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Medical Mycology 1999.

37,295-306 Accepted I January 1999

Review Article

Ma/assezia pachydermatis: a review

*Unite de Parasitologie-Mycologie, UMR Biologie Mo/eculaire et lmmunologie Parasitaires et Fongiques, Ecole
Nationale Veterinaire d'Aifort, Maisons-Aifort, France and tDepartment of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery. The
Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, Herts, UK

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Malassezia pachydermatis is of importance in both veterinary and human medicine.
Its taxonomic status and physiological characteristics are now better understood.
Skin disease associated with this lipophilic yeast is now commonly recognized,
especially in dogs. However, further studies are required to elucidate the mechanisms
which allow this yeast to proliferate and induce disease. Skin colonization is common
in pet carnivores which consequently constitute a source of M. pachydermatis for
susceptible humans. In the future, the development of efficient typing systems should
allow better understanding of the transmission mechanisms.
Keywords Lipophilic yeast, Malassezia pachydermatis

Introduction in intensive care units [7,8]. The purpose of this review is

to present the current status of the knowledge about the
The lipophilic yeast Malassezia pachydermatis is part of
lipophilic yeast M. pachydermatis.
the normal cutaneous microftora of most warm-blooded
vertebrates. The fungus was first described as Pityrospo-
rum pachydermatis in 1925 [1]. Recently, the nomenclatu-
ral revision of the genus Malassezia did not question the Mycology
integrity of the only non-lipid-dependent lipophilic spe- Taxonomy and nomenclature
cies [2-4]. M. pachydermatis shows distinct morphologi-
cal and physiological characteristics, allowing thus a In 1925, Weidman observed bottle-shaped yeast-like cells
straightforward distinction from any other yeast. In the in scales from an Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicor-
two la;t decades, the opportunistic nature of M. pachy- nis) with exfoliative dermatitis [1]. This microorganism
dermatis has been clearly demonstrated. The normally was able to grow on ordinary media apparently without
commensal yeast may become a pathogen whenever alter- lipid supplementation. Cultural characteristics included
ation in the skin surface microclimate or host defence slow growth, dark yellow colour and dryness of the
occurs. Otitis externa as well as seborrheic dermatitis in colonies. Weidman classified this yeast in the genus Pity-
dogs and cats are frequently associated with a large rosporum because of its resemblance to P. ovate ('spore of
number of M: pachydermatis. Similar cases have also Malassez'), the purported agent of human dandruff.
been described in wild animals. Reports concerning hu- However, the regularity in form and the smaller size of
man infections caused by M. pachydermatis have been the yeast recovered from the rhinoceros (2-3 f.Lm against
fewer than those with lipid-dependent Malassezia yeasts 3-8 f.Lm for P. ovale) led Weidman to describe the new
[5,6]. However, the species may be isolated from neonates species as P. pachydermatis. Ciferri and Redaelli [9] ex-
amined a strain from Weidman and chose P. pachyder-
matis as the type of the genus since Weidman's strain was
<;:orrespondence: J. Guillot, Unite de Parasitologie-Mycologie,
Ecole Nationale Veterinaire d'Alfort, 7 avenue du General de at that time the best studied Pityrosporum strain. In her
Gaulle, 94704 Maisons-Alfort, France. Tel: + 33-1-43-967157; fax: review of anascosporogenous yeasts, Lodder [10] com-
+ 33-1-43-753507; email: pared a subculture from the Weidman isolate and a strain

© 1999 ISHAM
Gu1llot & Bor.d

probably originating from Sabouraud's collection that T~!Jie l Composition of the genus ;'v/alasse~ia.

she combined under the unpublished name P. rhinucero-

Species Isolates rRNA sequences
sum. The cultures were considered to be identical but,
unfortunately, were not preserved after 1934. L'd. fiojio· CBS 1878, neo- AF063214
In 1955, Gustafson isolated bottle-shaped yeasts from type culture
otitis externa in dogs (II]. He related his isolates to the !VI. pachyderma- CBS 1879, neo- AF0632!5 (sequence type
tis type culture '!a')
genus Pityrosporum on the basis of their cellular shape
ill/. sympodia!is CBS 7222, type AF064024
and the type of budding, but distinguished them from culture
already described species. In contrast to the other lipid- !VI. globosa CBS 7966, type AF064025
dependent species (P. ovale and the newly described P. culture
Jvf. restncta CBS 7877, type AF064026

