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Magazine No 5 2019 / 2020

ZKM I Karlsruhe, Germany

* Fritz Kuhr, 1928; student at the Bauhaus from 1923–27,

member of staff in the wallpainting workshop 1928–29, teacher of drawing 1929–30 at the Bauhaus


In the 1921 Weimar Bauhaus programme László Moholy-Nagy
experiments with photography without
Walter Gropius announced the creation of Painter, photographer, typographer, a camera (photograms). The book
stage designer, art theorist and teacher Painting Photography Film (1925) set
a total work of art: “The Bauhaus strives for 20 July 1895 in Bácsborsód / Austria- out his theory of “new seeing.” From
a unity of all artistic creation, the reunification Hungary – 24 November 1946 in 1928 he was back in Berlin, designing
of all the art disciplines – sculpture, painting, Chicago / USA intermedial decorations for the Kroll
Opera and the Piscator Stage.
the crafts and trades – to form a new art In painting, he experimented with
of building in which they are all indispensable Born in southern Hungary as the son materials like aluminum and Bakelite
of the Jewish farmer Lipot Weisz, and used Plexiglas placed in front of
components. The final, if distant goal of the Moholy-Nagy – the later pioneer of canvases to create transparent three-
Bauhaus is the unified work of art – the grand modernism – was raised by his uncle dimensional effects. His experiments
in Mohol in today’s Serbia. After
building – in which there are no borders his father left the family, his mother
led to the construction of a mobile
installation made of glass and metal,
between monumental and decorative art.” (…) was helped by her lawyer, named the Room Modulator. In 1934 he
“The Bauhaus wishes to train architects, Nagy, to bring up her six children. divorced his wife – the Bauhaus photo-
This led to László choosing his own
painters and sculptors of all standards according new name and going his own way.
grapher and writer Lucia Moholy,
who, along with Herwarth Walden,
to their abilities to become either hard-working He began to study law but this was had strongly promoted his career
artisans or free artists, and to found a working suddenly interrupted by the First World from 1921. In 1937 he emigrated to
War, where he fought and was badly
community of leading and young working wounded on the Russian front. After
the USA with his second wife Sybille
Pietzsch, via Amsterdam and London.
artists, a community that knows how to design his recovery he focused entirely on On the recommendation of Gropius, he

buildings in their totality – shell construction, painting. After the Hungarian Republic became director of the New Bauhaus
of Councils fell in 1919 he went to Chicago, which was forced to close the
fitting out, and ornament and decoration – Vienna, and then in 1920 to Berlin and following year due to lack of funds. In
in a like-minded spirit and unified design.” in 1923 to the Bauhaus, first in Weimar 1939 Moholy-Nagy opened the School

and then in Dessau. Moholy-Nagy of Design and in 1944 the Institute of
This “grand building,” based on ideals of taught in the foundation course and Design, the last school he was to teach
became the form master in the metals
Medieval cathedral construction, remained workshop. Together with Gropius, he
in. His last book, Vision in Motion (1947),
represents a synthesis of his work as a
utopian, but in several projects the Bauhaus became editor of the 14 Bauhaus

teacher, artist, and theorist.
did come close to the total work of art. In 1921, Books from 1924. His photographs led
Text: Astrid Volpert
to a “photo boom” among students.
students took part in building Walter Gropius‘s “Writing with light” led him to abstract
and Adolf Meyer’s “Haus Sommerfeld” in
Berlin. In 1923 numerous masters and students
– from the weaving, carpentry, metal, and
ceramics workshops – worked on the

“Experimental House at Horn,” designed by
painter and Bauhaus master Georg Muche.

I The Bauhaus building in Dessau, designed by

The Whole World a Bauhaus presents eight chap- Walter Gropius and opened in 1926, and the
ters with varied, exciting and surprising insights master’s houses there were also “total” works,

N into work and life at one of the most important art in which masters and students worked together

academies of the twentieth century – the Bauhaus, and used products from the Bauhaus workshops.
founded in Weimar in 1919. In 1926 the Bauhaus This led to the making of metal and wooden

T moved to Dessau, and in 1932, when the Nazis

made it impossible to continue there, it moved to
furniture, lamps, and also to the colour plans

for the interior. 927
u, 1926 / 27, 1
ilding Dessa
Berlin, only to finally close forever in 1933. Bauhaus bu
Aerial view,

The wish to create a total work of art is also
This exhibition presents photographs, works seen in the work of the theatre workshop,

on paper, models, documents, films, and objects, in the expressionist plays of Lothar Schreyer
inviting you to explore the wide range and diversity at the Weimar Bauhaus, in which language,

O of Bauhaus theory and practice in contemporary

modernist design in architecture, everyday ob-
jects, painting and theatre, and including theories
gestures, colours, and sculpture were all
radically interlinked. Plans for theatre by László
Moholy-Nagy, such as the “Sketch of a Score

D and models of teaching. The Bauhaus always for a Mechanical Eccentricity: Synthesis of

endeavoured to create suitable and improved Form, Movement, Sound, Light (Colour) and
environments, and to promote new ways of life. Smell,” also had the character of a total work

U In each thematic chapter in this exhibition you will

of art, or a “total work,” as Moholy-Nagy put it.
also find selected biographies of Bauhaus people,
based on one work and illustrating differences
and common ground in their careers.
Throughout the fourteen years of its existence the
T Bauhaus underwent a constant process of redefi-
nition and reinvention. Strategy was enthusiastically
discussed and defined – and often disputed –
by the three Bauhaus directors, the architects
Walter Gropius, Hannes Meyer and Ludwig Mies
van der Rohe, and the Bauhaus masters and

students. For this exhibition, audio recordings of There was always lively debate and controversy
some of these different positions at the Bauhaus

concerning the purpose and significance of the
and also of contemporary critical voices from Bauhaus at the Bauhaus itself, and also outside,

outside have been made, and you can listen to and this continues to this day. This is illustrated
these on headphones. by posters with quotations from various sources,
mostly from newspapers from 1945 to today.
They show the reception history and the changing
interpretations of the Bauhaus.

Boris Friedewald

s We
Curator of the ifa touring exhibition

h au

B au
t ate
the S
m of
o gra

d pr
to a n
, Ma
st r a lu
er (il
r il 19 Feining
c ove r), Lyon
r, A p
hed s (autho
ral ”
with r Gropiu
“ C at
Mar ia
B ran
dt , A
s ht r a
y, 19
2 4

T “Architects, sculptors, painters, we all

must return to the crafts!” Walter Gropius A
demanded in the Bauhaus Manifesto of
S t aa
A lm t lic he B 1919. Therefore, the first goal was to
a Bu il
s c h d ste l l e
S t aa
er, E B
r i c h e r l i n, H have every student learn a craft in one of
Bren ous

t e the workshops. Artistic creation was only

l i del
M ar c h
t ha e B il dst (fur n at Hor n
iture ,
Er p s
(c ar
B ), 19 children possible on the basis of a handicraft,
em, view of the pet) er lin, H 23 ’s be
e), House Sommerfeld in Berlin -Dahl
Staatliche Bildstelle Berlin (Carl Rogg e), 19 20–21
, Lá a
s z l ó u s at H
dr o o
m, v and the artist was a more intensive kind
Adolf Meye r (archi tectur
court yard, Walter Gropius und M oh
o ly-
o r n,
i ew
of t h of artisan.
N ag iving ro e di
y (w o m, room
all li M ar
, 192 c e l Breu and
k i tc h In early 1922, there was a debate about
3 er (f en
ur ni
ture individual or mass production. Walter

), G

y ula
Pa p Gropius noted: “Master Itten recently
p) , demanded that we must decide whether
to create individual and unique works in

complete contrast to economic realities,
or whether we need to get closer to
industry.” In this debate, Itten himself

came down in favour of the individually
made unique work, quite in line with the
original Bauhaus idea. A
A Gropius announced a decisive new
direction in 1923, with the new slogan “Art
and Technology – a New Unity.” This was
L to be highly significant for the future
development of the Bauhaus, and it led
to Johannes Itten leaving the Bauhaus.
In the catalogue of the large Bauhaus
Exhibition of 1923 in Weimar Gropius
stated that the Bauhaus was not a school

for handicrafts, and that its goal was
contacts with industry. The workshops
would now focus on standardised proce- Otto Lindig, Dornburg ceramics
Kitty (Catharine Louise) van der

weaving studio De Wibstrik in
dures, making prototypes and models that
workshop, Coffee pot L16, 1923
Mijll Dekker (Kitty Fischer) Nunspeet in 1933. She became
were suited to industrial serial production. Textiles designer 22 February a member of the Association for

Trades and Crafts, which made

The first results of this new approach
lication crossplay, 192

1908 in Jogyakarta / Java
her eligible to participate in an

– 6 December 2004 in
were functional products consisting of just

Nijkerk / Netherlands exhibition in the Stedelijk Museum
a few parts and often very basic shapes, Amsterdam. She was also
awarded a silver medal at the
such as the combination teapot by She was born on Java, where Triennale di Milano for two

Theodor Bogler, the “Slatted Chair” by her father was an administrator

cellophane textiles. In 1934
on a tobacco plantation. At the
Marcel Breuer, the legendary “Bauhaus age of eight, she moved to The
Greten and Hermann separated,
and Kitty and Hermann
Lamp” by Carl Jakob Jucker and Wilhelm
d, Heiland,“ from the pub

Netherlands and attended a continued to run the business as

Wagenfeld and the Bauhaus chess set by citizen’s school in The Hague the hand weaving and design

until 1925. At age seventeen, studio K.v.d. Mijll-Dekker. In
Josef Hartwig. In 1925, Bauhaus Book she went on educational tours of 1935 Kitty was awarded a gold
No. 7 was published, entitled “New Works Switzerland, the USA, and medal for her contribution to the
from the Bauhaus Workshops.” It England. At Hornsey School of

World’s Fair in Brussels and in

Art in London, she studied water- 1937 she received a Diplome
amounted to a catalogue for orders for color, drawing and art history. D’Honneur at the Paris World’s
Bauhaus products, as Gropius said: She then took private lessons Fair. This recognition of her work
Lothar Schreyer, „Heilan

with the interior designer Jan Buys

“The Bauhaus workshops are primarily led to commissions from the

and the industrial designer Cor Dutch royal family from 1938.
laboratories in which models are Alons. These two gave her She also made wall hangings
developed and continually improved for references for her application to and curtains for public buildings,
typical products of our time to be produced The Bauhaus was able to derive income the Dessau Bauhaus in 1929. designs for the Dutch textiles
After finishing the foundation

in series.” The same year the Bauhaus from the sale of goods and to thereby course, she studied there in the
industry, including for flooring
and wall panels. Using geo-
Dessau published the “Catalogue gain some independence from the need weaving workshop. She metrical forms, modern weaving
of Patterns,” in which Bauhaus products for public subsidies. Students also experimented with form and techniques, and color tones

materials, including cellophane reminiscent of the Bauhaus, she

were advertised and could be ordered. benefited, as they participated in the and synthetic yarns. In November revolutionized the classic kitchen
Gropius had suggested that the main profits from their designs and the sale 1931 she passed her dishcloth. Kitty and Hermann
of licences, thereby covering part of their apprenticeship examinations in a both survived the period of
principle in the design of these products textiles factory in Rummelsburg / 

German occupation during the
living costs. When the Bauhaus moved

was “research into their essence.” He Pomerania that belonged to the Second World War. In 1950 she
said: “A thing is determined by its essence. to the new building in Dessau in 1926, father of fellow-student Margot married her German partner,
Meschke. In April 1932, she
To be able to design it to work properly the workshops were equipped with received Bauhaus diploma no.
who had graduated from the
Bauhaus building and interior

new machines that made it possible to

– be it a container, a chair, or a house – it 66 as a weaver and then design workshop. From 1934 to

is necessary to first research its essence; produce prototypes for industry as well returned to Holland. Together 1970 she taught at the Institute
, 19

with fellow students Hermann

as Bauhaus own products in larger for Crafts Teaching in Amsterdam.

it should serve its purpose perfectly, Fischer and his wife Greten
Text: Astrid Volpert
r in

being practical and functional, long-lasting, numbers. This transformed the workshops Kähler, she established the hand

into real production facilities, where


inexpensive and ‘beautiful.’”

te o

teaching nonetheless continued.

