Effects of Volcanic Eruption

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G 5
effects of

volcanic eruption
Class Objective
The Participants will be able to:

Know the Effects Different Types of

Types of Eruption Types of Volcanic
of Volcanic Volcanoes
in terms of Eruption
According to the
Erruption Volcanic Activity
It has been found out that
volcanic eruption may cause
positive effect after an eruption.
Solar radiation is reduced after
the earth from the suns
radiation. This "cover up" causes
blockage of heat to enter the
earth. On the other hand,
volcanic eruption also causes
hazards to environment
including human.
Volcanic also
burst out;
a. Steam- generated eruption
b. High silica content explosive eruption
c. Low silica content effusive eruption
d. Pyroclastic flows are hot dry masses of fragmented volcanic materials that
move along the slope and in contact with ground surface.
e. Lahars is an Indonesian term, sometimes called mudflows or volcanic debris
flows, are flowing mixtures of volcanic debris and water.
f. Carbon dioxide
Aside from these materials, volcanic eruption can also cause earthquake,
creation of hot springs, fumaroles, and mud pots.
how does sun's radiation
SO 2 H2SO4 Condenses in Stratospere

= Sulfide Aerosol
These Aerosol cools the
troposhere and absorbs
heat thrown up from the
surface of the earth.

Volcanic eruption releases

Greenhouse gases such as
CO2 which is source of
carbon that is essential in
biochemical cycle
The volcanic debris provides addition of
nutrients to the soil thru the process of
volcanic eruption. This addition of nutrients
fertilize the soil that enhances growth and
production of plants and agricultural crops.

The creation of island as the lava flow in the

ocean surfaces upon solidification and
cooling of magma.
On the other hand, changes in human activity
also occurs as a result of large explosion such as
when an environment of a cycle of summer and
winter season. With these agricultural and
livestock may be greatly affected and can cause
femines?. Massive extinction can also be a result
of volcanic eruption such as what happen in
Sibenan Traps that (extinct) to have killed 90% of
living species during that time.
During eruption, volcanic ashes through upward can
cause aircraft failure and accidents. This is possible when
melted particles stick up to aircraft blades that cause
engine trouble.
Emissions of volcanic gases are natural contributor of
acid rain and air pollution specifically sulfur dioxide.
Volcanic gases such as are sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide,
and hydrogen fluoride can cause great potential hazer to
human, animal, crops, agriculture and property.
Earth's ozone layer destruction
and depletion is caused by large
amount of sulfur aerosol.
Excessive amount and
concentration of carbon dioxide
can be toxic to all living
organisms on Earth. Fluorine
compounds can also caused
toxicity when ingested by
Different types of Volcanoes
According to the Explosion
Basalt Plateau
least explosive
very fluid basaltic magma
with horizontal flow
flat to gently sloping
size = 100,000-
deposits = 1,800 m

Low viscosity
basaltic flow
slight slope with an 4 of 6 to 12°
gently flowing magma (shield
9,000 m mph
Cinder Cone
Small volcano
100-499 m high
high velocity of rock
explosion at central event
basaltic to intermediate
Composite Volcano
with layers of lava and exploded rock
with alternately
100-3,500 m high
magma range from basalt to granite
magma with greater granite content
tends to be explosive as is has higher
water content. The reason for this water
with temperature and high pressure are
highly volatile.
most explosive eruption type
of volcano
with larger circular opening
at the surface of the earth.
This opening usually reaches
up to 40 km in diamteres.
Since it is rich in granite when magma goes up on
the surface it cools up to form dome?, water
beneath the dome increases temperature rapidly
creating large pressure build up that causes
tremendous explosion that spews out large
amount magma.
Lava fountains/ fluid lava is not
very dangerous because path of
the lava flow is PREDICTIVE and
can be AVOIDED, unlike explosive
types of eruption violent and
unpredictable location and
amount of lava is unexpected to
ocean suddenly.
Types of Eruption in terms
Volcanic Activity

Explosive - gas-driven

Effusive - out burst of

flow of lava
Types of Volcanic Eruption
gas and magma
considered as the
calmest type
effusive ruption
fluid basalt
low gaseous content
bust of gas bubbles
within the magma that
combines to form a large
bubbles called gas slugs.
small to large eruption
intermitted explosive
highly viscous magma
with build up high gas
large amount of gas, dusts,
ash and lava
fast moving pyroclastic flow
and goes down at
tremendous space

Plinian Eruption
starts in the magma
dissolved volatile gas

water and magma


caused by water and lava.


occurs underwater

lava and ice

under glacier
Phreatic Eruption
eruption driven by
steam that causes build
steam, H2o, ash,
volcanic debris and
volcanic gasses
Fill in the blank.
1. This ____ __ causes blockage of heat to enter the earth.
2. High silica content ______ ____.
3. Low silica content ______ ____.
4. SO2 > H2SO4 > Condenses > in Stratosphere = _________ _____
5. _____ ____ releases greenhouse gases such as CO2 which is source of
carbon that is essential in biochemical cycle.
Enumerate the following.
1. At least two different types of volcanoes can be identified based on the
2. Give atleast 3 types of volcanic eruption.

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