Aerobicandsprintworkoutsfortrainedswimmers PDF

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By David Pyne
Sports Physiologist, Australian Institute of Sport
(Reproduced from “The Swimmer” Nov/Dec 2001)
One of the key considerations in training is to provide sufficient variation and stimulus for
improvement. The two workouts examined here are taken from the training programs of Australian
swimming team members at the peak of their season. These represent typical workouts undertaken by
this level of swimmer and illustrate some features and variations that could be employed by any well-
trained swimmer. For recreational and age group swimmers, the overall volume should be reduced by
decreasing the number of efforts and distance of the different intervals used.
T h e a er obic w o r k ou t i s …

1200m Freestyle/Backstroke breathing 5/5

+ 4x100m 20sec rest HR 140-160bpm
1000m Freestyle/Backstroke + Freestyle/Butterfly
+ 3x100m 30sec rest HR 140-160bpm
800m IM
+ 2x100m 20sec rest HR 140-160bpm
600m Fins
+ 1x100m negative split by 5sec
Kick 12x50m (Descend 1-3) on 50sec
Pull 12x25m Butterfly on 50sec
6x200m 30sec rest HR 150-160bpm
4x200m 40sec rest HR 160-170bpm
Vol. 8km
This is a long 8km aerobic workout. The first four 600m consists of a descending (in distance and
number) series of aerobic swims. The over-distance swims – i.e. the 1200, 1000, 800 and 600m efforts –
are completed at a comfortable aerobic level with a heart rate 120-140 beats per minute (bpm). The two
longer efforts involve switching between Freestyle, Backstroke and Freestyle/Butterfly. Breathing 5/5
refers to controlled breathing every fifth stroke to improve coordination and timing. The actual
distances used can be varied at the discretion of the coach and/or swimmer. It is usual practice to mix-
in shorter intervals of Butterfly predominantly 50m efforts compared with Freestyle and Backstroke,
which can be 50-400m in length. Coupled with each over-distance swim is a short set of 100m efforts
completed on moderate rest (20-30sec) at a moderate aerobic level (heart rate 140-160bpm). The final
100m effort is done as a negative split by 5sec. This is actually a little harder than it sounds, because it
makes the swimmer finish off much faster than the first lap pace. An example of this would be 32.5 +
37.5sec for first and second 50m laps respectively to give a total time of 1:10 for the 100m. It never
hurts to put some faster work in, even in very long sessions up around 7-8km.
The second series consists of Kick and Pull work. The kick set is 12x50m efforts on a 50sec cycle
completed as 4x3 descend efforts. The descend should be about 5sec – i.e. the second swim is about
5sec faster than the first – and the third swim 5sec faster than the second swim. The pull set is 12x25m
efforts using Butterfly on a 50sec cycle. While Butterfly is a powerful stroke, the swimmers should swim
these as fast efforts with good technique.
The last series is a set of 10x200m efforts. The first six are completed with a 30sec rest period
holding a pace that elicits a heart rate of 150-160bpm. The final four efforts are completed with a 40sec
rest period at a slightly faster pace that elicits a heart rate of 160-170bpm. It is common practice to use
slightly longer rest periods when striving for a slightly faster pace. At this intensity, the trained
swimmer would be close to threshold pace. This would be a solid and slightly uncomfortable speed but
again it is important to swim this with good technique.
T h e s p r i n t w or k ou t i s …

800m Freestyle/Backstroke
6x200m Freestyle/Butterfly with pull buoy on 20sec
600m kick, drill, swim
4x50m efforts on 60sec (descend 1-4)
100m recovery
2x50m on 1:30 at second 50m pace
Select option A, B or C
A 2x(200m kick, 150m pull, 100m drill, 50m swim)
800m pull negative split
4x25m or 2x50m pace
B 10x150m 20sec rest HR 140bpm
100m easy, 8x50m easy/pace
C 800m Backstroke, 800m IM, 400m kick and fins
Vol. 5km
The sprint workout is 5km in total. The workout is broken into two halves. The first half of the
workout is predominantly a 3km warm-up using Freestyle and Backstroke or Freestyle and Butterfly,
together with some kick, drill, and swim mixed in. After this aerobic warm-up, the swimmers complete
a descending series of 4x50m efforts on 60sec with each swim 2sec faster than the one before. After a
100m recovery, the swimmer finishes this part with a 2x50m efforts done in the mainstroke on 1:30 at
second 50m pace. This is the pace that the swimmer normally swims for the second 50m lap of a 100m
The second half of the workout consists of three different options – A, B and C. It is useful to give
variety in workouts and this type of approach with a couple of different options can be effective. The
best way is to assign a lane to each option, so there is no mixing of workout and swimmers. This also
gives the coach the flexibility to individualise workouts for different types of swimmers – i.e. the coach
can have a sprint, middle-distance and distance lane to cater for the individual needs of swimmers.
Occasionally it is good practice to let the swimmers choose their own workout and this provides the
opportunity to think about the type of workout most appropriate for them on the day.
Option A is more a sprint oriented workout with a 1000m combination of kick, pull, drill and swim
before an overdistance 800m pull. The 800m pull should be completed as a negative split where the
second 400m is about 5-10sec faster than the first 400m. The relative intensity should be moderate for
the first 400m and firm for the second 400m. The swimmer finishes the session with some fast work
either as 4x25m fast efforts (often using a dive start) or as 2x50m efforts (push start) at second 50m
pace. The swimmer can paddle off an easy 100m or simply exit the pool at the completion of the shorter
faster efforts. Many coaches and swimmers like to finish the session with something fast.
Option B is a middle-distance workout involving 10x150m swims with 20sec rest at a moderate
intensity of 140bpm. This is a bread and butter type workout for highly trained middle distance
swimmers and they should be able to churn these out without too much fuss. After an easy 100m
recovery swim, the session is completed with a short 8x50m faster pace set. Using a 60sec cycle the
swimmer alternates between a faster effort equivalent to 200m race pace and a slower recovery 50m.
Option C is the distance swimmer’s delight. The first 800m is swum Backstroke at a moderate
intensity with a heart rate of 120-140bpm. The second 800m is swum as an Individual Medley.
Specialist IM swimmers should do this as 2x400m IM continuous with the standard 100m in each
stroke. Non-IM swimmers could do this as 4x200m IM continuous, which permits them to swim 50m
intervals in each stroke. Again the intensity is moderate. The final effort is a 400m kick using fins.

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