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Chapter I
Bullying now a day is one of the global problem in the world that can
affect social, emotional, verbal, and physical part of student in worldwide. It is
huge problem in our community and it is alarming all over the school. Our
second home where bullies are everywhere. Before that, let us know what is
bullying. Bullying is a serious problem in school. It is a particularly vicious kind
of assertive behavior dignified by habitual act upon those victims who cannot
facilely defend themselves (Farrington, 1993; Smith & Brain, 2000). There are
many be antecedent by its environment history and other related matters.
And one of the main factors that caused by bullying, it can lead depression or
can cause death. All such factors affect individually, or collectively, and
contributes in child's bullying.
Bullying is a long permitted form of passages into adulthood, and it is
recognized as a significant and obviate public health problem, one that can
have long lasting consequences (McDougall & Viallancourt, 2015; Wolke &
Lereya, 2015). It is well known that bullying is difficult to avoid or to stop it in
schools because it is used by students in their life (Alison, 2016)
In Sogod National High School, the researchers have observed that
some students are involved on bullying and its effects on student’s behavior in
school. The World Health Organization (WHO) (2010) reflects that bullying is
called as multifaceted form of bad custom, it particularly denoted mostly seen

it in a workplace specially in the school with a different type of bully that

expose of one person physical or emotional and its aggression including
teasing, name calling, mockery, threats, harassment, taunting, hazing, social
exclusion or rumors. A group of people who repeatedly and intentionally use
words and actions against someone that can cause distress and risk in their
lives. It usually done by the people who have more influence or power over
someone else. A serious distress and more pain for the person who being
bullied, it affects everyone in a different way and it has a negative impact on
everyone not just the problem of victims and blues. If you know others been
bullied you may feel angry, guilty, sad, extremely anxiety and pain. If bullying
isn't stopped there is possibilities that it can create a society were bullying is
accepted where everyone is helpless and inefficient to stop it.
The researchers wanted to know the extent of bullying that occurs in
the school and its effect to the students. The result of the study will serve as
basis for an intervention program that would minimize incidents of bullying.
Statement of the Problem
The objective of the study is to determine the prevalence and occurrence
of bullying as perceive by Junior High School Students of Sogod National High
School, Sogod, Southern Leyte. It also assessed the mechanism implemented
by the school.
More specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents based on the following:
1.1: Age,

1.2: Sex, and

1.3: Year Level?
2. What is the prevalence and degree of occurrence of bullying in term
2.1: Physical Nature,
2.2: Verbal Nature.
3. What are the mechanism implemented by the school to prevent
Significance of the Study
This study will be beneficial to the teachers, parents, and students.
Teachers will be motivating to conduct intervention that could minimize bully.
Parents will help them to protect and advice in order to avoid their children
being bully. Students can overcome and avoid bullying for their own good.
Scope and Delimitation
The study focus on the experiences and the prevalence and occurrence
of bullying as perceived by Junior High School Students of Sogod National
High School, Sogod, Southern Leyte. It also assessed the mechanism
implemented by the school. The respondents composed of 10 % in Junior High
School Students in each year level, a total of two hundred eighty (280).

Chapter II
The Republic Act No. 10627 is an act requiring all elementary and
secondary schools to adopt policies to prevent and address the acts of
bullying in their institutions. Section 2. Acts of Bullying. – For purposes of this
Act, "bullying" shall refer to any severe or repeated use by one or more
students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or
gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has the
effect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or
emotional harm or damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at
school for the other student; infringing on the rights of the other student at
school; or materially and substantially disrupting the education process or the
orderly operation of a school; such as, but not limited to, the following: a. Any
unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim like punching,
pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping, tickling, headlocks, inflicting school pranks,
teasing, fighting and the use of available objects as weapons; b. Any act that

