Problem Complex Analysis

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A COLLECTION OF PROBLEMS ON COMPLEX ANALYSIS L.I. Volkovyskii, G.L. Lunts, and I.G. Aramanovich se E ? A Collection of Problems on COMPLEX ANALYSIS L,I. VOLKOVYSKII, G.L. LUNTS, 1.G. ARAMANOVICH Translated by J. BBRRY Tranalation edited by 'T KOVARI, PHD. DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC. ‘New York Copyright © 805 ty Pergamon Pres Lid [lights reserved under Pen American and Iteration! Conpright conventions. Published in Canada by General Pushing Company, Ld, 30 Ler ‘ead, Dos Ml, Torta, Ontar ‘This Dover eto, frat published in 0, i an unabridged and altered repulsion ofthe work frst published by Pergamon Pros, ‘Ofer, in 65 ae Value 8 Inthe ernational Serie of Me sPar andApl Matt Ths ok nce raion ot the original Resin Shormiksadach po tory fe Peremennog2, published in 1860 by Famatgly hoscow. The Dovet ltn i publisbed by spell arrangement with Pengamon Press, ‘Headington Hil Hal, Obed OXS OBW England DManufutured inthe United States of America Dover Pblestions, Ine, 51 East 2nd Stree, Mines, NY. SOL Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Prbication Data ‘Wt ae eer) ‘Sheri seach yo tr nk kompanagoperemenno. sng "Elon of ln om comp en Ll ia, GL La Ls Aaa Bary rte by ia Teint Sori nah po er fk tombe Orisnally polished Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1965. (International ener f manogras in pare and ape mattis. 3). Tpelaesbiblgrapical references. ISBN Os-6n3-0 1. Functions of camples variables—Problems, exercises, ete 2 Mathematical anaeie—Protems, xercoes, eT Lan ©. (Grigor Lorie), Arananovch, 1.6. sak Genrichovie) 1 Berry J. IV. Kevan V. Tie GAS vests is Sisto aean sa CONTENTS rewont Compe nator sed ft of «compl vere 11 Gxt mente, compet, gnc nrg Sr vcore pron ana {2 Himentary women ste 11 ng compro mtn of a sr ep ee cee oy 4 Zisyue ca mrwenioneon ie Sant Ree, ‘ ‘equations; harmonic functions; the geometeical meaning of ‘STnolehr sat eet of» ese) cuarren 1 Conformal mappings connected with elementary faneont 11 Low funtion near fotony; Minar fonctions) 12 seroma pny he tary of nn tre (enol Toro naar tuforations, weep Termaluo for ‘aoa transoratonstappingh of 4 Retinal and algtraie fonctions ome ronal neti: 1); spptiotion of the pring of symmetry; the singlet noncbleht mappig®) 44 itary smelt, (he fatal na ip ‘snd haley hn aptention of to spam pine S36, he apl nyaketd appingy {15 Boundaries of univalney,conveity and asitanees on 4+ : cuarren nit nmlenentarygemeti gmaons, Genrlid stage fntone 1 me propria of Sain se Ai mda Mapinge 0 ra $2 Quostcoforaa! mopping Generated aaitio Fanci eters and power see 11 The integration of funtion of « complex vile a conners 4 2 Coney’s itor. thore « 43 Concy’s integra formale 0 44 Nomercl ei 2 45 Power sree (lotemination of the radon of sonvargnses ‘batuvisr on She boundary Abels thorny ag 16 The aslo in (the expansion of fnation a Talo eins a ‘Laornt sevos, ingle of sage-rlued funins, Integra 17 Laarot sain (the expansion of faetons in Lanrnt sero ‘ome propetas of anil faction) $2 Singur ln of sighed ant fenton, ingle ‘ib tetdasy ofthe cn covvengnes) o 8 Intra fanotons orde; types fndeator funoon) ‘Vartaos sais of fonetions. Paremeti naga. Ife rods 11 Seren of fanetions ee 42 Dislot sron 10 13 Paramotto integrate (convecgeace of + Lapan's Patani lloras (omens of loa Lap 44 nie produce 0 cuarren vit Resides nd this apploatone 41 The alton of radon a 4 Thecvaloaonofiatgml the det applletion of the theorem, ‘trsduadtatostegrel ntepralconnested wi their. Somof apie’ inogrs te seyeptoteteaviourofiagras) 08 18 The dinibation of sree The iverson of mein (owl's foes the argumene principe’ the interes of eran) 0 14 Re ton Sedat poet epano The me alga of Cauchy type. The nigral formulae of Polton and Sahware. ‘Bogue into 11 Integra of Cassy ergo 42 Some integra lations and double integrals 4 Dials intel, armonio functions, he logartio potent und Gro’ fneton 44 Poimn's Integy Sobware’s formu, armen mene 15 Some singular intagrle Azagti continuation. Singsares of many-raued charter. 11 Analyt coatinaton $2 Sings of manyralnd cbaraoter, Romana sorfsoe 42 Sonn sane of aonfto funstione wile non-claied singe cuarrmn x, Contormat mappings (connate) 141 Toe Sehware-Cheattl forula 42 Conornal mappings invslving the wn of sliple foneins cuarran xr Angleton to mechanics an physoe "1 Arplistions to hyrodyarloe ‘Applimions to eetrontation 4 Aplintions to he plane problem of heat ccadaction mm m6 FOREWORD A Colleton of Problems on Complez Analysis is intonded mainly {or students of the phytico-mathematical end mechanfoo-mathemat- foal fuultioa of universities and also for stadenta of the physio: smathematicel facultios of tanchors training colleges, {athe atin Unlove bo that the eatin wil be wf for in the mechani of continuous media. (hydro- Ayumi, the theory of nly) and stra ensuing, ino it contains large number of problems either on the direct appli- cation of the theory of functions of a complex variable to the given, tbject, oF on questions forming thr mathematial bas (conformal ‘mappings, harmon functions, potentials, integrals of Cauchy type, eta). ‘Probloms connected with the compulsory university ourse on theory of funotions of a complex Faeiable are arranged mainly in Ghaptors T, IT (§ 1, and 4), TV, V, VIT, X (1) ‘The book also contains groups of problems which go beyond the range of the syllabuses. Some of there may be used as the basis of course work and as material for study in seminars on the theory of funotios of e complex variable, Te seems to us that the book deals with the main sctions of the theory of functions of « complex variable epproximately in socord- nce with the euieaum. "For tho convenience of those using the ook, in the contents Desies the titles of the chapters and sections, the main groups of problems contained in thom havo sometimes boen enumernted (tis, ‘fore mainly to the basic course material) ‘tis eerumed that the users ofthe collection are sequainted with the comesponding sections of the course in tho theory of functions oft io contained in the book by A. T. Markushevich 4 Short Course on the Theory of Analytic Functions, and therefore ‘as a rule reftrncos are not given to this textbook. If additonal ‘material is used the necessary information ofthe source andl re- ferenoos to tho literature are given. The following notation is used for the books most frequently cited: ] ALL. Masicushovieh, ‘Theory of Analytic Functions (Tooriga analiticesbith funkit), Gostekhizdat, Mosoow, 1950, [2] ALL. Markushovich, Short Cours of the