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CSCO 1000

Introduction to IT, Operating Systems and Networks Vedant Jaydevkumar Patel ( 220015293)

Chapter 3 Case: India’s Aadhaar System

Case statement – India is country with 1.4 billion people and to identify each individual with a
particular and original document is too difficult task when it comes to offer government services
to everyone. Hence, government came up with a solution called “Aadhaar”, which is government
certified document of individual with their biometrics which helps out government to
authenticate desire people to offer government subsidies. After a while, this system faced data
breach and matter went to Supreme Court for privacy rights but matter ended up in favour of
system and it continues in methodology.

Business of enterprise – “Adhaar ” system is not business purpose but it is for nation to
authenticate each citizens, to face corruption, for smooth delivery of government services.

 This system authenticates everyone by providing 12 digit of unique number.

 This identity initially helps people to get subsidies for food, cooking gas but afterwards it
linked with many activities like filing taxes, to open bank accounts, public Wi-Fi, health
coverage, welfare programs.

Case questions –

1. Discuss the ethics and legality of India’s Aadhaar system.

 In my opinion, Aadhaar system is not ethical but it is legal.
 In terms of ethics, privacy of each individual should maintain. However, many times
misuses of Aadhaar system data has been recorded and from them, for some cases the
purpose of breach was much sensitive.
o Like, bank accounts details of more than 100 million people were hacked
from government portals and when it comes to financial matter, every detail is
most sensitive.
o Also, as a database for Aadhaar system, there are biometrics like fingerprints,
iris sample which are confidential and not should be disclosed. Meanwhile,
which are leaked.
 On the other side, in terms of legality, a country with most population in the world
needs have a unique identity for each citizen in order to provide subsidies to people to
get rid of fraudulent benefits takers.
 For this system to build, definitely a biometrics required and biometrics are only and
most suitable option to identify a person.

CSCO 1000
Introduction to IT, Operating Systems and Networks Vedant Jaydevkumar Patel ( 220015293)

2. Courts decisions in many countries have stated that an individual’s privacy must be
balanced against the need of society. Does the Aadhaar system go too far in favour of the
need of society? Why and why not? Support your answer.
 No, I am against this statement. In order to provide basic needs to benefitted people
only, it is necessary to identify that qualified people. For that, biometric proofs are
required. If system negotiates with structure to build the program, then illegal and
unqualified persons with fake identity can get benefited from program.
 However, in terms of privacy breach, system can update their database with advanced
firewall protection. Also, government should know “need to know” terminology of
business and limits Aadhaar detail usage to authorized agency only that too with
extended cyber security structure. By this, a person’s privacy can be maintained.

Personal insight - For the countries with more populations like India, a Aadhaar system is ideal
for providing government benefits policies to people to get rid of fraudulent people. Meanwhile,
privacy of each should not disturb especially, when it comes to financial information.

Initially, this system was made for poor citizen so that they can reach out to basic needs like
food, gas, etc. Therefore, government should limits usage of Aadhaar system to basic necessity
only, instead of expanding it to banking advantages and other sectors. This makes system
trustable even if it notices breach of information as it is not linked with any financial accounts.
Protecting systems with advanced firewall can also be a solution but still there will be a risk of

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