Fs 2 Module 4 Episode 1

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FS Learnin Matching

Episode Learning Situation
with probable
4 action

Resource Teacher: Ryan D. Nesperos Teacher’s Signature:

Grade/Year Level: 12 Subject:
School: Dupax del Norte National High School Date:


Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily life of a teacher.
This scenario might also be similar to the class you have observed and noticed.

Scenario A:

Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has
forty learners in her class. One half of them cannot classify animals into
vertebrates and invertebrates. She has been repeating the same science lesson for
two weeks, yet no progress was observed. This situation has been bothering Miss

 Can you identify Miss Fely’s problem?

Obviously, sure. I determined Miss Fely's issue to be her students'

inadequate knowledge of vertebrates and invertebrates. Her children are unable to
categorize animals using the abovementioned classification of animals, as was
indicated in the scenario that came before it.

 Can you find a solution to solve her problem> ____Give your two suggestions.
What I can recommended are:
a. She can use charts with the heading being the classification of the many creatures in the
top portion. To help all learners understand the distinction between the two classes, there
are some images of animals from the vertebrate and invertebrate groups below that. She
may use charts and images to aid her students in visualizing concepts. Additionally, her
students may find it simpler to absorb material and draw connections using that approach.
In conclusion, Miss Fely can utilize a graphic to explain the difference between
vertebrates and invertebrates to her students.
b. Miss Fely to use a video presentation on the distinction between vertebrates and
invertebrates. Miss Fely needs to remember that students pick up a lot from what they
observe. Additionally, it will make it simpler for her to teach the lesson. I feel that by
showing videos, her 4th children will pay greater attention to the subject, which will then
be processed, understood, and remembered by them. It's important to keep in mind that
simply talking about vertebrates and invertebrates won't help the students grasp them,
therefore it would be excellent if she used a video presentation, as students in this grade
level need a presentation to help them learn.
 What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem?
The usage of video presentations with content on the subject, out of the two options I
gave Miss Fely, seems to have the best chance of resolving her issue. I am convinced that
this answer will solve Miss Fely's issue because she works with fourth graders, and I think
that grade level will find it engaging to watch videos.
By implementing the solution into practice, that is. She must first choose videos
suitable for fourth-grade children. She then needs to make sure that there are no violent
videos in the content that learners shouldn't watch. She must also elaborate on the subject
and show the films to the students. She must therefore recap and underline the main ideas
from the lesson towards the conclusion of the presentation.
Are they matched with the problem?
Yes, I do think so. The options I suggested earlier fit Miss Fely's issue. The
remedies offered deal with Miss Fely's issue of her students' lack of comprehension of
their topic on vertebrates and invertebrates. Additionally, as the suggested approach calls
for the use of charts and instructional videos, among other visual and auditory materials,
these would help the teacher in elaborating on the subject with her students. Moreover,
this would enhance the ability for her students to absorb knowledge and draw connections
between the resources offered on their subject.
Scenario B:
Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners come from
families that are disrupted, either with single parents or with their guardians who stand
only as parents. They are deprived of the necessary food, clothing and shelter.
Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir Ryan?
a. Poor attendance and low student enthusiasm may also be a problem since urban
students from underprivileged backgrounds sometimes lack access to basic
necessities like food, clothing, and shelter, which negatively affects their
b. Given that the bulk of Sir Ryan's students come from non - intact families with
reduced time and parental involvement, this would be the most likely cause of a
teaching-learning problem in his classes.
Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
One of the greatest ways to address the issues of poor attendance and low student
motivation, in my opinion, is to make students and parents responsible for numerous and
unjustifiable absences with the cooperation of the teacher. Additionally, he must
implement a rigid attendance policy that addresses the problem of frequent absences. Sir
Ryan is required to deliver inspirational sayings or a convincing story every day before
the class discussion. His learners will be inspired by these factors to respect education and
understand that their current circumstances are temporary. He needs to show his students
that there are several examples of people who overcame adversity to achieve fame and
fortune, and that if they are driven to learn, they too could.

After reading the two scenario given above, how would identifying
problematic situations and finding solutions to these problems help you to become
a better teacher?

After reading the two scenario given above, if I want to work as a teacher
in the future, I must be able to adapt to any situation in the classroom. I'll carry
every facemask I own to school because, as my resource teacher suggested, it acts
as a protection for me while I meet the needs of my students every day. You need
to be alert in your observation to recognize problematic situations. How? by
allowing oneself to pay attention to the particulars of what is going on in one's
environment. I may become a better teacher by developing my ability to look and
watch carefully, identify challenging situations in the classroom, and come up
with workable answers. In addition, it enables me to investigate and appreciate the
difficulties that frequently occur in classrooms.


Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR

prompts that follow:

What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?

Connection, enthusiasm, home life, and social standing are all potential
trouble spots in the classroom that could affect how well both teachers and
students are teaching and learning. According to scenario two, Sir Ryan's students
also hailed from a low-income metropolitan area, with the bulk of them coming
from disorganized homes. It's possible that they lack the attention span necessary
to pay attention to every lesson teacher Ryan provides, that there are more drop-
outs and absences, and that they are uninterested in the classes.


What changes do you want to achieve?

I want to start by giving students a purposeful teaching-learning

experience while also engaging with them socially. Second, I want that my
students engage in all activities and recognize that there is support and
opportunity that is accessible to them. Third, I would like them to believe and
understand that I will do everything my capacity to help them improve and
equally help them cooperate better and have a more fulfilling educational
experience. Last but not least, I want people to adopt a new perspective in order to
see and understand the hidden significance of a phenomenon or a matter, as well
as to have faith in their ability to change for the

better, for themselves. Since I already feel a spectrum of emotions, notably when
it comes to the word "confidence," I'm a type of person who is aware of the
solution but lacks the ability or to speak with confidence. Now that I realize how
crucial it is, I can pursue this element more independently while still sharing it
with other people, especially my future students.


What strategies will you use to improve the situation?

I intend to visit them at their home frequently in order to get to know them
personally and build a good relationship with their parents in order to ameliorate
the existing scenario. As a future teacher, I will be flexible and sympathetic. I will
arrange a conference with the parents and create an organization called the
"Parents-Teacher Partnership." It should be possible for parents and students to
voice their worries. I will present myself as a role model to win their trust because
I am a firm believer that fostering a positive attitude in the classroom starts with
me. Likewise, I will praise good behavior by reinforcing it because it inspires
children to perform to their highest potential. These methods will help students to
accomplish through all their requirements and arrive at class prepared. Although I
am aware that it is challenging, if the parents and the teacher are working for the
same goals and moving in the same objectives it will all be beneficial in the

What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?

My action research project, which I am calling "Integrated Intervention

and Efficiency towards Classroom Management," may have this title.

Add: Solutions / actions

In order to conduct this study, I will ask the principal for permission and
gather the necessary resources. As part of the research process, I will look for and
seek an in-kind voluntary contribution that will enable me to achieve a portion of
the concerns of the students and parents. As a prospective educator, I will bring
out this studies because I am self - assured that it will assist and benefit both
parents and students.

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