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Math 105 – Summer 2015 – Section 201

Data, Functions, and Graphs

Instructor: Francesca Gandini
Office Hours: Wednesday 12-1, Thursday 4-5, Friday 2-3 in the Upper Atrium of East Hall.
I can also meet you by appointment.
Classes: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10-12, 3302 Mason Hall.

Description: This course presents the concepts of precalculus from four points of view: geometric
(graphs), numeric (tables), symbolic (formulas), and written (verbal descriptions). The emphasis
is on the mathematical modelling of real-life problems using linear, polynomial, exponential, loga-
rithmic, and trigonometric functions. Students will develop their reading, writing, and questioning
skills in an interactive classroom setting.
Attendance: This is a very intense course and attendance is required. Absence will be excused
only in case of medical or personal emergency if proper documentation is provided. Dates for the
exams are fixed. Generally, only students with a regularly scheduled class are accommodated at an
alternate time. Note that travel is not a sufficient excuse for special accommodations.
Class Format: Our classes will be a mix of mini-lectures and team work. Reading the text book
before class is necessary for you to fully benefit from this format. The problems assigned in class
are meant to be discussed in small groups (3/4 people) and you will find it advantageous to work
with you peers. In-class problems need to be reviewed and completed at home. On quiz days I will
collect your exercise books and check that the assigned problems have been completed. Completion
will count towards 2 extra points on your weekly quiz.
Electronic Devices: It is a course-wide policy that laptops, cell phones, etc. may NOT be used
during class.

Text: Functions Modeling Change: A Preparation for Calculus by Connally, Hughes-Hallett, Glea-
son, et al., 5e. You are required to purchase the text book, complete the assigned readings before
class and bring the textbook to class.
Calculator: TI-84 or equivalent. If you have another model, you will be responsible for knowing
how to use it. Bring your calculator to class each day and to the exams. Note that calculators
with a “QWERTY” keyboard will not be allowed for quizzes or exams.
Course Website:
This site has important information including the Student Guide and team homework assignments.
It will be updated with other information (e.g. exam rooms) as the semester progresses.

Homework: Daily homework will be assigned from each section that we cover, and these assign-
ments are accessed and completed on-line. (There is a link on the Canvas website.) In order to do
well in this class, you must keep up with these assignments. WeBWorK, your web homework, will
count for 5% of your grade. In addition, you will be given regular team homework assignments, and
a large portion (50%) of the Section Component of your grade will be based on these assignments.
No extensions will be given, but I will drop your two lowest scores when I compute your final
grade. Outside class, you should spend a weekly minimum of 8 additional hours on this course.
Quizzes: There will be a short quiz almost every week. No make-ups will be given, but I will drop
your two lowest quiz scores when I compute your final grade. Quizzes will count for 50% of the
Section Component of your grade.
First Exam (25% of Uniform Component of grade): October 12
Second Exam (30% of Uniform Component of grade): November 16
Final Exam (40% of Uniform Component of grade): December 17
Dates for the exams are fixed. Make plans now to be certain these dates are in your calendar.
Generally, only students with a regularly scheduled class are accommodated at an alternate time.
Note that travel is not a sufficient excuse to have an exam scheduled on a different day.
Gateway Exam: To help you reinforce prerequisite concepts, we require you to pass a proctored
exam. The test reviews the algebra skills required for success in the course. Practice gateway
exams are available on the on-line homework website (WeBWorK). Students will lose a third of a
letter grade for failing to pass the Gateway. The Gateway has to be taken in the Gateway Lab
(B069 East Hall) and may be taken many times, but no more than twice per day.
Grading Policy: All sections of Math 105 use the same grading guidelines to standardize the
evaluation process. A complete explanation of the grading policy is given in the Student Guide on
the course website. Look under the heading “Grading System”.

Math Lab: The University of Michigan Mathematics Laboratory (Math Lab) is a free walk-in
tutoring service available to all UM students. It is located in EH B860.
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 11:00 am – 4:00 pm and Sunday - Thursday 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Incivilities: This course is structured to provide an interactive learning experience. To construct
a positive learning environment, it is necessary to communicate in a respectful manner. Offensive
or disruptive behavior cannot and will not be tolerated.
Disabilities: Any student with a documented disability should contact me as soon as possible so
that we can discuss arrangements to fit your needs.

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