Electronics Mid PHY V 2023

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(BS PHY V) Electronics

Roll No. _____________ Duration: 1:00 Hours

Name_______________ Maximum Marks: 30
1. Solve the following short questions in some details. 3×4=12
(a) What is the difference between clipper and clamper transistor?
(b) What is the working of half wave rectification?
(c) What is effect on depletion region in forward bias and reverse bias?
(d) Draw the current flow diagram in bridge rectification in both positive and negative half
2. Explain how does diode is forward bias and reverse bias. Write down its characteristics in
both cases. 4+4
3. Figure shows the filtered bridge rectifier with C = 1000µF and RL= 220Ω. Turns ratio
Np=10 and Ns=1
Determine the following:
(i) peak primary voltage, Vp(pri)
(ii) Unfiltered peak full-wave rectified voltage, Vp(sec)
(iii) peak-to-peak ripple voltage, Vr(pp) at the output
120 V rms

60 Hz

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