Theory of Analytic nctions (iat kare tort analitichesbith fanttat, Gostlhirdat, ‘Moscow, 1957. [3] MEA. Tavrent'yey and B.V. Shabat, Methode of the Theory of Punctins of a Complex Variable (Melody cori funkteis komplcke- ‘ogo peremenncge), 2nd ed. Flzmateiz, Moscow, 1958. TALL, Privaloy, Introduction to the Theory of Functions of a Comples Variable (Veadenie « teoriyu funktsit Romplekimogo per smennogo), 10th ed. Fizmatgis, Moscow, 1960. “All the hints for the solution of the problems are given in the ‘main toxt. The most dificult probloms, the numbers of which are ‘marked by asterisks aro provided with solutions locetod in tho an- “In compiling the coletion use was made of textbooks aad mono- raphe by both Russian aod foreign authors. "The manaserit of the book was reviewed in the Faculty of the "Theory of Functions at Moscow University and the authors express ‘their sncere gratitude to the members of the faculty snd especially to-B.V. Shabat for much valuable advice ‘Muh help in the checking and arrangement of come of the prob- lems was given by the pupils of Profeatra L,I, Volkovyal, B.A. Vertgeim, S. Ye. Gasman, VV. Dumkin, V.G. Mikhaleku, Yu. L. Rodin, E, V. Starkova and I. i, Filmonova 1.1, Pesin took part inthe choio of tho problems ofS, Chapter IX. A numbor of problems wore propased by LE, legol'ta. Extremely important work wee done on the collection by the editor of the book N. A. Ugarova. "The authors expross their deep obligution to all those mentions. Tam Avmions COMPLEX NUMBERS AND FUNCTIONS OF A COMPLEX VARIABLE Ia shape aod peas ewrrwy th Dok whee nothing she" oueary fhe following notions are was Sey =n, itm gol te tot aad Base fal hal, 0,92 0)¢ Re Sea. ig Si cine ty. In the aacnoe ok an ‘tonal Inigo pritipl vale ofthe tagumest ag’? dened pth inequality nthe colar fle whom pints we ‘pssst ‘by th omplessamber sil be sled the vlan Sanly the {cies Tomplex somber =” and “point J” are ued se symone $1. Compler numers 1. Pesfrm the operation indicted: a) ify oo? T esya% 12. Find the modalus and argument of each of the following com: plex numbers (@ end 6 aro real numbers): a (© 28% @) -% () 248%; @) Le () 2-55; @ ©) bi 20; (©) 24-54; (10) 085 (a 4 0). 1. Find all the values ofthe following roots and plot them: yas @ Vi»: ws: 0) Vi-4430, oy 4. Prove that both values of y/(2—1)le on the straight ine ‘through the coordinate origin’ and parallel to the biseotor of the 2 PRODLENS ON COMPLE ARALYSIS {internal angle of the triangle, with vertion at the points — which passes through the ‘verex 2. 5. Lat mann bento, Prove tha (f/) haan) diet vals, where (n,m) i the grates common divisor of sm and n. Verify thatthe set of values of (/2)* and Verwciie teal i ad only if (0, m) = 1, that If’ and m ate coprimes, Prove the following inequalities from geometrical considers: 1 and 0) lat < fal tals ©) fase > Ills (8) eH By femal oR, 20, fe-2)4le42| = 5. BL. fe-21—Ie42| > 3. 22. ral = [ea 38. (1) Hos >; @) Ime <0. 2. 0-o. wal 4 E> Beptan (once. 234, (1) A family of earvos inthe plane ia defined by the equation lj=4 @>0). ‘ ‘maonias Ox coMPLEx ANALYSIS ‘For what values of Z do the curves ofthe family consi ofa imple ‘curve and for what values do they split into two branches (@) Answer the same questions for the family ftertil— a >0), log f|—20 < args V lea penis rein {nD tes of sap ge epg actentinh tan Sener, alee eat paterson eee eee sien of teeing pu =m cen #9 eae NCP ays sant wae ak Sat yes ioe fp erp eis an ei {=e ees PE Seas 30, What are the images on the aphere ofthe points 1, — Li, wat courex owns 5 ‘Wht i the image on the plan ofthe parallel with latitude a( $ 0; () Rezo; @) Im: <0; © 0; i>. 46, What corresponds on tho sphero toa family of parallel straight lines on the plane? ‘sphere correspond 48, Lat X be a ezclo on tho plano corresponding to the ciclo X” ‘on the sphere, let be the north poo of the sphero, and let 8 bo tho ‘Vertex of the cone touching the sphere along A” (is assumed that isnot a great cirle) Prove that the centre of the eicle les on 0. Find the lngth Mo) ofthe chord onneting points of the sphare which correspond to the points + and a. Consider also the ‘lao when ais the point at infinity. 51. Given two points % and 2, (one of thom may be at infinity), find the geometrical looas ofthe pointe of the z-plane which corre: spond toa erele on the sphere equidistant from the images of the given points. Quaternons ‘Quatenintt are nombors whish ar near sombinatlonh with eel oie dese of for sits “ona ting tol a thee imaginary 5, sm aitiigean, ‘he malipiation of unite being dosed by the equations Papen Una jhe Bs, Liniteg estas Quatersioas with idotnal eomponeate (econ of the ni) ze come tiated to be og: Ip the ada of gasternione the ereeponding se (Be alted. Nltpceton is sap 0 hs meodatve snd diebutve kw ‘That er empl, E20) = (ACD CECH —BH EN L—BH) SEBS S PEND LEM) OAR GE ‘The number g = a+b o+db and g eee ate ho nab Ne) = 652, Prove that in the quaternion system the operation of subtree. tion ia defined uniguely and that for divisors diferent from aero the operation of division is defined uniquely. {58 Prove that Gi —3;-Ze 54, Prove the equality Naa) =a) Ya ‘and using this equality show thst the product of two intgers each (of which can be reprecanted as the sum ofthe aquares of four intogers {a alto a number which oan be repretented asthe sum of four squares. Obtain this repreentation. + For hypiesomping nambors and gua tenis ae for example, A Unie ‘nty Aires DE Lsowood. Hoisrsan's, Laden (100). ‘comrua eaERS 1 [5 Using quaternions construct the matrix JA, B, 0, Dy Ay By O, Dy Ay By 0, Dy Ae Be OD, with integer clements which has the same sum of squares of elementa tong the rows, columns and principal diagonals and satisfies the relations AAP BA OO4DD, = 0 (RAL: b= 1,2,8,4). § % Hlementary transeendental functions By detain expe mat = ot (conning stort, {6, Using the definition of ef, prove that () ect onen; (2) ott mor, (@) Ie or = oF for every s, then oath b=, 21,42 ‘Toe salation exp ~ of = congtising (Balers formas) sakes ib iat tha oxpomonial ms of notation «= rl for comps nembes ‘Bind of te tigensmesis form t= r(cone {tang in wast folows By o's" tao the pal lt of he eget tat ‘57, Represent the following numbers in the exponential form: Li Ii, Hi, ie 5 AME 0, dl, 2, 0). 8 monies ox communx axatrss 450, Find the modali end principal values of the arguments of ‘the following complex numbers: Ht, amy a, tH; adh (a 0,16) —Log (+0); (9 J) = Loge + og +. iy dation, for any complex mato 2 0 4 « aes (aloes) o cso eat by 0 snd exp a noe eae eee ar; Ot (3) (7) B—4ii+4 (a) (8) (—344Ht". 