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Ralf L.

BS Geological Engineering-1201

GED 108- Art Appreciation

Activity (Artwork)
This is one of my artworks that are results of boredom and this crappy pandemic.
I drew it using Staedtler pencils and my sketch pad because I thought that it can be nice
to have that drawing as the first page of my sketch pad. I chose this painting to discuss
about because it is sentimental for me. When the pandemic hit, and I have to do nothing
to do, so I decided to draw my crush that I confessed before the pandemic. Without her
knowing it, I used her selfie and drew it in my sketch pad. Once that I finished it, I
showed it to her and she appreciated it. I can say it is sentimental to me because it is
my first time that I gave a portrait to other people and also, she liked it and I felt
delighted that someone appreciates one’s work. That portrait was given already to her
as a present in her birthday and I am more than grateful that I made it for her. To sum it
up, the painting and that experience reminds me that if you want to be better at doing
something, you have to dedicate it for someone or something as it drives you to do your
best and do better.

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