Relationship Between Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Demographic Factors

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UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics

UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics (UTCC IJBE)

Volume 10 Number 2, August 2018

Relationship between job satisfaction,

organizational commitment and demographic
factors in private banking sector in Bangkok

Manish Suri1, Pawinee Petchsawang2

University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce

This study investigates the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational
commitment in Bangkok private banking sector where the employee turnover rate in
Thailand was highest in 2012 (12.5%) and 2013 (12.8%) compared to the last four years
(Towers Watson Survey; 2014 reports). Study aims to measure the job satisfaction and
organizational commitment levels in private banking sector and analyses the various effects
of demographics characteristics on these work related attitudes – job satisfaction and
organizational commitment. The results from a survey of 401 banking employees revealed
that the age, designation (profiles), experience (years of service) has a significant effect on
Job satisfaction and Organizational commitment measures and ensures the existence of
positive correlation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment in Private
banking sector in Bangkok. Moreover, this study also helps foreground individual items
that could help banking organizations to strengthened relationship with their work force
and also can help in minimizing high employee turnover rate issues in banking industry.

Keywords: Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment,

Employee turnover, Banking sector, Organizational behavior


UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics

satisfaction (Sempane, Rieger & Roodt

Introduction 2002; Spector 2008). While generally,
Employee retention is an increasingly in case of low levels of job satisfaction
important challenge for organizations as among employees have been shown to
the age of the knowledge worker produce various undesirable behaviors,
unfolds. Employees are a vital resource such as using organization’s time to
for nearly all organizations, especially pursue personal tasks, psychological and
since they represent significant practical withdrawal from the job, and
investments in terms of locating, behavioral changes that alter the work
recruiting, training, salaries, healthcare place environment (ZCamp, 1994).
plans, bonuses, etc. Attainment of a high Additional some other negative
level organizational performance consequences associated with low levels
through productivity and efficiency has of job satisfaction include attendance
always been an organizational goal of problems, higher rates of turnover, early
top priority. In order to achieve this, a retirements, lack of active participation
highly satisfied work force is an in job tasks, and psychological
absolutely necessity. Job satisfaction of withdrawal from work (ZCamp, 1994).
the personnel and feeling of According to Teslla (2007) absence
commitment are two of important of job satisfaction is the main reason for
factors for organizational productivity reduction in organizational commitment
and profitability (Semih Eker, 2008: 55) and that leads to shift-over to another job.
Allen and Meyer (1990) identified a link
Job satisfaction and organizational between organizational commitment and
commitment, both were considered as employee turnover, and concluded that
work related attitudes in organizational employees who were strongly
behavioral theory: one signifies committed to the organization were less
employee feelings about their job; the likely to leave it.
extent to which people like
(satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) There are numerous investigations that
their jobs and another shows the degree have studied the relationship between
to which an employee experiences a organizational commitment and job
'sense of oneness' with their organization satisfaction (Currivan, 1999).
(Allen and Meyer; 1991). These attitudes Predominant view is that job satisfaction
are important to management because is an antecedent to organizational
they determine the behavior as well of commitment (Mowday; Porter, &
tenures of workers in the organizations Steers, 1982; Williams & Hazer, 1986;
and helped them great extent on holding Lincoln & Kalleberg, 1990; Mueller,
a skilled and motivated workforce, Boyer, Price, & Iverson, 1994). There is
which is essential for the continuing also some support for the reverse causal
success of organization mission, ordering, organizational commitment as
objectives and goals. Job satisfaction an antecedent to job satisfaction
involves employees’ affect or emotions; (Vandenberg & Lance, 1992). Findings
it influences an organization’s well- provided have further evident that job
being with regard to job productivity, satisfaction is a significant predictor of
employee turnover, absenteeism and life organizational commitment. Several
researchers have made the case that job


