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34 Pain Roger David Knaggs and Gregory J. Hobbs

Key points and unmyelinated C ibres are responsible for the transmission
of painful stimuli to the spinal cord, where these afferent primary
• Pain is multifactorial in its aetiology.
ibres terminate in the dorsal horn.
• Treatment often requires use of a combination of drugs with Pain transmission further within the central nervous system
different mechanisms of action.
(CNS) is far more complex and understood less well. The most
• Opioids are generally effective for acute pain and pain at the end
important parts of this process are the wide dynamic range cells
of life. However, they are less effective for other types of pain,
particularly low back pain and fibromyalgia. Adjuvant analgesics, in the spinothalamic tract that project to the thalamus and on
such as tricyclic antidepressants or antiepileptic drugs, should be to the somatosensory cortex. Modulation or inhibition of these
considered before opioids for persistent non-cancer pain. neurones within the spinal cord result in less activity in the pain
• For cancer pain, the World Health Organization (WHO) analge- pathway. This modulatory action can be activated by stress or
sic ladder forms the basis for the use of analgesic drugs. Some certain analgesic drugs, such as morphine, and is an important
clinicians prefer to omit weak opioids and start strong opioid component of the gate theory of pain (Fig. 34.1).
therapy earlier. The gate control theory recognises the pivotal role the spinal
• Breakthrough pain is treated with doses of immediate-release cord plays in the continual modulation of neuronal activity by the
opioids, usually prescribed in addition to modified release
relative activity of large-diameter myelinated (Aβ) and smaller-
diameter (myelinated Aδ and unmyelinated C) peripheral ibres
• Antiemetics and laxatives should be prescribed for patients
taking opioids.
and by descending inhibitory messages from the brain. Conversely,
other inluences can lead to an increased sensitivity to noxious
• Cancer pain may vary as the disease progresses. Drug therapy
should be reviewed regularly to ensure that the most appropri- stimuli. The most important of these is pain itself, and further
ate agent is being used for the type, site and intensity of pain. painful stimuli can lead to increased pain sensitivity. This occurs
• Most drugs are available in a range of different formulations, through neurochemical and anatomical changes within the CNS.
but whenever possible, the oral route should be used. This enhancement of neuronal function is known as central sen-
• When managing patients with chronic pain, analgesic drugs sitisation (Woolf, 2011) and manifests clinically as hyperalgesia
are used together with other non-pharmacological therapies as (increased pain from a stimulus that usually provokes pain) and
part of a biopsychosocial treatment framework. allodynia (pain from a stimulus that does not usually provoke pain). 

Pain is deined as: Neurotransmitters and pain

Various neurotransmitters in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord are
An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with
involved in pain modulation. These include amino acids such as
actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such
glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), monoamines such
as noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) and
(International Association for the Study of Pain, 2012)
peptide molecules, of which the opioid peptides are the most
Acute pain may be thought of as a physiological process having a important. Opioid receptors are found in both the CNS and the
biological function, allowing the patient to avoid or minimise injury. periphery; in the CNS they are found in high concentrations in
Persistent or long-term pain, on the other hand, may be considered the limbic system, the brainstem and the spinal cord. The natural
more as a disease in its own right than a symptom (Woolf, 2004). ligands (molecules that bind to the receptor) at opioid receptors
are a group of neuropeptides including the endorphins. 

Aetiology and neurophysiology

Neuroanatomy of pain transmission
Assessment of pain
The majority of tissues and organs are innervated by special
sensory receptors (nociceptors) connected to primary afferent Evaluation and diagnosis of pain requires a description of the pain
580 nerve ibres of differing diameters. Small myelinated Aδ ibres and an assessment of its consequences. This should include a full
Brain Strong opioid
± non-opioid
Descending nerve fibres
Weak opioid Step 3
± non-opioid
(e.g. paracetamol
Step 2
and/or NSAID)
Large touch fibres (Aβ)
Step 1

Adjuvant analgesics may be incorporated at any stage

Small pain fibres (Aδ and C)

Increasing pain intensity

Spinal cord
Fig. 34.2 World Health Organization three-step analgesic ladder.
Fig. 34.1 Gate control theory of pain. NSAID, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

medical history, medication history and assessment of previous transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), acupuncture
pain problems, paying attention to factors that inluence the pain, and massage, or invasive procedures such as injections, neuro-
for example, movement. An appropriate physical examination is lytic nerve blocks and spinal cord stimulation.
usually performed. Additional diagnostic laboratory tests, imag- Research is progressing such that pain management is moving
ing, including plain radiography, computed tomography (CT) and from symptom control towards mechanism-based pharmacologi-
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and diagnostic nerve blocks cal therapy (Baron et al., 2012; Woolf, 2004), although it can be
may be used to conirm the diagnosis. Further, to develop an indi- dificult to apply in routine clinical practice. 
vidualised management plan for people with chronic pain, a more
detailed assessment of pain-related disability is usually required,
including psychological and social assessment.
Pain is, however, a subjective phenomenon, and quantitative Analgesic ladder
assessment is dificult (Breivik et al., 2008). The most com-
monly used instruments for acute pain are visual analogue and The World Health Organization (WHO) analgesic ladder (Fig. 34.2)
verbal rating scales. Visual analogue scales are 10-cm-long forms the basis of many approaches to the use of analgesic drugs,
lines labelled with an extreme at each end, usually ‘no pain at particularly in pain at the end of life. There are essentially three
all’ and ‘worst pain imaginable’. The patient is required to mark steps: non-opioid analgesics, weak opioids and strong opioids. The
the severity of the pain between the two extremes of the scale. analgesic eficacy of non-opioids, such as paracetamol and non-ste-
Verbal rating scales use descriptors such as ‘none’, ‘mild’, ‘mod- roidal anti-inlammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (e.g. aspirin, ibuprofen
erate’ and ‘severe’. More elaborate questionnaires such as the and diclofenac), is limited by side effects and ceiling effects; that is,
Brief Pain Inventory (Cleeland and Ryan, 1994) and the McGill beyond a certain dose, no further pharmacological effect is seen. If
Pain Questionnaire (Melzack and Torgerson, 1971) help describe pain remains uncontrolled, then a weak opioid, such as codeine or
other aspects of the pain experience, and pain diaries may be used dihydrocodeine, may be helpful. There may be additional beneit in
to record the inluence of activity and medication on pain.  combining a weak opioid with a non-opioid drug, although many
commercial preparations contain inadequate quantities of both
components and are no more effective than a non-opioid alone.
Strong opioids, of which morphine is considered the gold standard,
Management have no ceiling effect, and therefore increased dosage continues to
give increased analgesia, but side effects often limit the effective-
Acute pain usually results from noxious stimulation as a result ness. Adjuvant drugs, such as corticosteroids, antidepressants or
of tissue damage or injury. It can be managed effectively using antiepileptics, may be utilised at any step of the ladder. 
analgesic drugs and is often self-limiting.
Long-term pain may be considered as pain which continues
beyond the usual time required for tissue healing. Treatment Analgesic drugs
may require involvement from specialist pain management ser-
vices, hospices and a multidisciplinary approach that assesses
and manages patients using a biopsychosocial approach. Initial Despite being used in clinical practice for more than 50 years
treatment is usually directed at the underlying disease process and much investigation, the mechanism by which paracetamol
where possible, for example, medicines, surgery or anti-tumour exerts its analgesic effect remains uncertain. Inhibition of
therapy. However, non-pharmacological treatments such as prostaglandin synthesis within the CNS has been proposed,
physical therapy and various psychological techniques includ- although this is probably not the only mechanism. Interaction
ing cognitive behavioural therapy may also form part of a multi- with the serotonin (Tjolsen et al., 1991) and endocannabinoid
modal treatment programme. In addition, pain can be modulated (Högestätt et al., 2005) neurotransmitter systems have been 581
using techniques such as stimulation-based analgesia such as demonstrated in animal models.

Paracetamol Box 34.1 ‘GRAB’ mnemonic for serious, potentially fatal side
effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

CYP450 G – gastro- Gastro-intestinal side effects are the most

intestinal common unwanted effects of NSAIDs. These
Glucuronide conjugate NAPQI may be non-specific and less serious (e.g.
dyspepsia, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting)
or more serious (e.g. ulceration, bleeding,
intestinal obstruction).
Glutathione conjugate R – renal In susceptible individuals, especially the
elderly, NSAIDs may cause acute renal failure.
NSAIDs alter salt and water homeostasis,
which may worsen heart failure and produce a
Non-toxic metabolite Non-toxic metabolite small increase in blood pressure.
A – asthma NSAIDs, particularly aspirin, may worsen asthma
Eliminated by kidney Eliminated by kidney and cause bronchospasm in some patients.
B – blood All NSAIDs reduce platelet aggregation and
disorders increase the risk of bleeding, not just from the
CYP450 = Cytochrome P450 gastro-intestinal tract.
NAPQI = N-acetyl-p-benzoquinimine
NSAID, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
Fig. 34.3 Paracetamol metabolism in humans.

