MUS 202 - Paper Proposal

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MUS 202: Paper Proposal

Allegro- Concerto pour timbales et orchestre, Opus 211 - Cyril Plante

Brandon Agee

Cyril Plante’s ‘Concerto pour timbales et orchestre’ has three movements, ‘Allegro’,

‘Andante’ and ‘Vivace’. I am interested in analyzing the form of the first movement titled

‘Allegro.’ This movement follows sonata form and has an exposition, development, and

recapitulation. But it does make some changes from what I have seen previously when studying

sonata form.

(William Caplin)

I think that the exposition of the piece follows closer to a continuous exposition (above)

than the more common two-part exposition. This is mainly due to the fact that there is no

medial caesura in the exposition. I do still believe that it is in sonata form because the first

movement of concertos are often in sonata form. Another reason is that the beginning and end

of the movement use similar and same musical ideas as a typical exposition and recapitulation

My final project will be formatted as an academic paper and will talk more about the

form of the ‘Allegro’ movement.

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