Rubrics For Essay

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Short essay question rubric


This is a grading rubric an instructor uses to assess students’ work on this type of
assignment. It is a sample rubric that needs to be edited to reflect the specifics of a particular
assignment. Students can self-assess using the rubric as a checklist before submitting their
assignment. This sample rubric can also be found under the Turnitin tool in Blackboard to
facilitate online grading.


Edit the assignment requirements column, performance level descriptions in each box, and
point values to align with a particular course assignment. Distribute the rubric to students
when first introducing the assignment. Use the rubric to grade student work. To use the
rubric in Blackboard, contact USC Blackboard support and CET for assistance. Also see the
CET resource Tips for Designing Rubrics.

Table 1 Short essay question rubric

Criteria Excellent Meets Approaches Needs

Expectations Expectations Improvement
Completeness Shows a Presents a Shows a limited Does not answer
thorough general understanding the specific
understanding understanding of the question. central question.
of the question. of the question. Does not
Addresses all Completely address most
aspects of the addresses most aspects of the
question aspects of the question.
completely. question or
addresses all
Analysis Analyzes, Analyzes or Lacks analysis or Lacks analysis or
evaluates, evaluates issues evaluation of evaluation of
compares, and events, but the issues and the issues and
and/or contrasts not in any events beyond events beyond
issues and depth. stating accurate, stating vague,
events with relevant facts. irrelevant,
depth. and/or
inaccurate facts.
Criteria Excellent Meets Approaches Needs
Expectations Expectations Improvement
Evidence Incorporates Includes Includes Does not
pertinent and relevant facts, relevant facts, incorporate
detailed examples. and examples, and information
information details but does details, but from pertinent
from both class not support all omits concrete class discussion
discussions and aspects of the examples, and/or assigned
assigned task evenly. includes readings.
readings (when inaccurate
applicable). information,
and/or does not
support all
aspects of the
Writing Presents all Presents Lacks focus, Organizational
information information somewhat problems
clearly and fairly clearly and interfering with prevent
concisely, in an concisely and comprehension. comprehension.
organized may have minor
manner. organization

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