St a

It was under the charge of Hannes

of t

Meyer, who advocated “the needs of the


people before the needs of luxury,” that


the most successful standard Bauhaus

c ur

product was made. These were the


Bauhaus wallpapers, whose designs


were chosen in a student competition.

r, E
ay e
rt B
r be

Otto Lindig, Dor nburg

ceramics wor kshop, Pla
te, 1922 / 23
Today the Bauhaus is seen as one of the
most innovative and influential art schools of
the twentieth century. Walter Gropius, its
founder, was certain that “art cannot be
controlled, but the technical means can be.”
This was why the Bauhaus established
workshops for wall painting, metals, weaving,
and carpentry as the centrepiece in the
training of apprentices and journeymen,
marking a clear innovation when compared Rohe at class in the Dessau Bauh
Pius Pahl, Ludwig Mies van der

Wilke (fron t), Hein rich Neuy,
to the classical art academies. The first with students, Anne marie
le), 1930/31
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (midd
workshops were the gold, silver, and copper
workshop (later the metal workshop), the

graphic printing workshop, the bookbinding
workshop, and the weaving workshop.
In 1920 there followed the workshops for

Unknown Designer, Walter Grop
ius, houses, from the publication
ceramics, glass painting, wall painting,
“State Bauhaus Weimar 1919 –23”,
 1923 and wood and stone sculpture. In 1921 the
carpentry and theatre workshops were
founded. R
Marcel Breuer There were difficulties at first in finding the
Architect and designer Unknown Designer, Structured cloth pattern “Semmer ing” no. 187
from a pattern book with Bauhaus textiles, 1928–31 teachers who were able to both teach the

21 May 1902 in Pécs / Austria-
Hungary – 1 July 1981 in New appropriate skills and crafts while also

York City / USA addressing artistic issues. “First a new
generation which was able to combine both Architect Hannes Meyer became

At the age of eighteen, Breuer qualities had to be educated,” Gropius later Bauhaus director in 1928, and he
– a Hungarian from a Jewish
said. This was the reason that the workshops reorganised the curriculum, merged

family – signed up as a student
at the Vienna Academy of Fine were jointly led by a “work master,” respon- several workshops, increased the

Art, but he soon left there for the
sible for the practical skills, and a “form period of study, brought numerous
Bauhaus with some of his painter guest teachers in, and also organ-
master,” responsible for formal and design

compatriots. From 1920 to 1924,
he was a student and young questions. This principle was maintained until ised lectures by scientists. Meyer
consolidated the training of

master in Weimar, and his final
apprenticeship piece was the
the Bauhaus moved to Dessau, when it was
dropped. architects, which had only been

Ladies’ Dressing Table for the
Am Horn model dwelling. He de- introduced to the Bauhaus in 1927.
signed avant-garde wooden He also introduced the teaching of

T furniture like the Romantic Easy

Chair (African Chair) (with Gunta
If students wished to train in one of the work-
shops, they first had to pass the Foundation
sports and photography. He

Stölzl). In Dessau, he headed the wanted to focus more than previ-
furniture workshop from 1925 to Course, which was taught by Johannes Itten ously on “studies in practice,” in

1928 and developed a system of and later by László Moholy-Nagy and Josef particular through participation in
chairs made of steel and extra
strong yarn (such as the Wassily
Albers. The Foundation Course was intended joint construction projects, for
Armchair). He had these objects to develop students’ creative abilities, and to which very precise analysis of the
made in his company Standard free their minds from conventional approaches future uses of the buildings would
Möbel Lengyel & Co, and from
and the principles of existing and past styles

1929 by Thonet. From 1928 provide a “scientifically founded
to 1931 Breuer ran an architect’s and movements. Gropius said: “First the design.”

studio in Berlin, where he whole person, and then – as late as possible
designed the apartment of
– specialisation.” When Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

theatre director Piscator. In 1932
he completed his first building, Firma Rasch, Bauhaus wallpaper patterns, designed by Bauhaus students, 1932
was appointed Bauhaus director in
Haus Harnischmacher in 1930, students with the right prior

E Wiesbaden, which was destroyed

in the Second World War. His experience and training were able

attempts to become established to enrol without having to do the
in the New Building movement hitherto obligatory Foundation

failed, with the one exception of
the Doldertal Apartments (with Course. A lot of theory was now

Alfred and Emil Roth, 1936). taught, and the length of the studies
From 1935 Breuer worked as an
was significantly cut. In 1930, on

architect for Francis Reginald
Stevens Yorke in London. In the occasion of his appointment,

1937 he was appointed to teach Mies said: “I don’t want jam, I don’t
at the Graduate School of
want workshops and school,

Design at Harvard University,
where he and Gropius established
y), The Bauhaus, set
, model XVI, 1924 I want school.”
ckaging typograph

the architecture program. ), Joost Schmidt (pa
In Cambridge / MA the two men Josef Ha rtwig (game design

operated a shared studio and
business until 1941, and Breuer
designed the Gropius House in

Lincoln / MA (1938).

From 1926 to 1934 he was
married to Bauhaus student
Martha Erps, and in 1940 he
married his secretary Constance
Crocker Leighton. From 1946 he
focused his work completely on
architecture, moving his office to
New York and building seventy
private dwellings in New England,

in which he combined white
modernism with regional
materials and trends. In 1952,
Breuer, Pier Luigi Nervi, and

Bernard Zehrfuss designed the
UNESCO Building in Paris, and
from 1953 to 1957 he worked
with Abraham Elzas on the
De Bijenkorf department store in
Rotterdam. In the 1960s Breuer
designed the French winter
sports resort Flaine and the
Whitney Museum in New York.
In 1966 he became a member of
the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences. He had been
already represented in 1938 in
the MoMA Bauhaus exhibition, Unknown Designer, Scheme of teaching, from the publication
and in 1948 he had a solo show “State Bauhaus Weimar 1919–23”, 1923
at MoMA.
Text: Astrid Volpert

in Dessau, 1928 / 29
ing class in the Bauhaus building,
Unknown Photographer, Wall paint
Irena Blühová closed in summer 1932, she did In 1948 she became a mother,
Photographer, journalist, not continue her studies. There and concentrated in her photo-
university lecturer seemed to be no place for socially graphy on the themes of children
critically and experimental works and women. In her works, she
2 March 1904 in Považská-
in Blühová’s home country, and utilized the techniques and
Bystrica / Austria-Hungary
her political left-wing convictions rational formal principles of the
– 30 November 1991 in
led her to join the Communist Bauhaus, which meant that they
Bratislava / Czechoslovakia
Party. From 1933 she ran the were not reduced to simple
Communist Party publishing agitation and propaganda. From
Blühová taught herself photo- house and bookshop in Bratislava, the 1970s there were solo exhi-
graph and at the beginning had under the BLÜH logo. She was bitions of her work in West
to earn a living working in a particularly interested in socio- Germany and Hungary, and in
bank. It was not until 1930 that logical research on the provinces. 1974 in the Bauhaus Archive in
she was able to register as a Between 1939 and 1945 the West Berlin.
student at the Dessau Bauhaus. Slovak state collaborated with Text: Astrid Volpert
During the period when Mies van the Nazi regime. Blühova had to
der Rohe was Bauhaus director, quit her studies in the film
she finished the foundation department at the arts and crafts

Kurt Kranz, Iw
course and worked in the work- school and go underground.
shops for photography and After the war she struggled to
advertising and typography. find a place in the male-
When the Dessau Bauhaus dominated world of photography.

ao an
d Michiko Yama
Lotte Gerson-Collein, The largest and the smallest Bauhaus members,
Peter Bücking and Takehiko Mizutani in the vestibule of the Bauhaus

waki on the
building in Dessau, from bauhaus. Journal for design, 2 / 3, 1928

ter race of the Ba

Erich Consemüller, Marcel Breuer and his “harem,”
from the left: Marta Erps-Breuer, Katt Both, Ruth Hollos-Consemüller 1927

uhaus canteen

in Dessau, 192

A Marianne Ahlfeld-Heymann (attributed), exercise from the class
“pictorial form theory” by Paul Klee, 1923–24

Theodore Lux (Lukas) Feininger

Photographer, painter,
Berlin photography agency
Dephot (German Photography
university lecturer Service), thanks to Umbo, who
11 June 1910 in Berlin – 7 July recommended him. During his
time at the Dessau Bauhaus,

2011 in Cambridge / MA, USA
he took many photographs, in
particular of everyday Bauhaus

Theodore Lux Feininger was life and the Bauhaus stage
the son of the painter Lyonel workshop. In 1936 he moved

Feininger and his wife Julia to New York and first worked
and was born in Berlin. As a there as a freelance painter. Up

high school student in Weimar, to 1947, he exhibited his work
he began to experiment with in Europe and the USA under

photography, first using a the name of Theodore Lux and
camera that belonged to his thereafter used his full name.

grandmother and then with his From 1950 to 1975 he taught at
own 9 × 12 cm plate camera. In various American universities,

1926 he began his studies at the beginning at the Sarah Lawrence
Dessau Bauhaus. After finishing College in New York from 1950
the obligatory foundation As well as this community of labour, Gropius

to 1952, where he taught design.
course, he was a member of
Oskar Schlemmer’s Bauhaus
From 1953 to 1962 he taught was just as interested in the living community

drawing and painting at the Fogg
stage from 1927 to 1929, and a Museum at Harvard University of masters and students, which he also
member of the Bauhaus choir in Cambridge /MA, and he noted expressly in the Bauhaus programme.
from 1928 to 1932. From 1929 to was the professor for drawing
1932 he sporadically attended and painting at the Boston Arts
This was a community with shared leisure

some Bauhaus courses. In Museum School from 1962 activities, particularly evident in the Bauhaus
this period his main interest to 1975. evening events and the legendary Bauhaus
was painting, and he began to
Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack, paint himself. Between 1929
Text: Boris Friedewald
river Elb
e 1928 parties. In 1932, Bauhaus director Ludwig
ip at the

“The three primary colors yellow, and 1931 he worked for the
on a bath
ing tr Mies van der Rohe also noted the importance
aus m e m of this working and living community, just as
red, blue, distributed on the
Colle in, Bauh
corresponding primary shapes Ed m u n d
with identical surface areas,
the closure of the Dessau Bauhaus was
imminent: “There is no educational institution

triangle, square, circle …,” color
panel from the colors seminar with to match the Bauhaus in Germany and
Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack, from
the whole world. Particularly in the past two
Mar ianne
“pictorial fo

the publication “State Bauhaus

Weimar 1919–23”, 1923 years, relations between teachers and
students in Dessau have gained a far greater
A hlfeld -Hey

quality of cooperation than can be achieved

rm theory ”

in any other German university.” And van der

Rohe’s predecessor, Hannes Meyer, also
made the cooperative and collective work of
mann (attr
by Paul K le

everyone at the Bauhaus his guiding principle.

The goal of a cohesive community at the
ibuted), ex
e, 1923–24

From the very early days, the idea of a Bauhaus was, however, repeatedly challenged
Bauhaus “community” was common currency, by the formation of specific interest groups,
and its meaning shifted in many ways over such as the separatist Mazdaznan community
ercise from

the years. In the very first school programme led by Johannes Itten at the early Bauhaus,
of April 1919 Walter Gropius emphasised and also by communist groups during the
that the aim was “to train architects, painters eras of Hannes Meyer and Mies van der
the class

and sculptors of all standards according to Rohe. And the “equality of the sexes” that
their abilities to become either hard-working Gropius had proclaimed at the beginning was
artisans or free artists, and to found a not always easy – it had to be renegotiated
working community of leading and young in the Bauhaus community many times over
working artists.” the years.
Marcel Breuer, “Bambos 3,”
design for a settlement in
Dessau for young masters,
from bauhaus. journal for
design, 1, 1928

ure / order card for the journal “bauhaus,

Bauhaus Dessau, Advertising broch
”, folder, 1927

Juan . Kör ner, b

all the circles of the cultural world

© ifa,
O’G o
r man dhübsc he
, H ou
se wit Fotografie
h stud
io for
a and
Fr ida
o Cit y
, 1931
Unknown Photographer, Bauhaus living estate area, Walter Gropius,
(design), Farkas Mólnar (drawing), 1922

M M on tage with phot

os of the stude
nt demonstrat
M eyer, 193 0
io n to

otog ra ph er, to r Ha nn
Unknown Ph direc
al of Bauhaus
st the dismiss
protest again

Faik Tagirov, Book cover, VChUTEIN, Higher State Artistic-Technical Institute in Moscow, Moscow, 1929
© Yale University Library

Hannes Meyer (editor), Ernst Kálla

i (copy editor), bauhaus. journal
The Whole World a Bauhaus?
In only fourteen years, between the spirit of renewal
in the Weimar Republic and the rise of National
Socialism, the Bauhaus came to stand for modern
for design, 2 / 3, 1928

