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PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for Distance Learning)

Name:______________________________ Date: ____________ Score:________


Quarter 3 – Week – 6
Competency: Synthesize information from relevant literature
Lesson: Review of Related Literature and Synthesis

1. Synthesize information from relevant literature
2. Write coherent review of literature
3. Utilize the Kernel Synthesis Essay Format during the pre-writing
4. Perform the basic steps of synthesizing


✓ To synthesize is to combine two or more elements to form a new whole.

In the literature review, the “elements” are the findings of the literature
you gather and read; the “new whole” is the conclusion you draw from
those findings.
✓ A kernel essay is a shortened form of a broader essay (usually a
paragraph long) that emphasizes understanding how to format
a claim (also known as thesis statement) and provide evidence for that

Q3 Week No.6 Competency Code: CS_RS11-IIIfj-3; CS_RS11-IIIfj-4
Competencies: Synthesize information from relevant literature; Write coherent review of

Getting Started
Activity 1

Directions: Analyze the basic steps of synthesizing. Arrange them

accordingly by writing numbers 1 to 5 on the space provided.

______ A. Extend your kernel essay into a broader essay for a final project!

______ B. Write a kernel essay. Practice punctuating titles and properly citing
with strong in-text citations.
______ C. What does each source say? What do you say? What is your truth
(synthesized from your reading)? This is your thesis statement!
______ D. Read them closely. Recognize themes, traits, or patterns.
______ E. Get your sources (visual research table / map).


What is Synthesis?

To synthesize is to combine two or more elements to form a new whole.

In the literature review, the “elements” are the findings of the literature you
gather and read; the “new whole” is the conclusion you draw from those
findings. Synthesize to draw conclusions about the findings in the literature
so that you can identify how the literature addresses your research question.


• Gather literature that addresses your research question

• Review literature and take notes: describe, summarize, analyze, and

identify key concepts

• Synthesize literature: compare & contrast, critically evaluate, interpret,

so that you can draw conclusion Remember: the literature review is an
iterative process!
Q3 Week No.6 Competency Code: CS_RS11-IIIfj-3; CS_RS11-IIIfj-4
Competencies: Synthesize information from relevant literature; Write coherent review of
The KERNEL ESSAY as a pre-writing strategy

What is a kernel essay? A kernel essay is a shortened form of a broader

essay (usually a paragraph long) that emphasizes understanding how to
format a claim (also known as thesis statement) and provide evidence for that
claim. The goal is that a kernel essay could then be extended into a full
essay. So how do I organize this?

Kernel Synthesis Essay Format:

I. Introduce both texts (authors, titles, and common themes/traits)
II. Based on these texts, I believe… (this is your claim)
III. What author 1 says… (evidence with in-text citation needed)
IV. What author 2 says… (evidence with in-text citation needed)
V. What you say…
VI. Why it’s important (also known as a final evaluation)


In Charlie Beck and Connie Rice’s “How Community Policing Can Work”
and Charles M. Blow’s “Romanticizing ‘Broken Windows’ Policing,” all three
authors discuss the need for programs that bring attention to wrongful use of
force among police. However, each source focuses on a different program: Beck
and Rice highlight the positive aspects of “guardian policing” while Blow criticizes
the negative aspects of “broken windows policing.” Though different programs
have advantages and disadvantages, I think all authors could agree that
exploring programs to help reduce violent crime as well as police use-of-force is
necessary in combating many tragedies we see in America today; however, the
focus of what causes violence in communities may be skewed.
Beck and Rice, one the “chief of the Los Angeles Police Department” and
the other a “civil rights lawyer,” provide evidence that guardian policing, which
consists of having police officers establish trust with residents in high crime
neighborhoods in Los Angeles, has been found to reduce the number of murders
as well as the number of police shootings. In fact, since it began in one particular
neighborhood named Watts, there have been “no shootings by the partnership
officers in over five years” (Beck and Rice).

Q3 Week No.6 Competency Code: CS_RS11-IIIfj-3; CS_RS11-IIIfj-4
Competencies: Synthesize information from relevant literature; Write coherent review of
Charles M. Blow, though clearly an advocate for programs that would
train officers in ways that may reduce their use-of-force in unnecessary
situations, asks us to be wary before simply accepting any program as the savior
for today’s problems. He highlights a misguided program called “broken
windows policing” for targeting certain racial groups, primarily African American
communities, as violent, when that’s not necessarily the case. He writes, “How
you view “broken windows” policing completely depends on your vantage point,
which is heavily influenced by racial realities and socio-economics,” (Blow) and
emphasizes the need for police officers to view effects of poverty before tying
violence to race.
Both texts make valid points for the need for more programs to help
reduce unnecessary use-of-force among police. Though Blow’s piece is focused
more on racial discrimination, he highlights strong points about the role poverty
plays in a lot of these situations. At its heart, poverty, which is cyclical, and the
implications of poverty should be taken into consideration as police officers work
to combat violence within and outside of these communities.