The bioavailability of paracetamol is around 60% after oral pain, with or without inlammation, in people with acute and per-
administration, but if given by the rectal route, it is much lower sistent musculoskeletal disorders. In single doses, NSAIDs have
and much more variable. A formulation for intravenous infusion superior analgesic activity compared with paracetamol (Hyllested
has been promoted more recently, and this has largely replaced et al., 2002). In regular higher doses, they have both analgesic and
the rectal route of administration. Therapeutic plasma levels are anti-inlammatory effects, which makes them particularly useful
reached within 30 minutes of oral administration. The elimina- for the treatment of continuous or regular pain associated with
tion half-life of paracetamol is relatively short (t½ = 2–4 hours); inlammation. NSAIDs have been shown to be suitable for the
hence, frequent dosing is required to maintain its analgesic effect. relief of pain in dysmenorrhoea, toothache and some headaches
With normal doses, the majority of a dose of paracetamol is and to treat pain caused by secondary bone tumours, which result
metabolised and inactivated in the liver, undergoing a phase II from lysis of bone and prostaglandin release. 
conjugation reaction with glucuronic acid (Fig. 34.3). A small
proportion of a dose is metabolised using a cytochrome P450
Side effects and tolerability
mediated reaction that forms a reactive intermediate, N-acetyl-
p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI). Usually, NAPQI can be deacti- The side effects of NSAIDs are produced as a result of decreas-
vated by conjugation with glutathione in the liver. However, after ing prostaglandin production required for normal body function,
ingestion of a large amount of paracetamol, the hepatic stores of particularly in the gastro-intestinal and respiratory tracts, kidneys
both glucuronic acid and glutathione become depleted, leaving and platelets. Although effective in conditions in which there
free NAPQI, which causes liver damage. is an inlammatory contribution to pain, NSAIDs have serious,
The usual therapeutic dose for adults is paracetamol 1 g potentially fatal side effects that may be remembered by the acro-
taken four times daily. It is very important that this dose is not nym ‘GRAB’ (Box 34.1).
exceeded; otherwise, hepatotoxicity is more common. This may It has been estimated that there are 2000 deaths each year in
be particularly problematic for malnourished adults with low the UK directly related to NSAID use, but the assumptions used
body weight (Claridge et al., 2010). A reduced maximum daily in this estimate are hard to determine (Rainsford and Bjarnason,
dose (3 g/24 h) by intravenous infusion is recommended for 2015). More widespread prescribing of proton pump inhibitors
patients with hepatocellular insuficiency, chronic alcoholism or may have reduced this igure. Over recent years there have been
dehydration. Paracetamol is also available as an over-the-counter increasing concerns regarding the cardiovascular side effects of
(OTC) medicine and is a component of many cold and inluenza nonselective NSAIDs, and there is increasing realisation that
remedies. Compared with other analgesics, paracetamol is not as thromboembolic and ischaemic vascular events are not solely
potent; however, when taken in combination with an NSAID or associated with COX-2 selective drugs (Coxib and Traditional
opioid, there is an additive analgesic effect.  NSAID Trialists’ [CNT] Collaboration, 2013). 

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs COX-2 selective drugs

Mechanism of action
Cyclo-oxygenase exists in two forms: cyclo-oxygenase-1 (COX-1)
NSAIDs exert their analgesic and anti-inlammatory effects and cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2). COX-1 is a constitutive
through inhibition of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase, responsible for enzyme that is expressed under normal conditions in a variety of
582 the synthesis of prostaglandins. NSAIDs are used widely to relieve tissues, including the gastro-intestinal tract and kidney, where it
catalyses the production of prostaglandins required for homeo-
Opioid analgesics
static functions. It does not have a role in nociception or inlam-
mation. COX-2 is an inducible enzyme that appears in damaged Opioid analgesics mimic the actions of these natural ligands and
tissues shortly after injury and leads to the formation of inlam- exert their effect through the MOR (μ), DOR (δ) and, to a lesser
matory prostaglandins within these tissues. COX-2 selective extent, the KOR (κ) receptors.
NSAIDs should, theoretically, inhibit the formation of inlamma-
tory prostaglandins without affecting the activity of COX-1 in
Opioids for mild to moderate pain
areas such as the gut. In practice, use of COX-2-speciic drugs
is associated with reduced risk of gastro-intestinal side effects Opioids for mild to moderate pain (‘weak opioids’) are prescribed
when compared with non-selective drugs. However, their use has frequently, either alone or in combination with other analgesics,
also been linked with adverse effects, particularly cardiovascular for a wide variety of painful disorders. There are three major drugs
side effects, and this now limits their use.  in this group, codeine, dihydrocodeine and dextropropoxyphene,
which are recommended as step 2 of the WHO analgesic ladder
for pain that has not responded to non-opioid analgesics. Despite
Clinical considerations
this recommendation, there is little data demonstrating that weak
The potential beneits of treatment with an NSAID or COX-2 opioids are of any beneit in the relief of long-term pain, and it may
selective drug must be weighed against the risks. Differences be more beneicial to use a smaller dose of a more potent opioid.
in anti-inlammatory activity between NSAIDs are small, but Codeine. Codeine is the prototypical opioid for moderate
there is considerable variation in individual patient response pain. It is structurally similar to morphine, and about 10% of the
as well as the incidence and type of side effects. In acute pain dose is demethylated to form morphine, and the analgesic effects
between 40% and 70% of patients will respond to any NSAID are likely to be due to this active metabolite. It is a powerful
(Moore et al., 2013). Of the remaining patients, those who do cough suppressant as well as being constipating. In combination
not respond to one NSAID may well respond to another. An with NSAIDs, the analgesic effects are usually additive, but the
analgesic effect should normally be seen within a week, whereas variability in response is considerable. A genetic polymorphism
an anti-inlammatory effect may not be achieved or assessable occurs within the population such that the hepatic microsomal
clinically for up to 3 weeks.  enzyme CYP2D6 that is responsible for the conversion of codeine
to morphine does not catalyse this conversion in approximately
8% of the Caucasian population. The duration of analgesic action
Guidance on NSAID use
is about 3 hours. 
The lowest effective dose of NSAID or COX-2 selective inhibi- Dihydrocodeine. Dihydrocodeine is only available in a few
tor should be prescribed for the shortest time necessary. The countries and is chemically similar to codeine. It has similar
need for long-term treatment should be reviewed periodically. properties to codeine when used at the same dosage and may be
Prescribing should be based on the safety proiles of individual slightly more potent. 
NSAIDs or COX-2 selective inhibitors, on individual patient Dextropropoxyphene. Historically, dextropropoxyphene was
risk proiles, for example, gastro-intestinal and cardiovascular. prescribed in combination with other analgesics such as parace-
Prescribers should not switch between NSAIDs without careful tamol (co-proxamol). There are few data on its therapeutic value,
consideration of the overall safety proile of the products and and at least one review concluded that analgesic eficacy is less
the patient’s individual risk factors, as well as the patient’s pref- than aspirin and barely more than placebo. At best, dextropro-
erence (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency poxyphene failed to show any superiority over paracetamol
[MHRA], 2005). (Li Wan Po and Zhang, 1997). At worst, it is a dangerous drug
Concomitant aspirin, and possibly other antiplatelet drugs, which has the potential for steadily developing toxicity. Patients
greatly increases the gastro-intestinal risks of using NSAIDs with hepatic dysfunction and poor renal function are particularly
and severely reduces any gastro-intestinal safety advantages of at risk. It is associated with problems in overdose, notably a non-
COX-2 selective inhibitors. Aspirin should only be co-prescribed naloxone-reversible depression of the cardiac conducting sys-
if absolutely necessary.  tem. Dextropropoxyphene interacts unpredictably with a number
of drugs, including carbamazepine and warfarin. In 2005, the
MHRA announced concerns about the safety and effectiveness
Other non-opioid analgesics
of co-proxamol and directed that it should be withdrawn from
Nefopam is a drug which is chemically related to orphenadrine clinical use in the UK; however, it still remains available as an
and diphenhydramine; however, it is not an opioid, anti-inlam- unlicensed medicine for the small number of patients who do not
matory drug or antihistamine. The mechanism of analgesic obtain analgesia with other analgesic medicines. 
action remains unclear. As a non-opioid, it is not associated with
the problems of dependence and respiratory depression. The
Opioids for severe pain
drug has a very high number of dose-related side effects in clini-
cal use that may be linked to its antimuscarinic actions. Nefopam Morphine. Morphine is the gold-standard opioid analgesic
may be useful in asthmatic patients and in those who are intoler- for severe pain (‘strong opioid’). It is available for administra-
ant of NSAIDs; however, it has become much more costly over tion by a range of administration routes, including oral, rectal
recent years.  and injectable formulations, and has a duration of action of about 583