Friedl Dicker (Dicker-Brandeis) floor plans for a low-level

Painter, textiles designer, interior building (1922–23). Today these design and avant-garde ways of life. The exhibition
are seen as the earliest Bauhaus
designer, art teacher
architecture designs done with
The Whole World a Bauhaus, which explores
30 July 1898 in Vienna / Austria-
Hungary – 6 October 1944 in the participation of a woman. the theme in two parts, takes its name from a 1928
Auschwitz-Birkenau (Oświęcim) From 1926, the Singer-Dicker quote by Fritz Kuhr, who was a Bauhaus student
studio in Vienna was designing
concentration camp / Poland
for clients all over Europe. Her
and then teacher. The title is programmatic, alluding
interior design for the Kinder- to the blurring of the borders between art, the crafts,
The life and work of the
Holocaust victim Friedl Dicker
garten Goethehof in Vienna and technology, as proclaimed by Bauhaus founder
(1930) won several awards. In
were long forgotten, although 1931 Dicker and Singer separated. Walter Gropius. Everything is design, and the
she was one of the most creative She ran a studio and began to creation of a modern environment also leads to the
Weimar Bauhaus students.
After doing an apprenticeship
teach art. As a member of the creation of a modern mankind
Austrian Communist Party
in photography at the Vienna she made acerbic collages and
Experimental Academy of posters with anti-Fascist
For the exhibition at the ZKM I Center for Art and
Graphics (1912–14) she attended messages. She was arrested in Media Karlsruhe, this exhibition title gains a further
the textiles class at the school of 1934 and had to flee to Prague. dimension. While the first part of the exhibition
arts and crafts and the Vienna In the resistance, she worked with
private school of the Swiss artist the Black Rose bookshop circles.
presents the ideas and products of the Bauhaus
and teacher Johannes Itten, She gained Czechoslovakian itself in eight thematic chapters, the second part
where she took on his teaching
concept based on the individual
citizenship through her marriage focuses on a view from the margins. The perspective
to Pavel Brandeis in 1936 and
needs of each student. When ran an interior design business. shifts from Germany during the Weimar Republic to
Itten was appointed in Weimar in In 1938 the couple fled to the globally operating avant-gardes that found their
1919, she followed him there. She
did not pursue a typical woman’s
northern Bohemia. In December own answers to processes of social transformation
1942 they were both deported to
Bauhaus career by working in the Theresienstadt ghetto, in the 1920s. Artists encountered the Bauhaus and
weaving, printing, or book- where she gave painting lessons its protagonists for their own different reasons, and
binding, but was very active in to children, based on the Stern
and Grete they explored Bauhaus ideas and then presented
other fields, including the design Bauhaus foundation course of H or ac io Copolla no s A ire s, 1935
of the Bauhaus almanac Utopia. principles developed by Johannes ib iti on po ster, Wor ks
e S ur m ag azine, Bue
Fl or en ce them in very new ways in a transcultural process,
E xh of th la A rchive
Documents of Reality. She also Itten. In October 1944 Dicker rial of fic es Ruche, Sca for example within the context of nationalist politics
designed and produced stage in the edito M ar a- La
and Brandeis were taken to Jorge
sets and costumes, puppets and © Galer ia in Santiago de Chile, as an answer to rapid
the German extermination camp
games, and furniture and jewelery. in Auschwitz. Only Brandeis industrialisation in Mexico City, or within postcolonial
With her partner Franz Singer,
she designed four apartment
survived. movements in Casablanca.
Text: Astrid Volpert
Berlin 1932–1933
USA, 1925
Blue Four in the
lka Sc he ye r as the Prophet of the na CA , US A
g, Gallery owner
Ga sade
Newspaper cuttin yer Collection, Pa
Four Galka Sche
rto n Sim on Mu seum, The Blue
© No

Ar t School,
e of the New
the magazin
In this second part of the exhibition, the title represents

, published in
a call to scholars to research the Bauhaus in its global
contexts, addressing the different uses of its concepts,

ideas, and procedures around the world. The Whole
World a Bauhaus? thus presents case studies from

Creative Com
ack and white
ber 1928
Buenos Aires, Casablanca, Mexico City, Moscow, Many Bauhaus teachers found
Santiago de Chile, the USA, Stuttgart, and also from
18. Student Ernst Louis Beck in front of the entrance to the
reconstructed telephone factory, 1932 / 1933 work at institutes and universi-
ties throughout the world and
Karlsruhe, whose ZKM I Center for Art and Media

Chile, Septem
carried the idea and the teaching

a, Wor k in bl

len Archive,
stands for the “digital Bauhaus.” This makes it clear of the Bauhaus into the future
that the Bauhaus was not an elitist and exclusive In 1933, Josef Albers was
17. “The Blow against the Bauhaus”,
project, as there were avant-gardes in many parts of photo montage by Iwao Yamawaki prior to
the Nazi seizure of power, 1932
appointed professor at the Black
Mountain College in North
the world that saw themselves as the engines of social,

© David Mau
Marcial Lem
Santiago de
The carnivals on 18 and Carolina (USA). His wife Anni
cultural, and political change and thereby understood At the local council in Dessau, 25 February 1933 with about Albers and Xanti Schawinsky
the Nazi Party proposed to 1,100 visitors were the last were also lecturers there
the Bauhaus and integrated it into their own discourses close the Bauhaus and to pull Bauhaus parties
in their own specific ways. down the school building During a house search on
Representatives of the Nazi 11 April 1933, the Secret State 20. Logo of the “New Bauhaus” in Chicago, 1937
Valérie Hammerbacher Party visited the Bauhaus Police (Gestapo) found evidence
ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) of “cultural Bolshevism”.
In 1937, László Moholy-Nagy
The council of Dessau decided 32 people were arrested and
to close the Bauhaus as of the Bauhaus in Berlin was became the director of a newly
1 October 1932 sealed off founded design school in
Chicago (USA), which he called
The cities of Leipzig and When the wallpaper company New Bauhaus
Magdeburg, which were Rasch canceled their contract,
governed by Social Democrats, the school was deprived of In 1937, Walter Gropius was After 1945, attempts to restore
showed interest in taking over an important financial basis appointed director of the the Bauhaus in Germany
the Bauhaus department of architecture at in Dessau and Weimar failed
In order to continue the the Harvard Graduate School
The municipal authorities of the Bauhaus, the Gestapo demand- of Design in Cambridge / In 1953, the Ulm School of
town of Dessau transferred all ed a new “state-conformist” Massachusetts (USA) Design was founded. The
rights to continue the Bauhaus curriculum and the dismissal
19. Josef Albers with students in drawing class, c. 1928 teaching concept directly took
as a private institute to Mies of Wassily Kandinsky and In 1938, Ludwig Mies van der up Bauhaus principles.
van der Rohe Ludwig Hilberseimer From 1933, the Bauhaus Rohe took over the department The former Bauhaus student
building in Dessau was used as of architecture at the Armour Max Bill became the director
The Bauhaus was reopened On the strength of this, the a school building by the Nazis. Institute in Chicago (USA). and Josef Albers, Walter
in a former telephone factory teachers decided the dissolution Demolition of the building was Walter Peterhans and Ludwig Peterhans and Johannes Itten
in the Berlin district of Steglitz of the Bauhaus on 20 July no longer considered an option Hilberseimer followed him also taught there

The Bauhaus has 25 female The Bauhaus has 5 female

and 90 male students and 14 male students

1932 1933 After the closure of the Bauhaus

The exhibition “Modern Archi- In Germany, Adolf Hitler
tecture: International Exhibition” became Chancellor of the Reich
at the Museum of Modern Art
New York reduced the different During the fourth meeting of
9 the CIAM under the motto of
bat, 201 styles of “Neues Bauen” to
dM elehi, Ra a merely aesthetic dimension. “The Functional City,” members
M o ha m e
tudy N o. 1 after Social questions, function, and approved the “Charter of
c olours, S Athens.” It was later to play
erns and
the different debates were
tu dies, patt thus left aside. Philipp Johnson a key role in the reconstruction
Digital s
A zarzar, and Henry-Russell Hitchcock of the cities after 1945
Nassim z a rz ar
A were responsible for this exhi-
© Nassim
bition. They had also visited the
15. “Decadent Art” exhibition in the gallery building at
Bauhaus in Dessau during the Munich Hofgarten in 1937, with paintings by Wassily
their research in 1930 and 1931 Kandinsky, Emil Nolde, Conrad Felixmüller, Heinrich
Campendonk and others, and sculptures by Marg Moll,
Otto Baum, Eugen Hoffmann, Rudolf Belling and others

From September 1933, the In 1937, 16,000 works of

entire German production of art modern art were seized by the
and culture was controlled by Nazis and mostly destroyed
the Reich Chamber of Culture
In the same year, the Nazi
Many artists and intellectuals propaganda exhibition
went into exile, others were “Degenerate Art” showed 650
persecuted or banned from of these works, among them
their profession. Others came some Bauhaus artists. Ironically,
to terms with the repressive the exhibition was the most
measures of the Nazi regime frequently visited exhibition
of modern art
16. Catalogue of the exhibition “Cubism and Abstract Art”
14. Exhibition view “Modern Architecture: International Exhibition”,
On 1 September 1939, the at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2.3. – 19.4.1936,
with a picture by Alfred H. Barr
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 10.2. – 23.3.1932 Second World War started.
It ended on 8 May 1945

In 1936, the Museum of Modern

Art in New York presented
the whole spectrum of the
European avant-garde in the
exhibition “Cubism and Abstract
Art.” Alfred H. Barr was the
curator, and he also purchased
the presented works for the
MoMA. Since 1958, the collection
has been part of the permanent

Emmy Wollne
r, Colour plate
© Adolf Hölze s for lectures
l Stiftung, Stut by Professor
tgar t Adolf Hölzel,
Stut tgar t, no date
Weimar 1919–1925

Walter Gropius was appointed

director of the Grand Ducal
School of Fine Arts in Weimar

He merged the University

of Fine Arts and the School 2. Grand Ducal Saxon School of Applied Arts Weimar, c. 1906, from 1919 State Bauhaus Weimar
of Applied Arts to create a new
school of arts

State Bauhaus
Date of foundation
1 April 1919

Georg Muche (painter) was

appointed lecturer at the
7. The new logo of the State Bauhaus
Bauhaus Weimar by Oskar Schlemmer, 1922

A master of form (artist) and a

master of craft each took charge 4. Logo of the State 8. Poster by Joost Schmidt for the Bauhaus
of each one of the workshops Bauhaus Weimar, 1919–1921 Wassily Kandinsky (painter) exhibition in Weimar, 1923
was appointed lecturer at the
Training at the workshops Bauhaus The great “Bauhaus exhibition
followed the model of a crafts- and Bauhaus week” opened
man’s apprenticeship. The final In Calcutta (India), paintings in summer with talks, film The new conservative govern-
The first official curriculum by the Bauhaus teachers ment in Thuringia cut the state
exam was conducted by the came into effect at the Bauhaus screenings, music, and theatre
Chamber of Crafts and students, were exhibited grant for the Bauhaus to a third
Paul Klee (painter), Oskar together with works by contem- “Haus am Horn,” designed
The “Haus Sommerfeld” in porary Indian artists by Georg Muche The government of Thuringia
Schlemmer (painter & stage terminated the masters’ employ-
3. Lyonel Feininger’s woodcut “Cathedral” Berlin was designed by Gropius’s designer) and Lothar Schreyer
for the manifesto of the State Bauhaus office, with the assistance of In Weimar, Theo van Doesburg In his opening speech, ment contracts on 31 March
Weimar, 1919 (dramaturge & painter) taught private De Stijl courses, Walter Gropius proclaimed the
the Bauhaus workshops were appointed teachers at The “Circle of Friends of the
attended by some of the programmatic reorganization
the Bauhaus Bauhaus members of the Bauhaus: Bauhaus” was founded with
After Henry van de Velde had Johannes Itten (painter, art international supporters including
to endure hostilities for being teacher), Gerhard Marcks The professors of the former “Art and technology – Marc Chagall, Albert Einstein,
a foreigner, he resigned from his (sculptor) and Lyonel Feininger University of Fine Arts left a new unity” Peter Behrens, and H. P. Berlage
position as the director (graphic designer) were the Bauhaus and established
of the School of Applied Arts In 1915, the Grand Ducal appointed lecturers at the a rivaling school of arts Johannes Itten, who opposed Bauhaus Ltd. was founded
1. Henry van de Velde in his studio at the Weimar Arts and Crafts Seminar, c. 1906
in Weimar and, amongst others, School of Fine Arts in Weimar Bauhaus (it remained in the same building a technical focus and favored in order to market the products
he recommended the architect started negotiations with Walter until 1925) individual craftsmanship, left made in the Bauhaus workshops
The Belgian architect Henry Walter Gropius as his successor Gropius Johannes Itten developed the Bauhaus
van de Velde was appointed In spring 1908, Henry van de the preliminary course at the The painters of the Bauhaus In late December, the Bauhaus
5. “Haus Sommerfeld”, Berlin, 1920 / 1921
artistic consultant for industry Velde was assigned head of The School of Applied Arts At the beginning of the year Bauhaus, which included staged an exhibition at Herwarth The Hungarian László Moholy- masters declared the dissolution
6. Postcard from Theo van Doesburg to
and applied arts in the grand the newly founded Grand Ducal in Weimar was closed on 1916, he sent his “proposal to elements of the teaching Walden’s gallery “Der Sturm” Antony Kok, 12.9.1921 Nagy (painter, photographer & of the Bauhaus by 1 April 1925
duchy of Saxe-Weimar- Saxon School of Applied Arts 1 October 1915 set up an artistic advice center concept he had tested in Vienna, First “Bauhaus Night” with the in Berlin constructivist) was appointed
Eisenach in 1902 in Weimar for industry, crafts and the After his return from the war as well as the concept of his poet Else Lasker Schüler to teach at the Bauhaus Several cities expressed their
The school building was used manual trades” to Weimar at the beginning of 1919, Walter teacher Adolf Hölzel in Stuttgart Johannes Itten and Georg In the council of masters, the interest in taking over the
In autumn, he took charge of The practical work in the work- as a hospital during the First Gropius once again contacted Johannes Itten introduced a Muche made the teachings of masters discussed whether they After his play “Mondspiel” Bauhaus, including Frankfurt
the newly established arts and shops was the most important World War – individual work- Due to the First World War, the the administrator of the Weimar First meeting of the council vegetarian diet to the canteen Mazdaznan the “secret religion” should call themselves profes- flopped, Lothar Schreyer left am Main, Darmstadt, Mannheim,
crafts seminar in Weimar aspect of vocational training shops were run privately negotiations were suspended Cultural Institutes of masters at the Bauhaus at the Bauhaus sors and they decided against the Bauhaus and Dessau