1.7 exp) 0 = exp (ctoge)~ exp (1+ ei), wove, if oti eel oe etary ee Laer eA? Sa ero amps 10 ‘mowumss ON COMPLE ANALYSIS 72. Show that in tho case of retional index (2—=m/n) the ‘general definition ofthe power "is dential with the usual deGiation: Far (eee also problam 5) ‘78. Aro tho sots of values of the following identical: (oR, (ttt "74. Prove tho following equalities (all the valuer of the roote ‘ro taken} () cor (2) sins ~élog(e+y@—): Hoi Ve Us hoe ((i-+3y/0i—2)) (8) tants We): Log (+ Ve); (@)sinh-1s = Log -y/e440); 1, Prove that for any value of cos" itis possible to. choose 4 Valuo of sin~s, quch that the sum of these valuos is oqual to =/2. ‘Prove a similar amsertion for tans and cots. ‘erwan Tho oqaliig sae ‘oye om 9/2 and tants sco undertdtn the bs dated fn the proet poten. "76. Show that all the values of cost aro contained in the formala an corte ilog(et ye), ‘where by y/(@#— 1) in understood any’ one of is values ‘71, (1) For what valuee of = are all the valu of the functions cooris, sits, and tants real? {YOXCMONS oF 4 coMPLEE VanunEE a (2) For what values of + docs tho function sinh > aamme purely imaginary values? a: Find all the values of the folowing function (Q) sin; (5) tan § 3. Functions of a complex variable In problems 70-85 itis roquired to determine the carves defined by the given equations. "2. Oates, meoctce, 20; octets, a>0, b>o 86, Yer the mopping w= iti roc: {i 20 dat ln lage of th ets = 0, y= C, = lem Mages end aaa whi tthe re rl 5) To fad th xg (nthe ela of curves ofenet 7. For the mapping 0) Re ings a sere 2 args =, [eI] (2) The originals of the curves w= 0, ¢ = 0. =H fina: sa. mee tn magn wet image of ee = Se te tds wea eal Sotagle arc 2 he ce find on the splane 1. Ror the mapping of Sod (1) The images of the curves += C, y= 0, x—y () The of tn cures 9=0(0<9 plane to the polar net [el = 2, scp wo in the tranformations (wae; Qe 95, Find the limit points of the sets: Qe 14-1 me) (2) #=Vmeiln (om, {3 cpio (mm mg am aay into 9%. Provo tnt from an infinite bounded sequence of points (s,} 1 1 posable to select » convergent subsequence 97, Prove the following propositions: (1) The convergence of the sequence {55 = 24 + iy.) i coquivalent to the simultancons convengence of the sequences (x) and {y,): (2) For tho limit limsy # 0, to exist, it is necessary and suficiont that the limite lim [s| #0 and (fr suitable definition of erg) Jim arg 2 should exist. If 2 snot « negntive number it is posible, for example, to take —x 0 esa nn wetinte asy en Moran 128 Paerecciyr ose bee Oe rel al arn ete ce eae tow Me cen Bt, 2 Ta, oes sve. gusrat ties co saat we 40, Hf te ib ee in ahaa 1 defined for in each 1 oy om continuous inside the unit disk (xj <1)? Are they uniformly fontinaouat 102, (1) Prove that the function "1H is uniformly oontinuous {nthe dino} = with the point = = 0 deleted. (2) Te the function e® uniformly continuous in the same (8) Is the funtion 6 uniformly continuous in the sctor 0< [sl <2, large) = x10 (Q) im the somiciele 0 < |e] <1, Jargs| <2 this function 1s bounded but not eontinuoas; (@) Inside the same remicirle the funetion Is continuous ‘but not uniformly continucus; |, @) in the sector 0-< jz] <1, lengs| 0. Jn problems 166-170 explain what the domains indicated aro ‘transformed into with the given mapping fonctions. 108, The quadrant >0, y>0; wa 2—>. 167. The semicircle |s| <1, Ime > 0; w 168, Tho angle 0 < ¢ 0 with the disk z—-d/9) 0 in such «© way that w(Z) = 0, w (-R) — co, w (0) = 1. Whot is the image of the upper somi- circle in this mapping? Py, Pyare atid to bo syrietsial with rwpoct tothe ele iP thoy ile"on the same ray ting 07.0, = 179, Find the points symmetrical to the point 2-+i with reapeot 10 the oiler: @ FI @) Ie 1, terme ag hh ope ote ce of ihe flowing are 8) ea Si 8 Ea Hess! &y (8) te pete —y (hepato of the mn winglets suyty a 0) 181. Prove that for the eymmetry of the points P, and Py with respect to X itis nooosary und saficiont that one of the folowing ‘oro conditions should be satis (0) Bvory creo K; passing through the points P, Py, is erthogonal tok (2) For all points Bf ofthe cirelo (chat is, K is « circle of Apollonius with respect to the points Py sod 182. The function ee ‘convonsat marerxes 2 6 Ee st foe tn omg vo re i 1 Hap i fe iS i tnt <1 woo (yg 0, wpe a 2) w(2H) = 0, arg w’(2i) — 0; 8) w(a-+bi) = 0, arg w'(a+bi) = 6 (6 > 0). 1g, art perp > ona i om <2 oc Te ae Pa a Ratna dere Tray hl Seo th lane a> inh silo ah aces Fae ay a ad Ye tte o> tat ea Ee ithe Tee al sedate sls de ers es itr Tae wa mf a fiw) wen sre di So hee ie Reet nme ay Bey ey anak Ee pedis hn ne racine ie aR” ca CR cxtrning te pat mt shee Rew Telstra ciple re te meen Steele etn ie ee een Ii Fod she in Wh mp earl nt aah wel—b ao) =+ (ima>0,Imb>0 ay Ae Eset io ht te he wna Kose ae te Inti spe ancora wo tage = Ea ine io oro an Toa (asd) ‘which maps the unit dik onto ital: 6 ‘MORLINS ON COMPLI ANALYSIS (@) Explain which part of tho unit disk is oomprewed in thi mapping and which iv stretahed; (@) Piod max [def] ad mln due} for |<. on, Map the dis 2/<1 onto the disk <1 so tha (Q) w(t) = 0, argu’) = 0; @) wG)2) <0, ase G2) =a (3) 0) =0, axgiw(0) = —a 2s, (8) wla) =a, argw'(e) = 3. 192, Map the disk |<, onto the dik uw} <2, 20 that (a) acgwia) = (loli, BCR. 189. Map the dink {| <1 oft the disk jo—I]-<1 so that w(0) = 1/2 and w(t) =0. 194, Map the disk f2—2|<1 onto the disk (so—2i|<2 so that fd arg w'(2) = 0. the general form of the bilinear function w(2), which ‘eps the disk [s-< onto ite wabjet to the following eonditions: ) eo) =O (alt ) ele) =8 (lol <2, <2); @) wm) =k. 196, Map the disk |s<1 onto itself 90 that the spedied_ points 0% within the dink pass into the pointe ka (al2, and parabolic when a+5) = 2. (8) If Im(2+8) #0, then the transformation is loxodtomi, 202, Prove that if linear transformation has two Sxed pointe ‘the product ofthe derivatives at these points it equal to unity. 