4 hours after oral administration. Morphine is metabolised in

Table 34.1 Relative potencies of opioid drugs
the liver, and one metabolite, morphine 6-glucuronide, is phar-
macologically active; this should be taken into consideration in Drug Potency (morphine = 1)
patients who have renal failure.
A general protocol for morphine use to obtain rapid relief from Codeine 0.1
acute pain is to use intravenous bolus doses of 2–5 mg titrated until
Dihydrocodeine 0.1
pain relief is achieved. In the initial management of long-term pain,
an oral regimen is more appropriate using an immediate-release Tramadol 0.2
formulation. A usual starting dose is 5–10 mg every 4 hours, and
the patient should be advised to take the same dose as often as is Pethidine 0.1
necessary for breakthrough pain. It may be necessary to double
the dose every 24 hours until pain relief is achieved, although a Morphine 1
slower dose escalation will often sufice. After control is achieved,
Diamorphine 2.5
it is usual to change to an oral modiied-release formulation, which
allows less frequent dosing, either daily or twice daily. Hydromorphone 7
Theoretically, there is no ceiling effect when the dose is
increased. However, side effects usually prevent dose escalation; Methadone 2–10 (with repeat dosing)
daily doses of up to oral morphine 1 or 2 g/day may be required
for some cancer patients, but relatively few require more than Fentanyl (transdermal) 150
about 200 mg daily. 
Other strong opioids. Opioids such as pethidine and dextro-
moramide offer little advantage over morphine in that they are The best outcomes are obtained in the long-term if the opi-
generally weaker in action with a relatively short duration of action oid dose can be kept low and particularly if use is intermittent.
(2 hours). Dipipanone is only available in a preparation which con- However, it is dificult to identify those people likely to experi-
tains an antiemetic (cyclizine), and increasing doses lead to seda- ence good outcomes at the point of opioid initiation. As a gen-
tion and the risk of developing a tardive dyskinesia with long-term eral rule, strong opioid use is more likely to become problematic
use. Methadone has a long elimination half-life of 15–25 hours, when patients have mental health problems (such as depression
and accumulation occurs in the early stages of use. It has minimal and anxiety) and/or a history of misuse of alcohol or other drugs,
side effects with long-term use, and some patients who experience including opioids. 
serious adverse effects with morphine may tolerate methadone.
Oxycodone and hydromorphone are synthetic opioids that
Agonist–antagonist and partial agonists
have been used for many years in North America and more
recently in Europe. They are available in both immediate- and Most of the drugs in the agonist–antagonist category are either
modiied-release preparations. Some patients appear to tolerate competitive antagonists at the μ opioid receptor, where they can
these semi-synthetic opioids better than morphine, but there is bind to the site but exert no action, or they exert only limited
no evidence to suggest which patients achieve better effect with actions; that is, they are partial agonists. Those that are antago-
either of these drugs. nists at the μ opioid receptor can provoke a withdrawal syndrome
Fentanyl is available as a transdermal formulation for long-term in patients receiving concomitant opioid agonists such as mor-
use. The patch is designed to release the drug continuously over 3 phine. These properties make it dificult to use these agents in the
days. When starting the drug, alternative analgesic therapy should control of long-term pain, and the process of conversion from one
be continued for at least the irst 12 hours until therapeutic levels group of drugs to another can be complex.
are achieved, and an immediate-acting opioid should be available
for breakthrough pain. Patches are replaced every 72 hours.
The relative potencies of the commonly used opioids are sum-
marised in Table 34.1.  Buprenorphine is a semi-synthetic, highly lipophilic opioid that
Clinical considerations. Use of opioids is almost universally is a partial agonist at the μ opioid receptor and an antagonist at
accepted in cancer pain and acute pain after injury, trauma or sur- both the δ and κ receptors. It undergoes extensive metabolism
gery. There has been a marked and progressive rise in the pre- when administered orally and to avoid this effect, it is given sub-
scribing of opioid drugs in the UK over the past decade. The trend lingually. It has high receptor afinity and, through this property,
of increased prescribing continues (Zin et al., 2014), with most a duration of action of 6 hours.
prescriptions now for patients with non-cancer pain. However, A long duration of action and high bioavailability would
most trials in this patient group have been for a limited duration, suggest a role for buprenorphine in the management of long-
and for most patients, opioids only provide modest beneits for term pain. Buprenorphine is also available as a transdermal
short periods. In other healthcare systems, there have been similar formulation and may be an effective alternative to other strong
trends in increased opioid prescribing. The United States is con- opioids for long-term non-cancer pain. There is limited evi-
sidered currently to have a ‘prescription opioid crisis’; in 2015, dence of eficacy in osteoarthritis and low back pain. After
there were nearly as many deaths from unintentional overdose as sublingual or intravenous administration, the incidence of
584 deaths from road trafic accidents (Laderman and Martin, 2017). nausea and vomiting appears to be substantially higher than
with morphine; however, respiratory depression and constipa-
Nausea and vomiting
tion are less frequent. 
Antiemetics should be co-prescribed routinely with opioids
for the irst 10 days. Choice of antiemetic will depend upon
the cause, and a single drug will be suficient in two-thirds of
Pentazocine, a benzomorphan derivative, is an agonist and at the patients. Where nausea is persistent, additional causes should be
same time a very weak antagonist at the μ opioid receptor. This sought and prescribing reviewed. If another antiemetic is used, it
drug became popular in the 1960s, when it was thought it would should have a different mechanism of action. 
have little or no abuse potential. This is now known to be untrue,
although its abuse potential is less than that of the conventional
agonists such as morphine. It produces analgesia that is clearly
different from morphine and is probably due to agonist actions Opioids reduce intestinal secretions and peristalsis, causing a dry
at the κ receptor. There are no detailed studies of its use in long- stool and constipation. Unlike other adverse effects, constipation
term pain, but its short duration of action (about 3 hours) and the tends not to improve with long-term use, and when opioids are
high incidence of psychomimetic side effects make it a totally used on a long-term basis, most patients need a stool softener
unsuitable drug for such use.  (e.g. docusate sodium) and a stimulant laxative (e.g. senna) regu-
larly. Dosage should be titrated to give a comfortable stool. High-
ibre diets and bulking agents do not work very well in preventing
constipation in patients on opioids. Co-danthrusate (dantron +
Tramadol is a centrally acting analgesic that has opioid agonist docusate sodium) and co-danthramer (dantron + poloxamer 188)
activity and also has monoamine reuptake properties similar are alternatives; however, because of the potential carcinogenic-
to many antidepressants. It is not as potent as morphine, and ity and genotoxicity of dantron, they are only indicated for use
eficacy is limited by side effects, including an unfavourably in terminal care. More recent alternatives include methylnaltrex-
high risk of drowsiness, nausea and vomiting. Its monoami- one, naloxegol, oral prolonged-release naloxone and peripherally
nergic activity appears to be valuable in the management of restricted opioid antagonists. Each of these has greater afinity for
neuropathic pain and hence may be an acceptable alternative MOR opioid receptors in the gastro-intestinal tract and prevents
to an opioid.  binding of the opioid agonist, allowing the agonist to reach the
central nervous system. 
Smooth muscle spasm
Tapentadol is another centrally acting analgesic that combines
opioid agonist activity and noradrenaline reuptake inhibition Opioids cause spasm of the sphincter of Oddi in the biliary tract
(NRI). In animal models, the NRI component is a key mechanism and may cause biliary colic, as well as urinary sphincter spasm
and may even predominate over opioid actions in chronic (and and urinary retention. Thus, in biliary or renal colic, it may be
especially neuropathic) pain states. In humans there is a reduced preferable to use another drug without these effects. Historically,
incidence of some of the typical opioid-induced side effects com- pethidine was believed to be the most effective, but there is no
pared with equianalgesic doses of classical opioids. This supports evidence for this practice (Thompson, 2001). 
the hypothesis that tapentadol analgesia is only partially medi-
ated by opioid agonist mechanisms. 
Other side effects
There is increasing evidence that long-term opioid use may cause
Side effects of opioids
clinically signiicant adverse effects on the endocrine system. For
The adverse effects of opioids are nearly all dose related, and example, opioid-induced pituitary dysfunction can lead to tes-
tolerance develops to the majority with long-term use. tosterone deiciency in men. Effects on the immune system are
evident in animal studies and are also under scrutiny in humans. 
Respiratory depression
Tolerance, dependence and addition
Respiratory depression is potentially dangerous in patients with
impaired respiratory function, but tolerance develops rapidly Treatment with opioids in the long-term may cause tolerance to
with regular dosing. It can be reversed by the MOR opioid antag- the analgesic effect, although the mechanisms by which this hap-
onist, naloxone.  pens remain unclear (Holden et al., 2005). When this occurs, the
dosage may be increased or, alternatively, another opioid can be
substituted. When switching to an alternative opioid, equivalence
tables should be consulted but should only be considered a guide
Sedation is usually mild and self-limiting. Smaller doses, given because there is signiicant variation for individuals. It is usual to
more frequently, may counteract the problem. Rarely, dexam- reduce the equivalent dose by between 25% and 50% to ensure
phetamine or methylphenidate has been used to counteract this safety. Addiction is relatively uncommon when opioids are pre-
effect.  scribed for pain relief.  585

