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Some (algum, um pouco de)

* Some can be used with countable and uncountable nouns. It is

usually used with a positive idea.

* Inced some money to buy a new computer.

* There are some chairs in the classroom.

* We can't play on the street because we have some homework to do.

* It can be used in questions when you offer something and expect

an affirmative answer.

* Do you want some sugar in your coffee?

* Do you need some help with your homework?

* Any (nenhum, algum, qualquer) '

* Any is usually used in negative and interrogative sentences.

* I don't have any new book to read.

* There isn't any message for vou.

* Is there any milk im the fridge?

* Do you have any Neil Gaiman's book?

* Any can be used in affimmative sentences too:

* [ want anv book of Neil Gaiman.

* | need any information about the attack.

* Tam starving! I want to eat any fruit.

* No (nenhum)
* No expresses a negative idea.
* T have no idea.

* There is no tea.

* They have no money.

* X Tdon't have no money.

* TI don't have any money.

Double negation

* He never has any good suggestion.

= He doesn't have any suggestion.

X he never has no suggestion.

* Sometimes in spoken English and in songs you can hear double

negation, but it is grammatically incorrect.

* “We don't necd no education”

Talking about work and

* actor * civil servant (funcionário público)

* lawyer (advogado) * waiter” waitress (garçon garçonete)

* farmer * mechanie

* architect * doctor

* self-employed (autônomo) * factory worker

* singer (cantor(a)) * politician

* chef(chefe de cozinha) * teacher

* dentist * receptionist

* housewife/ homemaker * reporter

* electrician * secretary

* plumber (encanador) *salesperson/salesman/saleswoman (vendedor(a)

*nuese (enfermeira)

*engineer * businessman/businesswoman(empresário(a))

*I want to quit my job

Because this job is very stressful. 1 want to hand in mv notice

I need to hand in the new project by Friday.

We nced to hand m our homework next weck.

When 1s your lunch break?

It's at 1:30 p.m.

I need a (coffee) break. Do you want to come with me?

*I don’t want to lose my job.

*He always loses his job becausa he is lazy
* What's the deadline to hand m the project?

It's on November 7th,

* What's your professionjob/occupation?

- 1 am a nurse. 1 work at a hospital mn this neighborhood.

- Is it the one near the grocery store?

- Yes. itis.

* What's the minimum wage in Brazil?

-I think it's about nine hundreds.

* I am looking for a part-time job because I want to have time to

study. | don't want to quit college.
* They work part-time.
* Mv children study at a full-time school.
* He can't work full-time.
* Doses she have a good salary?

I don’t work overtimeon Fridays.

* I need more monev.

Why don't you work overtime?

* She deserves the promotion because she is verv hard-working.

* You need to work hard 1f you want to be successful.

* You're tired because you work too much. Everybody deserves

some leisure time. Why don't vou take a day off?

* “This position requires someone creative.

*Work at/in/for/as/wifh

* I work at the library.

* They work at the mall.

* I work ata bank.

-The place where a person work.

* Iwork in lhe mall.

* I work in Rio de Janciro/Brazil'France.

* I work in financcs.

* He works in education since 1990.

* Inside some building; specific department, city/country…

*I work for a law firm

* I work for a university*.

* I work for Monica.

- The person'company that hired you.

* I work as a tcacher,

* He works as a plumber.

- Your profession.

* I work with my best friend.

* My husband works with his father.

* He works with computers

* She works with special-needs children

- People/objects that you use or work together

* Where do vou work?

I work at a law firm in Rio de Janeiro.

* Do you enjoy vour job?

Yes, Ido. I really love to work in education.

* How much do you ear/make?

I make more than onc thousand pcr month.
*What do you do (for a living)?
- I run a small company. I neccd to work very hard.

- Isit good to work for yourself?

- Well... Yes, it is. but sometimes I work like a dog.

* They run on the park every moming.

* He runs a mile every day.

* Interns usually work likc a dog.

-That's because they need to leam many things to become good


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