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Arranged to fullfil the task of Quantitative Language Research Method that is

mainted by

Mr. Mulyadi, S. S., M.Pd. and Mrs. Lailatul Isnaini, M. Pd.

Organized by group 3 :

Ach. Naufal Azimi

NIM. 20381031004

Indi Damayanti

NIM. 20381032021

Indri Aulia

NIM. 20381032070




MARCH 2023


Alhamdulillah, all praise and gratitude we extend to the presence of Allah

SWT who has given his grace and guidance so that we can compose and complete
the task of this paper by maximizing the abilities and knowledge that we have.
Shalawat and greetings may always be poured out to our Prophet Muhammad
SAW who has guided mankind towards the path that is pleasing to Allah SWT.

We have compiled this paper in earnest and by maximizing the ability of our
knowledge. We hope that this paper can provide new knowledge and lessons for
those who read it, including ourselves in particular. This paper is prepared to
fulfill one of the assignments in the “Quantitative Learning Research
Methodology” course which discusses “Variables and Review of Related

We would like to thank the lecturers who are in charge of the Quantitative
Learning Research Methodology course who have directed and guided us in the
realization of this paper. Of course, this paper is not completely perfect, and there
are many other shortcomings that may need to be critiqued and provide
suggestions to us.

Pamekasan, 11 March 2023

The writers

TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................ii

A. Background................................................................................................1
B. Formulation of Problem.............................................................................1
C. Purpose of Study........................................................................................1


A. Variable of Research.................................................................................3
B. Types of Variable......................................................................................3
C. Literature Review......................................................................................9
D. The Roles of Literature Review in Research.............................................9
E. The Steps in Conducting a Literature Review...........................................12
F. The Characteristic of Good Literature Review..........................................12


A. Conclusion.................................................................................................14
B. Suggestion.................................................................................................14




A. Background

Research is not only permissible and can be carried out in the field of science
natural knowledge only. Research can be carried out in all fields of knowledge
because research is the process of looking for something that aims to know more
about what is being studied. If there are frequently asked questions about what is
being studied, then the answer is related to educational variables. The educational
variable is anything that takes the form of anything set by a researcher with the
aim to be studied so that information is obtained on this matter and a conclusion is
drawn. Variables are very important in a research, because it is absolutely
impossible for a researcher to conduct research without variables.

Literature review has an important role in making an article or scientific essay,

because it can provide ideas and goals about the research topic to be done. In
general, it contains reviews, summaries & the author's thoughts on several
literature (books, journals, magazines) related to the topics discussed. All
statements and/or research results that do not come from the author must state the
source (referring to the applicable citation rules). In describing the research must
be explained regarding the variables or variables used, the model used, the design
oresearch, sampling & collection techniques, data analysis & interpretation.

B. Formulation of Problem

1. What is variable of research?

2. What are types of variables?
3. What is literature review?
4. What are the roles of literature review in research?
5. What are the steps in conducting a literature review?
6. What are the characteristics of good literature review?

C. Purpose of Study

1. To know the variable of research

2. To know the types of variables
3. To know the literature review
4. To know the roles of literature review in research
5. To know the steps in conducting a literature review
6. To know the characteristics of good literature review



A. Variable of Research

The term variable can be interpreted as something that varies. There is mention
of a concept that has a variety of values. The term variable is also interpreted as
everything that will be the object of research observation. It is also often stated
that the intermediate variables are factors that play a role in the events or
symptoms to be studied.