to patients already receiving epidural opioids, and this practice

Opioids and driving
should be actively discouraged. Respiratory depression which
In 2015 the law on driving whilst taking certain controlled drugs occurs soon after administration, due to intravascular absorption,
was strengthened. The new offence refers to driving with speci- is relatively common and simple to detect and treat. However,
ied controlled drugs in the body, in excess of a speciied limit. respiratory depression can also occur many hours after opioid
The new offence has a statutory ‘medical defence’ to protect administration. This is most common with morphine, probably
patients who may test positive for certain speciied drugs taken because of its lower lipophilicity compared with fentanyl and
in accordance with the advice of a healthcare professional or the diamorphine. Fentanyl has much greater stability than diamor-
patient information lealet that accompanies the medicine.  phine, and it can be prepared with bupivacaine in a terminally
sterilised formulation which minimises the risk of adding the
incorrect dose to an infusion luid in a clinical environment and
Special techniques for opioid administration
maintains sterility. 
Patient-controlled analgesia
Local anaesthetics
Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is a system which allows
patients to titrate the dose of opioid to suit their individual Local anaesthetic drugs, such as lidocaine and bupivacaine, pro-
analgesic requirements. The drug is delivered using a syringe duce reversible blockade of neural transmission in autonomic,
attached to an electronic or elastomeric pump, which delivers a sensory and motor nerve ibres by binding to sodium channels
preset dose when activated by the patient depressing a button. A in the axon membrane from within, preventing sodium ion entry
lockout period, during which the machine is programmed not to during depolarisation. The threshold potential is not reached,
respond, ensures that a second dose is not delivered before the and consequently, the action potential is not propagated. The
previous one has had an effect. Some devices allow an additional concentration of local anaesthetic and dose used determine the
background infusion of drug to be delivered continuously. A onset, density and duration of the block. There are marked differ-
maximum-dose facility ensures that the machine does not deliver ences in the recommended maximum safe doses of different local
more than a preset dose over a given time. PCA is a useful tech- anaesthetic agents. If the maximum dose is exceeded, serious
nique for the management of pain after surgery. The system is cardiovascular (arrhythmias) and CNS side effects (convulsions)
convenient and enjoys a high degree of patient acceptability. may be observed.
The traditional intermittent intramuscular injection of opioids Local anaesthetic drugs injected close to a sensory nerve or
can be effective but is less versatile than titrated intravenous plexus will block the conduction of nerve impulses, including
administration. The subcutaneous route is subject to most of the pain from sensory ibres, and provide excellent analgesia. Some
problems associated with intramuscular administration but tends local anaesthetics are given with adrenaline (epinephrine) to
to be less painful. reduce systemic toxicity and increase the duration of action.
Opioid use via any route is associated with nausea, and anti- Local anaesthetics can be administered directly to wounds or
emetics should be prescribed routinely. Administration of com- by local iniltration to produce postoperative analgesia; however,
pound preparations containing both opioids and antiemetics is these approaches will not normally block pain arising from deep
not recommended as few preparations contain drugs with similar internal organs. Local anaesthetic techniques are particularly use-
pharmacokinetic proiles and accumulation, usually of the anti- ful in day-case surgery and children. Continuous infusions via a
emetic, may occur.  catheter will allow prolonged analgesia. More permanent neural
blockade for the control of cancer pain may be achieved by using
a neurolytic agent such as absolute alcohol or phenol.
Epidural analgesia
A topical formulation of lidocaine has been marketed for the
Epidural injections and infusions may be effective in relieving management of neuropathic pain caused by post-herpetic neu-
pain arising from both malignant causes and non-cancer diseases ralgia. Up to three plasters may be worn for a 12-hour period
and are very effective in postoperative and labour pain. Various each day.
combinations of local anaesthetics, opioids or steroids can be
administered into the epidural space near to the spinal level of
Epidural local anaesthetics
the pain.
Long-acting local anaesthetic drugs such as bupivacaine are
most effective in relieving pain after major surgery. They work
Epidural opioids
by blocking nerves in the spinal canal serving both supericial
Effective analgesia can be obtained by administering small doses and deep tissues, and thus analgesia can be obtained in deep
of opioids to the epidural space. Because there are opioid recep- internal organs. Sensory and sympathetic nerves that maintain
tors in the spinal cord, smaller doses than administered by other smooth muscle tone in blood vessels are blocked. As a result,
parenteral routes are required and may be given with and without vasodilation can occur, which may result in signiicant hypoten-
long-acting local anaesthetic drugs. However, severe respiratory sion. Epidural catheters allow continuous infusions and long-
depression, nausea and vomiting, urinary retention and pruritus term therapy by this route. Adverse effects may include muscle
can occur after their use. Life-threatening respiratory depres- weakness in the area supplied by the nerve and, rarely, infection
586 sion can occur when additional opioids are given by other routes and haematomas. 
Table 34.2 Adjuvant drugs used in the treatment of pain
Adjuvant medicines
Drug class Type of pain Example
To be an analgesic, a drug must relieve pain in animal models
and give demonstrable and reliable pain relief in patients. Drugs Antiepileptics Neuropathic pain Carbamazepine
Migraine Sodium valproate
such as the opioids and the NSAIDs clearly are analgesics. In
Cluster headache Gabapentin
some types of pain, such as cancer pain or neuropathic pain, Pregabalin
the addition of non-analgesic drugs to analgesic therapy can Lamotrigine
enhance pain relief. A list of some adjuvant drugs is given in
Table 34.2. It should be remembered that some drugs, such as tri- Antidepressants Neuropathic pain Amitriptyline
cyclic antidepressants (TCAs), have intrinsic analgesic activity, Musculoskeletal pain Imipramine
perhaps related to their ability to affect 5-HT and noradrenergic Venlafaxine
Intravenous Neuropathic pain Ketamine
Antidepressants anaesthetic Burn pain
agents Cancer pain
Long-term pain is accompanied frequently by anxiety and depres-
sion. Thus, it is not surprising that the use of antidepressants and Skeletal muscle Muscle spasm Baclofen
other psychoactive drugs is a routine component of pain manage- relaxants Spasticity Dantrolene
Botulinum toxin
ment. There is evidence that some of these drugs have analgesic
(type A)
properties independent of their psychotropic effects.
The TCAs are frequently used for the treatment of long-term Steroids Raised intracranial Dexamethasone
pain conditions with and without antiepileptic drugs, and there pressure Prednisolone
is a substantial body of literature about their analgesic action Nerve compression
(McQuay et al., 1996).
The biochemical activity of the TCAs suggests that their Antibiotics Infection As indicated by cul-
ture and sensitivity
main effect is on serotonergic and noradrenergic neurones. The
TCAs inhibit the reuptake of the monoamines, 5-HT and/or nor- Antispasmodics Colic Hyoscine butylbro-
adrenaline in neurones found within in the brain and spinal cord. Smooth muscle mide
Through a rather complex mechanism, this causes an initial fall in spasm Loperamide
the release of these transmitters followed by a sustained rise in the
concentration of neurotransmitter at synapses in the pain neural Hormones/ Malignant bone pain Calcitonin
hormonal Spinal stenosis Octreotide
pathways. This rise usually takes 2–3 weeks to develop. Tricyclic
analogues Intestinal obstruction
antidepressants are effective analgesics in headache, facial pain,
low back pain, arthritis and, to a lesser degree, cancer pain. Bisphosphonates Bone pain (caused Pamidronate (for
by cancer or cancer pain)
osteoporosis) Alendronate
Clinical use of antidepressants in long-term pain
When used in pain management, it is usual to start with a low
TCA dose, for example, amitriptyline 10–25 mg at night and to post-herpetic neuralgia). Some antidepressant compounds,
titrate upwards according to response and adverse effects. Within including trazodone and mirtazapine, do not act via monoamine
clinical trials TCA doses have varied considerably, but most are reuptake inhibition and do not appear to possess intrinsic anal-
lower than the doses used in psychiatry, in the order of amitrip- gesic activity. They are effective antidepressants and may have
tyline 50–75 mg/day. Under specialist supervision, higher doses, a place in the treatment of co-existing depression, but analgesia
for example, amitriptyline 150–200 mg/day, may be appropriate. should be managed separately. 
Tricyclic antidepressants have a wide range of adverse effects
due to interaction with histamine and muscarinic acetylcholine
Antiepileptic drugs
receptors, and these may cause a marked reduction in patient
adherence. Newer antidepressant drugs have generally been The usefulness of this group of drugs is well established for the
disappointing from the analgesic perspective. Outcomes with treatment of neuropathic pain (Wiffen et al., 2013). Conditions
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been dis- which may respond to antiepileptics include trigeminal neuralgia,
appointing. Scientiic (Sindrup and Jensen, 1999) and clini- postherpetic neuralgia and multiple sclerosis, glossopharyngeal
cal evidence suggest that both noradrenergic and serotonergic neuralgia and similar pains that may follow amputation or surgery.
transmission need to be enhanced for an analgesic effect to be Several classes of drugs show antiepileptic activity, and these can be
seen (Sindrup et al., 2005). The serotonin/noradrenaline reup- broadly classed as sodium channel blockers (carbamazepine, phe-
take inhibitors (SNRIs) venlafaxine and duloxetine have effects nytoin), glutamate inhibitors (lamotrigine), voltage-gated calcium
on both monoamines and appear to possess analgesic activity channel ligands (gabapentin, pregabalin), gamma-aminobutyric
in neuropathic pain conditions (e.g. diabetic neuropathy and acid (GABA) potentiators (sodium valproate, tiagabine) or drugs 587