1203. Find the civlee which in tho parabolic transformation aoa BOER +h ‘pas into themselves 204. Find the gnoral form of tho parabolic transformation of ‘ho disk |e) < into itaelf If the point # ls xed. 1205. Prove the fllowing properties of the hyperbolic transfor. mation (1) Any circle passing through the two fod points is trans- formed into itself, the diretion of traversal boing preserved. (2) Any deel orthogonal to the elles passing through the fixed points is transformed into a oreo having the same property (This property follows directly fom property ()-) agEtt © prin conser th ce wh hn Sea pints ae © 1206, Prove tho following propertias of the elliptic transformation: (1) Any cirle orthogonal to the ceeles pasing through two fixed point i transformed into ite with preservation of the dire. tion. of traversal (@) A circular are connecting the fixed points passos into » sireular are connecting the fixed pointe and making an angle 2 with tho fit aro (2 = arg) 207. (1) Prove that in the Toxodromie transformation the prop- ‘erties (2) of the hyperbolic (ee problem 208) and of the elliptic ‘eansformation (coo problem 206) ere preserved. (G) Prove that, provided that 217 2 (x — arg), fixed circles do not exist In the loxodromlo transformation. Prove that if trum, then the ieelon paming through the fixed. pointe transform Into themselves with change of the direction of traversal 206. rove that inthe undone tensforation w= ao the thie spirals r = Ae'*'*(4 > 0) puss into themselves. "209, Prove that the linear transformation ie", lal <0), ‘which transforms the unit crete into ital ean only bo elliptic, bypr- bolic or parabolic. Explain for what values of @ each of the given camee hola. Find the fixed pointe of the tranformation and reduce {to the eanonial form. ‘Some approximate formulae for Linear transformations 210. The upper half-plane is mapped onto the unit disk ¥o that (h'> 0) pastes Into the oontre of the eirle, Find image of tho spgment[0, a] ofthe rea axis (a > 0) fand obtain linear approximate formulae for 1” for small ofh and for smal. 211. The unit disk is mappod onto itself in such a wey that the orignal of the contre ofthe disk, the point 2y is on the real axis. Find the length 1” of the image of tho are 0 9 < y of the unit Cconronsat, MAPPINOS 2 circle (y <3). How doos the quantity P'/y vary depending on the sign of 4 ‘212. With the conditions of problem 211 obtain the formulae: Lbs (1) P= Sy 40% for emall 7; or fe) for small e, where ents 218. Tho unit dis mappod onto itseso that the point zy — ry ‘peases into the centre, The points 2, =o and 25 = 6% lie on oppo- ‘ite sides ofthe diameter pasing through 25 (8y 0 with th dik|e—) <2 b> 2) dulled onto the ting ¢ O with the dk eb) <1,4> 1 alacant the Hg 1 fo) 22. Pind es MG. the scoiio ing Dovel by the les [3 |e28) 16 onto the tng e'< el<1 Mad 210, ap the dobly Sneed donain bounded by th ces eas floes > Fey ot bee < femme [emis Silas igi tet he dae Sigh ind {ke mol a) ofthe domain. fyi ems wth rapt te both de nd Faster ik mat sn ROME DOE VS te tan tn 220. Using the solution of the preceding problem find the moduli of the doubly sonodted domains Wounded yy the iven, code! Quen elas, @) 84 =, 4] =. Croup prope of bisa anformations Ts tmnt 0) = Tom mit te he rt of eta ts ‘Sainte patat of = a ae i Saat a FRurlet oc cngrtnd wah topo to te proup @. ‘The fundamental dmcin af the gocp etn open mt (onset o con- ‘ute which dos no onlin sgl pal plats equvalent toon mote commoner a sospsteanenseor.ginsesatierd dese “mn abso ih thre pon oan ote pnts ofthat SB et 7b tn nar tr on ae, la 6 - ne=2EHt, a(R Seo Gaus, Pow he ong soci (SPREE We arnt wth tint an sa 13 tm rt fe orton ae, i (PT, = TTT). ©) Brey tation 7h er Tat = =, sh) te tal natin, (8 apt tot ly ig, wat conmsaie (fr em {anv it he mmbmaon i 1 Nes Nat I Mey that is, el form a group (the group of anharmonic ratios). 223, Prove that the set of linear transformations which consists ofthe rotation of plane round the coordinate origin by angles which tare multiples of 2, forms eyelical group. In which cave does this ‘Poap consists of a finite number of transformations 224, (1) Prove that the sot of transformations of the form (a+0)/e24-d) where a, b, 0, dare. real integers and “forms group (this group is eaid to be modula). (@) Prove that if, b,¢ and d are considered as complex Integers (that is, numbers of the form m-tni, where m and 1 are real integers), which satisfy the condition ad—te =I, then the set of transformations of part (1) also forma a group (Pian? group). 4225. Find the fundamental domains of the groups generated by the transformations () Te) =e (ww natural number); Te) — eto, melo, #0) (the ye) © MQ) ~ sho, Te) Pi: © MQ) =20, HE) =. 20, Find‘ goup’ of liner tcaformations coreqponting ‘steroographio projection to the rotation of the sphere: (Q) Round the vertical diameter; (2) Round the diameter parallel to the real axis; (8) Round the diameter parllel to the imaginary axis; (@) Round the diameter, the steroographio projection of one of the ends of which is the point a, "Hoes, Ly my ar he age of arntially oppose pate on he spare, sons; = 2 priest of Cpu ‘227. (i) Prove that tho group of linear transformations which correspond to a rotation of the sphere, and transform the points ih slereomrnhi potions @ and iat one acter, & dened 37 the relation wb ate Ltbe ~ TFa (2) Prove that the diforentia! p= 21 eee i vans th sap emai fh op sect ema SR SENN igre a ms tir rtrd ton omy Sere Shem Sees ats) = Hate Bae rhe aad fam the point of intnecton ofthe “Aight Hom” poming ESSE Goats GES a ae ans a te pe 1 P(r) te sahara rato toad aan gem fn fo PE teston 8 28 Pore tht le) > 0 if 24 2s and lo 2)— 0. 220, Prove that gly) 0 (that is the domain bounded by this perabola and not coniaining ite focus) onto the right hand half-plane. 1 1f0 nd OF ace amen of he al axa lay pombe oan (ais by king so con new tearmaton), than J) = {1\tin mapping wl be omeone ithe Sonsin Dy oe Dy a Sl ‘and Dj do not intersect. * conroman MaArRV08 Py nuan, Yo muping af ome Yooie by covet She ment oda cr eh shy nla of aneons ned he protng problem » (1) The interior of the circle r= xiao the aed g= oo, (The Str of ts ene cle onto the interior of the vik het Iona in lente f= oe) (G) Tin dak [fa Zot ibd it dain eat whch the ae 21 mapped vg mos of thn fection wa Retmh, RDO, O 0 Seppe Dy the intion cos § (a > 0) onto the +a 286. (1) Find the domain onto which the disk |e] <1 is mapped by the fanetion w= Bet (ein), R>0, where m isan integer, m > 1 "@) Find the domain onto which the exterior of the unit die [1s mapped by the fanetion a intger, n> 1. Taine. Por maps ivling th fntion w= mesa8) (Chakras fnton) me pian 4 290. (1) Explain for what vans of mth faotionw ime"), wre nna Satara nerfs the sonoma apg te ink [/0 onto the disk |j1, Imz>0 onto the upper halfplane ‘244. Map onto the upper half-plane: (1) "The sector [s}R, Ocergs0 with a cut along the sopment (0, i}, Aso. 251. The half plane Ims>0 with a cut from sh to oo along the positive imaginary semi-exis (b>0). 