causes damage to a victim’s psyche and/or emotional well-being; c. Any

slanderous statement or accusation that causes the victim undue emotional
distress like directing foul language or profanity at the target, name-calling,
tormenting and commenting negatively on victim’s looks, clothes and body;
and d. Cyber-bullying or any bullying done through the use of technology or
any electronic means.
Bullying affect many persons to individual bullies and victims. Bulling
normally happens in a person who belongs to the social group that exclude
where is bullying happen. Salmivalli, (1999) and Sutton and Smith, (1999) that
peer defending him/herself can cause trouble or disturbances to other people.
(Pellegrini, 2001) stated that bullying can increase one’s social status and can
access to valued resources, such as attention different gender peers. Based
on Berger (2007), Wang, Lannotti and Nonsel (2009) that bullying is
categorized into four types; namely: physical, verbal, cyber and social bullying.
Physical bullying contains all forms of physical harm done on the victims such
as punching, kicking, shoving and etc. Verbal bullying is prevalent in the form
of degrading remarks or insult hurled at the target. This may include but not
limited to name calling, taunting, teasing in a hurtful way, and making fun of
the individual. And ended in form of expanding rumors and fake information
about the victim so that the others avoid socializing with him or her (Wang,
It was found that that 10 to fifteen of adolescents worldwide are afraid
2 or additional times a month (Chaux, 2009). Skrzypiec (2008) found that third

of scholars WHO had been seriously afraid reportable having serious

difficulties in concentrating and listening at school thanks to bullying and
therefore the worry related to. Glew (2005) reported that bullying prevents
concentration and subsequent academic achievement since bullying victims
lose interest in learning and experience a drop in academic grades because
their attention is distracted from learning. Mishna (2003) indicated that
bullying is a form of aggression in which there is an imbalance of power
between the bully and the victim that occurs largely in the context of the peer
group. Harris and Hathorn (2006) stated that in secondary faculties, bullying is
additional indirect and is more possible to occur with an older student bullying
a younger student. They need categorized these indirect behaviors into four
categories; relative aggression, verbal bullying, racial bullying, and other.
Relative aggression refers to behaviors like giving hurtful nicknames, creating
undignified remarks, mocking, and creating others feel alone at school. It is
emotional violence that inflicts hurt on others through the utilization of
relationships (Harris and Hathorn, 2006).
The locations that negative actions are going down in vary with the
ages of the scholars as well because the variety of bullying happening. For
instance, once bullying behaviors are direct (hitting, calumny, stealing), they
generally occur once there's low superintendence, for instance, during recess
or to and from college. However, several indirect styles of bullying occur within
the room or within the hallways right before of lecturers and different
students. Harris & Hathorn (2006) summarize that forty eighth of elementary

students reportable that bullying happens at recess and solely twenty eighth
reportable it happened within the category. In middles faculties, fifty-two of
scholars reported bullying happening additional oftentimes within the
schoolroom, however it small on the playground. In high faculties, sixty-two of
scholars were generally attentive to bullying happening within their
schoolroom and twenty first were aware it had been happening typically
within the classroom. During break times, like lunch and at extra-curricular
activities, five hundred of scholar’s reportable being aware that bullying was
generally happening.
Harris and Petrie (2002) have summarized analysis by Olweus and
Rigby regarding the difference in gender, frequency and kinds of bullying
that's happening at school. They state: In general, a lot of boys than ladies
bully others, and a lot of ladies than boys report that they were bullied,
however a lot of boys than ladies are victims of bullying. Direct physical
bullying is a lot of common among boys, whereas ladies usually use a lot of
refined, indirect varieties of harassment. Harris and Hathorn (2006) make a
case for the gender distinction more stating that boys each browbeaten and
got bullied a lot of often than ladies. It attended be a lot of physical bullying
within the younger years, however became a lot of verbal bullying within the
senior years and was usually because of their victim’s physical weakness and
social connections. They additionally indicate that although ladies were
vicious with acts of social exclusion, rumors, and name-calling, girls were
additionally a lot of sympathetic to their victims than boys. Consequently,