showing a mixture of these effects (topiramate). Failure to respond Baclofen, which has a peripheral site of action, working
to one particular drug does not indicate that antiepileptics as a directly on skeletal muscle, is probably the most commonly pre-
broad class will be ineffective. A drug with a different mechanism scribed skeletal muscle relaxant. It is a derivative of the inhibi-
of action or combination therapy could be considered. tory neurotransmitter GABA and appears to be an agonist at the
Antiepileptics are surprisingly effective in the prophylaxis of GABAB receptor. Baclofen is used commonly in the treatment
migraine and cluster headache. Their mode of action is unclear, of spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis or other diseases of the
but both of these conditions are associated with abnormal excit- spinal cord, especially traumatic lesions.
ability of certain groups of neurones, and the neuronal depression The α2-adrenergic agonist tizanidine has potent muscle relax-
caused by antiepileptics is probably important.  ant activity and is an alternative to baclofen. It may also have
some direct analgesic effects.
Dantrolene is an alternative that is effective orally and which
may have fewer, but potentially more serious, adverse effects.
Ketamine is an intravenous anaesthetic agent with a variety of Its effect is due to a direct action on skeletal muscle and takes
actions within the CNS. Many of its effects are related to its activ- several weeks to develop.
ity at central glutamate receptors, although it also has actions at
certain voltage-gated ion channels and opioid receptors. Low
Botulinum toxin
doses of ketamine (0.1–0.3 mg/kg/h via the intravenous route)
can produce profound analgesia, even in situations where opi- The bacterium Clostridium botulinum produces a potent toxin that
oids have been ineffective, such as neuropathic pain. Despite its interferes directly with neuromuscular transmission. Puriied prep-
variable oral availability, oral administration of ketamine can be arations of the type A toxin produce long-lasting relaxation of skel-
surprisingly effective (Annetta et al., 2005; Mercadante, 1996). etal muscle. The effect often lasts in excess of three months and
Its usefulness is limited by troublesome psychotropic side effects, avoids the systemic side effects of agents such as baclofen. Great
although the simultaneous administration of benzodiazepines or care must be taken in administering this drug because spread may
antipsychotics can reduce these problems.  occur to adjacent muscle groups, producing excessive weakness.
Use of botulinum toxin has been approved by National Institute for
Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for prophylaxis of migraine
(NICE, 2014). Overdosage, with systemic absorption, may lead to
Benzodiazepines may be used for short-term pain relief in condi- generalised muscle weakness and even respiratory failure. 
tions associated with acute muscle spasm and are sometimes pre-
scribed to reduce the anxiety and muscle tension associated with
long-term pain conditions. Many authorities believe that they
reduce pain tolerance and there is good evidence that they can The α-adrenergic agonist clonidine has been shown to produce
reduce the effectiveness of opioid analgesics, although the mech- analgesia, and there is evidence that both morphine and cloni-
anism by which this occurs is unclear. Clonazepam has been used dine produce a dose-dependent inhibition of spinal nociceptive
in the management of neuropathic pain. Diazepam can be used transmission that is mediated through different receptors for each
to control painful spasticity, due to acute or spinal cord injury, drug. This may explain why clonidine has been shown to work
but sedation may be troublesome, and tizanidine (see following synergistically with morphine when given by the intrathecal or
discussion) is probably a more suitable choice.  epidural routes. Clonidine also appears to be effective when
given by other routes or even topically, but it may cause severe
hypotension by any route. 
These agents were introduced into the management of long-term
pain because of their sedative muscle relaxant properties. These
actions are non-speciic, and it is not clear whether the clinical Cannabis has been used as an analgesic for hundreds of years.
effect is mediated centrally or peripherally. Most clinical studies Problems concerning the legal status of cannabis in most coun-
have been carried out with hydroxyzine, which has shown beneit tries have hindered the scientiic investigation of its analgesic
in acute pain, tension headache and cancer pain, but is not com- properties. The active ingredient in preparations made from the
monly used in current clinical practice.  hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, is δ-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. This
compound has analgesic activity in animal models of experi-
mental pain as well as in the clinical situation (Burns and Ineck,
Skeletal muscle relaxants
2006). Overall, analgesic activity appears relatively weak, and it
The drugs described in this section are used for the relief of mus- has not been possible to separate the analgesic activity from the
cle spasm or spasticity. It is essential that the underlying cause potent psychotropic effects characteristic of these drugs, but a
of the spasticity and any aggravating factors such as pressure commercial preparation, Sativex, is now licensed for the manage-
sores or infections are treated. Skeletal muscle relaxants usually ment of spasticity in multiple sclerosis. There may be a clearer
help spasticity, but this may be at the cost of decreased muscle analgesic effect in neuropathic pain, but the evidence for this
tone elsewhere, which may lead to a decrease in patient mobility, remains limited and must be considered along with the misuse
588 which may make matters worse. potential when prescribing. 
Stimulation-produced analgesia Cancer pain
Stimulation-produced analgesia can be used for trauma, postop- Cancer and pain are not synonymous. One-third of patients with
erative pain, labour pain and various types of long-term pain. cancer do not experience severe pain. Of the remaining two-thirds
that do, about 88% can be controlled using basic principles of
pain management (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network,
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and
2008). Pain associated with cancer may arise from many differ-
ent sources and may exhibit the characteristics of both acute and
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machines long-term pain. The mechanisms and sources of cancer pain may
are portable battery-powered devices that generate a small cur- change with time, and regular assessment is required. Cancer
rent to electrodes applied to the skin. The electrodes are placed occurs more frequently in the elderly, who may have a larger pro-
at the painful site or close to the course of the peripheral nerve portion of other painful conditions than the younger population.
innervating the painful area, and the current is increased until Pain may be arising from these sources too, and these require
paraesthesia is felt at the site of the pain. The current stimulates treatment at the same time.
the large, rapidly conducting (Aβ) ibres which close the gating Cancer pain can be treated both with drugs and other inter-
mechanism in the dorsal horn cells, and this inhibits the small, ventional techniques, such as radiotherapy and nerve blocks.
slowly conducting (Aδ and C) ibres. TENS, in particular, offers Usually, drug treatment is based on the WHO analgesic ladder
the patient a simple, noninvasive, self-controlled method of pain together with the use of adjuvant analgesics. Opioids are the
relief with relatively few adverse effects. mainstay for the treatment of cancer pain, although increasingly,
Acupuncture also works using a similar manner, although some clinicians progress from non-opioid drugs to a strong opi-
additional mechanisms, including stimulation of endogenous oid such as morphine, omitting the middle step of the analgesic
opioid release, may be involved. Acupuncture was recom- ladder.
mended by NICE for several years for the treatment of low Although this chapter is concerned only with the management
back pain but has been withdrawn in most recent guidance of pain, care of the patient with a terminal illness requires man-
(NICE, 2016).  agement of all aspects of the patient. The Liverpool Care Pathway
(LCP) in England was promoted for many years as a resource to
promote high-quality care in the last days of life (Ellershaw and
Treatment of selected pain Wilkinson, 2003). The LCP acknowledged that death was immi-
nent and ensured the patient’s comfort by omitting long-term
syndromes non-essential medication and ensuring anticipatory prescribing in
case the patient experienced pain, delirium, vomiting or breath-
Postoperative pain
lessness. However, in 2013, after much criticism in the media, it
The majority of patients experience pain after surgery. The site was phased out and replaced with an individual approach to end-
and nature of surgery inluences the severity of pain, although of-life care for each patient (NICE, 2015).
individual variation between patients does not allow prediction
of the severity of pain by the type of operation.
Opioid use in cancer pain
Apart from the obvious humanitarian beneit of relieving
suffering, pain relief is desirable for a number of physiologi- Morphine remains the irst-line opioid used for the manage-
cal reasons after surgery or any form of major tissue injury. ment of cancer pain and may be given in immediate or modiied
For example, poor-quality analgesia reduces respiratory func- release oral formulations. If not tolerated, alternatives such as
tion, increases heart rate and blood pressure, and ampliies the oxycodone or hydromorphone, both having relatively long half-
stress response to surgery. The use of intermittent and patient- lives, may be considered. Optimal dosage is determined on an
controlled intermittent intravenous opioids injections has individual basis for each patient by titration against the pain.
been described earlier in this chapter. However, opioids them- Patients requiring long-term modiied-release opioids should
selves may delay recovery and are associated with adverse have additional oral doses of rapidly acting opioid to act as an
events in the postoperative period (Kehlet et al., 1996). It is ‘escape’ medicine for incident or breakthrough pain. The British
now common to treat postoperative pain using a ‘multimodal National Formulary recommends that the standard dose of a
approach’, consisting of paracetamol, an NSAID, opioids strong opioid for breakthrough pain is one-tenth to one-sixth
and local anaesthetic blocks or wound iniltration. NSAIDs of the regular 24-hour total daily dose. Methadone should not
such as diclofenac and ketorolac must be used with caution in be used as irst-line treatment of cancer pain but may be use-
the postoperative period where there is a possibility of renal ful when alternatives have failed or the patient has experienced
stress, such as blood loss, and the normal protective effect of intolerable adverse effects.
prostaglandins on the kidney will be lost, culminating in acute When the oral route is unavailable, other routes of administra-
renal failure. There is no evidence to support the pre-emptive tion such as the buccal, rectal, transdermal or parenteral (sub-
use of either NSAIDs or local anaesthetic techniques, although cutaneous, intravenous) or spinal (epidural or intrathecal) routes
there is some theoretical and clinical evidence suggesting that may be considered. Syringe drivers or implanted pumps may be
opioids given before surgery may be more effective than when used to provide analgesia in cases where conventional opioid
given postoperatively.  delivery is ineffective. Morphine and oxycodone are available 589