258. Tho disk [e|<1 with cut along tho radius (0,1) 250. The extro of ho uit dele with out along the ay 1 co) 260. Find the mapping of the disk [e|<1 onto the wplane ‘with ‘scat along the rey (~o0, —1/4] subject tothe conditions w(0) = w'(O>0. sek ui of i a = Bs wy sin = Hes) 262. Find the domain onto wish th fonction = (¢4-4) map: () The dink [s}t, (2) The domain s|=R>1; (8) The dik [ot<1y (10) The domain 1<[e.1; ImeS0; (6) The halfplane Imz>0; (11) The domain R0; (8) Tho someiele [e|<1, Rosso: Imz<0, (9) et ge —acomrcatse ceca soled kn Me ht eer Ber Eee eng, (8) wm (e+et/a)/2, € = [ele (0 <0) onto the exterior of the unit cirele with the condition that w(oe) ~ 00, argu" (co) = 3 (2) Tho exterior of the ellipe atjat-yi% = 1 onto the exterior of the unit circle 40 thet se(20) = 20, ag 1" (oo) = 05 (@) Tho upper half-plane with the semi-llpeeaS/a™+#/0%<1; y>0 removed, onto the uppar half-plane 265, Map the doubly connected doma cllipsee ounded by the confocal a\¢ * seo aortoh 1@>) ‘onto a conceals clreular ring with contre at the coordinate origa, and find the mediulus of the given doubly connected domain (oop. 29). 5, Fnd th domain ona wich te fntin w= 2-3-2) smape the disk le) <1 with « ont along the segment (a1) (1 ‘ 0 and 6 <0. ‘in problems 267-270 map the given domains onto the upper hhaleplane. 281 Th disk |< with o cut slong the segment (2 1 268, Tho disk [>| <1 with outa along the mdiue (— 1, 6) and the segment (@,1) (0. Find w'(0) and the length of the are ooresponding to the out, For ‘what value of a does the out pass into a semicircle? lot. Iti an advantage ft map both th gin domain andthe i fol <1 oot the exanir ofthe sapere 278. Map the disk 2| <1 with outs along the segments (a, 1), [-1, 8) © 0. Determine w'(0) and the length of the are ‘corresponding ie Be et S-(e) mitt (0) The image of the cirele C which paswn through the points Fo 4 Laban angle a (~ 1 onto the w-plane with a eat along the are arg (w — 1)/(w + 1)= 8 (0-< |p| <=) in such a way that w(oo) — co, argw'(co) = 2. "In problems 277-280 find the domains obtained from the mapping of the given domains by the functions indicated, 71. Tho disk [| <1; w= 2/(2*-1), 2218. Tho sumicizelo |x| <1, Imz > 0; w = 1/(+1). 279. Tho angle 0-< args < x)n; w= 1/2 "1/2. 280. Tho seotar —x/n-< arg <2/a, (o| <1; watz (w)>0 fr 2>0} 4s on. ge mpg aon te m= FE, Hoe t= alae. Fm 281 (1) Using the solution of problem 280 and the riacple of eymmety find the lage of the unit le in the mapping wot ey (2) Fd the funetion which mape the inteor (ond ‘xtror) ofthe unit elt onto the exterior of the “tar”? ak wich ow= 3 1282, Map onto the exterior of tho unit circle (Q) Tho whole plane with eats along the sogments (—1, 1] ‘and [— 4,5] (the outste of « eros): (@) The whole plane with euts along the rays (20, —1), 11,4 00), (~ foo, — i] and [f, + foo). ‘2. (1)* Using the fonction of problem 279, map the sector 1<1, 0 0) ‘and slong the segment (— ef, ef] (¢ > 0) onto the upper half-plane Horr 0 th hit to proba 284 286. Map onto the exterior ofthe unit cree the plane with enta slong the negative part of the imaginary axis and along the lower Alf of the unit ‘ose. or. Tt a edont to problen 282, (1) by tae tearm, 281. Map the plane with ents along the segment (— ai, 0} (a > 1) i ing the lawer half of th weet (ig, 2) ont the ope Ne 288. Map onto the upper half-plane the plane with outs along the sogment [—1,] (6 > —1) and along the eiroular are with ends st the points #, which pase through the point 2 ~—1 (Fig. 3) ‘conronat aarenx8 a 280. Map onto the upper half: with ente along the segments (@>1,b>0. uz, Zhakovats fncion maps the domain considered onto the domain ot protien 384. 200". Map onto the extorior of the unit circle the exterior of tho "star" represented on Fig. ne the exterior ofthe unit cree i), (bi, =i}, (1, a}, (2, =I) Pet 291°. Map onto the upper half-plane the interior of the right ‘hand branch of the hyperbola Ly coe ants 202". Map onto the upper half-plane the exterior of the right- hand branch of the hyperbola # 288, Map onto the upper half-plane the domain included bebween the branches of the hyperbola aig oF {In probloms 204-208 mappings onto many-sheoted domains (Rio- ‘mann surfaces) are conadered 1 ry nly me oh op proton hie pe 0 so coapte bint Srey aovontfo Rana ao ra [PROBLEMS OW COMPLEX. ANALYSIS Stet ee es Bite i ad ef dencticnslopeders ocelpe ie aman p-1) co wees eee ater male sts toni © 14) Wy meaatee won sod So eng 1S 2 (om probe 30) nd (2) Tho disk RB 0) nym atin conromuat wAPPTOs s (8) Tho anglo 0 < args 0 and in Bh fo y <0." ine 9 0 comesponds tothe segment (0) ‘Tho ares corresponding to the values 9 = upplomeat on anor and'mabe Up «compos y the lower half ez (he > 0), crcle (ig. 7). (6) Find the magnitude of tho sogments 6 (200 Fig. 6) and (ee Fig. 7). ‘esnx. A continate net consrated in this way inthe eplan i elled plan nat ‘comromEAt, MAPPIXOS “ 20, spain what the mopping w= cos: transforms the fl lowing int (0) The roctangulae not 2 = 0, 9 (2) The inlestnp 0 C2 om 9 <0 {3) The baletep 0 < 2 < a8, 9 > 0; {@ Tho balatrip “fh <2 < 218, y>0; (0) The stip 0 <2 0. 304, Explain what the mapping t= ss transforms the fl- lowing inter (1) The upper bat pane {2} The plane with ete along the rel axis along the segments (ee, <1 fol (ey he det quadrant: {8} The haitplne 2 <0 with» out along the rel ani along the segnent (00, “Ih 305, Hxplin what the ma towing inte: a (1) The retanguae net © The sip Oy 0. cosh s transforms the fol- “6 mmontasts ox coseriax axazrsts In problems 800-814 map the given domaine onto the upper halfplan, ‘200. The strip bounded by the straight lines y=, y—a-+h 310. The half-strip 2 <1, 0I, [et] >1, Ime>0 (tho upper halfplane with two semicircles deleted). ‘14. The domain included between the confocal parebolas Ra Mery, = 8042). Hor. Sue prot 24, (2. 315. Find tho function w(s), which maps the domain bounded by the citele |e} = 1 and tho stright lino Im= = 1 (the half-plane Timz <1 with the disk deleted): (0)"0On the dk jo] <1 with the normaliaation (85) = 0, ang w"(—28) 8 (@) On the disk |e) 0 with a ont along the seg. mont 2=2/2, 0-<9 < he ‘320. The halfstrip 0 <2<., y>0 with a out along the ray emit, hay =o (h>0), B21. The halfstrip 0 0 with cuts along the sogment AT B, OS Sh and along te may =," cy <0 (eh). 'a82. Tho domain bounded by the clrles [21] = 1, [2-4 with a out along the ray 2 <2 < 20, y =O. ‘882, The demain bonded by the citeles je—1|—=1, je-2) = 2 with « cut slong the sogment y—0, 2 <2 0, 8 0). 