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Child Day of the Content: Strengths and /or Additional thoughts

Week weaknesses
Observation 1
Student 1- Cash Friday 1-27 Content: LA- focus was in Student has trouble
Heggerty playing attention in
Weakness- student was not activities that do not
participating with the class, and interest him.
instead was looking around the
Content: Math- focus was
writing numbers from 1 to 10. Student is further
Weakness- student got up to go behind than his peers
to the bathroom two times in math, so he is lost
during span of the lesson. while the whole class is
Student takes a very long time working together. He
washing his hands. would benefit from
Strength- at times student was more one on one
at his seat he took his time instruction.
writing the numbers.
Student 2- Mila Friday 1-27 Content: LA- focus was in Student is always
Heggerty participating with the
Strength- student was class. The environment
participating in all parts of around her helps her to
Heggerty and singing along with be successful.
every song.
Content: Math- focus was Student was not
writing numbers from 1 to 10. confident in herself.
Weakness- Student would wait
until the teacher wrote the
answer on the board to write
down her answer on the
Observation 2
Student 1 Wednesday Content: LA- heart word review Student required many
2- 1 of the words with, all, me. Then reminders to stop
a cut and paste activity with CVC talking when it is not
words appropriate, and the
Weakness: Instead of working reminder that our
student was talking and putting hands have many
many different objects in is germs on them.
mouth such as his pencil, and his
Content: Math- focus was Student enjoys game-
playing an online game that based learning and
focuses on students’ specific skill being on the
sets. Chromebooks.
Strength- student was focused
and engaged the whole time
Student 2 Wednesday 2- Content: LA- heart word review Student needs practice
1 of the words with, all, me. Then in organization.
a cut and paste activity with CVC
Weakness- Student kept losing
her letters during the cut and
paste activity.
Content: Math- focus was
playing an online game that
focuses on students’ specific skill
sets. Logging in fluency will
Weakness- student wasted a lot come with time as the
of time trying to log into her student uses her
account. Chromebook more.
Observation 3
Student 1 Monday 2-6 Content: LA-focus was a Since the student was
worksheet that showed a messing around, the
picture and three-word options worksheet was
and students had to find the probably too difficult
word that matched the picture. for him, and the
Weakness: student was messing assignment needed
around and got hand sanitizer all differentiated. Possibly
over his desk and paper. by narrowing the three
Content: Math- the teacher put options down to two.
up a number on objects on the
smartboard and students were
to write down the number that
represents that object on their Student needs practice
personal whiteboard. with keeping his hands
Weakness-continuously to himself.
touching the student sitting next
to him
Student 2 Monday 2-6 Content: LA-focus was a Student loves to please
worksheet that showed a the teacher.
picture and three-word options
and students had to find the
word that matched the picture.
Strength- student was
participating a lot and raising
her hand for every question that
the teacher asked.
Content: Math- the teacher put
up a number on objects on the
smartboard and students were
to write down the number that
represents that object on their
personal whiteboard.
Weakness- Student was looking
at the whiteboards of her peers
to see what the correct answer Student needs more
was. practice in writing her
Observation 4
Student 1 Monday 2-13 Content: LA- the focus was The “needles” that the
blending the lines of a passage. student felt was dog
Weakness: while the class was hair. He may have
sitting on the carpet taking turns sensory issues.
reading the student was
squirming around on the carpet
and accidentally hitting his
classmates, complaining of
“needles” in his pants
Content: Math- focus was Student required many
counting to 100 by 10s. redirections from the
Weakness- student was not teacher and teacher
paying attention and talking to candidate.
others at his table group.
Student 2 Monday 2-13 Content: LA- the focus was Student is very positive
blending the lines of a passage. and wants others to
Strength- when her classmates succeed. She is liked by
read a line of the passage peers, but does not
correctly the student cheered seem to have many
them on friends
Content: Math- focus was
counting to 100 by 10s.
Strength- counting in order.
