyl] v. daasde; foocfde; sellinde.
handwrite [handrayt] v. windirde jungo.
half [haf] n. feccere (nde)',
handwriting [handraytig] n. bindol jungo.
karal (ngal)', gennewalla (o).~ an hour
Your hanchvriting is difficult to read
feccere waktu.
Bindi maa ina metti jangude.
half [haf] V. feccude.
hang [hag] v. liggude. ~ down weeltude. ~
hallow [halow] v. rewde; teddinde. around doomde.
hallucinate [halus0neyt] v. ruuytude. hangar [hag0r] n. caali (ki).
hallucination [halus0neys0n] n. duuytugol hanger [hag0] n. liggirgal (ngal). Where is
(ngdi). the hanger Hoi to liggirgal ngal woni.?
hallway [holwey] n. boleeru (ndu). hanging [hagig] n. beelgol (ngol)', liggugol
halo [heylo] n. sereendu (ndu). (ngol)
halt [holt] V. daraade; dartinde. hanker [hagk0] v. yicfde.
halve [halv] v. feccude; felsude. haphazard [haphaz0d] adj. ko tijjaaka; ko
ham [ham] n. teew mbabba tugal. tijjanooka.
hapless [haples] n. malkisaacfo (o).

happen headless

happen [hap0n] v. wacfde; wonde. What haste [heyst] n. henaare (nde). Do not do it
happened to him Hoi ko hebi mo? with haste Hoi to heno?.
happiness [hapines] n. weltaare (nde). hasten [heys0n] v. yaawnude.
happy [hapi] adj. beltiicfo. He is happy to hastily [heyst0li] adv. ko yaactii; ko
see you Omo weltii e garaangal maa. henoraa
harangue [h0rag] n. haala hasty [heysti] adj. keniicfo.
harass [heras] v. haljinde. hat [hat] n. tengaade (nde)-, laafa (ka)-,
harbor [hab0] n. teeri (di). kufhe (o)-, maage (o)-, manna. Wear your
harbor [hab0] v. moolde; cfuhde; hat because it is hot outside boorno laafa
moolaade; cfuhaade. sabi naange nge ina wuli.
hatch [hac] v. toccinde.
hard [had] adj. tiicfcfum; jacfcfucfum;
cacftudum; tekkucfum. He is trying very hatch [hac] n. toccungo (ngo)-, toccingol
hard Omo tiinnii no feewi. (ngol).
harden [had0n] v. tiicfnude; sacftinde; hatchet [hacet] n. jambel (ngel). bury the ~
Tagginde. welditde.
hardener [had0n0] n. Tagginoowo (o). hate [heyt] v. ande. ~ one another
anondirde. ~ forever antude. I hate it
hardihood [hadihud] n. sembe (o)\
Mbecfe ani cfum.
tiicfnaare (tide).
hated [heyt0d] adj. ganaado (o).
hardiness [hadines] ti. tiicfnaare (nde).
hardship [hads0p] n. joote (de); baasal hatred [heytr0d] n. ngangu (ngu).
(ngal). hatter [hat0] n. peewnoowo laafaaji.
hardy [hadi] adj. caascfo; mo hulaani haul [howl] V. foocfde, daasde.
tampere. hauler [howl0] n. poocfoowo (o)\
hare [her] n. wojere (nde). daasoowo (o).
hark [hak] v. hecfaade; hecftaade. haunted [hontid] adj. ko hocfaa; cfo jinneeji
kocfi. a ~ house galle kocfaacfo.
harl [hal] v. daasde; foocfde.
have [hav] v. jogaade, dafide; jeyde. / had
harlot [hal0t] n. debbo pijoowo; jinoowo
rather stay home today burani mi ko
heddaade galle hande.
harm [ham] n. lorla (o)\ bone (de)\
haven [heyv0n] n. teem; duhorde (nde).
bonande (nde). He caused no harm O
lorlaani hay gooto. haversack [hav0sak] n. mbasu (ngu).
harm [ham] v. lorlude. havoc [hav0k] n. bonande (nde).
harmattan [ham0tan] n. hendu hawk [hok] v. yeeyde; waahde.
demminaare. hay [hey] /?. noomre (nde). make ~ while
harmful [hamf0l] adj. ko gaanata; ko the sun shines mahde bakke gila kocfe
lorlata. kecce.
harmonic [hamownik] adj. ko yahdi. hazard [haz0d] n. huunde bonnoore.
harmonious [hamowny0s] adj. ko yahdi. hazy [heyzi] adj. ko laabaani.
harmonize [ham0nayz] v. yahdinde. he [hi] pron. o; omo; kam; kan; kanko He is
eating lunch O woni ko e wottaade.
harness [hanes] n. habbude; jokkondirde.
head [hed] n. hoore (nde). ~ tie tikka. ~
harpoon [hapuwn] n. del313ere (nde).
had dongal (ngal). Where is your head
harry [hari] v. haljinde; toonde. Hoi to hakkille maa woni? head [hed] v.
harsh [has] adj. ko muusi. ardaade. ~ toward faade; tiindaade;
harshen [has0n] v. muusnude. huccude. Where are you headed Hoi to
harvest [havest] n. cohal (ngal)\ bultagol paa cfaa?
(ngol). headache [hedeyk] n. muusu hoore; hoore
harvest [havest] v. bultaade; sonde, muusoore. / have a headache Hooram ina
harvester [havest0] n. conoowo (o).
headless [hedles] adj. ko/mo alaa hoore.

headstall her

headstall [hedstol] ii. faram (o). heedless [hiydles] adj. mo wacftaani

headstrong [hedstro^] adj. T]atcfo. hakkille e.
heal [hiyl] v. sellinde; moccude. heel [hiyl] ti. teeppere (tide), show one’s -s
healed [hiyld] adj. cellucfo; cellinaacfo.
heft [heft] ti. teddeendi (tidi).
healer [hiyl0] n. caroowo (o)\ cellinoowo
(o). hefty [hefti] adj. tekkucfum, tedducfum; ko
tekki; ko selli; ko teddi.
health [hel0] n. cellal (ngal). He is in good
health Omo selli. hegemony [hej0moni] ti. gardagol (tigdl)\
jiimgol (tigol), njiimaandi (tidi).
healthy [hel0i] adj. cellucfo.
heifer [hayf0] ti. nale (tige)\ wiige (tige).
heap [hiyp] n. joowre (nde)\]oov^dit (de).
height [hayt] ii. tooweendi (tidi)\ darnde
hear [hiy0] v. nande. I have not heard
from him ever since he left Mi hebaani
kabaruuji makko gila o yahi. heighten [hayt0n] v. toownude; mawninde.
hearer [hiyr0] n. nanoowo (o). heinous [hen0s] adj. gancfo.
hearing [hiyrig] n. nancfe (cfe). heir [er] ii. dono (o)\ donoowo (o).
hearsay [hiyrsey] n. nanalla (o). heirdom [erd0m] ii. ndonu (tigu).
heart [hat] u. bernde (nde)\ wonki (ki). heiress [er0s] ti. debbo doncfo/donoowo;
-ache bernde muusoore. -burn cum berel dono.
heart-to-heart [hat0hat] adj. nuuncfucfo. hell [hel] ti. jeyngol jahannama. raise -
fmnude, dukde. He will go to hell Ma o
hearth [har0] n. haatande (tide).
naat e jayngol.
heartless [hatles] adj. ko/mo alaa bernde;
hello [helow] ii. salminaango (tigo).
joorcfo bernde.
helmet [helmet] ti. kaske (o).
heat [hiyt] v. wulnude; wultinde. - oneself
acfcfaade; saacfnaade. help [help] ti. ballal (ngal).
heat [hiyt] ii. nguleeki (ki). help [help] v. wallude, faabaade, hakkitde.
- one another wallondirde. - yourself
heathen [he60n] n. necTcfo mo rewaani
wallu hoore maa.
joomiraad’o; keefeero (o).
helper [help0] ti. balloowo fbj; jagganoowo
heave [hiyv] v. Tettude.
heaven [heven] ti. aljanna (o). He is in
helpful [helpf0l] adj. ko wallata; balloowo.
heaven O naatii aljanna.
helve [helv] n. bande (tide).
heavenly [hevenli] adv. ko faati e aljanna
hem [hem] v. hombude.
heavy [hevi] adj. tedducfum; ko teddi. This
task is a heavy burden cfum ina teddi e hemal [hiym0l] adj. ko faati e TiiTam.
am. hematic [hiymatik] adj. ko faati e TiiTam
hebdomad [hebd0mad] n. balcfe jeecficfi. hemi [hemi]/?re/ feccere.
hebetate [heb0teyt] v. muuddicfde; hemisphere [hemisfiy0] ti. feccere
muddicfinde. leydi/weeyo.
hebetude [heb0tyuwd] n. muddicfgol hemmer [hem0] ti. komboowo (o).
(ngdl). hemophobia [hiym0fowby0] ti. kulol
heckle [hek0l] v. haljinde. TiiTam.
hedge [hej] n. kalasal (ngal) hen [hen] ti. gertogal (tigal)\ jarlal (ngal).
hedge [hej] v. jookde; howde, surde. hence [hens] ad\>. cfum wacfi/noon; gila.
hedgehog [hejhog] v. sammunnde (tide). henceforth [hensfor0] adv. ko fayi arde;
hedonic [hiydownik] adj. ko faati e jooni faade yeeso.
welamma/weltaare. henna [hen0] ti. puucfdi (tidi). lay - on
heed [hiyd] n. bacftugol hakkille. pay - to one’s arms or feet ftiucfaade.
wacftude hakkille. hepatic [hepatik] adj. ko faati e jofe.
heed [hiyd] v. wacftude hakkile. her [h0r] pass. pron. mum; muucfum;
makko. - shoes pacfe makko.

herald historian

herald [herald] v. andinde; habrude; hidden [hidan] adj. ko suucfii, cuucficfum. ~

tintinde. meaning maanaa cuucfiicfo.
herb [harb] n. hucfo (ko). hide [hayd] v. sekkaade; mofde; suucfde;
herbaceous [harbeysas] adj. ko faati e nucfdTmde; moggude. ~ oneself suucfaade,
hucfo. mogginaade.
herbivorous [harbivaras] adj. ko naamata hide-and-seek [haydansiyk] n. suucfo
hucfo/lecfcfe. suucfoondu.
herd [hard] ti. oomde (nde)\ coggal (tigal). hideous [hidyas] adj. boncfum;
herd [hard] v. aynude. make someone ~ kulbiniicfum.
ayninde. ~ for someone fullinaade. hideout [haydawt n. suucforde (nde).
herder [harda] n. gaynoowo (of gaynaako hider [hayda] n. mooftoowo (o)\ mofoowo
(of aga (o). (o).
herdsman [hardsman] n. gaynaako (o)\ aga hie [hay] v. yaawnude; yaawnaade.
(o). hieroglyphics [hiyaraglifiks] n. alkule (cfi)\
here [hiya] adv. cfoo; gaa; gaay; gaayenne. bindol (ngol).
~ and there cfoo e cfaa higgle [higal] v. haaldeede; yeeytaade.
hereafter [hiyrafta] n. laakara (o). high [hay] adj. ko toowi; toowcfum. The
hereditary [heradatari] adj. ko ronetee; ko price is high ina tiicfi.
ronaa. higher [haya] adj. burcfo toowde; ko buri
heredity [heradati] n. ndonu (ngii). toowde.
heresy [herasi] ti. luutndagol (ngol). highest [hayast] adj. ko buri fof toowde.
heritable [heritabal] adj. ko ronetee. highlight [haylayt] n. teel]tinde.
heritage [heritaj] n. ndonu (ngu)- It is highway [haywey] n. kallu (o).
important to know one’s heritage Necfcfo hike [hayk] v. yahde yahdu wocfcfundu.
ina foti andude hoore mum. hilarious [haleryas] adj. beltiicfo.
heritor [herata] n. gorko donoowo. hill [hill] n. tulde (nde)\ ferlo (ngo). ant-
heritress [heratres] n. debbo donoowo. waande (nde).
hermetic [harmetik] n. ko hibbii. hilly [hili] adj. nokku keewcfo tule;
hermit [harmit] n. guddiicfo (o)\ joniicfo tulnudo; ko tulni.
ro;. him [him] pron. kanko (gorko).
hermitage [harmitej] /?. jonorde (nde). himself [himself] pron. kanko hooremakko
herself [harself] pron. kanko hoore makko (gorko).
(debbo). hinder [hinda] v. hacfde; leeltinde.
hesitant [hezitant] adj. mo fellitaani. hindrance [hindrans] n. kacfgol (ngol).
hesitate [hezateyt] v. waasde fellitde. hint [hint] v. jeertaade.
heteroclite [hataraklayt] adj. necfcfo celcfo. hint [hint] n. jeertagol (>7gd/); jeerto (ngo).
heterogenous [hatarowjanas] adj. ko hip [hip] n. woondu (ndu), buhal.
wonaa gootum. hipjoint [hipjoynt] n. asangal (ngal).
heth [hed] n. alkulal (ngal). hippophagist [hipafajast] //. naamoowo
hew [hyuw] v. soppude. teew puccu.
hex [heks] v. liggaade (dabare). hippopotamus [hipapatamas] n. ngabu
heyday [heydey] n. naange huunde walla (tmO-
necfcfo. in his ~ e naange makko. hire [haya] v. ligginde, Tettude. They hired
hiatus [hyatas] n. I]aide (tide). him yesterday O Tettaama hanki
hibiscus [habiskas] ti. follere (nde). his [hiz] pron. muucfum, makko, mum
hiccup [hikAp] n. likTere (nde). He has a
hiccup O mo wondi e likTere. hiss [his] V. fuufde; sonnude, wuucfde;
siikde; salaade.
hiccup [hikAp] v. likTude
historian [histowryan] n. bittoowo hanki

historical horn

historical [histarikol] adj. ko faati e hanki homogeneity [homowj0neyti] n. nandugol

men (ngol).
history [histri] n. hanki men; jangde hanki homogeneous [homowjiyny0s] adj. ko
men. nanndi.
hit [hit] n. ficfde; fiide. bammude; lappude. homologate [ham0l0geyt] v. jabde.
~ a target ficfde. ~ with a car feraade. ~ homonym [ham0nim] n. tokara (o).
the nail on the head fiide e hoore.
homosexual [h0mowseks0l] n. debati
hitch [hie] v. habbude; jokkondirde. gorkati.
hither [hi50] adv. sara; takko. hone [hown] v. welnude; seebnude.
hitherto [hiGerto] adv. haa jooni. honest [honest] adj. nuuncfucfo.
hoard [hod] n. ndesaari (ndi). honesty [honesti] n. nuuncfal (ngal).
hoarse [hos] adj. ko loori; daande loomde. honey [hani] n. njuumri (ndi).
hoax [hoks] v, fliuntude. honor [on0] n. flilla (o)\ faayiida (o)\
hoax [hoks] n. fiiunti (o). necfcfaagal (ngal). man without - necfcfo
hobble [hobol] v. tobbude; laTde. mo alaa flilla alaa faayiida.
hobbler [hobl0] n. tobboowo (o)\ laToowo honorarium [on0rery0m] n. njobdi (ndi).
(o). hood [hud] n. hippoode (tide).
hoe [how] n. jalo (ngo)\ keri. hoodoo [huwdu] v. malkiseede
hoe [how] V. remde. hoodoo [huwdu] ti. malkisaare (tide).
hog [hag] n. mbabba tugal. hoof [huf] ti. holsere (tide).
hoist [hoyst] v. 13abbinde. hook [huk] n. wande (tide)-, loggirde (tide)-,
hold [hold] V. jaggude, nangude, tamde. ~ 161]du (ndu)-, loggande (tide)-, Ibggirgal
in the mouth wuufde. ~ in the hand (ngal).
tamde. ~ a child in the lap lendaade. -for hook [huwk] v. hogde; loggude.
nangande. ~ with nangirde. ~ in arms hooked [hukt] adj. loggiicfo; ko loggii.
huufde. hooker [huk0] ti. garbotoocfo (o).
hold [hold] n. nangugol (tigdl). hookworm [hukwOm] ti. saan (o)
holder [hold0] u. jogiicfo fqj; jaggucfo (o). hooligan [hulig0n] ti. aawaseejo (o)-,
holdup [holdAp] fi. nguyka (ka). aawase (o).
hole [howl] wuddere (tide) ngaska (ka)\ hooliganism [hul0g0nizm] ti. aasaagal
tufannde (tide). ~ for sowing seeds eno (ngal).
(ngoj. ass- wuddere gacfa. hoot [huwt] V. wullude (necfcfo).
holey [hali] adj. ko yuli; julcfum. hop [hop] V. tol]Taade. ~ /«jolde.
holiday [hal0dey] n. hurjo (tigo)', guurti hope [howp] ti. cfamaawu (o)-, yaakaare
(cfi). (tide), prov. l^Ttile there is life, there is
holler [hal0] v. siikde; wullude. hope Guurcfo fotaani cfamtindaade.
hollow [halow] adj. meho; mehum. hope [howp] V. cfaminaade; yaakoraade. I
hollow [halow] ti. ngaska (ka)\ doorumaaru hope to see him Mbecfe yaakorii yiide mo.
(ndu). hopeful [howpful] adj. cfaminiicfo.
holster [holst0] ti. wana (ka). hopeless [howples] adj.
home [howm] ti. hocforde (nde)\ galle (o). 1) cfamtindiicfo 2) mo alaa nafoore.
He went home yesterday O hooti galle hopper [hop0] ti. tol]Totoocfo (o)-,
mabbe hanki. There is no place like tofjToowo (o).
home Necfcfo hacftetee ko cfo jeyaa
hopping [hapig] ti. tol]Tag61 (ngol).
homeland [howml0nd] n. ngendi (ndi).
hopple [hop0l] V. tongude.
homeless [howmles] adj. mo alaa hocforde.
He is homeless O alaa cfo o woni. hora [hora] ti. ngamri (ndi).
horal [hor0l] adj. ko faati e waktu.
homicide [hom0sayd] n. war/wamgo
hoore. horde [hod] ti. deental yimbe, deental.
horn [hon] //. allaadu (ndu)-, komaal (o).

horologic hunt

horologic [horowlajik] adj. ko faati e hubbub [hAbAb] n. gulaali (di).

waktu. hubby [hAbi] n. jom galle. Where is my
horrible [horabal] adj. boncfum; hubby Hoi to jom galle am woni?
kulbiniicfum. huckster [hAksta] n. jeeyoowo (o).
horrid [bond] adj. boncfum; kulbiniicfum. huddle [hAdal] v. nukkondirde.
horrific [horafik] adj. kulbiniicfum. huff [hAf] n. sekre (nde)\ mettere (nde).
horrified [horafayd] adj. kulcfo; gijaacfo. huge [hyuvvj] adj. mawcfo; ko mawni.
horrify [horafay] v. hulbinde; gijde. hull [hAl] n. saaho (ko)\ nguru (ngii).
horror [horo] ti. kulol (ngol). hum [hAm] v. uumde.
horse [has] ti. puccu (ngii). hold one’s ~es human [yuwman] adj. ko faati e necfcfo. ~
wacf seese. being necfcfo; innama aadee.
horsy [hosi] adj. ko faati e puccu. humanist [yuwmanist] n. jicfcfo yimbe.
hose [howz] n. rakkoor (o). humanity [yuwmanati] n. necfcfaagu (ngt4)\
hospice [hospis] n. jipporde (nde)\ cfuhorde necfcfankaagal (ngal).
(tide). humble [hAmbal] adj. jankiniicfo. He is a
hospitable [hospitabal] adj. kottoowo; humble man Omo yankinii.
moTTo. humbleness [hAmbal] n. yankinaare (nde).
hospital [hospital] n. safrorde (nde)\ humbug [hAmbAg] n. fliunti (o).
lopitaan (o). He works at the hospital O
humectant [hyuwmektant] adj. ko leppinta.
liggotoo ko lopitaaa
humerus [hyuwmaras] n. Yiyal jungo.
hospitality [hospatalati] n. kottugol.
humid [hyuwmid] adj. ko leppi; leppucfum.
host [howst] ti. njaatige (o). I am your host
Ko miin woni njaatige maa. humidify [hyuwmidafay] v. leppinde.
hostage [howstij] n. jaggaacfo (o). humidity [hyuwmidati] n. bayto (ngo)\
leppugol (ngol).
hostess [hostes] n. njaatige debbo.
humiliate [hyuwmalyeyt] v. hersinde.
hostile [hostayl] adj. boncfo; gano,
luutndiicfo. humiliation [h^wmalyeysan] n. koyeera
(ka) \ gacce (de).
hostility [hostaliti] n. ngangu (ngu)\
luutndagol (ngol). humility [hyuwmalati] n. yankinaare (nde).
hot [hat] adj. gulcfum; ko wuli; kaacfcfum. humming [hAmiq] n. uumgol (ngol).
This pepper is hot O kaani ko kaacfcfo. hummock [hAmok] n. tulde (nde).
hound [hawnd] n. rawaandu (ndii). hummocky [hAmoki] adj. ko heewi tule.
hour [awa] n. waktu (o) humor [hywma] gaajaare (nde):,
houri [huri] n. debbo aljanna janondiral (ngal). He has a good sense of
humor Omo weli yanondirde.
hourly [awali] adv. waktu kala.
humorous [hyuwmaras] n. ko jalnii,
house [haws] n. galle (o)\ suudu (ndu)\
hocforde (nde). ~ breaking nguyka (ka).
hump [hAmp] //. Tuulde (nde).
household [hawshowld] n. yimbe galle.
hunch [hAnc] v. jeertaade.
housekeeper [hawskiypa] n. deenoowo
galle; mbindaan (o). hunch [hAnc] n. jeerto (ngo)\ jeertungo
(ngo). I had a hunch Mi jeerti.
housemaid [hawsmeyd] n. mbindaan (o).
hundred [hAndred] n. teemedere (nde).
housewife [hawswayf] n. debbo galle.
hunger [hAqga] n. heege (nge).
housework [hawswok] n. liggeey galle.
hunger [hAqga] v. hooTeede, heegeede,
how [haw](question wordjno; hoi no. How
are you Hoi no mbacfcfaa?
hungry [hAqgri] adj. keycfucfo, kooTaacfo.
however [haweva] adv. kono; kono noon;
/ am hungry mbecfe heycfi.
cfum fof e waade noon,
hunker [hAqka] v. soppinaade.
howl [hawl] V. l]uurde.
hunt [hAnt] v. waahde; raddude.
howler [hawla] n. rjuurooru (ndu).

hunt hysterical

hunt [hAnt] n. waano (ngo)\ raddo (ngo). hydraulic [haydrolik] adj. ko faati e ndiyam
hunter [hAnt9] n. daddoowo (o)\ danna (o), ndogojam.
baanoowo (o). hydraulics [haydroliks] ti. jangde ndiyam
hunting [hAnti^] fi. raddo (ngo)\ waano, ndogojam.
fiifiire (fide)', songo (ngo). hyena [hayiyna] ti. waasooru (tidii)', fowru
hurdle [hordal] v. diwde. (tidu)', huttooru (tidu).
hurl [harl] v. werlaade. hyetography [haytagrafi] ti. jangde tobo e
caragol mum.
hurling [horlig] n. berlagol (ngol).
hygiene [hayjiyn] ti. laabal (tigal).
hurricane [hArakeyn] n. hendu mawndu.
hygienic [hayjiynik] adj. ko faati e laabal.
hurry [hAri] v. yaawnaade; henaade,
yaawnaade; nomaade. ~ up yaawno. hymn [him] ti. njimri (tidi).
hurry [hAri] n. henaare (tide). hyperdactylia [haypadaktalya] ti. pecfeeli
burtucfi (annama pecfeeli jeegom).
hurt [hArt] adj. gaaniicfo; gaanaacfo.
hyphen [hayfan] ti. jokkirde (-); diidel
hurt [hArt] V. gaande. You hurt my feelings
A metti nii bernde am.
hyphenate [hayfaneyt] v. jokkude.
hurter [h0rt8] n. gaanoowo (o).
hypocrite [hipakrit] ti. nooju (o)', naafige
hurtful [hartful] adj. ko gaanata. gaafiojum;
hypostasize [haypastasayz] v. sikkude.
hurtle [hartal] v. yaawnaade; henaade.
hypothecate [haypowGakeyt] v. juknude.
husband [hAzband] n. jom galle. one's ~'s
sibling Teekiraacfo (o). hypothesis [haypowGesis] ti. miijo (ngo).
hush [hAs] n. deeTre (tide). hypothetical [haypowGetikal] adj. ko faati
e miijo; ko sikkini.
husk [hAsk] ti. saano (ko)', nguru (tigu).
hysteria [histerya] ti. filnitaare (tide)',
hustle [hAsal] V. yaawnaade e golle.
pilnitaagol (ngol).
hut [hAt] ti. suudu hucfo.
hysterical [histerikal] adj. pilnitiicfo; ko
hutch [hAc] fi. cuurel wojere. faati e filnitaare. He became hysterical O
hybrid [haybrad] adj. jillucfo; ko jilli. filnitii.
hybridize [haybradayz] v. jillinde.

I illuminate

I [ay] pron. mi; miia / smv this morning ignite [ignayt] v. hubbude.
Mi yii mo naane subaka. igniter [ignayta] n. kubboowo (o).
iamb [iyam] n. kijjaancfe cficfi. ignition [igniysan] n. kubbugol (ngol). ~
ibada [ibada] n. ngooroondi diine. key coktirgal kubbowal oto.
ibex [aybeks] n. ndamndi (ndi). ignoble [ignowbal] adj. bondo; mo wonaa
ibn [ibn] n. bii. dimo.
ice [ays] n. galaas (o). ~ cream kerem ignominy [ignowmini] n. kersa foj/(ka);
galaas. gacce (de).
iceberg [aysbarg] n. tulde galaas. ignorance [ignarans] n. majjere (nde). It is
a sign of ignorance dum ko maale
iceman [aysm0n] n. jeeyoowo galaas.
idea [aydiy0] n. miijo (ngo). His idea works
better Ko miijo makko buri moTTude. ignorant [ignarant] adj. Majjudo,
humambinne (o). He is so ignorant Kooli
ideal [aydiyl] n. sago (ngo). The ideal is to ko aan majji.
have both of you here Sinno ko sago,
ignore [ignowr] v. humpeede, waasde
onon cficfo kala on ngonanno cfoo.
anndude, faalkisaade. You should ignore
ideally [aydiyli] adv. sinno ko sago, him Potdaa ko faalkisaade mo.
ideate [aydiyeyt] v. miijaade. iguana [igwana] n. huttooru (ndtt)\ elo (o).
ideation [aydiysan] n. miijagol (ngol). ill [il] adj. nawdo; dafaado. / am ill Mi
ideational [aydysanal] adj. ko faati e sellaani.
miijagol. ill-bred [ilbred] adj. neetaro.
identic [aydentik] adj. nanducfi; ko nandi. ill-mannered [ilmanad] adj.
They are identic kambe nandi.
identical [aydentikal] adj. nandudl; ko
ill-tempered [iltempad] adj. naaddo.
nandi; nandube.
illegal [iliygal] adj. ko rewaani laawol.
identification n. fenninoore.
What you are suggesting is illegal Miijo
identify [aydentatay] v. fenninde; hebtinde. maa ngo rewaani laawol.
ideology [aydiyaloji] n. miijo (ngo). illegalize [ilygalayz] v. luutndaade laawol.
idiocy [idyasi] n. puuyndam (dam). illegible [ilejabal] adj. ko jangotaako. Your
idiom [idyam] n. haala (ka)\ kongol (ngol). handwriting is illegible Bindi maa
idiosyncrasy [idyasinkrasi] n. maale njangotaako.
huunde/nedcfo. illegitimate [ilajatamet] adj. ko yamiraaka,
idiot [idyat] adj. mo ToTaani; puuycfo. He ko rewaani laawol. an ~ child mo alaa
is an idiot Ko o puuyCfo. baaba mum.
idiotic [idyowtik] adj. ko ftjuyi; puuycfum. illicit [ilasit] adj. ko rewaani laawol.
idle [aydal] adj. mo liggaaki; mo haljaani. ~ illimitable [ilamitabal] adj. ko
hands juude cfe kaljaani. heeraaka/heertaaka.
idol [aydol] n. sanam (o)\ boon (o). illiteracy [ilatarasi] n. majjere (nde),
idolater [aydalada] n. sanajida (o). humambinnaagal (ngal).
idolize [aydalayz] v. sanojinde. illiterate [ilatret] adj. majjudo, mo
jangaani; humam binne.
idyll [aydal] n. yimre (nde).
illness [lines] n. naw (o)-, rafi (o).
idyllic [aydalik] adj. ko faati e yimre.
illiide [iluwd] v. fuuntude.
if [if] conj. si tay, sinno, soko; so; si. even ~
illuminate [iluwmaneyt] v. jalbinde,
hay so.
igloo [iglu] n. suudu (ndu).

illumination imperturbable

illumination [iluwm9neys9n] n. pooynugol. immobilize [imowb9layz] v. deeTnude;

illusion [iluw39n] n. sikke (o)\ fliunti (o). yeednude. The limb needs to be
immobilized Ecfen poti yeednude tergal
illusionary [iluw39n9ri] adj. ko faati e sikke.
illusory [iluwsri] adj. ko faati e fliunti.
immodest [imodest] adj. mo yankinaaki.
illustrate [ilAstreyt] v. famminde, faccirde.
immolate [imowleyt] v. warde; sakkaade.
Let me illustrate this with an example Mi
famminir maa yeru immortal [im0t9l] adj. mo maayataa.
illustration [ilAstreys9n] n. yeru (o). immortality [im0tal9ti] n. nguumdam haa
illustrious [ilAstry9s] adj. dowlucfo.
immortalize [imot9layz] v. wuurnude haa
image [imij] n. annama (o)\ ayaawo (ngo). I
saw his image Ayaawo maldco ari e am.
immune [imyuwn] adj. tunnducfo, tulcfo.
imagery [imijri] n. miijo (ngo).
He is immune to insults O wondaaka
imaginable [im9j9n9b9i] adj. ko ina miijee. Tettoore.
imagination [im9j9neys9n] n. miijo (ngo). immunity [imyuwn9ti] n. tundaram (dam).
throw one’s ~ werlaade miijo mum.
immunize [imyuwnayz] v. tundude; fesde.
imagine [imajin] v. miijaade.
immure [imyuwr] v. howde; jookrude bale,
imam [imam] n. almaami (o). Who is the
imp [imp] n. jinneyel (ngel).
imam of the mosque Hoi goncfo almaami
jumaa? impair [imper] v. bonnude.
imbalance [imbal9ns] n. ko fotaani. impalpable [imp9lp9b9l] adj. mo
imberbe [imb9rb] adj. nollo.
impart [impat] v. rokkude; anndinde;
imbibe [imbayb] v. leppinde; mocfde.
habrude, sarde; jaajnude; janginde.
imbrue [imbru] v. moddinde.
impartial [impas9l] adj. peewcfo; mo
imitable [imit9b9l] n. nembeteecfum; jingaani / wuuraaki. He is impartial Ko o
nemtinteedum; ko ina nemboo/nemtinoo. peewcfo.
imitate [im9teyt] v. nemtinde; nemmbude. impatient [impeys9nt] adj. keppucfo,
imitation [im9teys9n] n. nemtingol (ngol). muhtoricfcfo.
imitative [im9t9tiv] adj. ko nemtinta. impeach [impyc] v. tuumde, fiiltude.
immaculate [imak9l9t] adj. laabcfum; ko impeccable [impek9b9l] adj. ko hawri.
laabi, ko alaa tobbere. impede [impiyd] v. hacfde; leeltinde.
immature [im9cuwr] adj. baggo; ko impediment [imped9m9nt] n. huunde
waggicfi, ko bendaani; ko mawnaani. haljinoore; ko haljinta, ko hacfata.
immeasurable [ime3r9b9l] adj. ko impel [impel] v. nawrude yeeso.
waawaaka hiiseede.
imperceptible [impers9pt9b9l] adj. ko
immediate [imiydy9t] adj. jooni jooni; ko nanotaako, ko yiyotaako.
imperfect [imp9rfekt] adj. ko wacfi ella; ko
immediately [imiydy9tli] adv. jooni jooni. jogii ella.
immemorial [im9mory9l] adj. ko benni imperialism [impery9lizm] n. jiimgol
walla ko yalti miijo; ko booyi. nokkuuji janani; jiimgol leydeele janane.
immense [imens] adj. mawnucfum; ko imperishable [imperis9b9l] adj. ko
mawni. bonataa.
immerge [im9rj] v. mutde. impermeable [imp9rmiy9b9l] adj. ko
immerse [im9rs] v. mutnude. tucfata.
immigrant [imigr9nt] n. percfo (o), arani impermissible [imp9rm9s9b9l] adj. ko
(o) yamiraaka.
immigrate [imigreyt] v. ferde. impertinent [imp9rt9n9nt] adj. ko
immigration [imigreys9n] n. fergo (ngo). soklaaka.
immobile [imob9l] adj. deeTcfo; ko deeTi. imperturbable [imp9rt9rb9b9l] adj.
immobility [imob9l9ti] n. deeTre (nde). deeTcfo.

impetus incoherent

impetus [imp0t9s] n. Tellitgol (ngol), impure [impyur] adj. jillucfum; ko jilli.

Tellitaare (nde). impurity [impyurati] n. tuundi (ndi)\ sobe
impious [impyas] adj. mo rewaani
joomiraacfo. imputation [impyuwteysan] n. taTgol
implant [implant] v. nibde. (ngol).
implement [implament] v. wacfde, in [in] prep, been; e; nder.
benninde. in-law [inlo] n. esiraacTo (o). an ~
implore [implor] v. naagaade. I implore relationship esiraagal (ngal).
you Mbecfe naagi maa. inaccessible [inaksesabal] adj. ko
impolite [impalayt] adj. neetaro; boncfo hebotaako.
nehdi. inaccurate [inakaret] adj. ko fotaani; ko
import [import] v. naatnude e nder leydi. woodaani. This is an inaccurate
importance [impotans] n. nafoore (nde). statement A haalaani goonga.
]^at is the importance of this paper Hoi inadequate [inadakwit] adj. ko feewaani.
ko woni nafooree ngol cferewol? inadvertant [inadvartant] adj. mo
important [impotant] adj. nafojum; ko wacftaani hakkille.
nafata. It is a very important factor Ecfum inanimate [inananamit] adj. maaycfum; ko
heewi nafoore no feewi. wuuraani.
imports [imports] n. kaake gummiicfe inapt [inapt] adj. lohcfo, mo waawaa; mo
caggal leydi. hattanaani.
impose [impowz] v. waawnude; fawde inaptitude [inaptatyud] n. lohre (nde)\
kuugal, yamirde. ronkere (nde)', donkal (ngal).
imposition [impaziysan] n. baawnugol inaugurate [inOgareyt] v. fucfcfude.
(ngdl)\ lorla (o). incandesce [igkandes] v. jawwude.
impossible [impQsabal] adj. ko wonataa. incandescence [igkandasans] n. jawwugol
impostor [imposta] n. gujjo (o). (ngol).
impotent [impatant] adj. maayraacfo. He is incant [inkant] v. sappaade.
impotent Ko o maayraacfo. incantation [igkanteysan] n. cappagol
impound [impawnd] v. nawde furiyeer. (ngol), moccugol (ngol).
impoverish [impavris] v. noolnude. incapable [igkeypabal] adj. donkucfo,
imprecise [imprasayz] adj. ko yubbaani; ko koriicfo.
fotaani. incarcerate [igkarsareyt] v. sokde; uddude.
impression [impresan] n. ejo (ngo)\ sikke incendiary [insandyari] adj. ko sumata;
(o). cumojum.
imprison [imprizan] v. sokde. incense [insens] n. cuuraay (o).
imprisonment [imprizanmant] n. cokgol inception [insepsan] n. fucTcforde (nde).
(ngol). incessant [insesant] adj. jokkicfum,
improbable [imprababal] adj. ko duumicfum; ko jokkii. ~ talk lebo (ngo)',
daminaaka; cfamtindaacfum. lemso (ngo).
improper [imprapa] adj. oonicfum, ko incinerate [insinareyt] v. hubbude.
feewaani; ko rewaani laawal. incise [insayz] v. taTde, jelde.
impropriety [impraprayati] n. oonaare incision [insiy3an] n. taTgol (ngol).
incline [ipklayn] v. wuurde, wuuraade. / am
improve [impruv] v. moTTinde; feewnitde. inclined to say no Mbecfe anniyii salaade.
improvement [impruvmant] n. moTTingol include [igkluwd] n. naatnude; yantinde.
(ngol). It is a major improvement cfum
inclusion [i5kluw3an] n. naatnugol e.
buri feewde.
incoherent [igkowhiyrant] adj. ko
impudence [impyadans] n. neetaraagal
yubbaani. His speech is incoherent Haala
makko ka yubbaani.
impudent [impyadant] adj. neetaro.

income inestimable

income [igk0m] n. danal (ngal)\ njobdi index [indeks] n. sappordu (ndu)\ joofordu
(ndi). (ndu).
incomer [i^kama] /?. garoowo (o)\ garcfo indicant [indakant] n. huunde holloore.
(oj. indicate [indakeyt] v. aarnude; hollude;
incoming [igkamig] adj. ko fayi arde. jamminde.
incomparable [i^kamperabal] adj. ko indicator [indakeytar] n. kolloowo (o)\
nawdetaake. huunde holloore.
incompatible [ipkampatabal] adj. ko indict [indayt] v. felde; fawde kuugal. He
yahdaani; ko yubbaani. was indicted today Kuugal fawaama e
incomplete [ipkampliyt] adj. ko 13akki; ko makko hannde.
timmaani; ko joofaani. This sentence is indictment [indaytmant] /?. feloore (nde),
incomplete Ngol kongol timmaani. kuugal (ngal).
incompliant [ipkamplayant] adj. mo indifferent [indifrant] adj. mo wondaaka.
cfowtaaki. indigent [indajant] adj. noolaacfo.
incomprehensible adj. ko faamnaaki. indigestible [indajast] adj. ko dolotaako.
inconsiderate [igkansadrat] adj. mo indigo [indago] n. bom (ngii).
wondaaka. He is a very inconsiderate indiscipline [indasaplin] n. neetaraagal
individual O wondaaka hay dara. (ngal).
inconvenient [ipkanviynyant] adj. ko indiscrete [indiskriyt] adj. beejcfo.
indispensable [indaspensabal] adj. ko
incorrect [iijkarekt] adj. ko feewaani, ko hatojinaa; ko soklaa.
wonaa goonga.
indistinct [indistipkt] adj. ko laabaani.
incorrupt [ipkarApt] adj. nuuncfucfo.
individual [indaviyjal] n. necfcfo (o).
increase [ipkriys] v. beydude, beydugol.
Can you please increase the volume individual [indaviyjal] adj. ko faati e
beydu daande nde. necfcfo.
increment [iqkramant] n. beydaari (iidi)\ individually [indaviyjali] n. necfcfo kala.
beydagol (ngol). indivisible [indivizabal] adj. ko feccotaako.
incubate [ipkyabeyt] v. woofaade. indocile [indowsayl] adj. ko/mo/ndi
inculcate [ipkAlkeyt] v. janginde. eeltaaka.
incult [ii]kAlt] adj. mo jangaani, indoor [indor] adj. nder.
humambinne. indubitable [indyuwbatabal] adj. ko alaa
incur [ii3kar] v. defaade. sikke.
incurable [ipkarabal] adj. ko safrotaako. induce [indyuws] v. waawnude; wacfnude.
incursion [ipkar3an] n. naatgol e. indulge [indAlj] v. wacfde.
indebted [indated] adj. namliicfo; indulgent [indAljant] adj. jaafotoocfo.
dewoowo kaalis. indurate [indyuwreyt] v. tekkinde.
indecent [indiysant] adj. ko suuraaki. industrial [indAstriyal] adj. ko faati e
indeed [indiyd] adv. kay; tigi. mbaylaandi.
indelible [indalabal] adj. ko momtotaako. industrious [indAstriyas] adj. cuuscfo
indemnify [indamnafay] v. yobde.
industry [indAstri] n. mbaylaandi (ndi).
indent [indent] v. bobbude.
inedible [inedabal] adj. ko naametaake.
independence [indapendans] n. ndimaagu
hooremum. ineffable [inefabal] adj. ko sifotaako; ko
independent [indapendant] adj. dimo; mo
fawaaki, mo jiimaaka Senegal is an inept [inept] adj. donkucfo; leefcfo.
independent country Leydi Senegal inequitable [inekwitabal] adj. ko fotaani.
jiimaaka. inert [inart] adj. ko maayi; ko dillataa.
indescribable adj. ko sifotaako; ko inestimable [inestimabal] adj. ko
ammintaako. hiisetaake.

inevitable inlet

inevitable [inevitabal] adj. ko woorataa. informant [infom0nt] n. kaaloowo (o)\

inexact [inegzakt] adj. ko hawraani/fotaani. gandinoowo (o)\ kabroowo (o).
inexistent [inegzizt0nt] adj. ko woodaani. information [infomeys0n] u. kabaaru (o).
inexpensive [ineksp0nsiv] adj. ko tiicfaani. informed [infomd] adj. kumpitiido.
inexplicit [inekspl0sit] adj. ko leeraani. informer [infom0] /?. kabroowo (o).
infamous [inf0m0s] adj. boncfo. infraction [infr0ks0n] n. toonange (nge).
infancy [infensi] n. cukaagu (ugit). infringe [infrinj] v. toonde.
infant [inf0nt] n. suka (o)\ kurka (o). infuriate [iniyuwreyt] v. seknude.
infanticide [inf0nt0sayd] n. wamgo infuse [infyuwz] v. naatnude, yuppude.
suka/sukaabe. infusion [infyuw30n] n. naatnugol (ngdl)\
infantile [inf0ntayl] adj. ko faati e cukaagu. juppugol (ngol).
infect [infekt] v. fiawnude, raabde. ingenious [injiyny0s] adj. ToTdo.
infected [infekt0d] adj. nawdum; ingenuity [inj0nwiti] u. ToYre (nde).
gordudum. ingest [injest] v. modde.
infection [infeks0n] n. fiaw (ngu). ingrate [ii]greyt] adj. mo alaa wune.
infecund [infekAnd] adj. dimaro; rimare. ingress [Ingres] ti. naatnugol (ngdl).
infer [inf0r] v. miijaade; sikkude; faamde. I ingurgitate [ing0ij0teyt] v. albaade;
infer from that he is not feeling well modae.
Paammi e majjum ko o wonaa celludo. inhabit [inhabit] v. hodde.
inference [inf0r0ns] ri. miijo (ngo), sikke (o). inhabitant [inhabit0nt] adj. koddo. ~s of
inferior [infiyry0] adj. ko buri lesdude. boghe boggeenaabe.
infernal [inf0rn0l] adj. bondum; ko boni, inhale [inheyl] v. naatnude foofaango;
ko faati e jeyngol. sorbinaade.
infertile [inf0rt0l] adj. dimaro. inherent [inhiyr0nt] adj. gooddum; ko
infidel [inf0d0l] //. keefeero (o)\ neddo mo woodi e.
rewaani joomiraado. inherit [inherit] v. ronde. I inherited my
infiltrate [inf0ltreyt] v. naatde. share Mi ronii gedalaam.
infinite [inf0nit] adj. ko alaa keerol walla inheritable [inherit0b0l] adj. doneteedum;
happu. ko ronetee.
infirm [inf0rm] adj. nosdo; mo doolnaani, inheritance [inherit0ns] //. ndonu (ngu).
leefdo; laToowo. inheritor [inher0t0] n. donoowo (o), donor (o).
inflame [infleym] v, hubbude; jawwude. inhibit [inhibit] v. hadde.
inflammable [inflam0b0l] adj. ko hubbata. inhume [ihyuwm] v. ubbude.
inflammation [infl0meys0n] n. buutdi (ndi). iniquity [in0kwiti] n. toonange (nge).
inflate [infleyt] v. tullinde; wuttude. initial [iniys0l] adj. ko faati e fuddorde.
inflated [infleyt0d] adj. guttadum, My initial reaction was not good Miijo
tullinaadum. am adano ngo moTTaano.
inflexible [infl0ksib0l] adj. ko hofotaako, initiate [iniyseyt] v. fuddude, hasde.
mo wuurotaako. inject [injekt] v. pingude, naatnude.
inflict [inflikt] v. wadde. injure [inj0] v. gaande. He was injured in
influence [influw0ns] v. yiinude, wadnude. the accident O gaanii ko e aksidaa o
He is under the influence of alcohol Ko injurious [inj0ry0s] adj. gaanojum; ko
o jardo /Ko o cirwudo/Ko o mandildo. gaanata.
inform [inform] v. tintinde; habrude, injury [inj0ri] n. gaanande (nde).
humpitde; daawnude; haalande. / want injustice [injAst0s] n. oonaare (nde).
to inform you that he arrived safely ink [ii]k] n. dahaa (o).
Mbede yidi andinde ma wonde o yettii ma
e dow jam e cellal. inky [i^ki] adj. ko bawli
inlet [inlet] n. naatirde (nde).

inmate intensify

inmate [inmeyt] n. gondiicfo e suudu. insouciant [insusy9nt] adj. mo wondaaka.

inn [in] n. jipporde (tide). inspect [inspekt] v. Teewtaade;
innate [ineyt] adj. ko necfcfo jibidinaa e mum. yuurnitaade.
inner [in0] adj. nder. inspection [inspeks9n] n. juumitaagol
innocent [in8s9nt] adj. laabcfo; mo (ngdl). upon closer ~ nde njuumitii mi.
toonaani. inspector [inspekt9] n. juurnittoocfo (o).
innominate [inam9n9t] adj. ko/mo alaa inspire [inspay9] v. naatnude foofaango.
innde. install [instol] v. fawde.
innovate [in9veyt] v. waylude; flicfcfude, instance [inst9ns] n. yeru. for yeni. ~

sosde. instant [inst9nt] n. sahaa (o)-, saanga (o).