Variables are one of the research tools, namely concepts that have variations in
the values referred to above. So, the concept of body is not a variable, because
"body" does not imply the existence of varying values. Body weight, height are
variable, because they have different values. Sex (gender) are variables, general,
education, marital status, number of children, employment status, school status,
are all variables.1

Variable is essentially a concept have a variety of values; while concepts that

have one value are called "constant". Kerlinger (1973) states: "Variable is a
symbol to which numerals or values are assigned," while Bohnstedts (1982) also
states that variables are characteristics of people, objects, or events that differ in
values found in that person, object, or event. As for Fraenkel and Wallen (1993)
states that: "A Variable is a concept—a noun that stands for variation within a
class of objects .... It is also said that variables are the nature of cases (case) which
has the possibility of more than one category.2

B. Types of Variable

1. Classification of Variables Based on Data

In general, the classification of variables based on data can be divided into
two form, namely:
a. Descrete Variable

Syahrum, Salim, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, (Bandung: Ciptapustaka Media, 2012), 103.
Muri Yusuf, METODE PENELITIAN Kuantitatif , Kualitatif & Penelitian Gabungan, (Jakarta:
kencana, 2014), 102.

It is a categorical variable, namely a variable whose sorting is done
categorically by taking into account qualitative differences. This variable
has no fractional number. The number of variable categories can be two
and can also be more. Example:
1) Sex : Male, woman
2) Religion : Islam, buddha, catholic, hindu, protestant
3) Occupation: Teacher, ABRI, trader, fisherman, farmer
4) Place of residence: Own house, rented house, hostel
5) Car quality : Very good, good, not good.3
b. Continuous variable
Continuos variables are often also called quantitative variables
(Quantitative variable), that is, a continuous variable, which has a related
value or exist in several continuous levels (degrees) from "less to more"
and can apply numbers (numerals) to different individuals or objects to
show how many variables they have. this variable at least has a
hierarchical value, and can be expressed in fractions.
Height: 160 cm, 161 cm, 162 cm.4
2. Variable Classification Based on Position and Function in Research
a. Independent Variables and Dependent Variables
Even in simple research, researchers must be able to see sharply
whether the variables or aspects chosen are true according to their
functions and has been piloted within the correct research framework by
design suitable for the problem to be studied. Is the relationship
symmetrical, lead back (reciprocal), or asymmetrical. The three types of
relationships provide direction for the research approach and research
design to be used. To find out whether there is a relationship between the
two variables, it is better to introduce a third variable called the test factor.
Example: Parents more interested in watching religious programs on
television than young people. For test whether it is true, then introduced a
factor test that is education. If the relationship really exists then education
Ibid, 103.
Ibid, 106.

cannot eliminate the relationship. Take respondents who are the same age,
but have the same education different, namely people with high education
and those with low education. Then in the analysis use the educational
factor test. If the parents say that those with higher education apparently
prefer to see religious programs rather than people highly educated youth,
or parents with low education turned out to be more like than young
people with low education then it can be said there is relationship between
age and viewing habits of religious programs on television. In an
asymmetrical relationship the researcher will encounter several variables,
between another independent variable and dependent variable, whereas in
a symmetrical relationship and reciprocal there are also various variables
but can not be determined which variable independent and which is the
dependent variable precisely because it is difficult to determine which
affect which. Independent variables are variables that influence, explain,
or explain other variables. This variable causes the change on the
dependent variable, while the dependent variable is the variable that is
affected or explained by other variables but cannot affect that variable
other. This opinion is supported by the statement of Tuckman (1972:
3637), as follows: The independent variable, which is a stimulus variable
or input, operates eitherwithin a person or within his environment to affect
his behavior. It is that factor which Example: Education and Income.
To determine which are the independent variables and which are
the dependent variables these two aspects of research need to be placed in
the research title first. Why is that? Conceptually theoretically, education
can affect income, because people with higher education are more likely to
earn higher income than people with low education. if they work at the
same level and type of work. But by conceptually it is also understood that
one's income is not solely determined by one's education. A high school
graduate, if he works in the private sector such as in Telecommunications
or in Indosat, the income may be higher than individuals who graduated
D2 or academy who work as civil servants. So, if conceptually it is not
clear which affects which, or maybe relationship of mutual influence

