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JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 31, No. 10, Oct. 2013, P.


Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity, DNA cleavage and antimicrobial

activity of homodinuclear lanthanide complexes of phenylthioacetic acid
T. F. Abbs Fen Reji1,*, A. Jeena Pearl2, Bojaxa A. Rosy3
(1. Department of Chemistry & Research Centre, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam 629165, Tamilnadu, India; 2. Department of Chemistry
& Research Centre, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil 629003, Tamilnadu, India; 3. Department of Botany & Research Centre, Holy Cross College (Autono-
mous), Nagercoil 629004, Tamilnadu, India)

Received 15 November 2012; revised 25 July 2013

Abstract: Lanthanide complexes of Eu(III), Gd(III), Nd(III), Sm(III), and Tb(III) with phenylthioacetic acid were synthesized and
characterized by elemental analysis, mass, infrared radiation (IR), electronic spectra, molar conductance, thermogravimetric analysis
(TGA), and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed that the lanthanide complexes were homodinuclear in nature. The
two lanthanide ions were bridged by eight oxygen atoms from four carboxylate groups. Thermal decomposition profiles were consis-
tent with the proposed formulations. Powder XRD studies showed that all the complexes were amorphous in nature. Antimicrobial
studies indicated that these complexes exhibited more activity than the ligand itself. The DNA cleavage activity of the ligand and its
complexes were assayed on CT DNA using gel electrophoresis in the presence of H2O2. The result showed that the Eu(III) and Nd(III)
complexes completely cleaved the DNA. The anticancer activities of the complexes were also studied towards human cervical cancer
cell line (HeLa) and colon cancer cells (HCT116) and it was found that the Eu(III) and Nd(III) complexes were more active than the
corresponding Gd(III), Sm(III), Tb(III) complexes and the free ligand on both the cancer cells.

Keywords: lanthanide complexes; phenylthioacetic acid; antimicrobial; DNA cleavage; anticancer; rare earths

Inner transition metal complexes attract considerable erable interest[27,28]. Potential applications and fascinating
interest in bioinorganic and coordination chemistry[1,2]. properties of lanthanide complexes with carboxylic acids
Some of the lanthanide complexes are used in biomedi- mooted us to synthesize and characterize a new series of
cal analysis as magnetio resonance imaging (MRI) con- lanthanide complexes with phenylthioacetic acid ligand
trast agents[3] and also as effective catalysts for the hy- and study their biological activity.
drolytic cleavage of phosphate ester bonds[4]. Lanthanide
complexes with organic ligands have a great interest, not 1 Experimental
only because owing to their structures, but also of poten-
tial applications of their luminescent properties[5–9]. 1.1 Materials
These complexes have good physical and chemical Thiophenol and 2-chloroacetic acid were purchased
properties as well as anti-inflammation, antitumor, and from Sigma-Aldrich. The human cervical cancer cell line
antithrombogenic properties because of their electron (HeLa) and colon cancer cells (HCT116) were obtained
configuration[11–12]. Because of special, photophysical from National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Pune,
and biological properties, lanthanide complexes are used India. The lanthanide nitrate salts were purchased from
as biological probes in the areas of clinical chemistry and Sigma-Aldrich and Merck. All other reagents and sol-
molecular biology[13]. Some lanthanide complexes have a vents were obtained from commercial sources and were of
potential role in the treatment of tumor cell lines[14]. Be- analytical grade. The ligand phenylthioacetic acid (PTPA)
cause of their special electronic configuration, lanthanide was prepared according to the literature method[29].
complexes have inspired many efforts on the design and
synthesis as potential anticancer and antibacterial 1.2 Synthesis of the metal complexes
agents[15–24]. The lanthanide complexes have an ability to The ligand (PTPA) (3 mmol) in 20 mL of water was
interact with DNA directly or prevent the proper relaxa- taken in a 100 mL round botton flask. A solution of
tion of DNA through the inhibition of topoisom- NaOH (3 mmol) in 10 mL of water, was then added and
erases[25,26]. Recently, aromatic carboxylate coordination stirred well until the ligand completely dissolved. The
complexes that exhibit unique photophysical properties metal nitrate (1 mmol) in 10 mL of water was added
and intriguing structural features have attracted consid- dropwise to the flask and the reaction mixture was stirred