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orbiculare, Gordon 1951), Gustafson's isolates did not
require fatty acid supplementation for growth. These ivf. obtusa CBS 7876, type AF064027
isolates grew easily and were kept alive by monthly culture
transfers on common media. Gustafson wrongly con- ivt. slooffiae CBS 7956, type AF064028
cluded from Lodder's description that the yeasts recov- culture
ered from rhinoceros skin by Weidman grew poorly and
were very difficult to maintain. For this reason,
Gustafson created the new species P. canis. Fraser [12] classified into seven sequence types, named sequevars
also studied many strains from both healthy and diseased (I a- Ig) [18] (Fig. I). Some of these variants (Ic, Ie, If)
seemed to be host specific; they included isolates exclu-
ears of dogs. He concluded that Pityrosporum strains
sively recovered from rhinoceros, dogs or ferrets, respec-
from dogs were similar to those described by Weidman
tively. DNA/DNA reassociation experiments displayed
and Lodder. There was subsequently no reason to justify
lower values with strains from different sequevars (i.e.
the establishment of P. canis. In 1970, Slooff assigned all
from different origin) (85-90'%) than with strains of the
strains of Pityrosporum growing on media without lipid
same type (87 -I OO'Y<,). These results do not question the
supplementation to a single species P. pachydermatis [13].
taxonomic unity of J'vf. pachydermatis, but might indicate
Evidence for the synonymy of lv!alasse::.ia (Bail!on 1889) that this species is in the course of differentiation and
and Pityrosporum (Sabouraud 1904) was clearly recog- probably adaptation to specific animal hosts [3, 18].
nized and accepted in 1984 with anterioiity for the
generic Jl;falasse::.ia [14]. P. pachydermatis was then ac-
cepted as !vi. pachydermatis, a combination already pro- <y::: 0

posed by Dodge in 1935 (15] and accepted by Gordon in pe Ic

1979 [!6]. In absence of original material (Weidman's M. pachydermatis
e ld

isolate), the strain 238S isolated from otitis externa in the
type le
dog by Gustafson [II] was designated as neotype culture
(CBS 1879, ATCC 14522). lype lf

Genomic studies recently confirmed the specific status type lg

of non-lipid-dependent lv!alassezia yeasts. Strains recov-

ered from wild animals (including rhinoceros) were
proved to be conspecific with those recovered from dogs. M. obtusa
The nDNA base composition (GC content) was found
around 55·5'% and DNA/DNA reassociation experiments
!.......--~~~-~ M. sympodU!lis
consistently showed percentages over 85% [3, 17]. In con-
trast, lipid-dependent Malassezia yeasts were distributed 1-....~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M. slooffiae

among six distinct taxa (lvf. jurji1r, M. sympodialis and

lipid-dependent Malassezia yeasis
four new species, lVf. globosa, lvl. obtusa, M. restricta and
J'vl. sloojfiae Table I) on the basis of genomic compari- Fig. I Phylogenetic tree based on partial large subunit rRNA
sons and ribosomal large subunit (LSU) sequencing [2]. sequences of iv!a/asse::ia yeasts (after Guillot & Gw§ho, 1995 [4] and
The latter method allowed a further infraspecific separa- Gw§ho eta!., 1996 [2]). Seven sequence types were detected for 1'Vf.
tion with most of the Mafasse::.ia species characterized by pachydermalis. Most of lipid-dependent Afalasse~ia yeasts were also
represented by several closely related sequences (data not shown).
several sequences differing from each other by only a few The distance between two species or subspecies, measured in substi-
nucleotides. Consequently, with partial LSU rRNA se-· tutions per nucleotides. is obtained by summing the length of the
quencing, one hundred i'vf. pachydermatis isolates were connecting branches along the horizontal axis.

© 1999 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 31. 295-306

rV!aiassezJa pachyderrnws: a review

Other typing methods have been applied to ;v!. pachy-

dermatis isolates. Karyotyping seemed to provide little
information, since all lvf. pachydermatis isolates revealed
rather uniform banding patterns [19-22]. Using restriction
fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis on whole
cell DNA, Midgley & Schechtman distinguished nine
distinct patterns out of 50 isolates, mostly of canine origin
[23]. The same method, but using a different restriction
enzyme, allowed Anthony et a!. [19] to distinguish 10
patterns among the 32 isolates examined. In the latter

