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QUESTION 1 Explain the following types of person-centred approaches.

PATH – Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope

PATH is a tool that is developed with a vision of a desirable that plan works towards future.
It is designed for planning teams where the person can clearly described their own dream or
where others in the planning team know the person very well and can help them to fulfil their
dream. It doesn’t focus on collecting the information about the person now but in way of
planning direct and immediate action. PATH starts with seeing the dream and end after it
reaches there.
MAPs – Making Action Plans
This approach was developed first for use in planning insertion for children in schools but
nowadays this is used with adults. It mainly focus on gather the information about the person
and develop a dream of the future and also know about the nightmares or the fears of their
life so that it can be predicted and their dream can be fulfilled by using the gathered
information about them. It has been noted that it is a good approach of gathering their
information that is often used in the early stage in planning process. It focuses on identifying
the likes and dislikes and the need of the person and working out through the plan to fulfill
the needs of the person.
PFP – Personal Futures Planning
PFP is about knowing about the person and their present life and developing the ideas what
he or she wants in their future and taking an action to fulfil their desirable needs in the future.
The process involves explore promises In the community and looks at what needs to change
in the services. It develops a vision of a desirable future and works on what is working well
that can be built on be successful in getting the future dream. To get what you want in the
future you must be pre planned about the process towards your future.
Circles of Support
A circle of support is not a service or tool to be applied to a certain group of people. Circles
are about seeing people as individual who feel they need support in order to take more control
over their own lives. A circle properly facilitated is empowering to the entire individual
involved and, unlike many service system, does not reinforce dependence. A circle of support
can change a person’s life; by providing an individual with the confidence to dream and plan
for the future. It is about empowering disabled and disadvantaged people and ensuring their
voice is heard and that they are included in decisions about their life.

QUESTION 2 Explain the difference between person-centred and system-centred approach.

Person centred approach focuses on individual’s unique interest and preferences. It built on
strengths and high expectations that everyone can and should enjoy the good life. It focuses
on organizing individualised, natural and creative supports and reduces reliance on the
service system and also tailors support to achieve the person’s goals and future. It situates
power and control with the person and their allies. Whereas System centred approach focuses
individual from disability from the professional viewpoint. It commences from a deficit and
needs on the basis and low expectations. The planning assumes that the person will spend
most of their time with other people with disability. It fits the person into a system and
situates power with the professionals.

QUESTION 3 Describe what the term ‘self-directed support services’ means to people with a
disability or to those who are aged.
Self directed support services is an arrangement of the funding for people who need support
arrangements to make their life’s more easier and happier. Its main objectives is to enable
people with disability or who are aged to have choice and control over their inability and
support them to achieve positive outcomes in their lives. There can be a combination of
informal supports , supports provided through generic or community services access by the
whole community or funded supports.
QUESTION 4 Explain what is meant by ‘self-determination’.
Self-determination refers to supporting and encouraging an individual to be aware of their
own rights, strengths and abilities that empower individuals to make decisions which cater
towards their own needs and goals.
QUESTION 5 When would you need to complete a client risk assessment? Provide three
Change in weight
Poor skin Infections
Symptoms of self-neglect
Behaviours of concern
Impaired judgment or problem-solving abilities
Impaired cognitive functioning
Environmental hazards.

QUESTION 6 What documentation are your required to complete as part of providing client
support? Provide at least three examples.
Example 1 Background of the client
Example 2 Case documentation
Example 3 Medical report

QUESTION 7 Read each scenario and match the scenario with the correct ethical issue or
breach in the table below.
Ethical Issue/ Breach Which scenario covers
Privacy/confidentiality B
Discrimination A
Work role/boundaries E
Duty of care C
Mandatory reporting D

QUESTION 8 What are the key objectives of the UNCRPD?

The Convention is intended as a human rights instrument with an explicit, social development
dimension. It adopts a broad categorisation of persons with disabilities and reaffirms that all
persons with all types of disabilities must enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
It clarifies and qualifies how all categories of rights apply to persons with disabilities and
identifies areas where adaptations have to be made for persons with disabilities to effectively
exercise their rights and areas where their rights have been violated, and where protection of
rights must be reinforced.
QUESTION 9 Provide three examples of circumstances that require you to make an
adjustment or variation of a client’s individual plan.
Example 1: Asking them how they want to spend their time
Example 2: Informally reviewing an existing formal plan
Example 3: Ask a client how is everything

Question 10 Provide five examples of client rights.

Example 1: Privacy of the client
Example 2: Confidentiality
Example 3: Freedom of association
Example 4: Right to express ideas and opinions
Example 5: Right not to be abused

QUESTION 11 Provide two examples of when members of the support team might be
required to provide feedback on individual plans.
Example 1: Case documentation.
Example 2: Information from the other professional sources including medical report.

QUESTION 12 Describe a situation where you or a client has experienced a risk to health or
safety. Explain how this was managed.
There are different hazards that client has experienced a risk such as slippery floors,
unguarded machinery, exposed electrical wires which are not safe so to manage this type of
hazards by doing immediate dry mop so that no can slip down, the unguarded machinery
should be removed and the exposed wire should be managed properly.

QUESTION 13 When risks are identified in the workplace, who are they reported to? Provide
three examples.