there's proof of a lot of emotional scarring in ladies World Health Organization

are browbeaten than in incidences of bullying in boys. Ladies tended to bully
attributable to their victim’s appearance and somatotype, emotional
instability, and educational standing. By verbally assaultive their victim’s
characteristics and temperament, feminine victims internalized the bullying,
lowering their shallowness over male victims World Health Organization
toughened physical bullying. Curiously, additionally thanks to the kind of
bullying, feminine bullies (reflectively) were a lot of sympathetic towards their
victims than male bullies.
Ross (2002) additionally states in her analysis that “15% to twenty of all
students can experience some kind of bullying throughout their faculty years
and between 100% and two hundreds of children are browbeaten typically
enough for them to think about it a heavy problem. Harris and Hathorn (2006)
indicate that bullying is possibly to decrease as students grow old. They report
that incidences of bullying in boys ablated from five hundredth at age eight to
seven.5% at age 18 and incidences of bullying in ladies ablated from thirty fifth
at age eight to fourteen.5% at age 18. Although they are lower numbers, 7.5%
and 14.5% are still massive numbers; that's slightly below one quarter of the
student population that's still exploitation bullying behaviors at the brink of
Harris and Hathorn (2006) press on to mention that although
incidences of bullying decrease as youngster’s progress through faculty, the
boys and ladies United Nations agency are known as serious bully offenders

remained constant year when year. Despite the numbers being lower, why is
bullying and harassment still happening by the end high school? Normally, the
solution is woven through 2 key components; the victim-bully cycle and
therefore the lack of, or wrong sort, of intervention. though this could not be
the expertise for all bullies or victims, the victim-bully cycle takes place once
somebody United Nations agency has knowledgeable about being the victim
of bullying craves power that has been lost, learns the behaviors and applies
them to somebody they hold weaker and so become the bully. There are 2 key
times in school that this cycle takes place, one is at the start of college,
sometimes early elementary, and the other is throughout adolescence (Ross,
2002). The younger cluster has possibly learned this behavior from home and
has knowledgeable about bullying either from a parent or and older relative.
The adolescent cluster has probably learned this behavior from faculty, or the
community, and experienced bullying from different students at a younger
age. A 3rd doable time this cycle takes place is in adulthood.
It might occur once someone achieves an edge of power intervals their
career, or it might occur once someone includes a position of power inside a
family (Ross, 2002). This is often however the victim-bully cycle gets
perpetuated through generations. Intervening within the victim-bully cycle
must happen on multiple levels for the foremost effective results (Ma, 2001).
Interventions inside the family are very necessary, but educators, particularly
by high school, don't invariably have access to or a relationship with the
parents of the scholar in question. Faculties ought to have supports offered for

the family ought to they opt to use them, however they additionally would like
intervention methods to figure with at the varsity. To begin with, faculties
ought to adopt and maintain a whole-school bar program. By making solid
policies addressing harassment and assessing them annually, it
communicates to any or all students, staff, directors, and fogeys what
behaviors aren't acceptable, why, what will happen if they occur, and what
procedures can ought to come about if they are doing. Oldsters of the school
and community leaders are asked to be partners during this program so an
equivalent information is overlapped in multiple areas of the students’ lives.
the varsity acts as a moderator of this info, providing evening workshops and
displays for the community, connecting oldsters to outside supports, and
providing students with organic process and comprehensive programming
that addresses the multifarious problems that surround bullying, self-
development, and citizenship. The whole-school program works toward
building a safer, more welcoming and a lot of open climate for everybody and
can be mentioned more lately within the paper.
Dupper and Meyer-Adams (2002) stated that working toward a positive
college climate involves dedicated people World Health Organization are
creating aware efforts to boost and enrich the culture and conditions within
the college so lecturers will teach higher and student can learn more. For
students that are actively bullying or obtaining misused, individual and/or
cluster counselling ought to be provided as Associate in nursing intervention
by the school’s counsellor and/or support services team. However, before