* Corresponding author: T.F. Abbs Fen Reji (E-mail:; Tel.: 04651272059)
DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0721(12)60395-0
1010 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 31, No. 10, Oct. 2013

for 5 h. The precipitate formed was filtered off, washed sample (30 mmol/L), 50 mmol/L metal complex, and
several times with water and with a little cold chloroform, 500 mmol/L H2O2 in 50 mmol/L tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.1)
and then dried in vacuo over anhydrous CaCl2. The yield were mixed with loading dye and loaded into the well of
was found to be 62%–68%. the submerged gel using a micropipette. Electric current
(50 mA) was passed into running buffer. After 1–2 h, the
1.3 Physical measurements gel was taken from the buffer. After electrophoresis, the
Elemental analysis was done using a Perkin-Elmer gel was photographed under a UV transilluminator (280
elemental analyzer. The metal contents in the complexes nm) and documented.
were determined by standard EDTA titration using xy-
lenol-orange as an indicator[30]. Molar conductance of the 1.6 In vitro anti cancer activity
complexes was measured in DMF (10–3 mol/L) solutions The human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa) and colon
using a Coronation Digital Conductivity Meter. The cancer cells (HCT116) were grown in Eagle’s minimum
mass spectra were recorded on a JEOL JMS600H mass essential medium (EMEM) containing 10% fetal bovine
spectrometer. IR (KBr) spectra were recorded on a serum (FBS). The cells were maintained at 37 ºC, 5%
JASCO FT/IR-410 spectrometer in the 4000–400 cm–1 re- CO2, 95% air, and 100% relative humidity. Maintenance
gion. The electronic spectra were recorded on a Perkin cultures were passed weekly, and the culture medium
Elmer Lambda-25 UV-VIS spectrometer. Thermal analy- was changed twice a week. The monolayer cells were
sis was carried out on SDT Q 600/V8.3 build 101 thermal detached with trypsin-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
analyzer with a heating rate of 20 ºC/min using nitrogen (EDTA) to make single cell suspension and viable cells
atmosphere. Powder XRD was recorded on a Rigaku were counted using a hemocytometer and diluted with a
Dmax X-ray diffractometer with Cu K radiation. medium containing 5% FBS to give a final density of
1×105 cells/mL. One hundred microlitres per well of cell
1.4 Antimicrobial activities
suspension were seeded into 96-well plates at a plating
Antibacterial and antifungal properties of the ligand density of 10000 cells/well and incubated to allow for
and its complexes were tested in vitro against the bacte- cell attachment at 37 ºC, 5% CO2, 95% air and 100%
rial species Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudo- relative humidity. After 24 h, the cells were treated with
monas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus; fungal serial concentrations of the test samples. They were ini-
species, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, and Can- tially dissolved in neat dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to
dida albicans by the disc diffusion method. Amikacin, prepare the stock (200 mmol/L) and stored frozen prior
Ofloxacin, and Ciprofloxacin were used as standards for to use. At the time of sample addition, an aliquot of fro-
antibacterial activity and Nystatin was used as a standard zen concentrate was thawed and diluted to twice the de-
for antifungal activity. The test organisms were grown on sired final maximum test concentration with serum free
nutrient agar medium in petri plates. The compounds were medium. Additional three, 2 fold serial dilutions were
prepared in DMSO and soaked in filter paper disc of 5 mm made to provide a total of five sample concentrations.
in diameter and 1 mm thick. The discs were placed on the Aliquots of 100 μL of these different sample dilutions
previously seeded plates and incubated at 37 ºC and the were added to the appropriate wells already containing
diameter of inhibition zone around each disc was meas- 100 μL of medium, resulting in the required final sample
ured after 24 h for antibacterial and 72 h for antifungal ac- concentrations. Following sample addition, the plates
tivities. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was were incubated for an additional 48 h at 37 ºC, 5% CO2,
determined by ‘serial dilution technique’[31]. 95% air, and 100% relative humidity. The medium
without samples served as control and a triplicate was
1.5 DNA cleavage analysis
maintained for all concentrations[33].
A solution of CT DNA in 0.5 mmol/L NaCl/5 mmol/L
tris-HCl (pH 7.0) gave a ratio of UV absorbance in the 1.7 MTT assay
range of 1.8–1.9 at 260 and 280 nm (A260/A280), indi- MTT is a yellow water soluble tetrazolium salt
cating that the DNA was sufficiently free of proteins[32]. [(3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium
Cleavage reactions were run between the metal com- bromide)]. Succinate-dehydrogenase, a mitochondrial
plexes and DNA, and the solutions were diluted with enzyme in living cells cleaves the tetrazolium ring, con-
loading dye using 1% agarose gel. Then 3 mL of verting the MTT to an insoluble purple formazan. Thus,
ethidium bromide (0.5 mg/mL) was added to the above the amount of formazan produced is directly proportional
solution and mixed well. The warmed agarose was to the number of viable cells. After 48 h of incubation, 15
poured and clamped immediately with a comb to form μL of MTT (5 mg/mL) in phosphate buffered saline
sample wells. The gel was mounted onto an electropho- (PBS) was added to each well and incubated at 37 ºC for
retic tank and enough electrophoretic buffers were added 4 h. The medium with MTT was then flicked off and
to cover the gel to a depth of about 1 mm. The DNA formazan crystals obtained were solubilized in 100 μL of
T.F. Abbs Fen Reji et al., Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity, DNA cleavage and antimicrobial activity of … 1011

