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1) Fayol’s main functions of organizations’ management

Acoording to Fayol, main functions for organisational management are: first of all,
planning, without proper planning rest of the process will be a mess, as this phase of
management envisages elaboration of economic, political, social, legislative environment
and according to those characteristics, elaborating goals to achieve. The later should be
attained by proper action plan/strategy. Next important step of abovementioned process is
organazing, during which good organizational structure is necessary to be created and
this means creating organizational bureaucracy, distribute pozitions, tasks, responsibilities
and provide staff with enough material and financial ressources to fulfill the goal.
Another necessary part of management process is commanding, which is also noteworthy
aspect, inasmuch as direct and timely order means a lot for orgnanizational success, as
well as unity of commanding, because one should execute due to order coming from only
single commander, but not more. Coordinating appears to be also decisive part, as robust
communication among staff and agencies is crucial for successfully and coherently
achieve the goal. Finally, as every domain, management also needs controlling, if tasks are
done properly and timely and one should control the process in such phase, while there is
still a chance/time left to correct mistakes and fill the gaps.

2) PESTLE analysis

PESTLE analysis, as other approaches of evaluating, like DIME, SWOT, SMART,

etc. is a tool for assessment, that helps one to see broad, full scale of environment through
which it should operate. Correspondingly, environment around is consisted of various
dimensions to take into account. Such models enable to be more or less comprehensive
and consider important dimensions of reality. As PESTLE and likewise approaches are
unavoidable parts of planning, they have crucial role for success. Concerning parts of the
PESTLE, it contains policitacal; economic, social, technologic, legal and ecological
dimensions, that should be taken into account for proper environmental assessment, that
itself provides succcessful planning process, without which fulfillment of goal is

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