for parenteral administration, and in the UK, diamorphine is also Mesothelioma of the lung. Mesothelioma causes pain when
suitable and readily available. Diamorphine hydrochloride has the tumour penetrates surrounding tissues such as the pleura,
the advantage of being very water soluble, so a high dose may be chest wall and nerve plexuses. The WHO analgesic ladder
given in a small volume, which reduces the frequency of changes should be used irst, but it should be remembered that a NSAID
of syringes and reills necessary to provide adequate pain relief. may be beneicial because inlammation is often a component
The proportion of patients who need an implanted pump for intra- of the chest wall involvement. Adjuvants such as TCAs or ste-
thecal drug delivery is extremely small and is conined largely roids may be helpful. As the tumour progresses, nerve blocks or
to those who are persistently troubled with unacceptable adverse neurosurgery may be necessary, and invasion of the vertebrae
effects. Such patients may achieve pain relief with lower equiva- can lead to nerve root or spinal cord compression. In the latter
lent opioid doses and have few problems with side effects. Long- case, high-dose steroids such as dexamethasone may be given
term maintenance of indwelling lines and catheters requires intravenously, but radiotherapy is also useful in reducing the
training for the patient and specialist expertise from physicians size of the tumour. 
and nursing teams, but excellent long-term results are possible.  Metastatic bone pain. Metastatic bone pain is usually treated
with courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but analgesics
may also be beneicial. A prostaglandin-like substance has been
Use of adjuvant drugs and treatments for cancer
isolated from bone metastases, and therefore an NSAID and,
more recently, bisphosphonates are often used in bone pain.
Neuropathic pain is common in cancer. As many as 40% of can- Steroids also interfere with prostaglandin formation, and dexa-
cer patients may have a neuropathic component to their pain. methasone, therefore, has a role, especially where there is nerve
Tricyclic antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs should be intro- root or spinal cord compression. 
duced early, but where these are ineffective, ketamine can have a
beneicial effect.
Neuropathic pain
Levomepromazine, a phenothiazine with analgesic activity, is
a useful alternative when opioids cannot be tolerated. It causes Neuropathic pain may be deined as ‘pain arising as a direct conse-
neither constipation nor respiratory depression and has anti- quence of a disease or lesion affecting the somatosensory system’
emetic and anxiolytic activity. It is sedative, which may be either and may occur as a result of pathological damage to nerve ibres
a virtue or a problem in palliative care. in a peripheral nerve or in the CNS (Table 34.3). Neuropathic
Corticosteroids are useful in managing certain aspects of pain may be spontaneous in nature (continuous or paroxysmal)
acute and persistent cancer pain. They are particularly useful for or evoked by sensory stimuli. Because the underlying aetiology
raised intracranial pressure and for relieving pressure caused by
tumours on the spinal cord or peripheral nerves. Dexamethasone
Table 34.3 Examples of causes of neuropathic pain
is the most commonly used steroid to ameliorate raised intracra-
nial pressure in patients with brain tumours. High steroid doses Cause of neuropathy Examples
given for 1 or 2 weeks do not require a reducing-dosage regimen.
Also, they may produce a feeling of well-being, increased appe- Trauma Phantom limb
tite and weight gain, all beneicial for cancer patients, although Peripheral nerve injury
Spinal cord injury
these effects are usually transient.
It is essential that underlying causes of pain be treated;
therefore, it is appropriate to use antibiotics to treat infections, Infection/inflammation Post-herpetic neuralgia
radiotherapy to reduce tumour bulk or control bone pain, or HIV
surgery to achieve fracture ixation or to relieve bowel obstruc-
tion in conjunction with antispasmodics such as hyoscine Compression Trigeminal neuralgia
Cancer Invasion/compression of nerve
Specific cancer pain syndromes tissue by tumour