DMSO. The absorbance at 570 nm was measured using a 2.2 IR spectra

micro plate reader[34]. The cell inhibition percentage was The important IR (KBr) spectral data are given in Ta-
determined using the following formula. ble 2. The band at 1707 cm–1 for the carboxylate group of
cell inhibition percentage= free ligand shifted to lower frequency in the range of
100–[Abs (sample)/Abs (control)]×100 (1) ~1559–1583 cm–1 in the complexes is indicative of the
Nonlinear regression graph was plotted between % coordination of the carboxylate oxygen atom to the metal
cell inhibition and log10 concentration and IC50 was de- ion. On complexation, the asymmetric and symmetric
termined using GraphPad Prism software. stretching bands of carboxylato groups are shifted to
lower frequency for all the complexes, which reveals the
2 Results and discussion formation of a linkage between the metal ion and car-
boxylato oxygen atom. Moreover, the difference (<150
2.1 Characterization of metal complexes cm–1) between the asymmetric and symmetric stretching
The analytical and physical characterization of Ln(III)- modes indicates the bidentate binding of the carboxylato
PTAA complexes are given in Table 1. The analytical group in the complexes[36]. The carboxylate stretching
data show that the metal to ligand ratio is 1:3 in all the frequency spectra is little broad because of the three dif-
complex systems. And also all the complexes are ferent modes of coordination of the ligand to the lantha-
homodinuclear in nature. The composition of the com- nide ions[37]. The new broad band that appeared at ~3400
plexes is [Ln2L6(H2O)4], where L is the phenylthioacetic cm–1 can be attributed to the stretching vibration of the
acid ligand (PTAA). The Eu(III), Gd(III), Nd(III), Sm(III), coordinated water molecules. The spectrum of all the
and Tb(III) complexes are soluble in THF and DMSO. metal complexes show new bands in 472–475 cm–1 re-
The mass spectra of the Eu(III), Gd(III), Nd(III), Sm(III), gion, which may probably be due to the formation of
and Tb(III) complexes show molecular ion peaks at m/z M–O bonds[35].
1381 (M+1, 18%); 1391 (M+1, 14%); 1359 (M+1, 17%),
2.3 Electronic spectra
1379 (M+1, 15%); 1393 (M+1, 16%)], respectively,
which coincide with the formula weights of the lantha- The UV absorption spectra of the free ligand and the
nide complexes. The mass spectrum of Gd(III) complex corresponding lanthanide complexes were measured in
is shown in Fig. 1. The low molar conductance values THF solution (c=1×10–4 mol/L) and are shown in Fig. 2.
(Table 1) of the metal complexes reveal their non-elec- The spectrum displayed an absorption maximum at 248 nm
trolytic nature[35]. for the free ligand, which is attributable to singlet- singlet