(reciprocal), then the position or location in the title would be very helpful,
such as: Effect of education on income Relationship between education
and income From the two examples it is clear that education comes first in
the title. This means that the researcher wants to see whether there is an
effect of a person's education on his income. Therefore education is the
independent variable, while income is the dependent variable. If you look
at it from an educational point of view and then comes income. If there is
a change in title, education will not always be the independent variable.
There is also the possibility of education turns into the dependent
b. Control Variables
We cannot examine all variables at the same time, be it seen
from the standpoint of the researcher's ability as well as from the cost, time
available, or because of the nature of the problem itself which is not
reasonable to study. Because therefore, researchers need to limit
themselves in choosing the right problem and neutralize it the influence of
other variables as much as possible. In this regard, researchers can do in
various ways, including by selecting a control variable or perform more
complex analytical techniques.
Control variables are variables that cannot be manipulated and used
as a way to control, minimize, or neutralize the influence of these aspects.
Consider the following examples:
1) Parents' socio-economic status determines children's learning
To be able to determine the influence of parents' socioeconomic
status on children's learning achievement, then one way that can
be done is by selecting the sample, children who have the same
intelligence. Actually there are many other variables that need to
be controlled so that they can be neutralized the influence of each
of these variables on learning, such as mentoring people others in
learning, individual assistance (private), and motivation to learn.

Ibid, 109.

2) People from high social class are more tolerant of mixed marriage
than people from low social class.

c. Extraneous Variables

Suppose the researcher wants to find a relationship between two

independent variables various variables in the research that will be
carried out, then the first step what needs to be considered
conceptually is whether the relationship between the two aspects
studied is symmetrical or asymmetrical. If the relationship is assumed
to be asymmetric, some questions that need to be answered are as

1) Is it true that variable A affects variable B?

2) Is it true that variable A is an independent variable that affects
variable B which is the dependent variable?
3) Isn't the interpretation misguided?
4) Correct that there is an inherent link, which characterizes the
independent variables and the dependent variable?
5) Wasn't the relationship awkward or coincidental?

Some of the questions above are intended to facilitate researchers

understand that there are other variables besides the independent
variables, and moderator variables that might affect the dependent
variable. The variable is called extraneous variable.

Example: Goldhamer and Marshall (Rosenberg 1969) tested the

hypothesis which reads: “Speed psychosis has increased in the last
century.” In fact, it does show an impressive increase. It's also not
difficult to pinpoint some conditions which leads to mental breakdown
as well as increased mobility of one's aspirations sometimes leading to
frustration, the movement of people from villages to cities, the
breakdown of the forces that sustain stability, increased economic
competition in the cities, family breakdown due to divorce and so on.6

Ibid 116.

d. Intermediate Variable

In its position, the intermediate variable lies within the range of the
independent variable and the dependent variable, but it is not the same
as the extraneous variable. The variable between happened and Takes
place as a result of the independent variable and is the main cause of
changes in the dependent variable, but sometimes the relationship or
influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable can be
direct if the The selected independent variable does not require
intermediary activities in influencing the dependent variable.7

e. Antecedent Variable

Theoretically, the purpose of introducing antecedent variables in

research the same as the intermediate variable, namely to track better
and more precise results in a series of causal relationships among the
variables studied. The location of the difference (Rosenberg, 1968) is
that the intermediate variable is between the independent variables
and the dependent variable in a causal sequence, while the antecedent
variable precedes the independent variable.

f. Suppressor Variable

In a study, a researcher may be misguided by guessing there is a

relationship between the two variables that actually the relationship
occurs because extraneous variable or no relationship (zero
correlation) between two variables principal due to the third variable.
Researchers can eliminate the misdirected relationship because it is
suppressed by other variables by entering the test factor in research,
namely variables that weaken the relationship or hide it true
relationship (inherent link). Example: from a simple study it was
found that there is a relationship between social class and
fanaticismPolitics (Rosenberg, 1968).8

Ibid, 119.
Ibid, 122-123.

