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Title :Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior High School
Students in Malino National High School S.Y. 2022-2023


GOOD MORNING everyone,Im Angelie Agana who write the part of 'The problem and its
background ' , rrl ,titled the concept of social media , Curriculum Vitae, Conceptual framework,
Research Respondents, Defintion of terms and I also edited the reference and our
Questionnaire . And on my side are my teammates

Remy : Im remy ann lising wrote the statement of the problem , research design , research
instrument, Curriculum Vitae, ethical Considertion, and also write a part from rrl which titled :
students' addictiveness to social media and the one who make the ppt (PowerPoint
Presentation), and help angelie doing research Respondents

Jhon Loid : im jhon loid Navarro also write in rrl ,titled : influence of social media on students ,
Local Literature, Statistical Treatment of data and Curriculum Vitae, and helps in research

Rita : Im rita Guevarra also help Angelie on questionnaire, write an rrl titled: Usage of social
media in academic performance, write the significance of study , Curriculum Vitae , write data
collection, and also help in research Respondents

Catherine: im Catherine Pangilinan also write in rrl titled: usage of social media by age , wrote
the scope and Delimitations,Foreign literature, Curriculum Vitae and also helps in research

All : and we are Angelie's Group that will represents our research proposal titled : Effects of
Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior High School
Students in Malino National High School S.Y2022-2023


EXPLANATION : This study was designated to know the effects of social media on the students
academic performance of Malino National High School. With the total of 358 undergraduate
students and a sample size of 189 and with the margin of error of 0.5 (95 % ) confidence level .
In this study was used a descriptive design and selected through systematic random sampling
per section . The demographic data was used to analyze the data from the likert type rating
scale questionnaire and used Chi-square (x2) to analyze the hypothesis. the purpose of this
study is to know the effects of social media on students academic performance.

The problem and its background

EXPLANATION: the world is rapidly evolving and human's work is becoming easier. As the
world evolved we also started to do work easier and have a different way of communicating to
our loved ones that are far from us, especially we are Filipinos who have many OFW who work
abroad . SOCIAL Media is a computer- based technology which provides us to communicate ,
share , add feedback and others . Academic performance is based on how the students do well
in school / participate and cooperate with the other students . However , technology is like two
sides of a coin that brings positive and negative impacts to us. Such as being
obsessed/addicted to it that we never even realize that we totally forgot our responsibilities.
That's why we the researchers will conduct this to know the effects of social media on our
students' academic performance


Have 5 main keys points and given a sub keys points to know more about the relationship of
social media on the academic performance, This are

● The concept of social media

EXPLANATION : Social media have been popular since the Six Degrees release . Currently,
facebook , twitter, instragram, youtube and last but not the least is tiktok that we been addicted
to it .Many years have been past and social media becoming popular each year .That even us
started to getting used to it .

● Students addictiveness to social media .

EXPLANATION: As the social media have been popular many social networking sites also
taking that advantages to caught the attention of students to be more addicted to it .It also result
to tempted to abondon their homework and project that have been givin by teachers.

May i call on rita for the continuation of rrl

Rita: Thank you angelie

And the third main keys point is the influence of social media on students
EXPLANATION: Having a lot of online friends is feels so good that you have the one who can
share and relates to other topic that have you been relate.That also one of the cause why
students tempted to not listen or abadon their homework just for online friends. Additionally,
social media influence us by saying the English phrases that we gain through social media like
okay to k , I don't know to IDK or I dunno and many english abbreviation we knew through social
Next is • Usage of students in academic performance
EXPLANATION: Many social networking sites we have been caught by interest or other reason
.Being addicted to social media is not an easy task to just avoiding it . But it also gave us help
by helping us to have more ideas through search engines, and help us to communicate our
teachers even if the classes is done .
And last is • usage of social media by age
EXPLANATION: As the world rapidly evolving we also need to keep up on updates and some
trendings that we didn't even realize that even youngsters also copy us because they see us
having fun , that is why many youngsters have more knowledge about technologies than us .
May i call on Jhon loid for give us some studies in local literature.

Jhon loid: thanks rita, Local Literature

According to study of Carandang and Carandang (2019) they found out that in this study that
overuse of social media was negatively associated with academic performance, as measured
by grade point average (GPA). The authors suggest that this may be due to the fact that social
media use often leads to abandon their homework or projects and distraction, which can
negatively impact academic performance.
While in the study of Dela Cruz et al. (2018), they found out that social media is also can help
as a tool for educational Purposes such as research and collaborations.
And on the other side of Reyes et al. (2016) explore the usage of elementary on social media if
it is useful but as the result , elementary's students doesnt have the same level as the older
May i call on Catherine for foreign literature

Catherine: thank you jhon loid

Foreign literature, according to Rosen et al. (2013) found out that overusing social media can
affect the students' academic performance.
While on the other study , according to Junco (2012) Students who used social media to discuss
their course material had a higher grade point average than those who did not.
Overall , the study had the same results that social media can affect students' academic
performance . May i call on Remy for the statement of the problem


Statement of the problem
The passage is discussing the impact of social media on academic performance in the
Philippines, specifically in regards to the challenges faced by the education system and
students. The writer suggests that the widespread use of the internet and social media has led
to neglect in academic performance, as students spend more time on social networking than on
their studies. The writer also mentions the distraction and deflection of attention caused by
social media, and the negative impact this can have on students' academic performance. They
also note that the easy accessibility of cellular phones has made the situation worse, as
students can now access social media at all times, even in places like churches and lecture
halls. The writer expresses concern over this phenomenon and suggests that more research
needs to be done to investigate the effects of social media on academic performance at a
specific school, Malino National High School.
May i call on angelie for conceptual framework

ANGELIE: Conceptual framework,

This diagram represents a study on the relationship between social media and academic
performance. The study will involve distributing and collecting responses to a questionnaire
given to students. The questionnaire will include questions about how social media affects their
academic performance. In this study, social media and academic performance are considered
independent and dependent variables, respectively. Independent variable is the variable that is
being manipulated or changed in an experiment, in this case it is Social Media. Dependent
variable is the variable that is being observed or measured, in this case it is Academic
May i call on rita for Significance of the study

RITA: Significance of the study,This study aims to investigate the impact of social media on
students, specifically focusing on the effects it has, on their performance in school. The findings
of the study will be useful for teachers, as it will help them understand the influence of social
media on their students and assist them in educating their students on the potential risks and
benefits of social media usage. Additionally, the study will be valuable for parents, as they will
be able to gain insight into the effects of social media on their children and take appropriate
action to monitor their usage. Lastly, the study will be relevant to students, as it will raise
awareness of the potential negative effects of excessive social media usage on their
Ok a population based on a sample of data. The researcher is using Chi-square to test the
hypotheses at a significance level of 0.05, which means that the results of the test must have a
probability of less than 0.05 of occurring due to chance in order to be considered statistically

the research proposed by Angelie's Group aims to address a significant gap in current
understanding of the topic at hand. We are confident that the methods outlined in this proposal
will allow us to make meaningful contributions to the field. We appreciate your consideration and
look forward to the opportunity to conduct this research.


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