10 domain, Je—1| > 1, je+1| >1, Imz>0' (the upper halfpiane with semicircles removed) with «out slang the sogment 22 0,0cy ch 828. Map the interior of the parabola y* = 434(2-+24) onto the appar half-plane and onto the unit disk. lowe, Mato out lng the axis of gymety of the parabola, map the ‘oper al ft praba ont hlfsep (oy tana sf the fiom ye) ‘tie eno tha kaplan, and the sytney rsp ‘329°, Map tho upper half-plane with cuts along the sopmente O0; (8) The stripo ceca, £385, Find the domains onto whlch the following are mapped by means of the fanetion w — cots () The strip —a/2 <2 1 fea, for exampla, [5 Chapter II § 2) SUPPLEMENTARY GEOMETRICAL QUESTIONS. GENERALISED ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS § 1. Some properties of domains and thelr boundaries, Mappings of domains A pat ofa nt aid to ban interior pint (thie mt) chor exit ‘a peidbouhaed ofthe plat which conaita in Ant B which sonst {biny of nero pine sled an open me An open ei ald edema {Baayen be ted ty «otra i lhe poi of we ‘Tread do a tlong'co aro calcd Soudary potest tt of bona ‘pots fan the bodary Fo te sot Br Polke not ‘baoogag to see B Pa eled scurar pote a ‘M6. (1) Prove that the boundary of « domain is a closod set. (2) Prove that if the set of exterior pointa of an open sets not empty then itis open. {@) Prove that the boundary of « domain is « set which docs not posses interior points ‘BT. (1) Give examples of domains possosing boundary points Dut not possessing exterior points, (@) Give examples of simply connected domains for which ‘the set of exterior point isnot a domain. ‘US. Tap number o = inf|2—24], whore 2 runs through the set Bis known as the distance from the points tothe eat Prove that fH ina closed sets point =" can be found such that >=" = 0. ‘349, The number ¢= inf |e, x, where = and 2 run through the vets By, By, respectively is known as the distance between these tote, Prove thet if, and By are closed and at leet one of them ie ‘bounded then there exlat pola "6 B, and "6B such that 2+" ° 850, Prove that every closed polygonal curve, that is, «continuous curve consisting of finite number of sogments, can be divided into ‘finite number of simple closed polygonal curves, that is not pos. seating multiple points. 2 ‘rnonus ON CoMrux axate18 351, Prove that every polygon can be divided into a Saita umber of conver ‘52. Prove tat every simple closet polygonal line divides he paints of the plano not belonging to tina two domain, an inter fod an exterior, and it Kenta withthe boundary of enc of the Alomaina (o patioalar caso of Jordsn's theorem, whish males the Se assertion for any simple lsed continous carve). seigees too and ile UU ptr 98 enging Sia wo SIZES str oe dante poi or hi wp Hing fs ha 358. Prove that in every simple polygon it i poate to dw 1 Gingonal, all the pont of whlch extading the code Ho within ts ‘3640 Prove that Jordan curve doesnot contain interior point. dh 42.0 alah opens reo ng th eh or poi Scat i he Toate ne gis ly to ge eso ‘eal af tbe pout meal ey Re ese d oe waren nos irene pn bose eB HT he domino srs oF) tu ie cf Gia the plane in the mopping =f), Prove the aquvalenoe ef the flowing tifaitions of the conti uly of the mopping” (Q) Thomapping iat ay Cif for every eneightourboed Dy) ofthe platy =f) Kis potibeto fade Sneghborhoo’ at) a the pnt sy haat jn 0 euch that is lage belongs to U,tey), that for” se Ua) swe have w= flee Uley). ‘The mapping tinuous in the domaln G, i tle continuous at domain (Cauchy). (2) The ms if the original f(@) of every set eB, B eepoct to Bi, is elosed in 0. (3) Tho mapping w = /{) ofthe domain @ is continuous if tho original) of every set eB, open with respect to His open in. 1 Se. Coons and H. Ronn, (14%). What ie mothemait (@), loved. with (0) The mapping At fr every wot 6 the tage of the clonure of 7 with expect to Gi contained in th closure of fg) with respect to B. 2 mapping grat wo be non fil i 90 SS Sai he i a a aroma ene oe 306, Conatact»topologial mapping of the unit da] <1 onto tho whole fe 97. Ta the following thzorem correct? (See, for example, 1, Chap- tee 1. $61) ‘ftom f¢) & funetion continuous fn the domain @ and ms ‘his domain on¢-on on some st, then tho latter wos domaia, ‘the mapping we —f() ofthe domain G onthe domain being topo Toga! (homeomerphis. ‘ning this theorem prove that i the fantion [is continuous fn the cled region @ and is one-one within G thea the. boundary atthe domain ls tanaformed into the boundary of the domain bess Grifter exis a W-0 Tay of plan mae ene eae 04 omtinaoaly varying with 4 (hia mens that ™ 3,0) +0 fe At teach hm tien pa 7, command aan PRS Te oS SU atl aoa ts {puto tri nt dain if eh aU ata fare mull phy tat y's pth cooing of 8 sgl Pte. 358°, Prove the following aoertions (0) Every path y in en arbitrary domain is homotopic to © poly (2) Every closed path in circle is homotople to zero. {@) Every closed path in a cirealar ring i either homotople to taro or homotopic to any boundary cic, traversed in a definite Alrection ono or several times. ‘359. Let 7 be an arbitrary path, closed or not, Prove the fol lowing assertions: () eg (2a), 267, 02 7, a0 uniquely defined as continuows ‘of, if arg (a) is given for an arbitrary point 7. os ‘MROMLINS ON COMPLEX ANALY (2) The quantity 4, arg (°~a), equal to the increment of arg (2~a) slong 7, does not dapend on the choice of oF arg (2). (@) If the path 7 li within an angle with verter at the point 0 of magnitue « (0.< 2 < 2x) then dy ang (2a) <= (4) For a smooth (or even only rectifiabe) path 7 the equality 4a 0) f dare holds. Lenton nut yd gb te id of epi a wt pent ot winding aba SCF rg t te pot 2 360, Prove the folowing smsectons: (1) In the homotople deformation of the path taking place ‘outalde the point «the index) unchanged (2) In overy loved path 7 i ponable to laserto a low poly- sonal carve such that m2) g(a) (ais «given point ont 7). (8) HF the ponte oy ay oan bo connected by n pth which dove not encounter the pal then m0) = m (4) (s) IF th point und the path} are separated by some stright Ain then (0) 301. Prove that for a simple clad polygonal path x the index ‘u(@) = 1 if lis within (iho sgn depends ‘on the direction Of trayersl), and naa) = 0 les outa 02, "Tet the fneton w ~ fe) eet the topologies! mapping of the domain on the domain Lat bo «small cto in , 7 & closed eth in @ and a a olnt of Q which doesnot blog to 7. Tet nly, anda" be the images of and a in G, Prove that mela) = my(0)8, where 5 equals either 4-1 or —1, independently of y and a In par- ticular prove that if the mapping 4s continuously difrentinble sd the Jeoobian thon the sign of 8 is identioal withthe sign of J SUPMLREETARY OxOMENRICAL QUESTIONS 5s 63%, Lot w= fle) effect the continuous mapping of the closed region & bounded by the Jordan curve 7. Prove that iff) # a fon snd for the image 7" — f(y) ofthe eurve 7 the index my(a) #0, ‘hen within @, (2) eecumes the value a ‘864, Prove the equivalence of the following throo definitions