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93800: Job 938: MASTEEL 2575X5120 LAMINA GALV. CAL.

14 X 3' ANCHO G90




Time Estimate for TFP3062 6 x 12:

Total Time - high (180IPM) / low speed (2300IPM): 0:08:10 / 0:05:37
Outer: 498.05 in. Inner: 78.45 in.
Cut length/time high/low: 576.50 in. / 0:04:01 / 0:01:28
Pierce count/time: 37 / 0:03:05
Traverse time: 0:01:05
Consumed: 207.91 x 26.06 (37.63 sq.ft.), 276.58 lbs.
Stock: 240.00 x 36.00 Mild Steel 0.18" 100kw 1.1 O2 Air
Web: 0.312, Kerf Comp. 0.04
Cut Itm Qty Blank Size File Name
--- --- --- ----------- ---------
2 2 1 120.2 x 25.9 ACV005531 MASTEEL
1 4 1 87.2 x 17.2 ACV005545 A

Job 938, Plate 93800 C:\KCT\kctnest\plate\Nest

Page 1 of 3 Mon Dec 20 10:02:07 2021
93801: Job 938: MASTEEL 2575X5120 LAMINA GALV. CAL. 14 X 3' ANCHO G90

4 5

1 2 3


Time Estimate for TFP3062 6 x 12:

Total Time - high (180IPM) / low speed (2300IPM): 0:13:31 / 0:07:42
Outer: 1136.74 in. Inner: 86.21 in.
Cut length/time high/low: 1222.96 in. / 0:07:41 / 0:01:52
Pierce count/time: 49 / 0:04:05
Traverse time: 0:01:45
Consumed: 236.45 x 35.01 (57.49 sq.ft.), 422.58 lbs.
Stock: 240.00 x 36.00 Mild Steel 0.18" 100kw 1.1 O2 Air
Web: 0.312, Kerf Comp. 0.04
Cut Itm Qty Blank Size File Name
--- --- --- ----------- ---------
4 1 1 117.0 x 15.8 ACV005529 MASTEEL
2 4 1 87.2 x 17.2 ACV005545 A
1 5 1 31.8 x 17.2 ACV005546
3 6 2 117.2 x 17.4 ACV005547 MASTEEL

Job 938, Plate 93801 C:\KCT\kctnest\plate\Nest

Page 2 of 3 Mon Dec 20 10:02:07 2021
93802: Job 938: MASTEEL 2575X5120 LAMINA GALV. CAL. 14 X 3' ANCHO G90


Time Estimate for TFP3062 6 x 12:

Total Time - high (180IPM) / low speed (2300IPM): 0:09:15 / 0:06:38
Outer: 513.10 in. Inner: 93.25 in.
Cut length/time high/low: 606.35 in. / 0:04:16 / 0:01:38
Pierce count/time: 48 / 0:04:00
Traverse time: 0:01:00
Consumed: 225.82 x 25.95 (40.69 sq.ft.), 299.14 lbs.
Stock: 240.00 x 36.00 Mild Steel 0.18" 100kw 1.1 O2 Air
Web: 0.312, Kerf Comp. 0.04
Cut Itm Qty Blank Size File Name
--- --- --- ----------- ---------
1 3 1 225.5 x 25.6 ACV005535-ACV005536 MASTEEL

Job 938, Plate 93802 C:\KCT\kctnest\plate\Nest

Page 3 of 3 Mon Dec 20 10:02:07 2021

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