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Cumulative Reflection

Jon Tucker Thomas

My time at Iowa State has prepared me for many future challenges I will face in my

career. Experiences I’ve gained both inside and outside the classroom have honed my skills as a

communicator, learner, teammate, and engineer. Labs prepared me to design complex systems

and work well in groups. Homework prepared me to solve complicated math and engineering

problems. However, there are some situations where no amount of preparation can help.

The biggest challenge I still face today is dealing with the loss of my stepmom. Her

passing on a random Saturday in early 2021 took a toll on my ability to stay motivated and

focused. In spite of this tremendous challenge, I’m still here today doing the best I can to finish

the electrical engineering program. Through the use of multiple tutoring programs I was able to

get myself back on track after falling greatly behind the semester my stepmom passed.

Programs at Iowa State helped me realize that it’s important to constantly prepare yourself for

unexpected situations, and I’m thankful for that.

The tutoring programs weren’t the only outside learning activities that supported me in

my pursuit of a career. Engineering career fairs were great opportunities to network with people

who were once in my position. The engineering career services at ISU was also a great source of

information on how to thrive and present myself in a professional environment. Thanks to these

experiences, I am more comfortable reaching out to employers and taking risks by putting

myself in positions to be judged.

Iowa State wasn’t the only source of learning I used to complete tasks. I received a lot of

help and information from resources like Khan Academy, engineering YouTube channels, and

engineers I know personally. I would use these resources to supplement what I was already

learning at ISU, especially when I didn’t quite understand a topic. Even now I’ll sometimes need

to refresh myself on math concepts (i.e. watching a Khan Academy video). While I am content in

my ability to succeed academically, one of my biggest regrets is not participating in many

student organizations.

If I were to start again, I would focus more on what makes me happy. While I love

learning and building myself professionally, I wish I would have found a community to be a part

of. Applying myself socially is still one of my biggest challenges and I’m only now beginning to

find what I enjoy. In spite of this, I’m very grateful for the experience Iowa State has provided

me and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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