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study, Southern blotting of Bglii digests with a poly (GT)
probe was also performed; this method together with PCR
fingerprinting appeared to be the most efficient epidemio-
logical tool [19,22]. M. pachydermatis isolates of various
origin were unequivocally identified, whereas all clinical
isolates recovered in the same intensive care unit were
shown to be indistinguishable [22]. The heterogeneity of
Fig. 2 Scanning electron micrograph of lvi. pachydermatis. Unipo-
the species was also demonstrated using yeast killer system lar budding yeast cells with proeminent collarettcs are easily recog-
(24]. Recently, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) nized.
analysis was proved to be useful for the study of genetic
structuration and biodiversity of M. pachydermatis (25].
Interestingly, both RFLP and l'viLEE results matched very soidal cells (2·0-3·0 x 4·0-5·0 ~tm). Globose cells may also
well with those reported using· LSU rRNA sequencing be present. Slooff (13] distinguished a small-celled type
[3, 17,25]. (2·5-4·8 x 2·6-5·0 J.lm) from a large-celled type (3·8-
6·0 x 4·8- 7·0 ~tm). Kisser a!. [32] also reported microscop-
ical differences between globose (3·8-3·9 x 4·7 -4·9 J.lm)
Phylogeny and a rode-shaped morphotype (1·9-2·1 x 5·1-5·3 ~tm).
Sexual reproduction has been reported neither for !vi. As with other lipophilic yeasts, its reproduction proceeds
pachydermatis nor for the other lipophilic yeasts. However, by enteroblastic unipolar budding. M. pachydermatis
high GC content ( > 50'1<,), lamellar nature and biochemi- shows a broad budding base with a distinct collarette (Fig.
cal composition of the cell wall (cf. infra), positive diazo- 2). The medium used for cultivation does not seem to
nium blue B staining reaction and urea activity clearly influence the yeast cell micromorphology. Under micro-
indicate that the genus Malassezia has basidiomycete aerophilic conditions, a beginning of yeast-mycelial trans-
affinities (2,3,26-28]. Ribosomal sequence comparisons formation was reported for i\.I. pachydermatis by
confirmed the latter assignment but also demonstrated that Faergemann & Bernander [33]. However, only very short
lvfalasse::.ia yeasts could not be clearly related to any other filaments were observed. Contrary to several lipid-depen-
existing order of heterobasidiomycetes [43]. Cell wall dent llifalasse::.ia yeasts, lvf. pachydermatis may not, there-
characteristics (ultrastructure, chitin distribution) confi- fore, be considered as a species able to filament [2].
rmed this remote position (3,28-30]. Lipophilic yeasts On Sabouraud's glucose agar at 32 °C, M. pachyderma-
fonned a monophyletic group that probably diverged from tis colonies are mat, convex and pasty with a dry and
other basidiomycetes a long time ago. In fact, the high rate smooth surface. Initially white to ivory in colour, they
of nucleotide substitution reported between 1\1alassezia darkened with age from tan to brown. Gordon [16]
species largely exceeded the values observed within other observed that there was sometimes a pink tinge in the early
yeast genera [31]. These findings were in accordance with growth, whereas Slooff [13] reported a pink1sh shade
an early emergence and differentiation. They might also be after one month at 20 oc. Similarly, Midgley described
incorporated in the hypothesis of an unusually fast 'molec- a strain (GM 439 isolated from the skin of a civet) that
ular clock' leading to extensive polymorphism and subse- formed colonies with a. constant and persistent pinkish
quently to overevaluation of phylogenetic distances [3,4]. colour [3]. After 7 days incubation at 32 oc. colonies
usually have a diameter from 3 to 5 mm. However,
Huang & Little [34] described differences in the size
of M. pachydernwtis colonies. They distinguished large
Most 1j,f. pachydermatis strains have short oval to ellip- and small-colony types among isolates recovered from

© 1999 ISHAM. Medical /'1ycology. 37, 295-306

Guillot & Bone

canine ears or skin. These phenotypic differences were Physiolog-;

reinforced by variations in fatty acid composition. More l1.1. pachydermatis is a lipophilic yeast and the growth is
recently, Bond & Anthony [35] examined /II. pachyder- improved by addition of lipids in the medium. However,
rnatis strains that apparently behaved like lipid-depen- this species differs from all the other lv!alasse::ia yeasts
dent yeasts; they initially either failed to develop on by the fact that lipid supplementation is not an absolute
regular media or formed very small colonies on requirement for growth. Thus, M. pachydermatis is the
Sabouraud's glucose agar. Electrophoretic karyotypes of easiest Malassezia species to identify [43]. M. pachyder-
these strains were consistent with illl. pachyderrnatis. Ri- matis has no block in de novo synthesis of myristic acid
bosomal RNA sequencing proved that all these atypical and it has been shown that growth does not depend on
isolates represented a genetically distinct population and the presence of long chain fatty acid precursors in the