innovation [in9veys9n] n. cosgol (tigol). instantly [inst9ntli] adv. cfoon e cfoon
innumerable [inAmr9b9l] adj. ko heewi; instigate [inst9geyt] v. urbude.
keewcfum; ko limotaako.
instigator [inst9geyt9] n. urboowo (o)',
inoculate [inowkyuwleyt] v. fesde, puacfucfo.
naatnude e. institute [inst9tyuwt] v. wacfde, mahde.
input [imput] v. naatnude. instruct [instrAkt] v. janginde.
input [imput] n. miijo (ngo). instruction [instrAks9n] n. jangde (nde).
inquietude [inkyetud] ti. sokla (o). instructor [instrAkt9] n. janginoowo (o)\
inquire [igkway9] v. lamndaade; loskude; ekkinoowo (o)
wittude. I am inquiring about your past insufficiency [ins9fiys9nsi] n. I^akkere
Ngon mi ko e wittude hanki ma. (nde).
inquiry [igkw9ri] ti. lamndal (tigal)\ wittoinsufficient [ins9fiys9nt] adj. I]akkucfum;
("go). ko l^akki.
inquisition [ipkw9ziys9n] n. lamndal
insult [insAlt] n. Tettoore (nde).
(tigal), witto (ngo).
insult [insAlt] v. Tettaade.
inquisitive [ipkw9z9tiv] adj. loskoowo (o).
You are very inquisitive Acfa waawi insupportable [ins9p0t9b9l] adj. ko
loskude. mufiotaako.
insane [inseyn] adj. kaangaacfo. insurmountable adj. huunde nde
insanity [insan9ti] n. kaacfi (di).
insurrection [ins9reks9n] n. murtugol
insatiable [inseys9b9l] adj. mo/ko haarataa. (ngdl).
inscribe [inskrayb] v. windude. intact [intakt] adj. ko waylaaki. The
inscription [inskr9ps9n] n. bindol (ngdl). building is intact Hubeere nde waylaaki
inseminate [ins9mineyt] v. aawde. hay dara.
insert [ins9rt] v. bilde e nder; naatnude e. integer [int9j9] n. limoore (nde).
Insert it between the doors bilcfum e integrate [int9greyt] v. rendinde, naatnude
hakkunde dame cfe. e.
inside [insayd] nder. integrity [int9griti] n. nuuncfal (ngal).
insider [insayd9] n. nedcfo goncfo e nder. integument [int9gy9m9nt] n. nguru (ngu).
insinuate [ins9nyweyt] v. baagaade. intelligence [int9lij9ns] n. YoYre (nde),
insipid [insip9d] adj. tekum. karallaagal (ngal)-, seebre (nde).
insist [insist] v. teeT]tinde. intelligent [int9lij9nt] adj. YoYcfo, peerdo;
insistence [ins9st9ns] //. teel]ting61 (ngdl). pesiicfo. He is very intelligent O mo feerti
insolence [ins9l9ns] n. bonehdagaal (ngal), no feewi.
neetaraagal (ngal). intelligible [int9lij9b9l] adj. ko faamotoo;
ko faamnii.
insolate [ins9leyt] v. saacfnude, saacfnaade.
insoluble [insol9b9l] adj. ko saayataa. intend [intend] v. fibde; anniyaade. I intend
to finish the work today Mbecfe anniyii
insomniac [ins9mnyak] adj. donkucfo gasnude golle cfe hande.
intensify [intens9fay] v. teel^tinde.
intent introspect

intent [intent] n. anniyya (o)\ fibre (nde). interrelation [intaraleysan] n. naatondiral

intention [intenson] n. anniyya (o)\ fibre (ngal)\ naatnaattondiral (ngal).
(nde). interrogate [intarageyt] v. lamndaade.
intentional [intonsanal] adj. ko anniyaa; ko interrogation [intarageysan] n. lamndagol.
faati e anniya. interrogator [intarageyta] n.
interact [interakt] v. yeewnude. lamndotoocfo.
intercalate [interkaleyt] v. bilde. interrupt [intarApt] v. hebbitaade; feraade
intercede [intersiyd] v. maslude; weltinde. haala. / do not mean to interrupt you
intercept [intersept] v. hebbaade, faddaade. Wonaa feraade haala maa.
interchange [interceynj] n. gostondiral interruption [intarApsan] n. peragol haala;
(ngal). kebbitaagol (ngol).
interchange [interceynj] v. wostondirde, intersect [intasekt] v. yantondirde;
wostondireede. hawrude.
interconnect [intakenekt] v. jokkondirde, interspace [intaspeys] n. yelde (nde)\ l^alde
segondirde. (nde).
intercourse [intakos] n. jiindiral (ngal). interval [intavol] n. yolnde (nde).
intervene [intaviyn] v. ma?aade; lombaade.
interdict [intadikt] v. hacfde.
He intery^ened to stop the fight O lombii
interdiction [intadiksan] n. hacfnde (nde)\ hakkunde mabbe.
huunde hacfaande.
interview [intavyuw] //. kaaldigal (ngal).
interfere [intarfiya] v. naatde e ko wonaa
haaju mum; hadae. interview [intavyuw] v. haaldude e.
interim [intaram] n. lomto (o)\ mudda (o). interviewee [intavyuwiy] n. lamndeteecfo (o).
interior [intiyrya] n. nder. interviewer [intavyuwa] n. lamndotoocfo (o).
interlocutor [intalakuta] n. kaaldiicfo (o)\ interweave [intawiyv] v. sanondirde.
kaaldeteecfo (o). intestinal [intastinal] adj. ko faati e
intermarriage [intamarij] n. dewgal tektekol.
hakkunde leTTi. intestine [intastin] n. tektekol (ngol).
intermediary [intamiydyari] n. intimidate [intimadeyt] v. hulbinde.
hakkundeejo (o). into [intu] prep. nder.
interminable [intarminabal] adj. ko intolerable [intalarabal] adj. ko
gasataa. munotaako.
intermingle [intamipgal] naatondirde. intolerant [intalarant] adj. loobcfo; mo
intermit [intarmit] v. dartinde. munataa.
internal [intarnal] adj. ko woni nder. ~ intort [intot] v. haaTde.
affairs golle nder leydi. intractable [intraktabal] adj. I3atcfo.
international [intanasanal] adj. hakkunde intransigent [intranzijant] adj. mo
leycfeele. hofotaako.
internee [intarniy] n. jaggaacfo (o)', intravenous [intraviynas] adj. nder cfacfol.
cokaacfo (o). intricate [intrakat] adj. ko jikkondiri.
interpersonal [intaparsanal] adj. hakkunde intrigue [intriyg] n. sirru (o).
yimbe. intrinsic [intransik] adj. ko jeyaa e huunde.
interpose [intarpowz] v. bilde. introduce [intradyuws] v. naatnude,
interpret [intarprit] v. firde; nantinde, hollondirde. ~ owescZ/'innitaade.
faccirde introduction [intradAksan] n. kollondiral
interpreter [intarprita] n. piroowo (o)\ (ngal).
nantinoowo (o). introductory [intradAktri] adj. ko faati e
interracial [intareysal] adj. hakkunde pucfcfagol.
leTTi. introspect [intraspekt] v. Teewde e nder
interrelate [intariyleyt] v. naatondirde; mum

intrude itself

intrude [intruwd] v. naatde e ko wonaa ko iron [ayr9n] v. paasde.

mum. You are intruding Acfan naata eko iron [ayr9n] n. 1) feer (o)\ tappirgal (ngal)\
wonaa ko maa. tappirde (nde) 2) njamndi (ndi). The iron
inundate [inAndeyt] v. waamde. is hot Feer o wulii ironer [ayr9n9] v.
inure [inyuwr] v. tekkinde. paasoowo (o).
invade [inveyd] v. naatde, hebtude nokku irradiate [iradyeyt] v. jalbinde, fooynude.
janano. They invaded his house be naati e irrecoverable [ir9k9vr9b9l] adj. ko
galle makko. hebtotaako; ko yalti naamcfe.
invaginate [invajaneyt] v. naatnude e nder irreducible [ir9dyuws9b9l] adj. ko
wana. ustotaako.
invalid [invalid] adj. 1) laToowo, boofo 2) irregular [iregil9] adj. ko luutndii.
ko feewaani. irreligious [ir9liyj9s] adj. ko/mo rewaani
invaluable [invalyabal] adj. ko heewi diine.
nafoore. irreparable [irep9r9b9l] adj. ko
invariable [inv9ry9b0l] adj. ko waylotaako feewnittaako.
invasion [invey39n] n. naatgol (ugdl). irreplaceable [iriypleys9b9l] adj. ko
invective [invektiv] n. Tettoore (nde)\ lomtetaake.
toonange (nge). irresolute [ir9zolyuwt] adj. mo wakkilaaki.
invent [invent] v. fucfcfude; sosde. irreversible [iriv9rsib9l] adj. ko
inventor [invent9] //. pucfcfucfo (o)’, coscfo waylotaako.
(o). irrigate [ir9geyt] v. naatnude ndiyam.
inverse [inv9rs] adj. ko hippii. irrigation [ir9geys9n] n. naatnugol ndiyam.
invert [inv9rt] v. hippude. irritable [irit9b9l] adj. loobcfo.
investigate [inv9stigeyt] v. wittude. irritate [ir9teyt] v. seknude.
investigation[inv9stigeys9n] n. witto (ngo). irruption [irAps9n] n. puccitaagol (ngdl)\
inveterate [inv9t9r9t] v. doolnucfo e pudgol (ngdl).
huunde. is [iz] V. woni, woodi.
invigorate [invig9reyt] v. tekkinde; Islam [izlam] n. lislaam (o). I believe in
sembinde. Islam Mbecfe goongcfini diine Islam.
invincible [invins9b9l] adj. mo fooletaake. island [ayl9nd] n. duunde (nde)\ jubarde
invisible [inv9z9b9l] adj. ko/mo yiyotaako. (nde) -, dujal (ngal).
invocate [inv9keyt] v. naagaade. islander [ayl9nd9] n. kocfcfo e duunde.
invocation [inv9keys9n] n. naagunde (nde). islet [ayl9t] n. duunde tokosere.
invoke [invowk] v. naagaade. isolate [ays9leyt] v. ambude; seemdude.
involve [involv] v. naatnude; rendinde. / am issue [isyuw] v. yaltinde.
not involved in that project Mi alaa been, it [it] pron. cfum; huunde (nde). Give it to
invulnerable [inv9ln9r9b9l] adj. ko tundi. him Rokku mo cfum.
inward [inw9d] adj. nder. itch [ic] n. miiro (ngo)-, fecfcfo (ngo).
inwardly [inodli] adv. ko faati e nder. itch [ic] V. miirde, fecfcfude; fecfcfeede;
irascible [iras9b9l] adj. loobcfo. 13atde. My hand is itching Jungam ngo
ina T]ata.
irate [ayreyt] adj. pilnitiicfo; pinnucfo,
itchy [ici] adj. ko I3ati.
irenic [ayriynik] adj. ko faati e deeTre. iterate [it9reyt] v. reftaade.
iritis [ayrayt9s] n. naw gite, gite gojjucfe. itinerary [aytin9r9ri] n. laawol (ngdl).
irk [9rk] v. seknude; haabnude. its [its] det. ko mum; ko muucfum.
irksome [9rksAm] adj. kaabnicfum, itself [itself] pron. hoore mayre.

jab jounce

jab [jab] v. Tobbude; gobbude. jewel [juwal] n. cucfaari (ndi).

jabber [jab0] n. haala njaawka. jeweler [juwala] n. baylo (o).
jack [jak] n. suutirde (nde). jib [jib] V. turaade, leeltinde.
jackal [jak8l] n. boy (o). jibe [jayb] v. hawrude.
jacket [jaket] n. comcol (ngol). jigger 0ig8] gamoowo (o).
Jacob [jeykab] n. yaaquub, annabi yaaquub. jiggle Oig^l] jumpude; diwde ina
jacquerie [jakri] n. murtugol (ngol). doTToo.
jadder [jada] n. keloowo kaaTe. jihad [jihad] n. pellugol diine.
jag [jag] V. yiwde; taTde. jimp [jimp] adj. cewcfum; ko sewi.
jail [jeyl] n. kaso (o). He is in jail ko o jingle Oirig^l] sel]lude; sil]lude. ~ hell
cokaacfo. hulnde.
jailer [jeyl9] n. deenoowo kaso. jinn [jin] n. jinne (o).
jailhouse [jeylhaws] n. kaso (o). jinx [jii)ks] n. kiitaacfo.
jam [jam] v, dunde. jitter [jita] n. kulol (ngdl).
Jamaica [j0meyk0] n. jamayik. job Oob] n. liggeey (o), gollal (ngal). ~
holder jom liggeey. I am looking for a
jamboree [jambariy] n. deental sukaab e.
job Ko mi ndaaroowo liggeey.
jampack [jampak] v. hebbinde haa heewa.
jobless [jobles] adj. mo alaa liggeey.
jangle [jaggal] v. sil]lude.
jockey [jokiy] n. dognoowo puccu.
janitor [janata] n. gorko deenoowo nokku.
jocose [jowkowz] adj. jalnicfum; ko jalnii.
Where is the janitor Hoi to deenoowo o
woni? jocund [jowkand] adj. beltiicfo.
janitress [janatres] n. debbo deenoowo jocundity [jowkandati] n. weltaare (nde).
nokku. jog [jog] V. dogde. Jogging is good for you
January [janari] n. saawiye (o). Dogdu ina moTTi e maa.
jape Ow] gaajaade. joggle OogSl] dillinde.
jar [jar] v. dillude. join Ooy^] sel]ondirde; sefjde;
jokkondirde. Let us join forces
jaunt [jont] v. cfannaade cfangal dabbal.
javelin [javalin] n. mbaangu (ngid).
joinder [joynda] n. ceI36ndiral (ngal).
jaw [jo] n. golgolal (ngal)\ gabgal (ngal).
joined [joynd] adj. ko sel^ondiraa.
jealous [jiylas] adj. kircfo. He is jealous Ko
joiner [joyna] n. minise (o)', labbo (o)
o kircfo.
joint [joynt] n. jokkere (nde), jokkorde
jealousy [jiylasi] n. kiram (dam).
Jeep Oiyp] oto
joke [jowk] n. gaajondiral (ngal)\ gaajaare
jeer [jiya] v. seknoraade. (nde).
jeerer [jiyra] n. ceknortoocfo (o). joke [jowk] V. gaajaade. ~ around
jell [jel] V. fendaade. lamminde. ~ mth siidaade. He is joking
jeremiad [jeramyad] n. gullitaagoi (ngol). O woni ko e gaajaade.
jerk [jark] v. rippude, diwde e doTTaade. joker [jowka] n. gaajotoocfo (o).
jess [jes] V. tongude. jolly [joli] adj. beltiicfo.
jest [jest] V. gaajaade. jolt [jolt] V. dillinde.
jest [jest] n. gaajaare (nde). jostle [josal] v. felmaade.
Jesus [jiyzas] n. annabi lisaa. jot [jot] V. windude. Jot the sentence down
jetliner [jetlayna] n. ndiwoowa (ka). Windu kongol ngol.
jotter [jota] n. bindoowo (o).
jetport [jetport] n. kandaa abiyof).
jounce [jowns] v. diwde ina doTToo.
Jew [juw] n. yahuudiyanke.

journey juvenile

journey [j8rni] v. cfangal (ngal.) Have c jumble [jAmb9l] v. rendinde.

safe journey yo Alla wacf jaanje. jump [jAmp] ti. diwal (tigal)\ diwgol (tigol).
jovial [jowvyal] adj. belcfo TiiTam. high ~ diwal dow.
joviality [jowvyalti] n. bdgol TiiTam. jump [jAmp] V. diwde. - in bed
joy [joy] 11. welamma (o)\ weltaare (nde). dimbaade. ~ over tacfcfude. ~ down
joyful Ooyfsl] beltiicfo. sirpaade. ~ around folde; diwde ina
joyless [joyles] adj. mo weltaaki.
jumper [jAmp9] ti. diwoowo (o).
joyous OoySs] adj. beltiicfo.
jumping [jAmpig] ti. diwgol (tigdl)\ diwal
jubilant [juwbilant] adj. beltiicfo. (tigal).
jubilate [juwbaleyt] v. weltaade. junction [jApks9n] ti. dendingol (tig6l)\
jubilation [juwb9leys9n] n. weltaare (tide). salnde (tide).
judge [jAj] ti. naawoowo (o). jungle [jApg9l] ti. ladde tuulaa heelaa.
judge [jAj] V. naawde. junior [juwny9] ti. suka (o).
judgement [jAjm9nt] ti. naawoore (tide). junk [jApk] ti. kurjuru (o).
judicature [juwdik9cur] ti. naawoore (tide) jural [juwr9l] adj. ko faati e
judicial [juwdiys9l] adj. ko faati ( naawoore/laawol.
naawoore. jurisprudence [juwrisprud9ns] ti.
judiciary [juwdiys9ri] adj. ko faati < naawoore (tide), laawol (tigdl)\ luwaa (o).
naawoore. jurist [juwrist] ti. naawoowo (o).
judicious [juwdiys9s] adj. peewcfo. just [jAst] adj. peewcfo.
judo [juwdow] ti. sippiro (tigo). justice [jAstis] ti. naawoore goonga.
juggle [jAg9l] V. tebbaade. justification [jAstif9keys9n] ti. sabaabu (o).
juggler [jAgl9] ti. tebbotoocfo. justify [jAst9fay] v. sabobinde.
jugglery [jAgl9ri] ti. tebbagol (tigol). juvenile [juwv9nayl] adj. ko faati e
jugulate [juwgy9leyt] v. warde. suka/sukaabe.
juice [juws] ti. ndiyam bingel lecfcfe.
jujube ti. [juwjub] yaabre (tide).

kaaba knitting

kaaba [kabo] n. kaaba {ka). killing [kilii]] n. wamgo (ngo)-, war hoore.
kabob [kabab] n. taYatine teew. kilogram [kilagram] n. cilo (o). Pvo ~s
kaf [kaf] n. alkulal Aarabeere. cilooji cficfi.
kaftan [kaftan] n. kaftaan. kilo [kilow] n. cilo (o).
kakapo [kakapo] n. sondu. kilometer [kilowmita] /?. ujunere meeteer.
kaolin [kalin] n. bakkere raneere. kin [kin] n. bandiraacfo (o).
karat [karat] n. betirde kaI3I]e; betirde kind kaynd] adj. lobbo; newiicfo. He is very
jamaa. kind ko o necfcfo moTTo/newiicfo.
katamorphism [katamorfizm] n. baylagol kind [kaynd] n. sifaa (o). what ~ hoi sifaa.
(ngdi). kindly [kayndli] (adv) ko faati e moYTere,
keel [kiyl] ti. naw kankaleewal. kindness [kayndnes] n. newaare (nde)\
keen [kiyn] adj. ko weli, belcfum. moYYere (nde).
keep [kiyp] v. mooftude. ~ a secret usrude, kindle [kindal] v. hubbude.
mooftude sirru. ~ one’s word reende kindling [kindlii]] adj. ko yaawi hubbude. ~
kongol mum; heddaade e kongol mum. wood camalle.
Keep the noise down Ustee dille. kinfolk [kinfok] n. bandiraabe (be)\ koreeji
keeper [kiypa] n. mooftoowo (o). house ~ (cfi) king [kir)] n. laamcfo (o)', buur (o)\
deenoowo galle. laamiicfo (o). He is the king ko kanko
keg [keg] n. barigal tokasal. laamii; ko kanko woni laamcfo.
kelt [kelt] n. jiiba (o). kingdom [kiqdam] n. laamu (ngu).
kepi [kepi] n. laafa (ka). kingfisher [kipfisa] n. hammayeroyel
kernel [karnal] n. aaludere (nde).
kinsfolk [kinsfok] n. koreeji ((fi)‘,
kerchief [karcaf] n. misooro (o).
banndiraabe (be),
kerosene [kerowsin] /?. karsin
kinship [kinsip] fi. jiidigal (ngal)-,
ketch-up [kecAp] n. soos (o). bandiraagal (ngal).
kettledrum [ketaldrAm] u. tabalde (nde). kiss [kis] n. buucagol (ngol)
kettle [ketal] v. satalla (ka). kiss [kis] V. buucaade. ~ each other
key [kiy] n. coktirgal (ngal). ~ to success buucondirde.
maale Tellitaagol. kitchen [kican] n. waan (o). in the ~ nder
keynote [kiynowt] n. qiimaa (o). waan.
kibble [kibal] v. unde, kite [kayt] n. ciilal (ngal).
monnude; feccude. kitten [kitan] n. ullungel (ngel).
kick [kik] v. dampude; fettude. ~ kittle [kital] v. Yobbude.
accidentally feraade. Kick the ball Fettu kleptomaniac [kleptowmenyak] n. gujel
bal o. (ngel)-, mo jeyaajungo mum.
kicking [kikiq] n. dampugol (ngol). knave [neyv] n. necfcfo mo nuuncfaani.
kickoff [kikaf] n. pucfcfagol (ngol). knead [niyd] v. jiibde.
kid [kid] n. boobo (o), suka (o). knee [niy] n. hofru (ndu). Down on your
kid [kid] v. gaajaade. I am just kidding knees Dicco.
Ngonmi ko e gaajaade kneecap [niykap] n. tumude hofru.
kiddy [kidi] n. suka (o). kneel [niyl] v. diccaade, noynaade. ~ down
kidnap [kidnap] v. diftaade, saaynaade, tukkaade, Yukkaade.
suuude. kneeling [niylip] n. diccande (nde).
kidney [kidniy] n. booTere (nde). knife [nayf] n. labi (ki)
kill [kil] V. warde. ~ lice fuTde. knit [nit] v. sande.
killer [kila] n. baroowo (o). knitting [nitir)] n. canu (ngu).

knock kowtow

knock [nok] v. hongude. ~ fruit off trees knowledge [nowlej] n. gandal (tigal). to my
sammude. ~ down sammude, oTTude. ~ e gandalam knowledgeable
knock-kneed [nokniyd] adj. molfo. [nowlej9b9l] adj. gando.
knot [not] ti. pibol jokkere (nde)\ known [nown] adj. dowlucfo, gandaacfo.
jokkande (nde), fibre (nde)\ wulnde (tide), well ~ darjucfo; lollucfo.
tie the ~ habbude, fibde, humande. knuckle [nAk9l] n. jokkere (tide).
know [now] v. andude. ~ about someone kob [kob] ti. lella (ba).
andande. I know him Mbecfe anndi mo. kola nut [kowl9nAt] ti. goro (ko).
knowable [now9b9l] adj. ko andotoo. Koran [kowran] ti. quraan (o).
kowtow [kowtow] V. fiide tiinde e leydi.

laager laudable

laager [iQga] ti. jippunde (tide). landmark [lanmok] ti. keerol (tigdl).
labor [leyb0] v, liggaade; gollade. landslide[lanslayd] ti. jooragol leydi; dirtugol
labor [leyba] n. liggeey (o)\ gollal (ngal). leydi.
manual ~ liggeey jungo. language [lai3gwij] ti. cfemngal (tigal). Fula
laborer [Ieyb0r8] ti. liggotoocfo (o)\ ~ s cfemngal Fulfulde, Fulflilde.
gollotoodo (o). languid [laggwid] adj. lohcfo; leefcfo.
labrum [leybram] n. tondu (ndu). Ianguish[lai]gwis] v. lohde, leefde; leefcfude.
lace [leys] ti. boggol pacfe. lank [lai]k] adj. pooTcfo.
lacerate [lasareyt] v. taTde. lantern [lantam] ti. lampa (ka).
laceration [Ias0reys0n] ti. taTgol (tigol). lap [lap] V. mettaade.
lack [lak] ti. hokkere (tide)\ donkal (tigal), lapidate [lapadeyt] ti. wardude kaaTe.
baasal (tigal). lapse [laps] ti. juumre (tide)-, fliujoore (tide).
lack [lak] v. hokkude, waasde; mankude. ~ larcener [larsana] ti. gujjo (o).
water soonde, hokkude. ~ clothing holde.
larceny [larsani] ti. nguyka (ka).
laconic [lakonik] adj. dabbicfcfum; ko lard [lard] ti. bellere mbabba tugal.
large [laj] adj. mawnucfum; ko mawni;
lacuna [lakyuwna] n. I]akkug61 (tigol). jaajcfum.
lad [lad] ti. suka gorko; surga (o). largess [lajes] ti. moTTere (tide).
ladder [lada] ti. Teel3irde (tide)-, seel (o), lark [lak] v, gaajaade.
Teel]irgal (tigal).
larva [larva] ti. bingel (tigel).
lade [leyd] v. fawde; rimndude.
lash [las] ti. karwaas (o).
ladle [ladal] ti. kuddu luus; kuundal (tigal).
lash [las] v. hide.
lady [leydi] ti. sokna (o)-, debbo (o). ladies
lassie [Iasi] ti. suka debbo; boombel (tigel).
and gentlemen rewbe e worbe.
lassitude [lasityuwd] ti. tampere (tide).
lag [lag] V. mudde; bodde, leelde.
last [last] V. wacftinde; booyde, yeerde;
laggard [lagad] adj. leelcfo.
booyde. he ~ wacftindaade, sakkitaade,
lagoon [laguwn] ti. teeyteeyngal (tigal). luutaade.
lair [leya] ti. lowol (tigol). last [last] adj. battano. ~ horn child kodda
lake [leyk] ti. teeyteeyngal (tigal)-, deedal (o). ~ hut one cukko battano. ~ night hanki
(tigal). jamma.
lam [lam] v. fiide. latch [lac] v. sokde.
lamb [lam] ti. 1) mbaalu (tigu)-, dammuhol latchet [lacit] ti. boggel pacfe.
(tigdl) 2) teew dammuhol. late [leyt] adj. leelcfo. he ~ leelde, jengude.
lambda [lamda] ti. alkulal (tigal). He is late O leelii arde/o tardii.
lame [leym] adj. laToowo. tvalk ~ laTde. lately [leytli] adv. ko booyaani.
lament [lament] v, woytaade; Terde, latent [laytant] adj. ko suucfii; cuucficfum.
sunaade; woyde. lateral [lataral] adj. ko faati e bal]I3e.
lament [lament] ti. uumaango (tigo)-, 13uslere
laterite [latarit] ti. leydi mbocfeeri.
(tide), goytagol (ngol.
latest [leytast] adj. ko buri fof hescfude.
laminate [lamaneyt] v. seemdude.
lath [laG] ti. bokko (ko).
lamp [lamp] ti. lampa (ka).
lather [lada] n. nguufa (ka).
lance [Ians] ti. del]13ere (tide)-, baawal (tigal).
latrine [latrin] ti. firlorde (tide).
lance [Ians] v. yiwde.
latter [lata] adj. battindiicfo. the former and
land [land] ti. leydi (tidi). make ~ teerde, the ~ gadiicfo e battindiicfo.
laud [lod] V. mantude.
landless [landles] adj. mo alaa leydi.
laudable [lodabal] adj. mantincfo.

laugh leftover

laugh [laf] V. jalde. make someone ~ jalnude. leaf [liyf] n. baramlefol (ngdl).
~ loudly waaktaade; serkitde. ~ down leaflet [liyflet] n. kayitel (ngel)-, cferewol
jalkitde. He is laughing at you O woni ko e bindangol e dow mum.
jalde ma. leafy [liyfi] adj. ko sukki; eukkucfum.
laughable [lafabal] adj. jalnicfum; ko jalnii. league [liyg] n. deental (ngal)\ fedde (nde).
laughter [lafta] ti. jaleecfe (cfe). He does not belong to that league O
launch [lone] v. werlaade; jolnude. ~ an jeyaaka e ndeen fedde.
attack yande e. leak [liyk] n. eiyam (dam).
launch [lone] n. laana (ka). leak [liyk] v. siyde. There yvas a leak
launder [londo] v, wuppude. somewhere Won kaaltucfo.
launderette [londoret] ti. wuppirde (nde). lean [liyn] adj. eewdo; ko fayaani.
laundromat [londromat] n. wuppirde (nde). lean [liyn] v. 1) baarde, baggude 2)
laundry [londri] n. eomei guppeteecfi, guppol Tukkaade. ~ against tuggaade; baaraade;
(ngdl). I am doing my laundry Mbeden baggaade. ~ oneself on baaraade.
wuppa eomei am. leaning [liynig] n. Yukkagol (ngdl)', turagol
lava [lava] n. leydi ngulndi ngummiindi nder (ngdl).
leydi. leap [Hyp] v. diwde.
lavalava [lavalava] n. wudere (nde). learn [lorn] v. jangude, ekkaade. ~ again
lavation [laveysOn] n. guppol (ngdl). ekkitaade. Learn your lesson Jangu
windande ma.
lave [leyv] v. lootde; buftude.
lavish [lavis] v. cfuucfde; heewde. learned [lornd] adj. jangucfo.
learner [lorno] n. jangoowo (o).
law [lo] n. luwaa (o)\ laawol (ngdl).
law-abiding [lowabaydi^] adj. dewcfo learning [lomig] n. jangde (nde).
laawol, pooTtiiefo. lease [liys] v. luwde.
lawful [lofo] adj. ko dagii; ko rewi laawol; leash [liys] n. ginol (ngdl).
dagiefum, pooetiefum; jamiraacfum. least [liyst] adj. burcfo fof famefude.
lax [laks] adj. mo wondaaka. leather [ledo] n. nguru (ngn) -bag sasa (ka).
laxative [laksotiv] n. lekki seero. ~ worker garanke (o)', sakke (o).
lay [ley] v. lelaade, lelnude. ~ straight leave [liyv] v. 1) cfaccude 2) yahde; fokkitde.
fortaade. ~ an egg boeeinde; furtude. ~ ~ for someone accande. ~ unnoticed
down lattinaade. ~ mud on the wall wappaade. ~ early morning huudaade. ~ in
sappitde. ~ on nappude. ~ off riiwde. ~ out the afternoon himdude. ~ a trace battinde.
wertude. ~ on ones' hack ajjaade; -for someone accirde; accande. ~ a habit
weyginaade. ~ something or someone on rul]aade. ~ over heddude. ~ one's
the hack ajjinde. ~ on ones' hack hippaade. husband's compound after a dispute
layette [loyet] n. eomei e kaake eukalel. suutaade. ~ alone woppude; cfalde. I am
leaving today Ko hande njahatmi.
layover [leyowvO] n. jippunde (nde).
lector [lekto] n. janginoowo (o)', jangoowo
laziness [leyzines] n. aamre (nde). (o).
lazy [leyzi] adj. gaamcfo you are lazy acfa
lecture [lekeo] v. janginde.
lecturer [lekeoro] n. janginoowo (o).
lead [liyd] n. 1) gardagol (ngdl) 2) bedek (o).
—in fudeforde (nde). ledge [lej] n. sara (o)', hawngo (ngo).
lead [liyd] v. ardaade; regginde. ~ a holiday leech [liyc] n. mbuutu (ngu).
prayer flimminde. ~ a prayer juulnude. ~ left [left] adj. baI3!]e nano; nano, jungo nano.
the blind cfowde. ~ again arditaade. Lead ~hand]wr\%Q> nano; nanal (ngal). ~ handed
the prayer Juulnu en. nannano.
leader [liydo] n. gardiicfo (o). leftover [leftowvO] n. kedde (de); sibbere
leadership [liydosip] //. gardagol (ngdl). (nde), naamatinde (nde).
leading [liydip] n. gardagol (ngdl), cfowgol

leg lifted

leg [leg] n. koyngal (ngal)\ cakutal (ngal). bataake. I am waiting for your reply
lower ~ korlal (ngal). pull someone’s ~ Mbecfe fadi jaabtawol ma.
fuuntude, gaajaade. ettered [let0d] adj. gando; jangucfo.
legacy [leg0si] n. ndonu (ngu). evade [l0veyd] v. Teeraade (puccu).
legal [Iiyg0l] adj. jamiraacfum; ko rewi evant [l0vant] n. ummagol (ngol).
laawol; ko yamiraa. evel [lev0l] v. fondude. ~ off melde. ~ out
legalize [liyg0layz] v. yamirde. It must be fondude.
legalized Ina foti yamireede.
evelled [lev0ld] adj. pondacfum, berkacfum.
legerity [Iej0r0ti] n. yaawre (nde). eveling [lev0lii)] n. berko (ngo).
legged [leg0d] adj. ko jogii koycfe. evigate [lev0geyt] v. ruggude; unde,
legible [lejib0l] adj. jangotoocfum; ko evitate [lev0teyt] v. weeyde.
evy [levi] v. askude.
legislation [Iej0sleys0n] n. naawoore (nde).
evy [levi] n. limpoo (o).
legislative [Iej0sl0tiv] adj. ko naawata.
exical [leksik0l] adj. ko faati e kelme.
legitimate [l0jitm0t] adj. ko rewi laawol; ko
exicography [leksikowgr0fi] n. bindol e
yamiraa; jamiraacfum.
jande caggitorcfe.
legless [legles] adj. guddo.
exicon [leks0kon] n. kelme (cfe).
leisure [liyz0] n. weytaare (nde).
lability [Iay0bil0ty] n. namaande (nde).
leman [lem0n] n. gicfo (o)\ suka (o).
iaison [liyezon] n. jokkondiral (ngal).
lemon [lem0n] n. limol] (o).
iar [lay0] n. penoowo (o). He is a liar Ko o
lemonade [lem0neyd] n. njaram liminaat. penoowo.
lend [lend] v. lubde, aslude; namlude. Lend ibation [laybeys0n] n. cakkagol (ngol).
me a hand Rokkam jungo, wallam. Lend
ibel [layb0l] v. takkude necfcfo.
me some money Namlam kaalis.
iberate [lib0reyt] v. cfaccitde; accitde;
lendable [Iend0b0l] adj. lubeteecfum; ko
humtude He was liberated today Ko hande
o cfaccitaa.
lending [lendig] n. lubal (ngal).
iberty [lib0ti] n. jey hoore mum.
length [ler)0] n. njuuteendi (ndi).
ibrary [laybr0ri] n. mooftirde defte.
lengthen [leg00n] v. juutnude. ~ sounds
ice [lays] n. bamcfi hoore; bamcfi comci. egg
juurtude lengthy [le50i] adj. ko juuti,
~ mbimTa (ba).
icit [lisit] adj. jamiraacfum; ko rewi
leniency [liny0nsi] n. maslaha (o)\ yaafliya
laawol/ko yamiraa.
ick [lik] V. salbaade, mettaade; laaTaade;
lenient [liyny0nt] adj. jaafotoocfo.
leper [lep0] n. gonducTo e baras.
icked [likt] adj. mettacfum
leprosy [lepr0si] n. baras (o).
id [lid] n. hippoode (nde)-, ombirgal (ngal),
lesion [liy30n] n. gaanande (nde). omboode (nde). Put the lid on the pot
less [les] adj. ko jaasi. Hippu barme o.
lessen [les0n] v. dajde, ustude. ie [lay] v. 1) lelaade 2) fende, semtude. ~
lesson [les0n] n. windande (nde). He learned sideways nenkilaade.
a lesson So mawcfo wumii wumtii anndii ko ie [lay] n. puttere (nde)-, fenaande (nde). He
gite nafata. told a lie cfum ko fenaande.
lessor [leso] n. luwoowo (o). ieu [luw] n. nokku (o).
lest [lest] adj. koycfo e leydi, ife [layf] n. nguurndam (dam), -guard
let [let] V. woppude, accude. to let in deenoowo (o).
naatnude. ift [lift] V. bamtude, hunde, sefde; suutde. ~
lethargy [le00rji] n. ngaameela (ka). while wrestling foobnaade.
letter [let0] n. 1) alkulal (ngal) 2) bataake ift-off [lift0v] n. diwgol (ngol).
(o). I sent you a letter Mi winndii ma ifted [lift0d] adj. cuutaacfo.

lifting load

lifting [liftir)] /?. cuutgol (ngol)-, Tettugol link [lii]k] v. jokkondirde.

(ngal). lint [lint] n. gaaraaji (cfi)\ gaarawol (ngol).
ligate [ligeyt] v. habbude. lion [lay0n] n. taktakri (ndi)\ kaandi (ndi).
ligature [Iig0c0] /?. kabbugol (ngol). ~’s share gecfal laamcfo.
light [layt] adj. koycfo; koycfum. He is light- lip [lip] n. tondu (ndu)
headed Omo weebi hoore. lippen [lip0n] v. hoolaade.
light [layt] /?. fooyre (nde). Do you have a liquefaction [Iikw0faks0n] /?. caaynugol
light Acfa jogii jayngol/Acfa jogii kucfol? (ngol).
almet. liquefy [likw0fay] v. saayde; saaynude.
light [layt] v. hubbude, yaynude; yalmitde; liqueur [lik0r] n. konnjam (cfam)\ sangara
light-skinned [laytskind] adj. naawo. liquid [likwid] n. male ndiyam; ko faati e
lightning [laytnir)] n. majaango (ngo)\ ndiyam.
majande (nde), manaango (ngo). liquidate [likwideyt] v. 1) yobde; yeeyde 2)
like [layk] conj. elleey. warde.
like [layk] v. waade; nandude e. I like him O liquidator [likwideyt0] n. jeeyoowo (o).
mo well mi. liquor [lik0] n. sangara (o).
likeable [Iayk0b0l] adj. belcfo TiiTam; belcfo. Lisbon [lisb0n] n. laamorde Portugal,
liken [layk0n] v. nawdude; nandinde.
list [list] V. limtude; windude. He is listing
likeness [layknes] n. nandugol (ngol). their names O woni ko e windude incfe
liking [layki^] n. jicfgol (ngol). mabbe.
limb [limb] n. tergal (ngal). listing [listig] n. limtugol (ngol).
limbo [limbow] v. amde. listen [lis0n] v. hecfaade. ~ carefully
lime [laym] n. leemuna (o). hecftaade; hecftindaade. I am listening
to you Mbecfe hecfi maa.
limit [limit] v. haacfnude.
limit [limit] n. happu (o), haacftirde (nde)\ literacy [litr0si] n. jangde (nde)\ gandal
keerol (ngol). without ~ ko alaa happu.
literate [litret] adj. jangucfo.
limitation [Iim0teys0n] n. keerol (ngdl)\
happu (o). litter [lit0] n. kuijuru (o).
limited [lim0tid] adj. keeracfum. litter [lit0] v. rufde walla werlaade kuijuru.
limitless [lim0tles] adj. ko heeraaka. little [lit0l] adj. tokooso, tokosel.
limp [limp] v. laTde live [layv] v. wuurde, hocfde. ~ with
line [layn] v. reggondirde; rewondirde. ~ up hoddude. I live here Ko cfoo kocfmi.
tembinde. be in ~ tembude. livelihood [layvlihud] n. nguura (ka).
line [layn] n. diidol (ngdl)\ ciifol (ngdl)\ gorol lively [layvli] adj. guurcfum; ko wuuri.
(ngol). liven [layv0n] v. wuurnude; welnude.
lineage [liynij] n. asko (ngo)\ lenol (ngol). liver [liv0] n. jofe (cfe).
linen [linen] n. comci (cfi)\ darabuuji (di). liverish [livris] adj. ko nandi ejofe.
liner [layn0] n. pakke (o)\ laana mawka; laana livestock [layvstok] n. jawdi (ndi).
(ka). living [livig] n. nguumdam (dam).
linger [lip0] v. ruudde; heddaade e. lizard [liz0d] n. mbato (o)\ gundo, huttooru
lingerie [len30ri] n. njodom; comci (ndu), basawal (ngal)', nduulaldi (ndi).
baalirteecfi. load [lowd] n. loowande (nde)', dongal
lingual [lipgw0l] adj. ko faati e cfemngal. (ngal)', dimngal (ngal). a heavy ~ dimngal
linguistic [lii]gwistik] adj. ko faati e teddungal.
cfemngal. load [lowd] V. loowde; rimndude. ~ a gun
linguistics [li^gwistik] n. jangde cfemcfe. bannude.
lingworm [lingwom] n. sacfiwere (nde).
link [lipk] n. jokkondiral (ngal).

loaded lunacy

loaded [lowdid] adj. dimndaacfo; tedducfo; lop [lop] V. ferTude; feTYude.

loowaacfo; ko loowaa. The gun is loaded loquacious [lokweysas] adj. keewcfo haala;
Kute ina e nder fetel o. belcfo cfemngal.
loaf [lowf] /7. loocol mburu. lord [lod] ti. Joomiraacfo (o).
loafer [lowfa] n. necfcfo gaamcfo. lorry [lori] ti. kamiyot] (o).
loan [lown] v. namlude; lubde. lose [luwz] V. majjude, majjinde. ~
loan [lown] n. namaande (nde)\ lubal (ngal). consciousness facfaade, fekkoreede. ~
a ~ word kongol lubangol. leaves olde. ~ hair/feathers boraade. ~
loathe [low0] v. ande. value loskude. ~ fiber sefaade. ~ one's hair
loathing [lowGig] n. ngangu (ngu). rosaade. ~ one's mind haangeede.
lobster [lobsta] /?. sippak (o). loser [luwza] ti. necfcfo poolaacfo; sulle (o).
locality [lokalati] n. nokku (o). loss [los] ti. majjere (tide)', tilfere (tide). Your
loss is mine Enen ndendi sunaare.
locate [lokeyt] v. fawde e nokku; yiitude,
heednude. lost [lost] adj. majjucfo. I am lost Ko mi
location [lokeysan] n. nokku (o).
lot [lot] ti. lowre (tide).
locative [lokativ] n. jamminoore (nde)\
huunde jamminoore nokku. loud [lawd] adj. mawnucfum; ko mawni,
mawnde. a ~ voice daande mawnde.
lock [lok] n. beddal (ngal)-, kannaat (o)\
lollofjeere (tide). lounge [lawnj] v. weytaade.
lock [lok] V. sokde; meTTude. louse [laws] ti. mbabba hoore/comci.
locomotive [lowkamotiv] ti. laana njoorndi. love [IAV] ti. gilli (di).
locus [lokas] ti. nokku (o). love [IAV] V. yicfde. faaleede; hoowde. ~ each
other yicfondirde. I love you Mbecfe yicf
locust [lokAst] ti. mbaabattu (tigii)\ tenkere. maa.
loft [loft] ti. faawru (tidu). lovely [lAvli] adj. joocfcfo; ko yoocfi.
log [log] n. tunde (tide). I slept like a log lover [1Ava] ti. suka (o)', necfcfo jicfcfo.
Qaaniimi ko cfoyngol belngoL/juutngol.
low [low] adj. bappicfcfum; lescfucfum. It is
loin [loyn] ti. njogoram (dam) low Ina lesdi.
lone [lown] adj. petto; gooto. lower [Iowa] v. ustude; lescfinde.
loneliness [lownlanes] ti. yeeweende (tide). lowering [lowarig] ti. ustaare (tide), ustugol
lonely [lownli] adj. jeewaacfo. / am lonely (tigol).
Mbecfe yeewaa, lowing [lowig] ti. huunaango (tigo).
long [lor)] adj. juutcfo; booycfo. in the ~ run loyal [loya] adj. cfowtiicfo.
ko Dooyi juutde kala.
loyalty [loyalti] ti. cfowtagol (ngol).
long [log] V. yeewnude; tuuyeede.
lucent [luwsant] adj. jalbucfum; ko jalbi.
longlife [loglayf] ti. nguurndam (dam)\
njuutcfam (dam)\ balcfe juutcfe. lucid [lusid] adj. peercfo; peertucfo,
look [luk] V. Teewde; laarde. ~ in the mirror
tiimtaade. ~ over yongaade. ~ back
luck [lAk] ti. aabre (tide).
yeeTaade; yeccitaade. ~ under lubbude. ~ luckless [lAkles] adj. malkisaacfo.
into yuurnaade. ~ up hooynaade. ~ out lucky [lAki] adj. gaabcfo He is lucky Omo
reentaade. Look out Reento. aabi.
loom [luwm] ti. canirgal (ngal), kandal lucrative [luwkrativ] adj. ko wacfi nganaari;
(ngal). gaabcfum.
loophole [luwphowl] ti. ella (o). lug [lAg] V. daasde; foocfde.
loose [luws] adj. jolbucfum; jorcfum; ko luggage [lAgij] //. kaake (de)
yoori. get ~ boccitaade. lull [1A1] V. yeTde.
loosen [luwsan] v. yolbinde, firtude. lump [lAmp] ti. boodde (tide).
loot [luwt] ti. jawdi konaandi. lumpy [lAmpi] adj. ko heewi boocfe.
loot [luwt] V. honde; bonnude; wujjude. lunacy [luwnasi] ti. kaacfi (di).

lunch lynch

lunch [lAnc] ti. bottaari (ndi). Let*s eat lunch lure [luwr] v. fuuntude.
Ngotto cfen. lurk [lark] v. faddaade.
lunch [lAnc] v. wottaade. lute [luwt] n. hocfdu (ndu).
luncheon [lAc9n] /?. bottaari (ndi). luxuriant [lAg3ury0nt] adj. keewcfum; ko
lune [luwn] n. lewru (ndu). heewi.
lung [lAg] n. wumsundere (nde). ~5 jofe (de). lynch [line] v. warde.
lunt [lAnt] n. cuurki (hi).
lure [luwr] n. fliunti (o).

macadam mandatory

macadam [makadam] n. laawol (ngdl). maintenance [mentanans] n. toppitaagol

macaque [makak] n. waandu (ndu). (ngol).
machete [masati] n. jaasi (ki). maize [meyz] n. makka (o).
machinate [masaneyt] v. feewnude. major [meyja] n. kumaandal] (o).
machine [masiyn] n. masil] (o). a sewing ~ major [meyja] adj. ko mawni; mawnucfo.
masil] nootoowo. majority [majowrati] n. ko buri heewde.
machinist [masiynist] n. dognoowo masil], make [make] v. wacfde, feewnude. ~ love
macro [makro] adj. mawcfo; ko mawni. hoowde. ~ an appointment aadondirde
maculate [makyuwleyt] v. tunwinde.
maker [mayka] n. peewnoowo (o). bread ~
mad [mad] adj. kaangaacfo; cekcfo. be ~
piyoowo mburu.
haangeede. They drove him mad be
kaangcfinii mo. making [meykii]] n. peewnugol (ngdl).
madam [madam] n. debbo (o). maladroit [maladroyt] adj. mo feewaani
madden [madan] v. haangcfinde, seknude.
malady [maladi] n. naw (ngu)\ rafi (o).
madman [madman] n. kaangaacfo (o).
malapropos [malapropo] adv. ko feewaani;
madness [madnes] n. kaacfi (cfi).
ko haanaani.
magic [majik] n. dabare (cfe)\ nengi (di).
malcontent [malkantent] adj. mo
perform ~ nengaade.
feewnitaaki, mo weltaaki.
magic [majik] /?. ko faati e dabare. male [meyl] adj. worde; wordu; gorko.
magical [mjikal] adj. ko faati e dabare. ~ malediction [maladikasan] n. kucfdi (ndi).
lotion aaye (o).
malefactor [malefakta] n. bonnoowo (o).
magician [majiysan] /?. nengotoocTo (o).
malefic [malefik] adj. bonnojum; ko
magnate [magneyt] adj. koohoowo, bonnata.
malevolence [malevolGns] n. ngangu (ngu).
magnet [magnet] n. huunde foocfoore,
malice [mails] n. ngangu (ngu).
njamndi poodoori jamcfe.
magnified [magnafayd] adj. malign [malayn] v. toonde; fende.
mawninaacfum; ko mawni naa. malleable [maliyabal] adj. ko jiibotoo.
magnify [magnafay] v. mawninde. malodorous [maladros] adj. luubcfum; ko
luubi, ko sicci.
Mahdi [mahdi] n. maadii (o).
Mahomet [mahamet] //. annabi malt [molt] n. gawri coofnaandi.
Muhammad; nelaacfo Alla, mamba [mambo] n. ngaadaada (ha).
maid [meyd] n. mbindaan (o): mboomri mammock [mamok] v. helde.
(ndi). I work as a maid Ko mi bindiicfo. man [man] n. gorko. little ~ gorel (ngel).
maiden [meydan] n. mboomri (ndi). --hood ngoraagu. head- gardiicfo (o).
maigre [megr] adj. pooTTo, pooTcfum; ko manacle [manokol] v. tongude.
fooTi. manage [manij] v. ardaade. I can manage
mail [meyl] v. jolnude bataake. I mailed Ma mi wacfdu been.
your letter today Mi jolnii bataake maa management [manajmont] //. gardagol
hande. (ngdl).
maillot [mayo] n. comcol (ngdl). manager [manajo] n. gardiicfo (o) Who is
main [meyn] adj. ko buri himmude; the manager Hoi gardiicfo?
kimmucfum; ngooroondi. ~ road kallu manatee [manOti] n. liwoogu (ngu).
mawcfo. manche [mans] n. jungo comcol
maintain [menteyn] v. heddaade, (kaftaan/simis).
toppitaade, jokkude. mandate [mandeyt] v. halfinde.
mandatory [mandotori] adj. ko foti wonde.