Okay, I’ve got the “bones” for a synthesis essay. Now how do I write the
real thing? Good question again…just work to extend your pre-writing!

Expanding the Kernel Essay into a Synthesis Essay

The Introduction
In the introduction of a synthesis response, you will want to introduce the
texts that are being synthesized as well as offer any pertinent summaries of
the texts or background information. The background info/summaries
should be brief. Be sure to fully identify each source with authors’ and
titles. Then, offer a statement or series of statements that sum up the focus
of your synthesis.

The Body
This should be organized by theme, point, similarity, or aspect of the topic.
Your organization will be determined by the assignment or by the themes or
traits you see in your sources. Be sure that each paragraph:

Q3 Week No.6 Competency Code: CS_RS11-IIIfj-3; CS_RS11-IIIfj-4
Competencies: Synthesize information from relevant literature; Write coherent review of
1. Begins with a sentence or phrase that informs readers of the topic of
the paragraph;

2. Includes information from more than one source;

3. Clearly indicates which material comes from which source using lead-
in phrases and in-text citations. [Beware of plagiarism: Accidental
plagiarism most often occurs when students are synthesizing sources
and do not indicate where the synthesis ends and their own comments
begin or vice versa.

4. Shows the similarities or differences between the different sources in

ways that make the paper as informative as possible;

5. Represents the texts fairly.

When you have finished your paper, write a conclusion reminding readers of
the most significant themes you have found and the ways they connect to the
overall topic. You may also want to suggest further research or comment on
things that it was not possible for you to discuss in the paper.


Getting it Right
Activity 2

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why is synthesizing research important?

A. Research involves incorporating many sources to understand a research
B. Sources support subtopics to prove the thesis statement and/or answer
research question.

Q3 Week No.6 Competency Code: CS_RS11-IIIfj-3; CS_RS11-IIIfj-4
Competencies: Synthesize information from relevant literature; Write coherent review of
C. Synthesis integrates information from two or more sources to
demonstrate how the research works together.
D. All of the above

2. What is synthesis?
A. A scattered juxtaposition of ideas from several sources
B. Integration of support from more than one source for one idea/argument
C. Identification of how sources are related
D. All of the above

3. Which of the following are the bases of comparison by examining. Circle

all that apply.
A. Point of view
B. Similar bibliographies
C. Definition of terms
D. Location of authors
E. Common ground
F. Similar educational backgrounds
G. Factors studied
H. Issues that divide

4. All are effective tips for synthesizing, EXCEPT:

A. Strong, clear, precise thesis statement
B. Not understanding the author’s intent before using a source
C. Discuss sources in relation to your thesis
D. When using more than one quote/source, make sure you relate both
sources to your main idea and to each other
E. Use more than one source for each main point

5. All are definitions of kernel essay EXCEPT:

A. It is a shortened form of a broader essay
B. It emphasizes understanding how to format a claim (also known as thesis
C. It provides evidence for the claim
D. It is similar to a summary

Q3 Week No.6 Competency Code: CS_RS11-IIIfj-3; CS_RS11-IIIfj-4
Competencies: Synthesize information from relevant literature; Write coherent review of

1. Ready your review of related literature visual research map or table.
(The table used in module 5)
2. On a separate paper or Word file, use the Kernel Synthesis Essay
Format by starting the pre-writing activity of your chosen topic.
3. Expand it into a synthesis essay by writing your:
a. introduction,
b. body, and
c. conclusion.
4. For your reference, see the example and discussion explained in this
5. Proofread your finish output and make sure you cite your sources
6. Submit your work to your teacher or research mentor for checking.

Q3 Week No.6 Competency Code: CS_RS11-IIIfj-3; CS_RS11-IIIfj-4
Competencies: Synthesize information from relevant literature; Write coherent review of

Harvard Graduate School of Education. (2020). The Literature Review: A

Research Journey. Retrieved from

Mendoza, D., Melegrito, ML., & Mactal, R. (2017). “An Introduction to

Qualitative Research Methods and Report Writing”. Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc. Quezon City.

Synthesis Introduction. (n.d). Lumen. Retrieved from https://courses.

VCU Libraries Research Guides. (2020). Write a Literature Review. Retrieved


Prepared by:

Bonifacio Javier National High School



Master Teacher II, MPNAG Master Teacher II, ABIS Master Teacher II, MPNAG
Content Language Layout



Education Program Supervisor, English

Q3 Week No.6 Competency Code: CS_RS11-IIIfj-3; CS_RS11-IIIfj-4
Competencies: Synthesize information from relevant literature; Write coherent review of

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