X - Vibrate Air To A Measured Timing and You Have The - Paranormal - 4chan

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22/12/21 21:35 /x/ - >vibrate air to a measured timing and you have the - Paranormal - 4chan

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Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)18:41:26 No.30576956 ▶ >>30577152
>>30577237 >>30577258 >>30577420 >>30577439 >>30577440 >>30577773

>vibrate air to a measured timing and you have the most powerful
universal tool for conveying abstract emotions between humans

what the fuck

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)19:02:16 No.30577063 ▶

https://youtu.be/tN7lEAShGjM?t=18 [Embed]

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)19:18:04 No.30577152 ▶


>>30576956 (OP)

Honestly getting into music theory at the level that

you're trying to understand what consonance and
dissonance really are and how your ears interpret
those sounds feels like learning magic

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)19:32:08 No.30577237 ▶

>>30576956 (OP)

>what the fuck


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yb0jJ5kiIQ [Embed]

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)19:35:29 No.30577258 ▶

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22/12/21 21:35 /x/ - >vibrate air to a measured timing and you have the - Paranormal - 4chan
>>30576956 (OP)

>emotions between humans

Don't forget the machines

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J89IY3Ss2Mk&ab_channel=AlessandroCortini [Embed]

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:00:21 No.30577420 ▶ >>30577513

>>30576956 (OP)

yeah well sorry to be that guy, but its because most of our animal life language was tonal. its like dogs or
cats make these sounds when they are hurt or happy or angry, you can easily tell which is which.

music is just a form over substance, because you wouldnt be physically capable of listening to a raw
sound of an animal or human being hurt, without going apeshit.

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:02:58 No.30577439 ▶

>>30576956 (OP)

listening to touhou music is the most spiritual i've ever felt

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:03:02 No.30577440 ▶

>>30576956 (OP)

also, don't act like you can't do that shit with visuals or smells or any other senses.

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:10:55 No.30577489 ▶ >>30577557


You already tried any other tuning aside 12TET?

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:12:19 No.30577495 ▶ >>30577524

imagine op when he realizes understanding tonality lets you understand the sounds of any creature

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:15:28 No.30577513 ▶ >>30577656


That's certainly how it came about, but you're ignoring how and why of the way we interpret notes in
context with each other the way we do. Why does the ear prefer whole integer ratios of frequency? Why
does dividing the ratio further create tension, and why does releasing it feel so satisfying? The physics of
it is fascinating, even if you lack that curiosity.

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:16:40 No.30577524 ▶


Based and chladnifigurespilled

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:22:20 No.30577557 ▶ >>30577627


Not in practice, but the history of just vs equal temperment is very interesting. It's not super uncommon
necessarily, depending on the context you play in. For example, an orchestra full of non-fretted
instruments tuning by ear to eachother will usually end up in something close to just temperment.

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:33:08 No.30577627 ▶


Take the exoticapill, the gamelanpill, the raagpill, in that order.

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:37:11 No.30577656 ▶ >>30577984


if anything its your question that lack curiosity, since you want to attack me for thinking music isnt some
magical special fairy dust

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22/12/21 21:35 /x/ - >vibrate air to a measured timing and you have the - Paranormal - 4chan

Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:49:06 No.30577735 ▶

i mean why is the sound of water soothing? is it because music? or maybe because humans prefered to
settle around water.

why do we find bird sounds pleasant? is it because they are musical? or maybe bird sounds = food
idk. but maybe evolutionary reasons, who knows.

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)20:55:49 No.30577773 ▶

>>30576956 (OP)


>The Banal Evil of Music

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)21:26:31 No.30577984 ▶


I wasn't even disagreeing with you, let alone attacking you. There's just a wide gulf between the
reductionist perspective you provided and "special fairy dust", and it's not so crazy to think that reality is
somewhere between those two extremes. It's fascinating, and if you disagree it's simply because you
aren't interested in looking at it that way.

>> Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)21:32:33 No.30578034 ▶

File: virgin tinfoil hat.jpg (317 KB, 1600x900)

>>30576956 (OP)

precognitive processes are

sound oscillation based

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