Non Cap GL's

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Non Capital G/L's - (unit cost is less than $5,000 each).

G/L Name Description


521800 Dues/Subscriptions/Fees Institutional dues, subscriptions, memberships, license

fees, and royalties. Accounts 521895 to 521899 are
available for departments to further breakdown
523401 Software License Fees Software license fees including rental fees.
523402 Software Maintenance Dues Software maintenance fees covering product corrections,
enhancements and upgrades.
525210 Office Equip Maint Contracts Office equipment related maintenance contracts.
526900 All Other Contracted Services Use only for miscellaneous contractual services not
specifically classified elsewhere, e.g. training

53XXXX Supplies & Materials Accounts

531XXX General Supplies

531100 Office Supplies Office supplies, including forms and publications used in
departmental offices, excluding computer supplies.
Accounts 531190 to 531199 are available for departments
to further breakdown Office Supplies.
531101 Office Equipment Under $5,000 Office item unit prices under $5,000.
531102 Stockless Supplier Office supplies purchased from stockless supplier.
531103 Computer Supplies Computer supplies. (Optional)
531104 Copier Supplies Copier supplies. (Optional)
531105 Film Film. (Optional)
531106 Labels Labels. (Optional)
531107 Pens/Pencils/Markers Pens, pencils and markers. (Optional)
531108 Envelopes Envelopes. (Optional)
531109 Paper Paper. (Optional)
531110 Office Supplies – Interdepartmental Office supplies provided by a University department.
531111 Copier Paper (CPC) Copier Paper (CPC).
531190 Office Supplies Accounts 531190 to 531199 are available for departments
to to further breakdown Office Supplies.
531200 Household & Institutional Supplies Clothing, linen, food utensils, laundry and sanitation
supplies and enforcement items. Accounts 531290 to
531299 are available for departments to further breakdown
Household & Institutional Supplies.
531201 Laundry Supplies Laundry supplies and services. (Optional)
531202 Linen Handling Supplies Linen handling supplies. (Optional)
531290 Household & Institutional Supplies Accounts 531290 to 531299 are available for departments
to to further breakdown Household & Institutional Supplies.
531300 Food Supplies All food and beverages purchased for human
consumption. Accounts 531395 to 531399 are available for
departments to further breakdown Food Supplies.
531301 Meal Tickets Cost of meal tickets purchased. (Optional)
531350 Food Supplies Food Supplies – Trade Outs
531395 Food Supplies Accounts 531395 to 531399 are available for departments
to to further breakdown Food Supplies.
Non Capital G/L's - (unit cost is less than $5,000 each).
G/L Name Description
531400 Miscellaneous Supplies Cost of miscellaneous supplies that do not fall in another
account. Accounts 531495 to 531499 are available for
departments to further breakdown Miscellaneous Supplies.

531401 Miscellaneous Supplies & Repair Parts Use only for supplies and replacement repair parts not
specifically classified elsewhere.
531449 Materials Default For Charges-no account specified Account used by SAP to code material charges when no
G/L account is specified. The use of this account is
restricted to system generated transactions.
531495 Miscellaneous Supplies Accounts 531495 to 531499 are available for departments
to to further breakdown Miscellaneous Supplies.
531500 Agricultural Supplies Cost of agricultural supplies, such as feed, seed, fuels,
veterinary supplies and agricultural chemicals. Accounts
531575 to 531599 are available for departments to further
breakdown Agricultural Supplies.
531501 Feed Agricultural feed. (Optional)
531502 Seed Agricultural seed. (Optional)
531503 Fertilizer Agricultural fertilizer. (Optional)
531504 Chemicals Agricultural chemicals. (Optional)
531505 Animal Supplies Agricultural animal supplies. (Optional)
531575 Agricultural Supplies Accounts 531575 to 531599 are available for departments
to to further breakdown Agricultural Supplies.
531600 General Instruction Education & Recreation Supplies and repair parts used for instruction, educational
and recreational programs, including instruction and
teaching aids, books and athletic supplies. Accounts
531695 to 531699 are available for departments to further
breakdown General Instruction Educational & Recreation.

531601 Training Supplies

531650 Audio/Visual Equipment Under $5,000 Audio/visual equipment under $5,000.
531651 Photography Equipment Under $5,000 Photography equipment under $5,000. (Optional)
531652 Laminating/Transparency Equipment Under $5,000 Laminating and transparency equipment under $5,000.
531675 Communication Equipment Under $5,000 Communication equipment under $5,000.
531695 General Instruction Education & Recreation Accounts 531695 to 531699 are available for departments
to to further breakdown General Instruction Education &
531699 Recreation.
531700 Engineering/Technical & Communication Survey and drafting supplies and communication supplies,
which are not used for instructional purposes.
531800 Construction & Maintenance Supplies Materials and supplies used in building repairs and
grounds upkeep, such as steel products, lumber, shop
supplies, concrete and tools. Accounts 531895 to 531899
are available for departments to further breakdown
Construction & Maintenance Supplies.
531801 Agricultural/Const./Shop Eq/Replacement Parts Repair parts for agricultural, construction and shop
531802 Shop Supplies Shop supplies. (Optional)
531803 Projection Lamp Projection lamp. (Optional)
531804 Maintenance Equip Parts/Accessories Maintenance equipment parts and accessories. (Optional)

531875 Construction & Maintenance Supplies

Non Capital G/L's - (unit cost is less than $5,000 each).
G/L Name Description
531876 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531877 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531878 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531879 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531880 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531881 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531882 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531883 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531884 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531885 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531886 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531887 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531888 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531889 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531890 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531891 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531892 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531893 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531894 Construction & Maintenance Supplies
531895 Construction & Maintenance Supplies Accounts 531895 to 531899 are available for departments
to to further breakdown Construction & Maintenance
531899 Supplies.
531900 Computing Supplies Supplies related to computer operations, such as cables,
printer ribbons or cartridges, diskettes, expansion cards,
and licensed PC software packages. Accounts 531995 to
531999 are available for departments to further breakdown
Computing Supplies.
531950 Computing Supplies-PC Printer Under $5,000 Personal computer printers under $5,000.
531951 PC Accessories Under $5,000 Personal computer accessories under $5,000.
531952 PC Computing Software PC software packages.
531953 Computer Forms-Laser RESTRICTED USE.
531954 Computer Supplies-Laser RESTRICTED USE.
531955 Computing Supplies PC Under $5,000 Personal computer under $5,000.
531995 Computing Supplies Accounts 531995 to 531999 are available for departments
to to further breakdown Computing Supplies.