The Bauhaus has 101 female The Bauhaus has 62 female The Bauhaus has 44 female The Bauhaus has 48 female The Bauhaus has 35 female The Bauhaus has 45 female
and 106 male students and 81 male students and 64 male students and 71 male students and 106 male students and 82 male students

before 1914 1914–1918 First World War 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924
In Munich, Hermann Obrist and The Deutscher Werkbund In the years after 1905, the At the end of July 1914, the In 1917, after the October The end of the war and hopes In Moscow, the VChUTEMAS The first installment of the At the beginning of the year, The Dawes Plan reduced the
Wilhelm von Debschitz founded (German Association of Crafts- avant-garde art forms of futurism First World War broke out. More Revolution, a workers’ party for the new republic inspired (Higher Art and Technical reparations exacerbated infla- a representative of Russian reparations, and with loans from
a private school in 1902, men) was founded in Munich in in Italy, cubism in France and than 60 million young soldiers came into power for the first a utopia of rebuilding society. Studios) were founded. Their tion and fueled domestic unrest constructivism, El Lissitzky abroad, the German economy
where design principles were 1907 and it brought together the expressionism in Germany were fighting worldwide time in Russia Reform efforts which had been structure and curriculum re- in the young Weimar Republic. came to Berlin and established leveled off. The short heyday
deduced from nature and then crafts, art, and industry in a new came into being. Expressionism interrupted by the war now sembled those of the Bauhaus About 354,000 people were contacts with the avant-garde, of the roaring twenties started
put into practice in workshops. art of form. With its exhibitions made an impact on the first In the Netherlands in 1917, The monarchy in the German gained new strength unemployed such as the Dadaists, Theo
Henry van de Velde and Walter and publications, the associa- Bauhaus years Theo van Doesburg and Piet Empire ended and the In Berlin, the Dadaists organized van Doesburg, and László The Swiss avant-garde group
Gropius enquired about this tion was a crucial motor for Mondrian founded the artists Republic was proclaimed on the “First International DADA Adolf Hitler was elected head Moholy-Nagy ABC with Hannes Meyer,
new teaching method the distribution of a new design group “De Stijl”. Their principles 8 November 1918 Fair”. Their new aesthetics of the National Socialist German 10. Emergency money during the hyperin- the Dutch Mart Stam and
7. Opening sitting of the constitution-drafting flation of 1923, designed by Herbert Bayer
and aesthetics of products of geometrical-abstract design German National Assembly at the German of montage of photography Workers’ Party (NSDAP) In September, Theo van El Lissitzky declared the
had a major influence on the The First World War ended National Theatre in Weimar on 6 February and typography later influenced Doesburg organized the “Inter- function to be the basis of all
In the Berlin office of Peter largely expressionist Bauhaus two days later 1919, Friedrich Ebert speaking
the Bauhaus, especially its Theo van Doesburg propaga- national Congress of Construct- Inflation reached its peak in design. Meyer introduced
Behrens, one of the co-founders in 1921 / 1922 advertising ted the abstract geometrical ivists and Dadaists” in Weimar. autumn and led to the crash this approach to the teaching
On 6 February, the first elected principles of design of the of the German economy and
of the Werkbund, three major German parliament met Some of the participants were at the Bauhaus from 1927
representatives of the modernist In Vienna, Johannes Itten 6. Flyer by Hermann Max Pechstein for the The Hungarian avant-garde artists’ association “De Stijl” Bauhaus members the banking system. The
architecture met in 1908: 4. Herwarth Walden in front of his bust opened his first art school in Working Council of Art Berlin, 1919
In the constitution of the Weimar artist László Moholy-Nagy in his lectures in Weimar, Jena, number of unemployed people During the building boom, many
portrait of William Wauer, c. 1918
Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies 1917. Through Alma Mahler, Republic, the right to housing came to Berlin and met the and Berlin rose to 978,000 ideas of “Neues Bauen” were
he met her then-husband Walter Workers Council for Art, which Dadaists there realized, particularly in cities
van der Rohe, and the young Herwarth Walden’s magazine had been founded in 1918, was established for the first In Russia, Tatlin’s tower ignited An attempted coup by Adolf
Le Corbusier Gropius, who later invited Itten time. Tackling the housing run by Social Democrats, such
“Der Sturm” which was founded to join the Bauhaus. Some demanded a fundamental reform In Petrograd, Wladimir Tatlin’s a debate about the principles Hitler was foiled. The Nazi Party as Berlin, Frankfurt am Main
1. Metal workshop at the Debschitz School,
in Berlin in 1910, became the of art, culture, and education. shortage was one of the biggest design for the “Monument for of design: composition versus was forbidden and Adolf Hitler
Munich, c. 1905 In 1914, the accomplishments of of his students from Vienna challenges for the young republic and Dessau
In the middle of the 19th the Werkbund in product design voice of German expressionism followed him All the arts declared a collective the Third International” was construction. The principles was arrested
5. One-legged war veteran begging in
century, the Arts and Crafts From 1906, the painter and art and architecture were presented and a center of the European uniform and with medals, Berlin, 1923
“Bau” (“building”) to be their The Treaty of Versailles stipu- unveiled. The tower made of constructivism – scientific
Movement was formed in avant-garde In response to the war and common goal. Bruno Taut, of glass and steel is considered methods and the “truth to In his programmatic essay
theoretician Adolf Hölzel taught to an international audience lated that Germany, having lost “Vers une architecture,”
England. Its founder William his modern theory of colors in Cologne to criticise the bourgeois way Unemployment, hunger and Lyonel Feininger, Walter Gropius, the war, had to pay reparations to be the birth of constructivism material” – emerged from this
Morris opposed industrial In 1912, the gallery “Sturm” of life, the provocative anti-art and Gerhard Marcks were Le Corbusier advocated
and forms. His preliminary opened its doors with an exhi- social misery determined the to the victorious countries In Paris, Le Corbusier and
9. Group photograph taken at
a concept for a new kind of
machine production and cham- course served as a model for of Dadaism was formed daily life of the German popula- among the 50 members the International Congress of

pioned the idea of a revival bition by the expressionist in Switzerland Amedée Ozenfant founded the Constructivists and Dadaists architecture based on five
his student Johannes Itten who artist association “Der Blaue tion. The destruction caused by Artists joined forces in the magazine “L’Esprit Nouveau”
in Weimar, 1922
major principles
of the crafts. Skilfully made later planned the preliminary the war exacerbated the housing
everyday objects were intended Reiter” which had been founded “November Group” to “dedicate and disseminated their vision
course at the Bauhaus. Oskar the year before by Wassily shortage, and the country was (their) best abilities in order to and rationale of a new machine
to carry art into daily life Schlemmer was also one in dire need of about 1 million
Kandinsky and Franz Marc rebuild young free Germany”. aesthetics and art in general
The success of the crafts move- of Hölzel’s students in Munich additional dwellings The group existed until 1933.
ment led to criticism of the El Lissitzky, Wassily Kandinsky,
academic education of artists László Moholy-Nagy, and
with its imitation of historical Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
styles. There were calls for were among its 170 members
reforms and for more practical
3. Poster by Fritz Helmuth
Ehmcke on the occasion of the
exhibition “Deutsche Werkbund
2. Adolf Hölzel and his Stuttgart pupils, from Ausstellung” 1914 in Cologne
the left: Alfred Wickenburg, Ida Kerkovius,
unknown, Edmund Kinzinger, Hermann
Stenner, Adolf Hölzel, Lily Hildebrandt, 8. Wladimir Tatlin’s model of a monument for
Willi Baumeister, Oskar Schlemmer, 1914 the Third International, 1920
Dessau 1925–1931

The construction department at

the Bauhaus realized the ADGB
Trade Union School in Bernau
near Berlin. All the Bauhaus
workshops participated in this

12. Bauhaus building in Dessau, 1926 / 1927

The Bauhaus increasingly coop- 15. View of the living quarters wing of the ADGB Trade Union
School in Bernau by Hannes Meyer and Hans Wittwer, 1931
erated with industry. Some of
10. Logo “The Bauhaus in Dessau”
as a stamp, 1931 the most successful products A communist student group,
were the Bauhaus wallpaper which had become radicalized,
The first architecture course and the Bauhaus lamps began to politicize the Bauhaus
The masters’ houses and parts was set up at the Bauhaus Walter Gropius Hannes Meyer Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
of the Törten estate in Dessau “Metallic Party” at the Bauhaus Due to his Marxist politics,
were completed Free painting classes Hannes Meyer was dismissed













were offered by Paul Klee Hannes Meyer reorganized the
without notice by the town

new timetable and teaching

The Bauhaus was officially and Wassily Kandinsky to curriculum and the workshops
of Dessau at the beginning

plan enters into force

recognized as a university of complement the more practical Walter Gropius resigned as The first photography course of August
arts and design and was permit- and manual training in the

enters into force

enters into force

enters into force

enters into force

the director of the Bauhaus was set up at the Bauhaus

second statute

fourth statute
ted to issue its own certificates workshops Only a few days later, Ludwig

third statute
on 4 February 1928 to dedicate

first statute
9. Prospectus of the city of Dessau, 1931 Mies van der Rohe became
himself to his work as a free- The Bauhaus touring exhibition
The masters of form were The pioneer of expressive started in Basel with current the new director of the Bauhaus
called professors and the dance, Gret Palucca, performed lance architect
The Bauhaus moved to the works from the Bauhaus and reorganized the curriculum
training course ended with onstage at the Bauhaus Hannes Meyer became the workshops
industrial town of Dessau near Preliminary Foundation
a Bauhaus diploma new director of the Bauhaus A new statute prohibited all class 1st semester 2nd semester Course 2nd semester 1st semester Work theory no longer compulsory
Berlin Works from the Bauhaus kinds of political involvement
on 1 April 1928 and announced Trial semester Johannes Itten Johannes Itten & Georg Muche László Moholy-Nagy & Josef Albers László Moholy-Nagy & Josef Albers Josef Albers Josef Albers

Gerhard Marcks left the Bauhaus his motto: workshops were sent to the at the Bauhaus Direct advancement to higher semester possible

