DM23216 KY DHruv

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Karma Yoga Field Diary


1 Please describe the plan of action for Sunday’s field visit. (Date and time, Objectives, Goals,
Purpose of your visit)

Ans: The Sunday visit, slated for March 12, 2023, at 2:30 PM, was intended to contact the self-help
group and learn more about how networking and trust were now progressing. In order to increase
their social capital, we also sought to help them understand their unique and group strengths and
limitations. Hence, in order to conduct some team-building activities and assist them comprehend
how essential cooperation is to the success of any organisation, we sought to ascertain the level of
trust and cooperation that already existed.

2 Please describe the activities done to complete the action plan. (Work done in the field)

Ans: We gathered the group and started interrogating them about their ongoing projects. We
learned that they are not currently working on any such group initiatives, but are instead preparing
to start a popcorn company with our assistance in terms of the capital, resources, and know-how
that the venture requires to start and succeed. We then asked them to choose a leader, but they
were hesitant, choosing only one individual solely for the sake of name-calling, despite the fact that
the group itself had the last word.

3. What did you observe on Sunday and would like to implement in your next field visit? (Next
level of action)

Ans: We inferred this from their repeated requests for assistance in acquiring resources and support
for selling. We noticed that they are requesting ongoing end-to-end support for their business,
which is unsustainable and bad because they will never be able to support themselves. We will
therefore try to educate them about the advantages of becoming self-sufficient for long-term
success. We'll also make an effort to show them the benefits of choosing one leader from among
themselves because they were reluctant to do so, but doing so will be beneficial in times of internal

4. What is the learning outcome from this field visit? (Lessons learned.)

Ans: Even though the group appears to be quite united, we learned how important it is to build
social capital because they do not trust one another very much. We must engage in team-building
activities to assist them in developing this trust, which will improve their ability to work together and
open up networking opportunities where they may get to know one another better.

Submitted By

Dhruv Karan Singh


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