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could be related to the sequence type 'Id' composed of medium. However, differences in lipid requirements
canine strains exclusively [ 18]. have been reported [35]. Isolates belonging to the se-
quence type 'Id' exhibit a slow rate of growth and a
rapid loss of viability when initially cultivated on
Ultrastructure Sabouraud's glucose agar [18]. After several transfers,
Transmission electron microscopical observations these isolates form small colonies, but usually loose their
demonstrated a thick (up to 0·25 ~Lm) and multilame!lar exacting lipid requirements [3,18].
lvf. pachydermatis does not develop in liquid media
cell wall which is typical of basidiomycetous fungi. De-
used in the standard assimilation tests [13, 14]. Using
pending on culture conditions as well as fixation and
auxanogram plates, Slooff [13] and Saez [44] reported
staining methods, two or three layers were usually dis-
that growth is possible with glucose o-mannitol and
tinguished for both M. pach.vdermatis and lipid-depen-
o-glucitol, and sometimes with glycerol, sorbitol, lactic
dent Malasse::ia yeasts [28.29,36)7]. An additional outer
and succinic acids. Sanguinetti et al. [45] found that
layer was described for ll;f. pachydermatis by Winiarczyk glucose and o-mannitol were the only carbon sources to
[38]. This very thin outer layer could be observed only be assimilated. Kiss et a!. [32] distinguished two physio-
in specimens which were prepared by means of methods logical types on the basis of o-mannitol and sorbitol
leading to a minimal washing out of lipids. A similar assimilation, hydrolysis of Tween 80 and requirement
structure was also reported for J1;f. ji1rji1r and identified for nicotinic acid. In usual commercial yeast identifica-
in this case as a diffuse microfibrillar capsule [29]. In tion systems, such as API-:ZOC (bio-iVIerieux), JVj_ pachy-
fact, the most interesting ultrastructural feature is the dermatis is usually inactive [3,5,32]. However, Marcon &
corrugated nature of the inner surface of the cell wall. Powell [5] reported that iVF pachydermatis might be pos-
This structure, unique in the Kingdom Fungi, corre-· itive for glucose, glycerol and sorbitol leading to the
sponds to the helicoidal invagination of the plasma misidentification of the yeast as Ccmdida lipolytica.
membrane around the cell [28,37,39,40]. In the bud, this Sugar fermentation has never been demonstrated
characteristic feature becomes progressively apparent as [13,14,32,44]. Potassium nitrate is not assimilated
it matures. [13,32]. Urea is hydrolysed and the catalase reaction is
The typical enteroblastic budding of basidiomycetous usually positive but with a delayed gas formation [2,32].
yeasts leaves a collarette on the mother cell wall. For iVJ. Surprisingly, Mathieson et al. [46] reported variations in
pachydermatis, the budding process was precisely de-
urease activity between strains. In fact in most cases,
the reaction was negative on a solid medium supple-
scribed by Nishimura et al. [41]; these authors distin-
mented with phenol red. Using API-ZYM system (bio-
guished several stages from the protrusion of the
Merieux, Marcy !'Etoile, France), alkaline and acid
cytoplasm and the dimpling of the mother cell wall to
phosphatase, phosphoamidase and two esterase lipase
the complete release of the bud. lvf. pachyderrnatis was
activities were detected [26,47]. Using esters of lauric,
clearly characterized by the width of the bud base (0·9- palmitic and stearic acids, Kiss et a!. [32] confirmed that
1·1 Jlm in diameter). A much narrower base was re- the yeast is positive for esterase activity. In the latter
ported for lipid-dependent yeasts (0· 5-0· 7 Jlm) [42]. study, peroxidase and lecithinase activities were also de-
Cytoplasmic organelles appeared comparable to those tected. but no coagulase or haemagglutinating activity
described for other yeasts [38,41]. The size of the nu- was observed. The proteolytic activity of lVI. pachyder-
cleus was the same as that of l'vf. jiojitr (0·8 ~Lm in matis was first demonstrated on bovine serum agar [48]
diameter) [4!]. Gabal [37] reported a distinctive struc- and further confirmed using Sabouraud glucose agar
ture of the nucleus in k/. pachydemwtis. This result was and Sabouraud glucose liquid medium, supplemented
not confirmed by other investigators [38.41 ]. with casein [46].
© 1999 ISHAM. i'1edJcall"lycology. 31. 295-306
Malassezia pachydermatis: a review

M. pachydermatis is resistant to cycloheximide membrane sterol composition was analysed for isolates
(1000 ppm) (2,44,49]. In fact, increased growth has even sensitive or resistant to polyene antibiotics, and a greater
been observed with high concentrations of cycloheximide amount of ergosterol was found in sensitive strains than
(2000 ppm) [50]. Some isolates may be sensitive to lauric in resistant ones (56]. The cell wall of M. pachydermatis
acids [3,43]. The latter characteristic was first reported by stains red to violet with diazonium blue B [2,28]. This
Ushijima eta!. [49], who devised selective and differential feature, together with the absence of cell wall lysis by
media for lipid-dependent Malassezia yeasts. Supplemen- 13-(1-3)-o-glucanase [26], is consistent with the ba-
tation with laurate (750 mg mi- 1) leads to the complete sidiomycetous nature of M. pachydermatis.
growth inhibition of M. pachydermatis.
Growth is possible at temperatures from 25 to 41 oc
[2,13,44,45]. Optimum temperature is 37 oc [2,13]. M.