Table 1 Analytical and physical data of the ligand (PTAA) (L) and its complexes
Melting point/ Elemental analysis Found (calcd) (%) c max/
Compound Empirical formula Yield
ºC C H S M (/cm2mol–1) nm
PTAA (L) C8H8O2S 142–144 72 56.40 (57.12) 4.23 (4.79) 18.42 (19.06) – 248
[Eu2L6(H2O)4] C48H56O16S6Eu2 184–186 63 40.68 (41.62) 4.65 (4.07) 12.98 (13.89) 20.89 (21.94) 3.1 253
[Gd2L6(H2O)4] C48H56O16S6Gd2 208–210 61 40.85 (41.30) 4.46 (4.04) 14.14 (13.78) 21.69 (22.53) 2.6 256
[Nd2L6(H2O)4] C48H56O16S6Nd2 187–190 62 41.42 (42.09) 4.52 (4.12) 13.87 (14.04) 21.85 (21.06) 2.8 254
[Sm2L6(H2O)4] C48H56O16S6Sm2 178–180 66 42.26 (41.71) 4.39 (4.08) 13.18 (13.92) 21.06 (21.76) 3.4 252
[Tb2L6(H2O)4] C48H56O16S6Tb2 192–195 64 41.83 (41.20) 4.78 (4.03) 12.95 (13.75) 23.12 (22.72) 2.8 254

Table 2 IR spectral data of the Schiff base ligand (PTAA)

(L) and its complexes (cm–1)
Compound asym.(COO–) sym.(COO–) (H2O) (M–O)
PTAA (L) 1707 1425 – –
[Eu2L6(H2O)4] 1569 1420 3445(b) 473
[Gd2L6(H2O)4] 1583 1427 3421(b) 475
[Nd2L6(H2O)4] 1562 1426 3436(b) 472
[Sm2L6(H2O)4] 1559 1424 3429(b) 474
[Tb2L6(H2O)4] 1565 1422 3437(b) 475

– * absorption of the aromatic ring. The max value of

the Eu(III), Gd(III), Nd(III), Sm(III), and Tb(III) com-
plexes are 253, 256, 254, 252, 254 nm respectively (Ta-
Fig. 1 Mass spectrum of Gd(III) complex ble 1) which slightly red-shifted with respect to that of
1012 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 31, No. 10, Oct. 2013