World Fair in Barcelona Pottery Building Building

Tuition started at various “The needs Gerhard Marcks theory department
Hannes Meyer Hannes Meyer & Hannes Meyer, Hans Wittwer
temporary locations of the people instead of Paul Klee left the Bauhaus. He Max Krehan
Hans Wittwer & Ludwig Hilberseimer
the need for luxury” continued to live in his master’s Glass painting
A new statute and an updated house in Dessau until 1933 Johannes Itten Oskar Schlemmer Paul Klee
curriculum came into effect Marcel Breuer, László Moholy- Carl Schlemmer J. Albers
Glass and
wall painting
Nagy, and Herbert Bayer left the Gunta Stölzl left the Bauhaus
Several former students Wall painting Josef Albers (acting)
Wall painting Department for building
11. The masters on the Bauhaus roof, from Bauhaus with Gropius Johannes Itten O. Schlemmer Wassily Kandinsky Hinnerk Scheper and fitting-out
became junior masters and took the left: Josef Albers, Hinnerk Scheper, The last issue of the magazine Franz Heidelmann Carl Schlemmer Heinrich Beberniss
Mies van der Rohe & Ludwig Hilberseimer
over some of the workshops Georg Muche, László Moholy-Nagy, An increasing number of “bauhaus” was published department
Herbert Bayer, Joost Schmidt, Walter Alfred Arndt Hinnerk Scheper
Gropius, Marcel Breuer, Wassily Kandinsky, 13. Collage by Marianne Brandt for external lecturers were invited Carpentry shop Furniture workshop
The first series of Bauhaus Paul Klee, Lyonel Feininger, Gunta Stölzl “Palucca Dances”, 1929
to lecture at the Bauhaus The first Bauhaus exhibition Johannes Itten Walter Gropius Marcel Breuer & Heinrich Bökenheide Josef Albers Alfred Arndt & Heinrich Bökenheide Lilly Reich
Josef Zachmann Erich Reinhold Weidensee
books was published by and Oskar Schlemmer, photographed 14. Manda von Kreibig in Oskar Schlemmer’s in the USA was shown in Brendel
Alfred Arndt Lilly Reich
by Lucia Moholy, 1926 “Stäbetanz II”, Bauhaus stage, 1927
Walter Gropius and László Georg Muche left the Bauhaus Physical education was New York Metals department at the School of Arts and Crafts Metals
Moholy-Nagy introduced at the Bauhaus Johannes Itten Paul Klee Oskar Schlemmer László Moholy-Nagy Marianne Brandt
The Bauhaus building in Dessau Students of the Moscow In Moscow, Hannes Meyer orga- to 1915 Naum Slutzky Christian Dell (acting)
The use of all-lowercase was opened on 4 December VChUTEMAS visited the Members of the Bauhaus visited The Bauhaus Stage gave guest 16. Caricature of Hannes Meyer, 1930 nized the exhibition “bauhaus
Graphic design department at the Academy of Arts Graphic printing shop Department for advertising
was introduced 1926 with over 1,000 German Bauhaus in summer the VChUTEMAS in Moscow performances in Berlin, Breslau, dessau 1928–1930” as a private Walter Klemm Lyonel Feininger Joost Schmidt post not
and international guests Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart, initiative Walter Klemm (from 1913) Carl Zaubitzer filled
The “Catalogue of Models” Alfred H. Barr, who was later Wassily Kandinsky staged and Basel Hannes Meyer went to Moscow. Printing and Advertising
presented different prototypes The Bauhaus published the to become the founding director Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an A group of Bauhaus members The American composer Henry Printing workshop advertising department
Bookbinding workshop at the School of Arts and Crafts Bookbinding Paul Klee L. Schreyer Herbert Bayer & Willi Hauswald Joost Schmidt & Willi Hauswald
Department for photography
from the Bauhaus workshops first issue of the magazine of the Museum of Modern Art Exhibition” at the Friedrich Oskar Schlemmer left the followed him in spring the Cowell gave several concerts Otto Dorfner Contract with the Bauhaus terminated
to be marketed by Bauhaus Ltd. “bauhaus” in New York, visited the Bauhaus theatre in Dessau Bauhaus following year at the Bauhaus Otto Dorfner (from 1910 / as a private business from 1915)
Photo class Walter Peterhans Walter Peterhans

Sculpture class at the Academy of Arts Wood sculpture

Richard Engelmann Georg Muche J. Itten Oskar Schlemmer
Richard Engelmann (from 1906) Hans Kämpfe Josef Hartwig Sculpture workshop Fine arts
The Bauhaus has 28 female The Bauhaus has 58 female The Bauhaus has 44 female Joost Schmidt
The Bauhaus has 28 female The Bauhaus has 41 female and The Bauhaus has 45 female The Bauhaus has 53 female
Sculpture class at the Academy of Arts Stone sculpture Joost Schmidt
and 73 male students and 73 male students 125 male students and 121 male students and 143 male students and 122 male students and 141 male students Richard Engelmann Johannes Itten Oskar Schlemmer
Richard Engelmann (from 1906) Max Kull Josef Hartwig Free painting classes Wassily Kandinsky & Wassily
Lyonel Feininger Kandinsky

1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931

Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky & Lyonel Feininger

Stage Experimental department for stage performances

Lothar Schreyer Oskar Schlemmer
Coordination: Joost Schmidt & Emil Galandi

Weaving Weaving Textiles Weaving

workshop workshop department workshop
In Frankfurt am Main, 15,000 Johannes Itten founded a In Switzerland, 24 international Walter Gropius took responsi- The withdrawal of American Weaving workshop at the School of Arts and Crafts Johannes Itten Georg Muche Georg Muche & Gunta Stölzl Gunta Stölzl & Kurt Wanke A. Albers Lilly Reich
Helene Börner (acting)
new flats were built in an private art school in Berlin, representatives of “Neues bility for the “Séction allemande” loans triggered another banking Helene Börner (from 1907 / as a private business from 1915)
industrial construction style where Georg Muche and Lucia Bauen” joined together to on behalf of the German crisis in Germany. The number Dyeing workshop Lis Beyer & Kurt Wanke Margarete Leischner

and according to new minimal Moholy later worked as lecturers become the “Congrès Interna- Werkbund at the arts and crafts of unemployed people exceeded
standards in very few years. tionaux d’Architecture Moderne” fair in the Grand Palais Paris 5 million

In Weimar, the “State Technical

Several Bauhaus members were (CIAM). The joint program Development phase for a workshop / course

also involved in the housing University of Architecture and was mainly prepared by At the third CIAM meeting When the “German Building













Continuing workshop (as far as known)
program “Neues Frankfurt” Civil Engineering” was founded. Le Corbusier – Hannes Meyer in Brussels, the participants Exhibition” and the “Proletarian
Bauhaus members, such as and Mart Stam added a social discussed “efficient building” Building Exhibition” were both Workshop form master

In Mannheim, an exhibition Ernst Neufert, Otto Lindig, component to it. This “Sarraz in housing development taking place in Berlin, two oppo- Workshop work master (as far as known)
presented the art of “New Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack, and site positions faced each other:
Objectivity.” Photography others taught there
Declaration” by the CIAM was In the elections for the Reichstag, rationalizing building versus
Not part of the regular teaching syllabus Weimar Dessau Berlin
also published in the magazine the Nazis came second after
at the Bauhaus was influenced “bauhaus” solving the housing shortage
by this new objective view of Leading representatives of the Social Democrats (SPD)
social reality “Neues Bauen” joined together In opposition to “Neues Bauen,” 13. Advertisement for the Werkbund exhibi-
as “Der Ring”. Among them 12. Poster by Willi Baumeister for the national-conservative architects tion “Film and Foto” in 1929 in Stuttgart
were Walter Gropius, Ludwig Werkbund exhibition “Die Wohnung” in founded the association “Der
Mies van der Rohe, and Ludwig 1927 in Stuttgart
Block.” One of its spokesmen The international Werkbund
Hilberseimer was Paul Schultze-Naumburg, exhibition “Film und Foto” in
The Bauhaus workshops
16 international items classified who was later substantially Stuttgart presented the works
as “Neues Bauen und Wohnen” involved in the closure of the of 200 international artists, This diagram visualises the development of the
were built as part of the Bauhaus in Dessau
Werkbund exhibition at the
among them several Bauhaus Bauhaus workshops under the three directors
members, Karl Blossfeldt
Weissenhof in Stuttgart. The and Man Ray Walter Gropius, Hannes Meyer and Ludwig
project was directed by Ludwig
Mies van der Rohe. Among the The New York stock market
Mies van der Rohe at the three Bauhaus
architects were Le Corbusier, crash on 24 October 1929 locations in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin. The
Mart Stam, Walter Gropius,
Peter Behrens, and Bruno Taut
led to the Great Depression work of the specialist form and work masters
During the second CIAM is presented chronologically, showing frequent
meeting in Frankfurt am Main,
the focus was on the solution of changes and renaming of the workshops and
the housing problem. 120 archi- the different focus of Bauhaus teaching under
tects and scientists from
14 countries discussed strat- the three directors.
egies for “the dwelling for the
subsistence level” Nicole Opel
In New York, the Museum
of Modern Art opened as one
of the first museums for modern
art in America
11. Title image for the magazine “Das neue Frankfurt”, no 2,
1926 / 1927, theme: mechanisation of apartment building / From
brick walls to the Frankfurt montage procedure
Mies van der Rohe designed
the German Pavillion for
the World Fair in Barcelona
Walker, 19
Paul K lee,
The themes of suspension and floating
featured at the Bauhaus in various guises
– as motifs in architecture and fine art, and
Designing and Coding as a metaphor for a modern way of life.
In 1926 Marcel Breuer demonstrated the
In the twentieth century, the categories of art design of his chairs in his collage “A
and aesthetics were replaced by the category of Bauhaus Film,” beginning with the “African
design. Prior to 1900, art universities were called Chair,” made at the Bauhaus in 1921. The
Academies of Fine Arts, but thereafter just series of designs culminated in a vision
Academies of Arts, as the “no longer only fine of a seated person floating on an “elastic
arts” (Hans Robert Jauß, 1968) came to the column of air” – Breuer left the actual
fore in the twentieth century. Far-reaching date when this might become reality open.
Piet Mondrian, New Design, (Bau
change after the First World War led to a whole Furniture made of steel tubing, like Breuer’s
haus books 5), Munich, 1925 generation radically searching for a new order.
Title page design Moholy-Nagy and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s
On the one hand, the elements of painting cantilever chairs, are also signs of this
were subjected to scrutiny. Painting’s means of desire to overcome material restrictions.
depiction – the point, the line, the plane – were After the Bauhaus reopened in Dessau in
formerly used to create representations of real 1926, students and masters began to take
objects, but now they themselves became photographs that either showed floating
the subject of painting. Self-representation of the people or objects or presented them as if
means of representation led to abstract painting, they were about to take off. In his lithograph
which had a strong following at the Bauhaus “The Tightrope Walker,” Paul Klee had
with Johannes Itten, Wassily Kandinsky, and already addressed this theme back in 1923.
Paul Klee. The world of objects was also seen The figure of the tightrope walker stands
to represent itself in the pieces and ready-mades for a future and more modern type of man,
by Marcel Duchamp. A third direction that was whose longing to escape gravity takes him Umbo (Otto Umbehr), Slippers, 1
specifically developed in, at, and around the into heady heights, and who yet still needs
Bauhaus, attempted to overcome the gulf between a rope under his feet and a pole for balance.
the figurative and the abstract by postulating
universal principles of design for both the making
of the world of the objects and the autonomous
world of artistic representation.
In both theory and practice, the introduction of the
concept of design at the Bauhaus was a way of
Mies van der Rohe’s design for a “Skyscraper in Glass and Reinforced
Concrete” also negated all sense of weight, and the transparency of the
construction gave the impression that it was about to dissolve. The same
gaining distance from the idea of aesthetics. The
Bauhaus school stood for a historical break with effect is true of the Dessau Bauhaus building designed by Walter Gropius,
art’s aspirations to represent reality. “Universal particularly when it is lit up at night. In 1923 Gropius noted: “The increasing
principles of design” were introduced, which could stability and greater mass of modern building materials (iron, concrete,
be implemented functionally in all the genres,
whether painting and sculpture or the crafts and
architecture. The principles for the design of a
glass) and the increasing boldness of new suspended constructions mean
that the sense of gravity that pertained to older ways of building is now
being transformed.” In the Dessau Bauhaus building, there were always a
plane were the same as those for the design of
a room. Paintings, objects for everyday use, and
buildings all followed the same visual patterns of
number of “suspended sculptures“ on show, made by students in Moholy-
Nagy’s Foundation Course, which the teacher saw as valuable preliminaries
towards “a highly spiritual form,“ and specifically “kinetic sculptures.”
18, pain
an after 19 lines and colours. Artists hoped that the principle
an de G of design would contribute to a better world, and
e b y G erard v a a g
ad H
918, m um Den Bild -Kunst the tone was set in the De Stijl manifesto of 1921,
ir, c a. 1 temuse

d B lue Cha m , G emeen Rietveld © VG
Re d a n
7.5 × 6 0
× 76 c
H aa g, G
err it Towards a Newly Shaped World, followed by
Gerr it R d, ply wood, 8 museum Den a number of Bauhaus publications: New Design
w o o e n te
beec h G eme
graph: (Piet Mondrian, Bauhaus Book, vol. 5, 1925) and
© Photo
Basic Concepts of New Design Art (Theo van
Doesburg, Bauhaus Book, vol. 6, 1925). From now
on new art schools in Germany began to call
themselves Universities of Design (Hochschulen
eentemu 3, rec onstr uctio
n H aa g,

für Gestaltung), and in the English-speaking world

they were Institutes of Design.
seum D e

A hundred years later, the situation has changed

for art and art schools. The concepts of material eliminar y

of glass, Pr
rtiste, 19

af t made
and machine were key to the Bauhaus and its struction dr
ollein, Con
Edmund C lb er s 19 27 / 28
design principles. Today, the art world is focusing

Le o
Josef A
Course with
aison d’a

on the concepts of media and data. The decisive

c m, G e m

design instruments for links between art and

o n,
G er
technology are now data and codes. At the ZKM
y foil, wo Model for the M

T. Lux Feininger, Eury thmic s, 192


tr ud
60 × 60

this transformation is accompanied by exhibitions

and our own productions. This is why the

H er
ZKM has also been called the “digital Bauhaus.”

o d, 6 0 ×

on t
Peter Weibel

he r
D en H aa

Artistic-scientific chairman, CEO

o of
of t h
lius van
ne, stick

19 83, Ple oesburg, Corne


din g
xiglas, p
graph: G

in D

Theo va

© Photo

au, 1
Karin Sander, XML-SVG CODE / source code of the exhibition space, 2010/2017,
Oracal 638, plotter foil matte, 3-colours, view of the ZKM exhibition Open Codes
© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Karin Sander © VG Bild-Kunst
Photo: Jonas Zillus
Iwao Yamawaki, Article on the photo
collages of Kurt Kranz, Koga Journ
vol. 2, 1933 al, 12,