manege mat

manege [manij] n. ekko (ngo), ekkagol mark [mak] n. diidol jeloode (nde).
(ngdi). maantoore (nde)-, maantorde (nde)-, tobbe
maneuvre [manu\w0] v. dognude. (cfe).
mangle [mangal] v. seekde. mark [mak] v. jelde. ~ with a hoe faafde.
mangle [mangol] n. tappirde (nde)\ marker [mak0] n. diidoowo jeloowo (o).
tappirgal (ugal). market [maket] n. jeere (nde), marse (o).
mango [mangow] /?. mango (ko). She went to the market O yahii jeere.
mania [manya] n. kaacfi (cfi). marketable [maket0b0l] adj. ko weebi
maniac [manyak] n. kaangaacfo (o). yeeyde; ko njeeygu mum weebi.
marksman [maksm0n] n. peewcfo jungo;
manic [manik] adj. ko faati e kaacfi.
mo woofataa. He is a marksman Ndaw
manifest [manafest] adj. ko laabi, ko ko feewi jungo.
marriage [marij] n. dewgal (ngal).
manifold [manifowld] adj. ko heewi;
keewcfum. married [marid] adj. cudducfo; cuddaacfo.
He is married Ko o descfo.
mankind [mankaynd] n. windere (nde).
marrow [marow] n. mbuuwwa (ka).
manlike [manlayk] n. ko wayi no necfcfo. ~
marry [mari] v. resde; suddude; marde. /
behavior golle gorko.
married her Mi resii mo.
manna [man0] n. namri (ndi).
marshy [masi] adj. ko faati e leydi.
manner [man0] //. fasol] (o); feere (nde).
He has no manners O nehaaki. mart [mat] n. jeere (nde).
mansard [mansard] n. mbildi (ndi). martial [mas0l] adj. jicfcfo hare,
mansion [mans0n] n. hubeere mawnde. martingale [matingeyl] n. faram (o); ginol
manslaughter [manslota] n. war hoore.
martyr [mat0] n. cahodincfo (o).
manual [manyal] adj. ko wacfirtee jungo;
martyrdom [mat0rd0m] n. cahodingol
ko faati e jungo.
manufacture [manyuwfakca] v. feewnude.
mascara [mask0ra] n. fmo (ngo).
manufacturer [manyuwfakc0r0] n.
peewnoowo (o). masculine [maskilin] adj. worde.
manure [manyuwr] n. dorde (nde)\ dubuuje mash [mas] v. monnude, nirkude.
(cfe). mason meys0n] n. mahoowo (o); masol]
many [m0ni] adv. keewcfi. ~ a laabi (o).
keewcfi. ~ times cile keewcfe; laabi mass [mas] n. deental keewngal.
keewcfi. massacre [masak0] n. war hoore.
map [map] v. amminde. massage [masaj] v. boosde, boosgol (ngdl).
mar [mar] v. bonnude. Give him a massage boos mo.
marabou [mar0bu] n. ginal (ngal). masseur [mas0r] n. gorko boosoowo.
marabout [mar0but] n. ceerno (o). masseuse [masuwz] n. debbo boosoowo.
marathon [maraGon] n. dogdu (ndu)\ mast [mast] n. jaalal (ngal)-, leggal wiir.
dacfondiral (ngal). master [mast0] n. kaliifa (o). headmaster
maraud [m0rod] v. wujjude. gardiicfo ekkol.
march [mac] v. march; maajde; yahrude master [mast0] v. dursude; cfigginde;
koycfe the ~ing hand maajoobe (6e). waawde.
mare [mer] adj. njarlu. mastery [mast0ri] n. gandal (ngal).
margin [majin] n. keerol (ngdl). masticate [mast0keyt] v. Yakkude.
marginate [maj0neyt] v. heeraade. masturbate [mast0rbeyt] v. memtaade.
marinade [mar0neyd] n. marine, masturbation [mast0rbeys0n] n. memtagol
marital [marit0l] adj. ko faati e dewal. (ngdl).
maritime [mar0taym] adj. ko faati e geec. mat [mat] n. leeso (ngo)-, daago (ngo).
spread a ~ wertude daago (ngo).

match medicinal

match [mate] n. kucfol almet. I need a mean [miyn] v. firtude. Your support
match Mbede soldi kucfol almet. means a lot to me Ballal maa ngal ina tiicfi
match [mate] v. fotde; fondude. They do mi no feewi.
not match efi potaani. meaning [miynig] n. maanaa (o).
mate [meyt] /?. jom suudu; jom galle; meaningful [miynip] adj. ko jogii maanaa.
gondiiefo. He is my roommate Minen That statement is not meaningful Kaan
ndenndi suudu. haala alaa maanaa.
material [matiyryal] /?. abaari. meaningless [miynigles] adj. ko alaa
materialize [matiyryal] v. wonde. maanaa.
maternity [matOmiti] n. besngo (ngo). means [miynz] n. baawal (ngal). by any ~
no ina wonira kala.
mathematical [maGamatikal] adj. ko faati
e hiisa walla kiisagol. meantime [miyntaym] adv. hadee, ndeen;
cfo e ndeen. in the ~ cfoo e ndeen.
mathematics [ma00matiks] n. kiisagol
(ngol). measles [miyzalz] n. came (cfe).
matriarchy [matreyarki] n. laamu rewbe; measurable [me3rabal] adj. ko betotoo.
gardagol rewbe. measure [me3rabal] v. betde; hiisaade;
matrimonial [matremownyal] adj. ko faati fonndude. ~ with betirde. ~ by spans
e dewgal. sibaade.
matrimony [matremOni] n. euddungu measure [me3a] n. betgol (ngol).
(ngti)\ dewgal (ngal). measurement [me3armant] n. 1) betgol
matron [meytran] n. debbo deenoowo. (ngdl)\ pondugol (ngol) 2) betirgal (ngal)
matter [mata] v. nafde. It does not matter 3) diraa (o) 4) hamdaat (o).
efum bonnataa hay huunde. meat [miyt] n. teew (ngu). piece of ~
matter [mata] ii. alhaali (o). hettere (nde), husere (fide), big piece of ~
talde (nde). raw ~ teew keccu. cooked ~
mattress [matres] n. pajaas (o).
teew bendungu. barbecued ~ teew
maturate [macureyt] v. benndude, jucfaacfo, afara.
meaty [miyti] adj. tebbinefum; ko heewi
mature [macur] v. hellifeede. teew.
mature [macur] adj. kellifaacfo. He is Mecca [meka] n. Makka. He went on a
mature O hellifaama. pilgrimage to Mecca O hajjoyii.
maturity [maeuwrati] n. kellifliya (o). mechanic [mekanik] n. peewnitoowo
maul [mol] v. fiide. mobelaaji. He is a mechanic Ko o
mausoleum [mozoleyam] n. yanaande peewnitoowo otooji.
(nde). mechanical [mekanikal] adj. ko faati e
maxim [maksim] n. tindol (ngol). masil]aaji.
maximum [maksimAm] n. huunde bumde meddle [medal] v. naatde e ko wonaa
fof haajumum; jiibde.
may [mey] v. yamirde. You may go A meddling [medlig] n. naatgol e ko wonaa
yamiraama yo a yah. haaju mum.
mayonnaise [mayanez] n. mayonees (o). medial [miydyal] adj. hakkundeejo.
mayor [meya] n. meer (o). He is the mayor mediate [miydyeyt] v, welditinde.
of Toulde Ko kanko woni meer Toulde. mediator [miydyeyta] n. belditinoowo (o):
me [miy] pron. miin; mi, kam. He saw me nelaacfo (o).
O yii kam. medicable [medikabal] adj. ko safrotoo;
meager [miyga] adj. pooTcfo, pooTcfum. cafrotoocfum.
meal [miyl] n. namri (ndi). medical [medikal] adj. ko faati e safaara.
mean [miyn] n. 1) hakkunde 2) muuya (o). medicament [medikamant] n. lekki (ki).
mean [miyn] adj. bonefo. medicinal [mediysinal] adj. ko faati e

medicine micro

medicine [medasin] n. lekki (ki)\ safaasa mercantile [markantal] adj. ko faati e

(o). take one’s ~ yarde lekki mum. julankaagal.
mediocre [miydyowka] adj. hakkundeejo. merchandise [marcandayz] n. marsandiis
meditate [medateyt] v. miijaade. (o).
medium [miydyOm] n. hakkunde (nde). merchant [marcant] n. julanke (o).
meek [miyk] adj. muncTo. merciful [marsaful] adj. jaafotoocfo;
meet [miyt] v. fottude; hawrude. ~
accidentally feraade. ~ again hawritde. I merciless [marsales] adj. mo alaa njurum;
met hint today Mi hawrii e makko hande. mo yurmotaako; neegdo.
fVe have already met A min ngandondiri. mercy [marsi] n. yurmeende (nde)\ yaafuya
meeting [miytir)] n. batu (ngn), deental (o).
(ngal). / attended the meeting Mi merengue [mereijg] n. ngamri.
tawtoraama batu ngu. merge [marj] v. reentude; yantondirde.
melancholic [mel9r)kowlik] adj. jurminiicfo. merger [marja] n. jantondiral (ngal).
melder [melda] n. rogere (tide). merit [merit] v. haandude.
mell [mel] v. jiibde. mermaid [marmeyd] n. debbo jom maayo.
melodious [melowjos] adj. ko weli merry [meri] adj. beltiicfo.
hecTaade. mess [mes] n. bonande (nde)\ tuundi (ndi).
melon [melon] ti. dende (nde). message [mesij] n. nelal (ngal)\ nulal (ngal).
melt [melt] v. taayde, saayde; saaynude. ~ deliver a ~ yettinde nulal.
into tears woyde messenger [mesenja] n. nelaacfo (o):
melting [meltig] n. saayngo (ngo)\ taayre nulaacTo (o)
(nde). messiah [mesayah] n. nelaacfo (o).
member [memba] n. jeyaacfo e. He is a messy [mesi] adj. tunwucfo.
member of the Fulani community Ko o
metal [metal] n. njamndi (ndi).
metallic [metalik] adj. ko faati e njamndi.
memento [mamentow] n. huunde
siftinoore. metalproof [metalpruf] adj. tunducfo,
tunducfum, tulcfo; ko tuli. ~ charm
memoir [memwar] n. hakkille (o).
tundaram (dam).
memorable [memrabal] adj. ko haani
metamorphose [metamorfowz] v.
waylaade, waylude.
memorize [memarayz] v. hunaade.
metamorphosis [metamorfasis] n. baylagol
memory [memri] n. teskuya (o). (ngdl).
men [men] n. worbe (de) mete [miyt] v. betde; yecfde.
menace [manas] v. baabaade. meteorology [miytyorlaji] n. jafjde weeyo.
mend [mend] v. basde; wacfde. method [me0od] n. feere (nde).
mendacity [mandasiti] n. fenaande (nde). meticulous [metikilas] adj. Teewtotoocfo;
mender [menda] n. basoowo (o) deentiicfo.
mendicity [mendasiti] n. jelagol (ngdl). metier [mece] n. golle, liggeey.
menial [miynyal] adj. kersiniicfum, ko metis [metis] n. jillucfo.
hersinii. metre [miyta] n. meeteer (o).
menses [mensiz] n. ella. metropolis [metrowpalis] n. wuro mawngo.
menstruate [menstraweyt] v. yiide ella. mettle [metal] n. cuusal (ngal).
mental [mental] adj. ko faati e hakkille. mew [myuw] v. uddude; I3eewde.
mention [mensan] v. wiide; innude. Do not miaow [myaw] v. 13eewde.
forget to mention it to him Hoi to yejjit
micturate [mikcureyt] v. taaraade, soofde,
haalande mo.
meow [miyow] v. l^eewde.
mice [mays] n. doombi (di).
micro [maykro] adj. pamaro; pamarum.


microphone misty

microphone [maykrafon] n. mikro (o). mingle [mir)g0l] v. yantude; jillondirde.

mid [mid] /?. hakkunde (nde). ~ way feccere minify [min0fay] v. famcfinde; ustude.
laawol. minimize [min0mayz] v. famcfinde;
midday [midey] n. fanaa (o) loskude.
middle [midal] n. hakkunde (tide). minimum [min0mAm] adj. ko buri fof
midmorning [midmOnig] n. beetawe (o). famcfude.
midnight [midnayt] ti. feccere jamma. minor [mayn0] ti. sukaajo (o); pamaro (o).
He is a minor Ko o suka.
midst [midst] n. hakkunde (o); hakkundere
(tide). mint [mint] ti. manto (o); naanaa (o). I like
might [mayt] ti. doole (de). mint tea Ataaye bacfcfo naanaa ina weli
mighty [mayti] adj. doolnucfo.
mint [mint] v. tafde.
migraine [maygreyn] n. hoore muusoore,
muusu hoore. minute [maynuwt] ti. pamaro.
migrate [maygreyt] v. ferde, ferlude, minute [minit] ti. hojom (o).
eggude. miracle [mir0k0l] /?. haawniinde (tide).
migration [maygreys0n] ti. fergo (tigo). miraculous [mirakil0s] adj. ko haawnii.
mild [mayld] adj. ko hakindii; ko burtaani. mirage [miraj] ti. merere (tide)/(de).
mildew [milduw] ti. komaak (o). mire [mayr] ti. bakkere (tide).
militant [mil0t0nt] ti. daraniicfo (o); mirror [mir0] ti. tiimtorgal (tigal)\
kabeteecfo (o). daaroggal (tigal). look in the ~ tiimtaade.
milk [milk] ti. kosam (dam), sour ~ mirth [m0r0] ti. weltaare (tide).
kaaddam, fedannde (tide), fresh ~ misbehave [misb0heyv] v. bonde jikku.
biracfam milk [milk] v. birde, saafde. ~ miscarry [misk0ri] v. boosde.
for someone birande. ~ again birtaade. mischief [misciyf] ti. bonande (tide).
milker [milk0] ti. biroowo (o). misconduct [mik0ndAkt] ti. bon nehdaagal
milking [milkig] ti. birgol (tigol). (tigal)-, nehtaraagal (tigal).
milkman [milkm0n] ti. biroowo (o). miscount [mikawnt] v. juumde limoore.
milky [milki] adj. ko jogii mbaadi kosam. mise [miz] ti. ahdi (o).
mill [mil] ti. masit] gunoowo. miser [mayz0] ti. tiicfcfo jungo.
millenary [mil0neri] adj. ko faati e misfit [misfit] v. waasde fotde.
ujunere/ujunere hitaande. misfortune [misfoc0n] ti. worocfde (tide)-,
millet [milet] ti. gawri (tidi). shelled ~ bone (o); joote (o).
coX\2i2Lnd\ (tidi). ~ stalk g a w T a 1 mislead [misliyd] v. juumnude, fliuntude.
miso^nistic [miz0jiynistik] adj. gancfo
millier [milye] ti. ujunere (tide). rewbe.
mime [maym] v. hembude; nemtinde. miss [mis] v. hacftaade; woofde; jottaade. ~
mimic [mimik] v. nembude, nemtinde. one’s mark woofde. I miss him Mbecfe
mimic [mimik] ti. nemmboowo (o). yeewni mo.
mimicry [mimikri] ti. nemtingol (tigol). mission [mis0n] ii. nelaabe (be)-, nelal
minaret [min0re] ti. sooroo (o). (tigal).
mince [mins] v. taTde taTatinon. missive [misiyv] ii. bataake (o).
mind [maynd] v. wondeede. / don*t mind mistake [misteyk] ti. fuujoore (tide)-,
cfum bonnataa hay dara/cfum haljintaa boccitorel (tigel)-, fergitaare (tide)-,
kam. pergitaagol (tigol). make a ~ fogoreede.
mind [maynd] ti. hakkille (o). It went out of mistress [mistres] ti. suka (o); taara (o).
my mind cfum yaltu hakkillam. mistrust [mistrAst] v. hoolkisaade.
mindless [mayndles] adj. mo ToTaani. misty [misti] adj. ko leeraani.
mine [mayn] proti. ko am; jey am. The
book is mine Ko miin jey deftere nde.

misunderstand mosquito

misunderstand [misAndastGnd] v. waasde monetary [mon9tri] adj. ko faati e kaalis.

faamde. / miunderstood what you said MJ smallest ~ unit tanka (o).
faamaano ko mbicfaa ko. money [moni] n. kaalis (o). ~ given to an
mitigate [mitageyt] v. famcfinde; ustude. artist juuTgal (ngal). ~ unit mbuucfu (ngu).
mix [miks] v. iirtondirde; jiibde; rendinde. ~ borrow ~ namlaade kaalis.
water and milk tufde. ~ it fiindirde. monger [mai]g9] n. jula (o); julanke (o).
mixed [mikst] adj. jillondircfum, ko mongrel [moi3gr9l] n. jillucfo (o).
jillondiri. monkey [mAi]ki] n. waandu (ndii), bul]ee (o).
mixture [miksc9] /?. jiibre (nde), jilbere mono [mown9] n. gooto, petto,
(774/ej; jillande (nde).
monster [mAnst9] n. barogal mawngal.
moan [mown] v. angude. month [mAn0] n. lewru (ndu). this month
mob [mob] n. deental mawngal. lewru dariindu ndu. last ~ lewru maayndu
mobile [mowbayl] adj. ko dirata. ndu. Uvo ~s ago lewru maayndu nudya.
mobilize [mowbalayz] v. rendinde. monthly [mAn01i] adj. ko faati e lewru;
mock [mok] v. seknoraade. lewru dariindu kala.
mockery [mokri] n. jalkitgol (ngol). monumental [monyuwm9nt9l] adj. ko
mode [mowd] n. fasoT] (o).
model [mowdal] n. fasol] (o). moo [muw] v. huunde.
moderate [modret] adj. kakindiicfum; ko moon [muwn] n. lewru (ndu). neyv lewru ~

moderation [mod0reys9n] n. hakindaare moonlight [muwnlayt] n. lewlewal (ngal).
(nde). moony [muwni] adj. ko faati e lewru.
modern [mod9n] adj. ko yonti; ko hescfi. Moor [muwr] n. capaato (o).
modernism [mod9nizm] n. yonta (o). mop [mop] V. 1) foppude 2) nirbinaade.
modest [modest] adj. jankiniicfo. He is moppet [mopet] n. suka (o): boobo (o).
modest O mo yankinii. moral [mowr9l] n. tindol (ngol).
modesty [modesti] /?. yankinaare (nde). more [mowr] adj. ko buri. Give him more
modification [mowd9fik9ys9n] n. baylugol food beydan mo naamri.
(ngol). moreover [mowr9wv9] adv. yanti been.
modify [mowd9fay] v. waylude. morgue [morg] n. nokku cfo maaybe
moil [moyl] v. tampande. njonetee.
moist [moyst] adj. leppucfum; ko leppi. moribund [mowr9bAnd] adj. mo wocfcfaani
moisten [moyst9n] v. soofnude; leppinde. maayde.
moisture [moysc9] n. bayo (ngo)\ bayto morning [mOnip] n. subaka (o); bimmbi;
beetawe (o). early ~ fajiri (o). this ~ hande
molar [mol9] n. aggitere (nde)\ aggutere
(nde). Morocco [moroko] n. maruk.
mold [mowld] v. mahde. morphology [morfowloji] n. tafngo kelme.
molest [molest] v. haljinde, memde. mortal [mOt9l] adj. ko maayata;
mollify [mol9fay] v. deeTnude.
mortality [motal9ti] n. maayde (nde).
molt [mowlt] V. hesde; fioortude nguru
(ngoorondi). mortar [morta] n. wowru (ndu).
moment [mowm9nt] n. saanga (o); sahaa mortification [mort9fikeys9n] n. koyeera (o).
(o): mudda (o). at that oon sahaa.
~ mortify [mort9fay] v. hoynude.
momentary [mowm9nt9ri] adj. ko Moslem [mozl9m] n. juulcTo (o).
duumaaki; ko booyataa. mosque [mosk] n. jumaa (o); misiide (nde).
momentum [mowm9nt9m] n. doole (cfe). He went to the mosque O yahii jumaa
Monday [mAndi] //. altine (o). mosquito [muskiyto] n. bowngu (ngu). big
~bippameemoo (o).

most mystify

most [mowst] adj. ko buri fof. muffle [mAfal] v. soomde.

motel [motey] jipporde (nde). mug [mAg] ti. koppu (o).
mother [mA50] v. neeniraacfo (o); inna (o); mule [myuwl] n.bingd puccu e mbabba.
yummiraacfo (o); neene (o); yumma (o). -- multilingual [mAltilirigwal] adj. ganducfo
land ngenndi (ndi). grand-- taaniraacfo ko buri cfemngal gootal.
debbo. multiply [mAltaplay] v. fiyde laabi keewcfi.
motherhood [mASahud] n. yummiraagal ~ tenfold fiide laabi sappo.
multitude [mAltacuwd] ti. keewal (tigal).
motif [mowtif] n. 1) miijo (ngo) 2) sabaabu (o).
mum [mAm] adj. deTTucfo.
motion [mows0n] n. dirtugol (ngol).
mumble [mAmbal] v. dumaade; sontaade.
motionless [mows0nles] adj. ko darii.
mundane [mAndeyn] adj. ko faati e aduna.
motive [mowtiv] n. sabaabu (o). What is mural [myuwral] adj. ko faati e balal.
the motive Hoi ko saabii cfum?
murder [marda] ti. war hoore.
motor [mowta] n. masil] (o).
murder [marda] v. warde hoore. He was
motorcycle [mowt0sayk0l] n. moto (o). murdered today Ko hande o waraa.
mound [mownd] n. galle (oj. murk [mark] ti. nibbere (tide).
mount [mawnt] v. l^abbude. ~ an animal murmur [marma] v. nuumbaade.
muse [myuwz] v. miijaade.
mourn [mon] v. woyde; sunaade.
music [myuwzik] ti. leebi e bawcfi.
mourner [mona] n. cuniicfo (o): goyoowo
musket [muskat] ti. fetd (o).
Muslim [mozlam] ti. juulcfo (o). He is a
mournful [mOnfal] adj. cuniicfo.
Muslim Ko o juulcfo.
mourning [mOnig] n. sunaare (tide).
must [mAst] V. fotde. You must go A cfa
mouse [maws] ti. doomburu (ndu). foti yahde.
mouth [maw0] n. hunuko (ko). Open your mustache [mAstas] ti. suumko (tigo).
mouth Mubbit hunuko maa.
mustang [mAstas] ti. puccu (tigu).
mouthful [mawGfal] /;. woobre (tide)\
muster [musta] v. rendinde.
longere (tide).
mutable [myuwtabal] adj. ko waylotoo.
movable [muwvabal] adj. ko dirtintee.
mutation [myuwteysan] ti. baylagol (tigdl).
move [muwv] v. dillude; dirde; eggude. ~
while agonizing fafaade; fettaade. make mute [myuwt] adj. muumo; muumcfucfo,
someone ~ egginde. ~ while sitting bafde. ~ deTTudTo.
a little bosde. ~ over dirtude. ~ something mutilate [myuwcaleyt] v. taYde; gaande;
to another place heedtinde. ~ away taTde tergal.
wocfcfitaade. ~ to the husband's compound mutiny [myuwtani] ti. jattinaare (tide)\
hurtaade movement [muwvmant] ti. dillugol murtugol (tigdl).
(tigdl)\ dillere (tide). mutism [myuwtizm] ti. deTTere (tide).
movie [muwvi] ti. sinamaa (o). mutton [mAtan] ti. teew njawdi, teew
mow [mow] v. hesde. He is mowing the mbaalu; teew mbeewa; teew ndamndi).
grass Omon hesa hucfo ko. muzzle [mAzal] ti. hoggo (tigo).
much [mAc] adv. pakitcfum; pantucfum; my [may] -am; ko am. ~ bag sakkoosam.
burtucfum. be too ~ burtude.
myriad [miryad] ti. keeweendi (ndi).
mud [mAd] ti. bakkere (tide). ~ ball
myself [mayself] pron. miin, miin hooram.
markere (tide).
mysterious [mistiyryas] adj. kaawnicfum;
muddle [mAdal] v. jiibde.
ko haawnii.
muddy [mAdi] adj. lofcfum; jilbucfum;
mystery [mistri] ti. haawniinde (tide).
bakolincfum. ~ area loopal (tigal)\ loft]
mystify [mistafay] v. fuuntude.
muezzin [myezen] ti. noddinoowo (o).

nabob negation

- N

nabob [nabob] ti. galo (o). national [nas0n0l] adj. ko faati e ngendi. ~
nadir [nadir] n. cebtam (cfam)\ naange languages cfemcfe ngendi.
(nge). nationalism [nas0n0lizm] ti. cfowtagol kisal
nag [nag] v. toonde. ngendi.
nag [nag] n. pucel (ngel). nationalist [nas0n0list] ti. cfowtiicfo kisal
nail [neyl] v. fel]de. hit on the ~ fiide e
hoore. pay on the ~ yobde jungo e jungo nationalize [nas0n0layz] v. jeynude ngendi;
naissance [nesans] n. jibinande (nde). hebtande ngendi.
naive [neyv] adj. beebcfo fuuntude. native [neyt0v] ti. jibinaacfo e nokku. He is
a native of this town O jibinaa ko e ngoo
naked [neykad] adj. boortiicfo; meho. He
is naked Ko o meho.
nature [neyc0] ti. ladde (tide)-, leydi (tidif,
namable [neymabal] adj. ko innotoo.
mbaadi (ndif, TiTam (dam) good natured
name [neym] v. innude. ~ after innirde. He belcfo TiiTam; nehiicfo.
was named after his father O inniraa ko
natter [nat0] v. woytaade.
baaba makko.
naught [not] ti. dara (o)', hay huunde.
name [neym] n. inde (ride) last ~ yettoode
(tide). What is your name Hoi no mbiyete naughty [noti] adj. boncfo; nangucfo.
daa? nausea [nozeya] ti. bemde yiihnde; tim
namesake [neymseyk] ti. inniraacfo (o)', berel.
tokara (o) nauseate [nozeyet] v. yiinde.
naming [neymip] /?. inde (ride)', innugol naval [neyv0l] adj. ko faati e laana/laacfe.
(tigol), ~ ceremony inde (tide). navel [neyv0l] ti. wuddu (tidu)
nance [nans] ti. debati gorkati. navigable [n0vig0b0l] adj. cfo laana waawi
nap [nap] v. muumnaade. take a ~ rewde.
muumnaade. He is napping Ko o nay [nay] adv. alaa.
muumniicfo. near [niy0] prep, sara (o)', takko (o). ~ the
nape [neyp] ti. kacfu; hoTTudu (tidu)', river takko maayo.
geenol (tigol). nearby [niy0bay] adv. sara.
narcissism [nars0sizm] ti. gilli hoore mum, neat [niyt] adj. laabcfo; peewcfo.
hooram hooram.
nebulize [neby0layz] v. nibbicfde;
narrate [nareyt] v. tindude; jal]taade. nibbicfinde.
narration [n9reys0n] ti. tindol (tigdl)\ necessary [nes0s0ri] adj. ko soklaa. It is
jaI3tag61 (tigol). necessary Ina soklaa.
narrative [nar0tiv] ti. tindol (tigol). necessitate [nes0s0teyt] v. soklude.
narrow [nar0w] adj. paacfcfum; ko faacfi.
necessity [nes0s0ti] ti. sokla (o).
be in ~ circumstances faacfeede.
neck [nek] ti. daande (tide)', geenol (tigolf,
nasal [neyz0l] adj. ko faati e hinere.
hoTTudu (tidu). save one’s ~ dandude
nascent [neys0nt] adj. ko fucfcfii. hoore mum.
nasty [nasti] adj. boncfo, tunwucfo. necklace [nekl0s] ti. cakka (ka).
natal [neyt0l] adj. ko faati e need [niyd] v. haajde; soklude. I need your
jibinde/jibinande. help Mbecfe soldi ballal maa.
natant [neyt0nt] adj. ko lumbii; ko hayi. need [niyd] ti. sokla (o)', haaju (o).
natation [neyteys0n] ti. lummbagol (tigol). needle [niyd0l] ti. meselal (tigal).
natator [neyteyt0] ti. lumbotoocfo (o). needless [niydles] adj. ko soklaaka.
nates [neyts] ti. dote (de). needy [niydi] adj. coklucfo; katojincfo been,
nation [neys0n] ti. ngendi (tidi). negate [n0geyt] v. niilnude.
negation [n0geys0n] ti. niilnugol (tigdl).

negative nonchalant

negative [negativ] adj. ko niilnaa. news [nyuwz] ti. kabaruuji (cfi)', nanallaaji
neglect [naglekt] v. welsindaade. (cfi). -man kabroowo (o). Have you heard
neglect [naglekt] n. welsindaare (tide). the news A nanii kabaaru o?
neglectful [naglektfal] adj. belsindiicfo. He next [nekst] dewcfo been; cukko; cukkucfo.
is so neglectful Ndaw ko welsindii. nib [nib] ti. ceebeendi kucfol, hoggo (tigo).
negligence [neglajans] ti. welsindaare nibble [nibal] v. fjolde; mooYde; serde;
(tide). t]efde.
negligent [neglajant] adj. belsindiicfo. nice [nays] adj. joocfcfo, moTYo. He is
nice Omo moYYi.
negociate [nagowseyt] v. haaldude;
yeeytondirde; haaldeede. nickname [nikneym] ti. waccoore (tide)\
sowoore (tide)
negotiable [nagowsabal] adj. ko ina
haaldoo. The price is negociahle Coggu nictate [nikteyt] v. majde.
ngu ina wacfdee ustu beydu. nidificate [nidafikeyt] v. sabbinde.
negotiation [nagowseysan] ti. kaaldigal nidify [nidafay] v. sande sabbundu,
(tigal). sabbinde.
negro [niygro] ti. baleejo (o). niece [niys] ti. baacfiraacfo debbo,
neigh [neyh] v. hijde niggard [nigad] adj. boroocfo.
neighborhood [neybahud] ti. sara (o)\ nigh [nay] v. faandaade; battaade.
takko (o). night [nayt] ti. jamma (o). last ~ jamma
neighbor [neyba] ti. kocfdiicfo (o). He is hanki.
my next door neighbor Ko kanko woni nihilism [nihilizm] ti. luutndagol (tigol).
kocfdiicfo am takkiicfo mi. nimble [nimbal] v. koycfo e leydi.
nenuphar [nenuwfar] ti. raayre (tide).
nine [nayn] tium. jeenay.
neoteric [newotarik] adj. keso, kesum. ninefold [naynfowld] adj. laabi jeenay.
nephew [nefyuw] ti. baacfiraacfo (o). nineth [nayn0] ord. jeenayo.
nepotism [nepatizm] ti. lenamlenaagu ninety [naynti] tium. capancfe jeenay.
nip [nip] v. taYde, l^uccude.
nerval [narval] adj. ko faati e cfacfol.
nit [nit] ti. mbimYa (ha).
nerve [narv] ti. cfacfol (tigol). lose one’s ~
nix [niks] ti. dara (o)\ hay huunde
bemude; mettinde, sekde.
no [now] adv. alaa.
nervous [narvas] adj. mo hakkille mum
deeTaani; loobcfo. nobble [nowbal] v. yeende; soodde.
nest [nest] n. sabbundu (tidu) nobility [nowbalati] ti. ndimaagu (tigu).
nest [nest] v. sabbinde. noble [nowbal] ti. dimo (o), lawake (o).
nestle [nesal] v. sabbinde. nobleman [nowbalman] ti. dimo (o).
nestling [neslip] ti. bingel sondu. nobody [nowbadi] pron. hay gooto.
net [net] ti. saakiti (o). nocent [nowsant] adj. ko gaanata.
neural [nyuwral] adj. ko faati e cfacfi. nocturnal [noktarnal] adj. ko faati e
jamma, ko diwata jamma.
neutral [nyuwtral] adj. hakkundeejo, mo
wuuranaaki. nod [nod] v. dillinde hoore, jabde.
never [neva] adv. abada; muk. Never give node [nowd] //. wulnde (tide)', jokkorde
up on a good thing Necfcfo ina foti (tide).
jaggude e ko moTTi. noggin [nogin] ti. hoore necfcfo, koppu (o).
nevertheless [nevadales] adv. kono noon,noise [noiz] ti. dille (def, dillere (tide)',
new [nyuw] adj. keso; kesum. the ~ moon gulaali (di).
lewru dariindu (tidu). noisy [noyzi] adj. ko heewi dille, keewcfo
newborn [nyuwborn] ti. tiggu (o). dille. he ~ heewde dille.
nominal [nowmanal] adj. ko faati e innde.
nonchalant [nansalant] adj. mo wondaaka

none nylon

none [nown] hay huunde; hay dara. » noun [nawn] n. inde (nde).
nonsense [nonsans] n. maayka (ka)\ ko alaa nourish [nuris] v. hamminde.
maanaa. What you are saying is nonsense nourishment [nurismont] n. nguura, namri
Haala maa kaa daraa ki. (ndi).
nook [nuwk] n. lobbudu (ndu). novel [nowv0l] adj. ko hescfi.
noose [nuwz] n. worsundu (ndu). novelty [nowvolti] n. huunde hescfunde.
norm [norm] n. huunde yamiraande; huunde novice [nowvis] n. ekkotoocfo (o)\ keso.
rewnde laawol. now [naw] adv. jooni. every ~ and then
normal [nomal] adj. ko rewi laawol. sahaa sahaa kala.
normalize [nomalayz] v. rewnude laawol. noxious [noks0s] adj. ko bonnata.
north [nor0] n. rewo (ngo). noyade [nuwayad] n. yoolaare (nde).
northeast [norGiyst] n. fucfnaange rewo. nub [riAb] n. boodde (nde).
northerner [nor50n0] n. rewanke (o). nubile [nyuwbol] debbo jontucfo reseede.
northwest [norGwest] n. hirnaange rewo. nude [nyuwd] adj. meho, boortiicfo.
nose [nowz] n. hinere (nde). ~ bleeding nudge [nAj] v. baaTde.
tuTTam (dam), blow one's ~ fiifaade; nuisance [nus0ns] n. huunde haabniinde.
nittaade. He is a nuisance Omo haabnii.
nostalgia [nostalja] n. yeeweende (nde). null [nAl] n. hay huunde.
nostalgic [nostaljik] adj. jeewnucfo. nullify [nAlofay] v. niilnude.
nostril [nostral] n. wuddere hinere. numb [nAm] adj. jaadcfum; ko jaacfi.
not [not] adv. alaa. ~ yet suwaa; suwaa number [nAmbo] th limoore (nde)\ limre
tawo. ~ even hay. ~ at all muk. (nde). ~ one limoore adiinde.
notable [nowt0b0l] n. koohoowo (o). numerable [nuwm0r0b0l] adj. ko limotoo.
notation [nowteys0n] n. bindol (ngdl).
numeral [muwm0r0l] adj. ko faati e
notch [note] v. seekoode (nde). limoore.
note [nowt] n. kongol bindangol. numerate [nuwmoret] v. limde.
noteworthy [nowtw0r6i] adj. ko haandi e. numeration [nuwm0reys0n] n. limoore
nothing [noGii]] n. meere (nde), dara (o)\ (nde).
futtere (nde). numerous [nuwm0r0s] adj. keewcfi;
notice [nowtis] v. tintude; yiide; teskaade. / keewcfum; ko heewi.
did not notice it Mi teskaaki cfum. nuptial [nups0l] adj. ko faati e dewgal.
notice [nowtis] n. kabaaru (o). nurse [n0rs] v. safrude.
notification [nowt0fikeys0n] n. kabaaru nurture [n0rc0] v. diwnude; nehde.
(o)\ tintingol (ngdl).
nut [nAt] n. woroore (nde).
notify [nowt0fay] v. tintinde; andinde, nutrition [nuwtriys0n] n. naamdu (ndu).
nylon [nayl0n] n. nilol] (o).
notion [nows0n] n. miijo (ngo).
notorious [nowt0ry0s] adj. dowlucfo.
nought [not] n. hay huunde.

oaf offcast

oaf [owf] ti. necfcfo muddo. obsession [obses0n] n. woTa (o)-, ngoTa
oar [owr] v. awTude. (o).
oar [owr] n. awTal (ngal)\ lummbirgal obsolescence [obsowl0s0ns] n. nayewaagu
(ngal). (fJg^)-
oat [owt] n. naskaacfo. obsolete [obs0liyt] adj. ko Tee!]i; ko natti
oath [ow0] n. waatoore (ride)\ huutoreede.
woondoore (nde). make an ~ woonde. be obstacle [obst0k0l] n. hadiinde (nde).
under ~ woonde. obstinate [obst0n0t] adj. jattiniido, fjatdo.
obdurate [objuwrat] adj. jattiniicfo. obstruct [obstrAkt] v. hadde.
obedience [obiyjans] n. cfowtaare (nde). obtain [obteyn] v. hebde
obedient [obiyjant] adj. cfowtiicfo. obtainable [obteyn0b0l] adj. ko hebotoo.
obese [owbiyz] adj. bellincfo, butto, obturate [obc0reyt] v. mubbude; sukkude.
butticfao. obvious [0bvy0s] adj. ko feeni; peendum.
obey [owbey] v. cfowtaade. You must It is obvious Edum laabi.
obey him Ada foti dowtaade mo. occasion [okey30n] n. sahaa (o).
obfuscate [obfaskeyt] v. nibbidinde, occasional [okey30nl] adj. sahaa sahaa.
hawjinde. occasionally [okey30n0li] adv. sahaa sahaa;
obituary [owbicari] n. taggee (o). sahaa kala.
object [objekt] v. salaade. I object to that occidental [oks0d0nt0l] adj. ko faati e
proposal Mi jabaani ngoon miijo. hirnaange.
object [objekt] n. huunde (nde). occlude [okluwd] v. sukkude; mubbude.
objection [objeks0n] n. salaare (nde). occult [okAlt] adj. ko faati e dabare.
objective [objektiv] n. muuya (o). The occupant [okyuwp0nt] n. koddo (o)\
objective is to finish early Njidden ko gondo (o).
haljitde law. occupation [okyuwpeys0n] n. liggeey (o).
obligate [oblOgeyt] v, waawnude. occupy [okuwpay] v. wonde e.
obligation [obl0geys0n] n. fotde (nde). occur [ok0r] v. wonde; laataade; wadde.
oblige [oblayj] v. waawnude. The accident occurred today Ko hande
oblique [obliyk] adj. ko fortaaki. aksida o wadi.
obliterate [obl0t0reyt] v. momtude. ocean [oys0n] n. geec (o).
obliteration [obl0t0reys0n] n. momtugol oceanic [oys0yanik] adj. ko faati e geec.
(ngol). octa [okt0] pref. jeetati.
oblivion [obl0vy0n] n. jejji (di). octogenarian [okt0j0neyry0n] n. jom duubi
oblivious [obliyvy0s] adj. jejjitdo; capande jeetati fayi jeenay.
jejjitoowo. ocular [oky0l0] adj. ko faati e
obnoxious [obnoks0s] adj. kaabniido. yitere/gite/giile.
obscene [obsiyn] adj. kongol bongol. oculist [oky0wl0st] n. cafroowo gite.
obscurant [obskyuwr0nt] n. nibbidinoowo odd [od] adj. teeldum, ko teeli. an ~
(o). number limoore teelnde. be ~ waasde
obscure [obskyuwr] adj. nibbiddum. yubbude.
obscurity [obskyuwr0ti] n. nibbere (nde). odious [oj0s] adj. ko anaa.
observable [obz0rv0b0l] adj. ko yiyotoo. odor [od0] n. uureeki (ki); luubeeki (ki).
observation [obz0veys0n] n. laargol (ngdl)\ off [0f] prep, ko woddi. be ~ tellaade,
Teewki (ki). jippaade, juumde.
observ'e [obz0rv] v. laarde. offal [of0l] n. kurjuru (o).
obsess [obses] v. woTeede; woTde. offcast [0fkast] adj. ko jofiaa.

offend optimism

offend [ofend] v. toonde; albaade. He was only [onli] adj. tan; gooto; petto; bajjo.
offended by your remarks A sectnii mo. onset [onsat] n. fucfcforde (nde).
offense [ofens] n. toonange (nge). onward [onwad] adv. faade yeeso.
offer [of9] V. hokkude. Make me an offer oology [owloji] n. jangde boccoocfe colli,
haalanam ko njogi cfaa. opaque [owpeyk] adj. ko tunndi lewlewal.
offering [ofrig] n. dokkal (ngal). open [owpan] adj. Ijaabicfum;
office [ofis] n. biro (oj. He went to the gudditiicfum. ~ space dingiral (ngal). be
office O yahii biro makko. wide ~ I]aabaade; 13abbitaade. ~ land
official [ofiysal] adj. ko yamiraa. sooynde (nde). The door is open Damal
officiate [ofiyseyt] v. gollaade gollal mum. ngal uddaaki.
offspring [ofsprig] n. besngu (ngu). open [owpan] v. sukkitde; udditde;
often [oftan] adv. jo e jo; sahaa sahaa kala. mubbitde; ombitde. ~ halfway aarde. ~
half way feerde. ~ apart weende; 13aabde.
ogle [ogal] V. laarde. ~ eyes widely fulnitde. ~ fire fellude.
ogre [oga] n. mbaroodi (ndi). opener [owpna] n. gudditoowo (o) ;
oil [oyl] n. nebam (cfam)\ diwlin (o). huunde uddittoore.
oil [oyl] V. wujde; newde. ~ someone*s hair opening [owpni^] n. udditgol (ng6l)\
wujde. uddital (ngal).
ointment [oyntmant] n. lekki poppeteeki. operate [owpreyt] v. dognude.
okra [owkra] n. kanje (de) old [owld] adj. operation [owpreysan] n. dognugol (ngol).
booycfo; naywucTo, kiicfcfo. ~ fashioned ophthalmic [oftalmik] adj. ko faati e
ko Teel]i; ko jolti. How old are you No gite/yitere.
duubi maa poti. / am three years old Mi
danii duubi tati. ophthalmologist n. cafroowo gite.
older [owlda] adj. keccucfo. ~ sibling opine [owpayn] v. hollude miijo.
deede (o) ; mawniraacfo (o). be ~ than opinion [owpiynyan] n. miijo (ngo) sikke
heccude. He is older than you Ko kanko (o). in my ~ e wiide am. What is your
heccu maa. opinion Holko woni miijo maa.
oldest [owldast] adj. burcfo fof heewde opponent [opownant] n. kabdiicfo (o).
duubi. opportune [opacuwn] n. ko hawri.
Olympic [olimpik] adj. ko faati e pijirlooji opportunity [opacuwnati] n. danal (ngal),
hakkunde leycfeele. kebagol (ngol). I have not had the
omelet [omlet] n. omolet (o). opportunity to go there Mi danaani no
omit [omit] v. yejjitde; jonde. njahrumi toon.
omnipotent [omnapowtant] n. joomiraacfo oppose [opowz] V. nande, luutndaade.
(o). opposite [opazit] adj. ko luutondiri; ko
omniscient [omnasant] adj. gando. luutndii. the ~ sex gorko; debbo; wordu;
on [on] prep, e; dow.
opposition [opaziysan] n. luutndagol
once [wans] adv. gootol. (ngol).
oncoming [onkamig] /?. battagol (ngol).
oppress [opres] v. hiicfaade, bittude. They
one [wan] num. goo ; gooto (o). ~ person are oppressed Ko be bittaabe.
necfcTo gooto. ~ hook deftere wootere. oppression [opresan] n. kiicfagol (ngdl)\
one-eyed [wanayd] adj. cfokko. bittugol (ngol).
oneiric [ownarik] adj. ko faati e opt [opt] V. subaade.
koycfol/koycfi. optical [optakal] adj. ko faati e gite.
oneness [wanes] n. wootere (nde). optician [optiysan] n. peewnoowo lone,
onerous [onaras] adj. ko tiicfi; tiicfcfum. jeeyoowo lone.
oneself [wanselt] pr. hooremum. optimal [optimal] adj. burdo fof; ko buri
onion [onyan] n. wasalde (nde)\ soblere fof
(nde). optimism [optamizm] n. cfamaawu (o).

optimist outrun

optimist [optamist] n. necfcfo cfaniiniicfo. orphanage [of0nij] n. alyatiimaagu (ngu)\

optimum [opt0m0m] n. huunde bumde fof. alyatimaagal (ngal).
option [ops0n] n. cubagol (ngdl). What are orthographer [or0ogr0f0] n. jom bindol.
my options Hoi ko mbaawmi wacfde/Hol orthography [or0ogr0fi] v. bindol (ngdl).
ko mbaawmi subaade? orthopedics [or0opediks] n. safaara koycfe.
optional [ops0n0l] adj. ko faati e cubagol. os [os] n. Tiyal (ngal).
opulence [opyuwlans] n. keewal (tigal). oscillate [os0leyt] v. yiilaade; dillude.
opulent [opyuwlant] adj. keewraacfo, oscillation [os0leys0n] n. jiilagol (ngdl).
keewcfum; ko heewi.
osculate [oskyuwleyt] v. buucaade.
or [or] conj. walla; maa. osculation [oskyuwleys0n] n. buucagol
oracle [orakal] n. baajotoocfo (o). (ngdl).
oral [owr0l] adj. ko faati e hunuko. ossify [os0fay] v. Tiynude.
orange [or0nj] u. soraas (o). ostrich [ostric] n. ndaw (o)
orator [owreyta] n. kaaloowo (o). other [060] adj. gocfcfo. ~ ones gocfcfi (cfi).
orchard [Oc0d] u. ngesa bibbe lecfcfe. the ~ book deftere ndeya.
ordain [ordeyn] v. yamirde. otherwise [od0rwayz] adv. so wonaa cfum.
order [od0] u. 1) dewondiral (ngal) 2) otology [ot0l0ji] n. jangde nofru.
yamiroore fndej. otter [ot0] n. muumantel Alla,
order [od0] v. yamirde. ought [owt] V. fotde.
orderly [od0li] adj. ko rewondiri; ko our [aw0] det. amen; meecfen; ko men. ~
reggondiri. baby bingel amen.
ordinance [od0li] u. yamiroore (nde). ours [aw0z] pron. ko men. The book is
ordure [ordyuwr] n. kurjuru (oj, dubuuje ours cfum ko deftere men.
(Cfe). ourselves [aw0selvz] pr. enen koyemen,
organ [org0n] n. tergal (ngal). extra ~ minen.
sindere (nde). oust [awst] V. yaltinde; riiwde.
organism [Og0nizm] n. muumantel Alla. ouster [awst0] n. jaltingol (ngdl).
organization [Og0n0zeys0n] n. fedde (nde). out [2Lw\\prep. boowal (ngal).
^at is the purpose of your organization
out-of-date [awt0fdeyt] adj. ko TeeT]i, ko
Hoi ko woni muuyaa fedde mon?
jolti. be ~ Yeerjde, joltude.
orient [ory0nt] n. fucfnaange (nge).
outdated [awtdeytid] adj. ko Yeer]i.
orient [ory0nt] v. huccinde. outdoor [awtdo] n. boowal (ngal).
oriental [ory0nt0l] adj. ko faati e
outfit [awtfit] n. comcol (ngdl).
outgoing [awtgowiig] adj. cakalo.
orientation [ory0nteys0n] n. kuccingol
(ngdl). outgrow [awtgr0w] v. burtaade.
orifice [Or0fays] n. wuddere (nde). outlaw [awtlo] n. luutndiicfo laawol.
origin [or0jin] n. iwdi (ndi)', lasli (o). What outlet [awtlet] n. yaltirde (nde). This is not
is the origin of the Fulani Hoi ko woni an outlet cfum wonaa yaltirde.
lasli Fulbe? outline [awtlayn] n. keerol (ngdl).
originate [or0j0neyt] v. sosde, iwde. outline [awtlayn] v. amminde.
originator [or0j0neyt0] n. coscfo (o) ; outpace [awtpeys] v. dacftaade.
pudcfucfo (o). output [awtput] n. conaandi (ndi).
ornament [orn0m0nt] n. nakkucfi (ndi). outrage [awtreyj] n. toonange (nge)\
ornamental [orn0m0nt0l] adj. ko faati e gaanande (nde).
nakkudi. outright [awtrayt] adj. cfoon e cfoon.
ornate [omeyt] v. sinkude. outrun [awtrAn] v. dacfde.
orphan [of0n] n. alyatiimu (o) ; baayo (o).