C. Literature Review

A literature review is a written summary of journal articles, books, and other

documents that describes the past and current state of information on the topic of
your Research study. It also organizes the literature into subtopics, and documents
the need for a proposed study. In the most rigorous form of research, educators
base this review Mainly on research reported in journal articles. A good review,
however, might also Contain other information drawn from conference papers,
books, and government documents. In composing a literature review, you may
cite articles that are both quantitative And qualitative studies. Regardless of the
sources of information, all researchers conduct A literature review as a step in the
research process.

Why is this review necessary? Many reasons exist. You conduct a literature
review To document how your study adds to the existing literature. A study will
not add to the literature if it duplicates research already available. Like Maria, you
conduct a literature review to convince your graduate committee that you know
the literature on your topic and that you can summarize it. You also complete a
literature review to provide evidence that educators need your study. You may
base this need on learning new ideas, sharing the latest findings with others (like
Maria and her school committee), or identifying practices that might improve
learning in your classroom. Conducting a literature review Also builds your
research skills of using the library and being an investigator who follows leads in
the literature, all useful experiences to have as a researcher. Reading the literature
also helps you learn how other educators compose their research studies and helps
you find useful examples and models in the literature for your own research. By
conducting a literature search using computer databases, you develop skills in
locating needed materials in a timely manner.9

D. The Roles of Literature Review in Research

Quantitative researchers are urged not to rush headlong into conducting their
Study. The search for related literature should be completed before the actual

John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative
Research (University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Pearson, 2012), 80.

Conduct of the study begins in order to provide a context and background that
Support the conduct of the study. This literature review stage serves several
Important functions :

1. Knowledge of related research enables investigators to define the

frontiers of their field.
To use an analogy, an explorer might say, “we know that beyond this
river there are plains for 2000 miles west, and beyond those plains a range
of mountains, but we do not know what lies beyond the mountains. I
propose to cross the plains, go over the mountains, and proceed from there
in a westerly direction.” Likewise, the researcher in a sense Says, “The
work of A, B, and C has discovered this much about my question; The
investigations of D have added this much to our knowledge. I propose to
go beyond D’s work in the following manner.”
2. A thorough review of related theory and research enables researchers
to place their questions in perspective.
You should determine whether your endeavors are likely to add to
knowledge in a meaningful way. Knowledge in any given area consists of
the accumulated outcomes of numerous studies that generations of
researchers have conducted and of the theories designed to integrate this
knowledge and to explain the observed phenomena. You should review
the literature to find links between your study and the accumulated
knowledge in your fi eld of interest. Studies with no link to the existing
knowledge seldom make signifi cant contributions to the field. Such
studies tend to produce isolated bits of information that are of limited
3. Reviewing related literature helps researchers to limit their research
question And to clarify and defi ne the concepts of the study.
A research question may Be too broad to be carried out or too vague to
be put into concrete operation; For example, “What do parenting practices
have to do with mental health?” A careful review of the literature can help
researchers revise their initial questions so that the final questions can be
investigated. The literature review Also helps in clarifying the constructs

involved in the study and in translating These constructs into operational
defi nitions. Many educational and behavioral constructs—such as stress,
creativity, frustration, aggression, achievement, motivation, and
adjustment—need to be clarified and operationally defi ned. These, as well
as many other educational and behavioral constructs, Do not lend
themselves to research until they can be quantified. In reviewing literature,
you become familiar with previous efforts to clarify these constructs and
to defi ne them operationally. Successful reviews often result in the
formation of hypotheses regarding the relationships among variables in a
Study. The hypotheses can provide direction and focus for the study.
4. Through studying related research, investigators learn which
Have proven useful and which seem less promising. The investigator
develops increasing sophistication after digging through the layers of
research that the related literature represents. As you delve into your topic,
you soon See that the quality of research varies greatly. Eventually, you
should begin to notice that not all studies in any one fi eld are necessarily
equal. You will soon be critiquing studies and noticing ways in which they
could be improved. For example, early studies in any one particular fi eld
may seem crude and ineffective because research methodology and design
are constantly being refi ned with each new study. Even so, many research
projects fail because they use inappropriate procedures, instruments,
research designs, or statistical analyses. Becoming profi cient at evaluating
research to determine its worth helps the investigator discover the most
useful research path.
5. A thorough search through related research avoids unintentional
replication of previous studie.
Frequently, a researcher develops a worthwhile idea only to discover
that a very similar study has already been made. In such a case, the
researcher must decide whether to deliberately replicate the previous work
or to change the proposed plans and investigate a different aspect of the