27– 32
5 3 4, 19
rmch air M R
R o h e, A
an der
Mies v

Kur t S e Stage W

t, Con kshop, 192
str ucti
Hin(rich) Bredendieck Berlin in Moholy-Nagy’s studio
From the very beginning the Bauhaus wanted its work
on for
Industrial designer and teacher and in the Dorland advertising
3 9 June 1904 in Aurich / German agency under Herbert Bayer. to be seen outside Germany, not least in order to attract
In 1934 he designed furniture in
Empire – 1 September 1995 in
Oldenburg with Hermann Gautel.
students from all over the world. With this in mind,
Roswell / USA
in 1920 Walter Gropius wrote letters to Japan, Mexico,
r ks ,
After marrying the American

Iwao Yamawaki, Article on the photo
Bauhaus student Virginia Turkey, Brazil, Peru and Chile, praising the fact that vol. 2, 1933
collages of Kurt Kranz, Koga Journ
al, 12,
Bredendieck was born into a Weisshaus (1904–88) he emi-
family of merchants with many grated to the USA in 1937.
the Bauhaus was known “beyond Germany’s borders”
children. He did an apprenticeship Gropius appointed him to the and that its “many artists from many countries (…) had

as a carpenter and after gradu-
ating in 1922 he worked in a
Chicago New Bauhaus, where international renown.” Gropius’s endeavours were
he headed the foundation
furniture factory. He only briefly course and the wood and metals continued by his successor, Swiss architect Hannes
attended the arts and crafts workshop. After the school was Meyer, who invited prospective students to come to

academies in Stuttgart and

closed, he worked as a designer the Bauhaus in several languages in the Bauhaus’s own
Hamburg. In April 1927 he regis- of furniture, wooden toys, machines,
tered as a Bauhaus student, and special tools. In 1945 he magazine. In 1929 there were 140 German students
where he first studied under began to teach at the Chicago and 30 foreigners, from Poland, Russia, Lithuania, The

Albers, Kandinsky, Klee, and Institute of Design, at the same
Netherlands, the USA, Palestine, Turkey, Persia and
Moholy-Nagy. In 1928 he began time also designing DIY furniture
to work in the metals workshop. together with Nathan Lerner. Japan. Weaver Gunta Stölzl later wrote: “The international
He managed the cooperation From 1952 to 1971 Bredendieck student body promoted cooperative learning among
with the Leipzig lamp company was the professor of industrial

comrades.” Some of these students were to take the

Körting & Mathiesen AG design at the Georgia Institute
(Kandem), which massproduced of Technology in Atlanta. His Bauhaus idea around the world, participating in
Bauhaus models. Bredendieck
designed reading lamps for
writing on the theory of design international architecture tenders and founding their own
are documents of his focus on

institutes. Examples are the Hungarian Sándor Bortnyk,

desks and bedsides, and also function and the appropriate use
for ceiling and household lamps of materials. who established the “Mühely” – the “little Bauhaus” – in
(with Marianne Brandt). After
graduating in 1930 he worked in
Text: Astrid Volpert 1928 in Budapest, and Renshichirō Kawakita, cofounder
1932 of the Japanese “Institute for Life Design.”

I Walter Gropius, László Moholy-Na

“International Architecture,” Bauh
gy (editors)
aus books, 1, 1925 T
G Bauhaus products also found their way around the
world right from the start. In 1922 there were sales
outlets in Vienna, Amsterdam, Leicester, and the USA,
offering items from the Bauhaus workshops. The
Bauhaus also showed its work in exhibitions all over
the world, including a presentation in 1922 with pictures
by masters and students in Calcutta, together with
contemporary Indian painters. In 1929 there was
a touring exhibition of Bauhaus work, shown in Basel,
Zurich, Breslau and other cities. In the same year
works from the Bauhaus workshops were shown at
the World’s Fair in Barcelona, and in 1930 there was
a touring exhibition in the USA (Harvard, Cambridge
and New York). In 1931 Hannes Meyer presented the
first Bauhaus exhibition in Moscow, which focused

on the years 1928–30, when he had been director.

books, 11, 1
rs), “Kasim
Many international artists and intellectuals also visited

Nagy (edito
,” Bauhaus
the Bauhaus, among them Solomon Guggenheim and
Marcel Duchamp. Some of these guests came to
hold lectures or teach, like the composers Béla Bartók

tless Wor ld
ló Moholy-
and Henry Cowell, Sufi master Murschid Inayat Khan,
or Naum Gabo and El Lissitzky. As these visits show,
the Bauhaus was open to the world, with a crosscultural In the “Bauhaus books” published between 1925 and

pius, Lász
The Objec
awareness that always shaped teaching and work, 1930, the Bauhaus was not only able to gain international
and which was not restricted to a “cult of India” and artists and architects as authors. These books also
“Americanism,” as Oskar Schlemmer noted in 1921. showcased the Bauhaus as a focal point for the vanguard

Walter Gro
of the avant-garde, as clearly seen in the 1923 portfolio
“New European Prints, 4th Portfolio – Italian and Russian
Artists” and in the “Exhibition of International Architects”
that was part of the Bauhaus Exhibition in the same year.
When he became Bauhaus director in Dessau, Mies van
der Rohe wrote a letter to America trying to acquire
Joost Schmidt, Folder “international” partner institutes with which the Bauhaus
for the City of Dessau
, 1931 could cooperate across borders.
Frit z Kuhr, Self-portra
it, 1927

O. Z. Hanish, David Ammann, Masd

asnan – Breathing Lessons, 1919
Oelze, S

it with G
ir lfriend, 1
92 2 / 23

Moscow with Peter Bücking, Gunta Stölzl,
Unknown Photographer, Bauhaus members visiting Vchutein in
Mordwino w, behind Arieh Sharon, 3rd from the right, 12.5 .1928

N Iwao Yamawaki Nakada (1888–70). In 1928 against the Dessau Bauhaus

(born as Iwao Fujita) he married Michiko Yamawaki was at its height, Iwao made his
Japanese photographer, (1910–2000), the heir of a rich collage The Attack on It was the aura of a radical new start,

architect and university lecturer businessman. He agreed to the Bauhaus. Yamawaki taught particularly after the First World War, that
Hannes Meyer, (editor), “study at take on her family name, and in at the Tokyo Shinkenchiku kōgei
the bauhaus!” bauhaus, journal
for design, 2 / 3, 1928
29 April 1898 in Nagasaki / Japan
return was able to fulfil his dream institute, known as the Japanese
people at the Bauhaus embraced from the
– 8 March 1987 in Tokyo / Japan
of studying at the Bauhaus. In Bauhaus. He built his own outset, and that particularly attracted the

O Yamawaki studied at the Tokyo

autumn 1930 the Yamawakis house, drawing on Gropius’s young. They not only wanted to give a new
came to Dessau and took the master’s houses designs, filled
School of Fine Arts (1921–26) foundation course with Josef it with furniture from Germany, shape to the world tomorrow, but also to their

and then gained professional Albers. In April 1931 Michiko such as Breuer’s Wassily own lives. Bauhaus members quickly got
experience as an architect with joined the weaving workshop Armchair. In 1939 he designed a reputation for unconventionality, which

the Yokogawa Construction and Iwao moved to study under interiors for the Japanese
Company. At the same time, he Walter Peterhans. Yamawaki‘s Pavilion at the New York World’s included their bob hairstyles and the relaxed
The goal of work at the Bauhaus was to make contemporary

Oskar Schlemm
was working as a photographer photographs of the Bauhaus Fair. In 1954 and again in 1971 relations between men and women, and
for Society for Architecture complex and also of buildings in Iwao and Michiko brought
also the fact that some Bauhaus families products for a new and future generation. For art critic Adolf

Research. He was also
interested in theatre. Together
Berlin, Amsterdam and Moscow Bauhaus exhibitions to Japan.
were living together without being married. Behne, this was evident in the architecture of Walter Gropius’s
are in the style of the New In 1995 Michiko published her
with Senda Koreya (1904–94) Bauhaus building: “Here in the new Dessau Bauhaus building

Seeing movement founded by book The Bauhaus and the Tea
he founded the Ningyō-za and Moholy-Nagy. Yamawaki was a Ceremony. As early as May 1919, when the Bauhaus we see a striking and pure expression (…) of the fact that

er, Schematic ov
was a member of Tan ́ i Sanka,
a group of avant-garde artists.
close friend of Kurt Kranz, who Text: Astrid Volpert had only been open for just a few weeks, a new type of man and a new relationship to the world is both
introduced him to the techniques
There he met the Weimar of photomontage. In 1932, painter and Bauhaus master Lyonel Feininger the starting point and the aim of this new movement in
Bauhaus student Sadanosuke when radical right-wing intrigue wrote to his wife Julia: “What I have seen architecture. New materials, new forms of construction, and

from the students thus far looks very self- new technologies are important and must be discussed, tried
assured. Nearly all of them were soldiers out, and observed. But they are only a means to an end, and

erview of teaching
during the war. This is a completely new kind the highest end is man himself.”

of person. I think they all want to create
something new in art and are no longer so

timid and harmless.” And Oskar Schlemmer
declared in 1921 “that the Bauhaus is ‘building’

in the subject “M
in a very different sense than expected

– building people. Gropius seems to be very
aware of this, and he notes the weaknesses
of the academies here, where educating

an,” from bauhau

people to be people is neglected.” But what
this new man might actually look like, and
which values and capabilities he would have,
was the subject of controversy throughout
the entire Bauhaus period. Johannes Itten,

s. journal for desig

for example, thought that breathing and

physical exercises and a vegetarian diet must

Jena, 1

promote individual self-awareness, while

Oskar Schlemmer focused on theatre, in
K han in

which the relationship of every character to

n 2 / 3, 1928
space was to be explored beyond the level
of a “typical body.” There was also painting

and photography, where abstraction,


distortion and collage were leading to new

images of humanity, and the “communist

faction” of students in favour of a “world

revolution” under director Hannes Meyer,

who saw himself as a “scientific Marxist.”

ff, Pi- o

Unknown Photographer, Barbara

Josephine Guggenheim, Wassily
in the garden of the Dessau mast Kandinsky, Hilla von Rebay, Solo
ers’ houses settlement, 1929 mon R. Guggenheim
A lfred

Johannes Itten,
be led astray by
portfolio, “Master
st r
r, P
at t
er n

“Greeting and he
r ta

the hopes of a he

s of the State Ba
te r
, 1

alth to the hearts

aven or the fear
uhauses in Weim
of a hell. O. Z. Ha
that are illumina
ar,” 1921

ted by the light of

nish,” original fro
m the first Bauhau
love and cannot
E From the moment it was founded, the

Bauhaus was criticised for its focus on ing sample, 1926
mere experiment, for both masters and (at tributed), Weav
Grete Reichardt

W students – especially by conservatives

in government and society. The whole
Bauhaus was just one big experiment, Horacio Coppola then traveled to Buenos Aires.
they said. While these critics wished to Graphic designer and In 1935 their work was

photographer presented together by Sur,
discredit the Bauhaus, experimentation a literary magazine for
31 July 1906 in Buenos
was in fact a very deliberate and

Aires / Argentina – 18 June 2012 Argentinian intellectuals – the
significant principle at the Bauhaus, in Buenos Aires / Argentina “first exhibition of modern
photography in Argentina” (Luis

where it went far beyond teaching and Priamo). Enjoying their success,
theory. Bauhaus people were very Coppola was the son of Italian the Coppolas decided in 1936 to

immigrants, and in the 1920s
sure that the new approaches that they he studied modern languages,
live in Buenos Aires, and they
opened an avantgarde studio
were keenly looking for after the world

At the large Bauhaus Exhibition in 1923, photography, and film. He specializing in advertising. From
war could only be explored in a spirit of the institution presented its experiments traveled through Europe, and in 1940 they lived in Ramos Mejía,