outset oyster

outset [awtset] n. fucfcfoode (nde)., oversleep [owv0sliyp] v. weetndorde. /

fucfcforde (nde). from the ~ gila adan; gila overslept this morning Ko mi
fiiCfcfii. beetndorcfo.
outside [awtsayd] n. boowal (ngal). overtake [owv0teyk] v. dacftaade.
outsider [awtsayda] n. mo jeyaaka e. overtime [owv0taym] n. waktuuji burtucfi.
outskirts [awtskort] n. saraaji ((fi). overwhelm [owv0welm] v. foolde.
oval [owv9l] adj. ko jogii tagoodi ovine [owvayn] adj. ko faati e baali.
boccoonde. ovoid [ovoyd] adj. ko jogii tagoodi
ovate [owveyt] adj. ko jogii tagoodi boccoonde.
boccoonde. owe [ow] V. rewde. / owe you fifty francs
oven [owv0n] /?. fliur (o). Mbecfe rewmaa buucfi sappo/Mbecfe
over [owvO] prep. dow. he ~ gasde, fusde. jogani maa duubi sappo.
overdo [owv0du] v. burtinde. owl [awl] n. puppubal (ngal).
overdue [owv0juw] adj. ko benni. own [own] v. jogaade; halflide; jeyde. / own
a car Mbecfe jogii oto.
overeat [owv0riyt] v. buuteede.
owner [own0] n. jeycfo, jom; kaliifa (o). He
overflow [owv0fl0w] n. rufo (ago).
is the owner of the house Ko kanko jey
overlap [owv0lap] v. burtude; yantude, galle o.
ownership [own0sip] n. jeyal (ngal).
overlook [owv0luk] v. tiimde.
ox [oks] n. ngaari (ndi). young ~ yeego
overrule [ovA^0ruwl] v. hacfde. (ngo), gayel (ngel).
overseas [owv0siyz] n. caggal geec. oyster [oyst0] n. wujo (ngo).
oversee [owv0siy] v. reende; ardaade.

pa pant

pa [pa] n. baabiraacfo (o). painting [peyntii}] n. natal (ngal) pentirgol

pace [peys] v, daasnaade; daagaade, (ngol).
yahnaade. go at a slow ~ yahrude yeeso. pair [per] n. cficfi.
pacer [peysa] n. daasnotoocfo (o)\ pajamas [pajamaz] n. comci baaldirteecfe.
daagotoodo jahnotoocfo (o). pal [pal] n. sehil (o).
pacific [pasafik] adj. deeTcfo; jicfcfo palace [palis] n. hocforde laamcfo.
deeTal. palatal [palatal] adj. ko faati e cfakane.
pacifier [pas0fay0] n. deeTnoowo (o).
palate [palat] n. cfakaane (o).
pacifism [pasafizm] n. deeTre (nde)\, jam palaver [palava] /?. yeewtere (nde).
ro;. pale [peyl] adj. joomcfo.
pacify [pasafay] v. deeTnude.
palfrey [palfrey] n. puccu (ngu).
pacing [peysig] ti. naaXal (ngal).
palisade [palaseyd] n. galle (o).
pack [pak] v. soomde; habbude. ~ one’s
clothing feewnude comci mum. pallbearer [polbera] n. jahoowo janayse;
nawoowo maaycfo to qabri mum.
packer [paka] ii. coomoowo (o).
pallet [palet] n. daago (ngo).
packet [paket] /?. pakket (o).
palliasse [palyas] n. pajaas (o).
packing [pakig] n. coomgol (ngol);
kubbugol (ngol). palliate [palyeyt] v. deeTnude.
pact [pakt] n. aadondiral (ngal). palm [pam] n. 1) newre (nde) 2) lekki (ki).
grease someone’s ~ yeende.
pad [pad] n. tekkere jappeere (nde).
palmar [pQma] adj. ko faati e newre jungo.
paddle [padal] n. awTal (ngal)\ awTirgal
(ngal). palmer [pama] n. kajjucfo.
paddle [padal] v. awTude. palpable [palpabal] adj. ko yiyitoo, ko
paddler [padla] n. awToowo (o).
palpate [palpeyt] v. memde.
paddling [padlig] n. awTugol (ngol).
palpitate [palpateyt] v. diwde.
padishah [padasa] n. laamcfo.
palpitation [palpateysan] n. lukkere (nde).
padlock [padlok] n. udumere (nde).
paltry [poltri] adj. nuskucfum (seecfa).
paen [peyan] n. jimol (ngol).
pamper [pampa] v. bonnude, horsinde,
pagan [peygan] n. mo wonaa juulcfo. bewnude; moomde.
page [peyj] n. hello kayit; bal]I]e kaayit. pan [pan] n. kastiloor (o).
You can write on this page Acfa waawi
panache [panas] n. jombo (ko)', nakkudi
windude e ngo hello.
paginal [pajinal] adj. ko faati e hello kaayit.
pancake [paqkeyk] n. wenere (nde).
paginate [pajaneyt] v. limde kelle
kaayitaaji. pandemic [pandemik] adj. ko yaaji; ko
pail [peyl] n. siwoo (o).
pandit [pandit] n. gando (o).
paillasse [palyas] n. pajaas (o).
pandy [pandi] v. fiide e jungo.
pain [peyn] n. 1) muusu (o)\ mettere (nde)',
pang [paq] n. sunaare (nde).
til]; muuseeki (ki) 2) I]atiwere (nde). I
feel your pain Enen ndendi sunaare. panhandle [panhandal] n. jungo kastiloor.
pained [peynd] adj. gaaniicfo, cuniicfo. panhandle [panhandal] v. haagaade;
painful [peynfal] adj. ko muusi; muuscfum.
It is painful Ina muusi. panic [panik] n. jeeTere (nde)', kulol (ngol).
paint [peynt] n. pentiir (o) panic [panik] v. jeeTude; hulde; weftileede.
painted [peyntad] adj. ko pentiraa. pannier [panye] n. pane (o).
painter [peynta] n. pentiroowo (o). pant [pant] v. lehde; fettude.

panter passer

panter [pant0] n. pettoowo (o). • parricide [par0sayd] ti. barcfo jinnaacfo

panther [pan00] n. cewngu mum.
pantry [pantri] n. faawru (ndu). parrot [par0t] ti. sooyru (tidu).
pants [pants] n. tuuba (ba). wear one’s parry [pari] v. ruucfaade; wappaade.
boornaade tuuba mum. parse [pQs] v. sifaade.
pap [pap] n. endu (ndu). parsimony [pas0mowni] ti. tiicfcfo jungo.
papaya [papay0] n. pappaaye (o). part [pat] n. sengo (tigo), feccere (tide)-,
paper [peyp0] n. kaayit (o) gecfal (tigal). be ~ o/jeyeede e.
par [par] /?. ko foti. part [pat] V. seertude.
parachute [par0suwt] n. tellinde; tellaade. partake [pateyk] v. feccude; taweede.
parade [p0reyd] v. naaTde, maajde. parted [patid] adj. ko feccaa.
parade [p0reyd] ti. naaTal (ngal). partial [pas0l] adj. 1) ko faati e gecfal 2)
paradigm [par0daym] ti. yeru (ngii). jingoowo; guuraniicfo.
partiality [pasy0l0ti] ti. jingere (tide).
paradise [par0dayz] //. aljanna (o). go to ~
naatde aljanna. partible [pat0b0l] adj. ko ina
paragraph [par0graf] n. windande (tide). seemdoo/feccoo.
participant [p0rtisip0nt] ti. jantucfo (o)-,
parallel [par0lel] adj. laabi tiindiicfi nokku
tawtoraacfo (o).
gooto cfi pottataa.
participate [p0rt0s0peyt] v. yantude;
paralytic [par0litik] adj. boofo, goofcfucfo.
taweede, tawtoreede.
paralyzed [par0layzd] adj. goofcfuCfo,
boofo. particle [pat0k0l] ti. gecfel (tigel).
particular [patikil0] adj. ko faati e.
paraphrase [par0freyz] v. sifaade; reftaade
e. particularly [patikil0li] adv. teel3ti noon e.
parasite [par0sayt] adj. pawiicfo. parting [patip] ti. ceergal (tigal)-,
parasol [par0sol] n. paraseewal (tigal). ceemdugol.
partisan [patiz0n] ti. gonancfo (o)-,
parcel [pas0l] /?. neldal (tigal).
gonducfo (o).
parch [pQc] v. yoornude.
partite [pertayt] adj. ko feccaa.
pardon [pad0n] ti. yaafuya (o). / beg your
partition [p0rtiys0n] ti. peccugol (tigol).
pardon Ko mbiicfaa.
partitioning [p0rtiys0nip] ti. seerndude,
pardon [pad0n] v. yaafaade.
pardoner [pad0n0] ti. jaafotoocfo (o).
partner [patn0] ti. liggodiicfo (o)-, gondiicfo
pare [par] v. settude, taTde.
parent [per0nt] ti. jinnaacfo (o). partridge [patrij] ti. gerlal (tigal).
parental [per0nt0l] adj. ko faati e jinnaacfo. parturient [partyuwry0nt] adj. I]arwuCfo.
parenthood [per0nthud] ti. encfam (dam). party [pati] v. kewnude.
parenticide [per0nt0sayd] ti. necfcfo barcfo party [pati] ti. parti (o)-, kew (o).
jinnaacfo/jinnaabe mum.
parure [paruwr] ti. cucfaari (tidi).
parity [par0ti] ti. potal (tigal).
pass [pas] V. bennude; dacfde; dacftaade;
park [pok] ti. galle (o) jawdi/muumanteeji
yawtude; rewde. ~ again bennitde. ~ the
Alla. normal limits muukaade. ~ close to
parlance [pal0ns] ti. haala (ka). wirtaade. ~ without breaking saayde
parlay [paley] v. fawde, tegde. passable [pas0b0l] adj. ko bennata; cfo ina
parley [poley] ti. yeewtere (tide). rewoo.
parlous [pal0s] adj. ToTcfo. passage [pasij] ti. laawol (tigol), windande
parol [p0rowl] ti. nanalla (o). (tide).
parole [p0rowl] v. cfaccitde cokanoocfo. be passenger [pasenj0] ti. paasaase (o).
on ~ jaggeede e kongol. passer [pas0] ti. jahoowo (o)-, bennoowo
(o), berlotoocfo (o). ~ />y jahoowo (o).


passion pedigree

passion [pas0n] n. pinnugol (ngol). pay [pey] v. yobde. ~ part of a debt

passive [pasiv] adj. mo dillataa; nuggaro. dawlude. ~ hack yobde; ~ attention
passport [pasport] n. paaspoor (o). dankaade; wacftude hakkille.
password [pasw0rd] //. kongol nandiraagol. payable [pey0b0l] adj. ko foti yobeede.
past [past] n. hankimen. go ~ bennude; payee [peyi] n. jobaaefo jobeteeefo (o).
yawtude; faataade. payer [pey0] n. joboowo (o).
pastoral [pastowr0l] adj. ko faati e payment [peym0nt] n. njobdi (ndi).
ngaynaaka. payoff [peyof] n. njobdi (ndi).
pasture [pasc0] v. oomude; durnude. payroll [peyrol] n. inefe yimbe yobeteebe.
pat [pat] V. berkude. pea [piy] n. newre (nde).
patch [pate] v. efakkude. peace [piys] n. jam (o). ~ of mind deeTre
patchy patci] adj. cfakkacfum. hakkille.
patent [pat0nt] adj. ko laabi; ko feeni. peaceful [piysf0l] adj. deeTcTo.
paternal [pat0rn0l] adj. ko faati e baaba. ~ peach [piyc] n. janfaade.
aunt gorgol (o)\ gorgilaacfo (o). peak [piyk] n. eebtam (dam).
path [pa0] u. bolol (ngol), laawol (ngol). peanut [piynAt] n. yertere (nde)-, gerte (cfe)-,
pathology [paGowloji] n. jangde nabbuuli. dege (de). thick. ~ butter sauce maafe
(def, thin ~ butter sauce domoda (o)-,
pathway [paGwey] n. laawol (ngol).
baase (de).
patience [peys0ns] n. munal (ngal).
pear [per] n. bingel lecfcfe.
patient [peys0nt] adj. muncfo (o).
pearl [p0rl] n. naayre (nde).
patri [patri] //. baaba (o).
peasant [pez0nt] n. demoowo (o).
patriarch [patry0rk] n. mawcfo gadiicfo.
pebble [peb0l] n. haayre (nde).
patrimonial [patr0mowny0l] adj. ko faati e
ndonu. peccant [pek0nt] adj. tooncfo; bakkodincfo.
patrimony [patr0mowni] n. ndonu (ngu). peck [pek] v. sikaade.
patriot [peytryot] adj. jicfcfo ngendi mum. pectoral [pektowr0l] adj. ko faati e becce.
patrol [p0trowl] v. jeertoyaade; reende. peculate [pekyuwleyt] v. wujjude.
patron [peytr0n] n. balloowo (o)\ gardiicfo pecuniary [pekyuwn0ri] adj. ko faati e
jiimcfo (o).
patter [pat0] v. saalaade. pedagogical [ped0gowj0k0l] adj. ko faati e
pattern [pat0n] n. mbaadi (ndi).
pedagogics [ped0gowjiks] n. jangde
paucity [pos0ti] n. 13akkere (nde). jangingol.
paunch [pone] n. reedu mawndu. pedagogy [ped0goji] n. jangingol (ngdl), ko
pauper [pop0] n. necfcfo baascfo. faati e jangingol.
pauperism [pOp0rizm] n. baasal (ngal). pedal [ped0l] n. alkabeere (nde).
pause [powz] n. deeXre (nde)-, dartagol peddle [ped0l] v. yeeyde.
(ngol). peddler [pedl0] n. baanabaana (o).
pave [peyv] v. ferde; feewnude laawol. ~ pederast [ped0rast] n. baanabaana (o).
the yvay for udditde/ferde laawol.
pedestal [ped0st0l] n. jaalal (ngal).
pavilion [p0vily0n] n. tilliisa (o).
pedestrian [ped0stry0n] n. jahroowo
paw [pOw] n. takkere (nde). little takkel koycfe.

pediatrics [pedyatriks] n. jangde cellal e
pawn [pOwn] n. juknude. laabal sukaabe.
pawnbroker [pownbrowk0] n. juknoowo pedicure [ped0kyuwr] n. safaara koyCfe.
pediform [ped0form] adj. ko wayi no
pawpaw [pawpaw] n. pappaaye (o). koyngal.
pedigree [ped0griy] n. asko (ngo).

pedlar permanent

pedlar [pedlo] n. jeeyoowo (())\ people [piypal] n. yimbe (be)

doondotoocfo ina yobee. pepper [pepa] n. poobaar (o).
pedology [pedaloji] u. jangde leydi. peppery [pepari] adj. ko heewi poobaar.
pediincule [pedopkyuwl] ri. gawTal (ngal). peptic [peptik] adj. ko dolnata.
pee [piy] v. taaraade. per [pa] adv. kala.
peek [piyk] v. yuurnaade. percale [parkeyl] n. percale,
peel [piyl] v. hooltaade; settude; esde. perceive [parsiyv] v. yiide.
peel [piyl] n. cettol (ngdl)\ gufi (cfi)\ nguru
perch [pare] n. 1) fooftorde (tide) 2)
coorgal (ngal).
peeler [piyl9] //. cettoowo (o). percolate [parkowleyt] v. siiwtude.
peeling [piylir)] n. cettugol (ngdl). percolation [parkowleyt] ti. ciiwtugol
peep [piyp] v. yuurnaade. (ngdl).
peer [piyr] v. laarde. percuss [parkAs] v. fiide.
peerless [piyrles] adj. mo hono mum perdu [pardu] adj. ko suucfii.
woodaani; mo alaa giTiraacfo. peregrinate [paragrineyt] v. cfaanaade.
peeve [piyv] v. seknude. peregrination [paragraneysan] ti. cfangal
peewee [piywiy] adj. pamaro. (ngal).
peg [peg] n. sukkoode (tide). perennial [paranyal] adj. ko duumii; haa
pelage [p9la3] n. leebi. abada.
pelican [palikan] n. ginal (ngal). perfect [parfekt] adj. ko timmi, ko hawri.
pellicle [pelikal] n. nguru. perfection [parfeksan] ti. timmal (tigal)\
peewal (ngal).
pen [pen] //. kucfol (ngdl).
perfidious [parfiyjas] adj. mo nuuncfaani.
penal [piynal] adj. ko faati e kuugal.
perforate [parforeyt] v. yulde.
penalize [piynalayz] v. yobnaade toonange,
yoftaade; fawde kuugal e. perform [perform] v. wacfde; gollaade. ~
for wacfande.
penalty [penalti] n. kuugal (ngal). pay the
~ tellinde kuugal. perfume [perfyuwm] ti. latikolon (o)\ lati;
pencil [pensal] n. kiriyol] (o).
perhaps [parhaps] ina wona; ina waawi.
pend [pend] v. liggude; yowde.
pericarp [perikarp] ti. saano (ko)-, nguru
pending [pendip] adj. haa. ~ approval so
jabaama; haa jabee. (mO-
peril [peral] ti. halkaare (tide)-, bonande
penetrate [penatreyt] v. naatde; naatnude.
penetration [penatreysan] n. naatnugol
perilous [peralas] adj. ko halkata.
(ngdl)\ naatgol (ngdl).
period [piyryad] ti. 1) dumunna (o)-, mudda
penis [piynas] n. soolde (nde)\ kaake
(o)-, sahaa (o)-, saanga (o). ~ before dmvn
weetndoogo (tigo) 2) fiilayru (tidu).
penitent [panitant] adj. tuubcfo.
periodic [piyryowdik] adj. ko kewata sahaa
penitentiary [panitansari] n. kaso. kala.
penknife [penayf] n. label (ngel). peripheric [parifiyrik] adj. ko faati e
penniless [penales] adj. baascfo. keerol.
penny [peni] n. koppoor (o). periphery [parifari] ti. keerol (ngdl).
pensile [pensal] adj. ko weelata; ko liggaa. periplus [pariplAs] ti. cfangal (ngal).
pensive [pensiv] adj. miijotoocfo. perish [peris] v. halkaade.
penta [penta] pref. joy. perishable [perisabal] adj. ko bonata; ko
penult [piynAlt] n. cukko battano. nolata.
penurious [penyuwryas] adj. tiicfcfo jungo, perjure [parja] v. jumde.
baascfo. perjury [paijri] ti. jumre (tide).
penury [penyuwri] n. baasal (ngal). permanent [parmanant] adj. ko duumii.


permissible phonology

permissible [parmisabol] adj. ko yamiraa. pesky [peski] adj. ko haljinta.

permission [p0rmiys0n] n. yamiroore pessimist [pes0mist] //. necfcfo mo
(nde). cfaminaaki.
permit [p0rmit] v. yamirde. pester [pest0] v. haljinde.
permute [p0nnyuwt] v. waylude. pestilence [pest0l0ns] n. naw ndaaboowu;
perorate [p0rowreyt] v. lebde. naw (ngu).
perpend [p0rpend] v. yisbude. pestle [pes0l] n. unugal (ngal).
perpetrate [p0p0treyt] v. wacfde. petit [p0ti] adj. pamaro.
perpetual [p0rp0cuw0l] adj. ko duumii. petite [p8tiyt] adj. pamaro.
perpetuity [p0rp0cwiti] n. haa abada. petition [p0tis0n] n. naagunde.
perplex [p0rpleks] v. weemnude; jiibde. petrify [p0tr0fay] v. jiibde bakke; hulbinde;
perplexed [p0rplekst] adj. beemcfo.
petrol [p0trowl] n. esaas (o).
perplexity [p0rpleks0ti] (nde) weemre
(nde)\]\\bTu (ndu). petrology [p0trowloji] n. jangde kaaTe.
persecute [p0rsekyuwt] v. toonde, petty [peti] adj. seecfa; ko famcfi.
hiicfaade. phagocytize [fagows0tayz] v. naamde.
persecution [p0rsekyuws0n] n. toonange phantasm [fantazm] n. peenal (ngal).
(nge)\ kiicfagol (ngdl). phantom [fant0m] n. peenal (ngal).
persevere p0rs0viyr] v. tiicfnaade, waasde pharynx [farirjks] n. goddol (ngdl)-,
cfaacude; rewde been. hulquum (o).
persist [p0rsist] v. tiicfnaade; rewde. pheno pref. ko jalbi; kojalbata.
person [p0rs0n] n. necfcfo (o). old ~ philander [filand0] v. fijde; gerde.
nayeejo (o)\ naywucfo (o). strong heavy ~
philanthropy [f0lan0r0pi] n. gilli aduna.
gorbal (ngal). chosen ~ burnaacfo (o)\
cubaacfo (o). useless ~ bottere (nde). in ~ philately [filat0li] n. jangde tembe.
kanko hoore makko. philology [fil0l0ji] n. jangde bindi.
personable [p0rs0nab0l] adj. joocfcfo. philosopher [filos0f0] n. gando (o)-,
personal [p0rs0n0l] adj. ko faati e necfcfo. keewclo miijo.
personality [p0rs0nal0ti] n. neesu (ngu), philosophy [filos0fi] n. miijo (ngo).
nehdi (ndi). philter [filt0] n. bayre (nde).
personnel [p0rs0nel] n. liggotoobe. phlegm [flem] n. cfuurtagol (ngdl)-,
perspective [p0rspektiv] n. miijo (ngo)\ paalkisaagol (ngdl).
jiigol (ngdl). phlegmatic [flem0tik] adj. ko faati e
perspicacious [p0rsp0keys0s] adj. ceebcfo;
kaqqilcfo. phobia [phowby0] n. kulol (ngdl).
perspicacity [p0rsp0kas0ti] n. ceebgol phonate [fowneyt] v. wowlude.
hakkille; hakkilantaagal (ngal). phonation [fowneys0n] n. wowlaango
perspire [p0rspay0] v. warnude. (f^go).
persuade [p0rsweyd] v. waawnude; hebde phone [fown] n. wowlaango (ngo).
hakkille necfcfo. phoneme [fowniym] n. wowlaango (ngo)-,
pertain [p0rteyn] v. jeyeede, jeyde. helmere (nde).
pertinent [p0rtin0nt] adj. ko faati e. phonemics [fowniymiks] n. jangde
perturb [p0t0rb] v. haljinde.
phonetic [fownetik] adj. ko faati e
peruse [p0ruwz] n. jangude.
pervade [p0rveyd] v. saraade; saakaade.
phonetics [fownetiks] n. jangde gowlaali.
perverse [p0rv0rs] adj. luutndiicfo.
phonic [fonik] adj. ko faati e
perversion [p0rv0rs0n] n. luutndagol gowlaali/wowlaango.
phonology [f0nowl0ji] n. jangde gowlaali.
pervert [p0rv0rt] v. luutndaade.

phosphorescent pipe

phosphorescent [fasforesGnt] adj. pike [payk] n. laawol (ngdl).

jalbi/jalbata. pilaf [pilaf] n. namri (ndi).
photo [fowto] n. fooyre (nde)‘, huunde pile [payl] n. joowre (nde).
hubboore. pile [payl] v. joowde. ~ shrubs nakkude.
photocopy [fowt0kapi] /?. natal (ngal). ~ dirty clothes habbude. ~ disorderly
photogenic [fowtajenik] adj. peewcfo e noofde.
natal. pilfer [pilfa] v. wujjude.
photograph [fowtagraf] n. natal (ngal). pilferage [pilfarij] n. nguyka (ka).
photographer [fowtagrafa] n. potoowo pilgrim [pilgrim] n. alhajji (o)\ kajjucfo (o)\
(o). kajjoowo (o).
photographic [fowtagrafik] adj. ko faati e pilgrimage [pilgramij] v. hajjoyde; hajjude.
natal/nate. pilgrimage [pilgramij] n. hajju (o).
photophobia [fowtafobya] n. kulol fooyre. pill [pil] n. focfcfere (nde).
phrase [freyz] n. kongol timmungol. pillage [pilij] v. honde; teetde.
phrasing [freyzig] /?. lelnugol kongol.
pillage [pilij] n. teetere (nde)\ teetgol
physic [fizik] n. lekki; safaara (o)\ cafrugol (ngdl).
(ugol). pillar [pila] n. jaalal (ngal).
physical [fizikal] adj. ko faati e
pillion [pilyan] n. jappeere (nde).
pillow [pilow] n. talla (ka)l{o)\ ngaflaari
physicality [fizikali] n. tagoodi (ndi).
(ndi)\ njegenaawe (o).
physician [fiziysan] n. cafroowo (o).
pilot [paylat] n. donoowo laana ndiwoowa.
physiology [fizyowloji] n. jangde nafoore
pilot! [pilati] n. ngooroondi hubeere.
pilule [pilyuwl] n. focfdere (nde).
physiotherapy [fizyowGerapi] n. safaara
(o). pimento [pamento] //. namako (ko).
physique [fiziyk] tagoodi (ndi). pimple [pimpal] n. wadere (nde)', puTel;
fliTere f/7i/c);wannjalde.
picaroon [pikaruwn] gujjo.
pin [pin] n. pingu (o).
pick [pik] V. boggude; pick; sufde; teptude.
~ up small pieces of wood nukaade. ~ out pin [pin] v. baasde.
subaade. ~ millet ears robtude. ~ up pinch [pine] n. bottugol (ngdl)', I^uccere
subde; hoccude; Teftude; Teftude. jubbande (nde).
picking [pikip] n. teptungo (ngo)\ cubgol pinch [pine] v. I]uccude, bottude.
(ngdl). pinched [pinct] adj. l^uccaado; bottaado.
picklock [piklok] n. gujjo (o). pinching [pincii]] n. 13uccug61 (ngdl).
pictorial [piktoryal] adj. ko faati e natal, pine [payn] v. yeewnude.
picture [pikca] n. natal (ngal)\ annama (o). pinfold [pinfowld] n. gallejawdi.
picturesque [pikcaresk] adj. ko yoocfi. pink [pir)k] v. yiwde; tufde.
pie [pay] n. namri (ndi). as easy as ~ pinky [pigk] adj. sibatindu (ndu).
newiido. pinnace [pinis] n. laana (ka).
piece [piys] n. heltinde (nde)\ taTitande pinnacle [pinakal] n. cebtam.
(nde)-, tai ande (nde).
pinpoint [pinpoynt] v. foofaade; sifaade.
piecemeal [piysmiyl] n. seecfa seecfa.
pioneer [payaniya] v. fuddude, ardaade.
pierce [piyrs] v. yulde; tufde.
piosity [payasiti] n. dewal Alla.
piety [payati] n. dewal Allah,
pious [payas] adj. juuldo; dewdo
piffle [pifal] n. haala maayka. joomiraado; dewdo Alla.
pig [pig] n. mbabba tugal. pip [pip] n. foddere (nde).
pigeon [pijan] n. foondu (ndu). little ~ pipage [paypij] n. gaawol (ngdl).
purayel (ngel). male ~ uuga (o).
pipe [payp] n. 1) solom (o) 2) jardugal
pigment [pigmant] n. noordi (ndi). (ngal).


piquant plotter

piquant [piykant] adj. ko yiwata. plane [pleyn] n. laana ndiwoowa. The

pique [piyk] v. toonde. plane took o^/^Ndiwowa ka diwii.
piracy [payrasi] n. nguyka (ka). planet [planet] n. jaayre (nde).
pirate [payr0t] n. gujjo (o). planetary [planetari] adj. ko faati e jaayre.
pirogue [piyrowg] n. laana (ka). planish [planis] v. meldude.
pirouette [pirawet] n. jiilagol (ngol). planner [plana] n. pewjoowo (o).
piscator [piskato] ti. gawoowo (o). plant [plant] v. aawde; fel3de; nibde.
Pisces [paysiyz] n. licfcfi (cfi). plantation [planteysan] n. ngesa (ba).
pismire [pismaya] fi. nuunu (tigu). planted [plantid] adj. nibacfum; pel^acfum.
piss [pis] V. taaraade; soofde. planter [planta] n. gaawoowo (o).
pistol [pistal] n. fetd (o). plaque [plak] n. nakkudi (ndi).
pit [pit] V. asde. plaster [plasta] n. bakkere (nde).
pit [pit] ti. woyndu (ndu). plaster [plasta] v. basde.
pitch [pitc] V. 1) werlaade 2) fel3de, plate [pleyt] n. taasa (ka); palaat (o).
damude caali. platter [plata] n. lahal (ngal).
pitcher [pitca] n. berlotoocfo (o)\ dufoowo plausible [plozabal] adj. ko ina wona.
(o). play [pley] v. fijde. ~ deaf muraade;
piteous [piyteyas] adj. jurminiicfo. faacfkinaade. ~ the fiddle naande,
pith [pi0] /?. mbuuwwa (o). simbude. ~ the flute liitde.
pitiable [pityebal] adj. jurminiicfum, ko player [pleya] n. pijoowo (o).
yurminii. playwright [playrayt] n. bindoowo (o).
pitiless [pitales] adj. mo yurmotaako. plea [pliy] n. naagunde (nde).
pity [piti] V. yurmaade. have ~ on plead [pliyd] v. naagaade.
yurmaade. pleasant [plezant] adj. belcfo, jirwucfo.
pity [piti] n. yurmeende (nde). pleasantry [plezantri] n. gaajaare (nde).
pizza [pidza] ii. namri (ndi). please [pliyz] v. weltinde. I am pleased Mi
placable [plakabal] adj. jaafotoocfo. weltiima; mbede weltii.
placate [plakeyt] v. deeTnude. pleasure [ple3a] n. welamma (o).
place [pleys] v. fawde; lombude. ~ in pleat [pliyt] n. nongol (ngol).
lookde. ~ in front of someone huufnude. pledge [plej] v. taylude.
~ diacritics masde. ~ across falde. ~ under plenary [plenari] adj. ko timmi.
sornude; sakkude.
plenish [plenis] v. hebbinde.
place [pleys] ri. nokku (o).
plenitude [plenatyuwd] n. keewal (ngal).
placid [plasid] adj. deeTcfo; ko deeTi.
plentiness [plentines] n. nammanduru
plafond [plafond] n. mbildi (ndi). (ndu); haaranduru (ndu).
plagiarism [pleyjarizm] n. nguyka (ka). plenty [plenti] adj. keewcfum, ko heewi.
plague [pleyg] n. bonande (nde)\ naw live in ~ neemaade.
(ngu). plethora [platora] n. keewal (ngal).
plain [pleyn] adj. laabcfum. ~ truth goonga plethoric [pletorik] adj. keewcfum; ko
laabdo. heewi.
plaint [pleynt] n. gullitaagol (ngol). pliable [playabal] adj. ko hofotoo.
plaintiff [pleyntafj n. gullitiicfo (o). pliant [playant] adj. jaawcfo wuuraade.
plait [pleyt] v. moorde. plica [plika] n. norbolol (ngol).
plait [pleyt] n. moorol (ngdl). plight [playt] n. mbaadi (ndi).
plan [plan] n. feere (nde)\ ebbere (nde). plink [pli^k] v. sonnude.
plan [plan] v. fewjude. ~ for someone plop [plop] V. deppaade.
plot [plot] V. fewjande.
plotter [plota] n. pewjanoowo (o).

plow portrait

plow [plaw] V. remde. ► politics [palitiks] ti. polotigi (o).

pluck [plAk] V. borde, sufde. pollen [pol9n] ti. bumangal (tigal).
plug [plAg] V. sukkude. pollute [polyuwt] v. wuddinde,
plumage [plAmij] n. sigeeji (di). wuddicfinde.
plume [pluwm] n. sige (o). poltroon [poltruwn] ti. kulcfo reedu.
plump [plAmp] adj. bellincfo. polygamous [pol9gam9s] adj. nawlircfo.
plunder [plAnda] v. honde. polygamy [poliyg9mi] ti. nawliigu (tigu).
plunderage [plAndareyj] n. konu (ngii)\ polyglot [poliglot] ti. gando cfemcfe
kongol (ngol). keewcfe; kaaloowo cfemcfe keewcfe.
plunge [plAnj] v. puntinaade. polysemy [polisemi] ti. maanaaji keewcfi.
plural [pluwral] n. keewal (figal). pomade [pomeyd] ti. pomaate.
plus [plAs] adv. beydaari (ndi). pond [pond] v. juknude, taylude.
plutocracy [pluwtowkrasi] //. laamu pond [pond] ti. tucfande (tide)\ weendu
ngalu/alcfube. (tidu).
pluvial [pluwvyal] adj. ko faati e tobo. ponder [pand9] v. yisbude; miijaade.
ply [play] v. liggaade; gollaade; golloraade. pony [poni] ti. pucel tokosel.
pneumonia [nyuwmownya] n. tiggere pool [puwl] ti. deental (tigal)
(tide). poop [puwp] V. tampinde, lohnude.
poach [powc] V. wujjude. poor [puwr] adj. miskiino; koraacfo;
poacher [powc9] ti. gujjo (o). paacfaacfo. ~ person dooba.
pocket [poket] ti. jeyba (o)\ poos (o). pop [pop] V. naatde; Taal3de.
pods [podz] ti. gufi (di). popgun [popgAn] ti. fetel cukalel.
podsol [padsol] ti. leydi (ndi). poplin [poplin] ti. bagi (o).
poem [pom] n. jimol (ngol). popple [pop9l] V. fasde (ndiyam).
pogrom [pogr9m] n. boomaare (tide). popular [popyuwl9] adj. ko darji; darjucfo;
poignant [poyny9nt] adj. ko faati e lollucfo.
sunaare. popularity [pop9lar9ti] ti. daraja (o)\
point [poynt] v. sappinaade, joofaade, lollugol (tigdl)
jommude. popularize [pop9l9rayz] v. daijinde.
pointer [poynt9] ti. joofotoocfo (o). populate [popyuwleyt] v. hocfde.
pointy [poynti] adj. ko seebi, ceebcfum. population [popyuwles9n] ti. yimbe nokku.
poison [poyz9n] ti. posone (o)\ tooke (de), populous [popyuwl9s] adj. nokku keewcfo
~ healer cammitoowo (o). yimbe.
poisonous [poyz9n9s] adj. tookaacfo. porcupine [porkyuwpayn] ti. sangalde
poke [powk] V. duntude; hubbude,
Tobbude. pore [powr] v. miijaade, laarde.
poker [powk9] ti. duntoowo (o). pork [pork] //. teew mbabba tugal.
pole [powl] ti. coorgal (tigal). ~ star porous [powr9s] adj. ko heewi gudde.
cfaccuki (ki). porridge [p0rij] n. gosi (o)
polemic [polemik] ti. luutndagol (tigdl). port [port] ti. teeri (o).
poler [powl9] ti. tuggude laana. portable [port9b9l] adj. ko ina jogee.
police [p9liys] ti. poliis. portal [port9l] ti. damal (tigal).
policy [pal9si] ti. yamiroore laamu. porter [p0t9] ti. doondotoocfo.
polish [polis] V. taasnude; dirkude. portion [pos9n] ti. gecfal (tigal)-, taTande
polite [polayt] adj. nehiicfo. (tide).
politeness [polaytnes] ti. nehdi moTTundi. portrait [portreyt] ti. natal (tigal)-, annama
politic [politik] ti. deentiicfo (o). (o).
political [palitik9l adj. ko faati e polotigi.

position precede

position [p0ziys0n] n. 1) miijo (ngo) 2) pound [pawnd] v. unde, - again untaade. ~

nokku (o). grain stalks sokkude. ~ grains into flower
positive [pQzitiv] adj. ko moTTi. hortinde. ~ into paste loppude.
possess [pozes] v. jogaade; jeyde. pound [pawnd] n. liibaar (o).
possession [pozes0n] n. halal (ngal), pounded [pawndid] adj. unacfum.
jogagol (ngo/), jawdi (ndi). pounder [pawnd0] n. unoowo (o).
possessive [pozesiv] adj. ko faati e pounding [pawndii)] n. unu (ngu). place
danal/jeyal. for ~ tugunde (nde).
possessor [pozes0] n. jeycfo (o). pour [puwr] v. yuppude, joorde; juurde; ~
possibility [pas0bil0ti] n. huunde wonoore, water over oneself juuraade. ~ into
feere (nde) possible [pas0b0l] adj. ko boiling water laawde. ~ by drops
wonata. tobbinde. ~ out to fdl loowde.
post [powst] V. jolnude bataake. I will keep pout [pawt] V. biinde.
you posted Ma mi tintine. poverty [pav0ti] n. baasa) (ngal), ronkere
post [powst] n. doygal (ngal). (nde)-, noolu (ngu).
postal [powst0l] adj. ko faati e poosto. powder [pawd0] v. fullude.
postbox [powstboks] n. wakande bataake. powder [pawd0] n. condi (ndi). gun- condi
posterior [postiyry0] /?. caggal (o)\ ko heedi fetel.
caggal. powdered [pawd0d] adj. laalndacfum,
posterity [post0riti] n. besngu (ngu). power [paw0] n. sembe (o)-, mbaawka (ka)-,
posthumus [post0m0s] n. luuti (o). doole (de)-, baawal (ngal).
postman [powstman] n. jettinoowo powerful [paw0f0l] adj. cembincfo;
batakeeji. doolnucfo.
postpone [powstpone] v. fabbinde. Our practicable [praktik0b0l] adj.
meeting has been postponed Deental men bacfotoocfum, ko ina wacfoo.
fabbinaama. practise [praktis] v. wacfde.
postponement [powstpownm0nt] n. practitioner [praktiys0n0] n. gollotoocfo.
pabbingol (ngdl). praise [preyz] v. yettude; mande. Praise the
postscript [powstskript] n. beydaari (ndi). lord Yettu Alla.
postulant [powscuwl0nt] n. cfabboowo. praise [preyz] n. manoore (nde).
postulate [powstyuwleyt] v. cfabbude. prance [prans] v. birgude.
postulator [powstyuwleyt0] n. cfabboowo prang [prag] v. fiibbaade e.
(o). prate [preyt] v. lebde.
pot [pat] n. barme (o). prattle [prat0l] v. lebde.
potable [powt0b0l] n. ndiyam laabcfam; pray [prey] v. 1) juulde, flimmude 2)
ndiyam njareteecfam. duwaade; bismaade. ~ for naagaade;
potato [powteyto] n. pompiteer (o). duwanaade. ~ in the name of duworaade.
potent [powt0nt] adj. doolnucfo. ~ with juulirde.
potentiality [powt0nsal0ti] n. mbaawka prayer [prey0] //. 1) juulde (nde)-, duwaawu
(ka). (o)-, faddungo (ngo) 2) juuloowo (o). ~
beads kurus (o). two o'clock ~ sallifanaa.
potful [patf0l] n. necfande (nde).
sunset ~ flituro (o).
potion [pows0n] n. lekki (ki)
pre [pri] pre. hadee; ko adii.
potter [pat0] n. maabo (o).
preach [priyc] v. waajaade
pottery [pot0ri] n. mahgol loocfe.
preacher [priyc0] //. baajotoocfo (o).
pouch [pawc] n. poos (o)\ mooftirde (nde),
preamble [priy0mb0l] n. flicfcforde (nde).
danga (o)\ bata (o).
precarious [priykeyry0s] adj. ko siiraani.
pounce [pawns] v. 1) junnitde, junnitaade 2)
nakkaade e. precaution [priykos0n] n. deentagol (ngdl).
precede [prisiyd] v. adaade, aditaade,

precedence prison

precedence [pres9d9ns] n. gardagol (ngd^. present [prez9nt] n. dokkal (ngal). make a

precedent [pres9d9nt] adj. ko benni; ko ~ rokkude; yecfde.
adii. present [prez9nt] adj. goodcfo; tawaacfo;
preceptor [presept9] n. janginoowo (o). tawtoraacfo. be ~ taweede, tawtoreede.
precinct [priysint] n. keerol (ngol). present [prez9nt] v. hollude.
precious [pres9s] adj. ko heewi nafoore. present-day [prez9ntdey] adj. aduna jooni
precipitate [pres9piteyt] v. yaawnude. o.
precise [pr9sayz] adj. ko foti. preserve [priz9p/] v. mooftude; hisnude.
precision [pr9siy39n] ti. huunde fotnde. preside [pr9zayd] v. ardaade.
preclude [prekluwd] v. hacfde; yaltinde. president [prezid9nt] n. gardiicfo (o).
predecessor [prides9so] n. gadiido (o). press [pres] v. noTTude.
predicate [pred9k9t] v. wiide; teeT3tinde. presser [pres9] n. noTToowo (o).
predict [predikt] v. tiimde; gisde; tombaade, pressing [presig] adj. ko henoraa.
tijjaade. pressure [pres9] n. noTTere (nde).
prediction [prediks9n] n. tiimgal (ngal)-, prest [prest] adj. kebiicfo, parcfo.
tiimgol (ngdl). prestige [prestiyj] n. lollugol (ngdl).
predominate [priyd9minet] v. burde prestigious [prestiyj9s] adj. lollucfo;
sembinde; foolde; burde. daijucfo, ko lolli.
preexist [priyegzist] v. adaade woodde. presume [pr9zyuwm] v. miijaade, sikkude.
preface [prefis] ti. fliddorde (nde). presumption [prezAmps9n] n. sikke (o).
prefer [prif9] v. burande; burnude; labaade. pretend [pritend] v. wonkinaade. ~ to be
preference [prefr9ns] n. bural (ngal). dead maaykinaade.
pregnancy [pregn9nsi] n. reedu (ndu)\ pretty [priti] adj. joocfcfo; joocfcfum;
tumbere (nde). first ~ dikkuru (ndu). I3arcfucfo.
pregnant [pregn9nt] adj. reedu. be ~ prevail [priveyl] v. hawde; foolde.
outside marriage reedde. be ~ halde, prevalent [prevl9nt] adj. ko saaktii.
tumbude; wuufde; dunde. prevent [priyvent] v. ambude; surde;
prejudice [prej9d9s] n. miijo (ngo). falaade; hacfde preventer [priyvent9] n.
prejudicial [prej9diys9l] adj. ko bonnata. kacfoowo (o)\ palotoocfo (o).
preliminary [prel9min9ri] adj. ko adii. previous [priyvy9s] adj. bennucfo, ko adii.
prelude [preluwd] n. fucfcfoode. price [prays] n. coggu (ngu)
premature [premacuwr] adj. ko timmaani. pricer [prays9] n. piyoowo coggu.
premier [primir] adj. gardiicfo. prick [prik] v. yiwde. ~ up the ears
premises [premisiz] n. nokku (o)\ hocforde darnude noppi.
(nde). pride [prayd] n. faaro (ngo)\ fayfayru (ndu).
preoccupied [priyok9payd] adj. coklucfo. take ~ in faarnoraade.
preparation [prep9reys9n] n. peewnugol primacy [praym9si] n. gardagol (ngdl).
(ngdl)\ peewnitaagol (ngdl). primary [praym9ri] adj. burcfo fof
prepare [priper] v. feewnude. prime [praym] adj. gardiicfo.
prepared [pripeyd] adj. peewnitiicfo. primitive [prim9tiv] adj. ko adii.
preponderant [priypand9r9nt] adj. ko buri primordial [priymoj9l] adj. gadiicfo; ko
semmbinde. adii.
prerogative [prirog9tiv] n. hakke (o), prince [prins] n. bicfcfo laamcfo gorko.
durwaa (o). princess [prinses] n. bicfcfo laamcfo debbo.
presage [pr9za3] n. maale. principal [prins9p9l] n. gardiicfo (o).
prescind [presind] n. seerndude. prior [pray9] adj. ko adii.
prescription [preskrips9n] n. ordinaas (o). prison [priz9n] n. kaso (o). break out of ~
boccitaade kaso.

prisoner prophesy

prisoner [prizna] n. cokaacfo (o). profuse [profyuwz] adj. keewcfum; ko

private [prayvit] adj. keertacfum; jananum. heewi.
prize [prayz] n. njeenaari (ndi). profusion [profyuwz0n] n. keewal (ngal)-,
pro [prow] n. gonancfo. ~s and cons cfuucfal (ngal).
wonanbe e luutndiibe. progenitor [prowj0nit0] n. gardiicfo (o)-,
probable [prowb0b0l] adj. ko ina wona. pucfcfucfo lefiol.
probe [prowb] v. wittude; loskude. progeny [proj0ni] n. besngu (ngn).
probity [probiti] n. nuuncfal (rigal). program [program] n. porogaraam (o).
problem [probl0m] n. saqqa (o)-, haaju (oj. progress [progres] n. bamtaare (nde)-,
jahrugol yeeso.
procedure [pr0siyj0] n. feere (nde).
progress [progres] n. yahrude yeeso;
proceed [prowsiyd] v. yahde; yahrude
progressive [progresiv] adj. ko faati e ko
process [proses] v. feewnude; waylude. fayi yeeso.
procession [proses0n] n. deggondiral prohibit [prohibit] v. hacfde.
project [projekt] v. werlaade, cfaminaade.
proclaim [prokleym] v. wiyde; yaajnude.
projectile [projektayl] n. huunde werlaande;
procrastinate [prokrast0neyt] v. fabbinde; huunde fettaande.
proletariat [proleterya] n. liggotoobe.
procrastination n. pabbingol Oigol),
proliferate [prolif0reyt] v. Taajnude.
cabbitaagol (ngol)-, leeltingol (ngdl).
prolific [prolifik] adj. ko jibinta.
procreate [prokryeyt] v. jibinde.
prolong [proloq] v. juutnude; fabbinde.
proctor [prokt0] n. deenoowo (o).
promenade [prom0nad] v. yahnaade.
procurable [prokyuwr0b0l] adj. ko
hebotoo, kebotoocfum. prominence [prom0n0ns] n. bamtagol
(ngdl)-, mawnugol (ngdl).
procure [prokyuwr] v. hebde.
prod [prod] v. Tobbude. promiscuous [prosmikyuw0s] n. pijoowo.
promise [promis] v. ahdande, aadde,
prodigious [prodiyj0s] adj. mawnde.
promise [promis] n. ahdi (o). break a ~
produce [prowjuws] v. conaandi (ndi).
firtude ahdi.
productive [prowdAktiv] adj. ko jibinta.
promote [promowt] v. Tellitde.
profane [profeyn] adj. keeforicTcfo.
promoter [promowt0] n. Telitoowo (o).
profanity [profan0ti] n. keeferaagal (ngal)\
promotion [promows0n] n. Tellitgol.
haala mbonka.
prompt [prompt] adj. jaawcfo.
profess [profes] v. jeertinde.
promulgate [prowmulgeyt] v. andinde.
profession [profes0n] n. gollal (ngal),
ligeey (o). pronounce [pronawns] v. wowlude.
professor [profes0] n. janginoowo (o). pronunciation [pronAnseys0n] n.
wowlaango (ngo).
proficiency [prowfiys0nsi] n. baawal
(ngal)-, mbaawka (ka). prop [prop] V. Taande.
proficient [prowfiys0nt] adj. gando, prop [prop] n. jaalal (ngal).
keewcfo neenal. propaganda [prop0g0nda] n. parbagaan
profile [prowfayl] n. bal313e (o). (o).
profit [prowfit] n. burtaari (ndi) ; nganaari propagate [prop0geyt] v. yaajnude.
(ndi). He made a profit o danii nganaari. propel [propel] v. yahrinde yeeso.
profitable [prowfit0b0l] adj. ko wacfi propeller [propel0] n. ko nawrata yeeso.
nganaari. proper [prop0l adj. ko feewi; ko laabi;
profound [profawnd] adj. ko luggicfi; peewcfum, laaDCfum.
luggicfcfum. property [prop0ti] n. halal (ngal).
profundity [profAnditi] n. luggeendi (ndi). prophecy [profesi] //. jeertingol (ngdl).
prophesy [prof0say] v. jeertinde.