this temperature, a horizontal thermal curve has been

observed due to the formation of the metal oxide. The
TG curves of the complexes [Gd2L6(H2O)4] shows a
mass loss of 6.4% (calculated, 5.1%) in the temperature
range 115–150 ºC showing the elimination of four coor-
dinated water molecules. The second mass loss of 67.1%
(calculated, 69.0%) in the 380–510 ºC corresponds to the
coordinated organic ligand. Above this temperature, a
horizontal curve has been observed due to the formation
of a metal oxide. The complexes [Nd2L6(H2O)4] and
[Sm2L6(H2O)4] show a similar trend of two decomposi-
tion steps. The first stage taking place in the 120–170 ºC
range is attributed to the expulsion of four coordinated
water molecules. The second stage starts from 400 to 610
ºC for [Nd2L6(H2O)4] and from 410 to 600 ºC for
[Sm2L6(H2O)4] complexes. The corresponding mass loss
is due to the decomposition of the organic ligand mole-
Fig. 2 UV absorption spectra in THF (c=1×10–4 mol/L) cule and it is in agreement with the calculated mass loss.
The final residue is qualitatively proved to be anhydrous
the free ligand (248 nm). The UV bands of the lanthanide metal oxides. The first step takes place in the temperature
complexes spectra are similar to that of the free ligand, range of 115–145 ºC for [Tb2L6(H2O)4] complex. The
suggesting that the coordination of the lanthanide ion second stage starts from 450 to 630 ºC, corresponding to
does not have a significant effect on the – * transition. the loss of organic ligand. Above this temperature a hori-
The molar absorption coefficient value for the complexes zontal thermal curve has been observed due to the forma-
are about six times than that of the free ligand, which in- tion of the metal oxide. Based on the above studies, the
dicats the presence of six PTAA molecules in the proposed structure of the metal complex is shown in Fig.
homodinuclear lanthanide complexes[37]. 3. This type of structures has been reported previously[38].

2.4 Thermal analysis 2.5 Powder XRD

The thermal stability data of the complexes are listed Powder XRD patterns of the Eu(III), Gd(III), Nd(III),
in Table 3. The [Eu 2 L 6 (H 2 O) 4 ], [Gd 2 L 6 (H 2 O) 4 ], Sm(III), and Tb(III) complexes were recorded over the
[Nd2L6(H2O)4], [Sm2L6(H2O)4], and [Tb2L6(H2O)4] com- 2=0º–80º range. There were no well defined crystalline
plexes undergo the same type of decompositions mainly peaks in the spectra. From this, it is observed that all
in two stages. The first stage taking place in the 115–170 these complexes are amorphous in nature.
ºC range corresponds to the dehydration of four coordi-
nated water molecules. The final decomposition step is
3 Biological studies
represented by the total removal of the organic ligand
moiety in the 380–630 ºC range with the formation of the
3.1 Antimicrobial activity
corresponding metal oxide as the final product. The TG
curve of the complex [Eu2L6(H2O)4] shows a mass loss The results of the antimicrobial activities are summa-
of 6.2% (calculated, 5.2%) in the temperature range of rized in Table 4. The standard error for the experiment is
125–150 ºC. This is due to the loss of four coordinated ±0.001 cm and the experiment was repeated three times
water molecules. The second decomposition step of the under similar conditions. DMSO was used as a negative
complex is in the temperature range of 395–55 ºC bring- control and amikacin, ofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin were
ing a mass loss of 67.6 (calculated, 69.5%) which corre- used as positive standards for antibacterial studies. Nys-
lates with the loss of coordinated organic ligand. Above tatin was used as a reference for antifungal studies. These

Table 3 Thrmogravimetric data of lanthanide complexes

Complex Temperature range T/ºC Mass loss Obs.(calcd) (%) Process
[Eu2L6(H2O)4] 125–150, 395–575, >600 6.2(5.2), 67.6(69.5), 26.2(25.3) –4H2O (coord), loss of organic moiety, Eu2O3
[Gd2L6(H2O)4] 115–150, 380–510, >550 6.4(5.1), 67.1(69.0), 26.5(25.9) –4H2O (coord), loss of organic moiety, Gd2O3
[Nd2L6(H2O)4] 130–170, 400–610, >610 6.7(5.2), 67.5(72.2), 25.8(24.6) –4H2O (coord), loss of organic moiety, Nd2O3
[Sm2L6(H2O)4] 120–170, 410–600, >600 6.1(5.2), 67.3(69.7), 26.6(25.1) –4H2O (coord), loss of organic moiety, Sm2O3
[Tb2L6(H2O)4] 115–145, 450–630, >650 6.2(5.1), 66,4(68.8), 27.4(26.1) –4H2O (coord), loss of organic moiety, Tb2O3
T.F. Abbs Fen Reji et al., Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity, DNA cleavage and antimicrobial activity of … 1013