Germany, in 1932 and 1933 he a village in Buenos Aires
experimentation. This was not meant in a very diverse overview, including sat in on a Bauhaus class given province. Their Bauhaus-style
as scientific experiment, but as a free a built “experimental house” that was by Walter Peterhans, thanks to house became a meeting place
and playful testing of ideas, as all the a technological, ecological and living
the recommendation of Grete for Argentinians and emigrant
Stern. His most important work opponents of the war. Together
students in the Foundation Course experiment all at the same time, and done there consisted of eighteen they documented indigenous
were to discover. But because experi- the “Reflectory Light Games” by the architectural studies in a ceramics for the La Plata
mentation frequently led to very students Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack and
geometrical and rational style. anthropology museum. In 1943
In Berlin Coppola and Walter they separated. Horacio
practical problems in the teaching of Kurt Schwerdtfeger. Auerbach together made the returned to Buenos Aires. In the
specific skills in the workshops, in late experimental film Dream (1933). 1960s and 1970s, he discovered
1921 Gropius planned a specific space When the Bauhaus moved to Dessau He met Auerbach’s sister Ellen color photography. In 1984
aus Man, 1923 in 1925, the workshops were renamed and her friend Grete Stern the retrospective show My
Herbert Bayer, The Model Bauh dedicated to experimenting, “since it (1904–99). Both were Jews and Photography presented more
is practically very difficult to unite both “laboratory workshops,” and the use of both briefly attended the Bauhaus, than fifty years of work. It took
purely experimental work and the lower case in all letters, brochures and they ran the ringl+pit photo place in a cultural center on
studio. When Stern fled the Plaza Dorrego, where Coppola
implementation of real works in one and the Bauhaus’s own magazine was had once begun to take photos
Nazis to Paris in 1935 and then
and the same workshop.” introduced – a decision which was heavily moved on to London, Coppola of amateur painters and tango
criticised in bourgeois circles. This followed her. His 16 mm films dancers. Asked about the future
about both capital cities, Les of photography, Coppola
then gave Gropius good reason to Quais de la Seine and A Sunday answered, “There isn’t much
again note the principally experimental in Hampstead Heath, focus equipment needed … The mind
Grit Kallin-Fischer, she returned to Germany in herself as an emancipated character of the Bauhaus: “the bauhaus on the dynamics of light and and the eye are what matter.”
nee Margit Vries 1926, she was divorced. Wishing woman. From 1928 to 1934 movement. Auerbach and Text: Astrid Volpert
Painter, graphic designer, to gain further education, she she was back in Berlin, taking is primarily an experimental institute for Coppola married in London and
sculptor went to the Dessau Bauhaus photos for the Gebrauchsgrafik the whole country, in all fields of design.
and by 1928 she had finished the magazine. In 1931 she took
26 April 1896 in Frankfurt am
foundation course and studied in part in the Foreign Advertising
it is also not only our right but certainly
Main / German Empire –
the metal and stage workshops. Photography exhibition in New our duty to continue to test things that
17 July 1973 in Newtown / USA
Together with the dancer Manda York. In Dessau, she met the have not yet been tested.”
von Kreibig (1901–89) and American Bauhaus student
Grit’s Bauhaus period was a Oskar Schlemmer she designed Edward L. Fischer (1903–88). In
short interlude during which she stage costumes and sets. She 1934 they married and moved In Dessau Marcel Breuer experimented with furniture made of curved steel
managed to write history – with had a very striking talent for to New York. From 1937 they piping, while Oskar Schlemmer finally had a dedicated “experimental theatre” in
just the few works she created. photography. In the style of New lived in their own house that had
Seeing she took photo portraits been designed by Gropius and O skar S
the Bauhaus building. Then there was photography – in no other field was there
She grew up in Belgian boarding chlemm
schools, and in 1911 she took of Bauhaus fellow students and Breuer. In 1947 Grit was back er, Sea
ted figu
so much experimentation outside of class than with the camera and film devel-
re, Figu
painting lessons with Karl teachers, using fragmented in Europe, and in Zurich and re “S ”, 1
oping techniques, particularly thanks to the use of the compact camera. Werner
Doerbecker in Marburg. From pictorial spaces. She also Milan she refreshed her interest
1915 to 1917 she studied with made self-portraits with their in sculptural forms in art, and
David Feist, who began his studies at the Bauhaus in 1927, looked back:
Lovis Corinth. In 1918–19 she own special form and energy, worked on projects with the “Experimenting, testing the limits, breaking rules and regulations, discovering
endeavored to gain contact with in which she depicted herself sculptors Hermann Hubacher new fields – this was the overarching spirit at the Bauhaus.”
Berlin artist’s circles, and in 1920 as a solitary figure isolated and Mario Marini.
she married the Russian Jewish from the outside world. Within Text: Astrid Volpert
musician and emigrant Marik a perfect setting consisting of
Kallin, and both moved to live clothing, location, and a cool
with his family in London. When melancholy, she symbolized
Chronology top images 16. Adolf Hofmeister, Karikatur von Hannes 10. Herbert Bayer, Notgeldscheine, 1923,
1. Louis Held, Henry van de Velde in seinem Meyer, 1930. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Foto: Andreas Körner. Institut für
Arbeitsraum der Kunstgewerbeschule Weimar, Archiv der Moderne Auslandsbeziehungen / © VG Bild-Kunst,
um 1906. © Fotoatelier Louis Held, Stefan 17. Iwao Yamawaki, Der Schlag gegen das Bonn 2018
Renno, Weimar. Bauhaus, 1932. © Yamawaki Iwao & Michiko 11. Titelbild der Zeitschrift „Das neue
2. Louis Held, Großherzoglich Sächsische Archives Frankfurt“, 1. Jahrgang, 1926 / 1927, Heft 2,
Hochschule für bildende Kunst Weimar, von 18. Leben am Bauhaus Berlin: Der Thema: Mechanisierung des Wohnungsbaus/
1919–1925 Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar, um Studierende Ernst Louis Beck vor dem Der Weg vom Ziegelmauerwerk zum
1906. Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin Eingang der umgebauten Telefonfabrik, Frankfurter Montageverfahren, Baustelle mit
3. Lyonel Feininger, Titelholzschnitt 1932–1933, Foto: Unbekannt. Bauhaus-Archiv vorgefertigten Elementen, ca. 1927, Foto:
„Kathedrale“, Manifest des Staatlichen Berlin Unbekannt. © Institut für Stadtgeschichte
Bauhauses in Weimar, 1919. © VG Bild-Kunst, 19. Josef Albers beim Unterrichten am Frankfurt am Main, S7A1998_24299
Bonn 2018 Bauhaus Dessau: Besprechung einer 12. Willi Baumeister, Plakat „Wie wohnen?“
4. Karl Peter Röhl, Entwurf zum Signet Ausstellung dreidimensionaler Vorkurs- für die Werkbund-Ausstellung „Die Wohnung“,
„Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar“, 1919–1921. arbeiten in Papier mit Studierenden, um 1928, Stuttgart, 1927. (CC) BY-NC-SA Willi
Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin / © Karl-Peter-Röhl- Foto: Umbo (Otto Umbehr). © The Albers Baumeister Stiftung
Stiftung, Weimar Foundation / Art Resource, NY / VG Bild- 13. Werbeblatt für die Werkbund-Ausstellung
5. Walter Gropius, Adolf Meyer und andere Kunst, Bonn 2018 „Film und Foto“, Stuttgart, 1929, unter
Bauhaus-Studierende, Haus Sommerfeld, 20. Signet des „new bauhaus, American Verwendung einer Fotografie von László
Berlin, 1920 / 1921. © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018 School of Design“, Chicago, 1937. Bauhaus- Moholy-Nagy, 1929. © bpk / Kunstbibliothek,
6. Postkarte von Theo van Doesburg an Archiv Berlin SMB / Dietmar Katz
Antony Kok, 12. September 1921, Foto: 14. Ausstellungsansicht „Modern Architecture:
Image Credits International Exhibition“, Museum of Modern
Van-Doesburg-Archiv. © Van-Doesburg-
Archiv, Amsterdam, Rijkswijk Chronology bottom images Art, New York, 10. Februar bis 23. März 1932,
The Total Work of Art 7. Oskar Schlemmer, Signet „Staatliches 1. Wanda von Debschitz-Kunowski, Metallwerk- Foto: The Museum of Modern Art Archives.
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Bauhaus Weimar“ als Stempelabdruck, 1922. statt der Debschitz-Schule, München, um 1905. © The Museum of Modern Art, New York /
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie, © Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin © Münchner Stadtmuseum, Sammlung Foto- Scala, Florence
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019 8. Joost Schmidt, Plakat zur Bauhaus- grafie 15. Ausstellung „Entartete Kunst“ im Galerie-
Ausstellung in Weimar, 1923, Foto: Markus 2. Hölzel und seine Stuttgarter Schüler, v.l.n.r.: gebäude am Münchener Hofgarten, 1937,
© Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Archiv
Hawlik. Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin / © VG Bild- Wickenburg, Kerkovius, unbekannt, Kinzinger, Foto: Unbekannt. © bpk / Zentralarchiv, SMB
der Moderne
Ma Kunst, Bonn 2018 Stenner, Hölzel, Hildebrandt, Baumeister, 16. Alfred H. Barr, Katalog der Ausstellung
rc e © Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Archiv
lB 9. Joost Schmidt, Prospekt der Stadt Dessau, Schlemmer, Eberhard, 1914, Foto: Unbekannt. „Cubism and Abstract Art“ am Museum of
reu der Moderne
er, 1931. Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau / © Adolf Hölzel-Stiftung, Stuttgart Modern Art, New York, 2. März bis 19. April
Ch © Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Archiv
air © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018 3. Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Plakat anlässlich der 1936. © The Museum of Modern Art Library,
B5 der Moderne
, 19 10. Oskar Schlemmer, Signet „Das Bauhaus in Ausstellung „Deutsche Werkbund Ausstellung“ New York
26 © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie, Dessau“ als Stempelabdruck auf dem Vorsatz in Coeln, 1914. © bpk / Kunstbibliothek, SMB
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019 des Buches: Heinrich Hauser, Die letzten 4. Herwarth Walden vor seiner Portätbüste
Segelschiffe, S.Fischer Verlag, Berlin, um von William Wauer, um 1918, Foto:
Art, Crafts, Technology 1931. © Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin Unbekannt. © bpk / Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
11. Die Meister auf dem Dach des Bauhauses: 5. Bettelnder, einbeiniger Kriegsversehrter
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie, in Uniform mit Orden, Berlin, 1923,
Josef Albers, Hinnerk Scheper, Georg Muche,
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019 Foto: Unbekannt. © Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-
László Moholy-Nagy, Herbert Bayer, Joost
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie 1972-062-01
Schmidt, Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer,
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie 6. Hermann Max Pechstein, Flugblatt Arbeits-
Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Lyonel
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie, Feininger, Gunta Stölzl und Oskar Schlemmer, rat für Kunst Berlin, 1919. © Max Pechstein
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019 1926, Foto: Lucia Moholy. Bauhaus- Urheberrechtsgemeinschaft
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Universität Weimar, Archiv der Moderne / 7. Eröffnungssitzung der verfassungs-

© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018 gebenden Deutschen Nationalversammlung
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie, 12. Bauhausgebäude in Dessau, 1926 / 1927, im Deutschen National­theater in Weimar
Hubert Hoffmann Third Reich’s motorway building VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019 Foto: Junkers-Luftbildaufnahmen. Institut für am 6. Februar 1919, am Rednerpult Friedrich
programme. He was called back Auslandsbeziehungen Ebert, 1919, Zeichnung: Hans W. Schmidt. Responsible

Urban planner and architect
from military service in northern Radical Pedagogy 13. Marianne Brandt, „Palucca tanzt“, 1929. © Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin Dr. Ellen Strittmatter
23 March 1904 in Berlin / German
France, and then became a © Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden / 8. Wladimir Tatlin, Modell des Denkmals
Empire – 25 September 1999 in
surveyor and planner in occupied © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018 für die Dritte Internationale, 1920, Foto: Artistic Director
Graz / Austria
Lithuania (1942–44), and then at © Sammlung Bernd Freese 14. Oskar Schlemmer, Manda von Kreibig in Unbekannt. © Moderna Museet, Stockholm Dr. Valerie Hammerbacher

the German Academy for Reich Stäbetanz II, Bauhausbühne, 1927, 9. El Lissitzky, Internationaler Kongress der
When Hoffmann came down to © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Konstruktivisten und Dadaisten, Weimar,
and Urban Construction in Berlin Foto: Unbekannt. Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin Project Management
the Dessau Bauhaus from Berlin © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie 1922. © Foundation Khardzhiev / Stedelijk
(1944–45). At the end of the war, 15. Hannes Mayer, Hans Wittwer und Dr. Clea Laade
for the winter semester 1926–27, © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Museum Amsterdam
he was taken prisoner by US Hermann Bunzel, Bundesschule Bernau, Blick

he had already completed forces. Thereafter he became auf den Wohnflügel der ADGB, 1931, Foto: Scientific Research
apprenticeships in farming and Community
an urban planner in Magdeburg, Arthur Redecker. Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin / Laura Wünsche
in bricklaying and attended a until the liberal politician Fritz © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie © Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau Lara Eva Sochor
building school, an arts and Hesse, a former promoter of the © Klassik Stiftung Weimar Elena Kaifel
crafts school and the Technical © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie

Bauhaus who had been re- Stefanie Bürgel
University of Hanover. To summer appointed as city mayor, brought © Galerie Kicken
1929 and again from 1930 to him back to Dessau. Hoffmann © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie
1932 as a guest, Hoffmann was asked to organise the © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie
studied under all three Bauhaus reestablishment of the Bauhaus, © Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Archiv Exhibition

directors. He carried out his but was then caught up in the der Moderne
experiments in the carpentry and turmoil of the post-Nazi appraisal © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Curator of the touring exhibition
advertising workshops and in the of the past. He was denounced © Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Archiv The Whole World a Bauhaus:
construction department. He as a collaborator, and then der Moderne Boris Friedewald

gained his first business practice returned disappointed back to
with Fred Forbat in Berlin in West Berlin. From 1953 to 1958 Floating Curators of the contributions from the
1930. At this time, he was in he worked as a freelance regions at the exhibition at the Center
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie,
contact with a group of left-wing architect in Bonn and Berlin, and for Art and Media Karlsruhe:
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019