prophet pugilism

prophet [prowfGt] /?. annabi (o)\ nulaacfcr, provenance [provanans] n. iwdi (ndi) ; lasli
nelaacfo, annabiijo (o). (o).
prophylactic [prowfalaktik] adj. ko hacfata proverb [provarb] n. tindol (ngol).
naw. provide [provayd] v. rokkude, wacfande.
propine [prapiyn] v. rokkude. provident [providant] adj. deentiicfo,
propitiate [prop9seyt] v. deeTnude, paggiicfo.
welditinde. province [provins] v. diiwaan (o). He
proposal [propowzal] n. miijo (ngo). comes front that province O jeyaa ko oon
propose [propowz] v. hollude miijo. diiwaan.
proprietor [proprayta] n. jom (o)\ jeycfo provisional [proviy3anal] adj. ko
(o). duumaaki.
prorate [proreyt] v’. feccude. provoke [provowk] v. toonde. ~
proscribe [proskrayb] v. hacfde. deliberately reppude
prosecute [prosekyuwt] v. wullitaade, prowess [prowas] n. jaambaraagal (ngal)\
woytaade. cuusal (ngal).
proselyte [prozelayt] n. necfcfo baylucfo proximate [proksamet] adj. badtiicfo, ko
miijo/diine mum. badtii; ko badii; takko.
prospect [prospekt] v. yiilaade. proximity [proksimiti] n. badagol (ngol).
prosper [prospa] v. Tellitaade. prude [pruwd] adj. jamyamo; jankiniicfo.
prosperity [prospariti] /?. Tellitaare (nde). prudence [pruwdans] n. deentagol (ngol).
prosperous [prosparas] adj. Tellitiicfo. prudent [pruwdant] adj. deentiicfo.
prostitute [prostacuwt] v. garbaade. prudish [pruwdis] adj. ko faati e
j ankiniicfo/yankinaare.
prostitute [prostacuwt] n. garbotoocfo (o)\
garba (o). pry [pray] v. yuurnaade; loskude.
prostrate [prostreyt] v. turaade; juulde. psalm [sOm] n. jimol (ngol).
protect [protekt] v. reende, suurde; moolde, psellism [selizm] n. mehgol (ngol).
sitde; sitde; mooftude. ~ one another psychiatrist [saykaytrist] n. cafroowo
suurondirde. ~ with a prayer faddinde. kaacfi.
protected [protektid] adj. deenaacfo, psychiatry [saykaytri] n. jangde e safaara
cuuraacfo; moolaacfo. kaacfi.
protection [proteksan] n. suuraare (nde). psychology [saykowlaji] n. jangde hakkille.
person seeking ~ moolotoocfo person psychopath [saykowpaG] n. kaangaacfo
who sought ~ mooliicfo give due ~ to (o).
teddinde kocfo. psychopathy [saykowpaGi] n. kaacfi (di).
protective [protektiv] adj. ko suurata; ko puberty [pyuwbarti] n. kellifuya (o).
mooftata. pubes [pyuwbz] n. faasko (ko).
protector [protekta] //. deenoowo (o). pubic [pyuwbik] adj. ko faati e leebi faasko
protest [protest] v. salaade. (ngo)d.
prototype [protatip] n. yeru (ngu). public [pAblik] adj. ko faati e yimbe/laamu.
protract [protrakt] v. juutnude. publicity [pAblasiti] n. jaaynde (nde).
protrude [protruwd] v. fulnitde gite. publicize [pAblasayz] v. jaaynude, andinde.
protuberance [prowcuwbarans] n. publish [pAblis] v. lollinde; saaktude.
Tuulnugol (ngol). pucker [pAka] n. norbolol (ngol).
protuberant [prowcuwbarant] adj. ko puddle [pAdal] V. irnitde.
puerile [pyuwral] adj. ko faati e cukaagu.
proud [prawd] adj. beltiicfo; tiicfaacfo,
paarniiao. puff [pAf] V. wuttude.
prove [pruwv] v. teefltinde; goongcfinde, puffer [pAfa] n. guttoowo (o).
fennude. pugilism [pyuwjalizm] n. gobbondiral
(ngal), fijirde gobbe.

puke python

puke [pyuwk] v. tuutde; ruttude. purification [pyuwr0fikeys0n] n. laabal

pule [pyuwl] V. Tusde.
pull [pul] V. foocfde, aggitde. ~ weeds out purify [pyuwr0fay] v. labbinde.
cfooftaade. ~ on ends foocfondirde. ~ off purity [pyuwr0ti] n. laabal (ngal).
boorde. ~ out cfoofde. ~ up feathers purl [p0rl] v. nuumbaade.
purpose [p0rp0z] n. muuyaa (o). on ~ e
pullover [pulowv0] n. piliweer (o). belaacfe, e teyaacfe.
pulmonary [pAlmon0ri] n. ko faati e jofe. purr [p0r] n. I]eewde.
pulpit [pAlpit] n. jeertingol (ngol). purse [p0rs] n. kalbe debbo.
pulsate [pAlseyt] v. diwde (bemde). pursue [p0rsyuw] v. rewde; tefde.
pulse [pAls] V. diwde. pursuivant [p0rswiyv0nt] n. dewcfo (o)\
pulverize [pAlv0rayz] v. mofmude; ruggude, dewoowo e.
fuufde. pus [pAs] n. mbordi (ndi).
pumpkin [pAmpkin] n. wuudum (ndu). push [pus] V. dunde v. yerTude. ~ out
pump [pAmp] V. pompe (de) yaltinde. ~ in naatnude.
pun [pAn] V. fiide; tappude. push [pus] n. dunannde (nde).
punch [pAnc] v. gobbude, fiyde womre. pusher [pus0] n. dunoowo (o).
punctual [pA5kcw0l] adj. timmucfo; garcfo puss [pAs] n. ullundu (ndu).
e waktu; deencfo waktu. put [put] V. fawde. ~ together fedde. ~
punctuate [pAgkcweyt] v. tobbude. aside faltaade. ~ out nifde. ~ forth
puncture [pAgkc0] v. fiisde. wiltude. ~ perfume or incense urde. ~
upside down junnitde. ~ on below
punish [pAnis] v. wacfde/fawde kuugal.
sakkude. aside resde. ~ on airs
punishment [pAnism0nt] n. kuugal (ngal).
mawnikinaade. ~ inside lombude. ~ with
punitive [pyuwn0tiv] adj. ko faati e kuugal. wacfdude. ~ down diinde. ~ with munde. ~
punter [pAnt0] n. pettoowo (o). someone in a dilemma aannude.
pup [pAp] n. boosaaru (ndu). putrefy [pyuwtr0fay] v. nolnude; nolde.
pupil [pyuwp0l] n. almuudo (o)\ fosin (o). puzzle [pAz0l] n. ciftol (ngdl)\ haawniinde
puppy [pApi] n. boosaaru (ndu). (nde).
purchase [p0rcis] v. soodde. puzzled [pAz0ld] adj. kaawaacfo; jaakcfo.
purchaser [p0rc0s0] n. coodoowo (o). puzzling [pAzlig] adj. kaavvnicfum;.
pure [pyuwr] adj. laabcfum; ko laabi. python [pay00n] n. sohre (nde).
purge [p0ij] V. labbinde.
purge [p0ij] n. nandal (ngal)

Qadiriya Quran


Qadiriya [kadiriyya] /?. laawol Qaadiriyya. querulous [kwer9l9s] adj. keewcfo

quadregenarian n. jom duubi capancfe nay. gullitaali.
quadrilingual [kwadraliggwal] adj. ko query [kwiyri] n. lamndal (ngal).
faati e cfemcfe nay. query [kwiyri] v. lamndaade.
quadrisect [kwadr0sekt] v. feccude pecce quest [kwest] n. njiilaw (o).
nay. question [kwasc9n] n. lamdal (ngal). ask a
quadruped [kwadruwpet] n. muumantel ~ lamndaade.
jahrowel koycfe nay. question [kwasc9n] v. lamndaade;
quadruple [kwadrupal] v. fiyde laabi nay. naamndaade.
quaff [kwaf] v. yarde. queue [kyuw] v. reggondirde.
quail [kweyl] v. jebbilaade. quick [kwik] adj. jaawcfo; jaawcfum. be ~
quake [kweyk] v. yerbude; sinnude; dillude.
quicken [kwik9n] v. yaawnude.
qualification [kwal9fikeys9n] ri. sifaa (o),
gandal (ngal). quickly [kwikli] adv. ko yaawi; jaawcfum;
qualifier [kwal9fay9] //. cifotoocfo (o). ko yaawi.
qualify [kwal9fay] v. sifaade. quiescence [kwiys9ns] n. deeXre (nde).
quality [kwal9ti] n. moTYere (nde). quiescent [kwiys9nt] adj. deeTcfo.
qualm [kwam] /?. nimsa (o), bemde yiinde.quiet [kwayt] adj. deeTcfo. He is a quiet
quandary [kwandri] n. jaakre (nde). person O heewaani haala..
quantity [kwant9ti] n. potal (ngal). quietude [kyetuwd] n. deeTre (nde).
quarrelsome [kwar9lsAm] adj. kabeteecfo. quill [kwil] v. sige.
quinquagenarian n. jom duubi capancfe
quarrel [kwar9l] n. hare (nde). ~ with
wacfdude. joy-
quarreller [kwar9l9] n. kabeteecfo (o). quinsy [kwinsi] n. sefo (ngo).
quarter [kot9] n. nayabal (ngal)\ leegal quintal [kwint9l] n. teemedere cilo.
(ngal). from all ~~s bangeeji kala. quintet [kwint9t] n. deental ngal joy.
quarterly [kot9li] adj. lebbi nay kala. quintuple [kwintyuwp9l] v. fiide laabi joy.
quartet [kwart9t] n. deental nayo. quit [kwit] v. cfaccude; accude.
quash [kwas] v. monnude, quite [kwayt] ad\>. ko timmi, fof.
quasi [kwayzay] adj. annama; ko wayi no. quits [kwits] adj. fotbe.
quay [key] n. teeri. quiver [kwiv9] v. sinnude.
quean [kwiyn] garbotoocfo (o). quorum [kowrAm] n. deental jongal.
queasy [kwiyzi] adj. ko timnata bernde. quota [kowt9] n. gecfal (ngal).
queen [kwiyn] n. laamcfo debbo. quotation [kowteys9n] n. lubal (ngal).
queer [kwiyr] adj. ko hoolnaaki, ko quote [kowt] v. lubaade.
luutndii. quotidian [kowtiyj9n] adj. hande kala;
quench [kwenc] v. cfomcfitde nalawma kala.
Quran [kuran] n. Quraana (o).



Rabat [rabat] n. laamorde Mamk. rainout [reynawt] n. huunde nde tobo
rabbit [rabit] ti. wojere (nde). little ~ bojel haaytini.
(ngel). big ~ bojal (tigal). rainy [reyni] adj. ko tobata. ~ season
rabble [rabal] n. deental yimbe. ndungu (ngu).
rabid [rabid] adj. cayaacfo. raise [reyz] v. suutde. ~ a person’s clothes
rabies [rabiz] ti. sayo (ngo). norde. ~ one's clothes up noraade. ~ one's
head turtaade.
race [reys] n. dogdu (ndt4)\ dandu (tidu)\
lenol (ngdl). raised [reyzd] adj. cuutacfum; ko suutaa. ~
platform danki (ki).
race [reys] v. dogde.
rake [reyk] n. rato (ngo)
racer [reysa] n. dognoowo (o)\ dogoowo
(o). rally [rali] n. deental (ngal).
racial [reysol] adj. ko faati e lenol, rally [rali] v. reentude.
lenamlnaagu (ngu). ram [ram] n. njawdi (ndi).
racing [reysig] n. dogdu (ndu). ~ Ramadan [ram0dan] n. lewru koorka;
instrument dognirgal (ngal). koorka.
racism [reysizm] /?. lenamlenaagu (ngu). ramble [ramb0l] v. yahnaade.
rack [rak] v. firtude; bonnude. rambler [rambl0] n. jahnotoocfo (o).
racket [raket] ti. gulaali (cfi). ramification [ram0fikeys0n] n. caltugol
radiant [reydy0nt] adj. ko jalbi. (ngdl)', ]\bmg6\ (ngdl).
radiate [radyeyt] v. jalbude. ramify [ram0fay] v. saltude; rebde.
ramp [ramp] n. ^abbirde (nde), celol (ngdl).
radical [radikal] adj. ko faati e iwdi.
radio [radyow] n. {fr.} rajo (ngo). rampaging [r0mpeyjir)] n. nangere (nde).
radius [rady9s] n. Tiyal jungo. rampant [remp0nt] adj. nangucfo.
radix [reydiks] n. cfacfol (ngdl). rancid [ransid] adj. ko aamti; ko luubi; ko
raffle [raf0l] n. lotori (o).
rancorous [rank0r0s] adj. joganiicfo.
rafter [raft0] n. salndu mbildi; jaalal (ngal).
randy [randi] adj. neetaro.
rag [rag] n. limsere (nde)\ tekkere (nde).
ranger [reynj0] n. deenoowo (o).
little ~ limcel (ngel). piece of ~ limsere
(nde). rankle [rar)k0l] v. haabnude; seknude.
rage [reyj] n. nangere (nde). ransack [ransak] v. honde, wujjude.
ragged [raged] adj. ko wonti limce/limsere. ransom [ransAm] n. coocftaari (jidi).
ragout [ragu] n. soos (o)\ suppu (o). rant [rant] v. haalde.
raid [reyd] v. yande, honde. rap [rap] v. fiide.
raillery [ral0ri] n. gaajaare (nde). rape [reyp] v. wujjude; waawnude.
railroad [reylrowd] n. laawol laana rapid [rapid] adj. jaawcfo; ko yaawi.
njoorndi. rapidity [rap0diti] n. yaawre (nde).
railway [relwey] n. laawol laana njoorndi. rapprochement [raprosm0nt] n.
raiment [reym0nt] n. comcol (ngdl)', comci battondiral (ngal).
(cfi). rare [reyr] adj. cacfcfum, cacftucfum; ko
rain [reyn] n. tobo (ngo). light ~ fajjo sacfti.
(ngo). ~ outside rainy season bowte (cfe). rarefy [rarefay] v. sacftinde.
rain [reyn] v. tobde. ~ heavily nappude. rarity [rar0ti] n. sacfre (nde).
rainbow [reynbaw] n. timtimol (ngdl). rascal [rask0l] n. kalabante (o).
raindrop [reyndrop] n. waadere (nde). rash [ras] n. amumal (ngal).
rainfall [reynfol] n. tobo (ngo). rasp [rasp] v. heefde.
rat [rat] n. doomburu (ndu). big ~ kana (o).

rate reconciliation

rate [reyt] n. coggu (ngu). at any ~ k6 reave [riyv] v. teetde.

waawi wonde kal. rebate [riybeyt] n. ustugol (ngol).
rathole [rathowl] n. ngaska doomburu. rebate [riybeyt] v. ustde.
ratification [rat0fikeys0n] //. ciifgol (ngol). rebel [riybel] v. murtude
ratify [rat0fay] v. siifde. rebellion [riybely0n] n. murtugol (ngol).
ration [reys0n] n. nguura fka). rebellious [riybely0s] adj. murtucfo.
rattle [rat0l] v. dillinde; sonnude. rebuild [riybild] v. mahtaade.
ravage [ravij] v. bonnude. rebuke [riybyuwk] v. felde.
rave [reyv] v. ruuytude. rebut [riybAt] v. salaade.
ravel [rav0l] v. jiktude. rebuttal [riybAt0l] n. salaare (nde).
ravine [raviyn] //. naddere (nde)', naddal rebutter [riybAt0] n. calotoocfo.
(ngalX gargulal (ngal). recalcitrant [riyk0lsitr0nt] adj. caliicfo.
raw [row] adj. kecco; ko heccicfi. recalcitrate [riyk0ls0tret] v. salaade.
rax [raks] v. fortaade.
recall [riykol] v. siftorde; nodditde.
ray [rey] n. sereendu (ndu). recall [riykol] n. ciftorgol (ngol).
rayon [reyon] n. gaarowol (ngol). recant [riykont] v. wultaade.
raze [reyz] v. momtude; ittude; helde, recapture [riykapc0] v. hebtude.
recede [riysiyd] v. ruttaade.
razor [reyz0] n. laborke (ki)\ layset (o).
receive [risiyv] v. hebde.
razzia [razya] n. nguyka (ka).
receiver [risiyvo] n. keboowo (o).
re [ri]prep, ko faati e...
recent [riys0nt] adj. ko booyaani.
re [ri] pref. cfimmitde; wacftude
receptacle [riyseptokol] n. nokku (o).
reach [riyc] v. hebde; tolnaade. ~ with the
arm ballaade. ~ the same height or recess [riyses] v. yahrude caggal; duttagol
location tolnaade.. (ngol).
reachable [riyc0b0l] adj. ko hebotoo. recess [riyses] n. guurti (di).
reactivate [riyakt0veyt] v. wuurtinde. recipient [res0py0nt] n. kebcfo.
recision [resiyz0n] n. kaaytugol (ngol).
read [riyd] v. jangude.
recitation [r0siyteys0n] n. kunagol (ngol).
readable [riyd0b0l] adj. ko jangotoo.
reader [riyd0] n. jangoowo (o). recite [riysayt] v. hunaade.
reading [riydii]] n. jangde (nde). reck [rek] v. woTeede; wondeede.
ready [redi] adj. parcfo; kebiicfo. ~ oneself reckless [rekles] adj. mo woTaaka;
hebaade. ~ ready oneself for prayer wondaaka.
heblaade. reckon [rek0n] v. limde, miijaade.
real [riyl] adj. ko woodi; goodcfum. recline [riyklayn] v. tellinde; lescfinde.
realia [riylya] n. huundeeji. recognition [rik0gniys0n] n. kebtingol
reality [riyal0ti] n. huunde woodnde.
realize [riylayz] v. faamde; anndude. recognize [riykognayz] v. annditde;
ream [riym] v. yaajnude.
recollect [riykolekt] v. siftorde.
reanimate [riyan0meyt] n. wuurtinde.
recommence [riykomens] v. fucfcfitaade.
reap [riyp] v. sonde,
recommend [riykomend] n. wagginde;
reaper [riyp0] n. conoowo (o). wasiyaade.
rear [riyr] v. nehde. recommendation n. wasiya (o).
rear [riyr] n. caggal (ngal). recompense [riykompens] v. yeende.
reason [riyz0n] n. sabaabu (o). reconcile [riykonsayl] v. maslude.
reason [riyz0n] v. miijaade. reconciler [riyk0nsayl0] n. masloowo (o).
reasonable [riyzn0b0l] adj. ko aamnii; ko reconciliation n. maslahaa (o).


reconsider regret

reconsider [riyk0nsid0] v. miijtaade. redundancy [r0d0nd0nsi] n. deftagol

reconstruct [riyk:0nstrAkt] v. feewnitde. (ngol).
record [rikod] v. windude, jaggude. reed [riyd] n. celal (ngal) celi (di). woven ~
recorder [rikod0] n. bindoowo (o). mbiru (ngu), sekko (ngo).
recount [rikawnt] v, limtaade. reeducate [riyed0keyt] v. eeltude.
recounting [rikawntig] n. limtagol (ngol). reek [riyk] n. luubeeki (ki); cuurki.
recover [rikov0] v. cfiftude; sellude; yiitude. referee [ref0ri] n. naawoowo (o).
recovery [rikovri] n. cfiftere (nde)‘, cfiftugol reference [refr0ns] n. ruttorde (nde).
(ngol). refine [riyfayn] v. moYYinde.
recreant [rikrey0nt] n. kulcfo reedu. reflect [riflekt] v. miijaade.
recrudescence [r0cruwd0s0ns] ti. bamtagol reflection [rifleks0n] n. miijo (ngo).
(ng6l)\ bamtugol (ngol). reflective [riyflektiv] adj. ko faati e miijo;
recruit [rikruwt] n. bindaacfo (o)\ Yettaacfo miijotoocfo.
rci;. reform [riyform] v. feewnitde.
recruit [rikruwt] v. windude; yettude. reformer [riyform0] n. peewnitoowo (o).
recta [rekta] n. baawooji (cfi). refrain [riyffeyn] v. wocfaade.
rectifiable [rekt0fay0b0l] adj. ko refrigerate [refr0j0reyt] v. buubnude.
feewnittoo. refrigerator [refr0j0reyt0] n. filsideer (o).
rectify [rekt0fay] v. feewnitde. refuge [refyuwj] n. moolagol (ngol). take ~
rectitude [rekticuwd] n. peewal (ngal). moolaade; suucfaade.
rectum [rekt0m] fi. baawo (ngo). refugee [refyuwji] n. mooliicfo (o).
recuperate [rekyuwp0reyt] v. hebtude. refund [riyfAnd] v. mttude.
recusant [rekyuwz0nt] adj. caliicfo. refusal [r0fyuwz0l] n. salaare (nde). ~ to
recuse [rekyuwz] v. salaade. give food dawre (nde).
red [red] adj. bocfeejo; bocfejum. very ~ refuse [r0fyuwz] v. salaade. pretend to ~
coy. ~ pepper namako (ko); kaani (o). saltintinaade. ~ food geddude. ~ food to
ants goolooli (di). be ~ wojjude. ~ ant someone cfawde.
mettellu (nga); goololol (ngol). refutation [r0fyuwteys0n] n. salaare (nde).
redact [ridakt] v. winditaade; wiindude. refute [r0fyuwt] v. salaade; filtinde.
redden [red0n] v. wojjinde. regain [riygeyn] v. hebtude.
rede [riyd] v. waajaade. regard [rigad] v. Yeewde. in ~ to ko faati
redeem [ridiym] v. soodde; wostaade, e.
soodtude. ~ oneself soodtaade. regarding [rigadig] prep, ko faati e.
redemption [ridemps0n] n. coocftagol regenerate [riyj0nreyt] v. wuurtinde.
(ngol). regent [rej0nt] n. lomto (o).
redness [rednes] n. bocfewol (ngol); regicide [r0j0sayd] n. warngo laamcfo.
mbocfeeri (ndi) regime [r0jiym] n. laamu (ngu).
redo [riydu] v. wacftude, cfimmitinde. ~ a region [riyj0n] n. diiwaan (o); nokku (o).
fence of shrubs fiakkitaade.
regional [riyj0n0l] adj. ko faati e
redoubtable [riydawt0b0l] adj. ko hulbinii; nokku/diiwaan.
register [rejist0] v. windude; windaade,
redress [riydres] v. wuurtude. windeede.
reduce [ridyuws] v. ustude; dajde. ~ to regnant [regn0nt] n. laamiicfo (o).
silence deTYinde.
regress [riygres] v. tellaade; ruttaade.
reduced [ridyuwsd] adj. gusticfum;
regression [riygres0n] n. duttagol (ngol),
gustacfum; gaayicfum. be ~ aayaade.
jahrugol caggal.
reducer [ridyuws0] n. gustoowo (o).
regret [riygret] n. nimsa (o).
reduction [ridAks0n] n. aayaare (nde);
regret [riygret] v. nimsude.
aayandere (nde); ustaare (nde).

regular repartition

regular [regila] adj. ko haani. ^ remains [rimeynz] n. kedde (cfe).

rehearse [rihars] v. reftaade. remake [riymeyk] v. wacftude.
rehoe [riyhow] v. remtaade. remark [riymak] v. wiide, teskaade.
reign [reyn] n. laamu (ngu). remedy [remadi] n. safaara (o).
reimburse [riyimbars] v. ruttude; yobtude. remember [riymemba] v. siftorde,
reinforce [riyinfos] v. tiicftinde; teel]tinde. teskaade.
reinforcement [riyinfosmant] n. tiicftingol remembrance [rimembrans] n. teskuya (o).
(ngdl). remind [riymaynd] v. siftinde; saggitde.
reiterate [riytret] v. reftaade e ko haalnoo, reminisce [riyminis] v. siftorde.
wacftude. remit [rimit] v. yobde; neldude njobdi.
reject [rijekt] v. gukkude; ruttude, filtinde. remnant [remnant] n. kedde (cfe).
rejoice [riyjoys] v. weltaade. remorse [riymos] n. nimsa (o).
rejoicing [riyjoysig] n. weltaare (nde). remorseful [riymosfal] adj. nimsucfo.
relapse [riylaps] v. yantude, ruttaade. have remorseless [riymosles] adj. mo alaa nimsa.
a ~ yantude. remote [riymowt] adj. ko wocfcfi.
relate [riyleyt] v. jal3taade related removal [riymoval] n. ittugol (ngdl). ~ of
[riyleytad] adj. ko jiidi; jiidube; jiiducfi. be hem hombitande (nde)\ kombitgol (ngdl).
~ jiidude. be ~ in an in-law relationship ~ of one's clothing boortagol (ngdl).
remove [riymuwv] v. ittude. ~ a pot from
relation [riyleysan] n. jiidigal (ngal). the stove raattaade. ~ and set aside
relationship [riyleysansip] n. bandiraagal hentude. ~ hair huusde. ~ Jish scales
(ngal). baccude; warsude. ~ someone's clothing
relative [ralativ] n. bandiraacfo (o)\ horeeru boortude. ~ a person's sarong tartude. ~
(ndu). sewing teppitde. ~ grains from stalks
relator [riyleyta] n. jal3totoocfo (o). duttude; lappude. ~ something that was
relax [riylaks] v. weytaade. glued bakkitde, cfakkitde. ~ a chief
fiiltude. ~ lice tennude. - from a leaning
relay [riylaks] v. jal]taade; habrude.
position baartude. ~ grains from ears
release [riliys] v. cfaccitde. ~ from pressure hobaade. ~ poison sammitde. ~ from a
noTTitde. hole aaftaade. ~ couscous from a
relegate [relageyt] v. tellinde; lescfinde. steaming utensil nokitaade. ~ what was
relevance [ralavans] n. qiimaa (o). spread out to dry liirtude. ~ grains
reliable [riylayabal] adj. koolaacfo. hihaade.
reliance [riylayans] //. hoolaare (nde). removed [riymuwvd] adj. gittacfum; ko
relieve [riyliyv'] v. soklitde; fooftinde.
remunerate [ramyuwnareyt] v. yobde.
religion [raliyjan] n. diine (o).
remuneration [ramyuwnareysan] n. njobdi
religious [raliyjas] adj. ko faati e diine. ~
holiday juulde taaske, juulde koorka. ~
teacher ceemo (o). rename [riyneym] v. innitde.
relinquish [relinkwis] v. cfaccude; yaafaade. rend [rend] v. feecde; seekde, taTde.
relucent [r9luws0nt] adj. ko jalbi; renew [rinyuw] v. hescfitinde
jalbudum. renounce [rinawns] v^. jebbilaade, cfaccude.
rely [rilay] v. hoolaade; fawaade. renovate [riynowveyt] v. feewnitde;
remain [rimeyn] v. heddaade ~ long hescfitinde.
duumde. ~ in a place loppaade. ~ in a renown [rinawn] adj. gandaacfo.
foreign country luuttude. ~ for a long rent [rent] n. luwaas (o).
time booytude. It remains to he seen Maa repair [riper] v. feewnitde, wuggude.
reparation [repareysan] n. njobdi (ndi).
remainder [rimeyndo] n. kedde (cfe)\ ko
repartition [repartiysan] n. peccugol

repatriate responsible

repatriate [riypatreyt] v. nawtude to requirement [rikwayamant] n. sarcfi (o).

jeyanoo; artirde rescind [riysind] v. haaytude; firtude.
repeal [riypiyl] v. hebtude. rescue [reskyuw] n. faabaare (nde).
repeat [ripiyt] v. 1) reftaade 2) cfimmitde. rescue [reskyuw] v. faabaade.
~ loudly after a speaker nantinde.
research [risarc] n. witto (ngo).
repel [ripel] v. doppude; ruttude, duuntude.
researcher [risarca] n. bittoowo (o).
repent [ripent] v. tuubde; imsinaade.
resell [riysel] v. yeeytude.
repentance [ripentans] ti. imsinaango
resemble [rizembal] v. nandude.
resent [rizent] v. nefde; ande.
repetition [rep9tiys0n] n. deftagol (ngdl)\
dimmital (ngal). resentment [rizentmant] n. ngangu (ngu)\
nefre (nde).
repine [ripayn] v. woytaade.
reserve [rizarv] v. jonde. ~ a seat jaggande
replace [riypleys] v. lomtaade; lomtinde.
replacement [riypleysmant] n. lomto (o);
reserved [rizarvd] adj. nuggaro.
lomtagol (ngol).
resh [res] n. alkulal (ngal).
replenish [riyplanis] v. hebbitinde.
reside [rizayd] v. hocfde.
replete [ripliyt] adj. ko heewi; keewcfo.
residence [razidans] n. hocforde (nde).
repletion [r0pliys0n] n. keewal (ngal).
hocforde (nde). temporary ~ jippunde
replication [r0pl0keys0n] n. jaabawol (nde).
resident [rezidant] n. kocfcfo.
reply [r0play] v. jaabtaade.
residual [rezijwal] adj. ko faati e kedde.
report [raport] v. jal]taade.
residue [reziduw] n. kedde (cfe).
repose [riypowz] v. fooftaade.
resign [rizayn] v. cfaccinde hooremum
repossess [riypowzes] v. hebtude; nangude. golle.
repound [riypawnd] v. untaade. resist [rezist] v. jattinaade; biwaade.
reprehend [raprihand] v. felde. resistance [rezistans] n. biwaagol (ngdl)\
reprehensible [reprihansabal] adj. jattinaagol jattinande (nde).
pelniicfo. resolute [rezaluwt] adj. bakkiliicfo.
representative n. necfcfo gonancfo. resolution [rezaluwsan] n. wakkilaare
repress [ripres] v. noTTude. (nde).
reprimand [repramand] v. felde. resorb [rizob] v. mocfde.
reprisal [reprayzal] n. joftagol (ngol). resourceful [rizosfal] adj. tiicfniicfo.
reproach [riyprowc] v. felde respect [rispekt] n. teddungal (ngal)\ fulla
reproach [riyprowc] n. feloore (nde). (o). out of ~ to sabu, sabaabu.
reproduce [riypradyuws] v. waanjaade, respectable [rispektabal] adj. tedducfo.
waanjitaade. respected [rispekted] adj. teddinaacfo.
reptile [reptayl] n. laadoori (ndi)\ ndiwoori respectful [rispektfal] adj. tedducfo.
(ndi). respiration [respareysan] n. foofaango
repudiate [rapyuwdyeyt] v. seerde; antude. (ngo), poofaali (cfi).
repugnant [repAgnant] adj. ko nefnii, respiratory [resparatari] adj. ko faati e
nefnicfum. foofaango walla poofaali.
repulse [ripAls] v. nefde, ruttude. respite [respit] n. fooftere (nde).
repulsive [ripAlsiv] adj. nefnicfum. resplendence [resplandans] n. jalbugol
reputable [repyuwtabal] adj. moTTo. (ngol).
request [rikwest] v. fiaagunde (nde). respond [rispQnd] v. jaabaade.
request [rikwest] v. naagaade. ~ payment response [rispQns] n. jaabawol (ngol).
yobnaade responsibility n. defaare (nde).
require [rikwaya] v. lamndaade. responsible [rispQnsabal] adj. defiicfo.

rest ribbon

rest [rest] n. fooftere (tide). ^ retrieve [riytriyv] v. yiitude.

rest [rest] v-. fooftaade; yantinde. / had a retrograde [riytrogreyd] v. yahtirde caggal;
restless night Mi cfanaaki haa weeti; mi tellaade.
rendinaani yitere. retrospect [ritrospekt] n. Teewtagol (ngol).
restaurant [restrant] ti. pasiol] (o). return [ritarn] v. ruttaade, ruttude; iwtude;
restful [restfal] adj. pooftiicfo. artirde; artude. ~ something ruttude. ~
restitution [restatyuwsan] ti. njobdi (ndi)\ home hootde. ~ greetings salmitaade. ~
dokkital (ngal). sfl/e/y jaaTaade.
restlesness [reslesnes] ti. 1) angere (tide) 2) reunion [riyuwnyan] n. deental (ngal).
piddugol (ngol). revamp [riyvamp] v. feewnitde.
restless [resles] adj. pidducfo. reveal [riyviyl] v. wee]nude, saaktude.
restoration [restareysan] ii. peewnitgol revel [reval] v. weltaade.
(tigdl)\ peewnital (ngal). revelation [revleysan] n. caaktugol (ngol).
restore [ristowr] v. feewnitde. revelator [revleyta] //. caaktoowo (o)-,
restrain [ristreyn] v. heytaade. caaktucfo (o).
restraint [ristreynt] /?. heytaare (tide). revenge [rivenj] v. yoftaade.
restrict [restrikt] v. haacfnude e; heertaade. reverberate [rivarbareyt] v. oolde.
restroom [restrum] ti. firlorde (tide)\ duus reverberation [rivarbareysan] n. oolel.
(o)\ taarorde (tide). revere [riviyr] v. rewde.
result [rizAlt] v. jibinde. reverence [revrans] n. dewal (ngal).
resume [rezyuwm] v. bamtude. reverse [rivars] v. ruttaade; yahrude caggal.
resurface [riysarfis] v. suppitaade. revert [rivart] v. ruttaade e.
resurrect [rezyuwrekt] v. wuurtinde. review [ravyuw] v. Teewtaade.
resurrection [rezyuwreksan] ti. ummital reviewer [ravyuwa] n. Yeewtotoocfo.
revile [riyvayl] v. Tettaade.
resurrectionist [rezareksan] n.
revise [rivayz] v. feewnitde.
guurtinoowo (o).
revival [rivayval] n. guurtingol (ngol).
resuscitate [resyuwsateyt] v. wuurtinde.
revive [rivayv] v. wuurtude; wuurtinde.
resuscitator [resyuwsatyeta] n.
guurtinoowo (o). revoke [rivowk] v. riiwde, niilnude.
retail [riteyl] n. toI]o (ngo). revolt [rivolt] v. murtude.
retailer [riteyla] n. tofjoowo (o). revolt [rivolt] n. murtere (nde)\ murtugol
retaining [riteynig] n. suro (tigo)\ curgol
(ngol). revolve [rivolv] v. taaraade; yiilaade.
retake [riyteyk] v. bamtude; hebtude. revolver [rivolva] n. wolweere (tide).
retaliate [riytalyeyt] v. yoftaade. reward [riwod] n. njeenaari (ndi).
retaliation [riytalyeysan] n. joftagol (ngol). reward [riwOd] v. yeende.
retard [ritad] v. leeltinde. rhematic [rematik] adj. ko faati e tafhgo
retardate [ritadeyt] adj. mo hakkille mum
ustii. rhetoric [retarik] n. jangde haala.
retention [ritansan] n. suro (ngo). rheumatism [ruwmatizm] n. haw keeci.
reticent [retisant] adj. nuggaro. rhinal [raynal] adj. ko faati e hinere.
retire [ritaya] v. leloyaade. rhinocerous [raynasaras] n. buubu galagel.
retort [ritot] v. jaabaade, sontaade. rho [ro] n. alkulal (ngal).
retortion [ritosan] //. jaabawol (ngol). riant [rayant] n. jaloowo (o)\ kekitoowo
(o)\ beltiicfo (o).
retrain [riytreyn] v. eeltude.
rib [rib] n. beccal (tigal)\ wecco (ngo).
retreat [riytriyt] v. ruttaade, yahrude
caggal. ribbon [riban] n. lefol (ngol).


rice root

rice [rays] /?. maaro (ko); faro (ko). ~ rivage [riva3] n. fongo (ngo).
seedlings']2imhdi. --farm kamanat]. rivalry [rayvalri] n. poocfondiral (ngal).
rich [ric] adj. galo; nantiicfo. ~ man galo rive [rayv] v. feecde, taTde; seerndude.
river [rayva] n. maayo (ngo).
riches [riciz] ti. ngalu (ngii)-
riverine [rayvarayn] adj. ko faati e maayo;
rick [rik] n. naayko (ko)\ hucfo (ko). ko takkii e maayo.
rickle [rikal] ti. joowre huCfo. rivet [rivat] n. guurtol (ngdl).
rid [rid] v. ittude; labbinde, seerndude. ~ of rivet [rivat] v. wuurtude (naaTe).
unwanted grains wombilaade.
riyal [riyal] n. kaalis (o).
riddle [ridal] ti. ciftol (ngdl)\ tindol (ngdl). roach [rowc] n. somre (nde)\ mbootu (ngu).
ride [rayd] v. wacfcfaade. road [rowd] n. laawol (ngdl). main ~ kallu
rident [raydant] adj. jaloowo; beltiicfo. (o).
rider [rayda] n. bacfcfiicfo. roam [rowm] v. lowwirde.
ridge [rij] n. cebtam ((fam)\ balol (ngdl). roar [rowr] v. hurbude.
ridicule [ridakyuwl] v. jalkitde. roar [rowr] n. hurbaango (ngo).
ridicule [ridakyuwl] adj. ko jalnii, roast [rowst] v. jucfde, sahde. ~ for
jalnicfum. someone jucfande.
rife [rayf] adj. keewcfum; ko heewi. roast [rowst] n. jucfande (nde).
rifle [rayfal] n. fetel. rob [rob] v. wujjude.
rift [rift] n. ceekol (ngdl). robber [roba] ti. gujjo (o).
right [rayt] n. hakke (o)', tiindi (ndi), hujja robbery [robri] n. nguyka (ka).
(o). ~ now jooni jooni. he ~ haande, robust [robAst] adj. butto; tiicfcfo;
feewde. ~ hand jungo naamo (ngo). he ~ cembincfo.
haalde goonga; jeyde goonga.
rock [rok] n. haayre (nde).
righteous [rayc0s] adj. peewcfo.
rocky [roki] adj. nokku keewcfo kaaTe.
righteousness [rayc9snes] n. peewal (ngal).
rod [rod] n. loocol (ngdl)
rigid [rijid] adj. ko Taggi; Taggucfum.
rogue [rowg] n. aawase (o)\ tappale (o)\
rigidify [rijidafay] v. Tagginde. boijof) (o).
rile [rayl] v. seknude. roguery [rowgri] n. aawasaagal (ngal).
rim [rim] n. sara. bicycle ~ mbege (o). roguish [rogis] adj. ko faati e aawasaagal.
rind [rind] n. kobjal (ngal). roil [royl] v. irnitde.
ring [rig] n. feggere (nde). role [rowl] n. liggeey (o)\ gollal (ngal).
ring [rig] v. sel31ude; sil]linde. roll [rol] V. taggude; tallaade; tallude,
ringer [riga] n. cil31inoowo (o). wergaade. ~ one's clothing up naafaade. ~
rinse [rins] v. lallitde; lallude. ~ one's oneself up tiggaade. ~ up a head pad
mouth wuffaade. tekkude.
riot [rayat] n. murtugol (ngdl). roll [rol] n. tallande (nde).
riotous [rayatas] adj. ko faati e murtugol. roller [rola] n. taggoowo (o), morloowo
rip [rip] V. taXde, seekde. (o).
ripe [rayp] v. bendude; monginde. roof [ruwf] n. mbildi (ndi)\ caali (ki).
ripen [raypan] v. bendinde; monginde. roof [ruwf] v. bilde; hundude.
roofing [ruwfig] n. bilngo (ngo).
rise [rayz] v. haftaade, immaade; ummaade;
feerde. ~ up suddenly giddude make ~ room [rum] n. suudu. //7f/c ~ cuurel (ngel).
imminde; umminde. ~ with the sun roommate [rumeyt] n. kocfdiicfo e nder
ummodaade e naange. suudu.
rising [rayzig] n. pucfal (ngal)\ ummagol roomy [ruwmi] adj. ko yaaji; ko lakkitii.
(ngdl). rooster [ruwsta] n. ngori (o).
rite [rayt] n. laawol (ngdl). root [ruwt] n. cfacfol (ngdl)

root ruthless

root [ruwt] v. wonande. ruby [ruwbi] n. haayre nilkoore.

rootless [ruwtles] adj. ko alaa cfacfi. ruck [rAk] n. norbolol (ngdl).
rope [rowp] ti. boggol (ngol) ruddy [rAdi] adj. bocfejum; ko wojji.
ropery [rowpri] n. nokku cfo boggi rude [ruwd] adj. neetaro.
mottetee. rue [ru] v. sunaade; nimsude.
ropy [rowpi] adj. ko nandi e boggol. rug [rAg] n. tappi (o).
rosary [roz0ri] n. kurus (o). ruin [ruwin] v. boomde; bonnude.
rot [rot] V. ufde; nolde. ruin [ruwin] n. boomaare (tide).
rotate [rowteyt] v. yiilaade; yiilde. ruined [ruwind] adj. boncfum; bonnacfum.
rotation [rowteys0n] n. jiilagol (ngdl). rule [ruwl] v. laamaade)
rotator [rowteyt0] n. jiiloowo (o). rule [ruwl] ti. laamu (tigii).
rotten [rot0n] adj. nolcfum; konoli. ruler [ruwl0] ti. laamcfo (o)-, laamiicfo (o).
rough [rAf] adj. ko nangi; nangucfo; ko ruling [ruwli^] ti. yamiroore (tide).
rumba [rumba] ti. ngamri (tidi).
round [rawnd] adj. murlo; murlicfcfo; ko
rumble [rAmb0l] v. diirde.
murlicfi. be ~ murlicfde. go ~ taaraade;
taartoyaade. ruminate [ruwm0neyt] v. aactaade.
roundabout [rawnd0bawt] adj. ko liilti. rumination [ruwm0neys0n] ti. aactere
roundish [rawndis] adj. ko murlicfi.
rummage [rAmij] v. Yeewde, sarde;
rouse [rawz] v. findinde; umminde.
route [rawt] ti. laawol (figol). rumor [ruwm0] ti. nanalla (o).
rove [rowv] v. lowwinde; lowwirde; rumple [rAmp0l] v. nongude; sowde.
run [rAn] v. dogde. ~ into accidentally
rover [rowv0] n. lowwinoowo (o).
felmaade. make ~ dognude. ~ out
row [row] v. awTude. gasnude.
rowdy [rawdi] adj. pidducfo. runner [rAn0] ti. dogoowo (o).
rower [rower] //. awyoowo (o). running [rAnip] ti. dogdu (tidii).
royal [roy0l] adj. ko faati e laamu. rupee [ruwpiy] ti. kaalis (o).
royalty [roy0lti] /?. laambe (be). rupture [rApc0] v. fusde.
rub [rAb] v. moomde; momlude, soccude, rural [ruwr0l] adj. ko faati e ladde/gese.
yiggude, nirkude; yirgude; oogde. ~ on ruse [ruz] ti. ToYre (tide).
oneself moomaade. ~ one's eyes toknaade.
~ dirt on someone baatde. ~ something rush [rAs] v. henaade.
on oneself momlaade. ~ oil on oneself or rusher [rAs0] ti. keniicfo (o).
on one's hair wujaade. ~ oneself rust [rAst] ti. komaak (o).
yiggaade. ~ one's bottom on the ground rustic [rAstik] adj. ko booyi.
foflaade. rustle [rAs0l] v. sonnude.
rubber [rAb0] n. dalli. ruth [ruw0] ti. sunaare.
rubbish rAbis] n. kuijuru (o).
ruthless [ruwGles] adj. mo yurmotaako.
rubble [ruwb0l] n. kaalis (o).
rubric [ruwbrik] n. inde (tide).

sabbatical sass

sabbatical [sabatakal] adj. ko faati e sale [seyl] n. njeeygu (ngn).
fooftere. salesman [seylzm0n] n. jeeyoowo (o).
saber [seyba] n. silaama jaasi (ki). saliva [s0layv0] n. joodi (c^i)\]Q)6(^Q\ (ngdl).
sabot [sabo] n. holngo (tigo). salivate [s0l0veyt] v. joodde
sabotage [sabota3] v. bonnude. salon [salon] /?. werandaa (o)-, saal (o).
saboteur [sabotar] n. bonnoowo (o). salt [solt] n. lamcfam (dam), little ~ lamkal
saccular [sakyuwla] adj. annama sasa. (kal). piece of ~ urtulde (tide).
sachet [sase] n. sakkosel (ngel). salted [soltid] adj. lammucfum; kaacfcfum. ~
sack [sak] v. teetde. he was sacked today o ground \2en\o\2craongd\ (ngal).
ittaama e liggeey makko hannde. saltless [soltles] adj. tekum.
sack [sak] n. saak (o), boot (o)-, sasa (o). salubrious [saluwbr0s] adj. ko addata
sacred [seykrad] adj. ko reentaa; ko faati e cellal.
diine. salutary [sal0t0ri] adj. ko addata cellal.
sacrifice [sakrafays] n. sadak (o). salute [salyuwt] v. maajde. I salute you Mi
sacrifice [sakrafays] v. layyaade. yettii ma.
sacrificial [sakrafiysal] adj. ko faati e salvable [salv0b0l] adj. ko dandotoo.
sadak. salvage [salvij] v. faabaade; dandude.
sacule [sakyuwl] ti. basel (ngel). salvage [salvij] ti. faabaare (tide).
sad [sad] adj. jurminiicfo. he ~ sunaade, salvation [salveys0n] ti. faabaare (tide).
yurminaade. same [seym] adj. ko nandi; ko foti. It is the
saddle [sadal] n. hirke (o)\ wacfcforde same thing Ko gootum.
jappeere (tide). sameness [seymnes] ti. nandugol (ngdl).
sadness [sadnes] n. mettere (nde)\ mette sample [samp0l] ti. huunde (tide)\ gecfal
(de). (tigal)\ yeru (o).
safe [seyf] adj. dacfcfo; ko hoolnii, sanction [sar)ks0n] ti. kuugal (ngal).
koolnicfum. It is not safe cfum hoolnaaki.
sanctuary [sar)kc0ri] ti. moolirde (tide).
safety [seyfti] n. dandugol (ngdi). ~ pin sand [sand] ti. leydi (ndi). throw ~ uWudQ.
pingu (o).
sandal [sand0l] ti. facfo fettuuwo.
sag [sag] V. leefde; nooyde.
sandy [sandi] adj. ko wacfi ceenal, seeno
sagacious [s0geys0s] adj. peertucfo.
sagacity [s0gas0ti] n. peertugol (ngdl).
sane [seyn] adj. cellucfo, ToTdo.
sage [seyj] n. gando (o)\ peewcfo (o). sanginary [sai3gin0ri] adj. dufoowo TiiTam
sail [seyl] v. wiirde. neegcfo.
sail [seyl] n. wiir (o). sanitary [s0nit0ri] adj. ko faati e laabal.
sailor [seyl0] n. jom laana; cfannortoocfo sanitate [s0n0teyt] v. labbinde.
laana; befoowo (o). sanity [san0ti] ti. cellal (ngal).
saint [seynt] n. waliyyu (o). sandal [sand0l] ti. fettuuwo (tigo).
sake [seyk] n. sabu (o)\ sabaabu (o).for the sap [sap] n. ndiyam gawTal.
~ of friendship sabu cehilaagal.
sapid [sapid] adj. belcfum.
salaam [s0lam] /?. kisal (ngal).
saporous [sapowr0s] adj. belcfum.
salable [seyl0b0l] adj. ko yeeyotoo.
sarcasm [sarkazm] ti. jalkitgol (ngdl).
salad [sal0d] n. salaat (o).
sarco [sarkow] ti. teew (tigu).
salamander [sal0mand0] n. lugu (o).
sarong [saror)] ti. wudere (tide)\ haddaare
salaried [sal0rid] adj. jobeteecfo. (tide), tie a ~ haddaade wudere.
salary [sal0ri] n. njobdi (ndi). I received sash [sas] ti. duhol (ngdl).
my salary Mi yobaama.
sass [sas] ti. contagol (ngdl).