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pachydermatis develops equally well in aerobic, mi- Skin carriage
croaerophilic and capneic conditions, while in anaerobic
Malassezia yeasts are principally isolated from the skin of
conditions, growth is poor [33].
a variety of mammals and birds and are seldom recov-
M. pachydermatis isolates could be maintained by ered from the environment [6,51]. M. pachydermatis is
monthly transfers on Sabouraud's glucose agar. After frequently found on wild and domestic carnivores, in-
7 days incubation at 32 or 37 °C, yeasts are kept alive at cluding dogs, cats, bears, ferrets and foxes [3,57,58]. It
room temperature. M. pachydermatis seems to be particu- has also been isolated from species as diverse as rhi-
larly sensitive to the cold [51]. After 3 months at 4 °C, noceros, pigs, primates, pinnipeds, horses and birds
most isolates were no longer viable, whereas some lipid- (3,44,57,59-64]. In contrast, M. pachydermatis was not
dependent Malassezia yeasts were still alive even after recovered from rodents and lagomorphs in one recent
5 years at the same temperature. Cells survive lyophiliza- survey [57]. Certain host species such as pigs, rhinoceros
tion [2,51]. Preservation in liquid nitrogen is also efficient and cats, may be colonized by both M. pachydermatis
[51 ,52]. Lorenzini & de Bern ardis (53] suggested the use and lipid-dependent Malasse:::ia spp. [57,62,65-67]. Hu-
of the glucose nutrient agar supplemented with 1·5';{, man skin is frequently colonized by lipid-dependent
yeast extract and 1% Tween 80; cultures maintained at Malassezia yeasts, but seldom by M. pachydermatis
room temperature were kept alive for at least 3 months. (6,68].
The chemical composition of M. pachydermatis cells Carriage of M. pachydermatis has been widely studied
has been investigated by only a few authors. The protein in dogs because of its importance as an apparent skin
fractions of 30 isolates from dogs was investigated by pathogen in these animals. Gustafson [11] first isolated
SDS-Page [54]. Numerous protein bands ranging from this yeast from the external ear canal of both healthy
15·0-145·7 kDa were detected, but profiles did vary ac- dogs and dogs with otitis externa. In subsequent investi-
cording to the origin of the strains (external ear canal or gations, the yeast was recovered from this site in between
skin). Breierova et a!. [52] demonstrated that the content 2 and 49°!£, of healthy dogs [11,12,69-71]. Hajsig eta!.
of unsaturated acids (oleic, linoleic, myristoleic and (72] sampled various mucosal sites and isolated M.
palmitoleic) was 2·5-7·5 times greater than that of satu- pachydermatis from 33 out of 57 healthy dogs. The yeast
rated acids (palmitic, stearic and myristic). Great varia- was isolated from the anus, rectum, anal sacs and vagina
tions were noticed between strains. The small-colony type in approximately 40% of dogs, whereas it was infre-
described by Huang & Little [34] contained less linoleic quently recovered from the mouth, nostrils and nasal
acid than the large-colony type and oleic acid could not planum. Dufait (59] cultured M. pachydermatis from 81
be detected. Furthermore, the small-colony type con- out of 94 hair samples from dogs and found the fre-
tained five unidentified fatty acids. Addition of fatty acids quency of isolation from healthy dogs and dogs with skin
in the growth medium changed the fatty acid composi- disease to be equivalent.
tion of strains. Saturated fatty acids were incorporated as Bond et a!. [73] isolated M. pachydermatis from the
such into the cells but unsaturated acids induced complex anus of 52·5% and the oral cavity of 27·5% of 40 healthy
changes, including the production of a new fatty acid. dogs of various breeds, whereas it was less often found in
The unexpected effect of unsaturated acids on the bio- the nose, prepuce and vulva. Skin carriage was frequently
chemical composition of cellular membranes might ac- observed in the interdigital area (60%), on haired skin of
count for the mycostatic action of oleic and linoleic acids the lower lip (75%) and in the external ear canal (32·5%),
in vitro [34]. but it was rarely recovered from the axilla, groin or
Hamamoto et a!. [55] demonstrated that M. pachyder- dorsum. Kennis et a!. [74] also found the chin and perio-
matis was characterized by the coenzyme Q9 system. The ral area to be frequently colonized in healthy dogs. In
© 1999 ISHAM, Medical Mycology. 37, 295-306
basset hounds, a breed predisposed to ;l;Ja/asse::ia der- Infections associated with M, pa.chydermatis
matitis [75,76], both the frequencies of isolation and
populations sizes of the yeast in healthy hounds were
Dermatitis and otitis 1n dogs
found to be significantly higher at skin and mucosal sites Gustafson [11] first proposed that ivf. pachydermaris
when compared with those of healthy dogs of various might have been involved in the pathogenesis of otitis
other breeds [77]. In a temporal study of ivf. pachyderma- externa in the dog. He was able to induce otitis externa
tis carriage in eight healthy beagles sampled fortnightly by applying Jlvf. pachydermatis to the external ear canal,
over I 0 weeks, persistent carriage was identified at the whereas a Pityrosporum ovale strain of human origin had
external ear canal in seven dogs and at the anus in three no effect. Fraser [12] isolated M. pachydermatis in com-
dogs [78]. parable frequencies from healthy dogs and dogs with
otitis externa, but found that affected dogs tended to