counsellors will facilitate produce acceptable interventions, 1st there must be

an understanding of United Nations agency the scholar is and what their
experiences with bullying have been. They will make up one or additional
category; bully, victim, bully-victim, or viewer. Each category needs differing
kinds of knowledge and supports so as to effectively modification their
behaviors supported their socio-educational development and experiences
with bullying.
Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
The study is anchor on the Theory of Social Capital Theory is that a
person’s position within a particular group provides certain benefits that work
to their advantage. According to Smokowski (2015) cited that this study
investigated the prevalence and occurrence of bullying and victimization
utilizing a descriptive survey design, targeting Junior High School Students in
Sogod National High School. In particular, the acquirement and retention of
social capital and desire for dominance are apprise motivating factors in
initiation and continuation of bullying perpetration. Further, the overall culture
and environment of the school setting impacts the prevalence and severity of
bullying behavior, highlighting the need for whole school bullying
interventions. The framework shows the theoretical process of image theory
which is social capital theory of prevalence and occurrence of bullying that
occurred in the school. Then it shows the profile of the respondents which
contains Age, Sex, and Year Level. The last box, it takes about the possible
outcome of the study in terms of implementing seminars, programs, and

orientation to avoid and minimize incidents of bullying.

Social Capital

 Age
 Sex
 Year Level
 Prevalence
 Occurrence

Implementing seminar,
programs, and
orientation to minimize

Figure 1. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined to understand the study:
Students refers to person who attends in school, a person enrolled in a
school or the other educational institutions. Also are the respondents of this
Bullying is a kind of abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by
someone stronger.
School is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces
and learning environment for the teaching of the students under the direction
of teachers. It is the place where the research will be conducted.
Victim is someone has been suffered, or hurt because of bad action.

Chapter III
Research Design
The research design that is use for this study is descriptive design,
because the researcher conducted through a survey questionnaire. It also
provides sufficient about the nature of objects and person. It also helps this
study to provide instruments like descriptive form. The researcher uses a
descriptive design with questionnaire of Likert scale research made as for
measuring instrument in collecting data and to determine the Prevalence and
Occurrence of Bullying Perceive in Junior High School Students of Sogod
National High School. Descriptive Research Design aims to describe
systematically the facts and characteristics of a given population of interest,
factually and accurately.
Research Respondents and Locale
The respondents of this study are the Junior High School Students in
Sogod National High School. The distribution of the respondents of the study is
presented in Table 1. The sample is the 10% of the number of student
population in each year level.

Year Level Population Sample

Grade 7 646 65
Grade 8 692 69
Grade 9 783 78
Grade 10 676 68
Total: 2,797 280
Research Instrument
The research tool that will be used in this study is a survey questionnaire
because the researcher wants to know the Prevalence and Occurrence of
Bullying Perceive in Junior High School Students on Sogod National High
School. This questionnaire can gather the data of the Junior High School
based on their profile: Age, Sex, and Year Level. Questionnaire is adopted from
Pelegrino (2015). There are several parts that can measure the prevalence and
degree of occurrence of bullying which is Physical Nature and Verbal Nature,
Physical Nature it composed of ten (10) kinds of bullying while the Verbal
Nature composed of twelve (12) kinds of bullying. The mechanism
implemented by school has nine (9) items.
Data Gathering Procedure
In collecting data there were several steps and procedure to follow in
order to organize this study. First step the researchers will give an approval of
conducting research work to the principal in Sogod National High School. As
the principal approve the request the researchers conduct the study on the
given date and time. The researchers will distribute the questionnaires to the
target respondents, to which the respondents will answer the given
questionnaire. Lastly, in gathering the data the researchers will tabulate and

analyze the data in order to interpret the given information to have a good
Data Analysis Procedure
After the collection and tabulation of data, the following statistical tool
will be used. Frequency counts determine the profile of the respondents in
terms of weighted mean based on their age, sex, and year level of those
students who are already experience of bullying.

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