sass scorch

sass [sas] v. sontaade. >. scamp [scamp] n. mo nafataa.

satan [seytan] n. ibliis (o). scamper [skampa] v. dogde.
Satanic [seytanik] n. ko faati e Ibliis. ~ scan [skan] v. Teewde.
behavior golle seytaane. scandal [skandal] n. kersa (o)\ gacce (de)\
satchel [satcal] n. gafakke (o)\ saak (o). koyeera (o)\ bonande (nde).
sate [seyt] v. haarnude; hebbinde. scandalize [skandalayz] v. hersinde.
satiable [seycabal] adj. kaaroowo. scanner [skana] n. Teewoowo (o).
satiate [seyceyt] v. haarnude. scant [skant] adj. seecfa; bittucfo.
satiated [seyceytid] adj. kaarcfo; meytucfo; scanty [skanti] adj. pamarum; ko heewaani;
jonaacfo. seecfayal.
satirical [satiyrakal] adj. jalnicfum, scapular [skapyuwla] adj. ko faati e balabe.
jalniicfo; ko jalnii. scar [skor] n. naasal (ngal)\ fiaasal
satisfaction [satasfaksan] /?. beltagol battingal; I]aatal battingal.
(ngol). scarce [skeyrs] adj. ko heewaani;
satisfied [satasfayd] adj. jonaacfo. T]akkucfum.
satisfy [satasfay] v. weltinde. scarcity [skeyrsati] n. fjakkere (nde).
Saturday [satadi] n. aset (o). It is Saturday scare [skeyr] v. hulbinde.
Hande ko aset. scarf [skaf] n. kaala (ka).
sauce [sows] ti. liyam (cfam)\ neekam scart [skat] v. t]aacde.
scary [skeyri] adj. kuulbiniicfum; ko
saucer [sowsa] n. koppu (o). hulbinii.
saunter [sonta] v. daagaade. scatter [skata] v. fullude; sarde.
savage [savij] adj. ko faati e golle jawdi. scattered [skatad] adj. caakicfum; caricfum.
savanna [savana] //. nokku hucfo. scavenge [skavenj] v. lawTude, fittude.
savant [savant] n. gando (o). scavenger [skavenja] n. pittoowo (o).
save [seyv] v. hakkitde; dandude. scent [sent] n. uurateeri (ndi).
saver [seyva] n. dandoowo (o). scheme [skiym] n. feere (nde).
savior [seyvya u. dandoowo (o)’, schism [skizm] n. peccugol (ngol).
kakkitoowo (o). scholar [skowla] n. moodibo (o), ganndo
savory [seyvri] adj. belcfum; uurcfum.
saw [so] /?. riis (o). scholastic [skowlastik] adj. ko faati e
say [sey] v. wiide. ~ goodbye waynaade. ~ jangde.
one's genealogy innitaade. They say so school [skuwl] n. jangirde (nde), lekkol;
Ko noon be mbii. ducfal (ngal).
sayable [seyabal] adj. ko ina wiyoo; ko sciatic [syatik] adj. ko faati e
haalotoo. asangal/asaale.
saying [seyip] n. tindol (ngol). science [sayans] n. gandal (ngal).
scab [skab] n. hecfcfere TiiTam. scintillate [sintaleyt] v. yaltinde peete;
scabies [skabiz] n. gaaye (de)\ tiro (ngo). nilkude, jalbude.
scaffolding [skafowldig] //. danki (hi). scission [siysan] n. taTondiral (ngal).
scald [skol] n. cumaram (dam). scissors [sizaz] n. siso (o)\ mecekke (de).
scald [skold] v. sumde. scoff [skafj V. jalkitde; seknoraade.
scale [skeyl] n. waccere (nde). scold [skowld] V. furaade.
scale [skeyl] v. baccude. scolopendra [skolapendra] n. ligi (o).
scales [skeylz] n. peesircfe (de)\ balayse sconce [skans] n. hacTiinde (nde).
(de). scoop [skuwp] n. kuundal (ngal).
scalp [skalp] n. nguru hoore. scope [skowp] n. keeri (di).
scalpel [skalpal] /;. paakayel (ngel). scorch [skac] v. wurbude

scorn seeing

scorn [skom] n. ngangu (ngu). scythe [say0] n. wafdu (ndu).

scorn [skom] v. ande. sea [siy] n. geec (o).
scorpion [skorpy0n] n. yahre (nde). seal [siyl] v. mubbude.
scot [skot] n. njobdi (ndi). seam [siym] n. nootol (ngdl).
scour [skawa] v. lawTude; heefde. seam [siym] v. nootde.
scourer [skawr0] n. lawToowo (o). seaport [siypot] n. teeri.
scowl [skowl] V. nirbinaade. sear [siy0] v. jelde.
scowler [skowla] n. nirbiniicfo (o). search [s0rc] n. njiilaw (o).
scrabble [skrabal] v. I]aacde. search [s0rc] v. yiilaade.
scram [skram] v. yaltude; yahde. searcher [s0rc0] n. jiilotoocfo (o).
scramble [skrambal] v. jilbude; jilbinde. season [siyz0n] n. ceecfu (ngu), ndungu
scrap [skrap] n. taXatinde (nde). (ngu), kawle (cfe)-, demminaare (nde).
scrape [skreyp] v. heefde; haakde. ~ off seat [siyt] n. joocforde (nde)-, siiral].
biirtude. secede [s0siyd] v. taXaade, seerde.
scraper [skreypa] n. keefoowo (o). secern [sis0rn] v. seemdude.
scratch [skrac] v. I]aanaade; 13aacde, secession [sises0n] n. ceertugol (ngdl)-,
13aande. ~ the ground wicfaade. ~ oneself taXagol (ngdl).
rjaanaade. secessionist [siseys0n] n. taXotoocfo (o).
scratch [skrac] n. 13aacal (ngal)\ 13aacere seclude [s0kluwd] v. seemdude; taXde;
(nde). heertaade; howde.
scream [skriym] n. haacande (nde)\ secluded [s0kluwd0d] adj. ko heertaa;
wulaango (ngo). keertacfum, keertaacfo.
scream [skriym] v. haacde; iicaade; seclusion [s0kluw30n] n. keertagol (ngdl).
wullude; ilkinaade; oolaade; luukde. second [sek0nd] ord. cficfabo (o)-, cfimmo.
screamer [skriym0] n. luukoowo (o). secondary [sek0nd0ri] adj. cficfabo,
screen [skriyn] n. hecfcfaawo (ngo). secondhand [sek0nhand] adj. ko huutoraa,
screw [skmw] n. wiis (o). ko wonaa kesum.
screw [skmw] v. biiXde. secrecy [siykr0si] n. suucfnde (nde)-, sirm
scribe [skrayb] n. bindoowo (o). (o).
scrimp [skrimp] adj. dabbo; tokooso. secret [siykr0t] n. sirm (o); suudnde (nde).
script [skript] n. bindol (ngdl)\ alkule (cfe). secrete [sikriyt] v. suucfde; mooftude.
scripture [skripc0] n. deftere tellinaande. section [seks0n] n. taXre (nde).
scrounge [skrawnj] v. rendinde. sector [sekt0] v. feccude.
scrub [skrAb] v. yiggude; lawTude, heefde. sector [sekt0] n. nokku (o).
scruff [skrAf] n. hoTTudu (ndu). secure [sekyuwr] v. dandude.
scrupulous [skmwpy0l0s] adj. gondaacfo. security [sekyuwr0ti] n. kisal (ngal)-,
scrutable [skmwt0b0l] adj. ko faamotoo. dandugol (ngdl).
scrutator [skmwteyt0] n. bittoowo (of, sedate [s0deyt] v. deXTinde.
Teewoowo (o). sedition [s0diys0n] n. fitina (o).
scuff [skAf] V. daasde koycfe. seduce [s0dyuws] v. hebtude hakkille
scuffle [skAf0l] n. hare (nde). necfcfo, jarribaade, cfehde.
scull [skAl] n. laana (ka). seduction [s0dAks0n] n. cfehgol (ngdl).
sculpt [skAlp] V. sehde. see [siy] v. yiide. ~ someone out duusde. ~
someone off duusde cfannotoocfo.
sculpture [skAlc0] n. cehgol (ngdl).
seed [siyd] n. focfcfere (nde), abbere (nde).
scum [skAm] n. tuundi (ndi).
swn///~ gabbel (ngel)/'po66e\ (ngel).
scunner [skAn0] n. ngangu (ngu).
seeing [siyig] n. giile (cfe).
scurry [skAri] v. henaade; yaawnaade.
scuttle [skAt0l] V. nekkude.

seek servant

seek [siyk] v. Teewde; yiilaade; cfabbude. seniority [siynyOr0ti] n. mangu (ngu).

-charity yelaade, tooraade. ~ for someone sense [sens] n. hakkille (o). he has good
cfabbande. ~ protection moolaade. sense omo moTTi miijo.
seeker [siyka] n. jiilotoocfo (o). senseless [sensles] adj. mo/ko hakkilaani.
seem [siym] v. wayde. sensible [sens0b0l] adj. kakkildo.
seep [siyp] v. rewde; siyde. sensory [sens0ri] adj. ko faati e giile,
seer [siy0] n. jiyoowo (o)\ Teewoowo (o). nancfe, meecfgol walla memgol.
seesaw [siyso] v. sayyaade; yahrude yeeso e sentence [s0nt0ns] n. 1) kongol timmungol
caggal. 2) kuugal (ngal)', naawoore (nde).
seethe [siy6] v. fasnude. sentiment [sent0m0nt] n. miijo (ngo)', gilli
segment [segmant] v. taTde; feccude. (Cfi).
segregate [sagrageyt] v. seemdude. sentimental [sent0m0nt0l] adj. ko faati e
segregation [s0gr0geys0n] n. ceemdugol
(ngol). sentinel [sentin0l] n. deenoowo (o).
seismic [siyzmik] adj. ko faati e jerbugol sentry [sentri] n. soldaat (o).
leydi. separate [sep0ret] v. seemdude. ~ bran &
seismograph [siyzm0graf] n. masil] flour sedde.
betoowo jerbugol leydi. separation [sepreys0n] n. ceergal (ngal).
seize [siyz] v. songude; jaggude. separator [s0preyt0] n. ceerndoowo (o).
seizure [siy30] /?. cinnel gujjo. sept [sept] num. jeedicfi.
seldom [seldam] adj. ko heewaani ko septenary [sept0n0ri] adj. ko faati e
wacfata. jeedicfi.
select [s0lekt] v. subaade. the - feyv septentrional [sept0ntriyn0l] adj. ko faati e
subaabe. worgo.
selectee [salektiy] n. cubaacfo (o). septuagenarian adj. jom duubi capande
selection [s0leks0n] n. cubagol (ngol). jeedidi pawdi.
self [self] n. necfcfo; huunde. ~ respect jom; sepulcher [sepAlk0] n. yanaande (nde)',
nedcfaagal (ngal). ngaska (ka).
selfish [selfis] adj. boroocfo; kiicfnitiicfo; sepulchral [sepAlkr0l] adj. ko faati e
gorcfudo. yanaande.
sell [sel] V. yeeyde. ~ one's belongings sequel [siyk0l] n. jokkere (nde)', dewondiral
firlitde, - at a give away price wantirde. ~ (ngal).
jarnude; jinditde. sequence [siykwens] n. jokkondiral (ngal)',
seller [sel0] n. jeeyoowo (o). dewondiral (ngal).
sellout [selawt] n. jinditgol (ngdl). sequester [s0kwest0] v. sokde; heeraade;
semantic [semantik] adj. ko faati e maanaa.
sequestrate [sekw0streyt] v. sokde;
semantics [semantiks] n. jangde maanaa.
semblable [sembl0b0l] adj. ko nandi,
serene [s0riyn] adj. deeTdo, ko deeTi.
semen [siym0n] kantudi (ndi). serenity [s0riyn0ti] n. deeTre (nde).
semi [s0may] n. feccere (nde)\ hakkunde. series [siyriyz] n. gede (cfe)', huundeeji (di).
semplice [semplic0] adv. beebcfum. serious [siyry0s] adj. tiidniido.
send [send] v. neldude ~ a person nelde, seriousness [siyry0snes] n. tiidnaare (nde).
nulde. ~ hack ruttinde sermon [s0rm0n] n. waajuya (o)', hucfba
sender [send0] //. neldoowo (o), nelducfo (o).
(o). sermonize [s0rm0nayz] v. waajaade.
senile [siynayl] adj. mo hakkille mum ustii / serpent [s0rp0nt] n. laadoori (ndi).
dilli; kaangaacfo. serry [seri] v. bittude.
senior [siyny0] n. mawcfo. servant [s0rv0nt] n. suufa (o).


serve sheet

serve [s0rv] v. nafde; sarwude. ~ food shaker [seyk0] n. dillinoowo (o)-, dilloowo
rottude. ro/
server [s0rv0] ti. carwoowo (o). shaking [seykig] n. sinnere (nde)-, dillugol
service [s0rvis] n. liggeey (o)\ gollal (ngal). (ngdl).
serviceman [s0rvism0n] n. soldaat (o). shaky [seyki] adj. ko dillata.
servile [s0rv0l] adj. cfowtiicfo. shale [seyl] n. bakkere (nde).
servitude [s0rvityuwd] o. macungaagal shallop [sal0p] n. laana (ka).
(ngal). shallow [sal0w] adj. ko luggicfaani. ~ water
session [ses0n] /?. jonde (nde). pokpokolam (dam).
set [set] V. mutde. ~ milk fendude. ~ a child shamble [samb0l] v. bonnude;
across one’s legs sataade. ~ to work daaldaalnude.
yaalnude. ~ aside willude. ~ down shame [seym] v. hoynude; hersinde;
jippinde. ~ aside for someone jubbande, semtinde.
nokkande; resande. shame [seym] n. koyeera (o)-, gacce (de).
settee [setiy] n. joocforde (nde)\ danki (ki). shamed [seymd] adj. koycfo.
settle [set0l] v. hawrude; hocfde. shameful [seymf0l] adj. kersiniicfum.
settlement [set0lm0nt] n. kawral (ngal), shameless [sheymles] adj. mo alaa gacce.
hocforde (nde). shank [sapk] n. korlal (ngal).
seven [seven] num. jeecficfi.
shanty [santi] n. barak (o).
sevenfold [sevenfowld] adj. laabi jeecficfi. shape [seyp] n. tagoodi (ndi)-, mbaadi (ndi).
seventeen [seventiyn] num. sappo e jeecficfi.
share [ser] n. gecfal (ngal)-, feccere.
seventy [s0venti] num. capancfe jeecficfi. share [ser] v. feccude; rendude.
sever [sev0] v. entude; seerndude. shark [sark] v. wujjude.
several [sevr0l] det. keewcfi; keewcfe, sharp [sap] adj. belcfo; mbelka; ko weli. be
heewbe. - welde; weemtude; seebde.
severance [sevr0ns] n. ceergal (ngal). sharpen [sap0n] v. laggaade; welnude;
severe [s0viyr] adj. ko sacfti. woogde.
severity [s0viyr0ti] n. cacftugol (ngdl). sharpening [sQpnip] n. setto (ngo).
sew [s0w] V. nootde; husde. sharpie [sopi] n. laana (ka).
sewing [s0wir)] n. nootgol (ngdl)-, nootol sharpness [sQpnes] n. seebre (nde).
(ngdl). - machine masil] nootoowo. shatter [sat0] v. helde, bonnude.
sex [seks] n. kaake; njogoram (dam). shave [seyv] v. fembude; labde, labaade. ~
sexagenarian [seks0j0neyry0n] n. jom oneself fembaade. get ~ed fembeede.
duubi capancfe jeegom. shaver [seyv0] n. pemboowo (o)-, ko
sextuple [sekstyuwp0l] v. fiide laabi fembata.
jeegom. shawl [sol] n. mojaare (nde).
shabby [sabi] adj. ko furi. she [siy] pron. omo; kan, kanko; o; kam.
shack [sak] n. barak (o). shear [siyr] v. taTde, hesde.
shackle [sak0l] n. ceen (o). sheath [siy0] n. wana (ka).
shade [seyd] n. buubri (ndi)-, beelol (ngdl). sheathe [siy6] v. naatnude e nder wana.
shadow [sadow] n. mbeelu (ngu). sheave [siyv] v. rendinde.
shady [seydi] adj. ko wacfi buubri. shed [sed] v. werlaade. ~ tears bofide. ~
shaft [saft] n. bamfaro. light famminde.
shaggy [sagi] adj. guycfo; ko wuyi. he - sheen [siyn] n. jalbugol (ngdl)-, hilkugol
wuyeede; wuyde. (ngdl).
shake [sheyk] v. sinnude; yeTde, ficfcfude, sheep [%p] n. mbaalu (ngu)-, baali (di).
dillinde; dillude. - off ^\66udt. - off again sheer [siyr] v. selde.
ficfcfitde. ~ milk yonkude.
sheet [siyt] n. cferewol (ngdl), darab (o).

sheet side

sheet [siyt] v. soomde. shorten [sort9n] v, rabbicfinde.

shelf [self] n. kaggu (ngu)\ yowirde (nde). shortly [sortli] adv. jooni jooni.
shell [sel] n. wujo (ngo)\ hodoore (nde)\ shortness [sortnes] ti. rabbere (tide).
hobre (tide). shorty [sorti] ti. dabbel.
shell [sel] v. hobtude; hobde. shot [sot] ti. fiyande (tide).
shelled [seld] adj. kobtacfum. a ~ corn ear shotgun [sotgAn] ti. fetel (o).
hormere (tide). should [sud] aux. fotde.
shelter [selt9] ti. cfuhorde (tide). shoulder [suld9] //. walabo (tigo).
shelter [selta] v. cfuhaade shout [sawt] ti. wulaango (tigo).
shelve [selv] v. yowde. shout [sawt] V. wullude, haacde.
shepherd [sef9d] ti. gaynaako (o). shouting [sawtii]] ti. wowlaango (tigo).
shepherdless [sef9dles] ti. gaynaako debbo. shove [sowv] v. dunde.
shield [siyld] ti. hecfcfaawo (tigo). shovel [sav9l] V. peel.
shift [sift] V. ummaade; umminde. show [sow] V. hollude, hollinde. ~ pity
shilling [s9li5] ti. taransu, yurmaade, yurmikinaade. ~ off wasaade,
shimmer [sim9] v. jalbude. baabaade. ~ an angry face nirbinaade. ~
shin [sin] //. korlal (tigal). by drawing aamnude.
shine [sayn] v. jalbude; naarde; cfelkude. shower [saw9] ti. tobo (tigo)\ buftagol
shiny [sayni] adj. jalboowo; ko jalbata; (tigol). ~ room lootorde (tide).
jalbucfo; jalbucfum. shower [saw9] v. buftaade.
ship [sip] ti. laana (ka) shred [sred] ti. ceeltol (tigol).
shipwreck [siprek] v. yiwde laana. shred [sred] v. seeltude,
shirk [s9rk] v. wappaade. shrew [sruw] ti. debbo nangucfo.
shirt [s9rt] ti. turki (o); simis (o). shrewd [sruwd] adj. YoTcfo; peertucfo.
shirty [s9rti] adj. cekcfo. shriek [sriyk] ti. wulaango (tigo).
shit [sit] ti. kuudi jaane (cfe). shrink [srigk] v. toI3de.
shit [sit] V. huwde; bonnitaade. shrinkage [sripkij] ti. tongol (tigol).
shiver [siv9] v. sinnude. shrivel [sriv9l] v. nongaade.
shoe [suw] ti. facfo (tigo). shroud [srawd] ti. kasanke (o).
shoemaker [suwmeyk9] ti. sakke (o). shroud [srawt] v. hasnude; muurde.
shog [sog] V. dillude; dillinde. shrub [srAb] ti. lawnandi (ki)\ manganace.
shoo [suw] V. hulbinde; riiwde. pile of dead ~ nakkeere (tide).
shoot [suwt] ti. pucfdi (tidi). shrug [srAg] v. dillinde; ficfcfude; neebaade.
shoot [suwt] V. fellude. shudder [sAd9] v. sinnude.
shop [sop] V. soodde; duggude. ~ for shuffle [sAf9l] V. jiibde, baatirde, moylaade.
duggande. shuffler [sAfl9] ti. baatiroowo.
shop [sop] ti. bitik (o). shun [sAn] v. nefde.
shopkeeper [sopkiyp9] ti. jom bitik. shut [sAt] V. uddude.
shoplifter [soplift9] ti. gujjo (o). shy [say] adj. nuggaro. be ~ nuggoricfde.
shopper [sop9] ti. coodoowo (o). sibling [siblig] ti. dewiraacfo (o).
shore [sor] ti. takko/daande maayo; fongo sick [sik] adj. nawcfo; dafaacfo.
(t^go). sicken [sik9n] v. fiawnude.
short [sort] adj. dabbo, I]appo. be ~ sickening [siknig] adj. ko nawnata.
tofjde, rabbicfde; l^akkude. sickle [sik9l] ti. wafdu (tidit).
shortcut [sortkAt] //. sodorde (tide). sickness [siknes] ti. naw (tigu).
short-tempered [sortemp9d] adj. loobcfo. side [sayd] ti. bal]I]e (o); wuttulo (tigo)\
shortage [sortij] ti. I]akkudi; bitteende; wecco (tigo)\ Sara (o).
I]akkere; I^akke (cfe)\ soono (tigo).

side size

side [sayd] v. takkaade; sawndaade. ~ with sincere [sinsiyr] adj. koolaacfo.

jingude; jingande; wuuranaade. sincerity [sinsiyrati] ti. hoolaare (tide).
siege [siyj] v. taaraade. sinew [sinyuw] ti. cfacfol (tigol).
siesta [syesta] /?. muumnagol (tigol). sinful [sinfal] adj. bakkodincfo.
sieve [siyv] n. tame (o). sing [sir)] v. yimde. ~ religious poems
sieve [siyv] v, secfde. beytude.
sift [sift] V. secfde. singe [sinj] v. sumde; duppude.
sigh [say] v. rjuslude. singer [sir)a] ti. jimoowo (o). ~ of religious
sigh [say] /?. I]uslaango (ngo)\ maande. poems beytoowo (o).
sight [sayt] v. sooynaade; yiyde. single [si^al] adj. gooto; petto,
sight [sayt] n. giile (cfe). singular [siggila] adj. gooto.
sigma [sigma] /?. alkulal (ngal). sinister [sinista] ti. bonande; moobaare
sign [sayn] n. annama; maale (cfe). (tide).
significance [signafikans] //. maanaa (o). sinistral [sanistral] adj. ko faati e bonande
walla moobaare.
significant [signafikant] adj. ko nafata; ko
wacfi maanaa. sink [sigk] v. mutde; mutnude; debbude,
yiwde. ~ down debbude.
signify [signafay] v. amminde.
sinkage [sigkij] ti. mutnugol (tigol).
silence [saylans] ti. deTTere (tide).
sinless [sinles] adj. mo bakkodinaani.
silencer [saylansa] ti. ko deTTinta;
deTTinoowo (o). sinner [sina] /;. goofoowo (o)\
bakkodinoowo (o).
silent [saylant] adj. deTTucfo.
sinuate [sinyuweyt] v. oonde, ko oonii.
silhouette [siluwet] ii. mbeelu (ngii).
sinuous [sinyuwas] adj. ko oonii; ko
silk [silk] ti. sooye (o). fortaaki.
silkworm [silkwom] ti. ngilngu (ngii). sip [sip] V. surbaade; tuubde.
silurid [siluwrid] n. andoonde (tide). sipid [sipid] adj. belcfum.
silver [silva] ti. kaalis. ~ coins kodiije (cfe). siren [sayran] ti. debbo jom maayo.
silvery [silvri] adj. ko nandi e kaalis. sister [sista] ti. bandiraacfo debbo.
similar [simala] adj. nando, ko nandi, sisterhood [sistahud] ti. miniraagal (tigal)\
nandube. miniraagu (tigu)\ mawniraagal (tigal).
similarity [simalarati] ti. nandugol (tigol). sit [sit] V. joocfaade. ~ on one's knees
similitude [samilatyuwd] ti. nandugol horfmaade. throw ~ down abruptly
(tigol). denkude. ~ flat on one's bottom
simmer [sima] v. defde. barfmaade. ~ on one's crossed legs
simper [simpa] ti. mooso (tigo)\ moosooli ferlaade; hofaade. ~ down abruptly
(Cfi). denkaade. ~ on eggs woofaade.
simple [simpal] adj. beebcfum; newicfum. site [sayt] ti. nokku (o).
simplicity [simplasati] ti. beebgol (tigol). sitter [sita] ti. joocfotoocfo (o)', joocfiicfo
simplify [simplafay] v. weebnude.
sitting [sitig] ti. jonde.
simulacrum [simyuwlakram] ti. nembugol
(tigol). situate [sicweyt] v. heednude.
simulate [simyuwleyt] v. nembude. situated [sicweytid] adj. keedcfo.
simulation [simalesan] ti. nembugol (tigol). six [siks] tiuni. jeegom. -fold piigol walla
cowgol laabi jeegom.
simultaneous [simAltaneous] adj. ko yahdi;
ko wacfdi. sixteen [sikstiyn] tium. sappo e jeegom.
sin [sin] ti. bakkaat (o); haraam (o). sixty [siksti] tium. capancfe jeegom
sin [sin] v. bakkodinde; woofde. sizeable [sayzabal] adj. ko yaaji, ko mawni.
since [sins] adv. bayde; gila; bayri. ~ then size [sayz] v. fondude, betde.
gila ndeen.

size slug

size [sayz] n. juuteendi, njaajeendi “e slave [sleyv] n. maccucfo (o)', jiyaado (o).
tooweendi. real ~ macaacaa (o). big ~ maccungal
sizing [sayzii)] n. pondugol (ngol). (tigal). behave like a ~ macculinde.
skeletal [skeletal] adj. ko faati e Tiye. slave [sleyv] v. maccinaade.
skeleton [skel9t0n] n. Tiye bandu. slavery [sleyvri] ti. macungaagal (tigal).
skellum [skelAm] n. aawase (o). slay [slay] v. warde.
skelp [skelp] n. hello (ngo). sleep [sliyp] ti. cfoyngol (tigol).
skeptic [skeptik] adj. necfcfo koolkisiicfo. sleep [sliyp] v. cfaanaade. make someone ~
skepticism [skeptasizm] ti. hoolkisaare cfanninde. pretend to ~ daankinaade. I did
(tide). not sleep a wink all night Hanki jamma
mi rendinaani yitere.
sketch [skec] v. diidde.
sleeper [sliypa] ti. cfaaniicfo (o)',
sketchy [skeci] adj. ko timmaani. cfaanotoocfo (o).
skiff [skif] n. laana (ka). sleepiness [sliypanes] ti. 13ol3cfi (cfi)\
skill [skil] n. neenal (tigal)\ mbaawka (ka). I]oI]g61 (tigol).
skilled [skild] adj. neencfo. be ~ fieende. sleeping [sliypii]] ti. cfoyngol (tigol).
skim [skim] v. meewtude sleepy [sliypi] adj. 13ol3cfo. Z>e~r)ot3de.
skimmer [skima] //. meewtoowo (o). sleeve [sliyv] ti. jungo comcol.
skin [skin] ti. nguru (tigit). ~ of a dead sleeveless [sliyvles] adj. ko alaa juucfe.
animal cawgu (tigu). slender [slenda] adj. cewcfo.
skin [skin] v. huttude; booltude. ~ fungus slenderize [slendarayz] v. sewnude.
laamlaame (de). little ~ gurel (tigel). be
light '-ned naawcfude. slice [slays] ti. eebre (tide)\ ande (tide).
skinner [skina] n. kuttoowo (o). slice [slays] v. eebre (tide). ~ a fish from
head to tail ende.
skinny [skini] adj. cewcfo, pooTcfo. be ~
sewde, cfawsude; reetude; fooYde, a ~
slide [slayd] v. moorde; taataade.
person koonoor (o)\ pooTdo. sliding [slaydip] ti. taatol (tigol).
skip [skip] V. diwde. slight [slayt] adj. seecfa; pamaro.
skirmish [skwarmis] ti. hare (tide). slim [slim] adj. cewcfo.
skirt [skart] ti. sabba (o); sippu (o). sling [slip] ti. lottundu (tidii).
skive [skayv] v. seelde. slinger [slipa] ti. lottoowo (o).
skiver [skayva] ti. ceeloowo (o). slip [slip] V. taataade; boccitaade. ~ away
skulk [skAlk] V. suucfaade. sortaade; leewtaade; boccitaade. ~ into a
hole yolbitaade. ~ knot worsundu (tidu).
skull [skAl] ti. Tiye hoore.
slippery [slipri] adj. boodcfum, taatcfum;
sky [skay] ti. kammu (o), asamaan (o). borwucfum. be ~ taatde, boodde,
slack [slak] adj. mo wondaaka. borwude.
slacken [slakan] v. leeltinde, yolbinde. slit [slit] V. eebde; taTde.
slake [sleyk] v. cfomcfitde; buubnude. sliver [sliva] v. eebde.
slam [slam] v. bubbude; uddude. slobber [sloba] v. joodde.
slander [slanda] v. takkude. slobbery [slobri] adj. ko faati e
slant [slant] v. wuuraade; wuuranaade. joodi/joodol.
slap [slap] V. hellude, suntude, mabbude. slog [slog] V. gobbude, fiide.
He slapped his face O fii mo hello e slop [slop] V. wiccude; rufde.
hakkille. slope [slowp] /;. waho (tigo).
slap [slap] ti. hello (tigo) sloth [slow0] ti. ngaameela (ka).
slash [slas] v. taTde; nibde; yiwde; seekde. slothful [slowGfal] adj. gaamcfo.
slat [slat] V. werlaade. slow [slow] adj. leelcfo, ko leeli. be ~ leelde.
slaughter [slota] v. hirsude. ~ house slowly [slowli] adv. seese; jamjam.
tol^irde (tide).
slug [slAg] V. fiide, gobbaade.

sluggard softener

sluggard [slAgad] adj. gaamcfo. snare [sner] v. tuufaade.

slugger [slAg0] n. goobboowo (o)\ snarl [snarl] v. fliraade.
gobbotoocfo (o). snatch [snatc] v. diftaade; biftaade,
slumber [slAmba] v. 13oI]de. jaylaade.
slump [slAmp] V. yande. sneak [sniyk] v. bittaade; sortaade; naatde.
slur [slar] n. Tettoore (tide). sneer [sniyr] v. jalde, moosde.
slut [slAt] n. debbo boncfo; garbotoocfo. sneeze [sniyz] ti. islaango (tigo).
sly [slay] adj. ToTcfo. sneeze [sniyz] v. islude; iilde.
smack [smak] n. hello. sniff [snif] v. susnaade; susde.
smack [smak] v. fiide. sniffer [snifa] ti. cusnotoocTo (o).
small [smol] adj. tokooso (o)\ tokosel sniggle [snigal] v. saftaade; awde.
(tigel). snip [snip] v. meccude.
small [smOl] adj. pamaro; tokooso. be ~ snipe [snayp] ti. suka (o); kurka (o).
famcfude; gallude; tojjude. snitch [snic] v. diftaade.
smart [smot] adj. ToTcfo. />£~ToTde. snivel [snival] v. Tusde.
smash [smas] v. helde, monhude.
snob [snob] ti. nemtinoowo (o).
smasher [smasa] n. keloowo (o)\
snooze [snuwz] v. muumnaade.
monnoowo (o).
snore [snowr] v. harde.
smear [smiyr] v. tunwinde.
snoring [snowrig] ti. haraango (tigo)',
smell [smel] v. uurnaade; banaade. ~ sweet kargol.
uurde. ~ had aamtude, sorbude; siccude.
snort [snot] v. foofde.
smile [smayl] v. moosde.
snot [snot] ti. nitte (de). draw ~ in
smile [smayl] n. moosooli; moosol (tigol). nodditaade.
smirch [smarc] v. moddinde; tunwinde. snow [snow] ti. marmalle (cfe).
smirk [smark] v. moosde. snuff [snAf] V. sumbaade; nodditaade.
smite [smayt] v. fiide. snuffer [snAfa] adj. cumbotoocfo.
smith [smi0] ti. baylo (o). snuggle [snAgal] v. takkaade e.
smoke [smowk] v. suurkude; jawwinde, so [sow] cotij. mbele; if
simmaade; urkinaade.
soak [sowk] v. soofnude.
smoke [smowk] /?. cuurki (ki).
soakage [sowkij] ti. coofnugol (tigol).
smoker [smowka] n. jawwinoowo (o).
soaked [sowkt] adj. leppucfum; ko leppi. he
smooth [smuw0] adj. cfaatcfum; ko cfaati. ~ leppude.

he ~ cfaatde.
soap [sowp] ti. saabunde (tide).
smooth [smuwdan] v. berkude, cfaatnude.
soar [sowr] v. weeyde.
smother [smoda] v. warde; nifde.
sob [sob] V. Tusde.
smudge [smAj] v. moddinde.
soccer [soka] ti. fligu/fuku (o).
smug [smAg] adj. peewcfo.
sociable [sowsabal] adj. jom yimbe; jicfcfo
smuggle [smAgal] v. naatnude e leydi jawdi yimbe, cakalo.
cuuaaandi; suucfde.
sock [sok] ti. kawasal (ngal)
smut [smAt] V. moddude, moddinde,
socket [soket] ti. ngaska (ka).
sodbuster [sodbAsta] ti. demoowo (o).
snaggle [snagal] v. saafaade. ~ tooth niire
saafiinde. sodden [sodan] adj. ko leppi.
snail [sneyl] n. wujo (tigo). sofa [sofa] ti. leeso diwaa.
snake [sneyk] n. laadoori (ndi), mbaroodi soft [soft] adj. cfaatcfum; jaafcfum. he ~
(tidi). hig'-biWal (ngal). leefde, cfaatde, yaafde; nooyde.
snap [snap] v. T]appude; bubbude. soften [softan] v. cfaatnude.
snare [sner] n. wilde (tide). softener [softana] ti. huunde cfaatnoore.

softly sparge

softly [softli] adv. seese. soothe [suw3] v. deeTnude.

softness [softnes] ii. yaafngo (tigo). sop [sop] ti. taTatinde.
soggy [sogi] adj. leppucfo; leppucfum. soporiferous [sopor0fer0s] adj. ko
soil [soyl] ti. leydi (ndi). cfanninta.
sojourn [sojarn] v. yillaade. soppy [sopi] adj. ko leppi.
solar [sowla] adj. ko faati e naange. sorcerer [sors0r0] ti. dabotoocfo.
soldier [soljo] n. soldaat (o). sorcerous [sOrs0r0s] adj. ko faati e dabare.
sole [sowl] adj. gooto; petto; teppere. sorcery [sOs0ri] ti. dabare (de). perform ~
dabaade. perform ~ for dabanaade.
solicit [solasit] V. naagaade, cfabbude.
sordid [sordid] adj. tunwucfo; tunwucfum;
solicitor [sol0sit0] n. naagotoocfo (o)\
ko tunwi.
cfabboowo (o).
sore [sowr] adj. ko muusi.
solid [solid] adj. ko heri; ko tiicfi. be ~
herde. sorghum [sorg0m] ti. gawri (ndi).
solidarity [sol0dar0ti] n. nanondiral (ngal)\ sorrel [sor0l] ti. follere (tide).
ballondiral (ngal). sorrow [sorow] ti. sunaare (tide)-, mettere
solidarize [sol0d0rayz] v. wallondirde; (tide).
nangondirde. sorrowful [sorowf0l] adj. cuniicfo.
solidify [sol0d0fay] v. hernude. sort [sot] V. seerndude.
soliloquize [s0lil0kwayz] v. haaldude e sottish [satis] adj. jirwucfo.
hooremum. sough [s0f] V. nuumbaade, sonhude.
solitary [solit0ri] adj. gooto; petto. soul [sowl] ti. fittaandu (tidu).
solitude [solatyuwd] u. yeeweende (nde); sound [sawnd] v. dillude; hongude.
teelre (tide).
sound [sawnd] ti. dillere (tide).
soluble [solyuwbal] adj. ko saayata.
soup [sup] ti. suppu (o)-, soos (o).
solve [solv] V. yiitude.
sour [saw0] adj. lammucfum; kaacfcfum.
somber [somb0] adj. ko nibbicfi.
source [sOs] ti. iwdi (ndi).
some [sAm] adj. huunde.
souse [sows] V. leppinde.
somebody [sAmbadi] proti. necfcfo (o),
south [saw0] ti. worgo (tigo).
aadee (o).
southerner [sA60n0] ti. worganke (o).
someone [sAmwan] pron. necfcfo (o)', aadee
(o)\ kaari. ~ else necfcfo gocfcfo. ~ else's southward [saw0wod] adv. bange rewo.
kaakejanane. souvenir [suv0niyr] ti. teskuya (o).
something [sAm0ip] proti. huunde. sovereign [sovr0n] ti. laamcfo (o).
sometimes [sAmtaymz] adv. sahaa sahaa. sow [sow] V. aawde; teppude. ~ before the
somnifacient [sAmn0feys0nt] adj. ko rain uulde.
cfanninta. sowing [sowig] ti. aawre (tide)-, second ~
somniferous [sAmn0fer0s] adj. ko aawtere (tide).
cfanninta. space [speys] ti. weeyo (tigo)-, l^alde (tide).
somnolence [sAmnalans] ti. !]6I]cfi. ~ betyveen teeth yelde (tide), open ~ lewre
(tide), dingiral (ngal).
somnolent [sAmn0l0nt] adj. T]oI]cfo.
spacious [speys0s] adj. ko yaaji.
son [son] ti. bicfcfo gorko.
spade [speyd] ti. goppu (o).
song [S013] ti. yimre (tide)\ ']\m6\ (tigol).
spall [spol] V. helde.
Soninke [sownigke] ti. Galambo (o),
Sarkulle (o)\ alambe (de)\ sarkulleebe span [span] ti. sibre (tide)-, mudda (o). short
(be). ^ sahaa dabbo.
soon [suwn] adv. jooni. spank [spar)k] v. fiide cukalel e dote,
sooner [suwn0] adj. ko buri yaawde, ko spar [spa] //. coorgal (ngal).
adii. ~ or later e ko fayi arde spare [sper] v. cfaccude; yaafaade.
soot [suwt] ti. tuundi cuurki. sparge [spaj] v. sarde.

spark spray

spark [spak] n. feetere (nde) spine [spayn] n. noorol keeci (ngol).

sparrow [spar0w] n. colei (ngel). spinner [spina] n. mottoowo (o)-, jiilotoocfo
sparse [spas] adj. ko sarii. (o).
spat [spat] V. dukde; habeede. spinster [spinsta] n. lambucfo (o)-, cooycfo
spate [speyt] ti. ilam (dam). (o).
spire [spaya] n. jubudu tiba.
spatial [speysal] adj. ko faati e weeyo.
speak [spiyk] v. haalde. ~ loudly bablude. ~ spirit [spirit] n. jinne (o)-, wonki (ki).
with haaldude. spiritual [spiracal] adj. ko faati e wonki.
speaker [spiyko] n. kaaloowo (o). spit [spit] V. tuutde; wukkitde. ~ through
the teeth sirTude. ~ out balTude.
spear [spiyr] n. mbaangu (ngu)\ gaawal
(ngal)\ baawal (ngal). spite [spayt] v. toonde.
species [spiyciyz] n. fedde (nde). spittle [spital] n. joodol (ngol).
specify [spasafay] v. innude, splash [splas] v. wiccude.
speck [spek] v. tobbere (nde). splay [spley] v. yaajnude.
speckle [spekal] v. tunwinde; gakkude. spleen [spliyn] n. cfaamol (ngol).
spectacles [spektakalz] n. lone (de). splendent [splendant] adj. jalbucfum.
spectator [spekteyta] n. jeeboowo (o). splice [splays] v. jokkondirde.
speculate [spekyuwleysan] v. fefindaade, splinter [splinta] v. helde; monnude;
miijaade. sarflide.
speech [spiyc] n. haala (ka)\ bolle (de). split [split] V. feecde; eccitde; feeraade.
speed [spiyd] v. yaawnaade; henaade. spoil [spoyl] V. bonnude; yakkude. ~ again
bonnitde. ~ a child bewnude.
speed [spiyd] n. yaawre (nde)\ henaare
(nde). spoilage [spoylij] ti. bonande (?ide).
speedy [spiydi] adj. jaawcfo; ko yaawi. spoiler [spoyla] n. bonnoowo (o).
speel [spiyl] v. I]abbude; t3aylude. spoilt [spoylt] adj. bewcfo; bonnaado; ko
speer [spiyr] v. lamndaade.
spokesman [spowksman] n. kaaloowo (o).
spell [spel] V. hijjude.
spoliate [spowlyet] v. bonnude; wujjude.
spelling [spelig] n. hijjo (ngo)-, kijjugol
(ngol). spoliation [spowleysan] n. nguyka (ka)\
bonande (nde).
spend [spend] v. feraade, wonde. ~ the
night waalde. ~ a day nallinde. ~ the dry sponge [sponj] n. tekkere lawTirteende.
season seecfde. ~ days in the farm throw in the ~ jebbilaade.
lulaade. ~ wedding days dammbaade. ~ sponsor [sponsa] n. njaatige (o).
the rains ruumde. ~ the night with spoon [spuwn] n. holfo (ngo)', kuddu (o).
waaldude. ~ the day for nallannde. ~ the spoor [spuwr] n. laadol (ngol)', felo (ngo)',
day nallude sperm [sparm] n. kantudi teppere (nde).
sport [sport] n. coftal balli; fijirde coftal
spew [spyuw] v. ruttude; tuutde. balli.
spice [spays] v. safnude. sportive [sportav] adj. ko faati e coftal
spicy [spaysi] adj. cafcfum; kaadcfum. balli.
spider [spayda] n. njamala. spot [spot] n. tobbere (nde).
spike [spayk] v. fel]de. spot [spot] V. yiide.
spill [spil] V. deelde; rufde; siimtude. ~ over spouse [spaws] n. jom suudu; jom galle.
while boiling wokde. spout [spawt] V. juknude.
spilled [spild] adj. dufcfum; ciimtucfum. * sprain [spreyn] v. fornude.
spin [spin] v, mottude; yiilaade. sprained [spreynd] adj. pornudo.
spinal [spaynal] adj. ko faati e noorol spray [sprey] v. ftiufde; pompude.
spindle [spindal] n. kardumbal (ngal).

spread starve

spread [spred] v. layde; yaajnude; rebde; stabilize [steyb0layz] v. deeTnude.

weerde, wertude. ~ a mat dacfcfude; stable [steyb0l] adj. deeTdo.
wertude. ~ mud on a wall laaltaade. ~ out stack [stak] v. joowde.
to dry liirde. ~ food to cool down lantude.
stack [stak] ti. wahre ledde, tiggere
spreader [spreda] n. jaajnoowo (o). noomre.
spreading [spredig] n. layo (ngo). staff [staf] ti. liggotoobe (be).
spring [sprig] n. sewnde (tide). staff [staf] V. Yettude gollotoobe.
sprinkle [sprigkal] v. tobde; roosde, stagger [stag9] v. daaldaalnude (mandildo);
wiccude. daggude.
sprinkler [sprigklo] /;. biccoowo (o). stagnate [stagneyt] v. daraade; deeYde.
sprint [sprint] v. dogde. stain [steyn] v. gakkude; gakkinde;
sprout [sprawt] v. fucfde. tobbaade.
sprout [sprawt] ti. pucfdi (ndi). stain [steyn] ti. fatere (tide)-, tobbere (nde).
spur [sp0r] ti. Tobbirde (tide). stained [steynd] adj. moddudum.
spurn [sp9rn] v. fergitaade e. stairs [sterz] n. iskale.
spy [spay] v. sunnaade; nukkindaade. stake [steyk] ti. jaalal (tigalf, peFjgal (tigal).
spy [spay] //. fiukkindiido fb); jaasuus (o). stale [steyl] adj. ko rappi.
squab [skwab] ti. foondu (ndu)\ joocforde stalk [stak] ti. wasaango (tigo)\ gombal
(tide). (tigalf, gawTal (tigal)-, kudol (tigol).
squalid [skwalad] adj. tunwudo. stall [stol] V. fabbinde; leeltinde.
squall [skwol] v. luukde; siikde. stallion [staly0n] ti. puccu (tigu).
squander [skwanda] v. bonnude, sarde. stamina [stamin0] ti. caasgol (tigol).
square [skwer] v. yubbude. stammer [stam0] v. mehde
squash [skwas] v. monnude. stammerer [stam9r0] ti. mehoowo (o).
squat [skwat] v. soppinaade; I]6mindaade; stammering [stam9rig] ti. mehgol (tigol).
I36msinde; ramde. stamp [stamp] ti. tembere (tide).
squat [skwat] ti. soppunde (tide). stampede [stampiyd] v. dogde.
squatter [skwata] ti. coppiniicfo (o). stamper [stamp0] ti. unugal (tigal).
squaw [skwo] ti. debbo (o). stance [stans] ti. damde (tide).
squawk [skwok] v. siikde, luukde. stand [stand] v. daraade. make ~ damude.
squeak [skwiyk] v. siikde ~ erect again turtaade. ~ over tiimde.
squeak [skwiyk] ti. siikaango (ngo). standard [stand9d] adj. ko woni laawol.
squeal [skwiyl] ti. siikaango (ngo)\ standee [standiy] ti. dariido (o).
wulaango (ngo). standing [standig] ti. darnde (tide)-, damgo
squeamish [skwiymas] adj. nefcfo; (tJgo).
nefoowo. staple [steyp9l] v. rendinde.
suueeze [skwiyz] v. hamXude; himTude, stapler [steypl0] ti. dendinoowo; ko
Dicfde; bittude; tamsindaade; hamde.
saueezed [skwiyzd] (adj) bittaado; star [sta] ti. hoodere (tide).
stare [ster] v. laarde.
squelch [skwels] v. monnude,
stare [ster] ti. Teewki (ki)
squint [skwint] v. lettidde.
start [stat] V. fliddaade, tuggude. ~ over
squint-eyed [skwintayd] adj. letto (o).
fudditaade. ~ a pregnancy fewde. ~ with
squirrel [skw9r0l] ti. jihre (tide)'., dollundu idoraade. ~ cooking sagginde.
starter [stat9] ti. puddoowo (o).
squirt [skw0rt] v. yuppude; yuppaade.
startle [stat0l] v. hulbinde.
stab [stab] v. nibde; yiwde.
starvation [staveys9n] ti. heege (tige).
stability [st0bil0ti] ti. deeTre (tide).
starve [stOv] v. heegeede.

stash storage

stash [stas] v. mooftude. stick [stik] V. bakkude, takkude.