Table 4 In vitro antimicrobial activity (MIC, μg/mL) of the compounds and standard reagents
Bacterial species Fungal species
E. coli B. subtilis P. aeruginosa S. aureus A. niger A. flavus C. albicans
PTAA (L) 16 64 53 71 31 59 78
[Eu2L6(H2O)4] 10 32 11 25 21 25 12
[Gd2L6(H2O)4 13 15 10 19 31 15 13
[Nd2L6(H2O)4] 06 08 15 13 12 14 06
[Sm2L6(H2O)4] >100 47 21 53 61 88 72
[Tb2L6(H2O)4] 58 42 38 >100 >100 65 68
Amikacin 05 06 05 07 – – –
Ciprofloxacinb 04 05 05 05 – – –
Ofloxacinc 10 04 04 05 – – –
Nystatind – – – – 07 05 05
a, b, c, d

dipole moment that are affected by the presence of metal

ions may also be the possible reasons for increasing the
biological activity of the metal complexes as compared
to the ligand from which they are derived[40].

3.2 DNA cleavage analysis

Gel electrophoresis experiment using CT DNA was
performed with the ligand and its complexes in the pres-
ence and absence of H2O2 as an oxidant. The results (Fig.
4) indicate that all the complexes could interact with CT
DNA in the presence of H2O2. Eu(III) and Nd(III) com-
plexes cleave DNA completely compared to other sys-
tems. The lanthanide complexes seem to catalyze the
Fig. 3 Proposed structure of Ln(III)-PTPA complexes
generation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals from
H2O2. These hydroxyl radicals participate in the oxida-
compounds exhibit moderate to strong antimicrobial ac- tion of the deoxyribose moiety, followed by the hydro-
tivity. Comparatively a better activity is found for the lytic cleavage of the sugar-phosphate backbone. Gd(III),
bacteria rather than the fungi. The Nd(III) complex ex- Sm(III) and Tb(III) complexes partially cleave the DNA.
hibits a higher activity than the other metal complexes It is observed that most cleavage cases are due to the
towards fungal species. The Nd(II) complex shows a metal ions reacting with H2O2 to produce diffusible hy-
good activity, especially against the gram-negative bac- droxyl radicals or molecular oxygen, which may damage
teria such as E. coli. and B. subtilis. The Nd(II) complex DNA through a Fenton type chemistry[41]. In addition,
shows equal or better activity compared to the negative the nuclease activity of the complexes has also been in-
controls such as amikacin, ofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin.
The Eu(III) and Gd(III) complexes display moderate ac-
tivity against the bacteria. The antimicrobial activity of
the complexes is greater than those of the free ligand, this
indicates that the complexation to metal enhances the ac-
tivity of the ligand. This is explained on the basis of
Overtone’s concept and chelation theory[39]. Chelation
tends to make the ligand a more powerful and potent
bacterial agent. A possible explanation for this increase
in the activity upon chelation is that, in a chelated com-
plex, the positive charge of the metal is partially shared
with donor atoms present in the ligands and there is an
electron delocalization over the whole chelated ring. Fig. 4 DNA cleavage studies of ligand and its metal complexes
Generally, it is suggested that the chelated complexes (M–Marker, C–Control CT DNA (untreated sample), S1–
deactivate various cellular enzymes, which play a vital Ligand (L)+DNA, S2–[Eu2L6(H2O)4]+DNA, S3–[Gd2L6(H2O)4]
role in various metabolic pathways of these microorgan- +DNA, S4–[Nd2L6(H2O)4]+DNA, S5–[Sm2L6(H2O)4]+DNA,
isms. Other factors such as solubility, conductivity, and S6–[Tb2L6(H2O)4]+DNA)
1014 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 31, No. 10, Oct. 2013