532XXX Medical Supplies

532100 Medical Supplies Medical supplies.
532101 Burs Supplies Burs supplies.
532102 Replacement Supplies Replacement medical supplies.
532103 Dental Supplies Dental supplies.
532104 Catheters & Guide Wires Enteral and urological catheters and their associated
accessories, surgical drains, i.e. foley catheters, feeding
tubes, salem sumps.
532150 X-Ray Films X-Ray film.
532151 X-Ray Tubes X-Ray tubes.
532200 Sutures/Wound Closure Devices Sutures and wound closure devices.
532300 Cylinder Gas Cylinder gas. For demurrage use code is 524900.
532301 Cylinder Gas-Liq Oxygen Liquid oxygen cylinder gas.
532302 Cylinder Gas-Helium Helium cylinder gas.
532350 Surgical Instruments Surgical instruments.
532400 Photography Supplies Film and flash, etc.
Non Capital G/L's - (unit cost is less than $5,000 each).
G/L Name Description
532450 Drugs Drugs for medical use.
532500 Reuse and Resale Supplies
532501 Food Supplies For Resale Food supplies for resale.
532502 Resale Supplies
532600 Prosthesis and Implants Prosthesis and implants.
532601 Organs Organs.
532700 Medical Supplies-Miscellaneous Items that do not fit into another category, i.e. lubricating
jelly, Betadine-liquid and pads, sterile water and saline,
tongue blades, shroud pack, cotton-tip applicators.

532701 Other Medical Supplies Cost of medical and clinical supplies.

532702 Medical Supplies - Prosthetics
532703 Medical Supplies - Orthotics
532704 Medical Supplies - Mastectomy
532705 Medical Supplies - DME
532706 Medical Supplies - Seating Equipment
532725 Medical Equipment under $5,000 Purchase of medical equipment that costs less than
532808 Surgical Pack/Tray/Kit All reusable and disposable trays, i.e. surgical packs,
scalpels and blades, spinal trays, custom-made trays,
surgical supplies.
532809 Perfusion Supplies Perfusion supplies.
532950 Resale Inventory Write-off Inventory written off.

533XXX Research and Lab Supplies

533100 Research and Lab Supplies Chemicals and other laboratory supplies that are normally
consumed or expended with use; accounts 533500,
533700 and 533909 are also established for general lab
supply usage to allow departmental tracking of specific
supply costs.
533101 Chemicals/Solvents/Enzymes Acetone, toluene, xylene, alcohol, formalin, mercury.
533102 Radioactive Materials Radioactive materials. (Optional)
533103 Research & Lab Equipment Parts Repair parts for research and laboratory equipment.
533200 Glassware/Plasticware Petri dishes, pipettes, disposable culture tubes,
microscope slides.
533300 Research Lab Access Research lab accessories.
533400 Research Diet Prod Research diet products.
533500 Miscellaneous Lab Supplies Miscellaneous laboratory supplies, i.e. nylon brush,
medicine tube brush.
533600 Tissue Culture Supplies Tissue culture supplies for research labs.
533700 Research & Lab Supplies Eppley Research and lab supplies purchased for Eppley.
533703 Lab Animal Purchases Service charge for purchasing and handling lab animals.

533704 Lab Animal Feed

533705 Lab Animal Bedding
533706 Lab Animal-Feed/Bedding Animal feed and bedding purchased for lab animals.
533707 Sterilized Rodent Feed
533708 Special Rodent Feed
533709 Non-human Primate Feed
533710 Swine Feed
533711 Canine Feed
Non Capital G/L's - (unit cost is less than $5,000 each).
G/L Name Description
533712 Sheep Feed
533713 Rabbit Feed
533714 Amphibian Feed
533715 Misc Feed
533716 Rodent Bedding
533717 Rabbit Bedding
533718 Quarantine Animal Bedding
533719 Nestlet Bedding
533720 Misc Bedding
533909 Research and Lab Supplies-Other Chemicals and other laboratory supplies that are normally
consumed or expended with use. Accounts 533995 to
533999 are available for departments to further breakdown
Research and Lab Supplies – Other.
533910 Research Equipment Under $5,000 Research equipment under $5,000.
533995 Research and Lab Supplies – Other Accounts 533995 to 533999 are available for departments
to to further breakdown Research and Lab Supplies – Other.

534XXX Auto Supplies

534100 Auto Supplies/Accessories/Parts Automotive repair parts, fuel and lubricants. Accounts
534190 to 534199 are available for departments to further
breakdown Auto Supplies/Accessories/Part.
534101 Motor Fuel Gasoline Gasoline motor fuel.
534102 Motor Fuel Gasohol Gasohol motor fuel.
534103 Motor Fuel Diesel Diesel motor fuel.
534190 Auto Supplies/Accessories/Parts Accounts 534190 to 534199 are available for departments
to to further breakdown Auto Supplies/Accessories/Parts.
539200 Debt Service Expense

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