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satisfaction is a predictor of results revealed that the age, designation

organizational commitment (Porter, (profiles), experience (years of service)
Steers, Mowday, & Boulian, 1974; has a significant effect on Job satisfaction
Price, 1977; Rose, 1991). Andrew Hale and Organizational commitment
Feinstein did a study on the measures and ensures the existence of
relationships between job satisfaction positive correlation between job
and organizational commitment of satisfaction and organizational
employees at two locations of a national commitment in Private banking sector in
restaurant chain in Southern Nevada. Bangkok. Moreover, this study also helps
They also worked on revealing foreground individual items that could
homogeneous demographic help banking organizations to
characteristics these employees exhibit strengthened relationship with their work
that affect their satisfaction level. force and also can help in minimizing
Results of their study indicated that high employee turnover rate issues in
satisfaction with compensation; work banking industry.
conditions, policies and advancement
have a significant relationship to
organizational commitment.
Literature review
Testa (2001) found that an increase in
job satisfaction motivates organizational Job satisfaction
commitment and thus increase service A key work-related attitude in the
tenures in the work environment. workplace is job satisfaction (Greenburg
Although, there was no study found that & Baron, 1997, p. 178). Job satisfaction
investigates this relationship particularly is considered as the most important and
in the banking sector areas. However, frequently studied attitude in the field of
most findings have proven that organization behavior. It’s also looked
increasing job satisfaction and at, as one of the area that is of high
organization commitment helps in interest to managers and researchers
employee retentions and overcomes high (Nelson & Quick, 1997). It’s “a
employee turnover costs. In this paper pleasurable or positive emotional state
we mainly focuses on Bangkok private resulting from the appraisal of one's job
banking sector where the employee or job experiences” (Locke, 1976), p.
turnover rate in Thailand was found 304). As job satisfaction is a widely
highest in 2012 (12.5%) and 2013 researched and complex phenomenon, it
(12.8%) compared to the last four years follows that there are numerous
(Towers Watson Survey; 2014 reports). definitions in existence to explain the
Study aims to measure the job concept. Job Satisfaction can be defined
satisfaction and organizational as an individual’s total feeling about
commitment level in private banking and their job and the attitudes they have
to determine the relationship between towards various aspects or facets of
them. Furthermore this study also their job (Ivancevich & Matteson 2002;
analyses various effects of demographics Spector 1997). A person with high job
characteristics on these work related satisfaction appears to hold generally
attitudes – job satisfaction and positive attitudes, and one who is
organizational commitment. Study


UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics

dissatisfied to hold negative attitudes organizational targets; therefore,

towards their job (Robbins 1993). analysis of their psychological
characteristics and the impact of these on
Spector (1997) explains that for
the organization are crucial.
researchers to understand these
Organizational commitment is vital to
attitudes, they need to understand the
preserve and attract well qualified talent
complex and interrelated facets of job
pool in any organization. Many
satisfaction. A facet of job satisfaction
organizations are facing major
can be described as any part of a job that
challenges resulting in restructuring,
produces feelings of satisfaction or
reengineering and downsizing. The need
dissatisfaction, namely: pay, promotion,
for factors that predict organizational
supervision, benefits, contingent
commitment has become more critical.
rewards, operating procedures, co-
Employees who are committed to their
workers, nature of the work and
organization may be more willing to
communication (Spector 1997). This
participate in ‘extra-role’ activities,
perspective can be useful to
such as being creative or innovative,
organizations that wish to identify
which frequently guarantee an
employee retention areas in which
organization’s competitiveness in the
improvement is possible (Saari & Judge
market (Katz & Kahn 1978).
2004; Westlund & Hannon 2008).
Organizational commitment is viewed
Job satisfaction is commonly related as as a psychological connection that
a critical outcome variable in individuals have with their organization,
organizations (Judge and watana, 1994) characterized by strong identification
and prior researches has also found that with the organization and a desire to
job satisfaction is related to several contribute to the accomplishment of
important outcomes (Eddy et al., 2008) organizational goals (Meyer & Allen
For example; Job satisfaction has been 1997).
shown related to job performance (Gole
Organizational commitment can be
and shahu, 2008); to organizational
defined as the extent to which an
citizenship behavior (gonzalez and
individual identifies and is involved
garazo, 2006; Ackeldt and Coote,2005)
with his or her organization and/or is
, and to organizational commitment
unwilling to leave the organization.
(Allen and Meyer; 1997 ; Lee et
Meyer and Allen (1991) conceive of
organizational commitment as reflecting
three core themes namely affective,
continuance and normative commitment
Organizational Commitment
Affective commitment: The sense of love
The concept of organizational and affection for their jobs, feeling of
commitment has attracted considerable belongingness and attachment to the
interest in an attempt to understand and organization.
clarify the intensity and stability of an
employee’s dedication to the Continuance Commitment: The
organization (Lumley 2010). Employees acknowledgement of the consequences
play an important role in achieving of leaving the organization.


UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics

Normative Commitment: The ethical at work on time, perform well and

responsibility to stay with the continuously engage in behaviors
organizations that are helpful to the organizations
(Meyer & Allen 1991). (Aamodt 2007). Testa (2001)
investigated the relationship between
organizational commitment and job
Relationship between job satisfaction in regards to work effort in
the service environment. Mark Testa
satisfaction and found that an increase in job satisfaction
organizational commitment motivates organizational commitment
There are numerous investigations found and thus increase service in the work
in literature that studied the relationship environment. Moreover, there was no
between job satisfaction and previous study found in banking sector,
organizational commitment. and especially in Bangkok.
Predominant view is that job satisfaction
is an antecedent to organizational
commitment (Lincoln & Kalleberg, Demographic effects on job
1990; Mowday; Porter, & Steers, 1982; satisfaction and
Mueller, Boyer, Price, & Iverson, 1994;
Williams & Hazer, 1986). There is also
organizational commitment
some support for the reverse causal On basis of gender
ordering, organizational commitment
Typically job satisfaction is
as an antecedent to job satisfaction
conceptualized as a general attitude
(Vandenberg & Lance, 1992). LaLopa
(1997) effectively used the toward an object, the job (Okpara, 2006).
Organizational Commitment However, the results of the many studies
concerning the relationship between job
Questionnaire to evaluate 300 non-
satisfaction and the sex of the employees
supervisory resort employees' levels of
have been contradictory (Oshagbemi,
commitment. Further, he developed a
2000). Some common explanation for
"Resort Job Satisfaction" scale by
adopting items from previous studies. the different level of work satisfaction
sometimes reported for men and women
Findings provided have further evident
is that women have different
that job satisfaction is a significant
expectations with regard to work
predictor of organizational commitment.
(Campbell et al., 1976). It was revealed
Strong positive relationships have been
observed between job satisfaction and that careers were of central importance
desirable work outcomes such as to men but not as important to women
(kuhlen, 1963). Lefkowitz (1994)
performance, adaptability and
analyzed a number of studies and
organizational commitment Currivan,
discovered that women's job satisfaction
1999). Research results indicates that
satisfied employees tends to be is in average lower than men's. One
committed to an organization, and explanation for this phenomenon could
be that women are less invested in their
employees who are satisfied and
work, since women's incomes are, or at
committed are more likely to attend
least used to be, merely the second
work, stay with an organizations, arrives


UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics

income in the household. Another, more accounted, People in their old ages have
likely, reason would be that women better jobs than younger ones, since, due
experience less job satisfaction because to a longer career, they had more chances
they tend to have less good jobs overall
to obtain a desirable job. 2) People in
compared to men. While in case of
organizational commitment Some their old age usually adjusted their
studies specifying that the values, where expectations downwards over the years
genders regard as more important in and they are therefore more easily
working life, have important effects on contempt. 3) People in their adulthood
commitment as well, it was determined generally found more satisfied; 4)
that men attach importance to the values Dissatisfied older people are more likely
like wage, autonomy and responsibility
to opt for early retirement, while the
at work, and possessing an effective
position in the organization, while remaining older people are satisfied with
women attach importance more to their job. This actually creates a skewed
colleagues, communication with people, image of the level of job satisfaction
suitable working hours and job security among older people by cancelling out
(Scandure ve Lankau, 1997: 377-391). the dissatisfying segment. In addition,
In Contrary, AI-Ajmi (2006) found that Clarke (1996) fig 2.4 below discovered
there was no significant relationship
a U-shaped correlation between job
between genders and organizational
commitment in his study and concluded satisfaction and lifespan. Job
that men and women have the same level satisfaction starts out reasonably high
of organizational commitment. in teenage years, then takes a nosedive in
On basis of age twenties and thirties – with the age of 36
as the lowest point (in average) -, then it
According to (Mckenna 2000 p. 276) job rises back up again through the forties
satisfaction tends to increase throughout and further in the fifties and sixties
working life. There are several reasons (Arnold et al 1998 p. 208).

Figure 1


UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics

However, Solomon (2005) and Collins educational level has significant

and Helen (2013) did not find any relationship to the job satisfaction
significant difference of job satisfaction KhMetle (2003): whereas tenure is
based on gender and age differences. positively related to job satisfaction by
While in case of organizational Oshagbemi (2003). Furthermore, these
commitment, past findings suggests as studies showed that workers with more
the person grows older, his/her sense of education have a higher job
obligations also gains maturity. Along, satisfaction level, while other studies
the chances for the switchovers also indicate that workers with more
dwindle. Resultantly the individuals in education have a lower job
the high age group possess more satisfaction level. Other studies showed
organizational commitment as compared there was no relationship between the
to fresh entries. Moreover, this two.
phenomenon is also supported by the
On the other hand, in case of
monetary benefits like pay, pension,
organizational commitment, the
funds, allowances (Nawaz & Kundi,
individual’s qualification gets better;
their sense of belongingness is improved
On basis of profiles, experience regarding the organizational
and education commitment. The literature also shows
that highly qualified employees are
Several researchers have focused on the considered to be more committed due to
role of relative income in determining their awareness about the organizational
satisfaction or happiness. Some labor- attitude with respect to those who are less
market examples are Capelli and Sheer qualified (Akintayo et al, 2010). As the
(1988), Pfeiffer and Langton (1993), person grows older, his/her sense of
Clark and Oswald (1996), Law and obligations also gains maturity. Along,
Wong (1998), Bygren (2004), Ferreri the chances for the switchovers also
Carbonell (2005), and Browne et al. dwindle. Resultantly the individuals in
(2008), using survey data, and Shafir et the high age group possess more
al.,(1997) in experimental work. In organizational commitment as compared
general, they concluded that relative to fresh entries. Moreover, this
wages are important in determining phenomenon is also supported by the
workers’ job or pay satisfaction. On the monetary benefits like pay, pension,
other hand, interaction with others also funds, allowances (Nawaz & Kundi,
affects people’s own expectations. It has 2010).
been found that Ahmed et al., (2003);


UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 2 The framework of independent and dependent variable.

To explore the relationship between Job organizational commitment levels.

Satisfaction and Organizational
Hypothesis 3: Job satisfaction and
commitment and to analyze the different
Organizational commitment are
demographics effects on them. We treat
significantly correlated with each other.
the demographics variables and Job
satisfaction as independent variables,
and organizational commitment as
dependent variable. Based on above Methodology
framework, the three main hypotheses
were built as:- Sampling Procedures
Hypothesis 1: Demographic variables A field survey was conducted to collect
significantly affect bank employee’s job the data. Field studies were considered to
satisfaction levels. be more realistic as they study the
phenomenon in their natural setting.
Hypothesis 2: Demographic variables Zikd (2003) stated that survey provide
significantly affect bank employee’s quick, inexpensive, efficient and actual


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