of ‘simply connected domain: (1) The domain @ is said to be simply connected if every cloved path lying in @ is homotopi to zero in this domain, (@) A domain @ which dose not contain the point at infinity ix simply connected if together with every simple polygon situated in G it also contains its interior. (3) A domain @ diferent from the extended complex plane ie simply connected if i is bounded by a single continuum oF point. “acRLAEE: Te extended complex plane i sinply cnacte By th vt $2. Quasi-conformal mappings. Generalised analytic functions 1 in the ration fen te, wil be od £65. Prove the following relations: a= diana ee htocssieynt 6) demote ee ostte harms 6 PROMLENS ON COMPLI ANALYSIS ‘867, Prove that Laplace's equation du — 0 can be written in ‘the form 2ujéad5 = 0. ‘968. Prove that 3, Hm, dw dw (the long bar over a symbol indloates pesange to the conjugate ‘alae aftr diferntiation). ‘860. Prove that for the fanetion sw), inverse to w(e, on Tent ara £370, Prove thatthe Jacobian ofthe tranaformation w(2 given by rr liana mage, 0 carats if aaa ne as! 1 (aw| Jaw SUPPLEMENTARY GEOMETRICAL, QUESTIONS a ama ete! wmlie| Pet" ‘313, Tho ae of monogencily MR of tho function w = u-siv = f(2) at the point = i the sot of derived numbers at this point, that i, the vot ofall poable limiting values of the ratio Av/ds es Az ~ 0. Prove that i'w and aro differentiable at the point , then MR, is ‘either a point or the circumference of a eice, “re, Use the mation #71 (), ‘314. By the charactaistios of an clipe is meant the ratio p of its somi-axes (p > 1) and, fp # 1, the anglo 0 (0 <0 < 2), formed by the major exis of the elipso with tho axis Oz. Show that the ‘equation of such an ellipse with centre ut the coordinate origin and ‘emi-szis minor h ean bo written in the form pet 2By ay = pi where bs) perite Leo. sone peti fp tt tp ne Beene en eee eee mst wee se| bao 115 ow tht na fio fenton pl i se transformed into parallel straight lines, and familie of eitles into faaliee of elliper, a cy ‘mRoDLEM® ON COMPLEX ANaLeI8 ‘What condition i it neomary to impose on the cefient of the tcanaformation in order that trees ehoold be transformed Into Sires (eo, for example, (8, Chapter 1 § 1)! "The characeraton fon aie tranaformation a the churn terinticsp, 8 oF 2,8, 7 of the lice which ary transformed nto tires, Prove that 0 paw Bed Shieh — A @ pa Kt yD, whee k= 2E?.; aa yiy—a40 6) nn = =H 377, By the charnotoristios of the continuously differentiable mapping w= u(z,y)+io(z,y) with Jacobian J > 0 is meant the auction (3), 06) oF 21), 8), 7) of the afin eaaforme, Aumudetydy, dem odetedy. In this to the infinitely mal circle pant Sate, GF V_deedtee ype htt, sormanetany oxowericat, gonaions » 878. A opo-coe continuously difrentible mapping w= w-+ie with Saeobian J'>0 is called » quas-conformal’ mapping vith Saracen 9), 0) oF a), Bl, 9) tana ily ‘enall ligne ith thove character into inGnitely small cies. ‘Prove that much a mapping sotiaen tho sytem of equations tt Bty = hy Phir = ‘hich oan alo be writen in the form -tav with postive Jacobian which transforms indntly sal Seles into infty small alice withthe characteristics), A) yes oni hope of equations seth = amy act which canbe writen in he form see, ae) = 2h wr = tee, at = Eh Tdat=ap dead = atsay ‘raneformation invariant with respect to conformal transformations of =. ‘881. The oneone continuously diferentiable mapping w= (9) -f4v(z,y) ith positive Jacobian in called s quaet-conformal map- ping. with two pairs of sherscteristien p, 0; Di, 0, (or with two ‘inde of characterise fy Sy By, 7 Et tanaforme itl smal ellipses with characters p, @ into infinitely smal ellipses wwth charaterntion ay Os. ‘Prove that such a mapping sntisfis the eystam of equations am ODay = 88, BAe 1Hy = At ‘hich oan lao be weiten inthe form er = Hemme eee ‘where «) PPD 80) = — Gat Ney ‘wn. Vee the elation Pde -sfdudeto det = Jydet—spaedys-niyh, 1362. Lot py be the characteristic of « quas-conformal mapping sw(e). Prove Pow Pa ‘and that for the compound quast-conformal mapping w(t) Pee < PoiePat 869. Show that for the quasi-conformal mappings =fle), v= y (longitudinal stretching compression), ‘compression, and for the mapping (0), O= @ (radial stretching compression) if ). ft 364, Construct the quasi-oonformal mapping of the dink |x| < R onto itself, transforming the polnt 2 =a\(a\ <2) into the crigin fd leaving fixed the polnta ofthe cleumference |x| =. Hvaluate the characteriatip. 1365. Construct the quasi-conformsl mapping of the oblique hulfstrip 2 >0, 2tenx 0) by mens of the mcs maping =e) =E+in oth enon frm mu, Ow a Ban (inn de ‘Prove that the mapping ((2) satisfies Beltrami’s system of equations jy Bak /ae4O3Efoy __ On ar and is a quac-conformal mapping with the characteristics a, B, 7, etermined from the relations (itis assumed that > 0) A fonation w= we, whith stan the equation wr} dwt De =F, 0 ‘wha 4, an aro fnetions ofl known oe «gmetad ana fines {in probleme 988-204 equations and systems of equations are ‘considered which reduce to the form (1) snd also some propertog of their solutions. ‘888, Show that Cerleman’s system of equations —tytaut bo =f, 4 — eetewhde = where a, 8, ¢, dy f and g are continuous functions of the variables and y, can bo writ in the form (1) tpt Aw Bi = F xpress 4, B and F in terms ofthe conficents ofthe given system. ‘Show that the equation Hig At = P fn be reduoed to the form (I) by means of the “sine” tranafor- ‘mation w= a(}0+0(ea. @ Find the goneral form of the transformation (2). 300. Show that the equation, 1M Big Ate Bm F can be reduced to the form o7—goy+ Ao BD =F ‘by moans of tho transformation of the preceding problem. ‘urn. Apply the trnwformaton considered to the given aquaion and aot Hi liminate and hen slct the outiceate as) and Bi). 301. Show that the equation eae 1,0n thie group of problems the N, Veto, Geran ancien (thn dy, Chap oa HE Usb Mono, Eng oetaon pasted Wy Feracoe Pr (190. 