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Warm up and drills

Pre race or training

This program is an idea and is not set in stone.
You need to determine what works for you and use that system
Reason Activity Clothing Time
Get heat into muscles, tell body & 10 minutes approx running, gentle pace Should have legs
mind that you want them to work even talking & discussing race/session, & arms/shoulders 10:00
hard could be more on cold day. covered.
Start to get into right frame of Static or active stretching. All muscle
Should still be in
mind , think about what you are groups to be stretched & ensure fully
all gear, even if
going to do. Muscles fibres need warmed up. Through out the next
feel hot, keep the 15:00
to be ' elastic ' to operate also gets sections, any muscles that do not feel
heat in the
blood flow ing to the muscles & properly ready then go through stretches
therefore oxygen. on that group.
Think about what muscles you will be working, ankles needed
for thrust between strides (elastic reaction), the calves are
needed to flow (drive when high), the hamstrings and thighs for
driving from the blocks (power up), the shoulders need to be
driving (dictate pace of legs, give balance) & finally the back
which links the arms & legs. All need to be working together &
therefore need to be loosened & warmed up.
What do I need to be doing , getting Should still have
Drills, starting off slow but then speeding
mind focussed on session or race, something on all
up to race, session speed. Always break 30:00
getting the muscle groups working muscle groups,
out into jog/run
together for the mutual benefit. less than above.
1 Marching - all at 90o - drive through 3 x 30m
2 Long lunges 3 x 20m
3 Flicks 3 x 10m
4 Butt kicks 3 x 20m
5 High knees 3 x 30m
6 High knees with flick out 3 x 20m
7 Ankling 3 x 20m
8 1,2,3 x 3-7 above - 1 leg at a time 1 x 40m
9 High skip - drive knee through 2 x 50m
10 Straight leg strides breaking into sprint 2 x 50m
Spikes on 05:00
1 Stride to see ok 1 x 50m
2 High knees on spot, run out 1 x 30m
3 Fast feet to run out 1 x 30m
4 Sprint arms to run out 1 x 30m
5 Jog, burst, jog - rolling bursts 3 x 10,20,10
6 Hip hips - fall forward and sprint
7 RACE - 2 to 3 reactions or starts
8 Reaction, blocks etc 20-30m x 2/3
Start session or call up for race . Need Still have top and
to maintain the muscle movement & bottoms on but
I mean BUSINESS . 01:00
concentration so ready to explode as easy removal
required. until start.
Keep stretching especially anything that
Last stretches to put elasicity into does not feel 100% or otherwise those Probably
muscle groups to asisst explosion. about to explode, thighs, hamstrings. Set removed bottoms
up blocks & drive out
Small bounces, fast feet and arms. Keep
Full concentration on event or relaxed shake tension out of arms & legs. Race or session
session. Stretch as getting into blocks especailly clothing
hamstrings & thighs.

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