Three types of malignant pain are briely outlined to indicate Ischaemia Post-stroke pain
various therapeutic approaches. Metabolic neuropathies (e.g.
Cancer of the pancreas. Pain is caused by iniltration of the diabetic peripheral neuropathy)
tumour into the pancreas as well as by obstruction of the bowel
Demyelination Multiple sclerosis
and biliary tracts and metastases in the liver. Patients may experi-
ence anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, and they also are Drugs Vinca alkaloids
often depressed. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy may Ethanol
relieve pain for long periods, as does neurolytic blockade of the Taxols
coeliac plexus. Opioid analgesics are useful and may be adminis- Antibacterials for TB and HIV
tered by the intravenous or epidural routes by either bolus injec- HIV, Human immunodeficiency virus; TB, tuberculosis.
tion or continuous infusion. 
is different from inlammatory types of pain, patients typically such as gabapentin, have been used with some success to treat
present with disturbances in sensory function often describing neuropathic pain (Moore et al., 2014). A neuroma occurs when
their pain as tingling, shooting or electric shocks. It is possible damaged or severed nerve ibres sprout new small ibres in an
for patients to present with pain in the context of sensory loss. attempt to regenerate. Pain develops several weeks after the
Unlike inlammatory pain, neuropathic pain serves no biologi- nerve injury and is often due to the neuroma growing into scar
cal advantage and can be described as an illness in its own right. tissue, causing pain as it is stretched or mobilised. Treatment
Typically, neuropathic pain does not respond as well to of neuroma is very dificult, and few treatments are successful.
conventional analgesics, such as paracetamol and NSAIDs. Options include surgery and injections of steroid and local anaes-
Guidelines for the pharmacological management of neuro- thetic agents. 
pathic pain in the non-specialist setting have been published Complex regional pain syndromes. Complex regional pain
(NICE, 2013). syndromes are an important group of painful conditions that may
follow trauma or damage to nerves and are characterised by neu-
ropathic pain, trophic changes and motor dysfunction. The key
Specific neuropathic pain syndromes
elements of successful treatment are effective multimodal anal-
Postherpetic neuralgia. The pain associated with herpes gesia, including drugs with eficacy for neuropathic pain, and
zoster infection is severe, continuous and often described as aggressive physiotherapy to facilitate a return to normal func-
burning and lancinating. Antiviral therapy, such as aciclovir, tion. Sympathetic blockade using local anaesthetics may have a
initiated at the irst sign of the rash can reduce the duration therapeutic role. 
of the pain, particularly post-herpetic pain, which follows the
disappearance of the rash. Tricyclic antidepressants such as
Back and neck pain
amitriptyline are the mainstay of treatment, commencing with
low doses (e.g. amitriptyline 10–25 mg at night) and gradu- Back pain is one of the commonest reasons for seeing a medi-
ally increased according to pain relief (usual dose amitriptyline cal practitioner. Despite this, the problem is poorly understood.
50–75 mg at night). This may be combined with antiepileptic The most practical classiication is based on the duration of
drugs if the response is poor or incomplete. Carbamazepine is symptoms (BenDebba et al., 1997). Acute low pain is gener-
historically important, but newer antiepileptic drugs, such as ally deined as pain that lasts for a few days or weeks. The
gabapentin and pregabalin, are considered irst-line therapy majority of these problems tend to be self-limiting and resolve
and are often better tolerated. One study has demonstrated a spontaneously. Typical treatments include rest, adequate anal-
signiicant difference in the incidence and, to a lesser extent, gesia with a NSAID and/or a weak opioid and maintaining
the intensity of pain in patients who received a single epidural physical activity.
methylprednisolone and bupivacaine injection compared with Long-term back pain lasts for much longer and progressively
those who received antiviral therapy and analgesia as ‘stan- leads to a chronic state associated with pain, depression, anxiety
dard care’ (van Wijck et al., 2006). However, given the modest and disability. Early intervention is necessary to ensure good
clinical effects on acute pain and no effect on the incidence of functional and vocational outcomes. If a patient is off work for
postherpetic neuralgia, the routine use of epidural local anaes- as much as 6 months, then there is a less than 50% chance of
thetic and steroid injection is not widely supported.  the individual ever returning to work. The likelihood of return-
Diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy. Nerve damage and ing to work falls to less than 25% after 1 year and is almost
neuropathy are among the long-term complications of diabetes zero after 2 years. Although pharmacological therapies may aid
mellitus (see Chapter 45) and are most prevalent in elderly rehabilitation, other treatment strategies have a greater role to
patients with type II diabetes. Patients often describe numb- play in the management of long-term back pain. Guidelines for
ness but also experience a burning sensation in their feet. the management of non-speciic long-term low back pain and
The sensory loss can result in painless foot ulcers. Tricyclic sciatica have been developed (NICE, 2016). It is essential for
antidepressants or SNRIs (duloxetine or venlafaxine) and the patient to develop good self-management skills, and cur-
antiepileptics, such as gabapentin and pregabalin, have been rent recommendations emphasise the importance of using a
beneicial.  biopsychosocial approach. Other treatment options include
Trigeminal neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia presents as psychological therapies using a cognitive behavioural approach
abrupt, intense bursts of severe, lancinating pain, provoked by and manual therapy (spinal manipulation, mobilisation or soft
touching sensitive trigger areas on one side of the face. The dis- tissue techniques such as massage) but only in combination
order may spontaneously remit for periods of several weeks or with graded exercise programmes. Acupuncture is no longer
months. Antiepileptic drugs, particularly carbamazepine, have recommended. 
been used successfully. If drug therapy is ineffective, neurosur-
gical techniques such as decompression of the trigeminal nerve
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
may be considered. If surgery is successful, antiepileptics should
be withdrawn gradually afterwards.  Pain often is a presenting symptom in osteoarthritis or the
Peripheral nerve injury and neuropathy. Damage to or inlammatory arthritides, which include rheumatoid arthritis. The
entrapment of nerves can cause pain, unpleasant sensations and pathophysiology and management of osteoarthritis and rheuma-
paraesthesiae. Tricyclic antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs, toid arthritis is covered in Chapter 54.

indicated if the headache is associated with cervical spondylo-

Myofascial pain
sis or neck injury.
Myofascial pain is pain arising from muscles and is associ-
ated with stiffness and neuropathic symptoms, such as tin-
gling and paraesthesiae. It may occur spontaneously or after
trauma, such as whiplash injury. Myofascial pain syndrome is Most migraine attacks respond to simple analgesics such as aspirin
sometimes also termed myositis, ibrositis, myalgia and myo- or paracetamol. Soluble preparations are best because gut motil-
fascitis. Acute muscle injury can be treated using irst aid tech- ity is reduced during a migraine attack, and absorption of oral
niques with the application of a cooling spray or ice to reduce medication may be delayed. Migraine treatment has improved
inlammation and spasm, followed by passive stretching of the markedly with the development of the triptan drugs, such as almo-
muscle to restore its full range of motion. Injection therapy triptan, eletriptan, rizatriptan, sumatriptan, naratriptan and zolmi-
with local anaesthetic or saline may be used to disrupt sensi- triptan (Goadsby, 2005). These are 5HT1B/1D-agonists that will
tive muscle trigger points. Local injections of botulinum toxin often abort an attack, especially when given by the subcutaneous
have also been shown to be effective where muscle spasm is route. Their vasoconstrictor activity precludes their use in patients
prolonged and severe. TENS and acupuncture have an impor- with angina or cerebrovascular disease, but the side effects are
tant role to play in reducing pain and muscle spasm. Treatment less serious than with the ergot derivatives they have replaced.
of long-term myofascial syndromes should always include a Prophylactic drug treatment of migraine includes α-adrenergic
programme of physical therapy.  blockers, antiepileptics and TCAs. Long-term treatment is
Postamputation and phantom limb pain
Cluster headache
The majority of amputees suffer signiicant stump or phantom
limb pain for at least a few weeks each year. Pain will be pres- Cluster headache is a disabling condition characterised by severe
ent in the immediate postoperative period in the stump, and unilateral head pain occurring in clusters of attacks varying from
this may be caused by muscle spasm, nerve injury and sensi- minutes to hours. It shares some pathological features with migraine
tivity of the wound and surrounding skin. As the wound heals, and treatment is similar, although high-resolution MRI studies have
the pain generally subsides. If it does not, the reason may be shown speciic anatomical differences in the brains of people with
vascular insuficiency or infection. Pain occurring a number cluster headache. Triptans are effective in acute attacks, as is inha-
of years after amputation may be caused by changes in the lation of 100% oxygen. Prophylaxis is similar to that of migraine. 
structure of the bones or skin in the stump. Reduction in the
thickness of overlying tissue with age may expose nerve end-
ings to increased stimuli or ischaemia. Usually, conventional
analgesics are beneicial for stump pain, although sometimes Dysmenorrhoea is a common cause of pelvic pain in women.
relatively high doses may be required. Tricyclic antidepres- NSAIDs are effective as irst-line therapy due to their effect on
sants may also be helpful for stump pain, and surgery may be cyclo-oxygenase inhibition, but it can also be helped by the pre-
necessary to restore the vascular supply or reduce trauma to scription of oral contraceptives because pain is absent in anovu-
nerve endings. latory cycles. Dysmenorrhoea due to endometriosis may require
Phantom pain is a referred pain which produces a burning or therapy with androgenic drugs such as danazol or regulators of
throbbing sensation, felt in the absent limb. Cramping sensa- the gonadotrophins such as norethisterone. 
tions are caused by muscular spasm in the stump. The patient
with phantom limb pain is often anxious, depressed and fright-
Burn pain
ened, all of which exacerbate the pain. Conventional analge-
sic drugs alone are generally not adequate for phantom pain, Patients with burns may require a series of painful proce-
but TCAs and antiepileptic drugs are useful adjuvants. Other dures such as physiotherapy, debridement or skin grafting.
therapy which can be effective includes TENS and sympathetic Premedication with a strong opioid before the procedure and the
blockade. These patients frequently require management at spe- use of Entonox (premixed 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen)
cialist pain centres.  may be necessary to control the pain. Regular opioid adminis-
tration may be useful to prevent the pain induced by movement
or touch in the affected area. The anaesthetic drug ketamine has
potent analgesic activity when used in subhypnotic doses. Its
Everybody experiences the occasional tension headaches. short duration of action may be beneicial to reduce the pain
They are caused by muscle contraction over the neck and of dressing changes or other forms of incident pain. Even with
scalp. Often they respond to simple analgesics available OTC, low doses, a signiicant proportion of patients will experience
such as paracetamol and NSAIDs. They may also respond side effects of dysphoria or hallucinations. These can be treated
to TCA drugs given as a single dose at night as well as non- with benzodiazepines or antipsychotic compounds, such as
pharmacological treatments, such as TENS. NSAIDs may be haloperidol.