Weakness- needed assistance
writing the numbers. Student needs
additional practice with
writing numbers
Observation 5
Student 1 Wednesday 2- Content: LA- focus was first the Student needs
22 teacher modeled how to read reminders that he is
the passage and then students not the only one that
went off into partners to partner has answers to
read question and must wait
Weakness shouting out answers to be called on.
instead of raising his hand.
Content Math- focus was The student was
number recognition. Every patient and quiet
student on the carpet had a because he was excited
number and when their number to put his number on
was called, they go and put it up the board to seek
on the board. approval from his
Strength- paying attention and peers.
waiting patiently for his number
to be called
Student 2 Wednesday 2- Content: LA- focus was first the When it was the
22 teacher modeled how to read students’ turn she
the passage and then students sounded out the words
went off into partners to partner in her sentences very
read slowly, but did not
Strength- raising hand quietly need any guidance
and participating. from the teacher.
Content Math- focus was
number recognition. Every Talking to her
student on the carpet had a classmate on the
number and when their number carpet resulted in some
was called, they go and put it up confusion when it was
on the board. her turn to put up her
Weakness- talking to classmate number.
while whole class was doing the
counting activity
Observation 6
Student 1 Monday 2-27 Content: LA-focus was an Alma The article had a lot of
Thomas article about art and pictures that caught
colors the student’s interest.
Strength- engaged and following
along while the teacher read the Student does to the
article. restroom when he does
Content: Math- focus was not want to participate
counting to 100 paper. in something
Weakness- Student spent a lot
of time in the bathroom and
missed the whole front side of
the packet
Student 2 Monday 2-27 Content: LA-focus was an Alma The classroom teacher
Thomas article about art and was absent this day
colors and the student
Strength- engaged and recognized that the
prompting others around her to class should be on their
pay attention when they were best behavior for the
off task. substitute teacher.
Content: Math- focus was a
counting to 100 papers. Student was getting
Strength- following along with numbers correct, and
the class. just writing them
Weakness- writing some backwards which is
numbers backwards. developmentally
Observation 7
Student 1 Friday 3-10 Content: LA- focus was Heggerty This student always
phonemic awareness brings items to school
Weakness- while sitting on the that end up being a big
carpet the student would not distraction for him.
participate. He was continuously Every time the
putting his knees in his shirt and classroom teacher ends
playing with his fake earring that up taking it away and
he wore to school that day. giving it back at the
Content: Math- introduction to end of the day so that
subtraction using base ten the object does not
blocks. disrupt his learning.
Strength- Student participated
for the entirety of the lesson Student loves to use
hands on
manipulatives. I do not
know if it is because
they help as a visual, or
if it is because he uses
them to fidget with and
keep his hands busy.
Student 2 Friday 3-10 Content: LA- focus was Heggerty Almost all of the time
phonemic awareness the student raises her
Strength- following along with hand and waits for her
the teacher. turn, so today she
Weakness- student was needed gentle
shouting out answers instead of reminders to raise her
raising her hand. hand, and that she will
Content: Math- introduction to not always be called
subtraction using base ten on.
Weakness: Student had trouble Student needs to
connecting the blocks and participate in more
pulling them apart. activities that require
her to use the muscles
in her hands to
strengthen them.
Observation 8
Student 1 Wednesday 3- Content: LA- Long u versus short The teacher was
15 u word cut and paste activity moving at a pace that
completed together as a class all other students could
Strength: Student was follow along but this
attempting to follow along, but student struggled due
was missing where certain to his inability to pay
images went under which attention for long
column periods of time
Weakness: Student gets
distracted by outside factors
very easily. Student will often try
Content: Math- Subtracting to make two other boys
using base ten frames, and in the class laugh.
counting chips
Weakness: Student has playing
with the counting chips putting
them over his eyes trying to
make his friend laugh
Student 2 Wednesday 3- Content: LA- Long u versus short Making real life
15 u word cut and paste activity connections shows the
Strength- student made student is really
connections of the short u learning the content.
words to the word in the
passage that they are reading. Students need more
Content: Math- Subtracting practice using
using base ten frames, and manipulatives.
counting chips
Weakness- student kept
dropping her counting chips on
the floor.

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