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Adherence to canine corneocytes have larger numbers of the yeast on smears of cerumen.
Subsequent studies have either confirmed Fraser's find-
Adherence. the specific attachment of microorganisms to
cells and tissues, is thought to play an important role in ings [86], or have reported an increased prevalence of the
the colonization and infection of mammals by pathogenic yeast in otitis externa [70. 71]. Studies in which cases of
fungi. Adherence allows the fungus to resist physical otitis externa in dogs responded to antifungal therapy
forces which may otherwise result in its removal from the have been described [69,87 -89], and current opinion sug-
host, and may precede other pathogenic events such as gests that the yeast acts as an opportunistic secondary
germination and invasion [79.80]. Factors which influ- pathogen within the ear canal, under circumstances
ence the adherence of Candida spp. to epithelial cells have which remain poorly defined. Otitis externa associated
been extensively investigated [81], whereas the adherence with IV!. pachydermatis is often characterized by a waxy,
of Malasse::ia spp. has received less attention [82,83]. moist, brown or yellow exudate with variable erythema
Suspensions of 111. pachyder;rwtis adhered to canine and pruritus [90].
corneocytes attached to adhesive tape in a dose (P < More recently, interest in ivl. pachydermatis has in-·
0·001) and time-dependent < 0·01) manner; adherence creased with the recognition that the organism may be
was maximal after 2 h [84]. Af. pachydermatis cells were recovered from dogs with more generalized skin disease.
approximately 10 times more adherent than Saccha- The complete change in opinion on the importance of
romyces cerevisiae (P < 0·00 1) cells after 2 h ·incubation. 'Jv!alassezia dermatitis' in canine dermatology is illus-
Stationary-phase cells adhered better < 0·05) than ex- trated by a review of the recent editions of the standard
ponential-phase cells. Pre-treatment of yeasts, or cor- text, 'Small Anima! Dermatology'. Skin disease associ-
neocytes, with 0·1 '% trypsin for 30 min reduced (P < 0·0 I) ated with ivf. pachydermatis, other than otitis externa. is
the adherence of four and two, out of five strains, respec- not mentioned in the third edition [91]. In the fourth
tively, suggesting that trypsin-sensitive proteins or glyco- edition [92], IV/alassezia dermatitis is almost dismissed in
proteins on the yeast cell wall and on the corneocyte the space of eight lines, whereas five pages are devoted to
surface play an important role in the adherence of lvf. it in the fifth edition [93].
pachydermatis to canine corneocytes in vitro. Incubation Dufait [94] is credited with the first reports of M.
with 300 mM solutions of D( +) mannose, sucrose and pachydermatis as a cause of more widespread dermatitis
N-acetyl D-glucosamine had no consistent effect. in the dog. He described a series of 50 dogs with pruritic
A panel of four lectins was used to further investigate dermatitis, from which the yeast could be readily recov-
the role of carbohydrates in the adherence of i\1. pachy- ered by cytology or culture, and which responded to
demwtis to canine corneocytes in ~·irro [85]. Pre-treatment antifungal therapy. Skin lesions consisted of erythema
of canine corneocytes with concanavalin A (10 f.lg m]- 1) and hyperpigmentation which most often affected the
inhibited (P < 0·01) the adherence of one out of six M. ventral abdomen, although the face, feet and perineal
pachydermatis strains. This effect was abrogated by pre- regions were also commonly affected. Larsson et a!. [95]
incubating concanavalin A with its hapten inhibitor (6% described similar findings in 23 cases from Brazil. Scott &
methyl a-D-mannopyranoside), suggesting that manno- Miller [96] described eight West Highland White terriers
syl-bearing carbohydrate residues on the epithelial cells with a severely pruritic seborrhoeic skin disorder from
serve as ligands for adhesins expressed by this strain. which M. pachydernzatis could be isolated. Mason &
Howevec treatment of corneocytes with soybean. wheat Evans [97] described II cases in detail and demonstrated
germ and gorse lectin, and pre-treatment of the yeast cells the yeast in the stratum corneum in all nine cases from
with either of the four lectins had no reproducible effect which skin biopsies were obtained. Concurrent allergic
on the adherence of two strains. diseases were recognized in four dogs. and one dog had
@ 1999 ISHAM. Medical fv!yco!ogy. 31, 295-306
Malassezia pachydermatis: a review

hepatic disease. In each case, antibacterial therapy was and the adherence of M. furfur to human keratinocytes in
without benefit, but all dogs responded to either systemic vitro.
ketoconazole or topical antifungal therapy. This publica- The factors which favour proliferation of M. pachyder-
tion and other presentations by Mason in the early 1990s matis and its transition from a commensal organism to
[97-99] were instrumental in highlighting widely the po- an apparent pathogen on canine skin are poorly under-
tential importance of this yeast to members of the veteri- stood, but presumably reflect disturbances of the normal
nary dermatology community, many of whom were physical, chemical or immunological mechanisms which
unfamiliar with, or had dismissed, the earlier reports by restrict microbial colonization of skin. Breed predilec-
Dufait [94]. tions have been identified, although geographical varia-
Further evidence for a pathogenic role of M. pachyder- tions are apparent. Basset hounds, dachshunds, cocker
matis was provided by a double-blind study in which the spaniels, West Highland White terriers, poodles and Aus-