vestigated in the absence of the oxidant H2O2. This ex- Table 5 IC50 values of the compounds on the cancer cells
periment did not help cleaving the DNA, thus confirming IC50 (μmol/L)
the involvement of hydroxyl radicals in the cleavage HeLa HCT116
process. PTPA (L) 60.71 56.66
[Eu2L6(H2O)4] 47.91 45.53
3.3 In vitro anti-cancer activity
[Gd2L6(H2O)4] >100 52.65
The reliable criteria for judging the efficacy of any [Nd2L6(H2O)4] 43.83 28.33
anticancer drug are prolongation of life span, improving [Sm2L6(H2O)4] 98.63 87.72
the clinical, haematological, biochemical profile, and re- [Tb2L6(H2O)4] >100 77.52
duction in viable tumour cell count in the host[42]. In or-
der to evaluate the biological effects of the ligand, PTAA (IC50, ~1.5 to 3.0 mol/L)[45], noscapine (IC50, ~22
and its Eu(III), Gd(III), Nd(III), Sm(III), and Tb(III) mol/L)[46] as well as metal-bound anticancer reagents
complexes on cancer cells, we used the compounds to such as cisplatin (IC50, ~8 mol/L)[47]. From the IC50
treat HeLa (human cervical cancer cells) and HCT116 values of Eu(III) and Nd(III) complexes on both the
(colon cancer cells) at the concentrations of 6.25, 12.5, cancer cells, it is understood that these complexes are
25, 50, and 100 mol/L for 48 h (Figs. 5(a) and (b)). The more active on HCT116 cancer cells than on the HeLa
untreated cells were used as a control. Cell growth inhi- cancer cells.
bition was analyzed by MTT assay and the results
showed that the complexes and the ligand exhibited an
inhibitory effect on the proliferation of HeLa and 4 Conclusions
HCT116 cells in a dose-dependent manner (Table 5). Eu(III), Gd(III), Nd(III), Sm(III), and Tb(III) com-
Among them, Eu(III) and Nd(III) complexes showed the plexes with the phenylthioacetic acid ligand were syn-
most potent inhibitory effect on the growth of both the thesized and characterized by elemental analysis, mass,
cells compared to the Gd(III), Sm(III), and Tb(III) com- IR, electronic spectra, molar conductance, TGA, and
plexes and the free ligand. Values for Eu(III), Gd(III), powder XRD. From the IR data, the coordination of the
Nd(III), Sm(III), and Tb(III) complexes for HeLa cancer ligand to the metal atom was found to be bidentate. A
cells are better than some previously reported values[43]. two-stage process was shown in the thermogravimetric
The IC50 values for our metal complexes and the free spectra of all the complexes. Powder XRD results
ligand against HCT116 cancer cells show moderate ac- showed that the complexes were amorphous in nature.
tivity compared to the IC50 value of the clinically used The antimicrobial studies revealed that the complexes
drug such as etoposide (29.6 mol/L)[44]. The activity of showed higher activity than the ligand. The Nd(III) com-
the metal complexes and the free ligand towards HeLa plex showed better activity against gram negative bacte-
cancer cells are not much significant, compared to the ria such as E-coli compared to the other complexes and
known metal-free anticancer agents such as estramustine the free ligand. DNA cleavage studies indicated that the
Eu(III) and Nd(III) complexes had completely cleaved
the DNA. In vitro anticancer activity was not significant
compared to the known anticancer agents such as estra-
mustine, noscapine, and cisplatin[48]. The Eu(III) and
Nd(III) complexes were more active than the other three
complexes and the free ligand on both the cancer cells
(HeLa and HCT116).

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