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Lesson 11

This/these – that/those
Countable and uncountable

*This/these – that/thoset

*When we to demonstrate something we use this/tha or these/those.

*This and these are used speak about some thing or domeone clouse to the speaker. This is singulae
and these is plural.

*I need this book.//They don’t these cups.

*that and those are used to speak about something or someone far from the speaker. That is
singular and those is plural.

*I like that dress// Those dogs are very smart.


*Do you like this dress I am wearing?

-Hmmm… I don’t know. Why don’t you try that one in the wardrobe?

*Plase, give me those books on the dinner table.

*Look at these shoes! They are very beautiful!
-Very beautiful and very expensive! This prince is absurd!

*Countable and uncountable

*Nouns which we can separate in items and count are called countable.
*They have singular and plural and they can be used with numbers, a/an some other

*She has a sister and three brothers

*Most people buy things like cameras and MP3-players online these days
*I read many books during the year.

*Some things are seen as a whole or mass.

*These are called uncountable nouns, because they cannot be separated or counted.
*These nouns are not used with a/an and they don’t have plural. Some exemples of counted.

*Ideas and experiences: advice, information, progress, news, luck, fun, work
Materials and substances: water, rice, gold, milk, iron*
*Weather words: weather, thunder, lighting, rain, snow
*Names for groups or collections of things: furniture, equipment, luggage
*Other common uncountable nouns include: accommodation, homework, knowledge. Money,
permission, research, traffic, travel.

*To refer to one more quantities of an uncountablenoun we can use some expressions:

*Slice of: I want two slices of cheese.

*Liter: Theres a literof milk in the fridge.
*A lot of: They have a lot of information about the accident.
Some: I like to drink some coffe* in the morning.
*A lot of: They have a lot of information about the accident.
* Some:I like to drink some coffe* in the morning.
*A loaf of: I want four loaves of bread.
*A piece of: a piece of chocolate/ a piece of furniture/ a piece of informationn…
*A bar: He buys thee bars of chocolate every week.

*Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable depending on the meaning in the

*I use an iron to press my clothes every morning.

*Car are made of iron.

*Plaese, open the curtains to let in some light.

*Dont forget to turn off the lights os the house before you go to bed.

*Are the words in bold countable or uncountable?

a) I need to buy some chairs, tables and desks for the office. In other words, I need to buy some

b) Ann likes to wear jewelry. Today she is wearing four rings, six bracelets and a necklace.

c) This place has a beautiful scenery. It has beautiful mountains, fields and lakes.

d) Gold and iron are metals.

*Expressions of quantity:

*How many/ how much

*How many relatives do you have?

-I have a lot of relatives. I don’t know the exactly number.

*How much time do you have?

-I have plenty of time to talk to you.

*How many hours do you need to finish this work?

-I need two hours.

*How much money do you have?

-I have some dollars.

*Complete with the best expression of quantity:

a) Do you like to drink coffee?
Yes. Somentimes I drink, but i don’t like to drink coffee.(much/ many)

b) How water do you want? (much/many)

I want glass of water, please. (a/some/no)

c) people prefer to travel during summer.(some/ much)

d)I don’t like to wear jewelry.(several/ a lot of)

e) Do you want your juice with sugar? Yes, please, Just (a few/ a little).

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