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clinical responses in 33 basset hounds with Malassezia- tralian Silky terriers have been reported to be at in-
associated seborrhoeic dermatitis were related to skin creased risk [75,76,94,98]. There is no gender predilection
microbial populations, before and after treatment with and Malassezia-associated skin diseases may develop in
either miconazole-chlorhexidine or selenium sulphide both young and old dogs. Plant et a!. [76] reported that
shampoos [100]. At the first assessment, M. pachyderma- recent antibacterial therapy and a clinical presentation
tis populations in affected skin, determined using a deter- consistent with seborrhoeic dermatitis were associated
gent-scrub technique, were typically 100-1 0000-fold with high counts of M. pachydermatis. Concurrent dis-
higher than those of healthy dogs. Marked increases in eases have been recognized in many, but not all, cases of
skin populations of coagulase-positive staphylococci, Malassezia dermatitis in dogs, and correction of the
principally Staphylococcus intermedius, were also demon- concurrent disease may prevent, or reduce the frequency
strated. The miconazole-chlorhexidine treated dogs had of relapse in some dogs. Some atopic dogs carry large
superior clinical responses and lower post-treatment numbers of M. pachydermatis yeasts in both lesional skin
counts of M. pachydermatis and coagulase-positive and in unaffected areas [104,105]. Immediate intradermal
staphylococci, suggesting that skin infection with M. test reactivity has been observed in atopic dogs following
pachydermatis and/or bacteria, played an important role the injection of M. pachydermatis extracts at concentra-
in the development of dermatitis in those basset hounds. tions which cause no reaction in healthy dogs [106],
However, the evidence for a pathogenic role for the suggesting that hypersensitivity responses to yeast aller-
yeast remains circumstantial. Some of the antifungal gens may be involved in the pathogenesis in some cases
agents used in the studies described previously have other of atopic disease. These observations are analogous to
effects. For example, ketoconazole has been shown to the suggestion that IgE-mediated hypersensitivity to
have anti-inflammatory properties [99, 101]. Concurrent Malassezia-derived allergens may be important in the
colonization or infection of lesional skin by S. inter- pathogenesis of the 'head-neck' form of atopic dermati-
medius is common [73,97]. The miconazole-chlorohexi- tis in humans [107].
dine shampoo has substantial antibacterial activity [1 00] Diagnostic criteria for Malassezia dermatitis in the dog
and it is difficult to determine the relative importance of have not been firmly established. It has been suggested
the reductions in yeast and bacterial populations. How- that a diagnosis of Malasse::ia dermatitis is appropriate,
ever, antibacterial therapy alone has previously been re- based on current knowledge, when a dog with elevated
ported to have little effect in such cases [97] and there is M. pachydermatis populations on lesional skin shows a
some evidence to suggest that the best therapeutic re- good clinical and mycological response to appropriate
sponse is achieved when both M. pachydermatis and antifungal therapy [108]. Cytological, cultural and histo-
bacteria are removed by topical therapy [102]. pathological techniques can be used to identify the yeast.
A recent study suggested that increased corneocyte Cytological techniques used include impression methods
receptivity for the yeast is not important in the pathogen- using glass slides [76,96], cotton swabs [98], skin scrap-
esis of seborrhoeic dermatitis associated with M. pachy- ings [94] and tape-strip preparations [98]. Although cytol-
dermatis in basset hounds [103]. Similar results were ogy is one of the most useful methods in practice, it is not
obtained by Bergbrant & Faergemann [82] who found clear which of these te~hniques are most efficient. Con-
that M. furfur was better able to adhere to stratum tact-plate cultural techniques provide a rapid and conve-
corneum cells from healthy individuals than to cells from nient method for isolation of the yeast but the results are
patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis. However, Schecht- not immediately available [104]. This quantitative
man et a!. [83] reported that there was no relationship method is superior to standard swabbing methods be-
between the severity of seborrhoeic dermatitis of humans cause population sizes can be determined, and in most
© 1999 ISHAM. Medical Mycology. 37. 295-306
Guiliot & Bor;d

canine cases, population densities in affected areas in a California sea lion (Zalophus cahfornianus). The
greatly exceed those of healthy skin [73,77,103,104]. Al- animal developed multiple wheals on both flanks and
though /vf. pachydermatis is not lipid-dependent, the use chest [61]. The excellent response to specific antifungal
of lipid-supplemented media, especially the modified therapy suggested that the yeasts were opportunistic
Dixon's medium, was shown to be very advantageous for pathogens.
quantitative culture of the yeasts from canine skin [109].
Both incubation temperatures, 27 and 37 °C, were then Human infections
equally suitable. The Sabouraud glucose agar seemed to
A case of canaliculi tis was reported in a 61-year-old man
be less efficient, especially when incubated at 27 oc. En-
[118]. The yeasts was also isolated from a cutaneous
hanced growth on that medium could be obtained with a
wound of a 67-year-old man and from the urine of a
37 oc incubation or in a carbondioxide-enriched atmo-