A summary of medicine indications and common therapeu-
tic problems associated with analgesic use are presented in Case studies
Table 34.4. 
Case 34.1
Mrs NP is a 55-year-old care home assistant who has type 2 diabe-
Table 34.4 Common therapeutic problems tes. Her current prescription is for metformin 500 mg three times
a day and amitriptyline 50 mg at night. When collecting her repeat
Problem Solution Example prescription, she mentions that she ‘Can’t get on with the new
tablets’ because they make her very drowsy in the mornings. You
Neuropathic pain Antiepileptics Carbamazepine
invite Mrs NP for a review of her medication. During the consulta-
Sodium valproate
tion, Mrs NP explains that for some time she has suffered from
constant tingling and occasional shooting pain in her legs and feet,
and 3 months ago amitriptyline 10 mg daily was prescribed. About
Antidepressants Amitriptyline
one month ago, the dose of amitriptyline was increased to 50 mg
daily. She takes the dose at night, as advised by her primary care
Intravenous anaes- Ketamine
doctor. When she works an early shift (about three times a week),
thetic agents
she usually omits the dose of amitriptyline to be sure that she
wakes up in time to get to work. Mrs NP says that she takes the
Malignant bone Bisphosphonates Pamidronate
metformin regularly and has no associated problems. She is keen
pain Calcitonin
to be fit enough to work because she is supporting her youngest
son, who is studying to be a doctor.
Muscle spasm/ Skeletal muscle Baclofen
spasticity relaxants Dantrolene
Botulinum toxin (type A) Question
Raised intracra- Corticosteroids Dexamethasone What advice should you give to this patient? 
nial pressure Prednisolone

Nausea with Antiemetic Cyclizine Answer

morphine Droperidol
Ondansetron Mrs NP has developed diabetic peripheral neuropathy, a type of neu-
Use an alterna- Topical or subcutaneous ropathic pain. She is experiencing intolerable side effects from the
tive route of increased dose of amitriptyline and therefore does not take it regularly.
administration There are several options to improve tolerability. Firstly, Mrs NP should
consider increasing the dose of amitriptyline more slowly. She may
also benefit from taking her amitriptyline dose earlier in the evening,
Constipation Determine if drug Co-prescribe laxatives
approximately 60–90 minutes before retiring to bed, so that it results
induced, e.g. (e.g. docusate sodium
in less hangover effect the following day. If neither of these strategies
opioids or tricyclic and senna)
is beneficial, she should consult her primary care doctor about switch-
ing to an alternative drug to manage her neuropathic symptoms. Most
recent guidance (NICE, 2013) recommends either gabapentin, prega-
Antidepressants Use a less Duloxetine
balin or duloxetine as alternatives to a tricyclic antidepressant as first-
in patients with cardiotoxic Venlafaxine
line therapy for neuropathic pain in the non-specialist setting. 
ischaemic heart antidepressant

Drug interactions Use an antiepi- Gabapentin Case 34.2

with carbamaze- leptic which does
pine not affect hepatic A 55-year-old lady, Mrs LT, with metastatic abdominal cancer from
enzymes a probable primary in the pelvis, presents with an abdominal
mass. Mrs LT’s pain is uncontrolled despite regular prescription
Renal failure Morphine Consider lower dose of oral opioids, and she has been sick for a week. Subacute bowel
accumulates obstruction is present.
Use a drug which Fentanyl
is not eliminated Buprenorphine
by kidney Question
How should Mrs LT be managed? 
Sedation/im- Identify any drug-
paired cognition related causes
and adjust dose or Answer
stop drug
Management should begin with admission and rehydration. Mrs LT
may be dehydrated and have marked electrolyte abnormalities which
would need to be corrected. The oral route is unavailable for the


delivery of adequate analgesia, and thus consideration should be especially coughing, unbearably painful. A chest X-ray reveals that
given to the use of parenteral administration, either by the subcutane- he has fractures of the 5th to 8th ribs on the right side.
ous route or using patient-controlled analgesia. The sickness should
be treated, and an underlying cause sought. This may be subacute
obstruction which, in turn, may be due to constipation caused by the Question
opioids or by the disease process. Abdominal masses that indent
How should Mr PL’s pain be managed, and what are the risks of
on palpation are faeces (not tumour). Abdominal radiographs would
show fluid levels if there was obstruction rather than constipation.
Other possible causes of vomiting are recent anticancer therapy, anxi-
ety, dyspepsia from NSAIDs, raised intracranial pressure and vertigo.
Surgery may be needed to relieve the obstruction, but the need
may be avoided by use of hyoscine N-butylbromide, which may control Multiple rib fractures are potentially very serious, and good
colic with little additional sedation. If the problem is one of constipa- analgesia can prevent potentially dangerous complications. Initial
tion, rectal measures may be necessary to re-establish function. These analgesia should include both potent opioids and NSAIDs (unless
may include suppositories, enemas or digital disimpaction. Once con- contraindicated). Opioids should be administered parenterally
trol of pain has been achieved and bowel function has returned to nor- in the first instance, and subsequent use of patient-controlled
mal, she must receive regular combination laxative therapy, ideally, a analgesia would allow the patient to titrate his own analgesic require-
stimulant laxative, such as senna, and a faecal softener, such as docu- ments. The chest injury may well result in damage to the underlying
sate sodium. A high fluid intake and increased dietary fibre should be lung, and it is essential to administer unrestricted high-flow oxygen
encouraged because this will help prevent stool from becoming hard. to the patient because the combination of lung injury and ventila-
There has been interest in the use of peripheral opioid receptor tory suppression secondary to either pain or the effects of opioids
antagonists to reduce opioid-induced constipation. Because they could lead to dangerous hypoxia. TENS may also prove helpful.
have higher affinity for the opioid receptor than the agonist, they bind Arterial oxygen saturation (and preferably arterial blood gases)
preferentially to opioid receptors in the gastro-intestinal tract, allow- should be monitored. If pain remains poorly controlled or if Mr PL’s
ing the agonist to continue to have its desired effect in the CNS. A oxygenation deteriorates, thoracic epidural analgesia using a mixture
combination of prolonged-release oxycodone and prolonged-release of local anaesthetic and opioid may be considered.
naloxone (Targinact) or naloxegol may be an alternative if maximal Failure to treat pain adequately in this situation may lead to a
laxative therapy does not help this patient. reduction in Mr PL’s ability to cough and clear secretions from the
Attention should be paid to Mrs LT’s emotional and spiritual needs chest. This can lead to respiratory failure and even death. Analgesia
at all times.  should be sufficient to allow regular physiotherapy to minimise the
risk of such complications. 

Case 34.3
Case 34.5
A 28-year-old man, Mr FR, had a crush fracture of his ankle after
falling from a roof. Fixation 9 months ago was described as satis- A 45-year-old woman, Mrs SG, presents to her primary care doc-
factory, but his leg is now very painful to even small stimuli, and he tor with a 2-day history of back pain after a lifting injury at work.
cannot use it or bear weight. Mr FR’s lower leg has muscle wasting The pain is constant and aching in character with radiation into the
and is much colder than the opposite limb. The skin is very sensi- posterior aspect of both thighs as far as the knee. Physical exami-
tive to touch, shiny and has a poor circulation. nation shows Mrs SG to be maintaining a very rigid posture with
some spasm of the large muscles of the back. Her range of move-
ment is very poor, but there are no neurological signs in the legs.
What is this condition, and how should this pain be treated?  Question
Which drugs may help Mrs SG’s pain? What other advice should Mrs
Answer SG be given? 
Mr FR has presented with a complex regional pain syndrome.
Management should be aggressive and directed towards functional
restoration. Use of effective multimodal analgesia using pharmaco-
logical and non-pharmacological treatments is required. The aim is to Acute back pain is very common and is rarely associated with serious spi-
facilitate aggressive physiotherapy and occupational therapy. There nal pathology. The absence of neurological signs is reassuring and indi-
may be a burning component to the pain, which may respond to cates that early activity, possibly aided by a short course of analgesics, is
low doses of TCAs such as amitriptyline (10–25 mg at night initially, the best way forward. A short course of regular NSAID (e.g. ibuprofen
increased in small increments to 50–75 mg at night). 400 mg three times a day) is recommended first-line treatment if not con-
Aggressive treatment early in the course of the disease can reduce the traindicated. Paracetamol alone is not now recommended. If unable to
length of time patients, such as Mr FR, have this problem, and early take a NSAID, paracetamol in combination with a weak opioid is sug-
referral to seek specialised help is recommended. A small percentage gested. A muscle relaxant such as baclofen 20–40 mg/day in divided
of patients will continue to have problems whatever treatment is given.  doses may be beneficial for short-term use only. The role of opioids is less
clear. Short-term use (7–14 days) of a weak opioid such as codeine or tra-
madol is probably safe. Longer-term use is less satisfactory because there
Case 34.4 is no clear evidence of efficacy, and sedative side effects may reduce the
patient’s capacity and motivation to remain active.
An 85-year-old man, Mr PL, is admitted to hospital after fall- Mrs SG should be advised to remain active and accept that some pain
594 ing down a flight of stairs and landing heavily on his right side. is likely during the recovery phase. Failure to remain active and, in
On admission, Mr PL is in severe pain and finds breathing, and particular, excessive bed rest are both associated with worse outcomes. 

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