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NARATOR: Good morning to each and everyone, we are the group of transparency

"Transparency has become a buzzword in the business world. It's the idea of being open,
honest, and accountable in all aspects of a business. But what exactly are the benefits of
transparency?" this roleplay shows the good and bad effects of transparency in the business

Secretary:kyla g
Promoter;kyla m
Employee :philip
JHON loid

One day there was a company called VERTICAL COMPANY whose owner was SHAINA. then
while their employee was going to work someone suddenly called Kyla (yapin i abi)

abi: hi ma'am, are you the owner of VERTICAL COMPANY

kyla G: hello ma'am, no ma'am, I'm his secretary, what can I do to serve you?
abi: I heard that the brand you sell is new and unique
kyla G: yes, that's us
abi: can we go tomorrow to see and find out if what they are saying is true
kyla g: yes, ma'am, it's possible
abi: okay thankyouuuu
kyla g: thankyouuuu too maam see you

KylaG; Good afternoon ma'am
Shaina; yes what do you need?
Kyla g: someone wants to come tomorrow, ma'am, he wants to try and know the brand because
he heard that it smells good and there is nothing like it.
Shaina; when?
Kyla G; it's tomorrow ma'am
Shaina: oh Cge!wait you know Kyla
Kyla g :yesss ma'am
Shaina: she is good at that because I saw her performance last week I liked it but try to talk to
them first
Kyla G: okay ma'am copy it
Kyla G; hi guys can I have your attention plz. tomorrow we have visitors to see and test our
brand now I need ONE employee to promote our brand
Philipi: I know Kyla M is good at that because when I worked with her in another job, she's all
Angelie: yes, he's really good
Kyla M; I'm a bat! you are angelie
Kyla G: it's you after all. Ma'am also saw your performance last week and she was impressed by
Kyla M;hmmmm..okay ma'am
Kyla G;okay get ready tomorrow and enjoy!

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