Example 1: Supervisor
Example 2: Can be discuss in the case meeting
Example 3: Manager

QUESTION 14 Provide three examples for each of the following skills development
Life skills
Example 1: Patience
Example 2: Discretion
Example 3: A high level of professionalism
Social skills
Example 1: Good communication
Example 2: Supportive attitude
Example 3: A caring
Vocational skills
Example 1: Physically fit
Example 2: To be committed with the right of elderly people
Example 3: Ability to deal with all types of the clients

Question 15 Think about one of your clients or a case study you have heard or read about (for
example, perhaps one from your learning materials). What are some factors that would affect
the support received by this client?
Case Study: Tully Assessment Task 2: Discussion Report
1 Strategies
 Providing quiet environment
 Psychological therapy
 Music therapy
 Art classes
2 Strength based activities
 Joining art classes
 Provide her books and newspaper to read
 Play her favourite song
 Engage her in other recreational activities
3 Support worker’s roles and responsibilities
 Take her for walk
 Prevent loud noises from occurring
 Provide her hearing aids if possible
 Engage her in recreational activities
 Provide emotional support
4 Responsibilities of the support team
 Provide support based on the individual care plan, preferences and strength
 Maintain privacy and confidentiality
 Follow workplace policies and procedure
5 Additional support services
 Emotional support
 Psychological support
 Social support
6. Monitoring and review strategy
 Monitor the plan to determine expected outcomes
 Review the individual care plan on an ongoing basis
 Seek for feedback from client


Assessment Task 3: Report on client 1
Client support needs

What are the support needs for this individual according to their plan?
 Showering
 Personal care
 Dressing
How did you work with the client to support their needs?
 Keeping track of their progress
 Advocating freedom of choice and independence
 Helping the client to identify the goals and activities
 Acknowledging their cultural needs
 Supporting client individual rights
How did you prepare for support activities?
 Planning with client and carer
 Involving client in decision making
 Organising and implementing activities
Explain your role and duty of care for this client.
 Providing support based on client’s preferences and strength
 Dignity of risk
 Protecting privacy and confidentiality
Describe the role and responsibilities of each member of the support team.
 Treat the client with respect and consideration
 Follow the company policies and procedure
 Consider work health and safety concerns
 Maintaining privacy and confidentiality
What are the skills opportunities according to the client’s plan?
 Interpersonal skills
 Recreational activities
 Social skills
Providing support
Describe your communication with this client and members of the support team.
 Use of verbal and nonverbal communication to enhance understanding and demonstrate
 Listen attentively and respond appropriately
How did you develop and maintain trust?
 Becoming supportive and non-judgemental
 Treating client with respect and using the name by which choose to be addressed
 Listening attentively to their concerns and showing empathy
What equipment were you required to assemble according to procedures and plan?
 Walker
 Hearing aid
How did you include family and/or carers as part of the support?
 Likes and dislikes regarding food, clothing
 Interests and preferences for entertainment, sport, books, movies
Maintaining support
How did you collaborate with the client to ensure services were meeting their needs?
Seeking feedback from the client
Were any changes to the plan identified? If so, describe the process undertaken?
No changes were made.
How did you support the client’s determination?
 Asking about their needs and wants
 Help them clarify goals and set concrete hopes
 Asking how they feel about the activities
What documentation was completed as part of organisation policy and procedures?
 Safe working forms
 Log books
 Incident reporting

Assessment Task 3: Report on client 2

Client support needs
What are the support needs for this individual according to their plan?
 Showering
 Personal care
 Transferring
How did you work with the client to support their needs?
 Helping the client to identify the goals and activities
 Supporting client independence and individual rights
How did you prepare for support activities?
 Planning with client and carer
 Involving client in decision making
 Organising and implementing activities
Explain your role and duty of care for this client.
 Providing support based on client’s preferences and strength
 Dignity of risk  Protecting privacy and confidentiality
Describe the role and responsibilities of each member of the support team.
 Treat the client with respect and consideration
 Follow the company policies and procedure
 Consider work health and safety concerns
●Maintaining privacy and confidentiality
What are the skills opportunities according to the client’s plan?
 Interpersonal skills
 Recreational activities
 Social skills
Providing support
Describe your communication with this client and members of the support team.
 Use of verbal and nonverbal communication to enhance understanding and demonstrate
 Listen attentively and respond appropriately
How did you develop and maintain trust?
 Becoming supportive and non-judgemental
 Treating client with respect and using the name by which choose to be addressed
 Listening attentively to their concerns and showing empathy
What equipment were you required to assemble according to procedures and plan?
 Walker
 Hearing aid
How did you include family and/or carers as part of the support?
 Likes and dislikes regarding food, clothing
 Interests and preferences for entertainment, sport, books, movies
Maintaining support
How did you collaborate with the client to ensure services were meeting their needs?
Seeking feedback from the client
Were any changes to the plan identified? If so, describe the process undertaken?
No changes were made.
How did you support the client’s determination?
 Asking about their needs and wants
 Help them clarify goals and set concrete hopes
 Asking how they feel about the activities
What documentation was completed as part of organisation policy and procedures?
 Logbooks
 Safe working forms
 Incident reporting

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