1) + Awd Bem F surmnomtany oxowemicat, quesmioxs 6 ‘oan be reduood to the form up ahigg Ae BB = Dy changing the independent variable 2 to the variable £ con rete ith s by the relation cy =p. Find gf and 4 and x plain the goomotrical mesning of the transformation £(2)- ‘in. Prove that an eligic system of diferential equations of ‘tho form racaeh Bshiytans tet) He O—Btetriptot dete {the condition of eliptcity is here 4 —7* > 0; a addition 2 > 0) ean be reduoed to the form im), —q(2ey+ w+ BEF, here (g(/+l0)|<1, if %>0, and [g()|—aue)| > i <0. “pr. Sto problem SH. The sam a, <0 be edaood 9 the owe a> 0 vy tho rpaotomt ofte sain by Bo uni 898. Prove that if we) is « continuous differentiable solution ‘of the equation tH) = 0, where u(e) is an analytic function of + and |gs(l| #1 then Hee a5, wen HOt alae where ¢(e) fan arbtrery funotion. ‘304, Provo that if ls) is a twice continuously differentiable solution of the equation eral = 0 where ,() is an analytic function of Zand fy] x 1, then wl) = G0)+ faded, where (3) is en arbitrary analytic function of = “ner seat naconary to prove that we) Sethe num of a analyte ‘unotion of onda acy fasion of INTEGRALS AND POWER SERIES Tn proba of this and aloof th fing haptre nothing eld to the eoatrary simple cle sontous Chat tone witht pone of malt Ittermtion) 6 tetored inthe psve Geoton § 1, The integration of functions of « complex variable 805, By direct summation prove the equalities: 0 fas =a-%: @) fae =Te-a. ) foaemis; @) fa 207, Brant the integrals eas, =f yds slong the folowing path: (0) Along the raion vector of the pint = = 2-4 {2 lng th omiclo x= 1,0 < rps Cho commence amet of the path i tthe pot = (a) Ang tho isle 498, Erelonte the Intel feds along the folowing patie: ("Along th rian oetor ofthe fount + = 3-1 {2 Along the ‘semicrde fe|—I, Ocargs 0, ylels £2) Along the semis [=| = 1, 9 50, YI = As 6) Aime th emi = 19 50, = {8 Along the ce (Along the soc} = 1 Yo) 40s, Bratt the integral f Togs, whe (0) 0 is th unit cielo and Log = 0: (2) C is the unit circle and Logi = zi/2; (5) © i the cle) = 8 and Log lig Rs (0) 0 i tho cele] = and Lag = log 2 CI PHOMLEMS Ox comPEEE sates 404, Evaluate the integral erlogeds, where n is an integer (1) Log) = (2) Log (—1) = ai. 405, ealant the integral Jf de, where x is an arity tomplex number and 1" = 1" ‘ia. Prove that for any choice ofthe intial vlue ofthe function f aso. bit 401, For what value of (0-< <2) do the following integra exit: nafeten eyo fe bus (2 sg natural number akon long the rads vetor of the pit Poet 408. Prove that if lol #, then last 2ak Feaiera] ~ [a aR| 00, Prove the following sertons (1) f(t continous Jn’ the neighbourhood of the ‘coordinate origin then | tim J ftreag = 2p). (2) 1£ 2) i continuous in the neighbourhood of the point shen fide tim Pa caine 410. Prove the following assertions: (1) IE J(2) is continuous in the halfsteip 2 >a, 0 Ry, O Ry, m2>a (ais 4 fixed real number) and lim f(e) =0, then for any positive umber m tim femppjae=0, hg Fh cof ti =, wih en nh i cata sles See cence ie ng en yh cman arte cr hte rane a gecraiainceg sia ace cca eg one ©.) tina sa ees ed so on Ue) ay Sagas aoe tim fotfinds = wie whore I isthe are of the circle |e] = R, Ro 3a. If fe) io contin. tour in the half plane Re f 286, oi J eo within the contour C. {rte ete di of rt 421 Erte the intel gh J oi (0) The point 0 lies inside, and the point 1 outside the 6; + Hf the point @ Ties (2) The point 1 les inside and the point 0 outside the contour 0: {@) The points 0 and 1 both lio inside the contour 0. 428, Tho function fen analyte in the domain bounded by the simple closed contoxr C, which contains within Tt the coordinate ‘rgin, Prove that for any cholo of the branch of Log = a { ‘Se)logeds = fe) 0), ore the nl pot of ineration. “wr. Integrate by pact, 429, aluato the integral If Loga = log a for 4 > 0, and for the contour O wo have: (Q) Tho ciel (e (@) Tho cielo f2—1|=1 and tho initial point of integration theorem a funetion f=) which is analytio ‘and bounded throughout the whole plane is constant, Prove this theorem after eslonlating the Integral Sloe ae (lo] 0,1 a eulcont thatthe partial sums ofthe scion 5} a should ‘be bounded and the sequence of numbers {2} tend monotonically to nero (Dirichlet’s rule). Hinwe, Uw Abel's tranformation. 429, Prove that for the convergence of the series 5} a,b, where ‘tho 6, aro real number, itis suficiont that tho serios 3° o, should converge and the sequence (,) be monotonie and booided (Abel's tart). "HO, Lot the sequence of ral numbers (5) satiafy the conditions: 4a Let (esti Hg <1, and diverge, i ¢> 42. By the examples of the sories cep in ‘mmomzants ow oostriax snare and PPE O 1 443, Prove that if tm || =, than fr the atte con Troan ta ne Cn ts ft] 14 8 40(2), at owe not depend on m and ¢-<'—1y then the sen converge abeolutely. Tn problems 445-484 study the convergonoe of the wees 5 145, 6, = 9 189. c= etn. decane. anew MI geet, 451. etn 48, 6.0m. an, 6, SEEN (END) A BEN EMD) mir) (7-FA—T) (he hypergeometrio series), Re (2-487) <0. 6 = (008kn) 2 (msininy/s. $5 Power seri In problems 455-486 detormino the radi of convergence of the ateH). @be—1yp0e+1) word By D FAD, 467. The radius of convergence of the series 3 ee" inequal to B(0 19, Prove thatthe cosets of the expansion 1 & aS satisfy the relation ¢, = ¢-:+¢-s (n > 2). Find ¢, and the redius of convergence of the series. ‘Racine The nam yar own ot Pena! mabe. 20. In the expansion AtBebo pepe find ey, 1, ¢y and also the recurrence relation between &y Gi Ge era (23), eat (#0) 1 in some sre < the expanion Shoe fied thm he non 1.0 ald 0 errata of tetmamen f tanatos (fs) rom the rope of Gears Fin “SRL. Th Boron polynomial ,() at dnd hy the expanion [IOTHORALA AND POWER SERIES a Prove the following propertig of them: ) @(¢+1)-4.0) = (2) ifm in & natural number then 30) ya . es) 1. 2n4 a HmTY © 6.0 S(jjaes where B, aro the Bernoulli umber (ne poh 88). sas, Reto TH he gnrating funtion ofthe ‘Prove the relations: ) (n-41) Py )— (One 1)EPyle) me a(2) 2) Pa) = Pe ale) —2ePre)LPL (eh; @) Crt) Py) = Pe aG—Peae Hows, Didueatite the geting function with repeat to and wh romps! ot 128. Using tho intopral formula for the coafients of a Taylor series prove that if —I 1 with contrat the point ¢ = 0. 24. Prove thatthe function (4—A)/(4—Hi-+#) i the generating fonction of the Chebyahey polynomials: fo) = gezo08 (moor). Using the integral formulae for the conicionts of the Tslor serio establish thet for n= 2 $Myaale)—4Ty(0) 42,116) = 0. oo [PROBL OW COMPLI. ANALYSIS 2S, Th Hermite Choyahor polynomials Hye) ar defined by 3 expansion rove the following relations: (1) Hyya(2)—2eth(e)+2nFt,-y() = 0 (n> (2) Hie) = tale ale) (w >; () HY(e)—2eH6)+20H,6)— 0 (9 > 0); on ©) Hye) = (—1er I. Tie) = ed rg tn fh gor (8) by THLASnIbeae uh mens! Zy,-s(2), Dalz) ond Ly yale). Pa ee Sone ee ee Pies ee mny nee ang ee Ger Piet waren ean eae ee, eld SRS a meee eo ene cee ete tees ee om ETL fel nein of te ee 528, (1 2)" —2ew" +-m(n-+1)w me 0, Booed '580, Expand the function oos(m sin-!s) (ein of the form Se after Sing a dierental equation whish i satisfied by thin function 881. The diferent oqttion a erin on 20-2) 28 410 —(otb +a] abe {s lmown a the Ayperyeomsirie equation,

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