Bauhaus people and designed was co-initiator of Interbau and Prof. Dr. Enrique X. de Anda Alanís:
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie
the Proletarian Building the exhibition The City of The Whole World a Bauhaus Mexico City, Mexico
© Harvard Art Museums / Busch-Reisinger
Exhibition in 1931. When the Tomorrow. From 1959 to 1975 Silvia Fernández: Buenos Aires,
Museum, Gift of the Baron-Baum Family, 2007.115
Nazis came to power in 1933, he Hoffmann was the professor of an exhibition by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) Stuttgart, Germany. Argentina
© Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
was interred in a penal camp.

urban planning and design at © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie, Prof. Dr. Margret Kentgens-Craig:
Thereafter he was unable to find the Technical University of Bauhaus Reception in the
Estate of T. Lux Feininger
much work until the Reich Graz / Steiermark. His Austrian USA, 1919–39
Chamber of Culture managed to years were characterised by © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie, Dr. Alexander Klee: Stuttgart, Germany
prevent him from being prohibited making connections between art VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019 Salma Lahlou: Casablanca, Morocco

from working at all. and life, and also his © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) promotes worldwide cultural exchange to assist David Maulen: Santiago de Chile, Chile
From 1934 to 1936 he was an functionalism with its basis in © Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, VG Bild-Kunst, peoples, nations and religions in learning from one another and living together peacefully. PD Dr. Christiane Post: Moscow,
assistant at the Berlin Technical anthroposophical thought. Bonn 2019 We promote art and cultural exchange in exhibitions, dialogue and conference programs. Russia
University and worked on the As a competence centre for international cultural relations, ifa connects civil societies, Curator of the contribution by
Text: Astrid Volpert
Encounters cultural practices, art, media and science. We initiate, moderate and document discussions ZKM | Center for Art and Media for the
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie on international cultural relations. exhibition at ZKM | Karlsruhe:
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Peter Weibel
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie,
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019, Scenography / Architecture
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie, Studio Ilke Penzlien with
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019 Peter Kortmann
© Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Archiv der Moderne The exhibition “The Whole World a Bauhaus” is supported by Ministerium für Kunst, and Robert Müller
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Wissenschaft und Forschung Baden-Württemberg and and by the Federal Foreign Office.
© Centre G. Pompidou / Bibliothèque Kandinsky Technical Advice
© Nekbakht Foundation, Suresnes Martin Edelmann

The New Man Graphic Design

ltless shelf,”
Hubert Hof fmann, “bo 0
lf, prototype, detail, 193 © Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie HIT
dismountable book she
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie,
Exhibition Première in Germany Chronology und Diagram
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019
© Hermann Famulla (Nachlass Fritz Kuhr) Nicole Opel
The Whole World a Bauhaus
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie
October 26, 2019 – February 16, 2020 Texts
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie,
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe Boris Friedewald
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019
© Harvard Art Museums / Busch-Reisinger
Museum, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019 Biographies
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Astrid Volpert
Boris Friedewald
Artistic-scientific chairman, CEO
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Weibel Translation
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Dr. Greg Bond, English
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Head of Curatorial Department Pedro Gallegos, Spanish
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Philipp Ziegler
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Photography
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Project Management Andreas Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie
© Photo: ifa, A. Körner, bildhübsche Fotografie Hannah-Maria Winters
Sound Technician
Technical Project Management Levi Harrison
Anne Däuper Studio Tongoetze

kindly supported by Voice Acting

Ingrid L. Blecha Gesellschaft m.b.H., Filmolux Deutschland GmbH, Dagmar Harrold, Levi Harrison, English
KPM Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin GmbH, Christopher Farr, Mevaco GmbH, Mario Pitz, German
Tecnolumen GmbH & Co. KG, Naef Spiele AG, Dringenberg GmbH Davorin Strauss, German
Annette von der Seipen, German

Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V. (ifa),
the artists and authors
The Spirit of the Bauhaus (1993–74). ifa (Institut für Auslands- moved from the two-dimensional
beziehungen) organised a successful space of the painting and walked
tour for this exhibition in 1968. ifa on stage; with experiments with pho-
The Bauhaus was only in existence sent this exhibition to various tography and film; with text and font
for a few years. But in these years, museums around the world; it was designs that challenged established
and then especially the years after shown in 1969 in Chicago, 1970 in reading habits; with applied art that
the Bauhaus was closed down, this Buenos Aires, and 1971 in Tokyo. was seen as equal to the fine arts;
art school became a symbol of The aim of this ifa exhibition is and with teaching methods that were
modernism. Bauhaus influence and clearly stated in its title. 50 Years to become exemplary for schools
reception were at their greatest in of the bauhaus defines a period of all around the world. Artists working
the 1960s. Archives were established time much longer than the actual at the Bauhaus had very different
and modernism was celebrated existence of the school itself, which approaches to design, and also
in many large exhibitions. At a time continued to be alive and well different political views. Modernism
when designers and artists were decades after its closure. There is was visible here in many forms, and
turning away from the avant-garde, a Bauhaus spirit here too, asserting fundamental questions were asked
the Bauhaus was reborn in the a certain philosophy (not dependent concerning the connections between
systems of remembrance in museums. on specific objects) all over the art and life, social relevance, and
world. This exhibition, financed by the design of contemporary life.
No other institution has succeeded
the state of Baden-Württemberg and
in turning the everyday work of The exhibition title also stands for a
the German Foreign Office, also had
teaching into a way of life in a way research task for experts in various
a cultural and political agenda: to
comparable to the Bauhaus. Today regions. The Whole World a
show the Bauhaus as an exemplary
the Bauhaus stands for a state of Bauhaus? shows case studies from
free and democratic German
mind: avant-garde, free, progressive, Buenos Aires, Casablanca, Mexico
community in the times of the Cold
and modern in the social, political City, Moscow, Santiago de Chile,
War and the conflict between East
and artistic senses. The Bauhaus the USA as well as Karlsruhe and
and West – even if this community
has become a symbol. In spite of Stuttgart. The focus was not on the
was historical. The Bauhaus idea
all the criticism of its functional emigrants from the Bauhaus after
was a model that could be applied
approach that began to be voiced it was closed down in 1933, but the
all over the world, independent
in the 1960s, Bauhaus modernism spread and use of Bauhaus ideas
of one institution and timeless.3
is still a significant point of reference. and transcultural contexts in the
The 50 Years of the bauhaus exhi-
It has been reassessed, and yet 1920s. In 1925 the Chilean artist,
bition made it possible to report
returned to the fore as a counter to composer and musician Carlos
on an artistic avant-garde, and also
post-modernism. Art historian and Isamitt (1887–1974) came to Europe
to take a closer look at the Weimar
director of Documenta 12 Roger in order to study teaching, and he
Republic years, seen as shaping
M Bürgel found a precise formulation then implemented the methods when
the context within which the Bauhaus
for this contradictory state of affairs he founded the Escuela de Bellas
was possible. This was an age
in one of his key questions. One Artes in Santiago de Chile. Even
that was open for democracy and
of the themes of the Documenta the thistle drawn by students in
freedom and a positive point of
was: “Is modernity our antiquity?” Johannes Itten’s preliminary course
reference for the culture of memory
was integrated into teaching there,
On the occasion of the hundredth in contemporary West Germany.
but no longer as a synesthetic study.
anniversary of the foundation of The Bauhaus was a place where
Instead the aim was to use it as
the Bauhaus, in 2019, we ask what earlier advocates of democracy
an abstract pattern with indigenous
makes the Bauhaus relevant today. worked, and its activities were
forms. The spirit of the Bauhaus
Argentinian architect Tomás abruptly brought to an end by the
provided the impetus, but it was
Maldonado (born 1922, Buenos Nazi dictatorship.3
transformed into something else.
Aires), teacher and director of the
In 1969, one year after the exhibition
Ulm School of Design (1955–67), A project of this kind can only be
premiered in Stuttgart, Wingler’s
answered this question as follows: undertaken by many people working
Bauhaus Archive association
“The Bauhaus is only accepted in a together. We would like to thank
received an offer of finance from the
superficial and restorative sense. (…) the artistic director of the exhibition
city of Berlin, including the building
Essentially, this is just a false flower, Valérie Hammerbacher (ifa), and
of new premises and a move from
an attempt to canonise the Bauhaus, and the curator of the touring exhi-
Darmstadt to Berlin. Walter Gropius
or – better – to archaeologise it, bition Boris Friedewald as well
designed the new building, which
to transform the Bauhaus into a as the curators of the case studies
was then built – with considerable
relic that is only brought out for Enrique X. de Anda Alanís, Silvia
alterations to Gropius’s design –
high ceremonies. A cult object that Fernández, Margret Kentgens-Craig,
between 1976 and 1979. The Bauhaus
sometimes fulfils the functions of Alexander Klee, Salma Lahlou,
supporters thus established an insti-
a totem and sometimes of a taboo.” David Maulen, Christiane Post and
tution that to this day works to keep
His text, entitled “Is the Bauhaus Peter Weibel. We also thank Ilke
the memory of the Bauhaus alive,
relevant today?” was published in Penzlien, Peter Kortmann, Lina
in both academic circles and for
1963, at a time when the reception Grumm and Annette Lux for the exhi-
a general public.
of the Bauhaus had reached a bition design. We thank Peter Weibel,
peak. In 1960 the Bauhaus Archive From the 1960s, information on the Philipp Ziegler and Hannah-Maria
was founded in Darmstadt by art Bauhaus, and its artists and products Winters for the opportunity to present
historian Hans Maria Wingler (1920– was collected, researched, and the exhibition at the Center for Art
84), who directed it until his death then brought into the depots of mu- and Media in Karlsruhe. We all hope
in 1984. The aim of the archive was seums, and at the same time a new that exhibition visitors will experience
to conduct research on the Bauhaus generation of designers was becoming the spirit of the Bauhaus together
and to publish results. Through more critical. With remembering with us in this exhibition – “in pro-
texts, catalogues and exhibitions the the Bauhaus at a peak, the Bauhaus ductive disunity,” as painter Josef
memory of the Bauhaus was kept approach was subjected to funda- Albers once described the Bauhaus
alive, securing it a place in the present. mental critique. Functionalism and community of masters in 1922.
On the opening of the archive, the its advocacy of the separation of
Stuttgarter Zeitung wrote: “If you will, working and living environments was 1  Richard Biedrzynski: “Bauhaus.
you can refer everything back to the in crisis. Classical modernism, which Ulrich Raulff Zur Eröffnung des Darmstädter
Bauhaus, and let it shine out into the saw itself as a new and timeless President Archivs auf der Mathildenhöhe,”
in Stuttgarter Zeitung, 10.04.1961.
future from there.” 1 Under Wingler, movement, was considered blind to ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
the archive saw itself as the memory history. Universalism assumed that 2  Walter Gropius: “I back him up
the achievements of progressive through thick and thin because he
of the institution, with the task of opened his ears to all my advice,
reflecting on its significance for architecture could be implemented Ronald Grätz and I hope he will go on doing
the present day. Documents were anywhere in the world, but this General Secretary this,” cited from Claudia Heitmann,
Die Bauhaus-Rezeption in der
collected, ordered and administered, view was now challenged. How ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
and the network of the Bauhaus international is an international style Etappen und Institutionen, Trier
teachers and students who were and to what extent can Bauhaus 2001, p. 49.
still living was nurtured. Hans Maria ideas be transferred to other cultures?  4 3  Claudia Heitmann (see note 2),
Wingler and Walter Gropius, with “Die Ausstellung 50 Jahre
This is the context that underlies
whom Wingler worked very closely, Bauhaus – Kulminationspunkt
our own view of the Bauhaus today. der bundesdeutschen Rezeption,”
were instrumental in shaping the pp. 224–238.
The exhibition The Whole World a
contemporary image and discourse
Bauhaus intends to once again draw 4  Dazu: Rasheed Araeen, “Our
of the Bauhaus.2
attention to the Bauhaus school, Bauhaus others’ Mudhouse,” in
Third Text. Critical Perspectives on
Wingler also organised the 50 Years and to show both its diversity and Contemporary Art and Culture, 6,
of the bauhaus exhibition, together complexity. In just a few years, the vol. 3, London, 1989, pp. 3–14. See
with former Bauhaus teacher Bauhaus attracted designers and also the exhibition Magiciens de
la Terre, 18 May 1989 – 14 August
Herbert Bayer (1900–85), exhibition artists who revolutionised the first 1989, Centre Georges Pompidou,
designer Dieter Honisch (born 1932), half of the twentieth century – with Paris, and also the polemic text
and art historian Ludwig Grote abstract painting and figurines that by Tom Wolfe, From Bauhaus
to Our House, New York, 1981.

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