state [steyt] v. wiide, haalde. stick [stik] n. sawru (ndu)\ weduru (ndu)\
state [steyt] «. tagoodi (ndi)\ leydi (ndi). leggal (ngal). little - cawel (ngel)\ leggel
statement [steytmant] n. haala (ka)\ kongol (ngd). hig - booldu (ndu)\ dokkeeru
(ngol). (ndu)\ leggere (nde) sticky [stiki] adj. ko
takkotoo, ko bakkotoo.
static [statik] adj. ko deeTi.
stiff [stif] adj. jacfcfucfum, ko jacfcfi. he -
stationary [steys0nri] adj. ko deeTi.
stattering [statarii)] n. mehgol (ngol). stiffen [stifan] v. jacfcfinde.
stature [stoca] n. tooweendi (ndi). stifle [stayfal] v. warde (hacfde foofaango).
statute [stacuwt] n. yamiroore (nde)\ still [stil] adj. deeTcfo.
laawol (ngol).
sting [stig] V. ficfde.
stay [stey] v. heddaade. ~ home a lot
ufaade. ~ long duumde; niibde. stinger [stiga] n. huunde ficfoore.
stead [sted] n. nokku (o). stingy [stinji] adj. tiicfcfo jungo.
steady [stedi] adj. ko deeTi. stink [stii]ki] v. luubde. -ing smell luubol
(ngol), luubgol (ngol)
steak [steyk] n. hettere teew.
stipend [staypend] n. njobdi (ndi).
steal [stiyl] v. wujjude; beeynaade.
stir [star] v. iirtude. ~ milk wurwude.
stealer [stiyla] n. gujjo (o).
stirk [stark] n. gayel (ngel).
stealing [stiylig] n. nguyka (ka).
stirring [starip] n. iirtugol (ngol).
steam [stiym] v. suurtinde.
stirrup [stirAp] n. alkabeere (nde).
steam [stiym] n. cuurki (ki). let off ~
yaltinde ko woni e bernde mum. stitch [stic] V. nootde.
steamboat [stiym] n. laana cuurki. stitching [sticig] n. nootgol (ngdl)\ nootol
steamed [stiymd] adj. cuurtinaacfum, ko
stock [stok] V. resde; jonde.
suurtinaa. ~ millet dakkiri (ndi). he ~
suurtude. Stocker [stoka] n. jonoowo (o).
steaming [stiymig] n. cuurtingol (ngol). ~ stocking [stokip] n. kawasal juutngal.
pot meltirde. ~ utensil yulnde (nde). stodge [stoj] V. hebbinde.
steamy [stiymi] adj. ko suurki. stodge [stoj] n. fiamri (ndi).
steed [stiyd] n. puccu (ngu). stoke [stowk] v. hubbude, duntude.
steek [stiyk] v. nootde; rendinde. stoker [stowka] n. duntoowo (o).
steel [stiyl] n. njamndi (ndi). -proof ko tuli; stomach [stomak] n. fulkuru (ndu)', reedu
tulcfo. he -proof tulde. (ndu).
steep [stiyp] adj. ko toowi/tiicfi (coggu). stone [stown] n. haayre (nde), aaludere
steeplechase [stiypalceyz] n. dandu pucci. (nde). fruit - hewre (nde). ruhhing -
oogoore (nde).
steer [stiya] v. awTude; kondirde; dognude.
stone [stown] v. werlaade kaaTe.
stem [stem] v. hacfde; dartinde.
stony [stowni] adj. ko heewi kaaTe, nokku
step [step] n. teppere (nde). -father
bappaano (o). -brother keyniraacfo gorko.
~ sister keyniraacfo debbo. stool [stuwl] n. acfcfere (nde), kuudi (ndi).
stepladder [steplada] n. seel (o). stoop [stuwp] V. junaade.
sterile [staril] adj. rimare, dimaro. stop [stop] V. surde, hacfde; joofde; suraade,
daraade. Taal]de.
sternum [starnAm] n. domdomal (ngal).
stoppage [stopij] n. daragol (ngol).
sternutation [starnyateysan] n. islaango
(ngo). stopper [stopa] n. dartinoowo (o).
stew [stuw] V. defde. stopping [stopip] n. darnde (nde).
steward [stuwad] n. carwoowo e nder storage [stowrij] n. jongol (ngdl)\
ndiwoowa. mooftugol (ngol), water - mbalka (ka).

store stubborn

store [stowr] v. jonde; resde; mooftude; street [striyt] n. mbedda (o)', laawol (ngdl).
faggaade. strength [strep0] n. doole (cfe); tiicfgol
store [stowr] /?. bitik (o). (ngdl).
stork [stok] n. ginal (ngal). strengthen [strepGan] v. tiicfnude.
storm [stom] //. Tiiwoonde (nde). strenuous [strenyuwas] adj. cembincfo;
stormy [stOmi] adj. ko Tiiwi. caascfo.
story [stori] n. mahol (figol)', tindol (ngol). stress [stres] v. sembinde; tiicftinde.
stound [stawnd] n. sahaa dabbo. stretch [strec] v. naacfaade, jatde, sertaade;
fooTtaade. ~ out fortude. ~ oneself
Stour [stuwr] n. jilbere (nde).
naacfaade; fooTtaade.
stout [stawt] adj. butto. he ~ butticfde;
stretcher [streca] n. balankaar (o).
stretching [strecip] n. naacfagol (ngdl).
stove [stowv] n. fliurna (o)\ haatande (nde).
strew [struw] v. sarde.
straddle [stradal] v. wacfcfaade, sarde
koycfe. stricken [strikan] adj. barmucfo; gaaniicfo,
straggle [stragal] v. selde.
strict [strikt] adj. pooTtiicfo.
straight [streyt] adj. pooTtiicfo. be ~
feewde; fortaade; fooTtaade. a ~ road strictly [striktli] adv. ko faati e pooTtagol.
laawol pooYtingol. stride [strayd] v. taabaade.
straighten [streytan] v. fooctude, strife [strayf] n. hare (nde)', luural (ngal).
feewtinde; oontude; fortude. strike [strayk] v. tappude, fiide. ~ with the
strain [streyn] v. siiwtude; siiwde, foot latde. ~ hack fiitaade. ~ with lappirde;
siimtinde, siimtude; teeI3nude. fiirude.
strained [streynd] adj. ko siiwaa; ko strike [strayk] n. gero (o).
siiwtaa. string [strip] n. gaarawol (ngdl). ~ of waist
strainer [streyna] n. yulnde (nde)', siiwtirde beads galol (ngdl). ~ of heads gowol
(nde). (ngdl).
strait [streyt] adj. laawol paacfngol, strip [strip] v. sirde. ~ off sirde, bolde.
paacfcfo; ko faacfi. strip [strip] n. siro (ko). ~ of cloth lefol
stranded [strandad] adj. toobcfo. be ~ (ngdl). ~ of dried meat ceelol (ngdl)
toobde; lafjde; loggaade. stripe [strayp] n. fantere (nde).
strange [streynj] adj. ko haawnii. stripped [stript] adj. bolo; bolcfucfo.
stranger [streynja] n. kocfo (o). stripper [stripa] n.gamoowo (o)', ciroowo
strangle [strapgal] n. cfecfcfugol (ngol). (o).
strangle [strapgal] v. cfecfcfude. strive [strayv] v. tiicfnaade.
strap [strap] n. boggol (ngdl). stroam [strowm] v. yahnaade.
stratagem [stratajam] n. feere (nde). stroke [strowk] n. womre (nde).
strategic [stratiyjik] adj. ko faati e feere. stroll [strol] V. yahnaade.
strategy [strata]!] n. feere (nde). strong [strop] adj. cembincfo; tiicfcfum. be
stratification n. pawondiral (ngal). ~ tekkude; tiicfde; semmbinde; secfcfaade.
stratify [stratafay] v. fawondirde. structural [strAkcaral] adj. ko faati e
stratocracy [stratakrasi] n. laamu
soldateebe. structure [strAkca] n. tagoodi (ndi)', mahdi
(ndi)', mbaadi (ndi).
stratus [stratas] n. duule (de).
struggle [strAgal] n. hare (nde).
straw [stro] n. kucfol (ngdl)
stub [stAb] n. jullaare (nde).
stray [strey] v. majjude.
stubble [stAbal] n. jullaare (nde).
streak [striyk] n. majaango (ngo).
stubborn [stAban] adj. I]atcfo. be ~ fjatde;
stream [striym] n. ilol (ngdl)', caacfngol
streek [striyk] v. fooTtaade.

stuck suffer

stuck [stAk] adj. bakkicfum; ko bakkii. be ~

subside [sAbsayd] v. debbude; bappinaade;
cfakkaade, bakkaade. be ~ in the mud ustaade.
lofaade. subsidy [sAbz0di] n. ballal (ngal).
stud [stAd] n. Tuulde (nde). subsist [sAbzist] v. wuurde; woorde.
student [styuwdant] n. almuudo (o)\ fosin subsistence [sAbzist0ns] n. nguura (ka).
(o). substance [sAbst0ns] n. qiimaa (o).
studious [styuwjas] adj. toppitiicfo jangde.
substantial [sAbst0ns0l] adj. keewcfum.
study [stAdi] v. jangude.
substantiate [sAbst0nseyt] v. teel^tinde.
stuffy [stAfi] adj. ko urki. be ~ urkude.
substitute [sAbst0tyuwt] v. lomtinde;
stumble [stAmbal] v. allaade, fergitaade, lomtaade.
farfitde; felmaade. substitute [sAbst0tyuwt] n. lomto (o).
stump [stAmp] n. jullaare (nde).
subsume [sAbsyuwm] v. naatnude e.
stumpy [stAmpi] adj. ko heewi jullaaje.
subtract [sAbtrakt] v. ittude e, ustude.
stun [stAn] V. bompilde. subtraction [sAbtraks0n] n. ustugol (ngdl).
stunt [stAnt] V. hacfde, leeltinde. subvene [sAbviyn] v. wallude.
stupefaction [styuwp0faks8n] n. kaawis subvention [sAbvens0n] n. ballal (ngal).
subvert [sAbv0rt] v. yandinde, bonnude.
stupefy [stuwp0fay] v. haawde.
succeed [sAksiyd] v. lomtaade; rewde;
stupid [styuwpid] adj. cfaaycfo. be ~ bamtaade; arwude.
cfaayde; weemde; muddicfde; hawjude.
success [sAkses] n. bamtaare (nde). We
stupidity [styuwpiditi] n. cfaayre (nde)', wish you success Yo Alla newnu.
muddidgol (ngdl).
successful [sAksesf0l] adj. arwucfo. be ~
sturdy [st0rdi] adj. cembincfo.
bamtaade; yumtude.
Sturt [st0rt] V. habde; dukde. succession [sAkses0n] n. deggondiral
stutter [stAt0] V. mehde. (ngal)', dewondiral (ngal).
stutterer [stAt0r0] n. mehoowo (o). successive [sAks0siv] adj. ko faati e
style [stayl] n. mbaadi (ndi). dewondiral walla deggondiral.
suasion [sweys0n] n. waajuya (o). successor [sAks0s0] n. lomto (o).
suave [sweyv] adj. belcfo; belcfo TiiTam. succint [sAksint] adj. jubbucfum; ko yubbi.
sub [sh\j\pref. les. -Sahara les Sahara, />e~Tubbude, rabbicfinaade.
subaltern [s0bolt0rn] adj. jiimaacfo. succor [sAk0] n. ballal (ngal).
subdivide [sAbd0vayd] v. feccitaade. succulent [sAkyuwl0nt] adj. belcfum.
subdivision [sAbd0viy30n] n. peccitaagol succumb [sAkAm] v. fooleede; wareede.
(ngdl). suck [sAk] V. muynude; buucaade; murde.
subdue [sAbdyuw] v. foolde. make someone ~ muyninde. ~ before the
cow is milked hoontude. ~ someone dry
subdued [sAbdyuwd] adj. poolaacfo.
ficfcfinde necfcfo.
subject [sAbjekt] v. jiimde.
sucker [sAk0] n. ciibotoocfo; buucotoocfo.
subjugate [sAbj0geyt] v. foolde.
sucking [sAkig] n. muynugol (ngdl).
submarine [sAbm0rin] n. laana (ka). prevent a calf from ~ daaTde.
submerge [sAbm0rj] v. mutnude. suckle [sAk0l] v. muyninde.
submission [sAbmiys0n] n. cfowtaare (nde).
suction [sAks0n] n. ciibagol (ngdl)',
submissive [sAbmisiv] adj. cfowtiicfo. buucagol (ngdl).
submit [sAbmit] v. hollude, nawtude; sudatory [suwd0t0ri] adj. ko faati e
tottude. warneende.
subordinate [sAbord0n0t] v. jiimde. sudorific [suwd0r0fik] adj. ko warninta.
subrogate [sAbr0geyt] v. lomtinde. sue [suw] V. wullitaade.
subscription [sAbskripc0n] n. piye (de). suet [suwit] n. bellere (nde).
suffer [sAf0] V. metteede; muuseede.

suffering surrender

suffering [sAfrig] /?. muuseeki (ki)\ mettere superiority [suwpiyryowr0ti] n. bural

(tide). (ngal).
suffice [sAfays] v. yonde. superlative [suwp0rl0tiv] adj. burcfo fof
sufficient [sAfiys0nt] adj. ko yoni. supernal [syuwp0m0l] adj. ko faati e
suffrage [sAfrij] ti. woote (o). aljanna.
sugar [sug0] n. suukara (o). lump of ~ superpose [suwp0powz] v. fawndirde.
boodde suukara supersede [suwp0siyd] v. lomtaade;
sugarcane [sug0] n. gawTal suukara. burtaade.
suggest [sAjest] v. hollude miijo mum. superstition [syuwp0stiys0n] n. wocfa (o).
suggestion [sAjes0n] n. miijo. superstitious [syuwp0stiys0s] adj. ko faati
suicidal [swiysayd0l] adj. ko faati e bartgol. e wocfa.
suicide [swiysayd] v. wartaade. supervise [syuwp0vayz] v. reende;
suicide [swiysayd] n. bartagol (tigol).
supervisor [syuwp0vayz0] n. deenoowo
suit [suwt] n. comci jahducfi. (o)\ toppitiirfo (o).
suit [suwt] V. hawrande. supine [suwpayn] adj. gajjiicfo.
suitable [swut0b0l] adj. ko foti. supper [sAp0] n. hiraande (tide).
sulk [sAlk] V. tikkude. supplant [sAplant] v. lomtaade.
sulky [sAlki] adj. nuggaro. supplement [sApl0m0nt] v. beydude.
sullen [sAl0n] adj. tumminiicfo. supplicate [sApl0keyt] v. naagaade.
sully [sAli] V. moddinde. supplication [sApl0keys0n] ti. naagunde
sum [sAm] V. rendinde. (tide).
summer [sAm0] ti. ceecfu (tigu). supply [sAplay] v. tottude; rokkude.
summit [sAmit] n. jubudu (tidu)\ deental support [sApot] V. tuggorde (tide)\ wallude;
(ngal). munde.
summon [sAm0n] v. yamirde; noddude. supporter [sApOt0] ti. balloowo (o).
sumo [suwmo] n. sippiro (tigo). suppose [sApowz] V. sikkude.
sun [sAn] n. naange (nge). The sun is high
supposition [sApowziys0n] ti. sikke (o).
Naange nge nawlii. The sun is up Naange suppress [sApres] v. noTTude.
nge flicfii. The sun is down Naange nge
suppurate [sAp0reyt] v. worcfinde.
sunbathe [sAnbeyG] v. saacfnaade. supreme [s0priym] adj. burcfo fof
Sunday [sAndi] n. dimaas (o)', alet (o). surcharge [s0rcaj] v. burtinde.
sunder [sAnd0] v. seemdude. sure [suwr] adj. ko hoolnii; koolniicfo,
koolaacfo. be ~ siirde; hoolaade;
sundown [sAndawn] /?. mutal naange. yananeede. Are you sure Acfa yananaa?
sunray [sAnrey] n. sereendu (ndu). surge [s0rj] v. ummaade.
sunrise [sAnrayz] //. pucfal naange. surgeon [s0rj0n] ti. oppiroowo (o).
sunset [sAnset] mutal (ngal). surgery [s0rjri] ti. oppeere (o).
super [syuwp0] adv. dow. surmise [s0rmayz] v. sikkude.
superb [syuwp0rb] adj. ko yubbi, ko surname [s0meym] ti. sowoore (tide), inde
hawri. (tide).
superficial [syuwp0fiys0l] adj. ko woni surpass [s0rpas] v. burde. ~ again
dow, ko luggicfaani. burtaade.
superfluous [syuwp0fluw0s] adj. surplus [s0rpl0s] ti. ko burti.
surprise [s0rprayz] v. bettude.
superimpose [syuwp0rimpowz] v.
surprise [s0rprayz] ti. bettugol (tigol)-,
haawngo (tigo).
superior flJ/. [suwpiyry0] burcfo.
surrender [sArend0] v. jebbilaade.

surround systematic

surround [sarawnd] v. huurde; taaraade, sweeten [swiytan] v. welnude, safnude.

taamude; firlude. sweets [swiyts] n. tangal.
surrounded [s0rawndid] adj. ko taaraa. swell [swel] v. cfuulnude; buutde; Tuufde. ~
surrounding [sarawndi^] n. sara. out buuteede.
surveillance [s8rveyl0ns] u. deengol (ngol). swelling [swelip] n. buutdi (ndi), cfuulde.
surveillant [s0rveyl0nt] n. deenoowo (o). swerve [swarv] v. selde.
survive [s0rvayv] v. wuurde. swift [swift] adj. jaawcfo.
survivor [s0rvayv0] n. guurcfo (oj. swig [swig] n. woobre (nde).
suspect [sAspekt v. sikkitaade; hoolkisaade, swill [swil] V. lawTude.
jiWcude; tuumde. ~ one another swim [swim] v. lummbaade; yinaade;
jikkondirde. wuulaade; yiraade; feeraade. ~ fast
suspend [sAspend] v. liggude. siirtaade. ~ against the tide roontaade
suspicion [sAspiys0n] ii. tuumre (nde), waraango.
tuumal (ngal). swimming [swimip] n. lumbagol (ngdl)\
suspicious [sAspiys0s] koolkisiicfo. lumbayru (ndu).
sustain [sAsteyn] v. namminde; wuurnude. swindle [swindal] v. wujjude.
sustenance [sAstanans] n. nguura. swine [swayn] n. rawaandu (ndu).
susurrant [suwsarant] n. nuumbiicfo, swing [swig] v. sayyaade; jayde.
nuumbotoocfo. swirl [swarl] n. yiriinde (nde).
susurration [swusareysan] n. nuumbagol. swirl [swarl] v. yiileede; yiilde.
suture [suwca] v. rendinde; nootde. switch [swic] V. nifde; hubbude. ~ the light
svelte [svelt] adj. cewcfo. on hubbude lampa. ~ the light off nifde
swaddle [swadal] v. soomde. lampa.
swag [swag] v. wujjude, honde. swith [swid] v. yaawnaade, henaade.
swagger [swaga] v. mawnikinaade. swizzle [swizal] v. wurwude.
swain [sweyn] u. suka (o)\ gaynaako (o). swollen [swolan] adj. buutcfum, ko buuti. ~
testicles wuuko (ngo). ~ glands below
swallow [swalaw] v. tocfcfaade, mocfde. ~ cheekbones leeke (de).
without cheyving mookaade.
swoon [swuwn] v. facfcfaade.
swallowing [swalawip] n. mocfgol (ngol).
sword [sod] n. silaama (ka).
swamp [swamp] v. heewde.
sympathize [simpa0ayz] v. rendude.
swap [swap] v. wostaade.
symptom [simptam] n. maale (de).
swat [swat] v. fiide.
syncretize [sinkratayz] v. etaade rendinde.
swathe [swey9] v. soomde.
syndicate [sindakeyt] n. fedde (nde).
sway [swey] v. dillude.
synonymous [sinownamas] adj. ko nandi
swear [swer] v. waatde; woonde. maanaa.
sweat[swet] v. waaTde; warnude; owlude. syntactic [sintaktik] adj. ko faati e celluka.
sweat [swet] n. warneende (nde)', waaTo syntax [sintaks] n. celluka (ka).
(ngo), olowere (nde).
syrup [sirAp] n. siro (o).
sweater [sweta] n. piliweer (o).
system [systam] n. feere (nde).
sweep [swiyp] v. fittude.
systematic [systamatik] adj. ko faati e
sweeper [swiypa] n. pittoowo (o). feere.
sweeping [swiypip] n. pittugol (ngol).
sweet [swiyt] adj. belcfo, cafcfo. he ~ welde.

tab tassel

tab [tab] v. nikkude. talkative [tok0tiv] adj. leboowo; keewcfo

tabby [tabi] u. ullundu (ndu). haala. be ~ lemsude.
table [teyb0l] n. taabal (ngal). tall [tol] adj. juutcfo; toowcfo. be ~ juutde;
tableau [table] /?. natal (ngal).
tallow [tal0w] n. bellere (nde).
tablet [tablet] n. focfcfere (nde). wooden ~
alluwal (ngal). talon [tal0n] n. takkere (nde).
taboo [tabu] n. wocfa (o). tamarind [tam0rind] n. yabbere (nde):
tabor [tabo] n. baggd (ngel); mbaggu jabbi (ki).
(fJg^O- tame [teym] v. edtude
tabouret [tabure] n. joocforde (nde). tameness [teymnes] n. eeltugol (ngdl).
tacit [tasit] adj. deeYcfo; ko deeYi. tamer [teym0] n. eeltoowo (o).
taciturn [tas0t0rn] adj. nuggaro; deeYcfo. taming [teymig] n. eelto (ngo).
tack [tak] v. beydude. tamper [tamp0] v. waylude.
tackle [tak0l] v. yandinde; naatondirde. tan [tan] v. nobbude; cfatde
tacky [taki] adj. ko bakolini. tandem [tand0m] adj. ko reggondiri, ko
tact [takt] n. teeyre (nde).
tangent [tanj0nt] adj. ko memondiri; ko
tactful [taktf0l] adj. teeycfo.
tactile [taktayl] adj. ko faati e memgol.
tangerine [tanj0rin] n. mandarin; soraas (o).
taction [taks0n] n. memgol (ngdl).
tangible [tanj0b0l] adj. ko memotoo.
taenia [tenya] n. saan (o).
tangle [tang0l] v. jikde; jikondirde.
tail [teyl] n. laaci (ki). reptile ~ dorlol
(ngdl). turn ~ dogde. tannage [tanij] n. nobbugol (ngdl).
tanner [tan0] n. noobboowo (o).
tailor [teyl0] n. jokkoowo (o); nootoowo
(o): tayoor (o). tannery [tanri] n. nobbirde (nde).
taint [teynt] v. ufde; bonde. tanning [tanig] n. cfatgol (ngdl).
take [teyk] v. Tettude, bamde. ~ a large tantamount [tant0mawnt] adj. ko foti; ko
handful of baaftude. ~ across the water wayi.
lumbinde. ~ one's foot off the ground tap [tap] V. hongude; fel]de.
yabbitde. ~ out for ittande. ~ out tap [tap] n. robine (o).
soortude; lokkitde. ~ honey from a hive tape [teyp] n. banda (o).
jumde. ~ away by force teetde. ~ the oath
tape [teyp] v. nangude banda.
tar [tar] n. godoron (o).
tale [teyl] n. tindol (ngdl)', taalol (ngdl). tell
a ~ tindude. tardy [tadi] adj. leelcfo.
talent [tal0nt] n. mbaawka (ka). tare [ter] n. teddeendi (ndi)
talented [tal0nted] adj. baawcfo. target [toget] n. muuya (o). hit the ~ ficfde.
talebearer [teyltel0] n. tindoowo (o). tariff [tarif] n. njobdi duwaan.
talisman [tal0sm0n] n. nawndogal; talkuru tarnish [tOnis] v. moddinde; bonnude.
(ndu). tarry [tari] v. heddaade.
talk [tok] n. kongol (ngdl)', bolle (de). tart [tat] adj. ko lammi; lammucfum.
indirect ~ mallol (ngdl) She is all talk O tartar [tat0] n. tuundi niiYe.
waawi tan ko haalde. task [task] v. waawnude.
talk [tok] V. haalde; wiide. ~ hack sontaade. task [task] n. gollal (ngal) It is your task
~ indirectly about someone mallude. ~ efum ko gollal maa.
with lebdude/haaldude e. ~ behind
someone's hack nohde. ~ too much lebde. tassel [tas0l] n. jombo (ko)', kammonjawo

tassel ten

tassel [tas0l] n. jombinde technician [tekniysan] n. karallo (o).

taste [teyst] v. meecfde; lobbaade. technique [tekniyk] n. feere (nde).
taste [teyst] n. meecfgol (ngdl) It has no technological [teknalowjakal] adj. ko faati
taste Ina soofi. e mbaylaandi.
tasteful [teystfal] adj. ko weli; ko dakmi. technology [teknaloji] n. mbaylaandi (ndi).
tasteless [teystles] adj. tekum; tectonic [tektanik] adj. ko faati e mahdi.
coofcfum. be ~ soofde. tectonics [tektaniks] n. jangde mahdi.
taster [teysta] n. meecfoowo (o). ted [ted] v. yomude.
tasty [teysti] adj. belcfum; cafcfum. make ~ tedious [tiyjas] adj. ko tampini.
safnude. be ~ safde; dakmude, welde. tedium [tiyjam] n. tampere.
tatter [tata] n. ceeltol (ngdl). tee [tiy] n. alkulal (ngal).
tattered [tatad] adj. ceekicfum. be ~ seerde; teem [tiym] v. jibinde; heewde, duudde.
teenager [tiyneyja] n. surga (o).
tattle [tatal] v. saaktude simi.
teeth [tiy0] n. niiYe (de). remove one*s ~
tattler [tatla] n. caaktoowo sirru. solde niiYe mum.
tattoo [tatuw] v. finaade. ~ someone*s lips teethe [tiyd] v. fiidde niiYe.
teg [teg] n. mbortu (nga).
tattoo [tatuw] n. fino (ngo).
tegmen [tegman] n. nguru (ngu).
tattooer [tatuwa] n. tuppoowo (o).
tegument [tegyuwmant] n. nguru (ngu).
taunt [tOnt] v. jalkitde.
telecast [telakast] v. habrirde telewisot].
taurus [tOras] n. bujiri (ndi).
telecommunication n. jangde kabrondiral.
tavern [tavan] n. nokku cfo sangara
telegram [telagram] n. telegaraam (o)
Send him a telegram Neldu mo
tax [taks] n. kubbal (ngal)\ alamaan (o). telegaraam.
taxation [takseysan] n. alamaan (o); kubbal telephone [telafown] n telefol] (o).
telescope [telaskowp] n. longorde (de).
taxi [taksi] n. taksi (o) Let us take a taxi
Njolen e taksi. telescopic [telaskowpik] adj. ko faati e
taxidermy [taksadeimi] n. sokkinne (o).
television [telaviy3an] n. telewisor](o).
tea [tiy] n. ataaye (o). ~ cup taasa/kaas watch the ~ Teewde televisog.
attaye. ~ kettle satalla (ka).
tell [tel] V. wiide; haalande. ~ lies fende;
teach [tiyc] v. janginde; andinde; ekkinde It riimde. ~ a person's genealogy askinde. ~
will teach him a lesson Ma dum wonan stories tindude; daarde. ~ one's own
mo finnde. genealogy askitinaade.
teachable [tiycabal] adj. ko jangintoo. teller [tela] n. kaaloowo (o).
teacher [tiyca] n. ceerno (o): janginoowo temperament [temparamant] n. jikku (o).
temperate [temprat] adj. ko hakindii.
teaching [tiyciig] n. jangingol (ngdl).
temperature [tempaca] n. nguleeki (ki)-,
teak [tiyk] lekki (ki)', leggal (ngal). buubol (ngdl).
team [tiym] n. fedde (nde). tempest [tempast] n. hendu mawndu
teapot [tiypot] n. berraada (nde); kurkur doolnundu.
(o). temporal [temparal] adj. ko faati e
tear [ter] v. seekde. mudda/sahaa.
tear [tiya] n. gongol (ngdl). shed a ~ temporary [temparari] adj. ko duumaaki.
woyde. tempt [tempt] v. jarribaade I was tempted
tease [tiyz] v. yanaade; gaajaade. by the looks Mi jarriba.
teaser [tiyza] n. janotoocfo (o). temptation [tempteysan] n. jarabi (o).
technical [teknakal] adj. ko faati e ten [ten] sappo. ~ hooks defte sappo. ~
karallaagal. capande (de).

tenable thigh

tenable [tanabal] adj. ko jaggotoo. texture [teksc9] ti. canu (ngn).

tenacious [t9neys9s] adj. 13atcfo. thank [Gagk] v. jaarde. -you a jaaraama; a
tenant [ten9nt] n. kocfcfo e nokku janano. yettaama; albarka. ~ God Alla jaaraama;
njetten Alla. ~s to him Alla e makko.
tend [tend] v. moccude.
thankful [0agkf9l] adj. jettucfo. I am
tender [tend9] adj. ko waggicfi.
thankful to you Mbecfe yettu maa / Mi
tenebrous [ten9br9s] adj. ko nibbicfi. yettii ma.
tenet [tenet] n. miijo (ngo). that [5at] det. oon; oya. ~ one oocfaa; oya.
tense [tens] adj. ko l]eeri. thatch [Gate] v. tibde; huurde; muurde.
tent [tent] n. tilliisa (o). thaw [Go] V. saayde.
tentative [tent9tiv] adj. ko faati e etagol. the [59] det. cfam; hon; ba; cfi; ki, cfe; kal;
tenth [tenG] sappabo (o). ka, o, ba.
tergiversate [t9rj9v9seyt] v. waylude miijo theater [Giy9t9] ti. tiyaataar (o).
mum. theatrical [Giy9trik9l] adj. ko faati e
term rt9rm] n. mudda (o); happu (o): tiyaataar.
konj )1 (figol). be in good ~ with theft [Geft] ti. nguyka (ka).
nano dirde; faamondirde.
their [der] proti. mumen; mabbe, ko
termii ate [t9rm9neyt] v. gasnude; haljitde. mabbe.
termir ation [t9rm9neys9n] n. kaljitgol theirs [5erz] proti. mabbe; ko mabbe.
(figol •

them [dem] proti. kambe.

terrain alogy [t9rm9nowl9ji] n. kongucfi.
themselves [6emselvz] proti. kambe
terminus [t9rm9n9s] n. haacfirde (nde). koyemabbe.
termite [t9rmayt] ti. mooyu (tign). then [den] ad\>. hanti; ndeen.
ternary [t9rn9ri] adj. ko faati e tati. theoretical [Giytr9k9l] adj. ko faati e
terrene [t9riyn] adj. ko faati e aduna. miijo/miijooji.
terrestrial [t9restry9l] adj. ko faati e leydi. theory [Giyri] ti. miijo (tigo), miijooji (cfi).
terrible [ter9b9l] adj. ko hulbinii; ko boni. therapeutic [Ger9pyuwtik] adj. ko faati e
terrify [ter9fay] v. hulbinde; weftilde. safaara.
territory [ter9t9ri] n. leydi (ridi). there [der] adv. to; cfoon; toon; cfaa.
terror [ter9] ti. kulol (ngol). therefore [derfowr] adv. efum noon,
terrorize [ter9rayz] v. hulbinde; weftilde. thereupon [derApon] adv. efum noon,
tertiary [t9rs9ri] adj. tatabo; ko faati e tati. thermal [G9rm9l] adj. ko faati e nguleeki.
test [test] V. jarribaade ~ someone’s thermos [G9rm9s] ti. termos (o).
patience Yeewde cfo munal necfcfo haacfi. thesaurus [Ges9r9s] ti. saggitorde (tide).
testament [test9m9nt] n. wasiya (o); these [diyz] det. cfii; kon.
wasiya ndonu. thesis [Giysiz] ti. miijo (tigo).
testicle [test9k9l] //. bottere (tide). theta [Get9] ti. alkulal (tigal).
testify [test9fay] v. jal]taade, seedaade they [dey] pr. be; kamen; kambe.
testimony [test9m9ni] ti. jal3tag61 (tigol).
thick [Gik] adj. tekkucfum; modducfum. he
testy [testi] adj. muhtoridcfo. - moddude; tekkude.
tetanus [tet9n9s] //. tetaanoos. thicken [Gik9n] v. moddinde. ~ sauce by
tete-a-tete [tetatet] adj. hakkunde yimbe adding flour toorde.
cficfo. thicket [Gik9t] ti. dundu (tidu).
tether [ted9] v. habbude, tongude. thickness [Giknes] ti. moddugol (tigol).
tetra- [tetr9] pref. nay. thief [Giyf] ti. gujjo (o) You are a thief Aan
text [tekst] n. windande (tide). ko a gujjo.
textile [tekstayl] ti. bagi (o). thieve [Giyv] v. wujjude.
textual [teksc9l] adj. ko faati e windande. thigh [Gay] ti. bubal (tigal)-, asangal (tigal).

thin time

thin [Gin] adj. 1) cewcfo 2) ko wosii; thrive [Grayv] v. bamtaade; Yellitaade.

gosiicfo. be ~ sewde, wosaade. a ~ person throat [Growt] ti. goddol (tigol)',
cewcfo (o). kondorobol (tigdl).
thing [Gig] n. huunde (nde). some- huunde throb [Grob] v. dillude (bemde); diwde.
throne [Grown] ti. laamu (tigu) throng
think [Gigk] v. miijaade; sikkude. [Grog] ti. deental yimbe.
thinkable [Gigk0b0l] adj. ko ina miijee. throttle [Grot0l] v. cfecfcfude.
thinker [Gigk0] ti. miijotoocfo (o). through [Gruw] prep, dow, nder.
third [G0rd] ord. tatabo. throughout [Gruwawt] prep, nokku kala.
thirl [G0rl] v. yulde. throw [Grow] v. werlaade, weddaade. ~ off
thirst [G0rst] n. cfomka (ka)-, cfomcfugol tuucfde. ~ down yandinde, fukkude.
(tigol). thrust [GrAst] v. dunde; yiwde.
thirsty [G0rsti] adj. cfomcfucfo. he - thud [GAd] ti. dille.
cfomcfude. thug [GAg] ti. aawase (o); saaysaaye (o);
thirteen [G0rtiyn] mmi. sappo e tati. banndi (o).
thirty [G0rti] num. capancfe tati. thumb [GAm] ti. fecfeendu wordu.
this [dis] del. oo; kii; ndii; baa. thump [GAmp] v. oYYude.
thong [Gog] n. ceeltol (tigdl). thunder [GAnd0] v. digaade
thoracic [Gor0sik] adj. ko faati e becce. thunder [GAnd0] ti. digaango (tigo)',
thorax [Goraks] n. becce (cfe). hartaango (tigo).
thorn [Gom] ti. giyal (ngal)\ hebbere (tide); thunderbolt [GAnd0rbolt] ti. kaaYel
tuppere (tide). manaango.
thorough [Gor0] adj. ko timmi; ko Thursday [G0rsdi] ti. alkamiisa (o).
hubtodini. thus [dAs] ad\\ noon,
those [6owz] det. beya; cfiin, cfiya. thwart [Gwot] ti. luutndaade.
thought [Got] ti. miijo (tigo), sikke (o) a tibia [tiby0] ti. Yiyal korlal.
penny for your ~s hoi ko miijoto cfaa. tick [tik] V. dillude.
thoughtful [Gotf0l] adj. miijotoocfo. ticket [tiket] ti. biye (o).
thoughtless [Gotles] adj. mo heewaani tickle [tik0l] v. niklude. ~ he -ish
miijo. weebeede jaleecfe.
thousand [Gawz0nd] ti. wuluure (tide); tickler [tikl0] ti. nikloowo (o).
ujunere (tide).
tidy [taydi] adj. ko reggondiri; ko feewi.
thrall [Grol] ti. maccuCfo.
tie [tay] v. habbude; humde; sinndude. ~ in
thrash [Gras] v. lappude, foolde. a bundle saawde. ~ someone’s belt
thrasher [Gras] ti. poolcfo. dadnude. ~ one's pants duhaade. ~
thread [Gred] v. wuurtude. around the waist dadaade, delfinde. ~
thread [Gred] ti. gaarawol (tigol)', motto one's sarong/skirt haddaade. ~ around
(figo). the head fiilde. ~ legs up tongude.
threat [Gret] ti. baabagol (tigol). tiger [tayg0] ti. katamaawu (tigu).
threaten [Gret0n] v. gijaade; giddude, tight [tayt] adj. l^eercfum, teel]cfum. he -
baabaade, bagde. faacfeede. be very - teeI3de, I^eerde.
threatener [Gret0n0] ti. gijotoocfo. tighten [tayt0n] v. teel^nude; T]eernude,
three [Griy] tiurti. tati.
till [til] cotij. haa.
threefold [Griyfowld] adj. laabi tati.
tilt [tilt] V. muurde.
thresh [Gres] v. sampaade; lappude gawri.
timber [timb0] ti. leggal (tigal).
thrift [Grift] /?. nganaari (tidi).
time [taym] ti. tuma (o); sahaa (o); mudda
thrill [Gril] v. sinnude.
(o). spend a long - ruumde a particular
thriller [Gril0] ti. cinnoowo (o). -ago nandeen ~ gongol many

timer torts

~.v laabi keewcfi. WJtat time is it Hoi token [towk0n] ti. maale (cfe).
waktu joncfo? tolerable [tol0r0b0l] adj. ko munotoo.
timer [taym0] n. deenoowo waktu. tolerance [tol0r0ns] ti. munal (ngal).
timid [timid] adj. nuggaro (o); mo wonaa tolerant [tol0r0ns] adj. muncfo.
cakalo. tolerate [tol0reyt] v. munde.
timorous [tim8r9s] adj. beftilaacfo, toll [tol] ti. njobdi (tidi).
toll [tol] V. sel^lude.
tin [tin] n. boyet njamndi.
tom [tom] wordu.
tine [tayn] v. majjude; majjireede, majjinde.
tomahawk [tom0hok] ti. jambere (tide).
tingle [tii]g8l] v. t]atde.
tomato [t0meyt0] ti. menturjeere (tide);
tinker [tii]k0] ii. basoowo (o). tamatere (tide).
tint [tint] v. bulde; noorde. tomb [turn] ti. yanaande (tide).
tiny [tayni] adj. pamarel, tokosel. tomcat [tomkat] ti. bal3baI3ru (tidu).
tip [tip] //. cebtam joofirde (tide). ~
tomfool [tomfiiwl] ti. beemcfo; puuYcfo.
top cebtam. ~ out wancinde. give a ~
tomorrow [tuwm0row] adv. jango.
rokkude carwoowo kaalis.
tongue [tAp] ti. cfemngal (tigal). hold one's
tipple [tip0l] V. yarde sangara.
~ deYYude.
tipsy [tipsi] adj. cirwucfo. fte~sirwude.
tonight [tuwnayt] ti. hande jamma.
tire [tay0] v. tampinde.
tonsil [tons0l] ti. cfakane (o).
tired [tay0d] adj. tampucfo. be ~ tampude.
be very ~ tampude; hortaade; lohde. tonsure [tons0] ti. pembugol (tigol).
too [tuw] adv. ko burti.
tiredness [tay0dnes] n. tampere (tide).
tool [tuwl] ti. liggorgal (tigal). ~for digging
tiresome [tay0sAm] adj. ko tampinta.
sombe (o) ~ for mending basirgal (ngal).
tithe [tay0] ti. asakal (tigal)\ usuru (tidu). ~ for leveling floors meldugal (tigal).
tithe [tay0] v. askude. toom [tuwm] meho.
tither [tid0] ti. askoowo (o). tooth [tuw0] ti. niire (tide), -brush
titilate [titleyt] v. niklude. coccorgal (tigal). ~ ache muusu niiYe.
title [tayt0l] ti. inde (tide), chiefs ~ joom; niire muusoore. have a sweet ~ yicfde ko
bees (o): satigi (o). fisherman's ~ weli.
jaaltaabe (o). toothless [tuw01es] adj. colcfo.
titter [tit0] v. jalde. top [top] ti. dow.
titubation [tit0beys0n] ti. daaldaalnugol. tope [towp] V. yarde.
to [tuw] prep. to. topi [towpi] ti. lella (ba).
toad [towd] ti. faaburu (tidu). topography [topowgr0fi] ti. sifaa (o).
toast [towst] V. wulnude; wultinde. topple [top0l] V. yandinde; fiiltude.
tobacco [tobako] ti. simme (o). torch [toe] ti. fooyre (tide).
tocher [toc0] ti. tel]e (de). torment [tom0nt] v. haljinde.
tod [tod] ti. betirde (tide). tormentor [tOm0nt0] ti. kaljinoowo (o).
today [tudey] ti. hande (o). torn [ton] adj. ceekiicfo, ceekicfum; ko
toddle [tod0l] v. ruudde. seekii. be ~ seekaade.
toe [tow] ti. fecfeendu koyngal. torrent [torOnt] ti. waraango (tigo).
toenail [towneyl] ti. segene fecfeendu torrential [tor8ns0l] adj. ko faati e
koyngal. waraango.
tog [tog] V. yoocfnaade. torrid [torid] adj. ko wuli.
together [tuged0] adv. ko wondi. torso [toso] ti. becce (cfe).
toil [toyl] //. liggeey (o); gollal (tigal)\ tort [tot] ti. toonange (tige).
liggaade. tortoise [totos] ti. heende (tide).
toilet [toylet] ti. firlorde (tide). torts [tots] ti. toonange; hakke.

tortuous transient

tortuous [tocuw0s] adj. ko oonii. tradition [tr0diys0n] n. aada (o); aadaaji

torture [toc0] v. lebtude. (CTJ).
torture [toc0] n. lebte (cfe). traditional [tr0diys0n0l] adj. ko faati e
toss [tos] V. werlaade. ~ and catch with the aada.
hand tebbaade tot [tot] n. kurka (o). traduce [tr0dyuws] v. nohde, janfaade,
total [towt0l] n. fof. bonnitde.
tote [towt] V. wuundaade. traffic [trafik] adj. otooji/laacfe jahooje/ji.
totem [totem] n. sanam (o). tragedy [traj0di] n. bonande (nde).
touch [tAc] V. memde. ~ with memirde. ~ tragic [trajik] adj. ko faati e bonande.
again memtude. be in ~j6kk6ndirde. stay trail [treyl] v. rewde; abbaade.
in ~ jokkondirde. train [treyn] n. laana njoomdi, otoraay (o).
touchy [tAci] n. loobcfo. train [treyn] v. nehde.
tough [tAf] adj. tiicfcfo. trainee [treyni] n. ekkotocfo (o).
toughen [tAf0n] v. tiicfnude. trainer [treyn0] n. eekkinoowo (o).
tour [tuwr] v. cfannaade, yiilaade. training [treynig] n. ekko (ngo).
tourist [tuwrist] n. cfanniicfo (o); jilliicfo trait [treyt] n. mbaadi (ndi); sifaa (o).
(o). traitor [treyt0] n. janfotoocfo (o).
tournament [t0m0m0nt] ti. kawgel (ngel). traitorous [treyc0r0s] adj. ko faati e janfa.
tout [tawt] n. jaasuus (o). trajectory [tr0jekt0ri] n. laawol (ngol).
tow [tow] V. sindude. tramp [tramp] v. yahrude koycfe; denkude
toward [tuw0d] prep, ko tiindii e. koyngal.
towel [taw0l] ti. sarbet (o). trample [tramp0l] v. denkude koycfe.
tower [taw0] ti. mahdi toowndi. tranquil [tr0nkwil] adj. deeYcfo.
town [tawn] ti. saare (nde). small ~ gurel tranquility [tr05kwil0ti] n. deeYre (nde).
(ngel). ~ crier jeeynoowo (o). Boghe is tranquilize [tr0pkw0layz] v. deeYde;
my home town Njeyaami ko Boghe. deeYnude.
toxic [toksik] adj. ko faati e posone. transact [tranz0kt] v. haaldude,
toy [toy] n. pijirgel (ngel), yeeytondirde, haaldeede, yeeytondireede.
trace [treys] v. yiitude. transaction [tranz0ks0n] n. kaaldigal
trace [treys] n. diidol (ngol). ~ left by a jeeytondiral (ngal).
snake laadol (ngol). ~ left after hoing transcend [transend] v. diwde, burde.
paafal (ngal). transcribe [transkrayb] v. windude.
tracer [treys0] n. jiilotoocfo (o), transcription [tr0nskrips0n] n. bindol
trachea [trakiy0] n. kojombol (ngol). (ngdl)\ bindugol (ngol).
track [trak] n. daasol; laawol. ~ left by transfer [transf0] v. yahde nokku gocrdo;
scraping keefol (ngol). ~ of cattle lappol yuppude, eggude.
(ngol). transfigure [transfig0] v. waylude
traction [traks0n] n. poocfgol (ngol). mbaadi/tagoodi.
tractor [trakt0] n. sambatali (o). transform [transfom] v. waylude.
trade [treyd] v. julaade. transformation [transfmeys0n] n.
trade [treyd] n. njeeygu (ngn); gostondiral mbaylaandi (ndi): baylugol (ngol).
(ngal). ~ by barter baija (o) haacfi haacfa. transgress [transgres] v. luutndaade; diwde
~ season teret (o). e\>eryone to his ~ laawol, bakkodinde, toohde.
necfcfo fof ko mum. transgression [transgr0s0n] n. luutndagol
trader [treyd0] n. jeeyoowo (o); julanke laawol.
(o). transhumance [transhyuwm0ns] n. eggudu
tradesman [treydsm0n] n. julanke (o); jula. (ndu).
trading [treydig] n. julankaagal (ngal). transient [trans0nt] adj. ko duumaaki, ko

transit troublemaker

transit [tranzit] v. Yaal^de; rewde. trench [trenc] n. gaawol (ngdl)

translate [transleyt] v. firde, nantinde. trespass [trespas] v. naattude e , toonde.
translation [transleys0n] /?. firo (ngo). tress [tres] n. atturu (ndu); moorol (ngdl)-,
translator [transleyta] n. nantinoowo (o); moori (cfi).
piroowo (o) trey [trey] n. tati.
transmit [tranzmit] v. yettinde nulal; triad [trayad] n. fedde tato.
raabde. trial [trayal] n. 1) naawoore (nde). 2) ekko
transpire [transpay0] v. warnude; waaYde. (ngo)-, ekkagol (ngdl)-, etagol (ngdl).
transplant [transplant] v. nibtaade. tribal [traybal] adj. ko faati e hinde/lenol.
transport [transpOt] v. nawde. tribe [trayb] n. hinde (nde); lenol.
trap [trap] v. tuufaade. tribulation [trabyuwleysan] n. mettere.
trap [trap] n. wilde. tribunal [traybyuwnal] n. naaworde (nde);
trash [tras] n. kuijuru (o), naawirde (nde).
trashy [trasi] adj. ko faati e kurjuru. tributary [tribatari] adj. jiimaacfo.
travail [travay] n. liggeey muuscfo. tribute [tribyuwt] n. njobdi (ndi).
travel [traval] v. cfanaade I am traveling trick [trik] v. tiiuntude.
today ko hande cfannotoomi. trickery [trikri] n. fliunti (o).
traveler [travala] n. cfanniicfo (o); trickle [trikal] v. siimtude.
cfannotoodo (o). trickster [triksta] n. puuntoowo (o).
traverse [travars] v. taccude. tricky [triki] adj. ko weebaani.
trawl [trol] /?. gubbol (ngdl). trier [traya] n. etotoocfo.
trawl [trol] v. awde. trifle [trayfal] v. gaajaare (nde): meere
tray [trey] n. palaat (o). (nde): nuflucfum.
treacherous [triycaras] adj. ko faati e trigger [triga] n. rawaandu fetel.
fuunti/janfa. trilemma [trilema] n. ngaanumma (o).
treachery [triycari] n. janfa (o). trim [trim] v. meccude; naaltaade; hesde.
tread [tred] v. yabbude. trimmer [trima] n. kesoowo (o).
treason [triyzan] /?. janfa (o). trip [trip] v. taataade. ~ along nekkude.
treasure [tre3a] n. ngalu (ngii). trip [trip] n. cfangal (ngal).
treasury [tre3ari] u. mooftirde kaalis tripartite [traypartayt] adj. gecfe walla
laamu. pecce tati.
treat [triyt] ih bagoore (nde). triple [tripal] n. tabbitgal (ngal).
treat [triyt] v. safrude. ~ with respect triple [tripal] v. tabbitde.
teddinde. ~ a guest hocftude. trisect [traysekt] v. feccude pecce tati.
treatise [triytiz] n. tindol (ngdl), kawral triumph [trayamf] v. foolde.
triumphant [trayamfant] adj. poolcfo.
treatment [triytmant] n. safaara (o).
triviality [trivyalti] n. meere (nde): maayka
treaty [triyti] n. nanondiral (ngal)-, nandiral, (ka).
ahdi (o) sign a ~ siifde nanondiral.
trivialize [trivyalayz] v. soofnude,
treble [trebal] v. fiyde laabi tati.
tree [triy] n. lekki (ki). ~ trunk foobre
troll [trol] V. yimde.
troop [truwp] n. deental yimbe.
tremble [trembal] v. sinnude. ~ in every
limb sinnude gerger. trot [trot] V. nekkude.
tremendous [tramendas] adj. mawnucfum; troth [tro0] n. cfowtaare (nde).
keewcfum. trouble [trAbal] n. tanaa (o).
tremor [trema] n. 1) cinhel gujjo 2) trouble [trAbal] v. ownude.
jerbugol (ngdl). troublemaker [trAbalmeyka] n. toonoowo

troublesome twilight

troublesome [trAbalsAm] adj. toonoowo. tuft [tAft] n. raYYere (nde); ranneere (nde);
trough [trof] u. waare lecfcfe. toggere (nde).
troupe [truwp] ti. tump (o). tug [tAg] V. foocfde; liggaade.
trousers [trawz0z] u. tuuba (ba) his wife tuition [twiysan] n. njobdi jangde.
wears the trousers ko o baawaacfo. turn [tAm] V. mottude.
trousseau [tmwsow] n. comci walla tumble [tAmbal] v. yande; firlaade.
cucfaari jombaajo. tumefaction [tuwmafaksan] n. buutdi
trout [trawt] n. liingu Ojgu)> (ndi).
trow [trow] v. sikkude. tumefy [tuwmafay] v. buutde.
truant [tmwant] n. dogcfo lekkol. tumid [tyuwmid] adj. ko buuti.
truce [tmws] n. daragol (ngdl), kawral tummy [tAmi] n. reedu (ndu).
(ngal). tumor tuwma] n. buutdi (ndi).
truck [trAk] ii. kamiyol] (o) tumult [tuwmAlt] n. dille (cfe).
trucker [trAka] /?. dognoowo kaniyol]. tun [tAn] n. barigal (ngal).
truculent [tr0kyuwl0nt] adj. nangucfo. tune [tyuwn] n. leebol (ngdl); baar (o) get
trudge [trAj] v. yahde. out of ~ luurdeede.
true [tmw] adj. ko woni goonga. tup [tAp] n. njawdi (ndi).
truism [tmwizm] n. goonga. turban [tarban] n. meetelol (ngdl); kaala.
trull [trAl] n. garbotoocfo. turbit [tarbit] n. uuga (o).
trumpery [trAmp0ri] /?. ko nafataa. turbulence [tarbyalans] n. piddugol (ngdl).
trumpet [trAmpet] //. liital (ngal). turbulent [tarbyalant] adj. pidducfo.
trumpeter [trAmp0t0] n. liitoowo (o). turf [tarf] n. huCfo siiwre.
truncate [trApkeyt] v. rabbicfinde. turgent [tarjant] adj. ko buuti.
truncation [trApkeys0n] n. dabbicfingol turgid [tarjad] adj. ko buuti.
(ngdl). turmoil [tarmoyl] n. jiibm (ndu).
truncheon [trAncan] n. bolol] (o); b616I]el turn [tarn] v. yiilaade, yiilnude. ~ mature
(ngel). yontude. — grey flircfude. ~ one's hack to
trunk [trApk] n. 1) foobre (nde) 2) wakande rumtaade. ~ one's stomach timde. ~
(nde). around a place wangaade. ~ off nifde.
truss [trAs] v. habbude. turnover [tarnowva] v. hippude.
truss [trAs] n. wahre hucfo. turret [tAret] n. sooroo (o).
trust [trAst] V. hoolaade; g66I]cfinde. ~ turtle [tartal] n. amre (nde).
with halfinde tusk [tAsk] n. hoggo (ngo).
trust [trAst] n. hoolaare (nde). tussle [tAsal] n. hare (nde); luurondiral
trustful [trAstfal] adj. kooliicfo. (ngal).
trustworthy [trAstwOdi] adj. koolaacfo. he tutor [tuwta] n. caggitoowo (o);
~ hooleede. janginoowo (o).
truth [tmw0] n. goonga (o) tell the ~ tutorage [tuwtarij] n. jangingol.
haalde goonga tweet [twiyt] v. Yiikde.
truthful [tmwGfal] adj. gool3cfucfo. tweeze [twiyz] v. borde, cToofde.
koolaacfo. he ~ gool^cfude. twelfth [twelfB] ord. sappo e cficfabo.
try V. etaade; enndude. ~ hard tiinnaade. ~ twelve [twelv] num. sappo e cficfi.
on fondaade.
twenty [twenti] num. noogaas
tsetse [tsetse] n. mbuubu (ngn). upland ~
twice [tways] adv. laabi cficfi.
kayfal (ngal)
twig [twig] pucfdi (ndi).
tub [tAb] V. buftaade.
twilight [twaylayt] n. futuro; weetndoogo
tuck [tAk] V. naatnude.
Tuesday [cuwsdi] n. talaata (o).