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patient with chronic granulomatous disease [16]. How-
sphere [109-111].
ever, the most commonly described human infection due
Histopathological examination of skin biopsy speci-
to lvl, pachydennatis is an intravascular catheter-acquired
mens typically shows parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, irreg-
sepsis [5]. Usually, patients are premature infants with
ular epidermal hyperplasia, intercellular oedema and
multiple complications of prematurity. They require hos-
lymphocytic superficial perivascular or interstitial der-
pitalization in a neonatal intensive care unit and have
matitis [97, 112]. However, iV!. pachydermatis is not al-
been receiving broad spectrum antibiotics and parenteral
ways visible in the epidermal stratum corneum, even in
lipid emulsions for several weeks through a central
cases where large numbers are seen cytologically [78, 1!2];
venous catheter [5,8, 1I 9]. Signs of illness may be absent
this probably reflects disruption of this layer during
[8]. When observed, symptoms are similar to those asso-
ciated with fungemia due to M. fwjitr [8, 119]. Fever,
Therapeutic options for canine Malasse::.ia dermatitis
lethargy, respiratory distress or bradycardia are usually
include systemic therapy with k€toconazole or itracona-
reported. Multiple anatomic sites can be sources of lvf.
zole [97,99] or topical therapy with a variety of agents,
pachydermatis [ 120,121]. Removal of the infected catheter
especially azole derivatives [113]. A 2'% miconazole-2'Yt,
seems to be the most successful mode of treatment [5].
chlorhexidine product has been shown to have good
Genetic typing of clinical isolates clearly demonstrated
efficacy (100], but selenium sulphide, chlorhexidine, enil-
the nosocomial nature of epidemics caused by !Vi. pachy-
conazole and ketoconazole-containing products are also
dermatis in neonatal intensive care units [22]. All isolates
helpful in some cases [98,93]. Identification and correc-
recovered from both patients and incubator surfaces were
tion of underlying causes should be attempted in re!aps-
genetically comparable. Furthermore, despite regular
mg cases.
cleaning of the incubators, yeasts were shown to persist
on the glass surfaces at least for 2 months. Somerville
[ 122] reported that 16'% of patients with chronic cuta-
Dermatitis and otitis in other animals
neous diseases harboured 1\I. pachydermatis on the skin.
M. pachydermatis appears to be a relatively infrequent These findings were not confirmed by other investigators
pathogen in cats, at least when compared with dogs. This who concluded that, in most cases, the presence of lvf.
may reflect the less frequent carriage rates seen in healthy pachydermatis on human skin was rare and transient
cats [57,65,66, 72,86, 114]. Ceruminous otitis externa re- [6,68, 123, 124]. Mickelsen et a!. [8] suggested that im-
sponsive to antifungal ear drops is the commonest clini- munocompromised patients might coru,titute suitable
cal presentation of i14alasse.::ia-associated skin diseases in hosts for M. pachydermatis. Transmission would be most
cats. Occasional cases of localized or generalized likely from animal skin (pets) [7] or environmental
Malasse.::ia dermatitis have been described in cats sources [22]. With partial LSU rRNA sequencing, all the
[99, 115]. Exfoliative erythroderma, greasy exudation and strains recovered from humans were classified in sequevar
varying degrees of pruritus may be seen. Diagnostic and 'I a', i.e. the most frequent sequence-type of the strains
therapeutic measures are similar to those used in dogs. isolated from dogs [18]. In a recent study concerning a
At. pachydermatis-associated otitis externa have also epidemic caused by iV!. pachydermatis in an intensive care
been described in ferrets, fennecs, pigs and dromedaries nursery, isolates from patients, health care workers and
[3,57, 116, 117]. An exfoliative Malasse:ia dermatitis was health care workers' pets had identical pattern of RFLP
first reported in 1925 in an Indian rhinoceros from [7]. The introduction and subsequent nosocomial trans-
Philadelphia [1]. More recently similar lesions were ob- mission of pet associated Jvlalasse::;ia yeasts in nursery
served in a southern white rhinoceros [59]. Jv!. pachyder- could be prevented by careful hand washing by health
matis was held responsible for a case of focal dermatitis care workers.
© 1999 ISHAI'-'1. i"/ed!cJI Mycology, 37. 295 ·- 306
Malassezia pachydermatis: a review Fm
Acknowledgements 19 Anthony RM, Howell SA, Lloyd DH, Pinter L. The applica-
tion of DNA typing methods to the study of the epidemiology
The authors gratefully acknowledge the invaluable advice of Malassezia pachydermatis. Microb Eco/ Health Dis 1994; 7:
and constant help provided by Eveline Gueho from the 161-168.
Pasteur Institute of Paris. 20 Boekhout T, Bosboom RW. Karyotyping of Malassezia
yeasts: taxonomic and epidemiological implications. Syst Appl
Microbial 1994; 17: 146-153.
21 Kiuchi A, Taharaguchi S, Hanazawa R, et a/. Chromosome-
References sized DNA of Malasse::ia pachydermatis by pulsed-field gel
electrophoresis. J Vet Med Sci 1992; 54: 1219-1220.
Weidman FD. Exfoliative dermatitis in the Indian rhinoceros 22 Van Belkum A, Boekhout T, Bosboom R. Monitoring spread
(Rhinoceros unicorn is), with description of a new species: of Malassezia infections in a neonatal intensive care unit by
Pityrosporum pachydermatis. In: Fox H, ed. Rep Lab Mus PCR-mediated genetic typing. J Clin Microbial 1994; 32:

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Camp Zoo Soc Philadelphia, 1925; 36-43. 2528-2532.
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