6. The study of related literature places researchers in a better position
to interpret the signifi cance of their own results.
Becoming familiar with theory in the field and with previous research
prepares researchers for fitting the findings of their research into the body
of knowledge in the field.10

E. The Steps in Conducting a Literature Review

Regardless of whether the study is quantitative or qualitative, common steps

can be used to conduct a literature review. Knowing these steps helps you read
and understand a research study. If you conduct your own research study,
knowing the steps in the process will give you a place to start and the ability to
recognize when you have successfully completed the review.

Although conducting a literature review follows no prescribed path, if you plan

to design and conduct a study, you will typically go through fi ve interrelated
steps. If you are simply looking for literature on a topic for your own personal use
or for some practical application (such as for Maria’s school committee), only the
fi rst four steps will apply. However, learning all fi ve steps will provide a sense
of how researchers proceed in reviewing the literature. These steps are:

1. Identify key terms to use in your search for literature.

2. Locate literature about a topic by consulting several types of materials and
databases, including those available at an academic library and on the
3. Critically evaluate and select the literature for your review.
4. Organize the literature you have selected by abstracting or taking notes on
the Literature and developing a visual diagram of it.

Write a literature review that reports summaries of the literature for inclusion in
your research report.11

F. The Characteristics of Good Literature Review

Donald Ary, Lucy cheser Jacobs, Chris Sorensen, Azghar razavieh, Introduction to Research in
Education, (Canada: wadsworth), 61.
John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative
Research (University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Pearson, 2012), 81.

 Focused - The topic should be narrow. You should only present ideas and
only report on studies that are closely related to topic.
 Concise - Ideas should be presented economically.
 Logical - The flow within and among paragraphs should be a smooth,
logical progression from one idea to the next
 Developed - Don't leave the story half told.
 Integrative - Your paper should stress how the ideas in the studies are
related. Focus on the big picture. What commonality do all the studies
share? How are some studies different than others? Your paper should
stress how all the studies reviewed contribute to your topic.
 Current - Your review should focus on work being done on the cutting
edge of your topic.



A. Conclusion

In conclusion that The term variable is also interpreted as everything that

will be the object of research observation. It is also often stated that the
intermediate variables are factors that play a role in the events or symptoms to
be studied. Variables are one of the research tools, namely concepts that have
variations in the values referred to above.

A literature review is a written summary of journal articles, books, and other

documents that describes the past and current state of information on the topic
of your Research study. You conduct a literature review to document how
your study adds to the existing literature. You also complete a literature
review to provide evidence that educators need your study.

B. Suggestion

With this paper, it is hoped that what is conveyed by the author regarding
the meaning of variables and review of related literature. The author realizes
that this paper is far from perfect, so criticism and suggestions are needed for
the perfection of this paper.


Ary Donal, Lucy cheser Jacobs, Chris Sorensen, azghar razavieh,

Introduction to Research in Education. Canada: Wardsworth, 2010 .

Creswell, Jhon W, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and

Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative research. University of Nebraska –
Lincoln: Pearson, 2012.

Salim, Syahrum, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, Bandung: Ciptapustaka

Media, 2012.

Yusuf Muri, METODE PENELITIAN Kuantitatif , Kualitatif & Penelitian

Gabungan. Jakarta: kencana, 2014.


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