Mixtures in Science

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Esmabe, Maria Denise R.

Activity about Mixtures

A. Classify and explain the two types of mixtures and give 2 examples of
There are two types of mixtures and those are;
1. Heterogeneous Mixture – is a type of mixture where the components that
make up the mixture are uniformly distributed throughout the mixture. The
composition of the mixture is the same throughout. Its appearance and
composition are the same, no matter where you take a sample. It also has
one single phase. The most common examples of this are; steel, vodka and
sugar solution.
2. Homogeneous Mixture – it is a mixture where the components that make up the mixture are not uniform or have
localized regions with different properties. There are always two or more phases in a heterogeneous mixture where you
can identify a region with properties that are distinct from other region. The most common example for this are; blood,
chicken soup and ice in soda.
B. Concept Map


Heterogeneous Homogeneous
Mixture Mixture

Components are
Components are
usually in sync with
different from each
one another or in

chocolate chip
dishwashing liquid,
cookies, orange
bronze and steel.
juice, oil and water.
C. Three Basic Characteristics of Mixture
There are three basic characteristics of mixtures and those are;
1. There is no chemical force acting between the two or more substances that are mixed, but they still exist
2. The proportions of the substances vary in an indefinite manner.
3. All the states of matter (solid, liquid and gases) can combine to form mixtures.

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