twin tyro

twin [twin] n. funeere (nde) He is my twin two [tuw] num. cficfi.

brother Ko kanko woni funeere am gorko. tycoon [taykuwn] galo.
twink [twii]k] v. majde. type [tayp] n. mbaadi (ndi).
twinkle [twi^kol] v. jalbude; lewnude. type [tayp] v. tappude.
twinkle [twigkal] u. majaango (tigo). in the typist [taypist] n. tappoowo (o).
~ of an eye e majaango yitere. tyrant [tayrant] n. gownoowo beeli.
twirl [tw8rl] v. yiilde. tyro [tayrow] ?i. ekkotoocfo (o).
twist [twist] V. harlude, haaYde.
twitter [twita] v. Yiikde.
ubiquitous ungrateful

ubiquitous [yubikwotas] adj. ko woni uncle [Agk0l] n. kaaw
nokku kala. unclean [0nkliyn] adj. tunwucfo.
ugly [Agli] adj. coofcfo. ~ words haala uncleanliness [0nklenl0nes] n. tuundi (ndi).
unclose [0nklowz] v. udditde.
ulcer [A1S0] n. naw (rigid); nawannde (ride).
unconcerned [0nk0ns0rnd] adj. mo
ulema [ul0ma] ri. gando (o); ceemo (o). wondaaka.
ulterior [Altiyry0] adj. ko fayi arde. uncooked [0nkukt] adj. ko defaaka; ko
ultima [Alt0ma] n. hijjande wattannde. bendaani.
ultimate [Alt0met] adj. battano. uncork [0nkok] v, sukkitde
ultra [Altr0] adj. ko burti. uncover [0nkov0] v. hippitde; suurtaade.
ulu [uwluw] 11. paaka (ka)\ njuulaawi (ki). under [And0] prep. les. Go under the tree
ululate [yuwlyuwleyt] v. fjuurde. Sakko less lekki ki.
umbra [Ambr0] ri. buubri (ndi). underline [And0layn] v. diidde les;
umbrage [Ambrij] n. toonange (nge).
umbrella [Ambr0la] n. waado; paraseewal undermine [And0mayn] v. bonnude, asde.
(ngal). underneath [And0niy0] adv. les. be ~
unabated [0nabeytid] adj. ko ustaaka, sakkaade.
doolnucfo. underpants [And0pants] /?. tuuba cakkiiba.
unable [0neyb0l] adj. donkucfo. he ~ undersarong [And0sarog] n. pendel (ngel).
ronkude. I am unable to meet with you undersell [And0sel] v. wantirde; ustude
today Mi waawaa hawrude e maa hande. coggu.
unabridged [0nabrijd] adj. ko dottaaka. undershirt [And0s0rt] n. gensu (ngu).
unaccented [0naks0nt0d] adj. ko masaaka; understand [And0stand] v. faamde; nande.
ko tekkinaaka. I do not understand Mi faamaani.
unacquired [0n0kway0d] adj. ko hebaaka. understandable adj. ko faamnii
unadjusted [0n0j0st0d] adj. ko fotaani. understanding [And0standi5] n.
unalterable [0n0lt0r0b0l] adj. ko faamaamuya (o). come to an ~
waylaaka. faamondirde.
unanimity [yuwn0n0miti] ti. yimbe fof. undisciplined [0nd0s0plind] adj. neetaro.
unapt [0napt] adj. donkucfo. undo [0ndu] v. firtude. ~ someone's hair
santude. ~ one's braids santaade.
unarmed [0namd] adj. mo jogitaaki.
unattainable [0n0teyn0b0l] adj. ko undress [0ndres] v. boortude; booraade,
boortaade. ~ someone boorde.
unattended [0n0tend0d] adj. mo undulate [Anjuwleyt] v. addude bempeYYe.
toppitaaka. Do not leave him unattended unearth [0n0r0] v. ubbitde.
Hoi to cfaccu mo kanko gooto. uneven [0niyv0n] adj. ko fotaani.
unattractive [0traktiv] adj. ko/mo unexpected [0nekspektid] adj. ko tijjaaka.
yoocfaani. unfaithful [0nfey0f0l] adj. mo cfowtaaki;
unavailable [0n0veyl0b0l] adj. ko/mo pijoowo.
hebotaako, mo hebaaki. He is unfasten [0nfas0n] v. habbitde.
unavailable O hebaaki.
unfinished [0nfinisd] adj. ko gasaani.
unbend [0nbend] v. turtaade. unfold [0nfowld] v. sowtude.
unbraiding [0nbreydi5] n. cantugol (ngol). unfortunate [0nfoc0n0t] adj. malkisaacfo.
uncertain [0ns0rt0n] adj. mo yananaaka. he ~ Jooteede, malkiseede. ~ person
He is uncertain O yananaaka. jootaado (o); malkisaacfo (o).
uncircumcised [0ns0rk0msayzd] adj. ungrateful [0ngreytf0l] adj. mo rokkataa
solima (o); mo duhaaki. wune.

unhook us

unhook [0nhuwk] v. loggitde. untie [0ntay] v. fiiltude; habbitde, fibtude;

unification [yuwn0fikeys8n] ti. deentugol humtude. ~ one's pants duhtude;
(ngol). duhtaade.
uniform [yuwn0fom] adj. ko foti; ko nandi until [0ntil] conj. haa. haajooni.
tagoodi; paltu; comcol. untouchable [0ntAc0b0l] adj. ko
uniformity [yuwn0fom0ti] n. nandugol memotaako.
(ngol). unveil [0veyl] v. muurtude.
unify [yuwn0fay] v. reentinde; rendinde. unwanted [0nwantid] adj. mo alaa jicfcfo.
unilateral [yuwn0lat0r0l] adj. ko faati e unwariness [0nwer0nes] n. hoomto (ngo).
bange gooto. unwary [0nweyri] adj. koomtaacfo. make ~
uninteresting [0nint0resti5] adj. tekum. hoomtude.
union [yuwny0n] n. deental (ngal). unwed [0nwed] adj. cooycfo. be ~ for a
unionize [yuwny0nayz] v. reentude. long time sooyde.
unique [yuniyk] adj. wootere; gooto; bajjo. up [h'f\prep. dow.
unitary [yuwn0t0ri] adj. ko rendinta. up-to-date [Apt0deyt] adj. keso, kesum.
unite [yunayt] v. reentude, rendinde, upbringing [Apbri^ii)] n. nehdi (ndi).
rendude. update [Apdeyt] v. hescfitinde.
united [yunaytid] adj. ko reenti, reentube. upheaval [Aphiyv0l] n. fitina (o).
unity [yun0ti] n. deental (ngal). uphold [Aphold] V. heddaade e.
universal [yuniv0rs0l] adj. ko hubtodini. uplift [Aplift] V. suutde; suutude.
universe [yuniv0rs] n. windere (nde). upon [Apon] prep, dow; nde. once ~ a time
unjust [0njAst] adj. ooniicfo. Ae~oonaade. Ina wona wonataa ko tindol.
unknown [0nnown] adj. ko andaaka; ko upper [Ap0] adj. goncfo dow; burcfo
humpaa; kumpacfum. toowde.
unlawful [0nlof0l] adj. ko rewaani laawol. uppermost [Ap0most] ach’. burcfo fof
unleash [0nliys] v. humtude. toowde.
upright [Aprayt] adj. ko fooYtii;
unless [0nles] conj. so wonaa; illaa.
unload [0nlowd] v. rimtude. ~ from one's
uprise [Aprayz] v. ummaade.
head rootaade.
uproar [Aprowr] n. gulaali (di).
unlock [0nlak] v. soktude.
uproot [Apruwt] v. cfuggitde.
unlucky [0nlAki] adj. malkisaacfo.
upset [Apset] V. seknude; laawde,
unpack [0npak] v. habbitde kaake.
haabnude. be ~ mettinde; sekde;
unpleasant [0nplez0nt] adj. mettucfo. be ~ laawaade, bernude.
upside-down [Apsaydawn] adj.
unpopular [0npopul0] adj. mo daijaani. junnitticfum. ~ junnitaade.
unravel [0nrav0l] v. jiktude. upstairs [Apsters] adj. dow iskale.
unrest [0nrest] n. dillere (nde). upward [ApwOd] adj. ko fayi dow.
unripe [0nrayp] adj. kecco; baggo. be ~ urge [0rj] v. waawnude.
waggiade, heccicfde.
urgency [0rj0nsi] n. sokla kenoraacfo; ko
unroll [0nrol] v. taggitde. hefioraa.
unsatisfied [0nsat0sfayd] adj. jawcfo; mo urinal [yur0n0l] adj. ko faati e soofirde.
weltaaki. be ~ yawde.
urinate [yuwr0neyt] v. diccaade, soofde;
unscrew [0nskruw] v. biiYtude. taaraade, bawlude; timpaade. ~ in one's
unseal [0nsiyl] v. mubbitde. clothing bonnitaade. have the urge to ~
unsold [0nsowld] adj. ko Iambi; lambucfum. buuTeede coofe.
be ~ lambude. urine [yuwrin] n. kaaye (cfe)\ taare (cfe)\
unstick [0nstick] v. takkitde; cfakkitde. dicce (de).
untangle [0nta]]g0l] v. jiktude. us [AS] pro//, enen.

usable uvula

usable [yuwzabal] adj. ko huutortee; ko ina usually [yuw38li] adv. sahaa sahaa; sahaa
huutoree. kala.
use [yuws] n. nafoore (nde). of no ~ ko alaa usurer [yuw3r8] n. namloowo (o).
nafoore. of great ~ ko heewi nafoore. usurp [yuw30rp] v. teetde.
use [yuwz] v. naftoraade. as a pillow usurpation [yuw30rp] n. teetere (nde).
aflaade. utensil [yuwt0ns0l] n. kaake defirteecfe.
used [yuwzd] adj. kuutoraacfum; ko utility [yuwt0l0ti] n. nafoore (nde).
huutoraa. be ~ to woowde.
utilize [yuwt0layz] v. huutoraade.
useful [yuwzfal] adj. nafojum; ko nafata. be
~ nafde. utmost [Atmowst] adj. burdo fof ,
uselesness [yuwzlasnes] «. jaasre (nde). utter [At0] V. wowlude.
useless [yuwzles] adj. ko alaa nafoore. be ~ utterance [Atr0ns] n. wowlaango (ngo).
jaasde, lohde. uvula [yuwv0l0] n. dakane (o).
usual [yuw30l] adj. ko woowaa.

vacant venture

vacant [veykant] adj. meho. vanish [vanis] v. wirnaade, majjude.

vacate [vakeyt] v. eggude, iwde e nokku. vanity [van0ti] ti. nguttu (tigu).
vacation [v0keys9n] n. guurti (di). vanquish [vagkis] v. foolde.
vaccinate [vaks0neyt] v. fesde. vapid [vap0d] adj. tekum.
vaccinated [vaks0neyt0d] adj. pesaacfo. he vaporize [veyp0rayz] v. suyde.
~ fesaade. variable [v0ry0b0l] adj. ko waylotoo.
vaccination [vaks0neys0n] n. pesagol variance [v0ry0ns] ti. baylagol (ngol).
(ngol). ~ mark (nde). variation [v0ryeys0n] ti. baylagol (ngol).
vaccinator [vaks0neyt0] n. pesoowo (o). various [v0ry0s] adj. keewcfi, ko heewi;
vacillant [vas0l0nt] adj. daaldaalnucfo. heewbe, ceercfi.
vacillate [vas0leyt] v. daaldaalnude. vary [veyri] v. waylude.
vacuity [vakyuti] n. mehru (ndu). vasal [veys0l] n. necfcfo lubaacfo leydi.
vacuous [vaky0s] adj. mehum. vase [veyz] ti. lahal (tigal).
vagabond [vag0bond] //. huywere (tide); vast [vast] adj. jaaYcfo; ko yaaji.
mo alaa haaju/hammu. vaticinate [vatis0neyt] v. jeertinde.
vagabondage [vag0bondij] n. kuywaagu vault [volt] V. diwde, tuggaade e.
(mO- vaunt [vOnt] v. wasaade.
vagina [v0jayn0] ti. fii (o); sedere (tide);
kottu (tigii); melde (tide). veal [viyl] n. nale (tige).
vaginal [v0jayn0l] adj. ko faati e kaake veer [viyr] v. selde.
debbo. vegetable [vej0t0b0l] ti. lujum (o).
vagrant [veygr0nt] ti. huywere (tide). vegetarian [vej0tery0n] adj. mo naamataa
vague [veyg] adj. ko laabaani. It is vague teew.
dum laabaani. vegetation [vej0teys0n] ti. hucfo e lecfcfe.
vail [veyl] v. mutnude. vehicle [vehik0l] ti. oto (o).
vain [veyn] adj. ko nafataa. / waited in vehicular [vehiykil0] adj. ko faati e
vain Mi fadii mo kono o araani. oto/mobel.
valediction [val0diks0n] ti. baynagol veil [veyl] v. muurde; suucfde.
(ngol) veil [veyl] ti. burtungal (tigal); muurorde
valet [vale] ti. carwoowo (o). (tide).
valiant [valy0nt] adj. tiicfcfo, tiicfniicfo; vein [veyn] ti. fasawol (ngol).
cuuscfo. velocity [velows0ti] ti. yaawre (tide).
valid [valid] adj. ko goo^cfini; ko moYYi. vend [vend] v. yeeyde.
It is not valid cfum moYYaani. vendor [vend0] ti. jeeyoowo (o).
validate [val0deyt] v. moYYinde; venerate [ven0reyt] v. rewde; hulde;
teel]tinde. teddinde.
valise [v0liyz] ti. wolis (o). vengeance [venj0ns] ti. joftagol (ngol).
valor [val0] ti. cuusal (tigal). venom [ven0m] ti. tooke (de).
valorous [val0r0s] adj. cuuscfo. venomous [ven0n0s] adj. tookaacfo, ko
valuable [valy0b0l] adj. ko nafata. tookaa.
valuate [valyeyt] v. fiide coggu. ventilate [vent0leyt] v. wifde; andinde.
value [valyuw] ti. nafoore (tide), set a - on ventilator [vent0leyt0] ti. bifoowo; ko
hiisaade. wifata.
van [van] ti. oto (o). ventral [ventr0l] adj. ko faati e reedu.
vandalize [vand0layz] v. bonnude. venture [venc0] v. yillaade.
vanilla [v0nil0] ti. suukara wonni.

venue vital

venue [venyuw] n. nokku deental; nokku. viduity [vidyuwti] n. mudda mo debbo

What is the venue Hoi to kawraten? woni diwo.
veracious [v8rac0s] adj. goongante. vie [vay] v. tiicfnaade.
veracity [v0ras8ti] n. goonga (o). view [vyuw] v. yiide.
veranda [v0rand8] n. werandaa; jimbal]. viewer [vyuw0] n. Yeewoowo (o).
verbal [v8rb0l] adj. ko faati e haala. vigilance [vij0l0ns] n. pinal (ngal)\
verbatim [v0rbeyt0m] adj. ko faati e deentagol (ngol).
deftagol. vigilant [vij0l0nt] adj. pincfo; deentiicfo.
verdict [v0rdikt] u. naawoore (tide), a vigor [vig8] n. sembe (o).
guilty ~ naawoore kuugal. vigorous [vigr0s] adj. tekkucfo; cdlucfo;
verge [v0ij] ti. keerol (tigdl)\ happu (o). cembincfo; ko sembini.
verify [ver0fay] v. Yeewtindaade. vilify [vil0fay] v. bonnitde.
verity [ver8ti] ti. goonga (o). vilipend [vil8pend] v. nuskude.
vermicide [v0rm0sayd] //. ko warata gilcfi. village [vilij] n. gurel (ngel); saare (tide).
vermin [v0rmin] ti. toonoowo (o); neivly built ~ sincaan (o).
kaabniicfo (o). vincible [vins0b0l] adj. mo ina foolee.
verse [v8rs] n. aaye (o). vindictive [vind0ktiv] adj. muntoricfcro;
verso [versow] n. hello cferewol. jicfcfo yoftaade.
vertigo [v0rd0go] n. giilol (ngol). vinegar [vin0g0] n. bineegara (o).
very [veri] adv. tigi. ~ much tigi tigi. violate [vay0leyt] v. toonde.
vesicle [vez0k0l] n. basd (f^g^O- violation [vay8leys0n] n. toonange (nge).
vessel [ves0l] n. laana (ka). violent [vay0l0nt] adj. kolliroowo doole.
vest [vest] n. gensu (ngu). violin [vay0l0n] n. naanooru (ndu).
vest [vest] v. boomaade. viper [vayp0] n. sohre (tide).
vestiary [vesc0ri] adj. ko faati e virgin [v0rjin] ti. mboomri (tidi).
comci/comcol. virginal [v0rj0n0l] adj. ko faati e
vestibule [vest0byuwl] ti. boleeru (ndu). mboombaagu.
vestige [vestij] n. kedde (dej. virginity [v0rj0n0ti] n. mboombaagu (ngu).
vet [vet] V. safrude jawdi. virile [vir0l] adj. ko faati e ngoraagu.
veteran [vet0r0n] ti. nayeejo (o). virility [vir0l0ti] ti. ngoraagu (ngu).
veterinary [vet0r0n8ri] adj. ko faati e virtually [v0rc0li] adv. ko buri heewde.
safaara jawdi. virtue [v0rcuw] ti. moYYere (tide); peewal
veto [viytow] v. hacfde. (tigal).
vex [veks] v. seknude. virtuous [v8rc0w0s] adj. peewcfo.
vexed [vekst] adj. cekcfo. he easily ~ virulent [vir0l0nt] adj. ko nawnata.
loobde. vis-a-vis [viz0vi] yeeso, e yeeso.
vibrant [vaybr0nt] adj. ko dillata; dilloowo. visage [vizij] ti. yeeso (tigo).
vibrate [vaybreyt] v. dillude. viscera [viskary0] ti. tekteki.
vice [vays] v. ayyiiba (o); ella (o). visceral [vis0r0l] adj. ko faati e tekteki
vicinity [vis0n0ti] n. sara (o). visibility [viz0bil0ti] ti. giile (cfe).
vicious [vis8s] adj. boncfo. visible [vizib0l] adj. ko yiyotoo.
victim [viktim] n. toonaacfo (o); vision [viz0n] ti. giile. he out of ~ wirnaade.
bonnanaacfo (o). come to ~ wirnitaade.
victor [vikt0] n. poolcfo (o). visit [vizit] v. hofnude.
victorious [viktowry0s] adj. poolcfo. visitant [viz0t0nt] ti. jilliicfo (o).
victory [viktri] ti. poolgol (ngol). visual [vi3w0l] adj. ko faati e giile
victual [vikc0l] n. nguura. visualize [vi30layz] v. Yeewrude hakkille.
vital [vayt0l] adj. ko faati e nguurndam.

vitiate vulva

vitiate [viseyt] v. bonnude. volunteer [volAntiya] v. ligganaade Alla

vivace [viyvac9] adj. guurcfo. meho.
vivid [vivid] adj. ko jalbi. voluptuary [volApcweri] adj. dewcfo
vivify [vivafay] v. welnude.
vomit [vomit] v. ruttude. make someone ~
vocable [vowkabal] n. kongol (tigdl)\ inde
tuutnude. ~ milk wolsude; tuutde
vomit [vomit] ti. tuure (nde).
vocabulary [vowk8by0l9ri] n. kelme (cfe).
voracious [voreys9s] adj. gaybucfo;
vocal [vowkal] adj. ko faati e naamgawiijo. be ~ saahde, aybude.
voracity [voras9ti] n. aybeende (nde).
vocalist [vowkalist] ti. liitoowo (o):
guttoowo liital. vote [vowt] V. wootde.
vocalize [vowkalayz] v. wowlude. voter [vowt9] n. gootoowo (o).
vocation [vowkeys9n] n. liggeey (o). vouch [vawc] v. teer]tinde.
vocational [vowkeys9n9l] adj. ko faati e vow [vaw] V. waatde.
liggeey. vowel [vaw9l] n. alkulal (ngal).
vociferate [vows9f9reyt] v. luukde; haacde. voyage [voyij] n. cfangal laana.
vogue [vowg] n. ko joli. vulnerable [vAln9r9b9l] adj. mo ina ganee,
voice [voys] //. daande (ride), know by ~ gaaneteecfo.
hebtinde daande necfcfo. vulture [VA1C9] n. dutal (ngal).
void [voyd] v. niilnude. It is void cfum vulva [v9lv9] n. kaake debbo.
volume [volyuwm] n. tagande (ride);
deftere (tide): njaajeendi (tidi).
voluminous [v9luwmin9s] adj. ko yaaji; ko
voluntary [volAntri] adj. Allah meho.

waddle watermelon

waddle [wadal] v. ruudde. warble [wob0l] v. yimde.
wade [weyd] v, juuwde. ~ in the mud ward [wod] v. reende.
juuwde. warden [wod0n] ti. deenoowo (o);
wader [weyda] n. juuwoowo (o). kalfinaacfo (o).
waft [waft] V. nawde. warder [wod0] ti. deenoowo (o).
waft [waft] n. kenal (ngal). ware [wer] ti. kaake (cfe).
wag [wag] V. dillinde. ~ one^s tail dillinde warehouse [werhaws] ti. sake (o).
laaci mum. warfare [wofer] ti. hare (tide).
wage [weyj] v. wacfde. ~s njobdi (ndi). warm [worn] v. itde. ~ oneself at the fire
waggle [wag0l] v. dillinde. itaade; iwlaade. It is warm dum
wail [weyl] v. woyde; Tusde. jaangaani.
waist [weyst] u. dadorde (nde): nadorde warn [won] v. reentinde; jeertinde / warn
(nde). you Mi reentinii ma.
waistline [weystlayn] n. duhorde warning [wOnip] ti. tintingol (tigol).
(tide): duhorgol (tigol): nadomde (tide). warp [wOp] V. oofide.
wait [weyt] v. fadde, tombaade. ~ for water warrant [wOr0nt] ti. yamiroore (tide).
to flow bulnaade. ~ for food without warrantor [wOr0nt0] ti. jamiroowo (o).
invitation tenkude. Wait for me Fadam. warrior [wOry0] ti. kabeteecfo (o).
waiter [weyta] ti. carwoowo (o). wary [weri] adj. deentiicfo.
waitress [weytres] ti. debbo carwoowo. wash [wOs] V. loote, ftikaade; wuppude;
waive [weyv] v. cfaccude. lawYude. ~ one's feet sembaade. ~
wake [weyk] v. findinde. ~ up late oneself lootaade, buftaade. ~ someone's
weetndorde. face sulmude. ~ one's face sulmaade. ~
waken [weyk0n] v. findinde. one's hands soocfaade.
walk [wok] ti. yahdu (tidu). take a ~ washer [wOs0] ti. guppoowo (o).
yahnaade. washing [wOs0] ti. guppol (ngol):
walk [wOk] V. yahde. ~ hurriedly jaylaade. lawYugol (tigol) waste [weyst] ti.
~ slowly naaYde. ~ faster moylude. ~ bonande (tide). ~ of lambs and goats
everywhere sooraade. ~ carelessly bordoocfe (cfe).
mafftaade. waste [weyst] v. bonnude, tilfude;
walker [wOk0] ti. jahoowo (o). gokkude. You are wasting your time
Acfan tampina hoore maa tan.
wall [wol] ti. tata (o); balal (tigal). break
a ~ welditde. waster [weyst0] ti. bonnoowo (o).
wallet [walet] ti. kalbe (de) watch [wOc] ti. montoor (o).
wallop [wal0p] V. fiyde. watch [wOc] V. Yeewde; laarde. ~ over
Yeewtaade; aynude, reende. '^out reento.
wallow [wal0w] v. weytaade.
be on the ~ reentaade.
waltz [woltz] /?. ngamri.
water [wOt0] ti. ndiyam (dam). ~ already
wamble [wamb0l] v. yiineede. used to wash rice or millet kalumbam
wander [wand0] v. huywude; oorde. ~ (dam). ~ fall waame (o). ~ fetching
about huywude. Yoogol (tigol). '-source sewnde (tide). ~
wanderer [wand0r0] ti. kuywucfo (o). storage instrument mbandu (o). rinsing ~
wane [weyn] v. ustaade. lallitam (dam). ~ holder guttu (o) draw
want [want] v. yicfde, muuyde, leytude,
faaleede. water [wOt0] v. wisde.
wap [wap] V. soomde. watermelon [wOt0mel0n] ti. dende (tide);
wudduru (tidii). broken hits of- laalakon.
war [wO] ti. konu (tigii)

waterproof whine

waterproof [wOtapruwf] adj. ko tucfi. be ~ weekly [wiykli] ti. yontere kala.

tucfde weep [wiyp] v. woyde.
watery [wOtri] adj. gaalcfucfe. Your eyes weeper [wiyp0] ti. goyoowo (o).
are watery Gite maa ngaalcfii goncfi.
weeping [wiypii]] ti. bojji (di).
wattle [watal] v. sande.
weft [weft] adj. ko sanaa.
wave [weyv] n. wempeYere (nde). weigh [wey] v. peesde; yisbude. ~ with
waver [weyv9] v. sayyaade. peesirde
way [wey] n. feere (tide); bolol (ngol), weight [weyt] ti. tedeendi (tidi). ~
laawol (ngol). half ~ feccere laawol. measurement muddo (o); mata (o);
waylay [weyley] v. taYde; faddaade. menkelde (tide).
we [wiy] pron. min, enen. weird [wiyd] adj. kaawniicfo, kaawnicfum.
weak [wiyk] adj. lohcfo; mo welcome [welkAm] v. jabbaade.
doolnaani/sembinaani. welcome [welkAm] ti. jabbagol (ngol).
weaken [wiykan] v. lohnude; ustude weld [weld] v. basde; basondirde.
doole/sembe. welfare [welfer] ti. bamtaare (tide); kisal
weakness [wiyknes] n. lohgol (ngol). (tigal).
weal [wiyl] n. jam (o). well [wel] adj. cellucfo. be ~ hisde; sellude.
wealth [wel0] n. ngalu (ngu). Get well soon Yo Alla rokku jam ko
wealthy [wel0i] adj. galo. be ~ alcfude. ~ neebaani.
person dundariyanke (o). well [wel] ti. woyndu (tidii); bunndu (tidu).
wean [wiyn] v. entude. be -ed enteede. wend [wend] v. rewde.
weaning [wiynig] n. entugol (ngol). act of were [wer] v. wonnoo; ngonnoo.
~ entere (tide). west [west] ti. himaange (tige); gorgal
weapon [wepon] ti. kabirgal (ngalf, (tigal).
njogitaari (tidi). wester [west0] ti. hendu ummoriindu
wear [wer] v. boornaade. ~ inside out himaange.
hippude. ~ perfume flicfaade. ~ a veil Westerner [west0n0] ti. hirnanke (o).
yombinaade. ~ someone out tampinde. ~ wet [wet] adj. kecco. he ~ heccicfde;
jeivelery sucfaade. be worn out hortaade. leppude.
weariness [weriness] ti. tampere (tide). whack [wak] v. fiide.
wearisome [wer0s0m] adj. ko tampinta. wharf [wOrf] ti. tufnde (tide).
weary [weyri] adj. tampucfo. what [wat] pron. huunde; hoi. What is it
weave [wiyv] v. sande; wamde. Ko woni?
weaver [wiyv0] ti. maabo (o); canoowo (o). whatever [watev0] adv. kala.
He belongs to the weaver caste Ko o wheat [wiyt] ti. lorso (ko).
wheedle [wiyd0l] v. jarribaade.
weaving [wiyvip] ti. cangol (ngol).
wheel [wiyl] ti. njamndi pono.
web [web] v. sande.
wheeze [wiyz] v. lehde, siikde.
wed [wed] v. resde. he un~ for a long time
when [wen] cotij. mande; nde. When did
sooyde. be ~ humaneede.
you arrive Mande ngarcfaa?
wedding [wedip] ti. cuddungu (ngu).
whenever [wenev0] cotij. kala nde; mudda
wedlock [wedlok] ti. dewgal (tigal). bear kala.
out of ~ reedde.
where [wer] pron. hoi to; to.
Wednesday [wensdi] ti. alaarba (o).
wherever [werev0] adv. kala cfo.
wee [wiy] adj. tokosel.
whet [wet] v. welnude; seebnude.
weed [wiyd] v. duulaade; remde. ~ around
which [W\c\proti. hoi.
while [wayl] ti. mudda (o). once in a ~
week [wiyk] ti. yontere (tide), lastyonitve
sahaa sahaa kala.
bennunde (tide)
whine [wayn] v. Fjuylude

whinny withdrawal

whinny [wayni] v. hijde. wild [wayld] adj. ko faati e ladde. a -

whip [wip] n. kanvaas (o); loocol (ngol). animal Jawdi ladde.
whip [wip] V. fiide. wilderness [wild0nes] n. ladde (nde); ladde
whirl [w0rl] v. yiilaade. tuulaa heelaa.
whirlwind [w0rlwind] n. duleendu (ndu). wile [wayl] n. fliunti (o).
whirry [w0ri] v. henaade; yaawnaade. wile [wayl] v. fliuntude.
whisk [wisk] v. fittude. willful [wilf0l] adj. gamdiido.
whisper [wisp0] v. nuumbaade; numptaade. win [win] v. foolde. ~ a race dadde. ~ all
opponent’s possessions hoosde.
whisperer [wisp0r0] n. nuumbotoocfo (o).
wind [wind] n. hendu (ndu). get - of
whistle [wis0l] u. wuucfaango (ngo).
nande; tinde.
whistle [wis0l] v. wuucfde wind [wind] v. yiilde. ~ into balls
whistler [wisl0] n. guucfoowo (o). horwaade.
white [wayt] adj. daneejo; danejum; ko winding [wayndii]] adj. ko fortaaki.
ranwi. ~ ants mooYi (di). ~ ant moo Yu window [wind0w] n. falanteere (nde);
(ngu). be~ ranwude; eercfude. very- tal. henorde (nde).
-person tuubaako fb/
wine [wayn] n. sangara (o).
whiten [wayt0n] v. ranwinde.
wing [wig] n. wibjo (ngo)
whitener [waytn0] ti. danwinoowo (o).
wink [wigk] n. majaango yitere. / did not
whitewash [waytwos] n. laso (o). sleep a wink Mi rendinaani yitere.
whittle [wit0l] v. sehde; settude. wink [wigk] v. majde.
who [huw] pron. necfcfo, hoi. Who is it Holi winner [win0] n. pooldo (o); daddo (o).
aan? He is the winner Ko kanko fooli.
whoever [huwev0] pron. kala. winning [winig] n. poolgol (ngol).
whole [howl] adj. fof. the - month lewru winnow [win0w] n. Yaarngo (ngo), norgo
huumdu. (ngo).
whom [hum] pron. hoi. winnow [win0w] v. weddaade; wesde,
whomever [humev0] pron. kala. Yaaraade.
whooping-cough [huwpigkAf] n. teko winter [wint0] n. dabbunde (nde). spend -
(ngo). dabbude.
whore [howr] n. garbotoocfo (o). wipe [wayp] v. fompude. ~ oneself off
why [way] pron. ko wadi; hoi ko tagi. momtaade. ~ off momtude.
wick [wik] n. mees (o). wiper [wayp0] n. momtoowo (o).
wicked [wikid] adj. nangudo. wire [way0] n. boggol njamndi.
wickedness [wikidnes] n. nangere (nde). wire [way0] v. neldude.
wide [wayd] adj. ko yaaji; jaajdum. be - wisdom [wizd0m] n. gandal (ngal)\ peewal
yaajde. (ngal).
widen [wayd0n] v. yaajnude. wise [wayz] adj. gando, peewdo.
widow [wid0w] //. kesniido, mo jom galle wish [wis] V. yidde; yidande. make a -
mum maayi. wasiyaade.
widowhood [wid0whud] n. edda (o). wish [wis] n. sago (o). have one’s - hebde
width [wid0] n. njaajeendi (ndi); tekkeendi sago mum.
(ndi). witch [wic] n. sukuna (o); namneejo (o).
wield [wiyld] v. huurde. witchcraft [wickraft] n. dabare (cfe)',
wife [wayf] n. jom suudu; debbo desaado. dabotoodo (o).
first - jeewo (o). second - lemmbel (o). withdraw [wiGdrO] v. sortaade; yaltude e. ~
third - lembeYel (ngel). one’s word wultaade
wiggle [wig0l] V. dillinde. withdrawal [wiGdrol] n. jaltugol (ngol);
jaltingol (ngol).

withdrawn wrong

withdrawn [wiGdrOn] adj. nuggaro. worm [w0rm] ti. ngilngu (ngu). type of ~
withhold [wiGhold] v. waasde wacfde. bucfcfu (ngu); buruuti (di)\ mburuutu
within [widin] adv. nder. (ng^O-
worn-out [wonawt] adj. 1) ko wonti
withstand [wiGstand] v. dartaade.
limsere 2) tampucfo.
witness [witnes] /?. seede (o).
worried [worid] adj. paaycfo (o).
witness [witnes] v. seedaade.
worry [wori] v. faayde. Do not worry Hoi
wizard [wiz0d] n. jinneyel (ngel);
to faay.
nengotoocfo (o).
worry [wOri] ti. faayoore (tide).
wobble [wobal] v. yahrude bange.
worse [w0rs] adj. ko buri bonde.
woe [wO] n. moobaare (nde); bonande (tide).
worship [wOsip] v. juulde; rewde Alla.
Wolof [wolof] jolfo (o). ~ language jolfe
worst [w0rst] adj. ko buri/burcfo fof
woman [wum0n] n. debbo (o). big ~ dewal
worth [woG] ti. nafoore (nde). />^~jarde.
(ngal). little ~ dewel (tigel). ~ with many
pregnancies before marriage reedunte (o). worthless [woGles] adj. ko alaa nafoore; ko
nafataa; mo nafataa. He is worthless O
womanize [wum0nayz] v. yomde.
alaa nafoore.
womanly [wum0nli] adj. ko nandi e/maale
worthy [wo6i] adj. ko nafata.
wound [wund] ti. nawande; gaafiande;
womb [wum] ti. endu (ndu).
yiwande; taalnande, barmande; fiire.
women [wumen] n. rewbe
wound [wund] v. gaande; taalnude.
wonder [wAnd0] v. miijaade.
wounded [wundid] adj. gaaniicfo. be ~
wonder [wAnd0] n. kaawis (o). barmude.
wonderful [wAnd0f0l] adj. moolanaande. woven [wuv0n] adj. canacfum; ko Sanaa. ~
woo [wu] V. gerde; cfabbude. reeds mbiru (ngu).
wood [wud] ti. leggal (tigal)\ lecfcfe (de). wrangle [ragg0l] v. dukde.
piece of ~ elo (ngo)\ tunnde (tide), trough wrangler [ra5gl0] ti. dukoowo (o).
of ~ wahre (tide).
wrap [rap] v. soomde. ~ oneself in
woodcutter [wudkAt0] ti. peYYoowo (o); soomaade.
coppoowo (o).
wrapper [rap0] n. coomoowo (o).
woodpecker [wudpek0] ti. sam feYYooru
wrath [raG] n. mettere (tide); mette (cfe).
wreck [rek] v. yiwde.
woodwork [wudw0rk] ti. lawankaagal
(tigal). caste specializing in ~ labbo (o); wrestle [res0l] v. sippirde. ~ someone down
gumbalaa. libde.
woody [wudi] adj. cukkucfo; ko sukki wrestler [resl0] ti. mbir (o).
lecfcfe. wrestling [reslii]] ti. sippiro (tigo).
wool [wuwl] ti. wiro (ko)\ leen (o). wretch [rec] ti. cuniicfo, mettaacfo.
woolen [wul0n] adj. ko feewniraa wriggle [rig0l] v. tallaade; nongaade.
wiro/leen; ko faati e wiro/leen. wright [rayt] n. gollotoocfo (o).
word [w0rd] ti. helmere (tide), keep one’s ~ wring [rig] v. hamde.
heddaade e haala mum.
wrinkle [rigk0l] ti. norbolol (tigol).
word [w0rd] v. lelnude kongol.
wrist [rist] ti. jokkorde (tide).
wordly [w0rdli] adj. ko faati e aduna.
write [rayt] v. windude
work [w0rk] ti. gollal (tigal) liggeey (o).
writer [rayt0] ti. bindoowo (o).
work [w0rk] v. gollaade; liggaade.
writhe [rayG] v. haaYde.
worker [w0rk0] ti. liggotoocfo (o);
wrong [rog] n. fenaande (tide); ko
gollotoocfo (o).
moYYaani. be ~ fende, waasde haalde
world [w0rld] ti. aduna (o); windere (tide). goonga.

xebec xylophone

xebec [zebek] n. laana (ka) xenophobia [zenafowbya] /z.ngangu

xenophobe[zen0fowb] n. necTcfo kulcfo tumarankaagal
tumarankaagal xylography [zaylografi] n. nenkugol (ngol)
xylophone [zaylafown] //. balanji (di)

yacht youthful

yacht [yat] n. laana (ka). yet [yet] adv. jooni; sahaa jooni o. / have
yam [yam] n. pulook (o). not seen hint yet Mi suwaa yiide mo
yammer [yam9] v. wullitaade tawo.
yield [yiyld] v. cfaccude, cfaccande; jibinde.
yank [yapk] v. foocfde.
yip [yip] v. hawsude.
yap [yap] v. wofde.
yirr [yar] v. l^uurde.
yard [yod] n. dingiral (ngal)\ diraa (o).
How many yards is it No diraaji cfi poti? yod [yod] n. alkulal (ngal).
yare [yar] adj. jaawcfo, ko yaawi. yogurt [yogat] n. yawuur (o).
yarn [yOn] n. tindol (ngol). yoke [yowk] n. leggai dendinoowal gay/nay
yatter [yata] v. lebde.
yolk [yok] /;. ooldi boccoonde.
yaw [yo] v. selde.
you [yu] pron. a, aan, on. If I were you /
yawn [yOn] v. I]aablude; yaalaade.
would go home Sinno ko miin wonno maa
yawning [yOnip] n. l^aablere (nde); mi hootanno.
I3aablug61 (ngol).
young [yAi]] adj. sukaajo; suka (o): surga
yea [ye] adv. eey. (o). He is young Ko o suka.
yeah [yeya] adv. eey. younger [yApa] adj. keccaacfo. ~ sibling
year [y0r] n. hitaande (nde). last ~ rawane. miniraado (o).
this ~ hikka (o) three ~s ago rawtitaane. youngster [yAi}sta] n. suka (o).
the ~ before last rawane ndeya; rawtane.
your [yuwr] det. maa; maacfa, moocfon;
yearling [yarlip] n. jom hitaande wootere.
yearly [yarli] adj. hitaande kala.
yours [yuwz] pro/?, ko maa.
yearn [yarn] v. yicfde.
yourself [yuwsalf] pron. aan hoore maa.
yegg [yeg] n. gujjo (o). youth [yuw0] /?. kambaane; cukaagu.
yell [yel] v. furaade; luukde. ~ in a dispute
youthful [yuwGfal] adj. ko faati e cukaagu.
yellow [yelaw] adj. oolo, ko oolcfi. he ~
oolcfude. very ~ buy.
yelp [yelp] v. wofde.
yerk [y0rk] v. fiide.
yes [yes] adv. eey, eyyo.
yesterday [yestadi] n. hanki (o).

zag zoom

zag [zag] n. celgol (ngol). zing [zig] n. njennoor (o).
zag [zag] V. selde. zing [zig] v. yennude.
zap [zap] V. warde; bonnude. zip [zip] n. hay huunde, dara.
zeal [ziyl] ti. coftal. (ngal)\ caasgol (ngol) zip [zip] V. mubbude.
zealous [ziylas] adj. caascfo, coftucfo. zipper [zip0] n. koroos (o).
zebu [ziybu] n. nagge. (nge); holsere (tide). zone [zown] n. nokku (o).
zed [zed] n. alkulal (ngal). zone [zown] v. howde.
zee [ziy] n. alkulal (ngal). zoo [zuw] n. nokku muumanton Alla.
zephyr [zif0r] n. kenal (kal). zoology [zuwl0ji] n. jangde muumanton
zero [ziyrow] n. hay huunde, dara; meere. Alla.
zig [zig] n. celgol (ngol). zoom [zuwm] v. henaade.
zig [zig] V. selde.
zigzag [zigzag] v. selde.


Anderson, S.R. (1976). “On the Description of Consonant Gradation in Fula,” Studies in
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Ba Oumar(1968). Glossaire des Mots Mandingiiespasses en Pulaar.

(1972). Glossaire des Mots Etrangers passes en Pulaar.

(1980). La terminologie geographicpie du Poular, C.L.A.D., I.F.A.N., Dakar.

Gaden, Henri (1967). “Le Poular—Dialecte PeuI du Fouta Senegalais,” Lexique Poular-
Francais,Tome second. Gregg Press Limited, England.

(1969). Dictionnaire Peul-Frangais. Fascicule I. Catalogues Institut Fondamental

d’Afrique Noire, Dakar.

(1972). Dictionnaire Peul-Fran^ais. Fascicule II. Catalogues Institut Fondamental

d’Afrique Noire, Dakar.

Gamble, David, P., and Maiy Umah Baldeh (1981). Gambian Fula-English Dictionary,
San Francisco, Gambian Studies no 12.

Ka, Fari Silate (1991). “Elements de Dialectologie Peule; Variations dialectales et

problemes de standardization, In Isa Alkali Abba,” Ibrahim Mukoshi and Gicfacfo
Tahir (eds.) Studies in Fulfulde Language, Literature and Culture, Triumph
Publishing Company Ltd., Nigeria.

Landau, Sidney I. (1993). Dictionaries—The Art and Craft of Lexicography. Cambridge

University Press.

Niang, Mamadou (1995b). “Syllable ‘Sonority’ Hierarchy and Pulaar Stress—A Metrical
Approach.” Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics, V. 20.

Osborn, W. Donald, David Dwyer and Joseph 1. Donoho, Jr. (1993). A Fulfidde
(Maasina)-English-French Lexicon. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing

Sylla, Yero (1982). Grammaire Moderne du Pulaar. Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines,
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Dr. Mamadou Niang

This first-of-its-kind dictionary contains:

• 30,000 entries
• Background notes on Pulaar
• Introduction to Pulaar grammatical categories
• Pronunciation guide
• Lists of ordinal and cardinal numbers.

Dr. Mamadou Niang is Associate Professor of Linguistics

at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. ^


ISBN 0-7818-0479-5


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